Rochester Engineering Society Magazine May 2021

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May 2021 2021 RES VIRTUAL ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM | 12 An Opportunity to Earn up to 18 PDHs (3 per day, $10/PDH!) Additional details on page 10 and the website at

Also in this issue:  Campus Feature Article: Efficient Electronics Cooling: Using Boiling Process for CPU Cooling

| 28

The Rochester Engineer Published since 1922 by

ROCHESTER ENGINEERING SOCIETY, INC. Founded March 18, 1897 Volume 99, Number 11, MAY 2021 (Electronic Copies Only) You can purchase individual printed copies directly from ISSUU.

2,500+ Monthly Circulation (11 issues electronically) ISSN 0035-7405

RES Mission Statement: The RES will become the lead organization for improving the image and influence of the engineering community in the greater Rochester area by: Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the region’s engineering and technical capabilities; Providing the best clerical support and public relations assistance to our affiliates; Continually communicating the engineering and technical accomplishments to both the engineering and technical community and the public; Providing regular forums and networking opportunities for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues; and, Providing programs that identify career opportunities to the region’s youth and develop the skills of the practicing engineer. News items and articles are invited. Materials should be submitted to the administrative director at the society’s office, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607; Phone number (585) 254-2350, e-mail:

The web site for the RES is: The deadline is the 10th day of the month prior to the issue. Unless otherwise stated, opinions expressed in this publication are those of contributors, not of the Rochester Engineering Society, Inc. Advertising information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Rochester Engineering Society or going to the website at Published every month but July. You can purchase individual copies directly from ISSUU. Go to to join the Rochester Engineering Society. Click on the individual membership and you can submit your application on-line. Board of Directors:

OFFICERS: President GREG GDOWSKI, PhD University of Rochsester / First Vice President MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Bergmann Associates / Second Vice President DENNIS ROOTE, PE CDE Engineering & Environment, PLLC / Treasurer ANDREW C. HIRSCH Retired / Past President JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE Retired from M/E Engineering / EIGHT DIRECTORS: CORNELIUS (NEAL) ILLENBERG PE Rail Safety Consulting / RICHARD E. RICE Erdman Anthony / BRETT ELIASZ, PE Bergmann Associates / KENTON G. HINES Merrill Lynch / MIKE KURDZIEL, PhD (Director on Executive Committee) Harris Corporation / STEVEN W. DAY, PhD Rochester Institute of Technology / NANCY CRAWFORD Optimation Technology, Inc. / DANIEL WEAVER Optimation Technology, Inc. / Administrative Director LYNNE M. IRWIN Rochester Engineering Society / e-mail: or


2021 RES Virtual Symposium (cover) 12 - 19


6 • RES Notice to All Members - Nominations 2021-2022 7 • RES Annual Meeting - May 26 8 • RES History - October-November 1973 9 • RES Technical Corner by Kathleen Connolly (What is Article 691)

10 • Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy, during the Pandemic... 12-19 • 2021 Virtual Engineering Symposium - Registration is Open! 20 • 2022 Engineering Symposium in Rochester 21 • Get IT Done - Culture, Communication and Covid - Oh My! 22-24 • Professional Firms - Employee News 25 • News From Professional Firms 26-27 • Position Openings 28-29 • Efficient Electronics Cooling: Using Boiling Process for CPU Cooling (Campus Feature) 30 • Continuing Education Opportunities (PDHs) 30-31 • Engineers’ Calendar 45-46 • Directory of Professional Services 46 • Directory of Business Services 47 • Affiliated Societies and Corporate Members of the RES

news of the... • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers............................................39 • ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.....................................................44 • ASPE American Society of Plumbing Engineers....................................43 • EA Electrical Association.......................................................................36 • GVLSA Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association...............................33 • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers..................34-35

• IES Illuminating Engineering Society....................................................38 • INCOSE International Council on Systems Engineering..........................42 • MPES Monroe Professional Engineers Society......................................32 • RES Rochester Engineering Society..................................................2-19 • SWE Society of Women Engineers.........................................................37 • TERRA TERRA Science & Engineering Fair.........................................40-41


President’s Message Greg Gdowski, PhD University of Rochester RES President June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2022 Why join the RES? As the President of the RES, I have often been asked to speak about the value proposition of the organization and why a company should consider joining as a corporate member. One of the most difficult things to do in Rochester is to get public exposure for your company and your employees -- especially for your engineers. The RBJ is a great business journal, but it is not a place where you can easily highlight the technical achievements of your company and your staff! You can certainly advertise your achievements on your own web pages. But let's face the facts, one of the biggest motivators for companies and employees is to be held in high esteem by their peers. Employee recognition is the key to making employees happier, it improves employee retention, it functions to cultivate a culture of self-improvement and it boosts morale in the office. It is great if you are already doing some of these things within the confines of your company, but imagine what the impact would be if you did all of that in public? The RES is a place where your technical staff can be publically recognized by their peers! If you strive to be a great place to work, employee recognition has to be high on your list!

The RES is your force multiplier when it comes to employee recognition! That is why we take all of this very seriously at the RES and we have been doing it at a high level for more than 100yrs! Here are some of the ways we do that: 1. Has your company wanted to publicize a project and had nowhere to publish it?

We provide a monthly magazine to the engineering community that showcases local Rochester projects! continued on page 4

res news - president’s message


2. Has your company struggled to publicly recognize the remarkable accomplishments of your engineers and data scientists?

We issue professional awards and highlight staff promotions!

3. How do you keep your employees engaged and foster continual learning and selfimprovement?

The RES provides engaging events that help to broaden the skill sets of your employees. Many of these events are designed specifically for professional engineers that are annually required to take short courses with PDH credit. These courses are also a great way to highlight the skills of your current staff that are willing to provide short 1hr lectures to the community!

4. How do you find local talent from within the community?

The RES publishes job ads to the local community that link directly to your website! 4 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

res news - president’s message

5. Has your company wanted to provide scholarships to your own employee’s kids or to the Rochester community?

We can help manage and award the scholarships. We have done this for both college and high school students. Remember these faces! They may be your next employees!

6. Has your company considered giving back to the community and wondered how?

The RES has provided the infrastructure for facilitating tutoring opportunities at the Dr. Walter Cooper Academy for the last eight years. You supply the people, we provide the opportunity! The RES has attracted and employed well over 60 different volunteer tutors over the years! If you want your employees to have direct community impact, this is a remarkable opportunity offered through the RES! When you recognize that joining the RES is all about helping you to recognize your employees, the membership fees become inconsequential. After all, your employees are your most important and most expensive asset! Start recognizing them through the RES and start making your company a great place to work! Corporate membership fees start as low as $300/yr!

Greg Gdowski, PhD President, RES res news - president’s message



Published pursuant to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution

Pursuant to Article VII, Section 9 of the Bylaws to the Constitution, the Nominating Committee of, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, chair and Greg Gdowski, PhD, co-chair reported a slate of officers for the 2021-2022 RES year. Selected by the Nominating Committee for the designated offices are: PRESIDENT (2020-2022) GREG T. GDOWSKI, PhD Executive Director, Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (2020-2022) MICHELLE SOMMERMAN, PE Project Engineer - Mechanical Bergmann SECOND VICE PRESIDENT (2020-2022) DENNIS ROOTE, PE Owner, CDE Engineering & Environment TREASURER TBD DENNIS ROOTE, PE InterimTreasurer DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2023) BRETT C. ELIASZ, PE Disipline Leader - Electrical Bergmann DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2023) RICHARD E. RICE, Eng. Facilities Business Development Erdman Anthony DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2023) NEAL J. ILLENBERG, PE Principal Engineer, Rail Safety Consulting DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2023) KENTON G. HINES Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch 6 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

Directors who will continue in office until the expiration of their terms are: DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2022) STEVEN W. DAY, PhD Department Head, Biomedical Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2022) NANCY CRAWFORD Senior Program Manager Optimation Technology, Inc. DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2022) MIKE KURDZIEL, PHD Director, Engineering, L3Harris DIRECTOR (Term Ending 5/31/2022) TBD Past President who will serve as a member of the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution is: PAST PRESIDENT (2020-2022) JOSEPH DOMBROWSKI, PE Retired M/E Engineering, P.C. Pursuant to Article IX, Section 2, of the Constitution, additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by at least 10 VOTING members. Such a petition, together with a written acceptance from each nominee, must be filed with the RES Administrative Director no later than 12:00 noon on May 7, 2021. If there are additional nominations, ballots will be mailed to all members in good standing and ELIGIBLE to vote by May 14, 2021. If there are no other nominations received, the election will be by a vote at the annual meeting to be held virtually on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Details on how to participate will be posted on the website at: Respectfully submitted, Lynne Irwin Administrative Director

res news - nominations

RES Annual Meeting You are Invited to the

RES Annual Meeting (Virtually) Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm (approx. one hour)

Learn About RES Activities RES Update Briefing Board and Officer Elections April 2021

Announcing the 2020 RES Award Recipients

See the award presentations of the: 2020 Engineer of the Year,

Richard J. Buckley

2020 Engineer of the Year

Daniel D. Duprey Jr., PE 2020 Engineer of Distinction

John W. Nieto

2020 Engineer of Distinction

James E. Norris 2020 Engineer of Distinction

Mark W. Thompson 2020 Engineer of Distinction

Paul Voglewede 2020 Engineer of Distinction

2020 Young Engineer of the Year, 5 Finalists for Young Engineer of the Year, and 5 Engineers of Distinction. Also see the scholarship recipients for the

Alexandra P. Bowen

Daniel J. Rusnack, PE

2020 Young Engineer of the Year

2020 Young Engineer of the Year - Finalist

Robert M. Gleason David J. Hastings, PE Heston E. Van Evera 2020 Young Engineer 2020 Young Engineer III, EIT

2020 Young Engineer of the Year - Finalist

of the Year - Finalist

of the Year - Finalist

Andrew D. White, PhD

2020 Young Engineer of the Year - Finalist

2020-21 year.

Also in this issue:

 Feature Article: Taking an on-site approach to soil stabilization and remediation (Stantec) | 24  Congratulations to the 2020-21 Scholarship Recipients | 10  2021 Virtual Engineering Symposium - May 18-20 & June 8-10 Up to 18 PDH Credits Available | 12  Campus Feature Article: Tensor Methods: Revolutionizing Data Science and Machine Learning via Higher-Order Arrays | 34

Meet new and continuing officers and directors for the the fiscal year 2021-2022. You will hear a few words from the current President, Greg Gdowski, PhD who will be beginning the 2nd year of his term.

Details to join the zoom program will be emailed and a link will be available from the RES Website at

annual meeting


Rochester History Continuing with the historical sampling of the earlier writings on behalf of the Rochester Engineering Society, the years following "The Great War", into and through the “Great Depression”, continued to be a time of reaching out for the maturing Society, both locally and nationally. The meeting minutes describe a series of technical discussions and presentations intended to broaden the technical horizons of the membership (especially the CE's, ME's and EE's). The RES affiliated itself with a number of National technical societies, adopted local Affiliated Societies, frequently held joint meetings with them and continued taking action on a growing list of public matters. Certain issues of standardization, some crucial to public safety, became the responsibility of the RES and its affiliates. In the pervasive economic downturn of the “Great Depression”, the magazine offered classified advertising for unemployed engineers, technicians and draftsmen and took other steps to try to deal with the crisis. Still, it continued its effort to shape the function, focus and infrastructure of the City of Rochester, and beyond. World War, again affected the Society, taking away many of its leaders while providing opportunities for others to step forward to fill these vacancies. In an effort to provide even greater perspective on the happenings and concerns of the day, a synopsis, featuring selected items from "The Rochester Engineer" has become an integral part of this series. The Second World War and the Korean Conflict are now history, and the Vietnam War has recently become a focal point. These experiences have changed the face and, no doubt, the future of the community. The Rochester municipal leadership and the industrial community have become immersed in the cold-war, growth economy

“The Rochester Engineer” (October 1973)

The RES 1973-74 Luncheon Series began with “Rochester City Charter…Proposed Revisions” by Charles E. Swan, Chair of the Governmental Structure Committee and a candidate for City Council. Subsequent luncheon topics would include “Technical and Economic Impacts of the 1972 Water Quality Act” by W. Wesley Eckenfelder Jr., PhD, of Vanderbilt University, “Skylab Scientific Photography” by George T. Keene, Supv. of the Advanced Planning Group, Kodak Apparatus Division. Rochester Institute of Technology announced the creation of a basic statics course videotape series, co-funded by the NY State Dept. of Education, and team-taught by RIT Professors William F. Halbleib and Robert A. Ellison. This course would be available as twentyeight videotapes, approximately 40 minutes in length, in a professional broadcast format, with written supplemental material to accompany the tapes. The RES, along with the League of Women Voters announced a day-long symposium, “The Energy Dilemma: Alternatives and Their Costs”, to be held at St. John Fisher College, on Saturday, October 27th. An international conference on demand-responsive transit systems (Dial-A-Bus), sponsored by the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority would be held at the Holiday Inn, Downtown. This three-day conference was co-sponsored by the Highway Research Board, the American Transportation Association and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

November 7, 1973 (Board Meeting, Chamber of Commerce) The Board approved seven new applications for

Regular Membership. On behalf of the Education Committee, Dr. Robert Desmond reported that two courses, to be conducted by the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell University, were under consideration for local presentation. The first, “Discipline and Grievance Handling” would be a two-day seminar and the second, “Career Planning Seminar” would be held as two, half-day sessions. The Board took issue with the title of the first course and, after


A Sampling from the Archives of the Rochester Engineering Society...1897 - 1973 by Lee M. Loomis

considerable discussion, requested that it be renamed as, “Performance Review and Evaluation”, suggesting that this change to a less contentious sounding title would probably not require any major change in the course content. As a new approach to the matter of selecting the RES Engineer of the Year, the Awards Committee announced that it had sent letters to each RES Affiliate, inviting submission of candidates for this annual award. The Publications Committee reported that the Hercules Corporation had completed its final report on solid waste management for Monroe County, would be presenting it to the County Legislature and, if approved, construction of the recycling plant should begin in 1974. A proposed resolution relative to energy conservation was placed before the Board, eliciting considerable discussion. James Clark and Dr. Richard Kenyon volunteered to undertake a revision of the draft resolution, and the Board gave provisional approval to the result of this revision.

November 15, 1973 (Board Statement – National Energy Crisis) The RES Board published a resolution stating that:

"The US and the World does not need to feel that the current energy crisis portends a long-term energy shortage, as long as it is willing to recognize that it cannot continue to meet its growing energy needs by applying only conventional methodologies to conventional energy sources. The immediate crisis is the result of a rapidly expanding world population, and the continued pursuit of narrow-minded, outdated energy policy; one that has discouraged research and development in alternative energy sources. More important is the alarming rate at which latent energies are being released, inefficiently used, degraded and wastefully disposed of. The Rochester Engineering Society urges its members, and all citizens, to give their support to two actions: 1. The practice of energy conservation in the home, community, and industry, toward stretching available supply. 2. The pursuit of immediate and extensive research and development of alternative energy sources, including solar, and other less-polluting energy sources." Subsequent articles in this series will describe the RES' continuing outreach to other technical societies as it considered its role in this and the larger community, along with more of the activities of the RES as it moved to be of greater service to its membership, especially those suffering from current economic crises, and adopted a greater role in shaping the future of the City and its environs. Noted also, will be the contributions made by RES members in the struggle to meet the challenges coming out of World War II and the Korean Conflict, as well as a hoped-for period of post-war growth and prosperity. These articles will also feature an impressive array of RES activities in support of post-war re-emergence of Rochester area industry, and the ensuing prosperity of the second half of the 20th Century. We welcome your questions and comments on this series.

res news - history


Technical Corner

via Kathleen Connolly, NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional at Bergmann

What is Article 691 – Large-Scale Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Power Production Facility? As solar photovoltaic technology grows in popularity, we are seeing different scale projects pop up all across the country and world. Solar photovoltaic systems can vary significantly in power output and physical size. Many solar PV projects are small enough to fit on a residential roof and cover the electrical needs of the home, while others cover hundreds of acres of land and produce the same amount of power as a power plant. When Article 690 – Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems was created, it strove to cover the requirements specific to all solar PV projects, regardless of size. These different scale projects share many similarities, but also present some different challenges. As large-scale photovoltaic projects are gaining popularity, the industry has identified a need for additional codes that cover the technical requirements that are unique to these large-scale projects. In order to do this, the 2017 NEC developed a new article, Article 691, to cover requirements that are applicable to large-scale PV projects. Article 691 – Large-Scale Photovoltaic Electric Power Production Systems covers the installation of projects that are 5000kW or greater. These projects still are held to the requirements of NEC 690, but have some additional requirements and exceptions that are spelled out in NEC 691. This article creates new definitions for equipment that typically is only found in these large-scale projects, such substations, transformers, and switchgear, and outlines the applicable technical requirements and restrictions. The new Article also outlines more stringent engineering and documentation that an AHJ can request, along with a new development, a fire mitigation plan, which outlines the operating procedure should a DC arc-fault occur. As the industry progresses, it is expected that Article 690, along with the new Article 691 will continue to grow to address new concerns, challenges and industry wide practices. Hopefully this article finds you well and can be used as a reference for your project needs. If anyone would like to contribute to the Rochester Engineer publication and add an article or would like to request information on a specific topic (not limited to electrical) just email me at As always, any comments are appreciated…! Thank you for reading.

Brett Eliasz, P.E., LEED AP BD+C , RES Director res - technical corner

Kathleen Connolly, NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional at Bergmann MAY 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 9

RES News - Tutoring Team Education at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy, during the Pandemic… “Hybrid Learning” has begun at our School. The parents of nearly 50% of our students have chosen to allow their children to return for in-person classes, two days a week (Monday & Tuesday), with remote learning on the other two days (Thursday & Friday). Remote learning presents challenges (keeping students awake, alert and engaged) but the amazing DWCA Faculty makes it happen and continues to problem solve with individual students and families, working to keep them connected.

RES Tutors are back on the job! We have begun conducting “Remote Tutoring” for a small group of Mrs. Sanzotta’s First Grade students, on Thursday and Fridays, when the students are at their homes. RES Tutor Margaret Ornelas, who began her assignment on April 8th, says, “I really love working with the little ones!”

Dr. Lia Festenstein led a “Virtual Tutoring Training” workshop for our RES Tutors; Jim Koon, Margaret Ornelas, Kathleen Hoffman and Mike Schaffron

We have also been allowed to schedule tours of the newly renovated facility. These modern, twenty-first Century learning spaces offer new opportunities for helping our Cooper Scholars to learn faster and more completely. More tours will be offered, as time permits. (Contact Lee Loomis if you are interested in seeing our amazing “new” school.)

RES President Dr. Greg Gdowski, RES Tutor Josh Doores and RES Director Dick Rice were recently guided around the “new” school by Community Site Coordinator, Dr. Lia Festenstein 10 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

res news - tutoring team

Additional Needs, during the Pandemic…

Dr. Walter Cooper Academy – Food Pantry A “Food Pantry” has been established at our School to help meet the needs of our students and their families. The School has created a “wish list” registry on Amazon: The list includes shelf-stable groceries, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items, such as deodorant, feminine products, toothpaste and toothbrushes, toilet paper, etc.

Or, if you would prefer, food donations can be delivered to the 353 Congress Ave. building (Post Avenue entrance), or by mailing a grocery gift card, in $25 denominations (no $$$ please) to “DWCA Food Bank” Attn: Camaron Clyburn, 353 Congress Avenue, Rochester, NY 14619. Please call first to (585) 324-2010.

Dr. Walter Cooper Academy – Clothing Cupboard The DWCA Clothing Cupboard has been very successful. Much has been donated. Important, necessary items have already been distributed to school to families. Now that students have returned to in-person learning, additional needs are being brought to our attention.

New (or gently-used) clothing, especially children’s winter garments, can be delivered to the school (Monday– Friday, 9:00AM – 2:00PM). Please call first to (585) 324-2010.

Meanwhile, if you have questions, please reach out to RES Past-President, Lee Loomis ( or (585) 738-3079 (mobile & text)

res news - tutoring team



ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM Tuesday - Thursday, May 18, 19, 20 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, June 8, 9,10 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM An Opportunity to Earn up to 18 PDHs: Each session is $30 ($10 per PDH credit)

3 PDHs per day in May and June

• Registratiom now open on the RES website (

Session 1: Electronics and Power Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 1:00-5:00 Overview: This session will focus on power transfer, static electricity on machinery, and electrical usage by electronic currency. Audience: Plant and managers and engineers; manufacturing/electrical/ plant/process production/ energy/engineers, engineers and directors, policy makers. In addition, the general public will find interest as cyber currency continues to grow.

1:00 PM - ATS Fundamentals

by William Schneeloch, Director of Engineering, Kinsley Power Systems

technology in standby power. In 2016 became certified by the New York State Department of Education to offer CEU credits for seven different presentations on: standby power, paralleling switchgear, codes and standards, etc...

2:30 PM Bitcoin Energy Use - the Unreal Electricity Consumption of Virtual Crypocurrencies

Abstract: This presentation will discuss what an Automated Transfer Switch (ATS) is, the types of ATS’s, construction, control, and circuit breaker coordination, and code requirements. Biogrpahy: Mr. Schneeloch is the Director of Engineering at Kinsley Power Systems. Prior to becoming Director of Engineering in 2003, he was a sales engineer representing Kohler generators, transfer switches, and paralleling switchgear. Working with consulting engineers and electrical contractors preparing price quotations in the bid and spec market. In 1990 he was promoted to operations manager supervising service and parts departments including all service technicians. In 1993 he was promoted to engineering manager providing technical support to the sales team and working with the engineering community to help write specifications and provide technical support in various applications including standby generation, prime power, and paralleling with the utility. In 2003 he was promoted to Director of Engineering. He continues working with the engineering community in New England and New York to educate consultants in the latest

by Bill Bishop, PE, Senior Energy Engineer Pathfinder Engineers & Architects

Abstract: This presentation is given under the context – climate change and achieving net zero emissions. It will discuss Bitcoin fundamentals, Bitcoin energy use and Alternatives. Biography: Bill is a licensed mechanical engineer at Pathfinder Engineers & Architects LLP in Rochester, NY. He received his BA in Education and BS in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florida. He has worked at Pathfinder for 14 years, where he does building energy modeling and performs technical


studies and energy audits through NYSERDA programs. Bill is a LEED® Accredited Professional, a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), an ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) and Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP). He has performed energy modeling using computer simulation for dozens of projects, including new construction and existing buildings, where calibrated energy models are used by owners and ESCOs for cost savings calculations. He performs energy auditing and modeling services for NYSERDA under the FlexTech and Commercial New Construction programs, where modeling results are used for achieving Net Zero and Deep Energy Savings goals. He has helped several projects achieve LEED certification, including two LEED Platinum projects. Bill is a member of the Rochester Chapter of ASHRAE, and has served as Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Rochester ASME. He is a member of ASHRAE’s Standard Project Committee 209 – Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

Residential Buildings, and a member of ASHRAE TC2.5 – Global Climate Change. He has given presentations at 10 of the last 12 Engineering Symposia in Rochester. Topics have included building energy modeling, LEED certifications of building renovations, net zero building design, climate change science and solutions, the energy and economic considerations of climate change mitigation policies, and Bitcoin energy use.

4:00 PM Introduction to Static Control for Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing by Dr. Kelly Robinson, Owner, Electrostatic Answers, PLLC

Abstract: This presentation will provide an introduction to Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing, then it will discuss static control concerns, measurements, industry standards, and static control

Biography: Dr. Robinson has over 35 years of experience solving static problems in web conveyance and solvent handling manufacturing operations. He is an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Fellow, cited for “contributions to electrostatic performance of manufacturing. processes” He serves as Chair, Committee on Static Electricity in the NFPA (National Fire Protection Assoc.). He is also a member of the ESDA (Electrostatic Discharge Assoc.) where he serves as Writing Member, Working Group on Electrostatics in Healthcare.

Session 2: Machinery Elements and Design Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 1:00-5:00 Overview: This session will provide some tools for mechanical engineers and include presentations on finite element methods; sealing components: and gears and reducers. Audience: Manufacturing/mechanical design/civil/production/process/energy engineers; plant maintenance technicians and managers; equipment purchasers; production managers and directors, policy makers.

1:00 PM Finite Element Analysis Validation Avoiding the Pitfalls of "Garbage in Garbage Out"

by Jeffrey Gardiner PE, CEO, XCEED Engineering and Consulting P.C.

Abstract: Finite Element Analysis is an efficient tool for the design and assessment of structural systems. This presentation provides an overview of FEA's application for those engineers not directly involved in day-to-day FEA modeling. This session is geared toward FEA non-users; highlighting basic tools to assess subcontracted/delegated FEA results' accuracy. The presentation covers the application of boundary conditions, deflected shapes, mesh convergence, and energy methods. This presentation aims to introduce tools and processes to eliminate the "Garbage-In/Garbage Out" of FEA. Whereby incorrect inputs, assumptions, and assessment techniques result in precise but inaccurate results. Biography: Mr. Gardiner specializes in applying FEA toward solving unique problems faced by the Nuclear Industry. Most recently using explicit codes to

res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

sealing components. The information received will help participants to ask informed questions when seeking a sealing solution.

quantify the robustness of systems and barriers for revised tornado missile hazards, including automobiles, pipes, and telephone poles.

2:30 PM Overview of Sealing Components, Their Selection and Application

by Jim Drago, PE, Principal Applications Engineer, amd Chris Boss, Senior Applications Engineer, Garlock Sealong Technologies

Abstract: Process systems utilizing pipes, valves, pumps, meters, heat exchangers, and a myriad of other equipment depend on sealing components to keep process fluids in their systems. This development hour will cover several families of sealing components for pumps, valves, reciprocating pumps/compressors, power drive equipment and pipe flanges. Common guides used to select the right product type and how to apply it will be covered. Field examples will be used to illustrate the correct use and misuse of

Biography: Jim has worked with sealing technology since 1983 in the areas of compression packing, gaskets, oil seals, pipeline products, OEM applications, testing, engineering management, marketing and business development. He helps the oil, gas and chemical process industries with sealing solutions to meet the demands of enhanced leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs. Jim has three patents and is the author of many articles on sealing technology. He has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Clarkson University and is a registered professional engineer in the state of New York Biography: Chris has over 28 years of experience in the fluid sealing industry, specifically in regard to valve emissions compliance and water conservation technologies related to rotary equipment. He serves as a technical liaison between internal Garlock operations and a variety of Garlock customers and distributors. He focuses much of his work on product troubleshooting, Continued on page 14


4:00 PM - A Practical Look at Gears and Reducers, and their most common problems.

optimization, and regulation conformance – including frequent travel for on-site field work and installation training of maintenance personnel. He has authored several technical articles for Pumps and Systems, Plant Services,

by Neville W. Sachs, PE, PLLC

and Flow Control trade publications. He has presented at several trade shows and conferences around the globe, including Valve World in Maastricht, Netherlands and a Valve Emissions conference in Suzhou, China. Chris is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Abstract: This presentation will start by describing how they actually operate, with the resultant bending, Hertzian and contact fatigue stresses, and the metallurgies. After reviewing some of the design standards, it will show example of several failures and discuss the causes. The intended audience includes both design and plant engineering personnel with the goal of educating them about the causes of poor gear and reducer reliability.

Biography: A graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, Mr. Sachs has spent many years deeply involved with maintenance, machinery reliability, and failure analysis. He has conducted thousands of failure analyses and hundreds of failure analysis classes across North America and Europe and is a frequent speaker for both regional and national programs. He has written the textbook “Practical Plant Failure Analysis, a Guide to Understanding Machinery Deterioration and Improving Equipment Reliability”, (with a second edition recently published) two other books on specific areas of failure analysis, contributed significant sections to three books by other authors, including a section for the ASM Handbook of Failure Analysis, and has written over seventy technical articles and papers for US and European magazines and journals, primarily on failure analysis and equipment reliability.

Session 3: Environmental Challenges Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021, 1:00 – 5:00 Overview: This session will focus on the past (the Great Lakes), the present (subsurface sampling) and the future (emerging contaminants) The presentations include Lake Ontario lake level management; emerging contaminants in our environment; and geophysics as a means of exploring the earth beneath us. Audience: Structural/ civil/site/environmental/ water treatment/ chemical/ municipal/geotechnical engineers, chemists, and officials, chemists policy makers, and the general public.

1:00 PM - Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water Level Management: Plan 2014 Challenges, Trade Offs and Operational Concepts

by Bernie Gigas, Owner, Lake Ontario South Shore Engineering.

Abstract: This one-hour course introduces the complexities of managing the water and flow balance in the St. Lawrence Seaway from Lake Ontario to Montreal. Topics included system geography, stakeholders and their conflicting interests, relevant regulatory bodies, and basic engineering relationships. The learning objective is to provide fundamental insight into the management challenges of such a large natural system, appreciate the limits of feasible engineering solutions and to show interested attendees how to access publicly available resources for further learning.

Biography: Bernie has a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rochester, an MS in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on fluid dynamics from Rochester Institute of Technology and is a registered NY Professional Engineer. He has worked with large scale industrial fluid processing equipment in engineering, product development and R&D for over 35 years. Bernie recently semi-retired as Vice President, Engineering and R&D for SPX FLOW and is currently consulting as an R&D advisor. His Lake Ontario focused business is LOSS Engineer, and he is a member of the Public Advisory Group to the IJC’s GLAM Committee.


2:30 PM Emerging Contaminants: in the Environment by Denis Conley, Environmental Chemist, Senior Associate, Haley Aldrich

Abstract: This presentation will define the term “Emerging Contaminant” and then discuss 3 Emerging Contaminants, their history, environmental fate and transport, and regulatory standards and remediation options.

Biography: Environmental chemist at Haley & Aldrich with more than 30 years’ experience in the investigation and remediation of soil, sediments, and groundwater impacted by VOC, herbicides, pesticides, PCBs,metals, dioxins/furans, PFAS and coal tar. Developed and implemented innovative solutions including enhanced insitu bioremediation, in-situ thermal desorption, and adsorbent resin treatment for emerging contaminants. Has served as an adjunct faculty member for the Rochester (NY) Institute of Technology’s Departments of Chemistry, and Environmental Management.

res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium


4:00 PM Geophysics for Geotechnical and Environmental Investigations by Mark D. Saunders, Senior Geophysicist, Golder Associates Abstract: Geophysics is an important tool in determining subsurface conditions for environmental and engineering sites. Near surface geophysics can offer a toolbox of solutions to complex and challenging

problems. When applied correctly, geophysics is a powerful tool that can aid geologist and engineers in making informed decisions about their problem. From determining seismic characterization of the subsurface or utility mapping, geophysics is a state-of-the-art industry ready to provide valuable insight into the specific problem at hand. This presentation will serve as an introduction and/or a refresher into some of the more applicable techniques for environmental and engineering geophysical problems. The material will be presented in an introductory fashion with emphasis placed on fundamentals (what do you need

for a successful geophysical survey from a physics standpoint), examples, and best practices. Techniques focused on will be electromagnetic, seismic, ground penetrating radar, and electrical resistivity as well as brief introduction to other techniques.

Biography: Mr. Saunders holds a BA and a MS in Geology (Geophysics) from the University at Buffalo. Prior to his current position at Golder, he worked at Applus RTD for 5 years as the Geophysics Manager and before that spent 10 years at Weston Solutions as a Senior Geophysicist.

Session 4 Public Projects of Interest Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 1:00 – 5:00 Overview: This session will highlight two notable public projects in Western New York: The Peace Bridge in Buffalo, and the Rochester Skate Park. The session also takes a step back into the preliminary planning stage with a presentation on Rochester’s Complete Streets program Audience: Civil/structural/construction/transportation/ geotechnical/municipal engineers. planners, the general public.

1:00 PM - Peace Bridge Rehabilitation Project.

by Timothy Coyle, P.E., Chief Engineer, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI)

Abstract: The Peace Bridge (an international crossing located between Buffalo, NY and Fort Erie, Ontario) is an iconic structure approaching 100 years of age. Since 2012, it has undergone its largest rehabilitation since original construction. Work included the widening of both approaches and the addition of a bikeway across the entire bridge. An overview of the entire project highlighting logistical challenges and why the Peace Bridge Authority committed to the work is described within the presentation. Additionally, common misconceptions regarding traffic delays are refuted and what improvements were instituted during the project to combat future traffic congestion are discussed. Biography: Timothy Coyle has over 20 years of experience as a structural engineer, specializing in the design and rehabilitation of bridge structures. He is a graduate of the University at Buffalo and began his engineering career in New York City. Tim relocated to Buffalo in 2008 is currently the Chief Engineer at Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) in Buffalo. res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

2:30 PM Design and Construction of the ROC City Skate Park

From site and environmental constraints to geogrids and drainage, this session will share how existing infrastructure and underutilized urban land can be used create a more active, playable city.

by Amanda Phetteplace, Landscape Architect and Mike Mantell PE, Civil Engineer, Stantec; Holly E. Barrett PE, City Engineer, Paul Winterkorn, Senior Construction Administrator, City of Rochester; and Kanten Russell, Senior Designer/Project Manager, Newline Skateparks.

Abstract: As of fall 2020, Rochester, NY has lost its distinction as the only major city in the United States without a skatepark. Wheels are now rolling at a signature downtown skatepark beneath the city’s iconic Frederick Douglass-Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge. With the goal of raising the bar on custom concrete skate park design, the park features a variety of street and transition type terrain for all ages and skills. The 14,100 square foot venue provides skateboarders, BMX riders, and in-line skaters unique recreational opportunities. This session will introduce attendees to the design process and discuss site and engineering solutions.

Biography: With over 15 years of experience as a landscape architect, Amanda Phetteplace has wide-ranging project experience and a strong skill set relating to the intricacies of design and constructability. She works on a variety of project types and scales within Rochester and across the region. In addition to the ROC City Skate Park, recent local projects include Erie Harbor Phase 2, Main Street Streetscape & Pedestrian Wayfinding Project, Rochester Riverside Convention Center Terrace and the Inner Loop East Transformation Project. She is excited to be a part of the project team for the Rochester Riverside Convention Center South Terrace Addition that will set the stage for connections to future ROC the Riverway initiatives. Mike Mantell has worked as lead civil engineer and project manager on commercial, residential, municipal, renewable energy and transportation projects at Stantec for nearly 20 years. He has been involved in site design


from planning and concept development through approvals and construction and has experience with projects in Rochester and throughout the Northeast. His responsibilities include all aspects of civil design, and Mike’s focus on people is evident in all his work. Trusted by his clients, he knows how a project should unfold—and how to get it back on track—even if that means going in an unexpected direction. Holly Barrett graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in 1997 with a degree in engineering and continued to work in the private sector until joining the City of Rochester as a Structural Engineer in 2009. In this role she served as project manager for the ErieLackawanna Rails-to-Trails pedestrian bridge and the Promenade at Erie Harbor study and preliminary design, among many others. MS. Barrett was promoted to Assistant City Engineer in 2014, overseeing the Architectural Services Division, housed within the Department of Environmental Services. In this role she worked on a number of ROC the Riverway initiatives, including the Rundel Library North Terrace, Rochester Riverside Convention Center Upgrades, Blue Cross Arena Upgrades, and the Charles Carroll Park and Sister Cities Bridge revitalization projects. As City Engineer, she manages capital improvement initiatives for all City municipal facilities and over a 1000 lane miles of roads and sidewalks under City jurisdiction. Paul Winterkorn has served as a construction management professional for 35+ years on private and public infrastructure projects. He has extensive background in rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, having been the resident engineer for countless improvement projects over the years. Paul is a “hands on” field engineer and has historically been selected by the City of Rochester for their most challenging and complex projects.

A long-time fixture in the professional skateboarding world, Kanten Russell is a lead designer for New Line Skateparks. Growing up in Southern California—the birthplace of skateboarding—Kanten quickly became a leading figure in the region’s skateboarding scene and was a professional skateboarder for 12 years. After semi-retiring from professional skateboarding, Kanten transitioned into Skate Park design professionally for the last 13 years. Kanten has led the design process of over 250 skate parks across the country including the world’s first green skate park in St. Cloud, Minnesota; a skate plaza in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, which converted a brownfield into an active space to help combat childhood obesity; and the Alga Norte Community Skate Park in Carlsbad, California.

4:00 PM Complete Streets Makeover: An Exploration of Tactical Urbanism in Rochester by Jon Hartley P.E., Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering Lead and Rory Weilnau, ENV SP, Project Engineer, Stantec; Mary Staropoli, MPA, Director of Planning & Development at Reconnect Rochester

Abstract: Established in 2017, the Complete Streets Makeover is a community-driven tactical urbanism program that engages Rochester area residents to nominate perceived troublesome intersections/corridors around the greater metro area. We will delve into Complete Street basics, the structure of the Complete Streets Makeover program, its participants, their participation, and results from the first implementation at Parsells Avenue and Greeley Street in the City of Rochester.

Engineering. Over the past 24 years he has served in the capacity as project manager and engineer on numerous Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering, Design-Build, Highway Design and Intelligent Transportation Systems projects including I-81, Buffalo Skyway, Interstate 690 at Teall Ave Design Build, East Main Phase 1, City of Rochester Inner Loop East and East River Road corridor review. Since 2018 he has enjoyed serving on the selection committee for the Rochester Complete Streets Makeover and seeing the implementation of two (2) neighborhood makeovers. Rory Weilnau graduated in 2016 from Clarkson University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. For the past 5 years he has worked on several Street Design, Traffic Engineering/ Analysis, Transportation Planning, and Urban Mobility projects. Recent projects include East Main Street Phases 1 and 2, Buffalo Skyway, City of Lowell Parking Study, NYSDOT Highway Safety Investigations, and the Ottawa Bikeshare Implementation Analysis. Mary Starapoli graduated in 1997 from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College with a Bachelor of Science (concentration in Human Resources & Organizational Studies) and in 2012 obtained a Master of Public Administration from the State University of New York at Brockport (concentration in Non-Profit Management). She has 20+ years of experience working, volunteering and providing independent consulting services to a wide range of local non-profits and community groups. Mary loves to develop programs that bring like-minded partner organizations together, build community in neighborhoods, and result in tangible progress, just like the Complete Streets Makeover program that will be featured in the presentation.

Biographies: John Hartley graduated in 1996 from the University at Buffalo with a Bachelor of Science in Civil


res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

1 A E

b E I

A a i i a a t s s i e

B U O g t r D L

Session 5 Facility Infrastructure Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 1:00 – 5:00

Overview: This session will focus on those areas of commercial facility management that is largely hidden from the public, yet noticeable when problems arise: equipment vibrations, indoor air quality, and pavement maintenance. Audience: As we emerge from this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and begin to once again fill our facilities and parking lots, this presentation will be of interest to health and safety officers, equipment mechanics, civil/HVAC/structural/electrical engineers, building owners, and the general public.

1:00 PM - Acoustic Noise Abatement Of Elevated & NonElevated Mechanical Equipment

by Angela Waters, P.E., Structural Engineering Manager, Kinetics Noise Control, Inc..

Abstract: This presentation will provide a general overview of what causes noise in Elevated & Non-Elevated Equipment in regard to building structures. HVAC and some process equipment will be addressed. The attendees will learn how to isolate various equipment for different scenarios; how to avoid acoustical shorts; and the applicable isolation that is most efficient for different types of equipment. Biography: Angela Waters obtained her Undergraduate Degree (BSCE) from Ohio State and has over 15 years of postgraduation experience, holding a PE in the State of Ohio since 2012. She is also registered in the State of New York & the District of Columbia. Angela is a Model Law Engineer with a National Record

4:00 PM Heater Scarification

through NCEES. Her Structural Engineering background includes the design and analysis for community buildings, such as: Churches, Schools, Grocery Stores, Medical Offices, Assisted Living Care Buildings, and Office Buildings. This experience included steel and wood framed low-rise buildings with some concrete and masonry member analysis and design. At Kinetics she provides management and direction for a small structural engineering department, while still daily working on diverse, interesting, and creative projects.

by Terry Lucey, Sales Engineer, Highway Rehab Corporation

2:30 PM Using Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization to Create Healthy Indoor Environments

by David N. Schurk, Business Development Manager, Global Plasma Solutions.

Session 6 Codes and Requirements Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021, 1:00 – 5:00 Overview: This session will address code requirements in specific areas of building facilities, fire protection systems, and energy use. Audience: Civil/mechanical/electrical engineers, code enforcement officials, contractors ,facility managers, and building owners.

1:00 PM Plumbing-Civil Coordination for Utility Design

by James Basile, P.E., Civil Discipline Leader, Clark Patterson.

res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

Abstract: The presentation is a discussion the typical roles of plumbing engineers and civil engineers in the design of utility systems that service buildings. Biography: Mr. Basile holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering, from the Rochester Institute of Technology He has over 20 years of experience in civil engineering with an emphasis on land development infrastructure design

and management. As a Civil/Site Engineer, Mr. Basile is actively involved with project design management and coordination as well as, functioning as design or technical specialist for the production and development of a variety of civil engineering and land development projects. Mr. Basile is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.


2:30 PM Protecting Critical Circuits From Fire

by Timothy Franco, Regional Sales Manager, Nvent

Abstract: This presentation discusses NEC Code requirements for Fire Protection of Critical Circuits and Fire Protection methods allowed by code. We will also discuss the UL2196 2-hour test along with recent updates to the test as well as delisting issues of certain cables and MI Cable technology Biography: Tim graduated from Marquette University in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Tim has sold fire rated MI Cable for 34 years in New England and upstate New York. His primary responsibilities have been working with electrical engineers, assisting in design, layout and sizing of emergency feeders for life safety systems where required by the National Electrical Code. He has also worked with local electrical inspectors on familiarity with MI Cable and what a proper installation should look like. In addition, Tim has worked with electrical contractors, trade schools and unions educating them on the proper use and installation of MI Cable.

4:00 PM - The Current and Future Energy Code – an Engineer’s Notes on 2020 NYS Energy Conservation Construction Code, 2020 NYStretch Energy Code, and ASHRAE 90.1-2019". by Chonghui Liu (CL), Team Leader, Energy Services, Popli Design Group.

Abstract: On May 12th, the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (ECCCNYS) went into effect. Several local jurisdictions have also adopted NYStretch Energy Code, which provides additional 7.1% statewide average energy cost savings in commercial buildings. Additionally, with close to 100 addenda incorporated since 2016 edition, ASHRAE 90.1-2019 (Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings) will significantly change the design and construction of new commercial buildings when adopted by New York State in the future. The presentation provides an overview of the current and future energy code, with the focuses on code compliance, building envelope, mechanical / service water heating / electrical and lighting systems, and commissioning.

CL holds an M.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. He is a licensed professional engineer (PE) in the State of New York, Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and LEED Accredited Professional BD+C. He is a Mechanical Subcommittee voting member of ASHRAE standard committee 90.1, and contributed to publication of ASHRAE energy standard 90.1-2019. He is a Past President of ASHRAE Central New York Chapter and he is a recipient of ASHRAE Region I Technology Award in 2013. He is an instructor for 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State with Urban Green Council. His technical expertise includes energy audits and master planning, commissioning and retrocommissioning, and HVAC design and optimization.

Biography: Chonghui Liu (CL) is Team Leader, Energy Services with Popli Design Group; he leads the firm’s energy and commissioning practices. He has over ten years of experience in mechanical/ HVAC design, energy assessment/ planning, and commissioning.


res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium


res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium



William Schneeloch Director of Engineering Kinsley Power Systems Break



Timothy Coyle, P.E. Chief Engineer Greenman‐Pedersen, Inc. (GPI)

The Peace Bridge Rehabilitation Project

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Session 4 ‐ Public Projects of Interest


Dr. Kelly Robinson Principal Electrostatic Answers

Introduction to Static Control for Roll‐to‐Roll Manufacturing


4:00 PM 4:15:00 PM 4:30:00 PM 4:45:00 PM



Session 5 ‐ Facility Infrastructure


Wednesday, June 9, 2021



Thursday, May 20, 2021

June Thursday, June 10, 2021


Session 6 ‐ Codes and Requirements


Terry Lucey Sales Engineer Highway Rehab Corp.

Jon Hartley P.E.,Mary Staropoli, MPA,Rory Weilnau, ENV SP Various Disciplines Stantec


*Schedule subject to change...

The Current and Future Energy Code – an Engineer’s Notes on 2020 NYS Energy Conservation Construction Code, 2020 NYStretch Energy Code, and ASHRAE 90.1‐2019" Chonghui Liu (CL) Team Leader, Energy Services Popli Design Group


Break Heater Scarification

Timothy Franco Manager, Commercial Sales Northeast Pyrotenax

Protecting critical circuits from fire


James Basile, P.E. Civil Discipline Leader Clark Patterson



Mark Saunders Senior Geophysicist Golder Associates

Geophysics for Geotechnical and Environmental Investigations


Denis Conley Senior Associate Haley Aldrich

Emerging Contaminants in the environment


Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water Level Management: Plan 2014 Operational Concepts, Challenges and Trade Offs and Operational Concepts Bernie Gigas Principal Lake Ontario South Shore Engineering

Session 3 ‐ Environmental Challenges

Using Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization to Create Healthy Indoor Environments David N. Schurk Business Development Manager Global Plasma Solutions


Acoustic Noise Abatement Of Elevated & Non‐Elevated Mechanical Equipment Angela Waters, P.E. Structural Engineering Manager Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.


A Practical Look at Gears and Reducers, and their most common problems Neville Sachs Principal Neville W Sachs, P.E., PLLC

Complete Streets Makeover an Exploration of Tactical Urbanism in Rochester

Design and Construction of the Rochester Skate Park 2:30 PM 2:45:00 PM rett, PE, Mike Mantell, PE, Amanda Phetteplace, Kanten Russell, Paul 3:00:00 PM Various Disciplines 3:15:00 PM Stantec 3:30 PM Break 3:45:00 PM

1:00 PM 1:15:00 PM 1:30:00 PM 1:45:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:15:00 PM

Jeffrey Gardiner P.E. Principal XCEED Engineering and Consulting P.C.

ATS Fundamentals

Bitcoin Energy Use – the Unreal Electricity Consumption of Virtual Overview of Sealing Components, Their Selection and Application Cryptocurrencies Bill Bishop. P.E. Jim Drago, P.E., Chris Boss Senior Energy Engineer Pricincipal Applications Engineer, Senior Applications Engineer Pathfinder Engineers Garlock Sealing Technologies



4:00 PM 4:15:00 PM 4:30:00 PM 4:45:00 PM

2:30 PM 2:45:00 PM 3:00:00 PM 3:15:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:45:00 PM

1:00 PM 1:15:00 PM 1:30:00 PM 1:45:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:15:00 PM

Finite Element Analysis Validation Avoiding the Pitfalls of "Garbage In Garbage Out"

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Session 2 ‐ Machinery Elements and Design

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Session 1 ‐ Electronics and Power


Due to the continuation of COVID19 the Convention Center will not be available to host the Symposium in April 2021. The committee has re-scheduled the Symposium again for everyone's safety. If you are registered and paid, we will forward it to the 2022 Symposium. If you would like a refund contact Lynne at RES ( or or 585-254-2350). She will do refunds on a monthly basis. We hope to see everyone in person next year! Please continue to stay safe and hopefully the vaccines will allow us to do so soon! Chris Devries, Symposium Chairman

Save the NEW Date for the:

2022 Engineering

Symposium in Rochester

Earn up to 7 PDHs

Sponsored by Rochester's Technical and Engineering Societies and RIT

Thursday, April 21, 2022 Courses available in: Civil, Electrical, Lighting, Mechanical, HVAC, and Plumbing.

Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center 123 East Main Street, Rochester, NY Time: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm $140 Advance Registration (Plan to go back online ~February 1st 2022) $20 Student Registration; $170 AFTER April 1, 2022 and at the Door Registration will re-open online at about ~February 1st 2022

The Monroe Chapter of NYSSPE, in accordance with ADA compliance, will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for those requiring additional services to participate in our educational programs. If you should require such services, please contact Lynne Irwin at the Rochester Engineering Society ( or 585-254-2350) to request support by April 1, 2022.


symposium in rochester 2022


get IT done

Culture, Communication and Covid – Oh My! By David Mammano, Entre Computer Services The title of this article is a modern take on “Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!” If you got it, congrats. If not, go re-watch the Wizard of Oz movie. The real issue is bringing people back to work as Covid levels drop due to vaccinations and herd immunity and doing whatever you can to maximize internal communication and workplace culture strategies. Assuming you had a good pre-Covid workplace culture, I’ll share some tips to give it the tune up it needs to be running smoothly again and even bring it to the next level. If you did not have a good culture, then you’re in luck! You’ve been given a second chance to create some new DNA in your organization. In either case, about a month in, most companies noticed: • Poor Communication – It is amazing how many ways an email can be misread! • Overload of Channels – “Do I email, text, call, Zoom, MS Teams? Maybe just a smoke signal?!” • Feelings of Disconnection – Missing those water cooler and lunchtime chats… • Decrease of Productivity – “The more time I have, the less I’ll get done.” • Lack of Security – “I’ll just use my personal laptop. That’s ok, right?” • Lack of Compliance – “It’s Covid time… they won’t notice.” • Nosedive of Company Culture – “This whole “Together Apart” thing is NOT working for me.” How can we harness all the amazing advances in today’s technology in order to maximize your company culture and internal communication? With people coming back to the office, it’s time to reboot and refresh your internal communications strategies, which of course will lead to a fresh, new engaged workplace culture. Here are 5 ways that technology can help: 1) Collect and share accurate, real-time data With the right software, a department head can access usage data to instantly gain a better understanding of her team's work habits - where they work and their interactions with other teams, without having to go through HR or IT. Benefit: Greater transparency, efficiency, and evidencebased decisions 2) Increased Performance The goal of technology should be to make work, frictionless. By reducing barriers, employees are get IT done

empowered to work in the ways they are most effective and productive. Good software tools can reduce the time spent trying to locate a colleague, find a meeting space and more. One such empowering technology is TEAMS. Benefit: Increased communication and collaboration; employees feel supported and empowered 3) Get engaged Survey and goal-tracking tools allow managers to quickly check in with employees more frequently, instead of waiting for an annual performance review. HR can use survey apps to capture employee sentiment or ask for feedback and suggestions. Benefit: Stronger communication; companies can coursecorrect and proactively address potential issues 4) Offer greater flexibility Technology makes it easier for employees to work remotely. They can also “clock in” at more convenient hours if they are unable to be in the office during your working hours. Leverage the flexibility of Office 365 and integrate that with cloud-based line-of-business applications. Benefit: Flexible, family-friendly work policies without sacrificing performance; able to adapt and scale easily when technology itself is flexible. 5) Recognize and reward employees Recognition and reward software can allow anyone to give a “shout out” to any employee who has done exceptional work. Products such as Slack or eScreenz™ can be used to create daily huddles, improve training, onboarding or to guide employees wanting to advance their careers. They will get a clear understanding of the skills to build or milestones they need to attain before their next promotion. Benefit: Boost employee engagement These are just a few of the ways technology can help you improve workplace culture, communication, and engagement. While “old school” strategies still have their place, do not forget to put cutting edge technologies in the mix! Think About IT

Host of Entre Computer Services, “The NEW IT” Podcast. MAY 2021 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 21

Professional Firms Employee News Passero Associates News

Passero Associates Welcomes New Shareholders

Passero Associates proudly announces the addition of new shareholders, including the first female shareholder of the firm, Mira Mejibovsky. Expanded Firm Ownership Firm ownership creates opportunities for key Passero staff to invest in the firm and help drive its culture and strategic plan. Long-tenured shareholders Andrew Holesko, CM, CEO; Jess Sudol, PE, President; and David Passero, CFO realized the achievement of this key strategic goal with the addition of the following new shareholders: Mira Mejibovsky, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Associate / Senior Project Architect. Ms. Mejibovsky has over 36 years of experience in the industry, and over 16 years of service within the firm. Ms. Mejibovsky is based in the firm’s Rochester, New York office and is the first female shareholder in the firm’s 50-year history. “I am honored to be a first female shareholder and feel privileged to be a part of leadership team of Passero Associates. I look forward to using my experience and expertise to contribute to the growth and success of our outstanding firm.” – Mira Mejibovsky, AIA

David Cox, PE, MBA, Associate / Manager of Civil Engineering. Mr. Cox has over 21 years of experience in the industry and over 11 years of service within the firm. Mr. Cox is based in the firm’s Rochester, New York office, leading the civil engineering department in New York state. “It is truly amazing to work for such an incredible company like Passero. The greatest people, serving top notch clients, on cool projects with cutting edge technology. It doesn’t get much better than that.” – David Cox, PE

Peter Wehner, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Vice President / Director of Architecture Services. Mr. Wehner has over 31 years of experience in the industry, and over 14 years of service to the firm. Mr. Wehner is based in the firm’s Rochester, New York office. “My 14 years of client service and management at Passero Associates have prepared me well for this new role. I am honored and excited to be an integral part of firm leadership as an Architect.” – Peter Wehner, AIA


professional firms employee news

REMOTE INSPECTION FOR CONSTRUCTION Remote monitoring solutions are becoming the new normal, and Multivista has a suite of services and technology that can help inspectors perform their duties safely and efficiently, without stepping foot on the jobsite. Using 3D immersive technology augmented with high-definition digital photography, our cloud-based collaboration software allows any project stakeholder to digitally “walk” a jobsite remotely and see exactly what was done, and when. (607)662-3015 2238 Weeks Road Skaneateles, New York 13152

Passero Associates News, continued Jeffrey Bonecutter, PE, Vice President / Director of Midwest Aviation Services. Mr. Bonecutter has over 26 years of experience in the industry, and over seven years of service to the firm. Mr. Bonecutter is based in the firm’s Dayton, Ohio office. ”It is an honor and a privilege to be a new shareholder in the firm. Passero Associates is fortunate to have extremely talented people within all levels of the organization, and I look forward to helping the leadership team as we continue to grow, serve our clients, and bring value to the communities in which we work.” Jeff Bonecutter, PE Bradley Wente, PE Vice President / Director of Southeast Aviation Services. Mr. Wente has over 24 years of experience in the industry, and over four years of service to the firm. Mr. Wente is based in the firm’s St. Augustine, Florida office. “I am so grateful to be affiliated with Passero Associates. We are blessed with great people, exceptional clients, and meaningful projects. I look forward to a bright future with PA: expanding our existing services and developing new capabilities while maintaining our strong customer focus.” – Bradley Wente, PE q advertisement | professional firms employee news


Professional Firms Employee News Bergmann News

Bergmann's Laura Cooney Honored Among 2021 Rochester Business Journal Women of Excellence Rochester Business Journal has selected Laura M. Cooney, AIA, NCARB, Northeast Architecture and Interior Design Discipline Leader at national architecture, engineering and planning firm Bergmann, as a 2021 Women of Excellence honoree. Cooney joined Bergmann in 2015 and has been a dedicated and effective leader for the growing team, ensuring staff receive the necessary professional development to succeed in their roles while providing critical architectural and code compliance expertise for a range of clients across the company’s portfolio. Her commitment to the industry and professional advancement extends beyond her role at Bergmann as well, having played an important role in the initial development of Rochester Institute of Technology’s Master of Architecture program. “Laura has a natural ability to mentor staff and model the way for developing architects and interior designers. Her approachability and tireless investment in our young professionals are consistent with Bergmann’s values and those of the American Institute of Architects,” said Andrew Raus, AICP, senior vice president, Bergmann. “Laura embodies the purpose of this award. She is a leader in her profession, a mentor to up and coming professionals, a technical expert and an active volunteer. We are proud to count her as a valued member of our team.” Cooney serves as a diligent champion for women in architecture, both those currently in the industry and future practitioners. She is an active member and leader of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), previously serving as president and as a board member for many years of the Rochester chapter, and as Rochester’s AIA NYS State Director. In 2013, Cooney launched “Girls in Architecture” (now known now as “Girls in Architecture and Engineering”) with the Rochester chapter. The program introduces female middle school students from across Monroe County to career opportunities in these traditionally maledominated STEM disciplines and encouraging them to take STEM classes in high school Prior to joining Bergmann, Cooney started her own business, offering building code consultations to design professionals. To provide further value to fellow architects and engineers in the community and statewide, Cooney also developed continuing education programs to teach peers about the latest in continuously changing building codes, extending her compliance expertise to projects throughout New York State, and establishing herself as a trusted advisor for clients and colleagues alike. "The 2021 Women of Excellence honorees are at the pinnacle of their careers. They are making a difference at work, at home and in their communities," said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, group publisher of the Rochester Business Journal. "In addition, they are mentoring other women to achieve greatness. We at the Rochester Business Journal are pleased to celebrate their many accomplishments." Established in 2018, the Women of Excellence awards recognize high-achieving women for their professional experience, community involvement, leadership, and sustained commitment to mentoring. Forty winners were selected by a panel of judges comprised of previous Women of Excellence and Circle of Excellence honorees. The Women of Excellence awards will be presented at an online celebration at 5:30 p.m. May 25. 24 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

professional firms employee news

News From Professional Firms SWBR News

SWBR Awarded in Second Round of Buildings of Excellence Competition

Competition Highlights Model Projects to Bring Low-to Zero Carbon Multifamily Buildings to Scale in New York State

Two SWBR projects were recently selected as winners in Round Two of New York State’s Buildings of Excellence Competition for the design of a netzero emitting multifamily building. This competition supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s nation-leading climate goals outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which place New York State on a path to economy-wide carbon neutrality and mandates an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. “Sustainable design is incredibly impactful for multifamily housing projects,” said SWBR Principal Joe Gibbons, AIA. “Not only will these two projects have less of an environmental footprint, but they will cost little to heat or cool, saving residents money while providing them a beautiful and healthy home.” Selected in the Early Design category, PathStone Corporation’s proposed Baird Road Apartments is a 76-unit apartment building for seniors in Perinton, NY that was awarded $1 million through the Buildings of Excellence competition. The project’s design achieves Net-Zero energy through Passive House design standards, and features health and wellness through Enterprise Green Communities 2020 and WELL Certification. news from professional firms

Rockabil’s Johnson Park Green Community Apartments, also selected in the Early Design category, is a three-building affordable and supportive housing complex in Utica, NY that was also awarded $1 million through the Buildings of Excellence competition. The project is designed to meet Passive House certification and will serve as a tool kit for future inner-city mediumdensity affordable housing developments. NYSERDA President and CEO Doreen M. Harris said, “Congratulations to SWBR for their outstanding designs for both Baird Road Apartments and Johnson Park Green, which will provide superior indoor comfort through passive house design features while ensuring housing opportunities for vulnerable populations, an important piece of our transition to clean energy. As a Buildings of Excellence awardee, we appreciate their partnership in helping us to foster environmental and health benefits for New Yorkers by reducing the carbon footprint of newly constructed buildings in the state.” SWBR is providing architectural design services for both projects. q


Position Openings...Pages 26-27

JOIN A TOP 100 TEAM! MRB Group Engineering, Architecture & Surveying, D.P.C., a Greater Rochester Chamber Top 100 Firm, is currently recruiting for several positions to join our growing firm in Rochester New York including: Civil Engineers: to plan, design, direct, oversee and execute civil engineering projects in our water/wastewater group. Planner/Civil Engineer: to provide support on subdivision and site plan reviews, planning board activities, general planning services, and SWPPP/Site Inspections. Construction Observers: to oversee construction of various projects in Western and Central New York. Visit our website ( for additional information. Resumes can be sent directly to: or mailed to: MRB Group, The Culver Road Armory, 145 Culver Road, Suite 160, Rochester, NY 14620

Dr. Richard Kenyon -


PT. CHARLOTTE - Dr. Richard Kenyon, Dean Emeritus of the Kate Gleason School of Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology, passed away surrounded by family on April 16th 2021 at his home in Pt. Charlotte, Florida. His career was dedicated to engineering education and civic service on the international to local levels, from consulting for universities in the US, Mexico, Europe and the Middle East to serving on many federal, state, county and local boards and commissions. He was also a volunteer for the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Rotary. His lifelong love of boating and sailing began with camping and canoe trips in the Adirondack mountains as a teen, during which time he became an Eagle Scout.

and great-great-grandchildren. His wife of 46 years, Barbara (Kibbe) Kenyon, pre-deceased him in 2001. He was remarried to Virginia (Sands) Kenyon, who survives him.

During his career as an educator, he served as President of Tri-State University in Angola, Indiana, Dean of the Colleges of Engineering at RIT and Union College, as a professor, department head and associate dean at Clarkson College (now University) and an instructor at Cornell University. He had long associations with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and was a professional engineer in New York State.

He received a B.M.E. from Clarkson College of Technology in 1954, a M.S. in thermal engineering from Cornell University in 1956, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Syracuse University in 1965. He was author or co-author of three textbooks and over forty technical and journal articles. He was named “Engineer of the Year” in 1975 by the Rochester Engineering Society, and helped bring about many innovations at RIT, including Energy House (1977), and the Center for Microelectronics and Computer Engineering (1986), which offered the first such undergraduate degree in the country.

Richard Albert Kenyon was born April 8, 1933 in Syracuse, NY to Albert Rees Kenyon and Marjorie (Robinson) Kenyon. He is survived by his three sons - Alan, David and Steven Kenyon, their wives, and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to Tidewell Hospice or another charity. A memorial service will be held on July 14, 2021 at 11 AM at Church of the Good Shepherd in Punta Gorda, FL.


His interests included boating, history, antique guns, and travel. In addition to years of sailing with his wife Barbara and family throughout the St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes and Florida (including in a wooden boat that he built), he enjoyed many business and pleasure trips to Europe, South America and the Middle East.

position openings | res news


Requisition #R1105 The candidate we seek has 10+ years of experience and will work on a diverse range of civil/ site projects using the latest in industry technology. Projects involve work with residential, commercial, municipal and institutional clients. PA offers a Six-Figure Salary, Private Office, Signing & Performance Bonuses, and Ownership Opportunities. Passero Associates is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Minority/Female/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity/Disability/Veteran.

Qualified candidates please apply at

• BS degree in Civil Engineering / Civil-related field • 10+ years experience in site development, PE required • Site, Highway, Drainage and Utility Design experience • Experienced in land use and municipal approvals • Experienced in all project management areas, including proposal development, contract negotiations, project work plan, final agreements/ contracts, project financial tracking • Experienced in developing/ mentoring a team of junior staff • Strong communication and technical skills

A Look at the Past...

position openings


Efficient Electronics Cooling: Using Boiling Process for CPU Cooling By Aranya Chauhan In today’s world we feel connected to people around the world because we have a reliable internet connectivity. Science and engineering have made significant developments and made 24x7 internet access a reality. But what is the source of internet? What is a cloud, where all our data is stored? All this infinite information on Google, where is it coming from? The simple answer to all these questions is Data Center. A data center is a building where thousands for servers are stored, these servers are responsible for never-ending flow of information across the internet. All the big technical companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, have their data centers continuously transferring and storing information. A data center contains thousands of Central Processing Units (CPUs), each CPU acts like a small brain. One or more than one CPUs are installed in a server along with other electronic equipment like memory and storage devices. These servers are stacked in a pile to form a rack and hundreds of racks are installed in a room. Now such combination of rooms forms a data center. We have all experienced how our laptops and desktop computers become hot after using for some time, sometimes even mobile phones. And at some point, we have all heard fan noise coming from our computers. That time, the computer fan is trying to tell us that CPU is generating lot of heat and in some cases, we can feel the heat. That is the reason advanced gaming computers are built with effective cooling systems, like pumped liquid cooling because air cooling is not enough to provide efficient cooling. Now imagine thousands of such CPUs are generating heat in a data center, and these CPUs require lot of cooling. In 2018, Microsoft conducted experiment by sinking a data center unit in the ocean since heat generation in servers is expected to increase significantly in next few years. Figure 1 shows the data center unit which was installed at the bottom of the Scottish sea.

Figure 1: Microsoft's underwater data center experiment, (a) Retrieving the data center unit from the sea, (b) Cleaning the unit, (c) Layout of racks inside the data center. (Source of images - The data center operation is a very energy expensive process. According to the report of Natural Resources Defense Council in partnership with Anthesis, in 2013 about 3 million computer rooms in data centers used enough electricity equivalent to annual output of 34 large coal-fired power plants. In 2018, worldwide data centers consumed 205 terawatt-hours of electricity, which is equivalent to 1% of total worldwide electricity consumption. A significant amount, ~40% of total power consumed by data centers is used for cooling operations, and 50 – 80% of this power is spent on CPU cooling. The conventional air or liquid based singlephase cooling techniques are not efficient to dissipate heat from high powered CPUs in data centers. The futuristic approach is to use two-phase (boiling heat transfer) cooling approach. During boiling the liquid absorbs heat and is converted into vapor phase. This liquid to vapor conversion uses latent heat of liquid, and this phenomenon can transfer significantly higher heat fluxes compared to single-phase heat transfer. The boiling heat transfer research conducted at Thermal Analysis Lab in Rochester Institute of Technology has developed an innovative tapered microgap evaporator to cool CPUs. The liquid-vapor flow mechanism during boiling heat transfer in the evaporator is shown in Fig.2. Figure 2: Vapor bubble formation, vapor removal, and liquid inflow mechanism in a tapered microgap during CPU cooling process.


campus feature article

A copper chip with microchannels is placed on the CPU to conduct heat from the CPU to the chip. A dual tapered block with two symmetric tapers is placed over the chip, this creates an expanding microgap between the chip and the block. As shown in the figure, during boiling the vapor bubble nucleates on the hot surface and continues to grow in the space. The growing bubble hits the tapered manifold block and expands along the increasing cross-section in the tapered microgap. The bubble continues to expand and leaves the microgap region with high velocities. This creates a liquid pumping effect, and liquid from the bulk is forced into the microgap for heat dissipation. This cycle continues and high heat fluxes can be dissipated reliably for long durations. The bubble visualization study was conducted at low heat fluxes to demonstrate this flow mechanism, and high bubble departure velocities ~ 1.1 m/s were achieved. The bubble departure velocity will increase at higher heat fluxes, hence higher liquid pumping is established at high heat fluxes. Such design is self-sustaining and does not require any external power for operation. This concept was employed in designing and building a CPU cooler prototype for data center application. An actual image of the prototype with dual tapered microgap is shown in Fig.3.

Figure 3: The picture of dual tapered evaporator in a thermosiphon loop during CPU cooling thermal test.

The cooler prototype was used as an evaporator in a thermosiphon loop configuration. Thermosiphon loop is a well-known heat transfer loop used in various cooling applications. It can transfer heat over large distances without requiring any external pumping power. The thermal tests were conducted using thermosiphon loop with tapered microgap evaporator, and the cooling performance of the loop was compared with a water cooler, and an air cooler. The thermal tests were conducted on a i7-930 processor with a thermal design power of 130 W. The baseline thermal testing was initially conducted, and later stress test was performed to mimic the high load conditions. During the stress test, the CPU was brought to its extreme processing power, and this was observed by recording a sudden increase in the CPU temperature. The cooling performance of three coolers was evaluated by comparing the ΔT value. The ΔT parameter is defined as the temperature difference between CPU and the chiller water. The heat absorbed from the CPU is eventually dumped in the chiller water for all three coolers. The lower ΔT value, represents higher cooling efficiency thus cooling cost is reduced. Thermosiphon loop obtained lower ΔT, therefore displaying superior cooling performance compared to the other two coolers. The ΔT values for thermosiphon loop, water cooler, and air cooler were 43°C, 56°C, and 74°C, respectively. The thermosiphon loop can dissipate up to 280 W of heat from the CPU, and this value was obtained on a benchtop configuration where a mock CPU heater was used. This testing was conducted to showcase the heat dissipation ability of the dual tapered evaporator for futuristic high power density CPU cooling applications. Currently work is under progress to further increase the efficiency and maximum heat dissipation value of the dual tapered evaporator. q Author Bio: Aranya Chauhan is Ph.D. in Engineering Candidate in Mechanical Engineering Department at Rochester Institute of Technology. His research is focused on fundamentally exploring efficient cooling solutions for high power density applications and developing protypes for industrial applications. He has published several research papers and obtained a provisional patent which is under process for final grant. campus feature article


Go to the RES Website for Updated Details On All Meetings -


Education Opportunities


Wednesday, May 19 American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

p 43

TBD 1 PDH Credit Pending Speaker: TBA


Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (check in 11:50 am) Place: Wherever you can access the internet! Cost: Free Reservations: Reservations to Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or which is important for tracking attendance and issuing certificates.

Support Your Affiliate Attend A Meeting

D A T E S !

Save the Dates for the



ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM Dates and Times: Tuesday - Thursday, May 18, 19, 20 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, June 8, 9,10 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM An Opportunity to Earn up to 18 PDHs: Each session is $30 ($10 per PDH credit) • 3 PDHs per day in May and June • Can't spare 18 hours? Register for 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 PDHs • Registratiom now open on the RES website (


S A V E T H E D A T E S !

res - 2021 virtual engineering symposium

To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

Engineers’ Calendar

The engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. The deadline for submitting copy is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: The meetings offering PDHs are highlighted in blue. Details about the meeting and affiliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the affiliate name.

Tuesday, May 4

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) EXCOM Meeting

Place: On-line: via webex conferencing. Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm Registration links for our events are at:

The RES website ( has a

p 34

calendar of events for this month's meetings and meetings that are received or updated after print deadline. Please refer to the website for updated information. If you wish to be listed in the calendar please send details to


continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar

Monday, May 17

Wednesday, May 26

Annual ASHRAE Golf Outing and Picnic

RES Annual Meeting (Virtual) - Awards Presentation, Society Updates and Officer Elections

Rochester Engineering Society (RES)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

p 44


Place: Ravenwood Golf Course. Time: Golf at 9:30 am; Picnic from 4:30 to 8:00 pm Details will be posted on the website at

Time: 5:30 pm for about an hour Reservations. No reservations needed. Join us virtually. Details to join the program will be emailed to the contact list and will be posted on the website at (go to calendar and May 26).

Monday, May 17–Wednesday, May 19

Tuesday, June 1

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) IEEE STRATUS Conference

p 34

Wednesday, May 19 TBD

p 43

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)

Annual Golf Tournament (Joint with the IES Buffalo Section)

Place: Stafford Country Club (same location as last year!) For full details and online registration, please vitit the website at

Thursday, June 17

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA) Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, May 20

General Membership Meeting

p 34

Monday, June 14

1 PDH Credit Pending Speaker: TBA Time: 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (check in 11:50 am) Place: Wherever you can access the internet! Cost: Free Reservations: Reservations to Dave Jereckos (585-341-3168), or which is important for tracking attendance and issuing certificates.

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association (GVLSA)

EXCOM Meeting

Place: On-line: via webex conferencing. Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm Registration links for our events are at:

Place: Virtual – on-line only. Visit the website at to register and get the conference details.

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

p 33

p 33

Place: 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 Time: 6:00 pm. Details:

Place: TBD Time: 6:00 pm Details:

Thursday, June 17

Thursday, May 20

Market and Contractor Factors Affecting Rapid Acquisition Strategies

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) TBD

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) p 42

Speaker: TBA Time: Meetings normally begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for the monthly meetings. GlobalMeet Join Details – Join as a GUEST Meeting Details Web Address: Access number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 250 025 6391 engineers' calendar

p 42

Speaker: John Kamp, Consultant and Member of Research Staff, GWU Time: Meetings normally begin at 6:00 pm and run to approximately 7:30 pm Reservations. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for the monthly meetings. GlobalMeet Join Details – Join as a GUEST Meeting Details Web Address: Access number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 250 025 6391


657 East Avenue, Rochestter, New York 14607 Dedicated to Professionalism in Engineering in the Interest of Public Safety and Welfare 2020-21 Officers: President Michael O. Ritchie, PE, President-elect Vacant, Vice-President Bill Grove, PE, Secretary Martin E. Gordon, PE, Treasurer Christopher R. Devries, PE, Membership Chair Vacant Past Presidents: Christopher V. Kambar, PE , David C. Roberts, PE, Directors: Barry J. Dumbauld, PE, Robert K. Winans, PE, Joseph Dombrowski, PE, Jim Drago, PE, Neal Illenberg, PE, Douglas R. Strang Jr., PE

COVID-19 STATE ACTIONS NSPE is tracking and identifying executive orders and legislation related to Covid-19 and has created one-page printable reports for the majority of the states. Click here for NEW YORK: These are all dynamic resources that NSPE continues to update on a daily basis, so please check back regularly for new/ additional information. Access the information for Licensure ( Continuing Education/Examination/Regulations:

MPES SCHOLARSHIPS MPES sponsors two annual scholarships for local college students to study Engineering. To ensure that this organization can continue to provide scholarships to deserving students for years to come, we are seeking donations from local engineering firms, RES and MPES members. For more information on how to make a donation please email

THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION UNVEILED ITS MUCH-ANTICIPATED $2 TRILLION INFRASTRUCTURE AND JOBS PLAN, DUBBED THE AMERICAN JOBS PLAN. This plan includes $621 billion dedicated to transportation infrastructure and resilience. A fact sheet released by The White House says the plan will modernize 20,000 miles of highways and roadways, will fix the 10 most economically significant bridges in the country in need of reconstruction, and will repair the worst 10,000 smaller bridges in the nation. President Biden is proposing $115 billion to modernize the bridges, highways, roads, and main streets that are in most critical need of repair. This plan includes $20 billion to improve road safety for all users, including increases to existing safety programs and a new Safe Streets for All program to fund state and local “vision zero” plans and other improvements to reduce crashes and fatalities, especially for cyclists and pedestrians. The plan would also invest $85 billion to modernize existing public transit and help agencies expand their systems to meet rider demand. This investment will double federal funding for public transit, spend down the repair backlog, and bring bus, bus rapid transit, and rail service to communities and neighborhoods across the country. It would also invest $80 billion to address Amtrak’s repair backlog and enhance grant and loan programs that support passenger and freight rail. Source: “Roads and Bridges”, March 31, 2021 As always, we encourage active membership in the Monroe Professional Engineers Society. We are constantly striving to improve your membership but we always need more help. If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please email me at or contact MPES through our website at Mike Ritchie, PE, President, MPES


mpes news

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association Website:



Year 2021 Officers President Justin M. Roloson, LS Vice President Matthew R. Palmer, LS Secretary Robert J. Avery, LS Treasurer Michael A. Venturo, LS Jared R. Ransom, LS, Ex-officio

Upcoming Events 2021 May 20, 2021 General Membership Meeting 6:00 PM Location: TBD June 17, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club, 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607

Board of Directors

May 2021

2018-2020 Timothy T. Odell, LS Martin Gotwalt, LS 2019-2021 Gregory T. Pauly, LS Jeffrey A. Tiede, LS 2020-2022 Christopher T. Locke, LS David L. Standinger, LS David Zuber, LSIT - Associates Representative

General Membership Meeting Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 6:00 PM Location TBD

Board of Directors Meeting Professional Affiliations  New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.  National Society of Professional Surveyors  Rochester Engineering Society

gvlsa news

Thursday, June 17, 2021 Time: 6:00 PM 40 & 8 Club 933 University Avenue Rochester, NY 14607


May 2021 Newsletter Section Officers Chair Eric Brown Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Paul Lee

Chapters & Groups AES & COMSOC Cristiano Tapparello CS & CIS Bo Yuan EDS & CSS Sean Rommel EMBS Cristian Linte GRSS Emmett Ientilucci LIFE Mark Schrader APS & MTTS Danielle Walters Photonics Bruce Smith Parsian K. Mohseni PES & IAS Jean Kendrick SPS Alex Byrley Eric Zeise TEMS Paul Lee Young Professionals Eric Brown

Message from the Chair Dear Colleagues, Madeline Loui, the 2020 IEEE Rochester Section scholarship recipient, received the Love Family Foundation Scholarship. This annual scholarship is awarded to a single Georgia Tech graduating senior with an outstanding scholastic record. Congratulations Madeline, and good luck with your future studies in MIT’s EECS Ph.D. program! In April, the Rochester Section Young Professionals (YP) Affinity Group (AG) co-sponsored a YP Career Panel with the Connecticut and Melbourne Section YP AGs. The panel included YP engineers representing academic, industry, and entrepreneurial career paths and was well attended by members from all 3 sections. Mark your calendars for the virtual 2021 Western NY Image and Signal Processing Workshop (WNYISPW) on Friday, October 22. This virtual edition of the WNYISPW is a joint effort by the Rochester Signal Processing (SPS) and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies (EMBS). Paper/Poster submission opens on August 12 and closes on September 13. The next IEEE Rochester Section virtual ExCom meeting will occur on June 1st, from noon until 1 pm via WebEx (vTools# 255225). As more IEEE members and the general population are vaccinated against COVID-19 and restrictions are reduced for gathering places, the Rochester Section plans to move ExCom meetings to a hybrid format where ExCom members can gather in person or attend virtually. Stay healthy, and best regards,

Register Now for the 2021 STRATUS Conference The emergence of low-cost and easy-to-use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, has led to an explosion of their use for numerous applications. These new platforms have enabled new imaging and earth remote sensing technologies and applications previously unavailable due to the high cost of manned aircraft or satellites.

Student Groups Univ. of Rochester Ming-Lun Lee RIT Jamison Heard

Committees Awards Jean Kendrick Communications Christine Frayda Howard Bussey Newsletter Howard Bussey PACE Bruce Rubin

Liaisons RES Harold Paschal RCSS William Brewer

This event is the 4th conference of STRATUS that will bring together academics, industry Peter Webley, University representatives, and domain specialists to share of Alaska Fairbanks perspectives on this rapidly evolving topic. Keynote speaker Peter Webley’s research focuses on natural hazards, especially volcanic eruptions, the application of unmanned aircraft systems to hazard mapping, and the use of remote sensing data from the ground to space and back to develop change detection algorithms. Keynote speaker Ken Stuart is an experienced industry veteran in wireless telecommunications and cloud-based software, responsible for setting the overall vision and product strategy at NUAIR. This conference is virtual only without in-person attendance. Registration is now open for the 2021 STRATUS Conference. For more information, visit http:/ Ken Stuart, NUAIR

IEEE: The world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology


ieee news

2021 Scholarship Recipient -- Giovanna Baris Congratulations to 2021 scholarship recipient Giovanna Baris, who is a graduate of Liverpool High School in N.Y., She is pursuing a BS in electrical engineering. In 2019, she began an 18-month co-op at the National Grid in Syracuse, N.Y. During her time there, Giovanna led an initiative to reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 80% in 30 years. Her professional experience also includes working as a teaching assistant at RIT, physics coach at Syracuse University, and dispatcher at SUNY-ESF. After graduation, Giovanna would like to be part of Engineers Without Borders. She also plans to work in the power industry and encourage a transition to renewable and sustainable energies.

Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair Thirty-one students from our area participated in the Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science and Engineering Fair, which was supported by the IEEE Rochester section through the efforts of section members as well as financially. Diversity marked this group of competing students – 61% are non-Caucasian, including 26% African-American, 13% Asia/Pacific Islander, and 13% Mutliracial; 63% are female. Organizers said “With the key national need to increase diversity among the technical professions, these students’ obvious strong interest in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) is encouraging.” The competition started March 20th, and the award ceremony was held on-line on April 10th. The award ceremony also recognized entrants from the Terra Northeast Regional Science and Engineering Fair and the Twin Tiers Regional Science Fair. The students from grades 5 through Amy Feng 12 competed in categories ranging from Environmental Engineering to Computational Biology and Informatics. The Grand Award went to Amy Feng of Pittsford NY, who can take her project on Structural Changes of the SARS CoV-2 Spike Protein in Varying Salt Concentrations to the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. Over 60 awards were given after a motivating and inspiring keynote by Shayla Rivera, aerospace engineer and professor in the Texas A&M University College of Engineering.

Rochester Engineering Society Virtual Symposium Don't miss the virtual RES Symposium! Our Section member and IEEE Fellow Kelly Robinson will provide an Introduction to Static Control for Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing. The other electronics and power sessions are ATS Fundamentals (William Schneeloch, Kinsley Power Systems) and Bitcoin Energy Use – the Unreal Electricity Consumption of Virtual Cryptocurrencies (Bill Bishop. P.E., Pathfinder Engineers).This is a great opportunity to earn professional development hours credit in the comfort of your home or in your office. Register today at .

IEEE Rochester Section Events Please check the events to ensure they are as scheduled below. Visit for details about any of these events. Event Diffraction Gratings: What Can’t They Do? EXCOM Meeting STRATUS – GeoHazards and Extreme Events Rochester Engineering Society Virtual Engineering Symposium EXCOM Meeting

Vtools #




April 28th, 15:30 – 16:30



May 4th, 11:50 – 13:00

Via Webex




– May



May 18th - 20th. and June 8th - 10th.


June 1st – 11:50 – 13:00

Via Webex

IEEE: Advancing Technology for Humanity

ieee news


The Electrical Association of Western New York thanks RES for many years of great service to our community!

PO Box 20219, Rochester, New York 14602 (585) 382-9545 ~ Join our mailing list at 36 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

ea news

The Society of Women Engineers stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. Find us on Facebook at SWE Rochester c/o Rochester Engineering Society at RMSC 657 EastAve Rochester, NY 14607


Many companies are interested in encouraging and cultivating diversity in the workplace, but it has been a difficult path. The focus is often on teaching women to overcome barriers, which focusses on “fixing the woman.” SWE has been actively working to include men to help women overcome the gender barrier by supporting them as male allies. Allies can help others overcome unconscious bias, break down gender stereotypes and form productive working relationships with women. While men may be aware of the gender disparity, and may wish to help, they might not be aware of the resources available to learn how to be an effective male ally. Share the following information with a potential male ally. The following resources highlight the importance of male allies and how to get involved. Join the HeForSWE Affinity group. • Podcast with Brad Johnson and David Smith, co-authors of “Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women.” • A literary review on the importance of male allies: • What motivates men to become male allies? • Podcast with Ernest Adams, VP of Global Diversity & Inclusion, Danaher Corp: • Podcast with Ken Fulmer, founder of HeForSWE Affinity group: WE NEED YOUR HELP What would you like from SWE Roc? Do you have any new ideas? We’d love for you to join us, so join us at our upcoming planning meeting! CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AND JOIN OUR MEETINGS Executive Meetings are open!

Join or Renew with SWE Roc Today Benefit from a network of women engineers, get involved in outreach activities, and gain access to professional and personal development resources!

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to renew your membership today at If you don’t have a membership yet, please join us! swe news


Rochester, NY Section P.O. Box 23795 Rochester, NY 14692




ies news

Rochester Section

American Society of Civil Engineers

Nicholas Gearin

Brandon George

Santa Flores Alvarez

Nicholas Gearin (RIT ’21) - $2,000: Nick is the current RIT ASCE Student Chapter President and has been involved with the chapter since his freshman year. In 2019, he represented RIT at the ASCE Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders in Orlando, Florida. After graduation in November, Nick plans to work as an Assistant Project Manager for Lee Kennedy Construction in the greater Boston, MA area where he previously interned. Brandon George (Clarkson ’21) - $1,500: Brandon is an active member in the Clarkson ASCE Student Chapter, a member of the Steel Bridge Team and 2-year captain of the Cross Country Team. He is also a member of the Chi Epsilon Honor Society and a peer mentor. After graduation in May, Brandon plans to work as a design engineer in the infrastructure group at Bergmann where he interned the previous spring and summer. Santa Flores Alvarez (RIT ’21) - $1,500: Santa has a wealth of extracurricular involvement including Concrete Canoe, BIM Club, National Society of Leadership and Success, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and Multicultural Center for Academic Success. After graduation in May, Santa plans to work as a design engineer and pursue a professional engineer (PE) license. After gaining some experience, she would also like to earn a graduate degree. Check out the new Career Opportunities section of our website under “Resources” for local job postings. Rochester firms are encouraged to send civil engineering openings to ASCE Rochester Board members or our general email at asce news



Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair A wide range of projects from 31 students representing 20 schools and homeschools were recognized on April 10th at the virtual Terra Awards Ceremony. Highlights include:

Harold Clark TRFSEF Director

Advancement to the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair Amy Feng (gr. 12) of Pittsford, for Structural Changes of the SARS CoV-2 Spike Protein in Varying Salt Concentrations Middle Schoolers going to the Broadcom Masters

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee (gr. 8) of Amherst, for VoiceLens: Disease Screening through Voices and Daily-Life Conservation Maria Kim (gr. 8) of Rochester, for Apples, Acids Enzymes Isaiah Salisbury (gr. 7) of Webster, for Risk Zoe Curtis (gr. 8) of Orchard Park & Amanda Faust (gr. 8) of Buffalo for Can We Generate Electricity from Water in a Gutter? 40 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

terra news


Competing in the NYS Science Congress Caroline Brown (gr. 10) of East Amhest for Multimodal Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Progression and Cognitive Decline Andreea Merzianu (gr. 10) of Buffalo for Degradation of Flavoring Chemical Compounds in Flavored E-Liquids Micah Kim (gr. 10) of Rochester for DIY DC-DC Buck-Boost Voltage Regulator Karen Huang (gr. 10) of Getzville for The Binding Site Studies of Anticancer Compound SQ1274 Competing in the Genius Olympiad Alexi Savage (gr. 9) of Henrietta and Sydney Haas (11) of Victor for their projects Self-Sufficient Early Warning Fire System and Ocean Friendly Fertilizer Other Special Awards A variety of Special Awards recognizing unique aspects of projects were also presented to 21 projects, including the EagleView Technologies Women in Technology Award and the St. John Fisher College Award with a summer course scholarship All 30 projects can be viewed at the Fair Website, Fair/Showcase, Keyword: FairDay

terra news



Upcoming Chapter Meetings • Thursday, May 20: May Chapter Meeting


We are still working to find a speaker for our May meeting. • Thursday, June 17: June Chapter Meeting

 John Kamp, Consultant and Member of Research Staff, GWU Market and Contractor Factors Affecting Rapid Acquisition Strategies

The Department of Defense (DoD) is experimenting with acquisition strategies intended to deliver new capabilities in cycle times of 2 to 5 years. These are executed in a market of few sellers, limited procurement quantities, and constrained budgets. Defense contractors respond by developing, producing, and supporting products. This research analyzed selected publicly released acquisition program data from 2007 to 2018. Quantitative methods identified significant factors and analyzed how acquisition strategy decisions and market conditions are related to these factors.

• Meetings normally begin at 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) and run to approximately 7:30 pm All meetings are being held virtually until further notice. We use Globalmeet11 for our monthly meetings. GlobalMeet Join Details - Join as GUEST Meeting Details Web Address: Access Number: 1-646-307-1479 Guest Passcode: 250 025 6391

© 2021 INCOSE Finger Lakes Chapter


incose news

President/Education Chair: JENNIFER WENGENDER, P.E., CPD CPL 205 St Paul Blvd Rochester, NY 14604 585-454-7600 Vice President Technical: DAVE JERECKOS IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Vice President Legislative: DAVID MYERS LaBella Associates, PC 300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-6110 Vice President Membership/AYP: TRAVIS JESSICK Dave Gooding Inc 173 Spark Street Brockton MA 02302 585-794-8845 Treasurer: ALAN SMITH, P.E. IBC Engineering, PC 3445 Winton Place Suite 219 Rochester, NY 14623 585-292-1590 Administrative Secretary: ADAM KRAMER Bergman 280 E. Broad Street Suite 200 Rochester, NY 14604 585-498-7802 Newsletter Editor: CHRIS WOLAK Victaulic Fairport, NY 14450 484-350-1954 Affiliate Liaison: REBECCA KOLSTAD Kolstad Associates

President's Message Even though our monthly meetings have had to stay virtual for now, we are planning to get together in person for our Annual ASPE Rochester Golf Outing. So, plan to join us Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 10:00 at Victor Hills for 18-holes of team “best ball” golf and dinner. You can RSVP as a golfer/team or sponsor to any of our board members. If you are on our ASPE e-mail distribution, you will see a flyer shortly. Also pay attention to e-mails and information in this issue of the Rochester Engineer for the on-line PDH virtual symposium. There will be presentations from a variety of engineering disciplines to help with your NYS PE continuing education credits. Stay safe but stay in touch! � Jennifer Wengender, P.E., CPD Rochester Chapter President

Meeting Notice – Save the Date Topic:





Wednesday, May19, 2021


12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (check in 11:50 am)


Wherever you can access the internet!!


1 PDH – Pending approval


Free. �


To Dave Jereckos (341-3168), or which is important for tracking attendance and issuing certificates.

(Chapters are not authorized to speak for the Society)

aspe news


Rochester Chapter

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Rochester ASHRAE website:


ASHRAE 2020-2021 Meeting Schedule Date


Monday, 4/12/2021 Refrigeration Tour (Location TBD) Monday, 5/17/2021

Theme Refrigeration Night

Annual ASHRAE Golf Outing and Picnic (Ravenwood Golf Course)

Location TBD

(PDH Pending)


9:30 AM Golf 4:30 - 8:00 Picnic

President's Message Our March panelists, Michelle Schleher from Rochester Regional Health, Joe Leone of UniCon, and Anthony DiTucci from Livingston Associates discussed with us The Current and Future State: The Impact from COVID19. It was a great conversation on observations and strategies from the three unique perspectives. ASHRAE Rochester recognizes a July 1 – June 30 calendar and we typically don’t hold any events between June and August. This means our last lunch meeting of this year was on refrigeration scheduled for April 12th. The golf outing on May 17 will be our last event until the Clambake in either August or September. We will be hosting the golf and picnic event. Ravenwood is open under current federal, state, and local guidelines. Under the current guidelines, we are limited to 100 people, so we are treating this as first come first served. Get your forms in early if you would like to attend! While the conditions and guidelines are ever-changing, we wanted to host this event and give people the option. We do ask that everyone in attendance also follows the guidelines for PPE and distancing to help make this a safe and successful event. Thank you in advance. Please consider joining us virtually or in person as we wrap up this year! Michael Benedict 2020-2021 President ASHRAE Rochester


ashrae news



Directory of Professional Services

Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at

Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at directory of professional services


Directory of Professional Services

Full-Service Engineering, Architecture + Code Compliance 255 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14604

Solving soils problems for over 40 years. 46A Sager Drive, Rochester, NY 14607 Tel: 585-458-0824 • Fax: 585-458-3323

(585) 512-2000

Advertising Rates and Membership Application is Available at

Save the Date: 118th RES Annual Gala Saturday, April 2, 2022

Rochester Riverside Convention Center Additional details will be posted on the RES website:

Directory of Business Services Advertising Rates and


Membership Application is Available at 46 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER MAY 2021

Philip J. Welch

First Vice President - Investments

Wells Fargo Advisors

Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC

Member SIPC

400 Meridian Centre Blvd. Suite 210 Rochester, NY 14618 Direct: 585-241-7546 Fax: 585-241-3986 Toll Free: 877-237-6201

directory of professional services | director of business services


Affiliated Societies of the Rochester Engineering Society American Consulting Engineering Companies of New York President, David J. Meyer, 585-218-0730 Email: American Public Works Association Monroe County/Genesee Valley Branch Chairman, Peter Vars, PE Email: American Society of Civil Engineers, Rochester Section President, Joshua T. Rodems, PE, Bergmann, Rochester, NY. 585-498-7944. Email: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Mike Benedict, Email: Website: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Joseph Lawson, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Rochester New York Chapter President, Jennifer Wengender, PE, CPD, Clark Patterson Lee, 205 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14604. 585-454-7600. Email: Website:

Electrical Association Executive Director, Karen Lynch Email: President, Russ Corcoran, Landmark Electric, 585-359-0800. Email:

New York State Association of Transportation Engineers, Section 4 President, Paul J. Spitzer, PE, NYS DOT Region 4, Genesee Valley, 1530 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623. 585-272-4890. Email: Website:

Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association President, Jared R. Ransom, LS 585-737-6881 Email:

New York Water Environment Association Inc., Genesee Valley Chapter ( President, Bill Davis, 585-381-9250 Email:

Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Inc., Rochester Section President, Rob Gleason Email:

Rochester Makerspace President, David M. Duckles 585-467-5565, Website:

Imaging Science & Technology, Rochester Chapter President, Bruce Pillman, 585-748-6006 Email:

Sheet Metal & Air-Conditioning Contractor’s National Association-Rochester, Inc. Executive Director, Aaron Hilger 585-586-8030. Email:

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Rochester Section Chairman, Eric Brown Email:

Society of Plastics Engineers, Rochester Section President, Brett Blaisdell Email:

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Rochester Chapter President, Poojith Kalluru, Alstom Email:

Association for Bridge Construction and Design President, Michael D. Davidson, PE JM Davidson Engineering, DPC Email:

International Council on Systems Engineering, Finger Lakes Chapter President, Teresa Fronk Email:

Association For Facilities Engineering, Rochester Chapter President, Matt Knights, Constellation Brands, Inc. Email:

Monroe Professional Engineers Society President, Mike Ritchie, PE Email:

Society of Women Engineers. Rochester Section President, Marca J. Lam, RIT Email: Terra Rochester Finger Lakes Science & Engineering Fair Director, Harold R. Clark, PhD Email: Website:

Corporate Members of the Rochester Engineering Society Bergmann (Enterprise)

Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

Passero Associates

BME Associates

Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, Inc.

Pathfinder Engineers & Architects (Champion)

IBC Engineering, PC (Champion)

Popli Design Group (Champion)

Day Engineering, PC

L3 Harris (Enterprise)


M/E Engineering, PC (Enterprise)

Rochester Institute of Technology, Kate Gleason College of Engineering

CHA Companies Clark Patterson Lee

Erdman Anthony Associates Fisher Associates, PE, LS, LA, DPC Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce (RBA) Champion)

MRB Group (Champion)

Stantec (Enterprise)


SWBR Architects

Navitar (Enterprise)

TY-LIN International (Champion) IS YOUR COMPANY LISTED HERE? Call 585-254-2350 for information.

Optimation Technology, Inc.

affiliated societies & corporate members of the rochester engineering society




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