Borea Adventures Day Tours 2013

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Sea Kayaking & Hiking Day Trips in the Westfjords

he t o t e m Welco ce n e i r e p Ex Borea Visit the Basecamp Café at Aðalstræti 22b, Ísafjörður Open 08:00-20:00 | | | +354 456 3322


Basecamp Café Book your trip or just enjoy great food and wine.

Open every day from 08:00-20:00

Get a Combo!

Book 2 trips and get a 15% discount! If you plan to stick around in Ísafjörður for a few days, come and experience more of what we have to offer. The discount is valid for the cheaper option in the combo of your choice.

Hornstrandir - Jökulfirðir Daily departures from Bolungarvík on our speed boat Bjarnarnes

Booking Just book online, drop by at our Basecamp Café Bræðraborg or give us a call!

Borea Day Tours Aðalstræti 22b | | | +354 456 3322


Office and Basecamp Café

We are located in the center of Ísafjörður Þú finnur BOREA DAGSFERÐIR í kaffihúsinu Bræðraborg

Captivating Mountains, Untouched Wilderness and Pristine Waters Ísafjörður is the mecca for day trips in the Westfjords of Iceland. Our small and picturesque town nestled between rugged mountains offers unique opportunities for all sorts of outdoor pursuits. With the domestic airport only a few minutes away from our office, you can fly in and out on the same day and still manage to have an exciting adventure! Our day trips vary in length, some are 3 hours and others can be up to 13 hours. Each trip varies in difficulty and there is something to suit everyone’s interest and capabilities. The founders of Borea have always recognized the great potential of adventure tourism surrounding their home, yet little was being done to encourage it. They wanted to let people enjoy their home environment in the same way they had done since they were young boys. The company is operated by sailors, climbers, skiers, and sea kayakers who find their inspiration in the unique wilderness that surrounds them.

The Guides Our local guides have extensive experience in outdoor travel. We have great passion and respect for nature and look forward to sharing it with you. Safety is of the utmost importance to our guides, guaranteeing you a memorable adventure. They are true adventurers at heart and would love to show you the best that Iceland has to offer.

Homemade Organic Lunches - Included! Throughout the years we´ve recognized the importance of eating a healthy homemade snack during our expeditions. Eating delicious food full of natural energy ingredients gives us the power and drive we need to keep us strong, alert and happy throughout our adventures. Contains no meat. Please let us know if you have any food allergies so we can accommodate your needs.

Logistics We will provide you with almost everything needed to have a safe adventure. However, for each trip there are some things you need to bring. Please read the details of your booked trip and make sure you have everything you need for a great day. Also note, our trips are subject to weather conditions and Borea Day Tours reserves the right to change any trip if we feel your safety is compromised. Sea kayaking, hiking and related activities carry inherent risks and each guest will be requested by Borea Day Tours to acknowledge assumptions of risk prior to all excursions. 3

Early in the spring of 2012 we opened a coffee house. To stay on track with our philosophy, we “recycled” the old name of the house (that most locals had forgotten about) and used the name Bræðraborg, adding “Café” in the end. The name loosely translates to “Brother’s House” and stuck to the building after two brothers opened up a watchmaker’s shop and a chandlery there in 1907. Bræðraborg Café is a haven for travelers organizing their adventures in a cozy atmosphere. We serve freshly baked bread and cakes, delicious coffee with an emphasis on organic and fair trade products. During lunchtime we always serve at least two different meals, fit for vegetarians and meat lovers. We also serve nice wine and Icelandic beer during the day and in the evenings.

Welcome to Bræðraborg Café!


Calm Water Kayaking

Paddling among Ísafjörður’s surrounding mountains Sjókajak á Pollinum milli fjalla blárra Ísafjörður has earned its reputation as the sea kayaking center of Iceland. The fjords and bays that are close by, yet somehow still remote, offer endless possibilities for kayaking. This trip is perfect for those looking for an exciting introduction to the great sport of sea kayaking.

Trip difficulty:

Paddling just beneath the magnificent mountains that tower over our small town, the traveler experiences the closeness of nature and the beauty of the landscape from a truly exciting, yet safe perspective. We begin with a short lesson in paddling and enter the water behind the Maritime Museum. We then paddle a wide circle inside the fjord while keeping a sharp lookout for various bird species and seals.


Bring with you: Warm outdoor clothing i.e. fleece sweater and pants. No knowledge of the sport required.

2 out of 5 - Easy Season: All year. Everyday at 9:30 AM from our office in Ísafjörður.

Minimum: 2 persons.

Duration: 2.5 hours.

Price: 9.900 ISK per person.

Included: Kayaking gear and guide.

Age limit: 12 years

Kajakíþróttin hefur undanfarin ár rutt sér til rúms svo um munar. Marga dreymir um að prófa stutta siglingu og hér gefst tækifærið til þess. Hvernig væri því að skella sér í tveggja tíma ferð í fallegu umhverfi milli brattra fjallshlíða á Pollinum í Skutulsfirði?

* Custom departures and private trips can be arranged. Call us for details.

Fátt er betra til að komast í snertingu við náttúruna og fuglalífið en kajakróður, enda eru kajakar hljóðlát fley og lipur. Búnaður: Klæðnaður eftir veðri og mælt er með að vera í fötum sem þola smá bleytu.

Sea Kayaking Sjókajak 5

Hot Pots and Kayaking with Seals Seals, islands and geothermal pools in Reykjanes Á sjókajak meðal sela í Reykjanesi og sund Trip difficulty: 3 out of 5 - Moderate Season: 15. May - 15. Sept.

Departures*: Mon, Wed, and Fri at 9:00 AM from our office in Ísafjörður.

Minimum: 2 persons.

Duration: 8 hours.

Price: 19.900 ISK per person.

Included: Transportation, delicious lunch, entrance to the swimming pool, kayaking gear and guide.

Age limit: 14 years. * Custom departures and private trips can be arranged. Call us for details.

Sea Kayaking Sjókajak 6

Reykjanes peninsula is located in Ísafjarðardjúp Bay. It is a favo­ rite spot among many Icelandic sea kayakers and it becomes obvious why once you experience the area. The waters around Reykjanes are often calm and many seals can be spotted on both sides of the peninsula. Reykjanes is also home to the Westfjords’ largest outdoor geothermal swimming pool. The drive to Reykjanes is 1.5 hours from Ísafjörður. Once we arrive we will head out to sea for a relaxed paddle along the coast to observe the seals and birds in their natural habitat. In the distance you will see the majestic Drangajökull glacier. If the waters are calm, we might even paddle to Borgarey Island. After a 3-4 hour paddle we will return to the Reykjanes Hotel to soak in the geothermal swimming pool before driving back home to Ísafjörður.

Bring with you: Wear warm clothing and bring a spare set just in case. Don’t forget your swimwear and towel. Reykjanes í Ísafjarðardjúpi er uppáhaldsstaður margra íslenskra kajakræðara. Ástæðan liggur í augum uppi um leið og komið er á staðinn. Sjórinn í kringum Reykjanes er oftast lygn og selir sóla sig víða á skerjum í nágrenninu. Gamla útisundlaugin, sú stærsta á öllum Vestfjörðum, er frábær æfingalaug með Drangajökul og Snæfjallaströnd í baksýn. Búnaður: Mælt er með að vera í hlýjum nærfatnaði eða flísfatnaði innanundir kajakgallanum. Komdu með aukafatnað til öryggis. Ekki gleyma sundfatnaði og handklæði.

Two Fjords Discovery

Paddle Around the Beautiful Folafótur Peninsula Fallegur dagsróður kringum Folafót The tour starts with a 40 min car drive from Ísafjörður to the head of Seyðisfjörður. After a short introduction and safety briefing, we will prepare the kayaks and head out on the calm waters along the coast. At the end of the peninsula, we make a landing on the sandy beach to see the unusual rock formations caused by erosion as well as visiting the abandoned farm houses. We will keep a good lookout for seals and whales on the way as this is a place where they are often seen. If the weather is particularly good and the group is prepared, we can paddle the short distance from Folafótur to Vigur Island to enjoy the great bird life and relaxed atmosphere. Paddling along the coast of Hestfjörður is our next mission and we make landfall by the main road. Drive back to Ísafjörður.

Bring with you:

Trip difficulty: 4 out of 5 - Demanding Season: 15. May - 15. Sept.

Departures*: Sun, Tue, and Thu at 9:00 AM from our office in Ísafjörður.

Minimum: 2 persons.

Duration: 8 hours.

Price: 24.900 ISK per person.

Warm outdoor clothing i.e. fleece sweater and pants and change of clothing. Participants need to be in good physical shape or have some paddling experience.


Ísafjarðardúp hentar einstaklega vel til kajaksiglinga fyrir bæði byrjendur eða lengra komna kajakræðara. Einstök fegurð Djúpsins er vel þekkt af heimamönnum en ókunn umheiminum. Strandlengja Snæfjallastrandarinnar minnir virkilega á nálægð norðurheim­ skautsbaugs með snæviþöktum hlíðum og fimmti stærsti jökull Íslands gnæfir yfir landslagið. Folafótur er nes milli Seyðisfjarðar og Hestfjarðar og er fallegur staður til að róa um meðan notið er ótrúlegs dýralífs og strandlengjunnar frá einstökum sjónarhóli.

Age limit:

Búnaður: Mælt er með að vera í hlýjum nærfatnaði eða flísfatnaði innanundir kajakgallanum. Hafið með aukafatnað til öryggis.

All kayaking gear, car transport, delicious lunch and guide. 16 years * Custom departures and private trips can be arranged. Call us for details.

Sea Kayaking Sjókajak 7

Jökulfirðir Panorama

NEW: Hiking in the pristine wilderness of Hornstrandir Nature Reserve Frábær dagsferð á fáförnum slóðum í Hornstrandafriðlandi Trip difficulty: 3 out of 5 - Moderate Season: 1. June - 31. Aug.

Departures: Sun, Tue and Thu at 8:30 AM from our office in Ísafjörður.

Minimum: 2 persons.

Duration: 13 hours.


The group will be dropped off at the old farm of Karls­staðir at the head of beautiful Veiðileysufjörður Fjord. Then a gentle hike takes us up the valley floor, where there are no trails or other signs of human presence. This is Hornstrandir Nature Reserve where nature rules un-challenged. We´ll reach an elevation of around 650 meters and enjoy a fantastic view of the surrounding fjords. We´ll stop for a well-earned lunch of home-made delicacies along the way. In the afternoon we´ll find our way down Kvíardalur Valley and to the abandoned farm of Kvíar. Here we´ll stop and cook a good dinner and enjoy a peaceful meal while waiting for the ferry to pick us up again around 18:30. Arrival back in Bolungarvík around 19:30.

31.900 ISK per person.

Bring with you:


Warm outdoor clothing, waterproof jacket and pants, day backpack, water bottle and hiking boots.

Boat tour, guide, delicious lunch, and dinner.

Age limit:

Please note that there might be some snow on the route until early June.

12 years. Komið í land við eyðibýlið Karlsstaði í Veiðileysufirði og gengið upp Karlsstaðadal þar til útsýni opnast niður í Lónafjörð, sem margir kalla fegursta fjörð á Íslandi. Þar verður snætt dýrindis hádegisnesti á fögrum fjallstoppi. Síðan verður gengið niður Kvíadal og að eyðibýlinu Kvíum í Jökulfjörðum þar sem göngunni lýkur. Eldaður verður kvöldmatur og borðað í gamla eldhúsinu. Báturinn kemur um klukkan 19:30 og komið til Bolungarvíkur um klukkan 20:30. Hiking Fjallganga 8

Búnaður: Dagspoki, vatnsflaska, góður fatnaður eftir veðri og gönguskór.

Valley to Valley

Moderate walk with a spectacular view Dalahopp frá Hnífsdal til Seljalandsdals The trip will begins with a short bus ride up to the ski area of Seljalandsdalur where we start the walk.

Trip difficulty:

The route takes us along mountain lakes, crystal clear streams and patches of fluorescent moss that is quite characteristic for the mountains in the area. After roughly an hour walk, we get to the base of the mountain with Þjófatindar Peaks looming above. We zig-zag up to the pass between the peaks for a spectacular view over the surrounding mountains and fjords.

3 out of 5 – Moderate

After breaking for refreshments, we’ll continue down into the valley on the other side of the pass where the quaint town of Hnífsdalur sits along the shore. Easy walking takes us to an old where we’ll be picked up and driven back to Ísafjörður.


Bring with you:

12.900 ISK per person.

Day backpack, water bottle, sufficient clothing and hiking boots. Please note that there might be some snow on the route until mid-June.

Season: 15. May - 15. Sept.

Departures*: Mon and Sat at 13:00 PM from our office in Ísafjörður. 2 persons.

Duration: 4 hours.

Price: Included: Transportation, delicious lunch and guide.

Age limit: 12 years. Ferðin hefst með stuttri bílferð upp á gönguskíðasvæðið á Seljalandsdal þar sem við öxlum bakpokana og höldum til fjalla meðfram litlum vötnum og tærum lækjum. Við rætur Þjófatinda verður leiðin brattari um stund en um leið opnast mikilfenglegt útsýni yfir fjöll og firði í nágrenninu. Í Þjófaskarði fáum við okkur hressingu og skrifum í gestabókina áður en haldið er niður í grasi vaxinn Hnífsdalinn. Á gömlum vegaslóða bíður okkar bíll sem ekur okkur aftur til Ísafjarðar. Búnaður: Dagspoki, vatnsflaska, góður fatnaður eftir veðri og gönguskór.

* Custom departures and private trips can be arranged. Call us for details.

Hiking Fjallganga 9

A Day in Hesteyri

NEW: Explore Hesteyri Village on Your Own Dagsferð á eigin vegum til Hesteyrar Trip difficulty:

At Hesteyri there is a cluster of houses, the remains of the old village where people lived until the 1950s.

1 out of 5 - Easy

This is the perfect gateway into the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve and has many great options for short day-hikes and walks such as: heading to the ruins of the old whaling station further into the fjord; trekking along the sandy beach and over the hill to the abandoned farmstead of Slétta and even further towards Aðalvík bay in the north or follow the old trail above Hesteyri towards Látrar in Aðalvík.

Season: 1. June - 31. Aug.

Departures*: Sun, Tue and Thu at 9:00 AM from the harbour in Bolungarvík.

Minimum: 1 persons.


Here is varied bird-life and always a chance to see the Arctic Fox..!

9 hours.

Arrival back in Bolungarvík around 19:30.


Bring with you:

16.900 ISK per person.

Included: Boat-ride, delicious packed lunch and coffee and snacks at the local coffee shop; an info booklet about the area and suggested hikes.

Age limit: No limit.

Hiking Gönguferð 10

Warm outdoor clothing, waterproof jacket and pants, day backpack, water bottle, hiking boots and of course your camera! Á Hesteyri er gömul húsaþyrping sem er vel við haldið og minna þau öll á þorpið sem stóð í blóma fram á miðja síðustu öld. Það má segja að Hesteyri sé anddyri Hornstrandafriðlandsins en margar gönguleiðir liggja þaðan. Auðvelt er að ganga inn að rústum norsku hvalstöðvarinnar á Stekkeyri eða ganga meðfram fallegri sandströndinni að eyðibýlinu Sléttu. Eins er hægt að halda á upp á Sléttuheiði og njóta útsýnisins yfir Ísafjarðardjúp og Aðalvík í norðri. Í Jökulfjörðum er fjölbreytt fuglalíf og góðar líkur eru á að sjá refi skjótast milli steina í leit að æti. Búnaður: Dagspoki, vatnsflaska, góður fatnaður eftir veðri og gönguskór. Ekki gleyma myndavélinni!

Day Tour Schedule (other departures upon requests for groups of min. 4) NAME OF TRIP NAFN FERÐAR

Sun. Sun.

Mon. Mán.

Tue. Þri.

Wed. Mið.

Thu. Fim.

Fri. Fös.

Sat. Lau.

Calm Water Kayaking








Hot Pots & Kayaking with Seals Two Fjords Discovery



Valley to Valley






A Day in Hesteyri




Jökulfirðir Panorama




Tue. Þri.

Thu. Fim.


Bjarnarnes Boat Schedule DESTINATION ÁFANGASTAÐUR Frá / From Bolungarvík

Sun. Sun.


09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00


09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00


09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00

09:00 17:00


Mon. Mán.


Wed. Mið.


Fri. Fös.

Sat. Lau.




Slétta - On Request Lónafjörður - On Request Hrafnfjörður - On Request Höfði - On Request 11

Aðalstræti 22b, Ísafjörður 12

+354 456 3322 | Open 08:00-20:00 |

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