The RECORD, Spring 2013

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Entrepreneurs From Vision to Reality






Entrepreneurs – From Vision to Reality


magination permeates our campus – the student poised to answer an essay question on a test, the professor contemplating how to apply ideas she discovered in an article, roommates plotting a surprise party for a friend, an athlete adjusting his moves for better results.

Whether it happens in a matter of minutes or through ongoing dialogue over the course of months, we envision possibilities, nurture those visions and translate them into action. Greenville College owes its very existence to the imaginings of its founders. Their innovative thinking coupled with action resulted in the mission and work that we carry out today. A video now available on our website’s new “About Us” page captures the story. It reminds us not only of our historical roots, but also of the wondrous gifts of imagination and creativity that contribute to good and godly work. God’s first recorded act in Scripture was to create. His loving nature is inherently creative, and we are made in His image. God works through the prayerful imagination of His people as they meditate on His will and word. He gives awesome gifts to the students who enliven our college community with energy, creativity, intellect, beauty and grace. GC is the place where many envision for the very first time how they will employ their gifts and talents to create good and godly works. This issue of The RECORD presents stories of alumni entrepreneurs who have fully engaged in this business of converting vision into reality. They are tales of taking risks, embracing uncertainty, exercising faith and sustaining focus even when doubts prevail. They also contain elements of surprise. Who would imagine that a Chinese student majoring in math and computer science, with limited English skills and few connections, would become a supreme business networker and thrive in international trade? Who would imagine that a successful publicist would count her experience writing papers for a biology class as valuable training for her work with famous entertainment and sports celebrities?

Email: Greenville College online: Send address corrections, correspondence and mailing updates to: Office of College Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246, or call (618) 664-6500. Email:

Editor Walter Fenton ’84

Who would imagine that the CEO of an international packaging firm would recall supervising students in a residence hall as critical in the formation of his professional management skills?

Database and Distribution Manager Brianne Cook ’05

As you read this issue, I am sure you will appreciate the creative mix of talent and imagination that these alumni entrepreneurs demonstrate. They are evidence of our alma mater’s good and godly work.

Randy Bergen, Acting President SPRING 2013

THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Greenville College by the Office of College Advancement. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 104, No.1.

Who would imagine that a self-described “mouthy kid” on the GC soccer team would one day trade his own agenda for putting the interests of disadvantaged youth in St. Louis first, all day, every day?

The Gospel of Matthew recounts Jesus’ story of a master entrusting talents to his servants and the master’s assessment of their work. To the servant who doubled the talents given to his care, the master proclaimed, “‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”


ON THE COVER: Innovation, creativity, focus and planning characterize alumni entrepreneurs whose stories we share in this issue.

Managing Editor Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor Kaity Teer ’10

Graphic Designer Pancho Eppard ’00 Photography Andie Rea ‘12, Arley Cornell ‘13, Britni Spataro ‘13, and Beky Smith ‘12. Copyeditors Barb Sands, Heather Fairbanks Writers Kaity Teer ’10, Carla Morris ’77

Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville College.



A curious, innovative systems engineer trades programming for law and law for business before building his own thriving international trade enterprise.

Enoch Poon ’86


God’s leading and a liberal arts background fuel a PR startup that serves the stars.


With a penchant for data, a schoolteacher studies successful charter schools and then develops one.

{ 10 } KEVIN KWILINSKI, INTRAPRENEUR Generous application of entrepreneurial spirit uncaps the potential of an innovative packaging firm.



Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur? . . . . . . . . 8

Campus News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Speaking of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Microloans Leaven Baker’s Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SPRING 2013


This Little Idea

Went to Market


hen Enoch Poon reserved a booth to sell Chinese dinners at AgapeFest ’86, he wanted to give concertgoers a taste of China and make some money in the process. Though he lacked cash, supplies and manpower, Poon – soon to graduate with a major in computer science and mathematics – was rich in resourcefulness. Poon persuaded a local grocery store to provide him with food for the event and accept payment afterward. He borrowed electric woks and frying pans from all the married students he knew. He outsourced the tricky task of preparing eggrolls to a nearby Chinese restaurant and hired students to staff the booth. By the end of AgapeFest, more than 200 attendees enjoyed the alternative to hotdogs and pizza. After Poon paid the bills and his helpers, he pocketed more than $400 in profit (adjusted for inflation, about $840 today). “It went so well, I could have doubled what I sold,” Poon tells management students in the Professional Business Leaders class on the Greenville College campus where he occasionally returns to speak. “People often ask me, ‘Is it true that you need money to make money?’ I say, ‘It helps. Still, you must start somewhere; just be creative.’” Creativity seems to be Poon’s specialty, particularly creating opportunities for profit. When his early employment as a programmer and systems engineer proved less than inspiring, he chose a new direction and earned his law degree from the University of Louisville.


Enoch Poon was born in Xiamen, China, grew up in Hong Kong and came to the U.S. in 1982 to attend college. The rewards of his success in business today offer a stark contrast to the harsh life he knew growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution. Poon was separated at an early age from his parents, both medical doctors, when the Communist Party addressed their Christian faith by sending them to a remote village for “reeducation.” “Everything was rationed,” Poon recalls of that time. “Most of our meals consisted of rice and cabbage. I remember watching a short film about [President Richard] Nixon’s visit to China. My favorite part was Nixon and Premier Zhou toasting at the state banquet. How I craved the food that was on that table!”



By Carla Morris

As a first year associate, he generated more than 50 new clients for the law firm where he worked. Poon tells students that he was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. Trade with China had just opened up, and his fluency in Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese proved valuable. He traveled often to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to size up potential business partners and suppliers for his international clients. One client, a logistics firm, wooed Poon away from law to build its international trade division from the ground up. “My function was really to drum up import business for our logistics clients,” he explains. “I was supposed to be in charge of Far East operations and have someone else manage sales and marketing, but the firm never hired that person. I had to do both. That’s when you really have to learn and be creative!” Poon worked with customers like Samsonite and OXO to develop new product lines and identify strategic manufacturing partners. The market welcomed his ideas, and Poon grew his division’s revenue from zero to $2 million in two years. After 2½ years, he left to create something new, his own international trade business, Innovative International LLC.

“We try to service a customer as much as we can and grow that customer’s business. By growing their business, our business grows at the same time. I have a lot of customers, all through word of mouth; it is the best kind of advertisement.” The process of learning what a customer’s business needs is a fitting challenge for Poon. His constant fascination with figuring out how things work may be his most valuable asset. When Poon seeks the best manufacturer for a client’s project, he visits many prospects, asks questions, listens and learns. “By the fifth or sixth factory, I am half-expert and know the lingo,” he says.

Keep your eyes

open ... Truly look

at everything, and be curious. Learn as much as you

can. T hink about how things link

together. Accounting, marketing, finance, even the Bible and

business – they all

Poon’s ever-increasing expertise is reflected in Innovative International’s broad range of products that include housewares and cookware, stationery supplies, and accessories for travel, autos and pets. Most major retail chains carry his products worldwide. “I get bored,” Poon admits to the students, “I always want to be learning.” He says he is happy to establish a client’s success and then turn management of that success over to a colleague so he can pursue new interests. Poon holds patents on various inventions and MITcertification in technology, operations and value chain management. He is a U.S. customs broker and commercial realtor.

work together. Students laugh when Poon describes how “Keep your eyes open,” he encourages students, he began the business with a fax machine “Truly look at everything and be curious. Learn and phone in his basement. In eight years, he grew its revenue to as much as you can. Think about how things link together. $35 million, realizing about 40 percent growth each year with no Accounting, marketing, finance, even the Bible and business – marketing effort. they all work together.” “Why doesn’t your company have a website?” a student asks Poon, suggesting that a business without a website today is counter intuitive to marketing in an Internet-driven world. “I don’t know,” Poon shrugs wryly, “Maybe I’m just lazy.” Students laugh at the incongruity of Poon playing down his undeniable penchant for productivity and efficiency.

The classroom conversation covers a lot of territory like the end of the “Made in China” era, labor costs, and the changing landscape of international distribution. Poon’s experiences, connections, and expertise prove as broad as the continents his business spans. By the end of class one thing is clear: Innovative International LLC began with far more than a fax machine and phone.

“We don’t try to sell things to multiple people,” he explains.


Poon frequently traveled to Hong Kong as a young lawyer working for international trade clients. When he travels to China now, it is as founder and president of Innovative International LLC.



Publicist With a



By Kaity Teer

his year’s entertainment awards season has kept Lesley Burbridge busy attending high profile events with clients. Whether walking red carpets in Los Angeles at award shows like the SAG Awards and Oscar events, jet setting to New York’s Fashion Week for the Heart Truth Red Dress Collection Fashion Show, accompanying clients on national media tours, or attending the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., for Lesley it’s just another day on the job. Since graduating from Greenville College in 1989, Lesley has achieved a prominent career in public relations working on numerous film and television projects and representing top talent including music artists, athletes, authors, producers, and other celebrities. She has directed publicity at Word Records in Nashville and is now a senior vice president at Los Angeles-based Rogers & Cowan, one of the largest entertainment PR firms in the world. The position opened up for her as a result of the nine years she devoted to building her own PR firm, L.A.B. Media. After working eight years for Word Records, Lesley felt led to broaden her PR work beyond music. As doors opened for her to work with celebrity personalities, authors, and filmmakers and in other areas of entertainment, she left Word Records to start her own company, L.A.B. Media. Word Records immediately became one of her first clients. “When I started my business, there were very real risks,” said Lesley. “There was that uncertainty as to whether business would come in and projects would be sustained, but I knew God was leading me to it. He opened a way to do it that started me off with clients and it only grew from there.” Lesley’s success over the last 25 years is due in part to her focus on developing her areas of strength. As a college student, she benefited from Greenville College’s emphasis




on liberal arts, which required her to refine her strong research and writing skills. “Though I majored in psychology and biology, I did a great deal of writing in those classes. The reports and papers were very involved, and I learned a lot through writing them. It prepared me for my career in ways I couldn’t have predicted,” she said. She was introduced to the Christian music industry at Greenville College through her involvement in the studentrun Agape Festival, now known as AgapeFest. She served as director of the festival and partnered with her friend and classmate Michelle (Fink ‘90) Wright who joined her in that role. Together, they managed a staff of about 20 people, a budget, and strategies for marketing and PR. Lesley said, “We both welcomed the challenge of Agape gladly and had one of the best experiences of our lives, which actually changed the course of our futures forever. We learned through the experience what we were each equipped for and what we enjoyed. It felt as if we discovered what we were ‘made’ for.”

I realized

that this was

my mission field.

As a result of their experiences She received advice in the early days leading AgapeFest and the of L.A.B. Media that has stuck with I didn’t have a passion to her. “I was told that all I need to network of connections they developed, both went on to enjoy just be the best publicist do is keep showing up like I always successful careers in Nashville’s or to climb the corporate have,” said Lesley. “Just do the best music industry after college. work you can on what is before you ladder, but Michelle became vice president of marketing at and don’t think too much about how to build a to use the Reunion Records and is now the director of brand platform of business. Just keep doing it like you have done it sales and retail marketing for Twentieth Century every day before, and it will grow.” Fox Home Entertainment. The two remain close friends and business colleagues. to share Now, as a senior vice president at Rogers & hope and Cowan, Lesley leads the newly developed Faith Lesley moved to Nashville and in 1994 went to & Family Entertainment Department, manages work for Word Records as director of publicity. mainstream and faith campaigns, and oversees One of her most memorable experiences teams in Nashville and L.A. In 2012, Rogers & with the Cowan hosted the first-ever Family Entertainment occurred in the green room of Live! With Regis and Kathie Lee. & Faith-Based Summit with Variety Magazine in L.A., which drew industry leaders from Hollywood “After booking Point of Grace on the show, and around the country. Lesley enjoyed the honor watching the monitor and realizing that millions of women of coordinating the event and will do so again in June. around the world saw the show that day and heard the group sing about Jesus, I realized that this was my mission Her sense of purpose has only strengthened through field. I didn’t have a passion to just be the best publicist or the years. “I started my business with a vision to make a to climb the corporate ladder, but to use the platform of difference and work on projects that matter. I work with media to share hope and faith with the world.” many who have a real heart and mission behind them. They affect lives through their work,” said Lesley. In 2000, Lesley stepped out on her own to launch L.A.B. Media. She had guided the business to steady growth for Lesley isn’t just living her dream in the entertainment nine years when a client of Rogers & Cowan asked her to industry; she is also living her calling. collaborate on a project. Two days later she flew to L.A. to meet with them and begin the project. Three months later, the CEO of Rogers & Cowan contacted her to discuss WEB EXTRAS acquiring L.A.B. Media. Eight months later they signed the deal, and Lesley relocated to L.A.






1. Lesley with client, Olympic gold medalist Gabby Douglas (center) and Shaquille O’Neal (back). 2. With client Pattie Mallette (left), mother of recording artist Justin Bieber. 3. With Jay Leno and Michelle (Fink ‘90) Wright. 4. Lesley and her nephew, Nic, at Rangers Ballpark. Bob and Janice Simpson, co-owners of the Texas Rangers, also own Raylynn Records, Lesley’s client. 5. With recording artist Kirk Franklin. 6. Lesley with colleague Jay Schield at Tropicana Field. They represent Tampa Bay Rays MLB All-Star Ben Zobrist and his wife, recording artist Julianna Zobrist. 7. Lesley and client John Tesh during a media tour in Nigeria. SPRING 2013


The School That

Mike Built


By Carla Morris

t is fitting that Mike Malone would choose Missouri, the “Show-Me” state, as home to the charter school he conceived. Evidence drove his design of South City Preparatory Academy (SCP), and evidence continues to drive its growth. Show Mike Malone educational data linked to student success, and he stands ready to repeat that success at SCP. The school is as much the product of an entrepreneurial spirit as it is a generous application of what works in education. After graduating from Greenville College in 1999, Mike taught school for 10 years in

various settings. It was not until he worked with the Missouri Charter Public School Association, however, that he scrutinized the winning practices of successful charter schools. Later, when Mike pursued developing a new academically rigorous, preparatory charter school in St. Louis, replicating those best practices remained central to his plan. An extended day and year-round schedule give SCP students more time in the classroom than a typical school calendar allows – nearly three years for the student who attends SCP from fifth through 12th grade. Seven-week learning blocks alternating with one-week planning and evaluation sessions for teachers gives them multiple opportunities throughout the year to review test data and adjust their strategies to help students succeed. They do not have to wait for

year-end test results to determine their next steps. In 2011-12, SCP’s first year of operation, the school realized a remarkable 94 percent attendance rate even though it does not provide students with transportation. Its students also averaged 1.9 years of growth in reading and 1.5 years of growth in math. These achievements are particularly notable for SCP, considering that 90 percent of its students qualify for free or reduced lunches. Mike’s work with the Missouri Charter Public School Association provided him with more than a glimpse at successful schools; it also allowed him to flex his entrepreneurial muscle before stepping out on his own. He developed the association’s first school improvement program and exceeded its member participation goals by over 50 percent. He facilitated a grant review process that brought in over $1 million and created the association’s first cooperative purchasing venture, saving schools over $250,000 the first year. Mike’s success initiating and growing programs confirmed his ability to nurture a budding idea into a thriving reality. Though Mike is thoroughly an educator, his vision and follow-through in building South City Preparatory



Academy show that he is also an entrepreneur. Here are Mike’s thoughts on his journey: We know that GC prepared you for teaching, Mike. In retrospect, how did it help prepare you for the entrepreneurial path?

Looking back, the biggest area where GC prepared me regarding my entrepreneurial approach was in my walk with Christ. I’m convinced that my wife and I would not have taken the leap to start SCP if we did not feel God’s call on our hearts. Now, I can see that God was walking with me and guiding me every step of the way from Greenville College to South City Prep. You could say that GC prepared my heart to hear God and trust in him even when the path didn’t seem clear. Sometimes our activities as kids foretell our futures. Are you a natural initiator?

When I was growing up in McPherson, Kansas, my father (Jerry Malone ’70) gave me projects and initiatives that helped me years later when I started my school. My dad is an initiator. He started a soccer club, a high school soccer program, and a college soccer program all from scratch. When I was

in high school, he passed on the family summer business of house painting to me, and I ran a paint crew every summer until I graduated from college. He also passed on the management of several soccer camps and summer soccer leagues to my brothers (Rodney ’01 and Brett ’06) and me during high school and college. My father was, and is, an amazing person who constantly uses his skills to serve others. He never started a program that benefited him specifically. Rather, his projects benefited hundreds or thousands of other people in our town. My dad didn’t make money from the programs he started, and money was never his motive. In fact, he often sacrificed his own time and money to make them successful. It’s a bold move to step out entirely on your own, risky, I’m sure, for you and your family.

The largest risk we faced was financial. It was a leap of faith for my wife and me when I quit my job to start a school. The school took nearly two years of preparation before we could open, and I quit my job almost a year


and a half before the school opened. By God’s grace, a grant from the Walton Family Foundation eventually enabled us to cover some of our living expenses. We really trusted God to provide for us during this time. Our alumni often point to specific experiences at GC that influenced them in memorable ways. Was this true for you?

The experience that most shaped me as a person and a professional was playing on the GC soccer team. I used to think that soccer was the most important part of that experience. I’ve since realized that the relationships and teamwork I learned were the most important. I credit coach Tom Stonebraker and later, coach Richard Huston, for helping mold me into the person I am today. They saw potential in a skinny, mouthy kid from Kansas and gave me leadership responsibilities even during my freshman and sophomore years. I will never forget their influence. South City Prep is indebted to them for helping me during my time at Greenville. SPRING 2013


Do You Have What It Takes to Be an



Are you a convincing communicator? GC students enrolled in communication, media promotions and public relations courses learn seven different types of interviewing and complete 14 different professional presentations.

Do you have capital to back your enterprise? GC students enrolled in the Professional Business Leaders class plan, organize, lead and control fundraising activities to raise investment capital that funds entrepreneurial business ventures.



eneur? Can you stay focused and advance toward your goals even amidst unfolding drama in the workplace? Resident chaplains on each floor in GC’s residence

Can you promote your own business? Digital media students in the Business Practices in Design class each develop a mock business and design nine campaign elements to promote it: a logo, tagline, billboard, business card, website, brochure, poster series, television commercial and packaging.

halls receive formal training and on-the-job guidance as they manage students with different personalities, expectations and communication styles. Each year,

John Smith Founder, CEO 123-456-7890

they and other student leaders test their mettle responding to challenges by participating in the Walkabout leadership experience.

Can you organize and delegate? GC’s student association president oversees

Are you an expert in your field?

six vice presidents and an executive administrative assistant. Students who lead midweek Vespers manage a staff of about one hundred volunteers who collaborate to produce an event that accommodates more than 500 attendees weekly.

Comprehensive undertakings like the COR 401 senior capstone project, task force work in GC’s Small Group

Do you shine as a

Communication class, and


departmental theses require students to dig deep into

Each spring since 1977, GC students have

subject matter, thoroughly

produced a music festival that hosts up to 5,500

research, and present to

fans. Top names in Christian music comprise

audiences as experts on their topics.

20 main stage bands and another 20 or more bands on a second stage. Student directors put in 15-20 hours a week planning and producing the two-day event. They manage more than 60 volunteers, who address areas of ministry, marketing, artist relations, and operations and finance. SPRING 2013




By Kaity Teer

hen Kevin Kwilinski, graduate of the Class of 1990, accepted the position

of CEO of Portola Packaging in Naperville, IL, he took a risk by leaving a senior role at a larger company where his career was advancing steadily. At the time he was recruited, Portola had weathered a change of ownership, restructuring, and a loss of market share during the financial downturn of 2008. He developed a strategy that offered focus to the company, which had grown through product development and the acquisition of smaller companies.

“As I evaluated Portola, I saw an opportunity to really focus on world class manufacturing, making our processes more efficient and low cost,” said Kevin. “We continue to bring innovative solutions to the marketplace, but we now do that in a very focused way. We focus our resources and efforts where we can win.” Today, Portola Packaging is one of the largest manufacturers of tamper-evident plastic closures and plastic containers for the dairy, juice, and food industries. Since assuming leadership of Portola in 2009, Kevin has executed his strategy, even when it has meant making difficult decisions like exiting the cosmetic packaging industry, where Portola lacked a strategic advantage. He has increased Portola’s market share in the production of tamperevident closures for dairy products from 45 percent to 85 percent. The company now produces over 16 billion closures a year for plastic bottles in the beverage industry. He has also grown Portola’s market share in aseptic packaging, a newer, sterile filling process used in the beverage and food industry that contributes to a longer shelf life without the need for



refrigeration and preservatives, as long as the seal remains unopened. Kevin, who studied mathematics and physics at Greenville College before earning a graduate degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, led the company in developing proprietary tooling that allows their machines to run about twice as fast as the industry average. This created a significant cost advantage. Portola is able to produce more with fewer machines and less manufacturing space. It also opened up room for growth in adjacent markets using the same low cost manufacturing technology. “Whatever your job, you should treat it as your own business,” said Kevin. “You need to be an entrepreneur within your role.” This attitude toward leadership, innovation, and discipline helped advance Kevin’s career in management and prepared him to lead a company. At Portola, he is responsible for nine manufacturing plants – three in the U.S., three in Canada, two in Europe and one in Mexico – and a joint venture in Russia. He appreciates the leadership roles he had the opportunity to fill at Greenville College. As a sophomore, Kevin served as a resident assistant on the first floor of Joy Hall, a role that challenged him to resolve personal conflicts and have difficult conversations; both are skills that he uses in business. He also served as student association president for a year. Emphasizing the discipline it takes to lead, he recalled an experience from an upper division math course. Dr. Galen Peters assigned an open book final for a course on differential equations. He gave the students 48 hours to complete the exam. Kevin holed up in Snyder Hall for nearly the entire 48 hours, eating, sleeping, and working to finish the exam.

“That was a pretty intense kind of exposure to the commitment it would take to succeed in my career,” said Kevin. “My experience has been that you have to persevere through the things that are somewhat monotonous. You have to find a way to still do them at a high level. That will open the doors to opportunities that are more interesting and challenging to you.” In addition to his focus on executing winning strategies at Portola, Kevin is also concerned with responsible manufacturing. Over the last three years, Portola has reduced energy use by close to 30 percent in its U.S. factories by lightweighting its packaging products, which cuts down on the amount of plastics used. Kevin sees a clear path between his college experiences and business decisions like these. He reflects, “Helping people develop a strong work ethic, personal responsibility, accountability, the commitment to not wasting resources and treating the earth well – developing these philosophies of how to be a good person is what a liberal arts college like Greenville College can do for you. That’s the value of a place like GC.”



A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation. SPRING 2013


Speaking of Success By Kaity Teer

Every fall the Greenville College management department offers a course called “Professional Business Leaders,” aimed at preparing students for leadership roles in business. The main feature of the course is a series of guest speakers, often alumni who return to their alma mater to share their business expertise and experiences with students.


uzanne Davis, assistant professor of management, teaches the course. Each week she watches as students connect with a guest speaker and his or her story. “I think the course is a huge help to students in preparing them to become entrepreneurs and business leaders,” she said. “It gives students confidence to see Greenville College alumni who have succeeded in business.” About forty students enroll in Professional Business Leaders each time it is offered. Management and business administration majors must take the course to fulfill graduation requirements. The class meets once a week on Wednesday evenings. Prior to the lecture, several of the students attend a formal business dinner with Davis, the college president and the guest speaker. The meal is catered by Sodexo and served in the President’s Dining Room. This provides students with the opportunity to practice dinner etiquette and networking skills. 12


Professor Suzanne Davis facilitates discussion as guest speakers share with students.

“It’s a great way to offer students practical, in-the-trenches experiences,” said Davis. “The students must wear professional attire. Sodexo does an excellent job of creating the right atmosphere. The table is well set and everything is served properly.” After the meal, the guest speaker delivers a lecture to the class, discussing professional development and how faith has affected his or her business practices. Davis enjoys the uniqueness of each speaker’s presentation, and how the different speakers provide meaningful content to students with varied interests and professional goals. “I could mention highlights from each speaker that we had last semester,” said Davis. “They each brought something completely different to the table. As I read the students’ reflection papers, it was fascinating to observe which speakers resonated with which students.”

Students identify main points or themes from the speaker’s lecture and develop essays about them using a combination of credible sources – the course textbook and current articles from business newspapers or journals. Other course assignments include student-led presentations on business topics, and a microfinance project through, a website that connects online lenders with entrepreneurs around the world to create opportunity and help alleviate poverty. Ivan Filby, former Greenville College professor and management department chair, introduced the microfinance loans as a component of the course in 2010. Students work in groups to select businesses from Kiva and raise funds to support them. The guest speakers further the discussion on how business and entrepreneurial pursuits can provide ministry opportunities. “They often speak about how God has called them into business. A lot of times we don’t think of business as a calling. We often think of people feeling called into ministry to serve as pastors, missionaries, or worship leaders,” said Davis. “In this course, we hear from business leaders about how they can make a difference even just through ethical business practices. For students to hear that from the speakers is huge.”

Most of the

speakers find themselves

on paths far

different than what they had planned when they were

students. T his underscores

the importance

of professional

studies in a Davis believes the course helps students develop liberal arts a vision for their career. environment. Most of the speakers find themselves on paths far different than what they had planned when they were students at Greenville College. This underscores the importance of professional studies in a liberal arts environment.

“That idea of liberal arts is key to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs, by nature, aren’t specialists. They have to be well rounded, and that’s where a background in the liberal arts is so helpful,” said Davis. The Professional Business Leaders course readies students for success by exposing them to success. They are privileged to hear, firsthand, stories of accomplished professionals who share a passion for business and an appreciation for the preparation offered by Greenville College.

Microloans Leaven Baker’s Business The bakery in Abovyan, Armenia, has steadily gained regular customers since its opening two years ago. Its owner, Yeranuhi, wants to expand production to meet the increased demand for bread in her community. She envisions the better life her family will know when her income rises. Microfinance is key to Yeranuhi’s success, and Greenville College students in last semester’s Professional Business Leaders class were key to providing the microfinance loan she secured to buy flour. Microfinance is the provision of financial services to small-business owners and “micro-entrepreneurs” who cannot easily access or afford banking services that would help them succeed. Last semester, the students learned about Yeranuhi’s bakery through Kiva. org, a non-profit organization that publicizes microlending opportunities. Kiva leverages the Internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions to accomplish its mission to alleviate poverty. The students earned more than $800 of micro-lending capital through fundraising on campus. They applied $85 to Yeranuhi’s $3,000 loan. Her loan received full funding through the combined effort of multiple lenders. The baker-businesswoman is now repaying the loan on a 26-month schedule. The students can track her repayment online. In addition to funding Yeranuhi’s bakery, the students made loans to these and other business owners: • Lilia of Honduras for a grocery store – $250 • Omar of Bolivia for a restaurant – $100 • Amina of Kenya for a café – $85 • Dionisio of the Dominican Republic for a store – $130 Microfinance lending that helps to grow business ventures like these is well suited for students because it welcomes small loans even they can afford. SPRING 2013



Property Acquisition

New Appointments

Thanks to generous donors, Greenville College has acquired property that will add beauty and function to its campus. On December 19, 2012, the College purchased 422 E. Main St., site of the Chartreuse Bed and Breakfast. The spacious, beautifully renovated building and grounds are situated in a prime location contiguous to campus. Greenville College already owns most of the surrounding real estate. The Watson and Bonnie Tidball Alumni House and Welcome Center and the Whitlock Music Center are just one block north.

Several search committees have completed their work, resulting in the appointments of three new deans. Dr. Brian Hartley will serve as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Mark Lamb will serve as dean of the School of Education. Dr. Hartley’s search committee cited him for his passion for the liberal arts, commitment to scholarly engagement, expertise in the classroom, and pastor’s heart. Dr. Lamb’s search committee noted his effective work on emerging assessment regimens faced by teacher education candidates, his gracious interpersonal skills, long tenure as a teacher-leader, and his strong Christian faith. In a related appointment, Dr. Brian Reinhard will partner with Dr. Lamb as his associate dean of the School of Education, a half-time position that will allow Dr. Reinhard to return to the classroom as associate professor of Spanish. Also, Dr. Larry Sayler will serve as chair of the Management Department. Other appointments include instructors, Benjamin Wayman ’02 to the Department of Philosophy and Religion and Megan (Robinson ’05) Tyler to the School of Education. Both Wayman and Tyler are completing their doctoral work.

The purchase was made possible by a designated gift from Enoch and Beth Poon. Mr. Poon, a 1986 graduate of Greenville College, has stayed in the Chartreuse during recent visits as a guest speaker in the College’s Professional Business Leaders class. He saw value in the College owning the property. This gift creates opportunities for GC to address other critical needs and pursue its strategic goals without major investment in architectural fees or constructing new buildings. While it is not known immediately how the space will be used, Acting President Randy Bergen is confident that the purchase will help relieve tight quarters. “This building immediately gives us options for relocating offices and potentially opening up space for additional classrooms.”

Digital Media Center Named

On February 8, 2013, GC hosted a dedication ceremony for the new Light and Life Digital Media Center. Until recently, the former Meeting Room of the Brethren was easy to miss. Near the west end of campus, the humble building served as a neighbor to the College for decades. The vacant building began to deteriorate until last summer, when funds from a generous



donor allowed the College to purchase the property and begin renovations. The Light and Life Digital Media Center provides much needed classroom space for one of Greenville College’s growing majors, but it does not reflect a typical classroom setting. Enhancements added during the renovations make this a premier location

for tech-savvy digital media students. It contains six group workstations, each with its own flat-panel LCD screen mounted on the adjacent wall. “This space gives our students the ability to collaborate in exciting ways on their media projects and on our new Internet and magazine publications,” said Deloy Cole, director of the digital media program.


Remembering Professor Deb Noyes

NCCAA Honors Coach Ordell Walker

Dr. Debra Noyes, professor of early childhood education, passed away December 12, 2012. Dr. Noyes was a 1972 Hillsboro High School graduate. She received her bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois University, master’s from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and a doctorate from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She taught at Greenville College for over 14 years and coordinated the Early Childhood Education program. A member of the Free Methodist Church in Hillsboro, Deb loved to read and spend time with her family and grandchildren. According to Dr. Brian Reinhard, interim dean of the School of Education, “Deb was always interested in doing what was best for children and students of all ages. She will continue to impact children far into the future by the imprint she has left on so many students who are in front of an early childhood classroom.”

The National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) recognized GC’s football program for its successful season by naming Coach Ordell Walker head coach of the year. Walker was appointed as Greenville College’s head football coach in 2010 after serving as the assistant head coach from 2004-09. He was previously named the 2010 Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) Coach of the Year. The Panthers wrapped up their 2012 season tying a program-best record of 8-2 and came out on top in the NCCAA Victory Bowl championship game against Northwestern College.

Student Ministry Teams to Tour Following the success of their summer 2012 tours, two Greenville College worship teams will minister at various Christian camps throughout the Midwest again this summer. Collectively known as “Pursuit,” the group members seek to show God’s love by living out the charge of Romans 12:11-13: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” The teams will embark on their journeys in early June and return in early August after serving at camps in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin. Their tours will include family and senior teen camps in the Gateway and Wabash Conferences of the Free Methodist Church. The students will primarily lead daily worship services for campers. They will also lead worship at the Youth Leadership Summit prior to the first ever Tri-Conference between the Gateway, Great Plains and Mid America Conferences of the Free Methodist Church. Please pray for their safety in travel and that, above all, these students will impact everyone they meet for the glory of God. For more information on the Pursuit ministry teams, email Nathanael Kotras at




Homecoming 2013 Save the date on your calendar and stay tuned for more details. PARADE


October 17-20


Join us for a weekend of college fun!

GC Gift Pack Giveaway Visit the GC Alumni Association Facebook page and enter to win a Homecoming celebration package that includes a gift certificate for Mario’s Pizza and two tickets to the Homecoming Alumni Dinner. Visit our Facebook page and click on the GC Gift Pack tab for details. Entries are due April 1, 2013.



Alumni News What’s New With You? Submit your information online at

40s Celebrating her 90th birthday this year, Anna (Tracy ‘45) Brevard writes that she vividly remembers happy times at Greenville College, its “remarkable people,” and the teacher training she received. She enjoyed teaching school for 34 years. 21537 McCoy Rd, Circleville, OH 43113. Robert ’48 and Mary (Hendricks ’47) Clement write that they are thankful for the many blessings of family they have known in their 65 years since graduating from Greenville College. 6 Beaman Rd, Rochester, NY 14624.

50s ’53

sponsored by the National Affordable Housing Management Association. Five of Iona’s designs have taken top honors in recent years. 2570 Woodman Dr, #118, Kettering, OH 45420. Shirley (McCann) Griesbach, business instructor at Greenville College from 195658, now lives in Sun City West, Arizona. 12811 W Beechwood Dr, Sun City West, AZ 85375.

60s James Wallace ’60 retired after serving 36 years in education and administration. 1070 Ormsby Dr, Xenia, OH 45385.


REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

Iona (Whitman ’53) Strickland has made a habit of creating winning designs for posters promoting “Drug-Free Kids” in competitions

Don ’67 and Sharon (Larimore ’67) Doenitz left the Middle East (Kingdom of Bahrain) on June 30, 2012, for their retirement home in Edmond, OK. Don served as hospital administrator at the American Mission Hospital in Bahrain. 5408 Table Rock Dr, Edmond, OK 73025. David Figg ’69 retired from surgical practice in 2012. He enjoys his children, both surgeons, and six grandchildren. 2922 Woodridge Cir NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525.



REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

Gaye Kinnett ’73 retired January 4, 2013, from Philips Lighting in Salina, KS, where she served as human resources manager. 1519 Colton Ct, Salina, KS 67401. Marilyn (Manis ’77) Bouslog received credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God in Danville, IL, where her family moved in December 2012. 1321 Oak, Danville, IL 61832. Deeanna (Roberts ’79) Shidler retired after 28 years of employment with Ameren. Upon retirement, she road her bicycle coast-tocoast, from San Diego, CA, to St. Augustine, FL. 2 Huber St, Pana, IL 62557.

Roy Yarbrough ’70, director of the Sport Management Studies program at California SPRING 2013



Mary (Taylor ’53) Previte serves as a founding board member of a new charter school in Camden, NJ. The school is part of the Boys and Girls Clubs in Camden. “We would love to make our school-in-a-clubhouse a national model for Boys and Girls Clubs of America,” writes Mary. The State of New Jersey has also honored Mary for helping to shape its criminal justice system with legislation that bans incarcerating juveniles for minor charges. She resides in Haddonfield, NJ.

John ’64 and Marlene (Reeves ’65) Jenkins celebrated 50 years of marriage on June 10, 2012. 170a O’Neil Road, Oroville, WA 98844.

University of Pennsylvania, has been selected to receive the Pennsylvania State Athletic Director Association (PSADA) Distinguished Coaching Educator Award for 2013. He is known for coaching and officiating various interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics including soccer, track and field, basketball and volleyball. He is a member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame. Dr. Yarbrough is a retired Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard with more than 25 years of service. During his 10-year term as a member of the Campbell County (VA) School Board, he oversaw the operation of four high schools and eight middle schools. He also served on the Executive Council of the Virginia High School League (VHSL) for five years. Yarbrough and his wife, Claudia (Kosick ’71), have been married for 42 years. 630 Park St, California, PA 15419.

80s Phil Frost ’80 is one of three persons named to serve on the board of International Species Information System (ISIS), the global leader in animal management and conservation collaboration solutions for over 800 zoos and aquariums. Roger Stonecipher, CEO of ISIS, praised Frost and the others as bringing “deep strategic expertise to the critical work of animal management within zoological institutions.” He cited their outstanding credentials and conservation leadership in zoo and aquarium associations worldwide.

only outpatient cardiac rehabilitation clinic. As part of an initiative to promote outpatient cardiac rehabilitation in China, she delivered educational presentations to cardiologists in Shanghai and ChanSha, in the Hunan province. In October, she presented a lecture to cardiologists in Beijing at the Great Wall International Congress on Cardiology. More than 13,000 cardiovascular health professionals attended the event. 800 Live Oak Ct, Roswell, GA 30075.

Rev. Doug Ranck ’81 is a contributing author for the book, It Happens: True Tales from the Trenches of Youth Ministry (CYMT Press, 2012). The book shares stories from youth ministers across the U.S., as they recount challenging ministry situations. Its central message to youth pastors is, “You are not alone.” 1413 Cliff Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93109-1731. Laurie (Nelson ’82) Karns joined nine others on a mission trip to Jamaica in March 2012. The group shared the gospel and built two homes. 1005 SE Kensington Rd, Ankeny, IA 50021-3972.

Rev. Paula Comper ’87 received ordination from the United Church of Christ in 1996. Currently, Paula is pastor and teacher at the United Church of Christ in Sauk Village, IL. She also serves as adjunct professor at Moraine Valley Community College, teaching courses in ethics, world religion, world mythology, philosophy and critical thinking. PO Box 328, Beecher, IL 60401.




REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

Leslie (Buckta ’94) Niswonger teaches English at Wichita County Junior-Senior High School. 109 County Rd 120, Wallace, KS 67761-3006. Shelly (Turner ’96) Poindexter serves as a social worker at Warren State Hospital in Warren, PA. In her five years with the hospital, Shelly has been named “Employee of the Year” and received an “Excellence in Service” award from the governor’s office. She also ran her first official marathon last September, in Erie, PA. Shelly and her husband Michael are the parents of two teenagers. 51 Kamp St, Warren, PA 16365. Jason Cannon ’98 is an associate artist with Florida Studio Theater in Sarasota, FL. He also continues as producing artistic director with Ozark Actors Theatre in Rolla, MO, where he resides for the summer season. Jason maintains his membership in Actors’ Equity and SAG-AFTRA, and was welcomed into the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society. Last year, Jason was nominated for the Kevin Kline Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Play. In 2010, he won the award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play. Website: www. 1335 25th St, Sarasota, FL 34234.


Katie (Roley ’99) Schuermann has published her second book, Pew Sisters (Concordia Publishing House, 2013). The twelve-week study celebrates that “every woman in the pew has a story of God’s faithfulness, and women love nothing better than to revel in one another’s experiences and celebrate the sisterhood of believers.” 509 Saint Johns Dr, Sherman, IL 62684.

Delfin Colon ’91 umpires professional baseball in Puerto Rico and works in

Jeff ’99 and Michelle (Nelson ’99) Sussenbach finalized the adoption of their


Sandra (Mason ’83) Redderoth recently served as director of a cardiac rehabilitation program in the Shangai Delta West Clinic, Shanghai, China. She developed Shanghai’s

physical therapy at HealthSouth. Via Caracas H-4 Estancia, Bayamon, P.R. 00961.

REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

children. Anna Michelle and Isaiah Daniel were adopted May 11, 2012, and Noah Samuel and Isaac Joseph were adopted July 31, 2012. They join brothers William and Wesley. Jeff is the IT Director at DeMoulin Bros. and Co. in Greenville, and Michelle is registrar at Greenville College. 801 S 4th St, Greenville, IL 62246.

degree from GC, Misty holds a degree in criminal justice. She is currently employed by Shaufelberger Law Office, Ltd. and also serves in the Illinois Army National Guard. They have set July 18, 2013, as their wedding date. 1596 Airport Rd, Greenville, IL 62246. Ryan and Meredith (Deters ’04) Dust welcomed the birth of twins, Kenzi Rose and Kaleb Michael, on May 18, 2012. 18869 N 150th St, Effingham, IL 62401.

00s Mayford and Rebecca (Gigous ’00) Combs, a daughter, Kathryn Rae, born February 1, 2012. Rebecca is communications director at World Renew. The organization helps women and men overcome poverty, disaster, and injustice. 3335 Fuller Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-2453. Amber Larkin ’01 married Brian Heerdt of Zionsville, IN, on June 30, 2012. 660 W Russell Lake Dr, Zionsville, IN 46077.

Jered (Johnson ’02) Weber-Johnson is the rector of St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in St. Paul, MN. 1765 Jefferson, St. Paul, MN 55105.

Drew and Danielle (Wegener ’07) Hamer, a daughter, Elliana Mackenzie, born December 20, 2012. The Hamers recently moved back to the Midwest to be closer to family. 306 Starkweather Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916. Sean and Nicole (Tucker ’08) Crites were married September 2, 2012. 1012 Ross Ave, St. Louis, MO 63146. Laura Hinrichsen ’08 is now working with Caterpillar, in Peoria, IL. She is an assistant communications representative with their communications professional development program – a competitive three-year leadership development program. Nathan ’09 and Lauren (Rayner ’08) Bender were married July 14, 2012, in St. Louis, MO. 3212 S Civic Green Dr, St. Charles, MO 63301.

Joe and Nikki (Gischer ’03) Lopez, a son, Maximillian, born April 4, 2012.

Heath Erwin ’09 is assistant director for the Land of Lincoln Junior Olympic Softball Complex in Springfield, IL. He and his wife, Bethany, were married October 1, 2011. 1842 Lee St, Springfield, IL 62703. heath.

Misty Mesecher ’03 and Christopher Ade, both of Greenville, have announced their engagement. In addition to her bachelor’s

Ben and Katlyn (Novitski ’09) Morin were married September 15, 2012, in Sycamore, IL. 723 S Neil St Unit 208,


REUNION YEAR October 17-20, 2013

10s Cory Boarman ’11 now works as a staff accountant with Christopher Rural Health Planning Corporation. 1416 N Della St, Benton, IL 62812. David ’11 and Sara Hanks celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary October 27, 2012. A graduate of GC’s UTEP program, David teaches fifth grade at Sandoval Elementary School in Sandoval, IL. He also coaches junior high basketball. 11627 Jolliff Bridge Rd, Centralia, IL 62801. Rena (Rowell ’12) Burgess recently married Erick Burgess. 33933 Renee Ave, Denham Springs, LA 70706. Jason and Sarah (Meyers ’12) Janes were married August 10, 2012. Sarah enjoys her work at a daycare. 220 E. Norton Apt. 3, Springfield, MO 65803. Perrin Robinson ’12 is currently pursuing a master’s degree in clinical psychology at Loyola University in Maryland. He also works in special education at Wilde Lake High School in Columbia, MD. 8328 Woodward St, Savage, MD 20763. Mark Van Tol ’12 teaches English to Chinese children enrolled in a private kindergarten that is part of a chain called Genius International Kindergarten. Many branches of the kindergarten exist in China’s major cities. Chanmuchong Rd, Changsha, China 410000. SPRING 2013



Jonathan Miller ’02 married Katherine Shaner on August 25, 2012. In September, Jonathan began work as an attorney at Start Small, Think Big! Inc. in Bronx, NY. He specializes in consumer protection law. 440 W 21st St, New York, NY 10011.

Kim (DeMoulin ’06) Harden is now director at the Urgent Care Association of America, headquartered in Naperville, IL. 150 Churchill Ln, Aurora, IL 60504.

Champaign, IL 61820.


In Memory Merle (Parker ’32) Hall died October 2, 2012. She earned a master’s degree from the University of Michigan and taught school in various Illinois communities including Donnellson, Alhambra, Gillespie and Springfield. F. Wesley Walls ’37 died June 29, 2012. He taught political science for 40 years at Seattle Pacific College and served as the first director of its School of Business, Administration and Management. Ola Mae (Nimmo ’45) Reeter died May 14, 2012. She was instrumental in the design and administration of the first halfway house program at the Enid State School in Enid, OK. She was an avid Bible reader, prayer warrior and church vocalist. Rev. H. Austin Smith ’45 died December 3, 2012. Austin pastored Free Methodist and United Methodist churches for more than 50 years in Louisiana. Loved by a multitude of people, Austin is survived by his wife of 68 years, Geraldine (Raybuck ’44) Smith. Annetta R. Finley ’46 died January 12, 2013. Annetta taught elementary education for more than 40 years. Most recently, she lived at Wesley Village Senior Living Community in Wilmore, KY. Doris “Dode” J. (Harford ’48) Hughey of Greenville, passed away January 22, 2013. Dode served as administrative assistant to the president of Greenville College under the administrations of Dr. Orley Herron and Dr. W. Richard Stephens. She also served as a teacher, deacon and elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Greenville. Dorothy (McEwen ’48) Whittingham passed away January 3, 2013. Dorothy’s career in nursing included 32 years as chair of the Division of Nursing at Roberts Wesleyan College. Robert J. Edwards ’50 of Urbana died January 2, 2013. Robert was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He retired from the University of Illinois as a clerk in its Chemistry Department. Though frugal in his lifestyle, he generously supported various Christian ministries. Elizabeth (Hubbell ’50) Mollett from north of Greenville, passed away June 13, 2012. Elizabeth taught elementary school for 29 years in Vandalia and rural Fayette County, retiring in 1989. Many recall Elizabeth as a longtime volunteer at the Greenville Public Library.



Elda Mae (Keller ’51) Ryan died April 19, 2012. For 48 years, Elda and her husband, Rev. E. Wayne Ryan ’55, served Free Methodist congregations in Iowa. Throughout their ministry, Elda served as church musician, treasurer, director of children’s programs and more. Caroline (Davis ’52) Crider passed away August 16, 2012, in Big Bear Lake, CA. Her work as a nurse included service in South Africa. Caroline is survived by her husband, Donald ’53, with whom she enjoyed 64 years of marriage. Virginia (Mason ’52) Havard died November 12, 2012, in Salem, SD. Virginia taught school for 37 years in Lake Station, IN. Upon her retirement, she settled in Florida and renewed acquaintances from her past, including that of Roger Cashman ’50. The couple enjoyed 22 years together. Rev. Ray D. Altman, Jr. ’54, of Lexington, OH, passed away September 13, 2012. Ray served for 30 years in the Ohio Conference of the Free Methodist Church, including 12 years as superintendent. Ray served with the 844th Air Engineer Squadron of the United States Army during WWII. Robert L. Coates ’56 died August 20, 2012. He graduated from the University of Illinois with a master’s degree in social work and served as director of mental health services at Winter Haven Hospital. Arlene (Cromwell ’57) Banks, died September 18, 2012. She taught elementary school in Flint and Clio, MI. Arlene and her husband, Gordon ’57, were founding members of the Westwood Heights Free Methodist Church in Flint. V. Ralph Knepper ’57 of Zion, IL, died August 12, 2012. As a student at GC, Ralph sang baritone in the Kings Heralds Quartet. He is survived by his wife Joellyn (Suttie ’54) Knepper. Ann (Prater ’59) Huelskoetter died November 27, 2012. She served in secondary education for nearly 26 years as a teacher and counselor. Ann enjoyed international travel, had a heart for missions work and participated in many shortterm missions projects. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Delbert Huelskoetter. Alfred Lowe ’59 of Caldwell, KS, passed away November 22, 2012. He taught high school government in Wellington, KS, and later served as vice principal until his retirement in 1995.

Linda (Mountz ’61) Crandall died December 31, 2012. She was a committed wife, mother and grandmother who treasured and prayed for her family, and diligently pursued the best for those whom she loved. Linda is remembered as an accomplished musician, artist and writer. She is survived by her husband of 51 years, Dr. David Crandall ’61, and four children. Judith (Dorris ’61) Jackson Davis of Plainfield, IN, passed away October 26, 2012. Judith taught English in Wayne Township and Plainfield schools. She volunteered for numerous community organizations and was a longtime member of the Plainfield United Methodist Church. Jay Benson ’66 passed away January 5, 2013. Jay previously served as managing editor of Light and Life Magazine and editor of Youth in Action and Current magazines. He also served as a literature missionary in Indonesia from 1972 to 1976. Jay worked for World Missionary Press since 1976, most recently as president. A man of prayer, Jay was passionate about filling the urgent need for God’s Word throughout the world. Galen Goode ’69, of Sullivan, IN, passed away October 14, 2011. A leader in the community mental health movement, Galen was CEO of the Hamilton Center in Terre Haute, IN, and chaired Indiana’s Commission on Rehabilitation Services. The State of Indiana General Assembly honored Galen posthumously with a memorial resolution that acknowledged his contributions to health services. John Potthast ’84, age 67, died November 13, 2011, in Plainfield, VT. He taught mathematics for many years and hosted a radio program, “Night Flights in Mathematics,” on WGDR in Goddard, VT. John served as president of the board of directors for Hunger Mountain Co-op and sat on boards for the Plainfield Co-op and Central Vermont Land Trust. Carol (Thiems ’90) Stearns passed away January 2, 2013. Carol taught in Greenville schools, retiring in 2009. She is survived by her husband, David, and two sons. Brett Hamrick ’96 died January 6, 2013, at age 38. He lived in Round Lake, IL, and worked at Snap On Credit for several years before moving to Iowa City in 2008. Most recently, Brett was employed by ACT.

Entrusted to Our Care We have always felt that it is our privilege and, as beneficiaries, our responsibility to support Greenville College. Our prayer for GC is that it will endure and flourish in its mission to develop the young lives entrusted to its care. —Kevin ’91 and Amy (Starr ’90) Kwilinski

As students, Kevin and Amy benefited from the care of generous alumni. As alumni, their gifts to the Fund for Educational Excellence benefit today’s students. Your gift today puts you in league with Kevin, Amy and faithful alumni who brought you the Greenville College experience. Thank you for giving. SPRING 2013






In the beginning, they create. Imagination, vision, planning and follow-through characterize an entrepreneur’s path to success. GC alumni like Mike Malone, founder of South City Preparatory Academy, add God’s leading and a liberal arts education to that list. Read more on page six. Visit to learn more about all of the entrepreneurs in this issue.



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