President Dr. Larry Linamen
Editor Lenora Fisher `00
Dr. Robert Bastian Dr. Patricia Burd Mrs. Mona Busch Mr. James Claussen Rev. David Colgan Mr. Michael Coling Mr. Dan Denbo Mr. Dennis Fenton Mr. David Fisher Mr. Lloyd Ganton Mr. Yoshio Gotoh Mr. Jerry Hood
Creative Director Annie Zeller Graphic Design and Photography Pancho
Eppard `00
Copy Editor Barb Sands
CONTRIBUTORS: Nathan Brewer Admissions Marketing Specialist, Brianne Cook `05 Administrative Assistant for Donations & Records, Vickie Cook Dean of School of Education/Director of Online Learning, Patty DiSandro Coordinator for Research & Processing, Gary Erickson Assistant Professor of Music, Rachel Evans `10, Dr. Kayla Fisher Physician and Medical Administrator, Dana Funderburk Vice President for Finance/CFO, Scott Giffen `99, Eric Hehman Head Football Coach, Dave Holden Dean of Professional Studies, Darrell Iler Department of Chemistry Chair and Professor of Chemistry, BJ Schneck `01 Sports Information Director, Dave Schreiber Assistant Professor of Music Business,
James Visser Photography, Jeff Wilson
Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies GC Ascent, 2009 President’s Report is published by the Office of College Advancement. Email: media@greenville.edu Greenville College online: www.greenville.edu Send address corrections and mailing updates to: Public Relations, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246, or call (618) 664-6512. Email: alumni@greenville.edu
Mr. Paul Killinger Mr. Charles McPherson Rev. Doug Newton Mr. J. Richard Schien Mrs. Marjorie Smith Mrs. Rebecca Smith Mr. Robert Stroud Dr. Barry Swanson Mr. Craig Tidball Mrs. Melissa Westover Mr. Mark Whitlock
EMERITI TRUSTEES Mrs. Sandra Boileau Mr. Jay Burgess Rev. Herbert Coates Dr. Robert Cranston Mr. Donald Goldsmith Mr. Duane Hood Dr. Donald Joy Dr. M. Kenneth Kaufmann Mr. Lowell Kline
Mr. Pearson Miller Dr. Wayne Neeley Dr. Wesley Phillips Dr. Ernest Ross, Jr. Mr. Charles Smout Dr. Kendell Stephens Mr. Ian Van Norman Mr. Wendell Wingler
ALUMNI BOARD Bill Brinson ’90 Stan Ellis ’59 Edwin Estevez ’94 Gene Kamp ’53 Vanilda Reyes De Noyes ’04 Gary Pierson ’95 Carl Salz ’01 William Schneck ’70 Brenda Bartholomew ’66 Christy Moss ’04 Karin Bronlewee ’94 Kelli Chelberg ’94 Kim DeMoulin ’06 Karla Dunaway-Henke ’94 Alan Gaffner ’76
Lawrence Juhlin ’59 Dewayne Neeley ’98 Amanda Wiegand ’94 LaVerne Gee ’04 Brandon Hill ’93 Emily Moore ’54 Sheryl Moore ’81 Kelli Page ’86 Chris Peters ’91 Jana Spencer ’74 Sue Tidball ’85 Evangeline Hartley ’07 Brittany Buttry ’09 Keith Stewart ’10
Our Young Climbers
very year mountain climbers abandon the security of their base camp with dreams of attaining new heights or discovering uncharted territory. Climbers thrive on the challenge of completing a trek never before accomplished and the reward of enjoying a rare pinnacle view. Such an ascent requires considerable preparation to ensure that the climber possesses the necessary tools for each possible condition encountered. To enjoy such a thrill requires discipline, training, and determination.
One young climber ventured to Greenville College a few years ago from the inner city of East St. Louis, away from brothers that commonly ended up in jail. Now, in his senior year at Greenville College, this young man provides leadership in the student government and aspires to become a lawyer. One
The coming years will find young Greenville College scientists conducting experiments in fields yet to be defined. Budding teachers will incorporate online technology to solve problems in an increasingly complex society. Music will evolve through a metamorphosis of composition which will be captured on recording in the basement of Greenville College’s Whitlock Music Center. Young Greenville College scholars will publish manuscripts that serve as the reference documents for other explorers in their respective fields. Adult students are also charting new territory. In twelve locations across the state of Illinois, there are lights in classrooms where working adults have returned to class for the evening to complete their dreams. Soon, we will offer a new Master of Science in Management Practice for those who desire a practical graduate degree. Through adult programs, Greenville College students have more options than ever to fulfill their God-given dreams. This report contains nine vignettes that describe Greenville College’s ascent. Interspersed between these vignettes, you will find the names of the donors
that have made this all possible. Most climbers would never be able to climb the mountain without financial supporters to fund their expedition. Greenville College is no different. Without our donor support, Greenville College students could not experience this unique educational journey. Through the faithful giving of our donors, Greenville College students receive the equipment necessary to navigate the steep inclines and deep crevasses of life. Thank you for your financial and prayer support. May God richly bless each of you who so faithfully give of your time and resources to help the young Greenville College climbers make their ascent. Dr. Larry Linamen, President
At Greenville College, we help students make their own personal ascent as they embark on new professional, personal, and spiritual frontiers. The faculty at Greenville College desire that their students attain heights higher than those they personally realized. Toward that end, professors diligently work with their students, providing the training, leadership, and guidance needed for students to succeed at the climb of their lives. With these tools, and their hand in the Lord’s, Greenville College graduates attain pinnacle accomplishments in their professional, personal, and spiritual endeavors.
day, he plans to return to his community where he will, using his skills as an attorney, work to improve the lives of the people in his former neighborhood. Although students at Greenville College come from different sides of the mountain, each learn the tools necessary to reach their own pinnacle.
President’s Society
GOLD - $10,000 +
Anonymous (3) Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian Del ’53 and Avis ’53 Bergen Estate of Vincent Bessey ’42* Estate of Clair Carey* Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen Charlie ’72 and Kathy Clinard Estate of Betty Cooley* Bob ’77 and Barb ’76 Cranston Estate of Mildred Davis ’40* Jim and Ruth Finch Dave ’58 and Bonnie ’57 Fisher Lloyd ’60 and Judi Ganton Jerry ’82 and Debbie ’83 Hood Estate of Marie Hussey ’34* Don ’52 and Esther ’54 Jones Dale and Joan ’63 Kreider Charles ’85 and Dana ’85 McPherson Foy ’64 and Judy ’64 Meyer Devin and Mallory Mudge Ken ’56 and LeOra ’62 Mudge Enoch ’86 and Beth Poon James Reehl Richard ’62 and Linda Schien David and Beckie ’68 Smith Craig ’76 and Sue ’76 Tidball Estate of Bob Warren ’35* Lew Whaley ’76 Estate of Lynette Workman ’73* Chuck ’54 and Charlotte ’54 Young
SILVER - $5,000-$9,999
Anonymous Ken ’66 and Judy ’66 Barry Richard ’60 and Sandra ’61 Boileau John ’61 and Pat ’61 Burd Gerald and Patricia ’55 Bushrow Estate of Charlotte Christian* Mike and Debbie Coling Dan ’76 and Pat ’75 Denbo
Paul Donnell ’01 Dennis and Deborah Fenton Chris Fontenot James ’85 and Sheila Foxworthy James ’59 and Colleen ’58 Haggerty Del Keener Cordon ’54 and Ruth ’54 Kerns Pearson and Jeannine ’57 Miller Al ’52 and Emily ’54 Moore Estate of Florence Page* Roger ’71+ and Kathy ’72 Reeves Ernie ’52 and Phyllis ’52 Ross Tom+ and Carla Stampfli Barry ’77 and Vaun ’77 Swanson Gary ’68 and Mary Ann ’74 Tucker Estate of Imogene Vick ’32* Tim ’04 and Rachel ’04 Wayman Mark ’75 and Karen ’76 Whitlock
BRONZE - $2,500-$4,999
Tom ’99+ and Carrie ’99 Ackerman George+ and Lisa Barber Robert and Karen ’65 Bettacchi Grant ’41 and Frances ’40 Black Ed and Judy Blue Buddy and Pat ’62 Bond Marty Briner ’57 Robby Clinton ’94 Marty ’76 and Holly ’80 Daily Steve ’88 and Laura Davenport John ’65 and Sharon ’65 Dawdy Doug and Cathy ’86 Dothager Doug ’86+ and Tara ’86 Faulkner Wally ’84 and Eileen ’85 Fenton Kevin ’85 and Leigh ’85 Ganton Opal Greer David and Joanna Hoag Annie Hogan Delbert and Ann ’59 Huelskoetter Stan Hughey ’37 Gene ’53+ and Miriam ’54 Kamp John ’82 and Christy Leib
Sandy Litwiller Robert and Cheryl Loy Jim and Lyla Mannoia David ’69 and Sharla ’74 Martin Mark and Vickie ’85 McFerran John ’82 and Pam ’84 Minshall Scott ’76 and Jill ’75 Mohnkern Jesse ’51 and Lin ’55 Moore Tom ’60 and Betty ’60 Morgan Estate of Floyd* and Marcella ’34* Nowlin Estate of Rosamond Pierce ’36* Mary Previte ’53 Marie Reeves ’54 Frank ’49 and Florence Rose Howard ’60 and Virginia ’59 Schantz Edward Shaffer ’67 Hugh ’62 and Marie ’62 Siefken Chuck ’37 and Lois ’37 Smout Louise Snyder ’47 John and Sueann Spinder Rich ’53 and Arlene ’53* Stephens Jerry and Sheri ’69 Wall Brandon and Eva Weiler Elliott ’60 and Cynthia ’61 Wiegand Jim and Wilma Wilson
Michael and Leslie Brady Jim and Leslie ’84 Brissenden Douglas ’72 and Marilyn Brown Jim ’54 and Betty ’54 Buick Paul Schorsch and Catherine Burge+ Jay and Shay Burgess
AMBASSADOR - $1,000$2,499
Jim and Barbara Butts Steve ’77 and Carol ’78 Cameron John ’61 and Myrna Cammin Lynn ’65 and Helen ’63 Carlson Del and Lois ’69 Catron Ken ’50 and Ruby Chapman Herb ’55 and Mary ’52 Coates Dave ’64 and Peggy ’62 Colgan Ivan Corrington ’70+ Dave ’61 and Linda ’61 Crandall Laura Creighton ’73 Lysle and Wanda ’72 Crosson Anita Culp ’69 Joe ’67+ and Caryl ’68+ Culumber Ed ’55 and Jan ’58 Davis
Anonymous Edie Adams Bill and Sharon Ahern Dave ’66 and Phyllis ’65 Altopp Bob Archer ’47 Howard ’67 and Cindy ’65 Barnes Craig Baumberger Grace Bennett ’44 Michelle Beumer ’95 Melba Bone John ’67 and Jeanne ’65 Borden Maurice ’53 and Nelda Borror Amy Bradford ’04
Sam and Rebecca ’74 Decesaro Greg and Lucia Delamarter Dave ’82 and Marsha ’85 Disch Denny ’57 and Martha ’57 Donnell Mac ’71 and Judy Dunaway Chuck ’65 and Joanne ’68 Ellis
I am the oldest of five and the very first to attend a four year college in my family and it is a blessing to receive financial help. The effects of your generosity go far beyond me! Thank you for being God’s extension by reaching out and giving financially to those of us who couldn’t be here without your help. - Lili Castillo ’13
Stan ’59 and Jolene ’60 Ellis Jon Engelberth ’77 and Margaret Walker Mike and Dee England Dave ’68 and Ann Fairbanks Cal ’55 and Anice ’55 Faulkner Tim Finley ’92 Esther Fox ’48 Tom and Dana+ Funderburk Ron Gines ’86 Matt Good ’03 Robert Greer Estate of Sara Gregory ’25* Mark ’75 and Maggie ’74 Gunggoll Kenny ’91+ and Linda ’74 Hampton * DECEASED
Royal ’61 and Sarah ’82 Mulholland Bonnie Mulholland ’68 Mary Gayle Nevinger ’74 Jo Ann Noble ’56 Stanley ’41 and Ellen ’43 Parmerter Brian ’88+ and Heather Patton Hershal and Elaine ’62 Paul Chris ’91 and Susan Peters Ken ’68 and Erna Peterson Gary ’95 and Laura ’93 Pierson Jim and Linda Plett Keith ’81 and Donna Probst Jim ’54 and Marilyn ’76 Reinhard
Harold ’49 and Dorothy ’49 Stahly Louverne Stephens Ed ’82 and Li-ing Stocking June Strahl John ’54 and Elizabeth Taylor Pamela Taylor ’83+ Terry and Marilynn ’57 Taylor Dave ’68 and Marilyn Teiwes Frank and Marilyn ’70 Thompson Watson ’49 and Bonnie ’48 Tidball Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Esther Tompkins ’77 Ben and June ’34 Toshalis
If you are over 70 you may be able to make annual IRA rollover gifts to help Greenville College AND reduce your taxable income! Your IRA may be one of your largest assets and one of the most tax efficient ways to give to GC.To learn more about planned giving to Greenville College, please contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 or the Free Methodist Foundation at 800-325-8975. Dave ’66 and Brenda ’67 Rice Ron and Marilyn Richards Jonathan ’70 and Barbara ’68 Rohrs Steve+ and Veronica+ Ross LaVerne ’59 and Barbara Ruhberg Everett ’50 and Jane ’50 Sanders Paul ’56 and Evangeline Schaper Bill ’70 and Judy ’69 Schneck Lawrence Schoenhals ’35 Doris Scofield ’50 Phil ’86 and Sue Siefken David ’73 and Hope ’73 Smith Bill ’60 and Evelyn Smout Jean Speiser ’70 Evalyn Spinder Jim ’52 and Joyce Staff
Ken ’82 and Sally ’83 Trager Ron and Kathy ’91 Turpin Ian and Alice Van Norman Virginia Vancil ’60 Paul ’45* and Dola Vaught Jim ’83 and Sandy ’83 Vivian Frank ’68 and Susan ’70 Watson Fred ’59 and Annette ’59 Whims Bud ’62 and Mary ’59 White Brian ’94 and Jeresha Wickersham Leon ’53 and Ellen ’54 Winslow Craig ’67 and Sue Wrisberg Jay ’73 and Mary ’70 Young Marvin ’56 and Adrienne ’56 Zahniser Bud ’72 and Jill ’77 Zimmer Terence and Jayne Zumbrunn
“You make a living by what you get – You make a life by what you give.” (Winston Churchill) By Scott Giffen ‘99
I can’t help but to say YES to that. Isn’t that why Christ came? To give? To give us a chance. The chains of sin, addiction, pride, materialism and gluttony had hopelessly bound us to death. God came to give us a chance. God, through the resurrection of God’s self, breaks these chains and gives us life! In his ministry, Jesus spoke emphatically about giving - over and over and over again. The greatest two commandments are all about giving – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.” In order to love, we must give. Give of our selves – our preferences – comforts – time – money. We make life – or even better - we receive life when we give.
Sam ’97+ and Kristi ’97+ Hardy Melvin ’47 and Florence ’47 Harrison Marvin ’52 and Joyce ’55 Hasenmyer Jack ’51 and Dolores Haskins Ray ’54 and Susanne ’55 Heisey Mark and Beverly ’66 Hempen Herb ’50 and Jean ’51 Hendricks Larry ’71 and Barb ’71 Hewitt Merlene Hill ’57 Samuel ’46 and Joyce Hofer John ’76 and Margene ’76 Holak Estate of Elliott* and Irma* Hollister Duane ’56 and Betty Hood Helen Hopkins Kelly ’50 and Lucille ’55 Ireland Dan and Jan Jensen Craig ’92 and Heidi ’92 Johnson Derrold ’71 and Jeanne ’72 Jones Don ’57 and LaVon ’55 Jordahl Bob ’61 and Judy Joseph Don ’49 and Robbie ’52 Joy Larry ’59 and Marilyn ’59 Juhlin Alice Kaiser ’75 Milo ’56 and Helen ’56 Kaufmann Joyce Keillor ’59 David and Lavone Kendall Paul ’69 and Shirley ’71 Killinger Randall and Ruth ’82 Kinnersley Jay and Martha ’46 Kiser John ’75 and Carol ’75 Knight David and Janet Lange Ken ’65 and Louise Larsen Kevin and Kathleen Mannoia Dale ’63+ and Carolyn ’64 Martin Ray ’72 and Karen Maxwell Raymond Mayhew ’37 Alister McAlister ’51 James and Jane ’71 McClelland Boyd and Julia McCracken Matt ’96 and Dawn ’97 McCullough Scott ’93+ and Karen McFarlane Marc ’00 and Katie ’01 McKinney Mac+ and Jennifer ’02+ McMahon Norman ’50 and Eva ’50 Miller Glen ’81 and Sheryl ’81 Moore Kevin ’83 and Laura Moore Paul ’65 and Jeannine ’70 Morgan Roy ’86+ and Dawn Mulholland + GC EMPLOYEE
Tower Circle
RECOGNIZING DONORS OF $500 - $999 DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2008 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2009 Anonymous (3) Ben ’62 and Milda Arnold Gordon ’57 and Arlene ’57 Banks Gary ’72 and Susan Beck Dale ’63 and Barb ’63 Benson Randy ’84+ and Vondria ’85+ Bergen Paul ’78 and Marti ’78 Bierdeman Mike and Diane Bingham Dale and Sharon ’51 Black Mike ’92 and Karen ’89 Bond Wayne ’50 and Margaret ’52 Bovee Earl and Donna Lee ’66 Breitbarth Frances Bronson Alan and Kathy ’61 Brouard George and Margery ’66 Browning Michael ’72 and Ada ’73 Bruce Rollie ’54 and Vicki Brumitt Richard and Kathleen Bucholz Tom ’77 and Mona ’77 Busch Robert ’50 and Helen ’50 Canfield Young ’58 and Susan Chung Kay ’58 and Ruth Cole Gary Cumberland Kimberly Dahl ’03 Larry ’70 and Kathie ’70 Davis Tom ’69 and Betty Kay ’71 Dawdy Pepper ’82+ and Debby Dill Bill ’69 and Jean ’71 Dillman Frances Dixon ’44 Denis and Sheri ’76 Doe Brent ’92 and Christy ’91 Ellis Mike ’79 and Carol ’78 Ellsworth Pancho ’00+ and Emma ’06 Eppard David ’69 and Gloria Figg Ben and Mary File Ernie ’62 and Linda ’59 Fisher Duane ’65 and Linda ’71 Flowers Charles and Gayle ’70 Frame Bill ’65 and Marilyn ’65 Freeman Phil ’80 and Violet ’81 Frost Willard ’55 and Hazel Frost Alan ’76 and Lori ’83+ Gaffner Scott Giffen ’99 and Yvi Martin ’01
A gift of stock is a great way to support Greenville College and provides you two major benefits. First, there is a charitable deduction for the value of the stock. Second, Greenville will not pay tax on the sale of the stock and you will bypass the capital gain. To learn more about planned giving to Greenville College, please contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 or the Free Methodist Foundation at 800-325-8975. Carolyn Glair ’55 Esther Goodenough ’49 Wendolyn Grace ’77 Norm ’87+ and Alison ’05 Hall Tracy Hall ’85 Lester Harnetiaux ’79 Brian ’79+ and Darlene ’78 Hartley LaVerne Hastings ’51 Kerwin ’82 and Kristi ’79 Hickey Jack and Patsy Hoag Elmer Hogue John Huber ’81 and Nancy Conway Eugene and Elaine ’47 Jekel Gerald and Martha Jenner Mary Jett ’63 Muriel Johnson ’49 David ’88 and Annette ’89 Juhlin Harold ’64 and Hilda Kemp Walter ’53 and Shirley Kendall Dennis and Cheralyn ’66 Kendel Jim ’78 and Tann Kerns Ralph ’61 and Nellie Kester Gary and Beth ’68 Kilgore Kent ’78 and Sandy ’78 Krober
Steve ’77 and Debbie ’77 LaFleur Ann Leach ’69 Ray ’54 and Susan Leitner Peter ’69 and Eleanor Liu Walter Mack ’63 Bob Mansur Janet Martie Mark ’73 and Priscilla ’75 Mathews Estate of Vivien Maves ’28* Betty Messer ’60 Michael ’82 and Sandra ’82 Mick Hugh Miner ’42 Bill ’52 and Bev ’52 Minton Bill ’50 and Norma ’49 Mullins David ’52 and Doris Myatt Ray ’63 and Ruth Myers Alden ’63 and Faye ’62 Nay Wayne and Sherry ’64 Neeley Sarah Nelson ’82 John Nethercott Rich and Lori ’89 Nitzsche Marie Owen ’52 Steve and Maxine ’61 Patterson Marc ’02 and Robin ’02 Peabody
As a student at Greenville, I am in constant pursuit of transformation. I am perpetually pushed to better myself as a student, as a community member, as a citizen, and most importantly as a follower of Christ. -Caleb Romoser ’12
Gloria Penwell ’53 Karl and Janet Pezzelle Wes ’58 and Darlyne ’58 Phillips Gordon ’35* and Rose ’35 Pickering Edwin and Eileen Pope Denver and Audrey ’55 Probst Tim and Bev Reeb Leona Rennells ’42 Don ’65 and Roni Richardson Sarah Ridpath Hazel Rueff Carl ’01 and Emily ’01 Salz Charlie ’55 and Jan ’55 Sandbach Larry ’76+ and Cindy Sayler James Scherer B.J. ’01+ and Laurie Schneck Allen and Doris ’48 Schrock Rich ’78 and Vicki ’75 Schurter Jim and Val ’85 Scott Mike ’89 and Sandy ’89 Scott Kevin ’78 and Ginny Seybold Joanna Sharp ’47 Brad Shaw ’83+ and Georgann KurtzShaw ’81+
Frank and Amy ’83 Smith Ish ’57 and Joanna ’59 Smith Joseph Smith ’56 Lynette Smith ’64 Glenn ’70 and Kamilia ’68 Snyder Lee Snyder Phil ’65 and Carolyn ’65 Streetman Shawn ’93 and Shawna ’93 Swinigan Marilyn Traylor ’48 Myriam Turbyfield ’79 David and Cecelia+ Ulmer Rip VanSky ’91 Harold ’54 and Kathleen VanValin Craig ’01 and Amy Vickery William and Diana ’59 Walter Rich ’76 and Ellen ’74 Westlake Carol Wilson ’81 and Allan Shoultz Donald and Loretta Wire Phillip ’60 and Joyce Wise Betty Young ’50
Century Club
Elmer and Florence ’49 Anderson Hayes Anderson Rose Marie Anderson ’57 Sondra Anderson ’84 John ’80 and Marcia ’81 Andrejack Travis and Jillian Andrew Lucille Andrews Milt ’44 and Ruth ’45 Andrews Steven and Liz ’74 Andrianoff Phil ’72 and Deborah Andry Benjamin ’47* and Betty Anibal Paul ’48 and Ruth Anibal Holland Anthony ’91 Robert and Pauline Arends Leon ’48 Laura Arksey Terry and Anne ’65 Armstrong Ruth Arnold Donald and Mabel ’71 Arrowsmith Mert ’61 and Wanda ’60 Arvidson Aleen Aten Max ’67 and Anne Aten Paul and Rhonda Augsburger Carolyn Autenrieth ’85 Dean ’59 and June ’59 Bacon John ’50* and Lola Baker Joyce Ballard ’61 Steve ’81 and Cheryl ’80 Ballinger James Ballou ’67 Wilson ’52 and Sylvia ’52 Banks Martha Barber Gary and Barbara Barke Andrew ’03 and Danyelle Barker Hendrick and Mechthild Barner David ’60 and Avis ’61 Barnes
Ray and Joyce Barnhart Steven and Lisa Barnhart Ralph and Karen ’67 Barr Michael and Heather Barrow Robert and Bonnie Bartemus Lee Roy and Mary Marth Terry ’79 and Janice+ Barth Marvin ’69 and Mary ’69 Barthauer Rosie Bartlett ’80 David and Angela Bartoni Thomas and Susan Barwick Earl and Clara Bass Verna Bassett ’65 Don ’53 and Kathleen Bastian Don and Marcella Bateman Gerald ’55 and Marlene ’55 Bates David ’80 and Becky ’82 Bathe Dave ’78 and Nancy ’78 Battleson Norma Jean Bauer ’45 Terry ’78 and Jan Baugus Charlie ’67 and Fluffy ’66 Baum Wilma Baumberger ’40 Kevin and Lisa Beadle Denis and Peggy Beam Dennis and Cathryn Beane Rich ’86+ and Marty ’85+ Beans Kurt Beard ’79 Reed ’56 and Virginia ’58 Beard Brett and Phoebe Beard Mark and Kathy Beatty Sheila Beauregard Joseph and Mary Beck Lawrence ’55 and Virginia Becker Bert and Arlene Beeman Walter and Carolyn Beer Patricia Beighley
Robert Belanger Donald Belile ’62 Carol Bell Gerald and Joan ’61 Bell Gordon and Cheryl Bell Tom ’79 and Ann Belser Brown Glenn and Pauline Benner Randy ’82 and Judy ’82 Bennett Daniel ’72 and Kathy Benson David ’94 and Kara ’94 Benson Jay ’66 and Vicky Benson Harold and Ruth ’53 Bentley Dennis and Cheryl Bernhardt Daniel ’62 and Neoma ’62 Berry Doris Berry ’57 Kory ’96 and Tammy Best Jon ’94 and Amy Beveridge Wilfred and Kathi ’63 Beyers David and Joyce Billings Glenn Billings Lee ’56 and Anne ’52 Billings Mark and Patricia Billings Jim ’63 and Carol Bimes Elvin and Mindy Bingham Steve ’71 and Dianne Birky Tim ’76 and Polly ’76 Birky Al ’74 and Donna ’74 Black James and Lois ’55 Blackburn Vernon and Eleanor ’46 Blackmer Bob and Lindy ’04 Blackwell Lona Blake ’75 Michael and Amy Blake Bryan ’89 and Carol ’89 Blankenship David and Cathi ’63 Blankenship George and Geneva ’65 Blankenship Sharon Blankenship ’70
By Kayla Fisher, MD, JD, CPE, DFAPA Bioethical issues increasingly present themselves in theological, political, and social settings. For physicians and other healthcare professionals, bioethical issues commonly intertwine with their medical practice. Additionally, those in academics are often unexpectedly faced with decisions that require an examination of bioethical issues from a framework that includes the disciplines of science, law, and ethics in the context of Christian faith. Greenville College is answering this need to better understand the world of increasingly perplex bioethical issues by presenting our first Bioethics Conference on Saturday, April 10, 2010. This conference will feature Christopher Hook, MD ’80, a bioethicist in practice at the Mayo Clinic, along with Robert Cranston, MD ’77, and Aaron Cobb, PhD ’01. The speakers will cover a variety of topics in bioethics, including presentations in areas such as eugenics, human reengineering, and lessons from the Terri Schiavo case.
Anonymous (5) Loren Aandahl ’74 and Amanda Gabrielson Dan ’70 and Catherine Abbott Ed Abbott ’48 Jim ’66 and Denise Abbott Roy ’85 and Jody ’82 Abbott John Abner Richard and Lila Abner Steven and Joann Abramowitz Brett and Laural Ackerman Joseph Ackerman Tom and Diane Ackerman George ’69 and Evelyn Adam Enoch ’55* and Mary Alice ’57 Adams Alice Adcock Rick ’75 and Karen ’74 Adcock Gloria Adderley Michael and Roberta Aden Patsy Ahrens Edward Albers Steve ’72 and Catherine Albin Thomas and Sally Alef Sharon Alger ’61 Tom and Peggy ’86 Allan Beulah Allayaud ’40 Bob and Sylvia Allen Chris Allen John and Jan Allen Richard Allen ’57 Tom ’78 and Kris ’78 Allen Bill ’63* and Arlene ’62 Allwardt William and Pamela Aloisio Roger and Patricia Amadon Dennis ’77 Ambuehl Doug ’67 and Nancy Ambuehl Frank and Angela ’50 Amorosi Harriet Amundson ’58 Bill and Peggy Anderson Dale and Cynthia Anderson
Bioethics Conference Slated for April
Giving us an opportunity to understand what it’s like to work in the business is a perfect way for us to apply what we’re learning in the classroom. - Lucas Harger ’11,
Blackroom Records President.
Betty Blue ’63 Vernon and Jeanette Blue Charles and Barbara ’71 Bluebaum Ronald ’71 and Charlotte Blunt Peter and Mary Boeing Jason and Chasity Bogard Curt ’59 and Helen ’62 Bohannon Donald and Deloris Boice Hermann ’50 and Lois ’52 Boldt Darryl and Sally ’77 Bolen Bonnie Bollman ’57 Ronald and Shelia ’03 Bone Doane ’54 and Ruth ’54 Bonney Harry ’47 and Betty Bonney B and Nadine Bordeaux Norma Borgmann ’70 Chan Boriboun ’97 Kent Bouillon Don ’72 and Sandra Bounds Michael and Thai Bowden Edward and Lisa Bowen Sharon Bowes ’63 Herman ’49 and Doris Bowman Robert and Vicki Boyd Bill ’51 and Esther Boyer Joseph and Susan ’84 Boyle Amy Boynton
Steve ’90 and Nancy ’88 Bradley Donald Brady Mary Lou Brake ’58 George ’50 and Barbara Brancato Eric and Janice ’76 Branch Henry ’66 and Carol ’65 Carl ’84 and Kim Brannon Duane and Frances Brantley John and Vanetta ’74 Bratcher David ’68 and Kimberlee Brede Eugene Brennock ’77 Brock ’50* and Barbara Brentlinger Mary Ann Brentlinger Steve and Rhonda ’82 Bressler Stan ’67 and Darlene Breuchaud Anna Brevard ’45 Donald and Charlotte ’65 Brewer Justine Brewer ’60 Vern and Diane Brewer Ward Brining Henry and Erna Brinkmann Bob and Sue Brion David and Janet ’78 Bristol John ’78 and Terri Britt Philip and Sarah Brodd Matt ’96 and Karin ’94 Bronleewe
Mark ’03 and Judy Brooke Robert and Donna Brouillette Gloria Broun Art and Sylvia Brown David Brown ’57 Donna Brown ’72 Doris Brown ’45 Harold ’58 and Helen Brown Jack and Joan Brown James and Marjorie ’49 Brown Nate ’98 and Sara ’99 Brown Richard and Kathy Brown Rick ’75 and Deena Brown Larry ’67 and Shirley Bruckner Bill and Eva Bruin Donald and Della ’49 Bubé Fern Buck Alan ’67 and Evon ’65 Buckta Paul Bufkin Ruth Buhl ’56 Lloyd ’49 and Lois Bumpus Erv and Anita Bunge Willis and Margery Bunn Blufford and Lori Bunting Max ’61 and Helen Bunting Gordon ’80 and Katherine Buntrock Paul and Ellen Buntrock Pat Burbridge ’59 Gary Burg and Barb Marsh ’79 Cal ’49 and Juanita ’50 Burge Dale Burge ’65 Rex and Diane ’76 Burge Keith ’76 and Glenda ’76 Burgh David ’69 and Linda Burkey Ronald and Vicki Burnet Bob ’65 and Pat ’66 Burns Richard and Carol Burroughs Todd and Deborah Burrus Gary and Jan ’72 Burt Bob ’68 and Marcy ’69 Burtch Jim Burtch ’72 David and Barb ’55 Burton David Bus Stanley ’62 and Barb ’55 Burton Randal and Linda ’85 Busch Timothy and Kelly Buss Kurt and Sue Butterfield W.K. and Gay Butterfield
Ruthella Byers Loren and Vera ’59 Byrd Jim and Chris Caddell Patricia Cahill Paul ’69 and Barbara Caliendo Curtis Calvert Larry and Jan ’65 Camp Charles and Alice Campbell Frank ’69 and Carolyn ’67 Campbell Wayne and Pat ’67 Campbell Stephen and Charlotte ’76 Canakes Earl and Donna ’69 Cannedy Dennis ’72 and Barb Cannon Hazel Cannon
Jack and Evelyn Carder Charles ’60 and Jan ’60 Carey Ed ’64 and Ruth ’63 Carey Mark and Martha ’06 Carey Mary Carey Ruth Carey ’57 Diana Carlson Patty Carlson Louise Carlton ’65 John and Shanna Carpenter Joseph and Shirley ’61 Carpenter Richard and Eula May ’52 Carr Pamela Carter Robert and Juanita Carter Willard Carter
Wayne ’50 and Dorene Cash Christopher and Robyn ’78 Cashen Wayne ’59 and Ruth ’59 Cassel David and Elizabeth Castaneda Eugenio and Margaret Castro James Catanzaro ’00 John and Deanna Cater Vernon and Karen Cathelyn Ken Chalcraft John and Kay Chambers Lou Dean ’66 Chamless Jim ’56 and Mary ’52 Chapman Carl and Sue ’68 Charon David ’70 and Maggie Chi James and Carole ’90 Childers
I always tell my students and my friends about how amazing my college experience was at GC. I was in several bands and learned so much about myself in the process. If it wasn’t for the isolated, yet modern culture of music at GC I would not have had the focus needed to gain the tools and skills necessary in the real market. GC is the ultimate experience in student development. Some colleges focus on being expedient, but do not provide the time it takes to develop your skills in a safe and supportive environment. When you survive the training at GC with brilliant colors, then the real world will be a challenge you embrace knowing very well you have a leg up on the competition. - Vince Casas ’04 of the band Theory of Flight * DECEASED
Marvin ’75 and Paulette ’75 Collman Dale ’69 and Katherine Colwell Charles and Ruth ’80 Combs Mayford and Rebecca ’00 Combs Mark ’84 and Dena Comden Ted ’61 and Joanna ’62 Comden Nancy Compton ’60 Evelyn Conant ’42 Paul Condon ’69 Dick ’56 and Esther ’57 Congdon Tim and Lynn ’77 Connelly Jim ’96 and Nancy Conner John ’65 and Wai Conway Brianne Cook ’05+ David ’76 and Judy ’75 Cook Gary and Jorita ’81 Cook Jack and Darlene ’63 Cook Richard and Gladys Cook Richard and Carolyn ’77 Cooper Halson and Ruth ’47 Copley Lon and Tricia Coppernoll Melvert and Sharon ’70 Cordani Ronald and Delinda Cordes Eugene and Mary Cosgrove Keith and Jean Cossey Skip ’67 and Carole ’67 Coulter Scott and Miranda Cowell Wayne ’42 and Neda Cowger Bernard and Phyllis ’53 Cowling Eugene ’46 and Ida ’47 Cowsert Betty Ellen Cox ’38 Burt ’54 and Darlene Cox Daryl ’76 and Judy ’77 Cox Jim ’72 and Barbara ’72 Cox Brian and Judith Coyman Andrew and Joan Craig Mike ’83 and Dianne ’83 Craig Ted ’81 and Rhona ’86 Crail Jack ’58 and Lois Crandell Sarah Cranston ’03 Trina Cranston ’52 Shane ’02 and Karen ’02 Cress
Donald ’53 and Carolyn ’52 Crider Wesley ’62 and Marilyn ’64 Crist Bruce ’91 and Mindi L. Grieser ’97 Cromwell Joyce Cromwell Merle ’65 and Mary Lou ’63 Cromwell Randy ’80 and Rebecca Cronk Louis ’51 and Norma Crouch Ronald ’72 and Annerose Crown Gene and Lois ’63 Crum Jim and Linda Crum Helen Crumbly-Summers Carrie Crumrin ’09 William and Mary Ann Crumrin Walter Cruzan ’53 Gerald and Emily Cue Don and Constance Cui Jeni Cui ’09 Harold ’54 and Joyce ’54 Cullison Glen ’64 and Kathryn Cullom John and Melissa Culpepper Daniel and Catherine Cummings Walter and Betty Cundiff Ben ’02 and Amanda ’02 Cunningham Carne ’43 and Margery ’43 Cunningham Jennifer Cunningham ’90 Russel Cunningham Lee and Elaine ’65 Curtis Ronald and Mari Lou Cusac Robert and Connie Cusick Paul and Joy ’50 Custer Dave ’97 and Emily Dahlbeck Daniel and Maryanne Dainsberg David Daniel Jay ’63 and Margaret ’63 Dargan Marcia Dashiell Paul ’73 and Cherith ’73 Davenport Don and Evelyn Davis Jon and Martha ’78 Davis
GC Means (Music) Business By Dave Schreiber, Assistant Professor of Music Business & Gary Erickson, Assistant Professor of Music It’s an exciting time to be a Music Business Major at Greenville College! The fall of 2009 saw the launch of Blackroom Records, a student-run record company that gives students practical experience working in the music industry. Not only does it give them the opportunity to understand the inner workings of a record label and the managing of an artist, it also provides an outlet for songwriters, artists and musicians looking to have their music recorded, distributed and marketed around the country. Our first artist, Zach Strout, a singer-songwriter and Greenville College student, will be releasing his first album in March of 2010, entitled Luggage Rack. This collection of songs tells the story of his life and experience growing up in Maine and as a student in Greenville, IL. Find Blackroom Records online at www.blackroom-records.com.
In conjunction with the resurgence of Blackroom Records, the completion of our recording studio re-designs and the new offering of a B.S. in Recording Industry has set Greenville College apart from the rest. These redesigns give students high quality, industry standard recording, production, scoring, post-production and mastering tools and equipment. Students complete both class and individual projects in a real-world setting. These experiences give our students an industry advantage.
Dennis and Nancy ’76 Childress Jack ’69+ and Susan ’68+ Chism Kevin ’86 and Kelly Christensen Carl ’72 and Cynthia ’72 Christiansen Eldon and Carolyn ’67 Christin Rodney ’72 and Nelda Christin Roger ’72 and Joanne Christin Anna Church ’47 Vernon and Norma ’52 Chute Stanley and Marilyn ’67 Cisler Samuel and Barbara Claassen Bob ’66 and Nancy Clark Dean and Virginia Clark Philip and Phyllis Clark Richard Clark Wayne ’51 and Rosalie ’52 Clark Robert Clausen ’94 and Jane Hopkins ’68+ Charles ’61 and Colleen ’63 Claussen Jonathan ’89 and Tammy Claussen Richard and Marge ’50 Clayton Robert ’48 and Mary ’47 Clement Wilma Clinard Donna Coad ’99 Keith Coakley Lee Coakley ’00 Mary Jane Coates ’50 Mildred Cobb David and Tammy Coil Craig and Gloria Cole Curtis and Cheryl David ’83 and Treva ’80 Cole Deloy ’84+ and Bonnie Cole Harold and Doris Cole Helen Cole Bob ’51 and Hope ’51 Coleman Jo Ann Coleman Michael ’97 and Megan Coling Marty ’73 and Karen ’73 Collier Michael and Donna ’84 Collins + GC EMPLOYEE
Katelin Davis ’08 Oliver Davis ’49 Sandra Davis Shirley Davis ’66 Dave ’62 and Jan ’63 Dawdy Florine Dawdy ’36 Harry and Alice De Boer Jimmy and Donnette Dean Orval and Josephine Dean Harold DeCan Beth Deck ’68 Arnold ’47 and Gloria Decker Dave Decker ’03 Eldon and Ileen ’49 Decker Harry ’57 and Barbara ’61 Deffley Roger ’73 and Sally ’73 Deibert Bobby ’91 and Lenore ’91 Delamarter
Justin and Anna DiSandro Eugene and Bernece Disch Lael ’63 and Marilyn Dixon Anne Dobereiner Wesley and Clarice ’56 Dodge Don ’67 and Sharon ’67 Doenitz Jeffery and Connie Doerr Marilyn Donahue Matthew Donkin Bill ’68 and Shirley ’68 Donnell Lloyd ’48 and Marian Donnell Josh Dorf ’03 Victor and Mary Dorris Marjorie Dorton Steven and Kay ’87 Dothager Nelda Dotray ’63 Marian Doty ’80
This was my first online class, yet I can already say I almost enjoy online learning more than classroom learning. It offers flexibility and a vibrant yet more relaxed atmosphere. - Chris Coulton ’11 (student from online sociology class)
James and Joann Early Bruce ’48 and Betty ’47 Easterling Ronald Eastman James ’72 and Betty ’71 Ebrecht Dean ’54 and Ruby ’56 Eccles Buck ’65 and Laurie Edwards Dennis and JoAnn Edwards Grant and Cathy ’81 Edwards Jeffrey ’78 and Karen Edwards Norm and Nancy Edwards Roger and Barbara Edwards Virginia Egli Mark and Caralee Ehrhardt Sue Eickhoff Verlyn Eisenhauer ’63 Dale and Eleanor ’58 Eisenmann
Stanley and Janita Ewing Virgil ’55 and Vennie Ewing Kevin and Tami ’00 Fagerland Michael Fair ’09 Bob ’72 and Emily ’73 Fairbanks Ruth Fairbanks ’35 Terry and Sharon Fairchild Tim and Cindy Fairchild John E. and Julie Fankhauser John Fankhauser Marvin and Cynthia Fankhauser Seth Fankhauser Vondrea Fansler ’57 Julia Farley ’52 Dan ’63 and Jeanne Farnsworth Ruth Farnsworth ’51
Have you considered listing Greenville in your will? Estate plans allow you to provide for the people and organizations that you love. Through a bequest, you can give toward the financial future of Greenville College. To learn more about planned giving to Greenville College, please contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 or the Free Methodist Foundation at 800-325-8975. Dorothy Delamarter ’52 Warren and Darlene ’60 Demetrick Homer and Shirley Deming Lowell Denbo ’66 Daniel Deneen Brenda Dennahower Patrick and Sharon ’64 Dennis Glen ’34 and Jeanne Diamond Dave ’55 and Betty Ann ’55 Dickerson William and Rose Marie Diedesch Leroy and Dolores Diekmann Derek Diemer ’05 Daryl and Linda ’66 Diesen Les ’64 and Estelle ’64 Dietzman Mark ’73 and Rita Dillon Billy and Lois ’59 Dillow Skip ’60 and Dianne Dippel Jeff+ and Patty+ DiSandro
Gary and Helen Dowling Ross and Tiffany Dowling Cecil and Wanda ’63 Downs Mark and Kim ’95 Dresch Sally Dresdow ’74 Jim ’72 and Elaine ’72 Dressback Manfred ’63 and Linda Driesner Joseph and Janet Duffy Keith ’64 and Darleene Dunaway Gene+ and Jennifer Dunkley Marietta Dunlap Mike ’81 and Margaret Dunleavy Tom ’58 and Barb ’58 Dunn Aaron ’01 and Kelly ’01 Dunnill Stu and Chrisy ’95 Dvoret Jeff and Barb Dwyer John Dyck
Online learning allows Greenville College faculty to reach places most of us can only dream about. Whether students are on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific or a mission village in Africa, Greenville College faculty can go there with them. Gone are the days where the small, caring, Christian liberal arts college is limited geographically to a privileged few.” - Dr. Larry Linamen
Joan Ekiss ’75 Van ’69 and Karen ’71 Eldridge Marian Elias Paul ’55 and Ruth ’54 Ellington John ’58 and Shirley ’56 Ellis Naomi Ellis Ray ’60 and Carollyn ’61 Ellis Richard and Patricial Ely Chad and Christy Engel Seth ’08 and Kandace England Harold Engle ’39 Kristine Enloe Philip and Barb Eppard Bill Erickson ’52 Gary+ and Lisa Erickson Mary Erickson Edwin ’94 and Jessica Estevez Ivan ’98 and Lourdes Estevez Lola Etheridge Thomas and Claudia Everett Kevin and Patricia Eversman
Carolyn Farr ’61 Dick Fattic ’49 Dustin ’01+ and Jan ’01 Fenton Marian Ferguson ’51 Dave ’77 and Linda Ferrell Fred ’63 and Anita ’56 Ficklin Dennis and Della ’90 Field Terry ’72 and Anita ’72 Field Ivan+ and Kathie+ Filby Chris and Kelly Filer Sam ’54 and Mary Lou Fillmore Larry ’70 and Beverly ’70 Findley Lester ’43 and Ruth ’45 Finger John and Eileen ’76 Finias Jeff ’86 and Jeanette ’86 Fink Newton ’59 and Suzanne ’63 Fink David and Freda ’60 Finlay Charles ’60 and Elizabeth ’62 Finley * DECEASED
James and Melba Funk Richard ’50 and Peggy ’52 Gabriel Ned and Willia Gadson Bob ’58 and Anne ’77* Gaffner Gene and Shirley Gaffner Kenneth and Nancy+ Gaines Larry Garcia Don Gardner ’54 Robert and Dorothy ’51 Gardner Tim and Cindy Garman Kenneth ’52 and Caroline ’52 Garnett Rod and Sharon Garrett Ted Garrett Harley Gatewood Jean Gavard Wesley and Peggy ’55 Gebauer Troy Gee Harold and Linda ’62 Gehrig Melanie Geiger Rick ’87 and Mary Helen ’88 Gensch Louise George ’40 Steve ’67 and Priscilla George Philip and Nikki ’97 Georgia John Getchell ’73 Robert and Suzanne Geyer Anita Gianunzio ’62 Marian Gibbins ’54 Thomas and Betty ’99 Gibbons David and Nancy Gibes Robert and Angie ’87 Gibson Holly Giertz James ’58 and Linda Gieseke Robert Gilchrist ’50 John and Nancy Gillard Larry and Mary Gillespie John ’49 and Alene Gilmore Marcos ’85+ and Karen ’84+ Gilmore Clariese Gin Dale and Nancy Ginder Karen Gines ’68 Dorothy Gish ’57 John ’69 and Penny Gisselbeck Nadene Githinji Sean and Rebecca ’93 Gladding
Matthew and Sara Glatz Thomas and Marsha ’74 Glazier Ralph and Deborah Glazner Donald and M. Jean Goble Charles and Sally Goff Andy ’91 and Stephanie Goggin James and Mary Lou ’77 Goggin James Goggin ’86 Galen ’90 and Carol ’89 Golay Dan ’72 and Barbara Gold Kathleen Goldsborough Melvin and Edith ’36 Goldsborough Douglas and Carolyn ’71 Gonyou Tim ’77 and Pam ’77 Goodenough John and Lola ’84 Goodman Carl Hahn and Mary Beth ’76 Goring Willard and Patricia Gorsuch Josh and Holly ’06 Gosa Yoshio ’63 and Sanae Gotoh James and Ruth ’62 Govaia Michael and Patricia Govern Jerry and Mary Graber Eldon ’52 and Pauline ’54 Graff Lowell and Joanne Graham Les ’64 and Ann Grammer Roy and Beatrice ’55 Grant Jerry ’84 and Judy ’83 Grasso Erwin and Lelia Gray Henry and Carolyn ’61 Gray Jennie Gray Michael ’72 and Leila ’73 Gray Ann Green Donald and Nancy Green Donovan ’51 and Elma ’52 Green Tim ’78 and Becky ’78 Greener Glen ’71 and Edwina Greenwood Andy ’96 and Hamilton Greer Eldon and Judith Greer Mike ’79 and Naomi ’79 Gregornik Gean ’68 and Eleanor ’67 Gregory
Robert and Elizabeth Gricewich John and Susan Grieder Donald* and Shirley Griesbach Bill ’61 and Mary Griffin Douglas ’50 and Evelyn Griffin Claude ’61 and Bettie Griffith Shirley Griffith Melba Grigg ’53 Bob ’57 and Joyce ’57 Grimes Sharon Grimes ’97+ Lowell and Mary-Ellen Grisham Ronald and Linda ’60 Grissom John ’53 and Constance Grob Ron ’81 and Kathryn ’82 Gross Gregory and Marilyn ’73 Grove Greg ’80 and Sue ’80 Groves Lorene Groves ’40* Bob ’64 and Patricia Gruen Thomas and Georgia Gunn Jim and Chris ’79 Gunther James ’78 and Brenda Guthery Jessica Gysin Don ’58 and Connie ’65 Habecker Earl ’57 and Elma ’57 Habecker Larry and Phyllis Haddix Ronald and Carol Hadduck Patricia Haenig Edward and Mary Hager Rick and Sue ’81 Hahn Duane ’65 and Gretchen Haines Dotty Hall ’60 Jon ’74 and Marlene Hall Keith and Joyce Hall Patty Hall ’60 William ’72 and Martha Hall William and Naoma ’61 Halsey Sam and Myrtle ’60 Hamblen Henry and Peggy ’60 Hamilton Lester ’43 and Mary Hamilton Viola Hamilton Steve ’75 and Linda ’74 Hamm Bernard Hammer Ralph Hammer ’51 Johnny Hammond ’72
GC Online By Dr. Vickie Cook, Dean of School of Education & Director of Online Learning GC’s online learning initiative has come a long way in a short time! After completing an online course during the summer of 2009, one student said, “I can’t believe that I learned so much taking my class online. This has been an awesome experience!” By summer 2010 over 250 students will have enrolled in over 80 Greenville College classes online. Many class sections are taught by full-time GC faculty, which creates an extension of our campus community and a quality online program. January 2010 begins the launch of the Master of Arts in Education in Teacher Leadership. This degree program will be offered through online technology and in March, the Organizational Leadership program will begin an online cohort. We are excited to continue to grow programs and extend the community that is Greenville College through online learning.
Mickey ’69 and Carolyn Finn Paul Fischer Jason ’04 and Hannah ’05 Fishburn Charles ’56 and Barbara ’55 Fisher Dale and Beverly Fisher Dan Fisher ’86 Harold Fisher Doug Fletcher ’89 Ronald ’62 and Janice Fletcher Robyn Florian ’88 Raymond ’52 and Patricia Flory Joseph and Jean Floss Richard ’72 and Karen ’75 Flowers Brendan and Jane ’59 Flynn Tim and Brigid Foederer Louis and Judith ’71 Fogleman Malcomb and Kathryn Foiles Ryan Follis Esther Folts ’46 Dennis and Dee Foor Charles and Marilyn ’60 Forbes Cynthia Ford ’63 Jerry ’68 and Cindy ’73 Ford Frank and Stacey Foreman Cindy Forney Clinton and Bernice ’52 Fossell Thomas and Sherri Fouch Leah Fowler Scott and Debbie Fowler Gene and Mary Alice Fox Barbara Franciosi Richard and Anne Franklin Richard and Patricia ’63 Franklin Alvena Franzen ’48 Richard and Sylvia Fraser Charles and Minnie Freeman Jane Freeman ’52 David and Karla French Lonnie and Shelly Friedrich Ray and Emma Friedrich Brock and Krystal Friese Johnnie ’52 and Nina Frye Julko and Nikki Fullop Dwaine and Mary ’75 Fulton Harry and Tamra Fulton + GC EMPLOYEE
Stephen Hampsch ’99 Al and Keri Haney David and Susan Haney Marlyce Hanna ’63 Vaughn ’85 and Sherri Hanna Tom Hannaman Virginia Hanold Benjamin ’53 and Mary ’53 Hansen Daniel and Bonnie Hansen Thomas Haring ’08 Leonard and Sandy ’73 Harmon Jvee ’77 and Theresa Harner Christian ’06 and Noel ’00 Harnetiaux Brian and Priscilla Harpur Larry Harrelson ’67 Jerome and Brenda ’80 Harris Richard and Edie ’62 Harris Sheila Harrison ’58 William Hart and Donna ’69 Oestreich-Hart Evangeline Hartley ’07 John ’61 and Dorothy ’60 Hartley Catherine Hasenmyer ’52 Ralph ’56 and Lorraine ’56 Haupers Louise Hauth ’52 Chad and Annie Hawker Charles and Pamela ’66 Hawkins Chuck Hawkins ’64 Willis ’49 and Laureta ’49 Hawkins Marilyn Hayes Frank and Mary Haynes Douglas and Lynn Hayward Ryan ’01 and Laura Heard John ’02 and Meredith ’04 Heater John and Joanne Hebron Ruth Heckler Richard and Ruth Anne Hehman Tamie Heichelbeck+ Aaron and Jacqueline Heilman Margaret Helgerson Desiree Helkey Barbara Hellmer ’69
Bob Hemminger ’57 Paul and Pamela Henderson Vi Henderson ’45 Scott Henke and Karla ’94 Dunaway-Henke Dennis ’74 and Mary ’74 Henry Myron ’53 and Ruby ’52 Henry Jim and Betty Hensley Mark and Elizabeth Henson Robby and Christina Henson Kevin and Christine ’88 Henthorn
Bramwell ’99 and Sari ’00 Higgins Edward and Barbara Higgins Fred ’54 and Naomi ’55 Hildenbrand Brandon Hill ’93 Darold ’62 and Marjorie Hill David ’51 and Thelma ’52 Hill Stephanie Hill Michael and Pam ’78 Hiller Howard and Shirley ’69 Hillman John and Rose Hina
Elizabeth Hofsas Brian Hogue ’75 David ’69 and Diane Hogue Luke ’02 and Megan Hohlt Dave+ and Teresa+ Holden Ronald and Wynola Holden Sam ’74 and Bobbi ’74 Holiday Jerry and Sherrie ’64 Holifield Debra Holkenbrink Fred ’54 and Grace ’55 Holland Matthew and Lisa Holland Steve ’86+ and Lisa Holler
This team is like no other team and that is because the coaches not only want you to be great on the football field, but they want you to be great men of God. EMAP Football is a family; I would do anything for my brothers on the team and I know they would do the same for me. We were picked to go 3-7 this year but we went 7-3 and I believe it is due to our heart and our love for one another. Now that I’m done with football at GC I’m striving to someday to be a great husband, great father and a great man of God. Every Man A Panther! - Garrett Young ’ 10 Joseph Herman Grace Hermetet Claudine Herrington ’58 Larry and Jeannie Herron Nancy Herzing Aaron and Monisue ’87 Hess Winifred Hessler ’46 Bob and Connie Hester Isabelle Heyder Steve and Roslyn Hibbs Bennie and Mary Hicks Mark ’74 and Marian Hicks
Howard Hindman and Linda Weller-Hindman Floyd and Yvonne Hitchcock Mark and Ellen Hite Ryan ’03 and Molly Hite Glen ’82 and Deb ’83 Hobbie Roger and Vickie Hobbs Robert ’52 and Olive ’51 Hodson Betty Hoff ’71 Charles and Jody ’64 Hoffmann
Felix ’52 and Grace ’44 Hollin Robert ’51 and Clarice Hollis Cary ’71+ and Tonya ’73 Holman Dave Holsted ’76 Timothy and Stefanie Holstein-Holt Clifford and Beverly ’54 Homeier Scott and Kathryn Honnen John and Nancy Hoobler David and Gayle ’73 Hooks
Joseph Hooten Dee Hoover ’58 Steve ’74 and Toby Hopper Matt Horn Ray ’50 and Audrey Hostetter Donald and Viviane Hosto Bill and Mary Hottensen Duane ’80 and Cathy ’79* Houghtaling Lawrence and Phyllis ’49 Houston Sam Howard ’95 John ’46 and Constance ’45 Hoyt Kathy Hubbard Larry and Ruth Hubbard Tony ’77 and Ethel Hubbard John Hubbell ’70 Jerrold and Shirley Hubbs Joann Huddleston ’59 Matt ’94 and Kelly Huddleston Ralph ’58 and Dorothy ’65 Hudson Robert and Patti Hudson Gary and Colleen Hueber Andrew and Abby Huette Lloyd and Aurelia Huffman Mac and Dode ’48 Hughey Sadie Huizenga Robert ’51 and Donna ’55 Hull Allan and Lois Hultgren Dorothy Humbarger ’59 Steven and Elsie ’64 Humfleet Dana Humphry ’35 Joey and Trudy Hunt Arnold* and Ann ’37 Hunter Doug ’68 and Sandra Hunter Jerald ’55 and Gwendolyn ’55 Huntsinger Jack and Susan ’01 Hurst Bob and Jodie Huston Dewey ’62 and Rose Huston Dennis and Melissa Hutchinson Darrell ’77+ and Martha ’78 Iler Blaine and Mary Immel Clarence ’55 and Marva Ingles Leslie Ingram Bill Ingwersen ’63 Dick ’64 and Joy Innes
Michael Irvin Robert and Marilyn Irvin T. and Anne Irwin Daniel and Karen Irwin Daniel and Joann Isham Diane Jack ’80 Carl ’51 and Sally Jackson Homer ’50 and Allene Jackson Judy Jackson ’61 William and Stephanie Jackson Eleanor Jacob James and Karen ’73 Jacobs Marie Jacobs William ’71 and Rhonda ’73 Jacobs Jon ’02 and Adrienne Jacobson Lois James ’48 Roger and Carol James Randall Jarvis Bryce Jarzynka David and Dorothy ’47 Jefford Bill ’67 and Loretta ’68 Jenkins Daniel Jenkins John ’64 and Marlene ’65 Jenkins Dan and Becki ’75 Jewett Patricia Jobe Ella Johanson ’57 Bill Johnson Bob ’68+ and Carol ’68 Johnson Bruce and Bonnie Johnson David ’60 and Jann ’60 Johnson Debra Johnson Georgina Johnson Jim ’77 and Pat ’77 Johnson Todd and Kris ’86 Johnson Leda Johnson Stanley ’53 and Melba Johnson Tom ’77 and Barbara Johnson Walter ’40 and Virginia ’40 Johnson Weyburn ’49 and Dorothy Johnson Letitia Johnson-Cross Shirley Johnston ’76 Dan and Patti Jolley Michael and Gwyn ’82 JolliffBlake * DECEASED
Larry and Marsha ’76 Kelly Thomas ’98 and Cynthia ’98 Kelly Candace Kemper Dennis and Shelley Kennedy Kevin ’03 and Shelley Kenow Kelly Kepley ’03 Morris ’53 and Lee ’80 Kern Oakley and Monica Kershner Almoodin and Ginny ’68 Khan Vance and Marian ’54 Kidwell Art ’78 and Janet ’78 Killian James and Sarah Kimmey Louis ’61 and Edna ’60 King Randall and Kathleen Kingdon Burt ’66 and Carlene Kingsley Franklin and Vonnie Kinkade Andrew and Zyann Kinney Kevin ’08 and Kate ’08 Kirchner Eve Kirk David ’60 and Marilyn ’60 Klasing Delbert and Barbara ’64 Klaus Benjamin and Lois Klein James ’94 and Valerie ’95 Klenke Bruce ’43 and Kay ’44 Kline Bruce ’68 and Leora Kline Carmen Kline ’49 Frank ’77 and Rhonda ’77 Kline Roger and Rachel Klinge Travis ’92 and Rachelle ’92 Klopfenstein Ivan Klousia James and Elizabeth Klousia William and Sheryl Klousia Wells Knapp Michael Knepper Guy and Dorothy Knight Marvin and Violet ’50 Knight Donald ’51 and Dottie Knodle Heinz and Judy ’60 Koblitz Donna Koch ’58 David and Vickie ’84 Koertge Barry and Nancy Kolb George and Grace Konter Arthur and Suzanne Kossman John and Evie ’59 Koteskey
James Kovarik James and Barbara Krage Fern Kramer Kenneth and Norma ’77 Kramer Dave ’95 and Shelly ’95 Kratzer George and Frances Krause Scot ’70 and Sharon Krause Will+ and Conie Krause Alfred Krober ’63 Vernadine Krober Wendel ’63 and Kay ’63 Krober Bertha Kroening ’43 John and Tonya Krone Norman and Jean Krone Harold Krummel ’59 Steve and Debbie Kuerth Kug ’56 and Delores Kugler Chris and Lisa ’86 Kuhl George Kuhl Brian and Katie Kurz Loren and Kathryn Kushman John Kussman Elmer ’52 and Martha LaDue Mark and Alice ’87 LaFond Paul and Susan Laiming Gayle Lake ’61 Richard and LeAnn ’87 LaMarca Phillip and Barbara ’74 Landis Lois Lane ’54 Lyle ’65 and Mary ’64* Lang Floyd and Dorothy Langenwalter June Langford ’73 Rebecca Langley Barbara Langston ’99 Dale and Sandy ’69 Larsen Erik and Patricia Larson Lavonne Larson ’71 Margaret Larson Casey and Maribeth Lartz Delwin and Marlissa Laughridge Bunny Lawson ’01 Wayne and Mary Lou Lawton Jeff ’01 and Kristi Lay Justin and Bobbi ’03 Leavitt Hubert and Janice Ledbetter
David Lee ’71 Karen Lee ’58 James and Tina Leefers David ’73 and Mary Jo Lefler John ’70 and Jo Anne Lefler Everet and Joyce Lehman Lance Lehnen ’81 James and Iladeene Leierer Dale ’82 and Lynette Lembke David and Lois LeVine Jim ’90 and Carmen Lewis Joe and Wynoka ’74 Lewis Sharon Lewis ’59 Cindy Ley ’80 Dominic and Ann Licavoli Nada Lighthart ’54 John and Debra Lindell Floyd and Lois Linder L.B. and Dottie ’57 Lindsey John and Blanche Litle Herbert and Maria* Livingston Livy Livingston ’54 David Anderson and June Llewellyn ’50 James and Roxene ’73 Lo Wayne and Mary Lock Earl and Annabelle ’55 Loe Jo Loeffler Ronald and Sherry ’73 Loflin Loren ’65 and Margaret Logue Ken and Kim Lohman Harold ’48 and Lorraine ’48 Long Karen Longman Stephen and Roberta Loos John and Sheila Lovell Richard and Vickie ’78 Lovellette Delbert and Sandra Lovett Randy ’72 and Jean Lovett Robert and Joan Lowell Michael and Denise Lowry Duane and Betty Luallen George and Susanne Luber Pat Luber ’84 and Jennifer Nelson Dell ’49 and Jeri Lucas Ronald ’68 and Deb Lucas Mark and Melissa ’90 Luce Irene Lukens ’48 Michael and Colleen Lurndal
“GC football is not about making better players; it’s about making better men.” (Coach Eric Hehman)
By BJ Schneck, Sports Information Director
The Greenville College football program continues to produce men with qualities which allow them to become great husbands, fathers, friends, and workers. The coaching staff is fully committed to its mission and encourages its students to compete athletically at the highest level, learn continually in the classroom and on the field, develop their spiritual lives, grow as outstanding citizens, and mature through character development and leadership training. The 2009 football season saw the Panthers perform at a high level on the playing field. The team was the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference south division champion and participated in the NCCAA Victory Bowl for the second time in GC history. The team ended the season with a record of 7-3. Following the season, 16 Panthers were named to the UMAC south division allconference team, and head coach Eric Hehman was awarded UMAC south division coach of the year.
Bernadette Jones ’68 Bobby and Percyenna Jones Donald ’57 and Joan Jones Ed ’50 and Judy ’50 Jones Edward ’83 and Laurie Jones Everitt and Elizabeth ’49 Jones Harold ’57 and Phyllis Jones James and Betty ’66 Jones James and Penny ’80 Jones John and Nancy Jones Martin and Jeanie Jones Rodney ’58 and Joyce Jones Sonya Jones ’96 Steve ’71 and Julie ’73 Jones Martha Joseph ’69 Ruth Juenger Doris Juhlin ’64 Doug ’83 and Vera Juhlin Daniel ’50 and Joanne Junod Kevin Kaegy ’85 Kent and Marietta ’48 Kaiser Terry and Nancy ’76 Kalaher Clyde and Sharon ’59 Kale Joseph and Michele Kallal Robert and Joyce ’76 Kapp Richard and Laurie ’82 Karns Thomas and Oleta Kartmann Rick and Nancy Kasper Wilma Kasten ’47 Lee Kats Frank and Helen Katsiroubas Don ’76 and Nanette Kaufmann Gary Kaufmann ’78 Ken Kaufmann ’49 Walter ’47* and Shirley ’45 Kaufmann Timothy and Betty Kaupp James and Cynthia Keagy Jim and Becky Keaster Ken Keener ’74 Demova Keffer ’41 Daniel and Jane Kegel Tom ’57 and Dorothy Kegin Deb Keillor ’83 Matt ’95 and Rachel Keillor Evelyn Keller Kim and Sandy Kellerstrass Donald Kelley ’63 John ’89 and Laura Kelley James and Cara Kelly
Lillard and Kathryn Luttrell Tyler and Stacey ’06 Lux James ’38 and Mary Lyerla Randy and Mary ’86 Lyle George and Lida Lytle Derek ’94 and Karise ’96 Mace Howard and Matilynn MacKenzie Becky Maher ’07 Michael and Catherine Mahoney Thomas and Janice ’72 Mahr Tom Maibenco ’81 Clark ’64 and Ardyce Main Rosben and Patricia Majam Jim and Danielle Mallory Jerry ’70 and Nancy Malone James and Dora Manguso Jim Mannoia Ken ’63 and Nancy Mansfield John and Mary Mansker Charles and Barbara ’66 Marbut Lance and Megan Marcum Dave ’70 and Linda ’70 Marcy Judi Markell ’71 Carol Marlowe Dave ’71 and Ginger ’70 Marquart Bob ’79 and Monica ’79 Marsh Chris Marsh ’80 Greg and Cindy ’81 Marsh Tim and Kay ’78 Marshall Emily Marsland Doug and Doris Marti Brian Martie ’83 John ’69 and Judy Martin John and Kathryn ’71 Martin Noah and Juli Martin Richard and Martha ’65 Martin Ruth Martin Rowena Martinez Edward and Tera ’82 Mascarenas Gary ’86 and Jill ’87 Mason Frank and Dorothy Massalone John ’99+ and Mary ’01 Massena Robert Massey ’55 Marge Massie Phyllis Matheny ’54
Norman ’48 and Doris ’45 Mathews Rod ’80 and Toni ’79 Mathews Gregory and Sara Mathis Shirley Matteson ’79 Francis Matthews James and Stephanie Mattie Julia Mattingly ’90 Bob and Peggy+ Maupin Kenneth and Sara ’87 Maupin Mark ’83 and Phyllis ’84 Maxwell Shawn and Stacie Mayberry Jim ’66 and Verla ’67 Mayse Delmore and Violet ’64 McAboy Tom and Sue Ann ’72 McBroom Robert ’55 and Ruby McCloud Ben and Ruth ’70 McCrary Yvonne McCrary Michael and Cathy McCubbin Bill ’61 and Angela McCullough Thomas and Linda ’68 McCutcheon Ian ’06 and Mandy ’06 McDermott Beth McDonald ’45 Roger ’54 and Ruth McDonald Jerry and Mary McElyea Jon and Karen ’83 McElyea William McFarland Linda McFarland-Gill J. and Patsy McGarrity Tom ’88 and Ellamae McGrath Bob ’62 and Barbara McGrew Craig ’72 and Nancy McIntyre Ken ’68 and Jane ’69 McIrvin Steven and Darla McKeown John and Patricia McKey Frank and Lori McKinley Herb ’61 and Mary Ann McLachlan Brim and Lorraine McMillanGordon Daniel and Janet McNally Kenneth McNamara ’67 Linda McNeely Byron ’86 and Janet ’79 McNew
Rick+ and Sara McPeak Chuck and Bev ’72 McQuiggan Byron ’69 and Nancy ’67 Meade Erik Meade ’93 and Crystal Rogier Meade ’91 Wilson and Ellen Mears Don ’68 and Nancy Meissner Jeannette Meitz ’70
Donald and Nancy Messamore Calvin and Edith Metzger Jacob ’61 and Katherine Metzger Brian and Kelli ’91 Meyer Douglas Meyer Rosemary Meyer David and Ruth Meyers Jerry and Sandra Middleton Robert and Loretta ’83 Midgett
Becoming a Resident Chaplain has been one of the best things that has happened to me at Greenville College. My goal while attending GC is to find out what type of person God wants me to be, and to get out of my comfort zone. Greenville has allowed this in many ways; I have grown spiritually, formed close friendships, and grown tremendously as a person since coming to GC. - Reuben Gay ’11 Carl ’73 and Vonda ’73 Mellott Joeshayne and Darlene Meloun Raymond and Karen ’69 Mensing John and Cindy Menzel Pepper and Lishell Meredith William and Patricia Meredith Leonora Merry ’48 Alta Messamore Betty Messamore Daniel Messamore
Willard and Kathy Milam Donald and Betty ’50 Miles Carol Miller Charles ’01 and Deb ’78 Miller David ’52 and Lois Miller Dexter ’51 and Ruth ’51 Miller Erin Miller ’99 Jonathan Miller ’02 Kenneth and Helen Miller Lou Ann Miller Luther Miller
Marvin and Angela Miller Roger and Cathy ’72 Miller Marilyn Mills ’59 Celia Milslagle ’67 David and Connie Miser Orval ’56 and Dora ’56 Mitchell Sara Mize William and Deanna Mize Roger and Paulette Moberly Elmer and Geneva ’53 Mohrbacher Marshall ’48 and Carla Mollet Elizabeth Mollett ’50 Robert and Rebecca ’67 Malloy Royce Money Florence Monger David and Sarah Moore Anna Moorman ’08 Bert and Dottie ’61 Morgan Doug ’87 and Dee Morgan Rick ’84 and Lisa ’84 Morgan Larry and Alberta Morris Mildred Morris Vince and Ellen ’86 Morris Ernest ’47* and Martha Morrison William and Dorothy Morrison Whitney and Margaret ’64 Morse Jean Morton ’43 Virginia Mosler ’71 Eric and Christy ’04 Moss Terry and Murna Moss Michael and Jane ’79 Mott Evelyn Mottweiler ’48 Julie Mount ’83 Donald ’49 and Marilyn Moutray Marjorie Mowry-Rice ’59 Bill ’83 and Renate ’86 Moyers Ronald ’06 and Jane Mriscin David and Patricia Mueller Susanne Mulholland Kathy Munie Derwin and Patricia ’76 Munn Harold ’36 and Ella ’50 Munn Julie Murphy ’08 Bill and Susan Murton Robert and Lela Naegele
Greg and Marica Nash George and Sue ’69 Neal Rosemary Neathery ’53 Dewayne ’98 and Franki ’97 Neeley Terry and Debra Neikirk David ’73 and Marsha ’73 Nelson Doug ’68 and Jo Jo Nelson Douglas and Beverly Nelson Dwight and Mary Lou Nelson Gary and Beverly ’66 Nelson Bruce ’74 and Roxane ’75 Netzler Esther Neunaber ’50 John and Rhonda Newby Bob ’61 and Marilyn ’60 Newton Dave ’64 and Bonnie ’65 Newton Doug and Margie Newton Dan and Sherry ’06 Nichols Larry and Darlene Niekrenz Frederick and Virginia ’64 Niemi John and Leslie ’94 Niswonger Keith and Barbara Niswonger Dale ’53 and Alice Noble David and Barbara Noble Donald and Barbara Noble Joe Noble ’56+ John and Vera Noble Duane ’57 and Lois ’57 Norden Elliot and Shirley ’57 Nordgren Blaine and Cheri ’88 Norton Jerry Nott Bob Nowlin ’68 John and Bonnie Nystrom Ralph ’66 and Judith ’66 Odman Mary Oehlert ’77 Raymond and Joanne Oesterle Rosemary Oetinger Gary ’68 and Donna Ogden Larry and Judy Ogden Steven Ogle ’71 Jonathan and Ursula ’91 Olender Allen and Barbara Olney Christopher and Lisa Olney * DECEASED
Greg ’87+ and Dawn Pennington David ’70 and Faith Penwell Margaret Perkins ’66 Frances Perne ’57 Robert and Beverly Perry Ronald and Laura Perry Daniel and Kristin Peska Roy and Lois ’57 Peterman Galen and Ella+ Peters George ’92+ and Linda ’92 Peters Ron ’65 and Linda ’65 Peters Rose Peters John Peterson ’72 Mike and Angie ’02 Peterson Harvey and Jennifer Pflug Kyle and Amanda Pflum Neil ’41 and Neva Pfouts Ginny Phillips Ron Phillips ’80 Ronald and Alberta ’57 Phillips Robert and Penny Phillis Leonard ’49 and Marilyn Phipps Sally Phipps Samuel ’45 and Dorothy Phoebus Rick ’73 and Candice Pickens Kenneth and Erlene Pierce Marion ’56 and Helen Pierce Lester and Agnes Piercy Gregory and Kim Pierson Gwen Pigott Tom ’59* and Demaris Pinkstaff Cassie Pinkston Lonnie Piper ’98 William Piper Charles and Lynn Pittman Robert Pitto David and Pamela Pitts Marsha Pitts ’54 Tim ’85 and Lori ’85 Place Billy Plummer ’48 Grace Poland ’47 Ronald ’60 and Shirley Pollinger Howard and Mary Lou ’64 Portell
Wesley ’57 and Phyllis Porter Denny ’73 and Pat Potthast Harold ’62 and Linda Pourchot Alicia Powell Rick ’72 and Wendy ’83 Powell Anna Prassel ’44 Ruth Pratt ’44 Grafton ’57 and Carol Pressley Alan Pretnar Richard ’55 and Vivian Price Paul and May Della Probst Robert ’60 and Jean Pulcher DaOnne Pustelnik ’85 Diana Putnam Bob and Sheila Quall Bruce Radic Mark Raisis Sarah Ralston ’03 Luis and Vicki ’88 Ramirez Doug ’81 and Nancy ’81 Ranck Nathan and Christy ’99 Randall James Randle ’06 Doug ’00 and Nicole Rangel William and Donna Rantanen Timothy and Kathryn Rapson Jerry ’07 and Marybeth Rardin Julian and Frances Rascher Jim ’76 and Mandy Rathgeb Martha Ray Roy and Rebecca Ray William and Vicki Readenour Randy and Janelle Ream Douglas and Sandie Reddell Mark Redding ’83 Andrew and Pamela Reed John ’69 and Jennifer ’70 Reed Daniel ’67 and Jan ’68 Reelitz Eric Reelitz ’64 Dorothy Reese ’52 Mary Reese Percella Reese ’48 Joan Reeser John ’64 and Vivian Reeser Mari Ellen Reeser Marti ’89 and Lana ’90 Reeser Virgil ’60 and Evelyn Reeve LaMoine ’58 and Jean Reeves Robert and Marlaine Reilly Gerald and Lois Reimer
Milan ’67 and Dorene ’68 Reimer Brian ’86+ and Carla ’86 Reinhard Mark ’82 and Catherine Reinhard Mark Reinken Robert and Ruth Reinken Lavina Reis ’85 Robert and Kathleen Reiss Lavina Reis ’85 Robert and Kathleen Reiss John ’68 and Norma Rempe Gregory Render ’99 Bryce Renken Merlyn ’52 and Virgena Rensberry Edward ’78 and Rebecca ’79 Renshaw Robert and Betty Repka Lisa Rethemeyer Kent Fillmore and Cynthia Reyes-Fillmore ’75 Michael and Vickie Reynen Jim ’57 and Marilyn ’57 Rhodes Annie Rice ’07+ Carl ’43* and Alice ’44 Rice Blain ’77 and Donna ’77 Richard Daniel and Beth ’86 Richard Myron and Anna Richard Gary and Kim ’87 Richards Janet Riddle Rick and Darlene Rieder Sally Riemenschneider ’50 Don ’53 and Iris Riggs Paul ’57 and Martha ’56 Riley Thomas ’63 and Faye ’60 Riley Art ’78 and Lark Rilling Charlie and Dana ’82 Ring Terrie Ringkamp Michael ’99 and Stacey ’02 Ritter Donald Rittgarn Charles and Charlene Riva Ellwood and Ruth ’51 Robart Paul Robart ’60 Ron ’57 and Marion ’59 Robart Don and Denise Roberts Scott and Kim ’85 Roberts
Up is Down By Dustin Fenton, Assistant Dean of Men & Tim Ferret, Coordinator of Resident Education One of our Residence Life core values is service, placing others before ourselves. As we chose a theme for this academic year, we took what Jesus thought about this core value when he said “the first shall be last,” and we took ownership of that concept with our theme, “Up is Down.” Often organizations use pyramids to represent the structure of hierarchy, but at GC we really want to focus on serving students and turning that hierarchy on its head. This flip is counter to what our culture is pounding into our students everyday; we want to be an outlet and example of ways they can transform their thought patterns. To further symbolize this theme and idea, and meld it with our Residence Life mission statement to “provide a life giving community,” we chose an upside down tree with the roots in the air. This represents the “up is down” concept, but also signifies that our strength and influence comes from the Lord above and not ourselves. This is the only way to live an “up is down” life.
Robert and Dianne Olsheske Betty Olson ’59 Martin Olson Bob ’69 and Barbara Osborn Art and Judy Osborne James and Diane ’72 Ostrander Roy and Greta Otte Ernest Overton ’01 Jim ’69 and Linda Overton Allen and June Owsley Paul ’76 and Marsha ’76 Owsley Phil ’73 and Dorothy ’75 Owsley Dee and Dianne Ozment Richard Padilla Gene and Kelli Page Mike ’97 and Erika Page Yvonne Page Tim ’80 and Paula ’82 Paine Jerry ’68 and Gloria Painter Albin and Bonnie Pajda Michael Pakula Neil ’61 and Beatrice Park Carolyn Parker ’80 Arnold ’68 and Ardyce ’68 Parks Randall and Billie Parman Dean ’49 and Ione Parrott Marjorie Parsons Lois Patton ’57 Colvin and Janet ’63 Paul John ’57 and Ruth ’57 Pawelski Harold ’58 and Marlene Payne Scott and Constance Payne David and Patricia Peabody Daniel and Gina Pearson David ’54 and Patricia ’54 Pease Steve ’76 and Julie Peay Rodger and Charlene Peck Paul and Julie Peckham Timothy ’03 and Cathy Pehlke Richard and Vivian ’69 Pengelly Richard and Susan Penner Corey ’93 and Julie Pennington Eldon and Joyce Pennington Eric ’87 and Elizabeth Pennington + GC EMPLOYEE
I don’t think any students at any other school have this much fun learning chemistry. The labs are the best part of this class. We paint using primitive paints we create ourselves, make arrowheads and a piece of bronze! - Abby Petersen ’10 Fran Robertson ’64 Morgan ’59 and Jeanne ’56 Robertson Blake and Kimberly Robinett William and Sarah Roby David and Naomi ’62 Rogers Don and Laura Rogers Franklin Rogers Peter Roggenbaum ’63 Rose Roggow ’61 Ron and Jodene Roh Leslie and Shirley Rohlfing John ’00 and Charlotte Rohrs Gilbert ’49 and Nadine ’48 Roller Raymond Roller ’44* Bruce and Sue Ronk Mary Rose ’40 Robert ’78 and Kathy ’80 Rose Robert Rose ’56 William and Dorothy ’46 Rosenberger Chris ’93 and Jennifer Ross Maurice Ross Frank and Susan Rossi Deane and Velda Roth Deb Roth Merlin ’54 and Mary Roth Raymond ’65 and Janice Roth Ted and Debra Roth
Donald and Donita ’70 Roulsten John Rozema Rod ’67 and Marilyn ’68 Ruberg Kathy Ruch Eric and Kristie Rude Patrick and Deborah Ruder Michele Ruffy Ruth Rupert ’60 David and Mabel ’03 Ruppel Pat Rushbrook ’48 Jack and Sandra Russell Linda Russell Richard ’57 and Phyllis Ruth Anna Rutt ’47 Steven and Laura Ryan Wayne ’55 and Elda ’51 Ryan Haroldene Ryff ’48 Mitchell Saad ’08 Dick and Trudy ’75 Salsberry David ’62 and Millie ’63 Samuelson Dwight ’65 and Judith Samuelson Allen and Kathie Sancken Zachary and Ellen ’99 Sancken Monique Sandell Garland and Nancy Sanders
Greg ’80+ and Karen ’80 Sanders Harry and Shirley Sanders Robert and Jane Sanders Tim and Tammy Sanders Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus Thomas and Susan Sandman Randy ’90 and Barb+ Sands Gordon and Elaine ’51 Sanford William and Mamie Sanker David and Karyn Sapp Donald and Marjorie Sapp David and Mary Ruth ’60 Satterthwaite Matthew and Kristalena Sauls Kevin and Jody Saunders Ralph and Vera Savill Mildred Sawyer ’59 Leland Sayers ’56 Eldon ’42 and Florence Sayre Lyle ’54 and Marlene Scandrett Mark ’80 and Kathy ’80 Scandrett Linda Schaake ’06 Frederic and Lois ’57 Schadewald Donn and Joni ’99 Schaefer Mark and Kathy Schaefer Dale Schaeffer Paul ’61 and Janice ’61 Schantz Shannon Schantz ’83 Deborah Schaper Melvin ’45 and Joy Schaper Susan Scherer Kurt ’69 and Charlotte Schilling Joseph and Kathleen Schindler Mark and Ruthie Schlapia David and Carol Schluckebier Charles and Cynthia Schmidt Ken Schmidt+ and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt+ Amie Schneider Lyle and Dorothy Schoenwetter Gary and Carolyn Schoof Mark ’08 and Afthan ’07 Schopp James and Janis ’82 Schuberth
Harold ’01 and Linda ’01 Schuler John Schultz Nora Schulze ’56 Patsy Schutz Wesley Schweiger ’72 Ron and Elaine Schweitzer Janis Scott Richard ’65 and Ruth Anne ’64 Scott Michael and Angela Scruggs Charlotte Seago ’56 Donald and Billie ’54 Seals Joseph and Judy Sedivy Mark Sedlacek and Ann Blomberg John ’70 and Kay Seifert Leslie ’64 and Colleen ’65 Sellers Michael and Gabrielle ’81 Sellers Daniel and Susan Selock Timothy and Heather Sendera John ’60 and Kim Seo Irene Seppanen Seth ’71 and Janene ’71 Seppanen Michael and Jana Sevier
Lane and Dena Sevy William and Belinda Sevy William and Renee Sevy Dave ’60 and Jane Seyler Mark ’85 and Susan ’85 Shaeffer Warner and Luanne ’58 Shaeffer Chet and Marjorie Shank Leonard+ and Leanne Shank Richard and Loretta Shanks Brent ’82 and Lolly Shaw David and Maretta Shaw Dennis ’65 and Peggy Shaw Janet ’60 and Wayne Shaw Karen Shaw Ross and Barbara Shaw James and Janet ’72 Shearer Debra Sheary Homer and Gwendolyn Sheley Chuck ’69 and Helen ’70 Shelhamer David and Paula Sheridan Don ’61 and Deloris ’60 Sheriff Morris ’51 and Janet Sherk Deeanna Shidler ’79 Kenneth ’52 and Joanna Shields
Caveman Chemistry is a fantastic, handson structure that allows you to learn standard principles of chemistry without the typical classroom environment. Dr. Iler brings exciting, relevant experiments to class every day, making this an unparalleled chemistry experience. - Luke Rice ’10
John ’47 and Elizabeth Shigekawa Burl ’57 and Marjorie Shinkle Ellen Shivers Barbara Shock ’56 Ronald and Janet Shoemaker Ruth Shorb ’60 Harold ’61 and Doris ’59 Short Helen Short James and Frances Short Robert and Ruth Short Mark and Loir Showers Kyle ’02 and Julie ’04 Shultz Bruce and Sandra Siddle Mary Sidwell ’67 Doug and Julie ’86 Siebers Travis ’07 and Laura ’08 Siebert David and Diana Siefkes Robert Sievers Margaret Sigurdson ’45 Glen Silva and Elizabeth Russell+ Jerry and Michele ’69 Silver Holli Simmons John and Rita Sinclair J.P. and Paramjit Singh Andy and Maggie ’99 Singleton David and Amy Sipe John and Mary Sipich Dave ’58 and Markie Siple Kelly and Mary ’54 Slater Bertram and Laura ’92 Sluys Wayne and Betty Smalley John ’91 and Penny Smarrella Michael and Marsha Smart Austin Smith ’45 Beth Smith ’64 Bob ’52 and Dottie ’54 Smith Brian ’78 and Sharon Smith Chris and Christie ’97 Smith Chris ’96 and Leah Smith David and Sheila Smith Eric Smith ’71 and Donna Balentine Smith Gerald and Anne Smith Gerald and Kelly Smith Jerry Smith ’64 and Dottie Fugiel Jerry Smith ’07 * DECEASED
Hilda Sternaman Arnold and Shirley Stewart Dale ’80 and Carol ’81 Stewart Darrin Stewart ’89 Larry and Mary Alice ’70 Stilwell David and Evangeline Stine Ruth Stock Paul and Martha Stohr Charles Stoltz Gordon Stone ’54 Gregory and Joy Stone Cathy Stonehouse ’62 Oliver ’47 and June Stowe Stephen ’67 and Judy ’67 Strange Lois Stratton Russell Wilson and Elizabeth Streetman-Wilson ’01 Pat Strickland ’62 William and Iona ’53 Strickland Paul ’79 and Elizabeth Stroble Blake and Rebecca Stromberg Paul and Carol ’56 Stromberg Clayton ’68 and Barbara ’67 Strong Doug and Pam Stroud William and Anne ’56 Struck Roy and Laura Sturm Larry and Becky Suess Ena Sullins Julie Sullivan William and Annette Sullivan Flora Sult ’48 Robin Summers ’81 Timothy ’80 and Tanya Summers Richard and Barbara Sussenbach Ward ’66+ and Norma ’64 Sussenbach Katherine Swanner Norm ’70 and Carol ’70 Swanson Stephanie Swanson ’95 Nancy Sweet ’68 Kenneth and Linda Swiech Mike ’93 and Kathy Swindle Kevin ’87 and Meg ’88 Sybert Gary and Cheryl Tabor
Eugene and Dawn Tacony Wilma Tade Joe ’78 and Barbara ’79 Tarantino Clarence ’61 and Thelma Taylor Dorothy Taylor Florence Taylor ’52 James ’51* and Leone ’51 Taylor Mike ’73 and Debbie ’73 Taylor Randall and Susan Taylor Roy ’72 and Nancy ’73 Taylor Rhonda Teel Allison Teer Harry and Margaret Teiwes Ron and Sue Teiwes Charles Tenney Ronald ’56 and Mary Terry Conrad and Jean ’73 Thacker James Theivagt Brandon and Janelle Theobald Bobby and Patty Thiems Richard Thode Michael and Brenda Thoma Albert ’52 and Doris Thomas Bruce ’91 and Lori Thompson Clancy ’52 and Doris ’52 Thompson Curtis and Catherine Thompson Jeffrey and Laurie ’81 Thompson Jesse Thompson+ Rose Thompson ’65 Sandra Thompson ’85 Lewis and Barbara Thrasher Curt ’72 and Dee ’70 Tidball LT ’93 and Robin ’93 Timm Jane Timmermann David and Anne Tobik Morris and Martha ’41 Todd Jerry and Amaal Tokars Greg ’80 and Robin ’80 Tomaschke Dave ’71 and Barb ’71 Tomb Larry ’49 and Shirley Tomb Beverly Tompkins ’74 Kevin Toney Michele Tong
Craig and Joan ’68 Torrey Russell and Sarah ’06 Toth Ken and Rosa ’97 Townsend Sheryl Tracey Daniel and Berneice Traeger John ’79 and Margie ’82 Traeger Jack ’55 and Pat Trager Robert and Donna ’78 Trainer Donald and Marcella Trautman Kim Trautman Richard and Constance Trautman Mike and Sandra Traylor James and Mary Tribe Clinton ’65 and Naomi Trice Timothy and Peggy Tripp Shelley Troup ’01 Harold and Barbara Troupe Danny and Carleta+ Trout Leslie Trout David and Carol Troyer Josh and Mary Troyer Terry and Joyce ’77 Troyer Dave ’69 and Pat ’70 Truelsen James and Juanita ’65 Tschudy Stan ’69 and Carolyn Tucker Dallas Turner ’31* Ralph and Edna Tuttle Kerrick and Connie Tweedy Virginia Twichell Tim Uhls Ray ’61 and Frances ’59 Ulmer Matthew and Jenn ’04 Ulrich Roger ’63 and Sally Umland Robert Underwood Steve and Jennifer Upchurch Arthur ’51 and Dorothy Urfer Florence and Margaret ’46 Vahle Charlene Valci Pedro ’96+ and Christal ’96 Valentin Ken and June ’07 Valentine Steven and Beth Valenziano Robert and Lucy Van Buskirk Mary Ellen Van Dan Elzen ’53 Forrest ’50 and Janice ’51 Van Valin Steven and Carolyn Vance
Chemistry … Even a Caveman Can Do It By Dr. Darrell Iler, Professor of Chemistry & Chemistry Department Chair A few years ago the GC Chemistry Department attacked the problem of low student enrollment in general education chemistry electives by developing a new course that would present chemistry in a unique contextual format designed to attract students even if “chemistry” was in the course title. Thus was born Caveman Chemistry. This is a course that explores the introduction of historically important chemical discoveries and technologies into human culture. In this course students explore ancient technologies by recreating them in the lab. They discover how our ancestors used natural resources such as wood, rock, clay, sand and ash to create technologies, art and materials like fire, stone tools, metals, glass, explosives, fibers and others that changed human history. These kinds of experiences naturally lead to students being more receptive and sometimes even eager to learn the chemistry behind the technology. Caveman Chemistry with its innovative integration of science, history and art has helped increase student interest and enrollment in chemistry courses. Ultimately, we believe this increased interest and understanding of the physical sciences has helped enhance the overall quality of the GC liberal arts program.
John* and Reva Smith Keith and Susan ’72 Smith Ken ’53 and Marj ’56 Smith Marilynn Smith Otis Smith Paul and Ruth Smith Preston Smith ’70 Richard and Cheryl ’00 Smith Roger and Fawn Smith Ruth Smith ’57 Stanley and Joanne ’59 Smith Steve and Cheryl Smith Thomas and Joan Smith Thomas and Susan ’79 Smith Timothy and Michelle Smith Wilbert ’81 and Brandi Smith Gene ’72 and Beth ’72 Smout Dave ’71 and Gladys Snare Virgil and Teresa Snavely Verlan and Barb ’60 Snodgrass Keith and Lois ’50 Snyder Stanley and Janice ’70 Soldner Ryan and Megan Solecki Steve and Patricia Sparks Jeff and Debora ’76 Spears Patrick and Linda Spence George and Laura ’76 Spencer Melvin and Dena Spencer Donald ’52 and Elizabeth Spicer Viola Splinter Roy and Donna ’63 Spracklen Thomas and Connie Jo ’63 Sprunger-Smith Phillip ’03 and Amanda ’05 Squibb Pat Staff ’62 William ’52 and Billye ’52 Staff Janessa Stalter ’83 Paul and Brooks Stanfield James Staniels Dale ’75 and Patricia Stanton Marilyn Starr+ Mel ’64 and Susan Starr Charles and Marge Stavely Guy and Barb ’78 Steele Mark and Kanda Steffen Charles ’54 and Javene ’53 Stephens Gayle ’47 and E. J. Stephens + GC EMPLOYEE
Diane VanderKooy ’83 Wilbur VanderLinden ’49 Kevin and Sarah ’00 VanMiddendorp Frank ’53 and Carol VanValin Steve ’80 and Jamie VanValin Randy and Debra Vasel Arthur and Geraldine Vasquez Edward and Ana Vasquez Edward and Ernestine Vasquez Henry and Shirley Vassar Vanessa Vassar ’93 Jeanne Vaughn Robert and Marjorie Vaughn Howard and Leslie ’74 Vernick Cindy Vincent Dan ’63 and Carol ’63 Vinton Ellen Vogel ’70 Paul and Connie Vogt Lonnie and Carol ’74 Vollintine Margo Voltz Barry and Kim Voss Brad ’85 and Mary Wade Marlin and Phyllis Wade Don and Carol Wagner Earl and Elaine ’51 Wagner John ’73 and Penny Wait Esther Walker ’62 Hope ’59 and Donna ’62 Walker Tom ’64 and Sue Walker Robert and Marie Walking Howard ’60 and Joy Wallace Rick and Lori ’81 Wallington Gary and Ellen Walsh Bette Walter Ruth Walter ’62 Stan ’52 and Betty Walters David and Evalyn ’82 Walton Larry ’88 and Pattie ’88 Walton Vendla Walton ’31 Victor ’71 and Supranee Wang Jim ’84 and Kim ’84 Ward John and Cynthia Ward Ritchie ’91 and Lisa ’91 Ware Marvin and Teresa Warner Robert and Denise ’78 Warnock
Clinton and Roseann Warren John and Judith ’66 Washburn Richard and Joyce Washburn Toshio and Noyuri ’74 Watanabe David and Amy Watkins Franklin and Winifred Watson Kenneth and Angela Watson Margaret Watson ’62 Sue Watson Hugh ’45 and Betty Wayman
Bill ’71 and Carol Weitzel Robert ’70 and Robyn ’70 Welch Alice Welsh Matthew and Emily Wenger Paul ’63 and Elaine ’61 Wengert Michelle Westlake ’08 Patricia Wettschurack Keith Wetzel ’69 and Suzanne Painter
James and Beatrice ’60 Whitehead David Whiteman ’68 and Jamie Ryan Danny and Yvonne Whitfield Timothy and Kelly Whitham Dale ’50 and Helen Whitlock Geoffrey ’05 and Jennifer Whitlock Jennifer Whitlock ’87 Warren and Jeanne Whitlock
Being a part of the GC choir has been such a grand blessing for me as a student at Greenville. The other students have become my family, and I couldn’t imagine navigating my college experience without their friendship and support to steady me. We’ve developed meaningful, lasting friendships with each other and have grown both as musicians and as children of God. The expansive repertoires and the opportunities to travel far and wide each spring have been the highlight of each year, and I thank God for allowing us to bless others with the gifts He has given us. - Lisa Gines ’11
Esther Wease ’62 Wayne and Colleen Weber Greg and Alicia ’88 Webster Kevin and Kerri ’94 Webster Rodney and Brenda Weigelmann Rich ’74 and Becky ’74 Weinhandl Carol Weise Hal ’76 and Mary Weise Dennis and Louise+ Weiss Stephanie Weiss ’04
Stanley and Dorothy Wheat John ’82 and Jacque Whims Dennis ’70 and Kay ’70 Whitaker Alfred and Gladys ’43 White David and Beth ’69 White Elizabeth White ’46 Ernest ’48 and Louise ’48 White Opal White Roland White Sidney and Martha White
William ’48 and Joan ’47 Whitlock Dick and Margie Whittenbarger Dorothy Whittingham ’48 William ’60 and Kathleen Whitworth Eric and Mary Wiant James ’67 and Donna ’68 Wickersham Jason Wickersham ’02 Bill ’70 and Carol Wickline
Joan Widmer Scott Wiedman ’06 Michael ’92 and Amanda ’94 Wiegand Ken ’66 and Brenda ’65 Wiegel Jeffrey Wiegers Melvin ’58 and Ruth Wilcox Joanne Wiley Al ’69 and Phyllis Wilkinson Burleigh Willard ’42 Dale ’52 and Helen Willard Lewis ’95 and Dorie ’95 Williams Melvin ’52 and Ethelyn ’54 Williams Charles ’46 and Beatrice Williamson Ken ’63 and Diana Williamson Scott and Jenara Willman David ’68 and Carole ’68 Wills Dave ’96 and Melissa Wilson Dennis ’68 and Joyce ’68 Wilson Jeff+ and Pam Wilson Jenise and Willard Wilson Mick ’68 and Michele Wilson Paul ’63 and Connie Wilson Ron and Marilyn Wilson Cedric ’64 and Myrna Wing Gerald ’51 and Lucille ’52 Wingert Larry ’74 and Stephanie ’72 Winkler Steve ’76 and Deborah Winkler Mark ’87 and Karla ’86 Winslow Don ’50 and Virginia Wise Gayle and Betty Wise Michael Wise Nola Wiseman Scott and Darci Witzig John ’67 and Carolyn ’68 Wojakowski Barbara Wolber Dave Wolf ’78 Mark and Nancy ’05 Wolf Charles and Mary ’50 Wood Wayne ’55 and Joanne Woodard Aaron ’00 and Susie Woods
Betty Woods Timothy and Analisa Woods Daniel and Geriann ’71 Worley David ’69 and Cheryl ’69 Wright Robert and Betty ’63 Wright Ronald Jones and Liz Wuebbels-Jones ’84 Randy ’79 and Sheryl Wuehler Brian ’90 and Kim Wyatt Robert and Vicky Wyffels Kirk and Lois Wynn Henry ’92 and Susie Wynstra James and Brenda Yaeger Roy ’70 and Claudia ’71 Yarbrough Carolyn Yates ’68 Della Yates ’61 Jeffrey Yenchko ’04 Ted and Phyllis ’73 Yenny Mark and Sandra Yontz Philip and Barbara ’56 York Bill ’86 and Karla Young David ’87 and Gloria ’88 Young Genny Young ’73 Gerald and Linda Young Stanley and Rose ’47 Young Ted and Jenn Zahn Jim ’86+ and Ann ’86 Zahniser Donald ’60 and Margaret Zelhart Bill ’56 and Shirley ’57 Zeller Martin and Teresa Zielonko Michael and Joy ’70 Ziemann Kent and Kristen Zimmer Greg Zimmerman Kent and Mary Zimmerman Ray and Linda Zimmerman Robert and Helen Zimmerman Ruth Zimmerman ’53 Larry and Aleshia ’86 Zionce Lowell and Norma Zitzloff Chad and Susan Zobrist Jon and Teressa Zobrist Jereme ’01 and Janice ’01 Zook Gary and Janet Zum Mallen Philip and Judy Zumbahlen
John Nethercott Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen
Marilynn (Ayers) Taylor Stanley and Rose ’47 Young
Jack and Pat Burd Terry and Marilynn ’57 Taylor
Patricia Staff’s Birthday William’52 and Billye ’52 Staff
Terry and Marilynn Taylor Jack ’61 and Pat ’61 Burd
Justin Chesnut Mark and Beverly ’66 Hempen
John Baker Dorothy Delamarter ’52 Frank ’53 and Carol VanValin
Elmer and Twyla Claussen Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen
Ralph Beam Bill and Eva Bruin Brian and Judith Coyman
Clair E. Carey Albert ’52 and Doris Thomas * DECEASED
Genevra Erickson Bill Erickson ’52 H. Ronald and Wanda Gines Karen Gines ’68 Tracy Gines Karen Gines ’68 Gyneth Halford Sharon Alger ’61 Cal ’49 and Juanita ’50 Burge Lorene Groves ’40* Dan and Becki ’75 Jewett Stephanie Weiss ’04
Donald Johanson Ella Johanson ’57 Dave Johnson “Coach” Tom ’60 and Betty ’60 Morgan Frank and Ruth Joy Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen
Dave ’62 and Jan ’63 Dawdy Alan ’76 and Lori ’83+ Gaffner Tracy Hall ’85 Gerald and Martha Jenner McCracken-Dawdy-Hall Family Practice Jo Ann Noble ’56 Jennifer Schueler Debra Sheary Kevin and Sarah ’00 VanMiddendorp
Howard Krober Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen
Dr. Elva McAllister James and Iladeene (McAllister) Leierer
Pat Kuhl George Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. WC Osburn Mark and Beverly ’66 Hempen
LeRoy and Sarah Ludlow Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen
Doris Porterfield BOCES 2 Speech Department Craig and Gloria Cole Curtis and Cheryl Cole Harold and Doris Cole Daniel and Joann Isham
Mildred Mayhew Dorothy Bailey Del and Lois ’69 Catron
By Jeff Wilson, Director of Choral Studies & Professor of Music The choral program here at Greenville continues to thrive and experience God’s blessing. Both the Choir and the Chamber Singers have shared great highlights this past year, including a performance with the world-renowned Boston Camerata at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, President Larry Linamen’s Inauguration Ceremony and Inauguration Concert on the GC campus, and the 79th performance of Handel’s “Messiah” with the Greenville Choral Union and Orchestra. The Chamber Singers have also been invited to perform at the Illinois Music Educators Association All-State Conference in Peoria, IL in January 2010. The Choir now looks forward to the 2010 Spring Tour. This tour is a vital part of the education of Greenville Choir members and provides unique opportunities for ministry to a variety of churches, schools and communities. This year’s 83rd annual spring concert schedule tentatively includes stops in Washington D.C.; Princeton, NJ; New York, NY; Toledo, OH; Chicago, IL; Waynesboro, PA; St. Louis, MO; Indianapolis, IN; Champaign-Urbana, IL; and other southern Illinois cities. CDs from the Spring Tour last season, Songs of Redemption, are available.
Brock Brentlinger Mary Ann Brentlinger Nancy Herzing Jo Ann Noble ’56 Martha Ray Roy and Rebecca Ray June Strahl Wilma Tade Watson ’49 and Bonnie ’48 Tidball Jim and Wilma Wilson Barbara Wolber
Emma Cleaveland James Reehl
Loretta (Robertson) Hofsas Philip and Sarah Brodd Elizabeth Hofsas
Choral Program Continues to “Raise the Bar”
Luther Miller Robert and Kathleen Reiss Delbert Sims Justine Brewer ’60 Jocelyn Smith Lyndon and Judith Anthony Hendrick and Mechthild Barner Gordon and Cheryl Bell Gloria Broun Richard and Kathleen Bucholz James and Sarah Kimmey Douglas and Elaine Ottenlips Joseph and Mary Jo Sherrill David and Beckie ’68 Smith Paul and Martha Stohr Floyd G. Staff’s Birthday William ’52 and Billye ’52 Staff Janette (Colber) Starr Gerald ’55 and Marlene ’55 Bates Bert and Arlene Beeman Dale and Sharon ’51 Black Don and Evelyn Davis Heinz and Judy ’60 Koblitz Betty Messer ’60
Sally Phipps Sarah Ridpath Sally Riemenschneider ’50 Jerry ’64 Smith and Dottie Fugiel Anonymous Arlene Stephens Dorothy Agee Richard ’60 and Sandra ’61 Boileau Buddy and Pat ’62 Bond Cal ’49 and Juanita ’50 Burge Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen David and Tammy Coil Dave ’55 and Betty Ann ’55 Dickerson Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Stan ’59 and Jolene ’60 Ellis Fred ’63 and Anita ’56 Ficklin Ben and Mary File Dave ’58 and Bonnie ’57 Fisher Free Methodist Church in Canada Alan ’76 and Lori ’83+ Gaffner Bob Gaffner ’58 Andy ’96 and Tina Greer Eldon and Judith Greer Lorene Groves ’40*
My time at Greenville profoundly changed my life and the lives of my family members. As a result of my education there, I was promoted to a new full-time job with a salary increase; introduced to a new parttime job doing something I love; and I got accepted into grad school at Washington University in St. Louis. The bottom line is that God has blessed me greatly through my time a Greenville. - Scott Martin ’06 Lester Harnetiaux ’79 Tamie Heichelbeck+ David and Joanna Hoag Stan Hughey ’37 Independent Bankers’ Bank Gerald and Martha Jenner Dan and Jan Jensen
Kevin Kaegy ’85 Gene ’53 + and Miriam ’54 Kamp John ’75 and Carol ’75 Knight Boyd and Julia McCracken Tom ’88 and Ellamae McGrath Betty Messer ’60
Marshall ’48 and Carla Mollet Royce Money Tom ’60 and Betty ’60 Morgan Rosemary Neathery ’53 Gene and Kelli ’86 Page Jim and Linda Plett David and Claudine Perrin Jim ’54 and Marilyn ’76 Reinhard Sarah Ridpath Morgan ’59 and Betty ’56 Robertson Steve+ and Veronica+ Ross Randy ’90 and Barb+ Sands Ken Schmidt+ and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt+ Brad Shaw ’83+ and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw ’81+ Kenneth ’52 and Joanna Shields Ish ’57 and Joanna ’59 Smith Steve and Cheryl Smith Marilyn Starr+ Charles ’54 and Javene ’53 Stephens Gayle ’47 and E. J. Stephens Doug and Pam Stroud Richard and Barbara Sussenbach Barry ’77 and Vaun ’77 Swanson
Terry and Marilynn ’57 Taylor Bobby and Patty Thiems Watson ’49 and Bonnie ’48 Tidball Frank ’53 and Carol VanValin Richard and Joyce Washburn Fred ’59 and Annette Whims Scott and Jenara Willman David ’68 and Carole ’68 Wills Carol Wilson ’81 and Allan Shoultz Jeff+ and Pam Wilson Leon ’53 and Ellen ’54 Winslow Anonymous Anonymous Janet Ulmer Tom ’60 and Betty ’60 Morgan Jake Whitlock Jim ’59 and Susan ’86 Claussen Jim and Wilma Wilson Madelyn Wrisberg Craig ’67 and Sue Wrisberg Helen Zahniser-Snyder Lee Snyder
RECOGNIZING GIFTS FROM CHURCHES DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2008 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2009 Advent Christian Church Antioch Southern Baptist Church Bethany United Methodist Church Bethel Baptist Church Bethesda Baptist Church Brainard Avenue Baptist Church Bureau Township Community Church Calvary Temple Calvary United Methodist Church Cambridge Bible Church
Carmi First Presbyterian Church Central Presbyterian Church Chambersburg Christian Church Checkrow Community Church Fellowship Christ The King Episcopal Church Church of the Living Word Darrow Road Wesleyan Church Emmanuel Free Methodist Church Evangel United Methodist Church Evangelical Free Church
Faith Evangelical Free Church Ferges Free Methodist Church First Apostolic Church of Steger, IL First Baptist Church of Coal City, IL First Baptist Church of Fairbury, IL First Baptist Church of Greenville, IL First Baptist Church of Linden, CA First Baptist Church of Marion, IL First Baptist Church of Petersburg, IL First Baptist Church of Vincennes, IN
First Baptist Church of West Union, IL First Christian Church Missions First Christian Church of Chester, IL First Christian Church of Decatur, IL First Christian Church of Neoga, IL First Free Methodist Youth of Peoria, IL First Presbyterian Church of Carmi, IL First United Methodist Church of Greenville, IL First United Methodist Church of Marshall, IL Free Methodist Church in Canada * DECEASED
Free Methodist Church of East Peoria, IL Free Methodist Church of North America Free Methodist Church of Platteville, WI Grace Bible Church of Columbia, MO Grace Bible Church of Warrenton, MO Grace Community Church Grace Foursquare Church Gracepoint Pentecostal Church Greater Faith Christian Church Greenville Free Methodist Church Hillsboro Free Methodist Church Immanuel Baptist Church Ionia Free Methodist Church Jackson Free Methodist Church Joy Bible Church Light and Life Free Methodist Church Living Stones Church Living Word United Methodist Church Lord’s Community Church Lynnville United Methodist Church Macedonia Baptist Church
Melrose Chapel UMC Milan Christian Church Monee Free Methodist Church Moundford Free Methodist Church New Community Free Methodist Church New Life Christian Center New Life Christian Fellowship North Tahoe Community Church North United Methodist Church Ohio Chapel Sunday School Opendoor Church of Orange County Opportunity Christian Fellowship Orchardville Community Church Osceola Assembly of God Ottawa First Presbyterian Church Ritter Avenue Free Methodist Church River Oaks Church River Valley Community Church Salem Church Second Baptist Church Second Congregational Church
Second Presbyterian Church Shelby Christian Church Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church St. Francisville Free Methodist Church St. Malachy Special Events St. Matthews United Methodist Church Star General Baptist Church Staunton United Pentecostal Church Sturgis Wesleyan Church Sugar Creek United Methodist Church United Church of Woodhull United Methodist Church of Farina, IL Valley Park Chapel Wesley United Methodist Church West Bethany Free Methodist Church West Long Prairie Church Woodford Community Christian Church Woodland Chapel Presbyterian Church Wood’s Memorial Fund Xenia United Methodist Church
Corporations, Foundations & Grant Companies RECOGNIZING GIFTS DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2008 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2009 CDS Office Technologies Christian Legacy Foundation Custom Homes by Paul W. Benson Dairy Queen Store Dark Custom Homes DeMoulin Brothers & Company Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Douglas Marti, Attorney Emmett Streetman & Ruth Streetman Trust Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fidelity Investments Fiserv Trust Company Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI G Force Customs Gateway Retreat Center
General Talk GOF Inc Greatland Corporation Greenville Foods Greenville Regional Hospital Hoosier Christian Foundation Illinois State Board of Education Independent Bankers’ Bank InterDesign International Motors JD Subs, Inc Jefferson County Metal Polishing Co Jerry C. Wall Real Estate Jewett Roofing Company Jim’s Mobile Offices John Benward Company, Inc. King Trust Company N.A.
By Dave Holden, Dean of Professional Studies GC’s undergraduate and graduate offcampus degree programs, a vibrant part of carrying out our mission, are integrating online learning capabilities into their offerings. Additionally, work is underway to add new majors and locations. Now in its 15th year of serving adult learners throughout central and southern Illinois, the Organizational Leadership degree completion program is evolving its curriculum to maintain its core qualities while offering the learning benefits of online pedagogies. Beginning in March 2010, students will have the choice of two formats: a blended online or the long favored one-night per week face-to-face classroom schedule. This spring also finds the School of Education working on two exciting developments. First, the Master of Arts in Education (MAE) in Educational Leadership is shifting from a summer session schedule to a year-round, blended online format. Second, our undergraduate teacher education program, offered off-campus at nearby Kaskaskia College and Lewis and Clark Community College will add a third location in Lincoln, IL as a partnership with Lincoln Christian University continues to grow. Finally, a new graduate program is in final review by the Higher Learning Commission and, once approved, implementation will begin.
Allendale Ruritan Club 858 Altamont Pharmacy, Inc. American Kenpo Karate Intl, LLC. American Pest Control, Inc. Anheuser Busch Associated Colleges of Illinois Bass-Mollett Publishers, Inc. BCC General Contractors, Inc. Beasley’s General Account BOCES 2 Speech Department Bond County Realtors Bradford National Bank Brown, Hay & Stephens, LLP Cambridge Communication Design Capri IGA Foodliner Casey’s General Stores Cavallo Bus Lines, Inc.
Off-Campus Programs Provide New Possibilities
Koch Konstruction, Inc. KPMG Foundation Limbaugh Chiropractic Center M J M Services, Inc. McCracken-Dawdy-Hall McPherson County Community Foundation Meyer’s Hilltop Farm Bed & Breakfast Midland States Bank Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. Mike Robinson Construction
Northwest Comprehensive Inc. Pathway Bank Patton & Company P.C. Pfizer United Way Campaign Piasa Commercial Interiors, Inc. PKA Associates, Inc QuadGraphics R. McClure Electric Co. R. P. Lumber Rehab Edge LLC River Bend Astronomy Club
Santo Sports Store Shakespeare Club Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Slatton’s Excavating, Inc. Snyder Foundation Southwestern Electric Cooperative State Of Illinois Swift Transfer Corporation Taxcare, Inc. The Deiters Company DBA Naco Printing and Advertising
The National Christian Foundation The Salvation Army of Mason City, IA The Salvation Army of Niles, MI The Timothy Group, Inc. The Variable Life Insurance Company Thomas-Bradley LTD Top Wave Farm Turley Farms Partnership United Way Of Chester County Velvet Slippers Book Club
Wabash Center Ware Energy Watson’s Drug Store of Greenville, Inc. Wellpoint Foundation Wood River Printing and Publishing Co. Zylinsky Insurance Agency, Inc Anonymous
Matching Gift Companies
Abbott Laboratories Fund Ameren AT&T Foundation Bank of America Beckman Coulter Boeing Company Caterpillar, Inc.
Coca-Cola Company Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning Corporation Eaton Corporation Eli Lilly and Company ExxonMobil Foundation IBM Corporation
Janus Capital Group - Matching Gift Center Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation Marathon Oil Company MMC Matching Gifts Program Nationwide Foundation
Northern Illinois Gas Oracle Corporation Pella Corporation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation Rockwell International Corp., Inc.
Saint-Gobain Containers State Farm Companies Foundation The Stanley Works Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Verizon Foundation
Endowment Funds
Vincent Bessey Clair Carey Charlotte Christian Betty Cooley Mildred Davis ‘18 Sara Gregory Rosamond Pierce Imogene Vick Bob Warren ‘35
The Frank and Faye Bessey Endowed Scholarship Fund The Harold N Cooley Endowed Scholarship Fund The W. Richard Stephens, Ph.D. Outstanding Faculty Award
Financial snapshot for the 2008-09 fiscal year TOTAL GIVING During the 2008-09 fiscal year. Total: $2,773,829.26
Unrestricted: $790,406.05
Temporarily Restricted: $1,132,217.64
Permanently Restricted: $811,205.57
Generated by all activities of Greenville College during the 2008-09 fiscal year. TOTAL: $23,988,901
Thank you for all that YOU make possible when you give to Greenville College. Your generosity makes the stories you’ve just read, the experiences that change student lives, and the community at GC available for the generations to come. You are making a difference when you support Greenville College. Your passion for GC helps us continue our ASCENT and move toward a vibrant and healthy future.
Tuition and Fees Gifts and Grants Auxillary Enterprises Investment Income All Other Sources -$5,000,000
Incurred by all activities of Greenville College during the 2008-09 fiscal year. TOTAL: $23,148,028
Join us in prayer each day of the month @ www.greenville.edu THANK YOU FOR GIVING
Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Development Auxiliary Enterprises $0
Office of Advancement
315 East College Avenue Greenville, Illinois 62246 (618) 664-6500 www.greenville.edu
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