The RECORD, Winter 2021

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Winter 2021


Marketing intern, GU podcaster Sidney Webster ‘21





BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Bastian ’74 Venessa Brown ’83 Tyler Campo ’06 Howard Costley, Jr. ’74 Keith Cowart Dan Denbo ’76

Paul Donnell ’01 Steven Ellsworth ’80 Valerie Gin ’82 Jerry Hood ’82 Karen Longman Kristen Marble

K. Kendall Mathews ’85 Douglas Newton Steve Olson ’03 Hugo Perez B. Elliott Renfroe Dennis Spencer ’75

Kathleen Turpin ’91 Melissa Westover ’84 Mark Whitlock ’75 Donald Wolf ’65

Dennis Fenton Lloyd Ganton ’60 Yoshio Gotoh ’63 Duane Hood ’56 Paul Killinger ’69 Pearson Miller Wayne Neeley

Wesley Phillips ’58 Ernest Ross Jr. ’52 J. Richard Schien ’62 Marjorie Smith ’56 Rebecca Smith ’68 Kendell Stephens ’80 Barry Swanson ’77

Craig Tidball ’76 R. Ian Van Norman

Alan Gaffner ’76 Dwight Gregory ’68 John Heater ’02 Nathan Hood ’15 Albert Li ’16 Jared Martin ’07 Toni Mathews ’79

Samuel Miller ’66 Amanda O’Regan ’16 Keli Pennington ’16 Donald “Marti” Reeser ’89 Merce Roach ’02 Mark Rose ’76 Carl Salz ’01

Maci Sepp ’18 John Straeter ’01 Toye Watts ’01 Rebecca Weinhandl ’74 John Young II ’94

EMERITI TRUSTEES Sandra Boileau ’61 Patricia Burd ’61 Jay Burgess James Claussen ’59 David Colgan ’64 Michael Coling Robert Cranston ’77

ALUMNI BOARD Brenda Bartholomew ’66 Mack Bean ’94 Peter Binder ’19 Thomas Clark ’63 Rebecca Decesaro ’74 Cathy Dothager ’87 Mark Dwomoh ’07

ON THE COVER: In prior job markets, “entry level” meant no experience required, but today it can mean two or more years of experience. Some say the internship has become the new entry-level job, and students need multiple internships to earn a hiring manager’s consideration. Meet marketing intern Sidney Webster ’21, who will graduate this spring, skilled and experienced in photography, videography, social media, writing, podcasting, time and project management, leading teams, “and so much more.” She deeply appreciates scholarship donors who have opened doors of opportunity for her. Thank you for giving. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published three times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Advancement, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: 618-664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 112, No. 1 Greenville University online: Email: Send address corrections, correspondence and alumni updates to the Office of Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email Chief Development Officer Scott Giffen ’99 Executive Director of Advancement Operations Evan Abla Director of Advancement Brett Brannon ’97 Director of Alumni & Church Relations Dewayne Neeley ’98 Manager of Alumni & Church Relations Cyndi Oglesby ’85 Executive Director of Campaign Breck Nelson Campaign Coordinator Beth Dodson Senior Development Specialist Heather Edwards Manager of Advancement Services Matthew Young Development Officer Pat Bond ’62 Managing Editor & Writer Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor & Writer Sarah Thomack Graphic Designer Scott Brown Photography Lauren Joseph ‘15, Russell Lamb ‘20, Emily Reinneck ‘23 Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. Timeline image credits from the p. 2 priority by Lutfi Gani Al Achmad, runner by Gregor Cresnar; p. 3 competition by Adrien Coquet; p. 4 baseball by Dmitry Kudinov; p. 5 e-learning by Adrien Coquet, bow by Kieu Thi Kim Cuong; p. 6 employee replacement and conference by Vectors Point; p. 8 internship by Priyanka; and p. 10 capitol building by icon 54. Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University. 2


Last fall, Senior Skip Day drew national recognition for its partnership between AgeSmart Community Resources and GU students enrolled in Experience First. Students orchestrated service projects that helped senior citizens. In the process, they exercised valuable workplace skills like solving problems, managing resources, and working with people different from themselves. Experience First began in 2016 with eight students and two projects. To date, 340 students and 34 professional partners representing 28 industries have completed 62 projects. Photos by Dave Bell

THE BIG SIX AND YOU Let’s take a poll right now. Ready? Think about your college experience . . . 1. Did at least one professor excite you about learning? 2. Did at least one professor care about you as a person? 3. Did a mentor encourage you to pursue your goals and dreams? 4. Did you work on a project that took a semester or more to complete? 5. Did you apply what you learned in the classroom to internships, field experiences, or other work? 6. Were you active in extracurricular activities? According to Gallup, the more of these “big six” college experiences you claim, the greater the odds that you fully engage in your work. You are more productive, realize fewer absences, have lower turnover, have fewer safety incidents, and are more profitable. In a nutshell: you make an outstanding employee.

When you fund scholarships at GU, you open the door for students to experience elements of the “big six.” At the same time, you prepare them for employment. You give them opportunities to collaborate, plan, and work toward goals. You connect them to classroom projects that mimic the workplace, and meaningful “out-of-class” experiences that fuel great conversations in job interviews. You give them opportunities to manage projects, time, resources, and teams. You inspire them. You empower them. On behalf of the students you meet in this issue and many others, thank you for funding scholarships. Thank you for giving the GU experience. Blessings,

Suzanne Davis, President



Problem Solving Against The Ticking Clock Internship provider: Metro Community Church-Vandalia On Sundays, I’d wake up at 4 a.m., drive one hour to an elementary school and set up “church” from the ground up. On one particular Sunday, we faced a barrage of technical difficulties with sound and lighting. The challenges put our preparations behind schedule. It was the most stress I had experienced in my internship. Still, I enjoyed participating in the problem solving. Driving back home that day, I could barely concentrate on the road; the flood of adrenaline from the experience energized me.

I consider my work as a production leader that semester as one of my most valuable learning experiences. I continue to volunteer at Metro today; assisting with production never fails to help me learn and grow. Thanks to my internship, I now troubleshoot with confidence. Digital media major Caeden Barron ’22 receives GU’s donor-funded Transfer Scholarship and GU Award. Thank you for giving experience.

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JAN Spring classes start; 26 Experience First students begin a semester-long journey of applied liberal arts.


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“I do, I learn”



GU Core Value: Service

FEB Board of Trustees directs President Ivan Filby to spend 85% of his time engaging donors and alumni; Suzanne Davis manages campus operations.

Track and feld teams place fourth at the NCCAA Indoor National Championships.

Positivity Breeds Positivity Internship provider: Jack Flash Convenience Stores Jackie, the daughter of the store owners, inspired me. She was so easy to get along with during my internship. When I needed help or couldn’t grasp something, she’d break it down and explain it to me. I could tell she enjoyed her job. The office employees were always easy to get along with, too. They answered my questions and helped me when I needed help. For me, every day was a good day, especially when I started doing human resources work conducting phone interviews with applicants

to fill openings for cashier positions at our stores. I gained far more confidence in my communication skills. Knowing that I contributed to the company was very rewarding. Business management major, recent graduate Kayla Zimmerman ’20 received GU’s donorfunded Transfer Honors Scholarship. Thank you for giving confidence. ket Bowls opens Roc GU Core Value: Character

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“I do, arn” I le

“I do, arn” I le

MAR SMART Center preview orchestrated for students by students includes comedy, magic, music, nine holes of puttputt golf, and more.

Men’s indoor track and feld Panthers named SLIAC champions.

Rocket Bowls restaurant in SMART Center opens; students assist with its launch and operations. THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


Learning From The Best

Internship provider: Centralia Community Resource Center I started the last day of my internship feeling great for good reason: My co-workers often inspired me as they helped clients deal with mental health and substance abuse problems. The staff showed me how to engage in research-backed best practices and creative “outside the box” problem solving. They instilled hope in me to one day create an environment for my clients like the environment they created for theirs. Then, in an instant, my great last day turned into the worst day ever for one of our clients . . . The client’s crisis immediately set into motion conversations, decisions, and actions. I was privileged to participate in the resulting crisis call, my first ever. I managed the necessary paperwork and watched others expertly engage their skills to help our client.

My internship made me confident in several areas: active listening, keeping effective records, practicing empathy, carrying myself with professionalism, and working with people who differ from me. I want readers to know that mental health impacts one in four adults in their lifetime—that could be your son or daughter, a neighbor, a friend, or even you. Social work and criminal justice major Ashley Dryden ’21 receives the donor-funded Dean’s Scholarship and GU Award. Thank you for giving skill development.



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“I do, arn” I le

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MAR Coach Lynn Carlson ‘93 claims 500th win at the helm of Panther baseball.



Ye Jin (“Victoria”) Han ’20 begins prized internship at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Vienna, Austria. She is GU’s second IQOQI intern.

COVID-19 precautions force extended spring break.

Novel Virus, Novice Teacher

GU Core Value: Innovation

Field experience provider: Greenville Free Methodist Church GAP Program I am one of nearly two dozen GAP volunteers who helped children accomplish their schoolwork on days when COVID restrictions prevented them from going to school. I helped them work on assignments using computers and the school’s online resources. Still, this novel way of schooling had its ups and downs.

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This experience helped me better communicate with students. I’m also more able to identify what motivates individual students. Special education and elementary education double-major Hannah Williams ’22 receives GU’s donor-funded Presidential Scholarship and the GU Scholarship. Thank you for giving opportunities to improve and grow.

“I do, I learn”

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One hard day left me questioning if I would ever be prepared to teach a full classroom of students at once and keep them on task and learning. My small group of GAP kids didn’t finish their work that day. They didn’t listen, they didn’t understand the lesson, and they lacked motivation to even try. At day’s end, I felt discouraged and frustrated.

But on another day, the kids were eager to learn. They grasped the math lesson I shared, and all of them finished their work. I helped them and motivated them without constant reminders. On that day, even building relationships with them seemed promising.

Zo om se theses defen

APR Campus closes due to precautions surrounding COVID-19. All learning goes online; students, faculty, and staff work remotely.

Biology majors defend their honors theses via Zoom. They include Ethan Clements, a veteran of GU’s Summer Research Experience.

Giant orange bow placed on Hogue Memorial Tower reminds staff and passers-by that GU misses its students and can’t wait for their return. THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


In An Instant: Accurate Read, Right Response Internship provider: Bolingbrook Police Department Working with the police department, I learned the importance of reading situations and choosing appropriate responses. I brought strong communication skills into this internship, but soon realized that police work also requires discernment to know when to say what. In some situations, people need you to just listen; in others, they need you to be stern. Remaining professional and relatable is key. This internship helped me build confidence in situations I have never been in before, like a domestic abuse call. Initially, I was shocked and didn’t have the confidence to step up and analyze the situation; now I feel more prepared.

I drew inspiration from officers who are really good at what they do, like the night shift officer who went out of his way to develop relationships with the children in the community. Several times during the shift, he’d pull over specifically to talk with them and even let them play with the lights in the car. In this small way, he is working to change the negative public view of police officers. Criminal justice major Jeremy Fennewald ’21 is a degree completion student at GU. Each year, GU serves “non-traditional” students who commit to finishing studies they started earlier, and increase their earning power and marketability. Email to learn more.

Board work

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“I do, I learn”

Exc ellence honored

MAY Heeding God’s call, Ivan Filby steps down as GU president. GU trustees name Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis acting president. 6


Board of Trustees reviews revised budget, plans, and institutional restructure.

GU presents its Outstanding Faculty Award to Professor Daryl Cox ’76, its President’s Citation to Jessie Chappel ’20, and its President’s Character and Service Award to C.J. Falls ’20. Chappel and Falls are veterans of experiential learning at GU.

Guided Growth

GU Core Value: Integrated Learning

Internship provider: Living Spring Church As a ministry intern, I saw how the church functioned every day of the week, week after week all summer. I participated by teaching, preaching, planning events, and mentoring people of all ages and backgrounds. Those diverse experiences, coupled especially with mentoring from lead pastor John Rittenhouse, helped me blossom as a pastor.

Ministry involves many moving parts. I have learned that effective pastors improvise with guidance from the Holy Spirit. God blessed me with a community that affirmed my calling and strengths, and a trusted guide who revealed areas where I could grow.

Pastor John made every moment count. I benefited from the bitesize bits of wisdom he shared as we watched the NBA finals together, shared a meal, or simply hung out. His demonstrated love for God, others, and for himself resonated with me and helped me; it resonates with me still.

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“I do, arn” I le

As a student, ministry and theology major Ayebale Barigye ’19 received multiple donorfunded scholarships including GU’s Recognition Scholarship, the Newton W. Fink Memorial Scholarship, and the Bockwitz Scholarship. Thank you for giving a mentor and guide.

“I do, I learn”

M s ee ed ting e n students’

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“I do, arn” I le

JUN COVID restrictions do not shut down summer research for Lisa Sato ’22 and Ariel Magee ’21. They complete their eight-week study of glioma tumors remotely.

Construction begins on the Experience Hub in the library on campus.

GU establishes the Community Reconciliation Task Force to foster mutual growth and understanding between GU and the greater community. Students on the task force gain valuable experience. THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


Experience First: A Talent Pipeline Experience First professional partner: True North Partners Experience First matches a team of students with a business partner. They work together to solve a problem that challenges the business. I’ve worked on two Experience First projects—one as a student and one as a representative of my current employer, True North Partners. True North builds scalable business systems that help small and medium-sized businesses grow. We offer consulting, bookkeeping, and technology services.

business with True North. I was proud of the students, because I knew how hard they worked to succeed. Greenville University students are full of potential. GU could easily serve as a talent pipeline for many organizations. The students are efficient, eager to learn, ambitious, and very helpful. They add great value to True North.

The students assigned to True North helped build a survey that assisted us in our work with a prospective client. The survey and results impressed the client, who ultimately expressed the desire to conduct


Computer information systems major Johnny Milabu ’19 received GU’s donor-funded MOSAIC scholarship. Thank you for giving experience.

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“I do, I learn”

“I do, arn” I le

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JUL Employees return to campus.



AUG Business majors fll summer practicums in retail, fast food, and sport management.

On-campus, saliva-based COVID testing in partnership with University of Illinois begins. Students help staff the testing center.

Loading My Resume With Skills

Internship provider: Greenville University marketing and communications department I started interning for marketing more than two years ago. I began as a student blogger. Today, I run GU’s podcast and social media platforms. My coworkers have poured into me during my time as an intern, and as a result, my professional and personal skills have increased. I can confidently say that I am skilled and experienced in marketing, photography, videography, social media, writing, podcasting, project organization, and so much more.

to string words together beautifully into engaging content. One day last summer I left work thinking, No matter where life takes me . . . I can confidently say that I’ve grown as a person during my time here. English education major Sidney Webster ’21 receives GU’s MOSAIC and Jett Hussey Scholarships. Thank you for giving purposeful work that develops skills.

My role has changed over time. I found new inspiration with each change. One of my supervisors gave me the freedom to learn on my own yet remained accessible when I needed help. Another taught me people skills. Yet another showed me how

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Face to face

Allyson Grabowski Sand Volleyball Court dedicated.

GU Core Value: Thriving

Fall semester begins; face-toface classes resume.

“I do, arn” I le

Redesign of generates four-fold uptick in enrollment activity. Students assist with related site testing and search engine optimization. THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


Chaos In A Bag

Internship provider: Cedarbrook Campground In one day near the end of my business practicum, I entered over 300 receipts and edits into Quickbooks, the campground’s accounting program. I single-handedly turned a “catch-all” plastic bag of assorted transaction records into an efficient system that would simplify doing taxes later on. I accomplished something that helped the campground. Today, I include “proficiency in Quickbooks” on my resume. Days at the beginning of my internship weren’t quite so satisfying, like when I had to sort through piles of random papers and alphabetize them. It seemed like little more than busy work. But our goals depended on order, and order meant getting a handle on the chaos, even the chaos in these piles of paper. Also, it was important for me to learn where the transactions came from.

My supervisor wasn’t an accountant, but he encouraged me to learn and grow and try. He assured me that an accountant would ultimately review my work. Sometimes I taught myself and learned through videos. The freedom to try bolstered my confidence. Today, if I don’t know how to do something, I know I possess the initiative and skills to figure it out. Accounting and business major Savannah Maloney ’21 receives GU’s donor-funded Dean’s Scholarship and GU Award. Thank you for giving discovery and confidence.

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“I do, I learn”

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Wel come back

SEP Students return to campus; bow on Hogue Tower comes down. Students enjoy All College Hike.



U of I VP Jay Walsh praises GU in his remarks to Congress about advances in COVID-19 testing.

GU’s Senior Skip Day, an Experience First Initiative, wins national award for students’ work with area senior citizens.

Learning In Joy And Sorrow

Internship provider: West Morris Street Free Methodist Church (Indianapolis) Rev. Kristen Marble allowed me to take initiative in my areas of passion. I created a weekly youth club and organized a vacation Bible school for over 60 children. VBS was particularly fulfilling; so many kids dedicated their lives to Jesus. What joy!

This internship helped me discern my next steps. Soon, I will begin a master’s program in social work. I hope to develop skills that help me create positive outcomes working with youth, and in the process, restore God’s kingdom.

On the other end of the spectrum, I once accompanied Pastor Kristen to the hospital. A woman in labor knew that her baby would be stillborn or live only briefly. We stayed with the family during her delivery. We stayed in the hours that followed when the baby died, and the family grieved. Ministry necessarily involves joy and sorrow. The experience challenged my view of our good God. It also gave me an opportunity to learn more about God and establish a theology of free will.

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Ministry major Kait Mathews ’20 received GU’s Transfer Scholarship and Joel Pierce Scholarship. Thank you for the gift of learning by doing.

“I do, I learn”

GU Core Value: Character

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OCT GU announces major accomplishments mitigating the COVID virus on campus.

English major and marketing intern Sidney Webster ‘21 named as GU’s esteemed Lincoln Laureate scholar.

U of I VP Jay Walsh visits campus. He speaks to the President’s Council and to students enrolled in GU’s Professional Business Leaders class. THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


GOEX Executive Director Jessica Ray, GU Class of 2001, at GOEX’s screen print operation in Kansas City.

Learning To Pivot

Experience First professional partner: GOEX Apparel

We immediately pivoted to an all-virtual environment. One team member couldn’t leave his home in California, and the time difference proved challenging.

Business management major Dana Smith ’20 received GU’s donor-funded MOSAIC Scholarship. Thank you for giving experience.

“I do, I learn”

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“I do, I learn”

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“I do, arn” I le

That’ s a wrap

OCT GU Financial Champions tour the SMART Center and imagine the ways future students will use the space to learn by doing. 12

Surprises and frustrations aside, Experience First helped me develop skills in professional writing, holding business meetings, leading a team toward a goal, and working with persons who have different learning styles and strengths. I don’t know of any other college or university that has a program like Experience First.


NOV Student body leaders tell how they’ve led their peers during the COVID crisis. They receive confrmation that the experience they gain now will serve them well in the future.


Criminal justice major Aubrey Malloy ’21 wraps up her internship as a contact tracer with the local health department. Other internship providers this term included Gateway Rehab, Bond County schools, Fayco Enterprises, Lutheran and Family services, and the sheriff’s department in Folsom, California.


Our team set out to connect three potential business partners with GOEX. We immediately developed a marketing plan and scheduled frequent meetings with GOEX leadership. Then, in an instant, COVID-19 hit and changed everything.

Then, our most promising prospect for a partnership fell through. In the end, we couldn’t make any legitimate connections.


GU’s Experience First program partners small teams of students with businesses and nonprofits to solve real marketplace problems. The team I led worked with GOEX, a fair-trade apparel company with operations in Haiti and Kansas City. GOEX champions fair wages, sustainability, and ethical manufacturing.





total giving



to The Greenville University Fund, a primary source for scholarships From June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020

THE GREENVILLE UNIVERSITY FUND: HELPING STUDENTS EVERY DAY In 2019-2020 you helped support • 52 McAllaster Honors Scholars • 21 MOSAIC Scholars • 68 Panther Preferred Scholars


SO FAR, IN 2020-2021 YOU’VE HELPED • 39 McAllaster Honors Scholars • 10 MOSAIC Scholars • 138 Panther Preferred Scholars

CELEBRATING OUR VOLUNTEER GUIDES AND EXPERTS Briner Advisory Board David Anderson, Dan Beck, Lesley Burbridge ’89, Brent Cowin, Bob Fry, Jerry Hood ’82, Kevin Kauffman, Al Longtin, Holley Maher ’01, Amy Marcoot, Bronwyn Martin, Ed McMillan ’69, Enoch Poon ’86, Tony Smarrella ’88, Dennis Spencer ’75, Ben Tolly ’13, Michael Turley, Wendy Wildt ’97, Dave Willey Engineering Advisory Board Mike Aden, Bobbie Aden, Mike Childerson, Marty Collier ’73, Chase Connor, Jeff Croxell, Jennifer Dorohoff, Michael Dorohoff, Ron Gines ’86, Mark Gunggoll ’75, Michael Hammock, Bill Knuf, David Leake, Toni McDonough, Kenneth McDonough, Craig McIntyre ’72, Scott Mohnkern ’76, Jeremy Pestle, Roger Reeves ’71, Robert “Bob” Rice, Richard Schien ’62, Hugh Siefken ’62, Steve Smith ’98, Julie Tolly, Paul Twichell ’72, Mark Whitlock ’75, David Young ’87 Factory Theatre Board Bill Ahern, Rich Beans ’85, Chris Borwick ’94, Noel Harnetiaux ’00, Courtney Bailey-Parker, Cecelia Ulmer Science Advisory Council Michelle Beumer ’95, Maureen Bourner ’86, Daryl Cox ’76, James Foxworthy ’85, Tim Kratzer ’67, Matthew McCullough ’96, Ken Mudge ’56, Eric Nord, Mark Rose ’76, Scott Smout ’94, Lewis Whaley ’75

“I can enjoy learning without having to worry that I won’t be able to come back next year.” - Mariah Harned ‘23, on completing her degree as she pursues a triple major in biology, chemistry, and Spanish

Thank you for serving.




HERITAGE CIRCLE Recognizing donors who have committed $10,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous Emeritus board member and spouse* Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian*^ Steve and P.J. Bothwell*^ Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen*^ Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo^ Sharon Dyer ‘69^ Dennis and Debbie Fenton*

Ivan and Kathie Filby* James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy^ Kevin ‘85 and Leigh (Briner ‘85) Ganton^ Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton*^ Jerry Hood ‘82*^ Don Jones ‘52*^ Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson*

Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck+ Miller*^ Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger* Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon*^ Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Ratta* Ed Shaffer ‘67^ Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball*^ Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager*^

Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ron Turpin*^ Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian* Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover*^ Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley* Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand^ Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf*

TOWER SOCIETY Recognizing donors who have committed $5,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous*^ Phil ‘96 and Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis^ Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell*^ Ivan and Kathie Filby*^

Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens*^ Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01*^ Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen*^

Carl ‘01 and Emily (Jacob ‘01) Salz*^ Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith*^ Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer*^ Todd ‘85 and Sue (Howe ‘85) Tidball^

Tim ‘04 and Rachel (Krober ‘04) Wayman*^ Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock*^

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY Recognizing donors of $1,000 or more and young donors of $100 or more based on giving from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. GOLD LEVEL $10,000+ Young Alumni $1,000+ David Andrews John Andrews Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+ Emeritus Board Member and Spouse Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Merita Claussen ‘84+ Larry and Sherry Collett Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Keeli Deadmond ‘12 Frances Dixon ‘44+ Cathy (Nolan ‘86) and Doug Dothager Valerie Gin ‘82 Bob Greer+ John ‘64 and Marlene (Reeves ‘65) Jenkins Alice Kaiser ‘75 Kevin Kauffman Cordon Kerns ‘54 Ed and Judy McMillan Dick Minshall ‘74 John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Nick Morrow ‘17 Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Joe Noble ‘56 Elizabeth Ott Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Nathan Potts ‘18 Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+ Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Susan (Rasler ‘70) and Frank Watson Elizabeth White ‘46 Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf Steve ‘79 and Mary Young

SILVER LEVEL $5,000-$9,999 Young Alumni $500-$999 Jonathan ‘13 and Renee (Cowser ‘13) Allen Janet Allison-Seed Donald ‘73 and June Bastian Don+ and Marcella+ Bateman Frank ‘77 and Esther Bateman Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd Jay and Shay Burgess Brittany Caldwell ‘16 Young ‘58 and Susan Chung Herb Coates ‘55+ Ruth Crawford ‘10 Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro Charis (Bastian ‘10) and Ben Ellis Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58+ Fisher Todd ‘12 and Kristin (Minshall ‘13) Ganton Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Jordan ‘12 and Niquita (Reinhard ‘12) Hohm Milo ‘56 and Helen (Olson ‘56) Kaufmann Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Eddy Lau Albert ‘16 and Amber (Mengarelli ‘18) Li Karen Longman David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55)+ Moore Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan Jill (Young ‘84) and James Morse Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Marilyn J. Richards Ernie Ross ‘52 Larry and Cindy Sayler Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken

Kerrie (Mingus ‘87) and Tony ‘88 Smarrella Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Scott ‘94 and Lisa Smout Larry ‘55 and Joanne (Bushnell ‘56) Starr Brian ‘94 and Jeresha Wickersham Bruce ‘83 and Judith (Johnson ‘83) Young David ‘87 and Gloria (Wiegand ‘88) Young BRONZE LEVEL $2,500-$4,999 Young Alumni $250-$499 Mike and Roberta Aden Caleb ‘11 and Shaina (Williams ‘11) Arb Zach ‘09 and Lisa Bastian Tom ‘95 and Amy Boileau Pat (Hunter ‘62) and Buddy Bond Dona Lee (Anderson ‘66) and Earl Breitbarth Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Tyler ‘06, MS ‘12 and Jill Campo Robby Clinton ‘94 Mike and Debbie Coling Marty ‘73 and Karen (Johnston ‘73) Collier Dan ‘73 and Marion (Payne ‘74) Crawford Sarah Crawford ‘99 Anita Culp ‘69 Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Dave ‘62 and Jan (Finke ‘63) Dawdy Tom ‘69 and Betty Kay (Johnson ‘71) Dawdy Denny ‘57 and Martha (Fisher ‘57) Donnell Shirley (Hall ‘56) and John ‘58 Ellis Doug ‘86 and Tara (Clark ‘86) Faulkner Esther Fox ‘48 Herb ‘50 and Jean (Snyder ‘51)+ Hendricks Bramwell ‘99 and Sari (Vespa ‘00) Higgins Dan and Jan Jensen Dan Jolliff Don ‘49+ and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy John Junge

Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp Deb Keillor ‘83 Joyce (Erickson ‘59) Keillor+ John ‘75 and Carol (Aten ‘75) Knight Al Longtin Daniel ‘04 and Megan (Vandiver ‘04) Lovell Lindsey Mao Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin Matt ‘96 and Dawn (Delamarter ‘97) McCullough Scott ‘89 and Heather (Holifield ‘93) McGrew Daryl and Elsie Miller Jo Ann Noble ‘56 Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Lydia (Borah ‘10) Rice John Rohrer Mark ‘76 and Donna Rose Virginia (Falk ‘59) and Howard ‘60 Schantz Chuck ‘85 and Rene (Osborne ‘85) Smith Steve ‘98 and Karen Smith Bill ‘60 and Evelyn Smout Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Rich Stephens ‘53 John ‘54 and Elizabeth Taylor Daniel Tippitt ‘80 Lenora Tomaschke Rich ‘74 and Becky (Trueblood ‘74) Weinhandl Michael West ‘09 Michael ‘92 and Amanda (Fuqua ‘94) Wiegand Jim and Wilma+ Wilson Bob Winder Ian Wolf ‘12 Mary (Kersch ‘70) and Jay ‘73 Young

*To acknowledge young alumni making financial contributions early in their careers, Greenville University has adopted lower gift thresholds for their admittance into its giving societies and clubs. Young alumni are those who have graduated from Greenville University in the last ten years. 14




*Founding Member

^active giving June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020

COPPER LEVEL $1,000-$2,499 Young Alumni $100-$249 Frank Ahern Phyllis (Miller ‘65) and Dave ‘66 Altopp Philip Aronson George and Lisa Barber David ‘60 and Avis (Young ‘61) Barnes Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Paul ‘69 and Barbara Benson Kory ‘96 and Tammy Best Michelle Beumer ‘95 Bryan ‘89 and Carol (Miller ‘89) Blankenship Karyn (Davenport ‘90) and Doug ‘91 Blume Scott ‘87 and Sherrie (Howe ‘87) Blume Bret and Jennifer Bonacorsi Jeanne (Fischer ‘65) and John ‘67 Borden Anne (Dawdy ‘93) and Christopher ‘94 Borwick Sharon (Burd ‘63) Bowes Amy Bradford ‘04 Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner Naomi Brown ‘14 Venessa Brown ‘83 Margery (Walters ‘66) and George Browning Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Diane (Dykstra ‘76) and Rex Burge Tim (Burge ‘12) and Reed (Lape ‘12) BurgeLape Patricia (Wallace ‘55) and Gerald Bushrow John ‘61 and Myrna Cammin Jeremy ‘98 and Jenny Carrell Lindsey Carson ‘10 Lois Catron ‘69 Susan (Bourne ‘68) and Jack ‘69 Chism Tom ‘63 and Mary Clark Jane Hopkins ‘68 and Robert Clausen ‘94 Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates Peggy (Lewis ‘62) and Dave ‘64 Colgan Paul Condon ‘69 Kraig ‘89 and Kelly Corwin Keith Cowart Matt ‘13 and Hannah (Groves ‘13) Cowman Dave ‘61 and Carol Crandall Nicole (Tucker ‘08) and Sean Crites Lisa (Kaufmann ‘98) and Phil Crow John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65)+ Dawdy Alice De Boer

Greg and Lucia Delamarter Bill ‘69 and Jean (Siebert ‘71) Dillman Sheri (Reinhard ‘76) and Denis Doe Lloyd Donnell ‘48 Norm and Nancy Edwards Christy (Brown ‘91) and Brent ‘92 Ellis Bill ‘52 and Gloria (Penwell ‘53) Erickson Dave ‘68 and Ann Fairbanks Walter ‘84 and Eileen (Gifford ‘85) Fenton Marv ‘66 and Lillian (Smith ‘66) Fields B. J. ‘12 and Kat (Elyse ‘13) Fink Henry and Janet Flores Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman Ron Goldsmith ‘69 and Penny GisselbeckGoldsmith Laura Goodnight ‘18 Dwight ‘68 and Nina Kay (Oberlink ‘69) Gregory Sara Gregory ‘1925+ Rod ‘82 and Karen (Wentz ‘83) Haggerty Dotty Hall ‘60 Patty Hall ‘60 Darlene (Davis ‘78) and Brian ‘79 Hartley Don ‘62 and Mary Hazlett Paul ‘72 and Joan (DeBoer ‘72) Heath Susanne (VanValin ‘55) Heisey Jeffrey and Susan Hemker Bobbie Hendricks Tim and Toni Hoerr John ‘76 and Beth Holak Kristen (Lynch ‘14) and Nathan ‘15 Hood Mary Jett ‘63 Bob ‘68 and Carol (Neece ‘68) Johnson Daniel and Linda Johnson Brant and Wendy Jolliff Kurt Jolliff LaVon (Krober ‘55) Jordahl Marilyn (Rasche ‘59) Juhlin Sharon (Cronkhite ‘59) and Clyde Kale Del Keener Cheralyn (Gallup ‘66) and Dennis Kendel Ralph and Nellie Kester Ruth (Tomaschke ‘82) and Randall Kinnersley Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Les ‘69 and Peggy Krober Ann Leach ‘69 Dan ‘05 and Katrina Liss

Sherry (Brannon ‘73) Loflin Robert and Cheryl Loy Jim ‘63 and Ann (Smith ‘66) Lund John ‘66 and Dorothy (Armstrong ‘66) Lund Clark ‘64 and Ardyce Main Anne (Thompson ‘79) and Larry Maloney Ellie (McClain ‘57) and Delbert ‘59 Maroon Jared ‘07 and Caitlin Martin Mark ‘73 and Priscilla (Traeger ‘75) Mathews Ray ‘72 and Karen Maxwell Glenn McAdam ‘50 Jane (Pengelly ‘71) and James McClelland Vickie (Morgan ‘85) and Mark McFerran Glen ‘81 and Sheryl (Kaufmann ‘81) Moore Sarah Moore+ Roy ‘86 and Dawn Mulholland Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) and Phil ‘75 Myette Adam ‘75 and Bernadette Nassar Sue (Greenwalt ‘69) and George Neal Barclay Nelson Breck and Jane Nelson Sarah Nelson ‘82 Bob Nowlin ‘68 Cyndi (Smith) Oglesby ‘85 John Orscheln Whitey and Linda Patton Kirk Pearce ‘15 Keli (Totton ‘16) and Will ‘17 Pennington Chris ‘91 and Susan Peters Ken ‘68 and Erna Peterson Wes ‘58 and Darlyne (Baker ‘58) Phillips Keith ‘81 and Donna Probst Corbin Quinonez ‘17 Carolyn (Ratz ‘77) Ratz-Cooper and Richard Cooper Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard Maria Reinhard ‘18 Elliott and Deborah Renfroe Frank ‘49 and Florence Rose Ronald and Pamela Rubin LaVerne ‘59 and Barbara Ruhberg Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72) Fink-Sailsbery David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus

Elizabeth (Baldwin ‘91) MBA ‘21 and Mark Sargis Kathryn (Anderson ‘86) Scanland Karen (Burkart ‘87) and Mike ‘88 Schien Vicki (Stuber ‘75) and Rich ‘78 Schurter Doris (Long ‘50) Scofield Val (Morgan ‘85) and Jim Scott Jesse Shaw ‘11 Logan ‘14 and Amanda (Webb ‘14) Shaw Bob “Ish” Smith ‘57 Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Ruby Speiser ‘70 Melvin and Dena Spencer Jim ‘52 and Joyce Staff Javene (Smith ‘53) and Charles ‘54 Stephens Dale ‘80 and Carol (Finger ‘81) Stewart Ed Stocking ‘82 and Li-ing Chang John Straeter ‘01 Rachel Stroud ‘18 Terri MBA ‘19 and Paul Sunderland Roy ‘72 and Nancy (Hagerman ‘73) Taylor Frank ‘63 and Barbara Tidaback David ‘71, MA ‘06 and Barb (Oscarson ‘71) Tomb Esther Tompkins ‘77 William and Lura Turck Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Robert and Linda Vaught Brad ‘85 and Mary Wade Marlin and Phyllis Wade Dave ‘80 and Teri Walton Daulton Ward ‘17 Tina (Martin ‘90) and Eric ‘91 Watterson Robert ‘70 and Robyn (Penner ‘70) Welch Missie (Setty ‘97) and Brian Wenrick Mike ‘77 and Terri White Brenda (Pierce ‘65) and Ken ‘66 Wiegel Carol Wilson ‘81 and Allan Shoultz Ellen (Hart ‘54) Winslow Glenn ‘86 and Polly (Snowbarger ‘86) Winslow Keith ‘89 and Julie (Wimberley ‘95) Winslow Mark ‘86 and Karla (Kugler ‘86) Winslow Jenna (Marcotte ‘11) and Andre Wolff

H.J. LONG SOCIETY Recognizing donors with cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000+. The GU database only records gifts from 1979 and forward. $1,000,000+ Anonymous (3) Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Harold ‘1927+ and Betty+ Cooley Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Don ‘52 and Esther (Knapp ‘54)+ Jones Vivien Maves ‘1928+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw John+ and Shirley+ Minshall Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon The Full Salvation Union Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf

$500,000-$999,999 Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+ Mabel (Vinson 1915) Cage+ Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Jerry Hood ‘82 Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson Wayne ‘60 and Marilyn Nelson Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley Jake ‘47+ and Maxine (Young ‘47) Whitlock

$100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (6) Bill and Sharon Ahern Everett Armington+ I.D. ‘33+ and Elsie (Cobb ‘45)+ Baker Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Del ‘53 and Avis (Malan ‘53) Bergen Vincent Bessey ‘42+ Frances (King ‘40)+ and Grant ‘41+ Black Dick ‘60 and Sandy (Maxwell ‘61) Boileau Steve and P.J. Bothwell Meryle Boughton ‘48+ Bob ‘56+ and Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner Jim+ and Anna+ Brown

Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd Jay and Shay Burgess Harold Burkhardt+ Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown 1928)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55+ Coates Mike and Debbie Coling Larry and Sherry Collett Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Barb (Finger ‘76) Cranston+ Bob ‘77 and Tammy Cranston



Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum Dave ‘62 and Jan (Finke ‘63) Dawdy John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65)+ Dawdy Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Frances Dixon ‘44+ Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell Charlie ‘60+ and Faye (Kelley ‘60) Faulkner Dennis and Debbie Fenton Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58+ Fisher James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Florence Harding+ Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+ Hastings Gerauld Hopkins+ Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Stan Hughey ‘37+ Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Don ‘49+ and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Gene ‘53+ and Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp Ken ‘49 and Stella+ Kaufmann Del Keener Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns Paul ‘69 and Shirley (Wolcott ‘71)+ Killinger Dana King 1921+ Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Ernest+ and Marion+ Longman Karen Longman Jim Mannoia

Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Elva McAllaster ‘44+ Ed and Judy McMillan Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck+ Miller Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller Robert 1920+ and Lea+ Miller John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Alta Morgan ‘50+ Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60)+ Morgan Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Leroy 1929+ and Ruth ‘31+ Mullet George ‘53 and Debra Murphy Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger Charles ‘1924+ and Hazel (Alberts ‘1924)+ Peterson Wes ‘58 and Darlyne (Baker ‘58) Phillips Dorathi Pierre+ Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+ Jerry ‘78 and Lisa (Amorosi ‘80) Quick Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Ratta Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Pearce and Bonnie Riggs Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Ernie ‘52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ‘52)+ Ross Willard Rowland ‘33+ Mary (LaDue 1918)+ and Chester+ Russell

Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Ed Shaffer ‘67 Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Chuck ‘37+ and Lois (Miller ‘37)+ Smout Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Katie (Warlick 1914)+ and Fred+ Sponsler Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Rich ‘53 and Arlene (Greer ‘53)+ Stephens Barry ‘77 and Vaun (Hodges ‘77) Swanson Horace Tenney ‘31+ Bonnie (Barber ‘48)+ and Watson ‘49+ Tidball Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball Tag Tigard+ Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Ian and Alice Van Norman Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian Vera Walls+ Frank ‘38+ and Mary+ Walters Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover Ruth (Snyder ‘45)+ and Glenn+ White Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock

Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Jim and Wilma+ Wilson Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Lynette Workman ‘73+ Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54)+ Young

Thank you

GU Financial Champions!

IVY CIRCLE Recognizing donors with matured or deferred planned gifts to the University. To include your name in the Ivy Circle, complete a Planned Giving Intention Form. Contact the Offce of Advancement at 618-664-6500 for more information. Anonymous (7) Edward Abbott, Jr. ‘48+ Jody (Kamp ‘82) and Roy ‘85 Abbott Karen (Bewley ‘74) and Rick ‘75 Adcock Bill and Sharon Ahern Sharon Alger ‘61 Gene ‘58+ and Shirley Alston Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson Leroy+ and Wilma (Stampfler ‘54)+ Autenrieth Lyle ‘56 and Ruth Babcock Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam BaileyHamblen Mark ‘83 and Deb (Jackson ‘83) Bailie Celesta (Coates ‘77) and David Ball Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry+ Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Don+ and Marcella+ Bateman David ‘78 and Nancy (Tullar ‘78) Battleson Fred+ and Bessie+ Baumberger Janise (Dixon ‘90) Beguhl Edward+ and Carolyn+ Bennett Rex ‘75 and Nancy Bennett Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson Richard+ and Clarice+ Binder Carol (Alexander ‘77) and Paul Bither


Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount Mabel Bock+ Brian ‘58 and Mary-Ellan Bonney Harry ‘47 and Betty Bonney Brad ‘77 and Pamela Brail Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer Lewis Britton ‘57+ Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard Dorothy Buckingham+ Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Jay and Shay Burgess Keith ‘76 and Glenda (Knop ‘76) Burgh Tom ‘77 and Mona (Mace ‘77) Busch Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Clair Carey+ Larry ‘82 and Diane Carr Lois ‘69 and Del+ Catron Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ‘1928)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Norma (Bartlow ‘52)+ and Vernon+ Chute Grace Claussen+ Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Merita Claussen ‘84+ Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48 Clement Michael ‘90 and Jarmela Cliff Rich Cloud ‘70


Pat ‘80 and Cheri Coakley Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates Herb ‘79 and Sheryl (Beard ‘80) Coates Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55+ Coates Tad Cooper Linda Cox ‘69 Wesley Cox ‘39+ Frank ‘36+ and Verle+ Crane Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston Sarah Crawford ‘99 John ‘42+ and Evelyn+ Cross Ralph ‘49+ and Marian Crowell Glen+ and Maxine+ Crum Phil+ and Sharon Cullison Carne ‘43+ and Margery (Tipps ‘43)+ Cunningham Jay ‘63+ and Margaret (Smith ‘63) Dargan Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Florine (Kersey ‘36) Dawdy+ Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Mavis (Dietzman ‘67) and Robert DietzmanSturgis Brian ‘90 and Amy (Bellen ‘90) Dillow Lawrence and Betty Ditty Joseph Douglass ‘31+ Keith ‘64+ and Darleene Dunaway

Stan ‘73 and Myrna (Simpkins ‘73) Duneman Steve ‘73+ and Linda Duneman Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles John ‘77 and Nita (Smith ‘77) Edwards Paul ‘33+ and Naomi+ Ellis Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Ruth (Barnes ‘1923)+ and James ‘1928+ Fairbanks Dick+ ‘49 and Muriel (Secord ‘49) Fattic Cal ‘55 and Anice (Joy ‘55)+ Faulkner Lester ‘43+ and Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger Tim Finley ‘92 Dale Fisher+ Henry and Janet Flores Ruth (Garretson ‘48)+ and Raymond+ Ford Rachel (Nowlan ‘35) Fowler+ Esther Fox ‘48 James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Charles+ and Louise+ George Stan+ and Kay+ Getz Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01 Harry and Barbara Gigous Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith

Esther (Savage ‘49)+ and Robert+ Goodenough Tim ‘77 and Pam (Hogue ‘77) Goodenough Fred ‘62+ and Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Michael ‘72 and Leila (Siedsma ‘73) Gray Bob and Patsy+ Greer Robert+ and Opal+ Greer Sara Gregory ‘1925+ Melba Grigg ‘53+ Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves Wayne ‘37+ and Lorene (Coates ‘40)+ Groves Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Lester Harnetiaux ‘79+ Glenn and Margaret Harper Howard ‘51+ and LaVerne (Cooper ‘51)+ Hastings Louise Hauth ‘52+ John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Esther (Sportsman ‘32) Heddergott+ Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen Ruby (Erickson ‘52) and Myron ‘53+ Henry Earl+ and Buelah+ Hensley Claudine Herrington ‘58+ Winifred Hessler ‘46+ Chris ‘80 and Cynthia Hill David and Joanna Hoag Jerry Hood ‘82 Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard Norman ‘57 and Rena Howell Greta (Syfert ‘30)+ and Emery+ Howse Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Geneva Huffman Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Clyde Irwin Martin Janicke Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Roger Johnson ‘51+ Tim ‘85 and Patti (Burbridge ‘87) Johnston Derrold ‘71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ‘72) Jones LaVon (Krober ‘55) and Don ‘57+ Jordahl Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Don ‘76 and Nanette Kaufmann Jo Keillor ‘79 Wesley ‘43+ and Evelyn Keller Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns Ralph and Nellie Kester Jim ‘48+ and Iola (Kenworthy ‘49)+ Keys Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore Martha (Mills ‘46) and Jay+ Kiser Joseph and Sharon Kopacz Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Wendel ‘63+ and Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober Steve ‘77 and Debbie (Darr ‘77) LaFleur Jonathan and Mariann Lam Scott ‘92 and Angela Lefler

Martelle Ley June (Martin ‘50) Llewellyn Karen Longman Jarilyn (Atkinson ‘84) and Terry Louden Jerry and Barbara Loudermilk Duane+ and Betty+ Luallen Fern (Ambrose ‘32) Mack+ Adelle (Sieck ‘1928)+ and Edward Mansholt Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Gary ‘86 and Jill (Skorupa ‘87) Mason Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews Vivien Maves ‘1928+ Kendall ‘37+ and Mildred (Bentley ‘38)+ Mayhew Raymond ‘37+ and Ruth (Treyz ‘41)+ Mayhew Vi (Ormston ‘49)+ and Glenn ‘50 McAdam Mark ‘86 and Karla (Goers ‘86) McGinnis John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Carol (Lane ‘77) and Larry ‘78 Moore Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55)+ Moore Doug ‘87 and Dee Morgan Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan Jack ‘47+ and Evelyn (Marston ‘48) Mottweiler Bill ‘83 and Renate (Reeser ‘86) Moyers Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Gary ‘83+ and Susan (Rose ‘83) Mulholland Richard Mulholland ‘60+ Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50+ Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Phil ‘41+ and Lois+ Myette Faye (Myers ‘62) and Alden ‘63 Nay Robert ‘51+ and Helen+ Neece Arthur ‘1926+ and Bernice (Weiler ‘1926)+ Nelson John Nethercott+ Duane ‘73 and Sharen (Bewley ‘74) Newman Jo Ann Noble ‘56 William ‘1925+ and Elizabeth Norbeck+ Marcella (Vanvolkenburg ‘34)+ and Floyd+ Nowlin Elvan Olmstead ‘36+ Clarence ‘42+ and Beth (Hampton ‘44)+ Oscarson Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen+ Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Ralph and Doris Park Bill Parker ‘57+ Neil and Jean Parrott Dan ‘81 and Jill (Vincent ‘82) Parry Jim ‘67 and Carole (Cox ‘72) Parsons Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul Darrold ‘68 and Louise Phillips Melvin ‘50+ and Joann Phillips Ron Phillips ‘80

Annabelle (King ‘47)+ and Ned Philpott Dorathi Pierre+ Mary Taylor Previte ‘53+ Richard ‘55 and Vivian Price Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Teresa Rardin ‘78 Fred Reader ‘62 John ‘69 and Jennifer (Apple ‘70) Reed Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard Leona (Stillman ‘42) Rennells+ Ray Rhine ‘53+ Carl ‘43+ and Alice (Fickess ‘44)+ Rice Jerry ‘74 and Linda (Kratzer ‘77) Rich Sarah Ridpath+ Roberta Rittenhouse ‘47+ Ron ‘57 and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Rex ‘64 and Bethel Root Howard ‘40+ and Mary Loretta (Olmstead ‘40)+ Rose Rick ‘02 and Katie Russell Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72) Fink-Sailsbery David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Larry and Cindy Sayler Donna Saylor ‘72 Eldon ‘42+ and Florence+ Sayre Earl ‘53 and Julie (Larson ‘53) Schamehorn John ‘39+ and Ruby (Tosh ‘40)+ Schlosser Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Kathy (Ballinger ‘81) and Kevin ‘82 Schoenwetter Cheryl (Logue ‘67)+ and Lawrence Schrock Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth Patsy Schutz+ Duane and Dawn Secord Lewis Seifert+ Leslie ‘64 and Colleen (King ‘65) Sellers Kevin ‘78 and Ginny Seybold Janet (Weikert ‘79) and Dale ‘81 Shackley Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle Ruth Short ‘33+ Riker+ and Edith+ Simcoe Carolyn (Chalfant ‘66) and John ‘67 Simpson Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Helen (Zahniser’41) Zahniser-Snyder+ and Lee Snyder+

Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Charles and Marge Stavely Louverne Stephens+ Louis ‘82 and Nancy (Oschwald ‘82) Stewart Peter ‘85 and Marla (Samuelson ‘86) Stuart Norm ‘70 and Carol (Turner ‘70) Swanson Deborah Swearingen ‘78 Louise Tenney ‘31+ Wallace and Frances+ Tippery Harry+ and Lenora Tomaschke Randall ‘52+ and Phyl (Case ‘52) Tucker Ron ‘72 and Joy (Lowe ‘72) Tucker Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Dallas ‘31+ and Virginia (Howland ‘34)+ Turner Delores (Nuby ‘50)+ and Harry ‘54+ Ulmer Margaret (Bebermeyer ‘46)+ and Florence Vahle Hayden+ and Joyce+ Van Horn Carl ‘64+ and Pauletta Vancil Virginia (Lehr ‘60) Vancil+ Mark ‘79 and Linda (Johnson ‘80) VanValin Mendal ‘51+ and Kathleen (Willing ‘51) VanValin Chuck ‘62 and Carole (Whitbeck ‘64) Vick Imogene (Snyder ‘32)+ and Harold+ Vick Carol (Moore ‘74) and Lonnie Vollintine Clyde Wait+ Ruby Walker+ Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) and Lewis+ Walter Bob+ and Helen (Butts ‘35)+ Warren Wes ‘43+ and Edna+ Warwick Susan (Park ‘83) and Arley Watson Clark Webster+ Elizabeth White ‘46 Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Pam MAE ‘13 and Jeff Wilson Sarah Wilson+ Della Wolcott+ Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Ronald and Diana Woodworth Charles and Mildred Wroblewski Jerry Yotter ‘70 Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54)+ Young

MORE GU FINANCIAL CHAMPIONS Recognizing donors based on giving from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. Visit for donors who gave $1 to $249. $500-$999 Eddie Allison ‘18 Tom Andrews Cindy (Letson ‘65) and Howard ‘67 Barnes

James and Alyce Bava Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson Louise (Deboer ‘69) Bourg Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard

Doris Burd Andrew and Robin Burkhart Frances (Starr ‘51) and Stanley ‘62 Busch Eula May (Metz ‘52) and Richard Carr

Fredrick ‘63 and Marcia Clerie Steve ‘85 and Laura (McDaniel ‘88) Coates Lynn (Best ‘77) and Tim Connelly Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston



Laura Creighton ‘73 Jessica Cullum Larry ‘70 and Kathie (Marze ‘70) Davis Philip ‘75 and Laronda DeLong Carla Deters Dave ‘55+ and Betty Ann (Cottrill ‘55) Dickerson Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles Tad and Catherine Edwards Daniel ‘09 and Tamara (Yoder ‘10) Eisenberg Van ‘69 and Karen (Schmidt ‘71) Eldridge Jon Engelberth ‘77 and Margaret Walker Timothy ‘82 and Valerie Erickson Kelly (Ware ‘93) and Brent Falcone John Farr Cal Faulkner ‘55 David ‘69 and Gloria Figg Charles ‘60 and Elizabeth (Stoltz ‘62) Finley Jennifer France Alan ‘76 and Lori (Nielsen ‘83) Gaffner Dorothy (Fisher ‘51) and Robert Gardner Dawn ‘07 and David Gillis Carolyn (Page ‘55) Glair Carol (Eggan ‘89) and Galen ‘90 Golay Wendolyn Grace ‘77 Chris (Smith ‘79) and Jim Gunther Linda (Whiteside ‘74) and Kenny ‘91 Hampton Jacob Haro Mary Beth (Wilson ‘90) and Todd Harper Sheila (Walton ‘58) Harrison Douglas and Marsha Holzhauer Duane ‘56 and Betty Hood Duane Houghtaling ‘80 Frank ‘68 and Sandra Hunter Tracy Hall ‘85 and Mark Jenner David ‘88 and Annette (Mulholland ‘89) Juhlin Matt ‘95 and Rachel Keillor Walter Kendall ‘53 Jay ‘79 and Janet Kennedy Eric and Crystal Kreger Kyle ‘02 and Miriam Krober Brad ‘97 and Alison ‘00 Lanter Larry Larsen Michael ‘99 and Kasey Laughlin Terry Lawrence Yuriria Lozano Kristen Marble Barbara (Looney ‘79) Marsh Bronwyn Martin Shirley Matteson ‘79 Michael ‘82 and Sandra (Wiens ‘82) Mick Steve Miller ‘71 David ‘52 and Doris Myatt Paul ‘68 and Winnie Nelson Randall Neumann Doug and Margie Newton Pamela Panich Brian ‘88 and Heather Patton Tim ‘03 and Elizabeth Pehlke Rayburn Phelps Jennifer Pinnell Jim and Linda Plett Brent and Lisa Potts Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Milan ‘67 and Dorene (Ebel ‘68) Reimer Norma (Reeves ‘68) and John Rempe Arnold and Trudy Rexroad David ‘66 and Brenda (Foster ‘67) Rice


Lisa (Barnes ‘92) Richardson Morgan Robertson ‘59 Rose Roggow ‘61 Barbara (Mason ‘68) and Jonathan ‘70 Rohrs Bruce and Sue Ronk Merlin Roth ‘54+ Heather Saito Ellen (Walles ‘99) and Zachary Sancken Steven and Kae Schmitt Ruth Anne ‘64 and Richard ‘65 Scott Charlotte (Olson ‘56) Seago David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Joseph Smith ‘56 David ‘71 and Gladys Snare Perry ‘64 and Donna Souzis Mel ‘64 and Susan Starr Barb (Kerns ‘78) and Guy Steele Debbie (Mollett ‘76) and Rick ‘77 Stephens Garrett ‘08 and Lindsey Stephens Donald and Kristi Stone Norm ‘70 and Carol (Turner ‘70) Swanson Marilynn (Ayers ‘57) and Terry Taylor Thomas and Louanne Theiss Mark and Sheila Thomas Larry and Peggy Trieb Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Eldon ‘67 and Marilyn Turley Geet Vanaik Harold VanValin ‘54 Carol ‘74 and Lonnie Vollintine Diana (Watson ‘59) and William Walter Herald ‘65 and Naomi (Inman ‘66) Walton Brandon and Eva Weiler Sidney and Dottie White Dave ‘96 and Melissa Wilson Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Jerry and Karen Wilson Scott and Jennifer Wilson Hung ‘77 and Lee Winn Harry ‘60 and Ruth (Smith ‘62) Winslow Beth (Setty ‘95) and Harley Wozniak Roy ‘70 and Claudia (Kosick ‘71) Yarbrough Denise Yost John Young ‘94 $250-$499 George ‘69 and Evelyn Adam Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Algren and Joanne Anderson Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson Martha Barber Kenneth and Dana Barker Verna Bassett ‘65 Rich ‘85 and Marty (Frost ‘85) Beans Dave and Jane Bell Gavin and Becky Bellinger Joan (Tefft ‘66) and Robert ‘68 Benson Tim ‘76 and Polly (Paulson ‘76) Birky Geneva (Smith ‘65) and George Blankenship Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount Nelda Borror Mary Lou (Caldwell ‘58) Brake Matt ‘96 and Nicole (Ellis ‘96) Bramlet Rollie ‘54 and Vicki Brumitt Michael Buratovich Bob ‘65 and Pat (Nesbitt ‘66) Burns Anne (Richardson ‘65) and James Campbell Carolyn (Mangels ‘67) and Frank ‘69 Campbell Ruth (Davis ‘63) and Ed ‘64 Carey


David ‘70 and Maggie Chi Roger Christin ‘72 Dean and Jenny Clark Robert ‘48 Clement Kay ‘58 and Ruth Cole Hope (Hopkins ‘51)+ Coleman Holly Conarro-Swanson Russell ‘76 and Rhonda (Ashby ‘77) Coulter Jim ‘72 and Barbara (Coulter ‘72) Cox Mary Lou (Crandall ‘63) and Merle ‘65 Cromwell Randy ‘80 and Rebecca Cronk Wanda (Claussen ‘72) and Lysle Crosson John ‘64 and Jean Culp Dave ‘97 and Emily Dahlbeck Dennis ‘69 and Lynda (Harris ‘69) Daniel Margarita and Steven Delgado Aaron (Atlee ‘01) and Kate (Dunigan ‘01) Dunigan-Atlee Susan (Dailey ‘75) and Ron ‘76 Dunnill Phil ‘84 and Pam Eccles Carol (Rikli ‘78) and Mike ‘79 Ellsworth Robert and Vickie Ellsworth Jeremiah Essmyer ‘07 Erik ‘97 and Marianna Evans Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Ruth (Brandt ‘51) Farnsworth Steven and Elizabeth Finch Freda (Wilder ‘60) and David Finlay Judith (Anderson ‘71) and Louis Fogleman Elizabeth Fournier Peggy (Gingrich ‘55) Gebauer Steve ‘67 and Priscilla George Susan Gibson Karen Gines ‘68 Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Norman and Clara Grover Bob ‘64 and Patricia Gruen Steve ‘08 and Katie Haas Duane ‘65 and Gretchen Haines Luke Hall ‘03 Edie (Sussenbach ‘62) and Richard Harris Chuck Hawkins ‘64 John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Darold ‘62 and Marjorie Hill Edward and Margo Hodges Cindy Hoffmann Margene (Schwartz ‘76) Holak Dave and Teresa Holden Norma (Nolte ‘69) and Frank Howard Susan (Hughey ‘73) Hughey-Rasler and Tom Rasler Bill Ingwersen ‘63 Peggy Jenkins Weyburn ‘49 Johnson Gwyn (Jolliff ‘82) Jolliff-Blake and Michael Blake Sylvia (Scott ‘68) Scott-Jones Kristian Kaufmann ‘03 Martha (Rosentrater ‘69) and Paul Kellner David and Lavone Kendall John and Ellie Kennedy Jacqueline (Kent ‘08) Kent Jameson and Eric Jameson Erin (Helmuth ‘00) and Mike Kinzel Frank ‘77 and Rhonda (Kugler ‘77) Kline Scott Koberlein Janet (Wilkinson ‘59) and Paul Komar Arnold Kugler ‘56 Frederick Lang Sandy (Somerville ‘87) and James Lang

Scot and Jil Lehr Kent Luster ‘18 James and Cathy Lynch Jim Mannoia and Elizabeth Poje Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall Kim ‘85 and Katrina Mathews Barton and Donna Maxie Dru (Orcutt ‘85) and Paul ‘86 McLeland Don ‘68 and Nancy Meissner Chris ‘89 and David Merrill Toni (Dock ‘69) and Charles Miller John and Julie Mokris Marv ‘60 and Karen Moran Myesha Morrissette Jane (Mollhagen ‘79) and Michael Mott Evelyn (Marston ‘48) Mottweiler Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50+ Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Troy Myers Franki (Eadie ‘97) and Dewayne ‘98 Neeley Steven Ogle ‘71 Mark ‘61 and Diane Orchard Riley ‘16 and Amanda (Muehlberg ‘16) O’Regan Steven ‘76+ and Julie Peay Matthew and Justine Plocher Kaye Plocher Wesley ‘59 and Phyllis Porter Davis Redman ‘09 Marti ‘89 and Lana (Mote ‘90) Reeser Greg Render ‘99 Annie Rice ‘07 Vaughn ‘89 and Regina (Dothager ‘91) Robart Joseph Roberts Donita (Gregory ‘70) and Donald Roulsten William and Dawn Rushik William and Shandella Rushik Charlie ‘55 and Jan (Koch ‘55) Sandbach Bill and Peggy Schomaker Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth James Schutte Todd and Beth Sedmak Charlie Shepard Harold Shipman Phil ‘86 and Sue Siefken Mary Ann Sievers ‘72 Christie (Kirk ‘97) and Chris Smith David ‘65 and Janice Smith Marilyn Starr Mary Alice (Poland ‘70) and Larry Stilwell Paul ‘79 and Beth Stroble Wilma Tade Kristi Thebeau Warren ‘50 Thomas Tara Thompson ‘06 Jennifer Toole Pat Trager Matt ‘51 and Dorothy Urfer Shirley Vassar Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Denny ‘72 and Cheryl (Hawkins ‘73) Wayman Kerri (Keasling ‘94) and Kevin Webster Gretchen Wendling Elaine (Crider ‘61) and Paul ‘63 Wengert Scott and Diane Wetterling Geoff ‘05 and Jen Whitlock Tim and Jennifer Whitten

IN HONOR Recognizing gifts received in honor of the following individuals from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. Ish Smith Anonymous Rob and Julie Young

Michael Bond Buddy and Pat Bond

Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Terry and Marilynn Taylor

Newt Fink Bryan and Lucretia Fink

Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis

Keith Burgh Glenda Burgh

Scott Giffen Anonymous

Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Terry and Marilynn Taylor

Dan Jensen Adam and Bernadette Nassar

Suzanne Davis Valerie Gin

Ernest Longman Karen Longman

Heather Edwards Anonymous

Jim Mannoia David and Sharla Martin

Ivan Filby Audra and Noah Clodfelter

Jim Reinhard Adam and Bernadette Nassar

Doris Burd Sharon Bowes Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Jack and Pat Burd Sharon Bowes Doris Burd

Terry and Marilynn Taylor Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Daryl Webster Terry and Marilynn Taylor Bud White John Cammin Jim Wilson Jeff and Pam Wilson

IN MEMORY Recognizing gifts received in memory of the following individuals from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. Redgie Aaron Jaclyn Johnson-Cross

Betty Garrett Mary Wallace

John Hendricks Bobbie Hendricks

Stephen Allison Janet Allison-Seed

Ron and Wanda Gines Karen Gines

Jay Benson Paul and Barbara Benson

Tracy Gines Karen Gines

Eric Jewett Tim Finley Scott Giffen and Yvi Martin Franki and Dewayne Neeley

Bud Bowes Jeffrey and Cappy Davis

Allyson Grabowski Anonymous (5) Emily Gaffner Ruth Barczewski Dave and Jane Bell Bret and Jennifer Bonacorsi Jennifer Brink Michael Carbone Linda Danovskis Lauren Eagleson Sarah Edrington Bruce Edwards Kelly and Brent Falcone Steven and Elizabeth Finch David and Ruth Fischer Ranetta Fitzjerrells Chelsea Gilles Kari Grabowski Macie Kellerman Susan Krapf Lee’s Variety & Lee’s Sports Daniel and Megan Lovell Jantzen Michael Ryan Nelson Craig and Judith Nelson Maria Reinhard Ronald and Pamela Rubin Jamie Schollenbruch Melissa Schultz Cynthia Schwery Amy Stevens Emily Thebeau James and Donna Wickersham Scott and Jennifer Wilson Katie Wolfram Gregory and Debra Wolfram

Arodi Chanta Mario and Kara Denton Justin Chestnut Mark and Bev Hempen Herb H. Coates Rich and Marty Beans Geneva and George Blankenship Susan and Jack Chism Tom and Betty Kay Dawdy Becky and Sam Decesaro Ruth Jackson Alan and Lori Gaffner Greenville Free Methodist Church Tamie Heichelbeck Dennis and Rosemary Jordan John and Carol Knight Jeremy and Erin Martin Dale and Carolyn Martin Al and Emily Moore Jo Ann Noble Jim and Nancy Schien Ken Schmidt and Sandy Salguero-Schmidt Deb and Karl Somerville Emily L. Moore Elliott and Cynthia Wiegand Barbara Deffley Michael and Nancy Gorman Keith Dunaway Karla Dunaway-Henke and Scott Henke Dale and Joan Fritch John Straeter

Betty Morgan Dan and Jan Jensen Anne and Larry Maloney Tom Morgan Lesa Northam

Mary Hickey Kerwin and Kristi Hickey Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.

Lee Ormston Glenn McAdam

Wendel Krober Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd.

Mary Previte Anonymous Liz and Steven Andrianoff Christine Armstrong Toni Bonnette Frederick and Mary Bruner Jim and Betty Buick Jane Johnston Miriam Kamp The Katz Foundation Cynthia Kolaski Bob and Barbara McGrew Jesse and Lin+ Moore Al and Emily Moore James and Maria Murphy Joseph Roberts William Rundell Barbara Seger Bruce Stout Jack and Barbara Tarditi Maureen Whittington Ellen Winslow

Vi McAdam Glenn McAdam

Jaime Rantanen Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus

Elva McAllaster Adam and Bernadette Nassar

Don Reeser Marti Reeser

Charles Miller John H. Cammin Fred Giertz

Mary Richardson Anne and James Campbell

David Johnson Rich and Becky Weinhandl Kristin Johnson Laura Kennedy Tom Menacher Dottie Jolliff Dan Jolliff Gwyn Jolliff-Blake and Michael Blake Kevin Jordahl Tom and JoAnn Sandifer Gene Kamp Randy and Judy Bennett Jaron Davis and Rachel Heston-Davis Joyce Keillor Anne and James Campbell

Ralph Miller Chuck Hawkins

Merlin Roth Ronald Roth Jan Schutte James H. Schutte



Joanna Smith Anonymous Anne and James Campbell

Harry Tomaschke Martha and Paul Kellner Ruth and Randall Kinnersley Roger and Kathy Reeves

Lynette Smith Jerry Smith and Dottie Fugiel

Vanessa Vassar Shirley Whitlock

Arlene Stephens Anne and James Campbell

Wilma Wilson Anne and James Campbell Tamie Heichelbeck Dan and Jan Jensen Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz

Chuck and Charlotte Young Jill and James Morse David and Gloria Young Bruce and Judith Young Steve and Mary Young

Leon Winslow Ellen Winslow

CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, GRANT PROVIDERS AND CHURCHES Recognizing gifts of at least $100 received from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. Visit for a complete list of churches that have provided matching scholarships for students through the University’s Church Partnership Scholarship Program. Ameriprise Financial Associated Colleges of Illinois AT&T Foundation AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company Benson Built BJC Healthcare Bratman Associates Inc. Central Illinois Community Blood Center Central Trust Company Centralia Free Methodist Church Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation DeMoulin Brothers & Company Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Durley Camp and Retreat Center Edward Jones

Equity Residential Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Christian Church of Greenville, IL First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, IL First Union Corporation Fisher Sizzlin Inc. Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI GRCOFKC, LLC Greatland Corporation GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund Illinois Board of Higher Education Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Interactive Brokers LLC Invesco Investment Services Inc.

John Wesley Free Methodist Church KC Nails 1 Margarita’s Xpress Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley National Christian Foundation of Chicago National Christian Foundation of Greater Chicago National Christian Foundation of Tampa Bay National Philanthropic Trust NCCAA Pershing Advisor Solutions LLC PIMCO All Asset All Authority Fund Matter PNC Bank PwC US and Mexico

Raymond James Global Account Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Second Congregational Church of Rockford, IL SEI Private Trust Company Shapiro Foundation Inc. Sierra Bravo Farms LLC Silec Mobile Team In-Service Training Unit St. Mark’s Church of Geneva, IL TD Ameritrade Clearing The Community Foundation of Macon County The Community Foundation of Mount Vernon & Knox County The Full Salvation Union The Katz Foundation The T. Rowe Price Program for

Charitable Giving Troxell U.S. Department of AgricultureRural Development U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Admin U.S. Department of Education UBS Financial Services Inc. United in Faith Church of Pana Vanguard Vanguard Charitable Wall to Wall Cleaning Services Washington University in St. Louis Web Properties Inc. Wolf Family Foundation Wortman Holdings LLC, Jack Flash Zen Nails & Spa

NEW FUNDS Funds initiated from June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020. Baker Family Benevolence Fund Deacon’s Fund Esports Fund Grabowski Memorial Scholarship Fund Higher Ed Emergency Relief Grant Ken and Marjorie Smith Music Fund

Paul Twichell Science & Engineering Current Scholarship Fund Paul Twichell Science & Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund Phil and Susan Aronson Math Scholarship Russell Ministry Scholarship Sand Volleyball Court

The Full Salvation Union Endowed Scholarship for Christian Unity The Full Salvation Union Endowed Scholarship for Christian Unity - Current Fund Work Study Coop 2019-2020 IBHE

Financial concerns cast a cloud of uncertainty over Benn Jane’s plans to study criminal justice and Spanish, but the donor-funded Panther Preferred Scholarship dispelled them. The sophomore still remembers the phone call that informed him of his Panther Preferred Scholarship. “I was immensely relieved,” he said. Thank you for giving.




Assurance, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Company GU and GU Homecoming sponsor

Bradford National Bank GU, GU Homecoming, SMART Center, Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble, scholarships, WGRN, and Bass Fishing Club sponsor

Charles Schwab Edwardsville President’s Society Dinner sponsor

Enertech Global LLC GU, GU Homecoming, SMART Center, and Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble sponsor

Kauffman Brands Greenville SMART Initiatives sponsor

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Summer Research Experience project sponsor

Mosaic Family Wealth GU, GU Homecoming, Jack D. Trager Memorial Panther Pride Golf Scramble, and scholarships sponsor

Thrivent Choir and scholarships sponsor

TIER II ($2,500-$4,999)

Facility Services




TIER IV ($300-$999) Acton Institute Alender Insurance Agency Inc. Alton Memorial Hospital BJC HealthCare Andy Lester Construction Inc. ApexNetwork Physical Therapy LLC Bond County Bond County Senior Citizens Center Brown, Hay & Stephens LLP Creighton Solutions LLC Dairy Queen Daiwa Corporation Evergreen Plant Co. Express Care of Mt. Vernon

Faith Sign Company Inc. Fellowship of Christian Athletes First National Bank of Vandalia FNB Community Bank Friends for Leitschuh for Sheriff Greenville Family Dentistry Joe’s Pizza & Pasta, Greenville IL Jubilee House Kahuna’s Burgers & More Laack Flooring Innovations Inc. Los Amigos II Mexican Restaurant Lu Bob’s Family Restaurant

Martin Financial Consulting Group LLC Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Naco Printing and Advertising Numed Inc. Piasa Commercial Interiors Inc. Pollesch Construction Inc. Powder Plus Inc. Professional Heating and Air Purvi Hospitality Inc. SureStay Hotel R.P. Lumber Co., Inc. Rock-N Outdoor Supply S.A.F.E.- Sexual Assault and Family Emergencies

Saint Meinrad Archabbey Seven Oaks Realty Stombaugh’s Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Super 8 by Wyndham Taco Bell The Signatry Turley Farms Partnership Wall Real Estate Ware Inc. West & Company LLC WGEL Radio



What’s New With You?


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Elaine (Turner ’69) and Robert Balogh recently moved to Scotland, South Dakota, where they enjoy a mix of retirement and rural life.

Missouri Governor Michael Parson recently announced the appointment of Mary Beth (Wilson ’90) Harper to the State Committee of Marital and Family Therapists. Harper previously provided counseling services through a private practice. She has served as president of the St. Louis Chapter of Marriage and Family Therapy and the Missouri Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.

Joe ’67 and Penny (Derry ’69) Clark celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on September 12, 2020, in Denver, Colorado. Family and friends organized a drive-by parade of wellwishers in cars and on bicycles.



Rick Stephens ’77 recently retired from Alfred University (NY) as provost/vice president for academic affairs and as vice president for statutory affairs for New York State College of Ceramics. He now splits his time between Alfred and Fairmont, West Virginia, where he serves as interim consultant in academic affairs for Fairmont State University. Deb (Mollett ’77) Stephens serves in board governance roles with the Union University Church, Alfred Box of Books Library, and Alfred Lions. They have two children, Ashlee (Chicago) and Bill (Boston), and three grandchildren.


Dan Haseltine ’94 collaborated with Matthew S. Nelson to compose and perform music for The Chosen, the first multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus Christ. Creators worked outside of the Hollywood “system” to produce the show, which currently ranks as the highest crowd-funded project of all time. To date, donors have surpassed the $20 million mark in funding the project. An estimated 50 million viewers worldwide have seen The Chosen. Collegiate softball coach Rick Walker ’96 led the Miami University Harriers to a conference title last year. The university’s website reports the team’s steady climb up conference ranks, moving from last place prior to Walker’s arrival, to two straight years reaching the Ohio Regional 1


Rick Walker ’96



Maureen (Knudsen ’02) Langdoc


Campus Conference Tournament Championship. This year, COVID-19 restrictions on athletic play prevented the team from repeating its success.

2000s Adrienne (Henning ’01) and Tom McCollister were married on August 17, 2019. Adrienne serves as Indiana state counsel with Near North Title Group. The couple resides in Indiana. 2 Maureen (Knudsen ’02) Langdoc recently facilitated a conversation between leading theologians Samuel Wells and Stanley Hauerwas to launch a new book titled In Conversation: Samuel Wells and Stanley Hauerwas (Church Publishing, 2020). A scholar and pastor, she serves as university chaplain and associate dean at DePauw University. Langdoc holds a masters of divinity from Duke University and a doctorate in theology and religious studies from King’s College London.

Christianity Today recently published two articles by GU Professor of Theology Ben Wayman ’02. “Rowan Williams: Theological Education Is for Everyone” and “Justo González: Seminaries Need More Latinos” appear online at Both articles result from interviews Wayman conducted as part of his sabbatical


The Very Reverend Sherry Black ’04


Emma (Hulford ’06) Eppard

Lloyd Nicks ’14

work exploring how a Christian university might best partner with the church in the 21st century. 3 The Very Reverend Sherry Black ’04, a second career episcopal priest, spoke at a Southern Illinois Healthcare event addressing resilience in the age of COVID-19. Black serves as hospital chaplain at Herrin Hospital in southern Illinois, and is president elect to the (national) Assembly of Episcopal Healthcare Chaplains. She also serves as priest-in-charge of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in West Frankfort.

Melissa (Boyce ’04) and Shawn Willis recently moved to North Carolina with their adopted daughters, Ellie (age four), and Lydia (age three). Shawn serves as pastor at Progressive Church, and Melissa homeschools the girls. 11564 Brogden Rd, Princeton, NC Emma (Hulford ’06) Eppard’s new book, Motor Matters: The Importance of Developing Motor Skills in Our Autistic Son (independently published, 2020), inspires, informs, and teaches all at once. It captures her family’s journey helping her son Phil achieve increased independence in self-care, daily chores, recreation, physical fitness, academics, and more. The book also provides step-by-step guidance for parents of autistic and limited-verbal or nonverbal children to similarly enrich their children’s lives. Motor Matters is available on 4


K-State, he helped guide the Wildcats to two consecutive 25-win seasons and a 2019 Big XII regular season championship. K-State also made the program’s first Elite Eight appearance in eight years during the 2017-18 season.


Jake Vanwey ’18 now serves as director of promotions for the Southern Illinois Miners. He majored in sport management at GU and minored in business and marketing. Vanwey completed multiple internships during college, including internships with the Miners and the St. Louis Cardinals. Before his return to the Miners to lead promotions, he worked in the front office of the Cardinals organization.

Meghan Weber ’13 serves as study coordinator with the MEND Research Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The clinic focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders. Weber fills a lead role in the group’s MDD, autism, and Fragile X trials. When Lloyd Nicks ’14 released the song “Never Fail” last summer, Louder Than The Music, a popular source for music, news, and reviews, called Nicks “a prominent voice in Christian music in St. Louis” bringing “energy and soul to the CCM world, with infectious melodies and a desire to push the boundaries of the genre.” A worship leader and songwriter, Nicks bridges gospel with contemporary worship and pop music. 5

6 Ryan Strohm ’16 now serves as assistant basketball coach with Huntington University in Indiana. He previously coached at Manchester University and prior to that, served as graduate assistant at Kansas State. At

7 Photographer Karli (Widmer ’17) Springer specializes in capturing memories for military families and others in and around Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Adam Lamb ’19 was “absolutely humbled” to perform at the Elevate 2020 music festival with artists Matthew West, Leanna Crawford, Rhett Walker, and others. Jessie Chappel ’20 serves with the Peng Lab research group at North Carolina State University as she pursues a doctorate in bioinformatics. She is interested in how microbiomes impact health. Free Methodist Conversations at recently published a sermon, “Purity Culture is a Complex Trauma,” by Kait Mathews ’20. Kait serves on the pastoral staff at St. Paul’s Free Methodist Church in Greenville. A local Free Methodist ministerial candidate, she also assists with the Shapiro Program of Jewish Christian Studies in the Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry at Greenville University. Read the complete sermon online at


Andy Rincker ’09 now serves as assistant baseball coach at Delta State

University (Cleveland, Mississippi). “He comes to us with a wealth of experience on the pitching and recruiting side,” said Head Coach Rodney Batts, announcing the addition of Rincker to his staff. Rincker previously served as assistant coach at GU, where he coached 14 all-conference pitchers and helped lead the Panthers to two conference championships and two Eastern Division titles.


Ryan Strohm ’16

Karli (Widmer ’17) Springer




IN MEMORY Retired teacher Ruth (Sanders ’44) Pratt, age 95, of St. Anne, Illinois, passed away February 29, 2020. She enjoyed line dancing, square dancing, and reading. World War II Air Force veteran Joseph Hallam ’48, age 96, of Sullivan, Missouri, died September 19, 2020. He served in ministry for 35 years. Harold Johnson Long ’48, age 94, of Murrieta, California, died May 8, 2020. The son of GU President Henry Long, he served in the U.S. Navy and later worked as a corporate controller. Your gift in Harold Long’s memory to GU’s Harold and Lorraine Long Fund supports Panther tennis. Rev. John Gilmore ’49, age 92, of Greenville, Illinois, passed away October 7, 2020. He served as a Free Methodist pastor, missionary in the Dominican Republic, and in various denominational roles including director of personnel for Africa, Asia, and Latin America. U.S. Army Air Corps veteran, former GU trustee, and longtime college physician Dr. M. Kenneth Kaufmann ’49 died November 17, 2020. All seven Kaufmann children attended GU. The family invites you to make a gift in Dr. Kaufmann’s memory to GU’s Kaufmann Building Endowment Fund. Wayne Bovee ’50, age 93, of Burton, Michigan, passed away September 1, 2020. A World War II veteran of the U.S. Army, he worked for the CIA and later for General Motors. Former schoolteacher Jean (Snyder ’51) Hendricks, age 90, of North Chesterfield, Virginia, passed away August 2, 2020. Mary (Smith ’51) Parker, age 93, of Camas Valley, Oregon, died September 19, 2020. She taught school. U.S. Army veteran Robert Hodson ’52, age 90, passed away September 4, 2020, in Beaverton, Oregon. He taught high school industrial arts and started Free Methodist churches in Lebanon and Sweet Home, Oregon. Mary Lou (McCarty ’54) Slater, age 87, of Neoga, Illinois, died May 26, 2020. The former schoolteacher enjoyed poetry, travel, and serving others. Rev. Harry Ulmer ’54, age 95, died May 21, 2020, in Highland, California. A Korean War veteran and onetime farmer, he later served as a minister, probation officer, and therapist.



Former school administrator Calvin Faulkner ’55, age 86, of Sykesville, Maryland, died September 28, 2020.

Former teacher and nursery school director Maris (Wolcott ’63) Black, age 81, died November 3, 2019, in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Robert “Bob” Massey ’55, age 86, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, died November 4, 2020. The former schoolteacher and coach later rose from sales manager to CEO at Consumat Systems, Inc.

Edwin Coats ’64, age 79, of Pinetop, Arizona, passed away July 23, 2020. A passionate teacher and coach, Ed worked 37 years at three different schools.

Shirley (Snyder ’57) Hughes, age 83, died November 17, 2019, in Rochester, New York. She taught school, coached, and launched catering and interior design businesses. LaMoine Reeves ’58, age 89, of Donnellson, Illinois, died July 23, 2020. A Korean War veteran, he worked in public education for more than 30 years. Retired schoolteacher Helen (Blue ’59) Cain, age 83, of Jackson, Michigan, died August 18, 2020. Daniel Smith ’59, age 86, of Dubuque, Iowa, died February 19, 2020. A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, he pursued multiple advanced degrees in education and went on to serve as president of Emmaus Bible College. Former GU trustee, insurance executive, and bank director Rob Stroud ’59, age 89, of Mission Hills, Kansas, died November 21, 2020. He touched countless lives, including generations of GU students. The family invites you to make a gift in his memory to Greenville University. U.S. Army veteran Paul Andrews ’60, age 82, of Piedmont, California, passed away July 30, 2020. He worked in secondary education as a teacher, counselor, and administrator. Jolene (Ochsner ’60) Ellis, age 82, died August 31, 2020, in Avon, Indiana. A charter member of the John Wesley Free Methodist Church, she served as an accomplished pianist and organist. Husband Stan Ellis ’59 survives. Former schoolteacher Wanda (James ’60) Howard, age 82, of Akron, Indiana, died July 27, 2020. She was an accomplished musician. Phyllis Blair-Semelroth ’61, age 82, died August 5, 2020, in Kankakee, Illinois. The author of several books, she taught school and later worked in healthcare as a nurse and longterm care administrator. Robert Walker ’61, age 81, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, died September 24, 2020. He worked as a health physicist for 36 years at Oak Ridge National Lab.

Retired schoolteacher Sharon (Mayhew ’65) Dawdy, age 77, of Greenville, Illinois, passed away August 29, 2020. Husband John ’65 and children David ’91, Anne (Dawdy ’93) Borwick, and Jennifer (Dawdy) Tinsley survive. Helen (Stough ’71) Doughty, age 70, of Plano, Texas, died May 22, 2020. Raised in Africa by missionary parents, she served as a librarian, college instructor, and active church member. Norma Whited ’72, age 90, of Mulberry Grove, Illinois, died October 7, 2020. Many former students fondly recall Norma as their elementary schoolteacher. Mary Bauman ’74, age 72, of Greenville, Illinois, died September 24, 2020. An avid reader, she enjoyed studying foreign languages and writing poetry. Long-time educator Nancy (Studer ’74) Gardner, age 70, of Coolidge, Arizona, died September 1, 2020. She taught for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and later taught English as a second language in China. Dean-president Emeritus of Nashotah House Theological Seminary Steven Peay ’76, age 66, died August 31, 2020, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He held multiple advanced degrees including a doctorate in historical theology. His extensive work in higher seminary education included professor, director of field education, and academic dean. Carlos Zavala ’97, age 45, of Saint Louis, Missouri, died August 8, 2020. He treasured his large extended family. Carolyn Durham ’99, age 76, died May 5, 2019, in Kansas City, Missouri. She worked as a payroll clerk and in an accounting office in Belleville, Illinois. Schoolteacher Nancy (Mayfield ’06) Holtorf, age 38, of Staunton, Illinois, died August 25, 2020. She spread kindness wherever she went. More than 100 persons benefited from her gift of organ donation. Based on information received prior to the time this issue went to print.

GIFTS OF ALL SIZES MATTER! “Trying to afford school on your own is hard . . . I’ve received so much help from donors. I am blessed.” – Digital media major Deb Cunningham ’20


A required background check for one teacher education student


A pack of reusable test tubes


One journal subscription for the Ruby E. Dare Library


Required athletic insurance for one student athlete


Fees for 10 worship-leaders-in-training


Financial relief through a donor-funded scholarship like Panther Preferred


One life-changing study-abroad trip


An endowed scholarship in your loved one’s name GU Core Value: Christ-centered Wesleyan THE RECORD | 2020 PRESIDENT’S REPORT







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THANK YOU FOR THE INCOMPARABLE GIFT OF EXPERIENCE Meet worship arts and ministry major Marissa Horning ‘23, soloist for GU’s 90th performance of Messiah. Marissa tackles assignments that resemble workplace challenges and projects that call for teamwork. Before she graduates, she will engage her skills and knowledge in at least one internship. Donor-funded scholarships make all of this possible.



GU Financial Champions: Experience providers, resume builders.

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