4 minute read

Job Offered! Now What?

There’s a proper etiquette to handling job ofers, no matter whether you’re accepting or rejecting them. We answer common questions to help you out of some sticky situations.


I’ve been ofered Job A, but I’m also still waiting to hear about Job B. What should I do?


Honesty is the best policy here. Contact Employer A and explain that while you’re very pleased to have been ofered the job, you’re stll waitng to hear from other organisatons and would appreciate a litle more tme before you can make your decision about the ofer. There’s no need to name Employer B.

Be upfront about your internal struggles about this decision; chances are the employer will be able to relate to your dilemma. Either way, if you’re a strong candidate, it stands to reason that other employers would be interested in you – Employer A shouldn’t hold this against you.

Remember that you could be held in breach of contract if you accept a job in writng but then decide to turn it down. So under no circumstances should you sign the contract with Employer A just as a “safety net”! Q: Help! I’ve been put “on hold”! What do I do now?


In cases where an employer happens to have an unusually large number of atractve candidates, it may be tough for them to decide on the best candidate for the positon. This is where being “put on hold” comes in – recruiters need tme to decide and to get their bosses’ input on the mater.

If you fnd yourself put “on hold”, there are two things you should do: • Keep in touch with the recruiter to let them know you’re stll interested even as you wait for their response. • Keep applying for other jobs and atending interviews. It’s dangerous to assume that you’ll be the lucky one to get the job – you may miss the cut.

Stll, here’s a small consolaton if an employer puts you “on hold” – it’s because they think that you’re an incredibly desirable candidate, and aren’t keen on letng you slip away. Q: Should I negotiate the best possible salary?


The reality of landing most graduate jobs is that you’ll be given a set salary with very litle choice in the mater. Also, note that negotatng your startng pay as a fresh graduate will require a lot of diplomacy.

Make sure what you ask for is both reasonable and justfable. Approach your network of contacts for advice, and fnd out about the range of salaries on ofer from your prospectve employer.

Moreover, be prepared to explain why you should be placed at the upper end of the pay bracket instead of what you’ve been initally ofered. Also, think about what you’re prepared to accept.

Remuneraton is ofen more than just a paycheque. There may be other benefts such as bonuses, fexible working hours, commissions, pension plans, life policies, or generous annual leave enttlements. Be sure to consider the whole package before you decide whether or not to bring the mater up.

Q: It’s great that I’ve gotten the ofer, but I don’t think I want this particular job anymore. What do I do?


The key is to not burn any bridges. You may need to call on that company in the future – whether as a client, a networking contact, or even for future career opportunites.

Be sure to inform recruiters as soon as you’ve come to a decision. Whenever possible, call up your recruiters, or even beter, drop by the company in person and let them know face-to-face. This shows your sincerity and your appreciaton for the tme that the company has blocked out to consider and assess you.

Additonally, be upfront and honest about your reasons for turning down the ofer. Maybe you feel that you’re just not a good ft for the company culture, or you realised afer the interview that this job isn’t quite what you were expectng – let the company know.

If you’re a strong candidate, recruiters may even discuss ways to restructure the job role to match your expectatons or ofer you a diferent positon altogether.

Accepting a job ofer

Job ofers should be made in writng. Even if you’re told verbally that you’ve been ofered the job, you should also expect to receive the ofer in writng. This will typically be in the form of an ofer leter, followed by a formal employment contract.

Before you sign on the doted line, though, do proper checks to make sure you’re happy and that everything is as you expect. Keep an eye out for: • Job ttle • Salary and benefits (including travelling, phone, and entertainment allowances) • Additonal incentve compensaton • Employee educaton • Probaton period • The notce period (the length of tme between resigning and your last day of work) • Hours of work per day or week • Paid annual leave and sick leave enttlements • Holiday, sick pay enttlements and insurance • The startng date If something doesn’t seem right, make sure you contact the employer immediately to clear up any misunderstandings. The employer should send over a revised ofer in writng if any changes are agreed upon.

If everything’s good to go and you’re sure you want the job, then go ahead and put your acceptance down in writng!

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