Portfolio Tanja Grubic 2014

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Tanja Grubić S M L XL portfolio is a work in progress


MISSION STATEMENT: I am an Urban and Landscape Designer investigating the relationship between academic and professional world in architecture.


I was born on 7th July 1988 in Virovitica, Croatia. I am specialized in Urban Design while having architectural background and considerable experience with Landscape Architecture. This makes my work multidisciplinary, multi-scalar and sensitive to detail. tanja.grubic@gmail.com


places where I studied places where I travelled places where I lived

EDUCATION : Master in Science in Urbanism Technische Universiteit Delft / The Netherlands 2010 – 2012

EXPERIENCE : Tanja Grubic A+U in Rotterdam (NL) Independent freelance designer within an one-man business (jul 2013-jun 2014)

OKRA Landscape Architects in Utrecht (NL) Bachelor in Architecture University of Belgrade / Serbia 2007 – 2010



Secondary School / General Sciences X Belgrade Gymnasium Mihajlo Pupin / Serbia 2003 – 2007

Public space and landscape design Internship and freelance work (jan-jul 2013)

Urhahn Urban Design in Amsterdam (NL) Strategic urban design/ planning internship (jul-dec 2012)

PROGRAMS AND SKILLS: Visualization, Illustration and Presentation: Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

3D Modeling and Perspective: Autocad, 3Ds Max and ScketchUp

Administration and Organization: Excel, Word, PowerPoint

Languages: Serbian/Croatian - mother tongue; English - advanced level; French - basic level





TuDelft courses under the supervision of a clay artist Ellen Rijsdorp

Exhibition of the group work developed within the Amsterdam Winter School - Making the City - Making Zuidas (january-february 2012)


Regular university courses under the supervision of Milorad Mladenovic

BELGRADE DESIGN WEEK Flower CUBO exhibition: Design of a flower-inspired wall decoration for the furniture showroom CUBO that was a part of the Design Week in Belgrade in 2009

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART IN BELGRADE One of the Member-founders of the Youth club

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Architect - Independent Artist (professional status): Association of Serbian Architects (ASA - Asocijacija Srpskih Arhitekata) (January 2015 – Present) Stedenbouwkundige|Urbanist: (July 2013 – Present)






Bureau Architectenregister, License 2.130601.002



This CV is inspired by Hagan Blount

// Portfolio Content This portfolio represents set of selected projects developed by me during my academic and professional development in architecture and urbanism. The booklet will guide you through various works that I made during my education years at the Architectural Studies at Belgrade University in Serbia (2007-2010) and Urbanism Studies at TUDelft in The Netherlands (2010-2012). Also, the booklet contains projects that I did within the offices in the Netherlands. I had an opportunity to work in an office focused on urban design strategies in Amsterdam. Later, I worked in an landscape architecture office focused on design of public spaces and landscapes. The portfolio aims to demonstrate my working skills on various scales and in accordance with different approaches and project directions. Some projects are predominantly design based, other are mater of strategy and concept and some are the combination of the two.





rotterdam blaak - special object/public space VECHTDAALBAKENS - designed functional object

Jaarbeursplein - public square design Restaurant - building design Best Masterplan - business park design

Berlin - olympic park design Oaxaca - new bridge+park+infrastructure effects Ada Huja - multifunction masterplan Nijmegen - multifunction masterplan

Food City - city as food machine Ijselmonde - city as typology E-City - city as electric mobility

Rotterdam Blaak Project Title: Rotterdam Binnenrote Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Tom Wierts, Thecla van Dijk, Tanja Grubic: my role consisted out of making the initial spine concept, design process within the team, visualizing) // Assignment: After developing a masterplan for one of the biggest market-squares in the Netherlands, OKRA was asked to develop a special object at the square. This object was supposed to act as a landmark and place of experience. This spot should also react on both square’s daily and weekly rhythm (with and without market)

Vechdaalbakens Project Title: Vechtdaalbakens pielstok Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 -2014 Track: landscape design Work Type: Team work (Thecla van Dijk, Tanja Grubic: concept development, design, visualization, illustration) // Assignment: The Vecht is a river in the Netherlands that runs from Zwolle to Hardenberg. On its way, it changes the waterlevel (land hight difference) for approximately meters. The assignment was to illustrate this height difference trough a design of a bar that measures the water level.

S small

A Petri dish (or Petri plate or cell culture dish and sometimes mentioned as a Petrie dish) is a shallow glass or plastic cylindrical lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells or small moss plants. It was named after German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri, who invented it when working as an assistant to Robert Koch. Glass Petri dishes can be reused by sterilization (for example, in an autoclave or by dry heating in a hot air oven at 160 째C for one hour). source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petri_dish image: http://31.media.tumblr.com/64aedcae9b64 487818ef158e9219c9f5/tumblr_ms8mb8PwoS1qa8vdgo1_250.jpg

Rotterdam Blaak Project Title: Rotterdam Binnenrote Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Tom Wierts, Thecla van Dijk, Tanja Grubic: my role consisted out of making the initial spine concept, design process within the team, visualizing) // Assignment: After developing a masterplan for one of the biggest market-squares in the Netherlands, OKRA was asked to develop a special object at the square. This object was supposed to act as a landmark and place of experience. This spot should also react on both square’s daily and weekly rhythm (with and without market) // Approach: Element is a spine and an urban passage that as such follows the flow of the market. Due to its bended shape, it forms two new spaces around it: green pillows as places to stay. As such this element is a place to stay, a place to experience and to pass trough. In this way, the element consolidates the character and urban dynamics of Rotterdam Binnenrote and becomes an accent in space. Materialization is based on rubber finishing that makes it both solid and soft. The object is therefore a gravitation point that stimulates activity generating experiences. //project and its contents: courtesy of OKRA landschaparchitecten

schemes: types of green

object: floorplan


elevation 1

elevation 2


vechtdaalbakens GAUGE DESIGN Project Title: Vechtdaalbakens pielstok Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 -2014 Track: landscape design Work Type: Team work (Thecla van Dijk, Tanja Grubic: concept development, design, visualization, illustration) // Assignment: The Vecht is a river in the Netherlands that runs from Zwolle to Hardenberg. On its way, it changes the water level (land height difference) for approximately meters. The assignment was to illustrate this height difference trough a design of a bar that measures the water level. // Approach: To start with, the idea was to show three main elements within the design: current water level, water level in 1998 that was exceptionally high and height change that occurs from Zwolle to Hardenberg. We developed 2 scenarios. One scenario was a poetic one: it had a figurative representation on top of the bar. The human figure should give a sense of scale showing where people live at the end of the river. The second scenario is more practical with symbolic layer. It is a basic metal bar with metal rings. Trough the different metal finishing at different points of the bar we show different levels. //project and its contents: courtesy of OKRA landschaparchitecten

main concepts that we want to show


+ 9.15 + 9.10

stuw de Haandrik

HARDENBERG + 7.10 + 6.80

stuw Hardenberg

+0.62? +0.37? + 4.50

Haersterveerweg + 2.65 +1.25



stuw Vechterweerd

+ 2.35

stuw Vilsteren

DALFSEN +1.95?


+ 4.15

stuw Junne + 5.60 + 5.20

stuw Diffelen


De Stokte

Water level differences

Concept: reference object on certain height gives sense of scale and meaning in space

Poetic element: impression

Poetic element: elevation

Poetic element: impression

Poetic element: variations

Material references

Detailed sketch design

References in space

Elevation of gauge on water

Jaarbeursplein Project Title: Jaarbeursplein Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Wim Voogt, Fiona Kydd, Andreia de Pinheiro, Arjan Leenstra, Tanja Grubic) // Assignment: Jaarbeursplein is a square between Utrecht Centraal Station (one of the main infrastructure nodes in the country) and Jaarbeurs (the biggest fair area in the Netherlands). Besides those two functions, Jaarbeursplein gathers together theater, casino, hotels and offices. We were asked to make a plan that would compliment its big scale and regional importance while still taking in account human scale in design.

Restaurant Project Title: Restaurant University: Belgrade University Year: 2009 Track: architecture Focus: building technology Work Type: Group work // Assignment: The goal of the studio was to become familiar with the design process as a whole: from the architectural concept to the technical documentation delivery. In the first phase, 4 projects, from the studio, to be elaborated further, were picked. Around those projects groups were formed. Those groups produced technical documentation for an architectural project delivery. The studio requested construction analysis and calculations, installations planning, constructive details and specifications of walls, pavements, construction, windows and doors.

M medium

Malcolm in the Middle is an American television sitcom created by Linwood Boomer for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series was first broadcast on January 9, 2000; it ended its six year run on May 14, 2006 after seven seasons and 151 episodes. The series received critical acclaim and won a Peabody Award, seven Emmy Awards, one Grammy Award, and was nominated for seven Golden Globes. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_in_the_Middle image: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25600000/Malcolm-In-the-Middle-malcolm-in-the-middle-25658068-939-1000. jpg

jaarbeursplein Project Title: Jaarbeursplein Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Wim Voogt, Fiona Kydd, Andreia de Pinheiro, Arjan Leenstra, Tanja Grubic) // Assignment: Jaarbeursplein is a square between Utrecht Centraal Station (one of the main infrastructure nodes in the country) and Jaarbeurs (the biggest fair area in the Netherlands). Besides those two functions, Jaarbeursplein gathers together theater, casino, hotels and offices. We were asked to make a plan that would compliment its big scale and regional importance while still taking in account human scale in design. // Approach: On one hand, our approach consisted out of designing big edges that follow big flows of people and connect functions that meet at Jaarbeursplein. On the other hand, our team aimed to integrate intimate urban rooms as places to stay and that give a more human-scale feeling at the square that is known as the biggest in the Netherlands. The square is flexible in terms that it can accommodate meddium-size events. This project was done in collaboration with architects that made a design for a parking garage under the entire square area. Entrances to garage are integrated in square design. My role as a graduate trainee was to contribute and learn from design process, develop schemes, graphics and some visual images and models. //project and its contents: courtesy of OKRA landschaparchitecten

thematic schemes


seating scheme

lighting scheme

planting scheme

art elements



Visual from the bike path

Pavement detailing


Pavement detailing

Pavement detailing

Water element


Project Title: Restaurant cus: building technology

University: Belgrade University Work Type: Group work

Year: 2009

Track: architecture


// Assignment: The goal of the studio was to become familiar with the design process as a whole: from the architectural concept to the technical documentation delivery. In the first phase, 4 projects, from the studio, to be elaborated further, were picked. Around those projects groups were formed. Those groups produced technical documentation for an architectural project delivery. The studio requested construction analysis and calculations, installations planning, constructive details and specifications of walls, pavements, construction, windows and doors. // Approach: The entire project was a learning process of documentation construction followed by crafting. It also included a lot of discussion about the best solutions. All of us did I piece of the work: for example each person of the team developed one big detail. Sections, floorplans and the model were a matter of a group work.

restaurant ground plan

3d model : top view

3d model : front view

detail in section: spiral glass spider stairs


detail in plan: spiral glass spider stairs

Rethink Athens Project Title: Rething Athens Company: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Martin Knuijt, Pierre - Alexandre Marchevet, Eva Radionova, Frank van Zuilekom, Roel Ridderikhoff, Paula Anasagasti, Tanja Grubic, Rutger van der Klip, Bas Hassels. My role consisted out of research process, storytelling and concept development, schematic project explanation, visualizing, sculptural objects development. // Assignment: Onasis Foundation and European commission announced an architectural competition that was looking for a regeneration, revitalization and climate-aware design for the central zone of the city of Athens in Greece (http://www.rethinkathenscompetition.org/competition.php)

Berlin Project Title: Berlin Olympic Park University: Belgrade University Year: 2010 Track: urbanism Focus: urban design Work Type: Group work // Assignment: was to make a design that corresponds to Schindler Award competition requirements. The idea behind the studio was the development of the story within the framework of the competition and to learn how to manage the competition within the groupwork. The competition was about the development of the Berlin Olympic Park according to the “access for all“ concept.

Ada Huja Project Title: Ada Huja Masterplan University: Belgrade University Year: 2010 Track: urbanism Focus: urban design Work Type: Individual work // Assignment: The fixed objective of this project was the location next to the river as the project area. The assignment was to develop a city on the river. This meant a programing the area in accordance with city needs and under the certain spatial concept that can support it. One of the studio aims was the basic introduction to urban functions, infrastructure, city context, urban typologies and operating on a higher scale.

L large

In clothing, clothing size refers to the label sizes used for garments sold off-the-shelf. There are a large number of standard sizing systems around the world for various garments, such as dresses, tops, skirts, and trousers. Made-to-order garments require measurements to be taken, but these do not need to be converted into national standard form. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing_sizes image: http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/236x/5 6/92/68/5692682c84fd72358b57a93f69d5c9f6.jpg

rethink athens Project Title: Rething Athens Company: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2013 Track: landscape and urban design Work Type: Team work (Martin Knuijt, Pierre - Alexandre Marchevet, Eva Radionova, Frank van Zuilekom, Roel Ridderikhoff, Paula Anasagasti, Tanja Grubic, Rutger van der Klip, Bas Hassels. My role consisted out of research process, storytelling and concept development, schematic project explanation, visualizing, sculptural objects development. // Assignment: Onasis Foundation and European commission announced an architectural competition that was looking for a regeneration, revitalization and climate-aware design for the central zone of the city of Athens in Greece (http://www.rethinkathenscompetition.org/competition.php) // Approach: /Challenges: Changing the heart of Athens into a true contemporary metropolitan city centre requires transformation of the city triangle into a lively part of the city. Improvement of public realm as a catalyst for new economic activities can stop the decay of the area and increase its attractiveness. Athens Metropolitan Centre will regain its social, financial, political and symbolical importance, reflected in architecture by creating a green and vibrant heart. We are seeking for new inspirations towards a bright future of Athens Metropolitan Centre, becoming an inviting and safety environment to present and future residents, commuters, and tourists. /Resilient city, beyond sustainability: Aspirations on a healthy and welcoming city centre can be guided by making it green, by creating good pedestrian connections and linking the urban environment to the presence of larger green stru tures, such as the large hills at the East and the prominent hill of the Acropolis on the South. Panepistimiou will be transformed into a green spine, central in a green network, providing shade and shelter. The green strategy includes specific attitudes towards: - reducing the urban heat island (UHI) effects by greening the space and creating green linkages to areas that provide natural cooling (such as green spaces and green squares), adapted pavement, earth cooling and water storage. - reducing air pollution (orientation towards carbon neutral interventions where carbon footprint and carbon offsetting are solved within the area by trees planting and other compensating measures). - positive attitude towards energy flow and consumption (energy producing elements related to traffic ramps, combinations of lighting and solar energy, integration of geothermal storage and possible linkage to positive energy buildings); - resolving water issues (storm water retention and drainage, semi permeable surfaces, micro filtering, but also green roofs and vertical gardens). /Green connections on the city scale We are turning the city triangle into a green framework and connecting the green framework to the green hills in and around the city. Like this Panepistimiou will be the aimed green spine, central in a green framework of boulevards with a coherent tree planting framework. The corners of the triangle will be transformed into green areas, thus connecting the pedestrian area of Panepistimiou with the green hills. The result will be that mitigation of urban heat island effects is not limited to Panepistimiou but will have its effects on the Metropolitan Centre. /Accessible city, beyond vehicular movement For public space ‘Access for all‘ is the key. The aim is to create a vivid and differentiated area, as a mixed development with mixed people (high and low income and a diversity of backgrounds), which can refer to the diversity of the metropolitan centre. Therefore we welcome the Masterplan’s idea to create a pedestrianized spine. Providing new activities and giving a new quality to the space will turn Academias from a traffic corridor into an attractive destination. In relation to the foreseen transformation to discourage through traffic the movement on Panepistimiou from Syntagma Square to Omonia will be limited to pedestrians, cyclists and the tramline connecting Syntagma to Patissia. Traffic tr versing the center will be organized in loops; from Omonia to Syntagma vehicular movement is org nized via Stadiou and vice versa via Academias. This means that a shift from vehicular movement to other users, such as pedestrian, cyclists, and public transport will take place. Text Author: Martin Knuijt

Strategy: Green Network

Strategy: Water collecting and reuse


Strategy: Blue Network

Strategy: Climate impacts, reduction of surface and air heat in summer, balanced resilient city

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Gardens of memory and barriers

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Strategies for keeping the urban vibrancy during construction

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Diversity of activities

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Strategies for roofs, inner courtyards, galleries , and garage rooftops

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Impression

Theater of 1000 rooms and vibrancy: Diagrams: Program, Daily/ Weekly rhythm and seasonal/annual rhythm

Green Network: Trees

Green Network: Planting

Green Network: Comfort flower scents

Green Network: Comfort in Green Rooms

Green Network: Types of relation between the trees, planting and the ground

Green Network: Korai square showing new and existing situation

Green Network: Omonia square showing new and existing situation

Green Network: Detail

Memory: Strategies that would allow elements to be used and prominent in space

Crucial points of the plan that require special elements as an accent in space

Memory and meaning: Element that aims to describe democracy is inspired by Kleroteria. Democracy as an equality is expressed by equally sized elements. Also, democracy as a transparent system is expressed trough elements that allow visual contact and transparency.

Memory and meaning: Element that aims to describe science is inspired by Antikythera Mechanism that is now understood to be dedicated to astronomical phenomena and operates as a complex mechanical “computer� which tracks the cycles of the Solar System.

Memory and meaning: Omonia Flame is an element placed in the center of Omonia square

berlin Project Title: Berlin Olympic Park University: Belgrade University Year: 2010 Track: urbanism Focus: urban design Work Type: Group work // Assignment: was to make a design that corresponds to Schindler Award competition requirements. The idea behind the studio was the development of the story within the framework of the competition and to learn how to manage the competition within the group work. The competition was about the development of the Berlin Olympic Park according to the “access for all“ concept. // Approach: At the existing situation we recognized a predominantly mono-centric composition with the “summer stage amphitheater“ as a dominant symbolic center. At the same time, the main theme of the park relates with sports that are dispersed all over the area without the strong network that would guide the visitor in terms of the “access for all“. Therefore we decided to use the “summer stage amphitheater“ as the starting point to which we added two other strong centers: Hockey Arena and Equestrian Club. In this way we proposed a network that builds up on the existing strong centrality, developing a strong references in space. Also the station was accented as the landmark that attaches on network as its entrance and its exit.

3d overview of the masterplan / birdeye

concept schemes


impression : station

amphitheater floorplans

amphitheater impression

amphitheater concept

amphitheater exploded view

impression : hotel

masterplan with architectural floorplans

floorplan : hotel

Installation: Paintings and objects forming composition and urban environment

Drawing: ladder

ada huja masterplan Project Title: Ada Huja Masterplan University: Belgrade University Year: 2010 Track: urbanism Focus: urban design Work Type: Individual work // Assignment: The fixed objective of this project was the location next to the river as the project area. The assignment was to develop a city on the river. This meant a programing the area in accordance with city needs and under the certain spatial concept that can support it. One of the studio aims was the basic introduction to urban functions, infrastructure, city context, urban typologies and operating on a higher scale. // Approach: The main concept behind this project was based on the landscape-terrain features of the area and the infrastructure set up of the surrounding neighborhoods. The landscape-terrain aspect generated the main circle-shaped scheme, while the preconditioned infrastructure cuts into this landscape “mesh“. Those breaks play the role of the axis that connects the existing neighborhoods with the new development. Within this concept the program was positioned according to previously recognized needs of the city. schematic birdeye

Concept schemes


Masterplan : Detailed Zone

Floorplans : Digital Center

Section 1-1

Section 2-2


E-CITY Project Title: E-CITY Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2014 Track: urban research Work Type: Team work (Thecla van Dijk, Zineb Seghrouchni, Tanja Grubic - my role consisted out of research process within the team and visualizing individually) //Assignment: Exploring and understanding of potentials and spatial impacts of e-mobility within the cities.

T?F : Food City Project Title: The Food Machine University: TUDelft Year: 2011 Track: architecture Focus: visionary experimental design Work Type: Group and Individual work // Assignment: Understanding and spatially defining the relation between the food and the city was the main objective of this experimental studio assignment. First part of the studio was based on the definition of the ,population,size consumption, production and waste disposals of the average European city. Then, within this fixed data, 4 groups were formed around different approaches-themes. The theme for my group was the `Food Machine`.

Ijsselmonde Project Title: Ijsselmonde Masterplan University: TUDelft Year: 2011 Track: urbanism Focus: strategic urban design Work Type: Group and Individual work // Assignment: was the understanding of the complexity of existing conditions, its history and future challenges through defining of a ‘spatial development perspective’ for a metropolitan region. Also, the aim was to be able to understand and operate within the metropolitan region through the design tools informed by systematic urban analysis.

XL extra large

The Little Prince and Baobabs The prince describes spending his earlier days cleaning the volcanoes and weeding out certain unwanted seeds and sprigs that infest his planet’s soil; in particular, pulling out baobab trees that are constantly trying to grow and overtake the surface. The prince appears to want a sheep to eat such undesirable plants, until the narrator informs him that a sheep will even eat roses with thorns. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_ Prince image: http://www.thestory.org/sites/default/files/ public/images/story/petit-prince-baobabs.jpg

E-CITY: E-mobility and its spatial impacts Project Title: E-CITY Office: OKRA landschaparchitecten Year: 2014 Track: urban design research Work Type: Team work (Thecla van Dijk, Zineb Seghrouchni, Tanja Grubic - my role consisted out of research process within the team and visualizing individually) //Assignment: Exploring and understanding of the potentials and spatial impacts of e-mobility within the cities. //Approach: E-mobility in this project was observed like a process that was to do with many aspects placed in time. This is how we developed the story that consists out of 3 steps: Now, Tomorrow and Much Later. We wanted to think about e-mobility freely but still realistically. This is how the 1 step (“NOW”) developed. Further on, we aimed for a truly futuristic scenario where we can go further with imaginary and sometimes utopia-like stories. This is how the 3rd scenario was developed (“MUCH LATER”). Finally, we wanted to show a step between those two. An element that turned out to be the hardest to develop due to its futuristic character but strong attachment with present moment. This scenario we call “TOMORROW“. At the end, we established rather complete story that tackles various levels of development and leads a potential critical observer carefully trough the story.

Rotterdam map with strategically positioned e-hubs

Utrecht map with strategically positioned e-hubs

1 - NOW - mentality change (individual) We wanted to think about e-mobility freely but still realistically. This is how the 1 step (“NOW”) developed. The idea was to develop a story that can take place if we wanted to introduce e-vehicles and benefits of alternative energy today. Trough this step we wanted to emphasize the importance of an individual, a household, and the lifestyle. Here we are trying to introduce mentality change, need for a higher level of information on e-mobility, relation between e-mobility and other sources of alternative energy etc. For instance, in this scenario we are imagining a lady that owns e.g. an e-car can relate the electricity bill with her solar panels, that she can attach her car on charging at her own house, that she can pay part of her monthly fees trough being aware of ecologic impact (for example government incentives) etc.

2 - tomorrow - electric hubs (community) An element that turned out to be the most challenging to develop due to its futuristic character but strong attachment with present moment. This scenario we call “TOMORROW“. In this scenario the accent is on community, social groups, program-related people. This is why we are predominantly talking about e-HUBS or places that we see as highly active, dense zones that have a great potential to attract new developments and users. Within this scenario we focus on flexible working places, easy shopping or recharging areas and parking as a mean of payment. The idea is that we don’t think anymore in terms of money but in terms of energy. e-HUBS are places where this idea is more pronounced and benefits of e-HUBS can be used to its maximum. e-HUB is a system of functions, program and buildings.

3 - much later - energetic city (future city) Then, we aimed for a truly futuristic scenario where we can go further with imaginary and sometimes utopia-like stories. This is how the 3rd scenario was developed (“MUCH LATER”). Within this stage, we talk about the energetic asphalt that could feed houses, street-light, farms, glasshouses etc. This stage assumes new urban typologies along the highways, change of old typologies such as old parking garages.

1 - NOW - mentality change (individual)

Schematic explanation of Scenario 1

Changed street profile in Carnisse, Rotterdam Zuid

Existing street profile in Carnisse, Rotterdam Zuid

2 - tomorrow - electric hubs (community)

Schematic explanation of Scenario 2 trough a simplified map of the city of Utrecht



Atmospheric collages of different hub types: Jaarbeursplein (Anchor hub with lot of activity and possibilities), Zuilen (creative industries within industrial site)

Generic qualities/propreties for e-hubs

3 - much later - energetic city (future city)

Schematic explanation of Scenario 3 trough a simplified map of the city of Rotterdam

Highway - Changed Profile

Highway - Existing Profile

Carnisse, Rotterdam - Existing Profile

Carnisse, Rotterdam - Changed Profile

Painting: Acrylic

Painting: Among the others : Collage

Painting: Landscape in Acrylic

T?F : FOOD CITy Project Title: The Food Machine University: TUDelft Year: 2011 Track: architecture visionary experimental design Work Type: Group and Individual work


// Assignment: Understanding and spatially defining the relation between the food and the city was the main objective of this experimental studio assignment. First part of the studio was based on the definition of the ,population,size consumption, production and waste disposals of the average European city. Then, within this fixed data, 4 groups were formed around different approaches-themes. The theme for my group was the `Food Machine`. // Approach: As a group we based our approach on the unity of the efficiency and as much livability possible. Efficiency was something that described the machine nature of our city, while livability was referring more on the human component of the city. Therefore, our first step was dividing the heavy grow and processes from the living environment. The minor processes that are related to the daily consumption and routine were part of the program that was positioned within the urban area. In this way we ensured efficient transportation and digesting flow. The individual parts were based on the development of three cities that are plugged on the main core that contains already mentioned heavy processes and crops. Scheme: Food Flow and Processes // scheme of the crop distribution and process flows and their proximity to the city (group work)

// heavy



Flour Sunflower Sunflower Oil


Olive Trees

Olives Olive Oil

Cacao Trees Cacao Beans



Coffe Trees

Coffee Beans

Animal Feed Corn

Milk Butter

Cream Pig


Cow Yoghurt Chicken


Potato Chips


Pork Beef


Drinking Milk



Candy Sugar Softdrinks



Rice Flour Cereals Pasta Beer Olives Olive Oil Sunflower Oil Mineral Water

Meat Products Bread



// illustr


Tea Coffe

Chicken Fish Eggs




Potato Fields


Garlic Fields

Salad Fields


Cucumbers Onions

Cucumber Fields

Ice cream Processed Vegetables

Onion Fields

Fruit Juices



Tomatoe Fields Processed Fruits

Apple Trees

Red Peppers Lemons

Lemon Trees

Wine Carrots


Orange Trees

Red Pepper Fields


Pineapples Coconuts

Bananas Carrot Fields

Pineapple Trees Coconut Trees Banana Trees

Scheme: Food Flow and the consumer

Grape Trees


Insolation Analysis

Food City : Function Layers of the City: Transport-Sewege

Food City Impression


Distribution: Grow and the City

Painting: Dawn, acrylic

Model: Apstract representation of ground


Project Title: Ijsselmonde Masterplan University: TUDelft Year: 2011 cus: strategic urban design Work Type: Group and Individual work

Track: urbanism


// Assignment: was the understanding of the complexity of existing conditions, its history and future challenges through defining of a ‘spatial development perspective’ for a metropolitan region. Also, the aim was to be able to understand and operate within the metropolitan region through the design tools informed by systematic urban analysis. // Approach: “Is Ijsselmonde an island?” Is the research question that guided our vision for the region. Our analyses, firstly on a regional scale, showed the particular position of Ijjselmonde on the regional scale: situated on the crossroads between the morphological type of “green islands”( Zeeland on the south) and the fringe of the “urban islands”( Randstad on the north) Ijsselmonde becomes an important transition area marked by a large diversity on its territory. On the scale of Ijsselmonde, we discovered a variety of “urban types of islands”: its inhabitants encounter dense urban fabric on the north and a rural, green environments on the south. The great typological and functional diversity of different living environment offered on the territory of the island a set of potentials that our group emphasized. Our strategy is to spatially separate, join or generate areas in order to evoke their qualities and identity. We use water as a main spatial and technical tool. Its position is firstly determined on the scale of Ijjselmonde-it divides cities and neighbourhoods aiming to improve the living conditions in those areas and to highlight the existing qualities to those areas. We developed a typological grid, classifying the new islands and defining their role and function. This grid is the connecting element between our strategy for the region and the functioning of the new islands.

Matrix: Typologies of Ijsselmonde and its characteristics

Masterplan : Typologies

Basins, paths and activities

Section 1-1

Section 2-2

Imaginary impression of typology


Storyline scheme

Types from the area as an inspiration

Ceramics: Vase

exhibited artwork, 2009


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