Monday, June 27, 2016

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Monday, June 27, 2016

3 years jail for man with illegal gun


uyana Daily News, Monday, June 27, 2016 Edward Corbin was today found guilty by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan for the offenses of procession of firearm while not being a licensed firearm holder and discharging shots from the said firearm. The 37 – year - old was fined $50,000 on each charge and jailed for three years. Even as the man maintained his innocence, Chief Magistrate McLennan confirmed that the court was in fact satisfied with the evidence produced by the prosecutor. The court heard that on June 5, 2015, in the vicinity of East La Penitence, Corbin was seen firing shots from a 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol. Police officers on Patrol upon hearing the rapid shots rushed to the scene where they proceeded to chase him. Corbin proceeded to run and drop the gun into a septic tank and then turned around and walked in the direction of the pursuing policemen. The policemen then proceeded to

apprehend the suspect and searched the septic tank in his presence, upon which, they found the pistol and magazine carrying eight casings. The ranks returned to the scene and picked up spent shells in the presence of the defendant. The spent shells and gun were taken for a ballistics test, which found that the bullets did in fact come from the gun. By Jarred Singh

Oil spill emergency plans and procedure being formulated


uyana will soon have a coordinated Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) regarding oil spills prepared through a multi-stakeholder workshop currently underway. The workshop is being hosted by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) with assistance from the United States (US) Southern Command which is currently meeting with local stakeholders at the Grand Coastal Inn .. Local stakeholders include the Guyana Defence Force, Police Force, Guyana Fire Service, Guyana Prison Service, Ministry of Public Health and Exxon Mobil. Director General CDC Col (Ret’d), Chabilall Ramsarup, said the workshop will be reviewing policies, plans and procedures currently in place and examine the roles and responsibilities of all agencies. Additionally, the workshop will ascertain what more can be added to the plans and policies and, what additional roles and responsibilities can be assigned to the SOP for more efficiency. “What we don’t have is a coordination plan on the national side and a number of institutions are expected to respond if we do have an oil spill; God forbid,… we have to have a preparedness plan in place for the coordination of what happens on ground if something happens. CDC is tasked with that coordination, but a number of agencies will be involved, once something happens the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) is going to be activated and a number of organisations will find themselves in CDCs headquarters to plan and execute a response, ” Ramsarup explained. Lt. Col Mike Forson, Officer in Charge of the Florida National Guard team who will be conducting the training, explained that their role in the workshop is to help facilitate it and share their 25 plus years of experience with local stakeholders.

“We have a lot of experience being a gulf of Mexico state with deep water horizon, lots of insight with how various agencies including the military had been involved in that, how we assisted. Our goal is to give you the ingredients focusing on the oil spill aspect of it to help you come up with a plan to see in the unfortunate event that something should occur,” Lt Col Mike Forson said. In recent years the Civil Defence Commission made significant strides in furthering Guyana’s preparedness level to respond to any emergency or disaster. These measures saw regional emergency plans and procedures being developed and tested annually to ensure effectiveness is maintained. Last year Exxon made a significant oil discovery in the Stabroek Block, located around 120 miles offshore Guyana. Even with the initial find, experts said that Guyana will be placed prominently on the oil and gas map. (GINA)

Director General, Civil Defence Commission, Col (Ret’d) Chabilall Ramsarup delivering brief remarks at the opening of the


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Monday, June 27, 2016

Duo arrested after robbing Regent Street man


he police are conducting investigations into the robbery of Shan Goasu of Regent Street, Georgetown, which occurred on June 26, 2016 at around 14:00h. According to a police release, Shan was travelling Georgetown from Berbice in a taxi with two other men when the driver proceeded to drive the car along an abandoned road. The police further noted that the men choked and robbed him of a Gold chain and ring, an iPhone and a passport together with $300,000 and $2,500 Suriname currency. Shan, 47 years old, then made his way to the Blairmont Police Station where he reported the matter. Upon receiving information, the police raided a room at the Church View International Hotel, located on Main Street in New Amsterdam, Berbice, where they found two men. The men had in their procession $200,000, the Suriname currency, an iPhone, a passport and a bag which contained pieces of clothing that belonged to Shan Goasu. They remain in custody as the probe continues.



Monday, June 27, 2016

How Brexit will affect US-UK relations


here is a revolutionary strain in the American DNA - Great Britain knows all about that - so on the other side of the Atlantic there is an understanding of the statement the British people made with the Brexit vote. At the same time, as the most powerful country in the world, the United States values the status quo and the leadership Great Britain has exercised within the European Union and beyond. The vote is the beginning of a lengthy transition as Britain reconstructs its regional and global role. Notwithstanding admonitions by the Leave campaign that the vote was none of the Yanks' business, America has a significant stake in what happens now, given the important alliance between the two countries. So how will Brexit affect the special relationship? The US and UK are bound by history, culture, trade, democratic values and shared interests. There is every reason to believe Washington and London will work through all bilateral issues that arise, including new trade arrangements. New deal? Wading into the controversy in April, President Barack Obama warned that in the event of a Leave victory, Great Britain would be at the "back of the queue" regarding a new trade agreement. The Obama administration will be devoting its energy to ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Since Prime Minister David Cameron signalled it will be some time before Article 50 is triggered, a new deal will fall to new governments on both sides. Given the depth of US-UK bilateral investment, a new deal will get done, although the politics on both sides will be tricky. To some extent, the US presidential and Leave campaigns are mirror images. Substantial numbers of voters in both countries believe they have been shortchanged. It will take heavy political lifting in Washington and London to convince their sceptical electorates that the end result is a better deal for both. Less clear is what happens to Great Britain and the European Union as they go through this process. For London and Brussels, how do the new UK

government and reduced EU alliance interpret the mandate or message from the Brexit vote? And is there a capacity and political will for determined action when the dust settles? Here in the United States, there is an enduring myth that politics should stop at the water's edge. It never has and never will. In this case, the Brexit vote has fundamentally altered British foreign policy and the western international structure, which indirectly affects American foreign policy as well. This is a political earthquake and there could be further aftershocks. England and Wales voted to Leave and Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to Remain. The fissures in British society exposed by the Scottish independence referendum will only deepen in light of the Brexit vote. The US will always value Great Britain, but its composition is once again up for discussion. Great Britain is likely to enter a period of political retrenchment as it negotiates its unprecedented divorce from the EU while it works to preserve its marriage with two units that see value in a European identity. Speed dial When Europe embarked on its remarkable integration project, Henry Kissinger famously questioned whom Washington should call. While Brussels has become a key hub for American diplomacy, particularly with the renewed relevance of Nato (and greater emphasis on its traditional mission in light of the crisis in Ukraine) and evolution of the European Defence Agency, Washington always had London, Paris and Berlin on speed dial. Brexit doesn't change the importance of American collaboration with key European allies, but gaining a consensus for determined action - always a challenge with the EU at 28 - will become more complex with Europe at 28 minus one. The Brexit vote will surely exacerbate the existing antiestablishment and antiimmigration sentiment in

various corners of the continent. The risk is that a Europe preoccupied with redefining its internal and external relationships will be less able to deal coherently with the ongoing migration crisis, its support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. Key European allies, to borrow a favourite Obama phrase, will be inclined to devote more resources to "nation-building at home." Nato has encouraged its members to devote 2% of their gross domestic product to defence. Most have fallen short. Brexit will make that an even greater challenge, particularly for Great Britain, which will experience significant near and mid-term costs as it rewires its economy. There are good reasons to believe that both the United Kingdom and European Union will make the new arrangement work. The unanswerable question in Washington is what challenges lurk as they shift from the region that is to the one that will be. At the end o f t h a t j o u r n e y, w e k n o w t h a t k e y relationships will endure. What we don't know is whether they will be more effective. P.J. Crowley is a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, a distinguished fellow at The George Washington University Institute for Public Diplomacy & Global Communication and author of the forthcoming book, Red Line: American Foreign Policy in a Time of Fractured Politics and Failing States. (BBC)Monday, June 27,

For President Obama, trade negotiations with the EU will take precedence over post-Brexit UK caption


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Monday, June 27, 2016

Moraikobai becomes latest beneficiary under President Granger’s B’s programme -receives school boat; bicycles to follow


he village of Moraikobai, situated up the Mahaicony River, Mahaica-Berbice (Region Five), yesterday, became the latest beneficiary under President David Granger’s Five B’s or ‘Boats, Buses, Bicycles plus Breakfast and Books’ Programme, which is aimed at ensuring that every child has access to and stays in school. President Granger commissioned a 42-seater boat, which was donated by the Guyana Goldfields Incorporated/Aurora Gold Project. The company handed had handed over the boat to Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, earlier this year. In addition to handing over the boat, the President has committed to ensuring that a number of bicycles are handed over to the community before the beginning of the new school term to cater for travel, during the dry season. Before officially commissioning the boat, President Granger in his remarks, said that in November 2015, three women – Deputy Toshao, Ms. Mary Joseph, Ms. Shenelle Adrian and Ms. Lynette Adrian- from the village visited him at the Ministry of the Presidency, where they shared the plight of the students, who travel as much as 100 miles to get to the Central Mahaicony Secondary School. The children are forced to pay as much as $3000 per day to travel out of the village to attend school. Consequently, school dropouts and absenteeism had become prevalent. “I was encouraged to come here by three wise women. They came to me last year November and I did promise to come and today I am fulfilling that promise. What they asked me for, was a boat and I have brought the boat. These are the women who came out of this river and took the initiative to come and see me. I didn’t refuse to see them. I didn’t tell a clerk to see them. They came into my office and I gave them my word. I am honouring that promise,” the President said even as he gave each of them a token of appreciation. Given his intense focus on education, the President noted that he was moved to initiate action so that the burden of travelling can be significantly reduced for both students and parents alike of the village. “I couldn’t come before because there was a drought and the river was too low but here I am today… We must keep our children in school and there must be no excuse; no excuse of lack of transportation. Let us keep this boat working and I promise you, we will do everything possible to ensure that it is kept repaired and functional at all times because if our children cannot go to school, they cannot take part in making Guyana that better place and giving themselves that good life that has

been promised. I want to urge the Toshao to make sure every child goes to school,” President Granger said. Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, who has been playing an instrumental role in the coordination of the B’s programme, in her remarks, highlighted that though the President had made the commitment since 2015, he has fulfilled the promise so that younger generation can benefit to take Guyana forward. “I recall being told by the President of your approach to him for a boat to be used by our children and members of the community for essential purposes and here we are; the President is delivering on his promise as usual. Requests like these cannot be ignored or forgotten because this administration recognises that education and essential services happen to be the best investment that we can make in our people. We as a government have initiated legitimate action to improve access to education through President David Granger’s B’s project,” Minister Ally told the residents of Moraikobai. She noted that the programme is a representation of how responsive the government is to the needs of the people, especially in the areas of education and social development. “We have a proactive government whom by ever means necessary, will seek to address social ills and inequality issues, specifically issues that impedes children and young people from achieving their full potential in life. We will make all the necessary investments to ensure that every child has equal access to education, regardless of their location, whether it is riverine, hinterland or coastal communities,” the Minister noted. Meanwhile, Toshao of the Moraikobai, Mr. Collin Adrian, expressed his thanks, noting that it is heartening to see the President keep his promise which he had made to the women who had visited his office in November last year. He also extended thanks to the Government for its quick response to addressing the village’s flooding situation about two weeks ago. “Our expectation surely was not in vain. This is a visit we were expecting from since December and today it has borne some fruits. A few weeks ago our community was affected by the flood, however I must thank the Government for its quick response. Thank you, Mr. President for responding to our call,” he said. Though no representative from the Guyana Goldfields Incorporated/Aurora Gold Project was present at the commissioning ceremony, Logistics Manager of the company’s Buck Hall operations,

Kenrick Glasgow, during the handing over of the boat to Minister Ally, earlier this year, had said that the commitment to gift the President a boat for his ‘Buses, Boats and Bicycles’ or ‘three Bs’ programme, was made the same day that the company poured its first gold bar. “This is a present from the people of Guyana Gold Fields for the children of Moraikobai in the Mahaicony River. It is indeed a pleasure and an honour to give this gift for the children so that they can go to school,” Glasgow said. Ms. Mary Joseph, who was one of the women who had visited the President in November, expressed her gratitude, noting that the President’s actions to honour his promise, has not gone unnoticed. “I feel so great that the President has really stood to his word and I know that he didn’t fool us. He promised us and he has dedicated himself and came to us and delivered and for that we are most grateful,” she said. Ms. Shenelle Adrian, another resident said “we feel happy because it is good for our children. When they have to go to school, they have to travel on the pontoons in the rain and now all of them will get to school,” Ms. Adrian said. The Boat is expected to benefit at least 50 students and Headmistress of the St. Francis Primary School, Ms. Shalome Calistro, hopes that it will significantly boost the morale of the students and parents alike, encouraging regular and punctual attendance at school. To date, eight boats and nine buses have been commissioned by the President while hundreds of bicycles have been distributed to communities across the ten administrative regions of the country. (GINA)

His Excellency, President David Granger officially commissioning the ‘David Granger’ as the residents and students of Moraikobai look on.


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Monday, June 27, 2016

Truck Operator charged for possessing stolen equipment


uyana Daily News, June 27, 2016 - A 28 year - old Truck Operator of Bacchus Mining was today released on self-bail by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after he pleaded not guilty to being in procession of stolen equipment from Troy Resources. It is alleged that in May of 2016, Keilon April while in 14 Miles Issano, Mazaruni, received from Floyd Edmond, a stolen CD player, property of Troy Resources, valued at GY$15,000. The man of Lot 24 Kwakwani Housing Scheme Berbice, who is engaged to be married, was asked whether he would like his case to be tried in the Magistrate’s court or in front of a jury to which he quickly responded with the former. His lawyer pleaded for bail, while pointing out that April has one prior conviction. The matter was transferred to the Bartica Magistrate’s Court for July 22. By Jarred Singh.

Canal businessman shot during robbery


he search is on for two male suspects who are wanted for robbery and shooting of Shamiran Tebonie on June 27, 2016, at around 1 a.m.Tebonie, who is a resident of Dudley Park Canal No. 1 West Bank Demerara said that he was awaken by some noises and upon checking he noticed the two armed men, who demanded he tell them where he has his money and jewelry. The 36 - year - old was shot in his hand during the robbery as his assailants made off with an undisclosed sum of cash together with whatever jewelry Tebonie said he had. He was rushed to the hospital where he was treated and subsequently sent away. The Guyana Daily news will continue to provide more information as the story unfolds. By Jarred Singh.


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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Daily Horoscope Monday, June 27, 2016

Do not let them in on your plans if you want things to run smoothly. If you have to deal with large institutions, be careful not to make waves. If you go shopping, only take what you can afford to part with You would be wise to consider attending lectures that will broaden your awareness concerning your professional direction. Do not get involved in joint ďŹ nancial ventures. You will be misinterpreted if you get involved in other people's problems. You can make extra cash if you act on a hunch. Camping, swimming, and biking expeditions should all be considered. Implement your ideas into your projects at work. Secret affairs will only lead to deception. Older relatives may make unreasonable demands. Sudden changes regarding your circle of friends could prove interesting and stimulating. Nothing can be resolved if you don't want to talk about it. Get ready to discover love, passion, and the desire to enjoy all that life has to offer. Travel will promote new romantic encounters and additional cultural knowledge. Family outings that aren't expensive will be enjoyable and help strengthen ties. Travel or short trips will probably be your best outlet. You must look into your options

You may be overreacting to a situation at hand. You may be up for some changes in your home. You can get phenomenal returns if you present your ideas to those who can back your interests. Build on friendship rather than starting out in an intimate encounter. Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. A need to express yourself may come out in creative ways. You will learn valuable information if you travel today. Someone may be trying to damage your reputation. Your unique approach to life will interest others. Encourage the youngsters in your family. You can expect to feel confused about your personal prospects. Try not to discuss important matters with colleagues. You will be popular with acquaintances; however, loved ones could feel left out and insecure. Do not let them in on your plans if you want things to run smoothly. Don't overspend on children or on large purchases. Move into a leadership position if you are determined to do so. This may not be the time to lend or borrow. Take time to do something nice for yourself.




ntoine Griezmann offered his sympathy for Lionel Messi after the Barcelona star called time on his international career. France striker Antoine Griezmann has described Lionel Messi's decision to retire from international football as "frustrating and sad". Messi announced that Argentina's Copa America Centenario final penalty shoot-out defeat to Chile on Sunday would be his last appearance for his country.The decision brings an end to a disappointing international career for Messi, whose only major honour for Argentina came in the form of a gold medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in China. Griezmann and Messi have been rivals at club level in recent seasons, and the Frenchman was only four goals behind the Barcelona star in La Liga's goal table with his 22 strikes for Atletico Madrid last season.Of Messi's decision, Griezmann said: "He must have his

reasons. I think he lost three or four finals. "It's frustrating, it's sad. It must be difficult for him. May be it's just an immediate reaction but after that, we must accept it. "He's a great player who did everything for his country. He has not had the chance to win a cup with his country, nfortunately."Griezmann helped France maintain their own challenge for silverware by scoring both goals in a 2-1 win over the Republic of Ireland at Euro 2016. The 25year-old has emerged as the talisman for D i d i e r Deschamps' side but he insists he is

not feeling the kind of pressure that Messi experienced with Argentina. He said: "At Atletico too, they say that I'm the leader [of the attack]. I went to the final of the Champions League, and I scored 32 goals. This pressure does not weigh too much. "I'm on the field to have fun and give pleasure to the fans."



man has been arrested in Brazil after trying to put out the Olympic flame by throwing a bucket of water over it. The 27-year-old later told police the act had been a "dare", police said. Video footage showed a spray of water being thrown over the group carrying the torch in Maracaju in central Brazil.The torch relay will cover 20,000km (12,400 mile) and 300 Brazilian cities before the flame arrives in Rio de Janeiro for the Games opening ceremony. The incident comes a week after a rare jaguar was shot and killed after being used in an Olympic torch ceremony. (BBC)

The torch is being taken through Brazil




eo Messi, the idol, the inspiration, one of the role models to follow as a footballer, has quit. After last night’s defeat against Chile in the Copa America Finals, the professional footballer said to the media that “Argentina career is over after Copa America Final defeat”. Goal keeper Romero said he hoped Messi would change his mind. “I think Leo spoke in the heat of the moment because we missed that great chance,” said Romero. As heartbreaking as it might sound, Messi could be right. It has been 23 years without a major trophy for Argentina, some say it is a curse, others say is just a lack of luck but the question remains: What will happen with the “Albiceleste” team after this unforgettable defeat? The sad truth is that Leo might not be the only player retiring; Sergio Agüero and other

Argentina players could now follow Messi’s lead. “The likelihood is that Messi is not the only one that will leave the national team. There are several players like me that are evaluating whether or not to continue.” It is definitely a sad time for a great team, for a selection that moved thousands and inspired millions around the world, especially in Latin America. “I tried so hard to be a champion with Argentina. But it didn’t happen. I couldn’t do it. I think it’s best for everyone, for me and for many people who want it. The choice for me is over, it is a decision. I tried many times to be a champion but did not,” Messi said. “The burden of the consecutive games lost, has been accumulating these last two years. He feels like you would expect a player to feel after playing and losing a final,” Argentina coach Gerardo Martino said. Summarizing last night’s game, we can all agree that the first 45 minutes were confusing and really aggressive. Both sides were fighting with all their machinery, a slight chaos was dominating the field, especially after Marcelo Diaz was put away with a red card from referee Herber R. Lopez.Was it sudden? Unfair? Maybe, it is not really common to see a team staying with only 10 players in the first half of the game. The second half was

a struggle of both teams trying to keep calm but aggressive as before, the figure of the night Mr. Lopez then became the focus of attention, unafraid to reach his card pocket, and on his quest to keep the control of the game. Many were angered by this because it appeared as if sides were taken, but Chile showed up bravery and didn’t back up. Finally after very intense 90 minutes the marker stayed 0-0, extra time was needed and the penalties were knocking the Finals doors. The two teams were exhausted but determined men started to play on the verdant field. The “Roja”, the “Albiceleste”, was a constant back and forward. Argentina looked more to the side of scoring, but nerves were playing a role as well, desperation taking over. Chile was hungry. Finally this was the game that everyone was waiting for, only one thing was missing, a goal. Extra time was over, then fear and tension dominated the stadium. All for it to end tragically for the Argentinian team. Chile won 4-2 in penalties. Messi lost his chance to make history, a burden that is tearing his followers, team players and himself apart. The future is uncertain. By Rocio Perez R e f e r e n c e : 016/jun/27/lionel-messi-says-he-is...


Durant and Anthony headline USA roster for Rio


here will be no Stephen Curry or LeBron James, but there will be plenty of talent as United States seek a third straight Olympic gold. Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony headline United States' roster for the 2016 Olympic Games, with a host of other All-Stars poised to feature in Rio. The roster was announced on Monday after much speculation, with NBA MVP Stephen Curry, Finals MVP LeBron James and Russell Westbrook having already opted not to play in Brazil. Durant and Anthony will serve as the team's elder statesmen. Durant, a four-time NBA scoring champion, is the lone NBA MVP on the list and was a member of the 2012 team that won gold in London. Anthony will be participating in his fourth Olympic Games and looking for his third gold. He was a part of the 2004 team that won

bronze and the 2008 and 2012 Olympic champion squads. The rest of coach Mike Krzyzewski's roster are newcomers to the Olympic stage. Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Kyrie Irving features along with Golden State Warriors trio Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Harrison Barnes. They will be competing in their maiden Games, as will team-mates Kyle Lowry, Paul George, DeMarcus Cousins, Jimmy Butler, DeAndre Jordan and

DeMar DeRozan. Jordan and Barnes have never made an All-Star team, though the former did earn first team All-NBA honours this past season. "Looking at this team, our overall balance is what strikes me," Krzyzewski said. "We have lightning-quick guards who can score as well as distribute the basketball. "We have great shooters and explosive scorers, we're big and athletic, and I think we'll really be able to defend." Team USA managing director Jerry Colangelo added: "I think I can speak for the entire coaching staff and say we're extremely excited about the team we will field for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. "I love our depth, which is another indication of the depth of talent our national team program is blessed with. We've got a great mix of talent, scorers, past gold medal winners and outstanding youth."

Smith praises 'outstanding' Marsh


ll-rounder Mitchell Marsh was lauded by Australia captain Steve Smith for his bowling against West Indies. Australia captain Steve Smith hailed Mitchell Marsh for his bowling performance in the tri-series win over West Indies. Marsh took crucial wickets and finished with figures of 3-32 in the decider as his team claimed a 58-run win. The all-rounder removed Darren

Bravo (6), Marlon Samuels (6) and Johnson Charles (45) in Barbados on Sunday. Smith was full of praise for the 24-year-old, saying: "With the ball we were able to hit good areas consistently. I thought Mitchell Marsh was outstanding. "His first spell, I think he bowled six overs for seven runs and had three wickets or something like that. "He was outstanding this evening."Josh Hazlewood finished with a five-for as Australia comfortably defended 270 at Kensington Oval. Hazlewood was named the player of the series after taking 11 wickets at an average of 20.09. "I

think Josh is getting better and better every day," Smith said. "He's getting a lot more comfortable in his body, I think he's been on the park for a significant amount of time now and he's very comfortable in that regard. That's a start.

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