Greenville College - Parent Info

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In the eyes of parents Greenville College is

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Sending your student to college will have a considerable impact on you as a parent, both emotionally and financially. When you entrust your student to Greenville College,

you can rest assured that he or she will enjoy

a safe, nurturing environment – and one of the finest values in Christian higher education.

“We look forward to working with you to find the resources necessary to finance your student’s education here at Greenville. Regardless of financial circumstances, all students are encouraged to apply so an award package may be prepared that will include the maximum amount of financial aid assistance available.” — Marilae Latham Director of Financial Aid

As you and your student consider colleges, you should know that the cost of a four-year public university may be less than Greenville College, but the actual out-of-pocket expense may not be much different. In some cases you may even end up paying less for Greenville than you would a state college or university. Research* shows… Students who attend private colleges such as Greenville often reach their educational goals and enter the workforce with a completed degree in four years, while it often takes students at state institutions five or six years to finish a degree. It’s vital to… Consider the final cost of education after financial aid has been awarded. Why? Because 95 percent of our students receive some form of financial aid, which greatly reduces the cost. And there is a very good chance your student will be eligible for some combination of financial aid. What to watch for… A typical financial aid package for a Greenville student consists of resources such as: state and federal grants up to more than $10,000 per year; academic and departmental scholarships; long-term, lowinterest federal loans; and college work-study programs — all of which makes Greenville extremely affordable!

An investment in Greenville is an investment in your child’s future. Because Christ is at the core of who we are, our students undergo transformation for lives of character and service. This experience strengthens their faith and introduces them to lifelong friends—and life-changing opportunities.

For tuition and fees, financial aid offerings, application instructions, and helpful resources, go to w w w. g r e e n v i l l e . e d u / f i n a n c i a l a i d or call us: 8 0 0 - 3 4 5 - 4 4 4 0 . * Data from the National Center for Education Statistics of the U.S. Department of Education.

Teaching students how to make a good living is important, and we do that at Greenville. Instilling in them the ideals necessary to live a rich and fulfilling life is even more essential—we do that, too. The Greenville community is conducive to educating the whole person — intellectually, spiritually, socially, and vocationally. That’s priceless.

Graduate Courtney Klimson says she would not be where she is today had it not been for her experience serving as director of Agapefest, our annual Christian Music Festival. After graduating, Courtney served as business manager for Emmy-award winning composer Michael Whalen, then manager of brand marketing and catalog development for EMI Christian Music Group in Nashville. Today she is director of sales and marketing for Masque Sound and Recordings, where she is building a new division called House of Worship Installations.

The average college student changes majors three times and the average graduate goes through six careers. That’s why it’s essential to distinguish between the colleges that will provide job preparation only and those that will provide career and life preparation. Foundational Skills – For Life We teach the transferable skills, such as writing, communication, teamwork, learning how to learn, critical thinking, and problem solving. These skills make our graduates extremely adaptable and effective in whatever they do. Environment Does Matter Research shows that during college, students experience a significant “search for identity.” College years are critical in determining the value structure by which students will live as adults. The people who will have a direct influence upon your student—the people of Greenville—are honest, humble, compassionate, and courageous. Positive Reinforcement Students who enroll in church-related colleges tend to have their religious values and behaviors supported and strengthened, as opposed to those who attend secular and public universities, whose religious values and behaviors tend to decline.* Tapping Into God’s Gifts Each of our students takes The Gallup Organization’s StregthsFinder survey to determine their top five strengths. Why? Because Gallup research shows that some of the world’s most successful people build their lives upon their strengths, learn to manage their weaknesses, and invent ways to use their strengths to achieve big goals.

“I was swept off my feet at Greenville. I fell into a community of friends that changed my perception of the possibilities of how to be critically engaged, and an intellectually creative Christian. They accepted me, encouraged me, and shaped me. They changed my life and made me who I am today; it was totally worth it.” — Kate Netzler, ’06 Indiana University, Ph.D. Program Religious Studies/American Studies

* How College Affects Student (1991: Josey-Bass)

How do you measure value when it comes to college education? By the quality you receive for your dollar. Let there be no mistake about the quality-side of the value equation at Greenville!

It’s Why We’re Here Our campus-wide focus on student success is backed up by: • Approachable faculty • Strong academic advising • Student Success Center • Comprehensive student development programs • Campus-wide Internet access • High-end recording studios and research equipment • State-of-the-art computer labs

“We could not recommend Greenville more highly. The depth of scholarship and the love of this worshipping community have deepened the souls of our two boys and opened their minds. Our sons have become men who are committed to life-long learning and who are well prepared for the future.” — Denny and Cheryl Wayman Santa Barbara, CA

“At Greenville, I really learned how to ask important questions about faith and relationships. Close interaction with professors and other students gave me a huge advantage as I’ve learned to work well with people in the workplace. ” — Amanda Reese, ’08 Editor, Tate Publishing Mustang, OK

Equipped For Tomorrow Our curriculum is designed to give your student the knowledge, skills, wisdom, and savvy he or she needs to tackle real-world matters in Christ-like ways. Learning To Live One of our goals is to expose each student to the liberating arts and diverse experiential learning opportunities so, when he or she graduates, your son or daughter will: • Seek truth • Think critically and creatively • Value the wholeness of creation • Understand our world • Respect human life and understand the human condition • Apply basic social structures and processes • Develop self-understanding • Recognize and value personal strengths • Develop a Judeo-Christian worldview.

For More Than A Decade… Ninety percent of our pre-med students have been accepted to their first choice medical schools, with several being awarded the Distinguished Student Scholarship from Washington University school of Medicine in St. Louis.

Greenville College has been blessed with an extremely safe campus within a wonderfully secure local community. Ours is an environment of peace, excitement, spiritual relevance, and the pursuit of academic excellence.

SAFETY A number of our students participate in the Community Service Organization, an experiential learning opportunity that engages students in providing initial levels of campus security. CSO works in cooperation with local authorities to provide an added level of security to an already safe campus. LIVING HEALTHY Our students enjoy nutritional meals, from salad and sandwich bars to hot entrees. Rooms on campus are fully furnished with new loft-style furniture and are close to classes. Laundry rooms are available in every residence hall. And our Recreation Center serves as a wonderful outlet where students enjoy exercise and fellowship. PEACE OF MIND Greenville College also enjoys a superb relationship with nearby Greenville Regional Hospital, which was recently ranked as one of the top 100 hospitals in the nation by Solucient, the leading source of healthcare business information.

“Greenville has been a safe and welcoming second home for our two daughters. They have made lifelong friends with their peer group, and with faculty and staff. We have watched our girls grow in mind and spirit, and have found that, from the very top down, Greenville College is filled with loving, sharing, Christ-centered people.” — John and Marla Johnson, Avon, IL

COST VS. CHARACTER The decision about where to attend college must never be only about cost. Instead, it is a decision about life and meaning and purpose. Research shows that students often take on the values of the faculty where they attend college, and that the values instilled in college persist throughout a graduate’s adult life. FOLLOWING FACULTY FOOTPRINTS According to studies,* where the faculty is non-religious or mildly religious, students’ religious commitments move considerably toward the secular. Where the faculty expresses greater commitment to religious values, however, the institutional environment supports the students’ religious values and commitment during their college experience. LED BY THE SPIRIT One of our favorite scriptures on campus is Romans 12:2: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Many unique offerings enable students’ minds to be renewed! There are wilderness excursions, Bible studies, foreign study programs, accountability groups, and prayer meetings. Plus, three times a week our students gather for Chapel — a moving time of fellowship, praise and worship, and inspirational messages among students who represent more than 40 denominations.

Arrange Your Visit! Virtually everyone who visits Greenville falls in love — with the people, the place, and the mission: Empower students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education. We have Preview Days every fall and spring. For details, go to w w w . g r e e n v i l l e . e d u / a d m i s s i o n s / v i s i t

* A Questions of Price Versus Cost (Christianity Today, March 2006), and How College Affects Students (1991: Jossey-Bass).

Greenville College

in detail HISTORY Founded in 1892, Greenville College is a fouryear, coeducational, Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the Free Methodist Church. LOCATION Greenville’s 50-acre campus is located in the heart of Greenville, Illinois, a beautiful town of 7,000 people located 45 miles east of St. Louis and easily accessible from I-70, I-55, I-64, and I-57. MISSION Greenville College empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies. STUDENT-FACULTY RATIO 18-1. FACULTY About 75 percent of our professors have doctoral or terminal degrees. ENROLLMENT More than 1,000 traditional students — 50 percent male and female — come from 44 states and 16 foreign countries. Another 500 students are involved in our Adult and Graduate Studies programs. RESIDENCE LIFE About 80 percent of students live on campus. One of Greenville’s main distinctions is the emphasis placed on residential experience. STUDENT LIFE Greenville offers more than 50 student organizations, including service and social clubs, musical groups, intramural sports, academic groups, student government, missions clubs, performance groups, and student publications. Greenville even has its own music festival, radio station, and recording label.

ATHLETICS For years, the Greenville College Panthers have built a winning tradition in intercollegiate athletics. While our men’s football and soccer teams made it to the national finals, our women’s cross country and volleyball teams produced conference players of the year. The women’s basketball team recently competed for a national title, and our cross-country teams have dominated their league for the past decade while earning national all-academic honors. We’ve produced three consecutive NCAA Div. III national champions in the hurdles, and one of our women’s soccer athletes was named NCCAA All-American. Our teams compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the National Christian College Athletics Association (NCCAA), the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, and the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference. Men Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Soccer Tennis Track & Field

Women Basketball Cross Country Soccer Softball Tennis Track & Field Volleyball

SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Agapefest, StrengthsFinder, Multicultural and World Outreach programs, Urban Plunge, Walkabout Wilderness Experience, Shak-athon, Blackroom Records, WGRN 89.5 FM, The Factory Theatre, Bock Sculpture Museum, Greenville Student Outreach, Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP). FINANCIAL AID More than 95 percent of our students receive financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Visit to learn more.

MEMBERSHIP Greenville College is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) — whose mission is to advance the cause of Christcentered higher education and to help its member institutions to transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.

VISIT Greenville offers campus Preview Days every fall and spring; simply check out our web site for dates and times. Or, if you would prefer a personalized visit to campus, give us a call and we’ll arrange one for you. Go to www.greenville. edu/admissions/visit.

ACCREDITATION Greenville College is a Christian college authorized to operate by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504. (800) 621-7440; (312) 263-0456; fax: (312) 2637462. Additionally, all of our teacher education programs are fully accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education.

CONTACT US Greenville College 315 East College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246 Toll-free phone: 800-345-4440 Fax: 618-664-9841 Email: Web site:

PROGRAMS OF STUDY Accounting Art Biology Business Management Chemistry Communication: Mass Communication Public Relations Speech Communication Theatre Computer Science Contemporary Christian Music: Composition Performance Worship Arts Criminal Justice Digital Media: Audio Recording Graphic Design Internet/Information Systems Video and Film Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Engineering 3/2 English Environmental Biology History/Political Science

Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP) International and Cross Cultural Studies Management Information Systems Marketing Mathematics Media Promotions Music Music Business Pastoral Ministries Philosophy Physical Education Physics Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Chiropractic Pre-Dentistry Pre-Dietician Pre-Law Pre-Med Pre-Medical Research Lab Pre-Medical Technology Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy/ Occupational Therapy Pre-Veterinary

Psychology Psychology/Religion Recording Industry Recreation: Adult Fitness Leadership Sports Management Religion Secondary Education: Biology Education Chemistry Education English Language Arts History Education Mathematics Education Music Education (K-12) Physics Education Spanish Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Special Education Urban/Cross Cultural Ministry Youth Ministry

315 East College Avenue Greenville, Illinois 62246 800-345-4440

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