Geography and History 1 Teacher's Guide sample unit

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Geography and History M . Bur go s , M . C. M uñ oz-D el gad o

T e a c h e r’s G u i d e



Building Blocks is an educational project of Anaya Educación for Secondary Education with the participation of: J. A. A. Castrillón, N. Blanco C. Broadbridge, M. Burgos, K. Chambers, M. Folgueral, Begoña Fuente Larrazabal, Sara Gascón Martín, Danny Latimer, M. C. MuñozDelgado, R. Oakes, J. Roe, C. Ordóñez, Hannah Peat, Karen Piper, Emma San José, Deborah Spencer, Denise Suárez. The following people have also contributed to this book:

EDITORIAL COORDINATION: Paloma Rodríguez Esteban. Editorial team: Carmen F. Picatoste, Begoña Fuente Larrazabal, Miriam Montanaro and Jorge Sanz.

Design, technical drawings and maps: Patricia G. Serrano, Juan Carlos Quignon, Miguel Á. Castillejos, Miguel Ángel Díaz-Rullo, Míriam Arribas, José M.ª Gil and Rosario Regaño.

Illustrations: Gracia Artigas, Arturo Asensio, Paul Coulbois, Rosalía Martínez and Carlos Moreno.

Layout: J&M Artes gráficas. Graphic edition: Elena Achón. Translation: Deborah Ether-Spencer. Photographs: Agencia EFE, Alamy / Cordon Press, Age Fotostock, Aisa, Album, Archivo

Anaya (Balaguer. T.; Candel, C.; Cantó, M.; Cosano, P.; Cruz, M.; Enríquez, S.; García Pelayo, Á; Hernández Moya, B.; Leiva, A.; Lezama, D.; Martín, J. A.; Martin, J.; Martínez, C.; Muñoz M.; Nosti, N.; Ortega, Á.; Ortiz, J.; Osuna, J.; Padura, S.; Pozo, M.; Pérez de Tudela, M.; Ramón Ortega, P.-Fototeca de España; Redondo, M.; Rivera Jove, V.; Ruiz Pastor, L.; Ruiz, J. B.; Sánchez, J.; Steel, M.; Torres, O.; Valls, R.; Váquez, A.; Zafra, J. C.; 6x6 Producción Fotográfica), Cordon Press, Dreanstime, ESA, Granger Collection / Cordon Press, Getty images, Istock / Getty images, Laura F. Gibellini, NASA, Scala, 123 RF and collaborators. We would like to thank the artist, Mira Shiladeh, and the photographer, Mia Gröndahl.

Academic and Professional Orientation: created in conjunction with Fundación Bertelsmann. Coordinator: Juan José Juárez Calvo. Expert collaborators: Sara Lozano Santiago, Belén Pérez Castro and Pilar Vázquez Hernández.

Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals Our publications contain carefully selected content, illustrations and language to comply with non-discrimination on the grounds of gender, culture or opinion. Grupo Anaya considers social and environmental responsibility to be one of its fundamental values. For this reason, we are committed to: · continually improving our contents and materials related to the environment. · reducing our carbon emissions. · using natural resources responsibly. · making sure that our activity has no negative consequences for endangered forests. These commitments, among others, mean that 100% of the paper used in our books has the PEFC label. Important information: The activities proposed in this book should be completed in a separate notebook or on sheets of paper, not in the book itself. The links to webpages which appear in this book have been checked before printing. The publisher cannot be liable for any changes or modifications which occur after the date of publication.

© GRUPO ANAYA, S.A., 2021 - C/ Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 15 - 28027 Madrid. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Building Blocks and the project keys ..............................


Our project ........................................................................................


Units, Applying skills and Learning to learn

1 1. Planet Earth ............................................................................. 8 12. The Earth’s physical characteristics. Basic components ...............................................................


Applying skills: The Earth moves ..........................................


13. The Earth’s physical environment. The continents.........................................................................


14. The climate and bioclimatic zones .......................... 34 Applying skills: Crazy weater .................................................


15. The Earth’s major bioclimatic zones ........................ 42 Applying skills: The bioclimates and our footprints ............................................................................................


16. Relief and bioclimates of Spain .................................. 52 Applying skills: Landscapes and their names ................


7. Prehistory .................................................................................. 60 Applying skills: Uncontacted peoples ...............................


18. Mesopotamia .......................................................................... 70 9. Egypt ............................................................................................ 78 Applying skills: The Aswan Dam ...........................................



Greece .........................................................................................


Applying skills: The Olympics ................................................


11. Rome ............................................................................................ 98 12. Ancient Spain ......................................................................... 110 Applying skills: Spain’s «Stonehenge» ..............................


Learning to learn ...........................................................................




A project that is rooted in skills-based learning and the development of student commitment within the realities of available time.

Building Blocks is a new skills-based approach, with the utmost curricular rigour and a coherent and coordinated content sequence in the areas throughout the entire educational stage. It promotes linguistic communication skills, which are essential for assessing the knowledge that allows us to understand the world around us and develop social awareness. Building Blocks offers the possibility of incorporating active methodologies, using cooperative learning and thinking strategies, promoting personal and social skills for emotion management and the development of entrepreneurship in a flexible way. It attends to academic and professional orientation, whilst embracing equality and inclusion, all within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals that we must keep focused on over the coming years.

Project keys SDG

SDG Commitment Establishes

the Sustainable Development Goals as a framework for learning that prepares students towards committed citizenship.

Developing thinking Proposes

strategies to stimulate reflection, “learning how to think” and the development of critical and creative thinking habits.

Cooperative learning Offers techniques to develop the skills that allow us to work together and efficiently in a diverse society.

Emotional education Offers emotional management tools to face the challenges of this complex educational stage.

Enterprising culture

Promotes entrepreneurial thinking in its three dimensions: personal, social and productive.

ICT Integrates the use of ICT in the learning process itself in a responsible, intelligent and ethical way.

Academic and professional orientation Helps students to get to know themselves, to understand the environment and to make decisions that allow them to confidently enter the labour market.

Assessment Incorporates strategies that allow students to participate in the assessment of their learning, analysing “what they have learned” and “how they have learned it”.

Linguistic Plan Develops communication skills both written and spoken and the tools needed to describe, present, instruct, comment, defend or refute ideas.

Our project The STUDENT’S BOOKS Adjusted to the curricular development of our community, both content and activities contemplate human and social reality from a global and integrative perspective. The course uses a skills-based methodology, allowing us to express our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals while enabling the growth of skills and aptitudes demanded by society. Knowledge of society throughout history is undeniably essential for understanding today’s world and its diversity.

THE DIGITAL PROJECT for teachers The web The teacher’s website is a tool that facilitates and enriches teaching work. With it, you can adapt the contents to the needs of the students through additional resources or reinforce the most relevant educational aspects:


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• Course plan, the teacher’s guide and project information. • Diversity and inclusion, to meet the diversity of students’ motivations, interests and learning styles through: - Key concepts and additional worksheets. -E xtension and Practice worksheets and competence development worksheets.





• Assessment, a core value of the project, is supported through:

6. On

- Evaluation.

• Language Bank: created to further develop the four linguistic skills (speaking and writing, productive skills, and reading and listening, receptive skills), this new educational tool accurately supports the linguistic plan and can be used both by the teacher and the language assistant. • Create: fun cross-curricular projects which contribute to integrating and exposing students to different curricular contents and developing their English skills. These projects show the students that what they’re learning isn’t just in the classroom, but found in everyday lives.






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- Specific documentation. • Resource bank, with concept maps, blank maps, Pelicuteca, Librarium, art dictionary, Language Bank, Create and more.



orizado .

- Predesigned assessment tests and records. - Assessment tools.



- Other resources.






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Teacher’s guides There is a teacher’s guide for each student book with the solutions to the activities, methodological guidelines, suggestions for applying the project keys, etc.


The digital book All Building Blocks books have a digital version. You can download the entire book or download it by units, with all its resources or in its lighter version (without the largest digital resources), which allows offline and online use. The resources of each unit are grouped by type and allow direct access to the web resource bank and the Teacher’s guide.

And for the s tudents? Resource bank

at www.a nayaeduc con: • Resourc es related to th e p ro • Feature ject keys. d resourc e materia l. • Resourc es for ea ch unit. Digital b ook A digital version o f the textb be down ook that loaded in can full or by its resourc units; wit es or a lig h all h ter versio the heav n (withou iest digit t al resourc es).


This unit completes the study of parts of the Earth’s natural environment. It begins with a look at the atmosphere and its different layers; the meteorological and climate phenomena that cause the atmosphere to change over space and time; the elements and factors of climate; and the main climate zones of the Earth. The unit then covers vegetation as an essential part of the biosphere, and introduces the concept of bioclimates.

Resources and materials Alongside the Student’s Book which includes a glossary at the end of each unit, the Teacher’s Guide, and the digital resources you could also use classification guides, encyclopaedias and internet searches.

General suggestions Methodological approaches that help develop speaking and writing skills are essential for this project. The following suggestions are therefore proposed:

Encouraging reading, and developing reading comprehension and speaking and writing skills Students may have difficulty understanding certain concepts in this unit. They must be able to differentiate between the concepts of climate and weather, and understand what a bioclimate is. Therefore, it is been considered very important to have a Glossary with the most relevant words related to Geography with thorough definitions and explanations at the end of the unit. The Glossary is a tool that helps students to comprehend without ambiguity and master and use new vocabulary. It can be read individually or in a group where the teacher will also focus on the right pronunciation and intonation of each word. Reading skills are related to speaking and writing skills. Students could use the content in this unit to do oral presentations and written work, improve their vocabulary and learn to organise ideas.

Encouraging the use of ICT Today’s new technologies have become technologies for learning and knowledge. It is important to incorporate different learning devices into the classroom, such as PCs, laptops, tablets and digital whiteboards. This unit favours methodological approaches that encourage the use of ICT, helping students acquire digital citizenship skills. Such skills include searching for information on the Internet, using a word processor, doing digital presentations and using the computer’s calculator.

Contents and competences Contents of the unit Opening pages • Anna Mani. An exceptional meteorologist


1. The atmosphere and how it changes • The atmosphere, an essential layer • The layers of the atmosphere • Atmospheric phenomena. Weather and climate


2. Elements of climate (I). Temperature and precipitation • Elements of climate • Temperature and its factors • Precipitation and its factors


3. Elements of climate (II). Pressure and wind • Atmospheric pressure and its factors • Wind and its factors


4. Climates, vegetation and bioclimates • Climate and climate zones • Vegetation and the biosphere • The Earth’s bioclimates






Applying skills • Crazy weather


Values education In every unit, we present students with a different value through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These values include respect for the environment, sustainable use of natural resources, reduction of inequality, and gender equality. This unit is closely associated with the environment. 34

Key competences

KC: Key competences; CLC: Competence in linguistic communication; CMST: Competence in Mathematics, Science and Technology; DC: Digital competence; LL: Learning to learn; SCC: Social and civic competence; SIE: Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CAE: Cultural awareness and expression.

Cooperative learning Let’s check. With the cooperative learning activity ‘Let’s check’, the teacher could suggest different working methods that encourage interaction between students. SDG commitment

PROJECT KEYS Linguistic plan • Improve Listening and Reading (receptive skills) • Improve Speaking and Writing (productive skills)

This double page covers SDGs 5 and 7. Students can view Targets 5.5 and 7.2 of these SDGs in the resource bank at



The climate and bioclimatic zones

3 What are the names of the layers of the atmosphere? With a partner, talk about in which layer you think the following would happen:

• • • •

Reading and listening

Cooperative learning Techniques: • Let’s check • Shared interpretation Emotional education • Situational awareness: identifying geographical spaces that you might never visit Enterprising culture • Initiative (productivity): adopting proactive attitudes in order to make decisions ICT • Worksheet for working on competences • Worksheet on Language Bank (Speaking) • Worksheet on Language Bank (Writing) • Concept map: ‘The atmosphere and its layers, climate and its elements, vegetation and bioclimates’ • Worksheet for working on diversity and inclusion • Blank maps: ‘Access to digitised blank maps of all the planet’s continents’ • Librarium: Access to written works on geography • Pelicuteca: Access to films or documentaries about subjects related to geography

protection from meteorites the northern lights

In small groups, look for information and, using a diagram, talk about the causes and possible consequences caused by the greenhouse effect.

Anna Mani dedicated her life to the study of Physics and Meteorology. She was born in Travancore, India, in 1918. She got a degree in Physics and spent some years studying the properties of gems like rubies or diamonds. Later, she moved to London, where she was awarded a scholarship in the Imperial College. Her research focused on the manufacturing and use of the different weather measuring instruments, such as the anemometer, which measures the speed of the wind, the pluviometer or rain gauge, which measures the amount of rainfall, or the barometer, which measures atmospheric pressure, among others.


5 Because of the hole in the ozone layer, environmental balance is at risk. Find out about the evolution of the hole since it was first discovered and its current situation.

Although she resigned from her position in the Meteorological Department in 1976, she continued collaborating with the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, where a unit was created to research solar and wind power. She studied the behaviour of gases such as ozone. For a better understanding of climates and bio climates on Earth, you will learn about:

• • • •

The atmosphere and its changes. The elements of climate and the factors that affect it. Climates and climate zones. Vegetation and biosphere. The Earth’s bioclimates.

1 Define the word meteorology. 2 Answer the questions. a) What did Anna Mani study at university? b) What are the names of the three institutions where Anna developed her career?

6 Then based on that information and the hazards caused by the greenhouse effect, write an essay for your local government so they consider including climate change in their agenda.


c) Apart from ozone, do you know the name of any other gases that are present in the atmosphere? Go to the SDG 5.5 and 7.2 resource.

Developing thinking Techniques: • I think, I’m interested, I investigate

protection from UV radiation

4 Do you know what the greenhouse effect is?

Anna Mani

When she returned to her country, she was appointed deputy general manager of the India Meteorological Department and started to work on the design and standardising of weather instruments.

SDG commitment • Equal opportunities • Increase in renewable energies • Climate change policies

weather phenomena


The climate and bioclimatic zones Suggested methodology In this opening double page the focus is on the four main linguistic skills: Listening and Reading (receptive skills), Speaking and Writing (productive skills). Taking the content of the unit as the main issue, the student will develop and reinforce the four foundational skills of language learning. We suggest beginning by reading the introduction about the life of the meteorologist and physicist Anna Mani. The questions in ‘Reading and listening’ can be answered using cooperative learning tools.

In this unit This section shows the contents to be addressed in the unit in the form of an outline. The content has been structured into the following sections: • Opening pages. In the Listening and Reading section the students will start reading and listening an introductory text about the life of the meteorologist and physicist Anna Mani, who had an exceptional career: she was Deputy General Manager of India’s Meteorological Department and carried out important research that focused in particular on the manufacture and use of weather measuring instruments such as the anemometer, the rain gauge and the barometer. While listening to the text, the teacher will focus the students’ attention on the stress, rhythm and intonation of words and whole sentences. Then students will answer questions related to the text. In the Speaking section the aim is the development of students abilities to communicate in English in issues related to Geography and History. In this case they will talk about the layers of the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. In the web resources you will find the Language Bank which will help students with the grammatical structures required for the activity. In the Writing section student will improve their skill in both quantity and quality. In this case they investigate about the hole in the ozone layer and write an essay for the local government to include climate change in their agenda. In the web resources you will have the Language Bank which provides vocabulary to help students structure their writing and an example text as a guide to follow. • The atmosphere.

Assessment • Review • Preparing a portfolio

• Elements of climate. • Climates, vegetation and bioclimates. Students are invited to go to, where they can watch videos about the Sustainable Development Goals in the Education 2030 Agenda.


The targets covered in this unit are Target 5.5 on equal opportunities for women, Target 7.2 on the need to increase renewable energy, and Targets 13.2 and 13a on climate action.

Answer key Reading and listening 1 Meteorology is the science that studies teh weather and its changes. 2 a) Physics and Meteorology. b) Imperial College. India Meteorological Department. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology. c) Oxygen.

Unit 4

The layers of the atmosphere EXOSPHERE

The air and its gases 1%

21 %

ã 1.1 The atmosphere, an essential layer The atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the Earth that is joined to it by the force of gravity. It is made up of air, which contains water vapour and a mixture of gases (including nitrogen, oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide).

78 %

The atmosphere is very important because it performs four functions that make life possible on our planet: it contains gases that are essential for living beings such as oxygen; it filters harmful solar radiation, like ultraviolet rays; it helps regulate the temperature on the planet; and it protects the Earth from the impact of meteorites.

Oxygen Others (Carbon dioxide, water vapour, other gases)

➜ Climate is the average state of the atmosphere over one place. It is determined by observing the succession of types of weather for at least thirty years. The conclusion determines that the climate in Rome is hot and dry in summer. Therefore, the climate is more stable than the weather. Climatology is the science that studies climate and its varieties. It measures and records the average temperature and the precipitation levels of a place throughout the year.

Stratosphere. This layer contains the ozone layer, which absorbs the Sun’s ultraviolet rays. Satellites

Troposphere. Meteorological phenomena happen here. The force of gravity keeps it linked to the Earth.

Skills progress

Today meteorology uses artificial satellites, like Meteosats. They send information and pictures about the state of the atmosphere.

-90 °C

Ultraviolet solar radiation

Ozone layer Supersonic plane

12 km

Meteorological phenomena

Jet plane

Working with pictures

1 In the illustration, find information about the layers of the atmosphere: • What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere and what percentage does it represent? • Calculate the thickness of each of the layers of the atmosphere. • Which is the coldest layer? And the hottest? • Which layer protects Earth from meteorites? And from harmful solar radiation? • In which layer do the northern lights appear?

Suggested methodology This section deals with the importance of the atmosphere, its characteristics and its layers, and the difference between weather and climate.

50 km



The atmosphere is constantly changing, which produces variations in the atmospheric weather and creates climates.

Meteorology is the science that studies the weather and its changes. To do so, it measures the temperature, pressure and humidity of the air masses.

Northern lights



ã 1.3 Atmospheric phenomena. Weather and

place at a certain time. For example, the weather in Rome at 12 noon on October 31st of this year is cool and rainy. The weather changes, so the values obtained at 12 noon can be different from the values at 7 pm. This is because in the troposphere there are large air masses. They are pushed by the winds and move continuously over the surface of the Earth.

Mesosphere. In this layer, the temperature goes down to -90 ˚C.

Spacecraft orbiting the Earth

ã 1.2 The layers of the atmosphere This space is divided into five layers with different temperatures and characteristics. From the Earth’s surface outwards these layers are: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the ionosphere and the exosphere. The troposphere is in the lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. It extends from the surface of the Earth to an altitude of 12 km. Meteorological and climatic phenomena happen in the troposphere.

The atmosphere and how it changes

Ionosphere. The high high temperature in this layer (1 500 ˚C) causes meteorites coming from space to disintegrate, preventing their impact on the surface.

1 500 °C

80 km

The atmosphere goes from the surface of the Earth up to approximately 10 000 km high.

➜ Atmospheric weather is the state of the atmosphere over one

Exosphere. This layer is the most distant from the surface of the Earth.

10 000 km

500 km



Using vocabulary


2 Explain the differences between these pairs

5 Look for information about some of these subjects

of concepts: a) atmosphere and troposphere; b) weather and climate; c) meteorology and climatology.

a) What ozone is, and what role it plays in human life.

on the Internet:

3 Write a composition about the importance of

b) What ultraviolet rays are, and how they affect people.

the atmosphere, using these terms: life, harmful radiation, gases, meteorites and temperature.

c) What meteorological satellites provide.

Analysing physical phenomena

4 Say which of these sentences refers to the weather



With all the information write a short composition and present it in class.

and which refers to climate: a) Winter in Madrid is cold and dry.

Use whichever pictures you consider necessary for the presentation.

b) Today it is hot and sunny in Seville.



Linguistic plan Activities 2 and 3 aim to help students develop their linguistic communication by writing continuous texts about concepts covered in the unit.

Weather affects all living organisms and is a very topical subject. We must take advantage of that fact to broaden students’ understanding of the atmosphere and weather. Students should know the composition of the atmosphere and of its different layers, and understand the importance of these layers for life, particularly the troposphere, where meteorological phenomena take place, and the stratosphere, which contains the ozone layer.

Answer key Skills progress 1 Students must use the information in the pictures to answer the questions.

ICT Activity 5 encourages the use of new technologies, since it allows students to learn with devices like computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

• The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is nitrogen, which represents 78 % of all air. • The troposphere is 12 km thick; the stratosphere is 50 km thick; the mesosphere is 80 km thick; the ionosphere is 420 km thick; and the exosphere is 9 500 km thick. • The coldest layer is the mesosphere, which has a temperature of -90 °C, and the hottest layer is the ionosphere, which has a temperature of up to 1 500 °C. • The layer that protects the Earth from meteorites is the ionosphere. The layer that protects the Earth from harmful solar radiation is the ozone layer, which is located in the stratosphere. • The northern lights appear in the ionosphere.

2 a) The atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth, and the troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. b) Weather is the state of the atmosphere over one place at a certain time; and climate is the average state of the atmosphere, meaning it is more stable than weather. c) Meteorology is the science that studies weather and its changes based on air temperature, pressure and humidity; and climatology is the science that studies climate and its varieties based on average temperature and precipitation.

3 The atmosphere is hugely important for life on our planet. It provides gases that are essential for living organisms, such as oxygen; it protects us from the Sun’s harmful rays; it regulates the planet’s temperature; and it acts as a shield against meteorites.

4 a) Climate. b) Weather. 5 This activity encourages students to use new technologies. Open answer. The composition should cover ozone, ultraviolet rays and artificial satellites.


Temperature and precipitation maps North Pole

ic Circ

Elements of climate are components of the atmosphere that can be measured. The main elements are temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure and wind. They can all vary due to factors like latitude, altitude and distance from the sea, the unchanging characteristics that have a permanent influence on the climate.

ã 2.2 Temperature and its factors Temperature is the amount of heat in the air. It is measured with a thermometer and is expressed in degrees Celsius (°C). The factors that influence temperature are:

➜ Latitude. Temperature decreases from the Equator to the poles.



ic of






Northern cold zone

1000 2000 3000 4000 km

Arctic Circle 66° 33’ N

Northern temperate zone


Tropic of Cancer 23° 27’ N


ic of



Average annual temperature (˚C)


Tropical zone



Southern cold zone



Southern temperate zone

South Pole

Equator 0°

Tropical or hot zone Above 25

Temperature (A) is represented on maps using isotherms or lines that link places with the same temperature. On Earth, temperatures decrease with latitude and altitude, and are milder near the coast.

Tropic of Capricorn 23° 27’ S

Between 20 and 25 Temperate zone Between 10 and 20 Between 0 and 10 Cold zone Between -10 and 0

Antarctic Circle 66° 33’ S

Below -10

In hot areas, the Sun’s rays are more direct. This means that the heat is spread over a smaller surface area and it heats up more. Heat also encourages precipitation.



Arctic Circle 66° 33’ N

100 metres of altitude increased because the air, which is less dense, stores less heat.

Precipitation (B) is represented on maps using isohyets or lines that link places with the same precipitation.

➜ Distance from the sea. Temperature is milder on the coast and

On Earth, there is more precipitation at the Equator, in elevated areas and on the coast.

more severe inland, because the sea warms up and cools down more slowly than the land.

Tropic of Cancer 23° 27’ N

Average annual precipitation levels (mm)

Equator 0° Tropic of Capricorn 23° 27’ S

Very high

(more than 2 000)


On Earth, differences in temperature allow us to identify various thermal zones that are related to latitude: one hot, two temperate and two cold.

(from 1 000 to 2 000)


(from 500 to 1 000)


(from 300 to 500)

Skills progress

Precipitation is the water that falls on the Earth’s surface from the clouds, in liquid form (rain) or solid form (snow and hail). It is measured with a rain gauge or pluviometer, and is expressed in millimetres (mm) or in litres per square metre (L/m2).

1 Create a table comparing the

➜ Latitude. There is more precipitation at the equator and less precipitation in tropical, temperate and polar areas. Heat makes the air to rise which results in the condensation of the water vapour.

➜ Altitude and relief. Precipitation increases with altitude, because cold temperatures favour condensation in the air. Also, when the air meets an obstacle such as a mountain, it is forced to rise and so it cools down.

➜ Distance from the sea. There is more precipitation near the coast because the sea is a constant source of moisture. On Earth, annual rainfall varies from one region to the next. These differences allow us to identify areas with different levels of precipitation, ranging from very abundant to very scarce precipitation.



Organising information characteristics of temperature and precipitation. It should contain the following: definition, instrument used to measure it, unit of measurement, factors, distribution on Earth. Analysing physical phenomena

2 Is rain the same as precipitation? Justify your answer.

3 Which factors create differences in temperature and precipitation?

Altitude factor

Working with maps

5 Using the atlas at the end of the book, find a country that is included, fully or partially, in each thermal zone and in each rainfall area. Then write it down in your notebook.

0 °C

3 000 m Warm and humid air

5 °C

2 000 m

5 °C

Distance from the sea 0 °C Hot and dry air

10 °C

In winter, the warmer air from the sea air moves towards the coast. In summer, in contrast, the hotter air from the coast moves towards the sea. Also, there is more precipitation because the sea is a constant source of moisture. Winter Winter Warm air Warm air

Working with pictures

6 How are the Sun’s rays received


in the Earth’s hot, temperate and cold areas? How does this influence temperature in the planet?

7 If the temperature at 0 metres of

to happen, at the base or at the top of a mountain? Justify your answer.

altitude is 3 °C, what would the temperature be at the top of a 2 500 metre mountain?

Summer Summer

15 °C

1 000 m

The same approach is used in this section: first we explain what the elements of climate are, and then we look at temperature and its factors, followed by precipitation and its factors.

The sea is warmer than land The seathe is warmer than the land


4 Where is precipitation more likely

Temperature and precipitation are the most representative elements of climate. In the study of climate, geography analyses each of these elements and then explains their variations.

Antarctic Circle 66° 33’ S

Very scarce

(less than 300)

ã 2.3 Precipitation and its factors

Suggested methodology

1000 2000 3000 4000 km

This is because the surface of the Earth is curved and the rays from the Sun hit the Earth at the poles at a very oblique angle.

➜ Altitude. Temperature decreases by about 0.6 °C for every

The factors that influence precipitation are:

Elements of climate (I). Temperature and precipitation

Unit 4

Latitude factor


ã 2.1 Elements of climate

30 °C

Temperature decreases with altitude by around 0.6 °C for every 100 metres of altitude increased; and precipitation increases, because as it rises, the air cools and condenses.

Cool air Cool air The sea is cooler than The seathe is land cooler than the land


Perhaps the hardest part for students will be to differentiate between climate elements and climate factors: an ‘element’ is a component of a whole, and a ‘factor’ is an agent that determines the characteristics of an element. Temperature and precipitation vary from one region of the planet to the next depending on latitude, altitude and distance from the sea. It should also be

Assessment The activities included in the resource bank portfolio, like Activity 1, aim to make students aware of how they have learnt.

stressed that climate is not static, but rather the result of interaction between the atmosphere, the oceans and the continental masses, among other factors.

Answer key Skills progress 1




Amount of heat in the air

Water that falls to the Earth’s surface

Measuring instrument


Rain gauge

Unit of measurement

Degrees Celsius

Litres per square metre


Latitude, altitude and distance from the sea

Latitude, altitude, relief and distance from the sea

Hot, temperate and cold zones

Irregular, ranging from zones with very abundant precipitation to zones with very scarce precipitation

Distribution on Earth

2 No, it is not the same: precipitation is water that falls to the Earth’s surface in the liquid state (rain) or in the solid state (snow and hail). Rain is precipitation that falls to the Earth’s surface in liquid form.

3 The factors that influence temperature and precipitation are similar: latitude, altitude, relief and distance from the sea.

4 Precipitation is more common at the top of a mountain. This is because air rises and, as altitude increases, temperature decreases, and cold temperatures cause water to condense.

5 This activity aims to familiarise students with using maps. Open answer. 6 In the hot zone, the Sun’s rays strike the Earth’s surface perpendicularly, and therefore heat it up more since the heat is distributed over a smaller surface area. In the temperate zones and even more so in the cold zones, the Sun’s rays strike the Earth’s surface at an oblique angle, and therefore heat it up less.

7 Given that temperature decreases by approximately 0.6 °C with every 100-metre increase in altitude, the temperature at the top of the mountain would be approximately -12 °C.

Unit 4

The pressures and winds on Earth




Polar easterlies

Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air column on a place. It is measured with a barometer, and is expressed in millibars (mb). Average or normal pressure, measured at sea level, is 1 013.5 mb. Areas with higher than average pressure are anticyclones, and they are marked on weather maps with an A. And areas with lower pressure are depressions, and they are marked with a B. The factors that explain these differences in pressure are:

Northeast trade winds







West winds





Trade winds West winds of the temperate zones Polar easterlies




30° O

20° O

10° O



4 mb



10° E



1 040


1036 1032






1016 mb


Surface analysis Day 22-II-2000

80° N

70° N



Anticyclone Depression

1032 mb Millibars




60° N mb

Cold front Warm front


Occluded front


(is the meeting of cold and warm fronts, which gives rise to a depression that diminishes and disappears)


1016 mb

50° N


992 mb 996 100 mb 0 mb

ã 3.2 Wind and its factors

Skills progress

Wind is air that moves horizontally. Its speed is measured with an anemometer, either in kilometres per hour (km/h) or in metres per second (m/s). Its direction is determined by using a weather vane, which indicates the cardinal point where it comes from.

Building vocabulary

998 994 990

8 mb

2 mb

6 mb




30° N



Shared interpretation

4 Looking at the weather map, answer these questions: • What does the number next to an isobar mean? • How can we identify anticyclones and cyclones? • What direction does the wind blow in an anticyclone? • And in a cyclone, what direction does the wind blow?

• What is the value of the isobar closest to the centre of the main Atlantic anticyclone?

• Which fronts appear? What type of weather do they cause?

• What will the weather be like near Iceland, and on the west coast of France? Why? Go and see how the Anticyclones and Depressions are marked on weather maps in English.


This section completes the study of the elements of climate, focusing on pressure and wind. It should be stressed that atmospheric movements occur because the Sun heats up the air unevenly in different parts of the planet. This causes compensatory currents, producing low-pressure areas of rising air, which are rainy areas; and high-pressure areas of falling air, which are areas with little rainfall.


Interpreting the map



I think, I’m interested, I investigate

monsoons and daily winds, such as sea breezes. Set a goal for yourself to learn more about the subject, and achieve it.


pressure and wind. It should contain the following: definition, instruments used to measure them, unit of measurement, factors, distribution on Earth.

3 On Earth there are also seasonal winds, such as

— Fronts are the contact point between two air masses that have different characteristics. They are represented using a red line with semi-circles (warm front) or a blue line with triangles (cold front). Both cause precipitation in their path.

1020 1024 1028





— In depressions or cyclones (B), the wind blows to the left in the northern hemisphere; and to the right in the southern hemisphere.


Organising information

2 Create a table comparing the characteristics of

— In anticyclones (A), the wind blows between the isobars to its right, in the northern hemisphere; and to its left, in the southern hemisphere.

40° N


them with the corresponding air temperature and with the existence (or lack) of precipitation.

Pressure is represented on maps using isobars. This is the case, for example, with weather maps, which show the distribution of anticyclones, cyclones and fronts.


1004 mb


1 Define anticyclone and cyclone. Then, link each of

Setting goals

Suggested methodology

Understanding a weather map 10

dense. so it tends to rise, producing low pressure that causes precipitation. Cold air is denser and heavier, so it tends to fall, producing high pressure or an anticyclone that causes stable weather.






Areas of high pressure Areas of low pressure Polar front

On Earth there are high and low pressure areas. At the Equator there is permanent low pressure; in the tropics and at the poles, there is permanent high pressure and in temperate areas, high and low pressures alternate.

On Earth there are constant winds that carry hot air towards cold areas and viceversa, keeping the Earth's temperature in balance. The most important ones are the trade winds, west winds and polar winds. In addition, there are seasonal winds, such as the monsoons of Southeast Asia; and daily winds, such as sea and mountain breezes.

B. Hot air (1) is light and tends to rise. Then it cools down (2) and causes precipitation.



Polar easterlies

➜ Air temperature. Warm air is light and not very

The factor that causes wind is a difference in air pressure. Wind always blows from high to low pressure. Its speed is greater when the difference in pressure is larger.

A. Cold air (1) is heavy and tends to fall. Then it warms up (2) and causes dry weather.

Southeast trade winds

A 30º

Elements of climate (II). Pressure and wind

The air temperature also influences differences in pressure.



Pressure decreases with altitude, because as you go higher, the layer of air over a place becomes thinner.




With height atmospheric pressure decreases, because as you go higher, the thickness and weight of the column of air over a place reduces.




➜ Altitude.

Air temperature


West winds


and its factors

Altitude factor




Air columns

3 ELEMENTS OF CLIMATE (II). ã 3.1 Atmospheric pressure


Assessment The activities included in the resource bank portfolio, like Activity 2, aim to make students aware of how they have learnt.

Teachers may find it worthwhile to spend time looking at and discussing the images illustrating the influence of altitude and the behaviour of air depending on pressure and temperature. We also recommend analysing the weather map in detail and watching a video about the effects of storms and hurricanes, such as the following:

Answer key Skills progress 1 An anticyclone is an area of high pressure, and a depression is an area of low pressure. The air in an anticyclone is colder, denser and heavier; while the air in a depression is warmer and lighter, meaning it tends to rise and cool, causing precipitation.

Developing thinking I think, I’m interested, I investigate. In the resource bank at, students have access to the ‘I think, I’m interested, I investigate’ strategy required for Activity 3, which helps them find out what they know about a topic at a given time. Cooperative learning Shared interpretation. In the resource bank at, students have access to the ‘Shared interpretation’ technique suggested for Activity 4, which they need to complete this activity through cooperative learning.





The weight of the air in a place

Moving air

Measuring instrument


Anemometer and weather vane

Unit of measurement


Kilometres per hour (km/h) or metres per second (m/s)


Altitude and air temperature

Pressure difference

Distribution on Earth

Low pressure at the equator; high pressure in the tropics and at the poles; and alternating high and low pressure in temperate areas

Constant winds: trade winds, west winds and polar winds. Seasonal winds such as monsoons. Daily winds: sea and mountain breezes


3 Answers will be different for each student because the activity requires initiative. 4 – The number next to an isobar indicates the pressure expressed in millibars. – Anticyclones are identified with an A and depressions with a B. – To the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. – The opposite way to in an anticyclone. – The value of this isobar is 1 040 millibars. – Cold front (blue line with triangles), warm front (red line with semicircles) and occluded front. – Near Iceland, it will be stable because of the high pressures; on the west coast of France, it will be unstable because of the low pressures.

Climates, vegetation and bioclimates

Unit 4


The biosphere

Plant formations and their geographic distribution


ã 4.1 Climate and climate zones


The combination of elements and climate factors that we have just studied gives rise to different climate zones on Earth.



These zones are the tropical or hot zone, where the equatorial and tropical climates are found; two temperate zones, north and south, where the Mediterranean, oceanic and continental climates are found; and two polar zones, north and south, with polar climates.

Tropic of Cancer


There are also azonal climates, which means that they can be found in several climate zones, such as deserts and mountains.

The biosphere is usually considered one of the four layers that make up the Earth. It is the combination of all the living organisms on the planet and the environment in which they live.

ã 4.2 Vegetation and the biosphere

All the components of the biosphere are interrelated. This means that if something changes in one of them, it affects the others.

Vegetation is the collection of plant species in a territory. It is found in the layer where living organisms live, which is called the biosphere (from the Greek terms bios, which means “life”; and sphera, which means “globe or sphere”). The biosphere extends from an altitude of 50 km in the atmosphere to the open oceanic trenches at the bottom of the oceans, which can be 8 000 metres deep. The biosphere contains an enormously diverse amount of plant and animal species (biodiversity). There are more than two million. Vegetation groups together in vegetal formations, or sets of plants with a similar size and appearance. The main types are forests, scrublands and grasslands:

➜ Forests are made up of trees: plants that have a trunk with branches and which are taller than eight metres.

➜ Scrublands are made up of plants that have no trunk. The branches grow directly from the ground.

➜ Grasslands are made up of grasses. On Earth, the distribution of vegetation is determined by many factors like relief, the composition of soil and, above all, the climate, because plants are adapted to the moisture, light conditions, temperature and wind conditions in each area of the Earth.

ã 4.3 The Earth’s bioclimates The Earth's climate and vegetation are very closely related. Bioclimates are the result of the combination of climate and vegetation. The distribution of bioclimates on Earth generally coincides with the climate zones. Hence, three large bioclimates are defined. They correspond to the tropical, temperate and polar zones.

Arctic Circle


Vegetal formations Woodland

Desert zone Alpine zone

Building vocabulary

1 Define

these terms: climate zones, vegetation, biosphere and bioclimate.




3 Antarctic Circle

1 000 2 000 3000 4 000 km

1. Forest 2. Shrubland 3. Grassland

Analysing physical phenomena

2 Why do you think that climate and vegetation are related?

Cold zone Arctic Circle

know of factors that determine the distribution of vegetation on Earth.

where forests predominate, two where shrublands predominate and another two where grasslands predominate.

5 Look at the bioclimatic map and complete the following tasks:

Temperate zone Tropical or hot zone Equatorial jungle bioclimate

Tropic of Cancer

Tropical woodland bioclimate Tropical savannah bioclimate

Temperate zone

Tropical or hot zone


Oceanic conifer woodland bioclimate Mediterranean evergreen woodland bioclimate

Tropic of Capricorn

Continental taiga bioclimate

a) Indicate, approximately, the latitude of each climate zone.

Cold zone

b) Locate the following bioclimates in their corresponding areas: desert, oceanic, tropical, continental and polar.

Dry (arid and semiarid) zone


This section covers the distribution of the Earth’s climate zones, the link between climates and vegetation, the concept of a biosphere, and the different vegetal formations and bioclimates.

The Earth’s bioclimates

3 Write down an example that you

Working with maps

4 Using an atlas, name two countries

Suggested methodology


Permanently frozen zone

Skills progress

Tropic of Capricorn


Polar tundra bioclimate Polar ice cap bioclimate

Arid desert bioclimate Semiarid grassland and steppe bioclimate Alpine

Temperate zone

To help students understand the different climate zones, it might be worth drawing a table of the climates in each zone, and identifying the three main climate zones on a map: hot, temperate and cold. We also recommend an explanation of azonal climates.

Cold zone Antarctic Circle


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000 km


Linguistic plan For Activity 1, students can access the ‘Writing better’ outline in the resource bank at

It would be especially useful to emphasise the concept of a biosphere, so that students understand that the ‘life sphere’ is an interrelated whole in which vegetation, fauna and human beings coexist. As suggested for the climate zones, it might be worth drawing a table of vegetal formations (forest, scrubland and grassland) and their characteristics. We also recommend underlining the importance of climate on the natural environment. To help students learn the distribution of bioclimates, we suggest analysing the map that accompanies the text. All of the above will help underscore environmental values, by highlighting the fact that any changes to one element of the physical environment (climate, vegetation, fauna, etc.) can cause problems in the others.

Answer key Skills progress 1 Climate zones are the three types of zone (hot, temperate and cold) that arise from the combination of climate elements and factors. In the hot zone we find the equatorial and tropical climates; in the temperate zones we find the Mediterranean, oceanic and continental climates; and in the cold zones we find the polar climates. Vegetation is all the plant species in a territory. The biosphere is the layer or area of the Earth inhabited by living organisms. A bioclimate is an extensive area with its own unique climate and vegetation.

2 Climate and vegetation are closely related because plants are adapted to the humidity, light, temperature and wind conditions in each region of the Earth, and their life therefore depends on these conditions.

3 Open answer. Factors that determine the distribution of vegetation on Earth include relief, soil, and in particular climate.

4 Open answer. 5 a) The hot zone extends over the intertropical latitudes; the temperate zones lie between the tropics and the polar circles; and the cold zones lie to the north and south of the polar circles. There are also azonal climates, which are found in more than one zone. b) Desert: azonal.

Oceanic and continental: temperate zone.

Tropical: hot zone. Polar: cold zone.




3 The picture below is an example of one factor that

composition and layers of the atmosphere. Then, answer this question: why is the atmosphere essential for life on Earth?

affects temperature. Explain it and then, in five lines, explain other factors that affect temperature.

PROTAGONISTS IN THE PAST Felisa Martín Basic information Name: Felisa Martín Bravo Time period: 1898-1979 Nationality: Spanish


Occupation: Doctor of Physics and meteorologist

21% 4 Briefly define the terms isotherm and isohyet. What


climatic element are they related to?

................................................................................................. .................................................................................................

5 Copy and correctly place the high and low pressures and the names of the main winds on Earth.

................................................................................................. 60º





Characteristics 30º

I was born in Donostia (San Sebastian) in 1898. I am a fortunate woman, I was able to study, first in the city where I was born, later at the Central University of Madrid, where I graduated in Physical Sciences in 1922, and later overseas. As soon as I finished my studies I concentrated on research and managed to be the first female doctor of Physics

in our country. Afterwards I did teaching tasks, both here and in the United States. At the end of my time in Cambridge in 1933 where I broadened my studies, I joined the National Meteorological Service in Madrid, where I had already worked as an assistant, being the first woman ever admitted to this organisation. Shortly after the Spanish Civil War broke out (1936), and the office moved to Valencia along with the Government, but I didn’t want to leave the city and they dismissed me. The war ended in 1939 and I had to go through a clearance process, but I managed to be readmitted.

When I was young I took part in scientific research, but with the war, my jobs as a teacher, my work


Exosphere Ionosphere 0º

Mesosphere Stratosphere




Science that studies it

Name: Laura F. Gibellini

50º 60º

complete them:

Place and date of birth: Madrid, 1978








6 Relate each term to an element of climate.

Time Climate Anemometer Thermometer

Definition Temperature

Is measured with

Is expressed in Weather vane

Precipitation Atmospheric precipitation Wind

Rain gauge

NOW Laura F. Gibellini Basic information



2 Copy these summary tables into your notebook and

at the Meteorological Service and perhaps, because of the difficulties I had with being a woman, I dropped this aspect of science. Nonetheless, I achieved some more success, when in 1973 I became the first and, at the moment, the only female president of the Spanish Meteorological Association.


Occupation: artist

Felisa Martín Bravo turned a scientific eye to the atmosphere. Her work made it possible to make records, predictions and climatic studies. Laura Fernández Gibellini is a multidisciplinary artist, doctor of Fine Arts and university lecturer who studies atmospheric conditions from a different point of view. She works to make the invisible visible. In her works she is concerned with recreating the changes that light brings to different places, she picks up the colours of different landscapes and she captures the poetry of the atmosphere.

almost six years, she focused her artistic attentions on everything that changes in nature. As a result, the air, water, the weather and the atmospheric conditions of the places she analyses are the elusive protagonists of her works. One of the works in which these concerns are seen is the installation called Atmospheres and Interruptions. This project was created during her time at the Spanish Royal Academy in Rome in the 2016-2017 academic year. In

1 In which city did Felisa Martín Bravo broaden her studies on the atmosphere? In which country and climate zone is this place located? woman to work at the National Meteorological Service, the organisation has changed its name. Look for information about it, indicate its current name and what its main roles are. weather station is? Explain what it looks like, what it is used for and indicate the location of one in your neighbourhood or autonomous community.

this work her aim was to capture the weather, the air and the light of the Italian capital.

Laura recognises that after returning from New York, where she lived for

Review Suggested methodology Today, strategies that allow students to self-evaluate are essential for developing the key of evaluation. The purpose of this key is to help students reflect on how they learn.

2 Felisa Bravo was the first

3 Do you know what a Go to the SDG 5.5 resource.



resources from r to choose Remembe portfolio. unit for your

1 In your notebook, fill in the blank spaces with the


Assessment Remember to select the work material from this unit for your portfolio. The activities included in the resource bank portfolio aim to make students aware of how they have learnt.

We therefore suggest a series of activities (relating to knowledge of specific content) to check what students have learnt from the unit. These activities are associated with a portfolio which is designed to encourage students to reflect on the methods they have used to learn.

Answer key Review 1 The atmosphere is composed of 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen and 1 % other gases.




The most distant layer, extending from an altitude of 500 km


Between altitudes of 80 and 500 km; high temperature (1 500 °C)


Between altitudes of 50 and 80 km; very low temperature (-90 °C)


Between altitudes of 12 and 50 km; contains the ozone layer


Up to an altitude of 12 km; meteorological and climate phenomena occur here

2 We suggest this activity as a self-evaluation activity. – Weather: state of the atmosphere over one place at a certain time. Science: meteorology. – Climate: average state of the atmosphere over a place. Science: climatology. – Temperature: amount of heat in the air. Measuring instrument: thermometer. Unit of measurement: degrees Celsius. – Precipitation: water that falls to the Earth’s surface from clouds (rain, snow or hail). Measuring instrument: rain gauge. Unit of measurement: millimetres or litres per square metre. – Atmospheric pressure: the weight of the air column on a place. Measuring instrument: barometer. Unit of measurement: millibars. – Wind: air moving horizontally. Measuring instrument: anemometer. Unit of measurement: kilometres per hour or metres per second.

3 The picture shows the influence of latitude on temperature. At low latitudes, that is, in the intertropical zone, the Sun’s rays strike the Earth’s surface perpendicularly, causing temperatures to rise. At higher latitudes, the Sun’s rays strike at more of an oblique angle, heating the Earth’s surface less and resulting in lower temperatures.

4 Isotherm: a line that connects points on the Earth’s surface which have the same temperature. It is related to temperature. Isohyet: a line that connects points on the Earth’s surface which have the same amount of precipitation. It is related to precipitation.

5 Low pressure in the equatorial zone. Trade winds blow towards this zone. High pressure in tropical zones. West winds blow away from these zones. Low pressure in temperate zones. West winds and polar easterlies blow towards these zones. High pressure in polar zones. Polar easterlies blow away from these zones.

6 Thermometer: temperature. Rain gauge: precipitation. Anemometer: wind speed. Weather vane: wind direction. Barometer: atmospheric pressure.





3 The picture below is an example of one factor that

composition and layers of the atmosphere. Then, answer this question: why is the atmosphere essential for life on Earth?

affects temperature. Explain it and then, in five lines, explain other factors that affect temperature.

IN THE PAST Felisa Martín

in our country. Afterwards I did teaching tasks, both here and in the United States. At the end of my time in Cambridge in 1933 where I broadened my studies, I joined the National Meteorological Service in Madrid, where I had already worked as an assistant, being the first woman ever admitted to this organisation. Shortly after the Spanish Civil War broke out (1936), and the office moved to Valencia along with the Government, but I didn’t want to leave the city and they dismissed me. The war ended in 1939 and I had to go through a clearance process, but I managed to be readmitted.

Basic information Name: Felisa Martín Bravo Time period: 1898-1979 Nationality: Spanish


Occupation: Doctor of Physics and meteorologist

21% 4 Briefly define the terms isotherm and isohyet. What


climatic element are they related to?

................................................................................................. .................................................................................................

5 Copy and correctly place the high and low pressures and the names of the main winds on Earth.

................................................................................................. 60º





Characteristics 30º

I was born in Donostia (San Sebastian) in 1898. I am a fortunate woman, I was able to study, first in the city where I was born, later at the Central University of Madrid, where I graduated in Physical Sciences in 1922, and later overseas. As soon as I finished my studies I concentrated on research and managed to be the first female doctor of Physics

When I was young I took part in scientific research, but with the war, my jobs as a teacher, my work



NOW Laura F. Gibellini

Ionosphere 0º

Mesosphere Stratosphere



Science that studies it


Name: Laura F. Gibellini

50º 60º

complete them:

Place and date of birth: Madrid, 1978








6 Relate each term to an element of climate.

Time Climate Anemometer Thermometer


Is measured with

Is expressed in Weather vane

Temperature Precipitation Atmospheric precipitation Wind

Rain gauge

almost six years, she focused her artistic attentions on everything that changes in nature. As a result, the air, water, the weather and the atmospheric conditions of the places she analyses are the elusive protagonists of her works.

Basic information



2 Copy these summary tables into your notebook and

at the Meteorological Service and perhaps, because of the difficulties I had with being a woman, I dropped this aspect of science. Nonetheless, I achieved some more success, when in 1973 I became the first and, at the moment, the only female president of the Spanish Meteorological Association.


One of the works in which these concerns are seen is the installation called Atmospheres and Interruptions. This project was created during her time at the Spanish Royal Academy in Rome in the 2016-2017 academic year. In

Occupation: artist

Felisa Martín Bravo turned a scientific eye to the atmosphere. Her work made it possible to make records, predictions and climatic studies. Laura Fernández Gibellini is a multidisciplinary artist, doctor of Fine Arts and university lecturer who studies atmospheric conditions from a different point of view. She works to make the invisible visible. In her works she is concerned with recreating the changes that light brings to different places, she picks up the colours of different landscapes and she captures the poetry of the atmosphere.


resources from r to choose Remembe portfolio. unit for your

1 In your notebook, fill in the blank spaces with the

1 In which city did Felisa Martín Bravo broaden her studies on the atmosphere? In which country and climate zone is this place located? woman to work at the National Meteorological Service, the organisation has changed its name. Look for information about it, indicate its current name and what its main roles are. weather station is? Explain what it looks like, what it is used for and indicate the location of one in your neighbourhood or autonomous community.

this work her aim was to capture the weather, the air and the light of the Italian capital.

Laura recognises that after returning from New York, where she lived for

Suggested methodology This section introduces students to women from the past and present who have played or who play an important role in some aspect of geography.

2 Felisa Bravo was the first

3 Do you know what a Go to the SDG 5.5 resource.




In this case, it introduces students to two Spanish scientists. The first is Felisa Martín Bravo, a pioneer in the field of meteorology and the first female president of the Spanish Meteorological Association. The second is Laura F. Gibellini, a university lecturer and an artist, whose work offers a different perspective of atmospheric conditions.

Answer key 1 Felisa Martín Bravo broadened her studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States of America. This city is located in the temperate zone.

2 What was formerly the Meteorological Service is now the State Meteorological Agency, which is attached to the Ministry for Ecological Transition. Its main tasks include preparing and disseminating weather information and forecasts of general interest for citizens, raising alerts for civil protection bodies, and providing civil protection support for maritime and air transport.

3 A weather station is a place where different weather variables are measured, recorded and observed. Weather stations are used to predict the weather and carry out climate studies. The answer to the question about whether there is a weather station in the student’s neighbourhood or autonomous community is open.

Applying skills

applying skills

You often hear that the weather “is crazy”. Obviously this is not the case; what does happen is that it varies a great deal compared to what we consider normal, or rather, compared to the typical climatic conditions for each time of year. It is definitely the case that these changes are increasingly common, and almost all conversations involve talk of “climate change” as the cause for unseasonable snow, heat waves, droughts or floods. Also, as the saying goes in Spanish, it almost “never rains to everybody’s taste”. “Good weather” is subjective: what is good for skiing is not good for farming or going to the beach. With everyone paying attention to it, opinions are very diverse, although some are more informed than others.

1. In my town, summers are cool. 2. It hasn’t stopped raining for days.

3. In the street people are wearing coats and scarves. 4. As the saying goes: “in April it doesn’t rain, it pours”. 5. Last summer it never stopped raining. 6. At school, the heating is turned on in October.

3 If we use a thermometer to check the temperature in different parts of a house it gives different readings. On the side where the sun hits, next to the window it shows 50° and, outside, 43°. On the shady side, next to the window it shows 30° and, outside, 32°. Which do you think is the right place to get temperature information? a) Inside in the sun.

d) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C



1 It is a good idea to differentiate between weather and climate. In a table like this one, in your notebook, indicate which of the opinions above describe the weather and which are more to do with climate. Climate

































J F M A M J J A S O N D 2,3 3,2 5,8 8 11,2 14,8 17,5 17,4 14,9 10,5 5,9 3 61 56 65 65 84 69 43 56 65 68 73 74

J F M A M J J A S O N D 3,4 4,3 6,9 9,4 13,4 17,7 21,1 21,4 17,3 12,1 7,1 4,5 18 21 32 36 60 53 25 27 48 38 32 24

5 Using the average temperature and amount of precipitation for a place for each month, you can create a climograph, which shows the climate characteristics for the place you are studying. A climograph is almost a “photograph” of a climate. The difference between the maximum annual temperature and the minimum is called the annual temperature variation, and it is a very important feature. Close to the sea it is lower compared inland on the continents, because the sea moderates temperatures. Altitude also affects it, because the temperature drops as you climb and it usually rains more too. The climographs above show different places in Spain. According to the above information, classify them as: high mountain, near the sea or centre of the Peninsula. places the climate shown is most similar. Temperature (ºC)

Precipitation levels Altitude: 34 m (mm) Average temperature: -17 ºC 80 Precipitation: 198 mm


and precipitation. To measure the former, a thermometer is used, and for the latter, a rain gauge. Generally, precipitation data is expressed in litres per square metre. If we build a square box with metre long sides, how many litres are collected when the water reaches a height of 10 centimetres?




B 3




2 The aspects that make up climate are temperature

Precipitation leves (mm)


6 Look at the climograph and say to which of the 2

Altitude: 12 m

Average temperature: 17,1 ºC Precipitation: 447 mm



c) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A

Temperature (ºC)



d) Outside in the shade.

b) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A




a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C

Altitude: 915 m Precipitation leves (mm)

Average temperature: 11,5 ºC Precipitation: 414 mm




the left and the first on the right, and say which would be the correct links between the maps that are shown below.

Temperature (ºC)




4 Look at the relationship between the first map on

Altitude: 828 m Precipitation leves (mm)

Average temperature: 9,5 ºC Precipitation: 779 mm


b) Outside in the sun. c) Inside in the shade.

7. The ski season starts in February. 8. Without fail: it’s Sunday and it’s raining.


Temperature (ºC)


50 40 30 20 10



a) The South Pole.


b) The Sahara desert. c) The Canary Islands. d) The North Pole.

7 If we wanted to plant lemons and taking into account

sheet: lemon tree Technical data species. Ж It is a subtropical dies if to cold and the plant Ж It is not very resistant 3 °C. below temperatures fall rainfall of over Ж It needs monthly it must be watered. 60 litres and if not, 22 °C temperatures of over summertime needs Ж It for the fruit to ripen.




-10 -20 -30

A A You have another «Applying skills» resource: The child.







-2,9 -9,3 -17,6 -20,6 -21,4 -22 -25,7 -26,7 -24,8 -18,9 -9,9 -3,9 16 30 11 13 19 29 18 12 16 10 10 14 Go to the SDG 13 resource.


SDG commitment




What students do

The actions of remembering and recognising the essential terms, facts and concepts of an area of knowledge, and of reproducing set formulas.

Naming, defining, finding, showing, imitating, spelling, listing, counting, remembering, recognising, locating, reproducing, recounting.

Remember and recognise the essential terms, facts and concepts of an area of knowledge in the same way that they learnt them. Reproduce formulas.

Comprehension Actions like capturing the meaning and intention of texts, specific language and relational codes, and interpreting them to solve problems.

Explaining, illustrating, abridging, summarising, completing, translating into other terms, applying routines, selecting, choosing.

Clarify, understand or interpret information based on prior knowledge in order to solve problems.


The ability to select, transfer and apply information in order to solve problems with a certain degree of abstraction, and the ability to successfully participate in new situations.

Classifying, solving simple problems, constructing, applying, choosing, doing, solving, developing, interviewing, organising, linking.

Select, transfer and use data and principles to complete a task or solve a problem with a certain degree of abstraction.

Analysis and evaluation

The ability to examine information and split it into parts, identify causes and reasons, draw inferences and find evidence to support generalisations. This is associated with engagement.

Comparing, contrasting, demonstrating, testing, planning, solving complex problems. Analysing, simplifying, linking, inferring, concluding.

Examine information and split it into parts, identify causes and reasons, draw inferences and find evidence to support generalisations.

Synthesis and creation

The actions of compiling information and linking it together in a different way, establishing new patterns, finding alternative solutions. This can be associated with conflict resolution.

Combining, designing, imagining, inventing, planning, predicting, proposing, adapting, estimating.

Generate, integrate and combine ideas in a product, plan or proposals that are new for the student.

Thinking critically, concluding, determining, judging, recommending, establishing criteria and/ or limits.

The ability to make judgements independently, think critically about topics, and express opinions and justify them. Also the ability to perform complex planning, rule-setting and negotiation.

Access and identification

this species’ needs, according to its technical data sheet, in which of the places represented by the three climographs above (A, B or C) could they be grown and what care would they need?



Suggested methodology

10,2 11,1 13,2 15,3 18,5 21,9 24,6 24,9 22,5 18 13,7 11,6 24 36 29 32 44 29 13 21 60 70 50 39


Crazy weater

This page covers SDG 5. Students can watch the video on Target 5.5 of this SDG in the resource bank at

SDG commitment


ICT This activity encourages the use of new technologies, since it allows students to learn with devices like computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.


For this activity, we suggest students watch the videos on Targets 13.2 and 13.a in the resource bank at to familiarise themselves with the SDGs and generate ideas and discussion.


Judgement and The ability to make evaluation judgements independently, think critically about topics, and express opinions and justify them. At another level, this would be associated with complex planning, rule-setting and negotiation.

Successfully participate in new situations.

In recent years, the development of competences has become the cornerstone of education. The competences are as follows: communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; mathematical competence and competences in science and technology; digital competence; social and civic competences; sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; cultural awareness and expression; and learning to learn. The best way to practise them is in real and relevant situations, presented through problems that can be solved in a series of tasks or questions where interpretation and conceptual application prove useful. The tests provided throughout the book flexibly link stimuli and topics, and are designed to offer a range of questions associated with the different key competences. They can be used for evaluation purposes – providing information about the degree of competence acquisition prescribed in the curriculum – but also as development activities, when accompanied by appropriate instructions from the teacher. The tests are structured according to the PISA model. Through stimuli, which in this case are preferentially linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, the book offers a varied range of questions, primarily with closed, multiple-choice answers. These questions alternate between the key competences that are most related to the topic or topics, at different skill levels. Like any knowledge, the skill in each competence can be ranked into levels. In this case, the questions are accompanied by a table linking each item to the corresponding competence, and in turn to a taxonomic classification. Inspired by the Bloom model, this taxonomy consists of six levels of development (those listed in the table on the previous page), which from least complex to most complex are: access, comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation, synthesis and creation, and judgement and rule-setting. The taxonomic classification associated with each activity is provided for guidance purposes only, and may vary depending on the teacher’s approach. Application to the test: Activity


Cognitive process


Mathematics and Science and Technology

Analysis and evaluation


Mathematics and Science and Technology

Synthesis and creation


Mathematics and Science and Technology

Analysis and evaluation


Mathematics and Science and Technology



Mathematics and Science and Technology

Analysis and evaluation


Mathematics and Science and Technology



Mathematics and Science and Technology

Analysis and evaluation

Answer key 1

Weather It hasn’t stopped raining for days.

Climate In my town, summers are cool.

In the street people are wearing coats and As the saying goes: “in April it doesn’t rain, it scarves. pours”. Last summer it never stopped raining.

At school, the heating is turned on in October.

Without fail: it’s Sunday and it’s raining.

e ski season starts in February.

2 We must take into account that 1 dm3 is equal to 1 litre, and that the unit of volume is m3. To switch from one unit of measurement to the other we must multiply or divide by 1 000. The first step is to calculate the volume of the box. Volume is width Ò length Ò height. (side length of 1 m = 100 cm) Ò (side width of 1 m = 100 cm) Ò (water height of 10 cm) = = 100 000 cm3. 100 000 cm3 is equal to 100 dm3, which in turn is equal to 100 litres. The answer is 100 litres.

3 c) Inside in the shade. The best place would be in the shade where the sun doesn’t shine at any point during the day, and North-facing if possible.

4 d) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C. 5 High mountain: A. Near the sea: C. Centre of the Peninsula: B. 6 a) The South Pole. 7 The ideal place of the three would be that represented in climograph C. This is because it has milder and higher temperatures than the other two places, and a good annual average rainfall. Both these factors are necessary for growing lemon trees.


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