You should know from the start,
find out why
Greenville College is
Greenville College transforms lives. Your life will change when you get here. For the better. For a life of character and service. For Christ.
The words and images on these pages will provide a glimpse at the people, community, opportunities, and offerings
that make Greenville different—and that will contribute to the
exciting transformation in your life. So, turn on some music, relax, and enjoy the words and pictures
that will help you capture the essence of Greenville College—
where lives are transformed.
Learn more about Greenville College and the surrounding community at Greenville’s pristine campus – situated in the heart of historic Greenville, Illinois – was founded in 1892 with the intent to provide a distinctive, Christ-centered college education for men and women. Today, our distinguished academic programs, caring faculty, and genuine Christian community are transforming the lives of students from around the globe.
HERE AT GREENVILLE COLLEGE, THE VERY LATEST research equipment, computer labs, and high-tech recording studios are accessible to you – from day one. Greenville is home to the Bock Sculpture Museum, state-of-the-art Dare Library, and our own student-run record label – Blackroom Records. And, of course, you’ll have access to the Internet and campus network via laptop from anywhere on the college grounds.
Ta k e a v i r t u a l t o u r a t w w w. g r e e n v i l l e . e d u / a d m i s s i o n s / t o u r
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ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS EVERYONE DOES at Greenville is take the StrengthsFinder survey. It reveals your top five natural talents, which you can hone, link to a career, and utilize as one of your greatest resources for a lifetime of achievement.
MELINDA MENNER Contemporary Christian Music major / Worship Arts emphasis Violinist, vespers band, chapel band, orchestra, tutor at local junior high Woo Developer Restorative Communication Positivity
KATHIE FILBY Instructor of Spanish Greenville was the first college in the
country to offer StrengthsFinder campus-wide,
so everyone is in on the benefits. It will help you
enhance your relationships, improve your study skills, better manage your weaknesses, and recognize and leverage your strengths in order to choose the major that’s ideal for your future.
Relator Maximizer
Greenville’s professors love this campus, and each student here. They’re devoted to impacting your life in positive ways. One is a former Hewlett Packard executive. Others are Fulbright Scholars. Many work with students on research projects. And a good number of our faculty still work and network within the industries they represent.
HOME OF THE NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED Contemporary Christian Music program, Greenville has served as the launching place for numerous CCM artists, including Grammy-winning group Jars of Clay, recording artist Stephanie Smith, and numerous producers, managers, and promoters within the music business. You can major in CCM, Music Business, Recording Industry, Worship Arts, Media Promotions, and Digital Media.
GREENVILLE IS LOCATED 45 MILES EAST OF DOWNTOWN ST. LOUIS AND THE GATEWAY ARCH, giving you invaluable opportunities for outreach, fun, hands-on learning, and civic engagement. In addition to taking in the city’s first-rate museums, theatres, parks, pro sporting events, and Science Center – St. Louis will give you a true feel for our country’s increasingly diverse and multicultural world.
Our Urban Plunge program, a weekend in inner-city St. Louis, gives you an inside view of urban life and culture while you bond with peers, participate in an Amazing Race tour of the city via public transportation, and serve at a local food bank, church, or children’s home. You’ll discover firsthand about urban sociology, art and economics, and inner-city faith, culture, and humanity.
The motto of one of our teams is: “It’s not what you do – It’s what you become.” That says it all. Our athletes study and pray together, go on retreats, help in the community, grow spiritually, become lifelong learners – and win big games! We’ve produced three consecutive NCAA Div. III national champions in the hurdles, and recently competed for a national title
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in women’s basketball.
BECOME A PANTHER! Our Greenville College athletic teams—the Panthers—have built a winning tradition here at Greenville that has impacted the entire campus and community. While our men’s football and soccer teams made it to the national finals, our women’s cross country and volleyball teams produced conference players of the year. Greenville cross country teams have dominated their league for the past decade while earning national all-academic honors.
DRAMATIC PERFORMANCES at the Factory Theatre, Multicultural Festival, and the annual choral presentation of Handel’s Messiah are a few of the cultural offerings featuring the multi-faceted talents of our students and faculty. Student artwork is displayed throughout the campus, while their music can be heard at Jo’s Java coffee shop and over the airways on WGRN 89.5, the student-run college radio station.
Listen to WGRN live at
Each year since 1977, hundreds of Greenville students collaborate to organize, promote, and produce Agapefest, the nation’s only student-run Christian music festival. Our students do it all, from security, sales, and hospitality to recreation, operations, and artist relations. Recent acts include Relient K, Newsboys, David Crowder Band, Toby Mac, and our own Jars of Clay, BDA, and For All The Drifters, winner of the GMA’s top award for unsigned musical act.
THE BIBLE EXHORTS YOU to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind,” and many of our offerings enable you to do just that – both in and out of the classroom. Each summer a large group of student leaders venture into the wilderness of the Smokey Mountains for a life-changing Walkabout excursion that – through teamwork, personal reflection, and faith – prepares them for lives of character and service.
Greenville College also engages students in cross-cultural learning, seeking to create a climate that values and celebrates multiculturalism. Everyone who graduates from Greenville does so with cross-cultural credits. Student lives are transformed through their study and experiences, such as organizing after school programs in Kenya or participating in one of numerous overseas semester study programs.
Our broad liberal arts curriculum will give you the knowledge, skills, wisdom, and savvy to tackle real-world matters in Christ-like ways. With faculty members who are at the cutting edge in their fields—Teacher Education, Digital Media, Communication, Music, Business, Engineering, and the Sciences—you’ll receive the knowledge, skills, and preparation you need to become an attractive candidate for employment.
MANY PEOPLE SAY GREENVILLE’S greatest assest is its people and the relationships formed here, and nowhere is that truer than in our residence halls. A high percentage of our students live on campus in what we call “living and learning communities.” Here, students enjoy close friendships, in-depth discussion, guidance from resident chaplains, and fun programs, such as Roomies Night Out and Midnight Breakfast.
THANKS TO OUR “CONNECTED” professors and administrators, the career networking possibilities at Greenville are endless. Our students have completed internships at most of Nashville’s top record labels; with pro sports teams; at radio and TV stations nationwide; at top healthcare facilities, PR firms, and theatre companies; and throughout the region with a host of businesses, churches, and governmental agencies.
When students learn they can construct their own major via our Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP), some ask, “What’s the catch?” But there is no catch. You plan out the major with a professor in your area of interest, then get busy. One student did his ITEP in Creative Ministry, read more than 20 books, wrote an honors thesis, did a senior art exhibit, and discovered his life was transformed in the process!
OUR COMBINATION OF THE LIBERATING ARTS and diverse professional programs give you the foundation – and skills – to go places! Greenville graduates are working across the nation as marketing consultants, teachers, playwrights, worship leaders, disc jockeys, corporate PR specialists, lawyers, pastors, doctors, managers, financial advisors, professional actors, music producers and agents, radio producers, accountants, and entrepreneurs.
Greenville College ranks among the top 16 colleges in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities whose graduates have attained advanced degrees, according to a recent report by the National Science Foundation. Ninety percent of our students applying to medical school are accepted on their first application, while virtually all of those in our “Engineering 3/2� program have successfully completed engineering degrees at some of the best schools in the nation!
“We have a passion for transforming the lives of our students.
Perhaps that’s because I spent four years as a student at a
Christian college—and those years transformed my life.
My hope and dream is that the students
who come to Greenville College will have the same life-changing experience. I’m confident they will.” –Dr. Larry Linamen, President, Greenville College
Founded in 1892, Greenville College is a four-year,
Greenville College empowers students for lives of
coeducational, Christian liberal arts college affiliated
character and service through a transforming Christ-
with the Free Methodist Church.
centered education in the liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies.
LOCATION Greenville’s 50-acre campus is located in the heart of
Greenville, Illinois, a beautiful town of 7,000 people
located 45 miles east of St. Louis and easily accessible FACULTY
from I-70, I-55, I-64, and I-57. 90 88
terminal degrees.
About 75 percent of our professors have doctoral or
Peoria Bloomington
More than 1,000 traditional students — 50 percent
male and female — come from 44 states and 16
Terre Haute
72 55
foreign countries. Another 500 students are involved
in our Adult and Graduate Studies programs.
Effingham 70
St. Louis 64
Mt. Vernon 64
Carbondale 55 Cape Girardeau
PROGRAMS OF STUDY Accounting Art Biology Business Management Chemistry Communication: Mass Communication Public Relations Speech Communication Theatre Computer Science Contemporary Christian Music: Composition Performance Worship Arts Criminal Justice Digital Media: Audio Recording Graphic Design Internet/Information Systems Video and Film Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Engineering 3/2 English Environmental Biology History/Political Science Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP) International and Cross Cultural Studies Management Information Systems
Marketing Mathematics Media Promotions Music Music Business Pastoral Ministries Philosophy Physical Education Physics Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Chiropractic Pre-Dentistry Pre-Dietician Pre-Law Pre-Med Pre-Medical Research Lab Pre-Medical Technology Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy/ Occupational Therapy Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology/Religion Recording Industry Recreation: Adult Fitness Leadership Sports Management
Religion Secondary Education: Biology Education Chemistry Education English Language Arts History Education Mathematics Education Music Education (K-12) Physics Education Spanish Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Special Education Urban/Cross Cultural Ministry Youth Ministry
About 80 percent of students live on campus. One of
Agapefest, StrengthsFinder, Multicultural and World
Greenville’s main distinctions is the emphasis placed
Outreach programs, Urban Plunge, Walkabout
on residential experience.
Wilderness Experience, Shak-a-thon, Blackroom Records, WGRN 89.5 FM, The Factory Theatre, Bock
Sculpture Museum, Greenville Student Outreach,
Greenville offers more than 50 student organizations,
Individually Tailored Education Plan (ITEP).
including service and social clubs, musical groups, intramural sports, academic groups, student
government, missions clubs, performance groups,
More than 95 percent of our students receive financial
and student publications. Greenville even has its own
assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, loans,
music festival, radio station, and recording label.
and work-study programs. Visit financialaid to learn more. MEMBERSHIP Greenville College is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) — whose mission is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help its member institutions to transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.
For years, the Greenville College Panthers have
Greenville College is a Christian college authorized
built a winning tradition in intercollegiate athletics.
to operate by the Illinois Board of Higher Education
While our men’s football and soccer teams made it
and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission,
to the national finals, our women’s cross country and volleyball teams produced conference players
30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 606022504. (800) 621-7440; (312) 263-0456; fax: (312)
of the year. The women’s basketball team recently
263-7462. Additionally, all of our teacher education
competed for a national title, and our cross-country
programs are fully accredited by the Illinois State
teams have dominated their league for the past decade
Board of Education.
while earning national all-academic honors. We’ve produced three consecutive NCAA Div. III national
champions in the hurdles, and one of our women’s
Greenville offers campus Preview Days every fall and
soccer athletes was named NCCAA All-American.
spring; simply check out our web site for dates and
Our teams compete in the National Collegiate
times. Or, if you would prefer a personalized visit to
Athletic Association (NCAA), the National Christian
campus, give us a call and we’ll arrange one for you.
College Athletics Association (NCCAA), the St. Louis
Go to
Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, and the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference.
CONTACT US Greenville College
315 East College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246
Toll-free phone: 800-345-4440
Cross Country
Fax: 618-664-9841
Cross Country
Web site:
Track & Field
Track & Field
ALL COLLEGE HIKE, a long-standing tradition at Greenville, offers students, faculty and staff the opportunity to forge new friendships and deepen existing ones. Held each fall, All College Hike invites the campus community on a five-mile walk to Gateway Retreat Center, where students finish out the day playing volleyball and basketball, riding the zip line, canoeing on the lake, or just enjoying the scenery. Join us in the journey next fall!
315 East College Avenue Greenville, Illinois 62246 800-345-4440