Greenville College Student Life

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Panther Country

find out why

Looking for adventure? Greenville College is

Greenville College offers a distinctive, upbeat Christian academic community

where lives are transformed. For the better. For character and service. For Christ.

We are also a College that believes in fun and fellowship, spirit and camaraderie, and learning

about life—beyond the classroom.

Our Panther athletic program enables first-class student athletes from across the country—and around the world—to compete in an intercollegiate athletic program that is both immensely enjoyable and intensely competitive. • National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA-Div III) • National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA-Div I) • St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference • Upper Midwest Athletic Conference Men





Cross Country

Cross Country







Track & Field

Track & Field


Our exciting Student Life program opens the doors for students to take advantage of remarkable living/learning experiences at home, across the country, and abroad. • Community Service • Urban Plunge • Mission Trips • CCCU Best Semester Journeys • Go ED Semester Abroad

So, if you’re ready to explore all the adventure Greenville College has to offer, perhaps it’s time you t u r n t h e p a g e …

Panthers on the loose “At junior college the competition was good, but Greenville is a complete 360—a different world. All the guys are great, it’s like a brotherhood. There’s a balance between spirituality and sports. The coaches mix in biblical principles, and they live out what they believe. That affects the way we play football, do school, and live our lives.” — Esteban Camarillo Major: Digital Media Emphasis: Recording

What have you done for me lately? Competed for National Titles

Pre-season European soccer tour

• women’s basketball

• England – men’s team

• men’s and women’s track & field

• Germany, Austria, Czech Republic –

• football

women’s team

• men’s soccer Conference Champs

National Champs in the hurdles,

• football


• men’s soccer • men’s and women’s cross country Conference Player of the Year • volleyball • women’s cross country NCAA Div III All-Academic Team • women’s cross country • women’s track and field

NCCAA women’s soccer All-American

Panther Vision Nearly 30% of our students participate in one of 14 varsity sports. The primary goal for our student athletes: see every aspect of life from a Christian world view. In addition to our 14 intercollegiate teams, we offer cheerleading, dance team and marching band. Many of our students compete in our lively intramural program, which features sports like: Flag football, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Dodge ball, Badminton

Where we prowl… Crum Recreation Center 2 tennis courts – batting cages – basketball and volleyball courts – walking track – training facility – athletic offices Burgess Tennis Complex 6 lighted courts Long Gymnasium 2,000 seats – Panther home court: basketball, volleyball Burritt Gymnasium Climbing wall – training equipment Fitness Training Center Lap pool – cardio equipment – weight training machines – free weights – aerobics room – sauna/Jacuzzi Strahl Athletic Complex 14 acres – training facilities: football, soccer, baseball, softball, track and field Briner Training Center 12,000 square feet – batting cages – artificial turf – pitching area indoor training for baseball, softball, track and field Francis Field 2,000-seat home football stadium – all-weather track – soccer field – new press box Lady Panther Softball Field Smith Baseball Field Andrews Fields Spacious, irrigated fields for soccer practice and intramurals

Get more information: w w w. G C P a n t h e r s . c o m

“It’s not what you do, it’s what you become.” That Panther team motto says it all. Our athletes study and pray together, go on retreats, help in the community, do mission trips, grow spiritually, become lifelong learners — and win big games!

• Many of our student athletes are top academic scholars. One volleyball star who has a 4.0 grade point average had the opportunity to shadow a local surgeon at a St. Louis hospital while her All-Star teammate geared up for graduate school. • One of our football players interned at the California State Capitol. He sorted letters and fielded calls from constituents, and met California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. • Two of our men’s soccer players received full scholarships, one to Purdue School of Engineering and another to the University of Chicago School of Chemistry. • A former Greenville cross country and track star who won the Lincoln Laurette honor his senior year, is in his final year of residency at Washington University Medical School. • A recent female soccer graduate was one of only 19 students, out of hundreds, to be selected as an RN at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. • A former Greenville soccer player and pre-med major, after acing the MCAT, is completing his M.D. degree from Kansas University. • Other Panther graduates are physical therapists, youth pastors, and nuclear physicists.

An Unbeatable “Serve” More than 20 Panther football players spent Spring Break doing service projects in some of the grittiest parts of Philadelphia, including McPherson Park of Kensington, better known as “Needles Park” due to the prevalence of drug abuse there. The players cleaned the entire park, hosted a football camp, and offered a cookout and coffee house for the homeless. Greenville College’s volleyball team traveled to Nicaragua for a busy week of hosting volleyball games and clinics, feeding the elderly, reaching out to local youths, and visiting orphanages.

“I went to Colombia, South America, with Athletes in Action. We played basketball games against local colleges, offered basketball clinics, and gave our testimonies to the crowds during halftimes. We got connected with several churches and they helped make our visit even better. It was amazing.” — Phonso Ellis Major: Business Management Minor: Accounting

Greenville students are everywhere… working in our campus recording studios, studying at the library, sipping coffee at Jo’s Java, enjoying a music recital, taking in a movie at the Globe in town, tossing the Frisbee on Scott field in the center of campus, and sharing a meal at a professor’s home.

clubs Admissions Ambassadors Beta Beta Beta (National Biology Honor Society) Campus Activities Board Chi Beta Sigma (Business club) Circle K (International service club) Community Service Organization Fellowship of Christian Athletes Greenville College Student Association Greenville Student Outreach Habitat for Humanity Inter-cultural Affairs Board

Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society) Lambda Pi Eta (National Communication Honor Society) Mosaic (Multicultural club) Mu Kappa (Missionary/International Students) Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society) Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders) Pre-Law Club Psi Chi (National Honor Society for Psychology)

Students on our Campus Activities Board (CAB) organize edifying entertainment and Christian fellowship for our community: movies, sports tournaments, comedy acts, trips to coffee houses, concerts, and the annual Back to School Bash, complete with amusement style games, food, and music. CAB organizes trips to St. Louis for pro sporting events, ice skating, dinner out, and trips to parks, thrift stores, and museums. Greenville College campus life offers something for everyone. Favorite annual events include Christmas CafÊ, Mystery Dinner Theatre, Fall Carnival, Midnight Breakfast, Homecoming and Parents Weekend, student-run Agapefest (which draws thousands of fans), Walk-About Excursion for student leaders at Smoky Mountain National Park, and the All College Hike—

a tradition since 1912.

Find More on Student Life at Greenville College:

Whatever your interests and gifts, there are

fun outlets and like-minded friends awaiting you at Greenville College. Greenville College choir The Vista yearbook staff Concert band The Papyrus newspaper staff GC vocal band Theatre productions Vespers leaders Blackroom Records Residence hall events Lab bands WGRN radio

Town & Gown Greenville, Illinois, is a wonderful “home town” for our century-old campus. The people of the college and town share heart-warming relationships, attending church together and serving on many of the same organizations, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, and others.

Our students, who represent more than 40 denominations, attend regular services where they worship, pray together, and hear inspiring messages from speakers like 9-time UFC Welterweight champion Matt Hughes and Blue Like Jazz author Donald Miller. More than 350 students are actively involved with campus and community Bible studies.

Whether it’s here at home or across the ocean, our students relish diverse opportunities to live out their faith and to learn from the world around them. • Community service - tutoring students, youth programs for underprivileged kids, mentoring at-risk youths, helping teen mothers of pre-schoolers • Urban Plunge – inner-city weekend in St. Louis • Mission Trips –New Orleans, Philadelphia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala , Rome, Israel • Go ED Semester Abroad: Africa, Thailand, Bolivia

“On all of our trips, the students are not only exposed to the disadvantaged areas, they always get a chance to do something fun and see the land, go to the markets, hike a volcano, and experience the culture and its people.” — Erin O’Hara Director of World Outreach and Missions Department Greenville College

As a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), Greenville College is privileged to be able to offer our students an impressive line-up of ‘Best Semester’ off-campus study opportunities: Contemporary Music Center, Nashville, TN American Studies Program, Washington, DC Los Angeles Film Studies, Los Angeles, CA Washington Journalism Center, Washington, DC China Studies Program, Xiamen, PR China Australia Studies Center, Sydney, Australia Oxford Summer Programme, Oxford England Middle East Studies, Egypt Latin American Studies Program, Costa Rica Uganda Studies, Central Africa

Find out more about CCCU ‘Best Semester’ trips: w w w . b e s t s e m e s t e r . c o m

Greenville College In Detail HISTORY Founded in 1892, Greenville College is a four-year, coeducational, Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the Free Methodist Church. LOCATION Greenville’s 50-acre campus is located in the heart of Greenville, Illinois, a beautiful town of 7,000 people located 45 miles east of St. Louis and easily accessible from I-70, I-55, I-64, and I-57. FACULTY About 75 percent of our professors have doctoral or terminal degrees.

STUDENT-FACULTY RATIO 18-1. ENROLLMENT More than 1,000 traditional students — 50 percent male and female — come from 44 states and 16 foreign countries. Another 500 students are involved in our Adult and Graduate Studies programs. FINANCIAL AID More than 95 percent of our students receive financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Visit to learn more.

PROGRAMS OF STUDY Accounting Art Biology Business Management Chemistry Communication: Mass Communication Public Relations Speech Communication Theatre Computer Science Contemporary Christian Music: Composition Performance Worship Arts Criminal Justice Digital Media: Audio Recording Graphic Design Internet/Information Systems Video and Film Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Engineering 3/2 English Environmental Biology History/Political Science Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP) International and Cross Cultural Studies Management Information Systems

Marketing Mathematics Media Promotions Music Music Business Pastoral Ministries Philosophy Physical Education Physics Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Chiropractic Pre-Dentistry Pre-Dietician Pre-Law Pre-Med Pre-Medical Research Lab Pre-Medical Technology Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy/ Occupational Therapy Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology/Religion Recording Industry Recreation: Adult Fitness Leadership Sports Management

Religion Secondary Education: Biology Education Chemistry Education English Language Arts History Education Mathematics Education Music Education (K-12) Physics Education Spanish Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Special Education Urban/Cross Cultural Ministry Youth Ministry

315 East College Avenue Greenville, Illinois 62246 800-345-4440

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