// The vulnerable Nikel

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// The vulnerable Nikel

// Vulnerabilities Nikel The vulnerable and struggling ecosystems.

The vulnerable society and the people that live in Nikel.

The vulnerable atmosphere that is heavily polluted of sulphur dioxide.

The vulnerable industry because of finite resource consumption.

// Causes and eects

The growing scar in the landscape. Extreme pollution levels, the processing factory usually deposits it’s sulfur dioxid fumes to the north of the town where the countryside is a brown moonscape of bald hills, barren of plant life for kilometers around.

The people are in dispare that the factory is moving to another town in a few years. The future of Nickel is unclear.

The factory owners have ignored enviromental ledgislation causin to the inhabitants and the enviro

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In the summertime, the toxic fumes which for the rest of the year rarely blow southwards towards the town, occasionally do just that, making breathing diďŹƒcult and even burning holes in people’s umbrellas.

d ng harm oment. The Nikel factory and the mines have been the driving forces of the town of Nikel since the twenties.

The vegitation is polluted with heavy metals.

The people in Nikel pick mushrooms to eat.

The factory owners do not live in

Acid rain.

n Nikel.

Inhaling sulfur dioxide is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and disease, diďŹƒculty in breathing and premature death.

Air pollution travels around in the atmosphere over the Russian borders to Norway.

The fish is dying because of heavy metal pollution.

The birds in have changed theyr traveling because of the pollution. The water is polluted with heavy metals.

Growing area of polluted ecosystem

The cold and dark time in winter. The vulnerable garages.

People moving away.

The old housing and empty building.

Bed roads and transportation.

Less working positions for people at other stors. Less working positions for people at the industry.

// Vulnerable The vulnerable and struggling Growing area of polluted ecosystems. ecosystem

The vulnerable garages. The fish is dying because of heavy metal pollution.

The growing landscape. The cold and darkscar timeininthe winter. Extreme pollution levels, the processing factory usually deposits it’s sulfur dioxid fumes to the north of the town where the countryside is a brown moonscape The vegitation is polluted with of bald hills, barren of plant lifeheavy for metals. kilometers around.

The people are in dispare that the factory is moving toinanother town in a few years. The people Nikel pick mushrooms to The future of Nickel is unclear. eat. away. People moving

The factory owners have ignored enviromental ledgislation causin to the inhabitants The factory ownersand do the not enviro live in The old housing and empty building.

The vulnerable society and the people that live in Nikel.

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The vulnerable atmosphere that is heavily polluted of sulphur dioxide.

Acid rain.

d ng harm oment. n Nikel.

The water is polluted with heavy metals. Inhaling sulfur dioxide is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and disease, difficulty in breathing and premature death.

The Nikel factory and the mines have been driving forces of because the townofoffinite The the vulnerable industry Less working positions for Nikel since consumption. the twenties. resource people at the industry.

Bed roads and transportation. The birds in have changed theyr traveling because of the pollution. In the summertime, the toxic fumes which for the rest of the year rarely blow southwards towards the town, occasionally just that, making Air pollution do travels around in the breathing diffi cult and even burning atmosphere over the Russian borders to holes in people’s umbrellas. Norway.

Less working positions for people at other stors.

// Hidden and forgotten stories in the landscape

Here there was a forest.

Snezhanochka caught her first fish in this water. The Egorov family moved to Nikel to ern more money.

Vasya built this transmission line.

Ones there grew alot of beautiful owers there.

Here Verunchik got stuck in her car for one night because of snowstorm.

Aaku’s grandfather lived in Nikel before the war.

Olga met her boyfriend here.

Lubochka picked mushroom here. Igor broke his leg in the mines.

Here were alot of birds living.

Natashenka saw a brown frog here for the first time.

There were no roads here before.

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