GRREAT Times Summer 2021

Page 16

Healthy Feeding Habits To Start While Your C

hubby puppies may be adorable, but it’s important to establish healthy eating habits before their cute squishiness becomes a weight issue as they grow up. Puppies are constantly learning, so every choice you make can point them in the right direction. For some tips on how to ensure your puppy grows up

lean and strong, we spoke with Dr. Amy Pike of the Animal Behavior Wellness Center. She gave us the overview on feeding, treats, and how to help train them the right way.

Know how often to feed Each dog will have their own likes and

dislikes, and that could change as they grow older —especially as it applies to food. Pike said that you can actually just feed your puppy throughout the day using the ongoing reinforcement mentioned above. But if you’re looking to do scheduled feedings, make sure the regularity makes sense for the breed. “The smaller the puppy, the more frequently they will need to eat because they cannot maintain a steady blood sugar like larger dogs can,” Pike told The Dodo. That usually means three to four times per day for small breeds, and two to three times per day for medium and large breeds.

When it comes to treats, be SMART Treats can be tricky because of their high calories, so Pike uses the “SMART” system to make sure you’re using them effectively. SMART stands for “See the good behavior, Mark And Reward the good behavior, and Training.” That means staying observant for all kinds of things, whether it’s just staying calm (tricky for puppies) or sitting when asked. Make sure you’re using verbal and nonverbal positive reinforcement to go along with these treats as well.

Use “high value” treats selectively Typical dog treats are considered “high value” rewards. But not all rewards have to be a peanut butter snack, Pike says. For difficult behaviors like learning a new trick, staying especially patient, or developing skills that have been hard for them, that kind of treat works well. However, for tricks they already know well or just general good behavior, just a piece of kibble can be a good reinforcement without giving them too many calories, she says. According to Pike, the upside of this is that you can (and should) do this 50 times a 16


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