DailyNews- May 04 2016

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monie, West Back Demerara is now cident last evening. dead following an ac-

For the period Janu- (GPF) has recorded more than last year ary to April 2016, the forty-four road fatal- for the corresponding Guyana Police Force ities, which is nine period.


Members of the business community are deeply disturbed about the current crime situation in Guyana. The Private Sector Commission (PSC), in a statement

today noted that the community is more so concerned as the jubilee celebrations draw near. “The Private Sector Commission and other members of

the business community are, especially as we enter into a month of festivities for our Golden Jubilee when we are hoping to attract the diaspora and other visitors to join


in our celebrations. This situation is also steadily eroding investor confidence,” the statement added. The Commission said it met twice with the Minister of

M&CC considering shuttle system to ease traffic in city

RAMJATTAN Police Force PROMISES reports increase SAFETY DURING in road fatalities JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Guyanese and persons expected to visit Guyana for the celebration of the country’s 50th Independence anniversary are being assured by Minister of Public Security, KhemrajRamjattan that their safety will be prioritised. The Minister in an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA), outlined the steps being taken to ensure citizens safety. “We intend to put out lots more people in the street, we intend to ask for traffic cops to also come on board to ensure that we have more or less a disciplined kind of traffic in the streets of Georgetown … everything is being preplanned so that we can have a safe, very stable country,” he explained. Members from the disciplined

services-the Guyana Fire Service, the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force will be supporting the efforts, Minister Ramjattan disclosed. In addition, the Minister noted that security efforts must be a joint one, and called for the support of citizens. “We are asking members of the community policing groups to be there, and we are also asking the general population to help out in this regard,” the Minister urged. International bodies such as Interpol and the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the United States, Britain and Canada have offered to lend a helping hand in ensuring security, the Public Security Minister pointed out. He added that those agencies will help in

areas such as trafficking in persons and drugs. According to the Minister, “The confidence level of the policemen has been increased because of a lot things that we have done, with seminars they go on, and the other workshops that they have all around.” Further, he noted that continued capacity building for police officers has resulted in the year 2016 seeing lower levels of crime when compared to 2013, 2014 and 2015. Operation Dragnet that was implemented during the Christmas season is still in full effect, and this will be complemented by a number of other operations aimed at increasing security The Police Force has outlined a number of initiatives that it is embarking on to ensure public safety during the Independence celebrations. Guyana is set to celebrate its Golden Jubilee anniversary on May 26, 2016 under the theme “Reflect, Celebrate, Inspire.”

For the period January to April 2016, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has recorded forty-four road fatalities, which is nine more than last year for the corresponding period. According to statistics provided by the Force, while there was a reduction in serious accidents, there have been increases in minor and damage accidents. Some 25,118 persons have been charged with traffic offences so far this year. This includes 9,140 for speeding and 696 for driving under the influence, the statistics revealed. According to the police, “In preparation for increased social activities during our 50th Independence Anniversary Celebrations the Guyana Police Force has planned a

number of initiatives that include additional manpower deployment particularly in tourist hotspots. All Annual Vacation Leave due to ranks will be suspended for the month.” The police continued that “The Force is assuring that there will be increased patrols along the East Bank Demerara corridor and other major arteries; increased collaboration with its auxiliaries and other partners; increased vigilance at all the Ports of Entry; increased Immigration deployment at the Ports for the fast-

er processing of passengers; escorts and close-protection will be provided for VIPs; efforts to maintain traffic enforcement to prevent congestion and deal with drunk driving and speeding; and Operation Dragnet activities that benefit from Joint Services collaboration will increase.” In addition, the Force is urging members of the public to participate in the Independence Anniversary Celebrations responsibly, as it wishes all Guyana a Happy 50th Independence Anniversary.

M&CC considering shuttle system to ease traffic in city As the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is working to clean up the Stabroek Market square which entails the removal of minibuses and taxis from their original parking areas to some distance beyond their former Stabroek Market parks, causing traffic congestion, it urges that citizens exercise some amount of patience. Town Clerk; Royston King said that the public will soon be eased of this situation, “since it is clear that the city, particularly the commercial hubs, can no longer take the influx of commuters, vehicles, shoppers, vendors, taxi drivers and minibus.” The Town Clerk and his Officers are currently working on plans for a bus shuttling system that will see all mini-buses and taxis exiting the city centre and busy

commercial hubs, the statement added. “The areas which include industrial site, the East Ruimveldt Market area, Upper Water Street, the Railway Embankment area, and Council lands at Woolford Avenue among other locations will house terminals for minibuses heading to particular destinations. Persons heading to the city will be shuttled” the Council said. Recognizing that a shuttling sys-

tem would require additional fees from commuters, the Town Clerk said that this matter is being taken into consideration. The councilis alsoin the process of finalizing proper enforcement mechanisms of traffic regulations in the city. In this regard, it is placing all container truck owners and operators on notice as it promises greater enforcement of city traffic laws. The Council is urging persons

to adhere to the law and welcomes them to make contact with the Municipality for further advice. The M&CC is governed by the Municipal and District Councils Act Chapter 28:01 which provides them with much jurisdiction over the city, and its management, including full responsibility for the management of traffic in the city. According to city By-laws, “… it is unlawful for any person to drive or propel

Parika businessman shooter identified during ID parade

An eyewitness has positively identified the man who was in police custody in connection with the murder of Parika fuel dealer Seeram Singh as the shooter. During an identification parade yesterday an eyewitness

positively recognized the man. In addition, police sources say gunpowder residue was found on the man’s clothing. He is to appear before the Court to answer to the murder charge

shortly. E a r l i e r thisweek police took a woman into custody who is believed to have hired the hitman to execute the murder. The woman reportedly shared an intimate relationship with the now

dead man. Fifty-two year old Seeram Singh of Lot 40 Parika Outfall, East Bank Essequibo, was stabbed to his abdomen and shot twice – to his head and hip at the weekend. Police say the

any vehicle the weight of which laden or unladen shall exceed three tons…” The regulation also states the specified streets and hours for which these vehicles types shall use city roadways. “These heavy type vehicles are permitted to use city roadways; High Street, extending from Lamaha to Young Street, Main Street extending from Church to Lamaha Streets and Brickdam extending from Av-

enue of the Republic to Vlissengen Road between the hours of 18:00hours to 06:00 hours (6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.). Any other route has to be notified by the Town Clerk’s office, Gazetted and published in the newspapers” the M&CC’s statement outlined. In the meantime, Chief Constable, Andrew Foo opined that Georgetown is now being allowed to breathe. According to FOO, his ranks “will now be playing a greater role in helping to ensure the proper management of the city.” The general cleanup and beautification campaign ongoing in the cityseeks to address wanton and disorganized vending, traffic congestion, illegal or unapproved construction and continuous disregard of Council By-laws.

man was talking to someone on his mobile phone when he was attacked and stabbed. Singh ran towards a shop to seek help but the gunman gave chase and caught up with him. A scuffle ensued and it was then the suspect discharged

two rounds at Singh. As the businessman fell, the gunman relieved him of two gold chains and escaped. Singh was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, West Coast Demerara, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Forensic Audit recommends upgrade of Ogle Airport The Forensic Audit report on operations of the Passport Office for the period; January, 01, 2012 to May, 31, 2015 recommends several upgrades for the Ogle Airport. This comes even as the authorities are engaged in a row over the renaming of the airport to Eugene F. Correia International Airport, in recognition of Guyana’s first Minister of Communications, Shipping and Aviation. The report dated March 16, and

Ogle International Airport is owned by the Government but is run by the private company, Ogle Air-

port Inc. formed by a local consortium of airline operators which assumed management of the airport on December 01, 2001. The Airport is the base of operations for several local aircraft operators including: Trans Guyana Airways; Air Services Limited (ASL); Roraima Airways Ltd; Oxford Aviation; Hinterland Aviation, Domestic Aviation, Fenix Aviation, Wings Aviation and JAGS Aviation (BK). In 2003, con-

struction began that year to expand the facility to an international airport with upgraded facilities for immigration, customs, air traffic control, health and fire service. The lengthened and expanded runway was commissioned. The development of the airport includes the construction of a new category 2 (C) 1199 meter x 30 meter runway, a 25 meter wide taxiways and a one storey terminal building.

lives and a more aggressive strategy is needed to curb the high profile crimes which are headlined daily. The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG)recently expressed concerns about the recent criminal activities which is published in the newspapers daily. The religious body said it is “appalled at the current crime waves that have overtaken our Country resulting in the loss of life and property of many hardworking and decent citizens of Guyana.” Also joining the call was the opposition; People’s Pro-

gressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) who just yesterday urged that the government activate the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Public Safety and Security, which it said was set up before the last General and Regional Elections. The Party further criticized the government for the ongoing crime situation in the country. Despite these public outcry, statistics released by the Guyana Police Force on Tuesday reported that there has been a 19% reduction in serious crimes for this year, compared to the same period last year. According to

statistics provided by the Force, there was a 9% reduction in reports of murder; a 9% decrease in gun-related robberies; an 8% decrease in armed robberies where other instruments were used by the perpetrators; a 38% decrease in robberies with violence; a 38% decrease in robberies with aggravation; an 18% decrease in rape; and a 22% decrease in break and enter and larceny. General Secretary of the PPP; Clement Rohee said “people tend towards public perception and regardless of the statistics public perception will always contest.”

completed by accounting firm Maurice Solomon & Co. states that there is need to review the facilities available at the different ports of

consideration the increased passenger arrivals it noted. “With the increase in international traffic at Ogle, priority should be

toms inspection and speedy immigration procedures with additional immigration booths installed for improved service” the report highlighted.

entry, including the number of immigration booths, especially at Ogle Airport. This is taking into

given to upgrade the departure/arrival areas with state of the art facilities for baggage handling, cus-

Granger. In a letter to the President, the PSC said “we are cognisant of the fact that the current crime situation is not a recent phenomenon. We also recognise that the ability of our Police Force to solve crimes has improved. We are, however, of the view that we are in dire need of an approach which is focused on the prevention of crime and that this approach must be communicated widely. We are therefore seeking an urgent audience with you.” The body says it firmly believes that citizens can no longer live in fear of their

Crime situation is eroding investor confidence -PSC Members of the business community are deeply disturbed about the current crime situation in Guyana. The Private Sector Commission (PSC), in a statement today noted that the community is more so concerned as the jubilee celebrations draw near. “The Private Sector Commission and other members of the business community are, especially as we enter into a month

of festivities for our Golden Jubilee when we are hoping to attract the diaspora and other visitors to join in our celebrations. This situation is also steadily eroding investor confidence,” the statement added. The Commission said it met twice with the Minister of Public Security and with the Commissioner of Police to no avail, and is now requesting a meeting with President David

Speaker to consult on frequency of parliamentary sittings

Speaker of the National Assembly Dr. Barton Scotland this afternoon stated that it is his intention to consult with the APNU+AFC and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in relation to the frequency of parliamentary sittings. As the 36th sitting of the Eleventh Parliament commenced this after-

noon after a close to two months break, Dr. Scotland stated that “It is therefore my intention to enter into consultation with all two of the parties with intent to meetings both in this House and in Committee.” The Speaker said this is the suit-

able time to consider the workings of the House as the 11th parliament is nearing its one year anniversary. The 11th parliament commenced in June 2015. The Opposition had made it clear that they are dissatisfied with the recent long break in the sit-

tings of the Assembly and also the meetings of Parliamentary Select Committees, noting that while the Standing Orders allow for the government side to set the date for each sitting, came as a complete “shock.” During a recent press conference,

Opposition’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira stated that several meetings of parliamentary committees have not been meet-

ing as often as they should, given the absence of key personnel from the government side.

Thirty-six year old Naresh Kumar of 36, of 298 Parfaite Harmonie, West Back Demerara is now dead following an accident last evening. Reports are that Kumar, a father of two, lost control of his Mazda Axelacar he was driving and crashed on the Schoonard New Ac-

cess Road, West Bank Demerara. Policesay the accident occurred around 21:50hrs while Kumar was on his way home. The vehicle reportedly toppled several times. Kumar was pronounced dead on arrival at the West Demerara Regional

Hospital. At the time of his death, he was employed as a driver/ salesman at Building Materials Depot on the East Bank of Demerara. Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident.

MAN ARRESTED Parfaite FOR PULLING Harmonie UNLICENSED GUN man dies DURING ARGUMENT in accident A man has been taken into police custody after he pulled out an unlicensed. 38 revolver with four rounds on another man during an argument. Police say during yesterday the two men were involved in an argument at ArangoyBackdam, Cuyuni, during which one of

them pulled out the gun and ammunition on the other one. The firearm was taken away from

him by the other man and handed over to the police. Investigations are ongoing

Edghill sent to Privileges Committee Motions for three Members of Parliament (MPs) to be sent to the Privileges Committee this afternoon led to heated

arguments in the National Assembly. The Committee chaired by the Speaker of the National Assembly:

Dr. Barton Scotland, deals with matters which appears to affect the powers and privileges of the Assembly.

A motion was tabled by Government MP Charrandas Persaud and seconded by MP Jermaine Figueira to send PPP MP Juan Edghill to the Privileges Committee for statements made in the National ber 2015 in relation to Government MinAssembly in Decem- to the pay hike given isters.

CJIA DENIES ASKING TAXI DRIVERS TO WEAR GREEN SHIRTS The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Corporation is refuting claims that taxi drivers attached to the Airport are being asked to wear green shirts to work. The management in a statement said the claim is “outrageous.” Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall on his Facebook page of May 3, 2016 posted “I met with a few taxi driv-

ers today who are attached to Cheddi Jagan International Airport Authority and they complained bitterly to me that they have been instructed by the person in authority at the CJIAA that as from next week, they must wear green Shirt-Jacks to work! This directive must have come from the highest rung of the political ladder. This imposed politiciza-

dent? They are not!” Without verification, the report was carried by online news entity. The Airport’s management said “What is appalling is Mr. Nandlall fell victim to hearsay without seeking to verify tion of a people in to adorn political col- the report with the today’s modern world ors in order to keep appropriate authoriis not only foolish their jobs so that they ty.” but it is a violation of can eke out a living However, the their rights and free- for themselves and statement did condoms… How can a family ever feel that firm that the manpeople who are forced they are indepen- agement is consider-

ing new shirts for the Taxi Drivers and several colours are being considered including red, green, grey, white and even retaining the existing cream they wear at present. It is apt to note, that no final decision has been taken since we are still engaging the taxi drivers on a preferred colour, the CJIA Corporation said.

Edghill was not given an opportunity to respond before the speakers said “I have received your complaint and this matter will now be sent to the Committee of Privileges.” Ad d it i ona l ly, Opposition Chief

statement will hinder Guyana’s relations with Norway and is blatantly misleading. “all 100% of produc- However, Minister tive forest was shared Trotman defended his out prior to us assum- statement saying the ing government.” figures were accurate Teixeira’s let- and in tandem with ter included reports document presented from the Guyana For- to him by the Guyana estry Commission Forestry Commission which contradicts adding that he would Trotman’s statement. be happy to provide She argued that the documentation. Fol-

lowing his refusal to offer an apology, Teixeira called for Trotman to be sent to the Privileges Committee for repeating the sentiment. Trotman in his response had stated that requested that Teixeira be sent to the Privileges Committee instead, to which a decision is pending.

Edghill sent to... The PPP MP allegedly gave an annual figure of the increases that is inaccurate, which Persaud said “violates the privileges of the National Assembly and has brought the House into disrepute.”

Whip: Gail Teixeira, in a letter written to the Speaker had asked that Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman issue an apology over statements made during the consideration of Budget 2016 where he stated that

Haitian nabbed in suspected guns-for-drugs bust in Jamaica

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Wednesday May 4, 2016 – Jamaica’s Marine Police are reporting a massive ganja seizure which they say has dealt

pounds of ganja in the south eastern parish of St. Catherine, that would have fetched just under J$4 million (US$32,630) on the streets of Haiti if the shipment had reached there. Reports indicate that the team was another blow to the patrolling the Pelican guns-for-drugs trade Cay area on Saturday between Jamaica and when they observed Haiti. three 15-gallon bot Over the tles of fuel ashore. weekend they seized This aroused the approximately 650 suspicion of the law-

men, leading them to search the surrounding area. They found the ganja in plastic bags and arrested three men, including a Haitian national, in connection with the seizure. Investigators believed the drugs were being prepared for pick-up and suspected that a vessel to take the ganja to Haiti may have been nearby. Assistance

was sought from the Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard to search further offshore, and initially, nothing was found. However, a few hours later, a 28foot fishing boat suspected to be the pickup vessel was seized at the Port Henderson Fishing Village in St. Catherine. Officer in charge of the Division, Superintendent Carl Ferguson,

commended the two teams that were responsible for the seizures. “The Marine Police are extremely cognizant of the impact that the gunsfor-drugs trade has on Jamaica and Jamaican lives. The actions the teams took on Saturday are indicative of our dedication to doing our part to eradicate this illicit trade once and for all,” he said.

T&T media association says journalists facing cyber bullying, character assassinations PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Wednesday May 4, 2016 – The Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) says it’s extremely concerned about the cyber bullying and malicious character assassinations on media workers in the twin-island republic, particularly investigative journalists. It raised the issue yesterday, on World Press Freedom Day, as the country dropped three places, to 44, in the Reporters Without Borders press freedom rankings. MATT said

ticularly investigative journalists,” it said in a statement. “Finding fresh and proactive ways to prevent such attacks and dealing with them when they do occur remain a that while journalists ment and opposition priority for the assoin Trinidad and To- supporters are dis- ciation.” MATT made bago don’t general- turbing”. “MATT con- reference to the press ly face the threats of physical violence that tinues to be deeply freedom report which are common in more concerned about the noted that under a politically conflicted cyber bullying and bill that would crecharac- ate a Cyber Security locations, “sustained malicious verbal attacks on ter assassinations on Agency, which was journalists by govern- media workers, par- introduced in par-

liament in 2014, the government would be able to crack down on Internet users making online comments deemed to be defamatory. M e a n t i m e , the media association said it will continue to monitor the new government and how it addresses dissemination of information and legislation that ensures the constitutional guarantee of free expression. “To this end,

MATT is seeking to establish a precise set of measurements and a database to record threats against press freedom,” it said. The press freedom report stated that most media outlets in Trinidad and Tobago are privately owned and those regarded as favourable to the government get the lion’s share of state advertising.

to make sure the disease doesn’t spread. The city handed out more than 37 million free NYC Condoms last year, and has given 340 million since the distribution programme began in 2007. “For too long American citizens in Puerto Rico have received second-class treatment,” said City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “The Zika virus poses a serious threat across

the globe and the high infection rates in Puerto Rico are a sombre reminder that Congress must grant Puerto Rico as much health care funding as it provides to all other US Citizens.” The New York Daily News reports that this is not the first time the city’s branded rubbers have made their way to the Caribbean. In 2014 the condoms were smuggled and sold for cash in the Dominican Republic.

NYC sends one million condoms to help fight Zika in Puerto Rico tem disorder, Guillain-Barre syndrome, in adults. “In light of Puerto Rico’s healthcare crisis, we are proud to announce we’ve donated one million condoms to our neighbours,” While the vi- Mayor Bill de Blasio NEW YORK, United States, Wednesday rus is largely spread said in a statement. May 4, 2016 – New by mosquitoes, it can “We stand with the York City is sending also be passed on Puerto Rican people.” a million condoms to through unprotect- “New York Puerto Rico to help ed sex and New York City is home to the the island battle the City’s Health Depart- largest population of ment is sending its Puerto Ricans in the Zika virus. The US island official “NYC Con- continental US, and territory, which has doms” to Puerto Rico many New Yorkers recorded one death in an effort to help travel back and forth from the virus, has curb the spread. to the island,” Health Zika is linked Commissioner so far been hit with Dr 474 locally transmit- to the severe birth de- Mary T. Bassett said. ted cases, more than fect microcephaly, as “We share the fight anywhere else in the well as other forms of against mosquito United States, and the brain damage to ba- borne viruses.” outbreak is expected bies in the womb, and Writing to her a rare nervous sys- Puerto Rican counto get worse.

terpart, Ana RíusArmendáriz, Dr Bassett said: “As the Zika virus epidemic spreads and we continue to learn more about the risk of sexual transmission and birth defects, we wanted to use our resources to help our longstanding partners in Puerto Rico.” Fifty-nine cases of Zika have been identified in New York City, but none were transmitted locally. Officials have been gearing up

Trump nomination divides Republicans Top Republicans are divided on whether to support Donald Trump after the businessman all but secured the party’s presidential nomination. Some took to social media to disavow their membership in the party by burning their voter registration forms. O t h e r s , though, started to fall in line behind the candidate, saying Mr Trump is vastly preferable to Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. Mr Trump is deeply unpopular among many key voting blocs in the US. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it,” South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham said on Tuesday after Texas Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the

race, effectively clearing a path for Mr Trump. Others such as former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who have been harsh critics of Mr Trump in the past, said they would support him in the general election. “There’s a lot about Donald Trump that I don’t like, but I’ll vote for Trump over Hillary any day,” said Ari Fleischer, press secretary for former President George W Bush. Considered a long shot when he launched his campaign in June, Mr Trump has decisively won a large number of states across the US, defeating an experienced field of rivals. Ohio Governor John Kasich has vowed to remain in the Republican race, but trails far behind Mr Trump in terms of delegates. Some Republican analysts fear Mr

Trump’s candidacy could have a crippling effect on other races, giving Democrats the chance to retake the Senate and possibly, but less likely, the House. Republican senators up for re-election in Democratic leaning states such as Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire and Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania have sought to distance themselves from Mr Trump. There are concerns about some of his policies on immigration and national security, like building a wall on the southern US border paid for by Mexico, a ban on Muslims coming to the US and the killing of the families of terrorists. Donald Trump took a televised victory lap on Wednesday, and he gave Republicans concerned about their presumptive nominee

reason to cringe. “I don’t think it’s imperative that the entire party come together,” he said during one interview. “I don’t want everybody.” The billionaire also stood by his call for a temporary ban on all Muslim immigration into the US - a policy popular among Republican primary voters but anathema to much of the general public. For conservatives still vehemently opposed to Mr Trump, there was a silver lining in Tuesday’s developments. Because the nomination has been effectively secured well before the Republican convention in late July, there is still time to organise an independent

presidential challenge if they so desire. Former George W Bush foreign policy advisor Eliot Cohen made that call on Wednesday. Even if such a candidacy fractures conservatives and leads to a Hillary Clinton presidency, he writes in the Washington Post, it would likely prevent the Democrat from receiving a mandate and “keep conservative consciences clean”. Filing deadlines in some states are approaching, which means anti-Trump forces must act quickly to gather the necessary resources. Given that conservative opposition to Mr Trump has

been a step behind for months now, however, that may be a lot to expect. Although Mr Cruz left the race on Tuesday, he did not throw his support behind Mr Trump. Personal attacks between the two candidates grew intense in recent weeks. Mr Trump ridiculed Mr Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and suggested that Mr Cruz’s father was connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who killed President John F Kennedy. On Tuesday, Mr Cruz attacked the billionaire businessman as a “pathological liar” and “serial philanderer”. “I am a fiscal conservative and I am a social conservative,” blogger Ben Howe said. “That will not change. But I will not vote for an egomaniacal authoritarian.”(BBC)

Opposition evicted from Parliament for heckling South Africa’s President

Politicians from an opposition South African party have been removed from parliament after they tried to block President Jacob Zuma from speaking. E c o n o m ic Freedom Fighters (EFF) MPs heckled

and chanted “Zuma leave the house” during his first appearance in parliament since two damning court rulings against him. The speaker ordered security officers to throw them out. On Friday, a

court said that MrZuma should be charged with corruption. The case is related to a multi-billion dollar arms deal the government negotiated in 1999. Last month, South Africa’s highest court, the Constitutional Court, ruled that MrZuma had violated the constitution when he failed to repay government money used to upgrade his private home in the rural area of Nkandla. MrZuma denies any wrongdoing,

and says he will continue to “shepherd” the nation. His term is due to end in 2019. Punches were exchanged and parliamentary benches knocked over as plainclothed security officers dragged the EFF MPs out of their seats and evicted them from the chamber, AFP news agency reports. The MPs had earlier denounced MrZuma as an “illegitimate” ruler who should step down. “We are going to debate giving him

money today, when he is facing over 700 charges of corruption,” EFF MP MbuyiseniNdlozi said, South Africa’s News24 sitereports. M r Z u m a seemed not to be bothered by the chaotic scenes, and delivered a speech in which he focused on government plans to improve South Africa’s struggling economy. “Economic transformation remains pivotal to ensuring a better life for all,” he said. The High

Court said on Friday that prosecutors should review their 2009 decision to drop 783 charges of corruption, fraud and racketeering against MrZuma over the arms deal. After the Constitutional Court ruling, the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, failed in a bid to impeach MrZuma as the governing African National Congress (ANC) rallied behind him in parliament. End (BBC)

WIFBSC Short Range C/ships 2016 – Antigua Jaguar edge Lion in latest Team Practice Match Team Jaguar edged Team Lion by three points when members of the Guyana National Rifle Association (GuyanaNRA) members practice continued ahead of this month’s West Indies Fullbore Shooting Council Short Range Championships in Antigua, May 16-22, 2016. The four-man team shoot was held to assist members to improve their competitiveness ahead of

what is anticipated to be a very competitive Caribbean championships with the likes of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Bermuda keen on wresting the title from the defending champions, Guyana. Competition was at the 300, 500 and 600 yards ranges on a day that was overcast resulting in eventual rain which saw a halt in proceedings at the 500 yards

range for about one hour before the action resumed. Team Jaguar member Leo Romalho enjoyed a near perfect day having dropped a single point at the three contested ranges. Caribbean Individual Champion Lennox Braithwaite was also in good form dropping four points while National Vice-Captain and Team Lion member Dylan Fields was five points off a perfect

day. Coaching Team Jaguar to victory were Braithwaite and Paul Slowe while at the helm for the Lion’s were Fields and local Individual Champion, RansfordGoodluck. Fullbore Captain Mahendra Persaud was unavoidably absent from last Sunday’s shoot but is expected to be tomorrow when another team shoot would be held.

GUYANA OUT! TRINIDAD IN! -Twin Island outbids Guyana for CPL finals

Guyana has failed to produce the bid needed to secure the 2016 semi-finals and finals of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) the government here has announced. “The state of play is that it seems as though Trinidad has outbid us and they are having those discussions,” Minister of Education with responsibility for sportDr. Roopnarine, told media officials to-

day. The words stick anguish in the hearts of many locals who had feared that Guyana was premature in announcing its success to secure the marquee matches in the tournament. And while it is solidified that Guyana will not be hosting the 2016 edition of the tournament’s final three matches, questions now turn to the actual costs that

the government of Guyana would have incurred. While Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman had indicated that the CPL committee wanted US$2M for the tournament, he also maintained the GOG was in the process of getting it for a lower price, approximately US1.5M However, an outside source is disputing that figure

saying the government went as high as US$2.5M at one time to secure the hosting. Daily news has not been able to ascertain the actual CPL documents to confirm the price but is trying to get hold of several CPL officials. Shattered are the dreams of Guyanese cricket fans as the announcement came yesterday that Trinidad outbid Guyana for the

semi-final and finals of the 2016 edition of the Caribbean Premier League. Chronicle sport cornered the Minister of Education with responsibility for sport Dr. Rupert Roopnarine who confirmed that Trinidad and Tobago had outbid Guyana to host the Caribbean showpiece. The notion comes just weeks after Guyana had confirmed interest in the tourna-

ment’s ultimate three matches with an aim to adding a bit more to the flair and celebration of the Golden Jubilee year. It been rumoured that the twin island republic had been putting up its hand to host the tournament even as Guyana had announced interest.

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