Angela chang friendship

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Angela Chang


What would you do if you have an serious misunderstanding with your best friend? Or, what should you do if two of your best friends are having a quarrel? In this story, Ada, Bonnie, and Caroline face this situation. If you were them, what would you do?


Table of Contents

About the Author ................................................. 2 Chapter One: New Semester

............................ 3

Chapter Two: Ada and Her Old Friends ............ 4 Chapter Three: A Secret .................................... 16 Chapter Four: What Happened Before .............. 19 Chapter Five: A Chance......................................... 24 References ............................................................... 31

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About the Author

Angela Chang, born in 1994, is now a 4th grader of English department in Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages.


Chapter One: New Semester After a short winter break for relaxation, the new semester finally comes. Although the winter vacation doesn’t last long, most students are still extremely excited about their new journey in school, especially for those freshmen, who are going to have their first day of their college life.


Chapter Two: Ada and Her Old Friends Ada, one of the freshmen in this university, is also interested in her new school life here. Ada is an average-height girl with short blond hair. She chose to go to this college because it’s not only the nearest college in the local, but also one of the most well-known colleges in her country. She though the first day of her college life would be of course full of excitement and freshness. However, things didn't go 5

as well as she'd imagined. It just took her almost half an hour to see where she was supposed to go for her English class. Fortunately, she arrived at the classroom just in the nick of time. She takes her seat and looks around the classroom. She can see all her classmates are chatting with each other because the teacher is still not in the class. "Ada!" the girl who sits behind Ada calls her name loudly. As Ada turns her head, she feels surprised to see one of her


best friends of high school, Caroline, who unexpectedly is in the same class as she. "I didn't expect to see you here!


thought you aren't going to take this course," Ada says with great surprise. "Actually, I didn't want to take this course. However, Dawson said that I should take this course. As you know, I always got poor grades in the high school. Therefore, I took his advice and decided to


improve my English ability," Caroline explains. She also takes out her schedule of this semester. When she shows it to Ada, Ada also found out that there are more than one-third of languages courses listed on Caroline's schedule, which makes Ada quite surprised. "It seems that Dawson really takes good care of you," Ada laughs, and returns Caroline's schedule to her. Dawson is Caroline's boyfriend, who was the most charming guy in the school.


They started to date with each other since they were still in high school, so Ada knows this guy very well. During the time waiting for the teacher, Caroline keeps talking about Dawson and their beautiful relationship; though, Ada isn't so interested in this topic. ------------------------------------------------After Ada's classes for today were all finished, she decided to take a look at the campus. Even though it's already five in the 9

afternoon, there are still many students on the campus for club activities. She feels the campus is so energetic as she imagined. While she is still wondering which club to join, she walks into the cafeteria by accident. She still remembered that the cafeteria was the most familiar place for her in high school. Every day after school, she'd go to the cafeteria with her friends, and most of the time, Caroline is also with her.


Ada orders a cup of Latte and sits beside the window. Due to her good mood, she decides to spend the rest of time staying here and enjoying the Latte and the scenery outside the window.

The familiar atmosphere here suddenly recalls her time in high school. She finds herself truly miss the time 11

before. A few minutes later, she notices someone who keeps looking at her through the window. While she looks carefully at that person, she figures out the person outside is Bonnie, another best friend of hers from high school! Bonnie looks excited, she moves quickly into the cafeteria and goes to Ada. "How come you're here?

I haven't

heard from you since we graduated!" Bonnie holds Ada's hands and asks. She


can't hide her delight to see Ada. Then, they start to talk about their life which they spent time together when they were still in high school.

" Ha ha, I still remember that you said you liked Justin Bieber when you just borrowed his CDs from me," Bonnie laughs. "but few days later, you said you were into Robert


Pattinson. That really makes me laugh my head off." "Hey, you have no idea how perfect he performed in Twilight! You should have seen the movie with Caroline and me at that time!" Ada explains, and then, both of them laugh out again. "By the way, I remember that we used to go to the cafeteria almost every day after school; but until Caroline started a relationship with Dawson; uh, I remember it was in the last year of high school; both


of you and Caroline appeared less and less often with us in the cafeteria." Bonnie seems speechless and looks unnatural. She just smiles at Ada and says, "As you know, I was having a part-time job then, so I didn't have much time with you guys. Fortunately, we are in the same school again, so we can still hang out every day from now on!" What Bonnie just said makes Ada feel extremely gratified, and she gives Bonnie a hug.


"I've started to look forward to it. It's going to be wonderful just like before!"


Chapter Three: A Secret Ada and Bonnie kept talking to each other for half an hour in the cafeteria until Bonnie suddenly said that she had to leave to meet her professor. Soon after Bonnie left, coincidentally, Caroline and Dawson come into the cafeteria, too. After Dawson and Caroline ordered two cups of caramel macchiato, Dawson asks, "I thought Bonnie was with you, wasn't she? I saw her here few minutes ago when we were at the basketball court." 17

"Yes, but she said she had to meet her professor, so she left not long ago before you two came." "Pity.

I haven't talked to her for a

while," Bonnie sighs and looks a little upset. She feels like saying something more, but she stops and hesitates for a moment. “Caroline,” Dawson holds Caroline’s hands.

“you should tell Ada what

happened.” Ada looks at both Dawson and


Caroline. Obviously, Caroline acted differently and strangely when Ada mentioned about Bonnie. There has been definitely something wrong with Bonnie and Caroline since they were in high school. That might also be the reason why both of them behaved weird and had less and less contact with each other.


Chapter Four: What Happened Before (Caroline’s point of view) This event happened in the beginning of the last year of high school. On that day, I was told to stay at school to finish my report so that I wouldn’t be late to hand it in. Due to this reason, I went to the library trying to modify my report. Before I left the classroom, I still remember I said goodbye to Bonnie and Ada. After a few hours, I was about to 20

finish doing my report while Bonnie suddenly walked in the library and went toward me. Then, it happened. Bonnie took out a torn piece of paper and showed it to me. “Was it true?� Bonnie asked. At that time, Bonnie’s face changed, and she stared at me with anger. It happened all of a sudden that made me barely have time to react. I tried to take the torn piece of paper and read the


words carefully; however, Bonnie just took it back and tore it into smaller pieces. “What’s wrong with you?

I don’t

even know what it’s about.” “You should! It’s your hand-writing! Liar!” Bonnie shouted at me with trembling sound. Almost everyone in the library heard that. I tried to calm Bonnie down, but things were getting even worse. She tried to stay cool, but she couldn’t. There were tears in Bonnie’s eyes.


“If you don’t like me, then stop pretending to be nice to me or acting in the way as though you’re my friend. Don’t bother to slander me behind my back!” Bonnie left these words and walked away.

As she left, I still could see she

wiped her tears out silently. At that moment, my brain went completely blank. After a few days, Dawson helped me find out what Bonnie meant and what the piece of paper was about. Finally, we


realized that I was set up by Dawson’s ex-girlfriend, who tried to ruin my friendship in purpose. It didn’t really matter who set me up; what mattered to me was to explain to Bonnie and fixed our relationship. At first, I thought it would become better if I told Bonnie this truth. However, since we had a fight in the library, she avoided to talk to me and even didn’t look at me when we were alone. I tried many times, but none was successful.


Chapter Five: A Chance After telling the whole event, Caroline was still upset and began to cry.

Whenever she thinks of the misunderstanding, which has lasted for a year and which she doesn’t have a chance to solve, she feels strong sadness haunts


her painfully. Before they leave the cafeteria, Ada cheers Caroline up and insists to help. “All you have to do is to never give up fixing up your relationship. I believe things will get better soon,” Ada says in a firm tone. ------------------------------------------------Here comes the second day of their college life. Bonnie received Ada’s email yesterday, and was asked to meet Ada outside the administration building at five


in the afternoon. “You’re just in time, Ada” “Sorry. I forgot my classes end at five, too,” Ada breathes deeply. She just ran in her full speed to meet Bonnie. “That’s okay. So, you told me you have something to discuss with me?” “Are you in a hurry? Let's talk on a walk.” Bonnie nods her head and starts to walk beside Ada. “It’s been a long time since we last got together for shopping or


movies.” “Yes. It’s been quite a long time. I really miss the time.

You, Caroline and I

hang out together,” Ada adds. Bonnie keeps walking without a word. “You were really close, weren’t you?” “Yes, we WERE. But things just didn’t go as well as we’d expected. So when did you know that? I mean, what happened to me and Caroline. I bet you've heard it.” “Just a day before,” Ada answers.


For a while, no word comes out from both of them. “In fact, I am really afraid,” Bonnie breaks the silence and stops for a moment. “I am afraid to talk to Caroline again,” Ada keeps listening. “although I was so harsh toward her at that time, she wasn’t even mad at me. Instead, she tried to make up with me even though it was my fault. “For many times, I tried to face her and apologize to her, but in conclusion, I


failed every single time. What’s worse, I even hurt Caroline’s heart.” Both of them stop walking and look at each other. “I believe Caroline is still waiting for you,” Ada holds Bonnie’s hands and look into her eyes. “give both of you a chance to face each other. Don’t think too much. I've known you for years, just believe me. You are a brave girl.” Bonnie nods her head. Ada smiles at


Bonnie, and points at the cafeteria. There is a person sitting outside the cafeteria. It is Caroline. Without a moment’s thought, Bonnie turns to Caroline, and steps toward her. The End



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Written by Angela Chang E4A Instructor: Kenneth M. Smith Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C) June 2013


Ada, Bonnie and Caroline used to be close friends. They shopped almost every weekends and always chatted with each other in the cafeteria after school.

However, everything changed after a year...


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