Winter 2019
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Bastian ’74 Venessa Brown ’83 Howard Costley, Jr. ’74 Dan Denbo ’76 Paul Donnell ’01
Steven Ellsworth ’80 Valerie Gin ’82 Jerry Hood ’82 Karen Longman K. Kendall Mathews ‘85
Douglas Newton Hugo Perez Victor Shepherd Dennis Spencer ’75 Kathleen Turpin ’91
Melissa Westover ’84 Mark Whitlock ’75 Donald Wolf ’65
Robert Cranston ’77 Dennis Fenton David Fisher ’58 Lloyd Ganton ‘60 Yoshio Gotoh ’63 Duane Hood ’56 Donald Joy ’49
M. Kenneth Kaufmann ’49 Paul Killinger ’69 Pearson Miller Wayne Neeley Wesley Phillips ’58 Ernest Ross Jr. ’52 J. Richard Schien ’62
Marjorie Smith ’56 Rebecca Smith ’68 Kendell Stephens ’80 Robert Stroud ’59 Barry Swanson ’77 Craig Tidball ’76 R. Ian Van Norman
Malvin Hubbard ’16 Beth Kenyon ’79 Dan Lovell ’04 Kent Luster ‘17 Jared Martin ’07 Sharla Martin ’74 Toni Mathews ’79 Carole Miller ’63 Samuel Miller ’66
Emily Moore ’54 Dewayne Neeley ’98 Amanda O’Regan ’16 Keli Pennington ’16 Corbin Quinonez ’17 Donald “Marti” Reeser ’89 Merce Roach ’02 Maria Rodriguez ’13 Lori Sadler ’14
Carl Salz ’01 Michael Schien ’88 Maci Sepp ’18 John Straeter ’01 Rebecca Weinhandl ’74 Geoff Whitlock ’05 John Young II ’94
EMERITI TRUSTEES Sandra Boileau ’61 Patricia Burd ’61 Jay Burgess James Claussen ’59 Herbert Coates ’55 David Colgan ’64 Michael Coling
ALUMNI BOARD Phyllis Altopp ’66 Mack Bean ’94 Thomas Clark ’63 Rebecca Decesaro ’74 Cathy Dothager ’87 Alan Gaffner ’76 Dwight Gregory ’68 John Heater ’02 Nathan Hood ’15
ON THE COVER: Replacing incandescent lights with 5,000 high efficiency LED lights in Crum Recreation Center and H.J. Long Gymnasium saves G.U. $10K annually. As part of its Revolving Green Action Project, the University will reinvest the savings in other “green” initiatives. This model for sustained funding of future energy efficiencies drew praise from the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center. THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published three times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Advancement, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: (618) 664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 110, No. 1 Greenville University online: Email:
Vice President for Advancement Linda Myette ’73 Associate Vice President for Advancement Scott Giffen ’99 Director of Development Heather Fairbanks Director of Major and Planned Gifts Brett Brannon ’97 Manager of Corporate and Foundation Relations and Research Jennifer Wilson Office Manager and Donor Services Coordinator Erin Swarm ’10 Database Manager Matthew Young Manager of Alumni and Church Relations Cyndi Oglesby ’85 Administrative Assistant for Alumni and Church Relations Lisa Gines ’11 Gift Officer Pat Bond ’62 Managing Editor Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor Rachel Heston-Davis ’06 Graphic Designer Pancho Eppard ’00 Photography Pancho Eppard ’00, Kathrynn Fink ‘13, Abby Modaff ’19, Sydney Webster ‘21 Writers Rachel Heston-Davis ’06, Carla Morris ’77 Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University.
Send address corrections, correspondence and alumni updates to the Office of Advancement, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email
eeling stuck for solutions sometimes drives our students to prayer . . . like the unfinished 4’x 6’ canvas that gave art major Hannah Parkerson ’18 fits last spring. As Hannah tells it, frustration with her mixed media creation rose after she laid down the charcoal and tried applying paint: “The colors didn’t work and the paints wouldn’t blend.” She set the canvas aside for a while “to figure it out.” She prayed. God answered: “That’s Janelle’s side.” Janelle, the six-year-old daughter of a friend, happily accepted Hannah’s invitation to join her in the studio one Saturday. “I told her this was her piece, and she could do whatever she wanted with the paint,” said Hannah. “I’m the boss?” Janelle asked, wide-eyed. “Of this painting,” said Hannah. So began a joyful exploration into creativity through a child’s eyes. Janelle’s huge imagination, penchant for rich colors and fearless experimentation drove the process. Her exuberant strokes filled the canvas just as her happy chatter filled the studio. The experience left Hannah fully satisfied. She knew it was God’s lavish response to her request for direction. Creative problem solving fueled by prayer often yields surprising results. I was pleasantly surprised this year when several innovations from creative minds on campus drew state, regional and national recognition. • A switch to energy-efficient lighting coupled with a plan to reinvest the savings in future “green” projects earned G.U. an Illinois Sustainability Award. • A paperless system for paying accounts eliminated nearly 1,000 hours of monthly manual transactions and earned G.U. top recognition from the Central Association of Colleges and University Business Officers.
The joy of creation, a reminder of what can happen when we invite God into the creative process.
• Focus on continued improvement in campus safety put G.U. among the nation’s top five universities for safety and number one in Illinois. Helping students by funding scholarships is always a priority. For the third straight year, you, our faithful Financial Champions, exceeded giving goals and supplied over $1M to The Greenville University Fund, a primary source for scholarships. You gave to endowed scholarships, too. Each dollar you gave toward scholarships meant one less dollar diverted from building maintenance, growth initiatives and recruiting efforts to fill the scholarship gap. You, dear friend of the University, are an enabler, in the best sense of the word. For that, on behalf of the entire G.U. community, I thank you. Blessings,
Ivan L. Filby, President
Old Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Caesarea, the pool at Bethesda—learning “on site” in Israel during Interterm compelled students to embrace historical geography in ways they had never expected. Upon return to campus they described the experience as challenging, intense, striking, life changing and energizing to their faith. “Every Christian should make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once in their lifetime,” says Richard Huston ’78, professor of history who accompanied the students.
“Then Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted . . .” Students survey the barren landscape between Jerusalem and Jericho (above) and learn on site from historical geographer Paul Wright (right). Enriching spiritual development for students is part of G.U.’s strategic plan.
SPRING TRAINING BOUND online masters degree in coaching program were on hand to field questions about taking coaching to the next level in a convenient virtual classroom format. The program covers character and faith development, an approach that resonates with parents and administrators, says G.U.’s Head Men’s Basketball Coach George Barber, who teaches in the program. The master’s in coaching course of studies, G.U.’s most popular graduate program, attracts participants from coast to coast.
Baseball coaches throughout the Midwest took to the road—I-70, that is—and headed to Greenville, where grand slam inspiration and tips for developing players awaited them at the I-70 Baseball Coaches Clinic. G.U. co-sponsored this year’s 15th annual conference, “the biggest little clinic in the Midwest.” Greenville High School Athletic Director Joe Alstat ’98 organizes the two-day event that regularly draws high praise from attendees and speakers alike. Representatives of G.U.’s all
YOUR HALF, OUR HALF: “WE CAN DO THIS!” The chill of February couldn’t stop the hum of productivity in the Greenville SMART building on the city’s historic square. Each week, teams of students enrolled in G.U.’s Experience First program worked out solutions to marketplace challenges, and high school students met daily as part of Bond County’s CEO (Creating Entrepreneurship Opportunities) program. G.U. and the City of Greenville had just realized a $1M grant to renovate the building and make it home to programming that focuses on growing the local economy and providing students with learning opportunities. The grant—a hefty vote of confidence to this universitytown partnership—came from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA). A related press release said the renovated center will especially benefit the local food industry, a robust piece of southern Illinois’ economy. Before the end of the year, G.U. and the City of Greenville collaborated again to hire Elaine McNamara as half-time director of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce and half-time director of Greenville SMART. McNamara will communicate with and promote Chamber programming for local businesses and connect businesses to the University’s groundbreaking Greenville SMART services.
“The addition of an employee who straddles both worlds will yield exciting results,” says Greenville University Executive Vice President Suzanne
Expanding experiential learning opportunities and community collaboration via Greenville SMART programming is part of G.U.’s strategic plan. Donors are key to the success of G-SMART. Thank you for giving.
(Allison ’00) Davis, citing McNamara’s background in publicity, event planning and business development as promising preparation for the role.
ENGINEERED TO IMAGINE: ROBOTICS, AI, NANOTECH AND MORE Creativity may be the domain of the arts, but Professor Hyung Choi, head of physics and engineering at G.U., claims it as the domain of engineering, too. When engineers invent, they don’t merely apply established science. “We create something new that has never existed in this world,” he says . . . and God delights in creation. In March, G.U. began publicizing its bachelor of science in engineering program, newly approved by the Higher Learning Commission. The program nurtures flexible thinking and creative problem solving for good reason: today’s engineers face uncharted waters in robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and healthcare. Rapid technological advances demand nimble minds that can knit disparate ideas together. The new program departs from the traditional model of siloed disciplines by integrating mechanical, electrical and computer engineering from day one. The blend equips students to imaginatively address challenges.
The BSE program offers tracks in mechanical engineering, civil/environmental engineering, engineering physics and engineering management. The management track allows an optional MBA in a fifth year of study. Students began declaring engineering as a major last spring.
Her success is your success: The donor-funded Engineering Scholarship and Leonard and Joyce Keillor International Scholarship give engineering major Ye Jin “Victoria” Han ‘20 access to Christ-centered science. Thank you for giving.
More than 70 employers and internship providers filled Crum Recreation Center to connect with students transitioning from college to career. Deloy Cole ’84, professor of digital media and computer information systems, says students trained in computer programming and web-development are in particular demand. He estimates that 90 percent of the students in his department secure a job in the industry within a year of graduation. Evaluations from supervisors in the tech sector who oversaw G.U. interns last summer revealed the value they place on good character in addition to skills. They commended students’ punctuality with projects, respect, diligence, passion for work and eagerness to learn. “If I could give our intern a six out of five for initiative, I would,” said one.
Today’s employers like those on campus last April (above) desire graduates who are responsible, work well on a team, know their strengths and are proactive. Empowering students for lives of character and service remains relevant in today’s marketplace.
2018 GRADUATES MAKE HISTORY The Class of 2018 made history May 12, when students crossed the Commencement stage to receive congratulatory handshakes and diplomas. They were the first graduates to earn degrees from Greenville University, formerly Greenville College. President Ivan Filby also presented an honorary doctorate of laws to Roy Bahl ’61, regents professor of economics emeritus and founding dean of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. Bahl’s visit resurrected memories of his student days when he crossed campus to participate in Business Forum, play baseball, write for The Papyrus student newspaper and court Marilyn (Seifried ’63), his wife of 57 years. “Those years at Greenville were key to my figuring out who I was and what I wanted to do with my life,” Bahl recalls.
“Confound the critics. Turn your emotions into motion; your energy into beneficial synergy . . . turn them. Find your rhythm . . . make your mark. Seize the day!” Commencement speaker, Ottawa University President Reggies Wenyika, shared how he rose from abuse and poverty as a child to positions of profound influence.
WEARABLE RESEARCH The end of classes in May marked the beginning of a journey deep into the world of computer programming and circuitry for summer science researchers Gabriella Pflederer ’21 and Qiaoren “Johnny” Wang ’21. The pair set out to design a 24-hour “smart” wearable health monitoring device that incorporates an electrocardiogram, infrared oximeter, temperature sensor, sound monitor, integrated motion tracking system, data processing and communication modules. The vast amount of data compelled the students to also create a data compression program. Current devices on the market lack portability and are inconvenient for users, making the students’ work particularly relevant, rewarding and inspiring. Gabriella receives the donor-funded Engineering Scholarship and Wilson T. Hogue Award. Johnny receives the International Scholarship. Thank you for giving. INSTRUCT AND INSPIRE
Greenville University welcomed Hong Kong executive Mary Pandora Cheung to campus, where President Ivan Filby named her an honorary international fellow. Miss Hong Kong 1975, Cheung is now a writer, educator, international etiquette expert and prolific philanthropist. Her life story embodies commitment to Christ and education. Abandoned by her family at a young age, she grew up in a Hong Kong orphanage. Her intense focus on education opened doors of opportunity ultimately to international work and her current role managing Mary Cheung & Associates. The business provides professional image consulting and business etiquette training for large corporations. A proponent of lifelong learning, Cheung asserts that a teacher’s character profoundly impacts students. Of her visit to campus, she enthused that the professors she met “really have a heart, and they love Jesus.”
THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD SUMMER INTERNSHIP: IT HAPPENS Meet Intern X, whose summer practicum as a bank teller fell far short of ideal. In fact, some days it felt downright dysfunctional, like the day a co-worker declared it a “madhouse” and quit on the spot, or the day another left for lunch and never came back. Field experiences are supposed to be about learning, acquiring skills and building a professional network; but what happens when they miss the mark on every count? Find value in the experience, says Jane Bell, professor in G.U.’s Briner School of Business. Be assured, it’s there. Bell advises students to “study everything”—how supervisors manage, how they communicate and how they respond to challenges. “Take all that you have learned in your courses with you into the workplace and see how it is used, or how it’s not used.” Intern X dialed up her observation skills and analyzed the high employee turnover problem. She noticed that insufficient skills eroded confidence; inexperience contributed to low morale; supervisors’ indecisions prolonged confusion; and repeated inefficiencies frustrated customers.
She later told a story about inexperience in handling savings bonds that ended like this: “So there were three tellers and one supervisor staring dumbfounded at a savings bond while the customer waited.”
FINANCE TEAM GAINS NATIONAL RECOGNITION WITH WINNING BEST PRACTICE Competition sponsor: Central Association of College and University Business Officers (CACUBO) Challenge: Describe a process that uses customer-friendly business practices to improve efficiencies. What we did: G.U.’s finance office implemented a campus-wide paperless system of payment by credit card that leveraged online capabilities. The practice saved the equivalent hours worked by one fulltime employee. Results: Fifty percent reduction in paper invoices, a $10K cash rebate with G.U.’s credit card provider and the elimination of: • nearly 1,000 manual entries of transactions each month, • over 500 manually processed reimbursements each month, and • paper processing in 90 percent of the reimbursement and accounts payable processes.
Going the extra analysis mile, X made a mental note of needed improvements, including writing the steps down so all “would know what to do the next time.” Bell has guided more than 100 students through the internship process. “Most practicums aren’t glamorous,” she says, adding that the students who get the most out of practicums are the ones who study how the workplace functions. “They learn by doing, and they learn by watching. I’ve never had a student tell me they were sorry they had a practicum.” Intern X, determined to learn no matter the obstacles, is the grateful recipient of G.U.’s donor-funded Transfer Merit Scholarship. Thank you for giving.
University Comptroller Barb Sands shared G.U.’s winning best practice at CACUBO’s fall conference.
For Lady Panther volleyball players (in the gray shirts, above) 2018 marked four years of Kicks for Kids and four consecutive years of conference wins.
Parents and faculty surround students during G.U.’s traditional planting of the ivy.
New student orientation commenced with a rush of activity—move-in day, music auditions, brunches, lunches and introductions. At the traditional ivy-planting covenant ceremony, President Ivan Filby officially welcomed new students and invited parents to prayerfully entrust their children to the G.U. community. Presently, students and faculty represent 36 nations—from Albania to Zambia—a snapshot of God’s diverse children.
“’For my name will be great among the nations,’ says the Lord of Hosts.” – from Malachi 1:11 (NASB)
Research out of Duke University reveals that graduates who report high interaction with their international peers during college also report significantly greater cognitive skill development. Enhanced skills include quantitative abilities, critical thinking, independent acquisition of new skills and the formulation of creative ideas.
In August, Panther athletes helped kids in Bond County kick off the school year with new shoes. Four teams—men’s and women’s soccer, and men’s and women’s volleyball—joined forces to raise $3,000 and buy 90 pairs of shoes for area children. That’s a record number since Athletic Director Tom Ackerman ’99 and Assistant Professor of Social Work Carrie (Wickersham ’99) Ackerman started the annual service project in 2013. On delivery day, the Panthers fitted the kids with the new shoes and helped the youngsters break them in playing games.
300 HOURS If “back to school” for your child means stepping into a classroom led by a G.U.-prepared teacher, be glad. So says a recent report from the Illinois State Board of Education. “Ninety percent of the students of our alumni-teachers scored in the proficient or excellent range on state assessments,” said Lisa (Kettelkamp ’99) Amundson, dean of the School of Education. Field experiences “early and often” contribute to that success. By the time teacher candidates at G.U. begin student teaching, they have acquired over 300 hours of experience and observation in classrooms including urban classrooms in St. Louis and East St. Louis. “This is highly unusual,” says Amundson. “It is even more unusual that this starts freshman year.”
Elaina Rehehan ‘18, empowered by donors like you to teach. Elaina received the Greenville University Award, the Honors Transfer Scholarship and the G.U. Spirit Award, among others. Thank you for giving.
INVESTMENT IN “GREEN” SAVES $10K ANNUALLY The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) awarded Greenville University an Illinois Sustainability Award for significant achievements protecting the environment, helping sustain the future and improving the economy. G.U.’s submission, “The Revolving Green Action Project,” involved two steps: (1) install energy-efficient LED lighting in H.J. Long Gymnasium and the Crum Recreation Center—a $10,619 yearly savings—and (2) reinvest the savings in future green projects. Investing in an energy-efficient infrastructure is part of G.U.’s fiveyear strategic plan.
The ISTC said this year’s winners modeled “sustainable commerce, resource use and governance.” Organizations at all levels can replicate G.U.’s model of saving and reinvestment.
Legacy on stage: (Left to right) Ezekiel Martin Giffen (age six), Vice President for Advancement Linda Myette, Lazarus Martin Giffen (age 3) and President Ivan Filby
Prior commitments prevented Rev. Yvi Martin ’01 from personally receiving G.U.’s 2018 Outstanding Young Alumna Award, but her sons, Ezekiel and Lazarus, proved capable stand-ins. Via video, Yvi shared with students how the broad learning experiences she embraced in college influenced her ministry. She encouraged them to make the most of each moment and showed them how, by earnestly acknowledging the present honor afforded her by G.U. “It gives me a new fire and a new vision going forward,” she said. “Greenville gave me that gift and honors me again today. I’m just grateful.”
Jesus Hernandez is the grateful recipient of the donor-funded G.U. Recognition Award and Greenville University Award. Thank you for giving.
A hard fought win against Webster University early in November advanced the men’s soccer team toward a conference title. Webster and G.U. played 110 minutes of scoreless soccer before the Panthers accomplished a 3-2 victory in penalty kicks. The following week, they took the conference championship with a 1-0 win over Iowa Wesleyan. “The team is incredible all the way through,” said Panthers Assistant Coach Ben Wayman ’02. “From character to classroom to pitch . . . these guys are not only stellar players, but quality people.” That “quality” hails from Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Croatia, Egypt, Haiti, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan and the United States. Goalkeeper Jesus Hernandez values the experience: “This program has given me more opportunities than I could have imagined.” It’s given G.U. more than talent on the field, too. Coaches say athletes like Jesus exemplify excellence on the field, in the classroom and in leadership. “Jesus beautifully displays Greenville University’s commitment to educating students for lives of character and service,” says Wayman. “He regularly places the needs of his teammates before his own, and he does so with the kind of joy and humor that is symptomatic of a faithful disciple.”
ONE LAST HURRAH More than 70 students finished degree programs to graduate in December. Some capped off their studies with a semester of student teaching; others finished early, the payoff for summers dedicated to online classes and practicums. One December graduate—digital design major Jack Dawdy ’18—closed the books on his college career with a grand finale. As creative director for G.U.’s student-produced Vista magazine, Jack was thrilled to help Vista advisor Lisa Sharpe claim the magazine’s first Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker award at the 2018 National College Media Convention in Louisville. The Vista had previously received numerous American Advertising Awards, but this prestigious “best of the best” recognition represented a breakthrough. Greenville University was the smallest school among the winners and the only Christian school. Eighty-nine publications were nominated for the award; 17 of 39 finalists gained Pacemaker recognition.
Left to right: Department Chair of Digital Media Deloy Cole ‘84, Jack Dawdy ‘18 and Assistant Professor of Digital Media Lisa Sharpe. Jack is thankful to G.U. Financial Champions for funding scholarships he received through The Greenville University Fund. Thank you for giving.
Judges said this year’s Pacemaker winners excelled in verbal and visual storytelling; awardees found untold stories in well-worn subject areas and— important to Jack—were not afraid to experiment with design.
• 1,139 enrolled students, many through donor-funded scholarships • 963 undergraduates, 50 percent female and 50 percent male • 844 residential students
• 11:1 student/faculty ratio • 15.8 average class size • 43 undergraduate and 8 graduate majors • Top undergraduate majors: biology, digital media, elementary education, business management, criminal justice, sports management • Top graduate major: coaching
• Women’s volleyball, men’s basketball and women’s softball Panthers won conference tournaments and advanced to NCAA Division III national tournaments. • 122 Panthers recognized by conference for outstanding academic performance. • Five coaches recognized as conference coach of the year in their sports; three students recognized as conference player of the year. • Three NCAA Division III All Americans and one Division III national champion. • Women’s tennis team recognized by conference for sportsmanship.
• Alumni
• Other individuals • Foundations
From June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2018
• Corporations
• Faith-based and other organizations
• The Greenville University Fund, a major source of scholarship funding • Donor-designated programs and projects • Endowments
• Capital projects
Recognizing donors of $1,000 or more and young donors of $100 or more based on giving from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018.* GOLD LEVEL $10,000+ Young Alumni $1,000+ Anonymous (5) Roy ‘61 and Marilyn (Seifried ‘63) Bahl Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Steve and P.J. Bothwell Venessa Brown ‘83 Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Larry and Sherry Collett Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Marty ‘76 and Holly (Ross ‘80) Daily Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo Dennis and Debbie Fenton Ivan and Kathie Filby James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Kevin ‘85 and Leigh (Briner ‘85) Ganton Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Blake Gocey ‘15 Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood Jerry Hood ‘82 Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Don Jones ‘52 Alice Kaiser ‘75 Jim ‘48+ and Iola (Kenworthy ‘49)+ Keys Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Ed and Judy McMillan Shawn Mengarelli ‘15 Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck Miller John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger Galen and Ella Peters Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon Ray Rhine ‘53+ Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Larry and Cindy Sayler Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Ruby (Tosh ‘40) Schlosser+ Ed Shaffer ‘67 Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball Ken ‘13 and Haley (Dodd ‘13) Trager Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ron Turpin Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian Michael West ‘09 Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Jarielle (Harner ‘74)+ and Gary Winkleman Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54) Young SILVER LEVEL $5,000-$9,999 Young Alumni $500-$999 George and Lisa Barber David ‘69 and Joan Bates
Pat (Hunter ‘62) and Buddy Bond Brent Cowin Becky (Whitlock ‘74) and Sam Decesaro Dan ‘08 and Kristi (McKinley ‘09) Denner Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell Brian ‘83 and Laura (Donnell ‘84) Dossett Sharon Dyer ‘69 Daniel ‘09 and Tamara (Yoder ‘10) Eisenberg Carolyn Fairbanks ‘13 Newt ‘59 and Suzanne (Tilley ‘63) Fink Dale Fisher+ Val Gin ‘82 David ‘83 and Shelly (Spencer ‘83) Goodnight Darel Grothaus Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen Winifred Hessler ‘46+ James and Nancy Hollister Kevin Kauffman Cordon Kerns ‘54 Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Edward and Tammy Lamb Eddy Lau Keeli (Deadmond ‘12) and Joseph LeVart Karen Longman Holley Maher ‘01 David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson John+ and Shirley+ Minshall Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55) Moore Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60) Morgan Joe Noble ‘56 Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Marilyn Richards Ernie Ross ‘52 Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken Larry ‘55 and Joanne (Bushnell ‘56) Starr Rich Stephens ‘53 Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock Jim and Wilma Wilson Scott Wolf BRONZE LEVEL $2,500-$4,999 Young Alumni $250-$499 Bill and Sharon Ahern Paul ‘83 and Maureen (O’Bryne ‘86) Bourner Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd John ‘61 and Myrna Cammin Robby Clinton ‘94 Marty ‘73 and Karen (Johnston ‘73) Collier Nicole (Tucker ‘08) and Sean Crites Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Phil ‘96 and Suzanne (Allison ‘00) Davis John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65) Dawdy Tom ‘69 and Betty Kay (Johnson ‘71) Dawdy
Lloyd Donnell ‘48 Neva (Pfouts ‘41) Donnell Cathy (Nolan ‘86) and Doug Dothager Stan ‘59 and Jolene (Oschner ‘60) Ellis Walter ‘84 and Eileen (Gifford ‘85) Fenton Buddy MAE ‘14 and Patricia Foster Esther Fox ‘48 Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Bramwell ‘99 and Sari (Vespa ‘00) Higgins Kristen (Lynch ‘14) and Nathan ‘15 Hood Frank ‘68 and Sandra Hunter Don ‘49 and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy Gene ‘53+ and Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp Del Keener John ‘75 and Carol (Aten ‘75) Knight Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Brian ‘09 and Anna Limbaugh Dale ‘63 and Carolyn (Boyd ‘64) Martin Glenn McAdam ‘50 Matt ‘96 and Dawn (Delamarter ‘97) McCullough Dick Minshall ‘74 Jill (Strahl ‘75) and Scott ‘76 Mohnkern Sarah Nelson ‘82 Jo Ann Noble ‘56 David ‘70 and Faith Penwell Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard Carl ‘01 and Emily (Jacob ‘01) Salz Virginia (Falk ‘59) and Howard ‘60 Schantz Doris (Long ‘50) Scofield Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Scott ‘94 and Lisa Smout Garrett ‘08 and Lindsey Stephens Erik and Stephanie Sullens John ‘54 and Elizabeth Taylor Todd ‘85 and Sue (Howe ‘85) Tidball Daniel Tippitt ‘80 Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Michael ‘92 and Amanda (Fuqua ‘94) Wiegand Ellen (Hart ‘54) Winslow COPPER LEVEL $1,000-$2,499 Young Alumni $100-$249 Anonymous Jon Adams ‘16 Stephanie Adams Joseph Allen Phyllis (Miller ‘65) and Dave ‘66 Altopp David ‘60 and Avis (Young ‘61) Barnes Tywon Bender ‘18 Michelle Beumer ‘95 Bryan ‘89 and Carol (Miller ‘89) Blankenship Jeanne (Fischer ‘65) and John ‘67 Borden Sharon (Burd ‘63) Bowes Amy Bradford ‘04 Israel Bueno Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Diane (Dykstra ‘76) and Rex Burge Jay and Shay Burgess Joshua Burton ‘14 Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Lois Catron ‘69 Susan (Bourne ‘68) and Jack ‘69 Chism
Young ‘58 and Susan Chung Tom ‘63 and Mary Clark Audra (Newby ‘10) and Noah Clodfelter Hope (Hopkins ‘51) Coleman Peggy (Lewis ‘62) and Dave ‘64 Colgan Mike and Debbie Coling Paul Condon ‘69 Lynn (Best ‘77) and Tim Connelly Kraig ‘89 and Kelly Corwin Wayne ‘42 and Neda Cowger Burt Cox ‘54 Dave ‘61 and Carol Crandall Dan ‘73 and Marion (Payne ‘74) Crawford Carrie Crumrin ‘09 Anita Culp ‘69 John and Renee Dalton Andrew Dawdy Dave ‘62 and Jan (Finke ‘63) Dawdy Alice De Boer Greg and Lucia Delamarter Bill ‘69 and Jean (Siebert ‘71) Dillman Sheri (Reinhard ‘76) and Denis Doe Denny ‘57 and Martha (Fisher ‘57) Donnell Charles and Bonnie Drury Pancho ‘00 and Emma (Hulford ‘06) Eppard Kevin and Debi Ernst Edwin ‘94 and Jessica Estevez Dave ‘68 and Ann Fairbanks Doug ‘86 and Tara (Clark ‘86) Faulkner Marv ‘66 and Lillian (Smith ‘66) Fields Henry and Janet Flores Duane ‘65 and Linda (Mollett ‘71) Flowers Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman Peggy (Gingrich ‘55) Gebauer Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01 Hector Gonzalez Brooke Goodyear ‘18 Danny Gordon Bob Greer Dwight ‘68 and Nina Kay (Oberlink ‘69) Gregory Sara Gregory ‘25+ Steve ‘08 and Katie Haas Charles and Carol Haggerty Rod ‘82 and Karen (Wentz ‘83) Haggerty Dotty Hall ‘60 Norm ‘87 and Alison MAE ‘05 Hall Tracy Hall ‘85 and Mark Jenner Darlene (Davis ‘78) and Brian ‘79 Hartley Paul ‘72 and Joan (DeBoer ‘72) Heath Susanne (VanValin ‘55) Heisey Herb ‘50 and Jean (Snyder ‘51) Hendricks Sam ‘46 and Joyce Hofer John ‘76 and Beth Holak Gabby Hosick ‘17 Malvin Hubbard ‘16 Susan (Hughey ‘73) Hughey-Rasler and Tom Rasler Dan and Jan Jensen Mary Jett ‘63 Jim ‘77 and Patricia (Lobdell ‘77) Johnson Daniel Jolliff Gwyn (Jolliff ‘82) and Michael Jolliff-Blake Jacob Jones ‘17 LaVon (Krober ‘55) Jordahl
*To acknowledge young alumni making financial contributions early in their careers, Greenville University has adopted lower gift thresholds for their admittance into its giving societies and clubs. Young alumni are those who have graduated from Greenville University in the last ten years.
Marilyn (Rasche ‘59) Juhlin Milo ‘56 and Helen (Olson ‘56) Kaufmann Joyce (Erickson ‘59) Keillor+ Ralph and Nellie Kester Patricia Key Ruth (Tomaschke ‘82) and Randall Kinnersley Lisa Krajecki ‘13 Michael ‘99 and Kasey Laughlin Ann Leach ‘69 Robert and Cheryl Loy Jim ‘63 and Ann (Smith ‘66) Lund John ‘66 and Dorothy (Armstrong ‘66) Lund Clark ‘64 and Ardyce Main Jim Mannoia and Elizabeth Poje Bronwyn Martin Jared ‘07 and Caitlin Martin Mark ‘73 and Priscilla (Traeger ‘75) Mathews Jane (Pengelly ‘71) and James McClelland Vickie (Morgan ‘85) and Mark McFerran Glen ‘81 and Sheryl (Kaufmann ‘81) Moore Sarah Moore+ Whitney ‘61 and Margaret (Berger ‘64) Morse Roy ‘86 and Dawn Mulholland
Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Linda (Groesbeck ‘73) and Phil ‘75 Myette Katherine (Mumaw ‘50) Nally Sue (Greenwalt ‘69) and George Neal Bob Nowlin ‘68 Virginia (Peters ‘95) and Marcus ‘97 Obeius Riley ‘16 and Amanda (Muehlberg ‘16) O’Regan Stanley ‘41 and Ellen (Barton ‘43) Parmerter Whitey and Linda Patton Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul Tim ‘03 and Elizabeth Pehlke Keli (Totton ‘16) and Will ‘17 Pennington Jason and Samantha Perry Ken ‘68 and Erna Peterson Wes ‘58 and Darlyne (Baker ‘58) Phillips Brent and Lisa Potts Keith ‘81 and Donna Probst Carolyn (Ratz ‘77) Ratz-Cooper and Richard Cooper David ‘66 and Brenda (Foster ‘67) Rice Lydia (Borah ‘10) Rice Steve ‘75 and Susan Rice Michael ‘99 and Stacey (Stohre ‘02) Ritter Rose Roggow ‘61 Barbara (Mason ‘68) and Jonathan ‘70 Rohrs
Frank ‘49 and Florence Rose Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Karen (Burkart ‘87) and Mike ‘88 Schien Steven and Kae Schmitt Val (Morgan ‘85) and Jim Scott Jesse Shaw ‘11 Logan ‘14 and Amanda (Webb ‘14) Shaw Victor Shepherd Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens Bill ‘60 and Evelyn Smout Ruby Speiser ‘70 Billye (Brooks ‘52) Staff Jim ‘52 and Joyce Staff Javene (Smith ‘53) and Charles ‘54 Stephens Ed Stocking ‘82 and Li-ing Chang June Strahl Ryan Strohm ‘16 Stephanie Swanson ‘95 Marilee (Hodge ‘79) and Skip ‘80 Taylor
Roy ‘72 and Nancy (Hagerman ‘73) Taylor Mary Taylor Previte ‘53 Frank ‘63 and Barbara Tidaback Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Esther Tompkins ‘77 Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Harry Ulmer ‘54 Frank ‘53 and Carol VanValin Robert and Linda Vaught Brad ‘85 and Mary Wade Tina (Martin ‘90) and Eric ‘91 Watterson Denny ‘72 and Cheryl (Hawkins ‘73) Wayman Robert ‘64 and Marilyn Weeks Rich ‘74 and Becky (Trueblood ‘74) Weinhandl Mary (Cammin ‘59) and Bud ‘62 White Mike ‘77 and Terri White Maxine (Young ‘47) Whitlock Brenda (Pierce ‘65) and Ken ‘66 Wiegel Glenn ‘86 and Polly (Snowbarger ‘86) Winslow Jenna (Marcotte ‘11) and Andre Wolff Josh Wood ‘18 Mary (Kersch ‘70) and Jay ‘73 Young
Recognizing donors who have committed $10,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous Emeritus trustee and spouse* Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian* Steve and P.J. Bothwell* Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen* Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo Dennis and Debbie Fenton*
Ivan and Kathie Filby* James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Kevin ‘85 and Leigh (Briner ‘85) Ganton Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton* Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood* Jerry Hood ‘82* Don ’52 and Esther (Knapp ’54)+ Jones* Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson*
Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck Miller* Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger* Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon* Ed Shaffer ‘67 Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball* Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager* Kathy (Stewart ‘91) and Ron Turpin*
Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian* Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover* Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley* Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf*
Recognizing donors who have committed $5,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell* Audrey (Smith ‘65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens* Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer*
Recognizing donors with cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000+. This list includes all gifts from 1979 to present. Gifts prior to 1979 were not recorded in the Greenville University database. $1,000,000+ Anonymous (3) Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Harold ‘27+ and Betty+ Cooley Don ‘52 and Esther (Knapp ‘54)+ Jones Vivien Maves ‘28+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw John+ and Shirley+ Minshall The Full Salvation Union
*Founding Member
$500,000-$999,999 Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Mabel (Vinson 1915) Cage+ Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood Jerry Hood ‘82 Charles ‘85 and Dana (Ranck ‘85) McPherson Wayne ‘60 and Marilyn Nelson Enoch ‘86 and Beth Poon
Rich ‘62 and Linda Schien Lew ‘76 and Jennifer Whaley Jake ‘47+ and Maxine (Young ‘47) Whitlock Don ‘65 and Patty Wolf $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (3) Bill and Sharon Ahern Everett Armington+ I.D. ‘33+ and Elsie (Cobb ‘45)+ Baker
Judy (Oestreich ‘66) Barry Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Del ‘53 and Avis (Malan ‘53) Bergen Vincent Bessey ‘42+ Frances (King ‘40)+ and Grant ‘41+ Black Dick ‘60 and Sandy (Maxwell ‘61) Boileau Steve and P.J. Bothwell Meryle Boughton ‘48+ Bob ‘56+ and Marty (Jacobs ‘57) Briner Jim+ and Anna+ Brown
Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Jack ‘61 and Pat (Ayers ‘61) Burd Jay and Shay Burgess Harold Burkhardt+ Helen (Smith ‘63) and Lynn ‘65 Carlson Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Charles ‘72 and Kathy Clinard Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55 Coates Mike and Debbie Coling Howard ‘74 and Laurie Costley Barb (Finger ‘76) Cranston+ Bob ‘77 and Tammy Cranston Glen and Maxine+ Crum Marty ‘76 and Holly (Ross ‘80) Daily John ‘65 and Sharon (Mayhew ‘65) Dawdy Pat (Minshall ‘75) and Dan ‘76 Denbo Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Paul ‘01 and Audrey Donnell Charlie ‘60 and Faye (Kelley ‘60) Faulkner Dennis and Debbie Fenton Bonnie (Wiegand ‘57) and Dave ‘58 Fisher James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Florence Harding+ Gerauld Hopkins+ Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter
Stan Hughey ‘37+ Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Don ‘49 and Robbie (Bowles ‘52) Joy Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Gene ‘53+ and Miriam (Banks ‘54) Kamp Ken ‘49 and Stella+ Kaufmann Del Keener Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns Paul ‘69 and Shirley (Wolcott ‘71) Killinger Dana King ‘21+ Joan (Young ‘63) and Dale Kreider Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Ernest+ and Marion+ Longman Karen Longman Jim Mannoia David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Elva McAllaster ‘44+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw Foy ‘64 and Judy (Mitchell ‘64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ‘63) and Chuck Miller Jeannine (Boley ‘57) and Pearson Miller Robert ‘20+ and Lea+ Miller John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Al ‘52 and Emily (Chalker ‘54) Moore Alta Morgan ‘50+ Tom ‘60 and Betty (Delamarter ‘60) Morgan Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge
Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Leroy ‘29+ and Ruth ‘31+ Mullet George ‘53 and Debra Murphy Mary Gayle (Layloff ‘74) Nevinger Charles ‘24+ and Hazel (Alberts ‘24)+ Peterson Wes ‘58 and Darlyne (Baker ‘58) Phillips Dorathi Pierre+ Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Roger ‘71 and Kathy (McDonald ‘72) Reeves Glenn Richardson ‘40+ Pearce and Bonnie Riggs Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Ernie ‘52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ‘52)+ Ross Willard Rowland ‘33+ Mary (LaDue 1918)+ and Chester+ Russell Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Paul ‘56 and Vangie Schaper Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Ed Shaffer ‘67 Hugh ‘62 and Marie (Gieseke ‘62) Siefken Beckie (Bruce ‘68) and David Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Chuck ‘37+ and Lois (Miller ‘37)+ Smout
Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Katie (Warlick 1914)+ and Fred+ Sponsler Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Rich ‘53 and Arlene (Greer ‘53)+ Stephens Barry ‘77 and Vaun (Hodges ‘77) Swanson Horace Tenney ‘31+ Bonnie (Barber ‘48)+ and Watson ‘49+ Tidball Craig ‘76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ‘76) Tidball Tag Tigard+ Ken ‘82 and Sally (Minshall ‘83) Trager Paul ‘72 and Vickie (Salisbery ‘72) Twichell Ian and Alice Van Norman Jim ‘83 and Sandy (Minshall ‘83) Vivian Vera Walls+ Frank ‘38+ and Mary+ Walters Mark ‘84 and Melissa (McAlpin ‘84) Westover Ruth (Snyder ‘45)+ and Glenn White Mark ‘75 and Karen (Nelson ‘76) Whitlock Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Jim and Wilma Wilson Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Lynette Workman ‘73+ Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54) Young
Recognizing donors with matured or deferred planned gifts to the University. To include your name in the Ivy Circle, complete a Planned Giving Intention Form. Contact the Office of Advancement at 618-664-6500 for more information. Anonymous (3) Edward Abbott, Jr. ‘48+ Jody (Kamp ‘82) and Roy ‘85 Abbott Karen (Bewley ‘74) and Rick ‘75 Adcock Bill and Sharon Ahern Sharon Alger ‘61 Gene ‘58+ and Shirley Alston Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson Leroy+ and Wilma (Stampfler ‘54)+ Autenrieth Lyle ‘56 and Ruth Babcock Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam BaileyHamblen Mark ‘83 and Deb (Jackson ‘83) Bailie Celesta (Coates ‘77) and David Ball Bob ‘74 and Jan Bastian Don ‘53 and Kay Bastian Don+ and Marcella Bateman David ‘78 and Nancy (Tullar ‘78) Battleson Fred+ and Bessie+ Baumberger Janise (Dixon ‘90) and Kenneth Beguhl Edward+ and Carolyn+ Bennett Rex ‘75 and Nancy Bennett Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson Richard+ and Clarice+ Binder Carol (Alexander ‘77) and Paul Bither Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount Mabel Bock+ Brian ‘58 and Mary-Ellan Bonney Harry ‘47 and Betty Bonney Brad ‘77 and Pamela Brail Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer Lewis Britton ‘57+
Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard Dorothy Buckingham+ Jim ‘54 and Betty (King ‘54) Buick Pat (Scittine ‘59) Burbridge Jay and Shay Burgess Keith ‘76 and Glenda (Knop ‘76) Burgh Tom ‘77 and Mona (Mace ‘77) Busch Steve ‘77 and Carol (Walton ‘78) Cameron Clair Carey+ Larry ‘82 and Diane Carr Lois ‘69 and Del+ Catron Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ‘28)+ and Willard ‘31+ Christin Norma (Bartlow ‘52)+ and Vernon+ Chute Grace Claussen+ Jim ‘59 and Susan (Page ‘86) Claussen Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48 Clement Michael ‘90 and Jarmela Cliff Rich Cloud ‘70 Pat ‘80 and Cheri Coakley Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates Herb ‘79 and Sheryl (Beard ‘80) Coates Mary (Britt ‘54)+ and Herb ‘55 Coates Tad Cooper Linda Cox ‘69 Wesley Cox ‘39+ Frank ‘36+ and Verle+ Crane Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston Sarah Crawford ‘99 John ‘42+ and Evelyn Cross Ralph ‘49+ and Marian Crowell Glen and Maxine+ Crum
Phil+ and Sharon Cullison Carne ‘43+ and Margery (Tipps ‘43)+ Cunningham Jay ‘63+ and Margaret (Smith ‘63) Dargan Ed ‘55 and Jan (Soybe ‘58) Davis Florine (Kersey ‘36) Dawdy+ Les ‘64 and Estelle (Yates ‘64) Dietzman Mavis (Dietzman ‘67) and Robert Dietzman-Sturgis Brian ‘90 and Amy (Bellen ‘90) Dillow Lawrence and Betty Ditty Joseph Douglass ‘31+ Carroll ‘64 and Darleene Dunaway Stan ‘73 and Myrna (Simpkins ‘73) Duneman Steve ‘73+ and Linda Duneman Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles John ‘77 and Nita (Smith ‘77) Edwards Paul ‘33+ and Naomi+ Ellis Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Ruth (Barnes ‘23)+ and James ‘28+ Fairbanks Muriel (Secord ‘49) Fattic Cal ‘55 and Anice (Joy ‘55)+ Faulkner Lester ‘43+ and Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger Tim Finley ‘92 Dale Fisher+ Ruth (Garretson ‘48)+ and Raymond+ Ford Rachel (Nowlan ‘35) Fowler+ Esther Fox ‘48 James ‘85 and Sheila Foxworthy Bill ‘65 and Marilyn (Smith ‘65) Freeman Lloyd ‘60 and Judi Ganton
Charles+ and Louise+ George Stan+ and Kay+ Getz Scott Giffen ‘99 and Yvi Martin ‘01 Harry and Barbara Gigous Don ‘52+ and Edwina (Tucker ‘54)+ Goldsmith Esther (Savage ‘49)+ and Robert+ Goodenough Tim ‘77 and Pam (Hogue ‘77) Goodenough Fred ‘62+ and Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Michael ‘72 and Leila (Siedsma ‘73) Gray Bob and Patsy+ Greer Robert+ and Opal+ Greer Sara Gregory ‘25+ Melba Grigg ‘53+ Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves Wayne ‘37+ and Lorene (Coates ‘40)+ Groves Colleen (Sill ‘58) and Jim ‘59 Haggerty Lester Harnetiaux ‘79+ Glenn and Margaret Harper Howard ‘51+ and Doris (Cooper ‘51)+ Hastings Louise Hauth ‘52+ John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Esther (Sportsman ‘32) Heddergott+ Bev (Osburn ‘66) and Mark Hempen Ruby (Erickson ‘52) and Myron ‘53+ Henry Earl+ and Buelah+ Hensley Claudine Herrington ‘58+ Winifred Hessler ‘46+ Chris ‘80 and Cynthia Hill David and Joanna Hoag
Debbie (Kerestly ‘83) Hood Jerry Hood ‘82 Jane Hopkins ‘68 and Robert Clausen ‘94 Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard Greta (Syfert ‘30)+ and Emery+ Howse Ann (Dunaway ‘59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Geneva Huffman Marie (Jett ‘34) Hussey+ Clyde Irwin Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Roger Johnson ‘51+ Tim ‘85 and Patti (Burbridge ‘87) Johnston Derrold ‘71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ‘72) Jones Frank ‘37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ‘38)+ Joy Don ‘76 and Nanette Kaufmann Jo Keillor ‘79 Wesley ‘43+ and Evelyn Keller Cordon ‘54 and Ruth (Taylor ‘54)+ Kerns Ralph and Nellie Kester Jim ‘48+ and Iola (Kenworthy ‘49)+ Keys Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore Martha (Mills ‘46) and Jay+ Kiser Joseph and Sharon Kopacz Tim ‘67 and Connie (May ‘67) Kratzer Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Kent ‘78 and Sandy (Wade ‘78) Krober Wendel ‘63 and Kay (Wills ‘63) Krober Steve ‘77 and Debbie (Darr ‘77) LaFleur Scott ‘92 and Angela Lefler June (Martin ‘50) Llewellyn Karen Longman Duane+ and Betty+ Luallen Fern (Ambrose ‘32) Mack+ Adelle (Sieck ‘28)+ and Edward Mansholt Kay (Zimmer ‘78) and Tim Marshall David ‘69 and Sharla (Mannoia ‘74) Martin Gary ‘86 and Jill (Skorupa ‘87) Mason Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews Vivien Maves ‘28+ Kendall ‘37+ and Mildred (Bentley ‘38)+ Mayhew Vi (Ormston ‘49)+ and Glenn ‘50 McAdam Mark ‘86 and Karla (Goers ‘86) McGinnis John ‘82 and Pam (Maurer ‘84) Minshall John+ and Shirley+ Minshall Robert ‘41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery
Carol (Lane ‘77) and Larry ‘78 Moore Jesse ‘51 and Lin (Moorhouse ‘55) Moore Doug ‘87 and Dee Morgan Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan Jack ‘47+ and Evelyn (Marston ‘48) Mottweiler Bill ‘83 and Renate (Reeser ‘86) Moyers Ken ‘56 and LeOra (Samuelson ‘62) Mudge Gary ‘83+ and Susan (Rose ‘83) Mulholland Richard Mulholland ‘60+ Bonnie (Myers ‘60) Mulholland-Kinnamen+ Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50 Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Linda (Groesbeck ’73) and Phil ’75 Myette Phil ‘41+ and Lois+ Myette Faye (Myers ‘62) and Alden ‘63 Nay Arthur ‘26+ and Bernice (Weiler ‘26)+ Nelson John Nethercott+ Duane ‘73 and Sharen (Bewley ‘74) Newman Jo Ann Noble ‘56 William ‘25+ and Elizabeth+ Norbeck Marcella (Vanvolkenburg ‘34)+ and Floyd+ Nowlin Elvan Olmstead ‘36+ Clarence ‘42+ and Beth (Hampton ‘44)+ Oscarson Marie (Clouse ‘52) Owen Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Ralph and Doris Park Bill Parker ‘57+ Neil and Jean Parrott Dan ‘81 and Jill (Vincent ‘82) Parry Jim ‘67 and Carole (Cox ‘72) Parsons Elaine (Huston ‘62) and Hershal Paul Darrold ‘68 and Louise Phillips Melvin ‘50+ and Joann Phillips Ron Phillips ‘80 Annabelle (King ‘47)+ and Ned Philpott Dorathi Pierre+ Richard ‘55 and Vivian Price Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Teresa Rardin ‘78 Fred Reader ‘62 John ‘69 and Jennifer (Apple ‘70) Reed Jim ‘54 and Marilyn ‘76 Reinhard
Leona (Stillman ‘42) Rennells+ Ray Rhine ‘53+ Carl ‘43+ and Alice (Fickess ‘44)+ Rice Jerry ‘74 and Linda (Kratzer ‘77) Rich Sarah Ridpath+ Roberta Rittenhouse ‘47+ Ron ‘57 and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart Violet (Kindel ‘66)+ and John Rohrer Rex ‘64 and Bethel Root Howard ‘40+ and Mary Loretta (Olmstead ‘40)+ Rose Mike Sailsbery ‘70 and Debby (Horton ‘72) Fink-Sailsbery David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Everett ‘50 and Jane (Moorhouse ‘50) Sanders Troy ‘41+ and Rose Marie+ Sanders Larry and Cindy Sayler Donna Saylor ‘72 Eldon ‘42+ and Florence Sayre Earl ‘53 and Julie (Larson ‘53) Schamehorn John ‘39+ and Ruby (Tosh ‘40)+ Schlosser Lawrence Schoenhals ‘35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ‘82+ Kathy (Ballinger ‘81) and Kevin ‘82 Schoenwetter Cheryl (Logue ‘67)+ and Lawrence Schrock Janis (Schlapia ‘82) and Jim Schuberth Lewis Seifert+ Leslie ‘64 and Colleen (King ‘65) Sellers Kevin ‘78 and Ginny Seybold Janet (Weikert ‘79) and Dale ‘81 Shackley Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw Burl ‘57 and Marjorie Shinkle Ruth Short ‘33+ Patsy Shutz+ Riker+ and Edith+ Simcoe Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith Bob “Ish” ‘57 and Joanna (Riggs ‘59)+ Smith David ‘73 and Hope (Williams ‘73) Smith Jerry Smith ‘64 and Dottie Fugiel Ken ‘53 and Marjie (Sandin ‘56) Smith Lynette Smith ‘64+ Jana (Tidball ‘74) and Dennis ‘75 Spencer Charles and Marge Stavely
Louverne Stephens+ Louis ‘82 and Nancy (Oschwald ‘82) Stewart Peter ‘85 and Marla (Samuelson ‘86) Stuart Norm ‘70 and Carol (Turner ‘70) Swanson Deborah Swearingen ‘78 Louise Tenney ‘31+ Wallace and Frances+ Tippery Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Randall ‘52+ and Phyl (Case ‘52) Tucker Ron ‘72 and Joy (Lowe ‘72) Tucker Myriam (Swanson ‘79) Turbyfield Dallas ‘31+ and Virginia (Howland ‘34)+ Turner Delores (Nuby ‘50)+ and Harry ‘54 Ulmer Margaret (Bebermeyer ‘46) and Florence Vahle Carl ‘64+ and Pauletta Vancil Virginia (Lehr ‘60) Vancil+ Hayden+ and Joyce+ Van Horn Mark ‘79 and Linda (Johnson ‘80) VanValin Mendal ‘51+ and Kathleen (Willing ‘51) VanValin Chuck ‘62 and Carole (Whitbeck ‘64) Vick Imogene (Snyder ‘32)+ and Harold+ Vick Carol (Moore ‘74) and Lonnie Vollintine Clyde Wait+ Ruby Walker+ Sheri (Hudson ‘69) and Jerry Wall Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) and Lewis+ Walter Bob+ and Helen (Butts ‘35)+ Warren Wes ‘43+ and Edna Warwick Clark Webster+ Elizabeth White ‘46 Elliott ‘60 and Cynthia (Gillard ‘61) Wiegand Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Sarah Wilson+ Della Wolcott+ Otis ‘62 and Judy (Daniel ‘63) Wolkins Ronald and Diana Woodworth Charles and Mildred Wroblewski Jerry Yotter ‘70 Betty Young ‘50+ Chuck ‘54+ and Charlotte (Nissly ‘54) Young Helen (Zahniser’41) Zahniser-Snyder+ and Lee Snyder+
Recognizing donors based on giving from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018. Visit for a complete list of G.U. Financial Champions. $500-999 Janet Allison-Seed Cindy (Letson ‘65) and Howard ‘67 Barnes Maurice and Janet Beckman Randy ‘82 and Judy (Kamp ‘82) Bennett Dale ‘63 and Barb (Wilson ‘63) Benson James and Lynn Bos Louise (Deboer ‘69) Bourg Wayne Bovee ‘50 Linda Bradley John and Valerie Braun Justine (Sims ‘60) Brewer Kathy (Gillaspie ‘61) and Alan Brouard Margery (Walters ‘66) and George Browning Jay and Tamara Brubaker Doris Burd Patricia (Wallace ‘55) and Gerald Bushrow
Eula May (Metz ‘52) and Richard Carr Jim Catanzaro ‘00 Chuck ‘74 and Christy (Chism ‘84) Coates Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates Pam (Magnussen ‘83) Coleman and Geoffrey Guzynski Gary ‘81 and Celeste (Kline ‘81) Cranston Sarah Crawford ‘99 Laura Creighton ‘73 Wanda (Claussen ‘72) and Lysle Crosson Barry and Bonny Davis Dave ‘55 and Betty Ann (Cottrill ‘55) Dickerson Christy (Brown ‘91) and Brent ‘92 Ellis Shirley (Hall ‘56) and John ‘58 Ellis Loraine (Stimer ‘54) Engelberth Bill ‘52 and Gloria (Penwell ‘53) Erickson
Timothy ‘82 and Valerie Erickson Cal Faulkner ‘55 David ‘69 and Gloria Figg Jason and Stephanie Finley Vincent Fromke ‘54 Alan ‘76 and Lori (Nielsen ‘83) Gaffner Kay Gaines Dorothy (Fisher ‘51) and Robert Gardner Betty Garrett ‘58 Dawn ‘07 and David Gillis Carolyn (Page ‘55) Glair Carol (Eggan ‘89) and Galen ‘90 Golay Leo Goodyear Dan Gordon Wendolyn Grace ‘77 Dwayne and Pamela Graydon Chris (Smith ‘79) and Jim Gunther
Patty Hall ‘60 Linda (Whiteside ‘74) and Kenny ‘91 Hampton Mary Beth (Wilson ‘90) and Todd Harper Edie (Sussenbach ‘62) and Richard Harris Duane ‘56 and Betty Hood Duane Houghtaling ‘80 James Jackson Jason Jolliff David ‘88 and Annette (Mulholland ‘89) Juhlin Matt ‘95 and Rachel Keillor Cheralyn (Gallup ‘66) and Dennis Kendel Mark ‘78 and Karen Lindsley John MacLean Bob Mansur Barbara (Looney ‘79) Marsh
Toni (Macy ‘79) and Rod ‘80 Mathews Shirley Matteson ‘79 Ray ‘72 and Karen Maxwell Michael ‘82 and Sandra (Wiens ‘82) Mick Rick ‘84 and Lisa (Tarantino ‘84) Morgan Mauricio and Faith Nava Cyndi (Smith) Oglesby ‘85 Bob Osborn ‘69 Brian ‘88 and Heather Patton Steven ‘76 and Julie Peay Hugo Perez Margaret Perkins ‘66 Steve ‘74 and Janice Piercy Lisa (Barnes ‘92) Richardson Bruce and Sue Ronk Merlin Roth ‘54 LaVerne ‘59 and Barbara Ruhberg David ‘62 and Millie (Nelson ‘63) Samuelson Alex ‘96 and Melissa (Freeman ‘99) Schmidt Vicki (Stuber ‘75) and Rich ‘78 Schurter Charlotte (Olson ‘56) Seago Joseph Smith ‘56 Harold ‘46 and Ellen (Vore ‘50) Snyder Melvin and Dena Spencer Mel ‘64 and Susan Starr Barb (Kerns ‘78) and Guy Steele Debbie (Mollett ‘76) and Rick ‘77 Stephens Kendell ‘80 and Andé (Stewart ‘82) Stephens Dale ‘80 and Carol (Finger ‘81) Stewart Marilynn (Ayers ‘57) and Terry Taylor Louise Tenney ‘31+ Mark and Sheila Thomas Tyler Thompson Dennis and Brenda Throneburg Eldon ‘67 and Marilyn Turley Marlin and Phyllis Wade Clyde Wait+ Diana (Watson ‘59) and William Walter Tim ‘04 and Rachel (Krober ‘04) Wayman Brandon and Eva Weiler Robert ‘70 and Robyn (Penner ‘70) Welch Sidney and Dottie White Beatrice (Spar ‘60) Whitehead Carol Wilson ‘81 and Allan Shoultz Dave ‘96 and Melissa Wilson Donald and Loretta Wire Phillip ‘60 and Joyce Wise Lowell and Norma Zitzloff $250-499 George ‘69 and Evelyn Adam Doug ‘67 and Nancy Ambuehl Tom Andrews Laura Arksey Lori Banker Gordon Banks ‘57+ Verna Bassett ‘65 Craig Baumberger Dave and Jane Bell Tom ‘95 and Amy Boileau Nelda Borror Bob ‘65 and Pat (Nesbitt ‘66) Burns Robert ‘50 and Helen (Anderson ‘50)+ Canfield Ruth (Davis ‘63) and Ed ‘64 Carey Hope (Hessler ‘76) and Robert Carter Rob ‘93 and Kelli (Keasling ‘94) Chelberg Jackie (Hendricks ‘47)+ and Robert ‘48 Clement Herb Coates ‘55 Neil Cowen ‘55
Mary Lou (Crandall ‘63) and Merle ‘65 Cromwell Thomas Crosier Dave ‘97 and Emily Dahlbeck Steve ‘88 and Laura Davenport Norma Davis ‘52 Tim ‘96 and Elisabeth (Rittenhouse ‘96) Dietz Daniel and Ann Draper Van ‘69 and Karen (Schmidt ‘71) Eldridge Virgil ‘55 and Vennie Ewing Kathy (Fleming ‘71) and Gary Farnsworth Ruth (Brandt ‘51) Farnsworth John Farr Charlie ‘60 and Faye (Kelley ‘60) Faulkner Ruth (Williams ‘45) Finger Charles ‘60 and Elizabeth (Stoltz ‘62) Finley Judith (Anderson ‘71) and Louis Fogleman Ryan Garrett MAT ‘09 and Christina Smerick Mary Lou (Penn ‘77) and James Goggin Greg ‘80 and Sue (Gerhardt ‘80) Groves Sue (Langham ‘81) and Rick Hahn Duane ‘65 and Gretchen Haines Sam ‘97 and Kristi (Stewart ‘97) Hardy Edward ‘53 and Ruth (Mulholland ‘55) Harrow John ‘01 and Meredith (McDaniels ‘04) Heater Darold ‘62 and Marjorie Hill David ‘67 and Peggy (Sayre ‘68) Hill Dorothea Hines ‘66 Margene (Schwartz ‘76) Holak Robert ‘51 and Clarice Hollis Robert ‘51 and Donna (Hastriter ‘55) Hull Felex Jackson Eugene Jekel Bill ‘67 and Loretta (Jones ‘68) Jenkins Craig ‘92 and Heidi (Herron ‘92) Johnson Sharon (Cronkhite ‘59) and Clyde Kale Gary Kaufmann ‘78 Kristian Kaufmann ‘03 Martha (Rosentrater ‘69) and Paul Kellner John and Ellie Kennedy Tom ‘73 and Debbie (Wilson ‘73) Kepka Frank ‘77 and Rhonda (Kugler ‘77) Kline Scott Koberlein Les ‘69 and Peggy Krober Arnold Kugler ‘56 Georgann (Kurtz ‘81) Kurtz-Shaw and Brad Shaw ‘83 Steve ‘77 and Debbie (Darr ‘77) LaFleur Barbara (Kirkpatrick ‘74) and Phillip Landis Sandy (Somerville ‘87) and James Lang Linda (Cook ‘73) Larson Ray ‘54 and Susan Leitner Barton and Donna Maxie Beverly McCoy Marv ‘60 and Karen Moran Amber (Johnson ‘04) and Joshua Morris Norma (Randlett ‘49) and Bill ‘50 Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Dave ‘64 and Bonnie (Hitchcock ‘65) Newton Doug and Margie Newton Steven Ogle ‘71 David Owens Kelli (Stephens ‘86) and Gene Page Beth Peebles ‘69 Eileen Pope Alan ‘75 and Christina (Sheridan ‘81) Probst Mary (Richey ‘54) Rardin Greg Render ‘99
Annie Rice ‘07 Morgan Robertson ‘59 Charlie ‘55 and Jan (Koch ‘55) Sandbach Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus Mildred (Head ‘32) Schoenhals+ Ruth Anne ‘64 and Richard ‘65 Scott Kyle ‘02 and Julie (Kaufmann ‘04) Shultz Perry ‘64 and Donna Souzis Marilyn Starr John Straeter ‘01 Wilma Tade Edward and Donna Taylor Thomas and Louanne Theiss Tara Thompson ‘06 Pat Trager Bob ‘78 and Marleis Trover Matt ‘51 and Dorothy Urfer Brandon Volker Ruth (Postlewait ‘62) Walter Jim ‘84 and Kim (Shaw ‘84) Ward Kerri (Keasling ‘94) and Kevin Webster James and Cyndi Weidner Mick ‘68 and Michele Wilson Paul ‘63 and Connie Wilson Stephanie (Nolting ‘72) and Larry ‘74 Winkler Roy ‘70 and Claudia (Kosick ‘71) Yarbrough Tom ‘63 and Barb (Bronson ‘63) Young $100-249 Michael and Roberta Aden Melissa Alderman Richard Allen ‘57 Sondra Anderson ‘84 Genevieve (Hendricks ‘48) Andrews Mert ‘61 and Wanda (Walton ‘61) Arvidson Berry and Jo Azdell Myrtle (White ‘60) and Sam Bailey-Hamblen Rod ‘78 and Karen (Royer ‘78) Bailie Lola (Wellman ‘51) Baker Thomas Barry Marvin ‘69 and Mary (Hostetler ‘69) Barthauer Jerry Bates David ‘80 and Becky (Traeger ‘82) Bathe Wilma (Sharp ‘40) Baumberger Robert and Tracy Beach Kurt Beard ‘79 Reed ‘56 and Virginia (Miller ‘58) Beard William Beckert James and Linda Bender Virginia (Ruth ‘47) and James Bennett David ‘94 and Kara (Kilgore ‘94) Benson David and Patricia Bilyeu Steve ‘71 and Dianne Birky Tim ‘76 and Polly (Paulson ‘76) Birky Geneva (Smith ‘65) and George Blankenship Nelson ‘75 and Camille (Murray ‘75) Blount Betty Blue ‘63 Doug ‘73 and Lois Boele Curt Bohannon ‘59+ Elmer Boileau+ Allen and Darlene Bonds Doane ‘54 and Ruth (Schantz ‘54) Bonney Harry ‘47 and Betty Bonney Ruth (Finke ‘49) Boone Norma Borgmann ‘70 Lee Borowiak Marion Bos Susan Bos Don ‘72 and Sandra Bounds
Brenda (Vaughn ‘78) and Craig Boyd Mary Lou (Caldwell ‘58) Brake George ‘50 and Barbara Brancato David ‘68 and Kimberlee Brede Dona Lee (Anderson ‘66) and Earl Breitbarth Ward Brining David Brown ‘57 Lloyd ‘49 and Jeanne (Clark ‘49) Brown Pat (Scittine ‘59) Burbridge Dale Burge ‘65 Juanita (Mooney ‘50) Burge Dave ‘69 and Linda Burkey Casey Burrus ‘01 Bob ‘68 and Marcy (Hall ‘69) Burtch Diana Burtch ‘72 Jim Burtch ‘72 Richard Bushue Daniel and Debra Callon Jan (Baker ‘65) and Larry Camp Carolyn (Mangels ‘67) and Frank ‘69 Campbell Bob ‘75 and Mary Lu (Andrews ‘75) Cannon Charles ‘60 and Jan (Mitchell ‘60) Carey Ruth (Dorsey ‘57) Carey Michael and Jo Anne Cargill Wayne ‘59 and Ruth (Lehman ‘59) Cassel Rex ‘75 and Cindy (Monroe ‘76) Catron Douglas and Starlet Chambers Nelson Chambers Mary (Morgan ‘52) Chapman Brenda (Moore ‘84) and Mark Chema Steve and Sharon Christian Roger Christin ‘72 Wayne ‘51 and Rosalie (Creager ‘52) Clark Tyler Cochran Suzanne Cockerill Deloy ‘84 and Bonnie Cole Treva (Booher ‘80) and David ‘83 Cole Karla (Trager ‘86) and Kurt Conard Joseph Conyers Pamala (Underhill ‘66) and Larry Cook Richard and Gladys Cook Lonnie and Tricia Coppernoll Andrew Craig Brian and Dannette Craig Bob ‘77 and Tammy Cranston Randy ‘80 and Rebecca Cronk Louis ‘51 and Norma Crouch Michael and Susan Dale Gale and Barry Davis Jaron Davis ‘06 and Rachel (Heston ‘06) Heston-Davis Larry ‘70 and Kathie (Marze ‘70) Davis Anne Davy ‘75 Orval Dean Beth (Fields ‘68) Deck Harry ‘57 and Barbara (Lehr ‘61) Deffley Philip ‘75 and Laronda DeLong Darlene (Nelson ‘60) and Roy Demetrick Lowell Denbo ‘66 Michael and Ruth DePauw Robert and Marilyn Dillman Pamela (Jordan ‘76) and Paul Dirschka Mary Donalson Jared Driskill Aaron (Atlee ‘01) and Kate (Dunigan ‘01) Dunigan-Atlee Mike ‘81 and Peg Dunleavy David and Diana Eaton Dean ‘54 and Ruby (James ‘56) Eccles Gordon ‘83 and Linda (Arvidson ‘84) Eccles
Ralph ‘58 and Yvonne (Gordon ‘59) Eccles Jack Elam ‘57 Ray ‘60 and Carollyn (Reid ‘61) Ellis Carol (Rikli ‘78) and Mike ‘79 Ellsworth Philip and Barb Eppard Bob ‘72 and Emily (Willard ‘73) Fairbanks Will and Heather Fairbanks Marian (Brandt ‘51) Ferguson Dave ‘77 and Linda Ferrell Larry ‘70 and Beverly (Kratzer ‘70) Findley Freda (Wilder ‘60) and David Finlay Jeff ‘96 and Jennifer (Nead ‘98) Finley Rita Finley Lisa Foster Gayle (Poland ‘70) and Charles Frame Judy (Arnold ‘74) and Darrell Fritz Willard ‘55 and Hazel Frost Johnnie ‘52+ and Nina Frye Peggy (Pacatte ‘52) Gabriel Glenn and Billie Gentry Max Gentry Steve ‘67 and Priscilla George Karen (Strickler ‘84) Gilmore Karen Gines ‘68 Marsha (Headley ‘74) Glazier Don Goldsmith ‘52+ Stanley Goodyear Elaine (Marrs ‘63) Goulden Jerry and Mary Graber Dorothy Graham Judy (Gray ‘83) and Jerry ‘84 Grasso Jeremiah ‘02 and Jamie Gregory Doug Griffin Lorraine (Collier ‘61) Griffith Bob ‘57 and Joyce (Goldsboro ‘57) Grimes Bob ‘64 and Patricia Gruen Mark Gunggoll ‘75 Earl ‘57 and Elma (Pounds ‘57) Habecker Gary ‘73 and Linda Hackney Jon ‘74 and Marlene Hall Robert Hall ‘71 Candi Hallam ‘74 Amanda Hanback Nancy Hanson Richard Hany Sue Harmeson Jvee ‘77 and Theresa Harner Sheila (Walton ‘58) Harrison Ralph ‘56 and Lorraine (Erstad ‘56) Haupers Vi Henderson ‘45 Ruby (Erickson ‘52) Henry Sarah (Cenkar ‘98) and Joseph Herdade Carol Heston Dillon Hodges Elizabeth Hofsas David ‘69 and Diane Hogue Sherrie (Smith ‘64) and Jerry Holifield Dolores (Sandell ‘58) Hoover Kathleen (Quastad ‘56) House Kathy (Hannah ‘68) and Doug ‘71 Howard Norma (Nolte ‘69) and Frank Howard Constance (Kerns ‘45) Hoyt Jerrold and Shirley Hubbs Loren ‘59 and Doris Hueter Lowell Huffman Bill Ingwersen ‘63 Diane (Tabbert ‘80) Jack William ‘71 and Rhonda (Probst ‘73) Jacobs John ‘64 and Marlene (Reeves ‘65) Jenkins Ella Johanson ‘57 Robert and Amanda Johnson
Sy Johnson Weyburn ‘49 and Dorothy Johnson Paul and Kristina Jones Sonya Jones ‘96 Stella Jones Laurie (Nelson ‘82) and Richard Karns Ken Kaufmann ‘49 David and Lavone Kendall Jay ‘79 and Janet Kennedy Tim ‘78 and Beth (Burge ‘79) Kenyon Beth (Simcoe ‘68) and Gary Kilgore Art ‘78 and Janet (Miller ‘78) Killian Burt ‘66 and Carlene Kingsley Erin (Helmuth ‘00) and Mike Kinzel Robert and Helen Kirk Laurie Klarman Barbara (Creech ‘64) and Delbert Klaus Ruth (Kuyt ‘71) and John Klein Kenneth ‘65 and Merrily Knepper Ross and Beverly Koberlein Janet (Wilkinson ‘59) and Paul Komar Bill and Sandy Koss Norma (Burge ‘77) and Kenneth+ Kramer Debi (Long ‘88) and Terry Kramm Tena Krause ‘80 Maria Krivtsova ‘07 Alfred Krober ‘63 Kyle ‘02 and Miriam Krober Howard+ and Donna Kunder Lyle Lang ‘65 Lavonne Larson ‘71 Naomi Law Dan ‘05 and Katrina Liss Juanita (Brittain ‘63) and John Lutz Dave ‘70 and Linda (Sayre ‘70) Marcy Ginger (Williamson ‘70) and Dave ‘71 Marquart Dan Marsch Chris Marsh ‘80 Doug and Doris Marti John ‘69 and Judy Martin Kathryn (Smith ‘71) and John Martin Martha (Bailey ‘65) and Richard Martin Donald and Margie Mason Robert Massey ‘55 Phyllis Matheny ‘54 Kim ‘85 and Katrina Mathews Jim ‘66 and Verla (Orr ‘67) Mayse Sue Ann (Wooters ‘72) and Tom McBroom Edward McCormick Linda (Johnson ‘68) and Thomas McCutcheon Beth McDonald ‘45 Dru (Orcutt ‘85) and Paul ‘86 McLeland Sherrie McPherson Don ‘68 and Nancy Meissner Tom Menacher ‘10 Karen (Sarr ‘69) Mensing Dennis Meyer Todd ‘02 and Sarah (Higgins ‘02) Miesch Betty (Cassabaum ‘50) Miles Alisha Miller Cathy (Monroe ‘72) and Roger Miller Kenneth and Helen Miller Mark ‘62 and Mary Miller Marilyn Mills ‘59 Celia Milslagle ‘67 Renee (Phillips ‘86) and Craig ‘87 Minner Bev (Barcroft ‘52) Minton Geneva (Kleinik ‘53) Mohrbacker Richard Montgomery Dottie (Wolcott ‘61) Morgan
Dennis and Cathy Mouzin Nathan Murrell Rodney Neuenschwander Patrick and Annette Nichols Gayle Nicholson Terry Niehaus B Nordhielm Lesa Northam ‘84 Mark Noyes Ralph ‘66 and Judith (Dick ‘66) Odman Mary Oehlert ‘77 John and Margo Oliver Smitty Oliver ‘01 Art and Judy Osborne Phil ‘73 and Chris Owsley Arnold ‘68 and Ardyce (Dixon ‘68) Parks Darren and Lori Pearce Robert and Beverly Perry Ron ‘65 and Linda (Keele ‘65) Peters Jay Pfister William Piper May Della Probst Frank and Debra Quintero Phyllis Rames Mark Redding ‘83 John ‘64 and Vivian Reeser Kevin and Robin Reichert Milan ‘67 and Dorene (Ebel ‘68) Reimer Ron and Linda Reister Norma (Reeves ‘68) and John Rempe Merlyn ‘52 and Virgena Rensberry Jack Roadman ‘48 Ron ‘57 and Marion (Smith ‘59) Robart Vaughn ‘89 and Regina (Dothager ‘91) Robart Wallace and Jennifer Rohrer Chris Ross ‘93 Steve and Veronica Ross Claris and Velda Roth Donita (Gregory ‘70) and Donald Roulsten Rod ‘67 and Marilyn (Graham ‘68) Ruberg Patricia Rubirosa Ruth (Sussenbach ‘60) Rupert Wayne ‘55 and Patricia Ryan Haroldene (Seneker ‘48) Ryff Trudy (Campbell ‘75) and Dick Salsberry Dwight ‘65 and Judith Samuelson Ellen (Walles ‘99) and Zachary Sancken Donald and Marjorie Sapp Mildred Sawyer ‘59 Leland ‘56 and Jo Sayers Donna Saylor ‘72 Shannon Schantz ‘83 Judy (Griffith ‘69) Schneck Nancy Schoenherr Ronald and Amanda Schoff Harold ‘01 and Linda (Jones ‘01) Schuler Alex Schwartz Ronald and Hollie Scott Irene Seppanen Brent ‘82 and Lolly Shaw Barbara Shock ‘56 Steve and Suanne Shoemaker Mary Sidwell ‘67 Mary Ann Sievers ‘72 Virginia (Wallace ‘59) Sims Robert and Judy Skaggs Myra (Selig ‘61) and William Skipwith Bob ‘52 and Dottie (Connor ‘54) Smith David ‘65 and Janice Smith Melva Smith Mike ‘89 and Shannon Smith
Susan (Kline ‘72) and Keith Smith Terry and Mary Ann Smith David ‘71 and Gladys Snare Lois (Smith ‘50) and Keith Snyder Deb (Ryan ‘74) and Karl Somerville William and Patricia Speaks Greg and Shari Spencer Gene ‘62 and Corrine Stevenson Phil ‘65 and Carolyn (Shields ‘65) Streetman Paul ‘79 and Beth Stroble Anne (Lantis ‘56) and William Struck Larry and Becky Suess Ward Sussenbach ‘66 Cindy (Gnade ‘98) and Lee Swartz Mike ‘93 and Kathy Swindle Clarence Taylor ‘61 Brandon and Janelle Theobald Albert ‘52 and Beatrice Thomas Warren ‘50 and Luella (Connor ‘51) Thomas Clancy ‘52 and Doris (Towns ‘52) Thompson Rose (Davis ‘65) Thompson William and Debra Tibbs John Tippitt ‘85 Ben and Julie Tolly Charlotte (Shimmons ‘65) Torres Richard and Maryann Townley Jenise Trotter Joyce (Wilhelm ‘77) and Terry Troyer Gary ‘68 and Mary Ann (Walden ‘74) Tucker Pedro ‘96 and Christal (Valdez ‘96) Valentin Leslie Van Becker Terry and Della Vance Forrest ‘50 and Janice (Greenman ‘51) Van Valin Selene Van Vleck Shirley Vassar Paul and Miriam Vaughn Donald and Margo Voltz Lori Wagner Marvin and Linda Waldeck Esther (Wilson ‘62) Walker Connie Wardell ‘64 Gretchen Watson Ben ‘02 and Michelle (Zitzloff ‘03) Wayman Hal ‘76 and Mary Weise Elaine (Crider ‘61) and Paul ‘63 Wengert Jeff and Ruth Weyers David ‘70 and Kay (Beyers ‘70) Whitaker Evelyn White Geoff ‘05 and Jen Whitlock Jane Wickiser Melvin ‘52 and Ethelyn (Hunsaker ‘54) Williams Stanley and Karen Williams Ken ‘63 and Diana Williamson Dennis ‘68 and Joyce (Baker ‘68) Wilson Pam MA ‘13 and Jeff Wilson Scott and Jennifer Wilson Hung ‘77 and Lee Winn Mark ‘86 and Karla (Kugler ‘86) Winslow Nancy ‘05 and Mark Wolf Allen Wolff Kerry and Gina Wolff Mary (Kendle ‘50) and Charles Wood Evan and Laura Wooding Elizabeth Wuebbels-Jones ‘84 and Ronald Jones Bruce ‘83 and Judith (Johnson ‘83) Young James Young Steve ‘79 and Mary Young Constance Zimpfer
Recognizing gifts received from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018, honoring the following individuals: Jonathan Adams Shank Real Estate Henry Ajagbe John and Myrna Cammin Sandy Boileau Jack and Pat Burd David and Beckie Smith Michael Bond Buddy and Pat Bond
Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Jack and Pat Burd Doris Burd Jack and Pat Burd Jack and Pat Burd Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Terry and Marilynn Taylor
Jack Chism Rod and Marilyn Ruberg Daryl Cox Steve and Laura Davenport Newt and Suzanne Fink Jim and Susan Claussen Hannah Frerker Shank Real Estate
Brian Hartley Ryan Garrett and Christina Smerick Darrell Iler Shank Real Estate Daniel Jolliff Jason Jolliff Kent Krober Paul Condon
Brooke Goodyear Stanley Goodyear
Ian MacLean John MacLean
Rich Stephens Jim and Susan Claussen
Jim Reinhard Bronwyn Martin
Terry and Marilyn Taylor Jack and Pat Burd
John Rohrer Jim and Susan Claussen
Frank Thompson Paul and Beth Stroble
Bob “Ish” Smith John and Vivian Reeser Carol Wilson and Allan Shoultz Mick and Michele Wilson
Recognizing gifts received in memory of the following individuals from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018. Orpha Barnes Jack and Candace Long Everett and Jane Sanders Jenise Trotter Judy Blue Steve and Veronica Ross Donald Brown Darrel and Hilda Fry Doris Hamilton Marvin Knight Becky Lipe Richard Brown Venessa Brown Cal Burge Tom and Peggy Allan Elmer and Twyla Claussen Jim and Susan Claussen Grace Claussen Jim and Susan Claussen Linda Crandall Dave and Carol Crandall Anice Faulkner Doug and Tara Faulkner Jeff Fry Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Herald and Wanda Gines Karen Gines Irvin and Laverne Guthals Dennis and Louise Weiss
Jeff Hallmark Michael and Amanda Wiegand Catherine Hasenmyer Tim Finley Maurice Heath Paul and Joan Heath Dave Johnson Jon and Marlene Hall Steve and Janice Piercy Rich and Becky Weinhandl Dottie Jolliff Daniel Jolliff Michael and Gwyn JolliffBlake Frank and Ruth Joy Jim and Susan Claussen Gene Kamp Anonymous Sharon Alger Randy and Judy Bennett Sam and Becky Decesaro Will and Heather Fairbanks Walter and Eileen Fenton Alan and Lori Gaffner Scott Giffen and Yvi Martin James and Mary Lou Goggin Meagan Gunn Brian and Darlene Hartley Tamie Heichelbeck Dave and Bernie Jack Dan and Jan Jensen Joyce Keillor+ Susan Miller Al and Emily Moore Tom and Betty Morgan
Jo Ann Noble Jim and Marilyn Reinhard Sally Riemenschneider Steve and Veronica Ross Howard and Virginia Schantz Brad Shaw and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw Bob “Ish” and Joanna+ Smith Keith and Shae Stewart Dustin and Erin Swarm Pam Taylor Mary Taylor Previte Dean and Trudy West Michael and Amanda Wiegand Jeff and Pam Wilson Ellen Winslow
David Meisenheimer Tim Finley
Howard and Anita Krober Jim and Susan Claussen
Jaime Rantanen Emily Hager Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus
Leroy and Sarah Ludlow Jim and Susan Claussen Debra Marsch Dan Marsch Vi McAdam Glenn McAdam Elva A. McAllaster John and Myrna Cammin Paul and Beth Stroble Warren McMullen Paul and Martha Kellner Dan McPherson Charles and Dana McPherson
Sherry Neeley Daniel and Linda Hummer Lloyd and Polly Nothnagel Jim and Susan Claussen Debra Noyes Bill and Sandy Koss Barbara Osborn Bob Osborn Clyde and Florence Page Jim and Susan Claussen
Violet Rohrer Bow Tie Bar Inc. Joseph and Debra Bricco Vincent and Betty Brown Jim and Susan Claussen Joseph Conyers David and Gloria Figg Rosann Fuller Joseph and Amber Hammond Dorothea Hines Ron and Linda Reister David and Brenda Rice John Rohrer Wallace and Jennifer Rohrer Joe and Mary Rozich Patricia Rubirosa Jean Schroeder Tom Schulz
William Schweitzer Steve and Suanne Shoemaker Beckie and David Smith Rita Snyder Sparta Sport Shop Charlotte Torres Richard and Maryann Townley Leslie Van Becker Selene Van Vleck Troy Sanders Everett and Jane Sanders John Scandrett Michael and Amanda Wiegand Delbert Sims Justine Brewer Lynette Smith Jerry Smith and Dottie Fugiel William Staff Billye Staff Arlene Stephens Jim and Susan Claussen Lewis and Louverne Stephens Jim and Susan Claussen Alphonse Straeter John Straeter John Strahl John and Vivian Reeser Bonnie Tidball Sharon Alger Mary Bagman
Charlie and Fluffy Baum Mary Bauman Dave and Jane Bell Jay and Shay Burgess Jim and Susan Claussen Philip and Laronda DeLong Gary and Kathy Farnsworth Walter and Eileen Fenton Alan and Lori Gaffner Martha Grant Tamie Heichelbeck Dan and Jan Jensen Dan and Becki Jewett Deb Keillor Jo Keillor Joyce Keillor+ John and Carol Knight Marvin Knight Kent and Sandy Krober Larry and Christy Martin Tom and Betty Morgan Randall Neumann Jim and Marilyn Reinhard James Schutte Karen Shaw Greg and Shari Spencer Ellen Winslow Watson Tidball Jim and Susan Claussen George Turner Stephanie Swanson Delores Ulmer Harry Ulmer Robert Williamson Jeremiah and Jennifer Williamson Jarielle Winkleman Michael and Mitzi Balkauskas Mark and Dot Behrens
Rex and Diane Burge Joni Colle Steven and Diane Curll Paul and Pamela Dirschka
Jonathan and Paula Dunn Fayette County Retired Teachers Association Kara Friese
Darrell and Judy Fritz Candi Hallam Diane Jack Alice Kaiser
Cynthia Luton Thomas Madison Bernie and Cherri Mennemeyer
Larry and Dorcas Patterson TNT Sunday School Class Lori Wagner
Rich and Becky Weinhandl Marilyn Yakel
Recognizing gifts received from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018. Visit for a complete list of churches that provided matching scholarships for students through the University’s Church Partnership Scholarship Program. Absolutely You Agape Scholars International Inc. Allendale Ruritan Club 858 American Bible Society Donor Advised Fund Ameriprise Financial APACHE Apex Physical Therapy LLC Associated Colleges of Illinois Assurance Agency Ltd. Baker Memorial United Methodist Church Banjo Transfer Incorporation Benedictus Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund Boeing Company Bond County Realtors Bos Farm Repair Bow Tie Bar Inc. Bradford National Bank Briner Services Inc. Brown, Hay & Stephens Attorneys Bunker Hill Missions Canadian National Christian Foundation Capin Crouse LLP Carlisle Construction Materials LLC Carlisle Syntec Inc. Carolina Biological Supply Caterpillar Inc. Cavallo Bus Lines Inc. Center Grove Presbyterian Church Central Trust Company
Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Christian College Consortium Inc. Collinsville First Baptist Church Community Foundation of Mount Vernon & Knox County Cornerstone Baptist Church of Lafayette, IN Dairy Queen Stores David Ulmer Photography Dieterich Community School Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Eaton Corporation Edward Jones Effingham Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates LLC Equity Residential Fayette County Hospital Fayette County Retired Teachers Association Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Baptist Church, Greenville, IL First National Bank First National Bank of Allendale First United Methodist Church of Peoria, IL Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI Galesburg Community Chorus General Talk GeoComfort Geothermal Systems Gill Veterinary Clinic
Giving Assistant Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Champaign, IL Gray’s Cabinet Company Greatland Corporation Greenville Family Medicine Greenville Free Methodist Church Greenville Optimist Club Greenville Tire Service GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund Tyjuan Hagler Foundation Health Insurance Associates Inc. Hearing Aid Music Foundation Inc. Hillsboro Free Methodist Church HSHS Holy Family Hospital IBM Corporation Illinois Board of Higher Education Initiatives of Change - USA Interactive Brokers LLC jBloom LLC John Wesley Free Methodist Church, Indianapolis, IN Kahuna’s Restaurant Inc. Kaskaskia Corporation Kauffman Brands Life Church of Gilman, IL Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Matching Gift Program McMillan LLC Merrill Lynch Midland States Bank
Minshall Education Trust Moneta Group Naco Printing and Advertising National Christian Foundation of Greater Chicago National Christian Foundation of Tampa Bay National Christian Multicultural Student Leaders Conference National Philanthropic Trust Nationwide Foundation NCCAA Network For Good One America Foundation Paypal Charitable Giving Fund PDQ Notary Inc. Pella Corporation Pepsico Foundation Pershing Advisor Solutions LLC Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Piasa Commercial Interiors Inc. Pimco Foundation Pinnacle Sign Group Powder Plus Inc. Precision Baseball LLC Print Group Inc. Probst Veterinary Clinics R & D Plumbing LLC R. P. Lumber River Of Life Outreach Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Seven Oaks Realty Shakespeare Club
Shank Real Estate Shell Oil Company Foundation Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. Smarrella Consulting LLC Sodexo Marriott Services, Inc. & Associates Sparta Sport Shop St. Louis Community College St. Paul’s Free Methodist Church State Farm State Farm Companies Foundation TD Ameritrade Clearing TIAA TNT Sunday School Class Tulip Church of God Vanguard Vanguard Charitable Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company Wabash Plumbing Inc. Wards Science Ware Inc. Watson’s Drug Store of Greenville, Inc. WC Restaurants Inc. Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rockford, IL WGEL World Relief
Funds initiated from June 1, 2017, through May 31, 2018. ACI Call One Scholarship Annual Forensics Conference Fund August Term Student Writing Course Fund Dr. Venessa Ann Brown Endowed Fund for Diversity & Inclusion Venessa Brown Diversity & Inclusion Student Leadership Development Fund
Community Outreach Fund Evangelism Fund Greenville Entrepreneurship Center EDA Fund Greenville SMART Building Fund Greenville SMART Initiative Fund International Fellows Scholarship
David Johnson Memorial Scholarship Justice Ministry Scholarship Fund Jim and Iola Keys Endowed Memorial Scholarship William Eugene and Marydella Maxwell Teacher Education Scholarship Fund David R. Nelson Scholarship Fund
David R. Nelson Scholarship Current Fund Rhine Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Why I Believe Lecture Series Work Study Co-Op 2017-2018 IBHE
ALUMNI NEWS Roger Moretz ’64 retired in 2007 from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals as a senior microscopist. In his work, he used electron microscopy in the fields of cancer research, kidney transplantation, Alzheimer’s disease, inborn errors of metabolism, drug development and more. In retirement, he leads weekly Bible studies, serves as an elder in his local church and helps organize meals for seniors. He enjoys genealogy, reading and gardening. Russell Peterson ’68 retired in 2002 after serving as a counselor for more than 20 years with the Illinois Department of Corrections work release program in Decatur, Illinois. He and wife Pat later served as field directors for Youth for Understanding, a foreign exchange program. They placed dozens of students with host families from Peoria to St. Louis and personally hosted ten students. Today, they serve their local church and stay engaged with their three children and seven grandchildren.
G.U.’s first panther mascot Roy ’70 and Claudia (Kosick ’71) Yarbrough reside in Tabor City, North Carolina. Roy retired after 40 years teaching sport management in higher education, including Liberty University, Newmann University (Pennsylvania) and California University of Pennsylvania. His retirement plans include authoring the third edition of Mascots: The History of Senior College & University Mascots Nicknames (Bluff University Communication, 1998). He will continue to referee soccer and track, work in local church building ministries, engage in political events and keep up with his eight grandchildren.
The Very Reverend Steven Peay ’76 is a fellow of the Burgon Society, an international society for the study of academic dress. The fellowship came in recognition of his paper “Appropriate Hoods, the Development of Academic Dress at Nashotah House Theological Seminary.” The paper will be published in 22
Submit your information online at
The Transactions of the Burgon Society. 8513 Jackson Park Blvd, Wauwatosa, WI 53226. Linda Richards ’78 is in her 22nd year teaching kindergarten music in Effingham, Illinois. “I still enjoy the five- and six-yearold children as they are eager to learn and so willing to please,” she says. She previously taught 20 years at the Samuel Music Company while also teaching preschoolers. When she wasn’t teaching children, she taught future teachers at the Kluthe Center for Higher Learning, an extension of Lake Land Community College. “My life has been and is full and busy,” she says, “just the way I like it!” 2109 Magnolia, Effingham, IL, 62401. 1 A new poetry book by Paul Stroble ’79, Backyard Darwin (Finishing Line Press, 2019), is scheduled for publication in January. The series of haikus tells the story of Charles Darwin and his colleagues. Stroble integrates images of the natural world—some gleaned from the original science texts—with poetic reflections on faith and science. One reviewer said the poems “possess a sly theology and sharp-eyed science that complement each other.”
1980s 2 Beraka Ministries, founded by Sam Rowley ’83, produces Meals for a Million, an annual co-operative food-packaging event aimed at packaging one million dried
non-perishable meals for distribution in the St. Louis area. In August, over 2,800 community volunteers in the St. Charles Family Arena packed 900,000 meals. Sealed pouches of nutritional formulas including fortified rice and beans and instant apple cinnamon oatmeal provide a complete meal for six children or four adults at approximately 25 cents per meal. The Meals for a Million website says 41.3 percent of all children in St. Louis live below the poverty line in risk of hunger. Over the last ten years, the number of children in Missouri subsisting on free or reduced meals increased by 79.1 percent.
1990s Donald Tanner ’90 is a product representative and retail marketer for Market Source and New America Marketing. He is also restoring a 1930s era house, including original wood trim and floors. “I especially like the original vintage double button light switch in my parlor,” he writes. “Wish me well, as I am trying to locate about a dozen more such switches to return them to use.” 1331 Marsh Ave, Kinsley, KS 67547. Larry and Dawn (Buchholz ’93) Pifer were married September 22, 2018. Dawn works as a teaching assistant at Capital Area Community Services Head Start in Lansing, Michigan. Larry owns a plumbing business. 916 Forest St, Charlotte, MI 48813.
What’s New With You?
Paul Stroble ’79
Sam Rowley ’83
Sonya Jones ’96
3 Sonya Jones ’96 has co-authored a book with Christopher Burcham, 44 Lessons from a Loser: Navigating Life Through Laughter, Prayer and the Occasional Throat Punch (Author Academy Elite, 2018). Jones won the hearts of millions of Americans when she dropped 144 pounds on Season 16 of NBC’S reality TV show The Biggest Loser. In 44 Lessons, she invites readers to discover goodness in their challenges, too. Visit to learn more.
Rob and Erika (Holmes ’99) Arnhart, a daughter, Everly Lovelle Arnhart, born November 7, 2017. Big sister Aubrey welcomed Everly.
2000s Mark Tomb ’00 currently resides at 5847 S 23rd Way, Phoenix, AZ 85040. Assistant Professor Michael Dando ’02 teaches communication and language arts at Saint Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota. He focuses on critical literacy development, teacher education and culturally relevant pedagogies.
Erik Reed ’15 is currently working on certification in web design. 6 Aaron Phillips ’16, digital media specialist with the City of St. Charles, Missouri, was recently honored for outstanding leadership and exemplifying the city’s core values. “What you do behind the scenes gets recognized,” he said upon news of the award.
Laura Hinrichsen ’08 is a marketing media consultant at Caterpillar, Inc. in Peoria, Illinois. She previously served as digital marketing strategist with Soderstrom Skin Institute.
Anna Brannon ’17 and Trey Brockman ’17 contributed their creative juices to an upcoming YouTube series with serious star power behind it. Trey composed the short intro theme song for The Misadventures of Psyche and Me, and Anna designed the program’s logo and poster advertisements. The series features stars Madison Hu of popular Disney shows Bizaardvark and Best Friends Whenever, Amber Midthunder of TV series Legion, and lead actors Kemma Filby and Noah Odegaard. It includes a cameo from singer, comedian and YouTube personality GloZell Green.
OZ Arts Nashville named Jakob Lewis ’08 recipient of the 2018 OZ Arts Artistic Fellowship. Lewis founded Neighbors, an award-winning podcast featured on WPLN/ Nashville Public Radio. Neighbors presents artful stories about everyday people, from barbers to improv comedians, from shoeshines to street musicians. The OZ Fellowship supports “an emerging creative voice” who actively contributes to the Nashville cultural landscape. 5
Blake and Angela (Gunther ’09) Ferando, a son, Dawson Blake, born April 19, 2018. Big sister Kinzie Nicole is proud of the new addition. Angela is an accounting supervisor with the Illinois District Council of the Assemblies of God.
Jamal Daniels ’17 owns and operates Vibes Barber Studio in Greenville, a dream come true for the young entrepreneur. After receiving his degree in business management from G.U., Daniels passed his barber certification exam last summer, opened his business in September and never stopped giving God the glory for opportunities that have come his way. “Blessed beyond measure,” says Daniels. 7
Ben Wayman ’02
Tony ’10 and Sheila (Sweet ’10) Mataraza recently celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary. They have two children, Taylor, age four, and Ethan, age two. Tony works
Ben Wayman ’02 co-authored the afterword to Samuel Wells’s second edition of Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics (Baker Publishing Group, 2018). Wayman calls the introductory textbook to Christian ethics “one of the most formative influences in my personal journey of discipleship and ministry.” Wayman is assistant professor of theology at Greenville University. 4
in information technology at Metrohealth Hospital as a mobility engineer. Metrohealth is the largest county hospital in Ohio.
Sara (Acord ’08) Downing has relocated back to the Midwest after several years in Florida. She teaches third grade in St. Louis, Missouri. Downing holds a master of arts in teaching from University of South Florida and harbors a passion for literacy education. She has worked primarily with minority students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Jakob Lewis ’08
Aaron Phillips ’16
Jamal Daniels ’17 THE RECORD | 2018 PRESIDENT’S REPORT
IN MEMORY Lucille (Dickson ’43) Dooly, age 93, of St. Charles, Missouri, passed away August 8, 2018. A homemaker and stay-at-home mom, she later worked as a seamstress for DeMoulin Brothers in Greenville for 20 years. Mary “Jackie” (Hendricks ’47) Clement, age 93, died August 4, 2018. She held a master’s in education and taught elementary school for many years in Greece, New York, where she also volunteered with a crisis pregnancy center. Her husband of over 70 years, Dr. Robert Clement ’48, survives. Alvena Franzen ’48, age 99, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, passed away March 26, 2018. She served during WWII as first lieutenant nurse in the U.S. Army and enjoyed a long career as a nurse and nursing educator. She was a longtime member of Lifestream Free Methodist Church in Grand Rapids.
Lucille (Pryor ’55) Ireland, age 95, of Greenville, passed away August 20, 2018. She taught business at area high schools, including Mulberry Grove, Sorento and Greenville, where she later chaired the business department. She presided over the Illinois Business Education Association (IBEA) one year, initiated a statewide newsletter and served as its editor for 25 years. She also helped develop curriculum guides for business education in the State of Illinois and advised on the development of IBEA programs. Ireland received numerous awards including the IBEA’s Distinguished Service Award, the Presidential Award from Greenville College and the Gerald Turley Award from the Greenville Chamber of Commerce.
William Zeller ’56, age 85, of Albion, Michigan, passed away October 15, 2018. A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, he installed the first computer systems for City Bank of Jackson and Jackson County (both in Michigan) and later taught computer programming. He was a passionate craftsman who worked tirelessly to restore Albion’s Ismon House, an elegant Victorian home and community center. Gordon Banks ’57, age 83, died November 7, 2018. He was a public school teacher, counselor, principal and charter member
and choir director of the Westwood Heights (Michigan) Free Methodist Church.
She loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren.
Bonnie (Myers ’60) MulhollandKinnamen, age 80, passed away September 2, 2018. She and husband Dick Mulholland ’60 raised three children, including G.U.’s Assistant Professor of Sport and Kinesiology and Head Women’s Basketball Coach Roy Mulholland ’86. They enjoyed over 47 years together before his passing. She and Russell Eugene Kinnaman were united in marriage in 2011; he preceded her in death.
Vincent Hale ’91, age 52, of Sahuarita, Arizona, passed away August 2, 2018. He held a master of science in finance from Webster University and an MBA in international business from St. Louis University. His wife, Becca (Blinn ’89) Hale and four daughters survive.
Janet (Worth ’61 ) Greer, age 76, of Westpoint, Indiana, died October 8, 2018. She enjoyed travel and visited all 50 states and over 50 countries. Her greatest love was her family, particularly spending time with her children and grandchildren. Pierre Hoover ’62, age 81, of Mountain Home, Arkansas, passed away May 13, 2018. He taught school, drove a school bus and delivered library books. Hoover was a member of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Moose Lodge #1953 and the American Contract Bridge League. He enjoyed playing bridge, square dancing, gardening and nature. Marie (Rothfuss ’62) Leipprandt, age 87, of Pigeon, Michigan, died August 14, 2018. A schoolteacher, she was a longtime member of the Hayes United Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School and confirmation classes. She was involved in many civic groups and enjoyed caring for friends and family. Mariruth Moretz ’68, age 72, of Newton Falls, Ohio, passed away October 10, 2018. She served as a social worker with the Cuyahoga County Department of Human Services before retiring in 1989. She was a member of the National Social Workers Association and the Child Welfare League. Joyce (Poppel ’71) Michael, age 81, of Hoffman, Illinois, passed away August 2, 2018. After Michael retired from teaching in Centralia City Schools, she served as church secretary at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hoffman, where she was also active in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.
Greg Ratermann ’92, age 48, of Beckemeyer, Illinois, died Saturday, October 27, 2018. He worked at Central Community High School in Breese, Illinois, where he also assisted coaching softball. Previously, he taught fifth and sixth grade, served as athletic director and coached girls’ softball and basketball at Breese Elementary District #12; and coached basketball at Damiansville Elementary School. Rod Woods MSMP ’12, age 55, of Belleville, Illinois, died July 29, 2018. He was an executive district sales manager for the Astrazeneca Company. Loralyn Sanders ’15, age 25, of Greenville, passed away August 7, 2018. A writer, she also enjoyed playing the violin and piano. Survivors include parents Greg ’80 and Karen (Knasel ’80) Sanders, and grandparents Everett ’50 and Jane (Moorhouse ’50) Sanders, all of Greenville. Dellon Sanders, age 22, of Greenville, passed away October 7, 2018. He attended Greenville University, studied one semester at Oxford University in England and graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a bachelor of arts in philosophy. He enjoyed singing, playing various musical instruments, reading, soccer and acting. Survivors include parents Greg ’80 and Karen (Knasel ’80) Sanders, and grandparents Everett ’50 and Jane (Moorhouse ’50) Sanders, all of Greenville. Former longtime Greenville University employee Cleta Gan, age 87, of Greenville, died October 10, 2018. She worked in food services with the University for more than 25 years.
WHY I GIVE “The mission of Greenville University is more important now than it has ever been. Technology is changing at lightning speed the way we receive information and the way we learn. In a world of the instantaneous, we need an anchor
for the foundations of our faith—an anchor that holds our Christian worldview in place. Just as it was for us as students, Greenville University is that anchor for the next generation of Christian leaders in all walks of life. That is why we give to G.U.”
—Jana (Tidball ’74) and Dennis ’75 Spencer
Jana and Dennis have included Greenville University in their wills. You, too, can support tomorrow’s students today through wills, trusts, life insurance and/or gift annuities. To learn more, email Brett Brannon at or call 618-664-6500.
Greenville University offers a transformational Christ-centered educational experience that empowers, enriches and endures. THE RECORD | 2018 PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Affirm Your Values with a Gift If you value loyalty, self-sacrifice, humility and faith . . . “Tonight was not about me,” said goalkeeper Michael Gonzalez ’20 after a video capturing his stunning save drew over 3,800 views through social media. He deflected praise to his teammates battling through 110 minutes of scoreless play and double overtime to set him up for success. “I had to make sure their hard work paid off.” A Spanish education major, Michael feels called to teach and influence others in faith and humility. He is the grateful recipient of G.U.’s donor-funded Dean’s Scholarship. Thank you for giving.