GRREAT Times Summer 2021

Page 6

Get Your Dog Moving and 1. Hide and Seek Almost every dog we know loves to play this classic game. If your pooch has mastered the “stay” command, get them to wait in one room while you hide in another spot in your home with treats. Then call them from your perfect hiding spot and let them come find you. When your dog does, give them lots of praise and a delicious reward.

2. Stair Sprints Want to burn some of your dog’s pent-up energy while you sneak in a little exercise too? Take the stairs! Have your dog runup and down with you three times. Then catch your breath and repeat. It’s a great way to have fun together and get your heart pumping. (If you don’t have stairs, no problem. Just run up and down a long hallway instead!)

Photo by Elisa Kennemer



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