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Global Outdoor
Adventures Global Outdoor
Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland has continued to partner with EF Tours to provide worldwide adventures to our girls. While our upcoming trips are currently at capacity, we do have spots available on our waitlists. This summer, Girl Scouts will travel to Italy and Greece where they will walk the streets of Rome, Florence, Athens, and more! Girls will discover how the ancient wonders of Athens and Delphi give way to the Renaissance treasures of Florence. The Parthenon in Athens and the Colosseum in Rome will provide
a fascinating framework for the artistic and architectural breakthroughs throughout Florence. And then, in the summer of 2023, Girl Scouts will discover the world of Belize! Some of the most memorable moments in a girl’s life happen while taking trips. Traveling with her Ancient ruins and amazing reefs blend together in an environmental wonderland of jungles and coastlines.
Girl Scouts sisters is just another Belize is Central America’s adventure she can embark on. eco-frontier, a young nation with ancient roots that welcomes you with diverse ecosystems and wildlife, as well as different languages and cultures. Discover the mysteries of the Mayan civilization, zipline through lush jungles, and snorkel in the crystal-clear Caribbean.

Girl Scout destinations are for any girls 11 and older who want to go where they’ve never gone before. With a variety of different trips to apply for every year— like surfing camp on the east coast and breathtaking hikes out west—there’s a dream destination for every Girl Scout.
How Does it Work?
1. Visit girlscouts.org/destinations. Note: It is best to check out the following year’s trips in August or September to apply during the
Early Enrollment Period. Girls can enroll at any time throughout the year on a rolling basis with limited spots available. 2. Girls choose up to four trips that spark their
“wow!” 3. Girls submit their application. 4. Girls will then receive responses from trip sponsors and can select their Destination! 5. Girls confirm participation and pay the deposit to hold their spot. 6. Leading up to the Destination, girls will gather information from their trip sponsor, and get ready and excited for their trip. Girls will make friends from all over the country as they travel with Girl Scouts from different states, see and learn new things, and pack their bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories. Did you know? Girls can use their Cookie Program Credit earned during the Cookie Program and put it towards their travels. Cookie Program Credit payments can be made toward all GSUSA Destinations and GSMH-Sponsored EF Tours trips. That means that selling cookies could get you to your next adventure! To make a Cookie Program Credit payment for a trip contact us at info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org or 877-312-4764 and include the following information: traveler name, trip title (EF Tour or Destination), month of trip, year of trip, Cookie Program Credit card number, and amount you would like to apply towards the trip.
Adventure through Travel
Progression allows girls to learn the skills they need to become competent travelers—including how to plan and organize trips. Make sure your Girl Scout is prepared, no matter what step of the progression they’re on.

Local Field Trips
Get your travel feet wet. Walk to a nearby garden, take a short ride to the firehouse, or other local spots. Girl-led tip: Let her choose the location.Best for: Daises and up.
Start with one night, maybe at a camp or museum. Next, plan a weekend trip in a nearby city or state park. Girl-led tip: Make sure she plans details, such as activities, meals, and games, and packs her own bag. Best for: Daisies and up after a day trip experience.
Travel the country! Trips often last a week or more. Think beyond a typical vacation location and consider historical sites, museums, or national parks! Girl-led tip: She should lead the entire planning process. Consider even a Take Action project. Best for: Cadettes and up after a regional trip experience.
Cadette through Ambassador Girl Scouts with travel experience can travel nationally or internationally by themselves through council-sponsored opportunities or GSUSA’s destinations. To learn more, check with us or visit the Girl Scout Destinations website. Best for: Cadettes and up after an international trip.
Day Trips
Make a day of it, planning multiple stops or activities. Girl-led tip: Let her pick the location, activity, and decide where to go for lunch! Best for: Daisies and up after a local field trip experience.
Regional Trips
Spend three to four nights away somewhere a few hours from home. Girl-led tip: Make sure she plans all key details, such as activities, budget, route, and lodging. Best for: Juniors and up after an overnight.
National Trips
International Travel
Travel the world! These life-changing trips usually take one to three years to prepare. Consider visiting a WAGGGS World Centre! Girl-led tip: Download the Global Travel Toolkit, found on gsTravel. She can plan the entire trip (learning about new languages, cultures, passports, and visas, etc.). Best for: Cadettes and up after a national trip.