The RECORD, Fall 2021

Page 4

A WAY OUT An intimate tale about breaking new ground by Carla Morris Simple stories sometimes pack a surprising punch. Here’s one: My brother died. My father died. I hurt. I set up my tent in the camp of the angry. Then Jesus Christ, lover of my soul, came to me, whispered my name, and led me out. Suzanne (Allison ’00) Davis tells the story as only one who lived it can. She calls her spiritual awakening “a journey that I will never take for granted.” Part of that journey occurred when she was a student at GU studying philosophy and political science and competing in track and volleyball. Part of it occurred



on her nightly drives from campus to a hospital in St. Louis to visit her dying brother. Like another brother, he suffered from a genetic neuromuscular disease that caused seizures and strokes. “That’s when I really started dealing with some of life’s toughest questions,” she says, “like, ‘Why is there suffering?’ and ‘How can there be a good god?’” Suzanne arrived at GU as a freshman in 1996, disappointed over the loss of an athletic scholarship from a Division I school, rebellious, an atheist, and “chasing the wind.” In time, however, she said “yes” to Jesus and to professors and coaches who helped her “see beyond my own nose.” By graduation, she

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