President Larry Linamen
Editor Walter Fenton `84
Robert Bastian ’74 Patricia Burd ’61 James Claussen ’59 David Colgan ’64 Howard Costley ’74 Dan Denbo ’76 Dennis Fenton David Fisher ’58 Lloyd Ganton ’60 Jerry Hood ’82 Paul Killinger ’69 Charles McPherson ’85 Douglas Newton Richard Schien ’62 Marjorie Smith ’56 Rebecca Smith ’68 Robert Stroud ’59 Barry Swanson ’77 Craig Tidball ’76 Melissa Westover ’84 Mark Whitlock ’75 Donald Wolf ’65
Cindy (Rose) Aslin ’81 Brenda (Beatty) Bartholomew ’66 Lisa (Barnes) Berry ’92 Karin (Swanson) Bronleewe ’94 Brittany Buttry ’09 Rebecca (Whitlock) Decesaro ’74 Amy (Bellen) Dillow ’90 Stan Ellis ’59 Edwin Estevez ’94 Alan Gaffner ’76 LaVerne Gee ’04 Scott Giffen ’99 Gene Kamp ’53 Lisa (Gaffner) Kuhl ’86 Mark Mehlig ’77 Emily (Chalker) Moore ’54 Sheryl (Kaufmann) Moore ’81 Thomas Morgan ’60 Christy (Grimes) Moss ’04 Dewayne Neeley ’98 Kelli (Stephens) Page ’86 Chris Peters ’91 Carl Salz ’01 Jana (Tidball) Spencer ’74 Keith Stewart ’10 Sue (Howe) Tidball ’85
Creative Director and Publication Manager Annie Zeller Database and Research Editor Brianne Cook `05 Graphic Design and Photography Pancho Eppard `00 Copyeditors Tamie Heichelbeck and Barb Sands
CONTRIBUTORS: Lesley Allen, Seth Fargher `08, Ivan Filby, Teresa Holden, Ginger Jordan `03, Shelli Brown Kratzer `96, Imari Mason `12, Tom and Betty (Delamarter) Morgan `60, Nathan Ondracek `12, Brad Shaw `83, Beky Smith `12, Brian Stratton `11
THE RECORD is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Greenville College by the Office of College Advancement. Empower is the 2010 President’s Report edition.
Greenville College online: Send address corrections and mailing updates to: Public Relations, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246, or call (618) 664-6512. Email:
EMERITI TRUSTEES Sandra Boileau ’61 Jay Burgess Herbert Coates ’55 Michael Coling Robert Cranston ’77 Donald Goldsmith ’52 Yoshio Gotoh ’63 Duane Hood ’56 Donald Joy ’49 Kenneth Kaufmann Lowell Kline ’40 Pearson Miller Wayne Neeley Wesley Phillips Ernest Ross ’52 Charles Smout ’37 Kendell Stephens ’80 Ian Van Norman Wendell Wingler
eople are justifiably apprehensive in
will be empowered to open doors that lead them along
artists, chemists, historians, software developers and
these days of economic uncertainty.
many different paths. They will discover they are
yes, ministers.
Finding and keeping a job has become a
not confined to serve God in just one aspect of their
serious challenge. Our graduating seniors
lives. Rather, they will find themselves equipped and
One of the great privileges of my position is the
are just months away from entering a job market that
empowered to be his faithful servants in whatever walk
opportunity to meet so many of you. I listen to your life
might be the tightest since the early 1980s if not the
of life God has called them to do.
stories, and then you tell me of those years when you
1930s. Prospective students must think in very practical terms when considering where to attend college.
This is not always easy for students to learn and fully understand. As a professor of business and
In this environment, the importance of explaining the
management, I would often start my class with two
empowering experience of a Christian liberal arts
questions. First, I asked, “how many of you believe
education is more important than ever. While we want
God can call you into the ministry?” Invariably, 99%
our graduates to think practically and find jobs, we
of my students would raise their hands. Then I asked,
have higher expectations for them than simply finding
“how many of you believe God can call you
into the business of banking, insurance
Greenville College fosters the integration of faith with the rigor and the joy of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
me how GC changed your life and empowered you to do things you never dreamed of doing. It is always a moving experience for me, and frankly, an intimidating one because I know we have a high standard to maintain. God has entrusted me with a great gift, to serve in a place that has profoundly shaped so many lives.
of the class raised their hands to my
I invite you to spend some time reading and
second question.
reviewing this special issue of The Record: the
We want them to develop a Christian perspective that
By the time GC students are ready
shapes every area of their lives and thought. And finally,
to graduate, I want all of them
we want them to delight in and actively explore God’s
to firmly believe that
creation. It is our desire that Greenville students will
God can call them
come to the realization that all truth is God’s truth.
to be bankers,
Equipped with these keys for holistic living, our students
emotional, and some of you start to tear-up as you tell
insurance agents,
President’s Report. Alumni, faculty and current students share how GC placed in their hands the holistic keys that empower their lives for character and service. I am confident you will find some of your story in theirs.
learning and experience. We want our students to know
or accounting?” Sadly, less than half
attended Greenville College. Many of you get a little
Larry Linamen President
President’s Society Gold Level $10,000+
Bob and Jan Bastian Jim and Susan Claussen Bob and Barb Cranston Charlie and Faye Faulkner Dennis and Deborah Fenton Walter and Eileen Fenton James and Colleen Haggerty Jerry and Debbie Hood Don and Esther Jones Jim and Tann Kerns Paul and Shirley Killinger Dale and Joan Kreider Charles and Dana McPherson Shirley Minshall Richard and Linda Schien David and Beckie Smith Craig and Sue Tidball Lew Whaley Don and Patty Wolf Chuck and Charlotte Young
Permanently Restricted: $1,067,965.87
Silver Level $5,000-$9,999 George and Lisa Barber Richard and Sandra Boileau John and Pat Burd Mike and Debbie Coling Marty and Holly Daily Dan and Pat Denbo Paul Donnell Stan and Jolene Ellis James and Sheila Foxworthy Lloyd and Judi Ganton Vonnie George Delbert and Ann Huelskoetter Del Keener Larry Linamen and Kayla Fisher Barry and Leila Lombardini Foy and Judy Meyer Pearson and Jeannine Miller Al and Emily Moore Roger and Kathy Reeves Marie Reeves
Don and Jackie Rogier Troy and Rosemarie Sanders Larry and Cindy Sayler Hugh and Marie Siefken Scott and Lisa Smout Tom and Carla Stampfli Barry and Vaun Swanson Mark and Karen Whitlock Mark and Melissa Westover
Bronze Level $2,500-$4,999 Del and Avis Bergen Robert and Karen Bettacchi Grant and Frances Black Buddy and Pat Bond Lynn and Helen Carlson Robby Clinton Anita Culp John and Sharon Dawdy Jim and Ruth Finch Dave and Bonnie Fisher Arlin and Marla Gaffner
Don and Edwina Goldsmith Opal Greer Anthony Hartman Annie Hogan Gene and Miriam Kamp Cordon and Ruth Kerns David and Sharla Martin Matt and Dawn McCullough John and Pam Minshall Tom and Betty Morgan Mary Previte Ernie and Phyllis Ross Howard and Virginia Schantz Paul and Evangeline Schaper Lawrence Schoenhals* Edward Shaffer Ken and Marj Smith Dennis and Jana Spencer Rich Stephens June Strahl Watson and Bonnie Tidball Jerry and Sheri Wall Brandon and Eva Marie Weiler
During the 2009-10 fiscal year. Total: $2,636,123.73
Unrestricted: $727,001.67
Temporarily Restricted: $841,156.19
2 * Deceased
Michael and Amanda Wiegand Elliott and Cynthia Wiegand Jim and Wilma Wilson
Ambassador Level $1,000-$2,499 Bill and Sharon Ahern Dave and Phyllis Altopp Bob Archer Martha Barber Ken* and Judy Barry Don and Kathleen Bastian Randy and Vondria Bergen Michelle Beumer Hermann and Lois Boldt Melba Bone John and Jeanne Borden Maurice and Nelda Borror Amy Bradford Brett and Becky Brannon Marty Briner Douglas and Marilyn Brown Jim and Betty Buick Jay and Shay Burgess John and Myrna Cammin Del and Lois Catron Sally Charpoit Fredrick Clerie Herb and Mary Coates Dave and Peggy Colgan Ivan Corrington Howard and Laurie Costley Dave and Linda Crandall Joe and Caryl Culumber Ed and Jan Davis Sam and Rebecca Decesaro Greg and Lucia Delamarter Pepper and Debby Dill Victor Dillman Denis and Sheri Doe
Denny and Martha Donnell Brian and Laura Dossett Mike and Dee England Dave and Ann Fairbanks Doug and Tara Faulkner Tim Finley Duane and Linda Flowers Esther Fox Tom and Dana Funderburk Scott Giffen and Yvi Martin Galen and Rena Goode Robert Greer Mark and Maggie Gunggoll John and Marsha Hammond Kenny and Linda Hampton William Hart and Donna Oestreich-Hart Melvin and Florence Harrison Marvin and Joyce Hasenmyer Jack and Dolores Haskins LaVerne Hastings Richard and Ruth Anne Hehman Ray and Susanne Heisey Mark and Beverly Hempen Herb and Jean Hendricks Larry and Barb Hewitt Marlene Hill Samuel and Joyce Hofer Marvin and Christian Hoffman Margene Holak Helen Hopkins Stan Hughey Kelly and Lucille Ireland Dan and Jan Jensen Craig and Heidi Johnson Derrold and Jeanne Jones Don and LaVon Jordahl Bob and Judy Joseph Don and Robbie Joy Larry* and Marilyn Juhlin
Milo and Helen Kaufmann Joyce Keillor Ralph and Nellie Kester Randall and Ruth Kinnersley Jay and Martha Kiser Will and Conie Krause Kent and Sandy Krober Lars and Mary Lofgren Kevin and Kathleen Mannoia Dale and Carolyn Martin Pat Mathewson Raymond Mayhew James and Jane McClelland Scott and Karen McFarlane Mark and Vickie McFerran
Norman and Eva Miller Bill and Bev Minton Scott and Jill Mohnkern Jesse and Linda Moore Kevin and Laura Moore Glen and Sheryl Moore Paul and Jeannine Morgan Bonnie Mulholland Royal and Sarah Mulholland Roy and Dawn Mulholland Mary Gayle Nevinger Jo Ann Noble Stanley and Ellen Parmerter Brian and Heather Patton Whitey and Linda Patton
Hershal and Elaine Paul Eldon and Joyce Pennington Chris and Susan Peters Galen and Ella Peters Ken and Erna Peterson Wes and Darlyne Phillips Gary and Laura Pierson Keith and Donna Probst Jim and Marilyn Reinhard Dave and Brenda Rice Ron and Marilyn Richards Jonathan and Barbara Rohrs Frank and Florence Rose Mark and Donna Rose Steve and Veronica Ross
y favorite questions to ask members of the Greenville College community are, “What’s
LaVerne and Barbara Ruhberg Peter Samuelson Everett and Jane Sanders Bill and Judy Schneck Dave and Jane Seyler Phil and Sue Siefken David and Hope Smith Bob ‘Ish’ and Joanna Smith Bill and Evelyn Smout Louise Snyder Jim and Joyce Staff Harold and Dorothy Stahly Louverne Stephens Charles and Javene Stephens Ed Stocking and Li-ing Chang
Phil and Carolyn Streetman Pamela Young-Taylor Dave and Marilyn Teiwes Frank and Marilyn Thompson Scott and Cheryl Tidball Todd and Sue Tidball Timothy and Carolyn Tierney Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Daniel and Rebecca Traeger Ken and Sally Trager Marilyn Traylor Ron and Kathy Turpin Dola Vaught Jim and Sandy Vivian Rich Walker
Fred and Annette Whims Bud and Mary White Glenn and Ruth* White Craig and Sue Wrisberg Jay and Mary Young Betty Young Marvin and Adrienne Zahniser Gene Zhu and Belinda Bai Bud and Jill Zimmer
abroad are just a few of the highlights of this chapter. Increasing with each of these experiences is a deeper sense of empowerment. Initially, I am being
your story; how did you end up here?”
prepared to “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5). Patiently,
Many are eager to share, and whether or
I am being instructed to “apply my heart to knowledge” (Proverbs 23:12).
not GC was their initial plan, the hand of God, as the Author of Life,
Tangibly, I am being equipped to “do good works, which God prepared
is evident. It is amazing how God calls and brings specific people
in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). Spiritually, I am being filled to
to this place for a greater purpose -- His. Acknowledging this has
“overflow thanksgiving to the glory of God” (2 Corinthians 4:15). Ultimately,
written here. The seasons I have spent at Greenville have been transformative as I have learned and grown holistically. God given opportunities to be mentored, lead a discipleship group, speak at Vespers and share a video about a semester
I am being inspired by His “spirit of power and love” to live a life of eternal significance (2 Timothy 1:7). Empowerment is more than a noun; it’s an action verb of an expectant heart for the chapters that have yet to be written.
Beky Smith Class of ’12
Digital Media and Cross Cultural Studies Double Major, Sociology Minor
opened my eyes to see the chapter of my own life that is being
Class Giving Class of 1931 Total $ Given: $25.00 Class Participation: 33.3% Vendla (Sides) Walton Class of 1935 Total $ Given: $4,250 Class Participation: 28.57% Dana (Shoemake) Humphry Lawrence Schoenhals* Class of 1936 Total $ Given: $425 Class Participation: 42.86% Florine (Kersey) Dawdy Edith (Crum) Goldsborough Harold Munn
Class of 1937 Total $ Given: $2,692.60 Class Participation: 46.15% Stan Hughey Ann (Wafer) Hunter Raymond Mayhew C.A. Schultz
Class of 1941 Total $ Given: $11,550 Class Participation: 36.84% Grant Black Donald Danielson Demova (Young) Keffer Stanley Parmerter Neil Pfouts Troy Sanders Martha (McGee) Todd
Chuck Smout Lois (Miller) Smout Class of 1938 Total $ Given: $120 Class Participation: 13.33% Betty Ellen Cox Harold Dufloth Class of 1939 Total $ Given: $11,029.68 Class Participation: 25% Anonymous Harold Engle Class of 1940 Total $ Given: $5,350 Class Participation: 40% Wilma (Sharp) Baumberger Frances (King) Black Louise (Barber) George Glenn Kinney Lowell Kline Mary (Olmstead) Rose
Percent of Participation
Class of 1942 Total $ Given: $1,595 Class Participation: 58.33% Evelyn (Dickerson) Conant Wayne Cowger Hugh Miner Leona (Stillman) Rennells Eldon Sayre Burleigh Willard Class of 1943 Total $ Given: $2,035 Class Participation: 50% Carne Cunningham
Total $ Given
1952 68.75%
1965 $175,342.50
1942 58.33%
1976 $139,608.00
1951 56.92%
1960 $65,546.36
1950 54.67%
1974 $57,611.16
1954 52.38%
1954 $54,127.00
1949 52.24%
1959 $51,287.52
1945 51.72%
1985 $41,330.00
1955 50.72%
1952 $37,885.00
1943 50.00%
1969 $36,583.90
1953 48.33%
1962 $35,054.00
Margery (Tipps) Cunningham Lester Finger Bruce Kline Bertha (Martin) Kroening Ellen (Barton) Parmerter Gladys (Dickson) White Class of 1944 Total $ Given: $720 Class Participation: 31.25% Milt Andrews Grace (Wright) Bennett Frances Dixon Grace (Heath) Hollin Kay (Harden) Kline Class of 1945 Total $ Given: $3,760 Class Participation: 51.72% Ruth (Long) Andrews Anna (Tracy) Brevard Doris (McCamey) Brown Ruth (Williams) Finger Vi (Morgan) Henderson Doris (Watkins) Mathews Beth McDonald Howard Myer Samuel Phoebus Melvin Schaper Austin Smith Mary (Short) Spencer Dola (Sanders) Vaught Hugh Wayman Ruth Evelyn (Snyder) White* Class of 1946 Total $ Given: $3,095 Class Participation: 37.04% Orpha (Sanders) Barnes Eleanor (Hoss) Blackmer Eugene Cowsert Esther (Smith) Folts Winifred Hessler
Samuel Hofer Martha (Mills) Kiser Harold Snyder Margaret (Bebermeyer) Vahle Elizabeth White Class of 1947 Total $ Given: $9,535 Class Participation: 44.68% Bob Archer Harry Bonney Anna (Bortel) Church Jackie (Hendricks) Clement Ida (Maxwell) Cowsert Arnold Decker Melvin Harrison Florence (Montana) Harrison Marvin Hoffman Elaine (Zimmerman) Jekel Wilma Kasten Pat (Hendrix) Mathewson Grace (Finke) Poland Roberta Rittenhouse Joanna (King) Sharp John Shigekawa Louise (Vore) Snyder Oliver Stowe Mary Ann (Brown) Truebe Joan (Hendrix) Whitlock Ruby (Hastriter) Wytcherley Class of 1948 Total $ Given: $13,460 Class Participation: 44.78% Jimmie (Hendricks) Andrews Paul Anibal Anonymous Leon Arksey Robert Clement Lloyd Donnell Bruce Easterling Esther Fox Alvena Franzen
4 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Beulah (Hickey) Helsel Dode (Harford) Hughey Lois (McFadden) James Marietta (Foster) Kaiser Irene Lukens Norman Mathews Allan McAllaster Evelyn (Smith) McAllaster Leonora (Losch) Merry Marshall Mollet Evelyn (Marston) Mottweiler Billy Plummer Nadine (Jirrels) Roller Pat (Griffin) Rushbrook Doris (Reynolds) Schrock Bonnie (Barber) Tidball Marilyn (Green) Traylor William Whitlock Dorothy (McEwen) Whittingham Helen (Colborne) Wickman Lucille (Eggleston) Woodward* Class of 1949 Total $ Given: $13,350 Class Participation: 52.24% Florence (Eisenmann) Anderson Anonymous Ruth (Finke) Boone Herman Bowman Jeanne (Clark) Brown Lloyd Brown Marjorie (Boys) Brown Della (Vanderlinden) Bube Lloyd Bumpus Cal Burge Ralph Crowell Ileen (Hawkins) Decker Dick Fattic Muriel (Secord Johnson) Fattic Esther (Savage) Goodenough Maurice Heath
Phyllis (Smith) Houston Betty Lou (Smith) Ivers Elizabeth (Horton) Jones Weyburn Johnson Don Joy Ken Kaufmann Carmen (Tomb) Kline Dell Lucas Vi (Ormston) McAdam Norma (Randlett) Mullins Ardis (Updyke) Nerby Leonard Phipps Gilbert Roller
Frank Rose Dorothy (Shadday) Stahly Harold Stahly Watson Tidball Larry Tomb Wilbur VanderLinden Class of 1950 Total $ Given: $13,465 Class Participation: 54.67% Angela (Marino) Amorosi Hermann Boldt Wayne Bovee
Art Browning Juanita (Mooney) Burge Robert Canfield Wayne Cash Ken Chapman Joy (Johnson) Custer Herb Hendricks Kelly Ireland Homer Jackson Ed Jones Judy (Poland) Jones Daniel Junod Violet (Zimmerman) Knight
June (Martin) Llewellyn Lynn Malan Glenn McAdam Betty (Cassabaum) Miles Eva (Ziegler) Miller Norman Miller Elizabeth (Hubbell) Mollett Bill Mullins Ella (Bronson) Munn Esther (Keys) Neunaber Gene Rinkel Margaret (Causey) Rinkel Everett Sanders
Jane (Moorhouse) Sanders Doris (Long) Scofield Ellen (Vore) Snyder Lois (Smith) Snyder Warren Thomas Delores (Nuby) Ulmer Forrest Van Valin Rosemary (Thomas) Wagner Dale Whitlock Don Wise Mary (Kendle) Wood Betty Young
Class of 1951 Total $ Given: $12,490 Class Participation: 56.92% Lola (Wellman) Baker Sharon (Reinhard) Black Bill Boyer Frances (Starr) Busch Wayne Clark Bob Coleman Hope (Hopkins) Coleman Louis Crouch Ruth (Brandt) Farnsworth Marian (Brandt) Ferguson
lmost twenty years ago the Lord
I can most effectively join Him in the work He is already
I believe greatness is “caught” just as much as it is
called me into the specific ministry of
doing. Little lasting change happens without prayer.
taught. I therefore regularly invite Christian leaders
empowering people to discover the “greatness” that God has put in them.
I came to Greenville in large part because the College shares this mission. Empowering students for lives of character and service involves a variety of tasks, the first of
Of course, prayer is not all that we do – even at a Christian college! I seek to empower students for lives of character and service through offering challenging courses. I incorporate real world work into my classes as much as possible. Students have to prepare
and managers to explain how they integrate faith and work in their own lives. These managers become role models and often mentors for my students. Ultimately, I want my students to know that real empowerment happens when they seek the Lord with all of their hearts. This is their primary call. When they
consultancy reports, work on case
are doing this, the impact they can make in business,
for my students. I select one of my classes and
studies, interview managers, keep
accounting, marketing, music business and so forth is
invite students to write out their monthly prayer
up-to-date with business news in
multiplied. I work with them on their resumes, discuss
requests and I pray through these requests. In
the Wall Street Journal and prepare
their career options with them, pray for them, and then
for mock interviews with real
push them out into the real world to make a difference.
doing so, I am looking to see where God is at work in my students’ lives and determine how
Dr. Ivan Filby Management Department Chair, Faculty Assembly Moderator, and Professor of Management
which is prayer. Each semester I pray regularly
Dorothy (Fisher) Gardner Donovan Green Ralph Hammer Jack Haskins LaVerne (Cooper) Hastings Jean (Snyder) Hendricks Robert Hollis Robert Hull Keith Ivers Carl Jackson Donald Knodle Alister McAlister* Janice (Green) McCormick Faith (Baldwin) McInturff Dexter Miller Ruth (Hawersaat) Miller Jesse Moore Ruth (Kraak) Robart Elaine (Kasten) Sanford Morris Sherk Leone (Tjepkema) Taylor Luella (Connor) Thomas Marjorie (Crask) Trenbeath Robert Trenbeath Arthur Urfer Janice (Greeman) Van Valin Gerald Wingert Class of 1952 Total $ Given: $37,885 Class Participation: 68.75% Sylvia (McDonough) Banks Wilson Banks Anne (Davis) Billings Lois (Hedrick) Boldt Margaret (Cromwell) Bovee Eula May (Metz) Carr Mary (Morgan) Chapman Norma (Bartlow) Chute* Rosalie (Creager) Clark Mary (Britt) Coates Lloyd Cooke Carolyn (Davis) Crider Norma Davis Bill Erickson Julia (Erdel) Farley Raymond Flory Bernice (Lundy) Fossell Jane (Imhoff) Freeman Johnnie Frye
Caroline (Zeller) Garnett Kenneth Garnett Don Goldsmith Eldon Graff Elma (Vanderlinden) Green Catherine Hasenmyer Marvin Hasenmyer Louise Hauth Ruby (Erickson) Henry Felix Hollin Don Jones Robbie (Bowles) Joy David Miller Bev (Barcroft) Minton Bill Minton Al Moore David Myatt Marie (Clouse) Owen Ethelyn (Davenport) Rasmussen Dorothy Reese Ernie Ross Phyllis (Gingrich) Ross William Shank Bob Smith Donald Spicer Billye (Brooks) Staff Jim Staff William Staff Florence Taylor Albert Thomas Clancy Thompson Doris (Towns) Thompson Stan Walters Dale Willard Melvin Williams Lucille (Lady) Wingert Class of 1953 Total $ Given: $25,967 Class Participation: 48.33% Don Bastian Avis (Malan) Bergen Del Bergen Maurice Borror Phyllis (Howell) Cowling Donald Crider Walter Cruzan* Allene DeWeese John Grob
Edward Harrow Myron Henry Stanley Johnson Gene Kamp Walter Kendall Geneva (Kleinik) Mohrbacher Dale Noble Gloria (Liechty) Penwell Mary (Taylor) Previte Don Riggs Earl Schamehorn Julie (Larson) Schamehorn Ken Smith Javene (Smith) Stephens Rich Stephens Iona (Whitman) Strickland Mary Ellen (Swisher) Van Dan Elzen Frank VanValin Leon Winslow Ruth Zimmerman Class of 1954 Total $ Given: $54,127 Class Participation: 52.38% Doane Bonney Ruth (Schantz) Bonney Rollie Brumitt Betty (King) Buick Jim Buick Burt Cox Ruth (Ferguson) Ellington Loraine (Stimer) Engelberth Sam Fillmore Don Gardner Edwina (Tucker) Goldsmith Pauline (Taylor) Graff Norma (Woker) Heal* Ray Heisey Fred Holland Esther (Knapp) Jones Miriam (Banks) Kamp Cordon Kerns Ruth (Taylor) Kerns Lois (Edwards) Lane Ray Leitner Nada Lighthart Phyllis Matheny Roger McDonald Emily (Chalker) Moore
David Pease Patricia (Overturf) Pease Posey (Flowers) Pyke Mary (Richey) Rardin Marie (Zeller) Reeves Jim Reinhard Merlin Roth Lyle Scandrett Mary (McCarty) Slater Dottie (Connor) Smith Charles Stephens Gordon Stone John Taylor Harry Ulmer Harold VanValin Ethelyn (Hunsaker) Williams Ellen (Hart) Winslow Charlotte (Nissly) Young Chuck Young Class of 1955 Total $ Given: $13,864.25 Class Participation: 50.72% Gerald Bates Marlene (Parsons) Bates Lawrence Becker Lois (Beardslee) Blackburn Barb (Parr) Burton Herb Coates Neil Cowen Ed Davis Betty Ann (Cottrill) Dickerson Dave Dickerson Paul Ellington Virgil Ewing Cal Faulkner Anice (Joy) Faulkner Barbara (Fry) Fisher Willard Frost Carolyn (Page) Glair Beatrice (Wright) Grant Ruth (Mulholland) Harrow Joyce (Graff) Hasenmyer Susanne (VanValin) Heisey Grace (Herr) Holland Donna (Hastriter) Hull Lucille (Pryor) Ireland LaVon (Krober) Jordahl Annabelle (Reese) Loe Covert Lounsbury
Robert McCloud Lin (Moorhouse) Moore Richard Price Audrey (Halford) Probst Charlie Sandbach Jan (Koch) Sandbach Jack Trager Wayne Woodard Class of 1956 Total $ Given: $19,870.50 Class Participation: 44.57% Anonymous Lyle Babcock Gerald Bales Reed Beard Lee Billings Ruth (Russell) Buhl A.J. Channel Jim Chapman Dick Congdon Clarice (Vore) Dodge Shirley (Hall) Ellis Anita (Liechty) Ficklin Charles Fisher Lorraine (Erstad) Haupers Ralph Haupers Kathleen (Quastad) House Helen (Olson) Kaufmann Milo Kaufmann Ralph Kelley Kug Kugler Dora (Keen) Mitchell Orval Mitchell Ken Mudge Jo Ann Noble Joe Noble Martha (Thomas) Riley Jeanne (Elliott) Robertson Leland Sayers Paul Schaper Nora (Koppen) Schulze Gene Shipley Barbara (Berger) Shock Joseph Smith Marj (Sandin) Smith Anne (Lantis) Struck Ronald Terry Barbara (Kees) York Adrienne (Allen) Zahniser
6 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Marvin Zahniser Bill Zeller Class of 1957 Total $ Given: $19,429.25 Class Participation: 47.06% Mary Alice (Whisenand) Adams Rose Marie (Traina) Anderson Kathy (Lybolt) Ball Arlene (Cromwell) Banks Gordon Banks Bonnie (Reed) Bollman Harriet (Wheelock) Bolodar Marty (Jacobs) Briner David Brown Ruth (Dorsey) Carey Esther (Crawford) Congdon Harry Deffley Denny Donnell Martha (Fisher) Donnell Bonnie (Wiegand) Fisher Bob Grimes Joyce (Goldsboro) Grimes Earl Habecker Elma (Pounds) Habecker Bob Hemminger Merlene Hill Norma (Altenstadter) Jenkins Ella (Brown) Johanson Don Jones Don Jordahl Tom Kegin Dottie (Simpson) Lindsey Jeannine (Boley) Miller Caroline (Attebery) Morrison Duane Norden Lois (Riley) Norden Shirley (Stanifer) Nordgren Lois (Pilcher) Patton John Pawelski Ruth (Herr) Pawelski Lois (Kreider) Peterman Grafton Pressley Jerry Rardin Jim Rhodes Marilyn (Cummings) Rhodes Paul Riley Ron Robart Richard Ruth
Burl Shinkle “Ish” Smith Ruth (Surbrook) Smith Marilynn (Ayers) Taylor Shirley (Towne) Zeller
Eleanor (McPherson) Eisenmann John Ellis Dave Fisher Bob Gaffner Betty (Krantz) Garrett James Gieseke Don Habecker Colleen (Sill) Haggerty Sheila (Walton) Harrison Claudine Herrington Dee (Sandell) Hoover Rodney Jones Donna (Dickerson) Koch Carol Norrenberns Lloyd Nothnagel Harold Payne Darlyne (Stamey) Phillips Wes Phillips LaMoine Reeves Luanne (Landis) Shaeffer Melvin Wilcox
Class of 1958 Total $ Given: $18,084 Class Participation: 36.96% Harriet Amundson Anonymous Lula (Lambright) Bales Edward Barnes Virginia (Miller) Beard Mary Lou (Caldwell) Brake Young Chung Kay Cole Jack Crandell Ed Davenport Jan (Soybe) Davis Barb (Mulholland) Dunn Tom Dunn
Marilyn (Rasche) Juhlin Sharon (Cronkhite) Kale Janet (Wilkinson) Komar Evie (Wood) Koteskey Harold Krummel Marilyn Mills Marjorie (Applegate) Mowry-Rice Polly (Payne) Nothnagel Betty (Vanderlinden) Olson Marion (Smith) Robart Morgan Robertson LaVerne Ruhberg Mildred Sawyer Virginia (Falk) Schantz Doris (Kahlstorf) Short Joanna (Riggs) Smith Joanne (Zeller) Smith Frances (Allshouse) Ulmer* Audrey (Andrews) Walter Diana (Watson) Walter Annette (Krantz) Whims
Fred Whims Mary (Cammin) White Class of 1960 Total $ Given: $65,546.36 Class Participation: 41.35% David Barnes Richard Boileau Justine (Sims) Brewer Charles Carey Jan (Mitchell) Carey Nancy Compton Darlene (Nelson) Demetrick Skip Dippel Jolene (Ochsner) Ellis Ray Ellis Charlie Faulkner Faye (Kelley) Faulkner Freda (Wilder) Finlay Charles Finley Marilyn (Martin) Forbes Lloyd Ganton
Linda (Harnetiaux) Grissom Dotty Hall Patty Hall Myrtle (White) Hamblen Peggy (Graham) Hamilton Dorothy (Robbins) Hartley Donald Hedrick Ken Hood Lois Jostes Edna (Zirk) King Betty Messer Earl Miller Marv Moran Betty (Delamarter) Morgan Tom Morgan Bonnie (Myers) Mulholland Ronald Pollinger Robert Pulcher Virgil Reeve Faye (Allen) Riley Paul Robart Don Rogier
ou are kidding me … really? You want
Stephens, McAllister and Whiteman surfaced. We told
us to contact the fabulous class of 1960
stories in exaggerated ways, shared heartaches and
and invite them back to our alma mater
joys created by life’s experiences, and of course flashed
for our 50 class reunion?” These may
pictures all over the place.
not have been the exact words we used when the College called and asked us to organize our 50th class reunion, but they are close. Betty and I have been associated with Greenville College for more than fifty years. It was at Greenville College where we formed life-long friends … we learned how to think critically and to articulate our faith in meaningful ways. Most importantly, Betty and I met here and just recently celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. When the class of 1960 convened, names likes Strahl,
Class of ’60
What is the significance of all this for us? Greenville College is all about people who took the time to influence our lives for good and for God, and challenged us to think deeply about how we could impact the world for Him. And guess what the theme of our conversations was fifty years later? People in the Greenville “family” who made a difference in our lives. To God be the Glory!
Tom and Betty Morgan Real GC People
Class of 1959 Total $ Given: $51,287.52 Class Participation: 39.25% Anonymous Dean Bacon June (Gill) Bacon Curt Bohannon Pat (Scittine) Burbridge Vera (Hollis) Byrd Ruth (Lehman) Cassel Wayne Cassel Jim Claussen Stan Ellis Newton Fink Linda (Berg) Fisher Jane (Murray) Flynn Shirley (Northrup) Goheen James Haggerty Joann Huddleston Ann (Dunaway) Huelskoetter Dorothy Humbarger Larry Juhlin*
Ruth (Sussenbach) Rupert Mary Ruth (Miller) Satterthwaite Howard Schantz John Seo Dave Seyler Janet Shaw Deloris (Roney) Sheriff Bill Smout
Class of 1961 Total $ Given: $26,908.93 Class Participation: 39.32% Sharon Alger Mert Arvidson Wanda (Walton) Arvidson Roy Bahl Joyce Ballard Avis (Young) Barnes
Barb (Mitchell) Snodgrass Howard Wallace Beatrice (Spar) Whitehead William Whitworth Elliott Wiegand Phillip Wise Donald Zelhart
Generated by all activities of Greenville College during the 2009-10 fiscal year. TOTAL: $25,833,012
TOTAL REVENUE Tuition and Fees Gifts and Grants Auxillary Enterprises Investment Income All Other Sources
0 00
0 $3
0 5,0 $2
0 ,00 0,0
Incurred by all activities of Greenville College during the 2009-10 fiscal year. TOTAL: $22,384,078
TOTAL EXPENSES Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Development Auxillary Enterprises
0 ,00 00 5,0
0 ,00 00 5,0
00 0,0 ,00
Total Revenue $0
Total Revenue
Joan (Hopkins) Bell Bill Bockwitz Sandra (Maxwell) Boileau Kathy (Gillaspie) Brouard Max Bunting John Burd Pat (Ayers) Burd John Cammin Charles Claussen Ted Comden Dave Crandall Linda (Mountz) Crandall Barbara (Lehr) Deffley Carollyn (Reid) Ellis Carolyn Farr Carolyn (Linam) Gray Bill Griffin Claude Griffith Naoma (Reid) Halsey John Hartley Judy (Dorris) Jackson Bob Joseph Louis King Gayle (Hershberger) Lake Herb McLachlan Dottie (Wolcott) Morgan Royal Mulholland Neil Park Maxine (Steward) Patterson Rose Roggow Paul Schantz Janice (Bryant) Schantz Don Sheriff Harold Short Myra (Selig) Skipwith Clarence Taylor Ray Ulmer Robert Walker Cynthia (Gillard) Wiegand Gene Wright Class of 1962 Total $ Given: $35,054 Class Participation: 29.60% Ben Arnold Daniel Berry Neoma (Campbell) Berry Bob Blume Karen (Boileau) Bockwitz Helen (Geries) Bohannon
Pat (Hunter) Bond Stanley Busch Peggy (Lewis) Colgan Joanna (Anderson) Comden Earnest Cummings Dave Dawdy Elizabeth (Stoltz) Finley Ernie Fisher Ronald Fletcher Linda (Boldt) Gehrig Ruth (Schoen) Govaia Edie (Sussenbach) Harris Ray Hickey Darold Hill Dewey Huston Steve Kimery LeOra (Samuelson) Mudge Elaine (Hutson) Paul Harold Pourchot Rich Schien Martha Schultz Hugh Siefken Marie (Gieseke) Siefken Pat (Goodall) Staff Cathy Stonehouse Pat (Gorton) Strickland Esther (Wilson) Walker Ruth (Postlewait) Walter Margaret (Comden) Watson Esther (Heilman) Wease Bud White Class of 1963 Total $ Given: $25,117 Class Participation: 32.64% Marilyn (Seifried) Bahl Barb (Wilson) Benson Dale Benson Kathi (Castle) Beyers Jim Bimes Cathi (Burge) Blankenship Betty (Fretty) Blue Sharon (Burd) Bowes Ruth (Davis) Carey Helen (Smith) Carlson Colleen (Sides) Claussen Fredrick Clerie Darlene (Collier) Cook Mary Lou (Crandall) Cromwell
8 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Lois (Olson) Crum Jay Dargan Margaret (Smith) Dargan Jan (Finke) Dawdy Lael Dixon Nelda Dotray David Doty Manfred Driesner Verlyn Eisenhauer Dan Farnsworth Fred Ficklin Suzanne (Tilley) Fink Cynthia (Hedeman) Ford Yoshio Gotoh Marlyce (Elam) Hanna George Hess Bill Ingwersen Mary Jett Joan (Young) Kreider Alfred Krober Juanita (Brittain) Lutz Walter Mack Ken Mansfield Dale Martin Janet (Streetman) Paul Thomas Riley Donna (Barr) Spracklen Connie Jo Sprunger-Smith Roger Umland Carol (Fisher) Vinton Dan Vinton Ken Williamson Paul Wilson Class of 1964 Total $ Given: $19,201 Class Participation: 28.38% Jerry Alexander Tom Bisset Ed Carey Dave Colgan Shelby (Sanderson) Combs Glen Cullom Sharon (Lower) Dennis Estelle (Yates) Dietzman Leslie Dietzman Les Grammer Bob Gruen Chuck Hawkins Sherrie (Smith) Holifield
Elsie (Humbarger) Humfleet Doris Juhlin Barbara (Creech) Klaus Clark Main Carolyn (Boyd) Martin Violet (Lee) McAboy Foy Meyer Judy (Mitchell) Meyer Margaret (Berger) Morse Sherry (Armstrong) Neeley Virginia (Martin) Niemi Mary Lou (Tiona) Portell Pam (Ireland) Portell Eric Reelitz Fran Robertson Lynette Sandors Ruth Anne Scott Leslie Sellers Beth (Gallup) Smith Jerry Smith Lynette Smith Perry Souzis Mel Starr Jim Stever Norma (Vought) Sussenbach Naomi Vought Tom Walker Robert Weeks Cedric Wing
Class of 1966 Total $ Given: $9,485 Class Participation: 18.57% James Abbott Dave Altopp Anonymous Judith (Oestreich) Barry Ken Barry* Fluffy (Brooks) Baum Jay Benson Dona Lee (Anderson) Breitbarth Margery (Walters) Browning Bob Clark Shirley (Senn) Davis Lowell Denbo Linda (Fuller) Diesen Marilyn (Swanson) Harshbarger Beverly (Osburn) Hempen June (Miller) Hesson Dorothea Hines Betty (Hood) Jones Cheralyn (Gallup) Kendel Jim Mayse Andrew McCallum Charlene (Swift) McCallum Dave Rice Violet (Kindel) Rohrer
hat is it about
Despite seeing this transformation, I still find
Greenville College
myself asking ‘why Greenville, why now?’ and,
that empowers her
‘what is it about these stories that are causing this
students to live
change within me?’ I think this change is at the
transformed lives? Is it the black and orange GC
intersection of academic and spiritual pursuits,
mug that the coffee I’m brewing is about to go
the professor’s servant attitudes and the students’
into, or is it the dear friend that gave the mug to
willingness to learn, and ultimately God’s work to
me? Is it the fact that I can do vector calculus, or
bring them together. Greenville College is a place
the professor that spent the extra time answering
where God touches this intersection and inspires
my questions after class that is transforming me
new passion in our pursuit of Christ; this is what
into a man of character?
is transforming my life to change the world.
As I reflect on my time at Greenville College,
What is it about your life
story after story like the previous two run through
that will empower the
my mind; stories of God crossing my path with
people around you to
other, wiser Christians that were willing to answer
live transformed lives?
Christ’s call to lose their life, in hopes that I may
Will you let God meet you
be drawn closer to God. I find that it is within
at the intersection of
these stories that I see God’s hand shaping and
your life and those
transforming my perspective. It is within these
around you, as
stories that I have come to believe that attending
those around
Greenville College is transforming my life for
me have?
character and service.
Brian Stratton 3/2 pre-engineering program with a minor in music
Class of 1965 Total $ Given: $175,342.50 Class Participation: 27.08% Phyllis (Miller) Altopp Anne (Townsend) Armstrong Cindy (Letson) Barnes Verna Bassett Karen (Zahniser) Bettacchi Geneva (Smith) Blankenship Jeanne (Fischer) Borden Charlotte (Bartman) Brewer Evon (Tinsley) Buckta Jan (Baker) Camp Lynn Carlson Louise Carlton John Conway Merle Cromwell Elaine (Post) Curtis John Dawdy Sharon (Mayhew) Dawdy
Duane Flowers Bill Freeman Marilyn (Smith) Freeman Connie (Farrah) Habecker Duane Haines Lyle Lang Martha (Bailey) Martin Paul Morgan Susan (Hopkins) O’Dell Linda (Keele) Peters Ron Peters Don Richardson Raymond Roth Dwight Samuelson Richard Scott Colleen (King) Sellers Dennis Shaw Carolyn (Shields) Streetman Phil Streetman Rose (Davis) Thompson Brenda (Pierce) Wiegel Don Wolf
Class of ’11 9
Ward Sussenbach Ken Wiegel Class of 1967 Total $ Given: $12,819 Class Participation: 23.39% Doug Ambuehl Anonymous Max Aten James Ballou Howard Barnes Karen (Barbee) Barr Charlie Baum John Borden Stan Breuchaud Alan Buckta Carolyn (Mangels) Campbell Pat (Oliphant) Campbell Carolyn (Reneau) Christin Marilyn (Heath) Cisler Joe Culumber Steve George Bill Jenkins Verla (Orr) Mayse Celia (Willard) Milslagle Daniel Reelitz Milan Reimer Brenda (Foster) Rice Suzanne (Bidwell) Rosentrater Edward Shaffer Mary Sidwell Judy (Ostberg) Strange Stephen Strange James Wickersham Craig Wrisberg Class of 1968 Total $ Given: $31,024.23 Class Participation: 24.31% Anonymous David Brede Bob Burtch Sue (Carlton) Charon Susan (Bourne) Chism Caryl (Wade) Culumber Beth (Fields) Deck Bill Donnell Shirley (Dargan) Donnell Dave Fairbanks Jerry Ford
Karen Gines Dwight Gregory Jane Hopkins Kathy (Hannah) Howard Doug Hunter Loretta (Jones) Jenkins Bob Johnson Carol (Neece) Johnson Bernadette (Scott) Jones Beth (Simcoe) Kilgore Bruce Kline Bernie Lienau Linda (Johnson) McCutcheon Ken McIrvin Don Meissner Arlene (Burgess) Miskelly Gary Ogden Jerry Painter Ardyce (Dixon) Parks Arnold Parks Ken Peterson Jan (Burriss) Reelitz Dorene (Ebel) Reimer Norma (Reeves) Rempe Barbara (Mason) Rohrs Beckie (Bruce) Smith Dave Teiwes Rich Walker Beth (Gray) White Donna (Young) Wickersham Dennis Wilson Joyce (Baker) Wilson Mick Wilson Class of 1969 Total $ Given: $36,583.90 Class Participation: 27.59% George Adam Sharon (Wade) Baker Marvin Barthauer Mary (Hostetler) Barthauer Louise (DeBoer) Bourg Allan Buckingham David Burkey Marcy (Hall) Burtch Paul Caliendo Frank Campbell Donna (Werkheiser) Cannedy Lois Catron Jack Chism
Dale Colwell Paul Condon Anita Culp Dennis Daniel Lynda (Harris) Daniel Tom Dawdy Carolyn (Wilcox) Dickson Bill Dillman Sharon Dyer Van Eldridge David Figg Mickey Finn Galen Goode Rena (Presnell) Goode Nina Kay (Oberlink) Gregory Martha (Rosentrater) Kellner Paul Killinger Ann Leach David Martin John Martin Jane McIrvin Karen (Sarr) Mensing Sharon (White) Moyer Sue (Greenwalt) Neal Donna (Burden) Oestreich-Hart Jim Overton Judy (Griffith) Schneck Chuck Shelhamer Dave Truelsen Stan Tucker Sheri (Hudson) Wall Rosemary (Hager) Weis Keith Wetzel Cheryl (McKay) Wright David Wright Class of 1970 Total $ Given: $15,065 Class Participation: 26.80% Sharon (Geisler) Blankenship Norma Borgmann Sherie (Earl) Buckingham David Chi Ivan Corrington Beverly (Kratzer) Findley Larry Findley Debby (Horton) Fink-Sailsbery John Hubbell Scot Krause
John Lefler Jerry Malone Dave Marcy Linda (Sayre) Marcy Ginger (Williamson) Marquart Ruth (Wilkinson) McCrary Jeannette (Wayman) Meitz Jeannine (Riggs) Morgan David Penwell Jonathan Rohrs Donita (Gregory) Roulsten Mike Sailsbery Bill Schneck John Seifert Helen (Zimmer) Shelhamer Preston Smith Janice Soldner Jean Speiser Mary Alice (Poland) Stilwell Marilyn (Rudolph) Thompson Dee (Oakes) Tidball Pat (Primuth) Truelsen Ellen Vogel Robert Welch Robyn (Penner) Welch Dennis Whitaker Kay (Beyers) Whitaker Bill Wickline Roy Yarbrough Mary (Kersch) Young Joy (Hamilton) Ziemann Class of 1971 Total $ Given: $27,166.45 Class Participation: 24.34% Anonymous Mabel (Dierkes) Arrowsmith Steve Birky Barbara (Dart) Bluebaum Ronald Blunt Marva (Walton) Coulter Merlin Coulter Betty Kay (Johnson) Dawdy Jean (Siebert) Dillman Betty (Lister) Ebrecht Karen (Schmidt) Eldridge Linda (Mollett) Flowers Judith (Anderson) Fogleman Barb (Childs) Hewitt Larry Hewitt
Cary Holman Doug Howard William Jacobs Derrold Jones Steve Jones Shirley (Wolcott) Killinger Lavonne Larson David Lee Dave Marquart Kathryn (Smith) Martin Jane (Pengelly) McClelland Steven Ogle Roger Reeves Janene (Inman) Seppanen Seth Seppanen Dave Snare Barb (Oscarson) Tomb Dave Tomb Victor Wang Bill Weitzel Geriann (Cox) Worley Claudia (Kosick) Yarbrough Class of 1972 Total $ Given: $14,175 Class Participation: 28.33% Steve Albin Cheryl (Johnson) Andrews Phil Andry Don Bounds Donna Brown Douglas Brown Michael Bruce Jan (Marcellus) Burt Jim Burtch Dennis Cannon Carl Christiansen Cynthia (Hayes) Christiansen Rodney Christin Roger Christin Wanda (Claussen) Crosson Lois (Goodenough) Daulton James Ebrecht Bob Fairbanks Anita (Hampton) Field Terry Field Richard Flowers Dan Gold Michael Gray William Hall
10 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Johnny Hammond Joan (DeBoer) Heath Paul Heath Grace (Wachal) Hoenig Jeanne (Hoewing) Jones Randy Lovett Janice (Doubet) Mahr Ray Maxwell Sue Ann (Wooters) McBroom Bev (Jordan) McQuiggan Cathy (Monroe) Miller Jerry Moyer Diane (Hilleshiem) Ostrander Rick Powell Kathy (McDonald) Reeves Donna Saylor Connie Schmollinger Wesley Schweiger Mary Ann Sievers Susan (Kline) Smith Beth (Brewer) Smout Gene Smout Jerald Styles Roy Taylor Curt Tidball Kathleen (Hines) Tryce Bud Zimmer Class of 1973 Total $ Given: $8,365 Class Participation: 26.62% Andy Andrews Janet (Behnke) Baxter Ada (Haagen) Bruce John Chesnut Karen (Johnston) Collier Marty Collier Laura Creighton Cherith (Demaray) Davenport Paul Davenport Mark Dillon Emily (Willard) Fairbanks Cindy (Odermann) Ford Leila (Siedsma) Gray Marilyn (Todd) Grove Gary Hackney Sandy (Stichling) Harmon Tonya (Chilcote) Holman Gayle (Stein) Hooks
Susan Hughey-Rasler Rhonda (Probst) Jacobs Julie (Dock) Jones June (Skipper) Langford Jeanne (Jones) Laur David Lefler Sherry (Brannon) Loflin Mark Mathews Carl Mellott Vonda (Isbill) Mellott David Nelson Marsha (Earing) Nelson Phil Owsley David Smith Hope (Williams) Smith Nancy (Hagerman) Taylor
Jean (Doll) Thacker Cheryl (Hawkins) Wayman Denny Wayman Mike White Phyllis (Oberlink) Yenny Jay Young Cindi Zenkert-Strange Class of 1974 Total $ Given: $57,611.16 Class Participation: 16.85% Loren Aandahl Liz (Marks) Andrianoff Bob Bastian Randall Bogott Howard Costley
Rebecca (Gilmore) Crawford Rebecca (Whitlock) Decesaro Sally Dresdow Janet (Lewis) Faulkner Marsha (Headley) Glazier Maggie (Thompson) Gunggoll Jon Hall Linda (Eggleston) Hamm Linda (Whiteside) Hampton Dennis Henry Mary (Finger) Henry Mark Hicks Bruce Kaufmann Ken Keener Sharla (Mannoia) Martin Marti (Keffer) Miles
David Miller Mary Gayle (Layloff) Nevinger Jana (Tidball) Spencer David Strange Carol (Moore) Vollintine Becky (Trueblood) Weinhandl Rich Weinhandl Ellen (Delo) Westlake Jarielle (Harner) Winkleman Class of 1975 Total $ Given: $24,133 Class Participation: 17.33% Lona (Timko) Blake Rick Brown Rex Catron
Marvin Collman Paulette (Price) Collman Anne Davy Pat (Minshall) Denbo Karen (Walton) Flowers Mary (Schillinger) Fulton Mark Gunggoll Steve Hamm Brian Hogue Beth (Morris) Hutcheson Alice Kaiser Carol (Aten) Knight John Knight Priscilla (Traeger) Mathews Jim Miles Dorothy (Lane) Owsley
Alan Probst Trudy (Campbell) Salsberry Vicki (Stuber) Schurter Bernice (Busby) Slocovich Dennis Spencer Dale Stanton Mark Whitlock Class of 1976 Total $ Given: $139,608 Class Participation: 20.42% Polly (Paulson) Birky Tim Birky Janice (Price) Branch Diane (Dykstra) Burge Cindy (Monroe) Catron
uckily, no formula exists for how to empower others at Greenville
me to keep revising and rethinking my positions. New friends – across campus, in
College. Individuals encounter authentic empowerment in a variety
town, and in church – let me pull up a seat at their tables where we dined, laughed,
of ways, and none of them is scripted. When I came to GC in 2008, I possessed little sense of
how to empower myself, let alone my students. After experiencing an unexpected and devastating personal loss, I suddenly found myself alone in a new place. I felt exceedingly nervous – I was a freshman and
actions, but they all expressed to me my worth to GC and empowered me to keep working. With God’s presence framing it all, I dedicated myself to becoming the professor and community member they seemed to sense I already was. I now enter classrooms, meetings, and offices each day
as much as I was expected to provide one. However, I discovered
and remember that the transformative experiences at GC
that GC did not expect me to go it alone. Students in my novels
remain reciprocal. As I seek to support and empower my
course helped me to encounter Adam Bede and Robinson Crusoe with new eyes as we read about characters that experienced personal suffering and questioned God. Colleagues not only embraced my ideas but also challenged
students as they write essays or read novels, it’s my hope that this entire community knows how much they, in turn, empower me – to teach, to write, to recognize my struggle with grief, to understand my faith, and to keep working.
Dr. Lesley Allen
a professor in one body! Indeed, I think I needed a new education
and developed close relationships. There was no formula for any of their
Assistant Professor of English
Nancy (Britt) Childress Paul Copeland Daryl Cox Barb (Finger) Cranston Marty Daily Dan Denbo Sheri (Reinhard) Doe John Frazier Alan Gaffner John Hammond John Holak Margene (Schwartz) Holak Dave Holsted Nancy (Osborn) Kalaher Marsha (Barham) Kelly Jim Littleford Roberta (Tabler) Miller Esther Mino Scott Mohnkern Carla (Seitz) Nusbaum James Nusbaum Steve Peay Marilyn (Cassabaum) Reinhard John Roberts Mark Rose Virginia (Orcutt) Scott Laura (Cameron) Spencer Debbie (Mollett) Stephens Craig Tidball Sue (Hickenbottom) Tidball Rich Westlake Lew Whaley Karen (Nelson) Whitlock Steve Winkler Class of 1977 Total $ Given: $26,085.54 Class Participation: 27.69% Dave Arnott Dale Battleson Sally (Reynolds) Bolen Mona (Mace) Busch Tom Busch Lynn (Best) Connelly Carolyn (Ratz) Cooper Judy (Scandrett) Cox Bob Cranston Jon Engelberth Dave Ferrell
Marla (Wade) Gaffner Mary Lou (Penn) Goggin Pam (Hogue) Goodenough Tim Goodenough Wendolyn Grace Darrell Iler Jim Johnson Pat (Lobdell) Johnson Tom Johnson Victor Keefe Frank Kline Rhonda (Kugler) Kline Norma (Burge) Kramer Debbie (Darr) LaFleur Steve LaFleur Lois Michel-Perry Mary Oehlert Lois (Parsons) Reimer Blain Richard Donna (Twenhafel) Richard Rick Stephens Barry Swanson Vaun (Hodges) Swanson Esther Tompkins Jill (Bennyhoff) Zimmer Class of 1978 Total $ Given: $16,895.50 Class Participation: 20.78% Kris (Hauser) Allen Tom Allen Terry Baugus Stephen Bensing Janet (Jones) Bristol Martha (Sefton) Davis Jeffrey Edwards Carol (Rikli) Ellsworth Becky (Bruce) Greener Tim Greener Darlene (Davis) Hartley Richard Huston Martha (Rodgers) Iler Gary Kaufmann Jim Kerns Art Killian Janet (Miller) Killian Kent Krober Sandy (Wade) Krober Kay (Zimmer) Marshall Deb (Devall) Miller
Art Rilling Rebecca (Lewis) Roberts Robert Rose Kevin Schmidt Rich Schurter Kevin Seybold Brian Smith Barb (Kerns) Steele Joe Tarantino Carl Tomaschke Scott Wachtveitl Class of 1979 Total $ Given: $4,555.50 Class Participation: 17.93% Terry Barth Tom Belser Brown Mike Ellsworth Mike Gregornik Naomi (Finger) Gregornik Chris (Smith) Gunther Lester Harnetiaux Brian Hartley Kristi (Goodin) Hickey Nancy (Finger) Hoover Rick Hoover Buddy Llewellyn Toni (Macy) Mathews Shirley Matteson Janet (Cranfill) McNew Brian Mears Jane (Mollhagen) Mott Susan (Bicksler) Smith Paul Stroble Barbara (Carter) Tarantino John Traeger Myriam (Swanson) Turbyfield Mark VanValin David Whitlock Martha (Cole) Whitlock Randy Wuehler Class of 1980 Total $ Given: $12,460 Class Participation: 19.58% Anonymous David Bathe Betty (Roop) Bensing Jim Cawthon Pat Coakley
Treva (Booher) Cole Ruth (Neeley) Combs Randy Cronk Holly (Ross) Daily Danny Esposito Phil Frost Greg Groves Sue (Gerhardt) Groves Eugene Holt Chris Hook Duane Houghtaling Diane (Tabbert) Jack Penny (Butterfield) Jones Cindy Ley Denaze (Cox) Llewellyn Rod Mathews Kathy (Power) Mears Tim Paine Kathy (Delong) Rose Greg Sanders Karen (Knasel) Sanders Kathy (Craig) Scandrett Mark Scandrett Thomas Scott Kendell Stephens Dale Stewart Timothy Summers Greg Tomaschke Robin (Christin) Tomaschke Linda (Johnson) VanValin Steve VanValin
Lance Lehnen Tom Maibenco Cindy (Baker) Marsh Glen Moore Sheryl (Kaufmann) Moore Christy (Sheridan) Probst Keith Probst Doug Ranck Nancy (Perkins) Ranck Gabrielle (Demoulin) Sellers Wilbert Smith Carol (Finger) Stewart Laurie (Perkins) Thompson Lori (Weyhe) Wallington Meg (Johnson) Willadsen Carol Wilson
Class of 1981 Total $ Given: $7,548.50 Class Participation: 24.03% Cindy (Rose) Aslin Alan Bolds Cindy (Teiwes) Bolds Richard Bush Cyndi (Smith) Cawthon Sally (Bergen) Charpiot Ted Crail Mike Dunleavy Cathy Edwards Violet (Sours) Frost Merry (Carey) Garrard Sue (Langham) Hahn Mike Hopper Brenda (Fisher) Kelley Georgann Kurtz-Shaw
Class of 1982 Total $ Given: $34,210.74 Class Participation: 21.17% Irwin Bales Becky (Traeger) Bathe Kim (Ellis) Davis Lori (Wilson) Eccles Rod Eccles Valerie Gin Paula (Cowser) Hayes Kerwin Hickey Glen Hobbie Jerry Hood Laurie (Nelson) Karns Ruth (Tomaschke) Kinnersley Dale Lembke Tera (White) Mascarenas Patti (Gaffner) Maurer Michael Mick Sandra (Wiens) Mick John Minshall Sarah (Highley) Mulholland Paula (Denmark) Paine Susan Read Mark Reinhard Janis (Schlapia) Schuberth Brent Shaw Ande (Stewart) Stephens Ed Stocking Ken Trager Margie (Wallace) Traeger Evalyn (Adamson) Walton
12 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Class of 1983 Total $ Given: $32,147.24 Class Participation: 21.58% Paul Bourner David Cole Brian Dossett Lori (Nielsen) Gaffner David Goodnight Shelly (Spencer) Goodnight Judy (Gray) Grasso Deb (Wiggins) Hobbie Debbie (Kerestly) Hood Doug Juhlin Deb Keillor Brian Martie Mark Maxwell Loretta (Fouts) Midgett Kevin Moore Bill Moyers Gary Mulholland Susan (Rose) Mulholland Wendy (Ward) Powell Mark Redding Shannon Schantz Brad Shaw Amy (Lester) Smith Dave Stark Sally (Minshall) Trager Jim Vivian Sandy (Minshall) Vivian Bruce Young Judith (Johnson) Young Pamela Young-Taylor Class of 1984 Total $ Given: $26,225 Class Participation: 20.14% Sondra Anderson Randy Bergen Susan (Cheever) Boyle Carl Brannon Merita (Sorrells) Claussen Deloy Cole Laura (Donnell) Dossett Walter Fenton Karen (Strickler) Gilmore Lola (Post) Goodman Jerry Grasso Cal Ivers Karlene Johnson
f my entire GC experience could be summed up in one word, it is that of
expected, but now I can see the purpose that God had in taking
equipping. My college experience was an unexpected one as I never really
me to GC before He brought me here: it was to equip me. I can’t
planned to attend at all, much less a private school over 2,000 miles from
imagine being where I am now, trying to figure out life as an 18
home. After high school my plan was to work and serve in the motorsports
year old kid fresh out of high school. GC equipped me both
community in southern California, a desire I had since childhood. Though I poured
spiritually, emotionally and academically to face the real
myself out in pursuit of this dream nothing ever seemed to come of it. Then
world and ultimately to be better prepared for the
the unexpected opportunity to attend GC came along. That was a
bigger plan God had for my life.
difficult choice for me because while I believed I was being obedient
Life continues to unfold with new surprises
to God’s call by attending, I couldn’t help but feel as though I was
around every corner, but I’m so thankful for that short
abandoning my own goals and what I wanted to do with my life.
detour that included Greenville College. I know that I
Without a doubt, Greenville was a growing experience. The first time I laid eyes on my
am empowered to serve in the industry that God put on
dorm room, I recall telling God “Ok, it’s you and me for the next four years.”
my heart many years ago.
Two years after graduating I’m living and working smack dab in the middle of my dream world. Life is not without its challenges and this world is far from the glamorous life I
Seth Fargher Class oftitle ’08
Melissa (McAlpin) Westover Class of 1985 Total $ Given: $41,330 Class Participation: 19.74% Carolyn (Juhlin) Autenrieth Marty (Frost) Beans Rich Beans Vondria (Andrews) Bergen Eileen (Gifford) Fenton Lucretia (Brakebill) Fink Laurie (Starr) Flynn James Foxworthy Marcos Gilmore
Tracy Hall Vaughn Hanna Kevin Kaegy Vickie (Morgan) McFerran Charles McPherson Dana (Ranck) McPherson Lori (Wiggins) Place Tim Place DaOnne (Dothager) Pustelnik Lavina Reis Val (Morgan) Scott Mark Shaeffer Susan (Jones) Shaeffer Dotty (Mahon) Simmons * Deceased
Chuck Smith Rene (Osborne) Smith Sandra (Price) Thompson Sue (Howe) Tidball Todd Tidball Brad Wade Theresa Walker Class of 1986 Total $ Given: $18,708.30 Class Participation: 23.61% Peggy (Bertagnolli) Allan Maureen (O’Byrne) Bourner Kevin Christensen
Joe Claussen Susan (Page) Claussen Bethlyn (Gricewich) Cluphf Karla (Trager) Conard Rhona (Classon) Crail Doug Faulkner Tara (Clark) Faulkner Bryan Fink Dan Fisher Kris Johnson Lisa (Gaffner) Kuhl Kristi (Goers) Lange Steve Linder Mary (Freeman) Lyle
Karla (Goers) McGinnis Mark McGinnis Byron McNew Ellen (Rising) Morris Renate (Reeser) Moyers Roy Mulholland Kelli (Stephens) Page Brian Reinhard Carla (Roth) Reinhard Beth (Pratt) Richard Tom Sandifer Julie (Harms) Siebers Phil Siefken Paul Thies
Val (Connor) Keefe Vickie (Dothager) Koertge Pat Luber Dan Maurer Phyllis (Heddon) Maxwell Pam (Maurer) Minshall Lisa (Tarantino) Morgan Rick Morgan Lesa Northam Heidi (Honegger) Stackhouse Paul Stackhouse Jim Ward Kim (Shaw) Ward Mark Westover
Professional ATV Freestyle Motocross Rider
ENDOWMENT MARKET VALUE HISTORY $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Scott Tidball Ann (Donnell) Zahniser Jim Zahniser Class of 1987 Total $ Given: $2,115.98 Class Participation: 11.11% Patty (Hopkins) Claussen Dave Cluphf Norman Forbes Rick Gensch Norm Hall Becky (Knasel) Kerle Alice (House) LaFond Sandy (Somerville) Lang Sara (Davis) Maupin Linda (Wilson) McEndollar Kim (Cunliffe-Owen) Richards Jennifer Whitlock David Young Paul Younker Dave Zahniser Class of 1988 Total $ Given: $2,824 Class Participation: 10% Robyn (Jaenke) Florian Mary Helen (Brown) Gensch Michael Gouge
David Juhlin Cindy (Lewis) Linder Brian Patton Vicki (Paris) Ramirez Larry Walton Pattie (Boisseau) Walton Gloria (Wiegand) Young Class of 1989 Total $ Given: $2,080 Class Participation: 6.90% Bryan Blankenship Carol (Miller) Blankenship Karen (Smarr) Bond Jonathan Claussen Doug Fletcher Carol (Eggan) Golay Annette (Mulholland) Juhlin John Kelley Javier Morales Lori (Ferguson) Nitzsche Class of 1990 Total $ Given: $2,645 Class Participation: 11.32% Dawn Barnes-Schuster Della (Klenke) Field Galen Golay Jan (Carder) Gouge
Dan Haug Jim Lewis Alicia (Freeman) Morales Cindy (Fisher) Plett Peter Samuelson Randy Sands Tina (Martin) Watterson Brian Wyatt Class of 1991 Total $ Given: $6,661 Class Participation: 10.11% Mike Altopp Holland Anthony Sara (Peters) Bowers Donna (Mason) Carlson Bobby Delamarter Lenore (Thompson) Delamarter Christy (Brown) Ellis Elizabeth (Robinson) Green Kenny Hampton Alycia (Mason) Haug Tom Hoffmann Jennifer (Crandall) Munshaw Chris Peters Crystal Rogier-Meade Joanne (Ketten) Suess Kathy (Stewart) Turpin
Rip VanSky Eric Watterson Class of 1992 Total $ Given: $7,766 Class Participation: 14.29% Mike Bond Todd Cantrill Brent Ellis Tim Finley Craig Johnson Heidi (Herron) Johnson Lisa (Matheny) McHenry Cindy Odneal George Peters Linda (Dillow) Peters Laura (Wojakowski) Pierce Corey Plett Laura (Costley) Sluys Annette (Roberson) Welliver Daylon Welliver Michael Wiegand Henry Wynstra Class of 1993 Total $ Given: $3,715 Class Participation: 11.54% Lynn Carlson Rob Chelberg Joel Guthrie Annita (Newton) Henson Brandon Hill Scott McFarlane Erik Meade Joel Miller Bob Munshaw Jason Pierce Laura (Zahniser) Pierson Mike Swindle LT Timm Robin (Whittenbarger) Timm Vanessa Vassar Class of 1994 Total $ Given: $15,192.25 Class Participation: 19.27% Whitney (Fink) Altopp David Benson Kara (Kilgore) Benson Jon Beveridge
Kelli (Keasling) Chelberg Robert Clausen Robby Clinton Karla Dunaway-Henke Edwin Estevez Tricia (McVay) Foster Brenda (Cochran) Hoard Matt Huddleston David Kessinger James Klenke Derek Mace Rick Murphy Leslie (Buckta) Niswonger Scott Smout Kerri (Keasling) Webster Brian Wickersham Amanda (Fuqua) Wiegand
Class of 1997 Total $ Given: $6,690 Class Participation: 11.50% Becky (Hampsch) Brannon Brett Brannon Mike Coling Sharon Grimes Kristi (Stewart) Hardy Sam Hardy Jen Liss Dawn (Delamater) McCullough Franki (Eadie) Neeley Christie (Kirk) Smith Erin (Sullivan) Swank Carrie (Matthews) Walles Scott Wight
Class of 1995 Total $ Given: $2,743 Class Participation: 9.57% Dale Beachy Michelle Beumer Tom Boileau Jill (Sussenbach) Cox Christy (Marcy) Dvoret Terry French Matt Keillor Christie (Tomb) Kessinger Valerie (Melvin) Klenke Gary Pierson Stephanie Swanson
Class of 1998 Total $ Given: $305 Class Participation: 5.10% Larissa (Poulos) Arellano Nate Brown Chrissy (Curl) Matthews Johnny Matthews Dewayne Neeley
Class of 1996 Total $ Given: $5,665 Class Participation: 12.96% Amy (Swank) Beachy Kory Best Rick Carlson Karen (Veydt) French Kristen (Kubovichick) Guthrie Kevin Jackson Jennifer Jensen Cole Johnson Sonya Jones Karise (Fink) Mace Matt McCullough Christal (Valdez) Valentin Pedro Valentin Erik Walles
14 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Class of 1999 Total $ Given: $2,801.92 Class Participation: 13.91% Carrie (Wickersham) Ackerman Tom Ackerman Chad Ambuehl Lisa (Kettlekamp) Amundson Robert Bowen Sara (Moore) Brown Scott Giffen Bramwell Higgins Erin Landers John Massena Erin Miller Michael Ritter Melissa Schmidt Maggie (Iffrig) Singleton Shirley (Ono) Stackhouse Jeff Sussenbach Michelle Sussenbach
Class of 2000 Total $ Given: $1,155 Class Participation: 4.61% Julie (Pope) Carrillon James Catanzaro Lee Coakley Pancho Eppard Tami (Smith) Fagerland Lenora Fisher Sari (Vespa) Higgins Class of 2001 Total $ Given: $9,090 Class Participation: 12% Paul Donnell Aaron Dunnill Kelly (Elifrits) Dunnill Dustin Fenton Jan (Beatty) Fenton Jeff Lay Yvi Martin Mary (Rittenger) Massena
Charles Miller Carl Salz Emily (Jacob) Salz Elizabeth Streetman-Wilson Craig Vickery Janice (Mitchell) Zook Jereme Zook Class of 2002 Total $ Given: $1,591 Class Participation: 10.27% Shawn Cox Karen (Hottensen) Cress Shane Cress Amanda (Blankenship) Cunningham Ben Cunningham Amanda (Grieme) Daly Jason Fisher Luke Hohlt Sarah (Reese) Kelley Jennifer (McPeak) McMahon
Class of 2004 Total $ Given: $305 Class Participation: 6.71% Lindy (Roth) Blackwell Scott Crothers J.T. Daly Jason Fishburn Emily (Hartley) Hager Robert Hager
Liz (Hoppe) Hostetler Scott Hostetler Christy (Grimes) Moss Ginny (Sparks) Smith Matt Snyder Class of 2005 Total $ Given: $526 Class Participation: 6.02% Brianne Cook Derek Diemer Hannah (Funk) Fishburn Keith Kistler Dan Laack Nathan Milner Jared Smith Geoff Whitlock Class of 2006 Total $ Given: $135 Class Participation: 2.63% John Brittingham
Stacey (Murfin) Lux Sherrie (Knapp) Nichols Class of 2007 Total $ Given: $495 Class Participation: 4.55% Trisha Draege T.J. Gaylord Nick Kocher Becky Maher Jared Martin Annie (Rice) Mathews Derek Robinson Class of 2008 Total $ Given: $155 Class Participation: 2.20% Katelin Davis Lauren Rayner Amanda Reese David Row Kris Truitt
Class of 2009 Total $ Given: $173 Class Participation: 2.36% Kristi Ellsworth Kerry Hammer Rachel Payne Davis Redman Janie (Hayward) Schneider Class of 2010 Total $ Given: $125 Class Participation: 1.19% Matt Leefers Keith Stewart Kyle Tomey
spent a difficult freshman year at Washington University in
After meeting a few friends and taking interterm courses that exposed me to life in
St. Louis and transferred to Greenville College on academic
my chosen career, I began to feel like I could become a person who fosters change
probation shortly after that. Upon acceptance, I was
in others, just as I was changing because of those investing in me. I became active
both humbled and intimidated at the thought of a
Christian college even though I had visited a few times before. I was thankful for a second chance at school, but intimidated by the possible judgment I might receive at GC since I did not consider myself a devoted Christian. God had always been present in my life in different ways, but attending and living at a Christ-centered institution was
in a new organization on campus to promote knowledge of African-American culture and community. And this year I am serving the Student Association as the Vice President of the Intercultural Affairs Board. Something about this place makes me desire change and gives me the opportunities to empower others to change as well. I truly believe it was the second chance Greenville gave me that allowed that first spark of empowerment to enter my heart and mind. I trust the feeling I have on this campus will carry over after graduation.
going to be a new experience I was not sure I was ready for in my life.
Imari Mason Class of ’12
Elementary Education Major
Jonathan Miller Angie (Hoppe) Peterson Stacey (Stohre) Ritter Israel Valenzuela Jason Wickersham Class of 2003 Total $ Given: $815 Class Participation: 2.92% Jacob Amundson Kimberly Dahl Samantha (Gipp) Fisher Kristian Kaufmann
Graduate Class Giving GOAL GRADUATES Class of 1997 Rosa Townsend
Kendra (Engel) Galbraith Betty Gibbons Gregory Render
Class of 1998 Ron Cook Lonnie (Hayden) Piper Deane (Raterman) Richter
Class of 2000 Melissa (Palm) Cantrill Cheryl Smith
Class of 1999 Donna Coad
Class of 2001 Bunny (Eden) Lawson Harold Schuler
Michael and Kathy Andersen Bill and Peggy Anderson David Anderson David and Rhonda Anderson Elmer Anderson Kirk and Debra Anderson Peter and Hope Anderson Craig and Leigh Andreasen Steven Andrianoff Bob Andrews Edward Andrews Janet Andrews Lucille Andrews Steven Andrianoff Deborah Andry Ruth Anibal Lyndon and Judith Anthony Richard Archambault Jimmie and Laura Ard Jose’ Arellano Robert and Pauline Arends Laura Arksey Grant and Amy Armstrong Terry Armstrong Milda Arnold
Class of 2005 Nancy Wolf
Linda (Jones) Schuler Class of 2002 Jody Cramer
Class of 2009 Linda Rehklau Saundra Thomas Jill Waldis
Class of 2006 James Randle
Class of 2003 Kevin Kenow Mabel Ruppel
Class of 2007 June Valentine
Class of 2004 Amy Bradford
Class of 2008 Caroline Harder
Friends Who Gave Denise Abbott Kenneth and Carolee Abbott Craig and Celeste Ackerman L. and N. Ackerman Evelyn Adam Edie Adams Thomas and Judith Adams Alice Adcock Gloria Adderley Melissa Addison-Kistler Bill and Sharon Ahern Adam and Katherine Akeman Gerald and Barbara Akright Catherine Albin Marie Alexander Bruce and Patricia Alkire Tom Allan Andrew and Janett Allen Bob and Sylvia Allen Jamie and Tammy Allen John and Jan Allen Shirley Alston Jessica Ambuehl Nancy Ambuehl Frank Amorosi
RECOGNIZING DONORS OF $500 - $999 DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2009 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2010 MASTER’S GRADUATES Clay Ellsworth Michael Fair Brock Friese Ryan Garrett Alison (Thompson) Hall Conie Krause Kimberly Well Sharon (Irwin) Wood
John and Kimberly Arnoldi Donald Arrowsmith Sid Aslin Lloyd and Lynn Asp Aleen Aten Anne Aten Kevin and Sonja Aten Mallory Atilano David and Ann Atkins Larry Attebery Berry and Jo Ann Azdell Philip and Cathy Azdell Ruth Babcock Albert and Marilee Bacchi Luke Bailey Robert Baker Willard and Norma Baker Marsha Bales Frederic Ball Thomas and Barbara Ball William and Donna Bandy George and Lisa Barber Martha Barber John and Roberta Barkoviak Ed and Renea Barnes
Richard and Amy Barnett Amy Barnhart Ray and Joyce Barnhart Ralph Barr Robert and Bonnie Bartemus Janice Barth Amy Basic Jan Bastian Kathleen Bastian Don and Marcella Bateman Debbie Battleson Jan Baugus Craig Baumberger Robert Baxter Robert Bayley Denis and Peggy Beam Harlan Beckel Virginia Becker Kurt and Dolores Becks Don and Diana Beebe Wayne Beem William and Clarice Behrens Patricia Beighley Robert Belanger David and Jane Bell
Gerald Bell Ann Belser Brown Raymond and Laurie Benard Douglas and Karen Benner Barbara Bennett Vicky Benson Robert and Martha Bergen Dick and Virginia Berry Michael and Nina Berry David and Joey Best Earl and Lucille Best Michael and Cathern Best Tammy Best Anne Betscher Robert Bettacchi Amy Beveridge Wilfred Beyers William and Margaret Biewer Carol Bimes Dianne Birky Mary Bisset Dale Black James Blackburn Vernon Blackmer Bob Blackwell
16 Greenville College defines alumni in this section of the President’s Report as any former students – full or part-time – who have earned some credit toward one of the undergraduate degrees, certificates or diplomas offered at Greenville College.
* Deceased
Michael Blank David Blankenship George Blankenship Pat and Debbie Blankenship Shirley Blanton Frederick and Cynthia Blecha Courtney Bleisch Daniel and Annette Bleisch Charles Blomberg Charles and Zola Blomberg Edward and Emily Blomberg Ed and Judy Blue Charles Bluebaum Kathy Blume Charlotte Blunt Larry and Donna Bobe Travis and Jill Bodden Tracy and Angela Bodenbach Dennis and Norma Boeck Peter and Mary Boeing Laura Bogott Amy Boileau Darryl Bolen James and Linda Bolton Buddy Bond
Melba Bone Richard and Arlene Bonifas Thomas and Patricia Bonifas Betty Bonney Alan and Judy Booton Brad and Stephanie Booten Nelda Borror Sandra Bounds Leo Bourg Sheena Bowen Melvin and Ellen Bower Robert Bowers Doris Bowman Will and Vita Boyd Esther Boyer Joseph Boyle Donald Brady Eric Branch David and Beverly Brandt Kim Brannon Jo Ellen Branscome
David and Deba Brant Kimberlee Brede James and Kathleen Bredenkoetter Earl Breitbarth Darlene Breuchaud Donald Brewer Nathan and Kristen Brewer Ward Brining Cheryl Brinkmann Bob and Sue Brion David Bristol Oscar and Marjory Britt Roland Britt Philip and Sarah Brodd Frances Bronson Robert and Nancy Brooks Jeff and Melanie Brothers Alan Brouard Art and Sylvia Brown Clarence and Faye Brown
Deena Brown Hazel Brown Jack and Joan Brown James Brown Jeff and Karla Brown Marilyn Brown Richard and Kathy Brown George Browning Leona Browning Roy and Gerry Browning Vicki Brumitt Kristen Brunacci Daphene Brush Donald Bube* Betty Buchanan Fern Buck Sandra Buckhoy Paul Bufkin Gerald and Sherry Bumgardner Lois Bumpus
reenville College empowers students to think and act like
Helen Bunting Paul and Ellen Buntrock Rex Burge Willis and Gloria Burgener Jay and Shay Burgess Linda Burkey Gayle Burns Robert and Roberta Burns Gary Burt Danny and Amber Burton David Burton Keri Buscher Douglas and Bonnie Bush Ted and Cindy Bush William and Heather Butler Jim and Barbara Butts Loren Byrd Barbara Caliendo Carletta Callahan Myrna Cammin Larry Camp
Charles and Candance Campbell Phil and Kathy Campbell Wayne Campbell Earl Cannedy Barb Cannon Hazel Cannon Stephen and Carol Capp Jack and Evelyn Carder Sara Carlson Randall and Rhonda Carney John and Shanna Carpenter Richard Carr Dean Carrillon Daniel and Lynette Carson Daniel and Rosalie Carson Stanley and Ruth Carson Steven Carson and Rosanna Matucan- Carson Velda Carson Willard Carter
Jorge and Gina Casas Dorene Cash Joseph and Kandis Cassetto Del Catron Brenda Ceron Andy and Diana Chambers Li-ing Chang Larry and Betty Chapman Tom and Janice Chapman Ruby Chapman Carl Charon Robert and Pamela Chase Sharon Chesnut Maggie Chi Dennis Childress David and Margie Chilovich Steve and Linda Chou Kelly Christensen Bonnie Christin Eldon Christin Joanne Christin
student to thinking and behaving like a professional. We don’t just
professionals within their disciplines so they can compete with the
“teach” our disciplines, we “do” our disciplines. Our faculty model
best students from universities across the country. Many of our
professional behavior for our students that helps them think
students don’t know this when they arrive on campus. Maybe
they’re a first-generation student from East St. Louis or a kid from a small rural high
entering the workforce. Fine goals—but GC faculty want our students to understand that we’re providing them with an education that will let
where there’s a big gulf between a “real” professor and “lowly” undergraduate students, GC students develop relationships with their mentoring professors who help them understand they can compete on a national and even international
them engage “the best of the best” in their discipline and chosen
level. Students realize that their GC education serves
them quite well as they rub shoulders with the best and
Our faculty empower students through modeling how
brightest from other colleges and universities.
a professional approaches problems in their discipline and mentoring their transitions from “playing” the role of
Dr. Brad Shaw Associate Professor of English
school, and they’ve set their sights on the modest goals of a college degree and
beyond the boundaries of our campus. But unlike some schools
Nelda Christin Philip and Sue Christman Mary Christmas Susan Chung Vernon Chute* Stanley Cisler Tracy and Teresa Claiborn Bobbie Clark Dean and Virginia Clark Jessie Clark Nancy Clark Philip and Phyllis Clark Rich and Amy Clark Richard Clark Tony and Mellony Clark Tammy Claussen Michael and Cynthia Claypool Marcia Clerie Wilma Clinard Cheri Coakley James and Kay Coen Richard and Linda Cohoon Aaron and Sarah Cole Bonnie Cole Ruth Cole Megan Coling Mike and Debbie Coling Russell and Cheryl Collings Katherine Colwell Bradley Combs Charles Combs Kurt Conard Tim Connelly Jimmy Conner Wai Conway Johanna Conyer Jack Cook Richard and Gladys Cook Vickie Cook Elma Cooke Richard Cooper Diane Copeland Lon and Tricia Coppernoll Terry and Brenda Cosby Keith and Jean Cossey Laurie Costley Reese and Terri Coulter Madeline Cowen Neda Cowger Bernard Cowling Robert and Lisa Cowman
Darlene Cox Steven and Elizabeth Cox Jesse and Francis Crabtree Larry and Linda Crabtree Andrew and Joan Craig Larry and Connie Craig Richard Cramer Lois Crandell Steven Crawford Mamie Crenshaw Stephen and Patricia Crites Joyce Cromwell Rebecca Cronk Lysle Crosson Norma Crouch J.B. and Elizabeth Crouse Marian Crowell Gene Crum Thomas and Brita Culberson Patricia Culhane Kathryn Cullom Lois Cummings Ronald and Ruth Cummings Walter and Betty Cundiff Eddie and Nancy Cunningham Russell Cunningham Lee Curtis Paul Custer Delmar Dahl Daniel and Maryanne Dainsberg Joe and Linda D’Angelo David Daniel Glenda Dashiell Marcia Dashiell Stanley Daulton Shirley Davenport Philip and Cynthia David Paul and Diane Davidson Michael and Sandra Davies Chad Davis Hugh Davis Jon Davis Jeffrey and Catherine Davis Robert and Sharon Davison Alice De Boer Orval and Josephine Dean Kody Deardorff Harold DeCan Sam Decesaro Eldon Decker
Gloria Decker Jeffrey and Floral Dehm Lyle and Wilma Dehm Ronald and Bonnie Dekrey Greg and Lucia Delamarter Warren Demetrick Homer and Shirley Deming Patrick Dennis Richard and Kristen Denton Eileen DeVrieze Jay and Stephanie DeVrieze James Dickson Daryl Diesen Pepper and Debby Dill Beryl Dillman Craig and Lynne Dillman Victor Dillman Rita Dillon Dianne Dippel Jeff and Patty DiSandro Rosetta Diveley Eugene and Bernece Disch Marilyn Dixon Wesley Dodge Denis Doe Michael and Sheila Donald Marian Donnell John and Margaret Donohue Judy Donze Mark and Karen Dossett Donald and Doris Dothager Stan and Karla Dothager Jane Doty Jame and Shirley Doyle Cammie Dozier Linda Driesner James and Rita Dryden Ernie and Diana Duckworth James and Dorothy Duffield Daisy Duncan Scott Duncan Margaret Dunleavy Kent Dunnington Eula Durston Stu Dvoret Jeff and Barb Dwyer James and Candace Dyar William Dye John Dyer Leonard and Amber Ealey James and Joann Early FRIENDS WHO GAVE
Che and Amy Earwood Joseph and Susan Eby Dennis and JoAnn Edwards Grant Edwards Karen Edwards Lester and Beverly Edwards Norm and Nancy Edwards Dale Eisenmann Jerrold and Cheri Ekey Naomi Ellis Leroy and Pat Ellsworth Richard and Dianne Ellsworth Susan Emery William Engelberth James and Nellie Engelhardt Mike and Dee England Kristine Enloe Philip and Barb Eppard Gary and Lisa Erickson Robert and Charlene Erikson Rebecca Esposito Jessica Estevez Laura Ewald Garland and Betty Ewalt Stanley and Janita Ewing Vennie Ewing Kevin Fagerland Ann Fairbanks Tim and Cindy Fairchild Leslie and Kim Faires Jeanne Farnsworth Clark Faulkner Dennis and Deborah Fenton Linda Ferrell Tim Ferret Dennis Field Dennis M. Field Earl and Marlene Fields Kent and Tesa Fields Gloria Figg Ivan and Kathie Filby Ben and Mary File Christopher and Kelly Filer Mary Lou Fillmore Jim and Ruth Finch Bobby and Janet Finders David Finlay Carolyn Finn Michelle Finney Paul Fischer Robert and Carol Fisher
* Deceased
Mike and Kim Fitch Janice Fletcher Karen Fletcher Roy and Virginia Flood Kurt and Saundra Flora Patricia Flory Brendan Flynn Patrick Flynn Louis Fogleman Ryan and Tara Follis Charles Forbes Judy Forbes Steven and Becky Ford Clinton Fossell Eleanor Foster Patrick and Susan Fouts Mark and Laurie Fowler Sheila Foxworthy William and Marilyn Francis Richard and Anne Franklin David and Joan Franks Nancy Franske Dorothy Franzen Matthew and Jennifer Frary Richard and Sylvia Fraser Jane Frazier Mary Freeman William and Marilyn Freeman Robert Frey Lonnie and Shelly Friedrich Ray and Emma Friedrich Donald and Deborah Friend Krystal Friese Marvin and Lynn Fritzsche Hazel Frost Nina Frye William and Diane Fryman William and Verneal Fryman Dottie Fugiel Eugenia Fulkerson Jamie Fuller Dwaine Fulton Tom and Dana Funderburk James and Melba Funk Clarence and Shirin Furman Dixie Furman Richard Furman Todd and Pamela Furman Amanda Gabrielson Arlin Gaffner Gene and Shirley Gaffner
Scott Gaffner Judith Gahr Kenneth and Nancy Gaines Gerry Galbraith Terri Galloway Judi Ganton Martin Garcia and Gabriela Bucio Robert Gardner Harold Garrard James Garrett and Diane Hays-Garrett Tim Garry Brent and Lorena Gaskill Mary Gates Harley Gatewood James Gaulden Harold Gehrig Robert and Amy Genis Priscilla George Vonnie George Darliene Geyer Robert and Suzanne Geyer Thomas Gibbons Linda Gieseke Bryan and Martha Gilbert Jean Gilbert Thomas Gilliam Clariese Gin Solomon and Constance Githinji Jennifer Giza Douglas and Rita Glasscock Thomas Glazier Ralph and Deborah Glazner Lester and Corita Glenn Don and Jean Goble Shirley Godsey James Goggin Barbara Gold Melvin Goldsborough Shani Golovay Mark and Stacie Goodheart John Goodman Leo and Barbara Gossett Sanae Gotoh James Govaia Monte and Robin Govaia Jerry and Mary Graber Ted Grady Steve and Sandra Graham
Gretchen Haines Danny and Susan Hale Jesse and Leslie Hall John and Pamela Hall Keith and Joyce Hall Marlene Hall Martha Hall William Halsey Sam Hamblen Glenda Hamblin Henry Hamilton Paul Hamilton Bernard Hammer Dale and Doris Hammond Marsha Hammond Richard Hann Sherri Hanna Robert Harder Jason and Dawn Hargraves Craig and Sheila Harmes Leonard Harmon George and Linda Harrington Richard Harris Sedgwick and Jamica Harris Jim Harshbarger William Hart Anthony Hartman Douglas and Becky Hartzler Dolores Haskins Rex Hathaway William Hauser Robert and Colette Hawkins Terence and Trudy Hayden Shannon Hayes Wayne Heal Shirley Heath John and Joanne Hebron Lawrence and Patsy Hebron Eric and Liz Hehman Richard and Ruth Anne Hehman Steve Heilmer Margaret Helgerson Desiree Helkey Robert Helsel Mary Heltsley Mark Hempen Paul and Jennifer Hendricks Scott Henke Dorothy Henneberry Gary Henneberry
like to believe that my experience at
interaction in the world. The second experience
Greenville College was particularly
came later my freshman year. There was a
unique, but the beauty of an institution
Sunday evening worship service called “The
like Greenville is that it has a profound
Well.” One night while in attendance, God spoke
effect on lives everyday, year after year. We can
to me deeply and I was infused with a truth I had
praise God that Greenville consistently empowers
never experienced. God loves me! That night
students to serve His Kingdom sacrificially and
God’s love poured into my soul and I began to
tangibly throughout the course of their lives.
understand that He loves fully, deeply, and well. I lean on this truth everyday and strive to offer that
Reflecting on my time as a student, I come back to three foundational experiences that have empowered and directed my life. The first came early in my freshman year when two students from two dorm floors above me befriended me. The
truth to others. The third experience I attribute to Greenville College is an opportunity I took to go on a mission trip to Manila, Philippines. It was on that trip that God called me out and set my life course toward ministry. He defined my calling and vocation through opportunities that arose at Greenville College. Today, I stand empowered in my work as the Director of Spiritual Formation at Central Christian College because of these three foundational
friendships I have with them
experiences at Greenville College. I gained
have proven invaluable. What
life long friendships, was infused with God’s
I have learned about life and
extravagant love, and taught who God called me
love and service from these
to be in the world.
friendships empowers my daily
Ginger Jordan Class of ’03
Director of Spiritual Formation and Experiential Learning at Central Christian College
Steven and Jennifer Graham Ann Grammer Daniel and Lisa Grant Martha Grant Roy Grant Michael and Mary Gratz Pamela Graver Henry Gray Jason and Lisa Gray Faye Green Kelly Green Thomas Green Anne Greer Opal Greer Robert Greer Steven and Katherine Grewe Robert and Elizabeth Gricewich Shirley Griesbach Mary Griffin Steve and Barb Griffin Bettie Griffith Shirley Griffith Daniel and Anne Griffiths Jan Griffiths Lonnie and Geraldine Griffiths Noah and Pam Griggs Lowell and Mary-Ellen Grisham Ronald Grissom Constance Grob Matthew and Leigh Grossman Gregory Grove Patricia Gruen Ilene Grumieaux Mitchell Guess Joshua and Renee Gulledge Thomas and Georgia Gunn Don and Alisa Gunter Jim Gunther Thomas and Diane Guy David and Mindy Haag Octa Haas Dorothy Haberer Kenneth and Julie Hackney Linda Hackney Ronald and Carol Hadduck Raymond and Mary Hagedorn Roger and Carol Hagedorn Edward and Mary Hager Rick Hahn
Kirk and Jeanette Henneberry David and Mary Jo Hennis Jim and Betty Hensley Doug Henson Kenneth and Leisa Heppermann Larry and Jeannie Herron Marcia Hess Ralph Hesson Bennie and Mary Hicks Marian Hicks Roy and Doris Hicks Earl Hieber Tony and Julie Higginbotham Jerry and Kathleen Highsmith Jean Hill Marjorie Hill Steve and Mary Hill Phyllis Hinderliter Harold Hindman Floyd and Yvonne Hitchcock David and Joanna Hoag Jon Hoard Edward and Daria Hodor David and Janice Hoelscher Chuck Hoenig Joyce Hofer Christian Hoffman Diana Hoffmann Roy and Patricia Hofmann Elizabeth Hofsas Annie Hogan Elmer Hogue Megan Hohlt Dave and Teresa Holden Lon and Ginger Holden Ronald and Wynola Holden Jerry Holifield Matthew and Lisa Holland Kenneth and Margaret Hollenbeck Clarice Hollis Lavinia Holt Steve and Wendy Holtz Sharon Hood Jodie Hook David Hooks Nathaniel and Sarah Hoover Helen Hopkins Jeffrey and Penny Hopkins Janet Hopper
Richard and Rita Hosto Paul and Loretta House William Houser Lawrence Houston James and Rene Howard Daniel and Erin Howorth Jerrold and Shirley Hubbs Charles and Michelle Huber Kelly Huddleston Delbert Huelskoetter Steven and Mary Huffman Mac Hughey Dale Huisinga James and Rosemary Hullinger Steven Humfleet Matthew and Megan Hunsberger Sandra Hunter Jerry and Barbara Huset Bob and Jodie Huston Harold Huston Rose Huston Ruth Huston Wayne Hutcheson Robert and Sara Hutchinson Curtis and Michelle Iffert Robert and Marilyn Irvin Daniel and Karen Irwin Ralph and Janice Irwin Timothy and Stephanie Irwin Pasquale Italiano Julia Ivers Allene Jackson Amy Jo Jackson Sally Jackson Martin and Jenny Jacobus Dale and Janet Jahraus Ted and Mary Jahraus Brian and Alisa James Steven and Sherry Jansen Robert and Margaret Janssen Laverne and Sharon Jarzynka Eugene Jekel Thomas Jenkins Gerald and Martha Jenner Dan and Jan Jensen Tonya Jett Patricia Jobe Alan and Mary Ann Johnson Barbara Johnson Bruce and Bonnie Johnson
Dorothy Johnson Emily Johnson Eric and Julia Johnson Jill Johnson Jimmy and Susan Johnson Lynn and Trinette Johnson Melanie Johnson Nadine Johnson Nancy Johnson Robert and Betty Johnson Roger and Gloria Johnson Steven and Melanie Johnson Thomas and Diana Johnson Todd Johnson Jason and Renita Joles Bobby and Percyenna Jones Everitt Jones James E. Jones James Jones Joan Jones Joyce Jones Michael and Artenia Jones Stella Jones Glenn and Debra Jordan Judy Joseph Lyle Jostes Shirley Joyce Vera Juhlin Joanne Junod David Justice Kent Kaiser Terry Kalaher Clyde Kale Cecilia Kamer Florence Kamer Gregg and Stephanie Kaput Richard Karns Thomas and Oleta Kartmann Barbara Kasinger Ronald and Valerie Kassen Lee Kats Mike and Karen Kaufman Karyl Kaufmann Tom Kearns Jim and Becky Keaster David Keefe Teresa Keefe Del Keener Dorothy Kegin Rachel Keillor John and Linda Keith FRIENDS WHO GAVE
William and Dorothy Kellems Evelyn Keller James Kelley Laura Kelley Robert and Dixie Kelley Paul Kellner James and Audrey Kelly James and Cara Kelly Larry Kelly David and Lavone Kendall Shirley Kendall Dennis Kendel Robert and Bernadette Kennealy Dennis and Shelley Kennedy Shelley Kenow Arthur Kerle Tann Kerns Chris Kester Ralph and Nellie Kester Robert Kierlin Edward and Beverly Kiggins Gary Kilgore Daniel Killeen Mary Killeen Ruth Killeen Mary Kimery Murl and Rhonda Kimmel Theresa King Franklin and Vonnie Kinkade Randall Kinnersley Andrew and Zyann Kinney Ruth Kinney Robert and Helen Kirk Jay Kiser Richard and Joy Kjell Delbert Klaus Leora Kline Roger and Rachel Klinge Wells Knapp Lorraine Knasel Guy and Dorothy Knight Marvin Knight Dottie Knodle David Koertge Paul Komer George and Grace Konter John Koteskey Fern Kramer Kenneth Kramer George and Frances Krause
* Deceased
Sharon Krause Will Krause Dale Kreider Anita Krober Vernadine Krober Thomas and Bonnie Krumsieg Delores Kugler Brenda Kuhl Chris Kuhl George Kuhl Douglas and Kristine La Belle Patti Laack Ellsworth and Imogene Ladewig Mark LaFond Ryan and Christine Lal George Lambros Marvin and Alisa Lamm Jim Lang Brian Lange David and Janet Lange Kenneth and Jennifer Langley Robert and Mary Langston Steven Lanter Conrad and Lynn Lapa Robert and Lucille LaPorte Marilae Latham David and June Laughery Steve Laur Mark and Donna Law Wayne and Mary Lou Lawton Kristi Lay Michael and Janice Leak Robert and Edna Leckrone Jon and Rhonda Ledermann Benjamin and Hannah Lee Cole and Tenna Lee Stewart and Laura Lee Jo Anne Lefler Mary Jo Lefler Debra Leib Susan Leitner Lynette Lembke James and Sue Lemmon Veronica Leon Richard and Dee Leupold Eugene and Sheila Levert David and Lois LeVine Carmen Lewis Iva Lewis Donald and Mary Lillard
Harold and Jan Linamen Larry Linamen and Kayla Fisher Paul Linden L.B. Lindsey Rachel Lindsey Stephen and Louise Link John and Linda Liss Brenda Litchfield John and Blanche Litle Karen Littleford Thomas and Myrna Litton Herbert Livingston Carole Lockart Phyllis Locke Earl Loe Lars and Mary Lofgren Ronald Loflin Barry and Leila Lombardini Richard Lombardini Stephen and Roberta Loos Linda Lorch Edgar and Joann Lorson Abdiel Louis Benny and Patricia Lourash Delbert and Sandra Lovett Donald and Robin Lovett Jean Lovett Robert and Lelia Lowber Larry and Mary Lowe Robert and Joan Lowell Robert and Cheryl Loy Ester Lozano Duane and Betty Luallen George and Susanne Luber Jeri Lucas Dave and Lisa Lumbert Nancy Lurkins Michael and Colleen Lurndal Richard and Joy Lusk John Lutz Tyler Lux Randy Lyle James and Cathy Lynch George and Lida Lytle Franklin and Louise Mackey Anthony Macon Thomas Mahr Ardyce Main Ione Mainord Leona Malan
Nancy Malone Patrick and Kathleen Malone Sarah Malone James and Shirley Mammolenti Ronda Mann Jim Mannoia Kevin and Kathleen Mannoia Larry Mansfield Nancy Mansfield Bob Mansur Rodney and Jane Maphet Jon and Colleen Marble Judi Markell Jimmie and Carol Markey Greg Marsh Tim Marshall Ralph and Lois Marshall Janet Martie
Caitlin Martin Eugene and Myrna Martin John Martin Judy Martin Richard Martin Shirley Martin Lino and Patricia Martinez Edward Mascarenas Donald and Margie Mason Isaac and Diane Mason Phil and Julie Mason David and Jennifer Matheny Bob and Peggy Maupin Kenneth Maupin Andy and Lois Maxwell Karen Maxwell Tom and Virginia Maynard Donald and Saraetta Mays Kerry and Barbara McAbee
Delmore McAboy Tom McBroom Michael and Julie McCabe James McClelland Ruby McCloud Shirley McCoy Tom and Michelle McCoy Boyd and Julia McCracken Ben McCrary Yvonne McCrary Frank and Connie McCree Jonathan and Lucinda McCree Thomas McCutcheon John and Norma McDannald Jason and Hilary McDearmon Jeffrey and Karen McDearmon Kendal and Stephanie McDearmon Gary and Beverly McDonald
John and Nancy McDonald Ruth McDonald James and Sheryl McDowell Robert McEndollar Karen McFarlane Mark McFerran J. and Patsy McGarrity Ryan McHenry John and Louise McKelfresh Frank and Lori McKinley Mary Ann McLachlan Brian McMahon Collett and Elizabeth McMillion Mary McNamara Rick and Sara McPeak Sherry McPherson Chuck McQuiggan Larry and Linda Mealy
Wilson and Ellen Mears James and Maxine Meece Randy and Teri Meece Nancy Meissner Thomas and Angela Melody Raymond Mensing Betty Mercer William and Patricia Meredith Doug and Amy Merrell Candis Metz Maryann Metz Calvin and Edith Metzger Christie Meyer Rosemary Meyer Sean Meyer Kim and Pam Meyers Cassandra Michel Danny and Ruth Middleton Robert Midgett
Donald Miles George and Ellen Milhoan Carol Miller James and Elaine Miller Janette Miller Ken and Helen Miller Lloyd Miller Lois Miller Maxine Miller Pamela Miller Pamela K. Miller Pearson Miller Peter and Mary Miller Rockie and Sandra Miller Roger Miller Bill and Judith Milner Dennis and Inez Mingo Timothy and Suzanne Mink Shirley Minshall
mpower. It’s not a word that I often think of, and yet in hindsight, it has
of a great group of performers who brought laughter and joy to our audiences, and I
been a defining characteristic of my experience at
wondered how my life could be going so well.
Greenville College.
From that point the opportunities became more frequent and gave me more
I was immediately empowered at Greenville through
experience for the life I am hoping to live. I have been asked to host events, help
my opportunity to work in the fall theatrical performance. I was
with student films, and do extra theatrical events around campus. While this might
stunned I was given the privilege, and was encouraged by it to
seem like a list of bragging rights, I consider it a list of graces, a list of empowerment. Greenville College gave me the opportunity to do these things in a
an improvisation team was getting started on campus;
supportive environment, and has given my peers similar opportunities.
I quickly took the opportunity to join the group. After a
Here we can pursue our dreams with the help of trained professors
semester, our leader was unable to return. He handed
who long for us to succeed. No one leaves without a variety of
over leadership responsibilities to a close friend and me.
chances to express themselves. Everyone is given the chance to
Once again, I was shocked. I was now the co-captain
leave saying they were empowered.
Nathan Ondracek Class of ’12
Mass Communication major with a Theatre minor
keep pursuing similar opportunities. At around the same time,
Gary and Linda Miselbrook David and Cheryl Mishler William Miskelly Joseph and Pamela Missey William and Deanna Mize Roger and Paulette Moberly Carol Moffett Elmer Mohrbacher Carla Mollet Francis and Sylvia Moody David and Sarah Moore Joshua Moore Laura Moore Robert and Alisia Moore William and Christine Moore Zach and Heather Moore Karen Moran Mark and Mary Moran Rusty and Libby Morecraft Donald and Linda Morehead Barry and Darnelle Morgan Bert Morgan Cheryl Morin Vince Morris Wilburn and Beulah Morris Dorothy Morrison Jack Morrison Larry and Carol Sue Morrison Frank and Shirley Morse Whitney Morse Jeanna Moschenrose Eric Moss Michael Mott Kirk and Barbara Moyer Michael and Claire Mozley Thomas Muehl Dawn Mulholland Denver and Betty Mullins Deb Munie William and Ann Munro Crissy Murphy Michael Murray Bill and Susan Murton Frederick and Sharon Mussmann Doris Myatt Ray and Ruth Myers Greg and Marica Nash Bethany Nave George Neal Wayne Neeley
Gary and Cindy Neilson Terry and Vickie Neilson Dwight and Mary Lou Nelson Jennifer Nelson Pennie Nelson Keith Netemeyer John Nethercott Stephen and Marie Neville Doug and Margie Newton Dan Nichols Alva Niehart Martin and Patricia Niehaus Frederick Niemi John Niswonger Rich Nitzsche Alice Noble Elliot Nordgren Jonathan and Kimberly Norris Billy Norton J.R. Nott Mark and Debra Noyes Greg and Synthia Nugent Mai and Natasha Nunag James and Sharon O’Brien David and Mary O’Callaghan Terry O’Dell Donna Ogden Corann Okorodudu Dean and Kim Olson Linda Opperman Art and Judy Osborne Clarence Oscarson James Ostrander Douglas and Elaine Ottenlips Greg and Laura Otterbacher Roger and Gayleene Ottersen Linda Overton James and Elaine Pack Gene Page Yvonne Page Gloria Painter Suzanne Painter Charles and Karen Papes Joanna Parish Beatrice Park Jeffrey and Jennifer Parr Norbert and Faye Parr Philbert and Shirley Parr Ione Parrott Steve Patterson Guy and Sandra Patton
Heather Patton Whitey and Linda Patton Colvin Paul Hershal Paul Marlene Payne Julie Peay Max and Joan Pehlke Terry and Diana Pemberton Joel and Emily Penner Richard and Susan Penner Eldon and Joyce Pennington Faith Penwell Mike and Kimberly Peppler C. and Corrina Perfetti Michael and Trudy Perik Steve and Bridget Perkins Michael and Allison Perry Robert and Beverly Perry Roy Peterman Galen and Ella Peters Paul and Beverly Peters Robert and Joan Peters Susan Peters Erna Peterson Kenneth and Carmen Peterson Mike Peterson Dusty and Sherri Petro Karl and Janet Pezzelle Neva Pfouts Kenneth and Tina Philbert David and Theresa Phillips Kathy Phillips Landon Phillips and Melanie Tackett Mildred Phillips Paul and Debbie Phillips Phil and Shelly Phillips Ron and Krista Phillips Ronald and Becky Phillips Marilyn Phipps Dorothy Phoebus Randy and Rebecca Pickrell James and Connie Pigg Gwen Pigott David and Shelley Pinion Demaris Pinkstaff Gerald Piper William Piper Richard and Kim Pitchford Robert Pitto Jim and Linda Plett FRIENDS WHO GAVE
Shirley Pollinger Doug Pollock Russel and Evelyn Pope Howard Portell Onnie Porter Lynette Post Pamela Potts Kevin and Karen Poulignot Linda Pourchot Carol Pressley Cheryl Preston Glenn and Esther Price Jeffrey and Cheryl Price Vivian Price Rita Pritchett Denver Probst Donna Probst Stephen and Debbie Prochaska Jean Pulcher Bob and Sheila Quall Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Luis Ramirez Warren and Joyce Ranck Charles and Ginny Randolph William and Donna Rantanen Marybeth Rardin Tom Rasler Arthur Rasmussen William Rasner Sharon Ratteree Charles and Barbara Reed Beatrice Reedy Mari Ellen Reeser Evelyn Reeve Jean Reeves Kenneth and Christine Regan Robert Rehklau Gordon and Trudy Reichert Gerald Reimer Roger and Ruth Reincke Catherine Reinhard Olin and Rita Remmert John Rempe Sherri Resly Thomas and Mary Restko Doris Reynolds Bruce and Lora Rezmer Randall and Sandra Rice Daniel Richard Myron and Anna Richard
* Deceased
Gary Richards Norman and Judith Richards Ron and Marilyn Richards Kelly Richardson Roni Richardson Jack Richter Greg and Catherine Riggins Iris Riggs Robert and Mary Rikli Shirley Riley Lark Rilling Natali Rinderer Robert Rinella William and Barbara Ringeisen Terri Ringkamp Erica Ritter Forrest and Deloris Ritter Meghan Ritter Charles and Charlene Riva Ellwood Robart John and Judy Roberts Mary Roberts Thomas and Jorie Roberts Samuel and Loreane Robinson William and Elvera Robison William Roby Bonnie Roddy James Roderick Leslie Rogers Jackie Rogier Leslie and Shirley Rohlfing John Rohrer Donna Rose Emily Rose Florence Rose Melanie Rose Robert and Nicki Rosenbaum Ariel Rosentrater Maurice Ross Sherie Ross Steve and Veronica Ross Deane and Velda Roth Janice Roth Greg and Audrey Rothrock Donald Roulsten Robert Rounds John and Linda Rozema Steve and Robin Ruberg Karen Ruble Hazel Rueff Dean and Doris Ruff
Barbara Ruhberg Norman and Shirley Rull David Ruppel James and Clea Russell Linda Russell Phyllis Ruth Richard Sabatos Robert and Susan Sadler Dick Salsberry Judith Samuelson Allen and Kathie Sancken Zachary Sancken Dixie Sanders Roger and Jane Sanders Rosemarie Sanders JoAnn Sandifer Barb Sands Gordon Sanford David and Karyn Sapp Donald and Marjorie Sapp David Satterthwaite Jo Sayers Larry and Cindy Sayler Florence Sayre Marlene Scandrett Rich Scanlon Joy Schaper Vangie Schaper Maxine Schenk Douglas and Viki Scherer James Scherer Susan Scherer Linda Schien Joseph and Kathleen Schindler Donald and Carol Schirmer John and Deborah Schmidt Ken Schmidt and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt Melissa Schmidt Steven and Jeanie Schmidt Lyle and Dorothy Schoenwetter Gary and Carolyn Schoof Paul Schorsch and Catherine Burge Allen Schrock Jessica Schroeder Brian and Sheri Schubbe Henry and Carol Schuberth Jim Schuberth Lauren Schuberth
Robert and Julianne Schuberth Thomas Schuberth Jay Schuette Deborah Schum Guido Schuster Patsy Schutz Brian and Blanche Schwarz Jeffrey and Heather Schweizer Janis Scott Jim Scott Michael and Marie Scott Mark Sedlacek and Ann Blomberg Kay Seifert Timothy and Jamia Seifert Michael Sellers Kim Seo
Irene Seppanen Lane and Dena Sevy William and Belinda Sevy William and Renee Sevy John and Victoria Sexton Ginny Seybold Jane Seyler Warner Shaeffer Travis and Judi Shaha Chet and Marjorie Shank Janice Shank Lolly Shaw Peggy Shaw Ross and Barbara Shaw Wayne Shaw Faye Shelby Homer and Gwendolyn Sheley
John and Jayne Shepherd Janet Sherk Joseph and Mary Jo Sherrill Shelly Sherrod Elizabeth Shigekawa Marjorie Shinkle James and Frances Short Susan Short Ruth Shortal Allan Shoultz Tom and Roberta Shreffler Robert and Rita Sidwell Doug Siebers Richard and Denise Siebert Todd and Mary Siebert Sue Siefken Kimberly Silkwood
Tom and Gayle Silkwood Glenn Silva and Elizabeth Russell Michael Simmons J.P. and Paramijit Singh Andy Singleton Wilma Sisk William Skipwith Kelly Slater Tracy and Michelle Sloan David Slocovich Bertram Sluys Barbara Smail Wayne and Betty Smalley Christina Smerick Anfred Smith Brandi Smith
Chris Smith David Smith Dwayne and Suzanne Smith Donald and Joyce Smith Frank Smith George and Kristine Smith Geraldine Smith Jack and Hyla Smith James Smith Keith Smith Patricia Smith Paul and Ruth Smith Reva Smith Richard Smith Sharon Smith Stanley Smith Terry and Susan Smith
Thomas Smith Thomas and Joan Smith Tim and Val Smith Wendy Smith Cyril and Gayla Smothers Evelyn Smout Lisa Smout Gladys Snare Oscar and Sue Snider Verlan Snodgrass Ernest and Judy Snowden Keith Snyder Lee Snyder Nelson and Leslie Soken Stanley Soldner Steven and Deborah Southerland
teach across a number of departments at Greenville College, and this allows
points to the totality of her experience at Greenville (curricular and co-curricular) that
me to meet a broad cross section of our student body. I often have occasions
has stretched the way she thinks and has given her new perspectives through which
when I teach students in their freshman year in a lower division
to see the world. One student told me that he had an experience where “the light bulb
class (like French 101 or Western Civilization), and then in
their senior year I teach them again in an upper division class in the
just turned on,” and things began to click for him intellectually, and in every other way. These same students often have increased their capacity to view their world holistically so that their intellectual lives and their spiritual lives are a unified
the development that takes place across four years within many of
whole – each informs, inspires, and directs the other. Over a 25 year career I
our students. What I have noted is a breadth of development that in
have taught at all levels of education (from preschoolers in Sunday School to
some cases is absolutely astounding. Intellectually, I’ve seen students
adult education classes). I find teaching in college the most wonderfully rewarding
go from being receivers of knowledge to critical thinkers who begin to contribute to making knowledge. One place where this is particularly evident is in their writing. On a number of
and exciting because it is an experience of seeing adolescents become young adults who will, through God’s grace and help, change the world. When they leave us, they’re ready to make
occasions, I have received a paper from a senior who
a difference in the world, and we enjoy watching from afar and
has exhibited intellectual depth of thought that would
hearing about the fantastic things they do.
have been difficult to predict from her as a freshman. When asked about this transformation, the student
Dr.Teresa Holden Assistant Professor of History/ Political Science and French
History department. This has allowed me an amazing window into
Donna Souzis Allen and Mitzi Spainhour Steve and Patricia Sparks John and Shannon Spence Patrick and Linda Spence George Spencer Melvin and Dena Spencer Elizabeth Spicer Evalyn Spinder Viola Splinter Roy Spracklen Cheryl Sprague Thomas Sprunger-Smith Stephen Stackhouse Joyce Staff Tom and Carla Stampfli Raymond and Julie Standerwick James Staniels Patricia Stanton April Stark Wilma Stark Peter Starks Marilyn Starr Susan Starr Charles and Marge Stavely Guy Steele Randall and Gladys Steelman Eduardo and Sophia Steibel Timothy and Amy Steinbaugh Louverne Stephens Randall and Bonnie Stephenseon Kendall and Linmarie Stephenson Dee Stever Arnold and Shirley Stewart Brian and Sheri Stewart Kent and Donna Stewart Larry and Patricia Stewart Ronald and Ann Stewart Shawn and Julie Stewart Kevin and Jill Stiles Larry Stilwell Scott and Deborah Stinson Jim and Kay Stjernstrom Alan and Glenda Stock Zachary Stokes Cathy Stolze Jeffrey and Sue Stone Vera Stovall
June Stowe June Strahl Terry and Mary Lou Strain Daniel and Rose Strake Kurt and Carol Stralow Dale Winslow and Karen Strand-Winslow Lois Stratton David and Judith Stratton Douglas and Martha Stratton Rodney and Dorene Strebing William Strickland Joann Strobel Elizabeth Stroble Jeremy and Sarah Strubhar William Struck Galen Struve Bernadine Studniarz Leonard Studniarz Carol Stufflebean Roy and Laura Sturm Kathy Styles Mike Suess Tanya Summers Teddy and Sharon Summers Frank and Tracy Sutton Adam Swank Barbara Swanson Kathy Swindle Brad and Linda Tabor Wilma Tade David and Cheryl Taylor Elizabeth Taylor Michael and Debbie Taylor Kathryn Taylor James and Mary Kathryn Taylor Terry Taylor Thelma Taylor Marilyn Teiwes Charles Tenney James and Michelle Tenpenny Geraldine Terry Mary Terry Conrad Thacker Brett and Kecia Therion Lawrence and Sally Thicksten Ronald and Barbara Thicksten Stephen and Janet Thicksten Andrea Thies Beatrice Thomas
Kenneth Thomas Paul and Emily Thomas William and Terri Thomas Crystal Thompson Frank Thompson Jeffrey Thompson Jesse Thompson Michael and Sharon Thompson Trina Thorell James and Melanie Thull John and Linda Thull Gary and Ruth Tichler Timothy and Carolyn Tierney Virginia Tillitt Fred and Janet Tinning Samuel and Lillian Tinsley Elvis and Nancy Titsworth Abby Todd Morris Todd Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Jan Tomaschke Shirley Tomb Dale and Nancy Tosh Ken Townsend Daniel and Berneice Traeger Daniel and Rebecca Traeger Pat Trager Jeremy and Shannon Tredway Danny and Carleta Trout Gerald and Teresa Trusner Natalie Trusner Richard Tryce Roy and Kimberly Tsuda Carolyn Tucker Steven and Amy Tuma Ron Turpin Ralph and Edna Tuttle Kenneth and Bonnie Uchida David and Cecelia Ulmer Sandra Ulrey Sally Umland Dorothy Urfer Florence Vahle Charlene Valci Ken Valentine Mary Valenziano Jerry and Ann Vallotton Joyce Van Horn* Carlo and Stephanie Van Ulft Raymond and Christine Vance FRIENDS WHO GAVE
Carol VanValin Jamie VanValin Kathleen VanValin Robert and Suzanne Vardaman Randy and Debra Vasel Henry and Shirley Vassar Lonnie and Beverly Vatole Phil and Dinah Vaughn Raymond and Betty Vaught Kenneth and Nancy Venhuizen Amy Vickery Lonnie Vollintine Margo Voltz Allen and Jo VonderHaar Robert and Joni Voss Terri Wachtveitl Marlin and Phyllis Wade Mary Jane Wade Jeffrey and Marsha Wagoner Gary and Kay Walker Judith Walker Margaret Walker Ordell and Elizabeth Walker Sue Walker William and Suzanne Walker Jerry Wall Larry and Gail Wall Joy Wallace Dean and Judi Waller Rick Wallington Treva Walls-Hamilton Jim Walter William Walter Betty Walters Jim and Donna Walthall David Walton Supranee Wang James and Janet Ward Julia Ware Marvin and Teresa Warner Wilburn and Marian Warren Norvell and Mary Washburn Julie Watt Michael Watt Mark and Valeria Watts Betty Wayman Roger and Betty Weaver Kevin Webster Mark and Melannie Weborg Marilyn Weeks
* Deceased
Anna Weems Herschel and Mary Weems Raymond and Darlene Weems Brandon and Eva Marie Weiler Carol Weise Dennis and Louise Weiss Carol Weitzel Rich and Kimberly Well Patrick and Rebecca Wempe Amelia Werden Cleo Westphal Alfred White David White Evelyn White Glenn White Jeannette White Opal White Susan White Terri White James Whitehead Helen Whitlock Jennifer Whitlock Kathleen Whitworth Jeresha Wickersham Carol Wickline Jeffrey and Melissa Wiegers Gaylard Wikle Harold and Eleanor Wilcox Roy and Joella Wilcoxon Clarence and Deetje Wildes Joanne Wiley Bud Willadsen Helen Willard Jefferson and Maxine Williams Johnnie and Patsy Williams Randall and Deanna Williams Richard and Ruth Williams Stanley and Karen Williams Diana Williamson Troy and Laura Williamson Don and Ellen Willms Duane and Laura Willms John and Kathy Willms Troy and Lori Willoughby Connie Wilson Donald and Pearline Wilson Jeff and Pam Wilson Jim and Wilma Wilson Michele Wilson Russell Wilson David and Fonda Winchester
Myrna Wing Wendell “Buck� Wingler Gary Winkleman Deborah Winkler Donald and Loretta Wire Joyce Wise Virginia Wise Ronald and Barbara Wiseman Marilyn Woerner Mark Wolf Patty Wolf Nancy Wolfe Gary Wollitz and Margaret Gibson-Wollitz Charles Wood Johnny Wood Joanne Woodard Betty Woods Chris and Yvonne Woods Timothy and Analisa Woods Perry and Lucille* Woodward Robert and Lois Worbois Daniel Worley Carol Wright Sue Wrisberg Verdelle Wrone Sheryl Wuehler Kim Wyatt William and Ardith Wylie Susie Wynstra John and Temple Yancey Ted Yenny Philip York Jean Young Michael and Natalie Young Lisa Younker Safwat and Mary Yousef Alice Zahniser Rachel Zahniser Kent and Libby Zbinden Martin and Bernice Zedalis Margaret Zelhart Annie Zeller Gene Zhu and Belinda Bai Michael Ziemann Charles Zinkhon Lowell and Norma Zitzloff Mavon Zubrod
y journey with Greenville College
the people. I can still see clearly the words etched by
to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the
began in 1990 when I was a
Dr. Frank Thompson on the top of a returned Faith and
favorable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
high school junior in Wilmore,
Learning paper -- words that confirmed the desire of
Kentucky. My father served
my heart to shepherd people to Christ. And, buried in a
on the Greenville College Board of Trustees, and I
blue hanging file, not far from my office chair lies a copy
remember well riding the long, straight roads through
of a letter of recommendation written on January 22,
corn fields to accompany him to Board meetings. During
1996 by then president, Robert “Ish” Smith. I have kept
his meetings, I would wander the campus and take in
this letter with me through the years, for it is one of the
the sights and sounds of college life. Little did I know
many reminders of the authority that I have been given
then how profoundly my life would be impacted by
by God, and which was affirmed at Greenville College,
Empower is a beautiful word. It is nothing less than a
this place called Greenville. Now, twenty-one years, a
authority “to preach the gospel to the poor, to proclaim
gift. Webster defines it as, “giving power or authority
master’s degree, a solid marriage, a decade in ministry,
release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,
to.” The mission of Greenville College is to empower (or
The written words of Dr. Thompson and former President Smith lie beside countless spoken words in my memory. Many staff and faculty took the time to recognize, and to articulate to me, my gifts. They helped me to understand what I could contribute to the world and empowered me for service.
“give authority to”) students to live lives of character and
and see how it prepared me for this crazy, beautiful
service. With deep gratitude, I affirm that Greenville’s
journey called, “Life in Christ!”
mission has been born out in my life.
I cannot think of my time at Greenville without being
My husband, David, and I have spent the last 10 years
amazed at the opportunities provided me there. With
serving at Oakdale Christian Academy. By the values of
each opportunity given, Greenville strengthened me,
the world, the 50 teenagers we serve each year are of
believed in me, and empowered me to use my gifts to
little consequence. At Greenville, I gained a confidence
bless others, to bless the world, and to bless Christ.
in myself and an understanding of God’s economy that allows me to see things differently. I learned about God’s
But it was not the opportunities for campus work and
upside down Kingdom, and I’ve never looked back.
community involvement that most changed me. It was
Shelli Brown Kratzer (center) Class of ’ 95
Principal and Assistant to the President at Oakdale Christian Academy
and four children later, I look back on Greenville College
In Honor Of ... Sharon Burd Bowes Jeffrey and Catherine Davis
John Burd and Patricia Ayers Burd Jeffrey and Catherine Davis Terrel and Marilynn Taylor
Connor McNeely Short James and Frances Short
In Memory Of . . . Gene Alston Wayne and Mary Lou Lawton Jerry Andrews William and Bonnie Roddy Betty Easterling Bruce Easterling Tracy Gines Karen R. Gines Ron and Wanda Gines Karen R. Gines
Raymond Hammer Bernard Hammer Amelia Werden
Willis and Laureta Hawkins Watson and Bonnie Tidball Denny and Cheryl Wayman Loretta Robertson Hofsas Philip and Sarah Brodd Elizabeth Hofsas Wynette Neeley Hosteter Dewayne and Franki Neeley Wilbur A. Moore Eldon and Joyce Pennington Gordon Pickering Roland Britt Jo and Linda D’Angelo
Harold* (’27) and Betty* Cooley Vivien Maves* (’28) Foster* and Mary* McGaw John* and Shirley Minshall
Mabel Cage* (’15) Jim (’59) and Susan (’86) Claussen Lloyd (’60) and Judi Ganton
Marilynn Ayers Taylor Jeffrey and Catherine Davis
Terrel and Marilynn Taylor John and Pat Burd
Ben and Mary File Stan Hughey James and Audrey Kelly Alice Mullen Sarah Ridpath Sharon Alger Alan and Kathy Brouard Del and Lois Catron Dave and Linda Crandall Tom and Betty Kay Dawdy John and Jane Frazier Greenville Free Methodist Church Dotty Hall
Lifetime Giving
Patricia Staff William and Billye Staff
Patty Hall Tracy Hall Mac and Dode Hughey Dan and Jan Jensen Gene and Miriam Kamp Anita Krober Kent and Sandy Krober Betty Messer Tom and Betty Morgan Jo Ann Noble Steve and Maxine Patterson Marie Reeves Jim and Marilyn Reinhard Brad Shaw and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw
Marilyn Starr Ward and Norma Sussenbach Pamela Young-Taylor Leon and Ellen Winslow Frances Schlosser Scherer James Scherer Delbert Sims Justine Brewer Jocelyn Smith Lyndon and Judith Anthony Douglas and Elaine Ottenlips Joseph and Mary Jo Sherrill
Floyd Staff Pat Staff William and Billye Staff Virginia Ruth White Edward Andrews C. Raymond Woodrow Lila Woodrow Helen Zahniser-Snyder Lee Snyder
Wayne (’60) and Marilyn Nelson Lew Whaley (’76) Jake* (’47) and Maxine (’47) Whitlock
Bill and Sharon Ahern Everett Armington* Elsie Baker* (’45) Bob (’74) and Jan Bastian Del (’53) and Avis (’53) Bergen * Deceased
Vincent Bessey* (’42) Richard (’60) and Sandra (’61) Boileau Meryle Boughton* (’48) Bob Briner* (’56) Jim* and Anna* Brown Jim (’54) and Betty (’54) Buick Jay and Shay Burgess Harold Burkhardt* Roy and Florence* Chinn Willard* (’31) and Grace* (’28) Christin
Charlie (’72) and Kathy Clinard Mike and Debbie Coling Bob (’77) and Barb (’76) Cranston Glen and Maxine Crum Les (’64) and Estelle (’64) Dietzman Charlie (’60) and Faye (’60) Faulkner James (’85) and Sheila Foxworthy Florence Harding* Jerry (’82) and Debbie (’83) Hood Gerauld Hopkins
Delbert and Ann (’59) Huelskoetter Stan Hughey (’37) Marion* and Julia* Jenner Don (’52) and Esther (’54) Jones Frank* (’37) and Ruth* (’38) Joy Ken (’49) and Stella* Kaufmann Del Keener Paul (’69) and Shirley (‘71) Killinger Dana King* (’21) Dale and Joan (’63) Kreider Howard* and Anita Krober Ernest* and Marion* Longman Jim Mannoia Elva McAllaster* (’44) Charles (’85) and Dana (’85) McPherson
Foy (’64) and Judy (’64) Meyer Pearson and Jeannine (’57) Miller Robert* (’20) and Lea* Miller Robert* (’41) and Ruth* Montgomery Alta Morgan* (’50) Tom (’60) and Betty (’60) Morgan George (’53) and Debra Murphy Charles* (’24) and Hazel* (’24) Peterson Wes (’58) and Darlyne (’58) Phillips Dorathi Pierre* Enoch (’86) and Beth Poon Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Glenn Richardson* (’40) Pearce and Bonnie Riggs Ernie (’52) and Phyllis (’52) Ross
Willard Rowland (‘33) Chester* and Mary* (’18) Russell Troy (’41) and Rosemarie Sanders Paul (’56) and Vangie Schaper Richard (’62) and Linda Schien Lawrence* (’35) and Ruth* (’82) Schoenhals Hugh (’62) and Marie (’62) Siefken David and Beckie (’68) Smith “Ish” (’57) and Joanna (’59) Smith Ken (’53) and Marj (’56) Smith Chuck (’37) and Lois (’37) Smout Fred* and Katie* (’14) Sponsler Kendell (’80) and Ande (’82) Stephens Rich (’53) and Arlene* (’53) Stephens Barry (’77) and Vaun (’77) Swanson
Horace Tenney* (’31) Craig (’76) and Sue (’76) Tidball Watson (’49) and Bonnie (’48) Tidball Tag Tigard* Ian and Alice Van Norman Vera Walls* Frank Walters* (’38) Mark (’75) and Karen (’76) Whitlock Elliott (’60) and Cynthia (’61) Wiegand Don (’65) and Patty Wolf Otis (’62) and Judy (’63) Wolkins Lynette Workman* (’73) Chuck (’54) and Charlotte (’54) Young
RECOGNIZING GIFTS FROM CHURCHES DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2009 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2010 Ferges Free Methodist Church, Marion, IL First Assembly of God, Cape Girardeau, MO First Assembly of God, Collinsville, IL First Assembly of God Church, Versailles, MO First Baptist Church, Coal City, IL First Baptist Church, Manchesney Park, IL First Baptist Church, Nokomis, IL First Baptist Church, Warsaw, IN First Christian Church, Chester, IL First Christian Church, Decatur, IL First Christian Church, Neoga, IL First Christian Church, Tuscola, IL First Christian Church Missions, Marshall, IL First Church of God, Vandalia, IL First Church of The Nazarene, Casey, IL First Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, IL First Southern Baptist Church, Farina, IL First United Methodist Church, Pekin, IL First United Methodist Church, Hammondsport, NY Five Forks Brethren In Christ Church, Waynesboro, PA Free Methodist Church, Columbus, IN Free Methodist Church, McPherson, KS Free Methodist Church of North America, Indianapolis, IN Fresh Start Community Church of God, Lebanon, IL God’s Abundant Love Fellowship, Decatur, IL Goreville Ministerial Alliance, Goreville, IL Grace Bible Church, Columbia, MO
Greenville Free Methodist Church, Greenville, IL Hillsboro Free Methodist Church, Hillsboro, IL Immanuel Baptist Church, Kenosha, WI Jackson Free Methodist Church, Jackson, MI Kinmundy Christian Church, Kinmundy, IL Lake Norman Baptist Church, Huntersville, NC Light and Life Free Methodist Church, Phoenix, AZ Living Water Community Church, Bolingbrook, IL Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church, Champaign, IL Melrose Chapel UMC, Quincy, IL Milan Christian Church, Milan, IL Miller’s Chapel Monee Free Methodist Church, Monee, IL Moundford Free Methodist Church, Decatur, IL New Bethel United Methodist Church New Community Free Methodist Church, Blue Springs, MO New Creation Fellowship, Granger, IN New Life Christian Center, Cornell, IL New Life Christian Fellowship, Biddeford, ME New Life Church, MD New Life Church of Biddeford, ME New Life Wesleyan Church, La Plata, MD Oak Bridge Community Church, St. Louis, MO Ottawa First Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, IL Red Brush Christian Church, Louisville, IL River Valley Community Church, Aurora, IL Salem Assembly of God, Salem, IL
Advent Christian Church, Prophetstown, IL Aldersgate Free Methodist Church, Indianapolis, IN Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Marion, IL Antioch Southern Baptist Church, Harrisonville, MO Belleville First Church of the Nazarene, Belleville, IL Bethany United Methodist Church, Columbia, IL Bethel Baptist Church, Galesburg, IL Blue Valley Baptist Church, Overland Park, KS Builders Class of St. Timothy, Litchfield, IL Bureau Township Community Church, Princeton, IL Calvary Church, Sparta, IL Calvary Temple, Fredericktown, MO Central Baptist Church, Woodbury, NJ Christ Tabernacle Church, Herrick, IL Christian Life Center, Herrin, IL Church of the Living Word, Elkhart, IN Church of the Nazarene, Laclede, IL Coffeen Free Methodist Church, Coffeen, IL Columbus Road Baptist Church, Quincy, IL Cornerstone Church, Portage, MI Cornerstone Community Church, Noble, IL Cross Lane Community Church, Terre Haute, IN Decatur Foursquare Church, Decatur, IL Dorsett Village Church, Maryland Heights, MO Emmanuel Free Methodist Church, Alton, IL Faith Baptist Church, Highland, IL Faith Harvest Fellowship, Missoula, MT Family Christian Center, Sylvania Township, OH
Salem Church, Gridley, IL Second Church of Christ Mission Dept., Danville, IL Shelby Christian Church, Shelbyville, IL Shiloh Christian Union Church, Delta, OH Sorento Presbyterian Church, Sorento, IL Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church, Spring Arbor, MI St. Germaine Roman Catholic Parish, Prescott Valley, AZ
St. Matthew United Methodist Church, Belleville, IL St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Barrington, IL Sturgis Wesleyan Church, Sturgis, MI The Solid Rock, Granite City, IL Trinity Community Church, Libertyville, IL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bixby, OK Trinity United Methodist Church, Salem, IL United Methodist Church of Carthage, IL
United Methodist Church of Easton, IL United Methodist Church, Farina, IL Valley Community Church, McAllen, TX Valley Park Chapel, St. Louis, MO Vera Baptist Church, Bingham, IL Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Warsaw, IN Wesley United Methodist Church, Canton, IL West Bethany Free Methodist Church, Wallace, KS
Corporations, Foundations & Grant Companies
Action All-Star Cheer, Inc. Affinity4 American Pest Control, Inc. Anheuser Busch Associated Colleges of Illinois Baker’s Heating/AC & Appliance Bank of America Barnabas Foundation Bass-Mollett Publishers, Inc. Baxters Safety Lock, LLC Blackburn College Bradford National Bank Brown, Hay & Stephens Attorneys Bryson’s Construction & Drywalling Cadena, Inc. Capri IGA Foodliner Casey’s General Stores Caterpillar, Inc. Cavallo Bus Lines, Inc. CC Food Marts, Inc. CDS Office Technologies Community Christian School, Inc. Dairy Queen Stores Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc.
DeMoulin Brothers & Company Diamond Mineral Springs, Inc. Douglas Marti, Attorney Durbin Vet Clinic Eagle Ridge, Inc. Emmett Streetman & Ruth Streetman Trust Enertech, Inc. Evangelical Voice Foundation, Inc. Farina Women’s Club Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First National Bank of Vandalia Florida Home Field Advantage, LLC Founders Division of College Bookstores of America Franklin Hospitality, LLC Fred Whitlatch, D.D.S. Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI Freedom Quarterly Meeting Gates Electric Glo Electric GOF Inc. GoodSearch
Greatland Corporation Greenville Auto Body Greenville Foods Greenville Optimist Club Greenville Regional Hospital Greenville Women’s Club GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund Harvest Christian Center Hoosier Christian Foundation Hunter Appliance Heating & Air I-55 Clinics & Camps Illinois Board of Higher Education Jerry C. Wall Real Estate Jewett Roofing Company John J. Hopkins & Associates Joseph Becker, Inc. Kalous Market, Inc. M J M Services, Inc. Marathon Oil Company Marine Chemist of St. Louis, Inc. McPherson County Community Foundation Mel Saad Insurance Agency Mennonite Foundation, Inc.
Midland States Bank Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. Milanos Catering Monsanto Fund Morris Financial Services Munchkin University Naco Printing & Advertising Co., Inc. National Christian Foundation Neopost Neurology Clinic of Danville, LLC Niekrenz Nursery Norflo Holding Corporation Patton & Company, P.C. Pet Wellness Center, P.C. Pfizer United Way Campaign Piasa Commercial Interiors, Inc. Probst Veterinary Clinics Pyramid Electrical Contractors, Inc. Rising & Rising, Inc. Riverside Pediatrics Santo Sports Store Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving SCS Skinner Consulting Services
Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Sheldon Arts Foundation Snyder Foundation Somerset Beach Campground State of Illinois Style Your Home, Inc. Taxcare, Inc. The Salvation Army of Mt. Clemens, MI The Windhover Foundation Traeger Home Management Tri Ford Mercury, Inc. Trigg’s Flooring Installation Turley Farms Partnership United Methodist Foundation United Methodist Women Vanguard Ware Energy Waterford Street Family Medicine, P.C. Welch Custom Homes Wellpoint Foundation Wood River Printing and Publishing Co.
Bequests Vincent Bessey Clair Carey
Harold Cooley Sara Gregory
Lorene Groves Marie Hussey
Vivian Jacobson Dallas Turner
Imogene Vick Gertrude Vincent
Clark Webster
Homecoming 2011 SAVE THE DATE Join us October 14 & 15, 2011 for a weekend full of Greenville College festivities! Save the date on your calendar and stay tuned for more details. • Homecoming Kick-Off on Hogue Lawn • Panther 5K Road Race • Class Reunions • Tailgate Lunch • Choir Concert And so much more!
• Home Volleyball, Soccer, and Football games
Office of Advancement
315 East College Avenue Greenville, Illinois 62246 (618) 664-6500