The RECORD, Spring 2014

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Together, Taking Care In January, when Chaplain Lori Gaffner greeted students in our first chapel service of the semester, she welcomed them to a new beginning. Interterm had ended. Some students had just returned from rich learning adventures in Nicaragua and Israel; some had completed innovative classes here on campus. Still others, new to our community, counted this as their very first chapel at Greenville College. Together, we looked forward to the promise of a fresh start and spring on the horizon. That morning I told the students they would encounter experiences that empower and enrich them – experiences packed with learning that endures beyond this term and the next, beyond their college years and their career-building years and even beyond their breadwinning and slowing-down years. The Lord has entrusted them to our care for a short while, and we have much work to do. Later this semester in May, a Common Day of Learning on campus will reflect some of that work. This is a day at the end of each semester when students and faculty set aside their regular routines and pause as a community to examine a predetermined subject together. Students enrolled in our COR 401 capstone seminar do the teaching. They have become experts in a sense, for they have studied aspects of this subject all semester. They enter into that day keenly aware of their responsibilities as teachers and caretakers of the truths they encountered during months of work. They are tasked with helping the rest of us also embrace these truths. So, they grapple with the best way to do that. They think about compelling communication and plan their presentations accordingly. They predict problems and devise solutions. They divvy up the work and leverage their collective skills to maximize all that their group members bring to the table. They practice; they polish. They encounter problems and consult advisors. They imagine what they want to happen; they pray. They reach deep into their closets for their “Sunday best” and muster everything their young minds know about professionalism, and we are amazed. The subject for last fall’s Common Day of Learning was “Cosmos and Creativity.” That day we considered how we, creatures of the creative God and made in His image, interact with His creativity and creation. Nineteen groups with 6-7 members each covered a wide range of topics from creation care and genetic modification to gluttony, creative prayer and connecting communities with natural resources. The articles you find in this issue of The RECORD touch on some of these topics. They capture experiences from a cross-section of our college community: professors and scholars, alumni, staff and current students. We hope that their tales draw you closer into the GC fold and that you will walk away informed, challenged and inspired just as we are on a Common Day of Learning. Blessings,

Dr. Ivan Filby President



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ON THE COVER: This is my Father’s world; and to my listening ears all nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Greenville College by the Office of College Advancement. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 105, No.1. Email: Greenville College online: Send address corrections, correspondence and mailing updates to: Office of College Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246, or call (618) 664-6500. Email: VP for College Advancement Scott Giffen ’99 Managing Editor Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor Kaity Teer ’10 Database and Distribution Manager Brianne Cook ’05 Graphic Designer Pancho Eppard ’00 Photography Laura Hinrichsen ’08, Eric and Andrea Nord, Pancho Eppard ‘00, B.J. Schneck ‘01, Denee Menghini ‘14, Logan Shaw ‘14, Kathryn Kelly ‘16, Jack Wang ‘16, Anna Hall ‘09, Jumah Wangira Copyeditors Barb Sands, Heather Fairbanks Writers Heather Fairbanks, Kaity Teer ’10, Carla Morris ’77 Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville College.



Since the introduction of maize into Africa centuries ago, many people have come to regard it as a dietary staple. Dependency on the golden grain can be dangerous though, as Professors Eric and Andrea Nord discovered on their recent stay in Malawi.


The seeds of development for a Ugandan village are sown in a Greenville pumpkin patch.


A student videographer rises to the challenge of describing the indescribable on WalkAbout.

You Shall... {12} THE ECOLOGY OF GOD’S COMMANDS The Earth belongs to the Lord, and the Ten Commandments say much about our care for His creation.



Blooming Good Gardener Plants Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Campus News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Cultivating Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20





DECEPTION By Carla Morris


ast summer, when Professor Andrea Nord settled into a five-month stay in Malawi with her family of four, little did she know that the traditional cornmeal dish they periodically ate played a key role in the malnutrition and even deaths of Malawians. Most Malawians didn’t know it, nor do they know it now, even as they faithfully tend their maize fields and grind maize into flour. In Malawi, many people consider a meal incomplete unless it includes nsima (pronounced n-see-ma), a cooked grits-like cereal that can be made from various flours including millet and sorghum. “But, it is

only since the 1950s and 1960s that Malawians have preferred nsima made with maize flour,” explained Andrea. Newly installed at Greenville College this semester, Andrea shares a teaching position with her husband, Eric. His Fulbright studies took the Nords and their two children to Malawi last August where they ate nsima and observed its central place in Malawian culture. While millet, sorghum, yams and even green bananas comprised earlier versions of nsima, modern tastes favor a variety made exclusively from maize nsima



One grain, one dangerous dependency

white cornmeal with the bran milled off to achieve a pure white porridge. The processing removes valuable proteins and nutrients, but the flavor and texture are appealing. An overwhelming preference for maize nsima has pushed other grains out of the picture. “Now, only maize will do,” said Andrea. And “only maize” poses a problem for the small, land-locked country where four in five persons rely on farming for income, and attractive government subsidies encourage maize production. Most growers no longer harvest a variety of grains throughout Malawi’s generous 12-month growing season. Instead, they practice Western-style cultivation better suited for short seasons.


MONOCULTURE A single crop cultivated over a wide area for many consecutive years. POLYCULTURE Multiple crops cultivated in the same space. Imitates the diversity of natural ecosystems. PERMACULTURE A self-maintained agricultural system modeled after a natural ecosystem. Focuses on protracted observations about plant and animal functions rather than protracted labor.

The lush green of the Nordins’ permaculture farm yields produce every day all year. In contrast, their neighbor’s maize field (at left) is months from harvest.

Supplied with vouchers for fertilizer and improved seed varieties, they plant maize in January and harvest in April. Their fields remain empty the rest of the year. Soon after the vouchers began in 2004, Malawi realized surpluses and exported maize to Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Food experts hailed its success. More recently, however, erratic rains have brought shortages. Malawi’s sole focus on maize has created a dangerous dependency. A dry spell during the maize pollination period can destroy the nation’s entire harvest. This happened in 2002, contributing to a famine that the BBC described as Malawi’s “worst ever.” Tragically, stories emerged of

deaths due, not to a lack of food, but to fixation on maize as the sole solution. Last fall, the Nords toured a thriving permaculture farm near Lilongwe, run by Americans Kristof and Stacia Nordin. Against the lush green backdrop of the Nordins’ abundant legumes, fruits and vegetables, Andrea listened to Kristof recall the crisis. “He was shocked to see people in the market selling vegetables of every description, all begging him, ‘Buy from me, so I will have money to buy food,’” recounted Andrea. By “food,” they meant maize flour. “He saw people selling goats to afford a few plates of nsima. An emaciated woman came to his door one day pleading for

Water features on the permaculture farm also provide fish for the table.

food. Kristof tried to give this starving woman a bag of passionfruits, and she refused them. She only wanted maize flour. A woman had fallen dead beside the road; everyone said it was starvation, but she had died in a patch of edible plants.” In the Nordins’ three acres, Andrea saw the daily goodness that can unfold once the “maize-and-maizeonly” blinders are removed. They grow 200 different foods and pick produce every day from beds layered with root crops, ground crops, small trees, taller trees and climbing vines.



The photo in the forefront shows the same plot of land as it looked in 2003 when the Nordins purchased it.

The diversity of plantings allows year-round harvests: maize in April; millets and sorghums in May and June; sweet potatoes in July and August; and air potatoes, cassava, yams and taro from September through November. They harvest even during Malawi’s “hungry season” – the months when the previous year’s maize reserves have run out, and people wait for the new crop to mature.


Many Malawians are reluctant to follow suit, however. Their dependence on maize runs deeper than mere taste. “Maize will yield more pounds of grain per acre than any other crop,” Andrea acknowledges, “if conditions are favorable and the plants aren’t stressed.” It requires a great deal of water, however, and rains have become increasingly unpredictable. Meanwhile, Malawi dedicates a large portion of its national budget (19% in 201112) to agriculture, mostly to support the subsidies. “Maize is a political crop that has essentially enslaved Malawi as a nation,” observed one program officer from Christian Aid Malawi. Stacia Nordin is more blunt: “The maize trance is killing Malawi.”

Consider the function of each plant. Does it climb or loosen soil? Does it fix nitrogen, provide mulch or repel insects?

The permaculture farm the Nords visited near Lilongwe showcased

Maximize all space, even vertical spaces.

conservation that brought yearround harvests. Here are some of

Interplant crops. Maize combined with legumes and squash increases yield and reduces soil compaction.

the practices that, by design, ushered in both beauty and bounty.

Layer beds with root crops, ground crops, small trees, taller trees, and climbing vines. Prune as needed to let light through.

Use washing water for irrigation; some plants like the phosphates in detergents. Add fish to water features; they provide food and reduce mosquitos. Welcome natural predators; they keep pests down.

Trade fields for permanent beds. Avoid straight paths that encourage water to scour quickly through an area rather than slow and sink into the ground.



“We have been thinking about this idea of cultural addictions,” she adds, calling to mind the prevalence of chemically dependent lawns in the U.S. and the common disposal of edible dandelions. Graver yet, she points to our culture’s addiction to fossil fuels, its love affair with sugar and the practice of unhealthy lifestyles. Like so much of her Malawi experience, the ideas present food for serious thought.

Maximize every water source, even planting under a hand washing station to utilize rinse water.

Group plants in ways that make sense. Place thirsty plants closer to the water source and fruit trees and perennials farther out.

good stewardship and water

Cultural addictions are complex. Andrea puzzles over the influences that drove Malawians to devalue their traditional foods in the first place. They now associate millet and sorghum with shame and call them “poverty” foods. She wonders if the reasons behind those stigmas are the same reasons that blond, blue-eyed dolls fill store shelves in Lilongwe at Christmas time, and black dolls are hard to find.


Blooming Good Gardener Plants Joy By Heather Fairbanks

“Consider the lilies of the field,” Jesus urged in the Sermon on the Mount. Ella Peters takes that lesson literally as Greenville College’s gardener. Blessed with an eye for color and an artistic sensibility, she plants between 2,000 and 3,000 plants each year, beautifying the College and brightening the paths of faculty, staff and students each day.


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While Ella gains a great sense of accomplishment from the large projects Ella grew up in a Mennonite farming she manages, unexpected rewards come family and learned her hard work from the relationships she develops ethic, love of the earth and strong faith with students. Some will ask a question during those formative years. “Being a about a specific plant or tree and end gardener is humbling. I plant the seeds, up working alongside her for years. but God waters and grows. I am just an Others are required to work as part instrument.” of disciplinary action. All experience the uniquely tangible fruits Because she believes that we of dedicated cultivation. m a p c us t und oc should return to the earth “Caring for people is aro re m what we take, Ella has what Greenville College developed a series is all about,” says of compost piles to Ella, who turns the fertilize the College’s earth to the delight flowerbeds. She of many and draws gathers coffee students into the joy grounds from Jo’s of planting along the Java, vegetable and way. fruit trimmings from Ella

post fertilizer







g e ’s f l o w e r b




lla accompanied her husband, Galen, to Greenville when he became part of the GC mathematics faculty in 1971. After more than 40 years as a registered nurse, she joined Greenville College’s staff in 1998. Since then, God has blessed her with creativity and vision for the everexpanding campus gardens. “Every year, God gives me more ideas than I can use,” the master gardener reflects. “I see the flowers on campus like other people see the sky – it is how God shows Himself to us, in the beauty of the hues. Most people don’t take the time to look inside a flower,” Ella observes. “I see God in the shadows of the flowers.”

the dining commons, shredded paper from the business office and eggshells, bread pieces and cake trimmings from the bakery.



Greenville College and The Simple Room have worked closely together for more than 30 years. This year marks the sixth spring that volunteers from GC will team with youngsters from The Simple Room to tend a community garden. Ethan White ’14 will lead the joint venture. “I want to make nature accessible in a way that many kids won’t experience otherwise,” he says.

The Simple Room is a non-profit organization that provides Christ-centered social development to the youth of Greenville.





1 Local hardware stores and farmers provide supplies, compost and manure. On Earth Day, College and community volunteers prepare a dozen garden plots.


Cultivating Community

Simple Room youngsters partner with volunteer-mentors, choose their plots and plan their gardens.

6 Joy, gardening and food go hand in hand. The Simple Room gardeners fellowship over good pickings at potlucks and bonfires. Garden-fresh veggies grown “just out back” showed up at a Simple Room open house last year.







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Partners talk about the different shapes and sizes of seeds; they soak their plots and plant according to their plans. Experienced gardeners share plants from their home gardens.


• Active play outside that lasts all summer long. • Tasty fresh produce like tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, lettuce and spinach for meals and snacks. • Garden beauty. Sunflowers tower above cucumber and tomato plants, gracing the alley behind The Simple Room.



• Thriving relationships as volunteers and children work side by side. • Desire to share the joy. Last summer, a trio of siblings eagerly gobbled up ripe tomatoes from the garden, left quickly and then returned with their mother so she could see and taste what they had grown.


Experienced gardeners help novices distinguish sprouts from weeds. Together, the gardeners mulch, water and weed repeatedly.



Youngsters watch their gardens abound with fruits and vegetables; they grow, too, as part of a community of gardeners who work together and help each other.

Research shows that children who garden are more apt to: • Score higher on science achievement tests • Understand their connection to food sources • Care for the environment • Continue gardening when they are older • Make healthy food choices



Pumpkins for

PEACE By Kaity Teer

This is a story about piglets, a fishpond, pumpkins and peace, and it begins in East Africa. When Travis Hall ’09 traveled to Uganda eight years ago to study abroad with GO ED., he didn’t expect to return at semester’s end with an honorary plot of land bearing his name and a close Ugandan friend. Upon arriving in the capitol city of Kampala, Hall met Jumah Wangira, a Ugandan college student tasked with helping him navigate an unfamiliar city and culture. They became good friends. Hall accepted an invitation to visit Wangira’s family in Lumino, near the Kenyan border, and returned several times over the course of the semester. He learned of the family’s dream to build a series of fishponds that would lessen the impact of depleting fish in nearby Lake Victoria. The pond would also provide jobs and food for their friends and family. As Wangira and Hall planned, their excitement and friendship grew.

Travis Hall and Jumah Wangira remain friends and partners in developing the project in Lumino.

Bearing witness to the reconciliation was transformative for Hall. In East Africa, exchanging gifts of livestock symbolizes the formation of lasting relationships. “Working together to grow food and create economic opportunities can produce unexpected consequences,” said Hall. “Realizing that changed my life.” As he prepared to return home at the end of the semester, he contemplated how he could integrate what he learned abroad in meaningful ways. Before leaving, he visited Wangira’s home one last time. As they walked, Wangira’s shoe broke. Hall gave him a pair of shoes from his luggage. Later, as Hall left, Wangira said the family had set aside a plot of land for him on their farm with a hut and garden on it.

Hall’s studies included an internship with Food for the Hungry, an organization that distributed pairs of pigs to local villages. The program gave a male pig to one family and a female to another, and provided training on animal husbandry. The two families worked together raising piglets to sell, often offering piglets and training to other families in their village. Hall visited these villages to interview participants and collect stories of their improved lives.

Hall was overwhelmed by the gesture. Back home, encouraged by family, friends and his professors, he determined to continue his friendship with Wangira’s family. “I focused on learning to live with integrity in response to all the things I’d witnessed,” he said, “to reorient myself and live in solidarity with my Ugandan friends and my community in Greenville.”

The project was an economic success, but Hall was more impressed with the intangible effects of community building on villages recovering from ethnic violence. “The pigs became this medium for bridging relational divides,” he said.

That spring, Hall decided to practice sustainable agriculture by growing a pumpkin patch. Professor Rick McPeak gave him space on his Greenville property. Hall traveled to commercial pumpkin farms and learned about pruning, water requirements and cultivation



“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” techniques. Friends helped him clear the land, and he tended 200 pumpkin plants over the summer. Hall’s “Pumpkin Patch of Peace” in Greenville grew in tandem with the developing “Fishpond Peace Initiative” in Uganda. That fall, Hall and Anna Wagner ’09 sold pumpkins at farmers’ markets and community events like the chili cook-off, hayride and concert they organized. In all, they raised $2,000, enough for the Wangiras to rent a backhoe for digging the pond and purchase nets, a pump, lime, and fish food. In a sense, the people and land of Greenville had joined the villagers and pond in Lumino. Their first harvest filled fishnets with tilapia and catfish. Today, the fishpond is a focus of village life. It includes a Peace Center for community events. When hundreds of Kenyan refugees crossed the border, the villagers welcomed them to camp at the fishpond. Before long, the refugees took up shovels and started work on another fishpond. They planned a peace rally and an unofficial peace talk among fighting tribes. Travis and Anna married after college. He worked as a horticulturalist and nurtured a

– James 3:18

passion for plant conservation and land stewardship. She worked as a case specialist for Cuban refugees. They now live in Kigali, Rwanda, where they are student life coordinators for GO ED. The role suits them well. Among other service efforts, the Hall’s GO ED. students engage in community gardening. They study garden design, soil composition and moisture control. They also experiment with planting raised beds, efficient kitchen gardens and space-saving vertical gardens.

Jumah Wangira at the pond site.

Work day at the fish pond in Lumino.

United States of America

The Halls do what they can to prepare students for the adjustments they will face when they leave Rwanda. They encourage students to find new ways of building relationships and applying what they learn once they return home. “I am always surprised at how relational that process can be,” says Hall, “whether it’s artistic, economic, biological or political.” He points to Scripture and reminds students, “You can’t put new wine in old wine skins.” At the same time, he gives them hope born from his experience with pigs, ponds and a treasured Ugandan friendship. He and Jumah remain partners and continue to develop the project in Lumino. VIEW PHOTOS AT:

United Kingdom

Oxford Scholars Program Greenville College

Washington D.C. American Studies Program

Los Angeles Los Angeles Film Studies

Dominican Republic

Egypt Middle Eastern Studies Program

Costa Rica

Latin America Study Program


Recent sites of semester-long studies for GC students

Uganda Studies Program


GO ED. Africa



DOWN from the MOUNTAIN The Storyteller and His Burden By Carla Morris

To digital media major Jake Cannon, the project just pitched to him seemed doable: create a brief promotional video to capture the 10-day wilderness hiking experience known as WalkAbout. It suited his passions perfectly: backpacking, mountains, wilderness, telling a story. As a youngster, Jake loved to explore the woods behind his home in Marion, Illinois. Family vacations to Wyoming widened his scope and fostered a deep appreciation for the majestic mountains and sweeping landscapes of “God’s country.” The proposed project offered the chance for him to revisit that love on a grand scale with a sophisticated camera and the skills



he acquired through his digital media classes. Upon hearing the call for a storyteller, Jake volunteered. Mountain splendor, woods, hiking, filming and editing – he could definitely do this.

“I wanted to create a video that presented WalkAbout in a way that was true to life. Part of the burden was showing how serious this was,” he said. He assessed his skills as a videographer before the trip. “I knew what looked good and what didn’t. I Prior to the start of each school year, knew experimentation was key and student leaders at Greenville College, so was patience – as well as footage, including resident chaplains like Jake, hours upon hours of footage.” “rough it” in the Smoky Mountains. They hike 30-40 miles and disperse Jake calls digital media a “tricky” at some point for 48 hours of solitary field. “It’s not upfront in its meditation, prayer and fasting. They Christianity like ministry or worship often emerge from that solo period arts,” he explains. Manning a camera struggling to find adequate words to and hauling equipment seems more describe it. “Unbelievable,” say some. utilitarian than worshipful, and “Hard to explain,” say others. sorting through hours of video for just the right clip is tedious. “But Describing the indescribable now fell it can be one of the most Godglorifying arts,” he contends. “I want to Jake.

Student leaders assemble for WalkAbout 2013.

my work to reflect my calling and to reflect Christ working in me.”

God gently bending His ear close to the earth to hear the prayers and praise of His creatures, among them, students camped in solitude. And, among these, Jake, a student of film, who bore a slightly heavier burden than the others – a camera and the charge to tell a true-to-life story about releasing distractions to better seek and find God.

“Solitude is distinct from loneliness,” he clarifies. “With loneliness, you are as the word implies: alone. You have a longing for interaction.” To illustrate the solitude he experienced on WalkAbout, he quotes Saint

“Once experiencing it, I realized the burden,” he said of conveying the intimate mountaintop experience. “You see and touch the face of God through the beauty and grace of the nature around you. Sometimes it storms; sometimes it’s sweltering, yet through it all you know that as you walk, God is walking with you.”

Holy solitude.

Let all things their creator bless Down from the mountain and faced with editing, Jake the storyteller made a startling discovery: the story had changed. The tale he initially envisioned of immersion in God’s gift of nature was incomplete. Thoughts of his 48 hours in solitude reminded him that the story encompassed more than the earth’s goodness. It encompassed the Creator of that goodness; the Mountain-maker, who placed the vast rolling range of the Great Smokies beneath an even vaster sky; the Freedom-lover who released water to rush unhindered in torrents over moss-covered boulders; the Life-giver who let loose rains to keep the vegetation near Jake’s bedroll green and vibrant and provide sustenance even for the delicate snail Jake captured on camera, the tiny beneficiary of a moist leaf.

And worship Him in humbleness

Oh, praise Him

The story Jake needed to tell was really about a loving and responsive


In the end, the six-minute video gives viewers a glimpse of what WalkAbout was like for Jake. Its gentle pace and reflective narrative mirror Jake’s heart in the Smokies. Its calm gives quiet voice to his mountaintop solitude, a separation that he treasures.

Augustine: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

Back on campus, Jake poured his heart into editing. Alone in his room, he studied the images on his computer and lost count of the hours slipping by. Clip after clip, he sorted through raw footage and made scores of decisions. A locked door ensured no distractions. As he worked through yet another detail, a welcome thought sometimes invaded the tedium: Even in this, Soli Deo Gloria – glory to God alone.

Editor’s note: To view Jake’s WalkAbout video, go to



The Ecology of God’s Commands By Howard A. Snyder

Students enrolled in COR 401 this year read Salvation Means Creation Healed by Howard A. Snyder ’62 and Joel Scandrett. The authors contend that God has a permanent stake in what happens to earth and physical creation. They each visited campus and addressed students in chapel.


ince the story of salvation in the Bible is the story of God, God’s people and God’s land, one would expect that every one of God’s commands would have something to do with land, directly or indirectly. Look carefully at the Ten Commandments, and you will see that this is, in fact, true. Well before the Ten Commandments were given, God’s people were told to care for the land with which God



has established covenant (Gen. 2:15, 9:8-17). When God’s people fail to care for the land, they actually break every one of the Ten Commandments, for all God’s commands touch the land in one way or another. God says, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Ex. 20:3). When we despoil the creation, we do not honor God; we put our own selfishness and comfort before God the Creator and His intentions for

the creation. First commandment broken. God says, “You shall not make for yourself an idol” (Ex. 20:4). When we fail to care for God’s creatures, we make idols of ourselves. We put ourselves ahead of God and His glory and mission. Second commandment shattered. God says, “You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God” (Ex. 20:7). When people profess to be God’s people, yet mistreat the earth and claim to own the

land, they misuse the name of the Lord who says, “The earth is mine, and all that is in it” (Ps. 24:1). So much for the third commandment. God says, “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8). The Sabbath principle is rest, acknowledging God as sovereign provider. God says the land must be allowed to rest, rejuvenate itself and be properly cared for. “The land will rest and enjoy its Sabbath years” (Lev. 26:34). If not, God promises judgment. By exploiting the land, we fail to keep Sabbath and so break the fourth commandment. God says, “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land” (Ex. 20:12). God’s economy ties together the honoring of family relationships and peaceful living in the land. Since our parents (and all future generations) depend on the land, we dishonor our father and mother if we exploit the land. More and more, we are coming to understand today how the welfare of people interlaces with the welfare of the land. If one suffers, the other suffers. God says, “You shall not murder” (Ex. 20:13). We are to nurture the life of others, not destroy it. Yet, we now know that polluting the climate raises the death toll, especially among the poor. Environmental exploitation and death are linked at

Adamah The cultivated ground and source of dust God used to form mankind

multiple levels. Creation care is pro-life. God says, “You shall not commit adultery” (Ex. 20:14). Adultery springs from lust for someone or something that does not properly belong to us; it leads us to break faith with those to whom we have promised to be faithful and thus dishonors God. So the Bible speaks much of spiritual adultery and prostitution. God’s original intention was that we would be stewards and caretakers of the land, the land we were placed in to “husband.” But our lust to serve ourselves has led us to abandon the land. Failure to nurture the land is ecological adultery. God says, “You shall not steal” (Ex. 20:15). Spoiling the land steals from God, who owns the land, and from the poor, to whom God gives special rights to the land and its produce (Lev. 19:10, 23:22). God says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Ex. 20:16). But when we blame others, not ourselves, for spoiling creation (blaming politicians, for instance, or environmentalists, or other countries, or even God’s will or providence) we bear false witness. We ignore our environmental interdependence and coresponsibility. If we say we have no clear

God-given responsibility for local and global creation care, we bear false witness against God’s Word. God says, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house . . . or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Ex. 20:17). The Lord tells us to practice mutual respect, especially with regard to those things that properly “belong” to us as God’s creatures. The earth does not belong to us, but the right to proper enjoyment of the land and its beauty and bounty does. This right belongs to the whole human family – certainly not just to ourselves or our family or nation or religion. Creation care means not coveting the land or the economic advantages or profits of others. If we consider the ecological setting of the Ten Commandments, we see how our intentional actions as well as our unthinking habits actually defy God’s Word. Loving God and keeping His commandments (Dt. 7:9) means not putting our conveniences and customs and politics ahead of following God’s way. If we spoil creation and multiply its groaning, we daily break God’s Word. Visit to see this and other articles from Dr. Snyder about the power and relevance of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom for the world today and tomorrow.

Almighty God, in making Adam from adamah, you made us dependent on the rest of your good creation. In befriending us, you made us fellow workers in the garden. Give us wisdom and reverence to live in harmony with all that you have made, that no one may suffer from our abuses, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. —Prayer associated with Adamah, the community garden on GC’s campus




Vice President for Academic Affairs Named President Ivan Filby recently announced the appointment of Edwin Estévez ’94 as GC’s new Vice President of Academic Affairs beginning July 1, 2014. Estévez previously served at GC as assistant professor of sociology and social work and assistant dean for student success. He holds a master’s in social work from Washington University and a doctorate in educational leadership from Saint Louis University. His professional experience in higher education includes working for the University of South Florida

to increase graduates among its Latino and minority students. He is also the founder and president of ECG, a consultancy that specializes in human and resource capital development. ECG has contributed to growth management of more than $85 million over the last three years to clients in health care, education, logistics, non-profit management, non-governmental organizations and small businesses. Estévez is an ordained minister with the Free Methodist Church of North America and has served as executive pastor for Tampa Spanish Free Methodist Church. He and his wife, Jessica, are the parents of two daughters.

Interterm 2014 Showcases Innovative Learning Opportunities Interterm is one of the historic strengths of Greenville College with students taking innovative courses both on campus and farther afield. This year’s January offerings included focused study in various disciplines and locations, among them: Steve Heilmer’s art course Juxtaposynthesis, Ruth Huston’s Experiencing the Story of God, Susan Chism’s Introduction to Sports Writing, George Barber’s The Healthy Kitchen, Jack Chism’s Great Movie Making and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw’s study trip to Israel, Historical and Geographical Settings of the Bible.

Students in Juxtaposynthesis turned commonplace objects into works of art. Pictured above, “Nuance” by Lukas Cottingham ‘16. 14


Best Selling Author Rachel Held Evans Visits Campus Award winning Christian author, blogger and speaker Rachel Held Evans visited Greenville College February 6 and 7. She delivered messages during Vespers and Chapel, commenting on the experiences that led to her New York Times best seller A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head and Calling Her Husband Master (Thomas Nelson, 2012). A frequent guest on television and radio shows, Evans claims a spot on Christianity Today’s 2012 list of “50 Women You Should Know.”

Schomaker Named Head Football Coach After leading GC’S 2013 football team to a 9-2 record and the program’s fifth NCCAA Victory Bowl appearance, interim coach Robbie Schomaker has been named GC’s head football coach. Schomaker’s 2013 squad broke numerous team records and achieved a 17-game winning streak that spanned two seasons. He was also voted Coach of the Year in the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference. Schomaker came to Greenville College in 2010. He initially coordinated the Panther offense, coached its quarterbacks and coordinated recruiting. Under his leadership, GC secured its three largest recruiting classes and averaged 65 new players each season from 2010-12. Before coming to Greenville College, Schomaker coached the offensive line and coordinated special teams at Trinity International University, his alma mater.


Digging Trenches and Tuckpointing All in a Day’s Work One weekend each semester, the Urban Plunge experience exposes students to inner city ministries and social services provided by different faith-based agencies. Last fall, students assisted work crews from New City Fellowship in St. Louis by tuckpointing a member’s home, while other students dug trenches for a new irrigation system in a community garden. New City Fellowship serves many refugees among its members, and GC students often find their stories inspiring. “Their kind demeanor and zeal for God enchanted us,” said student Gina Brooks ’14 of the African refugees who assisted her group. “My faith was enriched by their stories and obvious passion for the Lord.” The exposure to ministry among refugee city dwellers reminds the students of God’s extraordinary interest in refugees. This summer, community gardeners from New City Fellowship will reap the benefits of labor provided by GC students “in the trenches” (left) last fall.

Kent Krober Returns to GC as Athletic Director The Greenville College athletic department will soon be under new leadership as Kent Krober ’78 assumes the position of athletic director. Krober returns to the College after serving 13 years in various positions including public school teacher and coach, vice president for the church and ministry division at Cass Commercial Bank in St. Louis, and most recently, development and planned giving officer at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Krober will succeed Doug Faulkner ’86, who will now serve the School of Professional Studies as dean. Krober offers the College significant experience in development and admissions along with strong leadership and managerial capabilities. His exemplary track record demonstrates a commitment to quality service, staff and expense control, goal achievement, public relations and effective teaching, coaching and mentoring. Krober previously filled various coaching and administrative positions at GC from 1982 to 2001. He officially assumes his new duties March 1.

Wayman’s Book Just Released Assistant Professor of Religion Ben Wayman ’02 has recently published a book, Diodore the Theologian (Brepols Publishers, 2014). The study examines the role of theology in the biblical commentary of the fourth-century pastor and teacher. It argues that Diodore’s focus on God’s providence in the Psalter functions as a religious vision that organizes his interpretation of Psalms 1-50. Wayman is new to GC’s philosophy and religion department this year. He is interested in scriptural interpretation and its formative impact on Christian communities throughout the church’s history. His doctoral research at St. Louis University focused on early Christian biblical exegesis and its relation to theology, tradition, worship, and culture. Wayman directs GC’s Ministry Internship Program and also serves on the pastoral staff at St. Paul’s Free Methodist Church in Greenville.






October 23-26

Parade Class Reunions Choir and Jazz Band concerts Panther 5K Football, soccer, volleyball and more

Join us for a weekend of Panther pride and fellowship with old friends! Save the date today and stay tuned for details to come.

Welcome Back Though Scott Giffen ’99 enjoys many interests from football, baseball and soccer to marathon races and music, nothing quite makes his heart sing like returning to Greenville College. GC has always held a special place in Scott’s regard. He is thrilled to return as its Vice President for College Advancement and put his talents and resources to work for God’s glory. Scott studied business management and music at GC. “The arts have always been my passion,” he recalls. “I remember telling my wife long ago that there are only a few other passions for which I could raise money. Greenville College is at the top of my short list.” Scott calls the transformational experience GC provides “unique” and has long appreciated how the College helps students see God’s world in new, intimate and thoughtful ways. He earned his certification as a fund raising executive (CFRE) in 2004 and recertifications in 2007, 2010 and 2013. Most recently, Scott served as executive vice president of the Springfield Arts Collaborative where he raised $7 million in three years. Scott shares his affection and esteem for Greenville College with his wife, Yvi Martin ’01. “Yvi and I have supported the college philanthropically since we graduated,” he reflects, “and I can’t wait to invite others to join us and give other students the same, or an even better, opportunity.” 16


Alumni News What’s New With You? Submit your information online at

’54 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014

60s Richard Huseman ’61 has authored a new book, Prescription Positive: A Great Way to Live . . . and Live Longer (Equity Press, 2014). It explores the power of positive beliefs and their impact on health.

Jacqueline Kelsey ’63 has authored a new book, Flight Beyond the Stars (AuthorHouse, 2013), that shows how the tangible “here and now” serves as a launch pad for knowing and creating a journey to the metaphysical realities our souls crave – selfsatisfaction, right relationships, fulfillment and a sense of truth and beauty. To learn more, visit P.O. Box 458, Greenville, IL 62246.

Jerry Miller ’64 retired after 38 years in Europe teaching the children of military personnel. He is back in the U.S. and enjoying retirement. 222 Raintree Dr, Hendersonville, NC 28791. David Rice ’66 recently retired from National Louis University. He was assistant dean of the Health Services Division for 10 years. He also served as professor in the College of Management and Business with primary teaching assignments in both undergraduate and graduate programs. Most recently, he developed and taught online courses. Rice also occasionally substitutes as organist in several Chicago area churches. Paul Dresser ’69 was recently inducted into the Michigan High School Soccer Coaches Association (MHSSCA) Hall of Fame. He was recognized for his outstanding coaching career that included work with club and school soccer teams and developing championship teams at the district, regional and state levels. Dresser also filled various leadership roles with the MHSSCA and the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA).1519 Diane Dr, Flushing, MI 48433.

70s Linda (Stark ’70) Smalley is retired and lives in Auckland, New Zealand, with her husband and three stepchildren. She also has two sons living in the U.S. She enjoys crocheting, quilting and working as communications manager with the local Country Woman’s Institute, which focuses on community involvement and helping others. “Living in a foreign country has been great,” she reports. “New Zealand is indeed a very beautiful

country, and the people are wonderful.” 38 Tree View Rd, Glenfield, Auckland, NZ 0629. Lavonne Larson ’71 recently retired after serving 32 years as professor and chair of the General Education Department at Trinity Bible College (Ellendale, ND). 2027 49th St South, Fargo, ND 58103. Margaret (Marcellus ’73) Hanson recently retired from 36 years of service in the Accounting Department for the City of Emporia. 1102 Topeka, Emporia, KS 66801. Marsha (Earing ’73) Nelson retired last May after 40 years teaching French and English in Bonner Springs, KS. She relocated to Greenville to be near her children and grandchildren. 1517 Killarney Dr, Greenville, IL 62246. ’74 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014

Mark Hogan ’75 was recently appointed chair of the School of Education at Belmont University (Nashville, TN). In March 2014, he will complete a two-year term as president of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education. He remains on the CAEP Board of Examiners (part of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) on which he has served since 1998. 200 Oakwood Dr, Bridgewater, VA 22812.

80s Jill (Butterfield ’85) Gostin was elected to the International Board of Governors of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society. She will THE RECORD | SPRING 2014



Chuck ’62 and Carole (Whitbeck ’64) Vick celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary August 23, 2013. Chuck retired in 2003 after working at the University of Washington for 17 years and Boeing for 22 years in radiation physics. Carole retired from teaching and working in retail sales. They are active in the North Cascades Christian Church (Free Methodist). Chuck enjoys biking, singing with the Skagit Valley Chorale and helping friends with their computer problems. Carole enjoys quilting, sewing, scrap booking and collecting antiques. 725 Orth Way, SedroWoolley, WA 98284.

’64 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014


Gordon College recently presented Valerie Gin ’82 its Senior Distinguished Faculty Award. Val serves as professor of recreation and leisure studies at Gordon and chairs the department. She was recognized for her challenging and creative interactive teaching style and for continuing to ponder and push the boundaries of what is understood about sport, recreation, leisure, stewardship and the call to live life to the fullest. She is an active member of the International Sport Coalition (ISC) and has written the sport ethics curriculum taught in ISC training around the world. She is a consultant to several national teams and a lecturer at the International Sport Leadership School in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Val co-edits the Journal of The Christian Society of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies. While her passion for sport has opened doors to countless opportunities worldwide, the pillars that stand are her love for God and sport and her desire to share both with students. “The best part of teaching is the relationships I have with students!” she confesses. “Being able to share the love and convictions I have concerning sport will hopefully impact the way sport is played and valued.” 19 Fuller St, Magnolia, MA 01930.

serve a three-year term. She also sings with her church praise band and chairs the Awards Council for the Georgia Tech Research Institute, where she works as a senior research scientist. 3996 Watkins Glen Dr, Woodstock, GA 30189. Paul McLeland ’86 completed the Ironman Wisconsin last September, finishing in 12:33:59. His wife, Dru (Orcutt ’85) McLeland is studying for a master’s in divinity at Northern Seminary, and daughter Katie is studying clinical physiology at California State University at Fullerton. Paul coaches track and teaches physical education at West Chicago High School. 512 Summit Ave, West Chicago, IL 60185. Jerry Moore ’86 is now the editorial page editor of the Watertown Daily Times in Watertown, New York. He worked in community journalism in the Chicago area for more than 25 years as a staff writer/ reporter, photographer, copy editor, news editor and opinions editor. Moore has won 30 professional awards in the last four years for writing editorials and opinion columns, as well as planning the content and design of editorial pages. 17747 U.S. Route 11, Lot 2P, Watertown, NY 13601. ’89 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014

90s Captain (CH) William Breckenridge ’90 serves as chaplain with the Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB) at Ft. Riley, KS. He works with severely wounded soldiers who can no longer perform their duties. 18


In June 2013, Kevin ’91 and Amy (Starr ’90) Kwilinski completed the 2013 Comrades Marathon, 56 miles from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The Comrades Marathon is the world’s largest and oldest ultramarathon race. 545 Cypress Dr, Naperville, IL 60540.

whose destiny lies within a past he cannot remember and a future he can only imagine. Edwards fondly remembers Professor Elva McAllaster’s strong influence and encouragement for him to write poetry. He credits his alma mater for honing his writing skills.

Tara (Barnes ’93) Barnes Kratzer works at Santa Clara Elementary School in Tucson as an English language instructor at the third grade level. 14430 S Camino Guadal, Sahuarita, AZ 85629.


’94 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014

Harley and Beth (Setty ’95) Wozniak were married September 9, 2012. They relocated from Chicago to Salem, WI, where they just bought their first house. Beth has worked 10 years at Brandtrust. 9818 256th Ave, Salem, WI 53168.

Matt ’00 and Tiffany (Champ ’00) Mendenhall enjoy their four children, Ella (10), Ava (7), Isaac (5) and Owyn (2). Matt is associate pastor at Smith Grove Baptist Church, and Tiffany is a stay-at-home mom. 320 N First, Greenville, IL 62246.

Jason Cannon ’98 has permanently moved to Sarasota, FL, where he works as an associate artist at Florida Studio Theatre. His duties include director of new play development, director of Acting Apprentice Program, director of adult education, and director-in-residence, Cabaret and Lab Series Development. 1256 5th St, Sarasota, FL 24236. Jeremy Edwards ’99 has authored a book, Brander: The Faerie Realm Chronicles Volume 1 (PublishAmerica, 2012). The coming of age story tells the adventures of a boy named Ian Prescott,

John and Sarah (Reese ’02) Kelley were married in August 2009. They have one son, Jaden Arian, born in March 2011. Sarah completed eight years active duty with the U.S. Army, including two deployments to Iraq. She will continue her military career in the Army Reserves while studying at Kansas State University. 2426 Buttonwood Dr, Manhattan, KS 66502.

Christina (Welsh ’03) Holman works for The Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division Community Relations & Development Department, a post she has held for two years. As direct marketing manager, she oversees direct mail appeal communications and tele-fundraising campaigns. 25818 Miracle Drive, Madison Heights, MI 48071.

Kevin ’08 and Kate (Wolfe ’08) Kirchner, a son, Ephraim Davis, born July 7, 2013. This is their second son. 2703 N Howard Ave, Springfield, MO 65803.

Joshua and Amber (Johnson ’04) Morris, a son, Nathaniel Kenneth, born June 19, 2013. 5380 Trousdale Dr, Nashville, TN 37220. Lillia (McClure’04) McClure-Hartter is celebrating the anniversary of her fine jewelry store, Lillia Jewelers, that she opened two years ago in her hometown of Eureka, IL. 402 Highview Dr, Eureka, IL 61530. Jared ’05 and Ginnifer (Sparks ’04) Smith both work at Illinois State University. Jared is a web analyst and Ginny is an academic advisor in the College of Business. P.O. Box 11, Emden, IL 62635.

Curtis and Justine (Lessen ’08) Dion were married August 3, 2013, in Springfield, IL. Both are employed as teachers at Athens High School in Athens, IL, where the couple resides. 702 N Bitterroot Ct, Athens, IL 62613.

Dan and Heather (Marchal ’08) Rinderer were married in April 2009. They are the parents of one son, Oscar, born in April 2010. Heather teaches special education in Centralia, IL, and Dan is an instrumentation mechanic at ConocoPhillips Refinery. 15781 Lake Branch Rd, Breese, IL 62230. Jared and Christina (Stuve ’08) Torkelson were married October 1, 2013. 7237 Tempe Dr, Apt 87, Madison, WI 53719. Tim Hawkins ’09 is a school counselor. He serves students in grades K-8 at Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools. 2319 41st St, Sioux City, IA 51108. Rod Tucker ’09 just released a new book Uncovered (Kregel Publications, 2014) that addresses honesty and authenticity in Christianity. GC Professor Kent Dunnington calls the book “a journey ‘into the light,’ where being in the light is about persistent honesty rather

Jay Wilde ’11 is youth and worship director at Quarry Rock Church in Dell Rapids, SD. He is engaged to be married to Mara Woodworth from Belleville, Ontario. 330 W 10th St, Apt. 1, Dell Rapids, SD 57022. Britney Baker ’12 works at Lewis & Clark Community College as a financial aid advisor. She is pursuing a master’s degree in cross-cultural studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. 319 Broadway, East Alton, IL 62024. Michael ’12 and Sarah (Dothager ’13) Caroleo were married July 13, 2013. 1243 Spring Creek Dr, Nashville, TN 37209. Jason and Sarah (Meyers ’12) Janes have relocated to Garden City, MI, where Jason serves as youth pastor at United Baptist Church. 1754 S. Harrison St, Garden City, MI 48135. Robyn Smuck ’12 now works as leadership experience manager for the Waterloo Area Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois. 519 Lafayette St, Apt. 1, Waterloo, IA 50703. Caitlin Torrence ’12 teaches theology at Sacred Heart-Griffin Catholic High School in Springfield, IL. 106 East Spruce St, Chatham, IL 62629. Meagan Gunn ’13 now lives in Millersville, TN. 408 Lewis Dr, Millersville, TN 37072.




Aaron Brewer ’06 married Danielle Ballard May 19, 2012. Aaron is director of music, graphic designer and social media manager at Transformation Christian Church and World Outreach Center in St. Louis. 17 S Delmar, Hartford, IL 62048. Jacob ’07 and Katie (O’Neall ’08) Eckeberger continue to travel and perform as the music group My Anchor Holds. Katie also now leads worship at Hope Church in Normal, IL. 25001 E. 1500 N Rd, Cooksville, IL 61730.

10s Joel and Allyson (Van Buren ’10) Krehbiel were married November 23, 2013, at First Mennonite Church of Urbana Champaign. Allyson continues to work as a mental health therapist, and Joel is a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. 612 W Church St, Apt 44, Champaign, IL 61820.

’04 REUNION YEAR October 23-26, 2014

Jennifer (Alig ’04) Hanon now works as director of international recruitment at Lakeland College. 338 West Lake Dr, Random Lake, WI 53075.

than sinless perfection.” Rod is lead pastor of The River:pm, a site of The River Church in Kalamazoo, MI.


In Memory Dr. Harold Engle ’39 died December 20, 2013. He practiced family medicine for 50 years and served as medical director of the Mennonite Central Committee Hospital in Taiwan. Louise (Barber ’40) George passed away June 3, 2013. She was 93. Survivors include her sister Bonnie (Barber ’48) Tidball. Blanche (Paul ’42) Kirkham died October 26, 2013. She taught elementary school and worked summers at Grand Teton National Park. Leona (Stillman ’42) Rennells passed away October 5, 2013. She taught school and enjoyed international travel. Rev. Eldon Sayre ’42 died October 17, 2013. He served as a missionary under the Free Methodist Church of North America and later as principal and administrator in Ohio and California schools. He also instructed at Greenville College. Lester Finger ’43 was the first high school coach in Arizona to be named Coach of the Year by an Associated Press poll. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Ruth (Williams ’45), and four daughters, all Greenville College alumni. Alice (Fickess ’44) Rice, age 90, passed away August 6, 2013. She filled local, regional and national positions with missionary societies in the Free Methodist Church. Alice and her late husband Carl ’43 frequently opened their home to Greenville College students. Catherine (Lunn ’45) Mahank died July 15, 2013. She helped her husband establish his medical practice in Mishawaka, IN, and assisted in his office. Robert Archer ’47 died August 14, 2013. He owned an accounting service for 30 years and held a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. Katheleene (Flowers ’47) Masters died December 26, 2013. She was 84. Kathy enjoyed serving her church and community. Dona (Cooper ’48) Meyer died Saturday, December 21, 2013. After serving in the United States Marine Corps, she taught elementary and secondary school. Betty (Clark ’48) Snyder, a long time resident of Redlands, CA, passed away October 14, 2013. She was a school teacher. 20


Rev. Eldon Hibbard ’49 passed away July 29, 2013. A decorated veteran of the United States Army, Eldon pastored Free Methodist churches in Michigan, Washington and Oregon. Violet (Ormston ’49) McAdam passed away January 2, 2014. Gifts in memory of Violet may be made to the Greenville College Music Department. William “Bill” McConnell ’49 died December 19, 2013. After retiring from a career in quality assurance, he organized medical teams that served remote villagers in Guatemala. Rev. Richard Gabriel ’50 died November 27, 2012. He served in ministry nearly 50 years, including 15 years as superintendent of the New York Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Jessie (Mollet ’51) Arnett passed away August 16, 2013. She was 83. Dexter Miller ’51 passed away October 22, 2013. He served 45 years with the United Methodist Church. Robert Neece ’51 passed away September 1, 2013. He retired as manager from Southwestern Electric in 1990 and later served as local coordinator for Almira Manor in Greenville. Zelda (Hannum ’51) Spoors, age 84, passed away December 29, 2013. She was the first woman to graduate from Greenville College with a degree in physical education. Robert Wickersham, Sr. ’51 passed away August 23, 2013. He was 84. Robert retired from ConRail in 1990. Maurice Elmore ’52, age 80, passed away October 3, 2013. He taught various subjects at the secondary level. Maurice was a veteran of the United States Army and served in Korea. Dorothea Moore ’52 passed away November 28, 2013. She was a veteran with the Women’s Army Corps and later worked as a high school instructor and guidance counselor. Fred Brown ’54 died January 20, 2014. He was a veteran with the United States Army Air Corps and later became a public school teacher and principal. Lillian Pauline (Taylor ’54) Graff died November 6, 2013. She taught school for

more than 40 years and also served as church organist and pianist. Lois (Edwards ’54) Lane, age 92, passed away January 12, 2014. She retired in 1976 from a career in education. Edith (Donnelly ’57) Boldman passed away October 30, 2013, at age 77. She earned her master’s degree in library science from the University of Michigan. She loved serving others and treasured time with her grandchildren. Carolyn (Hardy ’57) Steffen passed away January 3, 2014. She was known for giving selflessly to others in need. Virginia (Lehr ’60) Vancil passed away February 12, 2013. She taught special education for 30 years. Ruth (Schoen ’62) Govaia died December 13, 2013. She was a devoted wife and mother who enjoyed singing, playing piano, boating and spending time with friends and family. Martha Schultz ’62 died March 12, 2012. She taught school for 30 years. Shirley (Wingler ’64) Sheriff died July 25, 2013. She served on the Board of Directors for the Riverways Pregnancy Resource Center and directed women’s ministries at her church. Jennifer (Rice ’67) Crisp, age 69, passed away July 7, 2013. She served as a nurse. Gerald Eichhoefer ’68 passed away January 22. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Rice University and authored the book Enduring Issues in Philosophy. Gerald previously served as professor of computer science at Greenville College. Phyllis (Tormohlen ’68) Wiedner died August 16, 2013. She enjoyed travel, family vacations and spending time with her grandchildren. Wayne Denbo ’70, age 65, died August 13, 2013. He worked as a system analyst and later as a data warehouse manager. Jilaine Rosenthal ’70 died Sept. 23, 2013. She retired from Levi, Ray and Shoup, an information technology company. Rosalyn (Koertge ’77) Powers, age 60, passed away January 13, 2014. She served 5-Star Industries and the State of Illinois as a social worker.

Out Of The Classroom And Into The Garden

FROM ADAM’S CARE TO JESUS’ PRAYER, the garden in Scripture is a sacred place where God’s children join Him in His work. Last fall, seniors Alyssa Gosselin (left) and Olivia Huber, along with four others from their COR 401 group, winterized Adamah, the community garden on campus. The students engaged their various disciplines and skills to connect with the Greenville community and develop a guide to assist future caretakers of the plot. Become a financial champion of Greenville College. Your gift today delivers a transformational Christ-centered educational experience that empowers, enriches and endures. Thank you for giving.







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