DailyNews-May 03 2016

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Rains affect Road Works UG gets new ViceChancellor Contractors are currently completing remedial works at Dennis Street, Sophia, between ‘A’ Field and

Eastern Highway to allow the free flow of traffic until it can effectively complete additional works on the

The Council of the nounced that ProUniversity of Guy- fessor Ivelaw Lloyd ana on Tuesday an- Griffith was selected

IMRAN KHAN RESIGNS FROM NCN BOARD As was promised, Director of Public Information, Imran Khan today tendered his resignation as Director on the Board of the National Communications Network (NCN) as Chief Executive Officer (CEO); Lennox Cornette assumes his position at the stateowned entity.

In his resignation posted on social media; Facebook, Khan stated that “I advised the Prime Minister (to whom the resignation letter was submitted, given his responsibility for the information sector), that in light of the Chairman of the Board having reported to the board,

confirmation of admittance to an act by the individual recommended for a senior administrative position, that I could not associate my name with such an appointment. I am therefore of the conviction that continuing as Director is untenable.” Referring to

the appointment, which he did not name in the letter, but had previously stated, he said he views the decision to make the appointment in light of the available information as “reckless and imprudent.” Lennox Cornette was recently appointed Chief

Two in custody in connection with Parika businessman’s killing


SERIOUS CRIME DOWN BY 19% -Police Force -despite the spate of murders and robberies situation. “Hi g h l i g ht s of these are capacity building in the Criminal Investigation Department that is now manifested in perpetrators of high profile crimes being arrested within two to three The Guyana Police decrease in robberies days of their occurForce (GPF) is report- with aggravation; an rence.That situation ing a 19% decrease in 18% decrease in rape; coupled with the soserious crimes at the and a 22% decrease in cial crime prevenend of April this year break and enter and tion programme and relative to the same larceny. our anti-crime patrol The reports systems as well as period last year. According to made in April 2016 Government policy statistics provided by represent a 32% de- initiatives are develthe Force, there was crease against those oping the public trust a 9% reduction in re- reported in March and reducing the fear ports of murder; a 9% this year, the police of crime in the Guydecrease in gun-relat- say. anese society,” the The GPF be- Force said. ed robberies; an 8% decrease in armed lieves that the slow- The continrobberies where oth- ing down of the uous exposure of er instruments were crime rates is based ranks to training both used by the perpe- on several initiatives locally and internatrators; a 38% de- taken by the govern- tionally has served crease in robberies ment and the Force to develop the Force’s with violence; a 38% to manage the crime ability to deliver at

the frontline level, at management level and at leadership level it adds. At the moment some twelve (12) Assistant Superintendents of the Police Force are attached to the Dade County Police, Miami, for a period of three weeks. This training is likely to expose them to a First World approach on designing tactics and delivering on frontline functions. The Force says so far for this year thirty three (33) members of the Force have received training overseas in various aspects of law enforcement, inclusive of a threemonth Course in Cyber Crime in India, a three-month Course in Advanced Finger-

print Technology also in India, and an Advanced Crime Scene Investigation Course in Russia. According to the police, “Locally, another batch of thirty four (34) new entrants to the Criminal Investigation Department has completed a six-week training programme. This adds to twenty four (24) ranks who completed an Intelligence Gathering and Analysis Course, twenty (20) ranks who participated in a Narcotics Investigators Course, and another thirty five (35) who attended a programme on National Protocols for Child Advocacy Centres Multi-disciplinar y Teams.” Further, all

the Police Divisional Detective Officers and their second-in-command along with all the Officers at the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters were trained by trainers developed by the Justice Education Society (JES) of Canada in Major Crimes Case Management and Investigation. The JES trainers are expected back in Guyana at the end of this month to continue with training under their two-year project. The GPF reported a 14% reduction in serious crime in March, a 12% decrease in February, and a 6% decrease in January.

assaults, and narcotics trafficking has pushed up the rate of serious crimes and that there are about two armed robberies on an average every day and an average of about three murders per week” Rohee told media opratives. However, police statistics released today stated that there has been a 19% decrease in crimes. To this, the General Secretary said “people tend to-

wards public perception and regardless of the statistics public perception will always contest.” Rohee criticized the functioning of the National Security Committee and the joint service

anti-crime and the Operation Dragnet noting that “Neither the government nor the Guyana Police Force will admit that the crime situation is out of control nor that they are losing the war on crime.”

PPP wants gov’t to activate Parliamentary Committee on Public Safety and Security The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) today lashed out at the David Granger-led government over the spate of crime in the country. General Secretary of the PPP; Clement Rohee who also served as Minister of Home Affairs up until May, 2015 stated that “It is clear that the Granger administration’s public security plan is a total

disaster,” during the party’s weekly press conference. He noted that the APNU+AFC administration had promised to bring the crime situation under control, however there is a failure to match words with deeds. According to Rohee, “the government lacks the courage and political will to admit its mistakes and that it has changed course on

its electoral promises and shaky initiatives earlier announced. Instead, it prefers to keep flip-flopping in an effort to prove it can govern.” Rohee called on the government to activate the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Public Safety and Security which he said was set up under his administration. “The lethal use of illegal firearms, gang related

Two in custody in connection with Parika businessman’s killing In addition to the female who was taken into police custody for the murder of Seeram Singh, a Parika businessman, a man is now being questioned for same. Sources close to the GUYANA DAILY NEWS say the man now being tak-

en into custody is a friend of the woman, and she had contracted him to kill Singh. He was arrested on Sunday. Investigators are trying to find out why the woman wanted the businessman dead. Fifty-two year

old Seeram Singh of Lot 40 Parika Outfall, East Bank Essequibo, was stabbed to his ab-

domen and shot twice – to his head and hip. Police say the man was talking

to someone on his mobile phone when he was attacked and stabbed. Singh ran towards a shop to seek help but the gunman gave chase and caught up with him. A scuffle ensued and it was then the suspect discharged two

rounds at Singh. As the businessman fell, the gunman relieved him of two gold chains and escaped. Singh was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, West Coast Demerara, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

CGX optimistic about in drilling in Guyana, despite challenges CGX Energy Inc says it is very optimistic about exploration and development drilling in Guyana and is looking forward to a stronger 2016, despite facing

numerous challenges last year. The Company, in a statement explained that the prevalence of low international oil prices and a global down-

swing in exploration budgets significantly impacted its business plan. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the company said it was “successful in its ability to dramatically cut costs, deal with its significant payables and move towards monetising some of its non-core assets.”

The Guyana Police Force is seeking the assistance of members of the public in identifying a woman who was the victim of a fatal accident that occurred on April 04, 2016, at Regent and Cummings Street, Georgetown. Anyone with information that may

lead to her identification is asked to contact the police on telephone numbers

225-6411, 227-1152, 227-2272, 227-1270, 911 or the nearest Police Station.


CGX Energy is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration company focused on the exploration of oil in the Guyana-Suriname Basin. The company is currently drilling in the Corentyne Block in Berbice. Of all the companies operating in the country, CGX Energy is said to be

the most exposed. The company’s entire portfolio is focused on Guyana, in both the onshore and offshore basins. Onshore, the company holds a majority stake in the Berbice Block, through the ON Energy joint venture, owned 62.5 per cent by CGX Energy and 37.5 per cent by local investors.

Ho w e v e r, exploration results on the block have been disappointing, with three dry holes drilled in 2005. Moving offshore, it has a 100 per cent stake in three offshore blocks, Corentyne, Corentyne Annex and Pomeroon.

MAN CHOPPED TO HEAD AFTER RESISTING BANDITS Rawle De Mattos, 45 years, is now a patient in the New Amsterdam Hospital after he was chopped to the head by bandits last night.

Police say around 21:10hrs, De Mattos of Free Yard, Port Mourant, was about to enter his premises when he was held up by two

men, one of whom was armed with a handgun and the other with a cutlass. De Mattos put up a resistance during which he was

chopped to his head. The perpetrators took away a cell phone and $6,000.00 and escaped. Investigations are in progress.

position at the stateowned entity. In his resignation posted on social media; Facebook, Khan stated that “I advised the Prime Minister (to whom the resignation letter was submitted, given his responsibility for the information

sector), that in light of the Chairman of the Board having reported to the board, confirmation of admittance to an act by the individual recommended for a senior administrative position, that I could not associate my name with such an appointment. I am therefore of the conviction that continuing as Director is untenable.” Referring to the appointment, which he did not name in the letter, but had previous-

ly stated, he said he views the decision to make the appointment in light of the available information as “reckless and imprudent.” Lennox Cornette was recently appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Communications Network (NCN), even after he admitted forgery during his tenure as Public Relation officer at GT&T in 1999. He admitted to forging the signature of Deputy General Manager

Imran Khan resigns from NCN Board

As was promised, Director of Public Information, Imran Khan today tendered his resignation as Director on the Board of the National Communications Network (NCN) as Chief Executive Officer (CEO); Lennox Cornette assumes his

of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT&T) Company in 1999, Terry Holder, on a document which led to his departure in 2000, an incident which led to his visa to the United States subsequently being revoked. In a previous interview with this entity, Cornette admitted to forgery noting that he only signed his “own job letter. It was nothing that was not facts in the letter, the only thing was that, it was Terry Holder’s name and that was the problem.” However reports stated that the letter was for a Western High Commission in Guyana. Khan had raised concerns in relation to the appointment in a thread of emails between the Chairman of NCN’s Board; Bishwa Panday which was publicized. Khan had at the time threatened that if the appointment is not rescinded, he will resign. The Chairman had admitted to making the appoint-

ment, with support of majority of the board members, he said. Mr. Cornette is a Communication Consultatnt, holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the Australian Institute of Business, a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences (Mass Communications), a Diploma in Public Communication and Certificates in Planning and Promotion from Bailbrook College, England. His work experience includes engagements with both the local and international private sector in the fields of Communication and Management. His last position was Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Jaling Forest Industries Inc. where he was in charge of administration and operations. The author of the book “The Development of Telecommunications in Guyana (18841994)” will take up his position from May 1, 2016.

Media urged to take full advantage of Press Freedom As Guyana joins with the rest of the world to observe World Press Freedom Day 2016, under the theme “Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms- Your Right!” the Guyana Press Association (GPA) has urged journalists to take advantage of Guyana’s access to information regime by putting it to the test, to release major aspects of otherwise confidential decision-making by the Guyana government regardless of which party is in power. The GPA said

“this will allow us as media practitioners to fulfill a major aspect of our role in imparting information to the wider public to aid them in rational decision-making that can collectively impact on the social, economic, political and cultural development of Guyana.” In the same vein, the American Embassy in Guyana in its statement to mark the occasion pointed out that, in order to serve this critically important function, journalists must have “Access to Information and

Fundamental Freedoms.” It used the opportunity to call on journalists to be responsible and professional, in providing information on critical sectors of the economy in order to ensure that the gains in the last fifty years are protected. “Issues of transparency and accountability, the effective and efficient use of natural resources such as oil, gold, and timber, gender equality, health care, prison reform and the justice system, and so

much more, must be part of a robust public discussion in a thriving democracy like Guyana.” the diplomatic mission said. The US noted that World Press Freedom Day 2016 is especially significant in Guyana because, as the government nears completion of its first full year in office, and on the heels of the first local government elections in over twenty-two years. President David Granger has recently stated that the State is obliged to preserve, protect and to promote citizens’ right to freedom of expression, noting

that “Free access to information is an inalienable right of every citizen and an indispensable condition of democratic society.” The Head of state expressed the commitment that his regime will not undermine the professionalism of state media workers by subjecting them to political direction or interference in their work. This comment follows earlier con-

cerns raised by the GPA in relation to political interference into the work of the Guyana Chronicle and the National C o m mu n i c at i o n s Network (NCN). He said the government is also committed to non-interference in the independent media, noting that Independent media act as watchdogs of government.

“THEY GOTTO DO…WE GOTTO DO TOO” -Vendors tell Council

push carts to ply their trade as the Georgetown city Council moves to relocate them from around the Stabroek area and along the pavements in the city to another plot of land. When the GUYANA DAILY NEWS visited the Stabroek area it was chaotic this morning.

as he sold footwears to passersby from his minibus which is usually used to transport the items from his home to a tent on the roadside. The tent was removed as part of the city’s cleanup campaign. It was announced last week by Town Clerk Royston King during a meet-

being removed, a visit to the plot of land today, showed that the gate is locked, blocking vendors from entering the compound. According to reports, the businessman; Hareshnarine ‘Chinee’ Sugrim who owns the plot of land locked the gate, said he is awaiting a formal agreement with the Mayor and City Council. He told a local online news environs of Stabroek agency that while a Market will be “tem- verbal agreement was porarily” relocated to made, he has requesta lot at Hadfield and ed a legal agreement Lombard Streets for four months to facilitate plans to restore the Stabroek Market. It was promised that the lot would be fitted with security, lighting and other facilities. Howe ve r, while the vendors are

that will ensure that the vendors evacuate the premises after the period that it was requested for. Further, the businessman stated that no one is allowed to build on the premises. Efforts to contact the Town Clerk for a comment on the issue were futile. One of the many premises that were damaged during the relocation process is that of the Brassonic store on Water Street. The owner of the store is reporting

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) had added its voice to the controversy surrounding the renaming of the Ogle International Airport, stating that government has to take into consideration the “many competition issues that surround the management and regulation” of the airport. President David

Correia. However, this suggestion by the President has been met with much resistance from some stakeholders at the airport, who believe that the President’s suggestion is unfair. In December of last year, nine of ten opGranger last year ex- ana’s first Minister erators at the airport pressed his desire to of Communications, formed the National rename the airport in Shipping and Avia- Air Transport Assohonour of the Guy- tion, the late Eugene ciation (NATA) and had strongly objected

to the renaming. The group believed that the name gives the Trans Guyana Company a marketing advantage as the Correia name is linked to their operation. Trans Guyana was the only operator not part of the association. However, attention was once again shifted to this issue after the President, on his weekly television show “The Public In-

Vendors have opted to One vendor stated ing with the vendors selling from the their that “while they gotto that that those plyvehicles and utilize do, we gotto do too,” ing their trade in the

that damages to the property would be almost $1 million, since lights and surveillance cameras were attached to the shed. The City Councillors are expected to meet before the end of the week to discuss the way forward as officers of the city constabulary continues to patrol the Stabroek market and surrounding area to ensure that vendors do not resort to their previous spots to vend.

PSC to Gov’t: consider majoring in renaming of Ogle Airport

terest,” expressed that the objections to the renaming reflected small-mindedness on the part of the operators. This prompted a response from Captain Gerry Gouveia, Managing Director of Roraima Airways which operates out of Ogle – who stated on popular social media site, Facebook, that “consultative democracy [was] out the

Weather affecting works at Dennis St, Sophia Contractors are currently completing remedial works at Dennis Street, Sophia, between ‘A’ Field and Eastern Highway to allow the free flow of traffic until it can effectively complete additional works on the stretch of road. In a statement today, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure explained that

following the recent rehabilitation works that saw the completion of approximately 300 metres of timber revetment along Dennis Street, a second phase of work was scheduled, however, the inclement weather has hindered the works, leading to water lodging on the road. Works com-

pleted on April 14, included the installation of steel tierods and “dead man” structures, while

the second phase of works will see the application of prime coat which would effectively seal the ex-

isting stretch of road, thus preventing water penetration. “ T h e re f ore , remedial works are currently being undertaken to remedy the situation. These remedial works include the grading of the stretch of road to allow for the unhindered passage of traffic” the Ministry said. The other

phases of this project will include the filling of depressions; shaping of the parapets; scarifying; and resurfacing of the entire Dennis Street. The Ministry is requesting the general public’s patience and cooperation during this time and would like to assure that the situation is one of priority.

Professor Ivelaw Griffith is UG’s new Vice-Chancellor The Council of the University of Guyana on Tuesday announced that Professor Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith was selected as the University’s 10th Vice-Chancellor. In a statement, the institution said Professor Griffith will assume office on June 14, 2016. Griffith will be replacing Nigerian Professor, Dr Jacob Opadeyi whose contract is soon coming to an end. The statement from the University noted that “Professor Griffith was selected after an exhaustive national, regional and international search, short listing of three candidates and evaluation based on a series of lectures, the candidates’ credentials and an interview

by the Search Committee appointed by Council.” The new Vice Chancellor would take the rein at a time when the University is faced with several issues. In the recent past, the institution has seen protests from the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) and the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) along with the Student society; all calling for better services and infrastructure at the facility. Professor Griffith, is currently Executive-in-Residence at the University at Albany, State University of New York. He has held a number of other leadership positions,

including President of Fort Valley State University in Georgia, Provost and Senior Vice President at York College in New York, Provost at Radford University in Virginia, Dean of the Honours College at Florida International University, and Budget Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida International University. He was the first person in the University of Guyana’s history to graduate with Distinction in Political Science in 1980 and has since maintained his tenure as a political science professor. Professor Griffith has gained international recognition in the field of Caribbean and

retary, Dr William J. Perry. In addition to his Bachelor of Social Science (Political Science, with Distinction) degree from the University of Guyana, he also hemispheric securi- Defence Studies in secured a Diploma ty, drugs and crime, Washington DC, the in Communications as one of the lead- Royal Military Col- from UG. Moreover, ing scholars in those lege in Canada and he holds a Master fields. He has pub- the George Marshall of Arts degree from lished seven books European Centre for Long Island Universiand more than 50 Security Studies in ty in New York and a academic and pol- Germany. He was Master of Philosophy icy articles, and he one of 45 experts and PhD degrees in has served as a con- commissioned by the Political Science from sultant to the Com- OAS Secretary Gen- the City University of monwealth Secretar- eral to review hemi- New York Graduate iat, USAID, Canada’s spheric drug policies School. Further, he Ministry of Foreign and practices and completed the proAffairs, and he has offer anti-drug sce- gram in Educationtestified before the narios. For his ex- al Leadership at the Graduate U.S. Congress on se- ceptional work in Harvard curity issues. his field of expertise, School of Education. The new he was awarded the Vice-Chancellor has 2015 William J. Perry been a visiting schol- Award named in honar at the Perry Cen- our of former United tre for Hemispheric States Defence Sec-

PSC to Gov’t: consider majoring in renaming... that of the Chairman of the Ogle Airport Inc. “will add to the already filled vessel of window”. er was “insulting the day urged the Gov- complaints regarding “Consultative De- intelligence of the ernment to carefully anti-competitive bemocracy out the win- majority of the Air- consider the views of havior of the Board dow!!! There are 10 craft operators” and the majority of oper- of Ogle Airport Inc. competitive compa- that he (Gouveia) was ators at Ogle Airport (one and the same nies at Ogle : baffled by the Head in the interest of all with a company op9 said no , one said of State’s insistence concerned and to yes because it’s their and determination to complete the promNAME and fami- rename the airport ised audit and review. ly. How fair it that?” against the wishes of According to the PSC, the renaming of the Gouveia wrote in his the majority. Facebook post. And more recently, airport in favour of a He went on to state the PSC in a state- former public official that President Grang- ment issued on Tues- of the same name as

erating at the Airport in direct competition with nine (9) other operators.)” “These operators publicly and privately expressed their opposition and dissatisfaction with the re-naming of the airport. We

urge the Government to consider carefully the views of the majority of operators at Ogle Airport in the interest of all concerned and to complete the promised audit and review” the statement said.

Johnson & Johnson hit with $55m damages in talc cancer case “end the litigation”, he said, and force J&J to settle the remaining cases. Analysis: James Gallagher, health editor, BBC news website

used in baby powder and other cosmetics since the 1970s. But the studies on asbestos-free talc give contradictory results. It has been linked to a cancer risk in some studies, but there are concerns that the research may be biased as the studies often rely on people remembering how much talc they used years ago. Other studies have argued there is no link at alland there is no link between talc in contraceptives such as diaphragms and condoms (which would be close to the ovaries) and cancer. Also, there does not seem to be a “dose-response” for talc, unlike with known carcinogens like tobacco where the more you smoke, the greater the risk of lung cancer.

Is talc safe? have Pharmaceutical firm Johnson & Johnson There Johnson & Johnson paid $72m (£51m) in been concerns for years that using tal(J&J) has been or- a similar case. cum powder, particdered to pay more ularly on the genitals, than $55m (£40m) Damages Ms Ristesund may increase the risk in compensation to an American woman was diagnosed with of ovarian cancer. But the evwho says its talcum ovarian cancer in powder caused her 2011 and had to un- idence is not condergo a hysterectomy clusive. The Interovarian cancer. Gloria Riste- and related surgeries. national Agency for sund, 62, said she Her cancer is now in Research on Cancer classifies talc used on used J&J talc-based remission. Following a the genitals as “pospowder products on her genitals for de- three-week trial in a sibly carcinogenic” cades. Missouri state court, because of the mixed The company she was awarded $5m evidence. compensatory - which faces about in 1,200 similar claims damages and $50m in Why is there any debate? - insists its products punitive damages. The mineral Jere Beasley, are safe and says it whose firm represents talc in its natural form will appeal. Res earchers Ms Ristesund, said his does contain asbestos say links with ovarian client was gratified and does cause cancancer are unproven. with the verdict. The cer. However, asbes In February, jury’s decision should tos-free talc has been What should women

do? The charity Ovacome says there is no definitive evidence and that the worst-case scenario is that using talc increases the risk of cancer by a third. But it adds: “Ovarian cancer is a rare disease, and increasing a small risk by a third still gives a small risk. So even if talc does increase the risk slightly, very few women who use talc will ever get ovarian cancer.” A J&J spokeswoman said the verdict contradicted 30 years of research supporting the safety of cosmetic talc. Carol Goodrich said the company intends to appeal and will keep defending its products’ safety.

February, in which Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $72m to the family of a woman who claimed her death was linked to use of the company’s Baby Powder talc. Jackie Fox from Birmingham, Alabama died of ovarian cancer last year, aged 62, having used the talc for decades. Her family argued that the firm knew of talc risks and failed to warn users. J&J is appealing against that verdict, which sparked renewed interest in talc-powder lawsuits. Lawyers accuse J&J of failing to warn that talc was linked to an increased risk for ovarian cancer a claim J&J denies. There are 1,200 other cases pending. shares Other cases pending J&J The case fol- were down 18 cents lows another one in in after-hours trading to $112.57.

US election 2016: Trump-Cruz row precedes Indiana primary Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has warned that America would “plunge into an abyss” if it elected Donald Trump. He spoke after Mr Trump suggested Mr Cruz’s fatherwas connected to the man who killed President John F Kennedy. The New York tycoon is poised to deliver a crushing blow to Mr Cruz as Indiana votes in the latest primary. Mr Cruz’s advisers had targeted Indiana as the senator’s best hope of halting Mr Trump’s march to the nomination. Howe ve r, polls show Mr Trump with a sizeable lead in the mid-western state. Mr Cruz attacked Mr Trump on Tuesday, calling the

billionaire businessman “totally amoral,” “a pathological liar” and “a serial philanderer”. Responding, Mr Trump said “Ted Cruz is a desperate candidate trying to save his failing campaign. “It is no surprise he has resorted to his usual tactics of over-the-top rhetoric that nobody believes.” Mr Cruz and fellow candidate John Kasich are hoping to force a contested convention where party officials, not voters, choose the nominee. If Mr Trump

wins Indiana, the New York businessman will likely reach the required 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination and avoid such a scenario. Meanwhile in the Democratic battle, polls show Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders locked in a tight race in Indiana. However, a Sanders win in Indiana would do little to erase Mrs Clinton’s commanding lead. The Clinton campaign has shifted its focus to other states, opting not to actively campaign or spend money in Indi-

ana. Mr Trump told supporters on Monday that he is eager turn his attention to the general election. “You know if we win it’s over, and then I can focus,” he said at a campaign rally in the state. Mr Cruz cannot get enough delegates to win the nomination outright, but hopes he can still deprive Mr Trump of a majority. He has thrown considerable resources into the state in recent days. Ted Cruz’s father is tied to the Kennedy assassination. Donald Trump is a pathological liar, a narcissist and a serial philanderer. Mr Cruz is unhinged and desperate. That is just a taste of the accusa-

tions that have been flying between the two top Republican presidential hopefuls on the day primary voters in Indiana head to the polls. If recent opinion surveys are any indication, Mr Trump is poised to deliver a mortal blow to the Cruz campaign in a state the Texan had once described as “favourable terrain”. Mr Cruz has thrown everything he can at his opponent - brokering a deal to clear out rival candidate John Kasich, breaking with tradition and naming his vice-presidential running mate early, even engaging Trump supporters in a streetside debate. None of it has worked. Mr Cruz ran an efficient, tactically sound campaign that allowed him to survive long after most

of his competitors had faltered. But now, facing Mr Trump in a head-to-head showdown with everything at stake, his best efforts may prove to be far from enough. “Indiana is in a position to decide the direction of this race, not just for Indiana, not just for the Republican Party, but for the entire country,” he told supporters in the state. “I think... the country is depending on Indiana to pull us back from this cliff.” The third Republican candidate, Mr Kasich, is no longer campaigning in Indiana. He and Mr Cruz reached a deal last month to coordinate their strategies against Mr Trump, a move which prompted Mr Trump to label them “desperate”.

German couple tortured two women to death, police say Police in Germany investigating the deaths of two women say they were the victims of a couple who held them hostage and tortured them. They say a man and his ex-wife placed dating advertisements to lure the women to their home. The suspects - Wilfried W, 46, and Angelika B, 47 - were arrested last Wednesday and charged with manslaughter. The man denies any wrongdoing but his partner is reported to have confessed. Detectives believe there may be further victims and

are searching the couple’s home in Hoexter, north-western Germany.

The first case Police have for weeks been investigating the death of a 41-year-old woman, known as Susanne F, who they believe was held hostage and tortured in the couple’s residence. That case came to light when the couple allegedly tried to drive the badly injured woman to her home in Lower Saxony in April. But their car broke down and as they waited for a taxi, the woman’s health

deteriorated. They called an ambulance, but the woman died later in hospital, where suspicions about her injuries arose and the police were warned. ‘Serious physical torture’ At a news conference on Tuesday, police said they now believed the couple had killed and dismembered another young woman before disposing of her remains in their fireplace. Annika W, 33, also from Lower Saxony, died in August 2014. Like Suzanne F, she had responded to a dating advertise-

ment in late 2013. “The victim suffered again and again from very serious physical torture like being hit all over the body, chained to heaters, being enslaved and beaten,” chief prosecutor Ralf Meyer told a news conference. “S omet imes the victim had to sleep on the bare floor of cold rooms. Hence, her physical condition became worse and worse.” He said that in summer 2014, the victim reached a life-threatening state, as a consequence of which she died on 1 August, 2014.

Police believe the motive for the murders was more likely to be power-related than sexual. Angelika B is reported to have made a full confession, arguing that she only obeyed the man after also being tortured by him. Further investigations are said to support her statement. The head of the investigation, Ralf

Oestermann, said officers were conducting a detailed forensic examination of the house. “We cannot totally exclude the possibly that another woman died there,” he told reporters. The full names of those involved in the case have not been released inline with German privacy laws.

Venezuelans lose sleep as crisis deepens and clocks move forward CARACAS, Venezuela, Tuesday May 3, 2016 – Venezuelans lost half-an-hour of sleep on Sunday when their clocks moved forward to conserve energy as the country grapples with a severe electricity shortage. When President Nicolas Maduro announced the time change, Science and Technology Minister Jorge Arreaza said the night-time use of lighting and air conditioning was a huge drain on the national power grid. The time change means there is a half an hour more daylight in the evening when energy

consumption peaks, itv reported. The move reverses the original time change made by late President Hugo Chavez so that children could wake up for school in daylight. The time change was ordered by Maduro as one of a number of measures he is implementing to try to deal with a severe economic and energy crisis, BBC News reported. The government has already ordered rolling blackouts and reduced the work week for public sector workers to just two days. Caracas has

also ordered shopping malls to open only half-time and generate their own electricity, and schools to

close on Fridays. M a d u r o blames the energy crisis on a severe drought, which he says has drained the country’s hydroelectric dams and its capacity to generate power. His critics say

claims that the situation has been caused by an “economic war” against his socialist government waged by the country’s business elite and the United States. Me a nw h i l e , the opposition in Congress, which took over the legislature in December, has accused Maduro and his government of deep economic cri- economic mismansis largely caused by agement and incoma drop in global oil petence. They have prices. pledged to drive him The country is staggering under the out of office and are burden of widespread gathering the signashortages of basic tures needed to orgagoods like toilet pa- nise a referendum to per and staple foods. remove him. By Saturday M a d u r o the crisis is due to mismanagement of the energy sector. Oil-rich Venezuela is mired in a

they said they had collected nearly two million signatures, representing 10 times the amount required by the country’s electoral board. Provided the board verifies the signatures, the government’s opponents will then have to collect four million more – to total 20 percent of voters – for the board to organise a referendum vote. For the referendum to be successful, an equal or greater number of voters than the 7,587,579 who elected Maduro in 2013 would have to cast their vote in favour of the recall.

The 704 Sports Bar will again be launching its 3rd Annual Arm Wrestling Championship tomorrow at the Sports Bar on Lamaha and Albert Streets. The launch is scheduled for 13:00hrs. The event’s sponsors will be announced at the launch, along with

3rd arm wrestling challenge returns prize giveaways, trophies and monetary awards. The tournament has garnered lots of local attention since its start in 2014.

Arm wrestling involves two participants. Each places one arm on a surface with their elbows bent and touching the surface, and they grip

each other’s hand. The goal is to pin the other’s arm onto the surface, with the winner’s arm over the loser’s arm.

Jamal Goodluck takes over GLTA helm

Jamal Goodluck is the new president of the Guyana lawn Tennis Association (GLTA) following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Georgetown Club recently. According to a release from the GLTA, Goodluck who sought election for the post along with Robert Bostwick became the youngest president of the association at age 25. The outgoing president Grace McCalman in presenting her report, reflected

on her term saying that her most prized accomplishment was achieving the unprecedented pledge by the Government of Guyana to give the green light on the construction of eight tennis courts at the National Racquet Centre through a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU). This feat the release stated was previously unattainable for decades. The release went on to quote McCalman as saying after pledge would

have materialized; the GLTA will have foundation to develop tennis in Guyana. The former President lamented on the immense gratitude she has towards the various stakeholders that have contributed the association. And she expounded that there has been improvements in club activities which as a result contributed to the increased interest shown by members in general. Me a nw h i l e , Goodluck thanked the clubs for having

confidence in electing a young president and sees it as a hallmark in the development of the sport. “The GLTA is setting a precedent in molding the young leaders to take the sport to the next level”, he expressed. His vision is to create a larger footprint of tennis in the landscape of sports through expansion of programs within the various regions and schools. At the top of the agenda is developing a home for

tennis and revision of the strategic plan. Goodluck reassured his commitment to take the baton from McCalman and emulate the hard work that has been done in these areas. The president, in recognising the low level of capacity and waning interest of persons in building organisations, called upon the new executive members to be honest about their limitations but do their best. He congratulated the new team

and expressed confidence in the young executive. The team is made up of: 1st Vice-President– Nigel Nile, 2nd Vice-President – Ramesh Seebarran, Secretary –Asif Subhan, Treasurer – Leroy Chapman, Asst. Secretary/TreasurerOswin Coggins and Committee Members Grace McCalman, Robert Bostwick, Nicholas Young, and Cristy Campbell. The Public Relations Officer is Shaquille Bourne

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