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Cultural Awareness and Expression skills (CAES)
CAES1. The pupil recognises and respects the fundamental aspects of the cultural and artistic heritage of any era, understanding cultural differences and the need to respect them, interculturally.
CAES2. The pupil recognises and is interested in the intentions and characteristics of the most outstanding artistic and cultural manifestations of heritage, through their languages and technical elements, in various media and formats, in a context which is continuously transforming.
CAES3. The pupil improves and builds his identity, interacting with the environment and society, through creative cultural and artistic expression, using his own body and developing his affective skills, with an open and inclusive attitude towards others.
CAES4. The pupil uses different representations and artistic expressions in a creative way, using plastic, visual, audiovisual, sound and corporal techniques to create artistic and cultural proposals, working with others.
The key elements of Global Action significantly reinforce the operative descriptors of the outbound profile of primary school students, regarding key skills. In the following table we can see how the key elements of Global Action contribute towards the achievement of the output profile:
Key skills: LCS linguistic communication skills. MS multilingual skills. MSTE mathematical, scientific, and technology-based skills. DS digital skills. PSLLS personal, social and learning to learn skills. CS citizenship skills. ES entrepreneurial skills. CAES cultural awareness and expression skills.
Outbound Profile And Specific Skills For The Area
It also contributes towards acquiring the skills required for the outbound profile by working on specific skills in each unit. The following table shows the relationship between the skills which are specific to the subject area and the descriptors of the Primary Education outbound profile that they relate to:
Outbound Profile
Specific Skills
To develop a healthy lifestyle.
1. To develop an active and healthy lifestyle, regularly taking part in physical and sporting activities, adopting habits that promote physical, emotional and social health, as well as assuming individual and collective responsibility measures while taking part in physical activities, in order to internalise and integrate systematic physical activity habits which contribute towards well-being.
To respond to the demands of motor projects and practices.
2. Adapt the elements of the body schema, physical, perceptual-motor and coordination skills, as well as motor skills and abilities. Pupils must apply perception, decision making and execution processes which are appropriate to the internal logic and the objectives of different situations, in order to respond to the demands of motor skill projects and practices which have different purposes in everyday contexts.
Contribute towards social harmony and ethical commitment.
3. Develop self-regulation and interaction processes within the framework of motor practice, adopting an empathetic and inclusive attitude. Pupils must use their social, cooperation, respect, inclusion, teamwork, and sportsmanship skills, regardless of whether their ethnic, cultural, or social background, gender and abilities differ from that of their peers, in order to contribute towards social coexistence and an ethical commitment while using the different spaces.
CC3, CEC1, CEC2, CEC3, CEC4.
Express motor culture in different ways.
4. Recognise and practise different gaming, physical-sporting and artisticexpressive practice and artistic-expressive motor culture practice, valuing their influence and their aesthetic and creative contributions towards traditional and contemporary culture, integrating these into the the motor performance repertoire that is regularly used in everyday life.
To take part in sport in a way which is efficient and respectful to the environment.
5. Value different natural and urban environments as contexts where motor skills can be used, interacting in these different settings and understanding the importance of taking care of them sustainably. Pupils must take personal responsibility while playing games and taking part in physical-sporting activities, in order to enjoy them and to be efficient, yet caring for the environment and contributing towards improving it at the same time.