1 minute read
People considering a career in educaton usually aim to become a primary, secondary, or junior college teacher.
However, there are other roles such as special educatonal needs teachers, TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) teachers, career guides and educatonal psychologists as well.
The teaching industry in Singapore is primarily run by the Ministry of Educaton (MOE), with only a small proporton of teachers employed by private educaton insttutes such as preschool centres, and local and private tertary insttutons.
You’ll need…
• Interpersonal skills • Passion • Communicaton skills • Time management skills • Organisatonal skills
Types of employers
• Primary schools • Secondary schools • Junior colleges • Universites, polytechnics or technical insttutes • Adult educaton centres
Types of jobs
• Nursery school teacher • Primary school teacher • Secondary school teacher • Junior college lecturer/teacher • University/polytechnic lecturer/ facilitator • Teaching English as a Foreign
Language (TEFL) • Educatonal psychologist • Career counsellor
Job-hunting tips
• The MOE typically allocates teaching subjects based on the needs of the school and the teacher’s academic qualifcatons • Applicants looking to specialise in a certain subject have to undergo an
Entrance Profciency Test administered by the MOE • Private educaton providers tend to use more specialised, low-key recruitment eforts. Check with campus career centres or take more proactve steps to hunt for openings
Work experience
Though it’s possible to get work experience by doing volunteer teaching before graduaton, prior experience may not be necessary for a teaching role.
Recruitment drives take place at least twice a year. Candidates are shortlisted, selected and trained before being felded to schools at the start of the academic year.
Did you know?
MOE teachers are enttled to about 100 hours of professional development per year. They’re also appraised annually with multple measures such as contributon to academic and character development of their students, collaboratons with parents and community groups and contributons to their colleagues and the school.