The Record, Winter 2018

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Winter 2018


Enduring Mission, Faithful God



BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert Bastian ’74 Venessa Brown ’83 David Colgan ’64 Howard Costley, Jr. ’74 Dan Denbo ’76

Paul Donnell ’01 Dennis Fenton Valerie Gin ’82 Jerry Hood ’82 Karen Longman

Douglas Newton Hugo Perez Victor Shepherd Dennis Spencer ’75 Benjamin Tolly, MA ’13

Kathleen Turpin ’91 Melissa Westover ’84 Mark Whitlock ’75 Donald Wolf ’65

David Fisher ’58 Lloyd Ganton ‘60 Donald Goldsmith ’52 Yoshio Gotoh ’63 Duane Hood ’56 Donald Joy ’49 M. Kenneth Kaufmann ’49

Paul Killinger ’69 Pearson Miller Wayne Neeley Wesley Phillips ’58 Ernest Ross Jr. ’52 J. Richard Schien ’62 Marjorie Smith ’56

Rebecca Smith ’68 Kendell Stephens ’80 Robert Stroud ’59 Barry Swanson ’77 Craig Tidball ’76 R. Ian Van Norman

Nathan Hood ’15 Malvin Hubbard ’16 Beth Kenyon ’79 Dan Lovell ’04 Kent Luster ’17 Jared Martin ’07 Sharla Martin ’74 Toni Mathews ’79

Carole Miller ’63 Samuel Miller ‘66 Emily Moore ’54 Dewayne Neeley ’98 Amanda O’Regan ’16 Keli Pennington ’16 Corbin Quinonez ’17 Mercé Roach ’02

Maria Rodriguez ’13 Lori Sadler ’14 Carl Salz ’01 Mike Schien ’88 John Straeter ’01 Becky Weinhandl ’74 Geoffrey Whitlock ’05

EMERITI TRUSTEES Sandra Boileau ’61 Patricia Burd ’61 Jay Burgess James Claussen ’59 Herbert Coates ’55 Michael Coling Robert Cranston ’77

ALUMNI BOARD Phyllis Altopp ’66 Mack Bean ’94 Tom Clark ’63 Becky Decesaro ’74 Cathy Dothager ’87 Alan Gaffner ’76 Dwight Gregory ’68 John Heater ’02

ON THE COVER: Fully funded by donors, Hogue Memorial Tower recalls the University’s original building, Hogue Hall, and the sacrificial service of Wilson T. Hogue, its first president. A dedication service on June 1, 2017, included this prayer: “We once again hallow these memorial arches as communal entrance and exit points in time and in space for faculty, staff, and students—past, present, and future. May the same spirit that inspired our founders continue to be at work in us and in all who follow.” THE RECORD (USPS 2292-2000) is published three times a year for alumni and friends of Greenville University by the Office of Development, Greenville University, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Phone: (618) 664-6500. Non-profit class postage paid at Greenville, IL 62246. Vol. 109, No. 1 Greenville University online: Email: Send address corrections, correspondence and alumni updates to the Office of Development, 315 E. College Ave., Greenville, IL 62246; or call 618-664-6500; or email Vice President for Development Linda Myette ’73 Director of Development Heather Fairbanks Director of Major and Planned Gifts Kent Krober ’78 Manager of Corporate and Foundation Relations and Research Jennifer Wilson Office Manager and Donor Services Coordinator Erin Swarm ’10 Database Manager Matthew Young Gift Officer Pat Bond ’62 Vice President for International and Alumni Affairs Norm Hall ’87 Coordinator for Alumni Affairs Cyndi Oglesby ’85 Managing Editor Carla Morris ’77 Contributing Editor Rachel Heston-Davis ’06 Graphic Designer Pancho Eppard ’00 Photography Abby Modaff ’19, Pancho Eppard ’00 Writers Rachel Heston-Davis ’06, Carla Morris ’77 Our mission: Greenville University empowers students for lives of character and service through a transforming Christ-centered education in the liberal arts, sciences and professional studies. Views and opinions expressed by individuals in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Greenville University.



Rendering by Jim W. Johnson ’77 Visit to learn more.

THE TREASURE YOU CARRY Each fall, move-in day marks the beginning of a new adventure for freshmen. Family cars and vans pull up to curbs, and the unloading begins: lamps, refrigerators, blankets and pillows, computers, microwaves, posters, chairs, TVs—all the furnishings that turn a dorm room into home. The transfer of belongings can be daunting, but the University’s faithful Baggage Brigade provides welcome relief. The Brigade—dozens of students from our residence life staff and fall sports teams—line the walkways, entrances and stairwells of residence halls. Like clockwork, they keep the crates and cartons moving from curbs into rooms. As this landmark year for Greenville University comes to a close, please accept my humble, heartfelt thanks for your help as members of Greenville University’s “baggage brigade.” Shoulder to shoulder, you—the University’s donors, volunteers and prayer warriors—paved the way for student success. You funded scholarships, empowered students, equipped professors, encouraged coaches and inspired others with your support. Greenville University’s mission endures, largely unchanged since its beginning 125 years ago. Your continued engagement carries forward ideals our founders treasured and values that fuel its work: Christ-centered education grounded in Wesleyan teachings; faith that informs learning across a broad range of subjects; continual improvement; character development; abundant, transformative life in Jesus Christ; and community and service in Christ’s name. In a public address delivered at a celebration of the University’s 25th anniversary, founding president Wilson T. Hogue identified Jesus Christ as the center of all things in the universe. “Nothing,” he said, “is ever known properly until it is known in relation to Jesus Christ.” We remain standard-bearers to this truth. Thank you, faithful friends, for choosing to be a part of Greenville University this year and every year. Blessings,

Dr. Ivan L. Filby, President





FAR AND WIDE Vice President for International Affairs Norm Hall ’87 announced a record number of international students enrolled for spring semester, including students from Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Korea, China, Japan, Spain, Belgium and Canada. Greenville University ranks among the most diverse member schools of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). Pictured, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Physics Dongxue Zhao guides students Depeng Ye (standing) and Bohong Wu.

TO HIS CREDIT Many of today’s students arrive with college-level learning already in hand—courses taken at community colleges, skills learned on the job, certificates and professional licenses. They want their hard work and the collegelevel knowledge they’ve already mastered, to count. In January, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership Mark Thomas (pictured at left) began training in prior learning assessment (PLA) through a program provided by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. He’s now adept at translating prior learning experiences into credits for incoming students and has since revamped Greenville University’s PLA plan. 2


“I have had about a hundred opportunities to utilize what I learned,” he says. This includes piecing together a more holistic view of a student’s background and equating learning experiences to specific courses and educational outcomes. The work inspired Mark to also create alternate assessment methods for students with learning disabilities. Mark sharpened his assessment skills just in time. Inquiries from nontraditional students about PLA credits are at an alltime high as job requirements increasingly call for college degrees.


Renovations Usher in Dedication of Communication Hub What if your dream job requires a unique skillset not covered by traditional majors? Customize, of course! That’s what Kortney Price ’14 did to prepare for a career in publishing. Straightforward English degrees wouldn’t prepare her for publishing, but the interdisciplinary focus and flexible curriculum of Greenville University’s English program did. A blend of creative writing and literary theory classes cultivated the editing chops Kortney needed to evaluate manuscripts. Student-run literary magazine The Scriblerus gave her insight into managing a periodical. Work with English professor and prolific author Alexandria LaFaye familiarized Kortney with the marketing side of publishing. This preparation helped Kortney land a string of internships after graduation.



She accepted a position with Holloway Literary Agency last February, just as her professors geared up for formal dedication of a center that houses the blend of experiences that helped her succeed. The Center for Visual Culture and Media Studies on campus is home to Greenville University’s English, art, communication and digital media programs. Here, students build the interdisciplinary skills required for modern careers. The CVCMS joins the Briner School of Business and the Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy and Ministry as the three latest discipline-specific learning communities on campus. As a student, Kortney received the donorfunded Greenville University Award and Transfer Honors Scholarship. Thank you for giving.

Associate Professor of English Alexandria LaFaye is among the professors to work out of the CVCMS. Students use the center “24/7” as a newsroom and production space for digital and print media.





NO REST FOR THE WI-FI On average, 3,000 unique devices connect to Greenville University’s wireless internet system each week—computers, phones and iPads, not to mention dorm-dwellers’ Xboxes, Playstations, Kindles and even Wi-Fi compatible wristwatches. The campus Wi-Fi system supports everything from around-theclock online learning and student research to internet gaming and movie streaming marathons. Behind that steady flow of data are dedicated “techies” with servants’ hearts. “IT has been very much in a service model for a long time,” says Chief Technology Officer Johnny Matthews, MBA ’17. “That’s our primary job; we service every other constituency in the institution.” Serving means delivering results with the one technology on which every student and employee depends daily: the internet. In March, the IT Department rolled out a new Wi-Fi system with increased speed, stronger signal and enhanced security. “This system positions us well both now and into the next decade,” Johnny says. At many organizations improved systems translates into robust connectivity, but on the Greenville campus, it also means opportunities “not to be served, but to serve.”

THREE CHEERS FOR CHEER Our very own Panther cheerleaders roared into March like a lion to claim the title Grand National Champion by Christian Cheerleaders of America (CCA). Panther mascot Hoguey also came out on top in the mascot division. The Panther squad regularly represents Greenville University at community events and engages high school cheerleaders in clinics and competitions.





CHALLENGE ACCEPTED the man who recruited them, Professor of Physics Ralph Miller ’36. In time, Miller’s son, Steve ’71, challenged Heath to build surgical teams to assist with medical mission work in Guatemala. Children with cleft lips and palates needed help. Heath obliged. Over 30 years, that work developed into the largest medical outreach in Guatemala with 18,000 surgical procedures performed, 35,000 dental patients treated and 200,000 patients seen in medical clinics. Professor of Physics Hyung Choi guiding guests (l to r: Robert Rice, David Young ’87 and Otis Wolkins ’62) through the University’s quantum information lab.

Scientists and medical doctors—all alumni and experts in their fields— gathered on campus April 7 and 8 to honor Professors Emeriti of Physics Hugh Siefken ’62 and Harry Tomaschke. The pair contributed 66 combined years of service to the University’s physics program.

Among the former students to share was plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Heath ’72, Greenville University’s 2017 Distinguished Alumnus. Heath said he sometimes considers the physics of the procedures and materials he uses. He expressed gratitude not only for Siefken and Tomaschke, but also for

“It was a particular pleasure to have Dr. Miller on some of those trips,” recalled Heath. “On the last one, I think he was 90 years old.” Heath left listeners pondering this thought: The physics principles taught in Snyder Hall today could very well change the world.

THE ONE WHO NEEDS ME MOST In May, Kirsten (Norsworthy) Freeze ’17 received the President’s Citation, the University’s highest honor for a graduating senior, but by the third week of September, the glow of that moment would fade. Managing difficult student behavior as a middle school special education teacher and navigating an underfunded school tested Kirsten’s resolve in ways she didn’t expect. Rather than throw in the towel, she drew strength from lessons she recalled from her teacher training.



“Greenville really helped me to develop this sense of serving those who need you most, not to save them from anything, but to support them in becoming more fully who they are,” Kirsten explains. She chose a struggling district because that’s where her gifts were most needed. Kirsten buckled down and held on through the early weeks. Before she knew it, she was halfway through the semester

and accomplishing the job that seemed impossible at first. Kirsten’s story continues a long tradition of service at Greenville University, beginning in 1892 with President Wilson T. Hogue. Hogue’s first tour of campus included reassurances from his guide that they would conquer the facility’s rotting floorboards and rampant rats. Hogue’s desire to serve students compelled him to press on through a myriad of challenges. Students like Kirsten wrap their heads and hearts around service. Current President Ivan Filby reminds all: “This is a place where people came to work sacrificially, and we ought not forget that.” As a student, Kirsten was the grateful recipient of the donorfunded McAllaster Honors Scholarship and GC Music Participation Scholarship. Thank you for giving.




The Briner School of Business Advisory Council, including Greenville Mayor Alan Gaffner ’76, gather on the first floor of the building now known as Greenville Smart, home to innovative programming that engages the University and community.


When Greenville College officially transitioned to Greenville University June 1, the city’s mayor, Alan Gaffner ’76, used the occasion to reflect on the University’s long history of blessing the community. “Community residents have access to music events, theater, sports, chapel, and a wide array of oncampus activities,” he said. “University faculty and staff assume leadership roles in local churches, community organizations, committees and volunteer service agencies. They roll up their sleeves and become involved in the elements of life in Greenville.” When Gaffner meets with other mayors and talk turns to economic


development, he sometimes confesses he’d like to have one of their manufacturers. Invariably the other mayor replies, “I will trade you that factory for Greenville University!” Shortly before Gaffner shared this reflection, a generous donor gave the University a three-story building on the historic Greenville square. Renovations began, and plans emerged for Greenville Smart, an initiative that cultivates regional economic development and innovative educational opportunities. By November, the University would remain in the running for a $1M grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to develop Greenville Smart programming.



SWEET 16 SETS RECORD IN BASTIAN SCHOOL Sixteen seniors majoring in ministry served as interns this summer, a record number for the Bastian School of Theology, Philosophy, and Ministry. The school oversees the hands-on experience that gives students practice in various ministries, including local churches. Nate Wieland ’18 emerged from his internship at St. Paul’s Free Methodist Church in Greenville with deeper understanding of what it takes to “be personal and share with [people] the celebrations and the pains of their lives.” The ministries benefit, too. Associate Pastor Linda (Scandrett ’77) Green of Rivercrest Free Methodist Community Church said this of intern Katie Westbrook ’18: “I can’t tell you how many people she impacted here. I keep hearing, ‘I wish she could stay here.’” The Bastian School also benefits from enhanced relationships with local churches. “Our ministry internship program embodies our mission in the Bastian School to employ theological education for the flourishing of the church,” says Assistant Professor of Religion Ben Wayman ’02, director of the ministry internship program.



Nate Wieland and Katie Westbrook are each grateful recipients of the donorfunded Greenville University Scholarship, the Greenville University Award and the Elmer Boileau Ministerial Scholarship. Thank you for giving.





THE “A” TEAM Programs like August Term and peer tutoring are designed to help students thrive.

English instructor Zach Marshall had no sooner arrived on campus for his first semester as a Greenville professor when the 20 students assigned to him arrived as well. Together, they comprised the University’s first August Term. August Term brings select freshmen to campus three weeks early for a class that strengthens their critical thinking and written communication skills. Since it meets before New Student



Orientation, Zach knew August Term would pull double duty as an unofficial orientation to Greenville University. But how could he orient students when he himself was a newcomer? Zach soon found that the university community takes care of its members. Even before he moved to Greenville, campus colleagues met with him via Skype. “I was so impressed that they would give so much time to that,” he recalls.

Faculty in Zach’s office building also rallied to help him get settled. He was soon doing the same for his students, hosting events outside of class and arranging for various university employees to host students for dinner. Greenville University Financial Champions helped to fund August Term. The entire “A” team thanks you.


lifted in humble recognition of our Lord (“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty”) and gratitude expressed for God’s enduring provision. Greenville University Trustee Venessa Brown ’83 shared James Weldon Johnson’s “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which includes this passage:

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who has brought us thus far on the way, Thou who hast by Thy might Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray.



Nick Morrow ’17 made history September 10 entering Nissan Stadium as linebacker for the Oakland Raiders. Nick is the first Panther to play for the NFL. In a televised interview, Nick reflected on his college experience, saying he once passed up an opportunity to transfer to another school. “I built a relationship with the coaches and some of the players [at Greenville], so I wanted to make sure that I kept cultivating those relationships.” Commitment, selflessness and honoring Jesus Christ are hallmarks of Greenville’s football program. As a student, Nick received the donor-funded Christian-Service Dependent Scholarship, Greenville University Scholarship and Recognition Award. Thank you for giving. PHOTO: OAKLAND RAIDERS

Convocation 2017 marked the formal opening of Greenville University’s 125th school year. Students, alumni, government officials and honored guests including three past presidents assembled in Crum Recreation Center to witness the pageantry of academic procession, the beauty of voices





LANDMARK YEAR FOR HOMECOMING 2017 Homecoming 2017, Greenville’s first as Greenville University, marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Panther 5K. This year’s course ended with a pass through the arches of Hogue Memorial Tower. Returning alumni like Dr. Tim Kratzer ’67 are often moved by the legacy of their alma mater. Said Tim of this year’s landmark celebration, “I saw a science department alive and fully engaged, challenging students to academic excellence and Christian service. I saw students, a diverse community, moving about campus with purpose and joy. I heard messages, both spoken from God’s Word and as seen in the lives of His faithful servants, which were challenging and inspiring. It was obvious that many folks have been watching over Greenville University, and that God has a plan.”


Fans filling the stands for Midnight Madness 2017 hoped to launch a season that would repeat last year’s remarkable success for Coach Roy Mulholland (pictured above, front row, far left) and his Lady Panthers, 2017 NCCAA Division I National Champions.

Fans streaming into H.J. Long Gymnasium for Midnight Madness on October 25 expected an entertaining show of talent for good reason. The late-night launch of the latest Panther basketball season promised to resurrect some of the moves that earned accolades for the University last year—one conference championship, one national championship and recognition as “best in the country.” The 2016-17 Lady Panthers claimed their first Division I national championship with a 67-48 victory over Emmanuel College. They ended the season with a record of 23-9, setting the



school record for wins in a single season and bringing the first NCCAA national championship banner to H.J. Long Gymnasium. The men turned up the heat in breathtaking fashion, averaging 132.8 points in their first 18 games. They implemented “The System,” an approach where they aimed to take 100 shots per game, including 50-three pointers. The St. Louis Post Dispatch described the speedy play as “pressure, disruption and mayhem . . . exactly what Greenville Coach George Barber wanted to see.” The paper’s January 31 sports headline told the story: “D-III Greenville Leads

the Nation in Scoring.” Barber adopted the unorthodox approach because the pace required frequent replacements, giving more players time on the court. Panther forward Shane Smith ’17 described the resulting team dynamic as “unselfish.” Evidently, selflessness pays. A display case in H.J. Long Gymnasium now holds four NCAA plaques hailing the 2016-17 Panthers for leading the country in scoring, steals, forced turnovers and offensive rebounds—an impressive return by any standard for a little madness.


“There is nothing I want to do more than invest in the lives of young worship leaders and musicians,” Sunderland reflects. “I often tell people that I didn’t leave ministry; I now have the privilege to make teaching my primary ministry focus.” Sunderland received his doctorate in worship arts last spring. Ali and Tyler each filled roles as church worship leaders after graduation, while Adam collaborated with others on various projects. All three have sustained focus on the spiritual and relational side of music, especially in the context of worship. “So much of my relationship with God is communicated through music, both from me and to

me,” reflects Tyler. “From there, I sought opportunities to lead other people into the same thing.” “I want to bring truth to people,” says Ali, who now leads worship at Wheaton Bible Church in west suburban Chicago. “That’s a big deal and a big job . . . and I learned that here.” Adam adds that worship provides focus. Often a song “gets everybody into that same space at the same time, and we find common ground.” Sunderland is proud of the trio. They “get” that the act of worship is both art form and discipline, both an intimate meeting with God and an arena of rigorous learning. “I learned that here,” has special meaning for him. Combined, Ali, Adam and Tyler received more than 15 donor-funded scholarships at Greenville University, including the President’s Scholarship, the Greenville University Award and the Wilson T. Hogue Scholarship. Thank you for giving.



Three familiar faces welcomed the season of thanks by reprising their roles as worship leaders in chapel. Visiting musicians Ali Lund ’15, Tyler Wright ’16 and Adam Curry ’16, all former members of the University’s student worship team Pursuit, gave Assistant Professor of Worship Arts Paul Sunderland reason for thanks, too.






Music industry veteran Dan Beck guided students to manage social media for up-and-coming boy band A Summer High (pictured, performing on campus). Experience First puts students on the fast track to practice skills valued in the workplace.

Christmas break may have been just around the corner, but one team of students wrapping up a semester-long project couldn’t get their minds off summer—A Summer High, that is. This up-andcoming pop rock boy band benefitted from the students’ social media expertise as part of Experience First, an opportunity for students to address real marketplace problems, guided by a faculty supervisor and a business partner. The students created and managed a social media campaign for the band’s upcoming national tour. Experience First business partner Dan Beck, former VP of marketing for Sony Entertainment Group’s Epic label, suggested the project in order to build on the national attention already growing around A Summer High.



Beck, who has amassed decades of experience working with stars like Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper, asked students to address a shortcoming in his own perspective. “We’re immigrants when it comes to social media,” he told the students, referring to his generation. In contrast, they were fluent. And so began a semester of discoveries and experience-rich problem solving, capped off in December with a presentation to professors, students, staff and guests. The team’s work with A Summer High was one of eight projects that engaged 38 students. Eight new Experience First teams will ply their problem-solving skills this spring.






In 2017, you gave nearly $4.9 million to ensure the ongoing work of Christ-centered learning from a Wesleyan perspective. You gave $1.3 million to The Greenville University Fund (formerly the Fund for Educational Excellence), a vital source of scholarships. You gave $3.6 million to areas of learning that make your heart sing. You took a stand for higher education that values character, service to others and community. You drove innovative programming and helped tomorrow’s decision-makers and influencers thrive as they discover abundant life in Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving!

Vice President of Development Linda Myette with Greenville University’s 2017 Loyalty Awardees and faithful Financial Champions Jim ’59 and Susan Claussen ’86. The couple’s service spans decades, including board leadership, funding scholarships and hosting alumni events. Thank you, Jim and Susan, for giving!




The President’s Society honors donors of $1,000 or more and young donors of $100 or more based on giving from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017.* GOLD LEVEL $10,000+ Young Alumni $1,000+ Anonymous (2) David Andrews/Full Salvation Union Judy (Oestreich ’66) Barry Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian Don ’53 and Kay Bastian Dick ’60 and Sandy (Maxwell ’61) Boileau Steve and P.J. Bothwell Jim ’59 and Susan (Page ’86) Claussen Larry and Sherry Collett Howard ’74 and Laurie Costley Marty ’76 and Holly (Ross ’80) Daily Pat (Minshall ’75) and Dan ’76 Denbo Frances Dixon ’44+ Lloyd Donnell ’48 Daniel ’09 and Tamara (Yoder ’10) Eisenberg Dennis and Debbie Fenton Anita (Liechty ’56) and Fred ’63 Ficklin Ivan and Kathie Filby James ’85 and Sheila Foxworthy Lloyd ’60 and Judi Ganton T.J. ’08, MSMP ’12 and Emily (Hillmer ’08) Gaylord Winifred Hessler ’46+ Jerry ’82 and Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Hood Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Don Jones ’52 Alice Kaiser ’75 Brad Knight Donna (Dickerson ’58) Koch Joan (Young ’63) and Dale Kreider Anita Krober+ Jared ’07 and Caitlin Martin Ed and Judy McMillan Charles ’85 and Dana (Ranck ’85) McPherson Foy ’64 and Judy (Mitchell ’64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ’63) and Chuck Miller Dick Minshall ’74 John ’82 and Pam (Maurer ’84) Minshall Tom ’60 and Betty (Delamarter ’60) Morgan Ken ’56 and LeOra (Samuelson ’62) Mudge Mary Gayle (Layloff ’74) Nevinger Enoch ’86 and Beth Poon Roger ’71 and Kathy (McDonald ’72) Reeves Larry and Cindy Sayler Rich ’62 and Linda Schien Ed Shaffer ’67 Jana (Tidball ’74) and Dennis ’75 Spencer Louverne Stephens+ Craig ’76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ’76) Tidball Ken ’82 and Sally (Minshall ’83) Trager Kathy (Stewart ’91) and Ron Turpin Paul ’72 and Vickie (Salisbery ’72) Twichell Jim ’83 and Sandy (Minshall ’83) Vivian Tim ’04 and Rachel (Krober ’04) Wayman Mark ’84 and Melissa (McAlpin ’84) Westover Brian ’94 and Jeresha Wickersham Elliott ’60 and Cynthia (Gillard ’61) Wiegand

Don ’65 and Patty Wolf Ian Wolf ’12 Betty Young ’50+ Chuck ’54 and Charlotte (Nissly ’54) Young Jim ’86 and Ann (Donnell ’86) Zahniser SILVER LEVEL $5,000-$9,999 Young Alumni $500-$999 Pat (Hunter ’62) and Buddy Bond Jack ’61 and Pat (Ayers ’61) Burd Helen (Smith ’63) and Lynn ’65 Carlson Becky (Whitlock ’74) and Sam Decesaro Paul ’01 and Audrey Donnell Kent Dunnington Stan ’59 and Jolene (Oschner ’60) Ellis Carolyn Fairbanks ’13 Newton ’59 and Suzanne (Tilley ’63) Fink Bonnie (Wiegand ’57) and Dave ’58 Fisher Dawn ’07 and David Gillis Valerie Gin ’82 Beverly (Osburn ’66) and Mark Hempen Marie (Jett ’34) Hussey+ Michelle ’90 and Benjamin ’92 Johnson Gene ’53+ and Miriam (Banks ’54) Kamp Cordon Kerns ’54 John ’75 and Carol (Aten ’75) Knight Sue Krause Wendel ’63 and Kay (Wills ’63) Krober John Leib ’82 and Susan (Pennington ’82) Martin Karen Longman David ’69 and Sharla (Mannoia ’74) Martin Matt ’96 and Dawn (Delamarter ’97) McCullough Al ’52 and Emily (Chalker ’54) Moore Jesse ’51 and Lin (Moorhouse ’55) Moore Jo Ann Noble ’56 Michael ’99 and Stacey (Stohre ’02) Ritter Violet (Kindel ’66)+ and John Rohrer Paul ’56 and Vangie Schaper Ken ’53 and Marjie (Sandin ’56) Smith Scott ’94 and Lisa Smout Larry ’55 and Joanne (Bushnell ’56) Starr Kendell ’80 and Andé (Stewart ’82) Stephens Rich Stephens ’53 Ken ’13 and Haley (Dodd ’13) Trager Mark ’75 and Karen (Nelson ’76) Whitlock BRONZE LEVEL $2,500-$4,999 Young Alumni $250-$499 Anonymous (2) Bill and Sharon Ahern Travis Boley Emily Callon ’15 Susan (Bourne ’68) and Jack ’69 Chism Robby Clinton ’94 James Coleman Peggy (Lewis ’62) and Dave ’64 Colgan Sarah Crawford ’99 Ed ’55 and Jan (Soybe ’58) Davis Jeffrey and Cappy Davis John ’65 and Sharon (Mayhew ’65) Dawdy Cathy (Nolan ’86) and Doug Dothager Edwin ’94 and Jessica Estevez

Walter ’84 and Eileen (Gifford ’85) Fenton Esther Fox ’48 Carolyn (Bastian ’71) and Doug Gonyou Colleen (Sill ’58) and Jim ’59 Haggerty Claudine Herrington ’58+ Michael Hohm ’17 Dan and Jan Jensen Don ’49 and Robbie (Bowles ’52) Joy Kent ’78 and Sandy (Wade ’78) Krober Daniel ’04 and Megan (Vandiver ’04) Lovell Dan Marsch Dale ’63 and Carolyn (Boyd ’64) Martin Jeannine (Boley ’57) and Pearson Miller Jill (Strahl ’75) and Scott ’76 Mohnkern Bonnie (Myers ’60) Mulholland-Kinnamen Elizabeth Ott Elaine (Huston ’62) and Hershal Paul Jim ’54 and Marilyn (Cassabaum ’76) Reinhard Mark ’76 and Donna Rose Ernie ’52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ’52)+ Ross Carl ’01 and Emily (Jacob ’01) Salz Virginia (Falk ’59) and Howard ’60 Schantz Hugh ’62 and Marie (Gieseke ’62) Siefken Christopher ’08, MA ’12 and Hillary (King ’10) Simmons Mary Taylor Previte ’53 Harry and Lenora Tomaschke Sheri (Hudson ’69) and Jerry Wall Denny ’72 and Cheryl (Hawkins ’73) Wayman Fred ’59 and Annette (Krantz ’59) Whims Michael ’92 and Amanda (Fuqua ’94) Wiegand Jim and Wilma Wilson Ellen (Hart ’54) Winslow Richard and SueAnn Wright COPPER LEVEL $1,000-$2,499 Young Alumni $100-$249 Anonymous (5) Dave ’66 and Phyllis (Miller ’66) Altopp Ross ’13 and Rosie (Nelson ’14) Baker Frederic Ball George and Lisa Barber Martha Barber Skylar Bareford MA ’16 David ’60 and Avis (Young ’61) Barnes Dale ’63 and Barb (Wilson ’63) Benson Michelle Beumer ’95 Tom ’95 and Amy Boileau Jeanne (Fischer ’65) and John ’67 Borden Nelda Borror Amy Bradford ’04 Marty (Jacobs ’57) Briner Kathy (Gillaspie ’61) and Alan Brouard Jim ’54 and Betty (King ’54) Buick Diane (Dykstra ’76) and Rex Burge Tim (Burge ’12) and Reed (Lape ’12) BurgeLape Jay and Shay Burgess Margaret Busch ’10 Lois ’69 and Del+ Catron Tom ’63 and Mary Clark Chuck ’74 and Christy (Chism ’84) Coates

Mike and Debbie Coling Lynn (Best ’77) and Tim Connelly Dan ’73 and Marion (Payne ’74) Crawford Anita Culp ’69 Margery (Tipps ’43) Cunningham+ Phil ’96 and Suzanne (Allison ’00) Davis Tom and Pamela Davis Dave ’62 and Jan (Finke ’63) Dawdy Tom ’69 and Betty Kay (Johnson ’71) Dawdy Greg and Lucia Delamarter Bill ’69 and Jean (Siebert ’71) Dillman Justine (Lessen ’08) and Curtis Dion Sheri (Reinhard ’76) and Denis Doe Denny ’57 and Martha (Fisher ’57) Donnell Pancho ’00 and Emma (Hulford ’06) Eppard Dave ’68 and Ann Fairbanks Charlie ’60 and Faye (Kelley ’60) Faulkner Doug ’86 and Tara (Clark ’86) Faulkner Betty Garrett ’58 Scott Giffen ’99 and Yvi Martin ’01 John ’69+ and Penny Gisselbeck Robert Greer Dwight ’68 and Nina Kay (Oberlink ’69) Gregory Sara Gregory ’25+ Rod ’82 and Karen (Wentz ’83) Haggerty Dotty Hall ’60 Patty Hall ’60 Caroline ’08 and Robert Harder Melvin ’47 and Florence (Montana ’47) Harrison Darlene (Davis ’78) and Brian ’79 Hartley Dorothy (Robbins ’60) and John ’61 Hartley Timothy Hasara Susanne (VanValin ’55) Heisey Herb ’50 and Jean (Snyder ’51) Hendricks Kristi (Goodin ’79) and Kerwin ’82 Hickey Tim and Toni Hoerr Samuel ’46 and Joyce Hofer Marvin ’47 and Darleane Hoffman James and Nancy Hollister Kristen (Lynch ’14) and Nathan ’15 Hood Jane Hopkins ’68 and Robert Clausen ’94 Lois Jett ’50 Mary Jett ’63 Gwyn (Jolliff ’82) and Michael Jolliff-Blake LaVon (Krober ’55) and Don ’57+ Jordahl Marilyn (Rasche ’59) Juhlin Sharon (Cronkhite ’59) and Clyde Kale Milo ’56 and Helen (Olson ’56) Kaufmann Del Keener Joyce (Erickson ’59) Keillor Ralph and Nellie Kester Ruth (Tomaschke ’82) and Randall Kinnersley Bruce ’68+ and Leora Kline Steve Knight ’82 Tim ’67 and Connie (May ’67) Kratzer George Kurtz Sandra (Somerville ’87) and James Lang Justin Langley ’17 Michael ’99 and Kasey Laughlin Ann Leach ’69 Robert and Cheryl Loy

*To acknowledge young alumni making financial contributions early in their careers, Greenville University has adopted lower gift thresholds for their admittance into its giving societies and clubs. Young alumni are those who have graduated from Greenville University in the last ten years.





Clark ’64 and Ardyce Main Mark ’73 and Priscilla (Traeger ’75) Mathews Glenn McAdam ’50 Jane (Pengelly ’71) and James McClelland Vickie (Morgan ’85) and Mark McFerran Tom Menacher ’10 David Minner Sarah Moore Whitney ’61 and Margaret (Berger ’64) Morse Thomas and Lisa Mosley Alex Mumphard ’14, MBA ’16 George ’53 and Debra Murphy Linda (Groesbeck ’73) and Phil ’75 Myette Sue (Greenwalt ’69) and George Neal Joe Noble ’56 Bob Nowlin ’68 Stanley ’41 and Ellen (Barton ’43) Parmerter Tim Pehlke ’03

Keli (Totton ’16) and Will ’17 Pennington Ken ’68 and Erna Peterson Brent and Lisa Potts Davis Redman ’09 Marti ’89 and Lana (Mote ’90) Reeser Annie Rice ’07 Lydia (Borah ’10) Rice Emily (Williams ’10) and Daniel Riewerts Rose Roggow ’61 Barbara (Mason ’68) and Jonathan ’70 Rohrs Frank ’49 and Florence Rose LaVerne ’59 and Barbara Ruhberg David and Lois Rupert Everett ’50 and Jane (Moorhouse ’50) Sanders Kathryn (Anderson ’86) Scanland Alex ’96 and Melissa (Freeman ’99) Schmidt Steven and Kae Schmitt

Lindsey Schuberth ’12 Doris (Long ’50) Scofield Val (Morgan ’85) and Jim Scott Logan ’14 and Amanda (Webb ’14) Shaw Bob “Ish” ’57 and Joanna (Riggs ’59) Smith Bill ’60 and Evelyn Smout Ruby Speiser ’70 Billye (Brooks ’52) Staff Jim ’52 and Joyce Staff Debbie (Mollett ’76) and Rick ’77 Stephens Steven Stetson ’79 Ed Stocking ’82 and Li-ing Chang June Strahl John ’03 and Amanda (Bristol ’04) Swanson Stephanie Swanson ’95 John Taylor ’54 Roy ’72 and Nancy (Hagerman ’73) Taylor Frank ’63 and Barbara Tidaback Bonnie (Barber ’48) Tidball+ Daniel Tippitt ’80

Esther Tompkins ’77 Harry Ulmer ’54 Robert and Linda Vaught Dave ’80 and Teri Walton Sarah Watts ’19 Robert ’64 and Marilyn Weeks Rich ’74 and Becky (Trueblood ’74) Weinhandl Mary (Cammin ’59) and Richard ’62 White Mike ’77 and Terri White Maxine (Young ’47) Whitlock Brenda (Pierce ’65) and Ken ’66 Wiegel Darin and Lindsay Williams Glenn ’86 and Polly (Snowbarger ’86) Winslow Otis ’62 and Judy (Daniel ’63) Wolkins David ’87 and Gloria (Wiegand ’88) Young Mary (Kersch ’70) and Jay ’73 Young Marvin ’56 and Adrienne (Allen ’56) Zahniser


The Heritage Circle recognizes donors who have committed $10,000 or more to The Greenville University Fund each year for three years. Anonymous Emeritus trustee and spouse^ Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian^ Steve and P.J. Bothwell^ Jim ’59 and Susan (Page ’86) Claussen Pat (Minshall ’75) and Dan ’76 Denbo Dennis and Debbie Fenton Ivan and Kathie Filby^

James ’85 and Sheila Foxworthy Kevin ’85 and Leigh (Briner ’85) Ganton Lloyd ’60 and Judi Ganton^ Jerry ’82 and Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Hood^ Don ’52 and Esther (Knapp ’54)+ Jones Charles ’85 and Dana (Ranck ’85) McPherson^ Carole (Hansen ’63) and Chuck Miller^

Mary Gayle (Layloff ’74) Nevinger^ Enoch ’86 and Beth Poon^ Ed Shaffer ’67 Craig ’76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ’76) Tidball^ Ken ’82 and Sally (Minshall ’83) Trager^ Kathy (Stewart ’91) and Ron Turpin Jim ’83 and Sandy (Minshall ’83) Vivian^

Mark ’84 and Melissa (McAlpin ’84) Westover Lew ’76 and Jennifer Whaley^ Don ’65 and Patty Wolf^


The H.J. Long Society recognizes donors with cumulative lifetime giving of $100,000+. This list includes all gifts from 1979 to present. Gifts prior to 1979 were not recorded in the University’s database. $1,000,000+ Anonymous (3) Jim ’59 and Susan (Page ’86) Claussen Harold ’27+ and Betty+ Cooley Don ’52 and Esther (Knapp ’54)+ Jones Vivien Maves ’28+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw John+ and Shirley+ Minshall The Full Salvation Union $500,000-$999,999 Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian Mabel (Vinson 1915) Cage+ Lloyd ’60 and Judi Ganton Charles ’85 and Dana (Ranck ’85) McPherson Wayne ’60 and Marilyn Nelson Enoch ’86 and Beth Poon Rich ’62 and Linda Schien Lew ’76 and Jennifer Whaley Jake ’47+ and Maxine (Young ’47) Whitlock Don ’65 and Patty Wolf $100,000-$499,999 Anonymous (2) Bill and Sharon Ahern Everett Armington+ I.D. ’33+ and Elsie (Cobb ’45)+ Baker



^Founding Member

Judy (Oestreich ’66) Barry Don ’53 and Kay Bastian Del ’53 and Avis (Malan ’53) Bergen Vincent Bessey ’42+ Frances (King ’40)+ and Grant ’41+ Black Dick ’60 and Sandy (Maxwell ’61) Boileau Steve and P.J. Bothwell Meryle Boughton ’48+ Bob ’56+ and Marty (Jacobs ’57) Briner Jim+ and Anna+ Brown Jim ’54 and Betty (King ’54) Buick Jack ’61 and Pat (Ayers ’61) Burd Jay and Shay Burgess Harold Burkhardt+ Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Grace (Brown ’28)+ and Willard ’31+ Christin Charles ’72 and Kathy Clinard Mary (Britt ’54)+ and Herb ’55 Coates Mike and Debbie Coling Howard ’74 and Laurie Costley Barb (Finger ’76) Cranston+ Bob ’77 and Tammy Cranston Glen and Maxine+ Crum Marty ’76 and Holly (Ross ’80) Daily John ’65 and Sharon (Mayhew ’65) Dawdy Pat (Minshall ’75) and Dan ’76 Denbo Les ’64 and Estelle (Yates ’64) Dietzman Charlie ’60 and Faye (Kelley ’60) Faulkner

Dennis and Debbie Fenton Bonnie (Wiegand ’57) and Dave ’58 Fisher James ’85 and Sheila Foxworthy Don ’52 and Edwina (Tucker ’54)+ Goldsmith Colleen (Sill ’58) and Jim ’59 Haggerty Florence Harding+ Jerry ’82 and Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Hood Gerauld Hopkins+ Ann (Dunaway ’59)+ and Delbert+ Huelskoetter Stan Hughey ’37+ Marie (Jett ’34) Hussey+ Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Don ’49 and Robbie (Bowles ’52) Joy Frank ’37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ’38)+ Joy Gene ’53+ and Miriam (Banks ’54) Kamp Ken ’49 and Stella+ Kaufmann Del Keener Cordon ’54 and Ruth (Taylor ’54)+ Kerns Paul ’69 and Shirley (Wolcott ’71) Killinger Dana King ’21+ Joan (Young ’63) and Dale Kreider Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Ernest+ and Marion+ Longman Karen Longman Jim Mannoia David ’69 and Sharla (Mannoia ’74) Martin

Elva McAllaster ’44+ Foster+ and Mary+ McGaw Foy ’64 and Judy (Mitchell ’64) Meyer Carole (Hansen ’63) and Chuck Miller Jeannine (Boley ’57) and Pearson Miller Robert ’20+ and Lea+ Miller John ’82 and Pam (Maurer ’84) Minshall Robert ’41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Al ’52 and Emily (Chalker ’54) Moore Alta Morgan ’50+ Tom ’60 and Betty (Delamarter ’60) Morgan Ken ’56 and LeOra (Samuelson ’62) Mudge Bonnie (Myers ’60) Mulholland-Kinnamen Leroy ’29+ and Ruth ’31+ Mullet George ’53 and Debra Murphy Mary Gayle (Layloff ’74) Nevinger Charles ’24+ and Hazel (Alberts ’24)+ Peterson Wes ’58 and Darlyne (Baker ’58) Phillips Dorathi Pierre+ Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Roger ’71 and Kathy (McDonald ’72) Reeves Glenn Richardson ’40+ Pearce and Bonnie Riggs Ernie ’52 and Phyllis (Gingrich ’52)+ Ross Willard Rowland ’33+ Mary (LaDue 1918)+ and Chester+ Russell



Troy ’41 and Rose Marie+ Sanders Paul ’56 and Vangie Schaper Lawrence Schoenhals ’35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ’82+ Hugh ’62 and Marie (Gieseke ’62) Siefken Beckie (Bruce ’68) and David Smith Bob “Ish” ’57 and Joanna (Riggs ’59) Smith Ken ’53 and Marjie (Sandin ’56) Smith Lynette Smith ’64+

Chuck ’37+ and Lois (Miller ’37)+ Smout Katie (Warlick 1914)+ and Fred+ Sponsler Kendell ’80 and Andé (Stewart ’82) Stephens Rich ’53 and Arlene (Greer ’53)+ Stephens Barry ’77 and Vaun (Hodges ’77) Swanson Horace Tenney ’31+ Bonnie (Barber ’48)+ and Watson ’49+ Tidball Craig ’76 and Sue (Hickenbottom ’76) Tidball

Tag Tigard+ Ken ’82 and Sally (Minshall ’83) Trager Paul ’72 and Vickie (Salisbery ’72) Twichell Ian and Alice Van Norman Jim ’83 and Sandy (Minshall ’83) Vivian Vera Walls+ Frank ’38+ and Mary+ Walters Mark ’84 and Melissa (McAlpin ’84) Westover

Ruth (Snyder ’45)+ and Glenn White Mark ’75 and Karen (Nelson ’76) Whitlock Elliott ’60 and Cynthia (Gillard ’61) Wiegand Jim and Wilma Wilson Otis ’62 and Judy (Daniel ’63) Wolkins Lynette Workman ’73+ Betty Young ’50+ Chuck ’54 and Charlotte (Nissly ’54) Young


The Ivy Circle recognizes donors with deferred or matured planned gifts to Greenville University. To include your name in the Ivy Circle, complete a Planned Giving Intention Form. Contact the Office of Development at 618-664-6500 for more information. Anonymous (3) Edward Abbott, Jr. ’48+ Jody (Kamp ’82) and Roy ’85 Abbott Karen (Bewley ’74) and Rick ’75 Adcock Bill and Sharon Ahern Sharon Alger ’61 Gene ’58+ and Shirley Alston Doug ’67 and Nancy Ambuehl Mert ’61 and Wanda (Walton ’61) Arvidson Leroy+ and Wilma (Stampfler ’54)+ Autenrieth Lyle ’56 and Ruth Babcock Myrtle (White ’60) and Sam Bailey-Hamblen Mark ’83 and Deb (Jackson ’83) Bailie Celesta (Coates ’77) and David Ball Bob ’74 and Jan Bastian Don ’53 and Kay Bastian Don+ and Marcella Bateman David ’78 and Nancy (Tullar ’78) Battleson Fred+ and Bessie+ Baumberger Janise (Dixon ’90) and Kenneth Beguhl Edward+ and Carolyn+ Bennett Rex ’75 and Nancy Bennett Dale ’63 and Barb (Wilson ’63) Benson Richard+ and Clarice+ Binder Carol (Alexander ’77) and Paul Bither Nelson ’75 and Camille (Murray ’75) Blount Mabel Bock+ Brian ’58 and Mary-Ellan Bonney Harry ’47 and Betty Bonney Brad ’77 and Pamela Brail Lewis Britton ’57 Kathy (Gillaspie ’61) and Alan Brouard Dorothy Buckingham+ Jim ’54 and Betty (King ’54) Buick Pat (Scittine ’59) Burbridge Jay and Shay Burgess Keith ’76 and Glenda (Knop ’76) Burgh Tom ’77 and Mona (Mace ’77) Busch Steve ’77 and Carol (Walton ’78) Cameron Clair Carey+ Larry ’82 and Diane Carr Lois ’69 and Del+ Catron Roy+ and Florence+ Chinn Norma (Bartlow ’52)+ and Vernon+ Chute Jim ’59 and Susan (Page ’86) Claussen Jackie (Hendricks ’47) and Robert ’48 Clement Michael ’90 and Jarmela Cliff Rich Cloud ’70 Pat ’80 and Cheri Coakley Harry+ and Lillie+ Coates Herb ’79 and Sheryl (Beard ’80) Coates Mary (Britt ’54)+ and Herb ’55 Coates Tad Cooper Linda Cox ’69


Wesley Cox ’39+ Frank ’36+ and Verle+ Crane Gary ’81 and Celeste (Kline ’81) Cranston Sarah Crawford ’99 John ’42+ and Evelyn Cross Glen and Maxine+ Crum Phil+ and Sharon Cullison Carne ’43+ and Margery (Tipps ’43)+ Cunningham Jay ’63+ and Margaret (Smith ’63) Dargan Ed ’55 and Jan (Soybe ’58) Davis Florine (Kersey ’36) Dawdy+ Brian ’90 and Amy (Bellen ’90) Dillow Lawrence and Betty Ditty Joseph Douglass ’31+ Carroll ’64 and Darleene Dunaway Stan ’73 and Myrna (Simpkins ’73) Duneman Steve ’73+ and Linda Duneman Gordon ’83 and Linda (Arvidson ’84) Eccles John ’77 and Nita (Smith ’77) Edwards Paul ’33+ and Naomi+ Ellis Ray ’60 and Carollyn (Reid ’61) Ellis Virgil ’55 and Vennie Ewing Ruth (Barnes ’23)+ and James ’28+ Fairbanks Muriel (Secord ’49) Fattic Cal ’55 and Anice (Joy ’55) Faulkner Lester ’43+ and Ruth (Williams ’45) Finger Tim Finley ’92 Ruth (Garretson ’48)+ and Raymond+ Ford Rachel (Nowlan ’35) Fowler+ Esther Fox ’48 Bill ’65 and Marilyn (Smith ’65) Freeman Lloyd ’60 and Judi Ganton Charles+ and Louise+ George Stan+ and Kay+ Getz Scott Giffen ’99 and Yvi Martin ’01 Harry and Barbara Gigous Don ’52 and Edwina (Tucker ’54)+ Goldsmith Esther (Savage ’49)+ and Robert+ Goodenough Tim ’77 and Pam (Hogue ’77) Goodenough Fred ’62+ and Elaine (Marrs ’63) Goulden Michael ’72 and Leila (Siedsma ’73) Gray Robert+ and Opal+ Greer Robert and Patsy+ Greer Sara Gregory ’25+ Melba Grigg ’53+ Greg ’80 and Sue (Gerhardt ’80) Groves Wayne ’37+ and Lorene (Coates ’40)+ Groves Colleen (Sill ’58) and Jim ’59 Haggerty Lester Harnetiaux ’79+ Glenn and Margaret Harper Howard ’51+ and Doris (Cooper ’51)+ Hastings Louise Hauth ’52+


John ’01 and Meredith (McDaniels ’04) Heater Esther (Sportsman ’32) Heddergott+ Bev (Osburn ’66) and Mark Hempen Ruby (Erickson ’52) and Myron ’53+ Henry Earl+ and Buelah+ Hensley Claudine Herrington ’58+ Winifred Hessler ’46+ Chris ’80 and Cynthia Hill David and Joanna Hoag Jerry ’82 and Debbie (Kerestly ’83) Hood Jane Hopkins ’68 and Robert Clausen ’94 Kathy (Hannah ’68) and Doug ’71 Howard Greta (Syfert ’30)+ and Emery+ Howse Ann (Dunaway ’59)+ and Del+ Huelskoetter Geneva Huffman Marie (Jett ’34) Hussey+ Clyde Irwin Marion+ and Julia+ Jenner Roger Johnson ’51+ Tim ’85 and Patti (Burbridge ’87) Johnston Derrold ’71 and Jeanne (Hoewing ’72) Jones Frank ’37+ and Ruth (Breitenbach ’38)+ Joy Don ’76 and Nanette Kaufmann Jo Keillor ’79 Wesley ’43+ and Evelyn Keller Ralph and Nellie Kester Beth (Simcoe ’68) and Gary Kilgore Martha (Mills ’46) and Jay+ Kiser Joseph and Sharon Kopacz Tim ’67 and Connie (May ’67) Kratzer Howard+ and Anita+ Krober Kent ’78 and Sandy (Wade ’78) Krober Wendel ’63 and Kay (Wills ’63) Krober Steve ’77 and Debbie (Darr ’77) LaFleur Scott ’92 and Angela Lefler June (Martin ’50) Llewellyn Karen Longman Duane+ and Betty+ Luallen Fern (Ambrose ’32) Mack+ Adelle (Sieck ’28)+ and Edward Mansholt David ’69 and Sharla (Mannoia ’74) Martin Gary ’86 and Jill (Skorupa ’87) Mason Toni (Macy ’79) and Rod ’80 Mathews Vivien Maves ’28+ Kendall ’37+ and Mildred (Bentley ’38)+ Mayhew Vi (Ormston ’49)+ and Glenn ’50 McAdam Mark ’86 and Karla (Goers ’86) McGinnis John ’82 and Pam (Maurer ’84) Minshall Robert ’41+ and Ruth+ Montgomery Carol (Lane ’77) and Larry ’78 Moore Jesse ’51 and Lin (Moorhouse ’55) Moore Doug ’87 and Dee Morgan Rick ’84 and Lisa (Tarantino ’84) Morgan

Jack ’47+ and Evelyn (Marston ’48) Mottweiler Bill ’83 and Renate (Reeser ’86) Moyers Ken ’56 and LeOra (Samuelson ’62) Mudge Gary ’83+ and Susan (Rose ’83) Mulholland Richard Mulholland ’60+ Bonnie (Myers ’60) Mulholland-Kinnamen Norma (Randlett ’49) and Bill ’50 Mullins Ray and Ruth Myers Linda (Groesbeck ’73) and Phil ’75 Myette Phil ’41+ and Lois+ Myette Faye (Myers ’62) and Alden ’63 Nay Arthur ’26+ and Bernice (Weiler ’26)+ Nelson John Nethercott+ Duane ’73 and Sharen (Bewley ’74) Newman Jo Ann Noble ’56 William ’25+ and Elizabeth+ Norbeck Marcella (Vanvolkenburg ’34)+ and Floyd+ Nowlin Elvan Olmstead ’36+ Clarence ’42+ and Beth (Hampton ’44)+ Oscarson Marie (Clouse ’52) Owen Kelli (Stephens ’86) and Gene Page Ralph and Doris Park Bill Parker ’57+ Neil and Jean Parrott Dan ’81 and Jill (Vincent ’82) Parry Jim ’67 and Carole (Cox ’72) Parsons Elaine (Huston ’62) and Hershal Paul Darrold ’68 and Louise Phillips Melvin ’50 and Joann Phillips Ron Phillips ’80 Annabelle (King ’47)+ and Ned Philpott Richard ’55 and Vivian Price Mary (Richey ’54) Rardin Teresa Rardin ’78 Fred Reader ’62 John ’69 and Jennifer (Apple ’70) Reed Jim ’54 and Marilyn ’76 Reinhard Leona (Stillman ’42) Rennells+ Ray Rhine ’53 Carl ’43+ and Alice (Fickess ’44)+ Rice Jerry ’74 and Linda (Kratzer ’77) Rich Sarah Ridpath+ Roberta Rittenhouse ’47+ Ron ’57 and Marion (Smith ’59) Robart Violet (Kindel ’66)+ and John Rohrer Rex ’64 and Bethel Root Howard ’40+ and Mary Loretta (Olmstead ’40)+ Rose Mike Sailsbery ’70 and Debby (Horton ’72) Fink-Sailsbery David ’62 and Millie (Nelson ’63) Samuelson +


Everett ’50 and Jane (Moorhouse ’50) Sanders Troy ’41 and Rose Marie+ Sanders Larry and Cindy Sayler Donna Saylor ’72 Eldon ’42+ and Florence Sayre Earl ’53 and Julie (Larson ’53) Schamehorn John ’39+ and Ruby (Tosh ’40) Schlosser Lawrence Schoenhals ’35+ and Ruth Boyd Schoenhals ’82+ Kathy (Ballinger ’81) and Kevin ’82 Schoenwetter Cheryl (Logue ’67) and Lawrence Schrock Janis (Schlapia ’82) and Jim Schuberth Lewis Seifert Leslie ’64 and Colleen (King ’65) Sellers Kevin ’78 and Ginny Seybold Janet (Weikert ’79) and Dale ’81 Shackley Brent ’82 and Lolly Shaw

Burl ’57 and Marjorie Shinkle Ruth Short ’33+ Riker+ and Edith+ Simcoe Bob ’52 and Dottie (Connor ’54) Smith Bob “Ish” ’57 and Joanna (Riggs ’59) Smith Jerry Smith ’64 and Dottie Fugiel Ken ’53 and Marjie (Sandin ’56) Smith Lynette Smith ’64+ Jana (Tidball ’74) and Dennis ’75 Spencer Charles and Marge Stavely Louverne Stephens+ Louis ’82 and Nancy (Oschwald ’82) Stewart Peter ’85 and Marla (Samuelson ’86) Stuart Mavis (Dietzman ’67) and Robert Sturgis Norm ’70 and Carol (Turner ’70) Swanson Deborah Swearingen ’78 Louise Tenney ’31+ Wallace and Frances+ Tippery Harry and Lenora Tomaschke

Randall ’52+ and Phyl (Case ’52) Tucker Ron ’72 and Joy (Lowe ’72) Tucker Myriam (Swanson ’79) Turbyfield Dallas ’31+ and Virginia (Howland ’34)+ Turner Delores (Nuby ’50)+ and Harry ’54 Ulmer Margaret (Bebermeyer ’46) and Florence Vahle Carl ’64+ and Pauletta Vancil Virginia (Lehr ’60) Vancil+ Hayden+ and Joyce+ Van Horn Mark ’79 and Linda (Johnson ’80) VanValin Mendal ’51+ and Kathleen (Willing ’51) VanValin Chuck ’62 and Carole (Whitbeck ’64) Vick Imogene (Snyder ’32)+ and Harold+ Vick Carol (Moore ’74) and Lonnie Vollintine Clyde Wait+ Ruby Walker+

Sheri (Hudson ’69) and Jerry Wall Ruth (Postlewait ’62) and Lewis+ Walter Bob+ and Helen (Butts ’35+) Warren Wes ’43+ and Edna Warwick Clark Webster+ Elizabeth White ’46 Elliott ’60 and Cynthia (Gillard ’61) Wiegand Dennis ’68 and Joyce (Baker ’68) Wilson Sarah Wilson+ Della Wolcott+ Otis ’62 and Judy (Daniel ’63) Wolkins Ronald and Diana Woodworth Charles and Mildred Wroblewski Jerry Yotter ’70 Betty Young ’50+ Chuck ’54 and Charlotte (Nissly ’54) Young Helen (Zahniser ’41) Zahniser-Snyder+ and Lee Snyder+


The Dean’s Club recognizes donors whose gifts further the mission and ministry of Greenville University based on giving from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017: GU 500 for donors of $500-$999 and GU 250 for donors of $250-$499. Visit to view a complete list of donors who gave $1-$99. $500-$999 Anonymous (2) Cindy (Letson ’65) and Howard ’67 Barnes Verna Bassett ’65 Craig Baumberger Dave and Jane Bell Michael Bell Bryan ’89 and Carol (Miller ’89) Blankenship Louise (Deboer ’69) and Leo Bourg Wayne Bovee ’50 Sharon (Burd ’63) Bowes George ’50 and Barbara Brancato Dona Lee (Anderson ’66) and Earl Breitbarth Justine (Sims ’60) Brewer Ward Brining Margery (Walters ’66) and George Browning Harold and Ruthan Burchel Doris Burd Keith ’76 and Glenda (Knop ’76) Burgh Frances (Starr ’51) and Stanley ’62 Busch Patricia (Wallace ’55) and Gerald Bushrow Steve ’77 and Carol (Walton ’78) Cameron John ’61 and Myrna Cammin Eula May (Metz ’52) and Richard Carr Jim Catanzaro ’00 Young ’58 and Susan Chung Jackie (Hendricks ’47) and Robert ’48 Clement Paul Condon ’69 Carolyn (Ratz ’77) and Richard Cooper Bob ’77 and Tammy Cranston Gary ’81 and Celeste (Kline ’81) Cranston Wanda (Claussen ’72) and Lysle Crosson Ralph ’49+ and Marian Crowell Alice De Boer Dave ’55 and Betty Ann (Cottrill ’55) Dickerson Clarice (Vore ’56) Dodge Christy (Brown ’91) and Brent ’92 Ellis Shirley (Hall ’56) and John ’58 Ellis Bill ’52 and Gloria (Penwell ’53) Erickson Timothy ’82 and Valerie Erickson +


Dick ’49 and Muriel (Secord ’49) Fattic Cal ’55 and Anice (Joy ’55) Faulkner David ’69 and Gloria Figg Jim and Ruth Finch Richard and Susan Foley Gayle (Poland ’70) and Charles Frame Bill ’65 and Marilyn (Smith ’65) Freeman Alan ’76 and Lori (Nielsen ’83) Gaffner Dorothy (Fisher ’51) and Robert Gardner Greg and Kathleen Getz Carolyn (Page ’55) Glair Andrew ’91 and Stephanie Goggin Mary Lou (Penn ’77) and James Goggin Carol (Eggan ’89) and Galen ’90 Golay Wendolyn Grace ’77 Darel Grothaus Chris (Smith ’79) and Jim Gunther Duane ’65 and Gretchen Haines Norm ’87 and Alison MAE ’05 Hall Tracy Hall ’85 Linda (Whiteside ’74) and Kenny ’91 Hampton Sam ’97 and Kristi (Stewart ’97) Hardy Edie (Sussenbach ’62) and Richard Harris Sheila (Walton ’58) Harrison Chuck Hawkins ’64 John ’54 and Bobbie Hendricks Duane ’56 and Betty Hood Kay (McGrath ’90) and Dan ’91 Hood Duane Houghtaling ’80 Frank ’68 and Sandra Hunter Bob ’68 and Carol (Neece ’68) Johnson Craig ’92 and Heidi (Herron ’92) Johnson Ken Keener ’74 David and Lavone Kendall Walter Kendall ’53 Cheralyn (Gallup ’66) and Dennis Kendel Violet (Zimmerman ’50)+ and Marvin Knight Nathan Liechty ’04 Bob Mansur Barbara (Looney ’79) Marsh Ray ’72 and Karen Maxwell Andrew ’66 and Charlene (Swift ’66) McCallum

Mark ’77 and Suzi (Price ’77) Mehlig Betty (Cassabaum ’50) and Donald Miles Paul ’65 and Jeannine (Riggs ’70) Morgan Rick ’84 and Lisa (Tarantino ’84) Morgan Dotty (Greenlee ’73) Morrison Roy ’86 and Dawn Mulholland John Nethercott+ Doug and Margie Newton Laura (Creighton ’73) Oros Colby and Rachel Parks Lon and Mary Ann Rademacher Brian ’86 and Carla (Roth ’86) Reinhard Marilyn Richards Merlin ’54 Roth Randy and Angela Rule Joseph and Sheryl Sandhaus Leland ’56 and Jo Sayers Judy (Griffith ’69) and Bill ’70+ Schneck Vicki (Stuber ’75) and Rich ’78 Schurter Charlotte (Olson ’56) Seago Victor Shepherd David ’73 and Hope (Williams ’73) Smith Jerry Smith ’64 and Dottie Fugiel Joseph Smith ’56 Melvin and Dena Spencer Barb (Kerns ’78) and Guy Steele Javene (Smith ’53) and Charles ’54 Stephens Dale ’80 and Carol (Finger ’81) Stewart Marilynn (Ayers ’57) and Terry Taylor David ’71, MA ’06 and Barb (Oscarson ’71) Tomb Myriam (Swanson ’79) Turbyfield Eldon ’67 and Marilyn Turley Matt ’51 and Dorothy Urfer Harold VanValin ’54 Timothy and Lori Vanwey Brad ’85 and Mary Wade Marlin and Phyllis Wade Tina (Martin ’90) and Eric ’91 Watterson Evelyn White Sidney and Dottie White Donald and Loretta Wire Phillip ’60 and Joyce Wise

$250-$499 Anonymous Sharon Alger ’61 Tom ’78 and Kris (Hauser ’78) Allen Doug ’67 and Nancy Ambuehl Tom Andrews Laura Arksey Myrtle (White ’60) and Sam BaileyHamblen Lesta (Knaak ’59) Barber David ’80 and Becky (Traeger ’82) Bathe Virginia (Ruth ’47) and James Bennett Tom ’64 and Mary Bisset Carl ’84 and Kim Brannon Mary Buckner Gordon ’80 and Katherine Buntrock Jim Burtch ’72 Robert ’50 and Helen (Anderson ’50) Canfield Ruth (Davis ’63) and Ed ’64 Carey Rob ’93 and Kelli (Keasling ’94) Chelberg Rodney and Anita Chute Wayne ’51 and Rosalie (Creager ’52) Clark Herb Coates ’55 Kay ’58 and Ruth Cole Michael ’97 and Megan Coling Neil ’55 and Madeline Cowen Jim ’72 and Barbara (Coulter ’72) Cox Mary Lou (Crandall ’63) and Merle ’65 Cromwell Emily Dahlbeck Harry ’57 and Barbara (Lehr ’61) Deffley Darlene (Nelson ’60) and Roy Demetrick Robert and Marilyn Dillman Susan (Dailey ’75) and Ron ’76 Dunnill Stacey Earleywine Van ’69 and Karen (Schmidt ’71) Eldridge Robert and Vickie Ellsworth Virgil ’55 and Vennie Ewing Bob ’72 and Emily (Willard ’73) Fairbanks Ruth (Brandt ’51) Farnsworth Isaac ’02 and Naomi Federiuk Charles ’60 and Elizabeth (Stoltz ’62) Finley Judith (Anderson ’71) and Louis Fogleman Carole Frier ’80



Johnnie ’52 and Nina Frye Ryan Garrett MAT ’09 and Christina Smerick Peggy (Gingrich ’55) Gebauer Godfrey Geissberger Cory ’02 and Emily (Nicholas ’06) Gerdts Jeremiah ’02 and Jamie Gregory Shirley Griesbach ’58 Dorothy Gunn Mary Beth (Wilson ’90) and Todd Harper David ’67 and Peggy (Sayre ’68) Hill John ’76 and Beth Holak Robert ’51 and Clarice Hollis Dolores (Sandell ’58) Hoover Joann Huddleston ’59 Duane ’62 and Rose Huston Eugene Jekel Bill ’67 and Loretta (Jones ’68) Jenkins Gary Kaufmann ’78 Kristian Kaufmann ’03 Deb Keillor ’83 Tom ’73 and Debbie (Wilson ’73) Kepka Frank ’77 and Rhonda (Kugler ’77) Kline Ken ’93 Kratzer and Tara (Barnes ’93) Barnes Kratzer Tena Krause ’80 Les ’69 and Peggy Krober John ’70 and Linda Larson Kenneth ’76 and Mary Jo Lefler Raymond ’54 and Susan Leitner Mark ’78 and Karen Lindsley Jim ’63 and Ann (Smith ’66) Lund Jim and Elizabeth Mannoia John ’69 and Judy Martin Toni (Macy ’79) and Rod ’80 Mathews Scott ’89 and Heather (Holifield ’93) McGrew Cathy (Monroe ’72) and Roger Miller Marv ’60 and Karen Moran Amber (Johnson ’04) and Joshua Morris Evelyn (Marston ’48) Mottweiler Norma (Randlett ’49) and Bill ’50 Mullins Kyle Murphy Ray and Ruth Myers Steven Ogle ’71 Cyndi (Smith ’85) Oglesby Kelli (Stephens ’86) and Gene Page William and Sharon Patterson Brian ’88 and Heather Patton Whitey Patton Steven ’76 and Julie Peay Beth Peebles ’69 Alan ’75 and Christina (Sheridan ’81) Probst Mary (Richey ’54) Rardin Edie (Miller ’74) and David Reay Greg Render ’99 Jeanne (Elliot ’56)+ and Morgan ’59 Robertson Bruce and Sue Ronk Charlie ’55 and Jan (Koch ’55) Sandbach James Scherer Jimmie Schmitt Virginia (Wallace ’59) Sims Audrey (Smith ’65) Smith Gibbens and Doug Gibbens Steven and Jane Spriggs Melvin ’64 and Susan Starr Joyce Stewart Mary Alice (Poland ’70) and Larry Stilwell Cindy (Gnade ’98) and Lee Swartz Wilma Tade Paul ’87 and Andrea MBA ’15 Thies Albert ’52 and Beatrice Thomas


David ’98 and Natalie Thompson Peter and Laurel Trebotte David and Cecelia Ulmer Frank ’53 and Carol VanValin Charles Walker ’68 John ’64 and Sue Walker Howard ’60+ and Joy Wallace Diana (Watson ’59) and William Walter David and P.D. Ware Susan (Rasler ’70) and Frank Watson Kerri (Keasling ’94) and Kevin Webster Hal ’76 and Mary Weise Robert ’70 and Robyn (Penner ’70) Welch Beatrice (Spar ’60) Whitehead Jason ’02 and Heather (Caddell ’04) Wickersham Wayne and Teresa Williams Dave ’96 and Melissa Wilson Mick ’68 and Michele Wilson Stephanie (Nolting ’72) and Larry ’74 Winkler Jamie and Jaynene Young Joy (Hamilton ’70) and Michael Ziemann $100-$249 Anonymous (2) George ’69 and Evelyn Adam Ryan and Melanie Aldridge Albert Alexander Janet Allison-Seed Mike ’91 and Whitney (Fink ’94) Altopp Sondra Anderson ’84 Genevieve (Hendricks ’48) Andrews Marc Antonetti Mert ’61 and Wanda (Walton ’61) Arvidson Aleen Aten Berry and Jo Azdell Lola (Wellman ’51) Baker Thomas and Julia Bakewell Gerald ’56 and Lula (Lambright ’58) Bales Joyce Ballard ’61 James Ballou ’67 Wilson ’52 and Sylvia (McDonough ’52) Banks Marvin ’69 and Mary (Hostetler ’69) Barthauer Gerald ’55 and Marlene (Parsons ’55) Bates Wilma (Sharp ’40) Baumberger Reed ’56 and Virginia (Miller ’58) Beard Stephen ’78 and Betty (Roop ’80) Bensing David ’94 and Kara (Kilgore ’94) Benson Randy ’84 and Vondria (Andrews ’85) Bergen Lisa (Barnes ’92) Berry Neoma Berry ’62 Mark and Misdy Bieberstein Harold ’67 and Linda Birky Steve ’71 and Dianne Birky Tim ’76 and Polly (Paulson ’76) Birky Lois (Beardslee ’55) and James Blackburn Doug ’73 and Lois Boele Curt ’59 and Helen (Geries ’62) Bohannon Allen and Darlene Bonds Doane ’54 and Ruth (Schantz ’54) Bonney Harry ’47 and Betty Bonney Steven and Virginia Borwick Don ’72 and Sandra Bounds Brenda (Vaughn ’78) and Craig Boyd Bill ’51 and Esther Boyer Brad ’77 and Pamela Brail Janice (Price ’76) and Eric Branch Virginia Brannon David Brown ’57


Thomas ’79 and Ann Belser Brown Huston and Loretta Broyles Rollie ’54 and Vicki Brumitt Robert Buchanan Neil ’98 and Kira (Brickey ’98) Budde Pat (Scittine ’59) Burbridge Juanita (Mooney ’50) Burge Bob and Carolyn Burns Casey Burrus ’01 Bob ’68 and Marcy (Hall ’69) Burtch Diana Burtch ’72 Richard Bushue Jim and Barbara Butts Lynette Cagle ’05 Jan (Baker ’65) and Larry Camp Anne (Richarson ’65) and James Campbell Carolyn (Mangels ’67) and Frank ’69 Campbell Bob ’75 and Mary Lu (Andrews ’75) Cannon Jack and Evelyn Carder Charles ’60 and Jan (Mitchell ’60) Carey Eric and Karen Carman Willard Carter Wayne ’59 and Ruth (Lehman ’59) Cassel Rex ’75 and Cindy (Monroe ’76) Catron Lou Dean (Lowe ’66) Chamless Mary (Morgan ’52) Chapman Brenda (Moore ’84) and Mark Chema David ’70 and Maggie Chi Roger Christin ’72 Gary and Joann Claus Kevin and Velma Cochrane Deloy ’84 and Bonnie Cole Treva (Booher ’80) and David ’83 Cole Evelyn (Dickerson ’42) Conant Richard and Gladys Cook Lonnie Coppernoll Skip ’67 and Carole (Welch ’67) Coulter Wayne ’42 and Neda Cowger Linda Cox Andrew Craig Dave ’61 and Carol Crandall Trina (Previte ’52) Cranston Louis ’51 and Norma Crouch Glen ’64 and Veva Cullom Thomas Curylo Dennis ’69 and Lynda (Harris ’69) Daniel Brenda Davenport ’99 Norma Davis ’52 Anne Davy ’75 Orval Dean Beth (Fields ’68) Deck Loretta Demmings Sharon (Lower ’64) and Patrick Dennis Kurt ’70 and Diana Denzel Michael and Juli Deterding Tim ’96 and Elisabeth (Rittenhouse ’96) Dietz Les ’64 and Estelle (Yates ’64) Dietzman Don ’67 and Sharon (Larimore ’67) Doenitz Mary Donalson Bill ’68 and Shirley (Dargan ’68) Donnell Karen (Quastad ’55) and Richard Dreyer Karla (Dunaway ’94) Dunaway-Henke and Scott Henke Aaron ’01 and Kelly (Elifrits ’01) Dunnill Jeff and Barb Dwyer Gordon ’83 and Linda (Arvidson ’84) Eccles Jack Elam ’57 Chuck ’65 and Joanne (Dufloth ’68) Ellis Carol (Rikli ’78) and Mike ’79 Ellsworth Jon Engelberth ’77 and Margaret Walker Philip and Barb Eppard

Gary and Lisa Erickson Will and Heather Fairbanks Kathy (Fleming ’71) and Gary Farnsworth Marian (Brandt ’51) Ferguson Dave ’77 and Linda Ferrell Meg (Long ’90) and Harold ’99 File Karen (Tobey ’83) and Mike Fincher Larry ’70 and Beverly (Kratzer ’70) Findley Ruth (Williams ’45) Finger Jeff ’96 and Jennifer (Nead ’98) Finley Tim Finley ’92 Jason ’04 and Hannah (Funk ’05) Fishburn Charles Fisher ’56 Henry and Janet Flores Joanne Foley Jane Frazier Marcia Freeman ’16 Thomas and Caris Friesen Willard ’55 and Hazel Frost Peggy (Pacatte ’52) Gabriel Don Gardner ’54 Steve ’67 and Priscilla George Nicole (Ramey ’97) and Philip Georgia Jeff Gerards ’04 Karen (Strickler ’84) Gilmore Karen Gines ’68 Kathleen Goldsborough Don Goldsmith ’52 Judy (Ely ’60) and Richard Gongwer Tim ’77 and Pam (Hogue ’77) Goodenough Elaine (Marrs ’63) Goulden Al ’74 and Susan Graham Beatrice (Wright ’55) and Roy Grant Claude ’61 and Bettie Griffith Lorraine (Collier ’61) Griffith Bob ’57 and Joyce (Goldsboro ’57) Grimes Linda (Harnetiaux ’60) and Ronald Grissom Greg ’80 and Sue (Gerhardt ’80) Groves Bob ’64 and Patricia Gruen Antonio and Luisa Guzman Gary ’73 and Linda Hackney Sue (Langham ’81) and Rick Hahn Jon ’74 and Marlene Hall Keith Hall Ralph Hammer ’51 Pamela Hanlin Mary (LaDue ’53) Hansen Carol Harkins James and Paulette Harkins Robert and Jo Hartzell Paula (Cowser ’82) and Shannon Hayes John ’01 and Meredith (McDaniels ’04) Heater Gail Heideman MA ’17 Amber (Ratliff ’06) and David Henrichsmeyer Ruby (Erickson ’52) Henry Sarah (Cenkar ’98) and Joseph Herdade Darold ’62 and Marjorie Hill Dorothea Hines ’66 Dean and Wendy Hirsch Floyd and Yvonne Hitchcock Elizabeth Hofsas David ’69 and Diane Hogue Sherrie (Smith ’64) and Jerry Holifield Cary ’71 and Tonya (Chilcote ’73) Holman Ken ’60 and Sharon Hood Kathleen (Quastad ’56) House Kathy (Hannah ’68) and Doug ’71 Howard Norma (Nolte ’69) and Frank Howard Jack and Wanda Hubbell Jerrold and Shirley Hubbs Ruth (Woods ’54) and Dayton Hultgren



Marcia Imburgia William ’71 and Rhonda (Probst ’73) Jacobs John ’64 and Marlene (Reeves ’65) Jenkins Ella Johanson ’57 Nancy Johnson Weyburn ’49 and Dorothy Johnson Ed ’50 and Judy (Poland ’50) Jones Stella Jones Laurie (Nelson ’82) and Richard Karns Oleta Kartmann Bruce ’74 and Karyl Kaufmann Ken Kaufmann ’49 Joan Keasling Jim and Becky Keaster Jo Keillor ’79 Evelyn Keller John ’89 and Laura Kelley Martha (Rosentrater ’69) and Paul Kellner Jay ’79 and Janet Kennedy Beth (Simcoe ’68) and Gary Kilgore Art ’78 and Janet (Miller ’78) Killian Paul ’53 and Janice Killian Barbara (Creech ’64) and Delbert Klaus Kenneth ’65 and Merrily Knepper Bill and Sandy Koss Alfred Krober ’63 Georgann (Kurtz ’81) Kurtz-Shaw and Brad ’83 Shaw Barbara (Kirkpatrick ’74) and Phillip Landis Lyle Lang ’65 Tab and Lori Leskovisek Aaron and Michelle Lippoldt Thomas and Gail Litwiler Lars and Mary Lofgren Sherry (Brannon ’73) and Ronald Loflin Delbert and Sandra Lovett Mary (Freeman ’86) and Robert Lyle Dave ’70 and Linda (Sayre ’70) Marcy Robert ’72 and Kathy Marlow Ginger (Williamson ’70) and Dave ’71 Marquart Kay (Zimmer ’78) and Tim Marshall Doug and Doris Marti Martha (Bailey ’65) and Richard Martin Tera (White ’82) and Edward Mascarenas Phyllis Matheny ’54 Shirley Matteson ’79 Jim ’66 and Verla (Orr ’67) Mayse Sue Ann (Wooters ’72) and Tom McBroom Carol McMurran ’69 Sherrie McPherson Don ’68 and Nancy Meissner Karen (Sarr ’69) Mensing Drew and Judy Mentzer Todd ’02 and Sarah (Higgins ’02) Miesch

Joel ’93 and Janette Miller Kenneth and Helen Miller Mark ’62 and Mary Miller Marilyn Mills ’59 Celia Milslagle ’67 Bev (Barcroft ’52) Minton Orval ’56 and Dora (Keen ’56) Mitchell Geneva (Kleinik ’53) Mohrbacker Richard Montgomery Dottie (Wolcott ’61) Morgan Eric ’04 and Christy (Grimes ’04) Moss Adam ’75 and Bernadette Nassar Rosemary (Hull ’63) Neathery Beverly (Fancher ’66) and Gary Nelson Doug ’68 and Jo Jo Nelson Paul ’68 and Winnie Nelson Bruce ’74 and Roxane (Marquis ’75) Netzler Randall Neumann Dave ’64 and Bonnie (Hitchcock ’65) Newton Duane ’57 and Lois (Riley ’57) Norden Anne (Humbarger ’64) Norris Lesa Northam ’84 Ralph ’66 and Judith (Dick ’66) Odman Mary Oehlert ’77 Troy ’90 and Terri Oldham Phil ’73 and Chris Owsley Diana (Todd ’68) and Dale Pauwels Traci Pekovitch ’96 Corey ’93 and Julie Pennington David ’70 and Faith Penwell Robert and Beverly Perry Galen and Ella Peters George ’82 and Linda (Dillow ’82) Peters Ron ’65 and Linda (Keele ’65) Peters Neva Pfouts ’41 William Piper Ruth (Sanders ’44) Pratt Richard ’55 and Vivian Price David and Andria Pritchett May Della Probst Reva (Alleman ’49) Pyle Michael and Robin Radliff Willis and Mildred Ragland Phyllis Rames Warren and Joyce Ranck Jerry ’06 and Marybeth Rardin Ethelyn (Davenport ’52) and Arthur Rasmussen Romona Ray ’78 Mark Redding ’83 Rich and Ronda Reeves Merlyn ’52 and Virgena Rensberry Edward ’78 and Rebecca (Jack ’79) Renshaw

Martha (Thomas ’56) and Paul ’57 Riley Ron ’57 and Marion (Smith ’59) Robart Vaughn ’89 and Regina (Dothager ’91) Robart Carol Rocke Darrel ’67 and Jo Rocke Thomas and Nancy Rohde Chuck and Karen Romani Claris and Velda Roth Donita (Gregory ’70) and Donald Roulsten Rod ’67 and Marilyn (Graham ’68) Ruberg Ruth (Sussenbach ’60) Rupert Haroldene (Seneker ’48) Ryff David ’62 and Millie (Nelson ’63) Samuelson Dwight ’65 and Judith Samuelson Elaine (Kasten ’51) Sanford Donald and Marjorie Sapp Mildred Sawyer ’59 Donna Saylor ’72 Lois (Knaak ’57) and Frederic Schadewald Earl ’53 and Julie (Larson ’53) Schamehorn Paul ’61 and Janice (Bryant ’61) Schantz Shannon Schantz ’83 Harold ’01 and Linda (Jones ’01) Schuler John ’60 and Kim Seo Vonjia Shannon ’84 Brent ’82 and Lolly Shaw Chuck ’69 and Helen (Zimmer ’70) Shelhamer Morris ’51 and Janet Sherk Burl ’57 and Marjorie Shinkle Barbara Shock ’56 Mary Ann Sievers ’72 Bob ’52 and Dottie (Connor ’54) Smith Cheryl ’00 and Richard Smith Chuck ’85 and Rene (Osborne ’85) Smith David ’65 and Janice Smith Susan (Kline ’72) and Keith Smith Terry and Susan Smith Harold ’46 and Ellen (Vore ’50) Snyder Howard ’62 and Janice Snyder Lois (Smith ’50) and Keith Snyder Jeffrey and Janine Spear Antoinette Speraneo Evalyn Spinder Timothy and Pauline Spring Diane (Nolte ’73) and Terry Spuler Marilyn Starr Todd ’85 and Dawnita Stephens Cathy Stonehouse ’62 Scott and Melissa Stransky Phil ’65 and Carolyn (Shields ’65) Streetman Paul ’79 and Elizabeth Stroble

Anne (Lantis ’56) and William Struck Ward Sussenbach ’66 Barry ’77 and Vaun (Hodges ’77) Swanson Mike ’93 and Kathy Swindle Clarence Taylor ’61 Edward and Donna Taylor Thomas Tetrick Thomas and Louanne Theiss Warren ’50 and Luella (Connor ’51) Thomas Tara Thompson ’06 Dee (Oakes ’70) and Curt ’72 Tidball John Tippitt ’85 Richard and Gail Tognarelli Ben MA ’13 and Julie Tolly Pat Trager Joyce (Wilhelm ’77) and Terry Troyer Gary ’68 and Mary Ann (Walden ’74) Tucker Pedro ’96 and Christal (Valdez ’96) Valentin Forrest ’50 and Janice (Greenman ’51) Van Valin Holly (Eaton ’05) and Derek ’06 Velazco Ellen Vogel ’70 Herald ’65 and Naomi (Inman ’66) Walton Jim ’84 and Kim (Shaw ’84) Ward Connie Wardell ’64 Cindy (Fillhart ’79) and Stephen Watson Ben ’02 and Michelle (Zitzloff ’03) Wayman Hugh ’45 and Betty Wayman Eric ’04 and Cassandra (Johnson ’04) Weidmann Bill ’71 and Carol Weitzel Elaine (Crider ’61) and Paul ’63 Wengert Missie (Setty ’97) and Brian Wenrick David ’70 and Kay (Beyers ’70) Whitaker David ’68 and Jamie Whiteman Joan (Hendrix ’47) Whitlock Melvin ’52 and Ethelyn (Hunsaker ’54) Williams Ken ’63 and Diana Williamson Kim (Engstrom ’94) and Tim Williamson Pam MA ’13 and Jeff Wilson Raedean Windish ’66 Gerald Wingert ’51 Hung ’77 and Lee Winn Mark ’86 and Karla (Kugler ’86) Winslow Don ’55 and Virginia Wise John ’67 and Carolyn (Rice ’68) Wojakowski Julie (Amendola ’84) and Danny Wolf Mary (Kendle ’50) and Charles Wood Steve ’79 and Mary Young Tom ’63 and Barb (Bronson ’63) Young Kathleen Zimmerman Jeffrey and Kim Zitzloff Ramona Zortman


Recognizing gifts received from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017, honoring the following individuals. Michael Bond Buddy and Pat Bond Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Doris Burd Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis

Jack and Pat Burd Sharon Bowes Doris Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis Terry and Marilynn Taylor Brad and Nancy Knight Marvin Knight Brandon and Amber Knight Marvin Knight

David and Shelby Knight Marvin Knight John and Carol Knight Marvin Knight Stephen Knight Marvin Knight

Matthew and Nikki Schoonover Marvin Knight

Bob “Ish” Smith Ken and Brenda Wiegel

Terrel and Marilyn Taylor Jack and Pat Burd Jeffrey and Cappy Davis

David Soncek Carol Harkins Christine Speck Marvin Knight




Recognizing gifts received from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017, honoring the following individuals. Kathleen A. Ball Frederic Ball Del Catron Sharon Alger Doug and Nancy Ambuehl Charlie and Fluffy Baum Rich and Marty Beans Bond County Republican Central Committee Lois Catron Tom and Betty Kay Dawdy Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Leroy and Pat Ellsworth Gary and Kathy Farnsworth Alan and Lori Gaffner C.W. and Edie Gaffner Jerry and Mary Graber Tamie Heichelbeck Dave and Bernie Jack Dan and Jan Jensen Don+ and LaVon Jordahl Gene+ and Miriam Kamp Deb Keillor Jo Keillor Joyce Keillor Lonnie and Karen Kessinger Kent and Sandy Krober Roger and Cathy Miller Scott and Jill Mohnkern Al and Emily Moore Tom and Betty Morgan Randall Neumann Jo Ann Noble Galen and Ella Peters Jim and Marilyn Reinhard Steve and Veronica Ross Craig and Sue Tidball Pat Trager Larry and Dena Webber Ken and Brenda Wiegel Jeff and Pam Wilson Jim and Wilma Wilson Ellen Winslow Ramona Zortman Keith and Rosabel Dillman Bill and Jean Dillman Wanda and Ronald Gines Karen Gines Mary Hickey Kerwin and Kristi Hickey Esther Jones Billye Staff Donald Jordahl Anonymous Sharon Alger Kathryn Baird David and Becky Bathe Mary Bauman Rich and Marty Beans Darryl and Sally Bolen Nancy Brown Gordon and Barbara Corning


Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. James and Christine Egan Gary and Kathy Farnsworth Walter and Eileen Fenton C.W. and Edie Gaffner Earl and Elma Habecker Dave and Bernie Jack Dan and Jan Jensen Gene+ and Miriam Kamp Deb Keillor La-Mon and Judy Klingaman Kent and Sandy Krober Duane and Donna Loy Pam Masulla Christine Miller Scott and Jill Mohnkern Al and Emily Moore Tom and Betty Morgan Jo Ann Noble William and Barbara O’Brien Galen and Ella Peters Reno Bethel Presbyterian Church Steve and Veronica Ross Everett and Jane Sanders Brad Shaw and Georgann Kurtz-Shaw Bob “Ish” and Joanna Smith Marilyn Starr Joann Strobel Pat Trager Robert Joseph Jack and Pat Burd Harold Kemp Sharon Alger Jack and Susan Chism Margaret Dargan Tom and Betty Kay Dawdy Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Doug and Cathy Dothager Alan and Lori Gaffner James Jones LaVon Jordahl Tom and Betty Morgan Jo Ann Noble Bob “Ish” and Joanna Smith Jim and Wilma Wilson Violet Knight Anonymous Philip and Amy Alfeld Aleen Aten Christopher and Marybeth Bauer Craig Baumberger Rich and Marty Beans Bibleway House of Prayer Donald+ and Pauline Brown Denny and Martha Donnell Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Darrel and Hilda Fry Alan and Lori Gaffner Eugene Jekel Gene+ and Miriam Kamp Jere and Anita Kauth Brad Knight John and Carol Knight Steve Knight


Aaron and Michelle Lippoldt Marilyn Miles Scott and Jill Mohnkern Tom and Betty Morgan Al and Emily Moore Galen and Ella Peters Denny and Pat Potthast Rich and Ronda Reeves Chuck and Karen Romani Greg and Maureen Schuette Antoinette Speraneo Rick and Gayle Stensland Thomas and Louanne Theiss Richard and Gail Tognarelli James Koch Donna Koch Anita Krober Chuck and Joanne Ellis Howard and Anita Krober Darryl and Sally Bolen Wendel and Kay Krober Debra Marsch Dan Marsch Marge Massie Richard and Jennifer Bryant Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Alan and Lori Gaffner William and Sharon Holzhauer Kelly+ and Lucille Ireland Larry and Joyce Kimball Marshall and Carla Mollet Randall Neumann Tom and Dorene Whalen Cornelia May Adam and Bernadette Nassar Vi McAdam Glenn McAdam Kurt McGrath Tom and Betty Morgan Bob “Ish” and Joanna Smith Pat Trager Ellen Winslow Daniel McPherson Warren and Joyce Ranck David Nelson Anonymous Ruby Schlosser Darel Grothaus Bill Schneck Doug and Nancy Ambuehl Maxine Burke Jack and Susan Chism Don and Linda Cole Wanda Cooper Alan and Lori Gaffner

C.W. and Edie Gaffner Gean and Eleanor Gregory Dan and Jan Jensen Kevin Kaegy Gene+ and Miriam Kamp John and Ellie Kennedy Kent and Sandy Krober Doug and Doris Marti Rob Mees Mike and Kim Peppler Shirley Potthast Jim and Marilyn Reinhard Thomas and Nancy Rohde Jacqueline Siefert Gerald Smith Antoinette Speraneo Myriam Turbyfield Tom and Dorene Whalen Why Not Travel Lewis Seifert Julie Bergman Ross Shaw Betty Olson Keven Siebert Lloyd Albert Elaine Anthony Brad and Pamela Brail First National Bank of Dwight Paul and Alvina Isringhausen Larry and Sandra Johnson Karen Shaw Becky Widman Delbert Sims Justine Brewer Lynette Smith Anonymous William “Beeb” Staff Billye Staff M. Louverne Stephens Virginia Brannon Ivan and DeEtte Carroll Jim and Susan Claussen Lysle and Wanda Crosson Roland and Etta Keller Charles and Javene Stephens Rich Stephens Jim and Wilma Wilson Jack Trager Dick and Sandy Boileau Delores Ulmer Harry Ulmer John Winslow Bob and Marcy Burtch


Recognizing gifts received from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. Visit for a complete list of churches that have provided matching scholarships for students through the University’s Church Partnership Scholarship Program. Advanced Center for Orthodontics PC AIG American Farm Heritage NFP American Funds Ameriprise Financial Apex Physical Therapy LLC Arcola Community Unit School District 306 Arts Connection of Central Illinois Associated Colleges of Illinois AT&T Foundation Aumann Realty & Appraisal Service Baker Farms Benevity Community Impact Fund Berco Construction Inc. Best Kept Lawns Bibleway House of Prayer Boeing Company Bond County Republican Central Committee Bradford National Bank Brown, Hay & Stephens LLP Caterpillar Inc. Central Presbyterian Church Christian College Consortium Inc. City of Hillsboro Cory Craig, Auctioneer Dairy Queen Stores DEA/North Central Laboratory DeMoulin Brothers & Company Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home Ltd. Dow Chemical Company Downtown Hope Church Eaton Corporation Econo Lodge Inn & Suites Edward Jones Effingham Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates LLC Entertech Global LLC Evangelical Free Church Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Baptist Church of Maryville First National Bank of Dwight Five Forks Brethren In Christ Church

Free Methodist Church of North America Free Methodist Foundation of Spring Arbor, MI Gateway Conference, Free Methodist Church Greatland Corporation Green Hospitality Inc. Greenville Free Methodist Church Greenville Optimist Club GuideStream Charitable Gift Fund Harry L. Crisp, II & Rosemary Berkel Crisp Foundation Hillsboro Free Methodist Church IBM Corporation Interactive Brokers LLC J. B. Properties Jerry C. Wall Real Estate Jewett Roofing Company Joe’s Pizza of Greenville Inc. John Pharmacy Jo’s Java Kahuna’s Restaurant Inc. Kaskaskia Corporation Kosciusko County Community Foundation Inc. La Tierra Prometida Inc. Laack Flooring Innovations Inc. Leidos Matching Gift Program Living Word United Methodist Church LTD Automotive LLC Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Matching Gift Program Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. McPherson County Community Foundation Merrill Lynch MetLife Foundation Midland States Bank Midwest Transit Equipment Inc. Miles Brothers Meats Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Moneta Group Monsanto Fund Naco Printing and Advertising National Christian College Athletic Association National Christian Foundation of Greater Chicago National Christian Foundation of Indiana National Christian Foundation of Tampa Bay

National Philanthropic Trust North Hills Community Baptist Church One Hot Cookie Inc. Pella Corporation Pepsi MidAmerica Pepsico Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pimco Foundation Pinnacle Sign Group Powder Plus Inc. Probst Veterinary Clinics R.P. Lumber RehabEDGE LLC Reichert Spice Company Reno Bethel Presbyterian Church Richmond Painting Ruffalo Noel Levitz Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Security Hacking LLC Seven Oaks Realty Shakespeare Club Slatton’s Excavating Inc. Smith’s Auto Salvage Sodexo Marriott Services, Inc. & Associates Southern Obstetrics & Gynecologic Associates Southern Union Church Spies’ Sports Spoon River Valley Junior/Senior High School St. Stephen’s Church State Farm Companies Foundation Sullivan Drugs The Full Salvation Union Tri Ford Mercury Inc. T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Vanguard Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company Ware Inc. Watson’s Drug Store of Greenville Why Not Travel

Lloyd Donnell Pastoral Ministry Scholarship Gateway Conference Rock Project Greenville Smart Building Fund Greenville University Dance Team Dotti Jolliff Memorial Scholarship Jim Koch Memorial Endowed Scholarship Last Supper Statue Fund Daniel McPherson Endowed Scholarship Men’s Volleyball Fund

Pursuit Worship Arts Fund Reduction in Force Fund Revolving Green Fund Dr. Hugh Siefken Endowed Scholarship for Physics and Engineering Tennis Courts Fund Harry Tomaschke Scholarship Fund for Physics Wayman Family Scholarship for Ministerial Students


Funds initiated from July 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. Academic Initiative - Justice Center James F. and Leona N. Andrews Endowed Chair for Christian Unity James F. and Leona N. Andrews Fellow for Christian Unity William and Karen Bockwitz Scholarship Elmer L. Boileau Ministerial Scholarship Briner School of Business International Fund Class of 1966 Fund Frances K. Dixon Scholarship




David ’62 and Mildred (Nelson ’63) Samuelson are healthy and going strong in retirement. They have recently moved to Rapid City, SD, to be near family. P.O. Box 1356, Rapid City, SD 57709. Betty Lou (Fretty ’63) Blue directs Christian education, the hand chime and children’s choirs at Brooklyn Presbyterian Church. 136 Nicole Dr, Brooklyn, MI 49230. Wendel ’63 and Kay (Wills ’63) Krober have a new address: 111 Northwalk Cir, Westfield, IN 46074. 1 Mel Starr ’64 recently released his tenth medieval mystery, Deeds of Darkness (Lion Fiction, 2017) in England. The book is the latest installment in The Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon, a crime series that has sold 400,000 copies since release of the first book in 2008. The series is now available in German, Dutch, Czech, Polish and Turkish.

Donald ’67 and Sharon (Larimore ’67) Doenitz have been retired since July 2012. Don previously worked as chief operating officer for the American Mission Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain. 5408 Table Rock Dr, Edmond, OK 73025. and



Craig McIntyre ’72 can be reached at 2 Robert Prindle ’73 is engaged in his 42nd year as a professional full-time vocalist with the Lyric Opera of Chicago. “Only a few hundred classical singers manage to make a living in opera,” he reflects, “something I’ve managed for over four decades.”

What’s New With You? Submit your information online at

Tennessee’s Guidelines for Teacher Licensure and Preparation. Hogan also serves as presidentelect of the Tennessee Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and chairs the Department of Education at Belmont University. Hogan credits his excellent training at Greenville University under the mentorship of Professors Elva McAllaster ’44 and John S. Burd ’61 as the start of his 42-year career of leadership in teacher education. 6033 Bethany Blvd, Nashville, TN 37221. Mark Schoenwetter ’79 recently retired from his position as a medical technologist at Hancock County Memorial Hospital. 112 First St, Britt, IA 50423.


Wesley McKenzie ’89 is currently human resources director for The Salvation Army. He also is an adjunct instructor with Booth University College in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where he developed course materials in human resources as part of a certificate program in leadership.


Elaine (Schultz ’90) Brewer currently teaches at Senatobia High School. 3143 Lyles Rd, Senatobia, MS 38668. Lawrence and Dawn (Mitchell ’90) Haynes were married October 1, 2017.

Rod Mathews ’80 is executive director at Covenant Hills Camp and Retreat.

Lance and Karen (Presti ’93) Karp live at 1418 S Pembroke Dr, South Elgin, IL 60177.

Cindy Smith ’82 now resides at 2305 Ravine Dr, Zion, IL 60099.

Ruth (Palmer ’94) Outman resides at 123 Freeman Rd, Lagrange, GA 30240.

Debra (Ryan ’83) Johnson is currently a bookkeeper at Medford Oil Company. 27104 Bethel Church Rd, Medora, IL 62063.

Carter and Lori (Donoho ’95) Oglesby, a son, Carson Gene, born March 21, 2017. Their daughter, Larkin Beth, age five, loves being a big sister. 11 Hillcrest Dr, Mount Vernon, IL 62864.

Laura Johnson ’85 is the president of Laura Johnson Accounting Services, Inc. P.O. Box 309, Livingston, IL 62058. Jeff McGuire ’86 completed his master of arts in theological history in May, 2017. Pamela Houser ’87 can be reached at Dr. Steven Davenport ’88 now practices with Jackson Pediatric Dentistry. 4055 McCain Rd, Jackson, MI 49201.

3 Jeremy Teran ’95 earned his master’s in business administration from Lipscomb University in August 2017. Spring Hill Art Center recently named the photographer “artist in residence.”

Marcos Whyte ’95 is assistant principal with the DeKalb County School District. Marcie Tidball ’96 works as an applications specialist for Hermes Medical Solutions.


Retired occupational therapist Roberta (Senger ’74) Holiday designed and now manages Health Equipment Lending Program, a service of Interfaith Caregivers in Washington County, WI. Last year, the volunteer-driven nonprofit acquired and redistributed over 300 pieces of health equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, shower chairs and more. “It has been our privilege to serve well over 150 appreciative clients in the past year,” she reports. Mark Hogan ’75 recently served on Governor Bill Haslam’s committee of educational leaders tasked to write the Tennessee ESSA Plan. He continues to participate in the design of 22



Mel Starr ’64


Robert Prindle ’73

Amy (Wenzel ’99) and Jason Langman were married on October 10, 2015. Michael Laughlin ’99 is assistant professor of criminal justice at Greenville University and chairs the Department of Criminal Justice.


Jonathan Miller ’02 founded Salem Community Law Office, a North Carolina law firm that works mainly in the area of economic justice, especially problems relating to consumer debt. Christina (Welsh ’03) Holman is director of integrated marketing for The Salvation Army. She and husband Daniel reside at 26055 Delton St, Madison Heights, MI 48072. David ’03 and Sarah Beth Laughlin will celebrate ten years of marriage in February 2018. They have two children: Lillie (age five) and Rose (age three). David teaches high school Spanish and chairs the Department of World Languages at Hickman High School in Columbia, MO. He is currently completing his doctorate in educational leadership at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Sarah Beth shares lead pastor responsibilities at Victory Church in Columbia, where David also works with youth. “I am thankful for the Bible-based education and the foundation that I received in Greenville,” says David. 2716 Cimarron Dr, Columbia, MO 65203. Duane Shaffer ’03 is director of technology for the Morrison Community School District in Morrison, IL.

Amanda Landis ’06 currently is a graduate assistant at the University of Wyoming. Scott and Aria (Eaton ’06) Witherow, a daughter, Ruby Sue, born May 14, 2017. This is the Witherows’ second daughter. 117 Gist St, Franklin, TN 37064. Kelly Mullen ’07 can be reached at Matthew ’08 and Marissa (Weatherby ’08) Sands, a daughter, Morgan Leigh, born April 21, 2017. Christina (Thrasher ’09) Koenig resides at 505 W Owsley St, Chenoa, IL 61726. Kyle ’09 and KiAnna Speas celebrated their first wedding anniversary in September. Kyle is a sales trainee for Pepsi MidAmerica. Vicki (Williamson ’09) Stuckemeyer resides at 1102 Franklin Ave, Effingham, IL 62401. Cathy Zaccari ’09 currently serves as administrative assistant at DaVita Kidney Care.


Molly (Hellmuth ’10) Pace works as a resource manager for Deloitte. Joshua Zink ’10 serves as assistant librarian in the Ruby E. Dare Library at Greenville University. Kristina Draege ’11 can be reached at

Brett ’06 and Kelly Hankins, a daughter, Kiernan Jayne, born June 28. Brett serves with the United States Marine Corps-VMM-263 as a V-22 Osprey weapons and tactics instructor crew chief.

Anthony ’11 and Sheila (Heflin ’09) Mataraza, a son, Ethan Matthew, born March 20, 2017. Daughter Taylor Nicole is three years old. Anthony works in information technology with Metro Health Hospital System, the second largest hospital system in Ohio.

Jay ’11 and Mara Wilde, a son, Elisha Jay, born May 18, 2017. Jay was ordained in the Wesleyan Church on June 28, 2017. Dr. Amanda Kuhl ’12 recently received her doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. She completed an internship at BluePearl Specialty and Emergency Medicine in Kansas City, MO, and began an internship in emergency and critical care at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. She hopes to complete a residency in emergency and critical care and specialize in critical care. Jeremy ’12 and Andi ’04 Lassor reside at 968 Brandon Hill Way, Jonesboro, GA 30238. Perrin Robinson ’12 is currently employed as a clinical research assistant at the University of Maryland-Baltimore and also as an affiliate instructor in psychology at Loyola UniversityMaryland. MerriLee Leonard ’14 resides at 15309 Iris Ln, Dumfries, VA 22025-1015. 4 Caleb ’14 and Cassidy (Drum ’13) Loeppky are on staff at The Chapel, a church with eight campuses throughout greater Chicago. Caleb oversees production technology—audio, video, lighting—and related personnel for all locations. Cassidy manages the church’s digital presence, including marketing, website content and social media.

Emily (Gundy ’14) Place can be reached at


Jacob McDaniel ’05 can be reached at

Lauren (Brewer ’11) Vohlken, a son, Jameson Griffiths, born March 19, 2017. Lauren teaches first grade in Greenville. 221 E South Ave, Greenville, IL 62246.

Stew Stephens ’14 is operational director of the Southern California Division of Fairytale Entertainment. He is also pursuing an advanced degree in mythological studies with an emphasis in depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. 1765 Locust Ave, Apt 8, Long Beach, CA 90813. Timothy Mangrich ’15 is currently employed at Valley Mountain Regional Center as a social worker and case manager.

Branden ’15 and Sydney (Bennett ’15) Niehaus were married July 1, 2017. They met

through the track team at Greenville University. Brandon is a bookkeeper at 1st National Bank of Litchfield.

Jacob Burrell ’17 resides at 7412 Maple 3

Jeremy Teran ’95


Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45231.

Caleb ’14 and Cassidy (Drum ’13) Loeppky THE RECORD | 2017 PRESIDENT’S REPORT


IN MEMORY Patricia (Wiseman ’37) Neumann of Greenville passed away Wednesday, August 16, 2017. A longtime homemaker, she enjoyed playing bridge with friends and reading. Erwin Rudolph ’38 of Fort Myers, FL, passed away August 14, 2017. He was preceded in death by his wife June (Johnson ’37) Rudolph.


Ferne (McCracken ’44) Nash, age 93, of Greenville, passed away October 19, 2017. The former schoolteacher was a longtime hospital volunteer and a member of the Greenville First Presbyterian Church. Ferne’s husband of more than 70 years, Charles ’43, survives.



William Terman ’50, of Spring Arbor, MI, passed away October 31, 2017. A masterful teacher and prolific writer, William earned his doctorate in American history from Michigan State University and served in Christian higher education. Don Brown ’51 of Vandalia, IL, died August 20, 2017. He was a retired superintendent of schools and U.S. Army veteran. Viola Reth ’52 of Delhi, IA, passed away October 15, 2017. A schoolteacher who also earned a degree in nursing, Viola taught nursing at St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Norma Jean (Smith ’45) Bauer, age 94, of Boise, ID, passed away August 19, 2017. She taught school briefly and worked for the government before graduating from seminary. She served churches throughout the West and Midwest alongside her husband.

Gordon Stone ’54, age 84, of Shiloh, IL, died August 12, 2017. A U.S. Army veteran, he earned his master’s and doctorate in education administration from University of Illinois. His various roles in education included Macoupin County assistant superintendent of schools and dean of Belleville Area College.

Orpha (Sanders ’46) Barnes, age 93, of Prescott, AZ, passed away September 16, 2017. A poet and prolific writer, Orpha authored A Heritage to Remember (AuthorHouse, 2011), a personal account about family life during the Great Depression and the years that followed. Donations in memory of Orpha can be made to Greenville University.

Mary Ann (Cope ’60) Sloan of Toledo, OR, died August 14, 2017. She earned her master’s in business administration and later gained state recognition for her work in secondary business education. In retirement, she enjoyed a second career antiquing as partner in an antique mall and drumming as part of the West Coast Wind Ensemble.

James Keys ’48, age 92, passed away March 10, 2017, in Fayetteville, GA. A World War II veteran and retired chemist with PPG Industries, he was husband of 62 years to the late Iola (Kenworthy ’49) Keys. He provided for his four children to attend Free Methodist colleges and was an enduring example of Christian faithfulness and service.

Violet (Kindel ’66) Rohrer of Pierson, MI, passed away September 30, 2017. She earned a master’s from the University of Michigan and filled various roles in education, including teaching, college administration and service on local and district school boards. Memorial contributions may be made to Violet’s endowed scholarship for entrepreneurial women at Greenville University.


Sandra (Rogers ’68) Hartman died October 14, 2017. She was a lifelong student and teacher. Evan Lockwood ’73 of Denver, CO, passed away October 5, 2017. He pastored several churches before finding his vocation in corporate training. Evan enjoyed singing in a quartet, traveling, fishing, canoeing, camping and spending time with his family. Morgan Smith ’80, age 61, of Moscow, ID, died August 18, 2017. He harbored a lifelong love for learning, music and faithful church service. Morgan was retired from work in IT, teaching and newspaper delivery. David Meisenheimer ’92, age 47, of Hartington, NE, died September 20, 2017. He worked for the Soil and Water Conservation District in Princeton, IL, and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service before serving as a resource conservationist for Cedar County, NE. David was an avid outdoorsman and enjoyed gardening and music. He loved the Lord and was active in his church. Shanin DeVoll ’14 passed away October 20, 2017, after sustaining a spinal cord injury, in addition to her fight with ankylosing spondylitis. Her family takes comfort in knowing that she is now completely whole in the presence of the Lord. Former first lady of Greenville University, Judy Blue, passed away November 8, 2017. Judy faithfully served alongside her husband, Ed, when he served as interim president in 2008-09. Daughter Teresa Holden is dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Greenville University.

WHY I GIVE Greenville is a place where the things I believed as a Christian were honored and taught. As followers of Jesus Christ we have a different set of values and beliefs than the rest of the world. We respect others and do not condemn them; we hope they will know we are Christians by our

love. Our commitment to give has not wavered over the years. Now more than ever, I believe that the world needs Greenville University graduates. I encourage all Greenville graduates to give a portion of your blessings to God’s continuing work at Greenville University.

—Steve ’77 and Carol (Walton ’78) Cameron Steve and Carol have included Greenville University in their wills. You, too, can support tomorrow’s students today through wills, trusts, life insurance and/or gift annuities. To learn more, email Kent Krober at or call 618-978-4259.

Greenville University offers a transformational Christ-centered educational experience that empowers, enriches and endures. THE RECORD | 2017 PRESIDENT’S REPORT






Grateful “The McAllaster program is what brought me to Greenville, and Greenville has brought me to Christ. I am incredibly honored and grateful for the opportunities made possible by you. Thank you for selflessly investing in my future and my life.” – Maci Sepp ’18

Your gift to The Greenville University Fund makes all the difference. Thank you for giving.



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