GCC March | April 2018 Newsletter

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Greensboro Country Club March | April 2018

Time for Some Summer Fun!

President’s Message (336) 275-8506

Dear Fellow Members, Greetings to all and best wishes for the upcoming spring weather! As you may know, I practice law for a living and, correspondingly, my writing style is basically pretty boring. As a breath of fresh air as we approach the spring, I thought you might enjoy the following piece that was authored by our member and fellow director Susan Kelly, who writes entertaining articles for a living. You may see this again as part of our “branding” efforts, but I wanted to share it with everyone now as we continue our campaign to attract new members to the GCC family. Here it is, please enjoy: “It sped by in a blink, a flash, and suddenly, somehow, we’ve only memories: an over-the-top gala, a handsome pictorial history, and charming, oversized, black-and-white photographs lining the halls, depicting the way we were. Blink: 100 years in the life of Greensboro Country Club.

March | April 2018

Like most organizations —a school, a bank — the club originated with a need in a void. In 1909, a Greensboro resident visiting Maine became intrigued with a game the locals played “with a shiny stick to hit a small hard, rubber ball just as far as they can. Then they try to find the ball and hit it into a hole.” That game was golf, and the Greensboro Golf Club began with 35 members and a rudimentary nine-hole pitch-and-putt course downtown. By 1911 the club was incorporated, and charter members acquired 350 forested acres out in the country, in what was a bold, unheard-of enterprise vision at the time: a residential neighborhood development built entirely around a golf course. (Grazing sheep helped control course maintenance costs.) Today, golfers on the Donald Ross golf course play on fairways and greens in the shadows of both stately mansions, ranch homes, and appealing cottages of the Irving Park neighborhood, which itself has received the National Register of Historic Places recognition. In the 30 years following, Greensboro, along with the rest of the nation, would weather two World Wars and the Great Depression. With peacetime, and the baby boom of the 50s, the club expanded, incorporating amenities and offerings central to growing families — pool, tennis courts, dining, and every kind of entertainment imaginable. The club became a “home away from home.” Meanwhile, back on the (literal) farm, Carlson Farms Country Club was founded on what had been a dairy farm in northwest Greensboro, boasting its own golf course, pool, and clubhouse. In 1969, the two entities merged, and today, GCC members have multiple options for dining, entertainment, and play, including two golf courses, two pools, and indoor/outdoor tennis courts. More than four decades on, and though Greens-

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boro has grown exponentially in area, GCC members still refer affectionately to the two locales as “in-town” and “the farm.” The century mark of 1909 to 2009 has come and gone — though both the club logo and a dining room name hearken back to the date — and with it, six iterations of clubhouses. Club history and institutional memory are an important facet of Greensboro Country Club, meaning that a long tradition of excellence informs every decision and offering, be it an item on a menu or long-range plans. But resting on laurels, and because “it’s always been done that way,” has no place in GCC’s practices. Take a day, any day. From 4:00 a.m. to the wee hours of the (next) morning, something is happening at Greensboro Country Club. In the Fitness Center, diehards are pumping iron and pounding the treadmills in pre-dawn. Group classes begin a 6:00 a.m. Tennis leagues are warming up while children from 6 weeks to 8 years are settling with childcare, craft projects, and pinball. Hot dogs and sandwiches are being prepared in the Halfway House on the Irving Park course; at the Farm, a couple is meeting with event staff to plan an unforgettable rehearsal dinner. If it’s Wednesday, the in-town kitchen is setting out untold dozens of eggs and pounds of bacon for the weekly “B for D” (breakfast for dinner) supper, a go-to social gathering for preteens and entire families. The club’s own van is readying parking lot transport for a hundred guests who’ll be descending at noon for a book club author’s appearance. And it’s not even lunch yet. Still, if you’re finishing up a round — or a sauna visit — with an urge for a Bloody Mary, it’s ready for you at one of five intown casual dining venues, including a seasonal outdoor bar, an al fresco space above the fray, terrace fire pit, and, year-round, a stunning view of the rolling golf course. [continued on page 6]

In This Issue... President's Message...................................................................... 2 Membership.................................................................................. 3 General Manager's Message......................................................... 4 Club News...................................................................................5-6 Dining & Special Events............................................................7-11 Calendars................................................................................12-13 Family & Youth Events............................................................14-15 Father Daughter Dinner Dance Photos ��������������������������������������� 16 Fitness......................................................................................... 17 Golf.........................................................................................18-21 Tennis.....................................................................................22-23 Club Information......................................................................... 24


(336) 275-8506

Membership Message Hi, everyone! By the time you read this, I hope we’ll be seeing signs of spring! Your Membership Committee is off to a great start in 2018. We held our orientation for the new committee members in January, and everyone seems excited to help find new members for our Club. I am happy to report that the membership drive, which began in November, has been a great success thus far. We’ve welcomed 62 new members and are continuing to receive inquiries. For the first time in eleven years, we finished 2017 with a positive increase in membership. If you have friends who are interested in joining GCC, I would encourage you to have them apply soon. Our goal was to bring 100 new members into the Club, and we are rapidly closing in on that number. As I said in the last newsletter, we are an “invitation only” club, and all applicants will be interviewed by members of the membership committee, and due diligence will be conducted, just as we always have. To attract new members, the Board is committed to focusing on offerings for the entire family. As a way of

communicating family-focus, last fall the Board began discussing the idea of placing an advertorial in upscale publications such as "O.Henry" magazine. A blend of both content and advertising, an advertorial permits more in-depth messaging, as well as visuals. The first advertorial will run in the March issue of "O.Henry" magazine, centering on our history and how we’ve grown and maintained our commitment to excellence. I’d like to re-introduce you to our Membership Committee for 2018, as four members were inadvertently left off the list in the last newsletter. Kelli Coley Elizabeth Rankin Katherine Cone Garson Rice Scott Faircloth Karen Schaede Sarah Healy Heather Suire Marc Magod Rob Sypher Bill McNairy Patrick Theisman Sarah Beth Murphy Kappie Yates John Nosek Ryan Zell Please feel free to reach out to any of us or Membership Director Lori Frasier with any questions or thoughts you might have!

Ross Harris, Chairman Membership Committee

Bridgette & Edward Acosta Sam & Gina Alem Roy & Kelly Alley Albert & JoEllen Bartko Douglas & Susan Blackman Robert & Madison Cratch Cheryl Feltgen & Chris Sheehan Michael & Ivan Godette Kevin & Lisa Hall Amit & Stacy Hampel

Thomas Hyde & Tracey Ross Jeff & Margaret Jenkins Hal & London Kern Richard Ketner Scott & Joanna Kirkland Tim & Carole Mauro Taylor & Eileen McCaskill Dan & Laura McWhorter Beth Metevier Allen & Tara Montgomery

Jeff & Kristin Montgomery Chris & Megan Morris Lisa Newsome Neelesh & Sara Nundkumar Paul Sadjewski Lisa Talley & Steffen Warberg Joeseph & Ashley Vartanian Matthew & Rhonda Wakefield

March | April 2018

Welcome New Members

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General Manager's Message (336) 275-8506

March | April 2018

Dear Members, Welcome to spring! The arctic each and every day. If you have not had the opportunity frost of January and bizarre to enjoy a Lunch with the Manger, please call the weather we have had so far in the Reception Desk at (336) 275-8506 to sign up. winter months has not stopped I would also like to thank our Members from going outside each and every member that and having fun whenever possible! contributed to Sandra Barnes’ In between weather mishaps, rains and freezing very surprising Christmas gift. temperatures, I personally witnessed many golf Sandra’s car died and she had enthusiasts outside playing the Irving Park course. been arriving to work each day We had the opportunity to test our new Bermuda via public transportation at 3:30 Ultradwarf grass in January and February by covering in the morning with her ever the greens, and the good news is that the greens present infectious grin and moresurvived quite nicely underneath the covers we placed than-pleasant attitude. Several over them. I hope all of our golfers have the chance to members pooled their funds play on the new grass at the Farm and experience the together to buy Sandra a variance between our two courses. Paddle Tennis is very nice car, and more than back with a vengeance with 94 players in the men’s the effort of attaining the and women’s leagues and much fun to be had outcar, more than organizing doors! If you have wanted to try paddle but can’t seem this feat, they gave her their to schedule the time, please call Tom Cascarano in the love and appreciation for Tennis Pro Shop for accommodation. her as a person and for her hard work over the last two At the spring equinox, days are approximately 12 years at Greensboro Country Club. I applaud all you for hours long with day length increasing as the season your enormous hearts and giving nature. progresses. This can only mean more time outside playing tennis and golf during the day and enjoying Kind Regards, our wine dinners in the evenings! If you have spring allergies, we have some exciting new programs in the Fitness Center that John McAllister will boast about on Robert Lesinger the Fitness page of this newsletter. General Manager/COO A few months ago I inaugurated a program at GCC called “Lunch with the Manager.” This is a group forum where you can meet with me, along with a dozen of your Member-friends in our beautiful Board Room to give me your feedback about your experiences GCC Mission Statement at the Club and enjoy a delicious lunch in a quiet and comfortable setting. We have had four such meetings To be the premier Country Club in the Triad by so far, and I am very pleased to know that you like the providing a full range of outstanding dining, format and setting of these gatherings. Please know recreational and social opportunities for our that I do listen to your feedback and follow up on my Members, their families and guests in exceptional settings at both assigned action items. My goal and my purpose for the Irving Park and Farm campuses. being here is to serve you in the best possible manner,

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Club News

IP (336) 275-8506 | Farm (336) 288-3415

Tuesday, March 13th & Tuesday, April 10th

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | Boardroom You and your fellow members are invited to meet with GCC's General Manager, Robert Lesinger, for lunch and discussion in a small group setting. This is a perfect opportunity to get feedback and ask questions about Club operations.

Bridge Notes Dear Members, Bridge has become as much of a year-round "sport" as golf, tennis or fitness at GCC. Most days of the week, as many as three rooms at the Club are devoted to bridge games. The rise in the game's popularity means the somewhat relaxed approach to guests as partners and players now needs to be consistent with the guest policy that applies to all non-members.

Kyle Warner

According to the Club by-laws, non-members may only come to the Club three times per quarter, or 12 times each year. This regulation applies to whatever amenity he or she is enjoying at the Club, be it a paddle tennis game, dining, golf, fitness or bridge, or who he or she is guest of. These rules are meant to encourage a nonmember to join the Club. (And membership is particularly attractive now, with the reduced initiation fee.)

Kyle Warner has been with GCC since 2012. He has been an integral part of our Banquets team and has recently been promoted to Assistant Banquet Manager. He is a dedicated and hard worker for the Club and we are lucky to have him with us. Congratulations, Kyle!

In addition, the guest fee for a non-member to play bridge will rise to $20. Guest fees are applicable in swimming ($5), golf (up to $125), and other activities. It's helpful to remember a GCC Member pays some $7,000 annually, not to mention capital dues, which covers all the "invisibles" - staff salaries, electricity bills, linens, decor - right down to floor wax and toilet paper. Other country clubs charge up to $25.

$15 per person | Limited to 12 People 48-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Employee of the Month

+1 Program Carl Ebron Jr

One additional reminder: the Greensboro Country Club is closed on Mondays, for many reasons - cleaning, maintenance, site projects, and a much-deserved day off for the staff. Opening the Club on a Monday costs some $5,000. To bring the best value to its Members, the Club is no longer available at all on Mondays for bridge games.

Carl Ebron Jr, has been with the Club since May 2017. CJ, as he Thank you for understanding and complying with longlikes to be called, works in our standing - and updated - policies regarding members and Family Grille. He was nominated guests, fees and availability. We're delighted that bridge by his peers because of his work is here to stay. Good luck with your bidding contracts! ethic. His coworkers noticed during the Holidays that he went above and beyond in service, and that smile of his Greensboro Country Club can brighten any room! Congratulations, CJ!

March | April 2018

Lunch with the Manager

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Club News

IP (336) 275-8506 | Farm (336) 288-3415

Transportation Service The GCC Sprinter has become a welcome mode of travel for many members and their families, whether it is providing transportation to and from the Farm for youth activities including tennis and golf, or bringing a group of friends out to the Farm for Thursday night buffet. Other popular destinations have been PTI & RDU Airports, the Coliseum, Carolina Theatre, and multiple sporting events in and out of town. Let us sprint you wherever you need to be in style.

Hours of Operation

Tuesday - Saturday Sunday Monday

10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. No Transportation

[President's Letter Continued] Father-daughter dances. Build-your-own gingerbread house parties. Hay rides and a Halloween carnival. Boat relays, poolside mixers, aqua aerobics, swim team competitions, and supervised hijinks for the three big holidays of summer mean the pools are a constant hive of warm-weather bustle. In winter, the best hills in town and a dedicated staff means entire families hit the slopes with sleds, fueled with grilled hamburgers and steaming cocoa. Tennis, golf, and fitness professionals and trainers furnish lessons and sessions, whether you have a fouryear-old with a tennis obsession, or you’ve always wondered what a Pilates reformer is. Member-Guest and Member-Member weekends are scheduled annually for golf, tennis, and paddleboard enthusiasts who hanker for competition that comes with prizes, accolades—and a visit from your old roommate. No matter the season, menus are updated to reflect current trends and local availability of ingredients. Substitute “convenience” for one of those C’s in the Greensboro Country Club logo. Thanks to smartphone apps, a twitter feed, and a website, members can check on—and register for— every activity that day or the months ahead. “Convenience” equals on-site shops for apparel and equipment. “Convenience”, when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas, is just a swipe to order a ready-for-pickup turkey dinner (or simply the to-die-for dressing and sticky buns.) Take-out from the Family Grille puts an end to frantic weeknights or lazy Sundays. “Convenience” means that office party, philanthropic fundraiser, bridge luncheon, dinner for a dozen, 40th birthday cocktail buffet, bar mitzvah celebration, or wedding reception is a turn-key affair, organized and executed with élan and experience by event coordinators who’ve seen it all and are looking for the next new thing. If only space allowed… Easter egg hunts, visits with Santa. Super Bowl parties, New Year’s extravaganzas. House-made macaroons and shortrib flatbreads. Bands, balls, speakers, and a bartender who’ll caramelize an orange peel when you feel like an Old Fashioned with a little extra citrus. A toddler’s swim instructor. An exercise regime specifically tailored to a teen. A Thai, Swedish, or prenatal rubdown. A secluded table with banquette seating. Staff who know your name. A hub of activity. A community within a city. A home for families. A haven from the world. Distinguished, accessible, historical, remarkable. Hello, next century. Hello, Greensboro Country Club.”

March | April 2018

As you can see, we are very excited about the past, present and future at GCC! I think you will agree that Susan’s article is far more entertaining that anything I could have put to paper! I hope to see you and your families soon, enjoying all that GCC has to offer. Very truly yours,

Call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506 for more information and to make reservations.

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Thomas C. Watkins President

Dining & Special Events

(336) 275-8506

Farm Dining Dear Members, Spring is almost here, and with it comes the kickoff of a fresh new season full of local provisions that will be highlighted in our new culinary offerings at the Club.

Sunday Brunch Buffet Sundays in March & April

Adults $20 | Children $8.50 | Children Under Four - Our Guests

Weekly Thursday Night Buffet

6:00 - 9:00 p.m. | Farm Join us every Thursday night as the Farm chefs create a wonderful buffet dinner with a new menu each week that mixes the best of new and creative dishes inspired by local seasonal ingredients with our existing Club favorites. Each month concludes with our Prime Rib Buffet on the last Thursday. Adults $20 | Children $8.50 | Children Under Four - Our Guests

Prime Rib Buffet

Thursday, March 29th & Thursday, April 26th

6:00 - 9:00 p.m. | Farm Enjoy our Prime Rib Buffet featuring prime rib, southern fried chicken, soup and salad bar, and an array of house-made pastries. Adults $24 | Children $8.50 | Children Under Four - Our Guests

The first changes to our a la carte menus will take place on March 13th as we launch our new brunch, lunch and dinner menus in the Family Grille and 1909. Just as we did last year at this time, we look forward to the opportunity to make a lot of buzz with a big transformation to the offerings in both of these locations. Also, speaking of transformations, the newly updated Sunset menu will get a fresh spring influence which will be a perfect contrast to the wide variety of in-house, dry aged meats we have been working on. I’m personally excited for late April when we should start to see our dry aged program really begin to take off with the addition of “alternative” dry aged products. Pork, lamb and fish all dry age well, but it’s the dry aged farm-raised chicken that has a flavor similar to foie gras that has us the most excited. As for upcoming Club events, we are all looking forward to our Easter programming which includes our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st and Easter Brunch on April 1st. As for our fine dining line up, spring includes a Jarvis wine dinner on Wednesday, March 7th and Chateau Montelena on April 11th. Both of these wineries are exceptional, making them a “can’t miss” for foodies. As always thank you all for the feedback we receive! Happy Cooking, Shayne Taylor, CEC, CCA Executive Chef

March | April 2018

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. | Farm Join us every Sunday of the month for our Sunday Brunch Buffet. Our chefs will create a varying array of breakfast and lunch favorites each week in addition to the popular chef-attended omelet and waffle bars.

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Dining & Special Events (336) 275-8506

Amanda Lucas

Food & Beverage Director Amanda came back to GCC in June 2017. She had previously been with the Club in 2013 as a Assistant Manager of Operations. She has been in Food and Beverage management for over 15 years and most recently was the General Manager at Printworks/ Green Valley Grille. Her vision for the GCC is to deliver a memorable dining experience by a well trained, professional and friendly staff, and to make a difference each and every day. Amanda is originally from Hungary and has a passion for healthy living, fine dining and great wine. She is currently competing in Cross Fit competitions when she is not spending time with her beloved son, Gabriel, and her parents. If you have any questions or comments regarding Food & Beverage, please contact Amanda at a.lucas@ greensborocc.org.

Duke vs. Carolina Game Saturday, March 3rd

7:30 p.m. | Sunset Bar Watch Duke battle Carolina on the big screens at the Sunset Bar on Saturday, March 3rd. We will have a selection of finger foods and $2.50 domestics for all of the fans! Cocktails by Member Signature.

St. Patrick's Day Cookie Decoration Party for Kids Saturday, March 17th

12:00 p.m. | Carlisle Bar & Carlisle Room Kids, decorate a St. Patrick's Day Cookie with our Executive Pastry Chef, Lucia. Parents are encouraged to attend. $10 per child Cocktails by Member Signature

St. Patrick's Day Celebration

March | April 2018

Saturday, March 17th

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Sunset Bar Lucky you... it's time for green cocktails at GCC! We're having a St. Patrick's Day Celebration in the Sunset Bar! Let's eat, drink and be Irish! Enjoy appetizers and drink specials. Cocktails by Member Signature

Please note that the Sunset Room and Bar will be closed July 8th through July 18th for maintenance. Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506.

Jarvis Estate

Chateau Montelena

Jarvis creates luxury wines that are feverishly sought around the world. Specializing in traditional Bordeaux varietals, Jarvis has become one of Napa’s most acclaimed wineries. These wines not only consistently receive high praise & accolades from critics, they garner the true support of consumers.

"The most important thing in winemaking is balance; from the technical aspect it is the strength of the triangle: balance of art, farming and science to make consistently great wines."


Mango and Soft Shell Crab Pakora

Wednesday, March 7th 6:30 p.m. | Irving Room

Course One

Hominy and Huitlacoche “Risotto”

Frisee | Brown Butter Powder | Citrus Coriander Blossoms | Coconut Orange Vinaigrette Jarvis Estate Chardonnay 2014 Course Two

Charred Octopus

Panisse | Roasted Eggplant Puree | Sofrito | Tomato and Goat Cheese Crema Jarvis Estate Cabernet Franc 2012 Course Three

Wednesday, April 11th 6:30 p.m. | Irving Room


Course One

Tikka Marinated Colossal King Crab | Cashew Curry Green Papaya with Fennel | Fresh Basil Leaves and Frothed Coconut Chateau Montelena Riesling 2016 Course Two

Pan Roasted Scallops with Fennel Seed Wild Mushroom Gnocchi | Crisp Iberico Ham Sage and Whole Grain Mustard Liaison Chateau Montelena Chardonnay 2014 Course Three

Beef Tenderloin Encroute

Duck Cured with Coffee & Molasses

Spiced Zinfandel Reduction | Horseradish | Fine Herb Salad with Frisee and “Hollandaise” Chateau Montelena Zinfandel 2014 Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon 2015

Course Four

Course Four Fire Roasted Lamb T-Bone, Fresh Pasta, Lamb Leg Ragout, Red Wine Pickled Pearl Onions, Crispy Mushrooms, Fried Shallot, Rosemary and “Stroganoff” Chateau Montelena Estate Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 and 2008

Wild Boar Tamale

Braised Boar | Hoja Santa Wrapped Mushroom Tamale Caramelized Cacao Nibs | Chicharrones Jarvis Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Dessert $165 per Member | $180 per Guest 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Dessert $165 per Member | $180 per Guest 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Mark your calendar for upcoming wine dinners: Rombauer on Wednesday, May 9th and Cakebread cellars on Wednesday, June 13th. Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506.

March | April 2018

Savory Duck Cannoli with Parsnip | Cinnamon-Dusted Mushrooms | Curried Cranberry Chutney Jarvis Estate Merlot 2012

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Dining & Special Events (336) 275-8506

March | April 2018

Saturday, March 31st -

8:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Enjoy a breakfast buffet, kids crafts and holiday movie in the Ballroom. The Easter Egg Hunt on front lawn is at 8:30 a.m. with 5,000 colored eggs and special "Golden" eggs to find. Aesthetic Images will be on hand to take your family pictures with the Easter Bunny.

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Adults $16 | Children 4-10 years old $12 | Children Under Four $5 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506.

Dining & Special Events

(336) 275-8506

Easter Brunch at IP

Easter Brunch Menu (Irving Park & the Farm)

Kids Buffet Fresh Fruit, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Macaroni & Cheese, Chicken Strips

Sunday, April 1st

Seating times at 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. Irving Park Ballroom Enjoy a Signature Bloody Mary Bar and Pianist, Lyn Gentry

Breakfast Assorted Breakfast Breads, Applewood Smoked Bacon and Sage Country Sausage, Biscuits & Sausage Gravy, Chef Attended Omelet Bar

Adults $33 | Children 4-10 years old $15 Children Under Four $5 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Easter Brunch at the Farm Sunday, April 1st

Seating times at 11:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:00 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. The Farm Adults $28 | Children 4-10 years old $13 Children Under Four Our Guest 72-Hour Cancellation Policy in Effect

Cold Food Chopped Artisan Wedge, Roasted Beet and Berry Salad, Southern Panzanella, Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail and Smoked Salmon Display, International and Domestic Cheese Display, Deviled Eggs, Southern Style Potato Salad Hot Food Honey Glazed Carrots, Buttermilk Whipped Potatoes, Haricot Verts, Pan Roasted Salmon, Roasted Prime Rib, Southern Fried Chicken, Pastrami Crusted Lamb Racks



March | April 2018

Please note that the Family Grille will be open for breakfast only from 6:30 to 11:00 a.m.

It's Cinco de Mayo! Time for great Mexican dishes, DJ music by TJ and, our favorite, margaritas! More information to come! $20 per person

48-Hour Cancellation Policy

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March 2018 Sunday






1 Thursday Night Buffet - Farm


2 Kids Night Out

3 Arcade Family Movie Night Duke vs. Carolina (Sunset)





Brunch Buffet - Farm

Jarvis Estate Wine Dinner





Brunch Buffet - Farm

13 Lunch with the Manager

8 Thursday Night Buffet - Farm

14 Arcade

9 Kids Night Out

10 Arcade

Men's Paddle Challenge

15 Thursday Night Buffet - Farm

16 Arcade Kids Night Out


Gentlemen's Golf Breakfast Tourney


Ping Pong Tournament St. Patrick's Day Cookie Decorating St. Patrick's Day Celebration



Brunch Buffet - Farm Arcade



Ladies Golf Reception Open House



Yin Yoga Demo Class

March | April 2018

Ladies Breakfast Golf Tournament


TRX Pilates Fusion Thursday Night Demo Class Buffet - Farm

23 Kids Night Out

28 Arcade

Rock Climbing

29 Thursday Night Prime Rib Buffet - Farm

24 Arcade



Brunch Buffet - Farm

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30 School's Out Day Kids Night Out

31 Easter Egg Hunt

April 2018 Sunday


1 Easter Brunch Buffet - IP & Farm Arcade









Monday Fore Fun

Ladies 18-Holers

3 Fore 13

School's Out Day

School's Out Day

School's Out Day

Foam Roll and Thursday Night Total Body Stretch Buffet - Farm




School's Out Day

Polar Plunge

Kids Night Out

Arcade Family Movie Night

School's Out Day Arcade



Brunch Buffet - Farm

10 Lunch with the Manager

11 Golf-Specific Warm Up Demo


12 Thursday Night Buffet - Farm

13 Kids Night Out

14 Arcade

Chateau Montelena Wine Dinner Arcade



Brunch Buffet - Farm

17 Lunch with the Manager

18 Arcade

19 Thursday Night Buffet - Farm


20 Spring Fling Tennis Social

21 Arcade Ping Pong Tournament

Kids Night Out

Junior Glow Golf & Campout


Brunch Buffet - Farm

29 Arcade

25 Arcade


Brunch Buffet - Farm


26 Thursday Night Prime Rib Buffet - Farm

27 9 & Dine Golf Mixer

28 Arcade

Kids Night Out

30 Ladies Member Guest Invitational

March | April 2018


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Youth & Family Events (336) 275-8506

Kids Night Out

Friday nights in the Pavilion are for fun activities, dinner and a movie for the kids. 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. $20 for One Child | $15 for Each Additional Child Children potty-trained through 12-years-old.

Reservations are required.



Junior Scientists

Bob Ross Painting Class

This week we are becoming mad scientists! Join us in conducting a crazy experiment!

Every child is an artist, and tonight we will explore canvas painting! Each child will get their own canvas to paint on, and follow along to an instructional Bob Ross painting video.

Friday, March 2nd

Friday, April 6th

Space Camp

Friday, March 9th

Join us in becoming astronauts for the night. Each child will make their own rocket ship to take home.

St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt Friday, March 16th

Help us follow the clues to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Halloween #2

Friday, April 13th

Friday the 13th calls for some spooky activities! Come dressed up in an old Halloween costume for a spooktacular night! If you do not have a costume please join us 15 minutes early so our staff can give your child a costume via face paint!

Earth Day Activities Capture the Flag

March | April 2018

Friday, March 23rd

Grab your nerf gun, and join us in a game of capture the flag! If you do not have a nerf gun please e-mail Emily at e.wronoski@greensborocc.org at least 24 hours in advance so she can get one for your child to use.

Easter Relay Race Friday, March 30th

Friday, April 20th

What kind of tree do you grow in your hand? A palm tree! Celebrate our planet! We will be making bird feeders and decorating your own terra cotta pot for your new plant!

Boat Racing

Friday, April 27th

This week we will be making our own DIY sailboats and be racing them in the GCC pool!

This week we will be having some fun competition, spoon races, bunny hops and more!

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Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506.

Youth & Family Events (336) 275-8506

bing m i l C k c o R 4th March 2

, Saturday a.m. us 0 ! Meet 3 e : id 1 s 1 s u 5 o 5 9:4 adventur from 9:4

your Gym n, Explore Climbing e t a upervisio m s lti e U id v e o h r at T will p a.m. We 0 :3 1 1 to . d a snack drinks an erson $30 per p 7 and up Children re arrival ind Rd. fo w e n b r w e o iv D a 6904 ne w om. ut an onli o ll fi e s binggym.c a m Ple li c e t a heultim at www.t

School's Out Day!

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

No school? No problem! Bring the kids to GCC for a fun day off from school! Drop your children off at the pavilion for fun an d games.

Friday, March 30th Monday, April 2nd - Frid ay, April 6th $30 per Day for the First Child $20 per Day for Each Ad ditional Child

Polar Plunge

Wednesdays Saturdays Sundays

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.

First Saturday of each month we will host Movie Night in the Arcade at 6:00 p.m. Third Saturday of each month we will host a Ping Pong Tournament beginning at 4:00 p.m.

$10 per person (Suggested Donation: $25 - To Receive a Polar Plunge T-shirt)

Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Receptionist at (336) 275-8506.

March | April 2018

Hours of Operation

Saturday, April 7th

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. | Irving Park Pool Take the plunge! Dive into the GCC pool for charity! Please bring a nice warm towel to dry off after your swim, and enjoy some coffee and donuts. All proceeds will go to Swim for Cancer.

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Father-Daughter Dinner Dance

March | April 2018

February 9, 2018

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(336) 691-5825

Hello, from Fitness! Let’s say goodbye to our long, cold winter and say hello to spring! The warmer weather is coming and there’s no better way to be ready for the change of seasons than by coming to our wonderful Fitness Center. Now is the time to attend if you are looking for general fitness, group fitness classes, or even more specific and detailed offerings from our personal trainers. Visiting our Fitness Center can help you physically, mentally and socially. Our warm and welcoming staff will help you meet your fitness goals. From the beginner to the most advanced, we will help make each day better than the last! Try our three new class offerings: • Trim and Tone on Mondays • Total Body Conditioning on Wednesdays • Pedal and Pump on Thursdays In addition we are continuing to offer to our Les Mills classes, yoga, Pilates, barre Pilates, cycle, zumba, flex and balance, gentle fit classes and more! Be sure to check the March schedule for more complimentary demo class options dates and times of yin yoga, TRX Pilates fusion and foam roll flexibility. Stop by our glass display case behind the cardio section in the Fitness Center and read our monthly nutrition tip and information articles. These articles are full of fitness-related information that can help everyone on their journey to better health. Thank you for utilizing our check in system at the front desk on the iPad. By signing in, you help us more accurately track activity levels each and every day, allowing us to serve you better. We look forward to seeing you in the Fitness Center soon! John McCallister MS, CSCS Director of Fitness

Upcoming Events TRX Pilates Fusion Demo Class Wednesday, March 21st 9:45 - 10:15 a.m.

Join Robyn G for a full body workout that incorporates TRX straps into traditional Pilates movements plus a few new twists! There are only six spots available, so be sure to sign up early. Complimentary class.

Yin Yoga Demo Class Tuesday, March 27th 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Join Anitra for Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses or asanas that are held for longer periods of time. Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body and is suitable for everyone. Complimentary class.

Foam Roll and Total Body Stretch Wednesday, April 4th 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Join John for a foam roll myofascial release and total body flexibility session encompassing ground based exercises that target Low Back, Hips, Hamstrings, IT Bands and Quad muscle groups. There are only eight spots available, so be sure to sign up early. Complimentary class.

Golf-Specific Warm Up Demo Wednesday April 11th 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Join John for a golf-specific warm up that encompasses hip mobility, core activation, shoulder mobility and total body dynamic flexibility. Complimentary class. Reservations are required. Please sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call Fitness at (336) 691-5825.

March | April 2018

Fitness Update

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IP (336) 272-4364 | Farm (336) 288-4470

Golf Update The Masters Golf Tournament promotions on television have gotten us eager for spring and the start of our 2018 Golf Season! There is much to be excited about with camaraderie, competition and the fun of improving your game.

Gentlemen’s Club Championship Friday, September 28th - Sunday, September 30th IP & Farm Gentlemen’s “1909” Member-Guest Invitational Thursday, October 18th - Saturday, October 20th IP & Farm Ladies & Gentlemen’s Chairperson Cup Saturday, November 10th | Farm

In addition to these events, the ladies will be taking some road trips to regional clubs for play days and the gentlemen have the summer-long Captain’s Cup league and team championship to look forward to. All events for the season are on the website and you may go ahead and register for all events except the President’s 2018 Major Golf Tournaments An exciting part of the golf program for the member- Cup, Member-Guest and Player of the Year Shootout. ship is the golf tournaments. There are many opportunities to participate in team and individual competitions throughout the season. The list below highlights our major tournaments. Mark Your Calendar for

Director of Instruction, Robbie Fritz, is leading the way with creativity and substance in our golf instruction offering. Please feel free to contact the Farm Golf Shop to register for any of his exciting programs.

Gentlemen’s Breakfast Tournament Saturday, March 17th | Farm Ladies Breakfast Tournament Tuesday, March 27th | Farm

These Upcoming Events:

Junior Glow Golf & Campout

Saturday, April 21st at Irving Park

Ladies Member-Guest Invitational Monday, April 30th & & Tuesday, May 1st | Farm Gentlemen’s President’s Cup Member-Member Friday, May 18th - Sunday, May 20th | IP & Farm

March | April 2018

Gentlemen’s Senior Club Championship Saturday, June 2nd & Sunday, June 3rd | IP & Farm Carolinas Open Monday, August 6th – Thursday, August 9th | Farm Ladies Club Championship Friday, September 28th & Saturday, September 29th IP & Farm

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9 and Dine Golf Mixer

Friday, April 27th at Irving Park

Adult Glow Golf

Friday, May 11th at Irving Park Sign up online at www.greensborocc.org or call the Golf Professional Shop at (336) 272-4364.


IP (336) 272-4364 | Farm (336) 288-4470

Your Feet Can Fool You! As golfers we have been taught to use our feet as reference for ball position, probably because they are so convenient and accessible. However, due to the width of your stance, the alignment of your feet, and the flare of your toes, using your feet as guidelines for ball position can fool you.

Operation 36 Family Development Program

Operation 36 has been hugely successful and has brought structure and measured learning to our junior golfers. The online features that include logging practice time, scores shot on the course and the social media content has added interaction our juniors are excited about. If you know of a junior that would be interested, please reach out to any member of the Professional Staff for additional information.

A common example of this is on the standard low chip shot from around the green. A typical fault is to have the ball position in the proper position relative to your feet, but to have your sternum placed too far behind the ball. With your sternum behind the ball it is likely that your club will bottom out early and either hit the ground first or catch the ball thin and on the upswing.


CORRECT If you would like to schedule a lesson, please contact the Farm Golf Professional Shop at (336) 288-4470. Robbie Fritz Director of Instruction

March | April 2018

The fix is to use your upper body as a reference for ball position in addition to your feet. For the low chip shot around the green make sure your sternum is about one to two inches in front of the golf ball. A good image is to pretend like a flash light is shining from your sternum and make sure that flash light points slightly ahead of the golf ball so you don’t get fooled into having poor contact.

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IP (336) 272-4364 | Farm (336) 288-4470

Ladies Golf Upcoming Events Ladies Golf Reception Open House

Par 3 Tournament at Irving Park

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. | Irving Room Get connected to our growing ladies golf program for the first time or return to join the fun. This “Open House” is a great time to discover all the offerings for beginners to experienced players. Join us for complimentary hors d’oeuvres and member sign cocktails. If you like what you find, join the LGA for 2018. We will also confirm your contact information for the 2018 LGA Directory so it can be printed and ready for Opening Day!

The tradition continues! Our first week of Ladies Play Days will begin with the course set up as a par 3 course. Shake off the rust and come have some fun!

Tuesday, March 20th

Please RSVP to the receptionist by calling (336) 2758506 or register online by Saturday, March 17th.

Ladies Golf Opening Breakfast & Team Captain’s Choice

Tuesday, March 27th at the Farm Course

March | April 2018

Breakfast Buffet: 8:30 a.m. Presentation: 9:00 a.m. “Using Our Club’s Website” Golf: 9:45 a.m. shotgun start (team play for 13 holes) The LGA’s Opening Breakfast will be the first of the monthly events where the 9 holers, 18 holers and 13 holers combine to play together in a Team Captain’s Choice format. To keep everyone on schedule, the group will play 13 holes due to our morning program. Encourage your GCC lady golfing friends to join us too! We hope you will join us for breakfast and/or golf. Please specify if you will join us for only one part of the day. The teams will be built ABCD. Pairing requests are welcome if equitable. Please RSVP by noon Friday, March 23rd and specify if you will attend breakfast and/or golf. You may register online or through the Irving Park Golf Professional Shop at (336) 272-2636.

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Monday, April 2nd Tuesday, April 3rd Wednesday, April 4th

Monday Fore Fun 9:00 a.m. Swing & Rules Tip 9:20 a.m. Shotgun 18 Holers - 9:00 a.m. Shotgun 3 Fore 13 - 9:00 a.m. Tee Times

Save the Date: “Wild Fore Golf” Ladies Member-Guest at the Farm

Monday, April 30th - Practice Round & Player Party Tuesday, May 1st - Golf & Awards Lunch

Member-Guest packets will be available and registration will begin Tuesday, March 20th at the Ladies Golf Reception and continue through Tuesday, April 18th. *Those not in attendance on March 20th will receive their packet by mail.*

Save the Date Ladies Member-Member Tuesday, September 18th

Ladies Club Championship

Friday, September 28th & Saturday, September 29th

Breast Cancer Fundraiser Tuesday, October 9th

Courses & Grounds

IP (336) 272-3427 | Farm (336) 288-2592

Year in Review

The brunt of the cold weather this year came in early January with lows dropping into the single digits on several occasions. If history has taught us much, we know from the scale and duration of that particular cold spell that we will we witnessing some level of winter injury this spring when temperatures begin to consistently move upward and everything tries once again to begin a new life cycle. We expect the majority of any damage we may witness will be seen on the Irving Park fairways and possibly the Farm driving range as the Zoysia on the fairways and tees at the Farm is much more-cold tolerant. We are still hopeful that damage will not be what we witnessed in 2015 because this year’s cold spell came earlier in the year when the plant is much more-cold hardy than it would be during a cold snap in late February and early March. I assume by the time you read this newsletter we will have a better understanding of the situation and we work to communicate our plan of action, if any is needed, to the membership. It would be hard not to comment on the new Ultradwarf G12 greens at the Farm before I conclude my thoughts. While we got off to a fair start on opening day, the greens only got better as we got into the fall growing season. The quality of the putting surfaces to date during the dormant cold months has be very good as well and I think - from what I am hearing - is surpassing a lot of members' expectations. To protect the greens from the cold weather scenario I discussed above, we have obviously implemented a covering program that no one really cares for. The work is hard to both put out the covers and to remove them, but the results should prove to be more than worthwhile. The

die-hard members that would have played on a few of these really cold days also don’t care too much for the course closure that results from covering, but the members here at GCC are very fortunate to have an alternate site that is rarely closed during cold weather. And while we are still talking about Bermudagrass, which is very susceptible to single digit temperatures, the covers have proven to do a good job moderating soil temperature and protecting the plant from freeze damage. We do have a few small areas that were under stress late in the year due to shade or heavy traffic (walk-on and walk-off areas) that do pose some concern, but should be easily repaired if they do succumb to injury. With that said, I am looking forward to the spring months and what I hope will be another great golfing season for our GCC members. Doug Lowe, CGCS Director of Golf Course maintenance

March | April 2018

Spring is quickly approaching while I write this article, yet we still find ourselves in the midst of another seemingly long and cold winter. Winter for the golf maintenance team is not without its benefits. Life is a little less stressful than other times of the year, and you are able to accomplish a lot of things that you can’t find the time for during the busy growing season. The winter season has a long list of chores that includes building repairs, tree removals, leaf cleanup, course accessory refurbishment, equipment refurbishment, snow shoveling, training, etc. So very few days go by that we don’t have a long list of things to do, and by the time spring rolls around we have always accomplished a great deal of things that needed to be done.

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IP (336) 275-8162 | Farm (336) 288-7801

Tennis Update

Get Ready to Play!

March | April 2018

As we get ready for the upcoming season, the Excitement is right around the following are some nutrition and health tips that may corner as we prepare for our 2018 help you as we move to the outdoor tennis courts. spring tennis programs and events. Competitive tennis can be long and grueling on one’s We had great success with the body, especially as the weather gets warmer. Tennis paddle tennis this past winter with 100 players in our leagues. The fun will continue as we training should focus on physical training, high-energy grow with more paddle events and activities in the fall foods and adequate hydration. of 2018. Here are some tips in preparing for tennis this spring. It is now time to get our GCC members back on the Physical fitness training for tennis should include: Flexibility Training tennis courts. All of our tennis activities will begin in • • Speed & Agility Training April with a full calendar of events for the membership. Strength Training And our tennis staff will be ready to greet each and • Endurance Training every one of our members back to Irving Park tennis • facility. Join the fun and excitement as we move into the tennis season. I am looking forward to seeing you Proper nutrition for match play should include: on the courts! • Pre-Match Diet - High carbohydrates to supply energy reserves, moderate in protein and low in fat is recommended (e.g. fruit yogurt or banana, Outdoor Courts smoothies made with fresh fruit, power bars, We will do our best to get the outdoor courts ready bagels, pretzels or saltine crackers). by mid-March provided good weather. We hope • Post-Match Diet - Eat food and drink fluids that for warm weather as it is imperative to assist in the replenish muscle energy and electrolytes lost in preparation of our clay courts. We ask that our GCC competition (e.g. pasta, salads, rice, energy drinks. members be patient as we prepare our courts this • Hydration - It is very important to hydrate spring. adequately before a match. 20 ounces of water two hours before is encouraged. It is also important to consume water during match, about five ounces Mark Your Calendars! every changeover. Spring Calendar of Events • Men’s Paddle Challenge - March 9th I hope this will help you prepare for competition this year during warmer weather. • GRETA Jr Team Tennis Begins - March 11th • Gate City League Begins - March 26th • Tennis Clinic Programs Begin - April 2nd See you on the courts! • Men’s Wednesday Night Play Begins - April 11th • Spring Fling Tennis Social - April 20th Tom Cascarano, USPTA • Kids Day/Pro-Member Shoot Out Director of Tennis (Families Fighting Cancer) - May 20th •

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Tropical Island Night Tennis Social - May 18th


IP (336) 275-8162 | Farm (336) 288-7801

Upcoming Events Men’s Wednesday Night League

Start Date: Wednesday, April 11th at Irving Park

We invite all gentlemen to join the fun of meeting new players, as well as showing off your talents in the Men’s Wednesday Night League! Throughout the season, each individual player will play doubles against each other competing players. Points are scored by the number of games each player wins. A cumulative score will be kept during the six-week season. At the end of the season we will award gift certificates to the top three individuals at a beer and sandwich party. $30 per player Registration begins March 12th | Space is limited!

Polar Bear Paddle Game Night January 26, 2018

GCC Men’s City Interclub

It’s time for Greensboro Country Club to prepare for the City Men’s Interclub League this spring. Garrison Coley will be our Captain for the 3.5 Team. The season starts in April and will run through mid-June. Matches are played on Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m. Please let Garrison Coley know that you are interested to play on the 3.5 team. We would like to have as big a pool of players as possible to enable some flexibility in scheduling players each week.

Spring Fling Kick Off Social Friday, April 20th

Be a part of GCC Tennis! Call the Tennis Pro Shop at (336) 275-8162 to sign up for these leagues and events.

March | April 2018

7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Celebrate the arrival of SPRING at our 2018 Spring-Fling Social! Enjoy a mixture of tennis and games with members for fun, food, drinks and entertainment. This is a great opportunity to meet, greet and enjoy a fun-filled evening of tennis. $30 per couple

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Greensboro Country Club 410 Sunset Drive Greensboro, NC 27408

2018 Board of Directors President Inside Vice President Outside Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Assistant Secretary Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director

Phone Directory

Thomas C. Watkins Monty Hagler David Egerton Matthew Rankin BJ Szafran Jay Kirkpatrick III Richard Beard Daniel C. Craft Mark Davidson Ross Harris Susan Stafford Kelly James M. Morgan III Cabell Poindexter Ted Tewkesbury Charles Wright

Club Directory

Farm Clubhouse Farm Golf Professional Shop Farm Pool Farm Snack Bar Farm Tennis Professional Shop Fitness Center Irving Park Clubhouse Irving Park Golf Professional Shop Irving Park Pool Irving Park Tennis Professional Shop

(336) 288-3415 (336) 288-4461 (336) 288-9242 (336) 288-5607 (336) 288-7801 (336) 691-5825 (336) 275-8506 (336) 272-4364 (336) 691-5811 (336) 275-8162

March | April 2018

Email Robert Lesinger - General Manager/COO r.lesinger@greensborocc.org Tom Cascarano, USPTA - Director of Tennis gcctennis@greensborocc.org John Centore - Clubhouse Manager j.centore@greensborocc.org Diana Dorfman - Executive Administrative Assistant d.dorfman@greensborocc.org Lori Frasier - Membership Director l.frasier@greensborocc.org Jonathan Fulton - Director of Youth & Aquatics j.fulton@greensborocc.org J. Scott Harmon - Director of Event Sales s.harmon@greensborocc.org Jason Hinson - Facilities Manager j.hinson@greensborocc.org Doug Lowe, CGCS - Director of Golf Course Maintenance d.lowe@greensborocc.org Amanda Lucas - Food and Beverage Director a.lucas@greensborocc.org Nikki Ludwig - Director of Communications n.ludwig@greensborocc.org Michelle Lunney - Chief Financial Officer m.lunney@greensborocc.org John McCallister - Director of Fitness j.mccallister@greensborocc.org Bud Taylor, PGA - Director of Golf b.taylor@greensborocc.org Shayne Taylor, CEC, CCA - Executive Chef s.taylor@greensborocc.org Beth Wilkerson, PHR, SHRM-CP - b.wilkerson@greensborocc.org Director of Human Resources

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Food & Beverage Hours of Operation Sunset Room Reservations Recommended - Dressy Casual Dinner: Tuesday - Saturday: 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Sunset Bar Beverage Service Tuesday - Thursday: 5:00 - 10:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 5:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Family Grille/1909 Reservations Recommended - Casual Attire Bar Service Available Breakfast: Friday - Sunday: 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday: 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sunday a la Carte Brunch: 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sunday Buffet: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. | 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Dinner: Tuesday - Sunday: 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Snack Bar: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closes after Labor Day) Men’s Grille & Bar Tuesday - Sunday: 11:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Irving Park Halfway House Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Farm Grille Monday & Tuesday: Closed Bar Service: Wednesday - Sunday: 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Food Service: Wednesday - Saturday: 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Thursday Night Buffets: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.* Sunday Brunch Buffets: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.* Halfway House: Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. *Reservations Recommended Donald Ross Terrace Closed

Cover Photo & Event photography by Aesthetic Images

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