Saturday, June 25, 2016

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Old age pension database sanitised – Digitalisation process ongoing


he Ministry of Social Protection, with support from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has sanitised its database as part of the process to digitalise the old age pension service within the coastland regions. The digitalisation project will see information technology being utilised to eliminate pension books, and establish a system where senior citizens will be allowed to use their National Identification (ID) cards to uplift their pension. This digitalisation of the pension process will be in full effect by December. During an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA), Minister of Social P r o t e c t i o n , Vo l d a L a w r e n c e explained that the current pension system has many deficiencies. “When I look at the system there is too much paper and papers travelling, not in a systemic way, it is not travelling in a secure environment, coming from officers all across the country, and there is not a proper system in place to process the information, and so we

have what you may term a mess,” Minister Lawrence explained. This new system will also ease the burden of workers having to write and retrieve information by going through papers. The Social Protection Ministry has engaged the M i n i s t r y o f P u b l i c Telecommunications to ensure that the two agencies can collectively run a pilot of this electronic project. It is Minister Lawrence’s hope that by the end of June, a trial system will be tested. “We are hoping that by the end of June or early July we can be able to run a trial system within a region to see how that goes and then we will take it to the other region, one by one so that next year when we are going to deal with the payment of pensioners we will be able to do so on the coastland, electronically. It means that persons will no longer be issued with a book … once that process is done we will able to see who cashed their pensions and we will be able to see in real time how many pensioners received pensions in a particular place,” Minister

Lawrence further explained. Minister Lawrence said that the Ministry will also be able to capture those persons who are receiving money on behalf of a particular pensioner. The initiative will also see greater accountability within the pension system, and probation officers will have more time do more field work and conduct more visitations. However, in the hinterland regions; One, Seven, Eight and Nine, where the communities are difficult to reach, Minister Lawrence said that the Ministry will conduct an assessment in these regions to determine what other type of electronic programme will work best for those areas.(GINA)


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

First Lady treats male residents of Palms to a ‘spa’ day


irst Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, paid a visit to the men’s dormitory of The Palms Geriatric Home to followup on a wellness initiative she started with the female residents last month. The exercise, which started yesterday, was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Protection, the Women Across Differences (WAD) group and Pastor Sean Sobers of the Destiny Empowerment Worship Centre. The men were given haircuts by a group from the church, as part of its outreach programme and today they were preparing for a special ‘spa’ session of manicures and pedicures from the girls attached to the WAD group when the Ministry of the Presidency visited the facility. Mrs. Granger also presented all the male residents from the four dormitories with a pair of pajamas. She commended the young women attached to the WAD group and expressed gratitude for the church’s participation, noting that the gesture was appreciated by the men and the carer-givers

at the facility. The residents and First Lady interacted warmly with each other. Some thanked her for taking the time to visit them again. Others thanked her for their gift and yet others expressed their admiration for her service. Mr. Robert John, a resident of Ward Four, charmed all the visitors w i t h h i s s i n g i n g , First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger (second from left) is pictured particularly when he among Pastor Sean Sobers, the matron and care-givers at The serenaded the First Lady Palms Geriatric Home and representatives from the Women with a melodies rendition Across Differences group of “God be with you till we meet again”. its overall plan to enhance the services Meanwhile, Mr. Whentworth Tanner, offered at the retirement home. “The aim is to Director of Social Services at the Ministry of make sure that persons are comfortable,” he Social Protection, said that the Ministry was said. pleased to partner with the Office of the First Lady on this initiative as it is in keeping with


ideas for the future. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated his willingness to respond positively to requests from the Guyana side and agreed to explore with Guyana opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information that will promote further collaboration. The high point of the visit to Moscow was the signing of the Treaty on Basic Relations which provides a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Carl B. Greenidge framework within which dialogue and cooperation issues of interest to Caricom and identified the would take place inter alia provision for factors that could facilitate greater investment cooperation at all levels, access to markets, in the region as well as cooperation between shared interest in ecological matters and the community and the Russian Federation. dispute settlement. Minister Greenidge also held extensive At the St. Petersburg Economic Summit, discussions with the leaders of Rusal and also attended by a number of regional and with Roscongress, Rosoboron and other European leaders, Minister Greenidge made companies that expressed an interest with two presentations which touched on the issues doing business in Guyana. (GINA) affecting the region. He also raised specific

Official visit of Foreign Minister for Bilateral talks in Moscow, attendance at 20th St. Peterburg International Economic Forum

rom June 14th to 16th a Guyana’s delegation undertook an official visit to the Russian Federation (RF) at the invitation of the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Hon. Mr Sergey Lavrov. The team was led by Guyana’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Carl B. Greenidge, included Ambassador Rudy Collins and Ms Geneva Tyndall. Minister Greenidge accepted an Invitation from the Executive Secretary of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum Organising Committee Mr. A. Kobyakov to participate as a panelist in the business Round Table discussing the Topic “Russia Latin America: Foreign Trade and Investment Cooperation as Drivers of Economic Growth. The visit to Moscow was aimed at reviewing progress on implementation of the various initiatives being pursued by the two states, to explore possibilities for new initiatives and to deepen relations and collaboration in a mutually beneficial way. Minister Greenidge had extensive and fruitful discussions with his Russian counterpart on a wide range of issues ranging from regional political developments to specific projects of collaboration and new


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Govt signs contract for ICT needs assessment project in rural, hinterland areas stay on par…when I visited Surama


n Information Communication Te c h n o l o g y ( I C T ) n e e d s assessment project will get underway in hinterland and rural communities in Guyana, following a US$524,00o contract which was signed among the Government of Guyana, Germany-based Detecon Consultancy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Present at the signing today, was Resident UNDP Coordinator, Khadija Musa who co-signed the agreement alongside Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes a n d S t e p h a n D i e t e r, D e t e c o n International representative. Titled “ICT Access and e-Services for Hinterland, Poor and Remote Communities”, the project is a starting point ICT study to find out among other things, what infrastructure, technical capacity, and legal framework are already there in poor, remote and un-served areas in Guyana. During brief remarks Minister Hughes pointed out that for many years Guyana has been lagging behind the rest of the developing world because of the lack of technological resources to meet the demands and standards in almost every field of endeavour, for every service and product. Minister Hughes said that the needs assessment project is a very important one, which allows Government to start an evaluation of the country’s ICT needs. The project will be out for funding to the Guyana Redd+ Investment Fund (GRIF). “Most of us know that for many years what happens on the coast and what happens in the hinterland regions vary vastly and in fact, when we look at sectors such as education, commerce development, our hinterland and remote communities have really not been able to

last year I had an opportunity to purchase one of the most beautiful indigenous hammocks made by a group of women there…that lady who crafted that beautiful hammock is dependent on a few people to visit Surama and to actually purchase,” Minister Hughes said. Imagine what that young entrepreneur can do when she has access to technology, Minister Hughes said. She posited that she can create her own website and with facilities such as international shipping services and persons being able to pay online, the world is now her market and not just a few persons passing through Surama. The minister explained, that the programme will provide for the installation of ICT infrastructure and networks for internet and telephony access for hinterland, poor, and remote communities. Training will also be provided not only for residents in those communities, but also for Government staff and entities such as the EGovernment Unit. “When this government took over the reins of statehood last year, one of the first promises President (David) Granger made was to ensure that our technologies would be brought up to par with the rest of the world … to use a well-known cliché, bring Guyana into the 21st Century and this project puts Guyana firmly on the road to achieving that objective,” Minister Hughes noted. Minister Hughes explained that the process began by the “writing a Bill (the Telecommunications Bill) that makes sense”. The Telecommunication Liberalisation Bill was tabled in the National Assembly on May 24, 2016. It is expected that the legislation will be passed within a few weeks, after which enabling regulations will be created, she

Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes

further stated. (GINA) The Bill essentially seeks to break the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph’s (GTT+) telecommunication monopoly. Meanwhile, Musa said that project focuses on connecting the coastland with the hinterland through ITC, in order to expand economic development. To assist the Government in this process, UNDP conducted a competitive international bidding process. UNDP received 14 expressions of interest from prospective bidders who participated in an online pre-bid conference where they were allowed to ask questions regarding the project. Of the 14 bidders, four firms submitted proposals. The intention is to provide the wherewithal for citizens living and working in any part of Guyana, from the North West District to South Rupununi, to have access to E-Government services which will ultimately change the lives of every Guyanese and ultimately transform the country.


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

GINA, Foreign Ministry host media session ahead of July4 CARICOM conference


uyana has offered to co-host the conference by providing a location, as the Dominican Republic is not is not in a position to do so, given their recent experience of natural disaster.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge greets CARICOM’s Secretary General, Ambassador Iwrin La Rocque before the start of a media briefing session ahead of the 37th Regular Session of Caricom Heads of State and or Government, slated for July 4-6 in Georgetown.

Technical Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CARICOM Secretariat along with media representatives present at today’s media session held at the Foreign Service Institute, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive.


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Caricom still relevant in region- Minister Greenidge


aricom as a unit remains relevant, but it needs “to do a lot more” to strengthen its effectiveness in the region. This view was shared by Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge in an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA). Stronger mechanisms, dialogue and greater awareness are among some of the efforts the Caribbean Community (Caricom) needs to undertake to ensure its continued effectiveness. Caricom heads will be meeting in July for the 37th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government, which Guyana is cohosting. The question of Caricom’s relevance is more glaring in light of the United Kingdom’s (UK) exit from the European Union (EU). Greenidge does not believe that Brexit, as the referendum was called, is a foreshadowing of what could happen to Caricom. “I don’t see that it has any relevance to the maintenance of Caricom as a unit. It has no relevance in that regards,” Greenidge told GINA, a day before the votes to leave or remain were cast. The United Kingdom voted to leave the EU Friday, June 24. England and Wales with the majority voted for leave while Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar voted to remain. At a press conference on Friday, June 24, Greenidge noted that Brexit is a complex issue, but does not foresee the leave from the EU affecting Guyana’s standing agreements with Britain. But as for the Region, Greenidge noted that “depending on how they exit, if they exit at all, that will determine what happens in relation to the ACP/EU relationship”. This is the context in which Caricom as a unit stands to be affected. “There is not likely to be any short-term adverse consequence by way of a curtailing of resource flow or curtailment of access, of let us say, sugar or any other commodity into the European Union,” Greenidge added. Caricom and the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries have existing Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the EU. “The commitments that the EU has to the CARIFORUM and ACP members are legal commitments. They are not commitment of Britain to these countries,” Greenidge noted. Nonetheless, many Caricom countries are weighing in on the implications of the UK’s exit from the EU on Caricom’s continued

existence and the economic impact on the Region. Trinidadian Economist Indera Sagewan-Alli in an article on Friday, June 24 on the Daily Express’ website questioned whether Caricom will “see a further disintegration towards a more single union.” Caricom Today’s website reported on the reaction of the Caribbean states following the results of the Vote. It reported Dominican Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit as saying that the effect on the small island’s economy was “felt almost immediately…since the EU would lose a large chunk of its budget and it would have to restructure its whole approach to financing and development assistance.”

Greenidge noted. But fears among member states coupled with national policies have restricted the completion of a single economy. “The Caricom market in services, financial services and the like is not yet complete,” said Greenidge. Making Caricom effective is dependent on CSME functioning as it should along with setting suitable mechanisms in place, Greenidge posited. “Finding appropriate mechanisms for dialogue at the policy level and also encouraging citizens to engage in dialogue across the boards… are the ways I think will prove most effective,” Greenidge added.

Despite the challenges faced by Caricom, the unit has been able to benefit its members. Guyana, through the CSME has found markets for its products in the region. “We are able to sell into the market rice, ground provisions and vegetables, fish products and the like which bring income,” Greenidge S t r e n g t h e n i n g C a r i c o m n o w k e y t o pointed out. effectiveness With fears over Caricom’s future now on the This reiterates the relevance of Caricom. forefront of discussion, raising awareness of Greenidge noted without Caricom, “There its benefits is essential now more than ever, would be less trade between the countries, Minister Greenidge noted. “It is an issue that there would be lower incomes generated.” is relevant to the sharing of benefits to the extent that mechanisms are not in place to As a founding member of the integration ensure that benefits accrued into one country movement, Guyana has been a significant or to one sector can be shared then it does act contributor to Caricom over the years. “We as a sort of a drag on attempts to integrate,” have tried, I believe, on as many fronts as possible to pursue not only to strengthen the the Foreign Affairs Minister explained. membership, but also by providing Caricom needs to ensure that member states leadership,” Greenidge said. He added that “find it worth their while” being a part of the Guyana supports the initiatives that are unit. “You need to put in place institution, intended to defend Caricom’s interests. arrangements that make it possible for all of (GINA) them to pool their natural and human resources,” Greenidge added. It is to this effect that the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME) was envisioned to strengthen the region. While significant effort has been put forward by the region in opening its market, a “great deal remains to be done” Greenidge pointed out. The CSME seeks to implement provisions for the removal of trade and professional restrictions, but Greenidge noted that many countries are unwilling to go the final steps. This is an on-going problem for Caricom. “The Caricom market in goods remains Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge reasonably close to a single market,” Caricom Today also reported that Political Science lecturer Dr Kristina Hinds-Harrison told Barbados TODAY that, “Britain’s exit would also lead to uncertainty on other issues, including immigration, development funding and trade for Barbados and the Region.”


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Syria conflict: Russian air Smoke fumes at Haags Bosch being monitored strikes target Aleppo rebels Page 13


pontaneously combusting fires at the Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill Site continue to cause problems for residents of Eccles and nearby communities, and the Ministry of Communities. Project Director of the Georgetown Solid Waste Management Programme, Gordon Gilkes told the Government Information Agency this afternoon that the Ministry of Communities has put in place a temporary operator at the landfill to monitor the smoke fumes. Contrary to the belief that the smoke is as a result of wood being continuously burnt at that location, Gilkes said it is as a result of fire to a section of the building that used to store the wood. He explained that the fire which occurred earlier in the month at the landfill was controlled, except for instances when it rains, resulting in smoke and fumes. (GINA)

Saturday, June 25, 2016


ussian and Syrian planes have pounded rebelheld areas in Syria's largest city, Aleppo. The overnight bombing targeted the rebels' last remaining supply route on the eastern side of the divided city. Aleppo, once Syria's economic hub, has been the scene of fierce fighting since civil war broke out in 2011. Despite recent efforts to calm the situation and introduce temporary truces, the battle for the city seems to be intensifying, correspondents say. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made clear his intention to recapture Aleppo, and on Friday one of his key allies - the leader of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, promised to send more fighters. A recent truce brokered by the US and Russia expired earlier this month without renewal. Russia has pledged to press ahead with its air campaign in support of President Assad's forces, saying rebels had failed to deliver on promises to break ranks with al-Qaeda loyalists. The latest strikes focused on the Castello Road, the only remaining route out of the rebel-held east of the city, monitors said. A local civil defence group said a child was among two people killed in the bombing. (BBC)


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rare Spix's Macaw seen in Brazil for first time in 15 years


rare blue parrot which was believed to be extinct in the wild has been spotted in Brazil for the first time in 15 years. A solitary Spix's Macaw was caught on video flying through trees in the state of Bahia. Pedro Develey, head of the Brazilian Society for the Conservation of Birds, said he believed it had been freed by a poacher trying to avoid arrest. A search of the area had just been concluded. A colony of Spix's Macaw - the breed made famous in the animated "Rio" films - is being bred in Qatar and Brazil plans to reintroduce

some of them into the wild. The latest sighting was made by residents in Curaca, Bahia. Mr Develey said the news was "amazing". "You should have seen the joy of the people when I got there, saying the macaw was back," he said. However, since the initial sighting, the whereabouts of the bird is unknown, the newspaper Loss of natural habitat was blamed for the loss Estadao de Sao Paulo reported. of the Spix's Macaw in Brazil (BBC)

Simpson Miller to speak on Integrity Commission Report i n P a r l i a m e n t


INGSTON, Jamaica — Opposition Leader and People’s National Party (PNP) President Portia Simpson Miller is expected to address the House next week on matters relating to her report to Parliament’s Integrity Commission. A statement from the PNP late Friday said Simpson Miller will “table a statement which speaks specifically and decisively to integrity issues and her own Report to the Integrity Commission”. A number of political commentators as well as head of the National Integrity Action Trevor Munroe have called for the Opposition leader and other legislators to make public their financial records. Last week, Prime Minister Andrew Holness said he will take legislation to Parliament shortly to

ensure that holders of four major political offices in the island declare their personal assets on a yearly basis and make them public. Holness, in declaring his assets recently amid growing calls for public Opposition Leader Portia Simpson disclosure, said that his proposal would require the finance to declare their assets and make prime minister, the minister of finance, them public, annually. (Jamaica as well as the leader of the Opposition Observer) and the Opposition’s spokesperson on


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Kamla slams PM for failing to show documents


rime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has dishonoured Parliament by failing to honour a promise he made to provide all documents relating to the discontinuance of the Malcolm Jones case, says Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Persad-Bissessar said in the interest of accountability and transparency she had asked for the documents to be made available to Parliament so they could be perused before a private motion on Loss of Confidence in the Attorney General was debated. But debate began on the motion in the House of Representatives yesterday without the documents. The Opposition Leader, during her contribution to the debate, said she was very disappointed in the Prime Minister. She told the House on March 18, 2016, Rowley gave his word to Parliament that he would provide the documents. He failed, however, to honour his word and Parliament, she said. Persad-Bissessar said the Government said the documents were sent to the Law Association but that body has no statutory remit or jurisdiction in the matter. “The place it belongs is the Supreme Court.” Taking a turn in Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, against whom the private motion was brought, she implied he was “Seukeranising,” a word taken from the book, “In and Out of Politics: Tales of the Government of Dr Eric Williams,” by former government minister Winston Mahabir. Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal, speaking earlier, first made mention of the word “Seukeranise.” He said Mahabir, in his book, stated it meant having the ability to talk on any subject with an air of authority. It also meant having the ability to bore anyone to distraction without boring a hole in anything, he said. The word referred to former PNM government minister, Lionel Seukeran, grandfather of Al-Rawi.

P e r s a d - B i s s e s s a r s a i d A l - R a w i ’s contribution to the motion was a distraction, rather than answering the case brought against him by the Opposition. She said the Attorney General has a dual role, to serve as chief legal officer to the Cabinet and to be the guardian of the public interest. Instead, he came to Parliament yesterday to wash his hands of the Malcolm Jones scandal, like Pontius Pilate, she said. She said Al-Rawi came to Parliament to say, like Jamaican dance hall entertainer Shaggy, “it wasn’t me”. “It’s a pathetic attempt to shirk his responsibility and duty.” At the same time, she said, the AG also told Parliament how he called an “allparties meeting” concerning the Jones matter, asking for information on this, that and the other. Al Rawi: I’m pleased Al-Rawi’s answer to the motion brought against him in the House yesterday consisted of a long string of events and dates relating to the Malcolm Jones affair. D i s m i s s i n g M o o n i l a l ’s e a r l i e r presentation as “nothing short of a rant,” Al-Rawi said he was pleased and warmed to be the subject of a no-confidence motion brought by the Opposition. He said he did not want to be in the confidence of an Opposition led by Persad-Bissessar. He denied he gave any instruction to State-owned Petrotrin to file a notice of discontinuance of the case against Jones, its former chairman. A lawsuit was brought by the previous PersadBissessar-led administration against Jones for the Gas-to-Liquids project fiasco. Indicating it was Petrotrin itself that decided to drop the case against Jones, Al-Rawi said he had no brief for Jones or for the Petrotrin board that would have sat between 2004 and 2009. Countering a charge from Moonilal that the present PNM administration spent

$39 million in legal fees on two overseas arbitration matters, Al-Rawi said the last administration spent $55-plus million to hire Vincent Nelson, QC, and $32 million-plus for the services of attorney Gerald Ramdeen. Moonilal, in his presentation, criticised Rowley’s hands-off approach to the Jones matter while chasing down Parliament and quarreling on a public platform for his $30,000 salary withheld from him when he was suspended from the House by the last administration. (Trinidad Guardian)

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, left, during yesterday's motion of censure against Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, in Parliament, in Port-of-Spain. Photo: ABRAHAM DIAZ


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Twenty people die in West Virginia floods


t least 20 people, including an eight-year-old boy and a toddler, have died in fl o o d i n g i n We s t Vi r g i n i a , according to state officials. Heavy storms and flooding have caused widespread damage throughout the state, said Governor Earl Ray Tomblin. A state of emergency was declared in 44 of the state's 55 counties. Rescue efforts were under way for about 500 people trapped in a shopping centre while officials continued to search for others stranded in devastated areas. The flooding has destroyed more than 100 homes and knocked out power for thousands after a storm system dumped nine inches of rain on parts of the state. The governor said 200 National Guard soldiers were carrying out search and rescue efforts as well as health and welfare checks in eight

counties across the state. A church Department official Bob Bibbee pastor told the AP news agency an said the toddler was with his eight-year-old boy slipped, fell into grandfather when he fell into the a creek and was swept away. The water in Jackson County. boy's mother attempted to save him The grandfather jumped into the but lost her grip on the child, creek to try and save the boy, but according to Harry Croft, pastor at was overcome by the rushing water. Marwin Church of the Nazarene at Governor Tomblin called the flooding "among the worst in a Wheeling. The child's body was found about a century for some parts of the state". half-mile from where the family (BBC) lives. The body of a four-year-old boy was a l s o recovered a day after the child slipped into a c r e e k swollen with flood waters. Ravensw ood Fire Flooding has destroyed more than 100 homes in some areas of West Virginia

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Syria conflict: Russian air strikes target Aleppo rebels Russian and Syrian planes have pounded rebel-held areas in Syria's largest city, Aleppo. The overnight bombing targeted the rebels' last remaining supply route on the eastern side of the divided city. Aleppo, once Syria's economic hub, has been the scene of fierce fighting since civil war broke out in 2011. Despite recent efforts to calm the situation and introduce temporary truces, the battle for the city seems to be intensifying, correspondents say. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has made clear his intention to recapture Aleppo, and on Friday one of his key allies - the leader of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, promised to send more fighters. A recent

truce brokered by the US and Russia expired earlier this month without renewal. Russia has pledged to press ahead with its air campaign in support of President Assad's forces, saying rebels had failed to deliver on promises to break ranks with a l - Q a e d a loyalists. The latest strikes focused on the Castello Road, the only remaining route

out of the rebel-held east of the city, monitors said. A local civil defence group said a child was among two people killed in the bombing. (BBC)

Brexit referendum: EU ministers press UK for quick exit

EU states have urged Britain to hold speedy talks on leaving the bloc after it voted to end its membership in a historic referendum. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said negotiations should begin as "soon as possible". He made the comments after an urgent meeting of the six EU founder members to discuss the decision. British PM David Cameron has said he will step down by October to allow his successor to conduct talks. The six countries attending the summit in Berlin - Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - first joined forces in the 1950s and still form the core of the EU. "We say here together, this process should get under way as soon as possible so that we are not left in limbo but rather can concentrate on the future of Europe," Mr Steinmeier said. His Dutch counterpart Bert Koenders said the continent could not accept a political vacuum, saying "this will not be business as usual". Meanwhile on negotiations, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "It shouldn't take forever, that's right, but I would not fight for a short time frame." She added that she was seeking a

"objective, good" climate in talks on Britain's exit from the EU, and that there was no need to make deterrence a priority. Mrs Merkel also said there was "no need to be particularly nasty in any way in the negotiations; they must be conducted properly". The first summit of EU leaders with no British representation will be held on Wednesday, a day after Mr Cameron holds talks with members. Global stock markets and the pound fell heavily on the news of the so-called "Brexit", while credit rating agency Moody's cut the UK's outlook to "negative". The UK must now invoke Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty, which sets out a twoyear timetable for negotiations on withdrawal. European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker said the EU-UK split was "not an amicable divorce", but nor had they had a "deep love affair". He has also said exit negotiations should begin immediately. "Britons decided yesterday [Thursday] that they want to leave the

European Union, so it doesn't make any sense to wait until October to try to negotiate the terms of their departure," Mr Juncker said in an interview with Germany's ARD television network. (BBC)

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Adele prepares for Glastonbury set


rowds are already gathering at the Pyramid Stage to ensure they have prime positions when Adele plays Glastonbury on Saturday night. It is the star's first performance at the festival since 2007, when she played the Park Stage, and her first ever headline set. The singer, whose album 25 has sold some 19 million copies worldwide, was nonetheless a controversial booking. Some called her "too boring", prompting a ferocious response from the singer. "I'm actually more excited than I was now, because all those rock and punk fans have been having a moan that I'm doing it and I'm like: 'You're going to get dragged along by your wife, so just deal with it'," she said during her show at the O2 Arena earlier this year. "To be honest, those people moaning about it, I've probably been more times than them anyway, so shut up." Australian rock act Tame Impala, who play immediately before Adele on the Pyramid Stage, said they would stick around to watch her set. "I feel like it's going to be a religious moment for me," frontman Kevin Parker told BBC News. "Even though Adele is a megastar, she's England's girl. She's royalty." The Pyramid Stage opened on Saturday morning with a performance by the Lewisham and Greenhich NHS

Choir, who scored last year's Christmas number one single. They played a warm-hearted set of easy listening covers, including Bridge Over Troubled Water, Love Shine and Light and Lean On Me. Many , while many of the audience carried "We Love the NHS" placards. They were followed by Squeeze, who kept the party spirit going with a raft of classics, including Up the Junction and Tempted. Introducing Cool For Cats, frontman Chris Difford made a passing reference to Adele, saying: “You'll be hearing a lot of North London songs later on, but this one's a South London song."

performed by Army of Generals and members of the British Paraorchestra, led by conductor Charles Hazlewood. The midnight performance, at the Park Stage, will be accompanied by an ambitious laser light show, that will be seen across Glastonbury's 900 acre site. "I feel in my heart this is exactly the kind of thing Bowie would approve of," Hazlewood told the BBC. "Quite clearly, by the means and the manner of his passing, he didn't want funerals, he didn't want memorials, he didn't want any of that mawkish rubbish. "What he would have liked, I think, would be a big old celebration, a very theatrical, very out-there celebration of what it was he meant to all of us. "And so, for me, this is a pitch perfect way of saying we're grateful David Bowie ever existed." (BBC)

Other acts on Saturday's line-up include Madness, The Last Shadow Puppets and Mercury-nominated rock band Wolf Alice. Elsewhere around the site there will also be performances from New Order, Chvrches, The 1975 and James Blake. And the night will end with Philip Glass's Symphony N o 4 , which is based on D a v i d Bowie's Heroes LP, Adele's onstage banter is often a highlight of her shows

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Daily Horoscope Your lover may feel rejected. Mingle with those who can further your goals. Matters pertaining to work must be completed before you leave

The information that you gain can be used in every aspect of your life. You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Your energy will be high; however, if not channeled suitably, temper tantrums may erupt.

Your social skills with people may be more than just helpful. Spend time with youngsters today. Depression may be likely if you're away from home.

You must act quickly. Do not get upset about situations you cannot change. You're apt to make a move or experience changes at home.

You must steer clear of overindulgent individuals. Children may cause limitations. Don't let your emotions interfere with completing your chores.

You can be sure that any dealing with large institutions should go well. Older family members will make demands on your time. You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending

Your concern with older family members and those less fortunate than yourself will only add to your attractiveness. Accept the inevitable, and opportunities for advancement will follow. You may need the space,

Your stubbornness coupled with your mate's jealousy don't make for a favorable time. Be careful not to exaggerate when interacting with your lover. Your fickle nature may cause jealousy.

You may find that getting together with colleagues after hours will be worthwhile. Update and review your personal investments. You will enjoy physical activities more than you think

Do your job and don't ask for favors. Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone. Visitors may be likely to drop by.

A friendship might suffer if money becomes an issue. You can make amends by taking them somewhere special. This will be a very hectic day if you've made promises to too many people.

Problems with your boss could lead to unemployment. Your intellectual charm will entice new love interests. Be careful not to overexert yourself.

Page 23

Brathwaite eager to please Patriots fans


est Indies and St Kitts & Nevis Patriots star Carlos Brathwaite feels indebted to Patriots fans and wants to reward them for their passion and loyalty to the team in the forthcoming Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) campaign. Having completed a first year with the franchise in its debut in the tournament last season, Brathwaite is impressed by the passion displayed by the St Kitts and Nevis crowds during the tournament last year. “The passion that the fans showed last year. We had an up and down season, and they were there throughout,” the cricketer said. Brathwaite is hoping the Patriots, this year, can go deep into the tournament and reward the fans for their loyalty. “They stayed through the entirety of the game and they came out in their numbers…. For me, it’s about coming back and

repaying that passion on the field,” Brathwaite said. The Patriots missed out on a playoff spot last year but gave some exciting displays that had some pundits picking them to progress to the playoff round. This season the team will feature West Indian power hitter Lendl Simmons, who played the last three seasons with the Guyana Amazon Warriors and led them to the finals in the first season, only to lose to the Jamaica Tallawahs. He assured that there is a lot of camaraderie in the team. “There hasn’t been any animosity in the dressing room. Each time we went out there to play, we play our hearts out for the badge, but it just didn’t materialize as we would have liked last year, but it wasn’t to do with any off-the-field issues. We are one big family and there is a lot of love. Most of the guys hang out together, go to dinner together, c e l e b r a t e together, even party together in the casino. It’s not for a lack of team spirit, it’s just that the results didn’t materialise the way we wanted,” Brathwaite said. He believes that

the franchise, in its first year, did well, especially considering it lost some close games. “We should make it to the playoffs, which is the first step. Once we get to the playoffs, we are three or two games from the title,” he added. Meanwhile, Brathwaite, who struck four sixes in the last over of the ICC World T20 earlier this year to bring the title home for the West Indies, suggested the response has been overwhelming since his heroics on the world stage. “The response has been good. I haven’t been home for too long after to enjoy it at home as much as I would want to, but St Kitts is my second home, and I’ve been feeling a lot of love from the St Kitts family as well. So I really, really appreciate that love and support,” he said. Brathwaite hopes to transfer that kind of performance to the Patriots. (Sportsmax)

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FIFA Development Officer lauds football talent in Guyana


IFA’S Regional Development Officer, Howard McIntosh, has declared the Rupununi region in South-West Guyana, rich in talent during a three-day visit to the country earlier this week. McIntosh made the remarks at the opening of the Rupununi Football Association’s (RFA) leg of the Guyana Football Federation-NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Power National Under-17 Tournament on Monday. “The Rupununi is a gold mine of talent that must be harnessed with urgency,” he told those gathered for the occasion. During the visit to the region, McIntosh also met with personnel from the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) and Republic Bank; teachers and students from the St Ignatius Secondary School and the Executive of the Rupununi

F o o t b a l l Association (RFA) t o d i s c u s s development initiatives and integration strategies for hinterland teams into the national f o o t b a l l programme. On his arrival on Sunday, McIntosh watched the final of the STAG Elite League at the National Track and Field Facility in Leonora. On Tuesday, McIntosh and GFF President Wayne Forde met with representatives from the Ministry of Education and the Department of Sport to discuss the

implementation of a National school football programme and access to land fo building football pitches across Guyana He departed Guyana on Wednesday (Sportsmax)

Bahamas’ Joanna Evans swims to fastest Caribbean time


oanna Evans of the Bahamas, on Thursday, became the fastest ever woman from the Caribbean in the 800-metre freestyle when she won the

event at the 2016 RBC Bahamas Nationals Swimming Championships. In what was the highlight of the championships so far, Evans swam to a time of 8:32.19, which is an automatic qualifying time of 8:33.97 for t h e Olympic Games in Rio this summer. H e r performan ce ranks her 40th in

the world for the 2015-2016 season. Evans, who is at the end of her freshman year at the University of Texas, also eclipsed her personal best and national record of 8:37.18. The Swift Swimming competitor now passes CARIFTA legend, Jamaica’s Janelle Atkinson’s 8:34.51 to become the fastest English-speaking woman from the region. Atkinson clocked her national record in a 9th-place finish at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Evans, who is not tapered for the meet, raced stroke for stroke with exhibition swimmer Guatemalan Valerie Gruest, who also went under the Olympic A standard` when she stroked 8:33.28. (Sportsmax)

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Tridents coach expects much from AB de Villiers


arbados Tridents are expecting much from South African dynamo, AB de Villiers in this year's Caribbean Premier League (CPL) - so says the team's coach Vasbert Drakes. The South African top-order batsman has made a name for himself in all formats of the game, showing an unusual ability to adapt to the different circumstances. “[AB] is an absolute genius of the modern game. I have met him a couple of times and with my involvement in cricket in South Africa when he was coming on the scene,” said Drakes. De Villiers, now 32, is playing against the West Indies in an elimination game, and looks set to drop out, after the West Indies scored 285 and have South Africa reeling at 89 for six. However, de Villiers does have an amazing record in T20s, playing 210

matches with a highest score of 133 not out. His time in the sport includes three centuries and 32 half-centuries. In his last stint at domestic cricket, the Indian Premier League (IPL), he was one half of a record-breaking duo along with Virat Kohli. But de Villiers won't have to do it alne either, with a powerful lineup behind him. The dynamic batsman will be aided in his bid to get the Tridents back into the winner's circle by SOuth African t e a m m a t e s , Wa y n e Parnell and David Wiese. To add to that he will have the West Indies captain Jason Holder, and Tridents' skipper, Kieron Pollard, along with the experience of Shoaib

Malik. “We back ourselves as a unit to continue to perform at the level that people expect us to. The nucleus of the squad is still there and we have some highimpact players like AB, Robin Peterson, and Kyle Hope who is a fantastic young talent,” said Drakes. (Sportsmax)

Windies crush South Africa to reach tri-series final


arren Bravo guided West Indies as they beat South Africa to reach the tri-series decider. West Indies are into the one-day international triseries final after thrashing South Africa by 100 runs. In a virtual semi-final, the hosts were set up by Darren Bravo's century after being put in to bat at Kensington Oval in Barbados on Friday. Kieron Pollard (62) and Bravo propelled the Windies to 285 as they were bowled out with a ball to spare. Shannon Gabriel (3-17) ripped through South Africa's top-order and they never looked likely in the chase as they were bowled out for 185. Farhaan Behardien (35) and Morne Morkel (32 not out) provided some resistance, but it mattered little as the hosts set up a meeting with Australia in Sunday's final. The Windies looked in real trouble early,

slumping to 21-4 after just five overs. Kagiso Rabada (3-31) did most of the early damage, including hitting Denesh Ramdin (4) on the helmet before removing the wicketkeeper with the next ball. Bravo and Pollard were in charge of the recovery mission and the former was dropped before a brief rain delay. The duo put on 156 for the fifth wicket before Pollard fell, but Bravo (102) continued on his way and brought up his third ODI century with a six. Jason Holder (40) and Carlos Brathwaite (33 not out) added some important late runs. Like the Windies, South Africa found themselves in early trouble, but a recovery proved too big an ask. Hashim Amla was dropped

early in his innings, yet he made just 16 before being trapped lbw by Sunil Narine (3-28). Gabriel took the big wickets of AB De Villiers (2) and Faf Du Plessis (3), reducing the tourists to 51-5. There was no way back from there despite the best efforts of Behardien and Morkel. (Sportsmax)

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