Your Future. Our Focus.
Message from your 2023 GTR President Jay Quigley
A little over seven years ago, I joined this wonderful REALTOR® community as a freshly minted licensee. I immediately learned in orientation from one of the finest instructors in Florida, Ann Thompson, that the “R” word was not pronounced “Reel-ah-tore” or “Reel-lit-tore”…but “Realtore.”
Through the faith and trust of the members of Greater Tampa REALTORS®, I’m truly humbled to be your 2023 President.
How did this happen? Like many leaders before me, it began when I made a conscious decision to excel in the real estate profession and the desire to contribute to something larger than myself. I began serving here at GTR on various committees with my all-time favorites being professional development and technology.
It is on committees and task forces where the real work is done. It is where friendships begin. It is also where future leaders are often “found”.
Leaders watched & listened. Eventually, I was encouraged to run for a position on the Board of Directors. That brings us to today.
Maybe you’ve seen it already - Your Future. Our Focus.
This is not a mere public announcement or tagline. It will be a reminder of our purpose in not only 2023, but beyond. It reminds us that, as an Association, our priority is to serve our members well and in doing so, we help position them for success. This can only be done by listening to and partnering with our members…providing them the best possible tools, resources and support.
In conjunction with our national and state associations, we will continue to educate and promote the importance of advocacy, especially when leveraged with the strength of the REALTORS® Party Political Action Committee (RPAC), as well as professionalism.
We must listen and partner with our brokers to determine what GTR can do to help them succeed. We’ve established a Broker Engagement task force whose sole purpose is to hear first-hand how GTR can better serve our brokers…the small ones, the mid-sized ones and of course, our large brokers. So, you brokers out there - if you are asked to participate in an interview or focus group, I hope that you’ll accept the opportunity to provide your valuable input so we can focus on our future.
We must listen to our members, both new licensees and those who’ve successfully made this a profession/career that support themselves and their families.
With technological advances, location is no longer a limitation when it comes to collaboration, opportunity & growth. In just the past two years, we’ve seen extraordinary changes in our world. Virtual/hybrid meetings, on-demand education, and a workforce that can effectively work remotely are just some of the changes to which we must adapt.
As we navigate deeper into this post-pandemic world, some will reminisce about the “old days”- that period prior to COVID-19.
Today is our new normal and I believe there’s a lot for us to be excited about.
One of my favorite quotes from Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw is: “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
Let us challenge our old thoughts and beliefs. We must eliminate obstacles and a long-standing systemic culture that is hesitant or resistant to change. One where individual agendas are more important than unity and where self interest and self preservation dominate.
Let us challenge the “norm” and think outside the box. Sometimes it’s not about fixing something that is broken but unifying our purpose and goals to create something even better.
Let us embrace change & explore opportunities that allow us to better serve our members and our community.
Let us continue working hard, with open minds, to bring unity as we move forward.
This year is all about focusing on the future of you, our members and this great profession.
Volume 7 | Issue 1
President: Jay Quigley
President-Elect: Adam Grenville
Vice President: Annette Newkirk
Secretary - Melanie Norris
Treasurer - Tina Marie Eloian
Immediate Past President: Ruth Bryson
Interim CEO: Carol Austin
We consistently serve our members with passion and purpose to anticipate their needs and exceed their expectations.
We maintain open lines of communication, striving to do what’s right with integrity.
Kimberly Aguilar, Bree Allison, Keianna Carty, Rick Fifer, Lea Lagueux, Sharonda Lawrence, John Loewy, Elaine Pumarejo, Quan Remmer, Tom Scaglione, and Jennie Restrepo
Kimberly Chin, Communications/PR Manager
Jennifer Lalji, Communications Coordinator
Parker Lewis, Marketing Manager
AJ Hlavac, Creative Content Coordinator
We are the face of Greater Tampa REALTORS® and exemplify professionalism at all times.
We support, respect and appreciate others, and embody principles of collaboration, diversity and inclusion.
We encourage creative and inspirational ideas that challenge the status quo.
The Greater Tampa REALTORS® Inc. (GTR) is the largest Tampa Bay-based professional association of real estate brokers and sales associates conducting business throughout the Bay. GTR provides educational programs, ethical guidance and other services that enable licensed real estate professionals to help people buy and sell homes in the Greater Tampa area. For more information, please visit
Tampa REALTOR® magazine is published bi-monthly for members of GTR in the interest of informing, promoting, and improving the real estate industry. With the exception of articles and materials from other publications reprinted in this magazine, members and affiliate members of GTR are hereby authorized to reproduce articles appearing in this publication, provided each such reproduction gives the following credit:
Reprinted from the Tampa REALTOR® magazine, Greater Tampa REALTORS®.
For advertising information/sales, please contact 813.879.7010 or All advertising is subject to the approval of the GTR Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer.
The following items were acted upon at the November 2022 Meeting:
✓ Approve the Print Sponsor Agreement with the Tampa Bay Times.
✓ Move forward with the $5,000 Emerald Florida REALTOR® Partnership.
✓ Approve the Record Retention Policy subject to review by association counsel.
The following items were acted upon at the December 2022 Meeting:
✓ Renew our contract with OnBoard for 2023.
✓ Renew the contract with Rivero, Gordimer & Company to provide the 2022 Audit and Tax Services at a cost of $29,000.
✓ Appoint Johnny Loewy to fill the director vacancy until the next annual election.
✓ Renew the GTR’s subscription to Inman News.
✓ Form a Virtual/Hybrid Task Force.
✓ Approve Frank Leto as a GTR REALTOR® Emeritus.
✓ Elect Tina Marie Eloian as the 2023 Treasurer.
✓ Elect Sharonda Lawrence to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors until the next election and Sonya Madden as the second choice if Sharonda Lawrence does not accept this appointment.
GTR retains Platinum designation for global business leadership Greater Tampa REALTORS® has earned the Platinum Global Achievement Award presented by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) for the fifth consecutive year.
The Global Achievement Program is designed to recognize and reward the most active associations in global business. Each applicant is reviewed by a 10+ person NAR staff review team.
The Tampa Bay Global Business Council is committed to providing members with the necessary education and tools to conduct real estate transactions with foreign buyers and sellers. As part of the Council, GTR members have opportunities to broaden their knowledge of international tax and immigration laws, discover the latest international trends and opportunities for business and expand their referral base through networking with local and state and national entities.
Mass Media Solicitation Not a Violation of the Code
Case #16-3
REALTOR® A, a residential broker, worked in a market area that included an attractive suburb of a large city. At the time REALTOR® A launched a new advertising program, there were a number of houses for sale in the neighborhood listed exclusively with other REALTORS®, each having the respective listing broker’s sign on its front lawn.
Working with his advertising agency, REALTOR® A developed a special e-mail solicitation describing the service of his offices. He employed a commercial e-mail distribution service to purchase the e-mails of every homeowner in REALTOR® A’s market area.
The e-mail distribution service sent REALTOR® A’s e-mail solicitation to all the homeowners in his market area, including houses that had other REALTORS®’ signs in the front yard. Several of the REALTORS® whose clients received REALTOR® A’s e-mails filed complaints with the Association against REALTOR® A. The Grievance Committee considered the complaints and referred them to the Professional Standards Administrator to schedule a hearing by a Hearing Panel of the Professional Standards Committee at which time all of the complaints would be considered. The complaints charged REALTOR® A with unethical conduct in failing to respect the exclusive agency of other REALTORS®.
At the hearing, REALTOR® A defended his action by saying that the distribution of his e-mail solicitation
was widespread in nature; that it had been carried out by a commercial distribution service; and that it was of the same nature as television or social media advertising that might come to the attention of some clients having exclusive listing contracts with other REALTORS®.
The Hearing Panel’s decision noted that REALTOR® A, in designing his advertising campaign, did not direct his e-mail to property owners whose identity had come to REALTOR® A’s attention through information disclosed by other REALTORS® consistent with their ethical obligation to cooperate with other brokers under Article 3 of the Code of Ethics; e.g., through a “for sale” sign or through information disseminated through a Multiple Listing Service. Rather, REALTOR® A’s advertising campaign was directed in an indiscriminate manner to all property owners in a given geographical area. Furthermore, the medium REALTOR® A chose for his advertising campaign was an e-mail, which property owners could read or delete as they saw fit. The panel determined that this form of communication does not harass a property owner, as would telephone calls or direct personal contacts. The Hearing Panel, therefore, held that REALTOR® A’s advertising campaign did not violate Article 16 of the Code of Ethics.
Read more ethics case interpretations online at:
From the Florida REALTORS® Legal Hotline
The Legal Hotline attorneys answer questions about real estate license law and offer legal interpretations of standard business forms and contracts.
FREE legal advice is available for members! Call (407) 438-1409; Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Q: May a Florida licensed real estate broker pay an out-of-state licensee a referral fee?
A: Yes. Section 475.25(1)(h), Florida Statutes, allows a Florida licensed real estate broker to share compensation with a foreign licensee if the foreign licensee does not violate Florida law. The foreign licensee would not be permitted to come to Florida physically and engage in real estate activity as defined by Section 475.01(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Before paying the referral fee, the Florida licensed broker should verify that the foreign licensee is licensed to practice real estate in his or her state or foreign jurisdiction as the Florida licensee may need to pay the fee to the foreign licensee’s broker
Q: If a broker’s license was inactive when the broker procured a listing, is the listing contract valid?
A: No. Section 475.41, Florida Statutes, provides, “No contract for a commission or compensation for any act or service enumerated in Section 475.01(3), is valid unless the broker or sales associate has complied with this chapter in regard to issuance and renewal of the license at the time the act or service was performed.”
ADVOCACY realtors® in action
Your Champions for REALTOR® Rights
REALTORS® Political Action Committee’s mission is to identify candidates for elected office on the local, state and national levels who will work with REALTORS® to promote and protect the American Dream of property ownership. Candidates who receive support from RPAC are not selected based on their political party or ideology, but solely on their support of real estate issues.
A special thanks to everyone supporting RPAC. The members below are being recognized based on their 2022 paid investments.
Hall of Fame
3 Easy Ways to Get Involved in REALTOR® Advocacy Today!
Florida can expect continued growth and prosperity in the years ahead thanks to 93% of Florida REALTORS® PACendorsed candidates won their 2022 elections. 12 REALTORS® and REALTOR® Affiliate members were elected or reelected to office in the Florida Legislature.
85% of REALTORS® are registered to vote. Are you? Let your voice be heard!
Visit vote-today to register! Join 200,000 REALTORS® by signing up for REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts. Text the word REALTORS to 30644 to join today.
Vote Act Invest
Did you know that 38% of REALTORS® participated in RPAC and there were 12,178
Major Investors in 2022? Learn how you can invest in your profession at
Welcome to the New Year! 2023! A time when we all get to wipe the slate clean, breathe new life into our well-intended goals and clear the dust off any of last year’s unfinished resolutions. That’s the beauty of ringing in the New Year – it allows us to reflect on the previous year and make a choice; either we’re pleased with the direction we are headed and KEEP ON or we learn from our ways and CHANGE COURSE. As your new YPN Ambassadors, we want to challenge young professionals this year to just start where you are. Don’t call it a new year’s resolution or even a new start. If you have been a professional for more than one day, then just start today! Every day is a new day to evaluate what didn’t work and do less of it. Look at what worked and do more of it. Here are a few best practices that young professionals in real estate can employ:
Brittany’s Tips:
• Work Smarter, Not Harder – It’s easy to get carried away in the world of real estate and spend countless hours in front of the screen. Find ways to work more effectively so you’re utilizing your time wisely leaving more time to spend with your loved ones and doing what you love to do. It’s all about balance!
• What Works For One, May Not Work For Another
– Take every piece of advice you receive with a grain of salt. (Yes, even THIS!) No single method will always work equally as well for every single agent. That’s why there are different business models, CRM databases, website hosts, etc. Do your due diligence and weigh the options. Do what works best FOR YOU!
• Just Because Everyone’s Doing It, Doesn’t Make It Right – Over time, rules & regulations change, laws and restrictions change. That’s why it’s important to always stay up to date with the most recent news and revisions. With the ever-evolving world of real estate, keep in mind that just because you’re used to seeing everyone operate a certain way, does not necessarily make it the correct way of doing it. Trust your instincts and do your own research to ensure that you’re conducting yourself accordingly.
• Communication Is Key – Real estate is a relationship-building industry. We rely on those relationships with fellow agents, brokers, vendors, clients, etc. The most crucial thing to keep in mind
is how important that communication between parties is. Have a question? Ask! Unsure about a specific detail? Ask! It’s always best to try finding out the answer rather than be left in the dark, for everyone’s sake. What’s more, a phone call is best for conversation and emails are best for confirmation.
• Know Your Contract and Forms Inside Out – The best thing you can do for yourself, your brokerage, and your client is to be well-versed when it comes to any real estate forms you need in a transaction. Make it a habit to read your contract once a week and I promise you, you’ll learn something new from it every single time. Read through all the disclosures, addenda, etc. listed in Florida REALTORS®, MLS and your brokerage. This will help you to be a more confident and competent agent!
• Paper Trail – While your office most likely requires you to keep a thorough file on everything, it’s best practice to go above and beyond what the minimum requirements are. Keep anything and everything pertaining to a transaction on the off chance it’s ever needed. It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it!
• Real Estate Ebbs and Flows – As we all know, real estate can be a full-on roller coaster ride! Based on market conditions, your workload, and other variables, there are always going to be periods when business is booming and those in-between times. Word to the wise – be prepared for those slower periods. Learn to budget and save in anticipation of those downtimes rather than be caught off guard!
We are SO grateful to be kicking off the new year as your YPN Ambassadors! We cannot wait to see what success and blessings 2023 brings to all of you. This year we are excited about inspiring young professionals to achieve their goals. With your help, we can build each other up through networking, education, and community engagement. Get involved with YPN and let’s make a difference in the Tampa Bay area! Check back next magazine for Marcus' tips. Don’t forget to join us at our many upcoming events planned throughout the year either – get all the details by following us on our social media. See you soon!
Emerging Home Trends for 2023
What to Expect from the Housing Market this Year
by Greater Tampa REALTORS®Navigating the 2023 market will require working diligently with your team and prospective clients. With new tech introduced in the everchanging market, many sellers may see the allure of saving on REALTOR® fees when selling with an iBuyer, however, better offers and increased ease will come with working alongside a traditional agent. REALTORS® will continue to be the experts that sellers and homebuyers need. To keep buyers and sellers coming back, agents must stay up to date with the trends to continue working with determination.
As we saw in the last few quarters of 2022, beyond the setbacks of supply chain issues with homebuilders, interest rates skyrocketed to a 40-year high, which greatly stalled market activity. These rates are now
being deemed the new standard, which is expected to either flatten or dip. We began this year with nearly 6.5% national mortgage rate. This upward trend is anticipated to last at least throughout the first two quarters of 2023. If the Feds do decrease this number closer to 5%, agents can anticipate a modest boom in which the low rates will encourage housing demand, thus drastically improving home sales.
According to NAR Chief Economist Lawrence, “Housing inventory is expected to remain tight in 2023, with housing starts below historical averages and fewer homeowners willing to sell.” The country's average housing supply remains low, as buyers who purchased homes in some recent years with exceptionally low mortgage rates are remaining where they are.
interior-design trends that'll appear in 2023
Zellige Tile Bold Colors Accent Walls Modernist Curves
Florida home values rose more in 2022 than in any other state, according to data analyzed from Zillow.
This year, REALTORS® can also expect to see lengthier “days on market”. It is anticipated that buyers will no longer struggle with various other offers, providing additional time and options. Agents may see additional properties taken off the market and listed for rent in its place for more affordable prices as well.
A reoccuring trend we saw during the pandemicera linking affordability challenges to homebuying is derived from higher rates, which indicates more buyers will purchase homes with support of friends and family versus on their own. Also, more homeowners will develop into first-time landlords as they hold onto investment properties formerly acquired with track record low mortgage rates.
Additionally, according to Taylor Marr, deputy chief economist at Redfin, “High homeowner equity and a resilient job market will stave off a wave of foreclosures.” Even though home purchases continue to be too expensive for many buyers due to swift rates increases since 2022 and the major reason for pull back during sales, prices still remain greater in comparison to prepandemic costs.
While the housing market has been operating at a chaotic tempo over the last two years, mild recovery is expected to take place in 2023. Although the national inflation’s rate is slowing, it’s possible that price growth will wane into this year, fluctuating significantly around the country and also dependent on the region.
interior-design trends that'll disappear in 2023
Shades of Gray Massive Light Fixtures Floating Shelves Modern Organic2023 LEADERSHIP
Chair: Jay Quigely
Staff Liaison: Carol Austin
Chair: Marie Gregorio Betlow
Staff Liaison: Carol Austin
Chair: Stacy Dillard
Staff Liaison: Jacob Bruynell
Chair: Susanna Madden
Staff Liaison: Sara Parsons
Chair: Linda Calebro-Kuder
Staff Liaison: Sara Parsons
Chair: Marie Gregorio Betlow
Staff Liaison: Andrea
Interested in getting involved? Apply for a 2023 Taskforce! Taskforces will be assembled throughout the year on an asneeded basis. You will be contacted directly if you are selected for a taskforce. Visit to apply.
Make your voice heard in Tallahassee!
by Jacob BruynellIt is that time of year when REALTORS® from around Florida are preparing to travel to the state capitol to advocate for your profession and Florida property owners. This event, Great American REALTOR® Days (GARD), is held annually to provide our members the opportunity to meet with lawmakers on pending legislation and discuss important issues impacting Florida’s real estate industry. The 2023 Great American REALTOR® Days is set for March 29 - 31.
REALTORS® are there to make sure our elected leaders have the right information before voting on legislation that could hurt your bottom line, threaten the growth of your business or make it harder for Floridians to buy their dream homes or sell their properties.
• Is something in a real estate transaction complicating the process unnecessarily?
• Are escalating insurance premiums driving away buyers?
• Does the water quality in your area impact your sales?
These are just a few examples of the issues lawmakers might consider each year during the annual legislative session. Our advocacy has seen the passage of landmark legislation over the years, and REALTORS® across Florida continue to advise the legislature on how proposed legislation will affect property owners.
The 2023 legislative session will last 60 days, during which time many different bills will be discussed, debated and voted on. REALTORS® who participated in GARD have been instrumental in legislation that:
• Massively cuts the state sales tax on commercial leases.
• Provides important insurance reforms to help keep premiums affordable.
• Allocates significant funding for improved water quality throughout the state.
• Caps certain fees charged by community associations.
• Protects homeowners from excessive flood insurance increases.
• Authorizes online/remote notaries for more streamlined transactions.
• Provides new tools for closing open/expired permits.
• And much, much more.
For more information on how to get involved in government affairs, please contact me at
Jacob Bruynell is the Government Affairs Director at Greater Tampa REALTORS®FEBRUARY 2023
February 1 - 2
GRI 103 - Maximize Your Profitability - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.
This is a two-day course that covers covers finance, negotiating and counseling.
February 3
ICE: Cybersecurity – Staying Safe in a Tech Centered World3CE - LIVE STREAM
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
In this course, you will learn practical strategies and skills for safeguarding your information, as well as your customer’s information, against potential hackers!
February 7
Building Your International Business - 2CE - LIVE STREAM
10 A.M. - Noon
This course will explore methods agents and brokers can use to learn about incoming and outgoing international investments, identify opportunities these markets provide, and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to build their international business.
Productivity Mastery - LIVE STREAM
1 - 4 P.M.
Learn the proven techniques and systems of the world’s most successful achievers and see how to Get MORE by Doing LESS.
VA Mortgage Boot Camp - 2CEIN PERSON
1 - 3 P.M.
Become an expert in working with our men and women in uniform and help them realize the dream of home ownership!
February 8-9
GRI 201: It's All About You - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.
You will learn to enhance your skills with the "sales from the ground up" approach. Investment, proven listing and prospecting techniques, tax tips, tax implications of real estate transactions and personal marketing will be covered in this dynamic course.
February 9
Virtual Pitch Session
9 - 10 A.M.
Join other REALTORS® from around Tampa Bay on the second and fourth Thursday of every month for our REALTOR®-toREALTOR® open house PITCH to promote our listings to each other's Buyers!
February 13 -14
NAR Certification: Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE) - 8CE - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M.
This two-day event consists of two classes - The Power Negotiator's Playbook and Advanced Field Negotiationsand are both required for the NEW 'Real Estate Negotiation Expert' (RENE) certification.
February 15
GRI 202: Technology & Investments - LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.
You will learn to enhance your skills with the "sales from the ground up" approach. Investment, proven listing and prospecting techniques, tax tips, tax implications of real estate transactions and personal marketing will be covered in this dynamic course.
February 20
Introduction to SunStats - LIVE STREAM
2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
SunStats will help you stand out with current and prospective clients by being the local market expert using data exclusively available to you.
February 21
Master Your Markets with SunStats - 2CE - LIVE STREAM
10 A.M. - Noon
In this course, you will learn basic statistics concepts in the context of residential real estate and how to draw conclusions about the market.
February 21 - 22
Accredited Closing Expert (ACE)
Two Day Class - IN PERSON
8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M.
This course was designed for real estate professionals to polish up their process of completing a contract from the first word to the last signature.
February 23
Virtual Pitch Session
9 - 10 A.M.
Join other REALTORS® from around Tampa Bay on the second and fourth Thursday of every month for our REALTOR®-toREALTOR® open house PITCH to promote our listings to each other's Buyers!
Code of Ethics - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
This class meets the NAR mandated requirement for completion of a Code of Ethics class and fulfills the FREC BP requirement.
Core Law - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
1:30 - 4:30P.M.
This material will provide a "red flag notice" of when participants are potentially going into a danger zone—the unlicensed practice of law.
February 24
Distressed Property Solutions –Renovation Loan Programs - 3CE - IN PERSON
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
This course will help REALTORS® and consumers identify various types of properties needing repairs or upgrades.
February 27
Global Real Estate Practitioner: Launching Your Global Real Estate Business (GREP) - 8 CE LIVE STREAM
8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
The real estate professionals who have the GREP Certification are ready to serve their global clients at the highest level of client service.
February 28
Fundamentals of Working with Residential Investors - 3CE - IN PERSON
9 A.M. - Noon
After taking this course, REALTORS® will be able to prove to investors that they are the agent to do business with!
Basic Negotiating Skills for Today’s Real Estate Professional - 4CE - IN PERSON
1 - 5 P.M.
This course examines the art of negotiation and what it can mean for a real estate professional when practiced correctly.
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of courses. Course dates and/or locations are subject to change. Visit for the most up-to-date information on GTR courses and to register.
MARCH 2023
March 1
Working with the Senior Citizen - 3CE - IN PERSON
9 A.M. - Noon
This course will discuss ways in which agents can be of great service to this exceptional group of buyers, including information on Reverse Mortgages and how to help seniors avoid scams and predatory lending.
Preparing a Listing Contract4CE IN PERSON
1 - 5 P.M.
This course is perfect for outlining the various types of listing agreements and the duties of each, identifying the protected classes under the Fair Housing Act, and understanding details about fees.
March 2
Mortgage 101: Guiding Your Customer Through the Mortgage Process - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
1- 4 P.M.
This course reviews lender requirements - from check stubs to the newest Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.
March 6
NAR Certification: Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR®) Certification Course (7CE) - IN PERSON
9 A.M. - 5 P.M.
This course looks at how real estate professionals can counsel buyer-clients in the purchase of foreclosure properties.
March 7
Beyond the Velvet RopeWorking with the World’s Affluent - 3CE - IN PERSON
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
Learn proven strategies to effectively work with and awe affluent sellers and buyers regardless of experience, upbringing or current sphere of influence.
Expand Your Global Reach: Building An International Real Estate Business - 2CE - IN PERSON
1:30 - 3:30 P.M.
Understand why a global reach is necessary in today’s economy.
March 8
Roadmap to Successful Closing - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9 A.M. - Noon
This course will help real estate professionals understand the importance of knowing who is responsible for the various parts of the closing, how to overcome the problems that may be encountered, and getting to the closing table and ensuring that the Realtors® fees are received without obstacles or road blocks! Completing an Effective Purchase & Sales Contract - 4CE - LIVE STREAM
1 - 5 P.M.
This course was designed for real estate professionals to polish up their process of completing a contract from the first word to the last signature.
March 9
Virtual Pitch Session
9 - 10 A.M.
Join other REALTORS® from around Tampa Bay on the second and fourth Thursday of every month for our REALTOR®-toREALTOR® open house PITCH to promote our listings to each other's Buyers!
Core Law - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
This material will provide a "red flag notice" of when participants are potentially going into a danger zone—the unlicensed practice of law.
iCE: Code of Ethics - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
1 - 4 P.M.
This class meets the NAR mandated requirement for completion of a Code of Ethics class and fulfills the FREC BP requirement.
Code of Ethics - 3CE - LIVE STREAM
1:30 - 4:30P.M.
This class meets the NAR mandated requirement for completion of a Code of Ethics class and fulfills the FREC BP requirement.
March 15
ACE Dealing with the Deal Killers: Handling the people that can kill your deals so you close more and lose less - 4CE
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
In this class, we look at issues specifically with title, appraisal, inspection, mortgage, & other agents that cause deals to die.
The ACE Advanced Lister: Building a Lifelong Listing Business - 4CE - LIVE STREAM
1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
Agents will learn how to handle objections in a fun and entertaining way that builds the skills they need to better answer customers.
March 21
ACE Negotiator 3: Body Language & Advanced Real Estate Negotiation - 4CE - IN PERSON
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
In this class, we dive into the thing that separates the great negotiators from the rest of the pack.
ACE Crypto 1: How to Understand and Meet Customers’ Needs in a Blockchain World - 4CE - IN PERSON
1:30 - 5:30P.M.
In this intro class, we will explain crypto currency, how it works, the benefits it has to the customer, and the reasons why its presence in real estate will be a very good thing.
March 22
ACE Contracts: Understanding Your Contract & Writing ones that Get Signed - 4CE - IN PERSON
1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
This class focuses specifically on the FAR/BAR As-is and FAR/Bar contracts to teach agents how to fill them out correctly, how the timelines work, what their customers rights are, and how to protect their customers interests.
ACE Investment 2: Advanced Real Estate Investment
Essentials - Understanding and Choosing the Right Investment - 4CE - IN PERSON
8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M
In this class we will discuss the various types of real estate investment that exist from speculative, or opportunity flipping to buy and hold and look at the different risks associated with them and how to mitigate that risk for our customers.
March 23
Virtual Pitch Session
9 - 10 A.M.
Join other REALTORS® from around Tampa Bay on the second and fourth Thursday of every month for our REALTOR®-toREALTOR® open house PITCH to promote our listings to each other's Buyers!
New Brokers* & Members
New members who join after January 19, 2023 will be recognized in the March/April issue. *New brokers are highlighted in yellow.
Acevedo Aquino, Aimeed
Adkins, David
Aguilar, Patricia
Akerman, Debra L
Alshalkmi, H.Ali
Alvarez, Massiel
Andrade, Christopher
Andujar, Adria
Angjellari, Eljana
Arencibia, Andres
Austin, Angela
Baradit, Lissette
Barnes Bey, Vanessa
Barnhart, Zachary
Barron, Kimberly
Batista, Humberto
Bauer, Richard
Bautista, Creenwich
Bennett, Annie Pearl
Bingman, Brandon
Blevins, Alicia
Boley, Kelly
Bonhomme, Dorismathe
Booker, Anna
Borowicz, Janna
Boudreaux, Sarah
Brown, Catrina
Brown, Chris
Burkhalter, James
Burns, Tyria
Burton, Patricia
Buster, Delicia
Cala Gonzalez, Ennys
Callins, Marquishia
Carlisle, James
Carruthers, Michelle
Cartesio, Christopher
Catlin, Thomas
Chambers, Jonathan
Chando, Elena
Cheatwood, Candace
Chervil, Marckendy
Christopoulos, William
Clemmey, Jason
Cleveland, Christopher
Comer, Jessica
Conyers, Tyrone
Cooke, Andre
Cotto, Juan
Cruz Monge, Ivellisse
Curtis, Sukela
Davis, Kylie
De Leon, Karla
Dhir, Priyanka
Diaz, Abel
Diaz, Veronica
DiMarco, Kenneth
Dixon, Treshena L
Dopico, Janet
Dorsey, Roni
Echenagusia Diaz, Maria
Fernandez Calienes Cejas, Osmel
Fernandez Garrido, Raima
Garcia, Juan
Garcia, Raymond
Ghafari, Krista
Gifford, Crasticia
Gilchrist, Lutreva
Goldring, Alexis
Gomez, Carlos
Gomez, Eugenia
Gomez, Juan
Gomez-Pavon, David
Goncalves Dealmeida, Nicholas
Gonzalez, Christopher
Gordon, Ezell
Goyal, Kuldip
Gundy, Marques
Habash, Sofia
Hamed, Salwa
Hamilton, Alex
Handman, Eric
Harake, Hadi
Harding, David
Hardy, Heather
Hargrove, Valencia
Hassan, Dana
Hassan, Kareem
Hernandez Ruiz, Juan Gabriel
Hoffman, John
Hubbard, Richard
Huntington, Ronald
Ingles, Valentina
Isom, Sebastain
Jackson, Shavonne
Jefferson, Anthony
Jennings, Michael
Jeripothula, Suman
Johnson, Jackqueline
Johnson, Latisha
Johnson, Tewaner
Johnson, Tina
Jones, Vanessa
Joseph, Anderson
Kayed, Hanin
Kelsie, Marino
Kendrick, Roger
Kent, Norris
Kintz, Cole
Kirby, Cameron
Kistler, Renee
Knight, Rickydra
Kompas, Martin
Kortright, Luis
Kostialik, Dustin
Kulaga, Joel
Laboriel, Melissa
LaRocca, Alisa
LeBihan, Colin
Lee, Ashley
Legra, Yarisey
Lerchenfeld, Erich
Lewallen, Esteban
Lewis, Stephen
Liberatore, Dennis
Lin, Hong Bin
Linton, Cody
Lockward, Katherine
Londono, Catalina
Lopez, Emilio
Lopez, Katherine
Lozano, Jose
Lugo, Ayana Nailah
Lyons, Erica
Mahdion, Azadeh
Martin, Shavell
Martinez Cruz, Maria
Martinez Vallejo, Sandra
McCall, Christopher
Mcdowell, Felisha
McGill, Sasha
McHugh, Daniel
Mehta, Haren
Mensche, Nirmala
Mighty, Rupert
Mills, Hugh
Miriyala, Vijay
Mixen, James
Mohanan, David
Monje, Erica
Morton, Conor
Mosier, John
Multari, Bobby
Muscato, Austin
Najac, Zakary
Navarro, Yanay
Nguyen, Duyen
O'Cain, Marianne
ODonovan, DeAnn
Oldman, Melissa
Oliver, Amanda
Oliveros, Adriana
Ordenana, Ernesto
O'Sullivan, Stephanie
Otis, John
Padua-Jimenez, William
Pasotti, Maria
Patsko, Joseph
Paz, Stephanie
Pellicci, Michael
Pena, Jenessa
Pepe, Jacob
Pereanez Arias, Leady
Pereiro, Victoria
Perez, Yandy Perry, Emily
Pimentel Palmou, Daniel Pineda, Gabriela
Pitts, Keonta
Pizzuto, Dina
Plumadore, Timothy
Preston, Leslie Prizer, Mark
Provinzino, Michael
Quesada, Leslien
Quinones, Robert
Rappaport, Suzanne
Raymond, Brianna
Rettig, Carolyn
Reyes, Idania
Rivero Ramos, Julio Rojas, Katarina
Rosario, Zuleika
Rozas, Marisela Ruzic, Bethany Saavedra, Carlos Samper, Maria Sandow, Fabienne Schmidt, Scott
Schmittou, Magen Schrepfer, Joseph Schulmeister, Nicholas Senn, Rebecca Sevilla, Max Siam Zaldivar, Betsy Siciaridis, Vasiliki Simmons, April Singleton, Felicia Skipalis, Avery Small, Joycelyn
Smith, George Smith, Jordan Sprowell, Karla Strown, Sophia Styles, Jessica Surin, Makinson
Talley, Jacqueline
Taylor, Jennifer
Thomas, Jason
Thomas, Kara
Thomas, Lydia
Treichler, John
Tsakiris, Georgios
Tsimberg, Eric
Urban, Jonathan
Urban, Linda
Vaillancourt, Kyle
Van Wagenen, Gayle
Varkalaite, Migle
Varner, Branden
Vega, Michael
Vesh, Maria
Wallace, Katalina
Wang, Jia Qi
Whitehead, Sherocka
Whitley, Lando
Williams, Donna
Williams, Ebony
Williams, Jasmine
Williams, Rebecca
Willis, Collin
Wiseman, Blake
Wolaver, Brian
Yanes, Gayle
Yoon, Heesab
York, Myra
Zampino, Ryan
Zapata, Maria
Zimmer, Michelle
MacDonald Training Center Christmas Party
GTR and members help spread holiday cheer with the staff of the MacDonald Training Center (MTC). GTR and members help spread holiday cheer with the staff of the MTC.
GTR Holiday Party 2022
GTR celebrated at Hunter’s Green Country Club for our annual Holiday Party, in support of Voices for Children.
GTR Mixer - Maggiano's Little Italy
On Thursday, January 5, GTR members made new connections and rekindled old ones over wings at our free mixer at Maggiano's Little Italy!
111th Annual Installation Ceremony
Members gathered for an evening of celebration as we recognized our 2022 Leadership and instaled 2023 President Jay Quigley and the new Board of Directors.
Estate Build
On Tuesday, January 31, GTR members volunteered to kick off the 2023 Real Estate initiative. We can't wait to see the finished home.
Why a Title Company matters
In a real estate transaction there’s buyers and sellers, real estate agents and mortgage lenders. All these separate parties come together for one common cause of transferring ownership of a home from seller to buyer. It’s an emotional experience and signifies a new chapter in many lives. The one piece of the puzzle that can oftentimes get overlooked in the mix is the title company. Not just a place to sign papers, the title company is THE party who confirms rightful ownership, prepares the transfer deed and ensures that everything is done completely, timely, lawfully and correctly. The title company wields a lot of power and can cause BIG problems if they aren’t best in class. Greater Tampa REALTORS® is honored to be home to a myriad of awesome title companies. You can find our title Affiliate Partners by hovering over the Affiliates tab on our website and clicking “Find an Affiliate”. From there, you can change the “Member Type” to Affiliate and filter the category to “title”.
Before choosing a title company vet them and their reviews for these qualities. Not choosing wisely could cost your clients time, money, hassle and possibly heartache. Here are the top 5 reasons why a title company truly matters.
Responsiveness – A title company should answer the phone and be available to answer your questions. A great title company will keep all parties informed and aware of any changes. Should a problem arise, quick awareness allows the transaction to continue without unnecessary delays.
Problem Solvers – Some deals are tricky or can throw lesser title companies for a loop. Not every transaction can be straight forward with no challenges. A great title company doesn’t shy away from the challenges. A great
title company with experienced title professionals will see your challenge and raise you a solution.
JENNIE RESTREPO Affiliate DirectorExperience - A team of experts is what you need to close a transaction smoothly. Inexperience and understaffing can lead to sloppy mistakes. Title can be intricate and requires a keen attention to detail. When vetting a title company, ask how long they have been in business and who will be handling your file.
Locally-owned and operated – Locally owned small businesses have a pulse on the local market. When you work with small businesses, you get the care that personal relationships offer.
Appreciative – A great title appreciates every client, every deal and every detail. It’s not about the next deal. It’s about doing everything necessary for this client to be overjoyed with his or her closing experience.
When you choose a title company make sure to choose a title company that cares and communicates. There’s nothing worse than finally getting to closing and ending on a sour note because the title company doesn’t handle the transaction with the care and concern that this is a huge milestone for your clients.
Congratulations to our Affiliate of the Month:
December: Kathryn Huynh - Berlin Patten Ebling
January: Mary Turner - Mason Title & Escrow
Welcome New Affiliate Business Partners!
ADT Security Solutions
Representative: Geovanni Este
Cadence Bank
Representative: Eric Stone
Cloud Title LLC
Representative: Lucretia Junge, Angie
Corey Adams P.A.
Representative: Corey Adams
E-Mortgage Capital
Representative: Wes Stone
Florida Supreme Court Certified CircuitCivil and County-Civil Mediator
Representative: John Mayhew
Get Home Insurance Now
Representative: John Tankersley
HDMK Home Inspections
Representative: Harton Kiel
Home Access Financial Representative: Andre Martinez
Homebridge Financial
Joined between Dec. 1, 2022 - January 13, 2023
J Rae Photography
Representative: Jessica Jaeckel
Representative: Janice Hurt
Noble Property Inspections
Representative: Phillip Bullock, Chris LaRose, David Hasley
Representative: Nicolette VanPelt, Nick
Knetzke, Monica Price
Inspect Pro 360 PLLC
Representative: David Heery
IV Inspections
Representative: Steven Bernstein
Tampa Bay Chapter of NARPM
Representative: Roland Jean Charles
Unity Residential & Commercial Mortgage
Representative: Dina Elbiherie
Use this directory as a resource for products and services. Affiliates join monthly, so check each issue for updates. You can also search the online Affiliate directory by visiting Special thanks to our Diamond Affiliate Partner: Tampa Bay Times; our Platinum Affiliate Partner: Brown & Associates Law & Title PA and our Silver Affiliate Partners: 2 College Brothers Moving & Storage, Enterprise Title of Tampa Bay Inc., First Horizon Bank, GTE Financial, Keller Mortgage, LMCU, Model Perfect Designs, Old Republic Exchange Company, Pillar to Post Home Inspections and Waterstone Mortgage.
Diamond Partner is highlighted in purple. Platinum Partners are highlighted in blue. Silver Partners are highlighted in gray.
Gold Partners are highlighted in yellow.
If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at
1031 Exchange
Old Republic Exchange Company
Janet Schaum
1410 N Westshore Blvd.
Ste. 800
Tampa, Florida 33607
813-849-2816 |
First American Exchange
Trish Mack
6960 Grande Vista Way S. Pasadena, FL 33707
OnPoint Tax Relief Inc.
Tracie Lowe CPA
330 Pauls Dr. Suite 111 Brandon, FL 33511
813-685-8400 |
Attorney/Legal Services
Brown & Associates Law & Title PA
Barbara Brown 11373 Countryway Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33626
813-528-4044 |
Berlin Patten Ebling
Deva Vaden
324 S. Hyde Park Ave, Suite 325
Tampa, FL 33606
813-467-7500 |
Corey Adams P.A.
Corey Adams
5100 Burchette Road, Unit 2502
Tampa, FL 33606
813-461-5397 |
Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit-Civil and County-Civil Mediator
John Mayhew
P.O. Box 2083 Riverview, FL 33568
813-758-0242 |
Law Office of Michael A Ziegler PL: Debt Fighters
Michael Ziegler
217 N. Lois Ave. Suite 201
Tampa, FL 33609
Najmy Thompson, P.L.
Aaron Thomas
109 N. Brush Street, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33602
813-440-2100 |
Thomas E. Feaster, Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator
Thomas E. Feaster
114 South Tampania Ave.
Tampa, Fl 33609
Lennar Tampa
Teresa Ward
4301 Boy Scout Blvd, Suite 600
Tampa, FL 33607
Metro Places
Tatiana Hurtado
2502 N. Rocky Point Dr.
Tampa, FL 33607
813-288-8078 |
Park Square Homes
Michelle Masline
205 Manns Harbor Dr. Apollo Beach, FL 33572
813-497-8142 |
Cleaning/Indoor Air Quality
Affordable Ozone Treatment
Chuck Hall
219 Ronja Lane
Valrico, Florida 33594
Clean Sweeper Tampa
Jamal Snell
1211 E. 26th Ave.
Tampa, FL 33605
813-361-1301 |
Home Clean Heroes of Tampa Bay
Adeola Shabiyi
12902 US 301 S., #4008
Riverview, FL 33778
Kandu Solutions Inc.
Reece Johnson
4501 Indianapolis St. NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33703
Toni's Splendid Cleaning LLC
Toni Williams
510 Serenity Mill Loop
Ruskin, FL 33570
Closing Gifts
CUTCO Cutting Edge Gifts
Sylia Honne
1712 Foxwood Dr.
Garner, NC 27529
623-606-1454 |
Cutting Edge Gifting
Alex Couture
1712 Foxwood Dr.
Garner, North Carolina 27529 813-965-3317 |
Clear-View Companies LLC
David Bunker
3224 E State Road 60 Valrico, FL 33594
Listing Profit Remodeling LLC
Robert Dinan
4590 Ulmerton Road, Suite 101 Clearwater, FL 33762 727-220-9944
Tricor LLC
Ryan Goebel
8281 E. Gelding Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 800-847-0214
Credit Unions
GTE Financial
Tabitha Roach
711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, FL 33602
Navy Federal Credit Union
Christine Deloach
4538 S. Dale Mabry Hwy
Tampa, FL 33611
877-573-2324 |
Estate Sales
ezDownsizing Tampa LLC
Whitney Yoder
316 N. Excelda Ave. Tampa, FL 33609
941-417-0713 |
Financial Services
First Horizon Bank
Manuel Moscoso
4105 N. Himes Ave. Tampa, FL 33607 813-769-8080 |
Anchor Bay Financial LLC
Tina Christman 1527 Dale Mabry Suite 101 Lutz, FL 33548
813-270-5229 |
Divvy Homes
Angela Evans
300 Montgomery St, Suite #1200 San Francisco, CA 94104 813-491-7662
Robin Eekhof
7380 W. Sand Lake Road, #410
Orlando, FL 32819 407-352-5890
Michael Dziuba
50 Main Street, Suite 1000 White Plains, 10606 NY 609-413-5375
Gift Basket
Laser Co 7 LLC
Jose' Nix
10105 Barnett Loop Port Richey, FL 34668
727-645-3644 |
Health Insurance
USHEALTH Advisors - A
UnitedHealthcare Company
Richard Lewis
Home Inspection
Pillar To Post Home Inspectors
Scott McGarrity
8850 Alafia Cove Drive
Riverview, Florida 33569
360 Home Inspections
Scott Randolph
13325 Antonio Way
Dade City, Florida 33525
A-Pro Home Inspection
Thomas Solarino
2424 W. Brandon Blvd., 1284
Brandon, FL 33511
A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections
William Iwanicki
16057 Tampa Palms Blvd W., Ste 247
Tampa, FL 33647
AcuSystem Home Inspections
David Gonzalez
5668 Fishhawk Crossing Blvd.
Ste 120
Lithia, Florida 33547
813-361-8302 |
All County Home Inspections Inc.
Andrew Suarez
3087 Anderson Snow Rd. Spring Hill, Florida 34609 352-796-1304
AmeriSpec Inspection Services
Justin Guzman
P.O. Box 3393
Apollo Beach, Florida 33572
Bay Area Home Inspections LLC
Shane Dollman
4612 South Lois Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33611
813-727-8827 |
Bennett Property Inspection
Kevin Bennett
4106 W. San Juan St. Tampa, Florida 33629
Beryl Project Engineering
Richard Leo Cannyn
2810 N. 10th St. Tampa, Florida 33605
813-616-3301 |
Best Home Inspection
Richard A Yelton
23086 Madelyn Ave.
Port Charlotte, Florida 33954 941-391-5372
BLT Inspections
Brandon Testone
2806 Pine Club Dr. Plant City, Florida 33566
813-777-9848 |
BPG Inspections
Randy Noon
19519 Long Lake Ranch Blvd. Lutz, FL 33558
352-799-5958 |
Buyer’s Guide Home Inspection
Jonathan Brown
2712 Lenna Ave. Seffner, FL 33584 270-799-3012
Chief Home Inspections
Richard Hyland
804 Sutton Ave. Brandon, Florida 33510
813-333-6263 |
Coastal Site Inspections Inc.
Fred and Lynn Tonte
6809 Armon Court
Wesley Chapel, FL 33545
813-973-2004 |
Colvin Insections
David Colvin
715 Calico Scallop St. Ruskin, FL 33570
833-716-7373 |
Complete Home Inspection Services
Albert Cooke 903 E. Saint Clair St. Tampa, FL 33605 813-380-1355
Cross Check Home Inspection LLC
Craig Stahl
5815 Laguna Woods Court
Tampa, Florida 33625
D.S. Murphy Inspections
Ryan King 20643 Longleaf Pine Ave. Tampa, Florida 33647 813-423-6344
Dynamic Home Inspections LLC
Dino Zeljkovic
10305 Ashley Oaks Dr. Riverview, Florida 33578
Eagle Property Inspections
David Barnett
3806 Ralston Road Plant City, FL 33566
Excalibur Inspections LLC
Michael Gallway
522 Oakfield Dr. Brandon, Florida 33511
Fair Winds Building Inspection Services LLC
Sang Park
16725 Longleat Dr. Lutz, Florida 33549
757-513-1298 |
Fastrack Property Inspections LLC
Robert LeHoullier
3515 W Rogers Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33611
Faulkner Home Inspections
George Faulkner
3201 Grand Paulyon Dr.
Tampa, FL 33613
Florida's Best Inspections
John Grattan
21113 Lake Talia Blvd.
Land O Lakes, Florida 34638
Florida Building Inspection Group
Dustie Amatangelo
1435 Oakfield Dr.
Brandon, FL 33511
Florida Superior Inspections
Stephan A Warner
18331 Coqui Court
Odessa, Florida 33556
First Florida Home Inspection
Victoria Wyatt
18112 Ashton Park Way
Tampa, FL 33647
813-803-7619 |
Get the Facts Home Inspection
Joe Svehla
867 W Bloomingdale
NO. 6118
Brandon, Florida 33508
Glisson Inspection
Timothy Glisson
2424 Prospect Road
Tampa, Florida 33629
Greater Tampa Home Inspections
Joseph Shea
8822 W. Broad St.
Tampa, FL 33615
813-382-5973 |
Handy Vet Inspections LLC
Robert Parmer
4315 W. Empedrado St.
Tampa, Florida 33629
813-981-2008 |
HDMK Home Inspections
Harton Kiel
15171 S. Harrells Ferry Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
888-401-4365 |
Home Insights LLC
Riley Tucker
3909 Butternut Court
Brandon, Florida 33511
Home Inspections Consultants Inc.
Michel Perez
4720 Deerwalk Ave. Tampa, Florida 33624
Home Inspector Professionals
Aramis Taylor
2780 E. Fowler Ave. #232
Tampa, FL 33612
HouseMaster Home Inspections
Michelle & Robert Southard
2702 Clubhouse Dr. Plant City, FL 33566
iCheck Homes LLC
Jose Rosario
9328 N. Ashley St. Tampa, FL 33612
Insight Home Inspections
Daniel Horton
13336 Palmera Vista Dr. Riverview, Florida 33579
813-817-6477 |
Inspect Pro 360 PLLC
David Heery
15624 Morning Dr. Lutz, FL 33559
614-374-0053 |
IV Inspections
Steven Bernstein
14726 Via Estrella Place
Tampa, FL 33626
JBL Home Inspections - Bitzas
Enterprises DBS
Dimitrios Bitzas
1713 Regal Mist Loop
Trinity, FL 34655
727-914-9650 |
JPM Home Inspection LLC
Jose Perez Molina 4519 Eden Rock Road Tampa, FL 33634
Longo Inspection Services LLC
George Longo
12153 N Dale Mabry, Ste 200 Tampa, Florida 33618
813-618-8393 |
Lunspro Home Inspections
Christopher Cooper
830-13 A1A North, Suite 278 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 904-249-6523 |
Main Street Renewal
Brian Keller 2701 W. Busch Blvd., Ste. 118 Tampa, FL 33618 813-676-3247
Max Home Inspections
Janai Hernandez
351 SW 136 Ave., Ste 206 Davie, FL 33026
McLafferty Property Inspections LLC
Kevin McLafferty
4435 Mohican Trail
Valrico, Florida 33594
McLaurin Inspections
Kenny McLaurin 5350 Bridge St. Tampa, Florida 33611
248-519-3058 |
Million to One Home Inspections LLC
Steve Cooley
748 61st Ave. NE
Saint Petersburg, FL 33703
813-945-2500 |
Next Step Inspections
Philip Brown
11338 Bridge Pine Dr. Riverview, Florida 33569
Noble Property Inspections
Phillip Bullock
3107 Meadowcreek Dr.
Missouri City, TX 77459
832-551-1397 |
Northsight Management
Neil Lescott
8901 E. Mountain View Rd., Ste 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
386-295-8618 |
On the Level Inspections
Kennan Sivitz
17915 Crooked Lane
Lutz, FL 33548
Paramount Home Inspectors
Dale Gerstenberger
R&R Home Inspections
Robert Stockert
6105 S. Main Ave.
Tampa, FL 33611
813-616-3356 |
Richard Pickle Ent Inc.
Richard Pickle
15820 Spring Crest Circle
Tampa, Florida 33624
Rock Solid Home Inspections
Dawn Perkins 7781 Starkey Road
Seminole, Florida 33777
RonzCo Inspections
Nicholas Ronzel
6421 N. Florida Ave. STE D PMB 1063
Tampa, FL 33604
Safeline Home Inspections LLC
Corey Richardson
2021 Shadow Pine Dr.
Brandon, Florida 33511
813-777-8851 |
Sawgrass Home Inspections
Benjamin Hodges
13907 Pathfinder Dr. Tampa, FL 33625
Shipshape Home Inspections
Curt Arnold
3702 W. Tyson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33641
Site Wise Inspection
David Vakili
414 Fern Cliff Ave. Tampa, FL 33617
Suncoast Home Inspections
Joseph Anthony 8535 Caitlin Ct.
Hudson, FL 34667
TechPro Home Inspections
Ian Kessler
12218 Garden Lake Circle
Odessa, Florida 33556
813-895-9955 |
Tooles Inspection LLC
Jim Tooles 21007 Sunpoint Way 102 Tampa, Florida 33558
Vet Check Property Inspections LLC
Cory Weaver 10810 Boyette Rd #852
Riverview, FL 33569
813-599-3822 |
Watchman Home Inspection
Michael Bock
19112 Cypress Green Dr.
Lutz, Florida 33558
Waypoint Property Inspection
Eddy Lai
3220 Parkside Center Circle
Tampa, Florida 33619
Win Home Inspection New Tampa
Rob Kuntz
P.O. Box 46591
Tampa, Florida 33646
WIN Home Inspections – Land O Lakes
Geffrey Rutgers 30320 Grymes Dr. Wesley Chapel, FL 33545
813-610-1246 |
Home Warranty
Old Republic Home Protection
Brian Brown 800-282-7131 |
A B Capital Group
Aaron Weber
1408 Westshore Blvd. NO. 708 Tampa, Florida 33607
813-262-0059 |
Assured Partners
Monica Montiel
4600 W. Cypress St. Suite 550 Tampa, Florida 33607 813-424-3289 |
Excellence First Insurance Specialist
Melissa Gallway
329 Pauls Dr.
Brandon, Florida 33511
813-867-2132 |
Get Home Insurance Now
John Tankersley
1021 Douglas Ave.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
407-227-0854 |
Seascape Insurance Group Inc.
Eric Mikel
106 Reid Ave.
Port Saint Joe, FL 32456
850-739-6766 |
Think Safe Insurance LLC
Greg Martin
116 E. Bloomingdale Ave., Ste. B
Brandon, FL 33511
813-425-1626 |
USHEALTH Advisors - A UnitedHealthcare Company
Richard Lewis
Interior Design/Home Staging
Model Perfect Designs
Frank Mace
13314 Golf Crest Circle
Tampa, FL 33618
Dwell Home Staging
Kristina Venieris
4912 S. Lois
Tampa, FL 33611
727-301-2702 |
Step by Stage Interiors
Anne Furlow
417 W. Belvedere St.
Lakeland, FL 33803
321-960-0693 |
Junk Removal/Recycling
Junkluggers of North Tampa Bay
Vincent Breault
23834 FL-54
Lutz, FL 33559
Lightning Bay Junk Removal
Adam Wiseman
1619 Wakefield Dr. Brandon, FL 33511
813-217-2219 |
Marketing/Web Design
Tampa Bay Times
Jennifer Conklin
490 1st Avenue S. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Boomerang DM
Amy Bivona
9155 E. Nichols Ave., #175
Centennial, CO 80112
Mortgage Services
Cadence Bank
Eric Stone
4890 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 820
Tampa, FL 33609
813-425-9200 |
GTE Financial
Tabitha Roach
711 E. Henderson Ave. Tampa, Florida 33602
Home Access Financial
Brian Finucane
100 S. Ashley Drive Suite 1150
Tampa, FL 33602
Matt Russell
408 S. MacDill Ave.
Tampa, FL 33609
813-342-4780 |
Keller Mortgage
Rick Bennett Jr.
4725 Lakehurst Ct, Suite 400 Dublin, OH 43016
Waterstone Mortgage
Tyler Walsh
4902 Eisenhower Blvd. Suite 385
Tampa, FL 33634
719 Lending Inc.
Katrina Stone
104 S. Cascade Ave., #201 Colorado Springs, CO 80903
844-719-5363 |
America's Mortgage Solutions
Jon Ahrendt
4702 W Browning Ave.
Tampa, FL 33629
americasmortgagesolutions.shapeportal. com/ref/7
Annie Mac Home Mortgage
George Russell 6912 W. Linebaugh Ave. Ste. 101 Tampa, FL 33625
813-598-9688 |
Bank OZK
Bryant Williams
PO Box 8811 Little Rock, AR 72231
Cardinal Financial CompanyTampa Office
Fred Elflein
5005 W. Laurel St. Suite 211 Tampa, FL 33607 813-580-5407 FredElflein
Celebrity Home Loans
Robert Sauerwine
4950 W. Kennedy Blvd. Suite 605 Tampa, FL 33609
813-710-9923 |
Centennial Bank
Chuck Davis
1606 1st St. S. Winter Haven, FL 33880
E-Mortgage Capital
Wes Stone
18071 Fitch, Ste. 200 Irvine, CA 92614
Embrace Home Loans
Michael Cockman
1408 N. Westshore Dr. Tampa, FL 33607
855-612-9398 tampa
Enclave Financial Corp.
Abby Ruppert Snyder
4522 W. Village Dr. Tampa, FL 33624
352-287-4345 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
Deven Alldaffer
1139 Professional Park Dr. Brandon, FL 33511
813-376-3618 |
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
Lindsey Vance 924 Alt 19, Unit E Palm Harbor, FL 34683
727-647-8198 |
Fifth Third Bank
Julio Gerena
4427 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33609 312-929-9800
Fluxx Funding LLC
Robert Paredes
410 S. Ware Blvd., Suite 402
Tampa, FL 33619
813-300-7218 |
Guaranteed Rate
Kenny Schaaf
1408 N. Westshore Blvd. Suite #450 Tampa, Florida 33607
813-603-3116 |
Hancock Whitney Bank Mireya LoCicero
2202 N. Westshore Blvd. Suite 110
Tampa, FL 33607
941-714-3393 |
Home Fast Funding Inc.
Joseph Moran
1517 Holleman Dr.
Valrico, FL 33596
813-940-7272 |
Homebridge Financial
Nicolette VanPelt
10159 Highland Manor Dr., Suite 120
Tampa, FL 33610
Leader One Financial
Scott Walters
1732 Fox Grape Loop
Lutz, FL 33558
Midflorida Credit Union
Laura McKenzie
1112 S. Dale Mabry Hwy
Tampa, FL 33629
Movement Mortgage
Marcus Okopny
330 Pauls Dr., Suite 240
Brandon, FL 33511
813-563-5869 |
NEXA Mortgage
Maurice Gissendanner
2450 S. Gilbert Rd. #210
Chandler, FL 85286
813-816-2532 |
NFM Lending
Nathaniel Bittman
3180 Curlew Rd
Unit 107
Oldsmar, FL 34677
727-450-3917 |
Raymond James Bank
Ashley Turner
710 Carillion Parkway
Saint Petersburg, FL 33716
Royal & Company Mortgage Corporation
Kevin Suba
792 W. Lumsden Road
Brandon, FL 33511
813-657-6900 |
Seacoast Bank
Clinton Harris
400 N. Ashley Dr., Suite 1400
Tampa, FL 33594
ServisFirst Bank
Candace Blackburn
4221 W. Boy Scout Blvd. #100
Tampa, FL 33629
Silver Bay Lending
Erica Paradise
1205 N. Franklin St. Suite 105
Tampa, FL 33602
813-994-1819 |
Suncoast Credit Union
Tammy Kiehl
6801 E. Hillsborough Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33610
The Mortgage Firm
Charles Garneau
2020 Edgewood Drive S. Lakeland, FL 33803
The Mortgage Firm Tampa
Patrick Storch
8471 W Linebaugh Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33625
Third Federal Savings & Loan
Ivette Rivera
11707 N. Dale Mabry Hwy.
Tampa, FL 33618
813-289-3671 |
Unity Residential & Commercial Mortgage
Dina Elbiherie
100 Ashley Dr., Suite 600
Tampa, FL 33602
848-208-1088 |
USF Federal Credit Union
Bobby Bucholtz
13302 USF Palm Dr.
Tampa, Florida 33612
813-569-2183 |
VanDyk Mortgage Corp.
Shawn Miller
5020 W. Linebaugh Ave., Suite 130
Tampa, FL 33624
McGarrity Team
518 N Tampa St., Suite 375
Tampa, FL 33602
Office: (813) 685-7573
Mobile: (813) 843-1121
Email: Sco�
Website: h�ps://mcgarrityteam pillartopost com
Professional Inspectors You Can Trust
All Pillar To Post home inspectors are trained to inspect all major items inside and outside of the home as prescribed in the ASHI Standards of Prac�ce. With a Pillar To Post inspector by your side you’ll have the support you need to make educated decisions.
Operations Runner
Run Forever Run
Vanessa Rodriguez
Pest Control
ARC Termite and Pest Control LLC
Norma Campbell
12135 Buffington Lane
Riveriew, Florida 33579
813-671-2847 |
Citarella Termite and Pest Managemen
Kevin Citarella
833-608-2652 |
Hughes Exterminators
Audra Snyder
1781 W. Hillsborough Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33603
813-884-1555 |
International Pest Management LLC
Ruben Rodriguez
4824 Dewey Rose Ct. Tampa, FL 33624
Shireman Pest Control
John Shireman
40003 Sunburst Dr. Dade City, FL 33525
813-713-5300 |
Trutech Wildlife Service
Alex Deckard
Tampa, FL 33618
813-590-7891 |
Arnold Novak Photography
Arnold Novak
4333 Bayside Village Dr.
Apt #316
Tampa, Florida 33615
813-400-9090 |
Blue Line Studios LLC
Aaron Dahl
235 Apollo Beach Blvd, Ste. 201 Apollo Beach, FL 33572
Delhomme Studio & Production LLC
Wendell Delhomme
4913 Steel Dust Lane
Lutz, FL 33559
813-640-0618 |
Hawke & Rock Productions LLC
Roy Hawke
13801 Kapok Ct. Apt 201 Tampa, FL 33613
J Rae Photography
Jessica Jaeckel
3028 W. Van Buren Dr. Tampa, FL 813-951-8208 |
LUX Picture
Matthew Bilancia
10220 Holland Road
Riverview, Florida 33578
Next Door Photos North Tampa
Isaac Morillo
16401 Cypress Water Way
Tampa, FL 33624
Professional Organization
Tampa Bay Chapter of NARPM
Andrew Dougill
3900 W. Dale Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33609
813-658-8210 |
Property Management
iTrip Vacations Tampa
Kathie Wild
901 34th Ave. N. #7424
St. Petersburg, Florida 33703
Condominium Associates
Doug Jenkins
3001 Executive Drive, Suite 260
Clearwater, FL 33762
Relocation Services/Moving
2 College Brothers Moving & Storage
Faith Larkin
4701 Acline Dr. East #275
Tampa, FL 33605
All My Sons Moving & Storage
Jameson Olsen
4410 W. Crest Ave, Unit A
Tampa, FL 33614
561-578-3800 |
Cardinal Roofing
Bridget Jenkins Wilson
3108 Barkley Lane
Valrico, Florida 33596
813-689-7663 |
Musick Roofing
Mike Musick
P.O. Box 8782
Lakeland, FL 33806
SCM Roofing
Jason Nicholas
13909 N. Dale Mabry Hwy
Unit 201
Tampa, Florida 33618
Solar Power Equity
Kevin Tison
1996 Crossroads Blvd.
Winter Haven, FL 33881
863-206-5755 |
Security Services
ADT Security Solutions
Geovanni Este
701 S. 301 Hwy
Riverview, FL 33619
813-955-9651 |
Elm Street Technology / Social Media Boot Camp
Todd Colthorp
10601 Clarence Dr., Suite 265
Frisco, TX 75033
Temporary Housing
Kaori Jones
1050 Water St. Tampa, FL 33602
Title Agencies
Brown & Associates Law & Title PA
Barbara Brown
11373 Countryway Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33626
813-528-4044 |
Enterprise Title of Tampa Bay Inc.
Phillip Clark
5303 Technology Dr.
Tampa, FL 33647
813-961-3391 |
Acuity Title Company
Katrice Briggs 4830 W. Kennedy Blvd, Suite 600 Tampa, FL 33609
813-509-2348 |
All Real Estate Title Solutions Inc.
Gabriela Germino
1430 West Busch Blvd. Suite D Tampa, Florida 33612
813-876-4373 |
Assurity Title
Cassandra McSherry 10129 Gallant Lane Tampa, FL 33625
Cloud Title LLC
Lucretia Junge
1990 Main Street #750 Sarasota, FL 34236
888-512-7135 |
First American Title
Michelle Hernandez 1731 S Kings Ave.
Brandon, Florida 33511
Florida Title Group
Jenny Daniels
5785 S University Dr., Suite 109
Davie, FL 33328
Insured Title Agency LLC
Mandy Hunter 13029 W. Linebaugh Ave. Ste. 102 Tampa, FL 33626 813-855-3585 |
Mason Title & Escrow Company
Cheryl Johnson
27544 Cashford Circle #101 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
813-973-7319 |
Mason Title and Escrow Company
Mary Turner 3341 W. Bears Ave. Tampa, FL 33618 813-973-7319 |
Nations Title of Florida
Monica Hellbaum 9500 Koger Blvd., Suite 114 St. Petersburg, FL 33702 727-201-4694 |
Palladium Title
Dan Wright 19321 US Hwy 19 N., Suite 512 Clearwater, FL 33764
Sunbelt Title Agency
Dee-Dee Silvestri
500 N. Westshore Blvd., #850 Tampa, FL 33609
813-422-9696 |
Tier 1 Title LLC
Harold Harper 4801 George Rd, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33634
813-898-1277 |
Transaction Management
Your Transaction Manager
Angela Settlemyre
1809 E. Diana St. Tampa, Florida 33610
Robert Welbourn
5200 Camberlea Ave.
Zephyrhills, FL 3354
Virtual Assistant
My Own Staff
Christian Stephens
2222 Lanside Dr. Valrico, FL 33594
813-725-3668 |
Yacht Broker
Denison Yachting/Florida Yacht Pros
Michael Johnson
1936 Bruce B. Downs, #514 Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
If you’re an active Affiliate and you don’t see your information listed in the directory, please contact our Affiliate Department at affiliates@