Erasmus plus, LMA piedāvājums

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ERASMUS+ studijas Pieteikšanās termiņš „Erasmus+” studijām: 2014./2015. st.g. – 28. februāris

LMA partneraugstskolu piedāvājums tekstila nodaļai

Izvēlieties interesējošo valsti un lasiet pieredzes stāstus par studijām partneraugstskolās:

ERASMUS+ studijas Vienu reizi gadā (februārī) Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Ārlietu un izstāžu daļa izsludina Eiropas Savienības atbalsta programmas „Erasmus+” stipendiju konkursu nākošajam studiju gadam jebkurā no Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas sadarbības augstskolām (klikšķināt šeit). Balstoties uz noslēgtajiem sadarbības līgumiem, katrā no augstskolām ir atšķirīgs studiju vietu skaits, kā arī nodaļu un studiju kursu piedāvājums, ar kuru var iepazīties izsludinātā konkursa reklāmas materiālos, Mākslas akadēmijas mājas lapā vai Ārlietu un izstāžu daļā. Kopējais vakanto studiju vietu skaits viesaugstskolās tiek aprēķināts, ņemot vērā piešķirto Eiropas Komisijas finansējumu konkrētajam studiju gadam. „Erasmus+” programmā ir atļauts studēt bakalaura programmas 2., 3. un 4. kursa studentiem un maģistra programmas 1. un 2. kursa studentiem, kā arī doktorantūras 1., 2. un 3. kursa studentiem. Studijas viesaugstskolās notiek visos studiju līmeņos. Minimālais studiju periods ir 3 mēneši, maksimālais – 12 mēneši. Stipendiju apjomu „Erasmus+” programmā uz visām programmas valstīm nosaka Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra. Lai pieteiktos stipendiju konkursam, projekti jāiesniedz Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Ārlietu un izstāžu daļā (1. stāvs, 7. kabinets), pievienojot savu darbu portfolio, CV, motivācijas vēstuli, pieteikuma anketu un valodas apguvi apliecinoša dokumenta kopiju izsludinātā konkursa pieteikuma termiņos (skatīt zemāk). Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Ārlietu un izstāžu daļa ik gadu organizē „Erasmus prezentāciju dienas”, kur iespējams gan iepazīt iepriekšējā studiju gada „Erasmus” studentu viesaugstskolās gūto studiju pieredzi prezentācijās, gan aplūkot studiju laikā radītos darbus un fotogrāfijas. Vairāk par studentu pieredzi iespējams izlasīt sadaļā „Erasmus pieredze” (klikšķināt šeit). Pieteikšanās termiņš „Erasmus+” studijām: 2014./2015. st.g. – 28. februāris Pieteikšanās termiņš „Erasmus+” studijām bez stipendijas: 2014./2015. st.g. – 28. marts


AUSTRIJA (AT) Kunstuniversität Linz. Universität für kunstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung / University of Art & Design Linz A LINZ02 / Linca Tekstila skolotāju programma Jūlija Bondarenko, Tekstilmāksla, 2008/2009 "Interesants priekšmets bija flexible materials. Strādājām gan ar papīru, gan arī ar lateksu un silikonu. Man lielākais pārsteigums bija tas, ka latekss izskatās kā piens – balts un šķidrs. Ļoti viegli krāsojās ar pigmenta palīdzību. Ir neskaitāmi veidi, kā strādāt ar šādu variantu. Ļoti ātri žūst un pieņem jebkura sīka priekšmeta formu."

........................................................................................ “First Curricular Stage

The first curricular stage comprises four semesters. In the first semester, during the initial study phase, students are given a comprehensive overview of the further training schedule through introductory lectures and subjects characteristic of the programme chosen. In the next three semesters, students acquire fundamental insights into the Textile Design programme and are taught the basics of design and scientific working methods involving textile materials. As soon as all courses required for the first curricular phase have been successfully completed and graded (after two years at the earliest), students of the teaching programme are issued the first diploma examination certificate. This certificate is necessary for embarking on the final and second curricular stage but does not yet confer the right to teach or any other professional qualification for work in the textile sector. Second Curricular Stage The second stage of the curriculum as a rule comprises five semesters. It is to deepen the acquired knowledge of textile design, offers occasion to implement complex artistic projects and is also dedicated to teaching at schools and other educational institutions. For this purpose, the future teachers undergo a twelve-week practical training stint at a school. Ideally, the practical stint will take place in both junior and senior forms to enable students to learn about different school types, classes and didactic approaches. Moreover, we facilitate our students’ access to artistic projects relating to space, surfaces, performance or everyday-cultural and societal phenomena. Students are free to choose the projects they want to participate in. Such projects often take the form of competitions and co-operation ventures with extramural institutions. After all required courses as well as the compulsory practical stint have been successfully completed and graded (after four-and-a-half years at the earliest), students of the Textile Design programme may apply for the second diploma examination, which also entitles them to teach at public schools. For this examination, a written, scientifically researched diploma thesis of 80 to 100 pages dealing with a topic pertaining to one of the two study areas (combined disciplines) chosen must be developed to document the fact that the student in question is able to explore and analyse a scientific topic independently and in thematically und methodologically sound fashion. In addition to the written section, the diploma thesis may also comprise an artistic section that must be dealt with in the written part. In any case, students at this curricular stage must finally pass an oral diploma examination before a board of examiners. In due course, graduates of the diploma programme Textile Design may undergo a two-year Doctoral Programme in Philosophy.

Francija Ä?ehija

Francija(FR) Haute école des arts du Rhin. École supérieure des arts décoratifs STRASBO51/ Strasbūra Grafika; Tekstilmāksla; Stikla māksla; Keramika; Kokgriešana; Grāmatu māksla; Metālmāksla; Juveliermāksla; Dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija; Grafiskais dizains; Ilustrācija; Zinātniskā ilustrācija; Scenogrāfija; Vides dizains; Fotogrāfija; Video; Multimediju māksla. Č Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem CZ USTINAD01 / Usti nad Labem Fotogrāfija; Mediji; Vizuālā komunikācija; Stikla māksla; Tekstilmāksla; Keramikas dizains; Produktu dizains; Interjera dizains. STUDENTI KOMENTĒ Madara Platā, Grafika, 2010/2011 "Kā lieliska iespēja tiek veidoti dažādi projekti, kurā sastrādājas dažādas nodaļas. Un tas, man liekas, bija brīnišķīgākais, ko pieredzēju Zlinā, un kur Latvijā, manuprāt, vēl nedaudz jāpiestrādā. Taču tas, kas man pietrūka šajā skolā, bija strādāšana ar rokām. Tā kā šī Universitāte ir ļoti jauna, tad viņiem nebija iedibinājusies tradīcija strādāt tehnikās (litografijā, estampā, dobspiedē) un nebija vēl arī attiecīgo telpu. Kaut kad nākotnē viņi gan plāno tādu izveidot, bet līdz šim tas vēl nav realizēts. Tādēļ nācās visus darbus veidot tehnikās, kur nebija nepieciešams īpašs aprīkojums." ............................................................................................. Key principles Studies at the Textile Design Studio chiefly concern designing apparel and fashion accessories and all the actions related to this (sewing techniques, pattern cutting, spatial modelling, work with traditional and unusual materials, modern use of classic lace making and embroidery techniques, experimenting with new technologies, creating new designs and original dress fabrics). Attention is simultaneously devoted to free and utility fabrics, two-dimensional and spatial objects, specialising in interior design and exterior design. These two branches conceptually permeate and complement each other within the terms of studies here. Design drawing and fashion illustration is an important part of tuition, as well as continuous education in the field of costume and fabric history from the past to the present. This is directly related to keeping in touch with and awareness of current design and art in general, in relation to new modern materials and technologies. Tasks for individual years are assigned so that they develop and support the students’ creativity, artistic conceptual thinking and technical skills. Great emphasis is placed on open and active communication between pedagogues and students. The whole studio and individual students are supported in curricular and extra-curricular activities related to the field (shows, competitions, exhibitions). Studies also include single-semester residences abroad, chiefly within the terms of the Erasmus project. Technological conditions and options The system of tuition is organized so that students acquire the necessary technical skills and technological knowledge while completing their tasks. Studio workshop equipment enables all methods of professional processing of fabrics and knitwear. Students can use large-area digital printing and screen-printing facilities on the faculty premises. Additional required technology is arranged in cooperation with manufacturing companies, possibly other schools (industrial fabrics, special types of printing, haberdashery processing, wood and metal work). Students receive support to experiment and seek or even invent new technologies, to use unusual materials and processes and their mutual combinations. Students are directed towards presenting their work in a high-quality and innovative manner, including audio-visual technology. Outputs and goals Students of the Textile Design Studio should be capable of:


IGAUNIJA (EE) Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts EE TALLINN01 / Tallina Glezniecība; Grafika; Tēlniecība; Fotogrāfija; Scenogrāfija; Animācija; Arhitektūra; Vides dizains; Juvelierdizains; Keramika, Stikla māksla; Modes dizains; Ādas dizains; Tekstila dizains; Produktu dizains; Grafiskais dizains; Mākslas vēsture; Kultūras mantojums un Restaurācija; Fotogrāfija. Tekstila Dizains Welcome to the Estonian Academy of Arts’ faculty that offers the greatest possibilities! Here, you will find the ancient art of blacksmithing, the heritage of Tallinn’s medieval masters as well as contemporary processing of materials, and innovative end-user thinking. We invite you to participate in discussions about the environment and material culture, to raise questions, and to find the best possible answers through your creativity. Often, this cannot be done alone, and you will need to cooperate with the representatives of other fields, but most importantly, with the actual users of the goods and services. Modern materials and technologies change very rapidly, thereby changing our lifestyles and habits. Good design takes this into consideration, keeps up with new developments, and is always meaningful and focused. An ethical designer considers the lifespan of a product from its birth to death and even thereafter, and knows how to point out the possibilities for recycling materials and items. You can also learn to be an industrial designer in the Faculty of Design, if you are more interested in the unique creativity that is born in the course of experimentation with materials and technological research, using personalised techniques. Applied arts have an important role to play in creative enterprises. An interesting glass or textile studio may become your workplace and lifestyle. We will supply the knowledge to help you create it. The Academy of Arts is special because here you can contrast yourself with everything useful and link your professional background with contemporary art’s often painful existential issues. The Faculty of Design does not have any readymade answers for you – everything depends on you! All Events See past events

Tartu Kŏrgem Kunstikool / Tartu Art College EE TARTU05 / Tartu Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Mēbeļu dizains un restaurācija; Ādas dizains; Mediji un reklāmas dizains; Fotogrāfija; Tekstils.


ĪRIJA (IE) National College of Art and Design / Colaiste Naisiunta Ealaine is Deartha IRL DUBLIN14 / Dublina Glezniecība; Grafika; Tēlniecība; Mediju māksla; Keramika; Stikla dizains; Metāldizains; Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains; Industriālais dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija.

Textile and Surface Design Are you curious about the possibilities of designing contemporary textiles and surfaces? Are you motivated by imagery, colour and pattern or the creation and transformation of surface? Textile & Surface Design at NCAD aims to enable students to develop their full creative potential as designers of the surfaces that will surround us in the future. What Will I Study? Design outcomes are realised through the production of design samples, fabric collections, visualisations and/or products and prototypes. The college offers an excellent range of facilities for realising design work including digital print, screen print, transfer print and weaving while external manufacturing services such as laser-cutting, computer-aided weaving, multi-head embroidery, and finishing are also utilised. Year 1 See First Year Year 2 The focus in the Second Year is on developing a personal visual language and the skills necessary to translate this into successful Textile and Surface Design practice. You will also focus on researching and defining a specific audience and developing a market understanding through professional practice. Year 3 In the Third Year students are ready to develop their own programme of study, which reflects each individual’s skills and interests within Textile and Surface Design. This will culminate in a substantial body of work for assessment and display at degree shows, exhibitions and events. Each year is supported by a series of lectures by leading creative practitioners and theorists, collaborative interdisciplinary opportunities, live industry projects, field trips and study visits. How will I be Assessed? Coursework, essays, practical design projects. Formal assessment results are issued at the end of each academic year. Students can leave at the end of Year 3 with a BA (Hons) Degree; students who reach the appropriate standard may stay on for a further two years of postgraduate study and leave with an MA in Textile and Surface Design. Years 4 and 5 The two year taught Masters programme provides a scholarly framework for students who wish to master their design discipline. A major objective of the masters is to provide an environment that is broad, yet with enough rigour and focus to enable students to engage with the challenges of contemporary creative practice. The programme encourages students to integrate research, creative practice and contemporary cultural theory within and beyond their chosen discipline, leading to a body of work that positions the student on an international stage. Opportunities after graduation? As a consequence of the range of skills acquired, Textile and Surface Design graduates have a wide range of local and global opportunities open to them. The Textile and Surface Design pathway has a proven track record in educating assured designers who follow successful careers within fashion, interior, and lifestyle product industries. Typically graduates become in-house textile designers for international fashion/interior designers and established brands, designers within textile design studios, independent designer-makers of textile products and designer-makers of bespoke textiles for corporate/interior /architectural or fashion clients. There are also possibilities for graduates to establish their own design studio, label or brand with successful NCAD graduates including Orla Kiely OBE, and design studios Quinnconfrey and Pattern. Related graduate careers include trend-forecasters creative directors, design agents and buyers, colourists, illustrators, visual merchandisers, design researchers and educators. Increasingly graduates progress to further study at Postgraduate level to refine their creative abilities and approach. The School of Design offers a range of innovative Masters programmes, as well as a practice based PhD programme supported by the Graduate School for Creative Arts and Media (Grad CAM).


NORVĒĢIJA (NO) Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KHiO) / Oslo National Academy of the Arts N OSLO07 / Oslo Glezniecība; Grafika; Tēlniecība; Metāla māksla; Juveliermāksla; Keramika; Tekstilmāksla; Modes un kostīmu dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija; Interjera dizains; Mēbeļu dizains. Textile Art Students on this specialisation study the history, traditions, new technology, material tools and art theory relating to textiles and contemporary art movements. The course emphasises methodological and analytical skills and aims to develop students' critical awareness of their choice of tools and effects with a view to evolving their own mode of expression. The discipline offers specialisation in weaving and fabric printing, with emphasis on new technology, both in terms of tools and materials. The textile art programme offers basic training and specialised studies within these areas, including silkscreen printing and computerised weaving systems. Courses are offered in the dyeing of textile fibres, textiles as a medium and the history of textiles. Tuition is based on topics such as textiles in relation to the body, space, society and technology. Working methods include courses, workshops, seminars and tutorials, and the course aims to provide students with a knowledge of tools and methods which, combined with studio work, will lay the foundation for their own future artistic practice. Skrevet av Webredaktør.

Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen / Bergen Academy of Art and Design N BERGEN01 / Bergena Dizains (interjera, mēbeļu); Vizuālā komunikācija; Tekstila māksla; Keramika; Fotogrāfija.


SLOVĒNIJA (SI) Visoka šola za dizajn / Academy of Design in Ljubljana SI LJUBLJAN09 / Ļubļana Interjera dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija;

3rd year

Textile and fashion

1st year

ECST I. SEMESTER Perception in creativity Visual language 5 Theory of colors 8 Drawing and painting Textile materials 3 History of dressing

Optional courses Textile design III. (tutorials) 10 Digital design II. (tutorials) 7


Fashion design III. (tutorials) 10 Construction and modelling III. (tutorials)

A brief description of the course programme is available here. There are no photos with those IDs or post 28 does not have any attached images! E-catalog: projects 2011/2012 at the Department of Textiles and Clothing

4 7 3

II. SEMESTER Fashion illustration 4 Professional terminology in English 4 Textile design I. 5 Fashion design I. 13 Construction and modelling I. 4 2nd year


VI. SEMESTER Fashion stylism (tutorials) 4 Elective courses 17 Practical work (tutorials) 9

Tekstila un Modes dizains. The area of "Textiles and Fashion" includes fields of textiles and fashion design, clothing design and styling and the development of practical skills in construction and modeling of clothing. The undergraduate program provides skills that are both methodologically and technically operational. The aim is to train successful fashion designers who will transfer their ideas into final projects and products and compete with them effectively in the fashion market.

V. SEMESTER Brands 5 Textile design III. 7 Fashion design III. 7 Construction and modelling III. Fashion stylism 3 Digital design II. 5

III. SEMESTER Textiles in interior design 4 Textile design II. 5 Fashion design II. 5 Construction and modelling II. Contemporary fashion 7 IV. SEMESTER Video in design 3 Communication strategies 3 Textile design II. (tutorials) 7 Fashion design II. (tutorials) Digital design I. 7 Photography I. 3

Workshops with international lecturers Workshops with international lecturers A.L.I.C.E. International design week A.L.I.C.E. International design week Competition “FASHION INJECTION” Competition “FASHION INJECTION” 5.11.2014 A.L.I.C.E. International scientific conference 5.11.2014 A.L.I.C.E. International scientific conference

9 Links uz katalogu: Links uz aprakstu: 7

Somija Spト]ija

SOMIJA (FI) Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu / Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences SF HELSINKI41 / Helsinki Virtuālais dizains; Grafiskais dizains; Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains; Interjera dizains; Industriālais dizains; Mediju māksla; Restaurācija (gleznu, tekstila, papīra, mēbeļu, kultūrvēsturisku objektu).

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Escola Massana / Massana School E BARCELO02 / Barselona Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Keramika; Grafiskais dizains; Industriālais dizains; Tekstila dizains; Interjera dizains; Juveliermāksla; Ilustrācija.

Ĺ veice

ŠVEICE (CH) Hochschule Luzern - Design und Kunst / Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts CH LUZERN14 / Lucerna Grafiskais dizains; Ilustrācija; Animācija; Video; Tekstila dizains; Materiālu dizains; Produktu dizains; Dizaina menedžments.


TURCIJA (TR) Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi / Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University TR ISTANBU 06 / Stambula Tekstila un Modes dizains. Arta Skuja, Tekstilmāksla, 2008/2009 STUDENTI KOMENTĒ Elīna Bože, Modes māksla, 2010/2011 "Mācību procesu un studiju kvalitāti, kā arī Stambulu kā pilsētu vērtēju ļoti pozitīvi, šis posms bija pieredzes bagāts un interesants. Paldies par sniegto iespēju būt, mācīties, gūt labas emocijas un ārzemju pieredzi šajā ļoti krāsainajā, kontrastu bagātā un skaistajā lielpilsētā - Stambulā!" Inese Križanovska, Keramika, 2010/2011 "Es ievēroju, ka gatavība uzņemt viesstudentus bija atkarīga no nodaļas. Lielākā daļa viesstudentu no citām valstīm mācījās glezniecības, modes un arhitektūras nodaļās, un tieši šajās nodaļās arī pasniedzēji bija atvērtāki viesstudentiem un nebija valodas problēmas. Dienas patīkamākā daļa bija iet laukā starpbrīdī skolas terasē dzert tēju tieši pie ūdens un skatīties uz garām braucošajiem kuģiem. Atmosfēra universitātē bija ļoti nepiespiesta, nepierasti bija redzēt universitātē tik daudz kaķus, kas bija tās patstāvīgi iemītnieki un kas mēdza pat dažreiz ienākt lekciju laikā telpās un uzlekt uz galda."

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi / Dokuz Eylul University TR IZMR01 / Izmira Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafika; Tekstilmāksla; Keramika; Stikls; Kino/TV; Fotogrāfija; Turcijas lietišķā māksla.


Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee / Berlin-Weißensee School of Art and Design D BERLIN18 / Berlīne Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains; Scenogrāfija (skatuves un kostīmu dizains); Produktu dizains; Industriālais dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija; Mākslas vēsture un teorija. Irita Ozoliņa, Tekstilmāksla, 2011/2012 "Esot apmaiņas programmā, pašam studentam ir ļoti svarīgi būt tam, kas sper pirmo soli - iet un jautā, kā arī mēģina uzzināt par visām augstskolas piedāvātajām iespējām. Esošie pilna laika studenti vienmēr augstskolai ir pirmā prioritāte, un apmaiņas studentiem netiek pievērsta tik liela uzmanība kā varbūt gribētos. Sākumā, protams, nedaudz satrauc vispārējais informācijas apjoms un lielais iespēju klāsts, kurā bez palīdzības grūti noorientēties." atskaite sk.

Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle / University of Art and Design Halle D HALLE03 / Halle Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafika; Keramika; Stikla dizains; Modes dizains; Tekstilmāksla; Juveliermāksla; Multimediju māksla; Komunikāciju dizains; Industriālais dizains; Interjera dizains. Kristīne Sīle, Tekstilmāksla, 2006/2007 "Tas bija ļoti interesanti - iespēja redzēt citas valsts skolas izglītības sistēmu, kas atšķiras no mūsējās, izvērtēt plusus un mīnusus tajā, redzēt citu studentu un mākslinieku darbus daudzajās izstādēs. Tā bija arī iespēja izmantot lielākus tehniskos līdzekļus radošajā izaugsmē nekā tas pieejams pie mums, LMA."


ZVIEDRIJA (SE) Konstfack STOCKHO09 / Stokholma Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafika; Keramika; Stikla māksla; Tekstilmāksla; Grafiskais dizains un Ilustrācija; Industriālais dizains; Interjera arhitektūra un Mēbeļu dizains; Metāla dizains. Högskolan i Borås / University of Borås. The Swedish School of Textiles S BORAS01 / Boras Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains.


Apvienotā Karaliste (UK) University College Falmouth UK FALMOUTH01 / Falmuta Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafiskais dizains; Interjera dizains; 3D dizains; Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains; Vizuālā komunikācija. Nottingham Trent University UK NOTTING02 / Notingema Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafika; Vizuālā komunikācija; Scenogrāfija; Kostīmu dizains; Modes dizains; Tekstila dizains.


LIETUVA (LT) Vilniaus Dailès Akademija / Vilnius Academy of Arts LT VILNIUS03 / Viļņa Glezniecība; Tēlniecība; Grafika; Fotogrāfija; Mediju māksla; Monumentālā glezniecība; Scenogrāfija; Vitrāža; Tekstils; Keramika; Arhitektūra; Dizains; Modes dizains; Interjera dizains; Mākslas vēsture un teorija; Restaurācija.


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