HOW TO WRITE A PROFESSIONAL EMAIL When contacting recruiters, you should always use effective, simple and natural language to come off as mature and graceful. Follow this guide to use the email medium with elegance.
Use an appropriate email address If you do not have a professional sounding email address hosted on a credible domain, it is time to create a new account. The new email address will need to contain your initials, either your surname or full name, and be free from references to your favourite puns, cartoons or games.
Write a clear subject line A good subject line states the purpose of the email with the recipient in mind. An ideal subject line will be “Application for (Role) – (Your Name)”. Make sure you do not have typos in the subject line as that will make a very bad first impression!
Address your email to the right person You can find out online who you should address the email to, instead of stating “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern”. The name of the hiring manager is often on the job description and hiring notice. If it is not, you can look it up on LinkedIn or the online directory of the organisation you are applying to. You can also make a phone call to enquire about who you should be addressing the email to before sending it out.
Keep your message brief and professional Your email should be succinct. Avoid smileys, emojis and exclamation marks in your emails to recruiters and prospective managers even though you may be excited about applying for your dream job. Keep the note brief, respectful and professional. Be sure to avoid using acronyms like “btw” and “FYI” as well.