DailyNews - May 05 2016

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yesterday charged with stealing stuffed toys including those of television characters

Bosai after being found culpable for the Oil Spill in Region 10 in March of

2016, has been fined GY$1.5 million dollars. The company will also have to take

COURT BARS M&CC FROM REMOVING STALLS from removing stall, goods and merchandise belonging to a vendor at the former Guyana Stores Bond on Water Street, High Court Judge, Georgetown until the Roxanne George on Court hears a sumThursday issued an mons on the matter. The M&CC is interim order, barring the Mayor and City currently engaged in Council (M&CC), the process of removing roadside and ille-

up the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the area between Bosai’s north

gal vendors from the streets of Georgetown as it engage in cleaning of the city for the Jubilee celebrations. The case brought by vendor: Peter Warner against Town Clerk: Royston King was set for May 10, 2016 at 10:30 AM. In Court documents seen by Guyana Daily News, the



AML BILL PASSED Guyana is now poised to be financially compliant with international regulations as the National Assembly on Wednesday passed the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) (AML/CFT) Legislation. The bill, which will subsequently be laid before President David Granger for his assent, includes the final recommendation by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and this paves way for Guyana to apply to exit the FATF process. The bill was presented by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, who highlighted Guyana’s obligation to becoming an AML/CFT compliant regime. It went through all three stages, with the committee of supply approving all clauses without challenges. Having gone through a history of struggle in the House, be-

tween government and opposition, Williams noted that the APNU+AFC administration inherited a situation of “great reticence” to fight against money launderers and an even greater reluctance to counter the financing of terrorism. The PPP Government, he said, continually failed to remedy the many deficiencies in the Action Plans it had agreed to, with both the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) and FATF in or around 2011 and 2014 respectively. During this time, Guyana was featured on three of four CFATF Public Statements, all of which identified Guyana as a jurisdiction with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies or have not complied with its action plan developed with the CFATF to address the deficiencies. However, the

Minister noted that despite this, Guyana has been making significant progress in addressing the action plan items. And as such, FATF, in all its publications regarding Guyana, commended the country for its efforts and encouraged Guyana to continue to implement its action plan. To exit the CFATF follow up process, Guyana has to satisfy these 5 core recommendations, the final one featured in this bill. And with the third round of evaluation in process, the AG noted that it is important for Guyana to exit the process and be removed from the grey list now since the fourth round looms. “We have shown the political will to implement the re c om me nd at i ons

stealing stuffed toys including those of television characters “Spongebob” and “Barney” from a mini-mart. Rhonda Daniels, 32 and Rickson Patterson, 42 of La Romaine appeared before senior magistrate Nannette Forde-John.

The charge which was laid by constable Mohess, alleged that between April 5 and 6 at Mala’s Minimart, La Romaine, they broke and entered the establishment and stole stuffed toys, perfume and haberdashery valued

of these regimes. We will continue to try to save this country after all these years of neglect” Williams said. However, former AG, Anil Nandlall, weighed in on the Bill, offering that it was “vulgar”, given the absence of a Financial Intelligent Unit (FIU) which is the supervisory body responsible for enforcement and monitoring of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. He noted that seven Clauses, which is more than 80 percent of the Bill, confers responsibility on the FIU and on the Director of that body, but both are nonexistent. “The whole exercise will be in futility because of the absence of the FIU” he said. But this was challenged by Williams,

who told the National Assembly that Nandlall was speaking as if the Director of the FIU will not be appointed within the next month or year. “What we are proposing is a situation where we are preventing the Minister of Finance from employing and handpicking the Director of the FIU. We’re giving them security of tenure by having the Parliament appoint them” the AG said. Nandlall also contended that the Government’s intention to present this Bill to FATF later this month will prove futile since it was supposed to be at least eight weeks in advance for all participating countries to examine. “Which country will leave what they are doing at the last minute to

look at this?” Nandlall questioned. Nevertheless, the former AG reiterated his call for the Bill to be taken to select committee where he believes, it will only take a week to be examined in its entirety. “It will only take about two week. Let us cleanse this bill of its impurity” Nandlall said. Williams stressed however that there is no need to take the Bill to select committee, since only “complex bills” are examined there, and this bill is not a complex one. He described this move by the PPP to take this Bill before the committee as a “delaying tactic.” Thereafter, the AML/CFT Amendment Bill 2016 was read for the third time, after which the Committee of Supply approved the Clauses and the Bill was passed.

Guyanese Mother charged with stealing stuffed toys (Trinidad Express) A GUYANESE mother was one of two people who appeared in court yesterday charged with

$9,555. Patterson said he was “guilty with a cause.” When asked by the magistrate if he broke into the mini mart and stole the items, Patterson said he did not but that he “was there.” A not guilty plea was entered.

Daniels said she was not guilty of the offence. In asking for bail for her client, attorney Annalee Girwar said Daniels was the mother of an eightmonth-old child whom she was breastfeeding. Daniels who

had been staying in Gasparillo was placed on $25,000 bail to be approved by a Clerk of the Peace. Patterson will be released from custody if he secures his $15,000 bail. The case was adjourned to May 31.

Ogle Airport to be renamed despite objections

The government has decided to move ahead with the renaming of the Ogle International Airport (OIA), to have it named after Guyana’s first Public Transport Minister Eugene Correia, saying that it does not need approval to go ahead with the renaming.

This is despite concerns raised by local aircraft operators and other stakeholders. Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson said Government will be going ahead with the renaming of the Airport on May 9. The Minister

told reporters that the name change would not affect operation, contrary to what operators say that it will severely affect the competitiveness of the playing field. “O p e r ators won’t be disadvantaged, the renaming of the airport comes with no additional

charges, no additional fees, the longitude and latitude of the airport remains the same. It’s only a name,” Patterson said. He explained that the move is as a result of government seeking to give identification and recognition of honourable Guyanese. Me a nw h i l e , the National Air Transport Association (NATA) reiterated its objection to the rebranding of the facility, at a press conference hosted on Wednesday. NATA, which

BOSAI’S NEGLIGENCE CAUSED OIL SPILL FINED GY$1.5 MILLION Bosai after being found culpable for the Oil Spill in Region 10 in March of 2016, has been fined GY$1.5 million dollars. The company will also have to take up the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the area between Bosai’s north gate and Washer Pond Road including, clearing of verges and drainage work. A four year scholarship will also be offered to a student of Region 10 to pursue a degree in

Environmental Science at the University of Guyana. These commitments were made by General Manager of Bosai, Mr. Robert Shang who was accompanied by Major General (ret’d) Nor-

man McLean during a meeting with Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman and a team including Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) representatives; Mr. Kemraj Parsaram, Direc-

tor of Compliance Enforcement and Ms. Aminah McPherson-Damon, Legal Advisor. The spill which Bosai claims was accidental, made its way into the waterways contaminating

looks after the interest of aircraft owners, lambasted the government for moving ahead with a proposal of a name change, which was made by President David Granger. It said that legal action could be taken against Correia. Managing Director of Roraima Group of Companies, Captain Gerry Gouveia earlier this week expressed disappointment in the President’s decision to rename the Airport, stating that nine of the ten operating companies at the facility oppose such a move. He expressed the view that consultative democracy is

“out the window.” However, a reluctant posture adopted by stakeholders with regards to the renaming resulted in the President terming this as personality over nationality. According to the President, who is also a historian, based on research, Correia, who served the aviation and communications sector decades ago, was a distinguished minister of the Government of the day. He said Correia, who was also a pilot, made contributions to the National Assembly.

the Demerara River and also affected surrounding drainage waterways in Region 10. After the issue arose on March 29, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was called in, and along with the Regional Democratic Council an investigation was launched to find the source behind the spill and an intervention to the

problem. The company has since vowed to avoid any recurrences, and in order to create a better community relation, has pledged to work closely with the Regional Democratic Council of Region 10 to realize its immediate commitments as well as to expand its contribution to the Region.

PPP condemns gov’t move to relocate vendors The People’s Progressive Party (PPP), in a statement condemned the actions of the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) government in relocating the Stabroek Market vendors. The party, in a statement to the media said thatit was putting up a “façade” about cleaning up the city when its objective was to “remove the vendors.” According to the opposition, “Operating in true military style, facilitated by civilian operatives, the APNU/AFC Government demonstrated their anti-people,

anti-poor and elitist predisposition towards a social strata, which in the face of rising unemployment and increasing economic difficulties have chosen to eke out a living – a living that has placed them in a daily and nightly struggle to make end meets.” The PPP chastised the City Council for being stimulated by Central Government to make the decision which is contrary to the laws of Guyana which allows for vending to be done in the Stabroek Market Square from 06:00h to 18:00h. The Party believes that speaking

to the vendors to derive a way forward on how they could earn a living wage would have been a more approachable method instead. “The vendors must be allowed to ply their trade and earn a living in an honest and law-abiding manner, as they

roof, as part of the D’Urban Park Development Project. As per procurement regulations, interested bidders were invited and were required to respond in writing, indicating their intention to provide a bid. Further, they were required to present sealed bids, which were delivered to the Officer of the Coordinator of the Works Services Group, as well as visit the site. Selection criteria were based on a number of areas, including attestation of site visit; access to

line of credit, no less than GY$4M; and commitment to provide requisite staff for 2 shifts per working day. Out of these invited contractors Bassoo and Sons; House Designs and Engineering Associates; S. Jagmohan Hardware Supplies and Constructing Services; and C and L Construction Inc. were selected. These firms joined TBL Engineering; Chung Global; McBranz (Car Care); Barnes; and McCoy, who were involved in the

NINE CONTRACTORS WORKING ON D’URBAN PARK PROJ. The Ministry of Public Infrastructure disclosed that nine contractors are currently on board of the D’Urban Park Development Project. Outlining the procurement process, Minister David Patterson explained that sixteen firms were shortlisted from the Ministry’s prepared list of shortlisted contractors to bid for the construction of timber framed bleachers with steel framed

have been doing,” the PPP said. It was announced last week by Town Clerk Royston King during a meeting with the vendors that that those plying their trade in the environs of Stabroek Market will be “temporarily” relocated to a lot at Hadfield and

Lombard Streets for four months to facilitate plans to restore the Stabroek Market. It was promised that the lot would be fitted with security, lighting and other facilities. Howe ve r, while the vendors are being removed, a visit to the plot of land Tuesday, showed that the gate is locked, blocking vendors from entering the compound. According to reports, the businessman; Hareshnarine ‘Chinee’ Sugrim who owns the plot of land locked the gate, said

he is awaiting a formal agreement with the Mayor and City Council. The irate vendors took to the streets in protest of their removal and failure to secure an alternative by the Council. They protested outside City Hall, outside the Prime Minister’s Residence and the Ministry of the Presidency. Ye s t e r d a y works were being done on the plot of land for the vendors to start plying their trade from there.

project before the Ministry of Public Infrastructure assumed responsibility. “The materials for some of the works were done by the Ministry, direct purchased from our approved suppliers in accordance with the Procurement Act of 2003” Minister Patterson said. Questions were raised in relation to the necessity of the D’Urban Park, given that the National

Stadium is capable of holding large crowds and already has the required facilities to host large events. To this, Minister Patterson explained that several shortcomings were identified when the venue was hosted for the inauguration of President David Granger in May, 2015. During the inauguration, the stadium was filled to its capacity of 16,000 persons while D’Urban Park,

when completed, is expected to hold 30,000 occupants and has a greater capacity than those of all other comparable sites the Minister said, adding that the Stadium’s cricket pitch and outfield are also unable to be used due to the regulations of the International Cricket Council. During a recent Press Conference, Opposition’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira questioned

ARRIVAL DAY COINCIDES WITH INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATIONS -GOV’T, PPP Reaffirming the spirit of tolerance, inclusivity and brotherhood and a unified vision for a progressive, prosperous and cohesive Guyana for all its peoples, the Government today extended Arrival Day Greetings to all. I n its message to mark the occasion, the government says it recognizes all the people of Guyana for their resilience, for-

titude and unwavering dedication to nationhood, noting that “from a common history of inhumane conditions our peoples persevered and cooperated in forging a cultural mosaic into a tightly woven rainbow nation of diverse peoples with a united spirit and common destiny.” The administration noted that Arrival Day affords the opportunity to

reflect on the triumphs and challenges of the nation and its people as it celebrates fifty years of Independence, positing that “we stand on the shoulders of those who have fought and struggled for the freedoms we now enjoy.” On the same note, the main opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), in its message said as Arrival Day coincides with our 50th

anniversary as an independent country and is therefore a good opportunity to reflect on the trials tribulations, pain and sacrifices made by our fore parents who came to the shores of Guyana in quest of a better life, only to find such hopes and aspirations crushed by a ruthless and exploit-

ative system of plantation labour. “Each ethnic group brought with them their own skills and culture which has today blended into a unique and distinctive cultural mosaic in which we are all proud of ” the party said as it spoke of encouraging and embracing a nation of diversity andmul-

whether the structures at the facility are permanent, the overall cost of the initiative, methods of procurement of services to complete the project and questions relating to the quality of work being done and the reason for not utilizing the National Stadium which is already outfitted with the necessary conveniences for such as activities, as the ones being hosted at the Jubilee Stadium. Teixeira outlined that “the National Stadium can seat 16,000 people and 5000 on the mound and in the field itself, you can throw another 20-30,000 and it has all the parking facilities, washrooms,

the media has its own section, it has change rooms for artiste, it has first aid medical clinic in case there are problems, it has all the backup for power and space for vendors among others.” Ad d it i ona l ly, he noted that the event also caused major traffic disturbances and safety concerns, as noted by the police and fire departments, who cautioned against a similar activity at this venue, but the Jubilee celebrations is expected to see a larger crowd. “Government looked at the short, medium and long term benefits to be derived from expending resources on the

park and determined that the cost is justifiable” he said. The location of the Jubilee stadium also allows for the National Cultural Centre Tarmac, the National Sports Hall, and the National Communications Network Tarmac and Homestretch Avenue to be used for parking, along with the two parking lots at D’Urban Park. The Ministry further expects that the D’Urban Park area will also allow it to accommodate a variety of public events beyond the Jubilee celebrations, including the Mashramani float parade; religious ceremonies; food fairs and education

exhibitions; musical concerts; medical outreaches; physical training and gymnastic displays; and other public rallies. Responding to questions on whether consultations were hosted, it was noted that “there were consultations with the residents of the community and these were held at the Salem Church located in Hadfield Street. Furthermore, the subject of the upgrade of D’Urban Park has been a matter of general public discussions over the years and preceded this administration… Most of the different concept designs were made available to this administration and it

is from these designs that the artistic impression of the completed D’Urban Park.” In relation to sources of funding prior to the Ministry’s assumption of responsibility in April, all donations were made a registered company, which is under a separate head outside of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and would therefore be audited differently. Following the Ministry’s assumption of responsibility of the project, Cabinet has approved $150M under the Infrastructural Development Line Item for the Ministry of Public Infrastructure to complete phase one of the project by May,

ticulturalism which will continue to play its part in the creation of a cohesive and strong society. The party pledged its continuing loyalty to the cause of a united, prosperous and democratic Guyana and called on for Guyanese right across the ethnic, cultural and political spectrum to re-commit themselves to the goals of a peace, progressiveness and prosperity.


12. Minister Patterson said when the Ministry assumed responsibility, there were some noted defects on the structures, such as the shrinking of the timber, loose joints and poor finishes which are being corrected by the contractors, based on the reviews done by MPI’s engineers. Works at the D’Urban Park are will be executed in a phased manner. The current works being done by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure is the completion of Phase I.

Man nabbed with illegal firearm Police ranks on a mobile patrol yesterday discovered an unlicensed .22 pistol after they conducted search on a man on Main Street, Georgetown.

The man was acting in a suspicious manner as the police vehicle approached him, after which he was stopped and searched. He is in police

custody assisting with the investigations. Me a nw h i l e , on Wednesday, acting on information received, ranks of the Police Narcotics Unit recovered a shotgun

that was found in a drain along North Road, Georgetown. They are investigating the matter.

Court bars M&CC from removing stalls High Court Judge, Roxanne George on Thursday issued an interim order, barring the Mayor and City Council (M&CC), from removing stall, goods and merchandise belonging to a vendor at the former Guyana Stores Bond on Water Street, Georgetown until the Court hears a summons on the matter. The M&CC is currently engaged in the process of removing roadside and illegal vendors from the streets of Georgetown as it engage in cleaning of the city for the Jubilee celebrations. The case brought by vendor: Peter Warner against Town Clerk: Royston

King was set for May 10, 2016 at 10:30 AM. In Court documents seen by Guyana Daily News, the vendor is claiming that the use and occupation of a portion of the private property owned and controlled by either by the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited or Mr. Malcom Panday, for the purpose of trading and vending is lawful and duly authorized by the owners. The defendant, though his lawyers stated that even after participating in the City’s Cleanup campaign and ensuring that the surrounding areas of his

stall is kept clean, he received a letter on May 3, 2016, along with other stall holders directing them to remove their structures within 24 hours, return to their stalls in the municipal markets if they have any, and cooperate with the Council to clean up the City of Georgetown. Warner said since receiving the said letter, he attempted to solicit additional information from officers of the city council regarding the reason for the removal of the vending structures and stalls, the length of time that is required for the cleanup campaign, the date when

the vendors would be allowed to reoccupy and recommence their business operations; however, all such attempts have yielded no satisfactory answers. He said the notice signed by the Town Clerk of Georgetown, “is illegal, unlawful and in breach of the Municipal and District Councils Act, Chapter 28:01.” Warner is suing for in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for unlawful interference with his property and another GYD$100,000 for intended trespass against his property. He said he has

been a clothes vendor, occupying the same location for 15 years with the permission, authorization and licence of Mr. MalcomPanday. “About 5 years ago, Mr.Malcom Panday held a meeting with a number of vendors, including myself. At the aforesaid meeting, Mr Malcom Panday granted us permission to use his private premises to erect a stall and use it for vending and trading until he needed the premises for his

own use and purpose…the vendors were also informed by Mr. Malcom Panday that ample notice would be given to all vendors before revoking our licences.” Warner’s other lawyers are Anil Nandlall, Manoj Narayan, ShashaMahadeo-Narayan and RajendraJaigobin. He affirmed that his stall which measures approximately 10 feet by 15 feet and made of wood and zinc, does not hinder or interfere with free flow of traffic on the pavement controlled by the Mayor and City Council. Nandlall stated, in an email that this order will not only benefit the defendant but also other stall holders at the location. There are approximately 9 stalls located at the former Guyana Stores Bond.

Jamaican who swallowed more than 90 ganja pellets nabbed before reaching Barbados

detected during routine screening. Spencer was interviewed and taken into custody after it was discovered that he had swallowed the pellets. The young man was taken to KINGSTON, Jamai- ed at the Norman hospital where he ca, Thursday May 5, Manley International was examined and 2016 – A man who Airport in Jamaica’s the pellets removed allegedly swallowed capital, Kingston last from his stomach. 92 marijuana pellets week. Spencer will before trying to board According to answer to charges of a plane to Barbados is police, he attempted possession of, dealdue to appear in court to board a flight desing in and attemptin Jamaica today. tined for Barbados on ing to export ganja. Oniel Spen- Tuesday when some cer, 26, was arrest- abnormalities were

More genetically modified mosquitoes to be unleashed in fight against Zika Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes are to be unleashed in the wild as the fight against the Zika virus ramps up. The Aedesaegypti mosquito, which spreads the disease, has been genetically modified by a British biotech company to pass on a “killer gene” that cuts short the life of the species’ young, which should decimate the insects’ population, curbing Zika’s spread. Trials in Brazil have already demonstrated mosquito numbers dropping by 90 percent in what has been described as “an unprecedented level of control.” D er r icNimmo, a bioscientist with Oxitec, an Oxford University spinout company, told the Sunday Times: “We would expect to release about 3.3 million mosquitoes over nine months – just over 200,000 a week.

heads and underdeveloped brains. During a recent press conference in Colombia, Margaret Honein, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that apart from microcephaly, babies whose “We know residents protesting mothers have had this technology works that mutant bugs car- Zika during pregvery well. We know it ry unknown risks to nancy may eventualworks in very large the environment and ly acquire impaired to humans, and their hearing or vision, geographic areas. “It’s a mat- release could deter moreover. E q u a l l y ter of scaling up and tourists. drawing up a release DrAmeshA- alarming, scientists dalja of the Univer- in Brazil told BBC strategy.” Florida has sity of Pittsburgh News that Zika could saying: be responsible for yet been identified as disagreed, one of the most likely “Genetically-mod- more damaging neumosquitoes rological conditions places for the disease ified to gain a foothold are a potentially affecting the babies and, with neither vac- path-breaking tool of up to one-fifth of pregnant cines nor treatments that will improve hu- infected women. for Zika available, man life.” World Already rife The regulators have provi- sionally approved the in South America and release of the geneti- the Caribbean, and a cally modified mos- growing threat to the quitoes, according to US, Zika is blamed for thousands of baa Daily Mail report. The measure bies being born with has met with some microcephaly, a conopposition, with a dition characterised number of Key West by abnormally small

Health Organization (WHO) has declared the disease a public health emergency and pregnant women have been warned not to travel to infected areas. On Friday, health officials confirmed the first US death of a patient infected with the Zika virus in Puerto Rico. The man, who was in his 70s, died from severe thrombocytopenia, a bleeding disorder caused by abnormally low blood platelets, which are needed for blood clotting. Dr Tyler Sharp of the CDC’s Dengue Branch in San Juan told Reuters that the man was diagnosed with a rare

Zika complication known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP, an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks platelets. According to Sharp, the case followed the same pattern as patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a paralyzing neurological disorder linked to Zika infections in which the immune system attacks nerves. In both cases, the autoimmune attack occurs after symptoms of Zika have cleared. Researchers are trying to establish how Zika causes these rare disorders, Sharp said.

Brazil court suspends Lower House Speaker Brazil’s top court has suspended Lower House Speaker Eduardo Cunha from his mandate, following a request by the country’s attorney general, officials say. He has been accused of trying to obstruct a corruption investigation against him and intimidating lawmakers. Mr Cunha is an outspoken critic of President DilmaRousseff and has led an impeachment drive against her. In a BBC interview, MsRousseff has vowed to “keep fighting”. Next week, Brazil’s Senate is due to vote on whether to launch an impeach-

ment trial against her. If a simple majority votes in favour, she will be suspended from office for 180 days while Vice-President Michel Temer takes over as interim president. Under Brazil’s constitution, Mr Cunha was the next in line for the presidency after MrTemer, who is facing impeachment proceedings on charges similar to those facing President Rousseff. The dramatic suspension of Eduardo Cunha from the lower house of Congress may come too late to save DilmaRousseff but, be in no doubt, he played a critical role in the

process which now sees Brazil’s first woman president on the verge of suspension from office. DilmaRousseff and her supporters in Congress say it was her government’s decision not to give in to the Speaker’s demands, specifically over an ethics committee investigation into MrCunha, that triggered his subsequent move to begin the impeachment process against the president. In her wide-ranging BBC interview, while declaring her own innocence, MsRousseff was scathing about the man who has emerged as her nem-

‘People smugglers in British car’ shot in chase in France

Police shot a UK-registered car carrying suspected people smugglers after a chase that crossed from Belgium into France, the state-owned

Belga news agency said. The Audi car carrying four men crashed near Dunkirk in northern France after a reported 200km/h

(125mph) chase. All four were seriously hurt. Two of the men were shot, Belga said. Soon after the men were stopped, dozens of migrants were found in a lorry in Belgium in a linked operation. Prosecutors told the agency there was strong evidence the men

esis. “The one person responsible for… the impeachment request (against me) is himself under charges. He’s notorious, known to have foreign bank accounts and is under charges of money laundering and corruption,” she said. According to opinion polls, Eduardo Cunha is even more unpopular that the beleaguered president after details of his Swiss bank accounts, which he had earlier denied having,

came to light. Mr Cunha, a committed evangelical Christian who often quotes the Bible in his social media messages, protests his innocence and may find a way back. He is a talented and well-connected political operator but his chances of perhaps becoming the next president of Brazil, by default as Speaker of Congress, are now almost non-existent. M s R ou s s e f f has accused MrTemer and Mr Cunha, who

were involved in a trafficking ring. F r a n c e’s La Voix du Nord newspaper said the chase began after a lorry driver in Belgium called police when he saw men trying to help 17 migrants into his lorry. Belga said police arrived at the car park, and the suspects then fled in the car. At least 15 shots were reportedly fired by police. One of the passengers was shot in the shoulder and another in the stomach, La

Voix du Nord reported. The chase continued over the border to France, causing at least three accidents, according to Belgian and French media. Reports said all four men were Iraqi. In the traffic chaos caused by the accidents, a motorcyclist died after striking a lorry. The area is a transit hub for migrants seeking to make the journey to the United Kingdom. Belga

belong to the opposition PMDB party, of being the ringleaders of a “coup attempt” against her. Mr Cunha is suspected of obstructing an investigation into allegations he took $5m (£3.2m) in bribes from companies seeking to secure contracts with stateoil giant Petrobras, which he denies. Petrobras is at the centre of a massive kickbacks scandal which has led to the arrest of dozens of lawmakers and top businessmen. WaldirMaranhao, who is also under investigation for his alleged role in the Petrobras corruption scandal, is to become the next Speaker of the House.

said that an operation in Jabbeke, Belgium, found dozens of people in a lorry who had been hoping to reach the UK via France. It is not clear if they were the same migrants who were reported to have tried to enter the lorry before the chase began. L ’A v e n i r newspaper in Belgium said the four men were in a serious condition, and being treated at a hospital in Lille, northern France.

Drug tests in Scottish football: UK Anti-Doping to provide no cash The UK Anti-Doping Agency (Ukad) will provide no funding this year to help with drug testing in Scottish football. The Scottish Football Association (SFA) was criticised this year for failing to provide its own funding for testing. But the SFA will have to come up with its own money for the 2016-17 period, which started in April, in order for any testing to take place. The governing body has told BBC Scotland it is “disappointed” that Ukad will not be contributing funding. “The Scottish FA has already made plans to enhance the provision of testing from next season and

will do so from its own funds,” said the SFA. “While Scottish football can be proud of its ‘low risk’ status in the eyes of Ukad, we are nevertheless disappointed they have taken what seems an arbitrary decision not to provide any future testing in Scottish football from next season. “ R e c e n t l y, Ukad’s chief executive, Nicole Sapstead, was quoted as saying her organisation ‘can only do so much’. “We are disappointed that these latest comments from Ukad seem to suggest that ‘so much’ equals nothing at all with regard to Scottish football. “It is import-

ant to stress that the intelligence-led testing to date has been robust and effective and that there has been additional testing done since the matter originally came to light.” In March, BBC Sport revealed that only eight tests had been carried out in the previous nine months, although 20 further tests were done in the most recent quarter. The figures surprised Premiership managers and, the following month,

former Commonwealth Games gold medallist Drew McMaster claimed he knew of Scottish footballers who doped during the 1980s. Howe ve r, Ukad views Scottish football as a low-risk sport for drug misuse. “The amount of intelligence Ukad has received about Scottish football in the last two years is small,” said a spokesperson. “As a result, the level of publically funded testing in

Scottish football has fallen year on year and, indeed, was very low last year. “In determining the test distribution plan for 2016/2017, Ukad has taken the decision to not allocate any publically funded tests to Scottish football. “However, it is important to note that, should information be passed to us of potential doping, we will pursue that intelligence and target test if appropriate.” Ukad points out that Scottish players playing in English leagues will be subject to testing as part of the Football Association’s testing programme, while clubs playing in European competition

will face tests under Uefa’s anti-doping programme. It also stressed that it had to prioritise its own funding across 47 Olympic, Paralympic and professional sports, including football, depending on the “size and status of the league” as well as success on the international stage. “Ukad actively encourages all sports to invest in anti-doping, which includes investing in a robust testing programme but also developing comprehensive clean sport education for all its participants,” it added.

‘No decision’ yet on which country will host CPL finals Following a number of media reports in the Caribbean, Damien O’Donohoe, Chief Executive Officer of the HERO Caribbean Premier League (CPL), has issued the follow-

ing statement (a few minutes ago) in relation to the venue of the finals. Mr O’ D ono hoe said: “The CPL is currently in negotiations with three countries who are each bidding to host

the finals of this year’s CPL. Despite recent speculation, no decision has been made regarding the venue and it is hoped that negotiations will be concluded within the next fortnight.”

– Damien O’Donohoe


England Test captain Alastair Cook has signed a new contract at Essex. The 31-yearold has agreed a two-

year deal with the county he made his first-class debut for back in 2003. Cook has scored 523 runs in

Essex’s first four matches of this season, including three centuries, as he prepares to lead England in their Test series

with Sri Lanka later this month. He has played 79 first-class matches for Essex, but featured just six times in 2014 and 2015. “It’s great to sign with Essex for another couple of years and I believe there are exciting times ahead for the club under the new head coach,” Cook said. “I’ve been at Essex for all of my career and I hope to continue playing here

for as long as possible.” Essex are currently 21 points clear at the top of Division Two with Cook appearing in every County Championship game so far. However, he is unlikely to be available for much of the summer, with England playing seven Test matches against Sri Lanka and Pakistan. “It has been great to have him around the club, es-

pecially the experience he passes on to younger members of the squad during training on a day-today basis,” said Essex head coach Chris Silverwood. “We know his England commitments take up a vast amount of the season but when available he has shown how he can further strengthen our batting line-up, and it’s great he will be with the club for another two years.”

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