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Report to the People


resident trump wants us to believe that the ridiculous 2,232-page spending bill passed by Congress, but unread by most members, is a matter of

WEEK OF MARCH 26, 2018


MARCH 24: ON THIS "national security," because it has money to rebuild the military. He said he had DATE IN 1898, the first auto sign the bill for that reason, but promised never to sign one like it again. we'll see. de- tomobile sold was recorded in the United States. In 1958, mocrats are rejoicing because they got everything they wanted, including a pittance for singer Elvis Presley was inthe border "wall," which specifies nothing like the prototypes the president recently in- ducted into the Army. In 1981, "Nightline with Ted spected in san diego. Koppel" premieres on ABC. Question: if a $21 trillion debt (and counting) and $1.3 trillion budget that requires even In 1989, the worst U.S. oil more borrowing isn't enough, what is? voters expected at least some drainage of "the spill occurs when Exxon's Valdez spills 11.3 million galswamp" by now. instead it appears more water is being added and the swamp is getting lons off Alaska. MARCH 25: ON THIS deeper. DATE IN 1634, Lord Baltiin its analysis of the bill, the washington Free beacon noted that total salaries for of- more of Britain founded the ficers and employees of the senate increased by $12.6 million. also included is money colony of Maryland. In 1807, the British Parliament abolto prevent "elderly falls," promote breastfeeding and fight "alcohol use." not to be left ishes the slave trade. In out of the spending frenzy, the House increased its budget to $1.2 billion, which is, reports 1970, the Concorde jetliner made its first supersonic the beacon, $10.9 million above 2017 levels. flight. In 1996 , the United no one justifies any of this misspending on constitutional grounds because there is no States issues a newly redesigned $100 bill. justification for it. people are getting pay raises for adding to the debt. that's not pro-

moting national security. Crushing debt -- whether in government or in one's personal life -- creates insecurity. History shows that enormous debt has been a contributing factor to the collapse of nations and empires. why is there more money in the bill for the department of education when secretary betsy devos wants to cut her spending budget by 5 percent and focus on a $1 billion school choice program instead? How does this department "educate" students and why does it even exist? in its analysis of the bill, the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank based in washington, d.C., got it right: "in addition to the defense increase, the omnibus provides an additional $63 billion in funding above the budget Control act caps for domestic spending. this increase is unwarranted. there are numerous wasteful, inefficient and misguided nondefense programs that could be cut or eliminated entirely. Furthermore,

MARCH 26: ON THIS DATE IN 1913, Dayton, Ohio, was almost destroyed when the Scioto, Miami and Muskingum rivers reached flood stage simultaneously. In 1979, the Camp David peace treaty was signed by both Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at the White House. MARCH 27: ON THIS DATE IN 1794, President Washington and the U.S. Congress authorized creation of the U.S. Navy. In 1977, 583 people died in commercial aviation’s worst accident to date - a runway collision between two Boeing 747 jetliners at Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

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MARCH 28: ON THIS DATE IN 1920, actor Douglas Fairbanks married actress Mary Pickford. In 1939, the Spanish Civil War ended as Madrid fell to the forces of Francisco Franco. In 1972, Wilt Chamberlain plays his last pro basketball game. MARCH 29: ON THIS DATE IN 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviet Union. In 1971, U.S. Army Lt. William L. Calley Jr. was convicted in the murder of at least 22 Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai massacre. MARCH 30: ON THIS DATE IN 1867, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward reached agreement with Russia to purchase the territory of Alaska for $7.2 million, a deal then ridiculed as “Seward’s Folly.” In 1981, President Reagan was shot outside a Washington hotel by John W. Hinckley Jr. Also wounded were White House press secretary James Brady and two others. MARCH 31: ON THIS DATE IN 1918, the first daylight savings time in the U.S. goes into effect. In 1963, Los Angeles ends street car service after 90 years. In 1965, the United States orders the first combat troops to Vietnam. CORRECTION The Steelworkers Tower ad that appeared in the March Edition of Around The Town had an error. First months rent free for studio apartments only should not have been printed.

agencies will likely rush to spend all this additional money over the next six months, leading to even more waste. instead of going through the regular order budget process, Congress continues to fund the government by self-created crisis, failing to perform its oversight function and allowing wasteful and inappropriate spending to continue year after year." this is not what voters expected from the 2016 election. there is always an excuse for additional spending. and it is almost always based on lies and the failure of too many members to put american citizens first and their own careers second. president trump asked the senate to eliminate the filibuster, which would presumably remove the republican justification for going along with threats by democrats to "shutdown" the government. that is as likely to happen as ending wasteful and unnecessary spending. in the musical "oklahoma," the character ado annie sings "i'm just a girl who can't say 'no.'" that should be the theme of Congress. so addicted have people become to government with nearly half the nation receiving a check of some sort and the other half paying for it, it has become a fiscal version of the opioid crisis. the stock market reacted to this and other bad monetary news by shedding 1,400 points off the dow Jones industrial average last week. president trump has been bragging about recent record highs in the market. it appears his bragging days are over for now. there is little in this bill to brag about other than shoring-up the military. all of the other misspending would be shameful, if washington politicians knew how to feel shame. by Cal Thomas (c) 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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