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Winter 2020



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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Bastian ’74 Venessa Brown ’83 Tyler Campo ‘06 Howard Costley, Jr. ’74 Dan Denbo ’76

Paul Donnell ’01 Steven Ellsworth ’80 Valerie Gin ’82 Jerry Hood ’82 Karen Longman

K. Kendall Mathews ’85 Douglas Newton Hugo Perez B. Elliott Renfroe Dennis Spencer ’75

Kathleen Turpin ’91 Melissa Westover ’84 Mark Whitlock ’75 Donald Wolf ’65

Robert Cranston ’77 Dennis Fenton David Fisher ’58 Lloyd Ganton ’60 Yoshio Gotoh ’63 Duane Hood ’56 Donald Joy ’49

M. Kenneth Kaufmann ’49 Paul Killinger ’69 Pearson Miller Wayne Neeley Wesley Phillips ’58 Ernest Ross Jr. ’52 J. Richard Schien ’62

Marjorie Smith ’56 Rebecca Smith ’68 Kendell Stephens ’80 Robert Stroud ’59 Barry Swanson ’77 Craig Tidball ’76 R. Ian Van Norman

John Heater ’02 Nathan Hood ’15 Malvin Hubbard ’16 Albert Li ’16 Kent Luster ’17 Jared Martin ’07 Toni Mathews ’79 Samuel Miller ’66 Emily Moore ’54

Amanda O’Regan ’16 Keli Pennington ’16 Donald “Marti” Reeser ’89 Merce Roach ’02 Maria Rodriguez ’13 Mark Rose ’76 Lori Sadler ’14 Carl Salz ’01 Michael Schien ’88

Maci Sepp ’18 John Straeter ’01 Toye Watts ’01 Rebecca Weinhandl ’74 Geoff Whitlock ’05 John Young II ’94

EMERITI TRUSTEES Sandra Boileau ’61 Patricia Burd ’61 Jay Burgess James Claussen ’59 Herbert Coates ’55 David Colgan ’64 Michael Coling

ALUMNI BOARD Brenda Bartholomew ’66 Mack Bean ’94 Peter Binder ’19 Thomas Clark ’63 Rebecca Decesaro ’74 Cathy Dothager ’87 Mark Dwomoh ’07 Alan Gaffner ’76 Dwight Gregory ’68

ON THE COVER: (Photo: David K. Ward) Sport management major Steven Oscar ‘20 knows all about pushing hard. The Panther defensive linebacker and sprinter, a Florida native, chose GU for its Christ-centered focus and excellent coaching staff in football and track. Steven receives donor-funded academic scholarships including the McAllaster Honors Scholarship. Thank you for giving. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published three times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Advancement, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: (618) 664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 111, No. 1 Greenville University online: Email: Send address corrections, correspondence and alumni updates to the Office of Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email Vice President for Advancement Scott Giffen ‘99 Assistant Vice President for Advancement Heather Fairbanks Director of Major Gifts Brett Brannon ’97 Director of Alumni & Church Relations Dewayne Neeley ’98 Manager of Alumni & Church Relations Cyndi Oglesby ’85 Campaign Manager Jennifer Wilson Senior Campaign Advisor & Planned Giving Officer Linda Myette ’73 Senior Development Specialist Heather Edwards Manager of Advancement Services Matthew Young Advancement Services Coordinator Lindi Hegger Grant Writer and Corporate/Foundation Relations Coordinator Beth Dodson Development Officer Pat Bond ’62 Managing Editor & Writer Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor & Writer Rachel Heston-Davis ’06 Graphic Designer Scott Brown Photography Naomi Brown ‘14, Lauren Joseph ‘15, Russell Lamb ‘20, B.J. Schneck ‘01 Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University.


International students like Sandrine Umhoza ‘22 (far right) from Kilgalli, Rwanda, embrace challenges every day, but not without generous helpings of hospitality and friends who “come alongside.” See p. 12 for more.



magine yourself a student at Oxford University during World War II. You prepare for an exam against the backdrop of air raid sirens and distant explosions. You recall friends and family you’ve lost in the war and find it hard to concentrate. Lights flicker. You close your book and think, What’s the use?

Students inevitably encounter difficulties that demand a mighty effort. GU’s required general education curriculum—more than 35 hours spanning a wide range of topics—exposes them to subjects and skills many have never encountered before. Thirtythree major programs also present opportunities for them to stretch in new ways.

When C.S. Lewis delivered his sermon “Learning in Wartime” to Oxford students in 1939, he knew they faced distractions, but he also knew the importance of their work. “The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavorable,” he said. “Favorable conditions may never come.”

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might . . .” Ecclesiastes 9:10, NIV

Students who push on despite obstacles inspire me. Students like Gabriella . . . Gabriella Pflederer ’22, a biology and engineering major, conducted research last summer as part of GU’s Summer Research Experience. Gabriella doesn’t enjoy writing, but she values the prospect of publishing her research. Last summer, with the help of her research supervisor, Biology Instructor Lindsey Mao, Gabriella faced her writing reluctance head-on. “The students hit a wall while writing up their findings in a manuscript,” said Mao. “I chose to play a light hand in the writing process and a heavy hand in the editing.” Mao asked the students to rewrite entire sections and then rewrite again. Producing draft after draft taxed them emotionally and mentally, but they rose to the challenge. By summer’s end, Mao estimated they had improved their scientific writing skills five-fold.

Gabriella—the recipient of donor-funded scholarships and participant in a donor-funded research program—knows donors like you paved the way for her. What does she want you and others to know? “I would tell them how much of an impact they had in making my education purposeful. Thank you for your willingness to support me on my educational journey.” To you, I say thank you as well. Thank you for showing the value you place on students’ mighty efforts. Your investment in scholarships makes all the difference. Blessings,

Ivan L. Filby, President THE RECORD | 2019 PRESIDENT’S REPORT




President Ivan Filby often tells others about GU students’ penchant for asking good and thoughtful questions, their perseverance, and their ability to get things done. Summer fits the bill on all counts, and not just during the school year either. One summer she participated in the Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Symposium at Wheaton College, where students dialogue and write about topics pertaining to contemporary society. Another summer she participated in the Kierkegaard Library’s 2019 Young


More than 300 students received letters of congratulations for making GU’s Dean’s List. Among them, hard-working Summer Mengarelli ’19 managed a triple major in history/political science, Spanish, and philosophy. Summer also received congratulations from the Wesleyan Philosophical Society for penning an outstanding essay that earned her the Society’s undergraduate award, a cash stipend, and the opportunity to present at its spring conference. GU’s Alayna Moore ’19 received the same award last year, giving GU back-to-back wins. Summer Mengarelli

Scholars Program, a gathering of select scholars “who are serious about study and preparation for graduate school.” Summer Mengarelli benefited from the McAllaster Honors Scholarship and the Legacy Award. Thank you for giving.

SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL: Michelle Beumer ’95, Maureen Bourner ’86, Daryl Cox ’76, James Foxworthy ’85, Tim Kratzer ’67, Matthew McCullough ’96, Ken Mudge ’56, Eric Nord, Mark Rose ’76, Scott Smout ’94, Lewis Whaley ’75. Thank you for serving.

THE FRUIT OF HER LABOR: AN IVY LEAGUE INVITATION In January, biology and chemistry major Jessie Chappel ’20 honed her presentation skills at Harvard University’s National Collegiate Research Conference. Jessie shared research she conducted back in Greenville with Assistant Professor of Biology Bwarenaba Kautu. Kautu has seen students like Jessie publish papers, work with leading biotech companies, and collaborate with universities including Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, and Washington University. Donors fund student research in the sciences at GU and Jessie’s McAllaster Honors Scholarship. Thank you for giving. 2


Notable Blackout Night players Peter Binder, Tanner Smith, and Kyle Ward, along with teammates Johnny Milabu and Nick Corrigan—all seniors—saw the fruits of years-long labor that night. These five men had arrived at GU four years prior as freshman volleyball recruits eager to help build a brand-new program. Current GU Athletics Director Tom Ackerman ’99 had just formed the team and manned it with mostly freshmen. Ackerman knew that without many experienced college-level players to guide new arrivals, a lot of work lay ahead for the whole group. The freshmen stepped up to the challenge. Some changed from playing their preferred positions. Some accepted roles that reduced the playing time they enjoyed in high school. The group made do with a less than ideal number of players.


Poised to graduate, Binder, Smith, Ward, Milabu, and Corrigan reaped the rewards of hard work on Black Out Night 2019. Together, they are the grateful recipients of 15 scholarships funded by donors through The Greenville University Fund. Thank you for giving.


Men’s volleyball pulled out the stops February 6 at the Panthers’ Black Out Night in H.J. Long Gymnasium. Fans dressed in black crowded the gym to show their Panther pride. The team kept opponent Missouri Baptist off track all night, taking a 3-0 win and earning enthusiastic cheers for their relentless effort.





When the Lady Panthers kicked off their 2019 softball season March 11, they embarked on a journey that ended with a sixth consecutive 20win season, plus NCAA honors as Division III leaders in team grade point average. Each player on GU’s roster gained recognition as an AllAmerican Scholar-Athlete, earning a GPA of 3.50 or higher. The players posted a team GPA of 3.78.


The mental and physical demands of collegiate sports often surprise freshmen. Many must develop self-discipline to stay on track as they manage classes, practices, homework, and travel. “Learning how to make time for both studying and practicing has been a process, and you just have to find what works for you . . .” says Lady Panther infielder Olivia Shipman ’21, who also advocates for hard work. She contends that giving her all on the field respects the comparable effort her coaches and teammates expend. Panther pitcher Maegan Stone ’21 echoes the sentiment: “I love my team, and I always know that regardless if it’s a game or practice, everyone is going to work hard and be productive.” Kayla Speaks ‘19, recipient of the donor-funded Dean’s Scholarship, Greenville University Award, and Harold N. Cooley Endowed Scholarship. Thank you for giving.

Olivia and Maegan each receive donor-funded scholarships. Thank you for giving.

BRINER ADVISORY BOARD: David Anderson, Dan Beck, Lesley Burbridge ’89, Brent Cowin, Robert “Bob” Fry, Jerry Hood ’82, Kevin Kauffman, Alfred “Al” Longtin, Eric Heckman, Holley Maher ’01, Amy Marcoot, Edward “Ed” McMillan, Enoch Poon ’86, Tony Smarrella ’88, Dennis Spencer ’75, Ben Tolly ’13, Michael Turley, Wendy Wildt ’97, Bronwyn Martin, Dave Willey. Thank you for serving.




Renovation Crew Delivers Superb Work at The SMART Center Teams from locally owned Unterbrink Construction worked tirelessly in 2019 to renovate the SMART Center, a 130-yearold building acquired by GU to house Greenville SMART initiatives. Restoration always brings surprises, like the historic cast iron columns discovered this April behind the building’s exterior façade. Installed in the era of lead-based paint, the columns posed a health hazard. Quick paint removal methods could spread dangerous particles. Crews pivoted with a plan: apply chemical stripper and scrape paint by hand. It sounds tedious, but a job worth doing is worth doing right. Unterbrink Construction applied this motto all year. They and a team of subcontractors—roofers, brick masons, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, steam fitters and more—absorbed and solved surprises as large as an unstable foundation and as small as preserving historic window trim.

Elaine McNamara, director of Greenville SMART, hosts a regular podcast with guests involved in GU-community partnerships. Breck Nelson, executive director of Greenville SMART, provides weekly video updates of renovations to the SMART Center on Greenville’s historic square. Learn more at

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HARD HIKE: WE CAN DO THIS May marked GU’s first ever urban walkabout, and lessons about “journey” emerged. To endure hard journeys, the hikers learned, they need only take one step at a time . . . but they must keep on stepping.

PASSION AND DEDICATION MODELED: THANK YOU, PROFESSORS ILER AND PORTER Students, former students, faculty, and friends honored professors Darrell Iler ’77 and Miriam Porter with hearty applause at Commencement. Iler, professor of chemistry, retired after more than 15 years at GU. Former students still rave about his in-class demonstrations like using dry ice to make ice cream or imploding a sealed tin drum with air pressure (“It will implode at some point during the lecture,” he’d say). Iler prized hands-on experience and guided many students in research projects. Porter, instructor of music and coordinator of vocal studies, received the W. Richard Stephens Outstanding Faculty Award. “Her commitment to Christ remains at the center of her life, and I can witness that she seeks to live this out in very concrete and tangible ways,” said VP for Academic Affairs Brian Hartley ’78. “The modeling she does for our students, particularly for those in our gospel choir, sets the standard for all of our faculty.” THE RECORD | 2019 PRESIDENT’S REPORT




SIX WEEKS IN PARASITES Resolute researchers take on tropical foe When Gabriella Pflederer ’22, a double major in engineering and biology, began a summer stint researching parasites that caused malaria, the scientific process dominated her thoughts. Six weeks later, when she looked back on the problems her team solved, creativity came to mind, too. Here’s a sampling: Problem: Immense data, limited computing power Gabriella’s team accessed an online dataset of malaria patients that contained millions of RNA sequences. Sorting, comparing, and matching the sequences to specific criteria demanded computing power that eclipsed GU’s capacity. The students turned to Galaxy, a free online resource for biomedical research. Problem: “Free” means crowded Faced with long wait times for Galaxy’s services during business hours, the students shifted their use of Galaxy to weekends and nights. Problem: Finicky formatting The students used statistical software that demanded exact file formatting. Miscalculation in even the smallest detail resulted in errors. The

team achieved the precision they needed after relentless trial and error and seeking help from Professor of Biology Eric Nord, who knows the software well. Problem: Effective storytelling Gabriella’s team “hit a wall” trying capture their work in writing. Draft after draft of rewrites ensued—far more than anyone expected. Gabriella admits no fondness for writing: “But ultimately, I grew out of the experience.” “To spend six weeks focusing on one topic and being able to contribute to the scientific community is something that could never really be done in a classroom,” she reflected afterward. “It really helped to increase my confidence in my abilities to do research.” Would she dedicate a summer to research again? “Absolutely.” Gabriella receives GU’s donor-funded Engineering Scholarship and the Wilson T. Hogue Award. Thank you for giving.

ENGINEERING ADVISORY BOARD: Mike Aden, Roberta Aden, David Anderson, Marty Collier ’73, Chase Connor, Jeff Croxell, Jennifer Dorohoff, Michael Dorohoff, Ron Gines ’86, Mark Gunggoll ’75, Phil Jacobson ’91, Bill Knuf, David Leake, Kenneth McDonough, Toni McDonough, Craig McIntyre ’72, Lingjun Meng, Scott Mohnkern ’76, Jeremy Pestle, David Probst, Roger Reeves ’71, Bob Rice, Rich Schien ’62, Hugh Siefken ’62, Steve Smith ’98, Julie Tolly, Paul Twichell ’72, Bill Walker, Mark Whitlock ’75, David Young ’87. Thank you for serving.


Photo: Darrin Stewart

LEARNING FROM THE BEST: HARD WORK, HUSTLE, AND GRACE The death of rising senior and volleyball standout Allyson Grabowski ’20 drew the GU campus community together in grief, prayer, and gratitude for a life “well lived.” Allyson passed away July 15 from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. A friend’s Facebook post the next day revealed lessons she gleaned from study sessions with Allyson—ambition seasoned with kindness; aspiration mixed with generosity: “It didn’t matter that she spent five hours making that ‘quizlet’ or three hours making that flow chart, it was yours if you needed it . . . ”

FACTORY THEATRE BOARD: Bill Ahern, Rich Beans ’85, Chris Borwick ’94, Noel Harnetiaux ’00, Cecelia Ulmer. Thank you for serving.

OVER AND ABOVE The Joy of Much Loved Work Summer marked a limited engagement of Courtney Bailey-Parker’s off-Broadway play, Immersion/Inmersión, at the She NYC Arts Festival in New York City. Courtney—assistant professor of English, playwright and actor—also starred in the play. She has appeared on St. Louis stages in Of Mice and Men, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, and District Merchants, a New Jewish Theatre production. Other faculty whose contributions extended beyond the classroom this year include:

2019 2019


Ben Wayman ’02, associate professor of theology, authored two articles for Illustrated Bible Life (Foundry Publishing, 2019). Adjunct Professor David Hawkins, GU’s “preacher in residence,” joined Wayman as featured speakers at One Future STL. Assistant Professor of Education Larissa Malone presented on school integration at a conference of the Comparative and International Education Society.

Michael Laughlin ’99, assistant professor of criminal justice, applied grant monies from the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy to his study on the use of lethal force by law enforcement. 2019 Archer Awardees Hannah Shanks ’10, assistant professor of social work, and Richard Huston ’78, professor of history, will research religious liberty. Hannah will focus on emerging issues in the U.S.; Richard will study religious liberty in Paraguay.



MASTERING THE ART OF PORTABLE WORSHIP Ministry interns practice thinking on their feet

MANY HANDS MAKE MOVE-IN EASY Three hundred-plus new students descended on campus August 23, bearing boxes and laundry bags, TVs and shower caddies, backpacks and blankets— “stuff” enough to help them feel at home. VP of Community Life Terrell Carter and his staff assisted with move-in by organizing student athletes at each dorm to help carry belongings up stairs and down hallways. “Numerous parents came up to me to thank us for [our] hospitality,” enthused VP of Academic Affairs Brian Hartley ’78. Helped by “Carter and Crew,” new students moved in and made it to the Ivy Planting ceremony by evening. 8


through traumas as they gathered at the unlikeliest “camping” venue—the University of Chicago. “We talk about being flexible and doing improvisation ministry because we’re part of a story that we’re not writing,” says GU Associate Professor of Theology Ben Wayman ’02, internship supervisor. “We try to keep up with Christ and the Holy Spirit in the things we run into.”


In August, seniors returning from summer ministry internships huddled with internship-bound classmates to share what they learned. Tales of surprise, “winging it,” and staying flexible emerged. One intern, placed with a church whose worshipers met in a YWCA, counted church “setup” and “tear down” among her Sunday acts of worship. Another assisted producing worship services in Swahili to accommodate an unexpected influx of African refugees. Yet another helped urban-center kids work



THE HIKE THAT “TAKES A VILLAGE” Whether students run, bike, or truly walk the 5.3 miles to Durley Camp east of campus, GU’s annual All College Hike never fails to generate enthusiasm and good cheer. A small army of volunteers led by the Greenville Student Government Association (GSGA) made this year’s hike particularly great. GSGA officers take their charge to serve the student body seriously. They function as liaisons between students, faculty, and administrators, and produce activities that facilitate student growth. In the process, they hone skills that employers value—managing schedules, staffs, and budgets; planning and implementing; collaborating, communicating, and presenting. The academic interests of this year’s leaders run the gamut from biology and chemistry to digital media, sport management, and business. They compete as Panthers in basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Several have jobs in offices on campus. All share a dedication to serving their peers, and all receive donor-funded scholarships. Thank you for giving.

Back row l to r: VP of Greenville Student Outreach Marjory Coates, VP of Campus Organizations Board Jaime Quesada, VP of Campus Activities Board Kenzie Schwab, VP of Finance José Soutullo, Executive VP Anna Finch. Front row l to r: VP of Media Relations Reaghan Lesh, VP of Intercultural Affairs Board Brittany Lopez, GSGA President Sidney Webster





VOLUNTEERS DOUBLE DOWN FOR A DOUBLE-SIZED PARADE Spectators lining College Avenue October 18 for GU’s annual Homecoming parade realized a double treat—60 entrants; that’s double the number from previous years. When GU Facilities Office Manager Tara Thompson ‘06 learned she had a double-sized parade to organize, she quickly assembled a hardworking team of 20 volunteers who directed floats along the route, drove vehicles, and provided wagons, trailers, candy, and other parade “necessities.” Afterward, Tara couldn’t say enough about her crew of “hardworking and dedicated volunteers.” Thank you for serving!

PREVIEW OF PASSION Homecoming Guests Indulge in Mouthwatering Preview of SMART Center Restaurant Panther Palooza, the expanded Homecoming parade after-party, moved to Greenville’s town square this year for an evening of food, games, and live music. One extra attraction drew visitors: a preview of the first floor of GU’s newly-renovated SMART Center, including the much-anticipated Rocket Bowls restaurant, set to launch in 2020. Owner Eric Heckman and his wife Jenny, passionate chefs, will serve up cuisine influenced by Chinese, Korean, Hawaiian, Japanese, and other Asian foods. Alumni and local business leaders tasted samples from the menu on October 19—just enough to whet the appetite.

GU’s Jazz Band entertained the crowd at Panther Palooza, drawing folks in for a preview of Rocket Bowls.


MOHR’S FOUR Josiah Mohr ’19 likes a good puzzle, the kind that takes thoughtful conversation with friends and collaborators over unrushed cups of coffee to solve. His four years at GU have afforded many such problem-solving conversations—serving and leading in student government, writing and editing for The Papyrus and Vista, engaging students as an RA and tutor. His double major in ministry and business doubled opportunities for dialogue in the Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry and the Briner School of Business. Conversations flowed in his role as teaching assistant and tutor to freshmen, and as a volunteer at The Simple Room afterschool program. While Josiah values reminiscing about the past and imagining the future, he holds special regard for contemplating what infuses present challenges

with life and goodness and blessing. He takes that perspective with him wherever he goes, like the nonprofit organizations and churches he’s worked with in recent years, deepening his understanding of urban, cross-cultural, and international ministries. In November, the Lincoln Academy of Illinois and Governor J.B. Pritzker honored Josiah for his leadership, service, and excellence in curricular and extra-curricular activities. Named “Student Laureate of the Academy,” Josiah received a check for $1,000. He will pursue a career in community development and nonprofit administration. Donors have helped fund Josiah’s work at GU through the McAllaster Honors Scholarship. Thank you for giving.



Four Years of Diligence Bring Honors For Senior Mohr



“Scholarship money plays a huge role in me being here. Speaking for the entire international student community, we are all grateful to Greenville University for their support.” - Abishai Bokare ‘23, worship arts major from Mumbai. Thank you for giving.


This year, a notable cohort—the largest incoming group of international students GU has ever welcomed—helped fill the circle. Sixty new students from 23 countries arrived this fall, bringing GU’s total count to about 100 students from more than 30 countries. GU’s Dean of International Affairs Geet Vanaik credits the jump in enrollment to tireless efforts from her staff to create a supportive, welcoming environment for international students. Vanaik’s team overhauled GU’s international admissions process to make it more user friendly. They now rely on Skype interviews to personally guide each student through enrollment and immigration processes from afar. Once students arrive on campus, Vanaik’s team continues to go above and beyond for them. They drive students to appointments; help with bank account and phone setup; provide academic support; and stay available for texts and messages 24/7 to help students manage emergencies like illness, lost passports, or even a discouraging day.



Students once again circled the James E. Wilson Recital Hall in Whitlock Music Center for GU’s annual candlelight chapel service. This beloved tradition draws seasoned seniors and wide-eyed freshmen alike.


GU’s hardworking international team draws a record number of students to campus





$4,205,383 total giving


to The Greenville University Fund



In 2018-2019 you helped support • 57 McAllaster Honors Scholars • 23 MOSAIC Scholars

• Men’s cross-country earned GU’s 15th SLIAC championship title; Coach Brian Patton ’88 served as head coach for all 15 championship seasons. • Women’s volleyball won the SLIAC tournament for a fourth straight season and fifth season overall. • Women’s basketball—regular season conference champions and SLIAC tournament champions—earned a berth to their second NCAA national championship tournament. • Jeremiah Davis ’20 placed third in the 200-meter dash at the NCAA Division III national track and field outdoor championships. • Women’s softball earned the top team grade point average in NCAA Division III. • Men’s tennis earned second place in the 2019 SLIAC tournament with an overall record of 15-4. • Women’s tennis clinched the SLIAC regular season championship and number one seed in the SLIAC tournament.

SO FAR, IN 2019-2020 YOU’VE HELPED SUPPORT • 52 McAllaster Honors Scholars • 20 MOSAIC Scholars • 67 Panther Preferred Scholars

YOU EMPOWER CHRIST-CENTERED LEARNING • 1,092 students including students from more than 30 countries • 802 residential students • 33 undergraduate majors and 4 graduate majors • Most popular undergraduate majors: business management, biology, digital media, sport management, and criminal justice • Most popular graduate major: master of arts in education

Thank YOU for giving students a Greenville University experience.

Brittany Lopez ’20, three-time SLIAC women’s basketball champion, student government cabinet member, academic coach, tutor, MOSAIC Scholar, and recipient of five donor-funded scholarships. Says Brittany:

“With the help of the donors who are dedicated to providing opportunities for Greenville University students, I have built myself a great college resume. I am very thankful for all the donors and their non-stop support.”




Recognizing donors who have committed $10,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous (2)^ Emeritus Board Member and Spouse* Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+^ Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian*^ Steve and P.J. Bothwell*^ Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen*^ Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo^ Sharon Dyer ‘69^ Dennis and Debbie Fenton*

Ivan and Kathie Filby* James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy^ Kevin ‘85 and Leigh (Briner ‘85) Ganton^ Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton*^ Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Hood* Jerry Hood ‘82*^ Don ‘52^ and Esther (Knapp ’54)+ Jones* Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson*

Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck Miller*^ Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger* Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon*^ Ed Shaffer ‘67^ Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball*^ Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager*^ Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ron Turpin*^ Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian*

Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover*^ Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley* Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand^ Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf*^


Recognizing donors who have committed $5,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous*^ Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell*^ Ivan and Kathie Filby*^

Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01*^ Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen*^ Carl ‘01 and Emily (Jacob ‘01) Salz*^

Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith*^ Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens*^

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer*^ Tim ‘04 and Rachel (Krober ‘04) Wayman*^ Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock*^


Recognizing donors of $1,000 or more and young donors of $100 or more based on giving from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019.* GOLD LEVEL $10,000+ Young Alumni $1,000+ Anonymous (2) David Andrews John Andrews Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Larry and Sherry Collett Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Dave ‘61 and Carol Crandall Dave ‘62 and Jan (Finke ‘63) Dawdy Keeli Deadmond ‘12 Jamie (Henshaw ‘98) and Scott Gaffner Valerie Gin ‘82 Blake ‘15 and Tori (Paulin ‘17) Gocey LaVerne (Cooper ‘51) Hastings+ Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Joyce (Erickson ‘59) Keillor+ Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Eddy Lau Karen Longman Ed and Judy McMillan Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘64) Meyer John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Patsy Schutz+ Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Ken ‘13 and Haley (Dodd ‘13) Trager Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Michael West ‘09 Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf SILVER LEVEL $5,000-$9,999 Young Alumni $500-$999 Anonymous (5) Jay and Shay Burgess Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Brent Cowin Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro

Stan ‘59 and Jolene (Oschner ‘60) Ellis Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58 Fisher Cordon Kerns ‘54 Cathy Lam Mary Lofgren Holley Maher ‘01 Bronwyn Martin Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Jill (Strahl ‘75) and Scott ‘76 Mohnkern Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55) Moore Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Joe Noble ‘56 Brian ‘88 and Heather Patton Davis Redman ‘09 Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Marilyn Richards Frank ‘49 and Florence Rose Ernie Ross ‘52 Larry and Cindy Sayler Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Tillman and Mary Smith Larry ‘55 and Joanne (Bushnell ‘56) Starr Jim and Wilma+ Wilson BRONZE LEVEL $2,500-$4,999 Young Alumni $250-$499 Anonymous Tom ‘95 and Amy Boileau Pat (Hunter ‘62) and Buddy Bond Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Robby Clinton ‘94 Marty ‘73 and Karen (Johnston ‘73) Collier Sarah Crawford ‘99

Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Phil ‘96 and Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65) Dawdy Tom ‘69 and Betty Kay (Johnson ‘71) Dawdy Cathy (Nolan ‘86) and Doug Dothager Doug ‘86 and Tara (Clark ‘86) Faulkner Dennis and Debbie Fenton Lucretia (Brakebill ‘85) and Bryan ‘86 Fink Esther Fox ‘48 Melissa Frierson Todd ‘12 and Kristin (Minshall ‘13) Ganton Erin Gilmore ‘19 Laura Goodnight ‘18 Sara Gregory ‘25+ Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Bramwell ‘99 and Sari (Vespa ‘00) Higgins Jordan ‘12 and Niquita (Reinhard ‘12) Hohm Kristen (Lynch ‘14) and Nathan ‘15 Hood Don ‘49 and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp John ‘75 and Carol (Aten ‘75) Knight Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Daniel ‘04 and Megan (Vandiver ‘04) Lovell Glenn McAdam ‘50 Matt ‘96 and Dawn (Delamarter ‘97) McCullough Sarah Nelson ‘82 Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger David ‘70 and Faith Penwell Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+ Corbin Quinonez ‘17 Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard Maria Reinhard ‘18 Mark ‘76 and Donna Rose Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Claire Schmitt ‘17

Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Scott ‘94 and Lisa Smout Rich Stephens ‘53 Terri MAE ’19 and Paul Sunderland John ‘54 and Elizabeth Taylor Frank ‘63 and Barbara Tidaback Daniel Tippitt ‘80 Harry+ and Lenora Tomaschke Christy (Dashiell ‘10) and Andy ‘11 Traeger Michael ‘92 and Amanda (Fuqua ‘94) Wiegand Jenna (Marcotte ‘11) and Andre Wolff COPPER LEVEL $1,000-$2,499 Young Alumni $100-$249 Anonymous (3) Mike and Roberta Aden Bill and Sharon Ahern Phyllis (Miller ‘65) and Dave ‘66 Altopp Nicole Baker ‘16 George and Lisa Barber Martha Barber Dan Beck Michelle Beumer ‘95 Bryan ‘89 and Carol (Miller ‘89) Blankenship Margaret (Busch ‘10) and Michael Boivin Bret and Jennifer Bonacorsi William Bond Jeanne (Fischer ‘65) and John ‘67 Borden Sharon (Burd ‘63) Bowes Amy Bradford ‘04 Dona Lee (Anderson ‘66) and Earl Breitbarth Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner Margery (Walters ‘66) and George Browning Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick

* To acknowledge young alumni making financial contributions early in their careers, Greenville University has adopted lower gift thresholds for their admittance into its giving societies and clubs. Young alumni are those who have graduated from Greenville University in the last ten years.




Diane (Dykstra ‘76) and Rex Burge Tim (Burge ‘12) and Reed (Lape ‘12) BurgeLape Joshua Burton ‘14 Tyler ‘06, MS ‘12 and Jill Campo Lindsey Carson ‘10 Lois Catron ‘69 Susan (Bourne ‘68) and Jack ‘69 Chism Young ‘58 and Susan Chung Tom ‘63 and Mary Clark Joe ‘86 and Patty (Hopkins ‘87) Claussen Peggy (Lewis ‘62) and Dave ‘64 Colgan Michael ‘97 and Megan Coling Mike and Debbie Coling Paul Condon ‘69 Lynn (Best ‘77) and Tim Connelly Kraig ‘89 and Kelly Corwin Dan ‘73 and Marion (Payne ‘74) Crawford Laura Creighton ‘73 Nicole (Tucker ‘08) and Sean Crites Carrie Crumrin ‘09 Anita Culp ‘69 Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Alice De Boer Missy Deal ‘16 Greg and Lucia Delamarter Tyler ‘09 and Keli Denbo Bill ‘69 and Jean (Siebert ‘71) Dillman Sheri (Reinhard ‘76) and Denis Doe Denny ‘57 and Martha (Fisher ‘57) Donnell Lloyd Donnell ‘48 Mike ‘81 and Peg Dunleavy Charis (Bastian ‘10) and Ben Ellis Robert and Vickie Ellsworth Seth England Dave ‘68 and Ann Fairbanks Walter ‘84 and Eileen (Gifford ‘85) Fenton Marv ‘66 and Lillian (Smith ‘66) Fields Karen (Tobey ‘83) and Mike Fincher Newt ‘59 and Suzanne (Tilley ‘63) Fink Henry and Janet Flores Dawn ‘07 and David Gillis Ron Goldsmith ‘69 and Penny GisselbeckGoldsmith Christie Gray ‘09 Dotty Hall ‘60 Patty Hall ‘60 Tracy Hall ‘85 and Mark Jenner Darlene (Davis ‘78) and Brian ‘79 Hartley Don ‘62 and Mary Hazlett

Paul ‘72 and Joan (DeBoer ‘72) Heath Susanne (VanValin ‘55) Heisey Herb ‘50 and Jean (Snyder ‘51) Hendricks Kyle Hobar ‘11 Sam ‘46+ and Joyce Hofer Jada Hogg ‘04 John ‘76 and Beth Holak Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood Jane Hopkins ‘68 and Robert Clausen ‘94 Susan (Hughey ‘73) Hughey-Rasler and Tom Rasler Frank ‘68 and Sandra Hunter Dan and Jan Jensen Mary Jett ‘63 Bob ‘68 and Carol (Neece ‘68) Johnson Daniel and Linda Johnson Dan Jolliff LaVon (Krober ‘55) Jordahl Marilyn (Rasche ‘59) Juhlin Kevin Kauffman Milo ‘56 and Helen (Olson ‘56) Kaufmann Del Keener Ralph and Nellie Kester Ruth (Tomaschke ‘82) and Randall Kinnersley Lisa Krajecki ‘13 Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Josh ‘14 and Ali (Potthast ‘14) Kuusisto Michael ‘99 and Kasey Laughlin Ann Leach ‘69 John Leib ‘82 and Susan (Pennington ‘82) Martin Alyssa (Cliffe ‘11) and Bryan Leicht Robert and Cheryl Loy John ‘66 and Dorothy (Armstrong ‘66) Lund Clark ‘64 and Ardyce Main Jim Mannoia and Elizabeth Poje Jared ‘07 and Caitlin Martin Mark ‘73 and Priscilla (Traeger ‘75) Mathews Shirley Matteson ‘79 Ray ‘72 and Karen Maxwell Raymond Mayhew ‘37+ Jane (Pengelly ‘71) and James McClelland Vickie (Morgan ‘85) and Mark McFerran Glen ‘81 and Sheryl (Kaufmann ‘81) Moore Sarah Moore+ Roy ‘86 and Dawn Mulholland Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) and Phil ‘75 Myette Sue (Greenwalt ‘69) and George Neal

Jo Ann Noble ‘56 Bob Nowlin ‘68 Cyndi (Smith) Oglesby ‘85 Riley ‘16 and Amanda (Muehlberg ‘16) O’Regan Stanley ‘41 and Ellen (Barton ‘43) Parmerter Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul Margaret Perkins ‘66 Ken ‘68 and Erna Peterson Miriam Porter Keith ‘81 and Donna Probst Carolyn (Ratz ‘77) Ratz-Cooper and Richard Cooper Nedra Rauch+ Brian ‘86 and Carla (Roth ‘86) Reinhard Lydia (Borah ‘10) Rice Michael ‘99 and Stacey (Stohre ‘02) Ritter Rose Roggow ‘61 John Rohrer Barbara (Mason ‘68) and Jonathan ‘70 Rohrs Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus Lois (Knaak ‘57) and Frederic Schadewald Karen (Burkart ‘87) and Mike ‘88 Schien Doris (Long ‘50) Scofield Val (Morgan ‘85) and Jim Scott Logan ‘14 and Amanda (Webb ‘14) Shaw Victor Shepherd Christopher ‘08, MA ‘12 and Hillary (King ‘10) Simmons Kerrie (Mingus ‘87) and Tony ‘88 Smarrella Bob “Ish” Smith ‘57 Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Bill ‘60 and Evelyn Smout Louise Snyder ‘47 Perry ‘64 and Donna Souzis Ruby Speiser ‘70 Billye (Brooks ‘52) Staff Jim ‘52 and Joyce Staff Javene (Smith ‘53) and Charles ‘54 Stephens Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Ed Stocking ‘82 and Li-ing Chang Todd ‘85 and Sue (Howe ‘85) Tidball David ‘71, MA ‘06 and Barb (Oscarson ‘71) Tomb Esther Tompkins ‘77 Harry Ulmer ‘54 Robert and Linda Vaught

Brad ‘85 and Mary Wade Marlin and Phyllis Wade Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Mikey ‘14 and Sarah Ward Tina (Martin ‘90) and Eric ‘91 Watterson Denny ‘72 and Cheryl (Hawkins ‘73) Wayman Rich ‘74 and Becky (Trueblood ‘74) Weinhandl Missie (Setty ‘97) and Brian Wenrick Mary (Cammin ‘59) and Bud ‘62+ White Mike ‘77 and Terri White Drew ‘85 and Karen Whitlock Joan (Hendrix ‘47) Whitlock+ Stephen ‘68 and Norma Whitlock Brian ‘94 and Jeresha Wickersham Brenda (Pierce ‘65) and Ken ‘66 Wiegel Carol Wilson ‘81 and Allan Shoultz Darlene (Dohner ‘65) and Eugene Wingert Ellen (Hart ‘54) Winslow Glenn ‘86 and Polly (Snowbarger ‘86) Winslow Mark ‘86 and Karla (Kugler ‘86) Winslow Mary (Kersch ‘70) and Jay ‘73 Young

Thank you

GU Financial Champions!


Recognizing donors with cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000+. This list includes all gifts from 1979 to present. The GU database only records gifts after 1979. $1,000,000+ Anonymous (2) Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Harold ‘27+ and Betty+ Cooley Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Don ‘52 and Esther (Knapp ‘54)+ Jones Vivien Maves ‘28+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw John+ and Shirley+ Minshall The Full Salvation Union Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf


Founding Member

$500,000-$999,999 Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Mabel (Vinson 1915) Cage+ Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Jerry Hood ‘82 Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson Wayne ‘60 and Marilyn Nelson Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley Jake ‘47+ and Maxine (Young ‘47) Whitlock

^active giving June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019


$100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (5) Bill and Sharon Ahern Everett Armington+ I.D. ‘33+ and Elsie (Cobb ‘45)+ Baker Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+ Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Del ‘53 and Avis (Malan ‘53) Bergen Vincent Bessey ‘42+ Frances (King ‘40)+ and Grant ‘41+ Black Dick ‘60 and Sandy (Maxwell ‘61) Boileau Steve and P.J. Bothwell Meryle Boughton ‘48+


Bob ‘56+ and Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner Jim+ and Anna+ Brown Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd Jay and Shay Burgess Harold Burkhardt+ Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Charles ‘72 and Kathy Clinard Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55 Coates Mike and Debbie Coling Larry and Sherry Collett



Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Barb (Finger ‘76) Cranston+ Bob ‘77 and Tammy Cranston Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum Marty ’76 and Holly (Ross ’80) Daily John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65) Dawdy Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell Charlie ‘60+ and Faye (Kelley ‘60) Faulkner Dennis and Debbie Fenton Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58 Fisher James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Florence Harding+ Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+ Hastings Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood Gerauld Hopkins+ Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Stan Hughey ‘37+ Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Don ‘49 and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Gene ‘53+ and Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp Ken ‘49 and Stella+ Kaufmann Del Keener Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns

Paul ‘69 and Shirley (Wolcott ‘71)+ Killinger Dana King 1921+ Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Ernest+ and Marion+ Longman Karen Longman Jim Mannoia David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Elva McAllaster ‘44+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw Ed and Judy McMillan Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck Miller Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller Robert 1920+ and Lea+ Miller John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Alta Morgan ‘50+ Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Leroy ‘29+ and Ruth ‘31+ Mullet George ‘53 and Debra Murphy Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Charles ‘24+ and Hazel (Alberts ‘24)+ Peterson

Wes ‘58 and Darlyne (Baker ‘58) Phillips Dorathi Pierre+ Jerry ‘78 and Lisa (Amorosi ‘80) Quick Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Glenn Richardson ’40+ Pearce and Bonnie Riggs Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Ernie ‘52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ‘52)+ Ross Willard Rowland ‘33+ Mary (LaDue 1918)+ and Chester+ Russell Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Ed Shaffer ‘67 Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Chuck ‘37+ and Lois (Miller ‘37)+ Smout Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Katie (Warlick 1914)+ and Fred+ Sponsler Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Rich ‘53 and Arlene (Greer ‘53)+ Stephens Barry ‘77 and Vaun (Hodges ‘77) Swanson

Horace Tenney ‘31+ Bonnie (Barber ‘48)+ and Watson ‘49+ Tidball Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball Tag Tigard+ Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Ian and Alice Van Norman Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian Vera Walls+ Frank ‘38+ and Mary+ Walters Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover Ruth (Snyder ‘45)+ and Glenn White Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Jim and Wilma+ Wilson Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Lynette Workman ‘73+ Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54)+ Young


Recognizing donors with matured or deferred planned gifts to the University. To include your name in the Ivy Circle, complete a Planned Giving Intention Form. Contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 for more information. Anonymous (3) Edward Abbott, Jr. ‘48+ Jody (Kamp ‘82) and Roy ‘85 Abbott Karen (Bewley ‘74) and Rick ‘75 Adcock Bill and Sharon Ahern Sharon Alger ‘61 Gene ‘58+ and Shirley Alston Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson Wilma (Stampfler ‘54)+ and Leroy Autenrieth+ Lyle ‘56 and Ruth Babcock Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam BaileyHamblen Mark ‘83 and Deb (Jackson ‘83) Bailie Celesta (Coates ‘77) and David Ball Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+ Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Don+ and Marcella+ Bateman David ‘78 and Nancy (Tullar ‘78) Battleson Fred+ and Bessie+ Baumberger Janise (Dixon ‘90) and Kenneth Beguhl Edward+ and Carolyn+ Bennett Rex ‘75 and Nancy Bennett Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson Richard+ and Clarice+ Binder Carol (Alexander ‘77) and Paul Bither Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount Mabel Bock+ Brian ‘58 and Mary-Ellan Bonney Harry ‘47 and Betty Bonney Brad ‘77 and Pamela Brail


Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer Lewis Britton ‘57+ Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard Dorothy Buckingham+ Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Pat (Scittine ‘59) Burbridge Jay and Shay Burgess Keith ‘76 and Glenda (Knop ‘76) Burgh Tom ‘77 and Mona (Mace ‘77) Busch Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Clair Carey+ Larry ‘82 and Diane Carr Lois ‘69 and Del+ Catron Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Norma (Bartlow ‘52)+ and Vernon+ Chute Grace Claussen+ Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Merita (Sorrells ’84) Claussen+ Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48 Clement Michael ‘90 and Jarmela Cliff Rich Cloud ‘70 Pat ‘80 and Cheri Coakley Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates Herb ‘79 and Sheryl (Beard ‘80) Coates Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55 Coates Tad Cooper Linda Cox ‘69 Wesley Cox ‘39+ Frank ‘36+ and Verle+ Crane Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston Sarah Crawford ‘99 John ‘42+ and Evelyn Cross

Ralph ‘49+ and Marian Crowell Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum Phil+ and Sharon Cullison Carne ‘43+ and Margery (Tipps ‘43)+ Cunningham Jay ‘63+ and Margaret (Smith ‘63) Dargan Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Florine (Kersey ‘36) Dawdy+ Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Mavis (Dietzman ‘67) and Robert DietzmanSturgis Brian ‘90 and Amy (Bellen ‘90) Dillow Lawrence and Betty Ditty Joseph Douglass ‘31+ Carroll ‘64+ and Darleene Dunaway Stan ‘73 and Myrna (Simpkins ‘73) Duneman Steve ‘73+ and Linda Duneman Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles John ‘77 and Nita (Smith ‘77) Edwards Paul ‘33+ and Naomi+ Ellis Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Ruth (Barnes ‘23)+ and James ‘28+ Fairbanks Dick ‘49+ and Muriel (Secord ‘49) Fattic Cal ‘55 and Anice (Joy ‘55)+ Faulkner Lester ‘43+ and Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger Tim Finley ‘92 Dale Fisher+ Henry and Janet Flores Ruth (Garretson ‘48)+ and Raymond+ Ford Rachel (Nowlan ‘35) Fowler+ Esther Fox ‘48

James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Charles+ and Louise+ George Stan+ and Kay+ Getz Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01 Harry and Barbara Gigous Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith Esther (Savage ‘49)+ and Robert+ Goodenough Tim ‘77 and Pam (Hogue ‘77) Goodenough Fred ‘62+ and Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Michael ‘72 and Leila (Siedsma ‘73) Gray Bob+ and Patsy+ Greer Robert+ and Opal+ Greer Sara Gregory ‘25+ Melba Grigg ‘53+ Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves Wayne ‘37+ and Lorene (Coates ‘40)+ Groves Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Lester Harnetiaux ‘79+ Glenn and Margaret Harper Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+ Hastings Louise Hauth ‘52+ John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Esther (Sportsman ‘32) Heddergott+ Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen Ruby (Erickson ‘52) and Myron ‘53+ Henry Earl+ and Buelah+ Hensley Claudine Herrington ‘58+

+ Deceased

Winifred Hessler ‘46+ Chris ‘80 and Cynthia Hill David and Joanna Hoag Jerry Hood ‘82 Jane Hopkins ‘68 and Robert Clausen ‘94 Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard Greta (Syfert ‘30)+ and Emery+ Howse Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Geneva Huffman Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Clyde Irwin Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Roger Johnson ‘51+ Tim ‘85 and Patti (Burbridge ‘87) Johnston Derrold ‘71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ‘72) Jones Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Don ‘76 and Nanette Kaufmann Jo Keillor ‘79 Leonard ’57+ and Joyce (Erickson ’59)+ Keillor Wesley ‘43+ and Evelyn Keller Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns Ralph and Nellie Kester Jim ‘48+ and Iola (Kenworthy ‘49)+ Keys Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore Martha (Mills ‘46) and Jay+ Kiser Joseph and Sharon Kopacz Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Wendel ‘63+ and Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober Steve ‘77 and Debbie (Darr ‘77) LaFleur Scott ‘92 and Angela Lefler June (Martin ‘50) Llewellyn Karen Longman Duane+ and Betty+ Luallen Fern (Ambrose ‘32) Mack+ Adelle (Sieck ‘28)+ and Edward Mansholt Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Gary ‘86 and Jill (Skorupa ‘87) Mason Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews Vivien Maves ‘28+ Kendall ‘37+ and Mildred (Bentley ‘38)+ Mayhew Vi (Ormston ‘49)+ and Glenn ‘50 McAdam Mark ‘86 and Karla (Goers ‘86) McGinnis

John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Carol (Lane ‘77) and Larry ‘78 Moore Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55) Moore Doug ‘87 and Dee Morgan Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan Jack ‘47+ and Evelyn (Marston ‘48) Mottweiler Bill ‘83 and Renate (Reeser ‘86) Moyers Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Gary ‘83+ and Susan (Rose ‘83) Mulholland Richard Mulholland ‘60+ Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50 Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Phil ‘41+ and Lois+ Myette Faye (Myers ‘62) and Alden ‘63 Nay Arthur ‘26+ and Bernice (Weiler ‘26)+ Nelson John Nethercott+ Duane ‘73 and Sharen (Bewley ‘74) Newman Jo Ann Noble ‘56 William ‘25+ and Elizabeth Norbeck+ Marcella (Vanvolkenburg ‘34)+ and Floyd+ Nowlin Elvan Olmstead ‘36+ Clarence ‘42+ and Beth (Hampton ‘44)+ Oscarson Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Ralph and Doris Park Bill Parker ‘57+ Neil and Jean Parrott Dan ‘81 and Jill (Vincent ‘82) Parry Jim ‘67 and Carole (Cox ‘72) Parsons Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul Darrold ‘68 and Louise Phillips Melvin ‘50+ and Joann Phillips Ron Phillips ‘80 Annabelle (King ‘47)+ and Ned Philpott Dorathi Pierre+ Richard ‘55 and Vivian Price Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Teresa Rardin ‘78 Fred Reader ‘62 John ‘69 and Jennifer (Apple ‘70) Reed Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard

Leona (Stillman ‘42) Rennells+ Ray Rhine ‘53+ Carl ‘43+ and Alice (Fickess ‘44)+ Rice Jerry ‘74 and Linda (Kratzer ‘77) Rich Sarah Ridpath+ Roberta Rittenhouse ‘47+ Ron ‘57 and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Rex ‘64 and Bethel Root Howard ‘40+ and Mary Loretta (Olmstead ‘40)+ Rose Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72) Fink-Sailsbery David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Larry and Cindy Sayler Donna Saylor ‘72 Eldon ‘42+ and Florence+ Sayre Earl ‘53 and Julie (Larson ‘53) Schamehorn John ‘39+ and Ruby (Tosh ‘40)+ Schlosser Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Kathy (Ballinger ‘81) and Kevin ‘82 Schoenwetter Cheryl (Logue ‘67)+ and Lawrence Schrock Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth Patsy Schutz+ Lewis Seifert+ Leslie ‘64 and Colleen (King ‘65) Sellers Kevin ‘78 and Ginny Seybold Janet (Weikert ‘79) and Dale ‘81 Shackley Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle Ruth Short ‘33+ Riker+ and Edith+ Simcoe Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Charles and Marge Stavely Louverne Stephens+

Louis ‘82 and Nancy (Oschwald ‘82) Stewart Peter ‘85 and Marla (Samuelson ‘86) Stuart Norm ‘70 and Carol (Turner ‘70) Swanson Deborah Swearingen ‘78 Louise Tenney ‘31+ Wallace and Frances+ Tippery Harry+ and Lenora Tomaschke Randall ‘52+ and Phyl (Case ‘52) Tucker Ron ‘72 and Joy (Lowe ‘72) Tucker Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Dallas ‘31+ and Virginia (Howland ‘34)+ Turner Delores (Nuby ‘50)+ and Harry ‘54 Ulmer Margaret (Bebermeyer ‘46)+ and Florence Vahle Hayden+ and Joyce+ Van Horn Carl ‘64+ and Pauletta Vancil Virginia (Lehr ‘60) Vancil+ Mark ‘79 and Linda (Johnson ‘80) VanValin Mendal ‘51+ and Kathleen (Willing ‘51) VanValin Chuck ‘62 and Carole (Whitbeck ‘64) Vick Imogene (Snyder ‘32)+ and Harold+ Vick Carol (Moore ‘74) and Lonnie Vollintine Clyde Wait+ Ruby Walker+ Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) and Lewis+ Walter Bob+ and Helen (Butts ‘35)+ Warren Wes ‘43+ and Edna Warwick Clark Webster+ Elizabeth White ‘46 Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Sarah Wilson+ Della Wolcott+ Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Ronald and Diana Woodworth Charles and Mildred Wroblewski Jerry Yotter ‘70 Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54)+ Young Helen (Zahniser ‘41) Zahniser-Snyder+ and Lee Snyder+


Recognizing donors based on giving from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019. Visit for a complete list of GU Financial Champions. $500-999 Anonymous (3) Cindy (Letson ‘65) and Howard ‘67 Barnes David ‘60 and Avis (Young ‘61) Barnes James and Alyce Bava Dave and Jane Bell Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson Joan (Tefft ‘66) and Robert ‘68 Benson Jerry Bolt ‘63 Louise (Deboer ‘69) Bourg Wayne Bovee ‘50 Doris Burd Frances (Starr ‘51) and Stanley ‘62 Busch Eula May (Metz ‘52) and Richard Carr Jim Catanzaro ‘00 Rob ‘93 and Kelli (Keasling ‘94) Chelberg Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates Hope (Hopkins ‘51) Coleman Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston

+ Deceased

Larry ‘70 and Kathie (Marze ‘70) Davis Brian and Debbie DeLoche Jason ‘02 and Miriah Denbo Dan ‘08 and Kristi (McKinley ‘09) Denner Dave ‘55 and Betty Ann (Cottrill ‘55) Dickerson Susan (Dailey ‘75) and Ron ‘76 Dunnill Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles Christy (Brown ‘91) and Brent ‘92 Ellis Shirley (Hall ‘56) and John ‘58 Ellis Bill ‘52 and Gloria (Penwell ‘53) Erickson Timothy ‘82 and Valerie Erickson Cal Faulkner ‘55 David ‘69 and Gloria Figg Jim and Ruth Finch Steven and Elizabeth Finch Alan ‘76 and Lori (Nielsen ‘83) Gaffner Dorothy (Fisher ‘51) and Robert Gardner Carolyn (Page ‘55) Glair

Wendolyn Grace ‘77 Dwight ‘68 and Nina Kay (Oberlink ‘69) Gregory Chris (Smith ‘79) and Jim Gunther Duane ‘65 and Gretchen Haines Linda (Whiteside ‘74) and Kenny ‘91 Hampton Mary Beth (Wilson ‘90) and Todd Harper Edie (Sussenbach ‘62) and Richard Harris Sheila (Walton ‘58) Harrison Chuck Hawkins ‘64 David ‘67 and Peggy (Sayre ‘68) Hill Duane ‘56 and Betty Hood Duane Houghtaling ‘80 Gwyn (Jolliff ‘82) and Michael Jolliff-Blake Derrold ‘71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ‘72) Jones Alice Kaiser ‘75 Ken Keener ‘74

Matt ‘95 and Rachel Keillor Walter Kendall ‘53 Cheralyn (Gallup ‘66) and Dennis Kendel Jay ‘79 and Janet Kennedy Ruth (Kuyt ‘71) and John Klein Ralph and Donna Korte Tena Krause ‘80 Les ‘69 and Peggy Krober Barbara (Kirkpatrick ‘74) and Phillip Landis Sandy (Somerville ‘87) and James Lang Larry Larsen Dan ‘05 and Katrina Liss Barbara (Looney ‘79) Marsh Michael Martin Don and Margie+ Mason Kathy Mersinger Michael ‘82 and Sandra (Wiens ‘82) Mick Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ David ‘52 and Doris Myatt



Denis Nikitin ‘97 Gene and Cynthia Opp Hugo Perez Jean Pesarchick Galen and Ella Peters Jim and Linda Plett Brent and Lisa Potts David ‘66 and Brenda (Foster ‘67) Rice Lisa (Barnes ‘92) Richardson Bruce and Sue Ronk LaVerne ‘59 and Barbara Ruhberg David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Kathryn (Anderson ‘86) Scanland Shannon Schantz ‘83 Vicki (Stuber ‘75) and Rich ‘78 Schurter Ruth Anne ‘64 and Richard ‘65 Scott Charlotte (Olson ‘56) Seago Curt and Betty Simmons Susan Simons David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Joseph Smith ‘56 Melvin and Dena Spencer Barb (Kerns ‘78) and Guy Steele Garrett ‘08 and Lindsey Stephens Dale ‘80 and Carol (Finger ‘81) Stewart Marilynn (Ayers ‘57) and Terry Taylor Roy ‘72 and Nancy (Hagerman ‘73) Taylor Tara Thompson ‘06 Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Eldon ‘67 and Marilyn Turley Sean Washington Brandon and Eva Weiler Robert ‘70 and Robyn (Penner ‘70) Welch Sidney and Dottie White Beatrice (Spar ‘60) Whitehead Dave ‘96 and Melissa Wilson Hung ‘77 and Lee Winn Donald and Loretta Wire Phillip ‘60 and Joyce Wise Lowell and Norma Zitzloff $250-499 George ‘69 and Evelyn Adam Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Berry and Jo Azdell Gerald ‘55 and Marlene (Parsons ‘55) Bates Maurice and Janet Beckman Geneva (Smith ‘65) and George Blankenship Brett ‘97 and Becky (Hampsch ‘97) Brannon Ward Brining Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard Venessa Brown ‘83 Rollie ‘54 and Vicki Brumitt William and Susan Buckingham Anne (Richardson ‘65) and James Campbell Ruth (Davis ‘63) and Ed ‘64 Carey Roger Christin ‘72 Fredrick ‘63 and Marcia Clerie Kay ‘58 and Ruth Cole John and Nichole Costea Mary Lou (Crandall ‘63) and Merle ‘65 Cromwell Randy ‘80 and Rebecca Cronk Wanda (Claussen ‘72) and Lysle Crosson Dave ‘97 and Emily Dahlbeck Beth (Fields ‘68) Deck Tim ‘96 and Elisabeth (Rittenhouse ‘96) Dietz Aaron (Atlee ‘01) and Kate (Dunigan ‘01) Dunigan-Atlee Van ‘69 and Karen (Schmidt ‘71) Eldridge


Carol (Rikli ‘78) and Mike ‘79 Ellsworth Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Bob ‘72 and Emily (Willard ‘73) Fairbanks Ruth (Brandt ‘51) Farnsworth Charles ‘60 and Elizabeth (Stoltz ‘62) Finley Judith (Anderson ‘71) and Louis Fogleman Ryan Garrett MAT ‘09 and Christina Smerick Peggy (Gingrich ‘55) Gebauer Tim ‘77 and Pam (Hogue ‘77) Goodenough Steven and Holly Greathouse Dan Green ‘06, MSM ‘12 Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves Steve ‘08 and Katie Haas William Hamlet Ralph Hammer ‘51 John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Darold ‘62 and Marjorie Hill Margene (Schwartz ‘76) Holak Dolores (Sandell ‘58) Hoover Robert ‘51 and Donna (Hastriter ‘55) Hull Craig ‘92 and Heidi (Herron ‘92) Johnson Kristian Kaufmann ‘03 Deb Keillor ‘83 John and Ellie Kennedy Henry and Dawn Kenuam Tom ‘73 and Debbie (Wilson ‘73) Kepka Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore Nancy Kistler Frank ‘77 and Rhonda (Kugler ‘77) Kline Scott Koberlein Janet (Wilkinson ‘59) and Paul Komar Wendel ‘63+ and Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober Arnold Kugler ‘56 Maurice ‘63 and Dorothy (Tish ‘63) LeBegue Kenneth ‘76 and Mary Jo Lefler Ray ‘54 and Susan Leitner Robert Massey ‘55 Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews Barton and Donna Maxie Jim ‘66 and Verla (Orr ‘67) Mayse Scott ‘89 and Heather (Holifield ‘93) McGrew Don ‘68 and Nancy Meissner Karen (Sarr ‘69) Mensing Aaron and Kelly Jo Middleton Chris and Jane Miller Laurel Mohr Marv ‘60 and Karen Moran Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan Amber (Johnson ‘04) and Joshua Morris Kristina Moskop Aspen Moss Evelyn (Marston ‘48) Mottweiler Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50 Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Troy Myers Doug and Margie Newton Steven Ogle ‘71 Mark ‘61 and Diane Orchard Mark and Gwynn Osborne Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Whitey and Linda Patton Ron ‘65 and Linda (Keele ‘65) Peters Kaye Plocher Matthew and Justine Plocher Michelle Ralat Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Edie (Miller ‘74) and David Reay Greg Render ‘99 Annie Rice ‘07

Michael Riechmann Larry and Sheryl Roberts Merlin Roth ‘54 Donita (Gregory ‘70) and Donald Roulsten William and Dawn Rushik William and Shandella Rushik Mildred Sawyer ‘59 Paul and Annette Schroeder Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth Sylvia (Scott ‘68) Scott-Jones Linda Sellevaag John and Dinah Shepherd Harold Shipman Lee and Dawn Simmons Rodger Simmons Robert and Judy Skaggs Chuck ‘85 and Rene (Osborne ‘85) Smith Mike ‘89 and Shannon Smith David ‘71 and Gladys Snare Mel ‘64 and Susan Starr Mary Alice (Poland ‘70) and Larry Stilwell Donald and Kristi Stone Phil ‘65 and Carolyn (Shields ‘65) Streetman Paul ‘79 and Beth Stroble Ed and Nancy Swift Wilma Tade Warren ‘50 and Luella (Connor ‘51)+ Thomas Pat Trager Randy and Debra Vasel Diana (Watson ‘59) and William Walter Stan ‘52 and Betty Walters Herald ‘65 and Naomi (Inman ‘66) Walton Kerri (Keasling ‘94) and Kevin Webster David Whiteman ‘68 James ‘67 and Donna (Young ‘68) Wickersham Mick ‘68 and Michele Wilson Paul ‘63 and Connie Wilson John ‘67 and Carolyn (Rice ‘68) Wojakowski Kurt and Candace Wolf David ‘87 and Gloria (Wiegand ‘88) Young $100-249 Anonymous (2) Tori Ahlers Sharon Alger ‘61 Janet Allison-Seed Carolyn Anders Sondra Anderson ‘84 Gerald and Barbara Andrews Laura Arksey Charles and Debbie Ashley Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam BaileyHamblen Lola (Wellman ‘51) Baker Cheryl (Tucker ‘80) and Stephen ‘81 Ballinger Marvin ‘69 and Mary (Hostetler ‘69) Barthauer Jerry Bates Wilma (Sharp ‘40) Baumberger Mack ‘94 and Kimberly Bean Rich ‘85 and Marty (Frost ‘85) Beans Reed ‘56 and Virginia (Miller ‘58) Beard William Beckert Donald and Laura Bedford Gerard Bell Thomas and Linda Bellegante Kory ‘96 and Tammy Best Paul and Janice Betscher

Steve ‘71 and Dianne Birky Tim ‘76 and Polly (Paulson ‘76) Birky Lois (Beardslee ‘55) and James Blackburn Sandra Blucker Bob ‘62 and Kathy Blume Doug ‘73 and Lois Boele Thaddeus Bond Doane ‘54 and Ruth (Schantz ‘54) Bonney Norma Borgmann ‘70 Nelda Borror Don ‘72 and Sandra Bounds Brenda (Vaughn ‘78) and Craig Boyd Orvil and Shelby Boyer Mary Lou (Caldwell ‘58) Brake George ‘50 and Barbara Brancato David ‘68 and Kimberlee Brede Thomas and Marti Broomfield David Brown ‘57 Donna Brown ‘72 Phil and Jan Brown Pat (Scittine ‘59) Burbridge Janet Burdick Dale Burge ‘65 Casey Burrus ‘01 Brooks ‘98 and Amanda Burtch Diana Burtch ‘72 Jim Burtch ‘72 Lindsay Burton ‘18 Alvin ‘74 and Marsha (Skinner ‘74) Busby Richard Bushue Carolyn (Mangels ‘67) and Frank ‘69 Campbell Charles ‘60 and Jan (Mitchell ‘60) Carey Ruth (Dorsey ‘57) Carey Wayne ‘59 and Ruth (Lehman ‘59) Cassel Rex ‘75 and Cindy (Monroe ‘76) Catron Brenda (Moore ‘84) and Mark Chema David ‘70 and Maggie Chi Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48 Clement Deloy ‘84 and Bonnie Cole Edwin and Donna Cole Treva (Booher ‘80) and David ‘83 Cole Janice (Kamp ‘80) and Jerry ‘84 Coleman Karla (Trager ‘86) and Kurt Conard Richard and Gladys Cook Lonnie and Tricia Coppernoll Skip ‘67 and Carole (Welch ‘67) Coulter Neil Cowen ‘55 Wayne ‘42 and Neda Cowger Andrew Craig Althea (Jones ‘63) and Robert Dargan Harriet (Wheelock ‘57) Davenport Sara (Yoder ‘78) and Bill Davidson Jaron Davis ‘06 and Rachel (Heston ‘06) Heston-Davis Norma Davis ‘52 Anne Davy ‘75 Orval Dean Harry ‘57 and Barbara (Lehr ‘61)+ Deffley Steven and Margarita Delgado Darlene (Nelson ‘60) and Roy Demetrick Sharon (Lower ‘64) and Patrick Dennis Kurt ‘70 and Diana Denzel Michael and Juli Deterding Diane Devita Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Robert and Marilyn Dillman Justine (Lessen ‘08) and Curtis Dion Clarice (Vore ‘56) Dodge Don ‘67 and Sharon (Larimore ‘67) Doenitz Carolyn Driskill Aaron ‘01 and Kelly (Elifrits ‘01) Dunnill



John and Joyce Duvall Mark Dwomoh ‘07 Phil ‘84 and Pam Eccles Ralph ‘58 and Yvonne (Gordon ‘59) Eccles Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis Will and Heather Fairbanks Vonnie (Melton ‘57) Fansler Kathy (Fleming ‘71) and Gary Farnsworth John Farr Marian (Brandt ‘51) Ferguson Scott and Jennifer Ferrar Patricia Ferrari Tricia Feyerabend Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger Freda (Wilder ‘60) and David Finlay Tim Finley ‘92 Duane ‘65 and Linda (Mollett ‘71) Flowers Laurie Flynn Jerry ‘68 and Cindy (Odermann ‘73) Ford Gayle (Poland ‘70) and Charles Frame Ryan ‘04 and Erika (Woodard ‘05) Friederichs Carole Frier ‘80 Willard ‘55 and Hazel Frost John and Tonya Geldbach Steve ‘67 and Priscilla George James ‘58 and Linda Gieseke Karen (Strickler ‘84) Gilmore Karen Gines ‘68 Marsha (Headley ‘74) Glazier Mary Lou (Penn ‘77) and James Goggin Edith Goldsborough ‘36 Kathleen Goldsborough Mike ‘88 and Jan (Carder ‘90) Gouge Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Jerry and Mary Graber Beatrice (Wright ‘55) and Roy Grant Jeremiah ‘02 and Jamie Gregory Claude ‘61 and Bettie Griffith Bob ‘57 and Joyce (Goldsboro ‘57) Grimes Linda (Harnetiaux ‘60) and Ronald Grissom Bob ‘64 and Patricia Gruen Marlin and Rita Guse Earl ‘57 and Elma (Pounds ‘57) Habecker Gary ‘73 and Michelle Hackney Emily (Hartley ‘04) and Rob ‘04 Hager Sue (Langham ‘81) and Rick Hahn Jon ‘74 and Marlene Hall Robert Hall ‘71 Naoma (Reid ‘61) and William Halsey Donald and Amie Ham Brian and Kimberly Hammons Brenda (Betts ‘80) and Jerome Harris Stanley and Susan Harris Donna (Burden ‘69) and Bill Hart John and Betty Haug Paula (Cowser ‘82) and Shannon Hayes Vi Henderson ‘45 Dennis ‘74 and Mary (Finger ‘74) Henry Sarah (Cenkar ‘98) and Joseph Herdade Kristi (Goodin ‘79) and Kerwin ‘82 Hickey Emily Hicks James and Kathy Higbee Robert and Rosanna Hildreth Dorothea Hines ‘66 Edward and Alexa Hodges David ‘69 and Diane Hogue Sherrie (Smith ‘64) and Jerry Holifield Marsha Holzhauer Kathleen (Quastad ‘56) House Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard Norma (Nolte ‘69) and Frank Howard Wanda (James ‘60) and Jerry ‘62 Howard



Joann Huddleston ‘59 Chad Hunt Loana (Coleson ‘62) and Donald Ingram Dick ‘64 and Joy Innes Kevin and Rose Jackson William ‘71 and Rhonda (Probst ‘73) Jacobs Skeeter Janisch Eugene Jekel David Jenkins Ella Johanson ‘57 Joyce Johnson Weyburn ‘49 and Dorothy Johnson Ed ‘50 and Judy (Poland ‘50) Jones Sharon (Cronkhite ‘59) and Clyde Kale Laurie (Nelson ‘82) and Richard Karns Oleta Kartmann Gary Kaufmann ‘78 Jim and Becky Keaster Evelyn Keller Martha (Rosentrater ‘69) and Paul Kellner David and Lavone Kendall Tim ‘78 and Beth (Burge ‘79) Kenyon Ed ‘85 and Laura (Collins ‘85) Kerestly Art ‘78 and Janet (Miller ‘78) Killian Erin (Helmuth ‘00) and Mike Kinzel Robert and Helen Kirk Barbara (Creech ‘64) and Delbert Klaus Kenneth ‘65 and Merrily Knepper Bryan (Langdoc ‘01) and Maureen (Knudsen ‘02) Knudsen Langdoc Ross and Beverly Koberlein Bill and Sandy Koss Kyle ‘02 and Miriam Krober Georgann (Kurtz ‘81) Kurtz-Shaw and Brad Shaw ‘83 Emily (Lambeth ‘98) Lambeth-Climaco and Phil Climaco Frederick Lang Lyle Lang ‘65 Misty Lang Roger Laramee Brandon Larsen Lavonne Larson ‘71 Gary Leininger David Livermore Delbert and Sandra Lovett Juanita (Brittain ‘63) and John Lutz Jerry ‘70 and Nancy Malone Dave ‘70 and Linda (Sayre ‘70) Marcy Ginger (Williamson ‘70) and Dave ‘71 Marquart Chris Marsh ‘80 Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall John ‘69 and Judy Martin Tera (White ‘82) and Edward Mascarenas Gary ‘86 and Jill (Skorupa ‘87) Mason Kim ‘85 and Katrina Mathews Violet (Lee ‘64) and Delmore McAboy Sue Ann (Wooters ‘72) and Tom McBroom Beth McDonald ‘45 Dru (Orcutt ‘85) and Paul ‘86 McLeland Sherrie McPherson Charles and Carolyn McWhorter Tom Menacher ‘10 Betty (Cassabaum ‘50) Miles Cathy (Monroe ‘72) and Roger Miller Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller Kenneth and Helen Miller Mark ‘62 and Mary Miller Sam ‘66 and Carol Miller Marilyn Mills ‘59 Celia Milslagle ‘67

Aaron ‘07 and Ashley (Alltop ‘08) Mingo Robert and Jeanette Mingus Orval ‘56 and Dora (Keen ‘56) Mitchell Geneva (Kleinik ‘53) Mohrbacker James Moose Isabella Moretti Mary (Green ‘54) Morris Caroline (Attebery ‘57) and Jack Morrison Dotty (Greenlee ‘73) Morrison Bill ‘84 and Deanna (Clarke ‘84) Mulholland Wayne Neeley Beverly (Fancher ‘66) and Gary Nelson Bruce ‘74 and Roxane (Marquis ‘75) Netzler Marilyn (Cribb ‘60) and Bob ‘61 Newton Terry Niehaus Kenneth and Juliette Nimmons Duane ‘57 and Lois (Riley ‘57) Norden Karla Nossaman Mark Noyes Mary Oehlert ‘77 Jonathan Orcutt ‘74 James and Deborah Orourke Bob Osborn ‘69 Paul ‘76 and Marsha (Adam ‘76) Owsley Kelly Parke Arnold ‘68 and Ardyce (Dixon ‘68) Parks Michael and Marsha Patrick Janet (Streetman ‘63) and Colvin Paul Barry ‘98 and Jennifer Payne Beth Peebles ‘69 Linda Penfold Debra Phalen Bill Piper George and Andrea Platz Ronald and Evelyn Potts Richard ‘55 and Vivian Price May Della Probst Frank and Debra Quintero Phyllis Rames Megan Reddell ‘08 Milan ‘67 and Dorene (Ebel ‘68) Reimer Merlyn ‘52 and Virgena Rensberry Richard Reyes Martha (Thomas ‘56) and Paul ‘57 Riley Ron ‘57 and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart Vaughn ‘89 and Regina (Dothager ‘91) Robart Blake Robertson Morgan Robertson ‘59 Dan and Sandy Rogers Corey Ross ‘98 Reba Rowell Ruth (Sussenbach ‘60) Rupert Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72) Fink-Sailsbery Dwight ‘65 and Judith Samuelson Randy ‘90 and Barb Sands Elaine (Kasten ‘51) Sanford Donald and Marjorie Sapp Elizabeth (Baldwin ’91) and Mark Sargis Leland ‘56 and Jo Sayers Donna Saylor ‘72 Virginia (Falk ‘59) and Howard ‘60 Schantz Ken Schmidt and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt Judy (Griffith ‘69) Schneck Harold ‘01 and Linda (Jones ‘01) Schuler Larry and Ronda Scott Sylvia Seal Leslie ‘64 and Colleen (King ‘65) Sellers Phyllis (Blair ‘61) Semelroth John ‘60 and Kim Seo Irene Seppanen Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw

Michael Shelton Deloris (Roney ‘60) and Don ‘61 Sheriff Morris ‘51 and Janet Sherk Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle Barbara Shock ‘56 Kyle ‘02 and Julie (Kaufmann ‘04) Shultz Mary Sidwell ‘67 Mary Ann Sievers ‘72 Roger and Julie Simmons Ronald and Andrea Simmons Virginia (Wallace ‘59) Sims Maggie (Iffrig ‘99) and Andy Singleton Willie Singleton Myra (Selig ‘61) and William Skipwith Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith Cheryl ‘00 and Richard Smith David ‘65 and Janice Smith Jamie Smith Howard ‘62 and Janice Snyder Lois (Smith ‘50) and Keith Snyder Deb (Ryan ‘74) and Karl Somerville William and Patricia Speaks Marilyn Starr Gene ‘62 and Corrine Stevenson Cathy Stonehouse ‘62 John Straeter ‘01 Beth and Scott Strand Lanette Strickland Pat (Gorton ‘62) Strickland Doug and Pam Stroud Anne (Lantis ‘56) and William Struck Timothy ‘80 and Tanya Summers Ward Sussenbach ‘66 Jeremy and Lesley Sutton Cindy (Gnade ‘98) and Lee Swartz Amber (East ‘07) Sweet Mike ‘93 and Kathy Swindle Charles Tabor Andres Tallez Clarence Taylor ‘61+ Rose (Davis ‘65) Thompson Sandra (Price ‘85) Thompson Dee (Oakes ‘70) and Curt ‘72 Tidball Akira ‘61 and Tomoko Tomita Robert ‘50 and Marjorie (Crank ‘51) Trenbeath Joyce (Wilhelm ‘77) and Terry Troyer Justin Trueblood Gary ‘68 and Mary Ann (Walden ‘74) Tucker Matt ‘51 and Dorothy Urfer Pedro ‘96 and Christal (Valdez ‘96) Valentin June ‘07 and Ken Valentine Forrest ‘50 and Janice (Greenman ‘51) Van Valin Frank ‘53 and Carol VanValin Shirley Vassar Ellen Vogel ‘70 Crissy Voyles ‘92 Esther (Wilson ‘62) Walker Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) Walter Craig Wassenaar Ben ‘02 and Michelle (Zitzloff ‘03) Wayman Carol Weise Hal ‘76 and Mary Weise Charles Wells David Wells Tony Wells Geoff ‘05 and Jen Whitlock Jeffery and Martha Wilday Melvin ‘52 and Ethelyn (Hunsaker ‘54) Williams Ken ‘63 and Diana Williamson



Kim (Engstrom ‘94) and Tim Williamson James Willock Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Myla Wilson

Pam MA ‘13 and Jeff Wilson Scott and Jennifer Wilson Allen Wolff Ricky Womack

Mary (Kendle ‘50) and Charles Wood John Young ‘94 Steve ‘79 and Mary Young James Zacher

Joy (Hamilton ‘70) and Michael Ziemann


Recognizing gifts received in honor of the following individuals from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019. Oscar Anders Carolyn Anders Laurene Anders Linda Penfold Michael Bond Buddy and Pat Bond Doris Burd Sharon Bowes Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Jack and Pat Burd Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Terry and Marilynn Taylor

Don and Cherie Keim Jack Chism Chris Emanuel Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Terry and Marilynn Taylor Keith Dunaway Scott Henke and Karla Dunaway-Henke Olga Estevez Ken Schmidt and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt Ivan Filby Chris Emanuel Reid Ganton Todd and Kristin Ganton

Bailey Carlson

Ryan Giffen Scott Giffen and Yvi Martin

Ish Smith Jeff and Karen Davis

Jerry Hood Craig and Sue Tidball

Terry and Marilynn Taylor Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis

Marie Kendrick Tricia Feyerabend Miriam Porter Ed and Nancy Swift Jim Reinhard Denis and Sheri Doe

Daryl Webster Terry and Marilynn Taylor Jim Wilson Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Veronica Ross Noah and Audra Clodfelter Larry Sayler Chris Emanuel


Recognizing gifts received in memory of the following individuals from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019. Redgie Aaron Jaclyn Johnson-Cross

Jeff Hallmark Michael and Amanda Wiegand

Gordon Banks Roy and Jody Abbott Randy and Judy Bennett Mark and Brenda Chema Jerry and Janice Coleman Miriam Kamp

Orley Herron James and Mary Lou Goggin Tom and Betty+ Morgan

Annella Baumann Pierian Club Barb Bolt Jerry Bolt Bud Bowes Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Clair Carey Jerry Smith and Dottie Fugiel Justin Chestnut Mark and Bev Hempen Jackie Clement Robert Clement Dick Fattic Pearson and Jeannine Miller Arbor Meadows Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church Dale and Joan Fritch John Straeter Betty Garrett Mary Wallace Ron and Wanda Gines Karen Gines Tracy Gines Karen Gines Lisa Gines Vincent Hale Tim Finley


Mary Hickey Kerwin and Kristi Hickey Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. David Johnson Rob and Kelli Chelberg John and Beth Holak Charles and Dana McPherson Jonathan Orcutt Dottie Jolliff Dan Jolliff Michael and Gwyn Jolliff-Blake Gene Kamp Anonymous Scott Giffen and Yvi Martin Michael and Amanda Wiegand Joyce Keillor Anonymous Joyce Alexander Sharon Alger Rich and Marty Beans Mark and Kathy Beatty Alvin and Marsha Busby James and Anne Campbell Lois Catron Bill and Sara Davidson Paul and Audrey Donnell Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Bill and Gloria Erickson Duane Flowers Trust James and Mary Lou Goggin Tamie Heichelbeck James and Kathy Higbee Hillsboro Early Childhood Programs Dan and Jan Jensen

Jeffry Johnson and Rosemary Naulty Jim and Becky Keaster Matt and Rachel Keillor John+ and Linda Liss Jerilyn Miller Phil and Linda Myette Jo Ann Noble Michael and Marsha Patrick Galen and Ella Peters Steve and Veronica Ross Ken Schmidt and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt Brad Shaw and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw Bob “Ish” Smith Rich Stephens Thomas and Louanne Theiss Akira and Tomoko Tomita Jim and Wilma+ Wilson Ellen Winslow Jim and Florence Mannoia David and Sharla Martin Bernard and Isabelle Martin Tillman and Mary Smith Margie Mason Tim Finley Don Mason Vi McAdam Glenn McAdam Judy McCreary Anonymous Thomas McDonnell Nancy Kistler Dan McPherson Sherrie McPherson Earl and Helen Miller David and Edie Reay Jerry Miller Chuck Hawkins

Ralph Miller Chuck Hawkins Sharon Neeley Dewayne and Franki Neeley Jaime Rantanen Bruce and Roxane Netzler Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus John Scandrett Michael and Amanda Wiegand Joanna Smith Anonymous (2) Dave and Phyllis Altopp Robert and Pauline Arends Mary Bauman Rich and Marty Beans Dave and Jane Bell Del and Avis Bergen George and Geneva Blankenship Jack and Susan Chism Mike and Debbie Coling Margaret Dargan Bill and Sara Davidson Sam and Becky Decesaro Paul and Audrey Donnell Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Leroy and Pat Ellsworth Walter and Eileen Fenton Newt and Suzanne Fink Duane and Linda Flowers Jeff and Sandy Frey Alan and Lori Gaffner Karen Gines Jerry and Mary Graber Keith and Joyce Hall Tracy Hall and Mark Jenner Tamie Heichelbeck Bob and Kay Helmkamp Iroquois Center For Human Development Dave and Bernie Jack Dan and Jan Jensen +


Gerald Smith Dennis and Jana Spencer Jim and Joyce Staff Charles and Javene Stephens Rich Stephens Doug and Pam Stroud Akira and Tomoko Tomita Jerry and Margie Trigg Randy and Debra Vasel James and Marilyn Weaver Carol Weise Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz Ellen Winslow Ruth Wise Jennie Womack

Don and Robbie Joy Paul and Janet Komar Clark and Ardyce Main Robert Massey Tom+ and Ellamae McGrath Robert and Jeanette Mingus Scott and Jill Mohnkern Tom and Betty+ Morgan Phil and Linda Myette Randall Neumann Kenneth and Juliette Nimmons Mark Noyes Cyndi Oglesby Betty Olson Ron and Linda Peters Debra Phalen Steve and Veronica Ross Randy and Barb Sands Cassie Smith

Lynette Smith Jerry Smith and Dottie Fugiel

Al Snyder Clarence Snyder William Staff Billye Staff Alphonse Straeter John Straeter Watson and Bonnie Tidball Curt and Dee Tidball Michael and Amanda Wiegand Harry Tomaschke Janet Burdick James and Sheila Foxworthy Paul and Martha Kellner Douglas and Renee Kindle Randall and Ruth Kinnersley Marvin Knight Rachel Luther

Jo Ann Noble Carol and Anthony Pecora Harry and Janet Raby Roger and Kathy Reeves Lanette Strickland Craig and Sue Tidball Greg and Robin Tomaschke Jim and Wilma+ Wilson Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz Vanessa Vassar Shirley Vassar Joan Whitlock Stephen Whitlock Chuck Young Bruce and Judith Young


Recognizing gifts of $100 or more received from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019. Visit for a complete list of corporate donations and churches that have provided matching scholarships for students through the University’s Church Partnership Scholarship Program. Acton Institute Apex Physical Therapy LLC ARCO/Murray Corporate Services, Inc. Associated Colleges of Illinois Assurance Agency Ltd. AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company Beckmann Construction Company Benevity Community Impact Fund Boeing Company Bond County Bond County Realtors Bond County Senior Citizens Center Boys Panther Elite Soccer Academy Bradford National Bank Bratman & Associates, Inc. Bretz Entertainment LLC Bruce Unterbrink Construction, Inc. Canadian National Christian Foundation Capin Crouse LLP Capri IGA Foodliner Caterpillar, Inc. Central Michigan Free Methodist Church Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Christian College Consortium Inc. City of Greenville Commercial Services, Inc. Community Resource Center

Countryside Disposal LLC Crank’s Bar and Grill LLC Creighton Solutions LLC Dairy Queen Stores Daniels Wilzbach, P.C. Dawdy Farms LLC Destiny Church Donnewald Distributing Company Eaton Corporation Edward Jones Egyptian Workspace Partners Emmanuel Free Methodist Church Equity Residential Fayette County Hospital Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Christian Church of Greenville, IL First National Bank of Vandalia First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, IL First Presbyterian Church of Hillsboro, IL Flooring Systems, Inc. Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI Friends for Leitschuh for Sheriff Gateway Conference Gateway Retreat Center General Talk GeoComfort Greatland Corporation Greenville Free Methodist Church Greenville Knights of Columbus Greenville Optimist Club

GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund Hiller’s Sheet Metal Works Hillsboro Free Methodist Church HSHS Holy Family Hospital Illinois Arts Council Illinois Board of Higher Education Interactive Brokers LLC jBloom LLC Jerry C. Wall Real Estate Joe Black Agency, Inc. Joe’s Pizza of Greenville Inc. Justin Buller Real Estate Kahuna’s Restaurant Inc. Kaskaskia Corporation Kauffman Brands Kerber, Eck & Braeckel LLP Kretz Inc. Laas Ventures Inc. Landers Automotive Corporation Leidos Matching Gift Program Los Amigos II LLC LRB Construction, Inc. Lu Bob’s Family Restaurant Mallinckrodt Chemical, Inc. Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church McPherson County Community Foundation Merrill Lynch MG Services Co. Midland States Bank Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center MMANN, Inc. Moneta Group

Monsanto Fund Morgan Stanley Morris Brooks Trucking LLC Naco Printing and Advertising National Christian Foundation Chicago National Christian Foundation of Tampa Bay National Philanthropic Trust Nicom, Inc. Pacific Funds Pella Corporation Peoples State Bank Pepsi MidAmerica Pepsico Foundation Piasa Commercial Interiors, Inc. Pimco Foundation Pinnacle Sign Group Powder Plus, Inc. Premier Pathology Services LLC Purvi Hospitality, Inc./SureStay Inn Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Schreiber Veterinary Services Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Second Presbyterian Church SEI Private Trust Company Seven Oaks Realty Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc.

Southern Obstetric & Gynecologic Associates St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference St. Luke’s United Methodist Church State Farm State Farm Companies Foundation Super 8 by Wyndham Greenville The Community Foundation of Mount Vernon & Knox County The Full Salvation Union Thrivent Financial TIAA Tri Ford Mercury, Inc. Vanguard Vanguard Charitable Victory Church, Camargo, IL Ware Energy Watson’s Drug Store of Greenville, Inc. WC Restaurants, Inc. We Get Around 2 Party Bus WFF Facility Services WGEL Wiegmann Woodworking & Fireplaces, Inc. World Relief Wycliffe Foundation Trust


Funds initiated from June 1, 2018, through May 31, 2019. Black Student Union Fund Concert Band Fund Estevez Award for Social Justice Good Society Grant Fund Gospel Choir Fund Harry and Ruth Winslow Endowed Scholarship +


Joyce Keillor International Lectureship Fund Linda Crandall Scholarship for Piano and Organ Longman Scholarship Fund Maurice and Marie Owen GHS Endowed Scholarship Fund Norman V. Hussey and Marie Jett Hussey ‘34 Endowment

Social Work Award SPU Joint BA/MA in Theology Fund Thriving Fund Trooper James M. Bava Criminal Justice Award Work Study Co-op 2018-2019 IBHE



ALUMNI NEWS 1960s A new scholarship fund named for Tom ’60 and Betty (Delamarter ’60)+ Morgan will honor Betty’s memory by assisting program participants at Eden’s Glory, a Greenville-based residential nonprofit. Eden’s Glory helps victims of human trafficking rebuild their lives, and educates residents of Bond County and surrounding areas on how to recognize and fight against human trafficking. Betty and Tom demonstrated love and hope to program participants by mentoring them, helping them run errands, providing baked goods “just because,” and a host of other acts. Recently, Eden’s Glory announced the Betty and Tom Matching Scholarship, which it will award to secondyear residents and graduates of Eden’s Glory. The fund will match whatever funds program participants have saved toward a new and independent life. “Betty was a believer in helping in whatever way she could while also encouraging independence and hard work,” said a statement from Eden’s Glory upon the announcement of the fund. 1

1970s Anne Davy ’75 and Phil Hand ’76 were married September 20, 2019. 423 Avenue G #2, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.


Kevin Seybold ’78’s article, “A Cultural Cognition Perspective on Religion Singularity: How Political Identity Influences Religious Affiliation” appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of Socio-Historical

What’s New With You? Submit your information online at



1990s David Shelton ’90 recently published his book, Simple Prayers for Men (Westbow Press, 2019), which addresses the desire and struggle to connect with God during difficult times.

1980s John Strahl ’83 now coaches men’s and women’s tennis at Texas Luthern University. Strahl coached tennis at Winston Churchill High School in San Antonio, Texas, for 31 years. He was inducted into the Greenville University Athletics Hall of Fame in 2014.

Marcia (Brown ’94) Brown-Medina of Bradley, Illinois, received the “El Humanitario” (Humanitarian) award from Kankakee County State’s Attorney Jim Rowe’s office for her years of service and community advocacy in the Kankakee area within the Hispanic/Latino community. Marcia, a licensed social worker, has practiced social work in Kankakee County since 1995. She lives with her husband Francisco and their four children, Joshua (19), Gabrielle (17), Abigail (11) and Caleb (3).

2 Kendall Mathews ’85 was recently certified by the National Association of Forensic Counselors (NAFC), a pioneer in developing standards and establishing specialty professions in forensic counseling and criminal justice. Membership allows Kendall to serve on NAFC boards and committees, attend conferences, deliver presentations, and more.

Jeremy Teran ’95 recently achieved certification as a John Maxwell coach and trainer. 2026 Lequire Ln, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

The Kansas Academy of Family Physicians honored Todd Stephens ’85 as its 2019 Kansas Humanitarian for his work in the medical field. Stephens serves as associate director of Via Christi Family Medicine Residency, directs the International Family Medicine Fellowship, and is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at University of Kansas School of Medicine-


Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan

Wichita. He served overseas from 1994 to 2002 as a medical missionary, then returned home to Kansas to practice medicine in underserved, rural areas.

Examination of Religion and Ministry. Seybold teaches psychology at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. He is the author of Explorations in Neuroscience, Psychology and Religion (Routledge, 2007) and Questions in the Psychology of Religion (Cascade Books, 2017).


Kendall Mathews ‘85


Dewayne Neeley ‘98 +


Chester Nichols ’97 recently accepted the position of assistant coach of women’s basketball at Wichita State University. Prior to Wichita State, Nichols had held assistant coaching positions at universities in West Virginia, Michigan, Kansas, and Florida.

Derek and Pamela Robinson ’07 recently started their own coffee roasting company, Derek Sips, providing fresh roasted coffee to order and ship for those outside the Phoenix area. Visit the company at www.DerekSips. com.

Denise (Schuster ’98) and Chad Lusby welcomed a daughter, Daphne, May 22, 2019. Daphne joins her sister and brother, twins Emily and Noah.


Michael Miller ’98 serves as chaplain at the Margaret E. Moul Home for Cerebral Palsy. He lives in Dover, Pennsylvania, with his wife Michelle and their children, Chloe (18), Cierra (15), and Pohan (13). 82 Allen Ln, Dover, PA 17315. 3 Dewayne Neeley ’98 joined the Greenville University Office of Advancement on September 30, 2019, as director of alumni and church relations. Neeley served on the GU Alumni Board since 2008, including a two-year term as secretary and a two-year term as board president. He comes from a large family of GU alumni, including his mother, his wife Franki (Eadi ’97), his sister, and others. He expresses enthusiasm and confidence about GU’s work in the world, saying, “The University is intentional about developing students who learn to engage in selfless leadership and character development.”

Photo by Charles Mills / Effingham Daily News

Joshua Xiong ’02 directs worship at Shanghai Community Fellowship in the heart of Shanghai, China. He and wife Mai Kao have three daughters.

4 The Effingham Daily News featured Brian Deadmond ’10 for his new role as principal of Beecher City Community Junior-Senior High School in Beecher City, Illinois. Deadmond taught physical education at North Wamac Grade School in Centralia, Illinois, and coached grade school and junior high basketball for six years. He served as assistant principal of North Clay School District in Illinois for two years before joining Beecher City in 2019. 5 Trevor ’10 and Sheina (Franco ’11) Long married February 23, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sheina is an attorney with Foley & Mansfield, PLLP.

Kalei (Swogger ’19) Pogue’s article, “Restorative Justice: Freeing the Slave” appeared in Light and Life Magazine last summer. Drawing on the experience of those who help counsel victims of sex trafficking, Pogue asks tough questions about the true meaning of justice and difficulties enacting it.

Tom Menacher ’10, a graduate of GU’s Organizational Leadership degree completion program, retired after a 39-year career in information technology. 6

Isaac Warren ’19 joined the staff of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB). He serves as assistant director of digital communication with IASB’s Communications and Production Services Department. While at Greenville, Warren helped produce The VISTA magazine.

7 Missy Deal ’16 and Natty Hepburn ’19 now serve with the nonprofit organization New Hope Girls, a Dominican Republicbased school and safe house that offers women and girls economic opportunity through handbag production and sales. Hepburn manages the website and social media for New Hope girls, while Deal manages donor relations.


Brian Deadmond ‘10

Caitlin Opp ’19 recently joined the athletics marketing staff at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, following internships with the Southern Illinois Miners baseball team and the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Opp will work with men’s soccer, wrestling, and the Kid’s Club, as well as handle scheduling for SIUE’s mascot Eddie the Cougar. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree at SIUE.


Trevor ‘10 and Sheina (Franco ‘11) Long


Tom Menacher ‘10



COMO Magazine: Living and Work, a publication out of Columbia, Missouri, featured Michaela Harris ’16 as one of its “August Movers and Shakers.” This section celebrates business professionals advancing in their careers. Harris joined telecommunications provider Socket as a marketing specialist with an emphasis in special events.


Natty Hepburn ‘19 THE RECORD | 2019 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


IN MEMORY Katherine “Connie” (Stone ’39) Bates, age 101, died August 12, 2019, in Black Mountain, North Carolina. A 39-year resident of Columbia, Missouri, she taught junior high mathematics and headed the math department until her retirement in 1984. Bates brought caring and artistic excellence to all that she did.

10, 2019. A veteran of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Marine Corps, he served as chaplain during the Vietnam Conflict. He built churches and schools in Vietnam with funds donated by servicemen. Robinson founded His Way ministry in 1970. His dedication to reach others for Christ lives on in his ministry.

Glenn Kinney ’40, age 97, of Sarasota, Florida, passed away September 2, 2018.

Russell “Russ” Adomatis ’56, age 84, of Noblesville, Indiana, died July 28, 2019. He accumulated numerous awards throughout his career in real estate sales for his hard work ethic, consistently high sales, and commitment to clients. He mentored hundreds of other real estate agents in how to build relationships.

Maurine (Schufeldt ’47) Cooper, age 97, of Plover, Wisconsin, and formerly of University Park, Iowa, passed away August 28, 2019. She served Free Methodist churches throughout the Midwest alongside her husband, Floyd. Floyd ’61 survives. Helen (Watterson ’47) McConnell, age 92, of Jackson, Michigan, passed away in July 2019. She taught elementary school for more than 30 years. In retirement, Helen and her husband, Bill ’49, helped organize medical teams that staffed clinics in Guatemala. The enterprise dramatically changed lives for scores of remote villagers. Bill, a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps and career professional in quality assurance, preceded her in death December 19, 2013.


Ileen (Hawkins ’49) Decker, age 95, of Spring Arbor, Michigan, died August 7, 2019. She held a master’s in education from Eastern Michigan University and taught school in Michigan and Florida. She was a member of Spring Arbor Free Methodist Church. Luella “Lolly” (Conner ’51) Thomas, age 90, of Forestburg, South Dakota, passed away March 30, 2019. She taught school, served as church organist, and raised two sons. Warren ’50, her husband of 68 years, survives.


Shirley (Smail ’52) Campbell, age 84, of Vandalia, Illinois, passed away January 26, 2019. A retired business teacher at Vandalia Community High School, she enthusiastically supported VCHS students in academics and sports. James “Chap” Robinson ’52, age 88, of Ottawa, Kansas, passed away September


Wayne Hartzell ’56, age 87, of Burlington, Iowa, died October 25, 2019. A former Free Methodist pastor, he also worked 33 years as a material handler with C&E. Rev. Ralph Hudson ’58, age 83, of Lancaster, Ohio, passed away April 26, 2019. He pastored churches in Illinois and Ohio and helped found the Portsmouth Counseling Center. He held a master of divinity, a master of arts in counseling and rehabilitation, and a doctorate in counseling. His wife of 63 years, Dorothy (Ruble ’65), survives. David Johnson ’60, died September 9, 2018. He served as professor of chemistry at Greenville College from 1962-1964 and served many more years in the same capacity at Spring Arbor College. Karen (Arnett ’60) Lee, age 80, of FuquayVarina, North Carolina, passed away July 12, 2019. Raymond Ulmer ’61, age 86, of Granville, Ohio, died April 24, 2019. He worked as a quality senior scientist in the Product Testing Laboratory at Owens Corning Science & Technology Center for 35 years. Together, he and his wife, Frances (Allshouse ’59), served others with kindness, selflessness, and generosity of spirit until her death in 2009. Richard “Bud” White ’62, age 83, of Stillwater, Oklahoma, passed away July 29, 2019. He served more than 30 years as

professor in the Department of Elementary and Junior High Education at Eastern Illinois University. White modeled love for his family, sincere faith, and profound gratefulness for the many blessings he enjoyed. His wife, Mary Ann (Cammin ’59), survives. John Conway ’65, age 76, of Cumming, Georgia, died October 27, 2018. Donna (Owen ’66) Redfern of Georgetown, Texas, passed away September 7, 2019. A schoolteacher, she also served as an insurance agent, a tax preparer, and manager of two businesses. Most recently, she worked with the Rural Development Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She faithfully served as pastor’s wife to congregations in Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Michael McCaslin ’76, age 66, of Greenville, passed away September 3, 2019. He lived in Greenville all his life and worked as a driver for DeMoulin Brothers. Devoted to his family, he served as a caregiver to family members and neighbors. Nancy (Lock ’83) Benes passed away August 9, 2019. She held a master’s in educational administration from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and taught elementary school, middle school, and high school. She served as a middle school principal and held various other positions in a career that spanned more than 30 years. Gregg Eells ’89, age 52, died unexpectedly September 9, 2019. Greg served as executive director of Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Pennsylvania. In his work as a psychologist and leader in the field, he combined outstanding skills with humble approachability and deep reserves of empathy to focus on helping others manage the transitions and challenges of life. Kristin “Krissie” (Sheridan ’10) Johnson of Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, passed away unexpectedly, but peacefully, August 21, 2019. Yvonne Woods, wife of GU Emeritus Professor of Music Chris Woods, passed away October 11, 2019, after a battle with cancer.

WHY I GIVE “Greenville is an institution we trust to prepare ministry leaders of the future. I’m indebted to previous generations who made it possible for me. We want to extend that opportunity to those coming after us”

- Rick ’02 and Katie Russell, with Lea (9) and Brooks (7)

Rick and Katie have included Greenville University in a planned gift. You, too, can support tomorrow’s students today through wills, trusts, life insurance, and/or gift annuities. Contact Linda Myette at or call 618-664-6500.

Greenville University offers a transformational Christ-centered educational experience that empowers, enriches, and endures. THE RECORD | 2019 PRESIDENT’S REPORT



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