We strongly encourage troops to be transparent with families about troop funds and their usage throughout the year and recommend that a parent volunteer serve as the troop’s treasurer.
Troop Banking and Financial Reporting Helping girls decide what they want to do and coaching them as they earn and manage money to pursue their goals is an integral part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Planning and budgeting your troop’s finances is an ongoing process that requires input from the girls, parents, and adult troop volunteers. Troops should strive to budget in a responsible and sustainable way and should work to minimize costs to themselves and families. Troops Should Always Remember to: • provide receipts whenever money is exchanged; • provide families with regular financial updates of how troop funds are spent; • keep receipts for all expenditures and track expenses regularly; • allow families to view the troop checkbook, bank statements, and the Annual Troop Financial Report; • limit ATM/cash withdrawals for troop purchases. Troop Finances
Money-Earning Projects “Money-Earning Projects” refers to activities carried out by girls and adults to raise additional funds for specific Girl Scout events and activities. All moneyearning projects must meet council guidelines and receive prior approval. For more information refer to Troop MoneyEarning Guidelines and Project Request Form (SU104) available on the website at www.nccoastalpines.org.
Opportunities to fund troop activities include dues, councilsponsored Product Sale Programs, and troop money-earning projects. One of the best ways to earn money for your troop is to participate in the council’s Product Sale Programs. These programs are designed to build 5 essential skills - goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics - and provide funding for Girl Scout activities in addition to allowing girls to earn incentives and prizes for themselves. Check out pg. 14 for more information on our council’s Fall Product and Cookie Sale Programs!
Guidelines for Troop Finances • Troop funds should be shared by all members of the troop, and cannot be given to, earmarked, or designated for specific girls. • Troop members and families may approve to use troop proceeds to offset a volunteer’s membership dues, training fees, program fees, chaperone fees, or books. Troop funds may never be used for a volunteer’s personal expenses such as fuel, apparel, or alcohol.
Lead On! - A Go-To Guide for Troop Co-Leaders