January 2014 - GRM

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January 2014

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SOUTHFIELD | TROY | NOVI | LAKESIDE | GRAND RAPIDS www.gormans.com Gormans_GR_11.12.13

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Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

Thank you Dr. Thomas J. Lambert D.D.S. 3300 Grand Ridge Dr NE | Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525 | Phone 616.364.6490


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Contents January 2014 / Vol. 51 / no. 01

S 36

FeAtUreS 36 / Best of Grand rapids readers Poll How much do you love this city? Let us count the ways. The results of the poll are revealed along with 10 staff picks of people, places and things we thought you should know. BY ALeXAnDrA FLUeGeL AnD MArtY PrIMeAU

4 GrmaG.com \ January 2014

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contents January 2014 / Vol. 51 / No. 01

departments back & forth 10 / From the Editor

72 / Top Shelf: Locally sourced beers

10 / Letters, social media and more

74 / HeFedSheFed: Lunch at Green Well

12 / Contributors

Near & far 80 / Eastgate neighborhood

Life & style 14 / Noteworthy items include Women’s City Club’s 90th birthday, “Tuesdays with Todd & Brad Reed,” Hall Street Bakery and Minty Keen. 15 / Update your LBD 16 / Making a clean start 18 / Local Laughs: A nonbeer drinker in Beer City 20 / The Diatribe 22 / Reading Room: Poet D.R. James Art & Design 26 / Artist Profile: Brett Colley


“I haven’t tasted a beer since my first year at Michigan State, and I only did it then because I thought it was a graduation requirement.” — DK Hamilton 84


28 / Art gallery listings and highlights

Out & about 84 / January highlights


85 / Calendar 86 / Nightclub & comedy venue listings and highlights


92/ Museums & attractions listings and highlights 94 / Snapshots 96 / After Thoughts: Q&A with Kerri VanderHoff, GoSite director at GRAM

30 / Art Talk: Delft vase 32 / Justagirl: Organize with trays 34 / Frame Works: Greek Revival


Food & Drink 54 / Dining Review: Terra GR 56 / Restaurant listings for West Michigan 60 / Chef Profile: Grace Gager at One Trick Pony 66 / Nosh & Sip: bigLittle Wines

On the cover: Grand Rapids illustrator and letterer Molly Jacques created this original illustration for the Best of GR issue.

6 Grmag.com \ January 2014

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There ar e 12 craft breweries here...

just say in’!

The sushi w as amazing.

Wi nte r Vac ati on. ..

Northern Michigan Style!

sting by Wine ta Was the fire ntic:) so roma


g at the Sle eping Bear Dunes. So Beautifu l!!!

Loved the cu te boutiques!

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Our investment in West Michigan goes well beyond exceptional care. At Spectrum Health, our commitment to the communities we serve is impacting lives in ways people don’t always see. As a not-for-profit health system rooted in West Michigan, we invest in improving patient care, building and renovating facilities, providing health education, and funding programs that proactively address disease and illness. To see the full value of a health system creating greater possibilities, visit spectrumhealth.org/csr.

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Community Benefit Community Engagement Education Employee Engagement Healthier Communities Inclusion and Diversity Innovation

There are countless ways we serve our communities. Regional Relationships Research Sustainability

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back & forth ConnECT WITH US

a favorite among favorites

Maya Lin (top) and the finished Ecliptic installation.

Join Managing Editor Marty Primeau at 9:45 a.m. Thursdays as she presents City Beat with Shelley Irwin on WGVU Radio FM 88.5 and 95.3.

THE annual January “Best Of” issue is a love-hate process. We love all the reader input and suggestions (thousands of ’em) but then there’s the pain of process, making sure each vote and comment counts with a lot of checking and rechecking. The latter is akin to cleaning up after a really great party — it’s work but accompanied with a smile. My favorite thing about this city is its art and design culture and the community dedicated to it. From the first it has seemed magical to wander among the arches of the Calder, to take a Festival swing on Di Suvero’ s “Motu Viget,” or to watch in fascination as the “Fish Ladder” sculpture at the 6th Street dam works its magic. But in my humble opinion, Maya Lin’s installation in the heart of downtown is forever unbeatable. The sculptor of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington, D.C., is unparalleled in her ability to evoke strong emotion in any of her works. Lin’s installation took years of painstaking work at the invitation of, and with funding from, The Frey Foundation. Her design was inspired by the idea of water and its meaning to the city. She incorporated the three properties of water: vapor, liquid and solid. The mist fountain serves as a cooling-off spot and represents

the vapor property. In the opposite corner of the park stands the water table, a seamless flow of water over a round, flat surface to represent liquidity. Grass-covered mounds, sculpted to represent waves, border the park to carry out the water theme. The solid property of water — ice — is represented by the circular skating surface. Lin said she worked hard to make the ice rink the centerpiece of the installation and wanted to add something “extra” to the skating experience. “So I asked for the star charts of Jan. 1, 2000, from the sky over Grand Rapids,” she said. Fiber optic lights representing the stars were placed in the cement and, when the ice is frozen over it, skaters have the feeling of skating among the stars. The rink turned to amphitheater in the spring is constructed to be handicap accessible, and the steps are angled to give a feeling of floating. She called her sculpture “Ecliptic.” So should the city: That the installation is not marked in such a manner remains an injustice to the woman. In no other case has the city renamed an artist’s or sculptor’s work nor infringed on its space. “Ecliptic” is my favorite, and perhaps readers will share that perspective in this year’s balloting — but only if they understand it exists in no less a manner than Calder’s work. carole Valade Editor, Grand Rapids Magazine

laST MonTH’S onlInE QuESTIon:

How do you stay warm in the winter?

“Put on a stocking hat!”

“Don’t fight the chill, embrace it! My husband and I walk and run throughout the fall and winter. Running fun winter races has helped me find more joy in the coldest season.” — Jessica Molloy

“Don’t laugh — shovel snow. I actually like doing it and it certainly warms you up.” – Theda Kay Huyge

“Bake a Tater Tot casserole.” — Christopher Busch

What will you do for your sweetie on Valentine’s Day? Respond at facebook.com/grmag.



– Mary Catherine

10 GraND raPIDS \ January 2014

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Best of

Thank You!


2013-14 Readers Poll

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Thank you for making us the Best! Dr. Brad Bengtson believes in a naturally restored approach to Beauty. He is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon dedicated to helping both men and women achieve their best, one patient at a time. He strives to educate each patient on their options, utilizing the most innovative and minimally invasive procedures available in plastic surgery. His reputation for excellence and compassion, combined with state of the art techniques has created a large following of patients. Thank YOU West Michigan for selecting Dr. Brad Bengtson and the Bengtson Center as the BEST Plastic Surgeon for the fourth consecutive year. Our gift to you is 10% off any surgical or non-surgical procedure scheduled by January 31, 2014. (please mention this ad while scheduling)

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bengtsoncenter.com | 616.588.8880 12/6/13 8:09 AM

contributors BEHInD THE ScENES


imagine it.


the spark


THrEE oF our ConTrIBuTorS SHarE THEIr THouGHTS...

create it. 3/


1/ JOhnnY QUIrIn,

2/ eMMA hIGGInS,

3/ MIchAeL BUcK,



New Year’s resolution? I never make one. It’s like making a promise you can’t keep.

New Year’s resolution? I make the same resolution every year — to not sweat the small stuff.

New Year’s resolution? To be healthier and more fit — and to spend more time with my family.

What’s best about Grand Rapids? I think cities are all the same on the surface. What makes Grand Rapids and West Michigan unique is the people. You won’t meet a friendlier, more supportive bunch of folks anywhere.

GR’s art scene is … Rapidly evolving.

What I love about food photography? Pulling out the texture and colors of the food and making it look like you want to eat it right now.




Custom Cabinetry & Furniture

My thoughts on snow? Snow is cool, really c-c-c-ool.


My thoughts on snow? I think snow forces me to be a little more intrepid. I hate the idea of hibernation. (Emma is a devoted bicyclist who braves even snowy roads.)


My thoughts on snow? I would rather see the pretty white snow on the ground instead of dead grass.

616.956.3070 woodwayscustom.com We’re all ears … tell us what you like or dislike in this issue. Please include your name, address and daytime phone number. Send to Editor, Grand Rapids Magazine, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 or email to letters@grmag.com. Letters may be edited for reaFollow us Visit us Like us on @grmagazine sons of space and clarity. grmag.com Facebook 12 GrmaG.com \ January 2014

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Covering Grand Rapids Since 1964 www.grmag.com


PuBlISHEr: John H. Zwarensteyn

eDitoriaL EDITor: Carole Valade ManaGInG EDITor: Marty Primeau CoPy EDITor: Donna Ferraro ConTrIBuTInG EDITorS: Joseph A. Becherer, Ira Craaven, DK Hamilton, Elissa Hillary, Mark F. Miller, Jon C. Koeze, Amy Ruis ConTrIBuTInG WrITErS: Julie Burch, Chris Carey, Alexandra Fluegel, Juliet and Jeremy Johnson, Daina Kraai, Tricia van Zelst EDITorIal InTErn: Chelsea Grainer DESIGn PanEl: Joseph A. Becherer, John Berry, Kevin Budelmann, Jim Caughman, Timothy Chester, Sam Cummings, Oliver Evans, James Ludwig, Ray Kennedy, Henry Matthews, Wayne Norlin, Wayne Visbeen Design & ProDuction nEW MEDIa, DESIGn & ProDuCTIon ManaGEr:

Scott Sommerfeld

aSSISTanT DESIGn & ProDuCTIon ManaGEr:

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arT CoorDInaTor: Kelly J. Nugent DESIGnErS/ProDuCTIon aSSISTanTS:

Melissa Brooks, Kristen Van Oostenbrugge, Robin Vargo ConTrIBuTInG PHoToGraPHErS:

Adam Bird, Michael Buck, Jim Gebben, Johnny Quirin saLes GEnEral SalES ManaGEr:

Randy D. Prichard


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General Inquiries: info@grmag.com Lorraine Brugger

To orDEr rEPrInTS: Karla Jeltema

(616) 459-4545

Grand Rapids Magazine (ISSN 1055-5145) is published monthly by Gemini Publications, a division of Gemini Corporation. Publishing offices: 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1444. Telephone (616) 4594545; fax (616) 459-4800. General e-mail: grminfo@grmag. com. General editorial inquiries: editorial@grmag.com. Periodical postage paid at Grand Rapids, MI. Copyright Š 2014 by Gemini Publications. All rights reserved. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Grand Rapids Magazine, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1444. Subscription rates: one year $24, two years $34, three years $44, in continental U.S.; Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and U.S. possessions, one year $35. Subscriptions are not retroactive; single issue and newsstand $3.95 (by mail $6); back issue $6 (by mail $7.50), when available. Advertising rates and specifications at grmag.com or by request. Grand Rapids Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited contributions. audited by



Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI)

January 2014 / GrmaG.com 13

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life & style PeoPle / trenDs / booKs / fashion / fitness


Minty Keen is an indie craft boutique featuring Michigan made greeting cards, jewelry, gifts, accessories, upcycled home décor and more. Owner Angie Seabert moved her eco-friendly business from Ottawa Avenue to MoDiv, where she’s now part of the ever-changing urban mall. Find Minty Keen on Facebook or mintykeen.com.

will delight any Michigander. The Ludington-based father and son devoted 52 weeks of Tuesdays in 2012 to capture the beauty of Michigan in unexpected places. Check out an exhibit of “Tuesdays” images on display Jan. 13-March 28 at the Postma Center at Pine Rest, 300 68th St. SE. The book is available at Schuler Books or online at toddandbradreed.com.

MAKING PASTRIES AND PLACES Fans of Wealthy Street Bakery will have a second place to go for those breads, pastries, wood-fired pizza and more. Hall Street Bakery opens this month at the corner of Hall Street and Fuller Avenue with a similar menu, along with beer on tap and a wine list. Why that location? Co-owner Jim McClurg said the mission is to “locate our stores where they can become places for people to connect and interact, enhance the sense of community and be a catalyst for positive change.”

WHO’S GOING TO BLOW OUT THOSE CANDLES? Happy 90th birthday to the Women’s City Club, the nonprofit private club that started in the Roaring ’20s and is still going strong. Two special events are planned this month: a program on the history of WCC Jan. 23 and a special tea Jan. 25. Get info at womenscityclubgr.org.

PhotograPhy by michael bucK (bottom); Johnny quirin (miDDle); toDD & braD reeD PhotograPhy (toP)

Selling Michigan

the 1,014 photos in “tuesdays with todd & brad reed”

14 grmag.com \ JANUARY 2014

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Update that LBD No matter the season, the little black dress is a staple in every woman’s wardrobe. The beauty of this piece is that you can create a totally new look every time you wear it. Here are a couple of ideas to show how you can take that LBD in the back of your closet and reinvent it for your busy life — from the office to an evening on the town. Start by adding a sweater or blazer and chic footwear. Finish the look with smaller pieces, such as statement jewelry, a scarf or a handbag. For a daytime look, we paired the dress with an oversize aqua sweater and a jeweled belt for a comfortable yet fun look. A studded fuchsia tote gives the LBD a bit of an edge. Colors are meant to be played with to set the tone of your outfit so don’t be afraid to add a pop to your look. For after hours, we chose a wine blazer with leather shoulder accents. Leather (or vegan leather) is a must-have for 2014, adding texture to any outfit. We accessorized with a silver textured clutch, a gold hammered geometrical necklace and matching earrings, plus a high-heeled bootie for evening flair. Style is not meant to be an inconvenience but an easy way to express who you are. A LBD gives you the perfect blank canvas. — KRISTIAN GRANT AND KEV COUTURE

PhotograPhy by michael bucK

PhotograPhy by michael bucK (bottom); Johnny quirin (miDDle); toDD & braD reeD PhotograPhy (toP)

A little black dress can be worn day or night by changing up accessories. Daytime office look: Bobi “pleather” dress is worn with a THML oversized sweater cardigan, a bronze vegan leather belt with a jeweled clasp and a fuchsia tote, all from JB & Me in Breton Village. Evening look: Krisa dress is paired with a Krisa wine-colored blazer, a silver clutch, a statement necklace and high-heeled booties, all from Lee & Birch, 50 Louis St. NW.

JANUARY 2014 / grmag.com 15

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life & style PeoPle / trenDs / booKs / fashion / fitness

Making a clean start That helps each person decide what foods and beverages they want to add back into their diet — and which ones they can do without. Visit siporganicjuicebar.com for cost and details.

MARGAUX DRAKE’S 28-DAY DETOX Drake believes the body needs time to release toxins. “First you need to bolster the immune system,” she said. Her month-long cleanse begins with a free, informational meeting in which she outlines the plan. Detox clients meet for four Sundays at Gazelle Sports to hear Drake talk about the tools needed to embrace a healthier lifestyle, including recipe demonstrations and raw food sampling. She asks each person to fill out a form identifying a goal, such as “I will be headache free,” or “I will have the energy to run a 5K.” By week three, her students are ready for some sort of fast. For beginners, she often suggests strictly raw foods for three days. Repeating clients graduate to a “Probably the thing I hear most often is that liquid fast with smoothies, raw people who finish a cleanse become more soups or juices. aware of how they eat and when they eat.” Eliminating caffeine is en— Jennifer Pohlman couraged, she said, but not a requirement. SIP’S 3-DAY SUPER RECHARGE DETOX OR 5-DAY RAW “Our bodies are designed to cleanse and detoxify on a daily “Our detox is short, fast and furious,” said Pohlman, who has basis, but we live in an unnatural environment, taking in more been offering cleanses for more than six years. “It can be intense, toxins than our bodies can deal with.” so I usually advise people to slowly back off some of their vices Participants receive discounts at partnering businesses and before they start, to prevent side effects.” social media support throughout the month. Her next hour-long Those who sign up for one of her regimens get all meals proinformational meeting is 2:30 p.m. Jan. 5 at Gazelle Sports. vided by Pohlman. She prepares a day’s worth of smoothies, cold Visit heavenonearth-home.com for information and a sample — MARTY PRIMEAU soups and nutrient-dense snacks each morning to be picked up at of recipes. one of her juice bar locations. Total daily calories: 800 — though she does throw in one of her special Jenergy bars as a treat. “Probably the thing I hear most often is that people who finish a cleanse become more aware of how they eat and when they eat,” Pohlman said.

PhotograPhy courtesy Jennifer Pohlmann

NO ALCOHOL, NO SUGAR and — gasp! — no caffeine. That’s the sacrifice for anyone embarking on a cleansing detox consisting of veggie juices and raw foods. The presumed upside, of course, is ridding the body of toxins that cause most people to feel out of sorts and downright unhealthy. Intrigued? Two local experts have detox programs starting this month. Jennifer Pohlman, owner of Sips Organic Juice Bar, offers three-day and five-day raw regimens, with one starting Jan. 1. Margaux Drake is a member of WOTV for Women’s Healthy Eats and a lifestyle expert for D&W Fresh Market. She oversees a 28-day detox class to help people make lifestyle changes. While their programs are different, both women say clients have achieved remarkable results, including weight loss, fewer migraines and more energy. They do recommend getting a doctor’s approval before starting any detox program. “It’s not hocus pocus or witchcraft,” Drake said. “It’s about getting your body to work the way it’s supposed to.”

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Open Table “Diners Choice” and “Most Romantic” Award Winner PRIVATE DINING • SUNDAY BRUNCH • SPECTACULAR WATERFRONT VIEWS 63 Market Avenue, S.W. | 616.459.2500

Photography courtesy Jennifer Pohlmann

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Feeling left out in Beer City

local laughs DK Hamilton is a stand-up comic and freelance writer. Follow him on Twitter @ dkhamiltoncomic.

social drink — it’s an excuse to hang out with others. I don’t enjoy any social beverages. I’m not going to meet people after work for drinks. I don’t make plans to “go get coffee.” Maybe I would have a stronger professional network if I drank beer. Maybe I would grow ironic facial hair. There may be something to the beer lifestyle. According to my television (where I get most of my information), people who drink beer are physically fitter, have more friends and attract more young women in bikinis than those who don’t. Beer is such a magical substance that you cannot show people actually consuming it in commercials — presumably because our plasma, LCD and LED screens cannot safely display beer’s delicious awesomeness without exploding in our family rooms. Yes, I am aware that when we talk about Grand Rapids’ beer, we’re not talking about the mass market brands. No, what sets this city apart from the other malt metropolises is the quality of our locally brewed beer. Even though I don’t drink beer, I do enjoy the ambiance of our microbreweries. People seem to be having a good time. Grand Rapids also has a strong homebrewing community, which intrigues me. Next month’s Brew Ha-Ha, for example, celebrates the art of craft-brewed beer and provides a venue where home brewers can trade recipes and brewing techniques. I enjoy milkshakes, but I’ve never considered making them my hobby. Being a non-beer drinker in Beer City makes me an anomaly. But despite this, I blend in amongst our beer enthusiasts because of one simple fact: You don’t have to drink beer to have a beer — DK HAMILTON belly.

PhotograPhy by Johnny quirin

I’m not a proper citizen of Beer City because I’m not a beer drinker. I haven’t tasted a beer since my first year at Michigan State, and I only did it then because I thought it was a graduation requirement.

IF MY FACEBOOK WALL is any indication, Grand Rapids being named Beer City U.S.A. is a big deal. It not only gives us bragging (and belching) rights over finalists Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo and Asheville, N.C., it means increased tourism: “The Street” named Grand Rapids one of the Ten Best Vacation Cities for Beer Lovers to stagger around. Experience GR promotes Grand Rapids as “the perfect place for your next beer vacation.” I’m not sure what a “beer vacation” is, but I suspect taking one doesn’t require actual traveling. I’m in favor of anything that supports Grand Rapids’ image as a fun city, but I can’t help feeling a little left out. I’m not a proper citizen of Beer City because I’m not a beer drinker. I haven’t tasted a beer since my first year at Michigan State, and I only did it then because I thought it was a graduation requirement. I don’t abstain for moral, religious, and certainly not health reasons. I just never acquired the taste. I’ve managed to live this long without having a single acquired taste. Alcohol? Coffee? Retirement savings? Nope. If I don’t like it the first time I try it, I have no expectation that things will be different the second time. I wonder, though, whether my life would have been improved if I drank beer. Beer is a

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Photography by johnny quirin

For those who expect better quality. Personalized living room furniture made in the Swiss-Amish tradition.


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life & style PeoPle / trenDs / booKs / fashion / fitness

Wordsmiths of The Diatribe include: front row, from left, Duke Green, Rachel Gleason, Mitch Burns and Venson Dix; back row, from left, G. Foster, Asisi Jasper, Fable and Stephen Gren.

Word Power Members of the The Diatribe are known for their fervent, raw performances that address important issues.

RITER ROBERT FROST once wrote “a poem begins with a lump in the throat,” which is something spoken word poetry group, The Diatribe, knows a thing or two about. The Diatribe is comprised of eight wordsmiths who met while performing during standing-room-only, open-mic poetry nights at Eastown Hookah Lounge. Local poet Azizi Jasper hosted the evenings and formed the group with Mitch Burns, Marcel “Fable” Price, Venson Dix, Duke Greene, Stephen Gren and G. Foster II a year ago. The group has launched two additional events and recently expanded to include its first female performer, Rachel Gleason. Members are known for their fervent,

raw performances that often address important issues surrounding identity, equality and justice. “We’re not up there whispering,” said Burns, who said passion incites each of the members to perform. “The definition of ‘diatribe’ really fits. If we have something that we’re passionate about, we’re going to aggressively get it out there.” As the events have grown, Burns said it’s been exciting to see more people connecting to one another. “When you’re on stage, you’re painting a picture of your life and letting people inside of it,” he said. Gleason said she is excited to join a group that shares her belief in the power of words and that is active in community outreach.

During ArtPrize 2013, the tribe created an entry that allowed visitors with visual and hearing impairments to experience art, some for the very first time. “WORD” included Braille and closed-captioned video and aimed to illustrate the impact and importance of words. Foster, who left a career in sales to pursue his creative endeavors, said although the group isn’t afraid to broach serious subjects, that isn’t what they’re always about. “I try and use humor in a lot of my pieces,” he said. “Everyone in the group brings their own flavor.” Along with Price, Foster hosts The Drunken Retort, an evening of open mic performances that have included everything from comedy to hiphop at Stella’s Lounge. “Diatribe is a conglomerate of voices. We all have different upbringings and past experiences, so different people can relate to us,” said Dix. Gleason agreed. “That’s what I appreciate most about this group – the often stark differences among us and the art we produce. We all share the same love for spoken word poetry.” The members still perform at the Eastown Hookah Lounge, and the Wednesday evening spoken word nights are often filled to capacity. For both of the Diatribe-hosted events, anyone in the audience can perform. Burns said the group is committed to creating an environment that demands respect. “We’ll be the first to stand up for a new performer. We were in their shoes once, too.” For a listing of events, see The Diatribe on Facebook. — ALEXANDRA FLUEGEL

PhotograPhy by Johnny quirin

“Diatribe is a conglomerate of voices. We all have different upbringings and past experiences, so different people can relate to us.” — Venson Dix

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PhotograPhy by Johnny quirin

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life & style PeoPle / trenDs / booKs / fashion / fitness


Letting creativity flow

Some books by David James

“Just write every day — and not so you can publish. Write in all the ways that you want to write. Read a lot so you can absorb language and rhythms and images and all the rest.” chapbook, he said, “I saw that the poems were saying that our violence, of various kinds, comes out of our everyday acculturation, generation by generation.” To aspiring writers, James says to love writing for the sake of writing. “Just write every day — and not so you can publish. Write in all the ways that you want to write. Read a lot so you can absorb language and rhythms and images and all the rest.” His creative process is about letting creativity flow.

“SINCE EVERYTHING IS ALL I’VE GOT” (2011) features work across the past decade. “These poems have it all — birds, solipsism, bat guano! How grateful we should be that contemporary free verse can make us laugh, wince, and shrug, all at the same time. D.R. James picks his poems like battles. He knows which ones he can win. — Rhoda Janzen, author of “Mennonite in a Little Black Dress”

“I love surprising myself when something clicks and various bits and pieces start falling into place,” he said. He might start with an idea, but ultimately it’s about what words come out, perfect or not. James’ chapbooks can be purchased on Amazon.com or at the college’s HopeGeneva Bookstore and at Readers World Bookstore in downtown Holland. — CHELSEA GRAINER

Chapbooks by D.R. James include: “PSYCHOLOGICAL CLOCK” and “LOST ENOUGH,” both published in 2007, and “A LITTLE INSTABILITY WITHOUT BIRDS,” published in 2006.

PhotograPhy by michael bucK (toP); courtesy D.r. James (bottom)

David James wrote his first poems at age 46 as part of divorce therapy. The writing exercises helped James express his feelings, but he had no intention of becoming a published poet. Then, while reading a copy of “The Art of Drowning” by Billy Collins, former U.S. poet laureate, James, an adjunct associate professor at Hope College, said he found inspiration. “I realized I could and very much wanted to write poems.” James earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Pacific University in Oregon while continuing to teach English and work in the Academic Support Center at Hope. Though his early poems were about dealing with personal distress, his poetry evolved to respond to “overwhelming global situations.” His 2011 book, “Since Everything Is All I’ve Got,” combines poems from his first three chapbooks. The theme of the poems is healing, starting with despair and ending with optimism — all written with a wry sense of humor. His fifth book, “Why War,” is due out early this year. As James — whose uses the pen name D.R. James — compiled the new

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Health & Fitness Destination

PhotograPhy by michael bucK (toP); courtesy D.r. James (bottom)

Fitness | Group Exercise | Aquatics | Basketball | Tennis | Kid’s Area

Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

Grand Rapids Downtown GR Holland Rockford GRM_01.14_PG14.23.indd 23

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Creekside Custom Homes & Renovations SHOWCASE


3672 Chicago Drive, Hudsonville PHONE/WEB

616.669.7673 www.creeksidecompanies.com


WHEN BUILDING A custom-designed home or planning an extensive renovation, choosing your builder is one of the most important decisions you will make. The award-winning Creekside Custom Homes & Renovations has close to 20 years experience in building quality custom homes and crafting dramatic high-end renovations that transform a house into a dream home. With a team of West Michigan’s best, fully licensed trade contractors, owner and company president Doug Butterworth brings professional experience and uncompromising integrity to every project. Especially known for their expertise in providing solutions to lakefront challenges and property locations that require special considerations, Creekside partners with clients to build unique homes that truly reflect the character and lifestyle of each homeowner, whether building new, renovating or starting over with a teardown. Creekside’s diverse building projects cover the gamut from custom home renovations and newly built custom homes in Grand Rapid’s most exclusive neighborhoods to new builds and renovations on ten different bodies of water in West Michigan. Their objective is to always deliver the best design, building and remodeling experience from start to finish. That is why they take the

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Owner and company president Doug Butterworth. Photo by: Michael Buck

time to really get to know and understand the goals and desires behind each project. From design to final inspection, they take care of all the details with dependability and exceptional quality. Their work has been well recognized within the industry, earning multiple awards from the Michigan Association of Home Builders, the National Home Builders Association and others. In addition, they are Certified Renovators in Lead Safety Innovation & Repair and Certified Aging-in-Place Specialists. Butterworth brings an expert perspective on “lifetime” design – homes that are designed to allow for changes in personal and familial situations – allowing design-focused home adaptation for varying levels of mobility and life changes. They provide complete design consultation as well as three-dimensional renderings to help clients visualize alterations to their existing home. “My goal with any renovation is to make it look like it’s always been there,” he noted. “We blend our renovations with the existing characteristics of the home and make them architecturally correct.” Visit www.creeksidecompanies.com to see how Doug Butterworth and Creekside Custom Homes & Renovations can create the home you’ve always dreamed of owning.

12/4/13 12:02 PM


Kendall College of Art and Design Continuing Studies SHOWCASE


17 Fountain Street Grand Rapids, MI 49503 PHONE/WEB

616.451.2787, Ext. 3012 www.kcad.edu/youth-and-adults


THE EXTRAORDINARY educational opportunities offered by Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University are renowned in our city. However, not all Grand Rapidians are aware of the fantastic growth opportunities available to the community at-large through their Continuing Studies program. Organized to address the specific needs of three different segments of the local population, their newly redeveloped programs include the youth-centered Go Folio classes, enrichment classes known as Grow Folio that offer personal development and beginning computer studies for adults, and now the greatly expanded Pro Folio, offering courses that concentrate on additional professional development for designers, studio artists and educators, along with team-building workshops and customdesigned training classes being developed for area businesses. “Our youth and adult programs are already very popular,” noted Brenda Sipe, Director of Continuing Studies for KCAD of FSU. “We’re really excited to extend the success of our Pro Folio classes with expanded programs for the professional community.” These new KCAD programs offer several 15-week courses, the length of a college se-

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Brenda Sipe, Director of Continuing Studies, Kendall College of Art and Design, Ferris State University (KCAD). Photo by: Michael Buck

mester, and allow for more comprehensive, in-depth studies in pertinent subjects. Interior Designers and studio artists can learn how to take advantage of the latest computer applications and software developments within their industries, while educators can earn State Continuing-Ed Clock Hours. “Even if you graduated five years ago, you may not be aware of the most recent computerassociated tools that can help keep you on the cutting-edge of your profession,” Sipe noted. From software courses in such programs as Illustrator and Photoshop to verbal communication and presentation skills designed to enhance professional presentations, these classes can take you from tentative beginner to someone with real skills upon completion. It is a direct path to a positive impact on your future. Aspiring area artists can also take advantage of KCAD’s visiting artist workshops. March 21-23, they offer a visiting artist weekend workshop entitled “Pastel Landscape Color and Light” with nationally reputed landscape artist, Larry Blovits. For more information, call the Continuing Studies office at (616) 451-2787, Ext. 3012, or sign up online at kcad.edu\youth-andadults.

12/4/13 12:03 PM


Art meets activism Attending a lecture by New York-based artist and journalist Sue Coe was a turning point for artist and educator Brett Colley.

Brett Colley in his studio.

Photography by Michael Buck


rett Colley’s striking, almost cartoonish prints and drawings may appear whimsical, but the Grand Rapids artist addresses issues that resonate far beyond the gallery walls. Colley says his devotion to animal rights is central to his work. “I’m interrogating humankind’s perilous sense of sovereignty over all other species,” he explained. “Humanity’s cultural demands are increasingly met at the expense of all other life — and, some might argue, its own future.” It was an evening in 1989 when Colley was a student at Grand Valley State University that provided him with a turning point in his artistic career. “My drawing class was sent downtown to a lecture by New York-based artist Sue Coe, one of the world’s foremost artists/ activists,” he said. At that time, Coe was completing a book of art and essays titled “Dead Meat,” an investigation of American slaughterhouses. “Acting as a journalist, she had briefly worked for, snuck inside, or had been smuggled into several such facilities, recording what she found in powerful sketches,” Colley said. Coe proved a lifelong inspiration for Colley as both an everyday consumer and an artist. “Her presentation was an epiphany for me,” he said. “Here was an artist using her work as an agent of change in the world — using her professional access and celebrity to speak on issues of social justice, rather than indulge her own ego.” Colley’s work might be difficult for some to view. He wields his artistic talent to produce images that not only entice with their visual buoyancy but also aim to incite a discussion. “In truth, most viewers are reluctant to engage me about the content of my work, unless they have strong supportive or

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Molly Roodvoets

Photography by Michael Buck

Photography by Michael Buck

“Humanity’s cultural demands are increasingly met at the expense of all other life — and, some might argue, its own future.” — Brett Colley

opposing positions,” he said. Artistic engagement is something Colley is helping to perpetuate. As an associate professor of drawing and printmaking at GVSU, he has a personal understanding of how to engage with new generations of artists. “The continual interaction with students keeps one in a state of suspended animation of sorts, always striving to imagine what would make the most effective catalyst in each person’s life.” While much of his time is spent teaching, Colley also works on a number of artistic ventures. “Presently, I’m at work on two ongoing projects: ‘Dark Cloud’ and ‘Apologies to the Future.’ The former is a series of prints and the latter is a series of large ink drawings that honor earth’s endangered species,” he said. One upcoming endeavor is a collaboration with Calvin College faculty and staff for their annual animal advocacy event, “Wake Up Weekend.” Colley will be working with Adam Wolpa of Calvin’s art department to

organize a compassion- and justice-themed exhibition for Calvin’s 106 Gallery in downtown Grand Rapids. Visit brettcolley.com for more information and to see a selection of Colley’s work. — EMMA HIGGINS

Tu-Fr 10-5 Sat 12-4 616-459-5075 820 Monroe Ave. NW, Grand Rapids shop@metalartstudioinc.com January 2014 / Grmag.com 27

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2/ Tom Duimstra’s wood, paint and metal wall piece, “Schild,” is on display at UICA through Feb. 16.

Local art galleries

Compiled by Alexandra Fluegel

1/GVSU Art Gallery: The History of Space Photography: 50 images from the last 50 years of space exploration, from early black-and-white moon photos to recent images from the Mars Curiosity rover. Opening reception 5-7 p.m. Jan. 15. Runs thru March 21. 1121 Performing Arts Center, Allendale campus, 331-2563, gvsu.edu/artgallery. 2/UICA: Thru Feb. 16, ZERO+, work by local artist Tom Duimstra; and Mary Ann Aitken: A Retrospective, 1983-2011. Thru Feb. 23, Parallel, the Artwork of Sarah Knill; and Replica of the Universe Methodology: the Artwork of Daniel Luchman. 2 W. Fulton St., 459-7000, uica.org. 3/Forest Hills Fine Arts Center: Jan. 9-28: Sarah Tule watercolor exhibition. Tule’s love of art was cultivated by the beautiful regions of Michigan; she also illustrates children’s books. Opening reception 6-7 p.m. Jan. 16. 600 Forest Hill Ave. SE, 493-8965, fhfineartscenter.com

1/ Photo of the galaxy Messier 101 from The History of Space Photography at GVSU. 106 Gallery and Studio: Calvin College-run gallery in Heartside features student and local artists’ work. 106 S. Division Ave., calvin.edu/cen terartgallery/studio. Aquinas College Art Gallery: Hosts variety of work from students, faculty and visiting artists. Jan. 19Feb. 14, visiting artists Marc Travanti and Margaret Clark; opening reception 2-4 p.m. Jan. 19. Art & Music Building, 1607 Robinson Road SE, aquinascollege.edu/art/gallery.html. Art Gallery 318: Fine art by Kathleen Mooney; open by appointment and during regular open houses. 318 E. Main St., Lowell, 890-1879, face book.com/ArtGallery318FineArt.

Con Artist Crew: Art collective and gallery. 1111 Godfrey SW, North Building, No. 198, conartistcrew.com. Craft House: Collaborative art and discussion space. Avenue for the Arts First Fridays location, Jan. 3, open studio beginning at 6 p.m. 40 S. Division Ave., crafthousegr.com and Facebook. Design Gallery at Design Quest: Furniture store houses gallery with changing exhibitions. Thru Jan. 12: Ten Potters, Ten Weavers, by West Michigan Potters Guild and Woodland Weavers & Spinners Guild. 4181 28th St. SE, 940-0131, designquest.biz. Flat River Gallery: Exhibit by artist Lynn Anderson runs thru January. 219 W. Main St., Lowell, 987-6737, flatrivergalleryandframing. com.

Betsy Ratzsch Pottery: Ceramics, artwork and gifts from American artisans. 584 Ada Drive, 682-0266, betsyrpottery.com.

Gallery 154: Local and national multi-media art, gifts, jewelry. 1456 Lake Drive SE, 454-2154, gallery 154.com.

Cascade Art Gallery: Multi-media art, print collection, glass, sculpture, jewelry, custom framing, gifts. 2840 Thornapple River Drive SE, 9494056, cascadegallery.blogspot.com.

Gaspard Gallery: Artistoperated contemporary gallery. 235 S. Division Ave., 401-7533, gaspardgallery. com.

Grand Rapids Art Museum: See Museums & Attractions. Heartside Gallery: Folk, outsider and intuitive art by self-taught Heartside residents. 48 S. Division Ave., 235-7211, ext. 103, heartside.org. Kalamazoo Institute of Arts: See Museums & Attractions. Kendall College of Art and Design: Four galleries display work by students, staff and visiting artists. Jan. 14-Feb. 15: Crossing the Rubicon: Contemporary Animation & Storytelling. Also, Illustrators 55: Annual Traveling Exhibition from the Society of Illustrators. Galleries are in the Fountain Street Building and at The Fed Galleries, 17 Pearl St. NW. kcad. edu/galleries. LaFontsee Galleries: Sculpture and paintings by gallery artists. 833 Lake Drive SE, Grand Rapids, which includes Urban Craft Boutique, 4519820; and 150 Center St., Douglas (closed for season, hours by ap-

pointment only). lafontsee.us. LowellArts! King Gallery: Community gallery with seven rotating exhibits throughout year. 149 S. Hudson, Lowell, 897-8545, lowellartsmi. org. MercuryHead Gallery: Work by Michigan artists, plus gifts, framing, photo restoration. Thru Jan. 31, pottery by Chari Jousma. 962 E. Fulton St., 456-6022, Facebook. Muskegon Museum of Art: See Museums & Attractions. Nice Gallery: Artist-run gallery features contemporary artwork. 1111 Godfrey Ave. SW, No. 4C, 284-1771, thenicegallery.com. Perception Gallery: Fine art gallery also offers home décor, art restoration and appraisal services. 210 E. Fulton St., 451-2393. Richard App Gallery: Fine art from local and U.S. artists. 910 Cherry St. SE, 458-4226, therichard appgallery.tumblr.com. Sanctuary Folk Art: Salonstyle gallery displays and sells local folk art. 140 S. Division Ave., 454-0401, Facebook. Terryberry Gallery: Works by abstract artist Valentina Grigorieva thru Jan. 31. Lower level of St. Cecilia Music Center, 24 Ransom Ave. NE, 459-2224, scmc-online.org/building/terry berry-gallery. Check websites for hours of operation.

3/ “Finishing Up,” watercolor by Sarah Tule at FHFAC

Photography courtesy (clockwise from bottom) Sarah Tule; NASA Images; UICA

Center Art Gallery: Calvin College’s on-campus gallery features student, faculty and alumni work and that of secular and religious artists of note. Jan. 7-Feb. 22, Gallery 1 — Beauty Given by Grace: The Biblical Art of Sadao Watanabe. Gallery 2 – Striking Impressions: Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Permanent Collection. Covenant FAC, 1795 Knollcrest Circle SE, 526-6271, cal vin.edu/centerartgallery.

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Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

Thank You Grand Rapids! For voting

Best Retirement Community From the Porter Hills family of communities: Porter Hills Village Cook Valley Estates Meadowlark Retirement Village Bailey’s Grove Retirement Community Harvest Way Retirement Community Photography courtesy (clockwise from bottom) Sarah Tule; NASA Images; UICA

Oak Ridge Retirement Community River Grove Retirement Community Station Creek Retirement Community Walker Meadow Retirement Community

Graceful living never gets old. www.porterhills.org • 616.949.4975

GRM_01.14_PG26.35.indd 29

12/6/13 8:19 AM

art talk

Joseph A. Becherer is curator of sculpture at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park and a professor at Aquinas College.

Things to consider: > When looking at Delftware, notice the bold differentiation between the areas of blue and white. If many other colors were introduced, it would greatly change the design.

> Look closely for details of plants, flowers or birds. These are among the most frequently encountered images in Delft pottery.

> Look for evidence of the human hand, such as brushstrokes or errors where a passage of blue may have gone outside the line.

> Have some fun imagining what function a given piece of Delftware may have had or how you might use that object today.

WeSt MICHIGan’S ConneCtIon to the Netherlands is well known and much celebrated. Among the places where that connection is most thoroughly felt is the charming Holland Museum in downtown Holland. While recent and local history is celebrated within, there is a special connection to the Old World in the Dutch Galleries. Visitors are able to connect to the art and ideas of the rich traditions of the fine arts in the Netherlands from centuries ago. Among the most fascinating and, for some, familiar traditions are the dazzling examples of royal-blue-and-white pottery on display. Known as Delftware or Delft pottery, this tradition of the visual arts has been widely collected and displayed since it originated in the 16th century and rapidly expanded in the 17th and 18th centuries. The rich yet simple coloration and

extraordinary array of designs continues to impress. As pottery, these works could be both functional and ornamental, and often are a combination thereof. It is well known that the Dutch of the 17th century were intrepid explorers, traders and businessmen who grounded their culture on a firm financial foundation that allowed the arts to flourish. It was also a worldly culture, thanks in part to the vast number of imported goods, from spices to pottery. Examples of pottery from China made their way into the Netherlands from the early 1600s through the late 1700s. The designs, patterns and coloration of Chinese pottery greatly influenced local pottery traditions and expanded and refined the Delftware tradition. Delft pottery comes in the form of tiles, plates, vases, ornaments and ceremonial storage objects. The hallmark is the blueand-white coloration and highgloss surface sheen that results from a tin-glaze. Though the pottery originates from several locations in the Netherlands, the centerpiece of production was the storied town of Delft. Ironically, the production became so popular and abundant that examples made their way back to the Far East. From the Ancient and Classical worlds to Renaissance and Baroque Europe, pottery traditions are a vibrant link to the past. From Greek terra cottas to Renaissance majolica ware, the forms and decorations of pottery offer keys for understanding societies great and small. More than luxury objects, they celebrate aesthetics, help us to understand function, and see how global the world was even centuries ago. — JOSEPH A. BECHERER

PhoToGraPhy by JohNNy QuIrIN

Delftware: functional fine art

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PhoToGraPhy by JohNNy QuIrIN

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January 2014 / GrmaG.com 31

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art & design TrENDS / PEoPLE / INNoVaTIoN / PLacES


All in a tray’s work Chris Carey likes using trays — but not spending a lot of money on them.

Trays can help you stay organized Trays add a touch of décor to just about any space, and they are a useful way of housing items together. Once you see how many options there are to beautify a tray, it may have you running out to the store (or lumberyard!) for a new one.

Chris Carey made her coffee center tray using wood trim pieces. The desk tray (above) started out as an acrylic picture frame. At left is an inexpensive tray decorated with adhesive tiles.

PhoToGraPhy courTESy chrIS carEy

It’s no secret around my house that I have a thing for trays. I like to decorate and organize with trays, so I’m always finding ways to use them around the house. Of course, that also means I’m constantly looking for ways to make them myself. Let’s tackle my use of trays first. I’m not big on counter clutter, so I find that using trays to contain it gives me some peace of mind. Whether it’s a collection of cooking oils or our coffee station items, I like to use a tray to simplify the look. Using a tray is a means of training your brain to keep things contained. For example, they are perfect in a drop-zone space. A tray can keep your mail and keys contained and helps give an organized look to an otherwise chaotic zone. I like to keep my daily office supplies in a tray because it forces me to keep them in the same spot — no wasting time looking for the stapler. Using trays so much around the house also means I don’t want to spend a lot of money every time I find a new use for one. I have to get creative, of course: My easy resource is just building one myself. Some trim pieces at a lumber store are extremely inexpensive and go together easily for a self-made tray. Keep in mind that home improvement stores will cut all your pieces for you. The fun part is finding various ways of sprucing up the trays. I have tiled the bottom of inexpensive trays, but if you make your own tray and cut it to fit, you can use a square foot of tile with an adhesive bottom. Our coffee center tray went together so easily, I was tempted to make several more. You can always paint a pattern on the bottom of a tray or trim out the sides with a stencil or a painted pattern. Building a tray isn’t for you? Look into plastic picture frames that can be emptied and converted into trays. Shop discount stores or consignment shops for “not so pretty” trays to personalize for your space. Saving money on the initial tray means you’re free to be more creative with your approach. — Chris Carey is a Rockford wife, mom, teacher and avid do-it-yourselfer who shares her home projects and decorating tips on her justagirlblog. com. 32 GrmaG.com \ January 2014

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The Tee is Yours

26th Annual

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Photography courtesy Chris Carey

Golf season opens at the West Michigan Golf Show! Make plans for the perfect golf season, connect with the best golf Courses starting right here in Grand Rapids and resorts across Michigan and the US. Gear up with new equipment from great retail displays. Brush the dust off your game with free golf lessons, enter driving, chipping and putting contests and try this year’s newest clubs from manufacturers at the show.

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www.WestMichiganGolfShow.com Purchase tickets online! Follow us on Facebook! January 2014 / Grmag.com 33

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12/10/13 12:15 PM

frame works

> The Greek Revival style began and ended in this country with public buildings in Philadelphia. Among the first examples was the Bank of the United States (built in 1818), while one of the last monuments was the Ridgeway Branch of the Philadelphia Library (built in 1870). One of the leaders of the Greek Revival movement, Benjamin Latrobe, is responsible for the design of the U.S. Capitol.

> The three-part composition of most classically designed buildings includes a base at the ground level, a mid-section (which represented most of the building mass), and a building cap. This composition can be found at various scales on a majority of the building elements, including the columns (composed of a base, shaft and capital) and the entablature. > Entablature — A continuous horizontal lintel supported by columns or a wall and composed of three parts: the architrave (lowest trim and closest to the column top); the frieze (the middle of the composition and typically the least adorned); and the cornice (the top trim, capping the entire composition).

The ‘national style’ tHe HatCH HouSe, 445 Cherry St., is one of Grand Rapids’ oldest structures. Built in 1844 — six years before Grand Rapids became a city — by Damon Hatch, an early explorer and copper prospector, the house is now a law office. It maintains many of its original features and stands as an excellent local example of Greek Revival architecture.

The Greek Revival style became the perfect architectural representation for a nation seeking an aesthetic identity. The exterior walls of the building, covered in smooth white stucco, are constructed of limestone quarried from the Grand River. These simple unadorned walls accentuate the style-defining details of the home, including the regularly spaced Doric columns, a welldelineated entablature and large symmetrical windows. The expression of the home is simple, formal and reminiscent of the Greek

temples that were fashionable and inspirational during the early to mid-19th century. The Hatch House has a simple, low-slope hipped roof that is underscored with a wide cornice line. Similar to the entablature that caps the porch, the cornice line emphasizes the top of the structure, giving the building the three-part composition that is typical of classical design and architecture. The building also has a wide front porch that is defined by a colonnade. The porch roof sits slightly below the full height of the onestory building, effectively bringing the larger mass of the main structure to a more human scale. Greek Revival homes similar to the Hatch House dominated American residential architecture from about 1825 to 1860. The style was so popular that it is sometimes referred to as the “national style.” Greek Revival was partially made popular by carpenters’ guides and pattern books, but it was also a favorite of many prominent neoclassical architects such as Benjamin Latrobe, Robert Mills and William Strickland. These architects, who had been trained abroad and inspired by the Grecian past, began to design high-profile public buildings that captured the public’s interest and imagination because of their pure simple forms and ties to a democratic ideal. The Greek Revival style became the perfect architectural representation for a nation seeking an aesthetic identity, and it quickly spread to the design of houses in cities and towns throughout the United States. — MARK F. MILLER

PhoToGraPhy by JIm GEbbEN

Architect Mark F. Miller is an urban designer at Nederveld, and has led the Grand Rapids Historic Preservation Commission and the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

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Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

John E. Miner, MD

PhoToGraPhy by JIm GEbbEN

Clinical 616.949.5600 Skin Renewal Centre 616.575.6888

January 2014 / GrmaG.com 35

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12/6/13 8:19 AM

By Alexandra Fluegel and Marty Primeau

Photography n by Johnny Quiri Lettering by Molly Jacques

How much do you love this city? Let us count the ways.


ack in June, our staff began the arduous task of collecting and counting your votes for the people, places and companies you can’t get enough of. The skies rained submissions, our mailboxes overflowed with your ballots, and we began to wonder, “Is this the only way?” Some readers suggested, “You should make voting electronic,” while others asked, “Isn’t there an app for this?” and to that we say: No. There’s nothing more thrilling than seeing piles of paper ballots filling our workspaces and knowing we’ve been entrusted with the task of listening to your voices and finding out what makes Grand Rapids sing. Over the years, we have developed a highly complex system of tallying votes that makes our error margins non-existent and gives us results you can trust: We count them. By hand. Day after day after day. This year marks the largest number of votes in history and includes 72 categories. Eleven of the categories are brand-new options that reflect the changing interests of the city and the ever-expanding options of where to go and what to do. So without further ado, we present this year’s Best of Grand Rapids as voted by you and counted by us — your friends with all the paper cuts. We’ve also included some staff favorites to keep things interesting.

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Best Museum: Grand rapids Public Museum. You can say you don’t think the 76-foot fin whale skeleton isn’t the coolest thing ever, but we won’t believe you.

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Grub APPETIZERS The Best: San Chez, A Tapas Bistro Other favorites: Uccello’s Bonefish Grill

GLUTEN-FREE CUISINE The Best: Marie Catrib’s Other favorites: San Chez, A Tapas Bistro Bartertown Diner

BAKERY The Best: Wealthy Street Bakery Other favorites: Arnie’s Nantucket Baking Co.

ICE CREAM SHOPPE The Best: Jersey Junction Other favorites: Spoonlickers Burlingame Dairy Dip

BARBEQUE The Best: Sandmann’s Kitchen Other favorites: Honey Creek Inn Z’s Bar & Restaurant

OUTDOOR/DECK SEATING The Best: Rose’s Other favorites: Blue Water Grill Bostwick Lake Inn

BREAKFAST The Best: Wolfgang’s Other favorites: Real Food Café The Omelette Shoppe

PIZZA The Best: Vitale’s Other favorites: Uccello’s Brick Road Pizza Co.

BURGER The Best: Stella’s Lounge Other favorites: Cottage Bar Mr. Burger

SANDWICH The Best: Schnitz Deli Other favorites: Women’s City Club Founders Brewing Co.

CUPCAKES The Best: Arnie’s Bakery & Restaurant Other favorites: Cakabakery Sugar Momma’s Bakery & Café

SEAFOOD The Best: Leo’s Other favorites: Charley’s Crab Bonefish Grill

DATE NIGHT RESTAURANT The Best: Grove Other favorites: Bistro Bella Vita San Chez, A Tapas Bistro

SOUP The Best: Uncle Cheetah’s Soup Shop Other favorites: Women’s City Club Marie Catrib’s

DELICATESSEN The Best: Schnitz Deli Other favorites: Marie Catrib’s G.B. Russo & Son

STEAK The Best: The Chop House Other favorites: Ruth’s Chris Steak House Louis Benton Steakhouse

FOOD TRUCK The Best: What the Truck Other favorites: The Silver Spork (has since closed)

SUSHI The Best: Maru Sushi & Grill Other favorites: Ju Sushi & Lounge Rockwell-Republic

Best way to send some GR love (and keep the post office in business) HELLO FROM GRAND RAPIDS >>Paul Jendrasiak is passionate about photography and his Grand Rapids roots. So he got together with a couple of friends — Josh Depenbrok of GRNow.com and designer Wynnona Francis — to create a line of postcards featuring gorgeous snapshots of the city. The trio has produced two editions of Hello From Grand Rapids cards, plus a line of iPhone and Galaxy covers, with a third edition coming out this spring. The stylish images encourage visitors to explore all sides of the city. They’re available for $1.49 at many retail locations around town and at hellofromgrandrapids.com.


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Best yoga Studio: Funky Buddha yoga Hothouse. We love us some Richard Simmons and all, but we’ll take this over Sweatin’ to the Oldies any day.

January 2014 / GrmaG.com 39

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Best place to find weird plants NATURE’S OWN >>Owner Kathy Briel-Gray opened her plant shop in 1977 and since then, it’s been a destination for anyone looking for something more than your typical houseplant. The shop, 1005 E. Fulton St., specializes in “weird plants” such as Venus flytraps, ghost plants and living stones. The front windows of the store may appear to be something out of a 1960’s sci-fi flick, but fear not: Briel-Gray’s plants only eat flies.

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Best Food Truck: What the Truck – When you see this guy coming down the street, there’s really only one appropriate response.

VEGAN CUISINE The Best: Marie Catrib’s Other favorites: Bartertown Diner Gaia Café

BEER & WINE MERCHANT The Best: Martha’s Vineyard Other favorites: G.B. Russo & Son Siciliano’s Market

VEGETARIAN CUISINE The Best: Marie Catrib’s Other favorites: Bartertown Diner Gaia Café

BREWERY The Best: Founders Brewing Co. Other favorites: Perrin Brewing Co. Brewery Vivant

Bottoms Up

LOCAL BEER The Best: Founders All Day IPA Other favorites: Bell’s Oberon Founders Dirty Bastard

BAR/PUB The Best: Uccello’s Other favorites: HopCat Founders Brewing Co.

COFFEEHOUSE The Best: Biggby Coffee Other favorites: MadCap Coffee Co. Kava House

Best cure for a hangover THE WINCHESTER >>Like vodka and autonomy? Then Build Your Own Bloody Mary bars were created with you in mind. Though there are a few basic ingredients for the official drink of rough mornings, a truly great BYO bar goes far beyond dishes of olives, pickles and limes. The Winchester, 648 Wealthy St. SE, is known for its high-quality ingredients and creative dishes, and the “pub extraordinaire’s” weekend Bloody Mary bar is no exception. To start, it offers several options for vodka, including Absolut Peppar for those looking to spice up their day. The game-changer is the assortment of garnishes. The Winchester provides tons of meats, cheeses and even some specialty olives. You can turn your drink into a small meal — all for $3 a pop. You might feel terrible from the night before, but you’ll still look classy sipping one of these. The Winchester’s BYO Bloody Mary bar runs 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays and noon-7 Sundays. You can keep your sunglasses on, and we’ll see ya there. January 2014 / GrmaG.com 41

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Best Sushi: Maru Sushi – Where you’ll find sushi worthy of Instagram.

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RESTAURANT WINE LIST The Best: Reserve Wine & Food Other favorites: Bar Divani The Chop House

CATERER The Best: Brann’s Catering Other favorites: Martha’s Vineyard The Gilmore Collection


CHIROPRACTIC CENTER The Best: Harrison Chiropractic Center Other favorites: The Chiropractic Doctors Kooistra Chiropractic Clinic

ANIMAL CLINIC The Best: Cascade Hospital for Animals Other favorites: Family Friends Veterinary Hospital Southkent Veterinary Hospital AUTO REPAIR The Best: Verburg’s Automotive Services Other favorites: Veenstra’s Garage Cascade Automotive BANK The Best: Macatawa Bank Other favorites: Chase Fifth Third Bank BARBERSHOP The Best: Jude’s Barbershop Other favorites: Cascade Barber Shop Forest Hills Barber Shop CAR WASH The Best: Southland Auto Wash Other favorites: Waterworks Car Wash Cascade Car Wash

CREDIT UNION The Best: Lake Michigan Credit Union Other favorites: Option 1 Credit Union Credit Union One DENTIST The Best: Thomas J. Lambert, DDS Other favorites: Michael J. Crete, DDS Karen O’Rourke, DDS DERMATOLOGIST The Best: Richard J. Ashack, MD Other favorites: Marek A. Stawiski, MD Robert Lamberts, MD DRY CLEANER The Best: Sheldon Cleaners Other favorites: Afendoulis Cleaners & Tuxedos Curtis Cleaners

Best rooftop venue UICA >>It’s no surprise that Grand Rapids’ home to contemporary arts is also one of the best places to enjoy a panoramic view of the city. After all, many an artist has been inspired by gazing off into the distance, searching for meaning in the urban landscape. Besides its intrinsic creative value, the roof of the UICA is ready to host a killer party. The space is equipped for DJs, live music and projector screens, and can accommodate up to 200 people comfortably. The expansive terrace looks down over Division and Fulton streets — the exact center of the city — and offers views of the hustle and bustle of downtown juxtaposed against the backdrop of open skies and the trees that line the hilltops on the west side of the Grand River. Whether you’re inspired by contemporary art or by the emerging skyline, if you’re invited to a party on this roof, do yourself a favor and RSVP. See UICA.org


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Best name for a candy bar It’s hard to beat the clever MAC BARS made locally at Mary Ann’s Chocolates with names like Anutter Cinn Committed (a dark chocolate bar shamefully filled with cinnamon roasted almonds) or Eat My Dirt (a milk chocolate bar messed up with chocolate cookie bits & gummy worms). Our favorite … drum roll please … is I’m Getting Pistoffeed (a 2.75 ounce dark chocolate bar studded with pistachios and toffee). The bars are a team effort of Mary Ann’s Chocolates and Design Design Inc., a local stationery and gift company — both owned by Don Kallil. Chocolatier Anthony Abraham concocted the flavors and the art department at Design Design sketched the MAC guy and came up with the quirky names. To see all 18 flavors visit maryannschocolates.com or drop by the shop at 2226 Wealthy St. SE in East Grand Rapids.

HAIR SALON The Best: Design 1 Salon Spa Other favorites: Jeffrey Richard Salon Panopoulos Salons

Best Burger: Stella’s Lounge – Come for the whiskey, stay for the burgers.

LANDSCAPING COMPANY The Best: Harder & Warner Landscaping Other favorites: Kappes Landscapes Inc. Rooks Landscaping LAW FIRM The Best: Varnum Other favorites: Warner Norcross & Judd Velzen, Johnsen & Wikander PC MANICURE/PEDICURE The Best: Design 1 Salon Spa Other favorites: Nailcessity LUV Manicures & Pedicures

PLASTIC SURGEON The Best: Bradley P. Bengtson, MD Other favorites: Scott R. Brundage, MD John D. Renucci, MD REAL ESTATE CO. The Best: RE/MAX of Grand Rapids Inc. Other favorites: Keller Williams Realty Five Star Real Estate RETIREMENT COMMUNITY The Best: Porter Hills Retirement Communities & Services Other favorites: Clark Retirement Community Holland Home TATTOO PARLOR The Best: Mos Eisleys Other favorites: Screaming Needle Tattoo Co. Wealthy Street Tattoo

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Best place to buy a homemade piñata (and hire a clown) RAYMOND TRUJILLO is your go-to person if you’re throwing a party. He combines his Hispanic heritage and his artistic nature to make custom piñatas. People bring pictures or party plates and ask Trujillo to create a piñata to fit the theme. That’s not all. Trujillo is a party coordinator who specializes in quinceañeras. He also teaches Mexican folklore dance. And if you need a clown for your birthday party, he’ll do that too. Truly a man of many talents, Trujillo can be reached at (616) 516-9670.

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Best Gluten-Free Cuisine; Best Vegan; Best Vegetarian: Marie Catrib’s – Loved for its herbivore-friendly options, this East Hills staple has something for everybody, including a delicatessen filled with tons of things to take home.

Shopping ANTIQUE SHOP The Best: Bluedoor Other favorites: Eastown Antiques City Antiques ART GALLERY The Best: LaFontsee Galleries Other favorites: The Richard App Gallery Gallery 154

Best Soup: uncle Cheetah’s Soup Shop – Cheetahs love soup, it’s science.

AUTO DEALERSHIP The Best: Fox Motors Other favorites: Kool Chevrolet/Toyota Todd Wenzel Automotive BICYCLE SHOP The Best: Ada Bike Shop Other favorites: Village Bike & Fitness Freewheeler Bike Shop BOOKSTORE The Best: Schuler Books & Music Other favorites: Barnes & Noble Baker Book House CIGAR SHOP The Best: Tuttle’s Select Cigars & Tobaccos Other favorites: Buffalo Tobacco Traders Grand River Cigar January 2014 / GrmaG.com 47

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Best Local Beer: Founders All Day IPA – What can we say? We’d drink this … yup, all day.

Best place to go if your MG needs service UNIVERSITY MOTORS LTD. >>John Twist has been tinkering with the classic British sports cars for more than 40 years. His Grand Rapids shop is known to MG owners from all over the country, who ship their cars from as far away as Hawaii and Alaska for service. Twist has done oodles of YouTube videos offering tips on everything from “how not to destroy your clutch the easy way” to “how to put down the soft top” that have been viewed by thousands of MG fanatics. As for those “distant cousins” of the MG? Sure, he’ll work on an Austin Healy or a Triumph — maybe an original Mini. But Jags? No way. University Motors is at 4571 Patterson Ave. SE or visit universitymotorsltd.com.


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Best Farmers Market: Fulton Street Farmers Market – The completed expansion of the market this year made this beloved place more popular than ever.

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Best city street name VETO >>Located in the heart of Grand Rapids’ northwest side, Veto Street takes top honors. While some streets may have a more exciting history, the story behind Veto’s name can’t be beat. According to information compiled by the Grand Rapids Historical Commission, the street was so named simply because the city’s fathers couldn’t agree on anything else. “Proposed names were repeatedly vetoed by the Common Council, so they agreed to ‘Veto Street’ as a last resort.” And to think we always thought it was named after somebody’s uncle.

FARMERS MARKET The Best: Fulton Street Farmers Market Other favorites: Downtown Market Rockford Farm Market

MEN’S APPAREL The Best: A.K. RIKK’S Other favorites: JoS. A. Bank Fitzgerald’s Men’s Store

FLORIST The Best: Eastern Floral Other favorites: Kennedy’s Flower Shop Sunnyslope Floral

RESALE/CONSIGNMENT The Best: Georgie’s Consignment Clothing Other favorites: Goodwill Urban Exchange

FURNITURE STORE The Best: Talsma Furniture Other favorites: Klingman’s Furniture Art Van

WOMEN’S APPAREL The Best: Leigh’s Other favorites: Lee & Birch A.K. RIKK’S

GARDEN CENTER The Best: Fruit Basket Flowerland Other favorites: Romence Gardens & Greenhouses Countryside Greenhouse

Best Gourmet Food Shop: G.B. russo & Son – Wines, cheese, meats, and plenty of other things that we filed under “yes, please.”

GROCERY STORE The Best: Meijer Other favorites: Forest Hills Foods D&W Fresh Market GOURMET FOOD SHOP The Best: G.B. Russo & Son Other favorites: Martha’s Vineyard Art of the Table HOME ACCESSORIES The Best: Wealthy At Charles Other favorites: UbU Home Furnishings Design Quest JEWELRY STORE The Best: Siegel Jewelers Inc. Other favorites: DeVries Jewelers Almassian Jewelers 50 GrmaG.com \ January 2014

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Best place to stimulate your brain THE SPARROWS COFFEE, TEA & NEWSSTAND >>Opened in 2007 at 1035 Wealthy St. SE as “a space for creativity, networking, community and, of course, coffee, tea and magazines,” it’s perfect for meetings, coffee dates, deep discussions and catching up on your reading. In the winter, the windows fog up, creating that cozy “everyone here is a friend” vibe, and if you’re lucky, you’ll score one of the comfy vintage chairs in the front. On the shelves, you’ll find more than 75 magazines and newspapers covering every possible topic. The shop’s friendly staff will whip you up something special using local milk and locally roasted espresso, or you can choose from the 50-plus loose leaf teas. Pair it with a local pastry and a good read, and we’d say you have an equation for success. Internet didn’t kill the publishing industry, so peel your eyes from your screens — we promise, it’ll only hurt a little.

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Hodgepodge Best airport store in the world! OK, so we’re a tad prejudiced. But it’s not only that this nifty GRAND RAPIDS MAGAZINE TRAVEL STORE at Gerald R. Ford International Airport bears our logo, it also carries a variety of products by local vendors, including Mary Ann’s Chocolates, Schuler Books, magnets by Carol Roeda Studios, Hello From Grand Rapids postcards, ArtPrize mementos and Lake is good T-shirts. Hanover’s Michigan Mints are foil-wrapped chocolates, each with an imprint of the state’s mitten shape. There are polo shirts and sweatshirts with Grand Rapids Magazine’s logo embroidered on the front. You can even purchase Beer City USA shirts from Perrin Brewery. The Grand Rapids Magazine store is operated by HMSHost and located within the main hall of the airport.

ANNUAL FESTIVAL The Best: ArtPrize Other favorites: Festival of the Arts Celebration on the Grand

PUBLIC PARK The Best: Millennium Park Other favorites: Riverside Park John Ball Zoological Garden

ATHLETIC CLUB The Best: MVP Other favorites: YMCA The MAC

SHOPPING MALL The Best: Woodland Mall Other favorites: RiverTown Crossings Breton Village

BLOGGER The Best: Ben Tobar Other favorites: Blair Badge Liz Della Croce

TOURIST ATTRACTION The Best: Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park Other favorites: ArtPrize The museums

GOLF COURSE The Best: Thousand Oaks Golf Club Other favorites: Egypt Valley Country Club The Golf Club at Thornapple Pointe MUSEUM The Best: Grand Rapids Public Museum Other favorites: Grand Rapids Art Museum Grand Rapids Children’s Museum

YOGA STUDIO The Best: The Funky Buddha Yoga Hothouse Other favorites: From The Heart Yoga Center Seva Yoga

PERFORMING ARTS The Best: Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Other favorites: Grand Rapids Symphony Circle Theatre

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Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

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From the simple to the sublime There’s a wonderful vibe at Terra GR, the restaurant that launched in July 2012 as Trillium Haven in Eastown’s historic Kingsley Building. The name changed a year later when Anja Mast and Michael VanderBrug returned to their Jenison farm, and co-owner Ken Sung, a partner at Gazelle Sports, assumed sole ownership.

The rebranding didn’t shake up the kitchen, still under the direction of Executive Chef Joel Wabeke, who created the original menu of mostly locally sourced ingredients. Back to the vibe: Despite the high ceilings, brick walls and exposed pipes — one diner described it as “warehouse chic” — the restaurant exudes a warm ambiance. The staff is friendly and laid back, from the hostess to the bartenders. Our server was knowledgeable about everything on the menu, and the restaurant’s open format allows diners to watch what’s happening in the kitchen, including the brick oven where the popular flatbreads are baked.

Happy hour specials include wines, beers and specialty drinks. My guest was diverted from a wine selection — and Terra has a respectable, diverse list — and drawn to the Spiced Apple Punch ($9.50), an elixir of taste and smell: ginger liqueur, apple purée and rum, with two apple slices floating at the edge of a sugared-rim glass. The starters offer an interesting variety, including a tasty, warm corn muffin served with soft butter; a pub cheese made with cheddar and Michigan craft beer, accompanied by pretzel rods; and quick pickled farm veggies. We shared the cheese board ($13.50), an exceptional selection of parmesan, blue, goat and white cheddar — with ample amounts to share — and plated with separate drizzles of Michigan honey, Dijon and a citrusy sauce. The chef’s Butcher’s Special that evening was a venison tartare ($7), topped with a raw egg yolk and served with gluten-free crack-

Photography by michael buck

Though the seasonal menu is not huge, there are choices for everyone, including gluten-free and vegan options in every category.

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dining review Terra GR



Address: 1429 Lake Drive SE, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 301-0998 Website: terragr.com

ers and lightly dressed greens for color. The ground venison was excellent and very fresh. Beet and goat cheese salad ($11, though we opted for the petite version at $8.50) featured both roasted and pickled beets with greens, goat cheese and candied pecans, topped with a nectarine vinaigrette. The petite Terra Green salad ($7.50) was simple but fresh, with a shallot vinaigrette that added just the right touch of flavor. Though the seasonal menu is not huge, there are choices for everyone, including gluten-free and vegan options in every category. Entrées range from pasture-raised duck to house-made pastas. We decided to try the braised pork belly ($25). Two large sections were served on top of kale, new potatoes, carrots and squash. The presentation included an artsy arrangement of colorful sliced squash, topped with a maple syrup glaze that added a nice flavor but in no way interfered with the flavor of the pork belly. The meal was pronounced “better than comfort food.” The walleye entrée ($28) was extraordinary: fresh, lightly grilled, melt-in-your-mouth and awesome. Rather than the traditional serv-

ing of a single filet, this was two halves topping a stack of Michigan-raised shrimp and layered with kale, thinly sliced red potatoes and sliced squash, topped with a light Dijon cream sauce. As an added bonus, additional shrimp circled the plate. On another visit, we tried the Shrimp & Bacon Pasta ($20): thick, tube-shaped bucatini pasta, shrimp and smoked bacon with a buttery, garlicky Italian sauce that was light yet flavorful. For dessert, our server suggested the Goat Cheese Cheesecake, but we opted for the Turtle Pie ($6.50), a delicious concoction of organic peanut butter and fair trade chocolate served in a jar and topped with candied pecans. While certainly a healthy version of the familiar dessert, the Vegan Rice Pudding ($4.50), made with coconut and rice milk, lacked the creaminess and flavor of the original. Terra GR also offers a brunch/lunch on Saturdays and a Sunday brunch, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. both days. The menu looks awesome so we’re headed back soon. And in the warmer months, there’s a small patio with great people-watching in the eclectic Eastown neighborhood.

Dining ratings: Category: New American Food: **** Service: **** Beverages: **** Atmosphere: **** Price: $$

Must try: The Farm Meatloaf made from pasture-raised beef and pork. Not so much: Unless you’re looking for a vegan dessert, skip the rice pudding.

Guide to ratings: **** *** ** *

Exceptional Above Average Satisfactory Poor

¢ $ $$

Inexpensive (under $10) Moderate ($10-$20) Expensive (Over $20)

(Prices based on average entrée.)


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food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews

dining listings A guide to restaurants in Grand Rapids and beyond

The recommendations and reviews in the listings are the opinions of the editors. Restaurants are included by virtue of overall quality. We have created symbols to area restaurant amenities, which are defined in a legend at the end of this listing (page 79).

Green Well Gastro Pub

Bar Divani — Wine flights, large array of spirits; classy surroundings. European-inspired food with plates meant for sharing, flatbreads, sushi and a variety of entrées. Closed Sun. 15 Ionia Ave SW, 774-9463. bar$-$$ divani.com. L, D Bistro Bella Vita — Big-city casual; fresh French and Italian cuisine, locally sourced and prepared over a wood fire. Mammoth martini bar, nice wine selection. 44 Grandville Ave SW, 222-4600. bistrobellavita.com. L, D $-$$ Bistro Chloe Élan — Diverse menu features American cuisine with French, Asian and southwestern influences, as well as soups, salads, burgers and sandwiches. Sat dinner only; closed Sun. 445 Ada Dr, Ada, 432-3345. chloeelan.com. L, D $-$$ Blue Water Grill — Wood-burning rotisserie and wood-fired pizza oven allow for inspired dishes from fresh seafood to beef. Nice wine selection and The B.O.B.’s microbrews. Lakeside views, outdoor patio with fireplace, full-service bar. 5180 Northland Dr NE, 3635900. thegilmorecollection.com/bluewater. php. L, D $-$$ Brewery Vivant — House-made beer and food in the style of traditional French and Belgian country dishes. The East Hills pub/ brewery is housed in a renovated funeral chapel. Most dishes are made with ingredients sourced from local farmers and purveyors. Open daily. 925 Cherry St SE, 719-1604. breweryvivant.com. L, D $-$$ _ Citysen Lounge — Limited but tantalizing selection of soup, salads, sandwiches and sharable small-plate creations. Happy Hour daily 4-7 pm. CityFlats Hotel, 83 Monroe Cen-

Grill One Eleven — American-witha-twist menu, full-service bar and lounge. Open daily at 11 am. 111 Courtland Dr, Rockford, 863-3300. grillone eleven.com and Facebook. L, D $-$$ OGrove — Earth-to-table concept focuses on three- and four-course meals with a tilt toward sustainable seafood. Closed Mon. 919 Cherry St SE, 454-1000. groverestaurant.com. D $$

ter, (866) 609-CITY. cityflatshotel.com. L, D ¢-$

Cygnus 27 — Stylized décor reflects a celestial theme that matches the views from the 27th floor of the Amway Grand Plaza. Seasonally driven menu encourages sharing. Open Tue-Sat eves; Sun brunch Labor Day to Mother’s Day. 187 Monroe Ave NW, 7766425. amwaygrand.com. D $$ Electric Cheetah — Eclectic menu changes weekly with an emphasis on locally grown fare and creative combinations in urban setting. Unique Sunday brunch. 1015 Wealthy St SE, 451-4779. electriccheetah.com. L, D ¢-$ Gilly’s At The B.O.B. — Hand-crafted microbrews are paired with seasonal, cutting-edge fare. Tavern small plates, oysters, seafood and more. 20 Monroe Ave NW, 356-2000. thebob.com. L (Sat), D $-$$ Graydon’s Crossing — “Global pub” serves traditional food such as Shepard’s Pie and fusion- and world-inspired dishes using local ingredients. Full bar features 46 beers on tap including microbrew and imported. Open daily. 1223 Plainfield Ave NE, 7268260. graydonscrossing.com. L, D $ Green Well Gastro Pub — Daily menu fea-

The Heritage — GRCC culinary arts students prepare gourmet dishes from steaks to vegan fare at a reasonable cost. Menu changes weekly. Wine available with dinner. Open Tue-Fri during academic year. Applied Technology Center, 151 Fountain St NE, 2343700. grcc.edu/heritage. L, D $-$$ Marco New American Bistro — Frenchcountry-casual offers creative dinner fare and pizza with a more casual lunch menu. Full bar. Closed Sun. 884 Forest Hill Ave SE, 942-9100. marcobistro.com. L, D $-$$ Olives — Seasonally inspired menu of creative fare and comfort foods featuring local produce and meats. Full bar. Alfresco balcony. Closed Sun. 2162 Wealthy St SE, 451-8611. eatatolives.com. L, D ¢-$ One Trick Pony Grill & Taproom — Eclectic menu with samplings of vegetarian, Mexican and European cuisines. Dine alfresco on street-front patio. Occasional live music. Closed Sun. 136 E Fulton St, 235-7669. one trick.biz. L, D ¢-$ FReserve — Wine bar with extensive bythe-glass selections and culinary options to match. Opens 11:30 Mon-Fri, 4 pm Sat, closed Sun. 201 Monroe Ave NW, 855-9463. reservegr.com. L, D $-$$

Rockwell Republic — Diverse menu emphasizes locally sourced ingredients from sushi to creative comfort food. Upper-level

Photography by Johnny Quirin

New American Upscale, contemporary cooking including ethnic twists on familiar standbys.

tures comfort fare with a flare, emphasizing local ingredients. Full bar; more than 20 rotating draught beers, many from area microbreweries. Open daily. 924 Cherry St SE, $-$$ 808-3566. thegreenwell.com. L, D

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a juicy steak dinner can turn a



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Photography by Johnny Quirin

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snowstorm damage?

food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews

We can repair that.

outdoor seating. 45 S Division Ave, 6086465 or 551-3563. rockwellsrepublic.com. L, D $-$$

Rose’s — Dockside dining on EGR’s Reeds Lake with a varied menu and a three-season porch. 550 Lakeside Dr SE, 458-1122. Takeout at Rose’s Express, 2224 Wealthy St SE, 458-4646. thegilmorecollection.com/roses. php. B (weekends), L, D $

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San Chez, A Tapas Bistro — Spanish fare focusing on tapas-style appetizers, side dishes and entrées. Extensive wine and beer list includes Spanish varieties and sherry. 38 W Fulton St, 774-8272. sanchezbistro.com. L, D $-$$ Schnitz Ada Grill — Deli by day, casual fine dining by night. 597 Ada Dr, Ada, 682-4660. ¢-$$ schnitzdeli.com. L, D

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Six.One.Six — Innovative cuisine featuring locally sourced ingredients in a cosmopolitan setting. Mixology lounge features unique cocktails. Al fresco dining on the Jdek overlooking the Grand River. JW Marriott, 235 Louis St NW, 242-1500. ilove616.com. B, L, $-$$ D SpeakEZ Lounge — Casual and friendly pub setting with eclectic menu that includes vegan and gluten-free options. Creative starters, soups, salads, entrees (available after 4). Open daily. 600 Monroe Ave NW, 458-3125. speakezlounge.com. L, D $ Tavern On The Square — Tapas-style fare plus house specialties. Patio seating. 100 Ionia Ave SW, 456-7673. tavernonthesq.com. L, D ¢-$ -FTerra GR — Eastown eatery (formerly Trillium Haven) features foods from local, ethically raised and sustainable sourcing. Specialty cocktails, Michigan craft beers and wines from small wineries around the world. 1429 Lake Dr SE, 301-0998. terragr.com. B (brunch Sat and Sun), L, D $-$$

Winchester — Locally sourced menu aims to reinvent bar food in reclaimed centuryold space with shuffleboard court-patio. 648 Wealthy St SE, 451-4969. winchestergr.com. L, D ¢-$

Classic American Restaurants and diners serving traditional dishes popular across the country. Acorn Grille At Thousand Oaks — Blend of traditional and innovative cuisine, artfully presented in handsome dining room with golf course views. Open daily in season. 4100 Thousand Oaks Dr, 447-7750. thousandoaks golf.com. L, D $$ 58 Grmag.com \ January 2014

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arnie’s bakery & restaurant — Breakfast, sandwiches, baked goods and desserts; dinner menu too. No alcohol. Open daily. 3561 28th St, 956-7901; 710 Leonard St NW, 4543098; 777 54th St SW, 532-5662; 34 Squires St, Rockford, 866-4306. arniesrestaurants. com. B, L, D $ aryana restaurant & bar — Comfortable dining room in the Crowne Plaza Hotel offers breakfast buffet, lunch and fine dining selections from an extensive seasonal menu. Open daily. 5700 28th St SE, 957-1770. hiarya na.com. B, L, D $-$$ bonefish grill — Casual, white-linen dining. Seafood selections augmented by innovative sauces and toppings; also chicken, beef and pasta dishes. 1100 East Paris Ave SE, 949-7861. bonefishgrill.com. D $-$$ bostwick lake inn — Gilmore restaurant offers steaks, pork, fish, chicken, mac and cheese, pizzas, sandwiches, soups and salads. Open daily for dinner, lunch on weekends. 8521 Belding Road, Rockford, 8747290. thegilmorecollection.com/bostwick. php. L (weekends), D $-$$

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boulder Creek restaurant — Boulder Creek Golf Club restaurant serves a varied menu with golf-course views from inside or on the deck. 5750 Brewer Ave NE, Belmont, (616) 363-1330, ext 2. bouldercreekgolfclub.com. L, D ¢-$ brandywine — Café atmosphere, with extensive breakfasts, lunches with vegetarian choices, dinner selections from Mexican to beef Wellington. 1345 Lake Dr SE, 774-8641; 2844 East Beltline Ave NE, 363-1723. brandy winegr.com. B, L, D ¢-$ brann’s sizzling steaks and sports grille — Famous sizzler steaks with grill items and salads, baskets, Mexican entrées and bar munchies. See website for eight locations in Greater Grand Rapids, Holland, Muskegon, Portage and Caledonia. branns.com. L, D $ bull’s head Tavern — A dozen appetizers from brie to pot stickers. Dinners include warm bread and chef-selected sides. 188 Monroe Ave NW, 454-3580. thebullshead tavern.com. L, D $ Cascade roadhouse — Relaxed atmosphere with a diverse menu of traditional fare. Closed Sun. 6817 Cascade Rd SE (at Old 28th St), 949-1540. Facebook. L, D $-$$ Charley’s Crab — Fresh seafood from a menu that changes nightly. Located on the Grand River. Early menu (4:30-6 pm daily), Sun brunch. GR Steamer Bar has its own Continued on page 62 January 2014 / GrmaG.com 59

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food & drink restaurants / PeoPle / reviews

Executive Chef Grace Gager of One Trick Pony believes eating healthy, quality food is essential for a healthy body.

More than one trick


the age of 11. Now 31, she went all in as a vegan three years ago. “It’s a challenge to make people believe that I know what I’m

“I love the creativity and fast pace of cooking, and I really enjoy the challenge of constantly learning,” — Executive Chef Grace Gager doing,” said the self-taught chef. “I really can cook meat and I know how to make good food for everyone.”

Her decision to become vegan is based on conscientious consumerism. “It’s about how you’re going to feed yourself in a healthy way,” she said. “If everyone ate quality farm-raised food and was conscientious about where it came from, its impact on the environment and the impact on their health, then people wouldn’t have to think about dieting and food-related issues. The simplest thing you can do for your health is to put healthy food in your body.”

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck (PaGes 60 anD 61)

lthough Grace Gager earned her degree in elementary music education, the cooking jobs she took while attending Aquinas College unveiled a culinary passion that led her down a different path. The Grand Rapids native now is executive chef at One Trick Pony Grill & Taproom. “I love the creativity and fast pace of cooking, and I really enjoy the challenge of constantly learning,” she said. Gager declared herself a vegetarian at

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Gager prepares every dish as if it were being made for her family and loved ones. “I want to know that everything is spoton perfect,” she said. She honed her skills at such places as Cascade Roadhouse and Watermark Grill, where she was kitchen manager and also apprenticed as pastry chef. She was constantly picking the brains of the kitchen staff, many of whom were enrolled in GRCC’s culinary program. Although she dabbled in area vegan restaurants, she claims she really found her fit when she joined the One Trick Pony staff three years ago. She has held the top position for the last eight months.

Gager describes the One Trick Pony menu as eclectic, including ethnic fusions, plenty of gluten-free options, foods fit for carnivores as well as vegans, items from the in-house smoker, whole grain dishes, from-scratch desserts and more. “We do a lot of research to find the best ingredients and best sources for everything we use,” she said. “If we’re going to do a fish feature, we use wild-caught fish and find the best area it comes from and then get it

fresh. With all of our items, we source local where possible, but will choose quality before local.” The menu changes twice a year and offers weekly chef features. Gager said the restaurant’s Jerk Chicken Chili Pasta remains one of its most popular dishes. — JULIE BURCH

Chef Grace’s Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms Servings: 12 | Prep time: 30 minutes 12 baby bella or medium button mushrooms, washed and stems removed ½ pound fresh basil (some spinach may be substituted) 1½ cup walnuts 4 ripe tomatoes 4 cloves garlic ½ cup balsamic vinegar 1½ cups extra virgin olive oil Splash of apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast (optional) Salt and pepper to taste

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck (PaGes 60 anD 61)

For mushroom caps: Mix together ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil and ¼ cup balsamic vinegar with a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of black pepper. Place mushroom caps in a shallow dish or pan and pour the marinade over them; coat the mushrooms and marinate overnight. For walnut spread: Soak 1 cup of walnuts in water for at least one hour to overnight. Drain and place in food processor or blender. While pureeing the walnuts, slowly add a few teaspoons to ¼ cup of water until the mixture is just smooth and a spreadable consistency. Add a splash of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of nutritional yeast to the puree and mix to combine. For pesto: Place all but a few leaves of the basil, 2 cloves of garlic and ½ cup of walnuts in a food processor or blender and pulse to combine. Slowly add olive oil until mixture becomes smooth and spreadable. Salt and pepper to taste. For bruschetta: Dice the tomatoes and put in a medium bowl. Add 2 cloves minced garlic and a few leaves of finely shredded basil. Pour in the remaining ¼ cup balsamic vinegar and the olive oil. Combine gently and salt and pepper to taste. To assemble: Roast mushroom caps, hollow side up, 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees until fairly tender and cavity is filled with liquid. Allow to cool, then flip mushrooms over to drain. Stuff with walnut spread, then pesto, and top with bruschetta.

> graCe gager Title: Executive Chef Location: One Trick Pony, 136 E. Fulton St.

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food & drink restaurants / PeoPle / reviews

Continued from page 59 menu. 63 Market Ave SW, 459-2500. muer. com. L, D, C $-$$

The Chop house — In the tradition of the best American chophouses with aged prime beef and more. Downstairs is La Dolce Vita dessert and cigar bar. Closed Sun. 190 Monroe Ave NW, 451-6131. thechophousegrand rapids.com. D $$ dugan’s pub & grille — Casual dining with steaks, seafood, pasta and more at The Elks at the Highlands Golf Club. Adjacent Glendevon offers banquet facilities. 2715 Leonard St NW, 453-2454. dugansgr.com. L, D $-$$ fall Creek — Appetizers, gourmet pizzas and creative entrées. Closed Sun-Mon. 201 Jefferson St, Hastings, (269) 945-0100. Facebook. L, D ¢-$ firerock grille — Country club dining plus option to cook your own filet, shrimp or ahi tuna on a 500-degree stone. Open daily. Sun brunch 10 am-2 pm. Stonewater Country Club, 7177 Kalamazoo Ave SE, 656-9898. fire rockgrille.com. L, D $ flat river grill — Casual atmosphere in turn-of-century building on the river. Al fresco dining on patio. Menu ranges from comfort food to wood-fired pizzas. Full bar plus The BOB’s House of Brews beers on tap. 201 E Main St, Lowell, 897-8523. thegilmorecol lection.com/flatriver.php. L, D $-$$ fleetwood diner — Extensive diner-style menu with Greek influences. Open 6:30 am for breakfast (8 am-4 pm Sun), serving dinner until 8 pm Mon-Thu, 9 pm Fri-Sat. Outdoor patio. 2222 44th St SE, 281-2300. B, L, D ¢-$

Burton St SE, 949-9440. greatlakesshipping company.com. D $-$$

green restaurant — Sandwiches, salads, burgers and seafood. Menu includes ostrich and elk burgers. 2289 East Beltline Ave NE, 447-8294. greenrestaurantgrandrapids.com. L, D $ grille 29 — Menu includes panini and a variety of entrées. Full-service bar. Open daily. Holiday Inn Select, 3063 Lake Eastbrook SE, 726-2929. holidayinn.com. B, D $ grille at watermark — Innovative menu in relaxing atmosphere overlooking golf course. Sun brunch 10 am-2 pm. 5500 Cascade Rd SE, 949-0570. watermark-grille.com. L, D $-$$ grill house & rock bottom bar — Grillyour-own steakhouse with grillmasters on call. Bottomless salad bowl and potato bar. 1071 32nd St (M-40), Allegan, (269) 6869192. grillhouse.net. L (downstairs), D $-$$ honey Creek inn — Daily specials are the highlight, mixed with traditional fare. Closed Sun. 8025 Cannonsburg Rd, Cannonsburg, 874-7849. cannonsburgvillage.com/honeycreek-inn.php. L, D ¢-$ hudsonville grille — Varied menu includes Mexican favorites and breakfast. Full bar. Closed Sun. 4676 32nd Ave, Hudsonville, 662-9670. hudsonvillegrille.com. B, L, D ¢-$ Judson’s at The b.o.b. — Award-winning steak house offers steaks, seafood and chops. Casual atmosphere and award-winning wine list. Closed Sun. 20 Monroe Ave NW, 356-2000. thebob.com. D $$

forest hills inn — A casual neighborhood favorite with a broad menu, excellent pizza. Serves alcohol. Closed Sun. 4609 Cascade Rd SE, 949-4771. foresthillsinn.com. B, L, D $

Kitchen 67 — Fast-casual restaurant with high-tech design serving Brann’s sizzling steaks and burgers, small plates, pasta, fish, chicken, sandwiches, salads and more. Michigan wines and craft beers. Kids menu. Open daily. 1977 East Beltline Ave. NE. kitch en67.com and Facebook. L, D ¢-$

fry daddy’s fresh fish — Fried fish, wingdings, walleye, orange roughy, catfish, blue gill, perch, smelt and shrimp, by the pound or in baskets with fries. Also to go. Closed Mon. Trinity Plaza, 1720 44th St SE, Kentwood, 455-FISH. L, D ¢-$

The landing — Casual atmosphere with views of the Grand River. Menu features allAmerican favorites and monthly specials. Music and dancing in the lounge. 270 Ann St NW (in Riverfront Hotel Grand Rapids at US 131), 363-7748. ontherivergr.com. B, L, D $

grand villa — Longtime favorite serving prime rib, seafood, complete salad bar, full service bar. Closed Sun. 3594 Chicago Dr SW, 538-1360. villadungeon.com. L, D $

Fleo’s — Combines fine dining (fresh seafood is the specialty) and casual comfort. Street level in parking ramp at Ottawa and Louis. Closed Sun. 60 Ottawa Ave NW, 4546700. leosrestaurant.com. L, D $-$$

great lakes shipping Co. — Everything from beef, seafood and beyond in comfortable dockside motif. Patio open in summer. No lunch, but open Sun afternoons. 2455

louis benton steakhouse — Premium Buckhead beef, wet- and dry-aged steaks and more. Closed Sun. Free valet parking at

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Ionia entrance. 35 Ionia Ave NW, 454-7455. louisbenton.com. L, D $-$$

“ I feel like a partner in my clients’ future, not just a provider of investment products.”

Meadows restaurant — GVSU’s professional and student-staffed restaurant; patio and dining room overlook golf course. Full menu offers everything from burgers to NY strip steak. Seasonal hours (during golf season). 1 W Campus Dr, Allendale. gvsu.edu/ meadows. L, D $-$$ Middle villa inn — Weekly prime rib specials, salad bar, casual atmosphere, occasional live bands. Banquet rooms available. Closed Mon and Wed. 4611 N Middleville Rd (M-37), Middleville, (269) 795-3640. mid dle-villa-inn.com. L, D $

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at Founders Bank & trust, we want to be with you every step of the way.

pal’s diner — A real diner offering breakfast, lunch and dinner options all day. Closed Sun. 6503 28th St SE, 942-7257. palsdiner. com. B, L, D ¢

as your trusted advisors, we’re invested for life.

pearl street grill — Bright, airy restaurant in downtown Holiday Inn. Open daily. 310 Pearl St NW, 235-1342. Facebook. B, L, D $

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rainbow grill — Breakfasts, homemade soup, chili, steak sandwiches, daily lunch specials, chicken, fish and other dinner staples. Closed Sun. 4225 32nd Ave, Hudsonville, 896-0033; 4158 Chicago Dr SW, Grandville, 534-8645. rainbowgrillmichigan.com. B, L, D ¢-$

I nv e s t m e n t p ro d u c t s o f f e r e d b y Fo u n d e r s B a n k & Tr u s t a r e n o t F D I C i nsu r e d , a n d a r e n o t a d e p o s i t o r o t h e r o b l i g a t i o n o f t h e b a n k o r g u a r a n t e e d b y t h e b a n k o r a ny f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c y. T h e y a r e su b j e c t t o i nv e s t m e n t r is k , i n c l u d i n g t h e p o s s i b l e l o s s o f p r i n c i p a l .

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ramona’s Table — EGR deli with madefrom-scratch soups, sandwiches, salads, baked items and meals. Takeout and catering. Closed Sun. 2232 Wealthy St SE, 4598500. ramonastable.com. B, L, D ¢-$ red Jet Café — Gilmore restaurant in the former Creston Heights library. Coffee bar and menu ranging from omelets to specialty pizzas. Full bar; opens 8 am. 1431 Plainfield Ave NE, 719-5500. thegilmorecollection.com/ redjet.php. B, L, D (Mon-Sat) ¢-$

The Designer’s Choice

reds on The river — Located on the Rogue River, Reds combines casual sophistication with Tuscan sensibilities. Closed Sun. 8 E Bridge St, Rockford, 863-8181. reds-live.com. L, D $-$$ rio grand steak house & saloon — Texasstyle barbecue ribs, steaks and more. 5501 Northland Dr NE, 364-6266; 1820 44th St SW, 534-0704. riograndsteakhouse.com. L, D $-$$ rush Creek bistro — Diverse menu in clublike surroundings. Weeknight and happy hour specials. Sunnybrook Country Club, 624 Port Sheldon Rd, Grandville, 457-1100. rushcreekbistro.com. L, D $ ruth’s Chris steakhouse — The classic

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food & drink restaurants / PeoPle / reviews

American steakhouse now in the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel’s fully renovated former 1913 Room. 187 Monroe Ave NW, 774-2000. amwaygrand.com. L, D $$

saburba — Specializes in take-out. Everchanging, diverse menu of entrees, sand-

wiches, soups, baked goods and coffee. Doughnuts served Sat. mornings. Catering service. Closed Sun. 7277 Thornapple River Dr, Ada, 682-5290. saburba.com and Facebook. B, L, D ¢-$

unique décor of antiques and memorabilia. Extensive menu includes Mexican selections; full bar. Half a dozen locations, plus a couple of banquet facilities. sams-joint.com. L, D $

sam’s Joint — Award-winning ribs and

spinnaker — Menu features seafood and landlubber entrées. Sunday brunch. 4747 28th St SE (Hilton Grand Rapids Airport), 957-1111. hiltongrandrapids.com. B, L, D $-$$ sundance bar & grill — Known for its Southwestern-infused American cuisine and margarita bar. 5755 28th St SE (Esplanade Plaza), 956-5644 (breakfast and lunch only on Sun); Waters Building, 141 Ottawa Ave NW, 776-1616. sundancegrill.com. B, L, D $ swan inn restaurant — Home-cooked meals such as pot roast, Salisbury steak and meatloaf. Huge breakfasts. Cygnet Lounge offers cocktails and nibbles, dinner menu. 5182 Alpine Ave NW, 784-1245. swaninn motel.com. B, L, D ¢-$ Terrace grille at bay pointe inn — Diverse menu with relaxed lakefront setting. Seasonally changing menu known for steaks, seafood and cocktails. Holiday brunches. 11456 Marsh Rd, Shelbyville, (269) 672-5202. bay pointeinn.com. L, D $-$$

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Tillman’s — Chicago-style chophouse that’s been “hidden” in a warehouse district for more than 25 years. Known for steaks but something for every taste. Closed Sun. 1245 Monroe Ave NW, 451-9266. tillmansrestaur ant.com. L, D $-$$ Timbers inn — Menu ranges from appetizers to wild game offerings and meat ’n’ potatoes fare in lodge-like surroundings. Sunday omelet bar til 2 pm. 6555 Belding Rd NE, 8745553. timbersinn.net. L, D ¢-$ Twisted rooster — Classic dishes with unexpected twists. Full bar featuring 18 beers on tap, local beers/wines. 1600 East Beltline Ave NE, 301-8171. twisted-rooster.com. L, D ¢-$$ walker roadhouse — Diverse menu with interesting twists on classic fare in a casual but handsome setting. Lunch served weekdays, dinner Mon-Sat; closed Sun. 3272 Remembrance Rd NW, 791-9922. thewalker roadhouse.com. L, D $

veGeTAriAN bartertown diner — Vegetarian/vegan/raw offerings in worker-owned and -operated diner. Promotes use of fresh, local ingredients. Open daily (hours change seasonally,

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check website). 6 Jefferson Ave SE, 233-3219. bartertowngr.com. L, D $

Gaia Café — Totally vegetarian fare served in a cozy atmosphere. Closed Mon. No alcohol. 209 Diamond Ave SE, 454-6233. B, L ¢

Pubs & Taverns 84th Street Pub and Grille — American fare from pizzas to steaks in laidback setting, full-service bar. 8282 Pfeiffer Farms Dr, Byron Center, 583-1650. 84thstpub.com. L, D ¢-$ Bar Louie — Urban décor at Woodland Mall, with sandwiches, appetizers, burgers and hearty entrées. More than 20 beers, along with a nice wine selection and specialty cocktails. Outdoor seating. 3191 28th St SE, 885-9050. barlouieamerica.com. L, D $-$$ Bobarino’s At The B.O.B. — Grill on 2nd floor of The B.O.B. offers everything from wood-fired pizza to upscale entrées. New lunch menu offers custom-made deli sandwiches, salads, burgers and a pizza buffet ($6.50). Full-service bar. 20 Monroe Ave NW, 356-2000. thegilmorecollection.com/ bobarinos.php. L, D ¢-$ B.O.B.’s Brewery At The B.O.B. — Microbrews ranging from unique to standard with a variety of small plates that go beyond standard pub fare. Open Thu (Mug Club)-Sat. 20 Monroe Ave NW, 356-2000. thebob.com/ bobsbrewery. html. D ¢-$ Bud & Stanley’s — Extensive menu includes Mexican specialties, pasta, burgers and more. Takeout available. 1701 4 Mile Rd NE, ¢-$ 361-9782. budandstanleys.com. L, D Cascade Sports Grill — Varied menu and sizable bar with 10 brew taps and extensive martini menu. Cascade Centre, 6240 28th St SE, 974-3338. Facebook. L, D $ Charlie’s Bar & Grill — Well-rounded menu features dinners ranging from ribs, steaks and seafood to kielbasa and kraut. Also Mexican fare, sandwiches and more. Full-service bar. 3519 Plainfield Ave NE, 364-0567. Facebook. L, D ¢-$ Cheers Good Time Saloon — Popular neighborhood spot with large menu offering something for everyone in a log-cabin environment. 3994 Plainfield Ave NE, 363-1188. B, L, D ¢ Corner Bar — Rockford’s spot famous for brews and chili dogs, but with extensive menu. 31 N Main St, Rockford, 866-9866. rockfordcornerbar.com. L, D ¢ Cottage Bar — Longtime favorite since 1927.

Famous Cottage burgers and fries, signature chili and more. Closed Sun. 18 LaGrave Ave ¢ SE, 454-9088. cottagebar.biz. L, D

Crooked Goose — Meritage Hospitality Group restaurant offers full menu of “oldschool tavern favorites.” Open daily. 355 Wilson Ave NW, Walker, 791-2362. crooked ¢-$ goose.com. L, D Derby Station — Sophisticated pub grub with full bar featuring an array of specialty beers. 2237 Wealthy St SE, 301-3236. derby station.com. L, D $ Flanagan’s — Popular downtown Irish pub. Imported beers, 20 on tap. Entrees with an Irish influence. Frequent live music. Closed Sun. 139 Pearl St NW, 454-7852. flanagansgr. ¢ com. L, D Founders Brewing Co. — Sip microbrew samples in the spacious taproom, serpentine bar and stage for live music Thu and Sat. Menu features appetizers, deli sandwiches. Covered (heated) porch. 235 Grandville Ave SW, 776-1195. foundersbrewing.com. L, D ¢ Frankie V’s Pizzeria & Sports Bar — Appetizers, subs, stromboli, pizza, pasta entrées, plus burgers and Mexican. Weekday lunch buffet. Tap your own 100-ounce beer tower. 1420 28th St SW, 532-8998. frankievs.com. L, D ¢-$ Grand Rapids Brewing Co. — Serving 10 organic brews plus hard cider, wine and spirits. Farm-to-table menu includes sharable plates, house-made sausages, soups, salads, sandwiches, entrees. Open daily. 1 Ionia Ave. SW, 459-7000. grbrewingcompany.com. L (Sat.-Sun. only), D ¢-$ GP Sports — Sports bar and restaurant. Menu features create-your-own pizzas and burgers, along with salads and sandwiches. Open daily. Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, 187 Monroe Ave NW, 774-2000. amwaygrand. com. L, D $ Grand Woods Lounge — Year-round alfresco dining complete with fireplace. Eclectic menu selections mix with upscale comfort foods. Live entertainment, pool tables, spacious bar. 77 Grandville Ave SW, 451-4300. grandwoodslounge.com. L, D $-$$ Harmony Brewing Co. — Eastown’s latest addition to the craft-brewing scene offers custom brews with a full bar, wine selections and menu of wood-fired pizzas. 1551 Lake Drive SE, 233-0063. harmonybeer.com. L, D $ Holly’s Back Door Bar & Grill — Full menu and good selection of munchies at the bar in Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel. Closed Sun &

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12/6/13 8:56 AM

Big wines: little peninsula

Amy Ruis has traveled many of the wine countries and has passed the first step in becoming a Master Sommelier. She owns Art of the Table, a specialty food, beverage and tabletop store and co-owns Aperitivo wine, cheese and charcuterie.


While the bigLittle tasting room on the L. Mawby property in Suttons Bay doesn’t reopen until April, the wines are available at smaller retailers and served in restaurants throughout Michigan, including TerraGR in Grand Rapids and Salt of the Earth in Fennville.

reminiscence: “My brother and I remember summer afternoons scouring the creek-bed in search of crayfish hiding under rock and limb. Similarly, this wine reflects our effort to reveal the hidden nuances of Pinot Gris.”

The brothers dug their hands into the dirt to make a quality first vintage in 2011. And as every good Treehouse ($22) offers a different view, this wine takes a new look at a familiar grape. Treehouse is 100 percent Pinot Noir — whole cluster pressed, extra lees contact and aged in neutral oak to give you something to talk about at your next dinner party. Tire swing ($20), a delightful bubbly, shows “youthful exuberance and aged reverence” with blended varietals and vintages combined to be fresh yet mature. At press time in November, we were anxiously awaiting the release of C-3Pinot, a bottlefermented bubbly blend of Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc that has been en tirage for 17 months. So watch for this big and little brother making big wines from this little peninsula. They’re growing up in front of our very eyes! — AMY RUIS

For more information, visit biglittlewines.com.

Little brother Peter Laing and big brother Michael Laing are making wine in the Leelanau Peninsula.

PhotoGraPhy courtesy scot lainG

nosh & sip

The desCripTion of eaCh bigLittle wine begins, “My brother and I remember …” Growing up, Michael and Peter Laing did what many young Michigan boys do: head up north to visit their grandparents, where they would enjoy the beauty of the land. Today, the brothers have a plot of land in Leelanau Peninsula at L. Mawby Vineyards and 2,000 vines to craft wines under their own label. The Laings have a working relationship with winemaker Larry Mawby. Peter is general manager and Michael is winemaker for the M. Lawrence label. Now, in addition to working for Mawby, they have refurbished an old house on the property into a tasting room, all in the name of bigLittle. The brothers dug their hands into the dirt to make a quality first vintage in 2011. Weather plus vines produced unctuous fruit, and their efforts at learning to make still wines were, well, fruitful! As their vines continue to mature, there’s better fruit, allowing them to make more great bold white wines — wines they want to drink from the little land that can. Their collection contains Mixtape ($20), reminiscent of an ’80s mixed tape with “carefully arranged tracks meant to convey a specific message” — a purposeful blend of delightful flavors. The Crayfish ($20) label features another

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food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews


e strive to be the practice that sets the standards for excellence in comprehensive, cosmetic, and restorative dental care in the Grand Rapids area. Let us help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health for each day of the rest of your life with the latest in dental technology.

Mon. 255 28th St SW, 241-1417. hojogr.com. B, L, D $ Best of

HopCat — Crafted brews with close to 50 beers on tap and 150 bottled. Full bar and creative fare from meatloaf to mussels. Open daily. 25 Ionia Ave SW, 451-4677. hopcatgr. com. L (Sat-Sun), D ¢-$

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Hub’s Inn — Sandwiches, burgers, Mexican food and thin-crust pizzas. Closed Sun. 1645 Leonard St NW, 453-3571. hubsinn.com. L, D ¢ JD Reardon’s — Restaurant and lounge in The Boardwalk offers American, Southwest, Thai and more. Banquet facilities; outdoor seating. 940 Monroe Ave NW, 454-8590. jdreardons.com. B, L, D $-$$ J. Gardella’s Tavern — Massive bar is matched by gargantuan menu ranging from homemade chips to build-your-own burger. Three floors of seating. Open Sun for arena events. 11 Ionia Ave SW, 459-8824. jgardellas tavern.com. L, D ¢

Dr. Crete’s patient before treatment.

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Main Street Pub — Large-screen TVs and varied menu of appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches and entrées. Open 11 am daily; breakfast 8 am Sun. 11240 University Parkway, Allendale, 895-1234. mainstpub.com. B (Sun), L, D ¢-$ McFadden’s Restaurant & Saloon — New York-style Irish menu includes “recreated” pub fare, contemporary and regionally inspired dishes. Transforms into nightclub late at night. Open daily. 58 Ionia Ave SW, 4549105. mcfaddensgrandrapids.com. L, D $ Mill Creek Tavern — Comstock Park eatery offers appetizers, from-scratch soups, sandwiches, full dinner options. Full bar with separate dining room. 3874 West River Dr, 784-3806. millcreektaverngr.com. L, D ¢-$

Photography courtesy Scot Laing

The Mitten Brewing Co. — Vintage baseball-themed nanobrewery pairs handcrafted beers with gourmet pizzas. 527 Leonard St NW, 608-5612. mittenbrewing.com, Facebook. L, D ¢-$ Mojo’s — Lively dueling piano bar and restaurant open for dinner at 5 pm Wed-Sat, plus late night “munchy menu.” RSVP for dinner early, show starts at 8 pm Wed-Thu, 7 pm Fri-Sat. 180 Monroe Ave NW, 776-9000. mojospianobar.com. D (Wed-Sat) ¢-$ Nick Finks — Mexican fare in historic tavern, part of The Gilmore Collection. Draft beer, wine, sangria and cocktails. Occasional live music, open mic nights. 3965 West River Dr NE, Comstock Park, 784-9886. thegilmore collection.com/nickfinks.php. L, D $

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food & drink restaurants / PeoPle / reviews

The Shade Shop, Inc. 422 Leonard St NW Grand Rapids MI M-F: 10 to 5:30 Sat: 10 to 2:00



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Good times always happen around the

o’Toole’s public house — Pub grub includes appetizers, sandwiches and burgers served on a mountain of fries. Open daily. 448 Bridge St NW, 742-6095. otoolesgr.com. L, D ¢-$ peppino’s ristorante pizzeria and sports lounge — Sicilian-style steak and chicken, burgers, etc. Separate sports bar. 5053 Lake Michigan Dr NW, Allendale, 895-1615. Family-friendly Peppino’s Sports Lounge in downtown GR, 130 Ionia Ave SW, 456-8444. peppinospizza.com. L, D ¢-$$ pub 43 — Caters to all, but is especially popular with gay crowd. Menu ranges from burgers to upscale items. Jukebox, occasional live entertainment. Open daily at 3 pm. 43 S Division Ave, 458-2205. Facebook. D ¢-$ rezervoir lounge — Former Sazerac Lounge has full menu of appetizers, sandwiches and entrees, some with a Cajun flavor. Open Tue.-Sun. for lunch and dinner (opens 4 p.m. Mon) 1418 Plainfield Ave NE, 451-0010. rez lounge.com, Facebook. L, D ¢-$ rockford brewing Co. — Located alongside the White Pine Trail with an up-north atmosphere. Grab a bite to eat while enjoying its hand-crafted brews. Open daily. 12 E Bridge St, Rockford, 951-4677. rockfordbrewing.com. L, D ¢-$ The score — Restaurant and sports bar with varied menu. 5301 Northland Dr NE, 3010600. thescore-restaurant.com. L, D ¢-$ The shamrock — Diverse menu includes specialty burgers and wide range of entrees. 2501 Wilson Ave NW, 735-3888. Facebook. L, D ¢-$ shepards grill & Tavern — Bar food with flare, from appetizers to Kobe top sirloin. Open daily. Weekday happy hour specials 3-6:30 p.m. Cascade Center, 6246 28th St SE, 350-9604. Facebook. L, D ¢-$

Delectable Wines from Michigan’s famed “Gold Coast”

stella’s lounge — Mostly vegan menu but an award-winning stuffed burger for carnivores. Advertises strong drinks and more than 200 whiskies. 53 Commerce Ave, 7424444. stellasgr.com. L, D ¢-$ Teazers bar & grill — Burgers and pastas, sandwiches, salads and Southwestern bites. Kids menu. Open daily. 819 Ottawa Ave NW, 459-2481. teazersbar.com. L, D ¢-$

(269) 637-1211 12Corners.com


village inn pizza parlor — Longtime favorite for pizza, pasta, burgers, chicken, Mexican and more. Karaoke nights Thu-Sat. Open daily; weekday lunch buffet. 2215 44th St SE, Kentwood, 281-1444; 934 Washington St, Holland, (616) 392-1818. vipizza.net. L, D ¢-$

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Vitale’s Sports Lounge & Pizzeria — Pizza and pasta plus panini and wraps in sportscentric surroundings. Outside deck, live entertainment. Open daily. 3868 West River Dr NE, Comstock Park, 784-6044, takeout 7845011. vitalessportsbar.com. L, D ¢-$ Woody’s Press Box — Complex includes two bars, a patio and bowling. Menu offers sandwiches and shrimp, barbecue fare. Breakfast and lunch only Sun. 5656 Clyde Park Ave SW, Wyoming, 530-2400. spectrumlanes.com. B, L, D $ Z’s — Sports-themed eatery known for its ribs. Soup-salad-sandwich lunches. Carryout available. 168 Louis Campau Promenade ¢-$ NW, 454-3141. zsbar.com. L, D

Italian/ European

darts, video games, foosball. 4261 Kalamazoo Ave SE, 455-2230. florentinespizza.com. L, D ¢-$

Florentine Ristorante — Italian and American cuisine. Pizza and pasta served in the lounge until midnight; full-menu dinner 4-10 pm. Closed Sun. 3245 28th St SW, 534$ 5419. florentineingrandville.com. L, D Flo’s Pizzeria Ristorante Sports Bar — Pizzas, sandwiches, salads, Italian entrees and even Mexican entrees. Multiple big screen TVs; take-out available. Open daily. 1259 Post Drive, Belmont, 785-1001. Facebook. L, D ¢-$ Franco’s Pizzeria — Spaghetti, manicotti, lasagna, stromboli plus pizza and subs with fresh ingredients. Limited seating, takeout available (delivery offered). No alcohol. Open daily. 2103 Alpine Ave NW, 361-7307. francospizzagr.com. L, D ¢-$

FAmore Trattoria Italiana — Regional Italian dishes using some local products as well as Italian imports. Italian wines and liqueurs a specialty. House-made desserts. Banquet facility. Closed Mon. 5080 Alpine Ave NW, Comstock Park. 785-5344. amoretrattoria italiana.com. L (not Sat), D $

Fred’s Pizza And Italian Restaurant — Long-time favorite offers Italian fare, including fresh pasta and gourmet pizza. Full-service bar. Closed Sun. 3619 Plainfield Ave NE, ¢-$ 361-8994. fredspizza.com. L, D

Angela’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria — Italian dinners, pizza, stromboli, subs and desserts. Lunch buffet, full-service bar. Delivery and catering available. Closed Sun. 240 E Division, Sparta, (616) 887-1913. angel aspizzaandrestaurant.com. L, D ¢-$

Fricano’s Pizza Restaurant — Famous for its thin-crust pizza. Also, pasta dinners with a sauce that has made its way to the retail market. Closed Sun. 5808 Alpine Ave NW, Comstock Park, 785-5800. fricanospizza. com. D ¢-$

Big Bob’s Pizza — A neighborhood pizza parlor in EGR’s Gaslight Village with wine and beer on tap, available to go. 661 Croswell SE, 233-0123. bigbobspizza.com. L, D $

Georgio’s Gourmet Pizza — Downtown pizzeria with more than 50 varieties of gourmet pizza, whole or by the slice. Beer on tap or by the bottle. Delivery available. Open daily. 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 140, 356-4600. georgios gourmetpizza.com. L, D ¢-$

Bella Pizzeria — Italian dishes, sandwiches and specialty pizzas. Open daily. 3519 S. Division Ave, 452-2810. L, D ¢-$ Brick Road Pizza — Specializing in gourmet, traditional and vegan pizzas. Glutenfree crusts available on request. Serves beer and wine. Open daily. 1017 Wealthy St SE, 719-2409. brickroadpizza.com. L, D ¢-$ Chicago 7 Pizzeria — Family-owned pizzeria offers Chicago-style pies, specialty pizzas, hot dogs, burgers. 6246 28th St SE, 5387777. chicago7pizzeria.com. L, D ¢-$ Euro Bistro — European bistro fare plus wood-fired pizzas. 11 am-10 pm Mon-Fri. 4-10 pm Sat, closed Sun. 6450 28th St SE, 719-2017. eurobistrogr.com. L (Mon-Fri), D $-$$ Florentine Pizzeria & Sports Lounge — Spacious location features Italian fare with American and Mexican choices and thincrust pizzas. Big-screen TVs, pool tables,

Thank you for selecting Leigh’s as Grand Rapids’ Best Women’s Clothing Store!

G.R.P.D. — Grand Rapids Pizza & Delivery offers traditional, stuffed and specialty pizzas. No alcohol. Open daily, with a handful of tables for dining in. 340 State St, 742-4773. grandrapidspizza.net. L, D ¢-$ Licari’s Sicilian Pizza Kitchen — Specialties include thick-crust Sicilian pizza and stuffed pizza with a crispy crust. Also pasta, entrees, calzones and desserts. Open daily. 2896 Knapp St NE. 608-6912. licarispizza kitchen.com. L, D $

1942 Brenton Rd. Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616.942.6300 LeighsFashions.com

Mangiamo — Historic mansion houses family-friendly Italian eatery. Italian fare plus steaks and seafood. Extensive wine list, evening entertainment. 1033 Lake Dr SE, 742-0600. thegilmorecollection.com/mangi amo.php. D $-$$ Marinade’s Pizza Bistro — Wood-fired pizzas, salads, pastas, sandwiches. No alcohol. Catering. 109 Courtland St, Rockford, 863January 2014 / Grmag.com 69

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food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews

3300. marinadespizzabistro.com. L, D

Over 50 fresh, unique combinations of gourmet pizza by the slice or whole pizza.


Monelli’s Italian Grill And Sports Bar — Southern Italian cuisine. Sports bar plus family-friendly dining room with fireplace. 5675 Byron Center Ave, Wyoming, 530-9700. ¢-$ monellis.com. L, D Noto’s Old World Italian Dining — Elegant décor and extensive classic Italian menu. Special wine cellar dinners. Lounge menu features light fare. Closed Sun. 6600 28th St SE, 493-6686. notosoldworld.com. D $-$$

Dine-in, Take-out Delivery Available Catering

Pietro’s Italian Ristorante — Regional and contemporary Italian cuisine. Tuscan wines, desserts and cappuccinos. Kids menu. Takeout available. 2780 Birchcrest Dr SE, 452$ 3228. rcfc.com/pietros. L, D

Order Online or Call 616.356.4600 www.georgiosgourmetpizza.com 15 Ionia, Ste. 140, Grand Rapids Sun.-Tues. 11 am - 10 pm Wed.-Sat. 11 am - 3 am

Salvatore’s Italian Restaurant — Sicilian and southern Italian fare using family recipes. Separate sports bar; patio seating. Weekday lunch buffet. All menu items, beer and wine available to go. Delivery and catering. Closed Sun. 654 Stocking Ave NW, 454¢-$ 4280. salvatoresgr.com. L, D Seasonal Grille — Hastings’ Italian-themed eatery features fresh, locally sourced, creative fare in handsome surroundings. Full bar, craft cocktails, nice wine list. Open daily. 152 W State St, Hastings, (269) 948-9222. seasonalgrille.com. L, D $

2870 East Beltline NE 616.363.0902 harrisonchiro.com

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Trattoria di’ Stagione — Chef Dan Chudik prepares Italian dishes from pasta to seafood utilizing locally sourced ingredients. Lunch will be offered in near future. Closed Sun. 1420 Lake Drive SE, 458-5583. trattoriadistag ione.com. D $ Tre Cugini — Innovative Italian menu, impressive wine list, fresh daily pastas and risotto specialties. Outdoor seating in mild weather. Closed Sun. 122 Monroe Center, 235-9339. trecugini.com. L, D $-$$ Uccello’s Ristorante, Pizzeria & Sports Lounge — Kitchen stays open until 1:30 am for dine-in, 1 am for take-out. Open daily. 2630 East Beltline Ave SE, 954-2002; 4787 Lake Michigan Dr. NW, 735-5520; 8256 Broadmoor Ave SE, 891-1100; 3940 Rivertown Pkwy SW, 249-9344. uccellos.com. L, D ¢-$ Vitale’s — Serving traditional regional dishes from family recipes since 1966. 834 Leonard St NE, 458-8368 (Vitale’s Sports Lounge next door, 458-2090), takeout 458-3766. theoriginalvitales.com. L, D ¢-$ Vitale’s Of Ada — Multi-regional, upscale dishes made from scratch. Also pizza, subs and burgers. Family-friendly; microbrews to martinis in separate sports pub. 400 Ada Dr

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Sharing Your

Passion for

SE, Ada, 676-5400. vitalesada.com. L, D ¢-$

Vitale’s Pizzeria — Multiple locations serving pizza and pasta from original family recipes. 3868 West River Dr, Comstock Park, 784-6044; 5779 Balsam Dr, Hudsonville, 662-2244, (no alcohol); 5380 S Division Ave, Kentwood, 530-8500. vitales.us. L, D ¢-$


Asian Akasaka Sushi — Sushi plus Korean and Japanese offerings in low-key atmosphere in Cascade Centre. Serves alcohol. Closed Sun. 6252 28th St SE, 977-0444. Facebook. L, D ¢-$ Akita Buffet — Across from RiverTown Crossings Mall, with sushi bar, hibachi grill and Chinese buffet with set price for lunch and dinner. Serves alcohol. 3540 Rivertown Point Ct SW, 257-7777. L, D ¢-$ Angel’s Thai Café — Extensive Thai fare; menu includes a your-choice stir-fry option. Vegetarian-friendly. No alcohol. Open daily. 136 Monroe Center NW, 454-9801. angelsthai cafe.com. L, D ¢-$

Family Friends Veterinary Hospital, 6555 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 www.familyfriendsvet.com | 616.575.6520

Asian Palace — Chinese and Vietnamese fare with extensive menus for each cuisine. Family owned and operated. No alcohol. Closed Mon. 825 28th St SW, 534-7770. L, ¢-$ D

Welcome to2014

Bangkok Taste — Thai fare with lunch buffet. No alcohol. Closed Sun. 15 Jefferson Ave SE, 356-5550; 674 Baldwin St, Jenison, 3565550. bangkoktaste.com. L, D ¢-$ Bangkok View — Thai food and Chinese fare. Lunch buffet. No alcohol. Closed Mon. 1233 28th St SW, 531-8070. Facebook. L, D ¢-$

The dog house never felt so good.

Beijing Kitchen — Hunan, Szechuan and Cantonese cuisines. Lunch specials. No alcohol. 342 State St SE, 458-8383. beijing kitchengr.com. L, D ¢-$ Blue Ginger Asian Kitchen — Noodle-based Thai dishes, chicken, seafood, beef and pork entrees, curries. Vegetarian options. No alcohol. 5751 Byron Center Ave (Bayberry Market), 261-8186. bluegingerkitchen.com. L, D ¢-$


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China Chef — Family-style restaurant with Szechuan-style entrées and Hunan choices. No alcohol. Closed Mon. 4335 Lake Michigan Dr NW, 791-4488. Facebook. L, D ¢-$

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China City — Chinese cuisine; lunch prices all day. No alcohol. Closed Mon. 1140 Monroe Ave NW, 451-3688. L, D ¢-$ China Gourmet Buffet — Daily lunch and


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Local ingredients will insure a lasting and sustainable beer culture here in Michigan.

top shelf

Contributing editor Jon C. Koeze has made and tasted beer since 1980.

> Michigan Hatter, New Holland Brewery This is also an American IPA. With a clear dark gold color, it pours with a lively head and flavorful nose. This is a powerful IPA, with mostly hops and just a bit of barley flavor. Earthy notes of toasty malt, citrus and berries. It uses all Michigan hops and malted barley. 4.8 percent ABV > Hopivore, New Holland Brewery This is an American Pale Ale with a deep amber color and lively head. Not an IPA, so it is more balanced but still powerful in the hop direction. Hopivore is made with fresh Michigan hops. 5.5 percent ABV

Brews from local ingredients when i see beer made with such Michigan ingredients as fresh hops, locally malted barley — or even Traverse Bay cherries, I feel proud and a little humbled at how far we have traveled since the first commercial microbrewery in Michigan opened in the early 1980s (by my records that would be the Chelsea Real Ale Co.). Acre for acre, Michigan is mostly agricultural. Although we have become a great beer state, we have yet to satisfy the local demand from brewers for hops and malted barley. “The infrastructure just isn’t there yet,” explains Jason Spaulding, owner of Brewery Vivant. “We are always on the lookout for locally sourced ingredients and would buy more if we could.” As is common with many Michigan breweries, Brewery Vivant offers special seasonal beers in small batches featuring local ingredients, typically in autumn to celebrate the harvest season. Many seasonal ales are consumed promptly and never make it into bottles, so you may have to do a little searching. They can

be found on draft, however, at breweries and restaurants during the cool months of the year. Rockford Brewing Co. serves three locally hopped beers — Centennial Ale, Cascade Ale and Chinook Ale — named in reference to the variety of hops used in each beer. Rockford Brewing also makes a year-round beer called White Pine Wheat Ale that features Michigan malted barley and hops. New Holland Brewery uses Michigan hops in its Hopivore and Michigan Hatter brews, the latter being a different version of its popular Mad Hatter India Pale Ale with all Michigan hops and malted barley. Founders Brewing Co. also hit the market hard with its Founders Harvest Ale, available in a four-pack of 12-ounce bottles. The demand for locally grown ingredients in beer is just a preference, but it is important. Local ingredients will insure a lasting and sustainable beer culture here in Michigan. I’ll be glad to see the day when non-Michigan ingre— JON C. KOEZE dients are the exception.

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck

beers using loCal ingredienTs: > Founders Harvest Ale, Founders Brewing Co. This American India Pale Ale is light gold and pours with a relaxed head. The first sip was quite a pucker, bright and smooth over the tongue. Notes of dry honey and citrus on the finish. It uses hops from Hopyards of Kent Co. in Greenville. 7.6 percent alcohol by volume

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food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews

Fine Dining

Relaxed Beach House Atmosphere

dinner buffets with more than 100 items. Dinner buffet served all day weekends; discount for seniors and children 10 and under. No alcohol. 2030 28th St SW, 252-1379. L, D ¢-$

Chinatown Restaurant And Japanese Steak House — Chinese and Japanese cuisine with tabletop, Benihana-style meals available. Lunch and dinner buffets. Full bar. 69 28th St SW, 452-3025. chinatowngrand ¢-$ rapids.com. L, D China Yi Wang — Chinese dishes including spicy Hunan dishes. No alcohol. 1947 Eastern Ave SE, 241-3885. L, D ¢-$ East Garden Buffet — Cantonese, Hunan, Szechuan cuisine. Daily buffet. No alcohol. 6038 Kalamazoo Ave SE, 698-8933. L, D ¢-$

Reservations call: (616) 796-8210 7175 Lakeshore Dr, West Olive, MI 49460 www.sandypointbeachhouse.com “Sandy Point: A lakeshore gem”

Empire Chinese Buffet — All-you-can-eat Chinese buffet served all day. Special seafood buffet Sat-Sun. Delivery available. 4255 Alpine Ave NW, 785-8880. empirebuffet.net. ¢-$ L, D

George Aquino, The Grand Rapids Press

Chef/Owner: Cory Holleman Chef: Elliot Rappleye

Erb Thai — Traditional Thai fare, will accommodate special diets: vegetarian, gluten-free, no MSG. No alcohol. 950 Wealthy St SE, Suite 1A, 356-2573. erbthaigr.com. L, D ¢ Far-East Restaurant — Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean dishes. Carryout and catering available. No alcohol. 3639 Clyde Park Ave SW, 531-7176. Facebook. L, D $

Pure Perfection!

First Wok — Mandarin, Hunan, Szechuan cuisine. Dine-in and take-out. Full bar. Three locations: 2301 44th St SE, 281-0681; 3509 Alpine Ave NW, 784-1616; 6740 Old 28th St SE, 575-9088. firstwokgr.com. L, D $


Fuji Yama Asian Bistro — Hibachi grill tables with chef preparations, or eat in dining room with Chinese, Japanese and Thai selections. Full bar. 1501 East Beltline Ave NE, 719-1859. letseat.at/fujiyama. L, D ¢-$


Photography by Michael Buck

Fortune Chef — Chinese and American fare. Opens 6 am weekdays, 8 am weekends with breakfast served all day. No alcohol. 9353 Cherry Valley Ave SE, Caledonia, 891-1388. fortunechefcaledonia.com. B, L, D ¢-$ Golden 28 — Szechuan, Hunan, Mandarin cuisine complemented by a Vietnamese menu. No alcohol. Closed Mon. 627 28th St SW, Wyoming, 531-2800. L, D $


Golden Dragon — Chinese, Mandarin and Japanese cuisines with Japanese steakhouse. Full bar. 3629 Plainfield Ave NE, 3631318. goldendragongr.com. L, D $ Golden Gate Restaurant — Chinese fare with all-inclusive lunch combination plates, egg rolls, sweet-and-sour dishes, with some

Authentic Italian




122 Monroe Center St. NW (616) 235-9339

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food & drink restaurants / PeoPle / reviews

On a chilly day, this comforting dish will bring you back to life. The savvy diner will expend the necessary effort to scrape up the crunchy bits that stick to the bottom of the skillet.

Goat Cheese Skillet

She fed: “Two of my all-time faves

“I’m feeling positively saintly by drinking water with my meal, but I am instantly struck with evil thoughts when the Goat Cheese Skillet arrives. Can I distract my wife for a few moments while I cram more than my fair share down my gullet? The answer is no because she is as intent as I on the dish. Oh well, at least my Quinoa Falafel Wrap Sandwich helps ease the pain. I love the red peppers, red onions, cucumber chunks and feta combination. The crispy quinoa is so good, I don’t even miss the meat. Service can be slow at Green Well, but the wait is always worth it. And when the kitchen forgets to substitute fries for chips, you just might get a truffle fries upgrade for free.” — JEREMY


Green Well rules

Juliet and Jeremy Johnson return to this favorite East Hills eatery for more culinary inspiration. In the heart of East Hills, The Green Well gastro pub serves up “honest fayre with local flair” in its LEED-certified restaurant at 924 Cherry St SE. Although the concept of a gastro pub may be British, the vibe of Green Well more closely aligns to design-centric Barcelona with colorful paintings and murals adorning the walls. Seating is a mix of low tables and high-tops, with stools at the bar for more casual drinking and eating. On our recent lunch visit, we skipped the comprehensive beer menu — including a wide range of Michigan draughts and international beers from the cooler. Instead, Juliet chose a white wine to accompany her veggie burrito, and Jeremy abstained entirely to make room for his falafel wrap. One temptation, however, was not avoided: the Charred Onion Goat Cheese Skillet. A marinated tomato salad, minced finely, is stirred into tangy goat cheese and onions, melted, then served with slices of bread from Field & Fire. On a chilly day, this comforting dish will bring you back to life. The savvy diner will expend the necessary effort to scrape up the crunchy bits that stick to the bottom of the skillet. From previous visits, we can also highly recommend the Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings, the Brazilian Black Bean Stew and the Pad Thai. Please share your favorite dish @hefedshefed @thegreewell #readthefeed on Twitter!

on the menu are calling my name: the Green Well Pad Thai with shrimp addon and the fish tacos. I’m actually wondering if I can convince Jeremy to share a third entree (purely for the sake of research) just so I can burrow into the tangy-spicy-sweetness of Pad Thai. But then I spy the Kind Veggie Burrito with grilled veggies, rice, beans, pico de gallo and queso fresco. That sounds divine — plus, meatless seems practically virtuous on a bitterly cold day like today. The burrito is monstrous so I end up taking half of it home in one of Green Well’s environmentally friendly to-go containers. I even manage to save some of the freshly made corn tortilla chips with lime sour cream and fireroasted salsa. Incredible!” — JULIET

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck

He fed:

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Low Mortgage Rates and Excellent Service

hot and spicy choices. No alcohol. 4023 S Division Ave, 534-7087. Facebook. L, D ¢

golden wok — Knapp’s Corner eatery offers lunch and dinner options, including Hunanspiced dishes. Full bar. 1971 East Beltline Ave NE, 363-8880. goldenwokgrandrapids.com. L, D ¢-$ grand lakes — A wide selection of Chinese dishes and specialties, along with daily lunch combination plates. No alcohol. Next to Breton Village D&W. Pick-up and take-out only. 1810 Breton Rd SE, 954-2500. grand lakesgrandrapids.com. L, D ¢-$ hibachi grill & supreme buffet — PanAsian cuisine from sushi to buffet, including Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian and American dishes. No alcohol. 785 Center Dr NW (Green Ridge Shopping Center), 785-8200. letseat.at/hibachigrillsupremebuffet. L, D ¢ hong Kong express — Szechuan and Cantonese for dine-in or carry-out. All-you-caneat lunch buffet. No alcohol. 150 E Fulton St, 235-2888. B, L, D ¢-$

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hunan — Full menu of Chinese options. No alcohol. 1740 44th St SW, 530-3377. hunangr. com; 1263 Leonard St NE, 458-0977. hunan grc.com. L, D $ Jade garden — Chinese cuisine with some American dishes. Children’s menu, large selection of tropical cocktails. 4514 Breton Rd SE, 455-8888. L, D ¢-$ Ju sushi & lounge — Sushi and sashimi selections, Japanese hibachi, tempura, soups, salads and entrées in elegant surroundings. Full bar, huge sake selection. Takeout, catering and banquet space. 1144 East Paris Ave SE, 575-5858. jusushi.com. L, D ¢-$

Punjab Grill

Authentic Indian Cuisine

lai Thai Kitchen — Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese fare. No alcohol. Closed Sun. 1621 Leonard St NE, 456-5730. Facebook, laithai kitchen.com. L, D ¢-$

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck

little bangkok — Extensive menu of Thai standbys plus some unique items. Kids meals available. Serves beer and wine. Closed Sun. 850 Forest Hill Ave SE, 8083153. littlebangkokgr.com. L, D ¢-$ Mandarin — Mandarin and Szechuan cuisine; buffets at lunch, dinner and all day on weekends. Cocktails. Open daily. 2460 28th St SE, 530-3300. mandaringrandrapids.com. L, D ¢-$ Maru sushi & grill — Japanese cuisine with a twist, from sushi to hibachi grilled items. 927 Cherry St SE, 458-1900. marurestaurant. com. L, D $-$$ Mikado sushi — Sushi and sashimi à la

Lunch Buffet $10.99 Mon–Fri 11-3 | Sat 12-3 Dine In or Take out Banquet facilities on site -to cater up to 40 people Off-site catering available 40 Pearl St. NW | Grand Rapids, MI 616-608-4156 | Like us on Mon- Fri 11-3 & 4-10 | Sat 12-3 & 4-10 January 2014 / GrmaG.com 75

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food & drink

$25 Introductory private lesson

Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews


carte. Dinners offer full range of Japanese cuisine. Serves alcohol. Closed Sun. 3971 28th St SE, 285-7666. mikadogr.com. L, D ¢-$



Ming Ten — All-you-can-eat buffet: Japanese, Chinese, sushi bar, hibachi grill and American selections. No alcohol. 2090 Celebration Dr NE (2nd floor), (616) 365-3989. mingtenrestaurant.com. L, D ¢-$ Mynt Fusion Bistro — Asian fare that includes Thai, Korean and Chinese. Renowned for its curries: blue, peanut or yellow. No alcohol. Closed Sun. 800 W Main St, Lowell, 987-9307. myntfusion.com. L, D ¢-$

Dance Studios

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Ning Ye — Family-owned Chinese restaurant also serves Korean fare. No alcohol. Closed Sun during winter. 6747 E Fulton St, Ada, 676-5888. ningye.info. L, D $ Nu-Thai Bistro — Appetizers, soups, Thai salads, fried rice, curries and noodle dishes; seafood and duck specialty plates. No alcohol. 2055 28th St SE, 452-0065. nuthaibistro. com. L, D ¢-$ Osaka Steakhouse — Japanese cuisine, including steak, seafood, sushi. Same owners as XO Asian Cuisine. Open daily. 4977 28th St. SE, 419-4628. Facebook. L, D $

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park 7:30 am - 9:30 am $30 ticket price includes breakfast Watch for more details at 2013grbjnewsmakers.eventbrite.com and grbj.com. SPONSORED BY

The Newsmakers of the Year magazine supplement will be inserted into the January 27, 2014 issue of the Business Journal. Sponsorship opportunities are available, contact sponsor@grbj.com.

P.F. Chang’s China Bistro — Upscale chain known for modern Chinese dishes from Mongolian beef to chicken lettuce wraps. Cocktails, beer and wine. Order online for takeout. The Village at Knapp’s Crossing, 2065 East Beltline Ave, 447-2060. pfcha ngs.com. L, D $ Pho Soc Trang — Wide selection of Vietnamese offerings. No alcohol. 4242 S Division Ave, 531-0755. L, D ¢-$ Rak Thai Bistro — Thai-fusion fare with Chinese and Japanese influences. No alcohol. 6719 S. Division Ave, 551-1706; Downtown Market, 435 Ionia Ave SW, 805-5308; 5260 Northland Dr NE, 363-2222. rakthai bistro.com. L, D ¢-$ Red Sun Buffet — All-you-can-eat international buffet: sushi, Chinese, American, Italian and Japanese selections. No alcohol. 4176 28th St SE, 940-9999. redsungrandrap ids.com. L, D ¢-$ Seoul Garden — Chinese and Korean cuisine with full bar. Banquet and catering facilities also available. Closed Sun. 3321 28th St SE, 956-1522. L, D $-$$ Shanghai Ichiban — Chinese and Japanese cuisine; food prepared tableside by hibachi chefs in Japanese area. Serves alcohol. 3005 East Beltline SE, 942-5120. shanghaiichiban. com. L, D $-$$

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Sushi Kuni — Japanese and Korean cuisine, plus fusion fare. Private groups can eat in traditional Japanese tatami room. Serves alcohol. Closed Sun. 2901 Breton Rd SE, 241-4141. ¢-$$ Facebook. L, D Thai Express — Thai specialties, spiced to customer specification. No alcohol. 4317 Kalamazoo Ave SE, 827-9955. thaiexpressgr. com. L, D ¢ Thai Fusion — Thai cuisine and fusion specials with good selection of starters and salads. Kids menu for $5.99. No alcohol. Closed Sun. 3097 Broadmoor Ave SE (near 29th St), 301-8883. thaifusiongr.com. L, D ¢-$ Three Happiness Restaurant — Cantonese, Mandarin and Szechuan fare, with daily lunch and dinner specials. No alcohol. 3330 Alpine Ave NW, Target Plaza, 785-3888. ¢-$ Facebook. L, D Tokyo Grill & Sushi — Japanese tatami rooms, sushi bars. Menu includes hibachi, teriyaki, Udon, tempura. Sake, plus Japanese and American beer and wine. Closed Sun. 4478 Breton Rd SE, 455-3433. tokyogrill sushi.com. L, D ¢-$ Tokyo Roadhouse — Japanese (sushi) and Chinese menus, lunch specials. Order online for pickup, delivery (until 8 p.m.) or express dine-in. No alcohol. Opens daily at 11 a.m. 4095 Plainfield Ave. NE, 365-3719. tokyoroad house.com. L, D ¢-$ Wei Wei Palace — Chinese seafood restaurant features Cantonese cuisine, dim sum and barbecue. 4242 S Division Ave, 7241818. weiweipalace.com. L, D $ Wonton Express — No-frills ambience serving authentic Chinese fare from spicy Hunan and Kung-Po dishes. No alcohol. 6719 S Division Ave, 281-8816. L, D ¢-$ FXO Asian Cuisine — Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine with full service bar. Vegetarian options and lunch specials MonSat. Free valet parking with $30 purchase. Will deliver. 58 Monroe Center, 235-6969. xoasiancuisine.com. L, D $-$$

Lunch buffet 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (noon on Sun). Kids menu. Takeout. Open daily. No alcohol. 961 E Fulton St, 242-1300. currykitchengr. com. L, D $

India Town — Indian fare including vegetarian and vegan in a humble atmosphere. No alcohol. Closed Tue. 3760 S Division Ave, ¢-$ 243-1219. indiatowngrr.com. L, D Palace Of India — Indian cuisine with a sizeable menu that includes vegetarian selections. Lunch buffet 11 am-3 pm. No alcohol. 526 Stocking Ave NW, 913-9000. palace ofindiarestaurant.com. L, D ¢-$ ➧Punjab Grill — Indian and Pakistani cuisine, vegan and vegetarian dishes. Daily lunch buffet, carry-out. Closed Sun. Liquor license pending. 40 Pearl St NW, 608-4166. $ L, D

Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean Le Kabob — Huge appetizer selection, soups, salads and sandwiches, large choice of Mediterranean entrees and combos. Kids menu. No alcohol. Open daily. 2923 28th St SE, 272¢-$ 4135. lekabob.com. L, D Marie Catrib’s — Middle-Eastern fare with on-site bakery, seasonal specialties and Turkish coffee. Vegetarian options. Breakfast 7 am Mon-Fri, 8 am Sat. Lunch/dinner starts 11 am weekdays, noon Sat. Closed Sun. No alcohol. 1001 Lake Dr SE, 454-4020. mariecatribs.com. B, L, D ¢-$ Mediterranean Grills — Gyros, kabobs, falafel, shwarma, hummus, kafta. All meats are halal, in accordance with Islamic requirements. Closed Sun. No alcohol. Cascade Center, 6250 28th St SE, 949-9696. L, D $ Mr. Gyros — Family-owned restaurant offering Mediterranean specialties with drivethrough, delivery and catering available. Open daily. 2260 Alpine Ave NW, 791-6660. mrgyrosdrivethru.com. L, D ¢-$


Osta’s Lebanese Cuisine — Lebanese cuisine, from grape leaf appetizer and tabbouleh to shish kebob, falafel and baklava. Takeout and catering. Features Lebanese beer and wine. Closed Sun-Mon. 2228 Wealthy St SE in EGR, 456-8999. ostaslebanese.com. L, D ¢-$

Bombay Cuisine — Traditional Indian dishes with spices and flavors from Northern India. Full bar. Lunch buffet Mon.-Fri. and Sun. Takeout available. 1420 Lake Dr. SE, 456-7055. bombaycuisinegr.com. L, D $

Parsley Mediterranean Grille — Appetizers, salads, soups, pitas, lunch and dinner combos of chicken, beef, seafood and vegetarian entrees, kabobs. No alcohol. 80 Ottawa Ave NW, 776-2590. parsleymg.com. L, D ¢-$

➧Curry Kitchen — Authentic Indian cuisine.

Pita House — Gyros and other Middle East

Yummy Wok — Cantonese, Hunan and Szechuan dishes. No alcohol. 4325 Breton ¢-$ Rd SE, 827-2068. Facebook. L, D

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food & drink Restaurants / PEOPLE / reviews

specialties. No alcohol. 1450 Wealthy St SE, 454-1171; 3730 28th St SE, 940-3029; 4533 Ivanrest Ave SW, 261-4302; 134 Monroe Center NW, 233-4875. thepitahouse.net. L, D ¢

Raad’s Mediterranean Grill — East Hills eatery features all the Mediterranean favor-

Thank you for voting us the #1 Landscaping Company!

ites made fresh, including many Lebanese family recipes. Meat, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free offerings. No alcohol. Open daily. 962 Cherry St. SE, 454-7223. Facebook. L, $-$$ D

Sheshco Grill — Lebanese cuisine includ-

Best of 2013-14 Readers Poll

ing appetizers, salads and soups; entrees such as shish kabob, lamb shanks, quail and sautéed meats, plus vegetarian and seafood options. No alcohol. 2121 Celebration Dr NE (Knapp’s Corner), 364-0600. sheshcogrill. $ com. L, D

FShiraz Grille — Persian cuisine: fire-grilled kabobs, khoreshts, vegetarian options. Full bar, wine list, martinis. 2739 Breton Rd SE, $ 949-7447. shirazgrille.com. L (Sun), D Zeytin — Turkish-American cuisine with extensive beer and wine lists. Takeout available. 400 Ada Dr SE, Ada, 682-2222. zeytin turkishrestaurant.com. L, D $

African Little Africa Cuisine — Humble storefront café offers hearty vegetable stews; sauces and fixings served on Ethiopian flat bread. Sample other Ethiopian specialties. No alcohol. Cash or checks only. Open daily. 956 E Fulton St, 222-1169. Facebook. L, D ¢ Gojo Ethiopian Cuisine & Deli — Authentic dishes including vegetarian options. Watt (stew-like) dishes served with injerra flatbread. Carry-out. No alcohol. Tue-Fri lunch buffet, dinner 5-8 pm; Sat buffet 4-8 pm; closed Sun and Mon. 421 Norwood SE, 459$ 3383. gojoethiopiancuisine.com. L, D

Mexican/Latin American/ Caribbean 7 Mares — Authentic Mexican dishes including breakfasts. 1403 Kalamazoo Ave SE, 3018555. Facebook. B, L, D ¢-$$ Beltline Bar — Americanized Tex-Mex menu; wet burritos are the claim to fame. Full bar. The Big Enchilada curbside service: call in your order and have it delivered to your car. 16 28th St SE, 245-0494. beltline bar.com. L, D $

6464 Broadmoor SE Caledonia MI 49316 (616) 698-6910 harderandwarner.com We are working all winter to bring you the latest cutting edge landscape designs. Get your design done NOW and enjoy your new surroundings for the entire summer!

Cabana Tres Amigos — Authentic Mexican fare with full bar, take-out service, vegetarian selection. Spacious with fireplaces and Mexican décor. 1409 60th St SE, 281-6891. L, D ¢-$ Café San Juan — Puerto Rican, Mexican and Cuban. No alcohol. 3549 Burlingame Ave SW, 530-2293. B, L, D ¢-$ Cancun Restaurant — Neighborhood eatery specializes in Mexican seafood dishes but offers a full range of fare. 1518 Grandville Ave SW, 248-2824. L, D ¢-$ Cantina — Extensive menu of Mexican specialties with full-service bar. 2770 East Paris Ave SE, 949-9120. L, D $

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Chez olga — Caribbean and Creole fare. Veggie/vegan options. Lunch specials. No alcohol. Open until 2 am Fri-Sat, closed Sun. 1441 Wealthy St SE, 233-4141. chezolga.com. L, D ¢ Cinco de Mayo — Mexican eatery offers the usual fare plus carnitas and steak asada. Full bar. 123 Courtland St, Rockford, 866-3438; 114 Monroe Center NW, 719-2404. L, D $ donk’s Mexican Joint — Tex-Mex selections including wet and dry burritos. Kids menu, drive-thru available. 820 Michigan St. NE, 419-3554. donksjoint.com. L, D ¢ downtown Trini’s — Sparta destination offers traditional fare. Full bar. Closed Sun and Mon. 148 E Division Ave, Sparta, 887-2500. downtowntrinis.com. L, D ¢-$ el arriero — Extensive menu offers specialty dishes, with à la carte selections for smaller appetites. Mexican and domestic beers, Margaritas. 2948 28th St SE, 977-2674. L, D ¢-$ el barrio Mexican grill — Tasty and creative twists on otherwise-traditional Mexican. Full bar. 545 Michigan St NE, 301-0010. elbar riomexicangrill.com. L, D ¢-$ el burrito loco — More than 70 authentic Mexican selections. Complimentary chips and salsa. Full bar. 1971 East Beltline Ave NE, 447-0415; 4499 Ivanrest SW, 530-9470; 4174 Alpine Ave NW, 785-4102. elburritolocores aurant.com. L, D ¢-$

alcohol. Open daily. 1811 Plainfield Ave. NE, 447-7733. Facebook. L, D ¢

la Taqueria san Jose — Authentic Mexican fare, including tacos stuffed with such options as goat, chicken, pork and cactus in a very casual, take-out setting. 1338 S Division Ave, 284-2297. L, D ¢ lindo Mexico restaurant — Fresh food with “real Mexican flavor.” Happy hour 2-6 pm. Kids menu. 1292 28th St SW, Wyoming, 261-2280. lindomexicorestaurant.com. L, D ¢-$ Maggie’s Kitchen — Mexican fare in café setting, cafeteria-style ordering. No alcohol. 636 Bridge St NW, 458-8583. B, L, D ¢ Michoacan — Mexican fare plus seafood, chicken and steak dishes. No alcohol. Open at 9 am. 334 Burton St SW, 452-0018. B, L, D ¢-$ Mi Tierra restaurant — Traditional Mexican, eat in or drive through. No alcohol. 2300 S Division Ave, 245-7533. Facebook. L, D ¢ Taco bob’s — Fresh-Mex offerings, taco salads and the “funny taco,” a hard-shell wrapped in a soft shell. No alcohol. Open 11 am-2 pm, Mon-Fri. 250 Monroe Ave NW, 458-1533. tacobobs.com. L ¢ Tacos el Caporal — Two locations serving Mexican fare, with menudo Sat and Sun. No alcohol. 1260 Burton St SW, 246-6180; 1717 28th St SW, Wyoming, 261-2711. B, L, D ¢

Fel granjero — Mexican fare, from steak and shrimp dishes to à la carte selections and menudo on weekends. No alcohol but tasty virgin coladas. 950 Bridge St NW, 458-5595. elgranjerogr.com. B, L, D ¢ el sombrero — Offers the wet burrito, and dry ones too. Weekly specials. No alcohol. Closed Sun. 527 Bridge St NW, 451-4290. el sombrerorestaurantmi.com. L, D ¢ grand villa dungeon — Mexican food is the specialty. Full bar. Closed Sun. 3594 Chicago Dr SW, 534-8435. villadungeon.com. L, D $ Jamaican dave’s — Jerked, fricasseed or curried chicken; curry goat, oxtail, beef and chicken patties; jerked wings; salt fish and “escoveitched” fish; tofu-with-veggies. Limited seating; takeout is best bet. 1059 Wealthy St SE, 458-7875. jamaicandaves.com. L, D ¢ las Cazuelas — Open for breakfast at 10 am. Genuine Hispanic flavors. 411 Wilson Ave NW, Walker, 726-6600. B, L, D ¢ la huasteca — Homemade recipes. All items can be accommodated for vegetarians. Mostly take-out with a small dining room. No

dining guide legend grand rapids Magazine has created these symbols to area restaurant amenities as a service to our readers. B — Serves breakfast L — Serves lunch D — Serves dinner ¢ — Inexpensive (under $10)* $ — Moderate ($10-$20)* $$ — Expensive (Over $20)* * Prices based on average entrée. - — Reviewed in this issue — Chef Profile in this issue ➧ — New listing O — GRM’s 2012 Restaurant of the Year F — GRM’s 2012 Dining Award Winner additions, corrections and/or changes: Please email mprimeau@geminipub.com or write to Dining Guide, Grand Rapids Magazine, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

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near & far IN oUr BacK YarD / EXPLorING mIcHIGaN

By Marla R. Miller Photography by Jim Gebben

Eastgate, once considered a ‘starter-home’ neighborhood, has become a community of families who have no intention of leaving.

More than a gateway EaSTGaTE nEIGHBOrHOOD aSSOCIaTIOn > THE aLL-VOLunTEEr aSSOCIaTIOn encourages residents to host block parties and provides neighborhood watch, crime prevention tips and other services. It has a new logo, website and a growing Facebook page and publishes a community newsletter, Gatewatch, four times per year. The association sponsors several community events throughout the year in partnership with neighborhood churches and Beacon Hill at Eastgate, including:


im Rauwerda moved to the Eastgate neighborhood 20 years ago after finding a house with character and history — the former homestead of Kladder’s Cloverland Dairy Cream. “It’s kind of unusual to find a farmhouse in the city,” he said. Originally a rural community in Paris Township that served as a gateway to East Grand Rapids, the neighborhood still included farms in the 1960s when the cities of Grand Rapids and Kentwood annexed the remaining areas of the township. Eastgate boundaries roughly include Plymouth Avenue on the west, Hall Street on the north, following along the somewhat choppy city limits to Breton Road on the east, and Burton Street on the south. Vast architectural variety, well-kept

homes, churches, minimal businesses and tree-lined streets with sidewalks give the community character, Rauwerda said of the middle-income neighborhood. Charming farmhouses mix with saltboxes, midcentury modern and post-World War II ranch-style brick homes. Eastgate’s reputation as a starter-home neighborhood where young, college-educated professionals and families buy their first home with no intention of staying long term is starting to change, thanks to residents like Shana Shroll, president of the Eastgate Neighborhood Association and a Kent County commissioner. People who live in its boundaries, which included about 700 homes and 1,600 residents in 2010, promote Eastgate as a great place to live.

Garage Sale Days (June), throughout Eastgate Ice Cream Social (June), Eastminster Presbyterian Church Dumpster Day (August), Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church Pig Roast (August), Beacon Hill at Eastgate Eastgate 5K (September), Beacon Hill at Eastgate Trunk or Treat (Halloween), Fifth Reformed Church Find more information at east gategr.com or facebook.com/ groups.

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“Once you have kids, you want to know the people around you. You want your kids to be safe to go out and play. We’ve got great neighbors. It’s nice when you have people around you who you care about and who care about you.” — Shana Shroll

“It’s about having pride in being here,” Shroll said. “When you know your neighbors, you feel safe and connected. It’s what makes a community a thriving one.” Shroll’s husband bought a home in Eastgate in 2004, where she joined him after they married in 2007. “Two kids and six years later, we’re still

here,” she said. “Once you have kids, you want to know the people around you. You want your kids to be safe to go out and play. We’ve got great neighbors. It’s nice when you have people around you who you care about and who care about you.” Shroll’s neighbor on Woodward Avenue, Chris Burri, moved to Eastgate as a temporary fix seven years ago when plans to build a house in Caledonia fell through. “I had a one-year, in-and-out plan,” he said. “I ended up falling in love with this neighborhood.” Rauwerda said he sees a lot of activity in front of his home on Boston Street — high school athletes in training, young families pushing strollers, neighbors carrying home dinner from Andrea’s Pizza, and active seniors from the nearby Beacon Hill at Eastgate retirement community out for a walk. As editor of Gatewatch, he and his family deliver the newsletter to all the homes in the neighborhood. “If you like to walk on the sidewalk, it’s a beautiful place.” The neighborhood’s churches partner with the Eastgate Neighborhood Association to engage in community outreach. Fifth Reformed Church hosts the annual Trunk or Treat event. More than 300 children showed up last Halloween, said Greg Wilkins, the church’s facilities manager. “It’s just neat to have those connections,”

Top left: Sammy Rauwerda is chased by brother Joey and friends Hosanna and Verity Ippell, while Jim Rauwerda, Nikki and baby Amias Ippell look on. Rauwerda’s home is on the site of the former Kladder’s Cloverland Dairy. Left, Fifth Reformed Church facilities manager Greg Wilkins works on the community garden cleanup. Opposite page, Shana Shroll walks with sons Declan and Colin.

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Carol Wheeler, left, has owned the Eastgate Barber Shop for 19 years; below, Andrea’s Pizza has been a neighborhood hangout for decades.

he said. “So often, businesses, schools — even churches — become an entity in and of themselves in a neighborhood.” Fifth Reformed also maintains one of two community gardens in Eastgate. Wilkins started the garden a couple of years ago on land around the church parking lot. He oversees the effort, cultivating the ground for planting and providing water access to 20 growers. “People who normally wouldn’t be in a community garden can be,” he said. “We have a really simple one, but there’s a lot of camaraderie.” A lot of families belong to the membersonly Heather Downs pool bordering East Grand Rapids that recently celebrated its 50th year. “Many people describe the pool as the hidden gem because, literally, the pool is hidden away behind tall trees,” said Kyle Borst, vice president of the pool’s association. A number of state swimming titleholders learned to swim at Heather Downs, and Borst said many marriages have resulted from friendships started at the pool. “Even more amazing is the number of second- and third-generations of families who still swim at Heather Downs.” Residents are invested in the schools serving Eastgate, Shroll said. Volunteers from the neighborhood association and Beacon Hill mentor students at Mulick

Park Elementary School. It is one of three schools selected for Grand Rapids Public Schools’ transformational school program, and Shroll is excited for the neighborhood association to be engaged in the process. “Speaking as a mom who wants to send her kids to a school close by, it’s a huge asset to have a good elementary school within walking distance,” she said. Another attraction is the proximity to downtown, to Breton Village Shopping Cen-

ter and to the amenities of East Grand Rapids, Shroll said. She frequently visits the EGR library, dines in Gaslight Village and enjoys Reeds Lake for outdoor recreation. A few businesses — including Andrea’s Pizza, a thriving family business for more than 40 years — dot Boston Street. Beacon Hill at Eastgate is a retirement community that expanded on the site once occupied by Metropolitan Hospital. “We didn’t mind the hospital, but it’s much quieter (now),” Rauwerda said. “The traffic has dropped significantly on Boston.” Friendly service and authentic Italian cuisine continue to be trademarks of Andrea’s Pizza, a popular hangout. Loyal customers also support Eastgate Barber Shop in the same plaza, said owner Carol Wheeler. The business opened in 1963. Wheeler cut hair in the barbershop for five years before buying it from the original owner 19 years ago. “All the school kids and teachers (from nearby schools) come in,” she said. “Neighbors, brothers, cousins — they’re all in here GR chit-chatting.”

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COOL BREWS. HOT EATS. February 17 – March 1 55+ local restaurants offer great food inspired by and paired with Michigan craft beers.

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out & about Where to Go / What to Do

january events A Few greAt tHings

to do tHis MontH!

speCiAl eVents JAN. 4-5 grAnd rApids AntiQues MArKet: Danielle Colby-Cushman of the History Channel’s “American Pickers,” shown right, is bringing some “antique oddities” to the eighth Grand Rapids Antiques Market at DeVos Place. “I’ll have some medical and circus-related items,” she said. “And a lot of vintage clothing.” Don’t miss the chance to chat with the burlesque dancer and fashion designer who owns 4 Miles 2 Memphis boutique in Chicago. The show features 150 dealers selling furniture, pottery, jewelry and art. grandrapidsantiquesmarket.com.


















1 1







1 8







2 5







Jan. 8 tHe JAnuAry series: Isabel Wilkerson, who spent 15 years interviewing more than 1,200 people to write “The Warmth of Other Suns,” the story of the migration of black citizens who fled the South to look for a better life, kicks off Calvin College’s 27th annual month-long series of free lectures. For a full list, visit calvin.edu/ January/2014. Jan. 27 soup’s on For All: Guests at the 16th annual benefit at The B.O.B. will sample soups, breads and desserts donated by local restaurants, bakeries and businesses, and listen to live entertainment. Proceeds benefit the food and pantry programs of God’s Kitchen.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar!

JAn. 4 - yAnKee springs winter CHAllenge: Switchback Endurance presents 10K, 25K and 50K races plus a new 50-mile race at Long Lake Outdoor Center in

Middleville. See Sports

JAn. 8-19 - “tHe Milliner”: Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids presents a fragile portrait of the Holocast and those unwilling to give up Germany as their home

JAn. 10 - MAJiC ConCert series:

songwriter and violinist. Proceeds benefit the Heartside neighborhood and Hill Music Together ministry. See Music

Musical Arts for Justice in the Community hosts Karisa Wilson, folk/ pop/indie/blues singer-

JAn. 18-19 greAt sKAte winterFest:

despite the Nazi threats. See Stage and Film

Karisa Wilson

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To list your event Send calendar information to Grand Rapids Magazine, c/o

Calendar Editor, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, e-mail caleditor@ geminipub.com, fax (616) 459-4800. High-resolution photos welcomed. To meet publishing deadlines, information must be received two months prior to monthly magazine issue by the 15th of the month.

SPECIAL EVENTS thru March 9 - ice skating at rosa parks Circle: Outdoor ice skating in downtown GR. Hours and cost: see Rosa Parks Circle Ice Skating on Facebook. Jan. 4-5 - grand rapids Antiques Market: 150 dealers selling furniture, pottery, jewelry and art. Old House Expo, vintage fashion show, handicrafters market. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. DeVos Place. $10, $12 weekend pass, $5 students, children 17 and under free. grandrapidsantiquesmarket. com.

oPPoSite PaGe PhotoGraPhy by michael buck (left); courteSy VintaGe PromotionS, llc (riGht); kirStin anne johnSon (bottom riGht)

Jan. 6 - winter Bridal show of west Michigan: One-stop wedding shopping expo. 5-9 p.m. Grand Rapids Art Museum, 101 Monroe Center. Cost: TBD (at door). kohlerexpo.com. Jan. 8-28 - the January series: Calvin College’s 27th annual lecture series offers free lectures on a variety of topics by renowned authors, educators, politicians and others (see website). 12:30-1:30 p.m. weekdays (doors open 11:30 a.m.). Calvin College FAC and remote webcast locations. calvin.edu/ January/2014. Jan. 10-11 - grand rapids Bridal show: One-stop-shopping for brides, plus a fashion show of wedding gowns, tuxedos and flowers. 5-9 p.m. Fri., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. DeVos Place. $5 at door; free to brides who pre-register at grbridalshow.com. Jan. 10-11 - Holland ice-sculpting Competition: Downtown Holland and the National Ice Carving Association host collegiate competition in the streets of downtown Holland, where 300-pound blocks of ice are turned into art. downtownholland.com. Jan. 10-11 - living well grand rapids: Health and fitness show with hundreds of exhibitors, including health insurance,

24-hour skating marathon with Grand Rapids Griffins players benefits the team’s Youth Foundation. Free activities include demonstrations, ice sculpting, sled dogs and family activities at Rosa Parks Circle. See Specials Events

hospitals, alternative health services, birthing centers, assisted living facilities, child development centers, fitness clubs. Also, health screenings and life coaching. Noon-8 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. DeVos Place. $8 adults, $4 ages 6-14.

Jan. 11 - Comic-Con Juice Ball: Annual Juice Ball Initiative themed fundraiser raises money for Kitchen Sage and Kids’ Food Basket. 8 p.m. JW Marriott, 235 Louis Campau. Tickets TBD. facebook.com/juiceballinitiative. Jan. 11 - winter wheat grand rapids: Wheatland Music Organization presents the 5th annual celebration of traditional music and dance with 12 hours of music, including performances by Blue Water Ramblers, Oat Bran Boys, Red Tail Ring, An Dro, Fiddlefire, Blue Molly, Kirk Jones and the Benzie Playboys. 1 p.m.-1 a.m. The Intersection, 133 Grandville Ave. SW. $20 adults, $10 students. wheatlandmusic.org. Jan. 18-19 - great skate winterfest: 24hour skating marathon with Griffins players to benefit Griffins Youth Foundation, plus sport demonstrations, ice sculpting, sled dogs and family activities. Noon Sat.-10 p.m. Sun. Rosa Parks Circle, downtown GR. Free; donations encouraged. griffinshockey.com/ greatskate. Jan. 20 - Martin luther King Jr. Celebration: GRCC’s 28th annual Inherit the Dream community-wide program. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Ford Fieldhouse. grcc.edu/mlk. Jan. 20-25 - Martin luther King Jr. Commemoration week: GVSU hosts a silent march, presentation of MLK Community Service Award, day of service and keynote speeches. See gvsu.edu/mlk for schedule. Jan. 23-26 - grand Haven winterfest: Family dog pull, cardboard sled race, luau

JAn. 17-19 - ’60s Hits witH tHe Midtown Men: GR Symphony presents

JAn. 26 - “tHe AddAMs FAMily MusiCAl”: Darkly deliri-

four stars from the original cast of “Jersey Boys” who will recreate hits from The Four Seasons, Beatles, Beach Boys and more. See Music

ous comedy features Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Grandma, Wednesday and Pugsley at Forest Hills Fine Arts Center. See Stage and Film

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out & about Where to Go / What to Do

1/ Come-

Billy’s Lounge: Eastown bar and music venue hosts live music with emphasis on blues. 1437 Wealthy St. SE, 459-5757, billys lounge.com. The B.O.B.: The Big Old Building houses several entertainment options: Crush Thu.Sun. (Crush Is Country, live country music every Fri.); live music at Bobarino’s Tue.Sat.; Eve (Fri. and Sat.); stand-up comedy at Dr. Grins. 20 Monroe Ave. NW, 356-2000, thebob.com.


Diversions: Nightclub offers video bar, dance floor, karaoke, special events. 10 Fountain St. NW, 451-3800, diversionsnight club.com.

1/ dr. grins CoMedy CluB: John Heffron performs Jan. 16-18. After winning NBC’s second season of “Last Comic Standing,” Heffron has been busy making the rounds of late-night TV shows and comedy festivals. 21 and over. 20 Monroe Ave. NW, 3562000, thebob.com.

J. Gardellas: Dance Club Fri. and Sat. nights on third floor feature DJ Kermit. 11 Ionia Ave. SW, 459-8824, jgardellastavern. com.

2/ interseCtion: Winter Wheat takes over the Intersection beginning at 1 p.m. Jan 11. Presented by the Wheatland Music Festival folks, the event celebrates traditional music and dance. This year’s celebration boasts three stages, open jams and acts like local favorite Blue Molly. 16 and over. Tickets at Purple East, Shakedown, Vertigo Music and box office. 133 Grandville Ave. SW, 451-8232, sectionlive.com.

Mulligan’s Pub: Bar and music venue in Eastown. No cover charge. 1518 Wealthy St. SE, 451-0775, mulligans-pub.com.

3/ Founders Brewing Co.: On Jan. 30, Cosby Sweater takes the stage. Did the name catch your attention? The trio, named after the sweater made famous in the late ’80s/early ’90s, combines amazing production, a smooth saxophone and mind-blowing drums for shows you won’t soon forget. Free. 21 and over. 235 Grandville Ave. SW, 776-2182, founders brewing.com.

The Orbit Room: Club venue hosts regional and national music acts, occasional stand-up comedy. Multiple bars. Open floor, seated balcony. 2525 Lake Eastbrook Blvd. SE, 942-1328, orbitroom.com.

Jan. 30

3/ Cosby Sweater will perform at Founders Brewing Co.

Grand Woods Lounge: Restaurant/bar with dance floor, DJs Thu.-Sat. 77 Grandville Ave. SW, 451-4300, grandwoodslounge. com.

Monte’s Lounge: Drink specials and dancing every Fri. and Sat. 438 Bridge St. NW, 774-5969, monteslounge.com.

The Pyramid Scheme: Heartside pub and live music venue. Tickets: FusionShows. com, Vertigo Music and Pyramid Scheme front bar. 68 Commerce Ave. SW, 272-3758, pyramidschemebar.com. River City Improv: Comedy team weaves skits, games and songs with audience suggestions. Calvin College Gezon Auditorium, 3201 Burton St. SE. Tickets at rivercityimprov.com or Calvin box office, 526-6282, or at door. Rocky’s Bar & Grill: Dancing every Fri. featuring DJs and live acts. 633 Ottawa Ave. NW, 356-2346, rockysbarngrill.com. Stella’s Whisky Lounge: Retro Dance Party with DJ Todd Ernst every Sat. 53 Commerce Ave. SW, 742-4444, stellasgr. com. Sunday Night Funnies: Midwest comics perform 8:30 p.m. Sun. Riverfront Hotel’s Landing Lounge, 270 Ann St. NW, Facebook. Tip Top Deluxe Bar & Grill: Live acts, including comedy (2nd and 4th Tue.) and music. 760 Butterworth St. SW, 272-3910, Facebook.

PhotoGraPhy courteSy jeff heffron (toP); aaron linGenfelter (bottom)

Comedy & nightclub venues

dian John Heffron takes the stage Jan. 16-18 at Dr. Grins.

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extravaganza (ages 21 and up), snowboard and ski competition, and polar plunge. Kids day is Jan. 25. winterfestmi.org.

Jan. 23-26 - grand rapids Camper, travel & rV show: A dozen West Michigan RV dealers showcase 100 RV lines. 3-9:30 p.m. Thu., noon-9:30 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. DeVos Place. $9 adults, $3 ages 6-14. Jan. 24-25 - nuclear Cowboyz: Indoor family-friendly choreographed freestyle motocross show. 7:30 p.m. Van Andel Arena. $17.50-$87.50 (Van Andel and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). Jan. 25 - ClC network Auction: Christian Learning Center Network hosts an auction of household items, vacations, restaurant certificates and more. 5 p.m. silent auction and dinner, 6 p.m. live auction. Calvin Christian Middle School, 3740 Ivanrest, Grandville. clcnetwork.org. Jan. 25 - ethnic Heritage Festival: GR Public Museum celebrates ethnic groups that call West Michigan home, with music, dancing, food, crafts and ethnic displays. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 272 Pearl St. NW.

PhotoGraPhy courteSy jeff heffron (toP); aaron linGenfelter (bottom)

Jan. 25 - grCC giants Awards & Banquet: GRCC salutes African-American individuals and organizations for their contributions to the community. Proceeds support the Milo Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund. 6 p.m. DeVos Place. $75 (234-3390 or grcc.edu/gia nts). Jan. 25 - party in your parka: All-day party with winter sports, live music, food, beer. Muskegon Winter Sports Complex, 462 Scenic Drive, Muskegon. msports.org. Jan. 25 - wintervention: Snowman-building competition and winter festivities. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Zeeland. feelthezeel.com. Jan. 27 - soup’s on For All: 16th annual benefit for God’s Kitchen includes soups, desserts and live entertainment. 6:309:30 p.m. The B.O.B., 20 Monroe Ave. NW. $50 (551-5663 or ccwestmi.org, click on “Events”), $60 (at door). Jan. 30-Feb. 1 - Muskegon snowfest: Greater Muskegon Jaycees present snow corn hole, snow volleyball, team trivia night, soup/chili cook-off, and kids fest (Feb. 1). Downtown Muskegon, Western and Third St. muskegonsnowfest.org.

SPORTS Jan. - grand rapids griffins: American Hockey League team, primary affiliate of the

Detroit Red Wings, plays home games: Jan. 3 vs. Chicago Wolves. Jan. 8 vs. Rockford IceHogs. Jan 10-11 vs. Iowa Wild. Jan. 15 vs. Chicago Wolves. Jan. 17-18 vs. Abbotsford Heat. Jan. 31 vs. Chicago Wolves. Times vary. Van Andel Arena. $14-$32 (Van Andel box office, Meijer or Star Tickets). griffinshockey.com.

Jan. 4 - yankee springs winter Challenge: Switchback Endurance presents 10K, 25K and 50K races plus new 50-mile race. 6 a.m. 50-mile, 9 a.m. 25K and 50 K, 9:30 a.m. 10K. Long Lake Outdoor Center, 10370 Gun Lake Road, Middleville. See website for cost info: yankeespringstrailrun.com/wp/winter-ra ce-information. Jan. 21 - wwe smackdown: 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena. $17.50-$97.50 (Van Andel and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). Jan. 26 - Harlem globetrotters: Basketball entertainment presents “Fans Rule” world tour. 2 p.m. Van Andel Arena. $21-$95 (Van Andel and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster).

STAGE & FILM Jan. 8-19 - “the Milliner”: Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids presents a fragile portrait of the Holocast and those unwilling to give up Germany as their home despite the Nazi threats. 8 p.m., 3 p.m. Sun. Black Box Theatre (Room 201, Spectrum Theater), 160 Fountain St. NE. $20 adults, $18 seniors, $5 students (box office or 234-3946). jtgr.org. Jan. 10-11 - Carol Burnett skits dessert theatre: Master Arts Theatre presents a comedy show. 7:30 p.m. Fri., 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sat. 75 77th St. SW. $16 includes dessert (455-1001 or masterarts.org). Jan. 16-25 - “the lyons”: Circle Theatre’s Circle on the Side series presents a story about the Lyons family and their feuds and memories as the patriarch lies dying. 7:30 p.m. Aquinas Theatre Annex, 1607 Robinson Road SE. $17 (456-6656 or circletheatre.org). Jan. 17-25 - “time stands still”: Muskegon Civic Theatre presents a play about a photojournalist and a foreign correspondent trying to adjust to a sudden change in their relationship. 7:30 p.m., 3 p.m. Sun. Frauenthal Theater, Muskegon. $21 adults, $19 seniors and students (box office or Star Tickets). muskegoncivictheatre.org. Jan. 17-Feb. 2 - “Clybourne park”: GR Civic Theatre presents a dramatic comedy in two outrageous acts set 50 years apart. 7:30 p.m., 2 p.m. Sun. 30 N. Division Ave. $16-$28 (2226650 or grct.org).




by Grand Rapids Magazine





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out & about Where to Go / What to Do

Jan. 18 - Caroline rhea: Stand-up comedian and actress, presented by Rockford Education Foundation. 8 p.m. Rockford High School, 4100 Kroes St., Rockford. $40. rock fordschools.org/?i=REFEvents. Jan. 18 - pop scholars: Comedy improv team. 8 p.m. Wealthy Theater, 1130 Wealthy St. SE. $7. popscholars.com. Jan. 24-25 - Contents under pressure: Comedy improv team. 7 p.m. Master Arts Theatre, 75 77th St. SW. $7 adults, $5 seniors and students (455-1001 or masterarts.org). Jan. 26 - “the Addams Family Musical”: Darkly delirious comedy featuring Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Grandma, Wednesday and Pugsley. 3 p.m. Forest Hills FAC, 600 Forest Hill Ave. SE. $42-$56 (box office, 493-8966 or Ticketmaster). fhfineartscenter. com. Jan. 31-Feb. 9 - “urinetown, the Musical”: GVSU’s Opera Theatre. 7 p.m., 2 p.m. Sun. Louis Armstrong Theatre, Allendale campus. $14 adults, $12 seniors, $6 students (GVSU box office, 616-331-2300 or gvsu.edu/ theatre).

MUSIC Jan. 9 - Fresh Folk series: Acoustic concert and storytelling with Drew Nelson, Jimmie Stagger, Mark Sala, Jen Sygit, Josh Rose and May Erlewine. 7:30 p.m. St. Cecilia Music Center, 24 Ransom Ave. NE. $20 (459-2224, scmc-online.org). Jan. 9 - Keith urban: Country star and “American Idol” judge performs Light the Fuse tour with Little Big Town and special guest Dustin Lynch. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena. $27.50-$77.50 (Van Andel and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). Jan. 10 - MAJiC Concert series: Musical Arts for Justice in the Community hosts Karisa Wilson, folk/pop/indie/blues singersongwriter and violinist. 7:30 p.m. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 250 Commerce Ave. SW. $10 suggested donation; proceeds benefit the Heartside neighborhood and Hill Music Together ministry. Jan. 10-11 - “Brahms’ First symphony”: GR Symphony presents poems and rhapsodies that lead into Brahms’ work that took 21 years to complete. 8 p.m. concert, 7 p.m. conversation with featured musicians. DeVos Performance Hall. $18-$90 (Symphony and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). grsymph ony.org. Jan. 10, 24 - Alley door Club: Jazz, blues and folk music in downtown Muskegon 2nd and

4th Fri. Jan. 10, Vincent Hayes Project. Jan. 24, West Side Soul Surfers. 7-10 p.m. (doors open 6 p.m.). Frauenthal Theatre, Muskegon. $7 at door or in advance (231-727-8001).

Jan. 16 - san Fermin: WYCE Live at Wealthy presents a concert of post-rock, chamberpop, contemporary classical music. 8 p.m. Peter Wege Auditorium, Wealthy Theatre, $21, $18 members. grcmc.org/event/6714. Jan. 17-19 - ‘60s Hits with the Midtown Men: GR Symphony presents four stars from the original cast of “Jersey Boys” recreating hits from The Four Seasons, Beatles, Beach Boys and more. 8 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 3 p.m. Sun. DeVos Performance Hall. $18-$90 (GRS and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). grsymphony.org. Jan. 18 - the Block Concert: West Michigan Symphony presents a concert by the Ion Trio (piano, violin and cello). 7:30 p.m. The Block, 360 W. Western Ave., Muskegon. $26 and up. (231-726-3231 or westmichigansymphony. com). Jan. 20 - Monday night Jazz: West Michigan Jazz Society presents Steve Hilger Jazz Quintet. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bobarino’s at The B.O.B, 20 Monroe Ave. NW. $10, $5 members and students. wmichjazz.org. Jan. 21 - Acoustic saturday nights: Grand River Folk Arts Society hosts Blue Water Ramblers. 8 p.m. Wealthy Theatre, 1130 Wealthy St. SE. $12 adults, $10 seniors and students, $9 members, $3 children (at door). grfolkarts.org. Jan. 23 - sCMC Jazz series: St. Cecilia Music Center presents Homecoming: A Family Reunion featuring trio Xavier Davis, piano, Quincy Davis, drums, and Matt Brewer, bass. 7:30 p.m. 24 Ransom Ave. NE. $35-$40 adults, $10 students (459-2224, scmc-on line.org). Jan. 23 - winter Jam tour: Christian music concert with headliner Newsboys, plus Lecrae, Tenth Avenue North, Thousand Foot Krutch, Plumb, Colton Dixon and Nick Hall. 7 p.m. Van Andel Arena. $10. Jan. 24 - the Hit Men: Greatest hits from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. 7:30 p.m. Van Singel Fine Arts Center, 8500 Burlingame SW, Byron Center. $42.50 adults, $22.50 students (box office, 878-6800 or vsfac.com). Jan. 24 - the lone Bellow: American music group presented by Calvin College. 8 p.m. Calvin College FAC. $15 adults, $5 students. calvin.edu/sao/calendar. Jan. 25 - “peter and the wolf”: GR Symphony’s Lollipops series presents a 45-minute

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Mini Pendants by Kichler

production for kids ages 4-7, with dancers from GR Ballet. 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. Sunshine Community Church, 3300 East Beltline Ave. NE. $5. grsymphony.org.

Jan. 29 - Fred Hersch Jazz piano Concert: Presented by Hope College. 7:30 p.m. Knickerbocker Theatre, Holland. Tickets TBD (hope.edu/ticketoffice). Jan. 31 - eighth Blackbird: Contemporary music sextet presented by Hope College’s Great Performance Series. 7:30 p.m. Dimnent Chapel, Holland. $18 adults, $13 seniors, $6 students and children (hope.edu/ticketoff ice).

Lighting that reflects your personality

Jan. 31 - “the Moxie strings”: Celtic and Americana music by fiddler Diana Ladio and electric cellist Allison Lynn. 7:30 p.m. Van Singel Fine Arts Center, 8500 Burlingame SW, Byron Center. $12.50 adults, $8.50 students (box office, 878-6800 or vsfac.com). Jan. 31-Feb. 1 - “russian Masters”: GR Symphony celebrates four Russian composers. 8 p.m. concert, 7 p.m. upbeat free conversation with featured musicians. DeVos Performance Hall. $18-$90 (Symphony and DeVos Place box offices or Ticketmaster). grsymphony.org.

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LECTURES & WORKSHOPS Jan. - gr public libraries: Programs include Ask-a-Lawyer Series, Reading the Great Lakes, Early Childhood Essentials, Cooking Matters, small business classes, author visits, computer classes, reading clubs. Kids activities include literacy classes for babies, toddlers and kids; Young Dancers; and Creative Movement. Complete schedule at Main Library, 111 Library St. NE or grpl.org.

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Jan. - Kent district libraries: Programs include book discussions, Early Childhood Essentials, career transition workshops. Kids programs include story times, Family Building Bricks Party, Fancy Nancy Soiree, Beyblades and Mario Kart Tournament. See kdl.org. thru Jan. 13 - KCAd registration deadline: Register for Kendall College of Art and Design youth and adult classes that begin Jan. 18. Classes include drawing, painting, ceramics, mixed media, sculpture, photography, fashion, printmaking and computer. kcad.edu/youth-and-adults. Jan. 4, 10, 24 - grand river Folk Arts society: Dance instruction. 7 p.m. Jan. 4, First Friday Contra Dance, 5th Street Hall, 701 5th St. NW ($9 adults, $7 members, $5 students/ seniors). 7 p.m. Jan. 10, Second Friday Inter-

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out & about Where to Go / What to Do

– New York Post

national Folk Dance, Wealthy Theatre, 1130 Wealthy St. SE ($5). 7 p.m. Jan. 24, Fourth Friday Contra Dance/Jam, Fifth Street Hall, 701 5th St. NW ($9 adults, $7 members, $5 students/seniors). grfolkarts.org.

Jan. 6, 16 - ggr Chapter Mothers and More: Topics TBD. 7-9 p.m. St. Thomas Catholic Church, 1448 Grace Drive. grmother sandmore.org. Free. Jan. 6-March 10 - sing with Me!: Early childhood music class for kids 0-3 with an adult, presented by Opera Grand Rapids. 4:30-5:15 p.m. Mondays. Betty Van Andel Opera Center, 1320 E. Fulton St. Registration: operagr.com. $125 (451-2741, ext. 106, or operagr.com).

FEBRUARY 4-9 at Devos Performance Hall Grand Rapids engagement welcomed by Amway Grand Plaza; BDO; Foster, Swift, Collins, & Smith, P.C.; Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital; and Paul Goebel Group.



Jan. 9 - great start parent Coalition of Kent County: Meal Planning for the Busy Family. 5:45-8 p.m. Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 250 Commerce Ave. SW. Free dinner and child care. RSVP: 632-1007. great startkent.org. Jan. 11 - Cross Country skiing: The Basics: Intro lesson and guided outing for beginning and intermediate skiers by Ada Township Parks. Bring skis or rent from area vendors. 10 a.m.-noon. Roselle Park, 1010 Grand River Drive. $5 adults, $3 kids. Registration: 6760520 or adatownshipmi.com. Jan. 15 - grandmother power lunch series: GR Public Museum presents “Grandmothers and Education” with Lupe RamosMontigny. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 272 Pearl St. NW. $25, $20 members; includes lunch. grmus eum.org. Jan. 16 - dyslexia seminar: Info from New Chapter Learning. 6:30 p.m. Grandville Middle School, 3535 Wilson Ave., Room 200. Registration: 534-1385. newchapterlearning. net. Free. Jan. 16-18 - Michigan Music Conference: Workshops and performances for music educators. DeVos Place and Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. $150, $125 members. michigan musicconference.org.

Dual Tunnel Wash. Exterior and Interior Cleaning. No Appointment Necessary! Monday thru Saturday 8-8 | Sunday 10-5

Jan. 18 - Baby-ready pets: Humane Society of West Michigan presents a workshop to help prepare pets for the arrival of a new baby. Noon-2 p.m. 3077 Wilson NW. $10 (791-8066 or jaulgur@hswestmi.org). hswestmi.org. Jan. 18 - Calvin passport to Adventure: “The Lure of Alaska” with Dale Johnson. 2 p.m. Calvin College FAC. $6 adults, $3 students (at door, box office or 526-6282). Jan. 18 - teen series: Training Cats and

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Dogs: Humane Society of West Michigan presents ages 13-17 with basic obedience training info. 9:30-11:30 a.m. 3077 Wilson NW. $15 (791-8066 or jaulgur@hswestmi. org). hswestmi.org.

Jan. 18, 25 - “secrets for successful Marriage”: Workshop teaches healthy relationship skills. Topics include financial management, family background influences and marriage expectations. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pine Rest Postma Center, 300 68th St. SE. $120/couple. Registration: 222-4566 or pine rest.org/ssm-registration. Jan 20 - CAsA of Kent County: Nonprofit organization that trains volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children involved in family court proceedings is having a daytime training for volunteers. 180 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 5200. Information: 632-5311 or casakentco.org. Jan. 21 - nourishing ways of west Michigan: New Year, New You with Real Food, by Melissa Malinowski. 7-8:30 p.m. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 134 N. Division Ave. nour ishingways.org. Free. Jan. 27 - gr Audubon Club: “Snakes Alive ... and Turtles!” by Ryan Webb. 7 p.m. social hour, 7:30 p.m. presentation. Orchard View Church of God, 2777 Leffingwell NE. Public welcome, free. glsga.org/grac. Jan. 30 - Hope College Visiting writer series: Ismet Prcic and Benjamin Busch. Q&A, 3:30 p.m. at Fried-Hemenway Auditorium, Room 135, in the Martha Miller Center. Reading, 7 p.m., Winants Auditorium in Graves Hall. Hope College, Holland. Free. hope.edu/ vws. Jan. 30-31 - institute for Healing racism: Two-day workshop connects people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds to discuss thought-provoking topics. GRCC Diversity Learning Center. $200-$300 (2343390, grcc.edu/ihr). Jan. 30-Feb. 1 - Calvin symposium on worship: Worship planners, pastors, musicians, artists, scholars and worshipers in dialogue from more than 30 denominations and 25 countries, hosted by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. $90/one day, $180/ two days, $270/three days, $15/$30/$45 students. calvin.edu/worship.

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out & about Where to Go / What to Do

1/ Nearly 100 carvings illustrate the work of Nigerian woodcarver Lamidi Fakeye and his masters and apprentices. Fakeye received international recognition for his innovations in traditional carving.


1/ MusKegon MuseuM oF Art: special events: Jan. 23-March 27, Regional Ekphrastic Poetry Competition. special exhibitions: Thru Jan. 19, Jason Quigno: Harmony in Stone. Thru Feb. 9, The Woodcarving of Lamidi Fakeye: Four Generations of Yoruba Masters and Apprentices. Thru Feb. 23, Pauline Palmer, Impressionist: Chicago’s Painter Lady. Jan. 9-March 16, Papercuts: The Art of Contemporary Papercutting. Jan. 30-Feb. 13, Postcard Salon. permanent exhibitions: Paintings, prints, sculpture and glass. Closed Mon. and Tue. $7 adults (Thu. free), $5 students, kids under 17 free. 296 W. Webster Ave., Muskegon, (231) 720-2570, muskegonartmuseum. org. 2/ grAnd rApids puBliC MuseuM: special event: Jan. 25, Ethnic Heritage Festival, see Special Events. special exhibitions: Thru Feb. 2, Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon. Thru April 27, Dinosaurs Unearthed, an exhibition of animatronic dinosaurs and fossils that explores the discovery of feathered dinosaurs and their connection to modern day birds. permanent exhibitions: Streets of Old Grand Rapids, Anishinabek and Newcomers: People of This Place, Collecting A-Z, Furniture City, 1928 carousel ($1). $8 adults, $7 seniors, $3 age 3-17. Van Andel Museum Center, 2/ Jan. 25: The Public Museum’s all-day Ethnic Heritage 272 Pearl St. NW, 456-3977, Festival celebrates music, dance and food representing grmuseum.org. the ethnic groups that call West Michigan home.

Coopersville Farm Museum: Special exhibitions: Thru Jan. 5, Community Christmas Trees. Special events: Acoustic Jam Nights 6-9 p.m. first and third Tue. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Jan. 25 is Kids Day. Permanent exhibitions: Tractors, quilts, eclipse windmill, kids area. Open Tue., Thu. and Sat. $4 adults, $2 age 4-18, kids 3 and under free. 375 Main St., Coopersville, 997-8555, coopersvillefarm museum.org. DeGraaf Nature Center: 18-acre preserve with Interpretive Center, indoor pond, animals, SkyWatch. Closed Sun., Mon., holidays. Trails open daily dawn to dusk. 600 Graafschap Road, Holland, (616) 355-1057, cityofholland.com/degraafnature center. Free. Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park: Special event: Jan. 25-26, Orchid Show. Special exhibitions: Thru Jan. 5, Shattered: Contemporary Sculpture in Glass, and Christmas and Holiday Traditions Around the World. Thru Oct., Bernar Venet, large-scale sculptures. Jan. 31-April 27, Committed to Paper: Master Drawings and Prints by Sculptors. Permanent attractions: World-class sculptures indoors and in 30-acre park; tropical conservatory, café/restaurant, gift shop. Open daily. $12 adults, $9 seniors and students, $6 age 5-13, $4 age 3-4. 1000 East Beltline Ave. NE, 957-1580, meijergard ens.org. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum: Special exhibition: Thru May 7, Growing Up Grand, a look at Ford’s formative years. Permanent exhibitions: The 1970s, Watergate, Oval Office, New Mood at the White House. Open daily. $7 adults, $6 seniors, $5 college students, $3 age 6-18, kids 5 and under free. 303 Pearl St. NW, 254-0400, fordlibrarymus eum.gov. Grand Rapids Art Museum: Special exhibitions: Thru Jan. 5, Michigan Artist Series: Joey Ruiter, Objects in Motion. Thru Jan. 12, Masterpieces of American Landscape Painting 1820-1950, and America Near and Far: Photography from the Collection, 1870-1930. Jan. 31-April 27, Legacy: The Emily Fisher Landau Collection. Permanent exhibitions: 19th and 20th century art; design and modern craft; prints, drawings, photographs. Friday Nights at GRAM: Music, gallery talks, cash bar, dinner options 5-9 p.m. $5 adults, members free. Drop-in Family Saturdays: Art-making activities for kids and families, kid-friendly tours, 1-4 p.m. Closed Mon. $8 adults, $7 seniors/students, $5 age 6-17, kids 5 and under free. 101 Monroe Center, 8311000, artmuseumgr.org. Grand Rapids Children’s Museum: Special activities: Thru Jan. 31, Get Healthy with GRCM. Thru Feb. 16, Play It Safe in To The Rescue. Thru June 2014, Kidstruction Zone. Permanent activities: Busy, Busy Bees; Bubbles!; Mom and Pop Store; Giant Lite Brite and more. Toddler Tuesdays, 3 and under (10 a.m.-noon). Family Nights 5-8 p.m. Thu., $1.50. Closed Mon. $8 adults, $7 seniors, kids under 1 free. 22 Sheldon Ave. NE, 235-4726, grcm.org.

PhotoGraPhy courteSy muSkeGon muSeum of art (toP); GranD raPiDS Public muSeum (bottom)

Thru Feb. 9

Blandford Nature Center: Trails, nature exhibits, heritage buildings, farm on 143 acres. Interpretive Center open weekdays; trails open daily dawn to dusk. For workshops, see website. $3. 1715 Hillburn Ave. NW, 735-6240, blandfordnaturecen ter.org.

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Holland Museum: Special events: Jan. 9, Late Night at the Museum, open until 8 p.m. Jan. 20, Tiny Tots: Folk Tales. Jan. 25, Cabin Fever for Kids: Knitting. Special exhibitions: Jan. 17-May 19, Dutch Folklore: The Linocuts of Cornelia Van Geuns. Permanent exhibitions: Dutch Galleries of 17th- to 20th-century paintings; cultural attractions from the “old country”; local history. Closed Tue. $7 adults, $6 seniors, $4 students, kids 5 and under free. Cappon House: 228 W. 9th St.; Settlers House: 190 W. 9th St.; Main building: 31 W. 10th St., (616) 796-3329, hollandmuseum.org.

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Jan. 25-26: View hundreds of exquisite orchids in lush displays in Meijer Gardens Grand Room. Orchid vendors will sell a variety of orchids and supplies.

PhotoGraPhy courteSy freDerik meijer GarDenS & SculPture Park

PhotoGraPhy courteSy muSkeGon muSeum of art (toP); GranD raPiDS Public muSeum (bottom)

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts: Special exhibitions: Thru Jan. 26, Boo! Images of the Macabre. Thru Feb. 2, Mountains and Waters: Landscape Paintings from China. Thru Feb. 9, Fantastic Rumpus: 50 Years of Children’s Book Illustration. Thru Feb. 23, Impressions: Selections from Stewart & Stewart. Closed Mon. $5 adults, $2 students with ID, kids 12 and under free. 314 S. Park St., Kalamazoo, (269) 349-7775, kiarts.org.

Forecast? Rain and shine.

Meyer May House: Frank Lloyd Wright 1909 prairie-style house restored by Steelcase includes original furnishings. Guided tours 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tue. and Thu., 1-5 p.m. Sun. (last tour one hour prior to closing). 450 Madison Ave. SE, 246-4821, meyermayhouse.steelcase.com. Free. Tri-Cities Historical Museum: Two buildings house exhibits of Northwest Ottawa County. Closed Mon. 200 Washington Ave. and 1 N. Harbor, Grand Haven, (616) 842-0700, tri-citiesmuseum. org. Free.

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out & about Society / faces / places

Megan Mulder and Blake Murray

One of the many tables of food at the Signature Chefs fundraiser.

Shuling and Brad Bloye Francine Gaston and Sharon Sanders

Amy and Dave Engbers James and Linda Rush

Capturing the action around town:

snap shots

Forest Hills Fine Arts Center kicked off a year-long 10th anniversary season of entertainment and art exhibits Nov. 14 with a retrospective exhibit featuring 55 of its past artists. On Nov. 9, Arts in Motion Studio West Michigan hosted the third annual A Chair Affair, a live auction featuring refinished and redesigned chairs by local artists held at the Richard App Gallery in East Hills. Guests attending the Nov. 11 March of Dimes Signature Chefs fundraiser sampled signature dishes from more than 20 local chefs and bid on silent and culinary live auction packages. Chris Feldt, Alicia Menninga and Adena Koslek Photography by michael buck (top); johnny Quirin (bottom)

Alison Miles with the chair she painted

94 Grmag.com \ January 2014

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Lauren Taylor and James Kusmierski

Karen Paul, Kathleen Mooney and Pat Missad Georgia Taylor and Reggie Tardy

Stephanie Mabie and Megan West

Crowds mingling at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center anniversary party.

Photography by johnny quirin

Photography by michael buck (top); johnny Quirin (bottom)

Renee Mosley and Bethany Blackwell

Elaina and Rose Schlappi

Amity Hudson and Simone Moon January 2014 / Grmag.com 95

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after thoughts


Kerri VanderHoff is working to create a gathering space where locals and tourists can find and share information about all things GR.

PhotoGraPhy by michael buck


fter five years serving as marketing and PR director at Grand Rapids Art Museum, Kerri VanderHoff proposed the idea of a new collaborative use for the underutilized yet high-profile former café space at the art museum. GoSite will be an information center for metro Grand Rapids that includes innovative technology, flexible human-centered design, and value for all types of visitors. A series of community meetings indicated broad support for the initiative, and VanderHoff moved into the role of project director, organizing a coalition of public, private and nonprofit stakeholders to help bring the GoSite to life. wHen i’M Bored i … Move as quickly as possible away from whatever or whoever is boring me and closer to more interesting and inspiring options, or I take the opportunity to enjoy quiet time, reflecting and recharging. Most treAsured possession? My travel experiences, especially backpacking and staying at hostels and locals’ homes. An ex-boyfriend called these “expensive memories.” Note the “ex” in that statement. dAy or nigHt person? Increasingly a morning person. wHAt do you do to unwind? I find peace sailing on Lake Michigan or kayaking an inland lake or river. If I am more in the mood to veg out, then I indulge in reality TV: “Survivor,” “Deadliest Catch,” “Amazing Race,” “Project Runway” … wHAt person would you loVe to Meet? I would love the chance to meet my paternal grandparents and my dad’s brother, who all passed before I was born. proudest MoMent? Being accepted to and taking on the intellectual challenge of graduate school at the University of Chicago. Pretty cool for a working class girl from Grand Rapids. wHAt tAlent would you liKe to possess? Musical talent, sigh. Maybe that’s something I will try to develop later in life, when and if I am ready to put in the practice time. your worst HABit? Probably too much coffee. I get caffeine withdrawal headaches without my regular fix. tHe lAst BooK you reAd? “American Cinema and Hollywood: Critical Approaches,” edited by John Hill and Pamela Church Gibson. (I was looking for textbooks to include in a film theory/history class I teach at GVSU.) Most reCent downloAd? “Portlandia” 96 GrmaG.com \ JAnuAry 2014

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637 Leonard NW Just West of US 131 Grand Rapids 616.454.4439

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12/3/13 8:46 AM

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