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GUP Magazine

GUP Magazine is an international authoritative publication on photography, connecting its communities with the sharpest conceptual photography, the latest photo books, and compelling writings about the contemporary world of photography. GUP publishes four premium print issues a year, delivers daily online content, and produces self-initiated book publications. GUP Magazine's publisher, x publishers, is an active player in the field of international (art-)photography.


GUP #042 - Open Space

August 25, 2014

Droom in het woud

August 21, 2013

GUP #032 - Mexico

February 19, 2012

Energy Future

December 16, 2011

IGPA 2010

December 13, 2011

4e Daily Paradise

August 21, 2011

GUP #029 - Women

March 22, 2011

GUP #028 - Conflict

February 3, 2011

Lowlands Magazine '09

December 8, 2010

GUP #022 - Russia

November 15, 2009

GUP #013 - Belgium

January 15, 2008

GUP #005 - Japan

June 15, 2006

GUP #003 - Portrait

February 15, 2006

Issue #002

December 23, 2005

Issue #001

October 15, 2005
gupmagazine Publisher Publications - Issuu