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From LOMLOE to Global Action Outbound Profile of Primary Education
The Outbound Profile of students at the end of basic education identifies and defines, in connection with the challenges of the 21st century, the key skills that pupils must have developed by the end of Primary education, and introduces the guidelines on the level of performance expected at the end of Primary Education.
The aim is to ensure that every pupil who successfully completes Primary Education and, therefore, reaches the Outbound Profile knows how to mobilise the learning acquired to respond to the main challenges that they will have to face throughout their lives:
- Develop a responsible attitude towards environmental degradation, using knowledge of the factors that cause, aggravate or improve it, applying a local and global systemic overview.
- Identify the aspects related to responsible consumption, assessing its repercussions on the individual and on common good, critically judging needs and excesses and exercising social control when faced with a violation of consumer rights.
- Develop healthy lifestyle habits based on the understanding of how the body works and critical reflection on the internal and external factors that affect it, assuming personal responsibility to promote public health.
- Be sensitive to detect situations of inequality and exclusion using understanding of their complex causes, in order to grow empathy and compassion.
- Understand conflicts as inherent elements of life in society that must be resolved peacefully.
- Critically analyse and take advantage of all kinds of opportunities offered by today’s society, and those related to digital culture in particular, evaluating their benefits and risks and using them ethically and responsibly, in a way that contributes towards improving the quality of personal and collective life.
- Accept uncertainty as an opportunity to formulate more creative responses, learning to manage the anxiety that may come with it.
- Cooperate and live together in open and dynamic societies, valuing personal and cultural diversity as a source of wealth and taking an interest in other languages and cultures.
- Feeling part of a collective project, locally and globally, developing empathy and generosity.
- Develop skills that allow you to continue learning throughout your life, using the confidence in knowledge as the driving force for development and the critical assessment of the risks and benefits of this.
The key skills to be acquired are the following: a) linguistic communication skills b) multilingual skills c) mathematical, scientific and technology-based skills d) digital skills e) personal, social and learning-to-learn skills f) civic skills g) entrepreneurial skills h) cultural awareness and expression skills
Regarding the dimension of the key skills, a set of operational descriptors has been defined for each of them. These operational descriptors of the key skills represent the reference framework from which the specific skills of each area, scope or subject are specified. This link between operational descriptors and specific skills means that, by evaluating latter, it is possible to infer the degree of acquisition of the key skills defined in the Outbound Profile and, therefore, to achieve the skills and objectives set for each level. These operational descriptors are as follows:
Linguistic communication skills (LCS)
LCS1. Express facts, concepts, thoughts, opinions or feelings orally, written or signed, with clarity and adaptation to daily contexts of their personal, social and educational environment, participating in communicative interactions cooperatively and respectfully, in order to exchange information and create knowledge to form personal bonds.
LCS2. Understand, decode and evaluate simple oral, signed, written or multimodal texts from the personal, social and educational domains, with occasional support, to actively participate in everyday contexts and to build knowledge.
LCS3. Locate, select and contrast, with support, simple information from two or more sources, evaluating its reliability and usefulness based on the reading objectives, and integrate and transform it into knowledge in order to communicate it, adopting a creative and personal point of view which respects intellectual property rules.
LCS4. Read works which are suitable for their development, selecting those which best suit their tastes and interests. Recognise literary heritage as a source of enjoyment and individual and collective learning, and mobilise personal and reading experience to build and share interpretation of the works and to create texts of literary intention from simple models.
LCS5.Communicative practices for democratic coexistence, managing conflicts through dialogue and equal rights for all people, detecting discriminatory uses of language as well as abuses of power using it, promoting a more effective and also ethical use of language.
Multilingual skills (MS)
MS1. The pupil uses at least one language, besides his native language or languages, to respond to simple and predictable communication needs, in a way that is appropriate both to his development and interests and to everyday situations and contexts in his personal, social and educational spheres.
MS2. Based on previous experiences, the pupil recognises the diversity of linguistic profiles and experiences strategies that, in a guided manner, allow him to make simple transfers between different languages to communicate in everyday contexts and expand his individual linguistic repertoire.
MS3. Pupils are aware of and respect the linguistic and cultural diversity present in their environment, recognising and understanding its value as a factor of dialogue, to improve coexistence.
Mathematical, scientific, technology and engineering skills (MSTE)
MSTE1. In a guided way, use inductive, deductive and logical methods of mathematical reasoning in familiar situations, and select and use strategies to solve problems, reflecting on the solutions achieved.
MSTE2. Uses scientific thinking to understand and explain some of the phenomena that occur around them, relying on knowledge as the engine of development, using the appropriate tools and instruments, asking questions and carrying out simple experiments in a guided manner.
MSTE3. Complete guided projects, designing, manufacturing and evaluating different prototypes, adapting to uncertainty, to cooperatively generate a creative product with a specific objective, seeking the participation of the entire group and peacefully resolving any conflicts that may arise.
MSTE4. Interpret and transmit the most relevant elements of some scientific, mathematical and technological methods and results in a clear and authentic way, using appropriate scientific terminology, in different formats (drawings, diagrams, graphs, symbols, etc,) and taking critical advantage of, ethical and responsible digital culture to share and build new knowledge.
MSTE5. Participate in scientifically based actions to maintain health and the environment, applying principles of ethics and safety by practicing responsible consumption.
Digital Skills (DS)
DS1. Carry out guided searches on the Internet and use of simple strategies to digitally process information selection of relevant information, keywords organization of data, etc) with a critical attitude towards the content obtained.
DS2. Create, integrate and edit digital content in different formats (text, table, image, audio, video, computer program, etc) by using different digital tools to express ideas, feelings and knowledge, respecting intellectual property and the copyright rules applicable to any content being used.
DS3. Participate in activities and/or school projects using virtual tools or platforms to acquire new knowledge, communicate, work collaboratively, share data and content in restricted and supervised digital environments safely, with an open and responsible attitude towards their use.
DS4. Be aware of the risks and adopt, with teacher’s guidance, preventive measures when using digital technologies to protect devices, personal data, health and the environment, and begin to adopt critical, safe, healthy and sustainable habits.
DS5. It begins with the development of simple and sustainable digital solutions (reuse of technological materials, computer programming by blocks, educational robotics, etc) to solve specific problems or challenges proposed in a creative way, asking for help if necessary.
Personal, social and learning to learn skills (PSLLS)
PSLLS1. Pupils are aware of their own emotions, ideas and personal behavior and use strategies to manage this in situations of tension or conflict, adapting to changes and harmonizing them to achieve their own goals.
PSLLS2. Learn about the most relevant health risks and adopt healthy habits for physical and mental well-being.
PSLLS3. Recognises and respects the emotions and experiences of others, actively participates in team work, assumes assigned individual responsibilities and uses cooperative strategies aimed at achieving shared goals.
PSLLS4. Recognises the value of effort and personal dedication to improve their learning process and adopts critical stances when guided reflection processes take place.
PSLLS5. Plan short-term goals, use self-regulated learning strategies and participate in self and peer assessment processes, recognising limitations and knowing how to ask for help during the knowledge acquisition process.
Citizenship Skills (CC)
CS1. Understands the most significant historical and social facts related to their own identity and culture, reflects on the rules of coexistence, and applies them in a constructive, communicative and inclusive manner to any context.
CC2. Engage in community activities, decision-making and conflict resolution in a communicative and respectful manner with democratic procedures within the framework of the European Union and the Spanish Constitution, human and children's rights, the value of diversity and achievement of gender equality, social cohesion and the Sustainable Development Goals.
CS3. Reflect and discuss contemporary values and ethical problems, understanding the need to respect different cultures and beliefs, care for the environment, rejection of prejudice and stereotypes, and opposing any form of discrimination and violence.
CS4. Includes the systemic relationships between human actions and the environment and begins with sustainable lifestyles adoption, to contribute towards the conservation of biodiversity from both a local and global perspective.
Entrepreneurial Skills (ES)
ES1. Recognises challenges to be faced and develops original ideas, using creative skills and becoming aware of the consequences and effects that ideas could have on the environment, to propose valuable solutions that respond to the detected needs.
ES2. The pupil identifies his own strengths and weaknesses using self-knowledge strategies, with the knowledge of basic economic and financial elements, applying these to situations and problems faced in his daily life, to detect those resources that can turn original and valuable ideas into actions.
ES3. Create original ideas and solutions, plan tasks, cooperate with others and work as a team, valuing the process carried out and the result obtained, to carry out an entrepreneurial initiative, using previous experience as an opportunity to learn.