The RECORD, Summer 2012

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Life After College Pressing On in Challenging Times





Just Passing Through

ach year as I watch seniors walk across the stage at commencement, I find myself conflicted. On one hand, I am thrilled to acknowledge their success and accomplishments. On the other hand, I see all this talent, all these memories, and all these friends dispersing from Greenville to places unknown across the globe. I know I will never see some of them again. This is especially true this year as Kayla and I make a transition of our own, after three wonderful years at Greenville College. It is so hard to say goodbye! A few years ago, I watched one graduate refuse to face the reality of leaving campus after commencement. Each time I asked him about packing, he told me he had not started. The last time I saw him, he was in his robe after graduation, his parents demanding that they go back to his room to pack. Instead of celebration, hard labor consumed their evening as they hunted for boxes, sorted out trash, and loaded the car. I believe the deeper issue behind this student’s procrastination involved an uncertainty about his future. Many students have known since childhood they would attend college. Until this moment, they have followed rather prescribed courses of study. Now, as college seniors, they consider the future with a new level of uncertainty. Some feel satisfied simply to figure out their plans for the summer following graduation. For others, graduation presents a deeper spiritual journey. As they approach the end of college, many seniors realize that life suddenly becomes much more complicated. Where will they live? How do they pay the bills? What happens to their friendships? When life presents us with uncertainty and ambiguity, it helps to focus on the bigger picture of our purpose. A visitor to Saint Francis of Assisi, upon seeing that the saint lived in one room with only a desk and a bed, reportedly asked him why he lived such an impoverished life. Saint Francis answered in four simple words, “I’m just passing through.” Too often our stress over uncertainty is rooted in our desire to anchor our lives to this world rather than trust our Heavenly Father’s plan. This issue of The RECORD addresses the challenges of life after college and the reality that “travelers,” like our newest graduates, can benefit from the wisdom of those who have already journeyed a little further down the trail. God Bless Greenville College,

Larry Linamen, President



ON THE COVER: New graduate and young alumna Kim Minshall, Class of 2012. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Greenville College by the Office of College Advancement, Greenville College, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville IL 62246. Phone: (618) 664-6500. Email: therecord@ Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 103, No. 2. EDITOR: Walter Fenton ’84 MANAGING EDITOR: Carla Morris ’77 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Kaity Teer ’10 GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Pancho Eppard ’00 PHOTOGRAPHY: Pancho Eppard ’00, Andie Kincaid ’13, Beky Smith ’12, John Smith ’12, Lynn Carlson ’93 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Brianne Cook ’05 WRITERS: Kaity Teer ’10, Carla Morris ’77 Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville College. Send letters to The RECORD, Greenville College, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Send email correspondence to:



In three years, President Larry Linamen has led Greenville College to extend its reach in three key areas.


Alumni reflect on persevering through economic crises as students and graduates.



Life after college can be lonely, but the strength of an alumni community can fill the void.


A money management “how-to” gives GC’s newest alumni a plan for dealing with spending, saving, and giving.

FEATURES Bergen to Serve as Acting President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Straight Talk About Dealing With Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Ursula Olender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

NEWS Campus News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Don’t miss your 2012 Homecoming registration form in the middle of this RECORD!

In Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SUMMER 2012


GC’s Expanded Community Three Years of Growth


he Greenville College community caught Dr. Larry Linamen’s attention even before he became its eleventh president. In his inaugural address, he observed, “All Christian campuses claim community, but none to my knowledge have captured its wonderment in the same way as Greenville.” Announcing his recent decision to pursue other opportunities,



Dr. Linamen restated the appreciation he and his wife, Dr. Kayla Fisher, shared for GC’s rich fellowship, “We so enjoyed joining this community and learning its traditions.” Between these reflections, span three years of growth for the College. Its campus is larger, its programs serve a broader constituency, and its students are more keenly aware of their global influence. In three years, under President Linamen’s leadership, the college community has extended its reach. EXPANDED CAMPUS College campuses rarely double in size all at once, but in early spring 2011, President Linamen announced a property acquisition that accomplished just that. Thanks to generous alumni, the College obtained 44 acres of undeveloped property contiguous to the campus. A task force immediately explored short-, medium-, and long-term uses of the land. Implementation of the short-term plans – the installation of a half-mile nature trail – soon followed. Also in



spring 2011, the College acquired the former Bond County Health Department building, now known as Prairie Street Center. It provided 11,000 square feet of ready-to-use office and classroom space. By fall, extensive remodeling of Joy Hall added living space for students, and reconfiguration of areas within Dietzman Center added classrooms. WIDER AUDIENCE “Technology will never replace what we accomplish face-to-face, but with it we will educate a community of students who otherwise could not obtain a degree from Greenville College.” When President Linamen spoke these words in his inaugural address, online learning at the College resembled more of a budding idea than a flourishing program. Two years later, students in 31 states and British Columbia received online instruction from Greenville College professors through 35 undergraduate and 23 graduate courses. In summer 2011 alone, students logged on to earn more than 2,800 credits toward their degrees. The sobering prospect of reduced state funding has made it wise for Greenville College to diversify programing and extend its appeal to persons who need more than a bachelor’s degree. Since President Linamen took office, GC’s expanded graduate programs have attracted students who want to integrate faith with their advanced learning. This May, the College granted degrees to the first graduates of its new Master’s in Management Practices program.

Three additional master’s programs beginning this fall will benefit coaches, corporate trainers, human resource professionals, and teachers. GLOBAL AWARENESS President Linamen’s representation of Greenville College at the Lausanne World Congress in South Africa, an international evangelism conference, drew students’ attention to the martyrdom of Christians worldwide and the hard choices faith requires. The president championed a greater global awareness that paved

the way for GC’s Intensive English Learning Program and the arrival last fall of its first participants. Fourteen Chinese students became part of the College community, improving their proficiencies in reading, writing, and comprehension skills as they prepared to take college-level courses this fall. Since their arrival, several of the students have made faith commitments to Christ.

Chinese guests visited campus as the College prepared to receive students in its English Learning Program.

In the past three years, 18 teams of GC faculty, students and staff have served as missionaries SUMMER 2012


internationally and in the US. The most ambitious service endeavor, however, is still unfolding. Under President Linamen’s leadership, the College has begun a long-term, sustainable, ongoing missions work in Masaya, Nicaragua. Plans call for GC education majors to teach in a local school, science majors to work with physicians in a local clinic, and student athletes to conduct youth sports clinics. The first student team will arrive in Masaya the day after graduation.

“It is my prayer that we will capture the richness of living together in a committed educational community,” President Linamen shared last fall with faculty and staff, “hanging on to the traditions that have made Greenville College so special, but willing to also change and adapt to the changes that are necessary for us to thrive in an ever changing world.” The world is ever changing, and the community of Greenville College will always feel the buffeting

of change. The people of this community, like its departing president, however, are privileged to embrace one glorious, unfailing hope: There is One amid all changes Who standeth ever fast, One who covers all the future, The present and the past; It is Christ the Rock of Ages, The first and the last, The first and the last.

Bergen to Serve as Acting President The Greenville College board of trustees elected Provost Randy Bergen to assume the role of acting president effective July 1. Bergen will assume presidential responsibilities when President Linamen completes his term with the College.

Since returning to Greenville College in 2001, Bergen served as professor of psychology, dean of instruction and vice president for academic affairs. As provost, he oversees academic affairs, athletics and information technology.

“Dr. Bergen is positioned to continue current initiatives and advance the mission of Greenville College while we search for a permanent replacement,” said Rebecca Smith, chair of the board of trustees. “We are blessed to have someone with Bergen’s experience and dedication to carry on Dr. Linamen’s progress.”

Bergen volunteers as a board member for the Greenville Regional Hospital and is a peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission.

Bergen graduated from Greenville College in 1984 and went on to earn a doctorate in personality psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. He taught at Geneva College and served as its director of assessment. He also served as co-director of the national Comprehensive Assessment Project conducted by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Bergen has published in both psychological and higher education journals and spoken extensively at regional, national, and international conferences.



Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences S. Bradley Shaw will serve as interim vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty for the 2012-13 academic year. Shaw has served the College in various capacities since 1991, including chair of the English Department and director of the Honors Program. In July, a committee will begin the formal search process for the College’s next president. The committee’s first step will be to assess institutional needs and prioritize desired competencies before considering individuals for the position. Greenville College has had only 11 presidents in its 120-year history.

“We are blessed to have someone with Bergen’s experience and dedication to carry on Dr. Linamen’s progress.”




Rust Belt, Farm Aid, Savings & Loan Crisis - the vocabulary of recession in the late 1970s and early 1980s painted a discouraging picture for graduates.

ROLLED Depression, Recession, and the College Challenge


By Carla Morris

or members of the Class of 2012, the world has vastly changed from the one they knew as freshmen in 2008. In four years, they have seen loved ones lose jobs, parents struggle to pay bills, family homes drop in value, and friends overwhelmed with debt. A fog of uncertainty clouds the future for many. Though formidable, the challenges they face are not unprecedented. Students who walked Greenville College’s corridors during other hard times – the Great Depression and the severe recession of the early 1980s – recall SUMMER 2012


U.S. Unemployment Rates During the Great Depression 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939

U.S. Unemployment Rates During the Great Recession 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics


emerging from their struggles to live full and rewarding lives. Of the 47 graduating seniors shown in the 1934 Vista yearbook, some are sure to have witnessed the march of more than 500 demonstrators from the foot of Mill Hill into downtown Greenville on April 18, 1934. The protesters, unemployed recipients of government aid, raised banners that demanded, “Fair distribution of surplus,” and, “We want milk.” They wanted flour, butter, eggs, lard, and meat to replace the meat that previously arrived “unfit to eat.” They also wanted a pay rate of 62 ½ cents an hour in a forthcoming work program. They marched to the emergency relief commission where protest leaders conferred with relief administrators for three hours. Newspapers say the county sheriff fed the protesters before they dispersed. The Great Depression Story Project, an online collection of personal remembrances, paints one vivid picture after another of people like the Greenville protesters, struggling daily to survive. Memories often center on the challenge of putting food on the table. “I can remember eating beans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” recalled one man, “but at least we had something to eat. Others didn’t.” Another recalled a farmer shooting at a father and his nine-year-old son for stealing potatoes. “He killed the boy.” Joblessness was a prime source of misery. In 1933 unemployment reached 24.9 percent. National unemployment averages remained in double-digits for ten consecutive years. The statistics painted a grim job outlook for college graduates. “For four years, my father struggled financially to pay my tuition, which was $50.00 a semester,” recalls one woman, “Upon graduation, I discovered there were few jobs.” Single men particularly had trouble finding work.

The same spring as the Greenville protest, Greenville College senior Esther Hudson penned reflections for The Vista yearbook on behalf of her classmates. Of their sophomore year, she noted, “Our ranks were somewhat thinner.” Many students like Odessa (Sanders) Williamson, Class of 1938, simply could not afford to stay in school. Today, from her residence in Spring Arbor, Michigan, the 94-year-old recalls borrowing money from an aunt and a women’s club to help pay tuition. For two years, she avoided the expense of dorm life by trading housekeeping services for a room off campus. She did not return to GC for her junior year, however. Concerned for her debts, she took a job at a candy company and diligently worked to repay her lenders in full. Odessa did not graduate from GC, but her fondness for the College never diminished. Years later, her daughter and two granddaughters graduated from her beloved alma mater. More than 45 years after Odessa left GC to address her debt, speech major Laurie (Nelson) Karns left GC with a degree in hand, but no job prospects. The year was 1982, and the country was in the midst of a severe recession marked by double-digit inflation, interest rates and unemployment. Laurie worked temp jobs and moved in with her parents. “I sent out hundreds of resumes, but I don’t remember more than a few interviews. There were no job offers,” she says. Laurie recalled enjoying work as a resident assistant at GC. She entered graduate school to study college student personnel and eventually found work in career planning and placement. “At first, grad school was a way to delay unemployment,” she reflects, “but God provided me with a wonderful career.” Also from the Class of 1982, Patti

% 21.5% U.S. Prime Rate Record High December 1980

U.S. Prime Rate May 2012


THE U.S. PRIME INTEREST RATE is used by many banks to set rates on consumer loan products, such as student loans, home equity lines of credit, car loans and credit cards.

DATA SOURCE: Wall Street Journal -

(Gaffner) Maurer recalls keeping a list as a teenager, of personal items she would grab when the sheriff came to evict her family from their farm. Her father purchased 162 additional acres of land in the late 1970s. He may have managed payments if not for a perfect storm in 1981 of inflation, an energy crisis, an embargo on grain sales to the Soviet Union, and soaring variable interest rates on all farm loans. Corn prices plunged, and the midwest farm crisis hit home. Neighbors were evicted; others abandoned their farms. Two area farmers killed

“I am now grateful for any good gift. I hold loosely to things, but I value the collective power of family working together.”

themselves. As a college freshman, Patti did not qualify for financial aid even as her parents realized $1,000,000 of debt. Remarkably, the sheriff did not come; the family did not lose the farm. Patti graduated from college, but not in the way she expected. She left GC for a more affordable state school, returned on weekends to work on the farm, and relied on student loans. After graduation, she and her husband resolved to free themselves from debt. They lived with his parents, accepted

work of any kind, and postponed their wants to pay off loans. “There was no miracle,” she says, “No rich papa, just hard work, sacrifice, perseverance.” Patti looks back on a good life, “I am now grateful for any good gift. I hold loosely to things, but I value the collective power of family working together.” She encourages others to engage in the circumstances of their lives and learn from them. “Is it hard? Yes, but stay the course. Seek others for help. There will be people who walk through this with you, but do not do it alone.” Survivors of adversity often remind us that keeping community eases the challenge of pressing on. For each story of struggle to feed a family, land a job, or pay a bill, there is a story about a generous heart, a helping hand, a kind word. Perhaps God’s gift of community shines best in the darkness of hard times. SUMMER 2012


Now What?

Life After College By Kaity Teer

Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or the first day of college, educational milestones remind parents of their child’s emerging independence. Family sitcoms overplay this common storyline: a distraught parent falls apart while struggling to drop off Junior on the first day of school, and hilarity ensues. To assist parents and students through the transition to college, Greenville College sets aside time during New Student Orientation (NSO) for a covenant and communion service, which celebrates the partnership between family and college in shaping the student’s life. Even as parents drive away, a supportive team of student development and residence life staff and faculty steps in to help students adjust to the place they will call home for the next four years.



Sooner than they would expect, these students find themselves facing another transition as they symbolically part ways at the Ivy-Cutting Ceremony. The lyrics to “Alma Mater” now feel pregnant with meaning: Though from here our paths may sever and we distant roam, still abides the memory ever of our college home. The next day, clad in caps and gowns, they march through a phalanx of applauding faculty. After a short walk across the commencement stage, life after college begins. For most new graduates, this transition feels harder than the others. By comparison, they experience far less support. Some find themselves alone in a new place, away from family, and without the supportive college community of faculty and friends. Others face the prospect of returning as adults to their childhood bedrooms.

Alaska 13

121 Seattle: 60




16 Denver: 63

ALUMNI BY STATE 51-100 101-200


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These new graduates are left to struggle with the question, “Now what?” Perhaps, this is the first time no one is telling them what to do. A case study on the transition from college to work found that three themes emerged for new graduates. They described this significant life passage as “a low time” marked by “an uncertain feeling” and “inflated expectations.” Just as a mother continues to care for her children once they reach adulthood, alma mater intends to support graduates long after commencement. To better respond to the needs of new graduates, the Office of Alumni Relations launched a program for seniors, called 12 to ’12: Almost Alumni, aimed at improving their critical transition from students to alumni by celebrating their last twelve weeks on campus. A major goal of the program is to introduce seniors to the resources and opportunities available to them through the Greenville College Alumni Association as well as the Office of Leadership and Life Calling. One of the program’s events, a panel discussion, featured young alumni who returned to campus to talk about life after college. Panelist Christy (Grimes ’04) Moss, assistant director of development at the University of Illinois, encouraged seniors to reach out to alumni. “As a Greenville College alumna, it really makes my day when Professor Ross sends a student my way. Often the student’s email begins, ‘I know you’re super busy, but if you could just take a minute…’ ” “I am never too busy,” Moss says, “to respond to an email from a student. I





Jackson: 109

Chicago: 196

10 5 5 27 9


Indianapolis: 212

4835 481 150 13 91 489

22 7 39

St. Louis: 1384


Phoenix: 93

The Greenville College Community 1-50






7 9

Hawaii 7


51 Dallas/Ft. Worth: 96

Nashville: 102

22 8



think our alma mater and alumni connections are often overlooked as resources, but that web of support was there for me as a student. It’s still there for me, and I actively look forward to being there for our graduates as well.” Moss cherishes the close connections that bind alumni to each other and to their alma mater. She attributes the quality of these connections to shared values. Greenville College graduates prioritize faith, service, community, and lifelong learning. President Emeritus Richard Stephens echoed these same sentiments during the address he delivered at last year’s commencement services. He reminded graduates, “From here forward your life will be forever different because you chose to have Greenville College furnish your mind and heart with knowledge and values. What does it mean to be an alumnus or alumna of Greenville College? It means that you must never forget nor fail to treasure the educational and spiritual DNA of Greenville, and that you take this educational and spiritual DNA of alma mater with you wherever you go in the world, in both word and deed.” Regardless of when they graduated or where distant roaming has taken them, many alumni remain vitally connected to the Greenville College community and can help foster community for recent graduates, even for those who find themselves thousands of miles from their college home.




167 48


83 Tampa/Lakeland: 93





and Fostering


For Those Extending Community • Provide the Office of Alumni Relations with your current contact information • Join the Greenville College Alumni Association group on LinkedIn • Post job and internship opportunities to LinkedIn • Update your professors and department about your career and achievements • Communicate with the Office of Leadership and Life Calling • Invite local young alumni to coffee or dinner

For Those Seeking Community • Join the Greenville College Alumni Association group on LinkedIn • Post about opportunities you seek, providing details about location and experience • Ask your professors for recommendations of alumni to contact in your field of study • Let the Office of Alumni Relations know where you will move and we can work to connect you with local alumni • Remember that alumni can help with more than just the job search – they can offer recommendations for local churches, doctors, volunteer opportunities, and more SUMMER 2012




Homecoming Chapel – 9:30 a.m.


Join members of the Greenville College community in Whitlock Music Center to recognize this year’s recipients of GC’s 2012 Alumni Awards. Afterward, make your way over to the Hogue Hall lawn for refreshments and conversation with faculty and friends.

Back to School – Time and location varies

Take a seat in the classroom with today’s students to hear lectures, join in discussions, and learn something new. This back to school opportunity opens select classes to alumni for participation. A schedule of back to school opportunities will be available at the Alumni House as you check in.

Homecoming Parade – 4:00 p.m.

Last year’s parade received rave reviews and this year’s will be even better! Wear your orange and black on Friday afternoon and take your place on College Avenue to applaud the Panther marching band, athletes, alumni honorees and




Bring your running gear and race to the finish in this timehonored tradition, or take your place as a spectator to applaud students, alumni, faculty, and staff as they cross the finish line on the Hogue Hall lawn.

Children’s Fun Run – 8:45 a.m.

The Greenville College mascot and cheerleading squad provide an enthusiastic escort for runners, ages seven years and younger, through the Fun Run course on Scott Field.

College Avenue Dash – 9:00 a.m.

Children ages 8-12 will take their marks, get set, and sprint down College Avenue for a Panther prize!

WGRN Reunion – 9:00 a.m.

If you have a soft spot in your heart for WGRN, then this celebration in room 201 of the Dietzman Center is for you! Commemorate WGRN’s 60th Anniversary on the air by joining other WGRN alumni and fans for refreshments, conversation, a look at vintage photos and a tour of the newly refurbished WGRN studio.

Reunion Class Coffees – 9:30 a.m.

Enjoy leisurely conversation with your reunion classmates over light refreshments. Note: this year’s reunion classes are the Classes of ‘62, ‘72, ‘87, and ‘02.

Bock Sculpture Museum Featuring Frank Lloyd Wright Window – 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Whether you take a guided tour or visit on your own, you won’t want to miss Frank Lloyd Wright’s stained glass Sumac Window on display. The window has returned home after appearing in museums and galleries throughout the United States. Wright and sculptor Bock collaborated for almost two decades. The Bock collection includes over 300 bronze and plaster sculptures, in addition to drawings, documents, and photographs.

Post-Parade Pep Rally

Celebrate Homecoming after the parade on Scott Field with food, music, and fun inflatables for all.

Alumni Open House – 7:00 p.m.

Stop by our lovely welcome center at the Watson and Bonnie Tidball Alumni House for refreshments, conversation, and reconnecting with classmates and friends.

Greenville College Choir Concert – 7:30 p.m.

Last year GC’s choir was selected to perform for two major conferences of music educators and choral directors. You will understand why when you join members of our college and community in the Whitlock Music Center to experience one of the Midwest’s premiere choral groups in concert.


Panther 5K – Registration at 6:45 a.m. and race at 8:00 a.m.

Join us for a weekend full of Greenville College fun!

a host of other groups that will step off at 4 p.m. for a school spirit parade.

Presentation of Greenville College Summer Research Experience – 10:00 a.m.

See what student researchers accomplished this summer as they engaged their problem solving skills and used stateof-the-art equipment to conduct research on various topics.

Tailgate Luncheon – 11:30 a.m.

Tap your feet to GC’s pep band as you lunch with family and friends under tents set up at the John M. Strahl Athletic Complex. After the meal, stay to watch Panther football and soccer teams compete, or return to campus via one of the shuttles that will be available throughout the day.

White Environmental Center Open House – 2:00 p.m.

What blends beauty with energy efficiency and showcases innovative recycling like the reuse of old bleachers from H.J. Long Gymnasium? It’s the White Environmental Education Center just minutes north of town.

Art Alumni Reunion – 4:00 p.m.

Gather with fellow artists in the lobby of the Maves Art Center and stroll through the gallery to view artwork that honors Guy Chase, former Greenville College art professor. Conversation and refreshments will follow in the studio classroom.

Alumni Dinner – 5:30 p.m.

Join us at the Eleanor M. Armington Center as we recognize reunion classes and welcome members of the 50th Class Reunion into the Wilson T. Hogue Society. Childcare is available.

Reunion Class Informal Gatherings – 8:00 p.m. Members of reunion classes always enjoy the relaxed conversation, snacks, and laughter that come with these casual get-togethers.


Homecoming Baseball Under the Lights



Junior Varsity v. Alumni Football Game – 4:30 p.m. Varsity v. Alumni Baseball Game – 6:00 p.m. Women’s Volleyball v. Westminster – 7:00 p.m.



Men’s Alumni Soccer Game – 9:00 a.m. Women’s Alumni Volleyball Game – 9:00 a.m. Men’s and Women’s Tennis and Alumni Mixed Doubles Matches – 9:00 a.m. Women’s Alumni Basketball Game – 11:00 a.m. Women’s Alumni Soccer Game – 11:00 a.m. Football v. Eureka – 1:00 p.m. Men’s Soccer v. Westminster – 2:00 p.m.

Greenville College’s historic Robert E. “Ish” Smith Field received a measurable upgrade this spring with the installation of six-NCAAstandard light fixtures. This is an exciting time for the College and for Panther baseball,” noted head coach and former GC standout athlete Lynn Carlson. “It truly is the mark of a new era for us and we look forward to putting this enhancement to good use.” The system features four 80-foot outfield poles and two 70-foot poles. The addition is a win-win situation for athletics and academics. Night games reduce academic conflicts for athletes and enhance the overall student-athlete experience. Homecoming guests can see the lights in use when GC’s varsity Panthers play alumni at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evening.

Women’s Soccer v. Westminster – 4:00 p.m. Men’s Alumni Basketball Game – 7:00 p.m. SUMMER 2012


Landing on Your Feet

A New Grad’s Guide to Money Management

By Tim Wayman

Early in April about twenty-five seniors joined me for a seminar titled, “Finance for Grads: Eight Steps After You Walk Across the Commencement Stage.” The group consisted of students from various disciplines with diverse post-graduation plans. Some had recently been accepted into graduate school, others were in the midst of fervent hunts in the job market. They were interested to hear some tangible steps they could take after commencement, to begin to put their finances in order. A sound predictor of financial success is the extent to which an individual follows a financial strategy. Fortunately, financial advice is abundant in print and online. Whether you use Dave Ramsey’s “Seven Baby Steps,” Suze Orman’s “10 Steps to a Worry Free Financial Future” or Mint. com’s “12 Steps to Financial Fitness,” like life, there can be several paths that lead to the same destination. As a certified financial planner, I offered seniors this guide for new grads on money management.


Start earning income.

Sell a product or service, or work for someone who has a product or service to sell.




Never pass up a free perk.

Many employers offer employees the opportunity to start saving in a retirement account. Often, they will match employee contributions. This “match” is the only free money most of us will ever realize. Sign up for it on day one!


Stop accumulating debt.

Buy goods or services only if you can pay for them in the month of purchase. The only exception is transportation to work, which may require a car loan (but even then, can you carpool?). Accumulating additional student loans from graduate school may also be unavoidable.


Keep monthly expenses low.

The more simply you can live, the more money you have to save and give to others. For example, rent a smaller apartment, forgo the smartphone, and learn how to cook good meals so you aren’t tempted to eat out as much.


Start an emergency fund.

Now that you have spending under control, take some time to save. For example, set aside $1,000 for an unexpected expense, like when the car breaks down or a large health bill comes in.


Start paying off credit card debt and other high interest rate debts.

Get to know yourself. Do you lack financial discipline and motivation? Start paying off your lowest balanced

debt so that you can see progress and be motivated to continue (Dave Ramsey advocates this “debt snowball” method). Or, are you financially disciplined and motivated? Pay off your highest interest rate debt first. In this way you will pay off your debts in the shortest amount of time and save money.


Begin to invest, give and pay off low interest debt.

By the time you arrive at this step you have a job or other source of income. You take advantage of the benefits your job offers. You also have established your spending habits and are committed to living well, but simply. Also, you have an emergency fund and have paid off your high interest rate debts, for example, 9% and higher. Your goal now is to figure out how much capital you have monthly, above and beyond your expenses, and decide how to deploy it. This is the fun part! At this point, I suggest doing at least four things: 1. Give back to your local church, the non-profits you support, and your alma mater. 2. Save for a down payment on a home, or build a cash reserve to buy your next car in cash. 3. Make extra payments on student loan debt and other low interest rate debt like a home mortgage.

4. Start saving in a Roth IRA. If you earned income, you can contribute up to $5,000 per year, per person. You can always take out what you put in, for any reason (subject to investment gain or loss, of course). Also, whatever you don’t take out grows tax-free, and you can begin withdrawals after age 59½ without tax or penalty.


Improve your margins.

If you pick up extra income through a promotion, a spouse’s income, or a consulting job, put the extra cash to work into the four areas mentioned above. Don’t change your lifestyle. If you plan to have kids, and one spouse will stay home to raise them, try to save the entire amount of that spouse’s income. These eight steps are a great financial strategy to deploy. But, execution of a financial plan should never come into conflict with your faith, values, and talents. At least once every year, evaluate your work-life balance, your job and your commitments. Check to see if your work matches your gifting. If you are a Christian, does your plan move you closer to Christ or further away? Don’t allow pursuit of financial success compromise your call to be a disciple of Christ.

Tim Wayman ’04 is a certified financial planner (CFP) and workplace planning consultant with Fidelity Investments, Inc.

“Drive thy business, or it shall drive thee,” said Benjamin Franklin. If “thy business” is paying back student loans, you will want to take firm hold of the steering wheel as soon as possible after graduation. Delay in making the following choices may cost you. Know what you owe. Waste no time identifying (1) each lender by name, (2) the amount you owe plus calculated interest, (3) the date interest begins to accrue, (4) the grace period the lender grants before your first payment is due, and (5) your payment due date(s). For federal loan information visit the National Student Loan Data System ( For private loans contact each lender directly. Immediately open and read all mail and email from your lenders. Initiate early contact with your lenders. Supply them with your updated contact information and verify theirs. Loan companies often sell loans to other loan companies. You need to know who will be collecting your money and how to reach them. Select a repayment option. A standard plan offers a fixed monthly payment for a maximum of 10 years. An extended plan stretches fixed payments out between 12 to 30 years. A graduated plan begins with lower payments that graduate to higher payments after several years. An income-contingent plan bases monthly payments on your income, family size and loan amount. To learn more, visit www. Make your first payment on time. This keeps you in the driver’s seat. Failing to pay has serious consequences that can last a lifetime. Consolidate your loans into one loan package if it works in your favor. Use the calculator tool at to calculate and compare the interest offered by different providers. Beware of consolidating federal loans into a private loan. You will probably lose repayment options. Contact your lenders if you run into trouble. They would rather help you manage your payments than punish you. Contact your lenders when you want to make extra payments. When federal lenders receive your payment, they first apply it to any late fees and then apply what is left over to the interest on your loan. If money is still left over, they apply it to the principal. If you are able to pay more money than your usual payment, send a written request to your lender to apply the extra to your loan’s principal. Choose a loan forgiveness program if you qualify. These programs forgive all or part of your federal loans. They include AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, programs for nurses, teachers, some government positions, public service and nonprofits. SUMMER 2012


Ursula Olender

Mapping the Future One Step at a Time

“I try to remind the students I advise that it’s not necessary to have your whole life planned,” says Ursula (Hibbert ’91) Olender, director of the Career Center and associate dean of students at Amherst College. Drawing on writing advice from E.L. Doctorow, she describes an image most students find helpful, “If you’re driving in the fog, you really only need to know as far as your headlights take you.” Olender puts anxious students and recent graduates at ease by pointing to her own experiences of taking one step at a time after graduating from Greenville College with a degree in psychology. “I graduated college without a job, which was quite normal in 1991,” Olender says, “I didn’t want to go home to my parents’ couch. My roommate had an internship lined up at an art museum, so we got in a car and moved to Connecticut.”

By Kaity Teer

There, Olender worked for a year as a nanny for four boys under the age of ten. She believes the first year out of college can be pivotal for graduates. This time gave her the ability to think carefully about her future plans. “I was far away from my friends and family, which was very hard,” she says, “But it gave



me the space for reflection, time to think and pray about what I wanted to do with my life.” She considered pursuing education or library science. After caring fulltime for four young boys, though, she couldn’t imagine teaching a whole classroom of students. She also found she wasn’t interested in the emerging emphasis on information and technology in the field of library science. Instead, she realized her true passion was for the college experience. Olender enrolled the next year in

a master’s program at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts, where she earned a degree in counseling with a concentration in student personnel administration. She has since logged 16 years of career services and higher education experience, with 12 of those years served at selective liberal arts colleges. In her current role at Amherst College, Olender manages all of the services provided by the Career Center, including career counseling and graduate school and pre-professional advising. She also facilitates employer and alumni relations, internships, fellowships, and international study abroad experiences. Her office oversees over 100 on-campus programs designed to introduce students to the life-long process of applying personal interests, values and experience to the ever-evolving demands for career success and social responsibility. “The college experience itself is such a significant time for young people. It really shaped so much of my identity and my thoughts about how I could make a difference in the world – all of the important things that I now help students consider,” she says. It was during her junior year at Greenville College that Olender discovered it was possible to make a career in higher education. Her advisor, Professor of Psychology Susan Hughey-Rasler, helped arrange a practicum for her in the student development office. While working there during her senior year, she enjoyed learning about and participating in the administrative work that makes the college experience possible for students.

The research and critical-thinking skills she practiced at Greenville College have helped her in her work with students. “When a student tells me about a goal or dream – say for example, she wants to pursue work in a field where the pay is low, but she has a lot of student debt – I get to work, researching how we can make it happen. I try to figure out how she can find happiness and success, how she can do what she loves and make a difference in the world.”

and interests. Even though it can be hard for current students and recent graduates to hear, she points out that most people don’t end up pursuing what they studied in college.

Olender’s work frequently challenges her to appreciate the differences between previous generations and Millennials. When she was in college she would call home once a week

She hopes Greenville College students and graduates will explore their own connections through the alumni network. Olender recommends conducting as many informational interviews as possible. By asking good questions, gathering data, and learning from diverse career paths, job seekers can move forward in the decisionmaking process and possibly even identify leads.

“Enjoy a phone call or a cup of coffee with someone you admire. I think that people need to be brave and reach out and connect with fellow alumni.” from the residence hall phone. Today’s students talk to their parents multiple times a day. When parents have been that involved, graduation marks the first time for many students when their next steps have not been planned for them. “That’s really incredibly scary for them,” says Olender. She helps students focus on making decisions for the next one to two years, instead of trying to plan for their entire career, which can be overwhelming. Students should focus on what might be a good fit for their strengths, personality,

A Tale of the GC Community at Work In 1952, sophomore business major Jim Buick anticipates needing a job when he graduates in two years. Buick identifies potential Bal dwi n source of help in GC trustee Cliff Baldwin, comptroller of a company in Dearborn, Michigan. They meet when Baldwin is on campus.

Each time Baldwin visits GC for a board meeting, Buick contacts him and develops the relationship. “I wanted him to know I was a business major and, when I graduated in 1954, I wanted to go to work.” In spring 1954 Baldwin’s company invites Buick, now a senior, to interview for job.

One of Olender’s goals at Amherst is to expand the exposure of students to a variety of career paths and provide opportunities for them to interact with potential employers, internship sponsors, and alumni colleagues.

“In the twenty years since I’ve graduated, I’ve never had a Greenville College student or graduate call me,” Olender says, “I’m sure that there are recent graduates in the region who may need help. I’m an expert in career services, and I’d love to help them.” LinkedIn and other networking websites can make initiating these types of interactions easy, but Olender encourages Greenville College students and graduates to interact offline as well. “Enjoy a phone call or a cup of coffee with someone you admire,” she says, “I think that people need to be brave and reach out and connect with fellow alumni.”

Buick receives job offer, but a problem arises. The company needs him two months before graduation. Buick seeks help from the GC community. President H.J. Long and faculty assist with intense tutoring to accelerate Buick’s last two months of college. Buick goes to work for Baldwin’s company before commencement.

“Throughout, I sought and received God’s guidance on daily decisions as well as major moves. Several times I received strong urges from God on issues or decisions, which I faced. With the temperament God gave me, I did not see the challenges as ‘tough’ times.” —Jim Buick ‘54 SUMMER 2012




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Two Fulbright Scholars Among 2012 Graduates

Joshua Cranston (above, left) and Shannon Nakai (above, right) submitted winning proposals for prestigious Fulbright Scholarships. The 2012 graduates will begin their Fulbright studies this fall.

Joshua Cranston and Shannon Nakai, both members of the Class of 2012, have received prestigious Fulbright Scholarships. Cranston will use his award this fall to research environmental sustainability at the University of Oslo in Norway. Nakai will use her award to teach English at a university in Turkey.

quality of a GC education. “Sometimes when we hang out at a small Christian college ‘in the midst of rolling prairies’ it’s easy to underestimate the excellent education provided by the GC faculty. This affirms that the College is doing the good work that God has called us to.”

Fulbright offers competitive, merit-based grants for students, scholars, teachers, professionals and groups. The awards are designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. “As Christian scholars, we should embrace these sorts of opportunities to engage and shape our culture,” said Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences S. Bradley Shaw, adding that Fulbright awards reflect the high

The success realized by Cranston and Nakai reflects the general excellence of this year’s senior class. Five students submitted Fulbright proposals and, after extensive evaluation by a panel of national scholars in the U.S., three advanced to the final stages of the competition. “While we certainly want to celebrate these awards,” said Shaw, “I want to praise the high quality of this year’s seniors who produced the other Fulbright proposals.”

New Cadaver Lab A new human anatomy and dissection lab has been added to the Snyder Hall of Sciences. Financial assistance from a generous donor enabled the College to reconfigure space on Snyder’s top floor and install the lab. During spring semester, eight biology and chemistry students worked with local medical doctors in the lab, conducting hands-on dissection and identifying structures they had learned about through lectures. The students benefited from the doctors’ clinical insights and at the same time gained experience in practicing dissections they will encounter later in medical school.




Call for Artwork

New Positions Expanded programming has resulted in promotions and new assignments for four members of the Greenville College community effective July 1, 2012. Dave Holden, dean of the School of Professional Studies and associate vice president for strategic initiatives, will serve as director of GC’s new Master of Arts in Education – Coaching program, enabling him to pursue one of his passions, the study of coaching. He also will serve as associate vice president for planning, assisting the College with developing its strategic plans. Vickie Cook, dean of the School of Education and director of online learning, will become the associate vice president of innovation and technology, a new position that oversees the development of new programs, online learning, and information technology. Associate Professor of Philosophy Christina Smerick will continue to serve as Shapiro Chair of Jewish-

Christian Studies and will also chair the philosophy and religion department. Smerick is the first woman in the College’s history to chair this department. Chaplain Lori Gaffner will serve as dean of chapel and director of spiritual formation. Lori has served in a leadership role in GC’s chapel program since 1988. She just received a master of arts in spiritual formation from Northwest Nazarene University. A new worship arts professor will assist with chapel programs beginning this fall.

Guy Chase Memorial Art Exhibition The Greenville College Art Department and Shoal Dance Art Association (Greenville College art alumni) are calling for submissions of artwork from friends, colleagues and former students of the late Guy Chase for an exhibit in his honor. The exhibit will showcase works inspired by and influenced by Guy and his art. Artists are asked to create a work that, while reflecting their own style, also reflects Guy’s influence. They may include a short written statement reflecting how they chose to express this influence on the specific work shown. The exhibit will open on Saturday, October 20, at 4:00 p.m. at the annual art alumni reunion during Homecoming Weekend. Interested artists may submit artwork to Art Department Chair Steve Heilmer at Greenville College no later than October 1, 2012. For more information, contact Steve at (618) 664-6519 or

Several interim shifts will ensure coverage of key areas during the College’s presidential search. Assistant Dean of the School of Education Brian Reinhard will become interim dean of the School of Education. Professor Brian Hartley will serve as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and Associate Professor of Management Larry Sayler will become interim chair of the Management Department.

Frank Lloyd Wright Window Returns In April, a stained glass window designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was unveiled upon its return to GC’s Richard W. Bock Sculpture Museum. The Sumac Window has appeared in museums and galleries throughout the country since 2000 while on loan from the College. Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s most famous architect, was also a prolific stained glass designer. He incorporated intricate window designs in most of his buildings. This window was the highlight of a traveling exhibition, “Light Screens: The Leaded Glass of Frank Lloyd Wright.” Venues such as the Renwick Gallery, a branch of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, D.C., and the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia featured the work. SUMMER 2012



Alumni News What’s New With You? Submit your information online at

50s Don Knodle ’51 has regularly participated in VFW activities for more than three decades, frequently serving in leadership positions. As an honor guard member for VFW Post 6464 and the Marine Corps League, Don annually places flags on veterans’ graves and participates in parades and military funerals. He is involved in the Toys for Tots program and speaks at schools about his personal history as a World War II veteran. These activities have distinguished Don as a Livingston County (MI) Veteran of the Year. Don also gained recognition for his extensive community and volunteer work, which includes making and maintaining over 100 birdhouses for a wildlife sanctuary. Don retired in 1991 from a career in education. 9038 Byron St, Spring Hill, FL 34606.


Orin Scandrett ’52 received the 2012 Spirit of Aging Award from Aging Services of Minnesota. The award celebrates individuals who exemplify positive and active lifestyles and break down stereotypes about aging and older adults. “Orin Scandrett embodies what so many of us hope for as we age – a growing zest for life, the commitment to make the most of every situation, and sustained relationships with the people we care about,” said Gayle

Kvenvold, president and chief executive officer of Aging Services of Minnesota. Kvenvold and her team did not have to look far for examples of Orin’s vitality. At the time of his selection for the award, he had completed 35 full marathons and more than 40 half-marathons. He returned to school at age 70 to pursue a master’s degree in creative writing and published three books since 2009. He served on a local mental health advisory council and actively ministered as a community crisis pastor at Cedarcrest Church in Bloomington (MN).

60s ’62

70s REUNION YEAR October 19-20, 2012

Edith (Miller ’74) Reay received her Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) certification. CLASS is an observation instrument used to assess classroom quality in preschool through third grade. She has been employed by Two Rivers Head Start Agency for 21 years. 2171 Colorado Ave, Elgin, IL 60123. Randyl Taber, CFP ’75 serves as managing director-investments with Wells Fargo Advisors in West Des Moines. He previously served 20 years with Wells Fargo’s predecessor firm, AG Edwards. Randy and his wife, Gwen, have four children and five grandchildren. Their oldest son, Ben, and his wife, Sandy, are missionaries with One Mission Society headquartered in Greenwood, IN. Their second son, Philip, and his wife, Lindsey, have recently begun medical residency in emergency medicine at Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit. Randy and Gwen are members of Valley Evangelical Free Church in West Des Moines.



80s Mary Livingston ’82 retired in June 2011 after 28 wonderful years teaching elementary school students physical education. She looks forward to work in the private sector. 841 Heberle Dr, Burleson, TX 76028.


REUNION YEAR October 19-20, 2012

REUNION YEAR October 19-20, 2012

Earl (Bud) Miller ’60 now makes his home in Elgin, IL, after enjoying more than 10 years in Florida. 2171 Colorado Ave, Elgin, IL 60123.


Tom ’79 and Ann Brown celebrated 25 years of marriage with a luncheon at their church in Lafayette, IN, and a trip to Ireland. 2524 Whitehall Dr, Lafayette, IN 47909.

90s Vanessa Vassar ’93 received a kidney transplant in February 2011 at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. She currently works in Mattoon, IL, as a consultant in early childhood mental health. 1312 Wabash Ave, Apt 1, Mattoon, IL 61938. Justin ’96 and Veronica (Omelson ’95) Davis, a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth, born November 5, 2011. Justin and Veronica also have a three-year-old son, Cole. 5023 Haddon Hall Dr, Holt, MI 48842. Jmd4444@gmail. com or James ’97 and Amanda (Hill ’97) Tippey, a son, Bennett John Elden, born April 27, 2012. James and Amanda are also the parents of twoyear-old twin daughters, Katelynne Joy and Kierstin Grace. 111 Ash Dr, Nicholasville, KY 40356.

00s Tausili and Anna (Schoenhals ’00) Kalepo, a son, Josiah, born December 19, 2011. Josiah weighed seven pounds, eight ounces. His twoyear-old sister, Naomi, joined mom and dad in welcoming him home. Anna has worked for four years at World Vision in the US as a training and development specialist. The family worships and fellowships at Rainier Avenue Church where Anna also serves on the pastoral

team. 4619 S Juneau St, Seattle, WA 98118. Andy ’01 and Jaycie (Smith ’03) Johnson, a daughter, Luciana Faith, born November 18, 2011. Sisters Bella and Gwynnie welcomed baby Luciana home. In March 2012, the family moved to Perugia, Italy to join a church planting effort with TEAM missions. 3149 S Leisure Pl, West Terre Haute, IN 47885


REUNION YEAR October 19-20, 2012

Stephen ’02 and Melissa (Mowen ’06) Troup were married on August 30, 2008, and recently relocated to Greenville from Harbor Springs, MI. Melissa is a physical therapist assistant at Hillsboro Hospital. Stephen works in St. Louis as a paramedic. 814 East College Ave, Greenville, IL 62246. Rev. Jeremiah ’02 and Jennifer Williamson, a son, Oscar David, born September 16, 2011. 3154 Goddard, Toledo, OH 43606. Matthew Snyder ’04 received his juris doctorate degree from the University of Michigan Law School. 2500 Pittsfield Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.

FL. Jacqueline received her juris doctorate degree on May 12, 2012 from Stetson University College of Law. 13705 Feather Sound Circle East, Apt 304, Clearwater, FL 33762.

Kristen (Stuckemeyer ’07) married Dustin Doedtman on May 5, 2012, in Shumway, IL. Kristen was an accounting major at GC and played softball. 105 Greenview Dr, Apt 3D, Effingham, IL 62401. David and Dawn (Zahn ’07) Gillis, a daughter, Annette, born in December 2011. David and Dawn are also the parents of a son, Matthew, age two. Dawn is a special education teacher for grades two and three. Terrance ’07 and Tiffany Poe were married March 12, 2011. Terrance works as a counselor at a juvenile treatment facility in St. Louis. He writes, “I am dedicated to changing youths’ lives the way Greenville changed mine.” Terrance and Tiffany are expecting their first child in May. 103 Oak Ridge Estates Dr, Glen Carbon, IL 62034. Dustin ’08 and Kristin (Speer ’08) Damitz live in Des Moines, IA, where Dustin is the director of media and communications at the First Federated Church. He credits his experience at Greenville College as helping him to land his job managing sound, lighting, video, photography, print media, and a website. “I am very grateful that I am able to make a living doing what I love!” writes Dustin. Dustin and Kristin are parents to a two-year-old daughter, Audrey Nevaeh-Purl Damitz. 1640 Huntland Dr, Des Moines, IA 50310.

10s Allyson Van Buren ’10 graduated from the University of Illinois in December 2011 with a master’s degree in social work with a concentration in mental health. She also received certification as a licensed social worker (LSW) in the state of Illinois. She works as a mental health therapist at Piatt County Mental Health Center in Monticello, IL. 607 W Green St, Champaign, IL 61820. allysonvb@ Ryan ’10 and Malorie (Ward ’09) Tash were married May 7, 2011, in Greenville, IL, and now live in St. Louis. Malorie works at Geodeker’s Furniture, and Ryan is employed as a support manager at Walmart.

Stuart ’06 and Jade (Griggs ’05) Spencer, a daughter, Tatum Shay, born March 1, 2012. Tatum weighed seven pounds and was 18 inches long. Margaret Winter ’06 lives in Greenville, SC, and will graduate in December from Capella University with a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology. Louis ’07 and Auburn Giberson married in October 2010 and are expecting their first child in September. Louis is an assistant professor of art at Lane College (TN) and has exhibited his artwork in four shows this year. He graduated from Memphis College of Art in 2009 with a master of fine arts degree in studio

Casey ’08 and Kimberly (Carsell ’08) Schwartzlose, a son, Emmitt Robert, born December 9, 2011. 102 Weaver Ln, Bolivar, TN 38008.

Zach and Lindsey ’11 Apple, a son, Dalton, born in August 2011. 1603 First Ave, Keyesport, IL 62253.

Jacqueline (Kent ’09) and Eric Jameson were married on December 28, 2011, in Clearwater, SUMMER 2012



Nathan Milner ’05 graduated in May 2011 from Azusa Pacific University (CA) with a master’s of education degree in college student affairs. Nathan currently works at Indiana Wesleyan University as a resident director of a men’s residence hall and teaches a leadership seminar class for new students. 4201 S Washington St, Marion, IN 46953.

arts. He previously worked at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art and also taught at Southwest Tennessee Community College. 4507 Janice Ave, Memphis, TN 38122.


In Memory He is survived by his wife, Ruby; three sons and their wives; and many grandchildren. Lois Patton ’57 died April 13, 2012, at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL. Her husband, Theodore L. Patton, preceded her in death in 1997. Lois was a bookkeeper and typist. She loved quilting, crocheting, and knitting. She was a member of the Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church, Champaign, IL. Memorials may be made to Greenville College, 315 E College Ave, Greenville, IL 62246.

Rev. John Henry Schlosser ’39 died March 4, 2012, at age 94. John was born and raised in central China, the son of Free Methodist missionaries, George and Mary Schlosser. John earned an advanced degree from Biblical Seminary (NY) and married his college sweetheart, Ruby (Tosh ’40), in 1942. John pastored churches in Virginia and Maryland before returning to China as a missionary in 1946. In 1949, due to political conditions, John, Ruby, and their young daughter, Lora Jean, left China for Manila. Over the next 25 years, John and Ruby pioneered and nurtured Free Methodist church growth in the Philippines. They served as pastors, educators, and administrators, leaving a self-sufficient Philippine church with more than 25,000 members. John and Ruby also served in Hong Kong, retiring from missionary service in 1982. John is remembered as a talented Bible teacher, promoter of scripture memorization, and for his love of God and his commitment to service.

Letters to the Editor

William (Bill) Engelberth of Pierceton, IN, husband of Loraine (Stimer ’54) Engelberth, died September 29, 2011. Bill was a dedicated and highly successful farmer for nearly thirty years while he and Loraine raised five children. The Engelberths were among the first in their area to adopt no-till conservation farming practices. The Kosciusko County Soil and Water Conservation District recognized Bill as Outstanding Conservation Farmer of the Year in 1984 and Master Farmer of the Year in 2006. Bill was active in the Winona Lake Free Methodist Church. Donald Hill ’72 passed away unexpectedly on February 26, 2012. He was an attorney with Adams Jones Law Firm. Don majored in history and political science at Greenville College, graduating magna cum laude. He attended Washburn University (KS) and practiced law in Wichita, specializing in employment law, business law, and estate planning. Don was active in the First Evangelical Free Church, which he attended for more than 36 years. He was also involved in community organizations including the Wichita Prayer Breakfast, Rotary Club, Christian Legal Society, and the Wichita Art Museum. He is survived by his wife, Carol.

Rev. Rita Lynn (Cammon ’77) Wood passed away on December 19, 2011, of ovarian cancer. She is survived by her husband of 31 years, Bob, and two sons. She served for the past 15 years as parish associate at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church (WV) along with her husband. Lynn earned a master’s of divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. With vibrant faith and commitment to her Lord, she served Presbyterian congregations for 27 years in Nevada, California, and West Virginia. She thrived in her primary role of Christian education, teaching and mentoring children and adults. Well read, Lynn shared her knowledge and keen insight with many. Ron Buffam ’79 died February 15, 2012. He was born January 29, 1957, in Portland, OR. He taught classical and jazz piano, and composed and recorded music. His sister, Mary Ann Buffam ’81, remembers Ron sang before he talked, sang in harmony as a toddler, played full chords on the piano as a preschooler, and discovered early on that he had perfect pitch. He played piano, electronic keyboards, trumpet, guitar, double bass, fretless double bass, and cello. Ron began his undergraduate studies at Greenville College, finishing them at Brock University where he earned a degree in music composition. He sponsored a great number of children through World Vision and is remembered for his compassion toward others. Todd (Schmidt ’80) Straub, age 53, passed away on April 4, 2012. A native of Orlando, FL, Todd resided in Lutcher, LA. She is survived by her husband, Kevin Straub ’78; three sons; three grandchildren; and her parents.

Dear Readers: We always enjoy hearing from our readers through the mail, email, and on Facebook. Send your letters to: The RECORD, Greenville College, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Or, email your comments to: The RECORD is also available online at Thank you for your loyalty to Greenville College. We hope you have a wonderful summer. Respectfully,

Walter B. Fenton, Editor



Graduating senior Jordan Hohm calls on alumni and friends to give back to alma mater.

JORDAN HOHM appreciates the difference gifts from alumni and friends make in the lives of Greenville College students. This year he worked as student manager of the call center. He considers it a privilege to talk to donors about his experience as a Greenville college student and thank them for their financial support. Jordan has also taken the message of alumni giving outside of the call center, encouraging his classmates to make their first gifts to the College. He is one of fifteen student leaders from the senior class who launched a peer-to-peer initiative to raise awareness about the impact of alumni giving. Thirty-five seniors responded Jordan and classmate Emily Rose share with a group of seniors gathered at Jo’s Java about their commitment to giving back to Greenville College.

by designating financial gifts to Greenville College before they graduated. This commitment to give back is just one of the ways the Class of 2012 continues to leave its mark on campus. SUMMER 2012






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