Welcome to Year 1 & 2
Bi-Monthly Volunteer Communications
We’re excited to introduce our Year 1 & Year 2 Bi-Monthly Volunteer Communications, created to provide the tools and updates you need to lead your troop confidently.

Each edition will bring everything together in one place, keeping your troop on track and ready for adventure. Let’s continue making a positive impact together!

Each edition will include:
News You Can Use: Key updates, seasonal highlights, and upcoming events to keep you in the loop.
Program Corner: This section contains resources such as Mobile Resource Kits, Patch Programs, and activities tailored to your Troop Year Plan.
October 15 through December 15, 2024 Edition

Look out for new editions on the 15th of every other month! Dec.15, 2024
Next edition:
What is the “News You Can Use”?
News You Can Use is brought to you by the GS-NCCP Program team. It’s your go-to source for fun and helpful information to make leading easier. You'll find resources that support a troop experience centered around your Girl Scouts, with activities that are girl-led, hands-on, and encourage cooperative learning.

The first resource we’d like to introduce is the Troop Year Plan. the perfect tool for first-year troop leaders to get started without feeling overwhelmed. Every Girl Scout age level, from Daisies to Ambassadors, has a Year 1 and Year 2 plan available for download on our website. Plus, don’t miss the newly added multi-level plans for Daisies-Juniors and CadettesAmbassadors, designed to make planning even easier for multi-level troops!
Once you download your Troop Year Plan, you’ve got the perfect roadmap for a year filled with fun, friendship, and new adventures. At GS-NCCP, we’ve gone a step further by curating a collection of volunteer resources for Daisy, Brownie, and Junior co-leaders to help you bring your plan to life. Whether it's using the Daisy Robotics Kit to tackle the Robotics badge or partnering with a community program for an exciting field trip, we’ve got everything you need! Download the resources that complement your Troop Year Plan and get ready for an unforgettable Girl Scout year.
Quick Links to Resources:
Troop Year Resources Daisy

What is the “Program Corner”?

Welcome to the Program Corner, where you’ll find exciting opportunities to enhance your troop’s experience! We’ll highlight our Year 1 & Year 2 mobile programs, council patch programs, and special events designed to support your troop’s journey each month. Whether it’s scheduling a visit from our mobile team, exploring the featured Patch of the Month, or joining an upcoming event, Program Corner has all the resources you need to keep your troop engaged and thriving!
In the Program Corner, you’ll find exciting opportunities each month, including our Year 1 and Year 2 Mobile Program, which brings badgeearning activities right to your troop meetings. Plus, don’t miss our featured Patch of the Month, resources to help you lead badges with ease, and event highlights designed to support your troop's growth and fun.

Each month, we’ll showcase the exciting programs offered through Honor, our Year 1 and Year 2 mobile program support vehicle.
Did you know you can invite our Mobile Program to your troop meeting? Our team will help your Girl Scouts work towards earning badges in their Troop Year Plan, bringing the resources and support directly to you!

On the Move with Honor!
Are you interested in scheduling a mobile visit? Complete our online interest form and select the Year 1 and Year 2 troops.
Each month we feature our council pa the Month promotion. Council patch p explore a variety of topics. Scan the Q
October Patch of the Month
November Patch of the Month

December Patch of the Month

TheMakeEveryDanceStepCountPatchprogramissetupsothatGirl Scoutscanexploretheworldofdancethroughmovement Downloadand getmovingwithDecember’spatchofthemonth

Girl Scout Brownie Troops

Girl Scout Brownie troops are encouraged to complete the Mechanical Engineering badge in November as part of the Troop Year Plan.
Take the guesswork out of leading this badge with our Mechanical Engineering: Race Care Design Badge Helper. Badge Helper contains everything from a uniquely crafted Girl Scout workbook and activity list to the exact supplies and quantities you’ll need to purchase to complete the badge.

Scan the QR code for access to recruitment resources, including troop invitations and upcoming “Grow Your Troop” events! Let’s build more girls of courage, confidence, and character together.

News You Can Use provides key updates and resources to make leading your troop easier and more fun! Get tips on structuring activities that are girl-led, hands-on, and focused on cooperative learning, ensuring an enriching experience for your troop members.

Upcoming Event Highlights:
VIRTUAL New Leaders on the Block (NLOTB)

Date: Tuesday, November 12
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Winter Holidays for All Register on gsLearn Spotlight Series November 2024
Date: Monday, December 9
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Topic: Community Service Projects and Take Action Activities Register on gsLearn

The New Leaders on the Block (NLOTB) Spotlight Series is part of our troop mentor program, and it is designed for new(er) troop co-leaders. The NLOTB Spotlight Series will feature relevant Girl Scout topics monthly. If you are a new(er) troop co-leader, then this is the series for you! Each month, GS-NCCP staff and volunteers will touch on some of our most important subject matters throughout the year, plus answer your questions Get ready to shine as a Girl Scout Troop Co-Leader with the New Leaders on the Block Spotlight Series!

We are also excited to share that we will have a friendly face (or two!) from the program department join us for a few minutes at the beginning of each NLOTB Spotlight Series call to highlight program events, share helpful programming resources, and more!

Late Night Piggy Bank Party! 11-8-24
Date: Friday, November 8
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Topic: Daisies, it’s time to work toward your Money Explorer badge this November, and we’ve got the perfect way to do it! Join us on November 8, 2024, from 6:30-9:30 PM at Marbles Museum for a marbleous night of fun under a giant piggy bank! You’ll dive into saving, spending, and sharing while completing activities for your Daisy Money Explorer, Brownie My Own Budget, or Junior Budget Maker badges. And to top it all off, we’ll end the night with an epic dance party and brand-new friends! Don’t miss out on this exciting event register by October 31, 2024 The cost is $25 per person
Register Here

Date: Friday, November 8
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Topic: Are you a Girl Scout Brownie or Junior Troop who is looking for a day at camp where you can earn a few badges? Register to come to Camp Mary Atkinson on December 7, 2024, for our Badge Blitz Day. Girl Scout Brownies will work on the Snacks, Outdoor Art, and Making Games badges while our Gir Scout Juniors will work toward Simple Meals, Playing in the Past, and Outdoor Art badge. Registration closes on November 26 or until full. Register for Brownie Bazaar: Badge Blitz or Junior Jubilee: Badge Blitz here.
Girl Scout Brownie Troops
Girl Scout Daisy Troops
Brownie Bazaar: Badge Blitz
Girl Scout Junior Troops
Junior Jubilee: Badge Blitz

Caregiver Support for a Successful Troop

Engaging Girl Scouts and Families

Engaging parents and setting clear expectations helps your troop thrive. When caregivers are involved, leaders gain support, the troop stays organized, and girls benefit from a stronger experience. Follow the link for tools to help you host a successful caregiver meeting!