Wednesday, June 22, 2016

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National consultation seeks to push manufacturing sector’s safety regulations -page 19

Efforts continue to bring relief to flood-affected Region 5 communities -page 14

Warrau language project gets $2M boost – Kamwatta Hill residents urged to preserve their heritage -page 18

Businessman complains of being t a r g e t e d b y E PA -page 9

Is the Food & D r u g s department effective? Is Styrofoam r e a l l y banned??? -page 2

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Wednesday 22nd June

Businessman complains of being targeted by EPA Guyana Daily News, June 22, 2016 ocal businessman Shareef Ahmad says he is being targeted on a weekly basis by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The businessman’s food establishments on Sheriff Street, namely Subs and Salads, Italian Grill,


The businessman's establishment: Very well maintained.

Western Fried Chicken and Miami Pizzeria are frequently visited by the Officers of EPA based on complaints allegedly received from neighbours of the business about ‘bad odor.’ When the Guyana Daily News visited the businessman’s establishments,

EPA Officers were observed in discussion with him. They immediately left when this newspaper approached for a comment. As such, this newspaper visited the EPA’s office in Sophia and was told by the Agency’s Head, Khemraj Parsram that, “this is an ongoing investigation and I can’t offer any comment at this time.” Mr. Ahmad has related his frustrations to this newspaper and the embarrassment it has caused him and his business. He took the Guyana Daily News into his food establishments to observe the high standard of sanitation and showed his bills for regular grease trap cleaning by Cevons Waste and pest control. He also The Drain showing no food waste and a water opened source (pipe) provided by the businessman for the cover regular cleaning. of the drain to prove the absence of food waste.The frustrated businessman is appealing to the local authorities to clean the drain that is clogged with lotus flower near his business that results in stagnant water, which causes the bad odor. This drain, it was noted, is not in any way related to his business establishments.

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Wednesday 22nd June

Is the Food & Drugs department effective? Guyana Daily News, June 22, 2016 ost businesses in Guyana have complained numerous times about the lack of efficiency at the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department, which results in months of delay to their goods and products. As such, the Guyana Daily news decided to do an in-depth piece on the functions of that department, which falls under the Ministry of Public Health. It is tasked with the testing of food and drugs in an attempt to ensure that the items are of standard in keeping with the country’s Bureau of Standards. It was found that lack of trained employees and their inability to conduct the required tests are only two of the major internal problems within the department. This newspaper’s investigation also found that here is no standard procedure at which every item is tested, due to the lack of facilities. The Analyst Food and Drug Department


have noted that their method of conducting tests is solely based on random checks and complaints received. It should be noted that items should be tested before sale to the public. Keeping with their inability to maintain an order, the Department has gone on record by saying that there is no stipulated time frame in which tests are to be conducted and the goods returned or sent off to the importer. As such, businessmen and women are baffled as to what to do if their goods are held and expiry dates are breached. A source at the department told this newspaper that the department has a regulation which states that goods imported must have a specific time frame of expiration before entry into the country.

It was noted that some goods are delayed at the department until it expires, resulting in huge losses to the investor, since it has to be dumped. The Food and Drug Department also works in collaboration with the customs unit of the Guyana Revenue Authority, which has also failed to give standards as to what they usually look for before flagging a container or item for inspection and testing. Some business persons have called on the government to rid the department of its random and lackadaisical operation and to implement a standardized procedure. Most business owners also feel as if they are being targeted by the department and is calling for an end to prejudice treatment.

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Wednesday 22nd June

Is St yrofoam really banned???


which has been a mantra of the APNU+AFC since assuming office. The Ministry of the Presidency said that the ban will be enforced through a collaborative effort between the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministries The Ministry of the Presidency had said the ban on of Business, styrofoam is part of efforts to Legal Affairs, and Finance, support and promote a green through the economy and environment, Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). It was announced that the ban would take effect from January 1, 2016 with a three months waiver on the importation of Styrofoam containers. Persons have since questioned what has happened to the measures that were scheduled to be implemented to address waste management and to promote the use of ven though government has banned the use of Styrofoam products in Guyana, sources close to this newspaper have revealed that it is still being smuggled into the country from neighboring Suriname. According to the source, government officials are aware of this but seem to be paying no serious attention to the issue.

biodegradable materials is in its implementation stages, which is supposed to be spearheaded by the Natural Resources Ministry.

Government is also slated to approve the immediate development of a legal framework to implement the ban on the importation and use of Styrofoam products as well as a public awareness programme to educate the public on the consequences of its usage and the benefits of the alternatives. However, three months after the ban and Styrofoam boxes, plates, cups etc are still in use. This is evident and also causes e drains and trenches to be clogged.



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Wednesday 22nd June

Efforts continue to bring relief to floodaffected Region 5 communities


fforts to bring relief to the flood affected communities in the Mahaica/Mahaicony/ Abary, Region Five areas are continuing even as there are reports of rising water levels due to heavy rainfall over the last few days. Speaking to the Government Information Agency (GINA) via telephone today, General Manager of the Mahaica/Mahaicony/Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) Aubrey Charles reported that the pumps are working continuously to drain the land. According to acting Chief Executive Officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), Frederick Flatts, there are currently three mobile pumps working. These have a combined capacity to drain approximately 1200 gallons of water per second. There are four tractor driven pumps draining the residential areas, and two excavators cleaning the canals and drains of debris. Additionally two excavators were to be added to the fleet on Monday and a pontoon with two excavators are to be deployed this evening, to dredge the Trafalgar outfall channel once more. Following the long dry spell and two inoperable fixed pumps, the Trafalgar outfall channel which was recently dredged, became silted up due to the absence of water in the channel. Charles, who was on the ground engaging farmers and affected residents

today, explained that, “… we had some downpour of rain. I’m in the backdam with some farmers. Yes the water has risen in a couple of the villages so I’m out in the field here now at Litchfield going down in the backdam. The pumps can’t deal with the amount of water.” Further, Charles pointed out that, “The pump at Mora is an irrigation pump, that pump is not working, that is only to bring water into the system. The pump at Pine Ground is working. We can’t use the pump at Mora point because it is a fixed pump to bring water into the system it can’t take water out but right now we want to take water out.” Meanwhile, in an invited comment, Agriculture Minister, Noel Holder told GINA that the MMA/ADA has frontline

responsibilities to respond to the situation, however, the NDIA is working along with the regional administration and the authority to install additional pumps in the affected areas. The Agriculture Minister further explained that the flooding in the Trafalgar/Union areas has been compounded with the non-working pumps which were vandalised some time ago. The damaged pumps located at the Trafalgar pump station have a combined capacity to drain almost 3000 gallons of water per second. The Ministry of Agriculture’s 2016 budget provides funding to fix one of these pumps and works are expected to commence soon in this regard.

Water being drained by one of four mobile pumps at Trafalgar outfall, Region Five


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Wednesday 22nd June

Guyana’s Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings addresses Commencement Ceremony of the University of Science, Arts and Technology (USAT), M o n t s e r r a t , i n M i a m i , F l o r i d a


inistry of Public Health, Georgetown, June 21, 2016 – In recognition of her sterling efforts in the field of public health in Guyana, the executive board along with the graduation committee of the University of Science, Arts and Technology (USAT), of Montserrat, invited Guyana’s Honorable Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings to deliver the commencement address for its Class of 2016.

It is the most important pledge you will take in your life. Honor it. Live it. Let the patient be the center of your existence as doctors,” Minister Cummings said.

forever remain the driving forces propelling you forward in your journey as competent medical practitioners regardless of the specialty areas you will eventually choose.”

“I urge you to firmly ground yourself in your passion and never permit distractions to sway you from your commitment to your patients. Those who suffer, need you to be so much more than just a physician in a white coat. Patients need a physician who, not only offers great knowledge and skill in the advances of medical science and technology, but also your humanity, your genuine care, and your concern for each and every person, whether patient or family member, colleague or administrator,” Minister Cummings emphasized.

She encouraged the granduands to “Always strive to convert the science and the art of being an exemplary doctor into a life changing legacy for generations to come.”

Minister Cummings outlined her own journey as a medical professional in the medical profession underscoring that her desire to be a medical doctor sprang from her deep love for assisting humanity. She also pointed out that driven by the ability to offer live changing solutions to patients as well as Minister Cummings highlighted that: being able to witness the positive “Professionalism, high ethical changes in patients as a result of her standards, and compassion, should medical interventions provide great satisfaction. “The prospect of establishing incredible physicianpatient relationships through rapport, physical examination, treatment, and education, motivates me every day to continue in this most noble profession. That I can produce life changing and life saving effects, directly impacting, not only the lives of my patients, but also of their families, their communities and the country as a whole, inspire me, and strengthen my belief and hence I resolve to continue practicing medicine,” Minister Cummings stated. The students were urged to take their Hippocratic Oath very seriously. “Today you take the Hippocratic Oath.

The University of Science, Arts and Technology (USAT), of Montserrat is an offshore private medical school located near Olveston, Montserrat. It was established and licensed in September 2003 by the Government of Montserrat, a British Overseas Territory, and is now the fastest growing School in CARICOM. Minister Cummings’ trip was funded by the USAT.

File Photo: Honorable Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings


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Wednesday 22nd June

Students of Huruuru Mission, Berbice River being taught about safety on the waterways

OfďŹ cials of Maritime Administration Department Guyana and Oldendorff Carriers; making a presentation on safety on the waterways at Hururu Berbice River

Primary and secondary students of Hururu School receiving life jackets as a collaborative effort between MARAD and Oldendorff

Students of Hururu Mission, being taught about safety on the waterways (GINA)

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Wednesday 22nd June

Kwakwani’s restoration continues- more work to be done

In the logging industry, the Upper Berbice wakwani, in Upper DemeraraForest Berbice, Region 10 has seen Producers’ massive transformation since Association and the coalition government took office, the Kwakwani according to residents of the riverain community. This has been corroborated National Resource by the Assistant Regional Executive Organisation Officer (AREO) Leola Narine. The (KNRO) are official told the Government providing jobs Information Agency (GINA) that, for residents. “Kwakwani was left abandoned and Mavis Davis, a now we’re seeing changes and we’re resident of the happy for that.” Narine explained that community for the community has long been plagued over 20 years by unemployment, poor roads and lack Rehabilitated Regional Democratic of government assistance; however with commended the Council (RDC) building, Kwakwani work of the the change of government the community has seen rehabilitated roads, government. She said employment creation and government assistance from the Ministries to help “they’re (the government) doing well assistance. address these issues,” Narine stressed. because I went to Georgetown and I see them cleaning up, Linden cleaning up Further Kwakwani’s fortunes have Meanwhile, the official noted that the everything is going good. In my improved with lots of government Kwakwani/ Linden trail is a major issue community Kwakwani, they are also contracts, internal road projects carried for the community. “If we can get this out, government buildings rehabilitated, doing well, they helped to develop the addressed it will certainly benefit the community and I see Kwakwani clean including the Regional Democratic residents of Ituni, Aroaima and and even the road done.” Council building, the Kwakwani Kwakwani greatly. It will also bring Students’ Hostel, schools, and the businesses and investments to hospital among others. “There are other Dianne D’andrade another resident of Kwakwani which will contribute to the Kwakwani community spoke of a projects allocated in the 2016 budget economic growth, more rehabilitated change in attitude in the education that will be carried out soon,” Narine roads and a bank for residents to sector. D’andrade explained that explained. conduct financial business.” students’ grades have improved. “With the students and teachers you get a The Assistant REO pointed out that Nevertheless, “the government thus far there were many Ministerial visits to the better reaction now you could be able to has done an excellent job in revamping Kwakwani community, “which I’m very talk to them and the PTA is good. They the community and there are great had a Parent Teacher conference and thankful for and works will be things in store for the community which you saw so many things coming out,” conducted to see Kwakwani more will see the community completely she said. developed.” The two main economic developed.” Kwakwani is a mining and activities in the community, bauxite logging community which is located Despite the strides the community has mining and logging have also seen approximately 100 kilometres south of made, there are some areas to be significant improvement and are Linden. It is home to more than 4000 addressed to develop the community contributing financially to the people. completely. These include social issues, community. Narine stated. “I really hope that we get

Georgetown, GINA, June 21, 2016




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Wednesday 22nd June

Distribution of 150,000 School uniform Voucher begins


he Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Education has commenced distribution of its annual School Uniform Voucher which aims to support parents of students in the public education system. This was announced via a statement issued to the press by the Education Ministry earlier today. According to the Ministry, approximately 150,000 uniform vouchers are expected to be distributed to parents and guardians of children attending public schools. The vouchers will be distributed in Regions two, three, four, five, six, ten, Bartica, and Georgetown. Each voucher is valued $2,000, which represents an increase of $500 from previous years. The vouchers are valid until October 31 of this year. A valid form of identification is required to uplift the vouchers. According to the Ministry, parents are to be mindful of the fact that the vouchers are intended to be used for the purchase of school items only. Further, the Ministry sought to highlight that that all vouchers can be redeemed at participating businesses/suppliers, a list of which has been published in the press and is available at the respective schools and Regional Departments of Education.

“Every child attending a Government school is entitled to uniform assistance under the National Uniform Programme” the Ministry said. It was noted that on the coastland, the Ministry of Education administers the Uniform Voucher Programme while in Hinterland communities the welfare assistance is administered by the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples' Affairs. Parents are also reminded that all public schools will be closed for a period of eight weeks commencing July 11 to September 2, 2016.

Parent receiving uniform voucher

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Wednesday 22nd June

Gov’t to review parking meter contract


midst much controversy regarding the parking meter project being spearheaded by the Georgetown City Council, the government has announced that it will review the contracts which were awarded. This was revealed by Minister of State Joseph Harmon at a post Cabinet press briefing earlier today.

explained that the agreement between the Georgetown City Council and National Parking Systems/ Smart City Solutions would be reviewed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Attorney General’s Chambers. He also added that government’s involvement in the project has nothing to do with determining rates and areas identified for parking.

According to the Minister, central Government will extend its arm into local government system to examine the contract for the parking meter project, which has sparked much criticisms lately. He was keen to note though that government will not be usurping the role and responsibilities of the local government body, but that the City was important to the lives of all Guyanese.

The parking meter project has been the topic of debate recently given segregation at the level of council, regarding approval for the project. Just recently Mayor Patricia ChaseGreene and supporting Councillors said that they are going full speed ahead to have parking meters installed and in operation in the City by September 1.

“We respect the independence of the council… but we will be looking at illegalities,” the Minister of State told reporters. Minister Harmon

The local government officials are contending that they do not need to seek permission from anyone, including the Government to carry

through with the project. They noted that it was only out of courtesy that Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan was consulted. Minister Bulkan had also said that major concerns were expressed by at least four Councillors with whom he met, regarding the fact that 80 percent of the revenues generated from the parking meters would be going to the companies. It was also revealed that the company would be investing US$10 million and employing more than 100 persons to operate the parking system. Meanwhile, Chase-Green, Town Clerk Royston King, and Councillors Junior Garrett and Oscar Clarke were severely criticised recently after the team traveled to Mexico and subsequently to Panama to finalize arrangements for the project without the approval or knowledge of the council.

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Wednesday 22nd June

Sendai Framework …implementing priority areas critical for disaster rGeorgetown, i s k rGINA, e dJune u 21, c 2016 t i o n – intoCconsideration D C ’ s increased D e prainfall.” u t y D iemphasis r e contfinancing o r Gfor erisknreduction. eral


t is critical that the priority areas of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction be implemented in Guyana’s national programme even as the country has made significant strides in disaster risk management and risk reduction. Over the last six years, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) has been able to establish that the country’s low-lying areas, floods and droughts are disaster risks and it has taken measures to address these. The Sendai Framework was adopted in March 2015 at the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai, Japan. The 15year agreement maps out a broad, peoplecentred approach to contribute to sustainable development and increased resilience of nations and communities by mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into state policies. Earlier this month, ministers and high-level authorities met in Asuncion, Paraguay and produced the “Asuncion Declaration”. This document contains elements for a priority agenda and the guidelines for the development of a Regional Action Plan to serve as a basis for and expanded discussion between government and civil society in the context of the 2016 regional platform for disaster risk management. Deputy Director General of the CDC, Kester Craig told the Government Information Agency (GINA) in a recent interview that there have also been major investments in disaster risk reduction for resilience. “When it comes to disaster preparedness and to ensure effective response, I think we have grown significantly in that area we have developed several plans we have developed a multihazard preparedness plan, we have flood preparedness plan, we have SOPs that look at our national emergency operation centre and also what we’re doing we’re developing regional plans.” Additionally, he said, “There are some measures that have been taken in terms of increasing the height of sea defence structures. There are also projects such as the conservancy adaptation project that take

However, a greater understating of the country’s vulnerability is critical if action is to be taken to reduce risks in disasters, Craig noted. “We need to have better understanding in terms of where are the most vulnerable areas, where are the most vulnerable communities and take may be some decisive action in terms of how do we reduce those risks in those areas,” Craig explained. The CDC has been taking measures long before signing onto the Sendai Framework. The CDC expanded its mandate some years ago as part of strengthening its governance mechanisms said Craig. “The mere fact that we have a national platform with all the players shows that we’re also taking steps in terms of strengthening our disaster risk governance mechanism,” Craig added. The four priorities of the framework are: understanding risk, strengthening disaster governance, investing in disaster reduction and enhancing disaster preparedness to ensure that there is an effective response and to ensure that there are systems in place in terms of recovery and rehabilitation. However, Craig said that more emphasis is needed in community disaster risk reduction and community preparedness response. He noted that communities are often the first to be affected in the event of a disaster; hence developing regional plans are important.

He added that the CDC has been receiving steady financial support from government and international agencies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Inter-American Development (IDB) Bank that has enabled it to effectively implement its programmes. However, Craig said he would like to see the wider private sector paying more consideration to disaster risk reduction. The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is a “critical member” of the Disaster Risk Reduction Platform Craig pointed out. Incentives such as reduced interest on mortgage or higher premium on insurance should be offered to persons who are “taking action in risk reduction,” he stated. The CDC will need to strengthen its personnel to work at the community levels, and invest more in technology especially in early warning systems and geographic information system (GIS), the CDC official stated. The use of technology in early warning systems would ensure the “furthest community could be alerted in event that something’s going to happen” while with GIS “we will be able to now develop our own maps, our own models and able to share those maps and models with the different sectors.”

Thus far the CDC has completed regional plans for Regions Five and Six. By the end of July, it is expected to finish the plans for Regions Two and Three. “We try to work with them [Regional officials] so that they can utilise these plans and they can become more independent in terms of their response to the region,” said Craig. The development of a regional plan enables the CDC to create risk profiles of each region which identifies the region’s vulnerability and hazards. Craig explained that the risk profiles can also be used by regional officials to inform projects within their regions. Craig said there also needs to be more

Deputy Director General of the Civil Defence Commission, Kester Craig and Senior Officer in Charge of Disaster Risk Reduction at the Ministry of Agriculture in Asuncion, Paraguay, Jean David, at the first meeting of ministers and high-level authorities on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction

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Wednesday 22nd June

Warrau language project gets $2M boost – Kamwatta Hill residents urged to preserve their heritage


he sum of $2M was donated to the residents of the Warrau community of Kamwatta Hill, in Region One for the revival of their language. The money was handed over to Toshao, Ronald Manano by Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Valerie Garrido-Lowe while on a recent visit to the region. The Minister said, the revival of the Warrau language plays a major role in helping the Indigenous people identify with their culture. Once the programme gets off the ground, Minister Lowe stated, “They will know where they came from and where they want to go.”

hieroglyph on the rocks nicely carved out… that was done 7000 years ago, according to archeologists. So we have to start documenting our lives which will become our history,” the Minister urged.

Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Valerie Garrido-Lowe handing over the $2M cheque to Toshao of Kamwatta Hill, Ronald Manano

The money will go towards providing payment for a teacher for the Warrau language. Also, craft, singing and dancing will be part of the classes, to aid in the preservation of the people’s culture. President David Granger at the launch Toshao Manano noted, “This here is a of Indigenous Heritage month in good initiative for the younger youths. September 1, 2015, noted that while In a way they can learn the language, many of the older folks spoke in tribal they can speak it anywhere… I myself can join the programme and other elders tongue, the younger generations are not who are interested,” Manano stated. The keen on preserving it. Indigenous people were encouraged to President Granger stated “It is, start documenting their lives as was therefore, important that those done in the past by their ancestors. “I languages be preserved and practiced went to Aishalton and I saw the

because for many it is the most efficient means of personal communication… we are all poorer when we are not able to communicate with each other.” At the Heritage launch, it was also announced by the Head of State that government will re-establish the Amerindian Language Project under the name Indigenous Language Project. The project will soon commence at the University of Guyana as part of cultural preservation.

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Wednesday 22nd June

National consultation seeks to push manufacturing sector’s safety regulations Georgetown GINA, June 21, 2016


he Ministry of Social Protection in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) commenced a threeday national consultation today, on the proposed draft regulation for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) in the manufacturing sector. The objective of this consultation is to have the full input of stakeholders within the manufacturing sector, in the drafting of the regulations which are envisioned to boost the OSH Act of 1997. Attending the consultations at Duke Lodge, Kingston, were Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence and Permanent Secretary, Lorene Baird, ILO’s Senior Specialist, Social Protection and Occupational Safety and Health, Ariel Pino, President of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTU), Norris Witter, General Secretary, Federation of Independent Trade Union of Guyana (FITUG), Samuel Joseph and Consultant, Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry (CAGI), Samuel Goolsarran.


t’s about the people, who are the assets and I think we are moving in the right direction with the right set of people. The next step will be to send it to the Attorney General’s Chambers so that their draft personnel (persons who write an official document) can ensure that the issues outlined which will give representation in keeping with our constitution and that we are not repeating with other pieces of legislation. When it returns it will be sent to Cabinet to get its blessings and then to Parliament so we are hoping that this will be done this year,” Minister Lawrence explained. Meanwhile, the ILO specialist, Pino spoke of the need to invest in the prevention of work place accidents. Pino

Permanent Secretary Baird explained that the full participation of stakeholders from the manufacturing industry is pivotal to the Ministry’s preparation of a robust document that will protect workers operating in the manufacturing sector. “…these regulations have been in the making for years and today’s activity is seeking to bring it closer to realisation. It will provide another level of protection for workers whose lives are often placed at risk in the manufacturing sector. As health and safety professionals, you must be cognisant of these issues as you are aware of the risk associated with working in these environments,” Baird told the participants.

these and other issues in mind, she urge the participants to diligently pursue the document, and at the end provide a paper of high standard that can withstand scrutiny, and can provide workers with the much needed security.

Minister Lawrence explained that, this i a big step to begin the process for the regulation of the manufacturing sector, and while Guyana may not have a thriving manufacturing sector, it is the government’s belief that this sector will expand and will become more vibrant.

Baird highlighted the economic cost of workplace accidents and the impact on families when a provider is injured. With said that the presentation of the international regulations will be based on best practices identified in different regions of the world, based on what needs to be done from the Government side, as well as the employers and the workers. This is absolutely necessary, because workers, as well as the employers need to be protected. “A healthy workforce will increase productivity and contribute to the long -term stability of business. What we want to promote through the ILO instruments, regulations and code of practice is basically to foster a comprehensive approach to

occupational safety and health, whether we have policies, whether we have systems in place, programmes, mid-term and long-term vision in terms of occupation safety and health,” the specialist emphasised.

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Wednesday 22nd22nd JuneJune Wednesday

IMF warns the US over high poverty


he US has been warned about its high poverty rate in the International Monetary Fund's annual assessment of the economy. The fund said about one in seven people were living in poverty and that it needed to be tackled urgently. It recommended raising the minimum wage and offering paid maternity leave to women to encourage them to work. The report also cut the country's growth forecast for 2016 to 2.2% from a previous prediction of 2.4%. Slower global growth and weaker consumer spending were blamed. US economic growth slowed to an annual pace of 0.5% during the first three months of the year, down sharply from 1.4% in the last three months of 2015. 'Social strains’ But the stronger labour market meant that overall "the US economy is in good shape", said the IMF's managing director Christine Lagarde. May's unemployment figures showed the rate

at an eight-year low of 4.7%. However Ms Lagarde warned that "not only does poverty create significant social strains, it also eats into labour force participation, and undermines the ability to invest in education and improve health outcomes". "Our assessment is that, if left unchecked, these four forces participation, productivity, polarisation and poverty - will corrode the underpinnings of growth and hold back gains in US living standards," she added. The report called on the US to invest more in education, as well as implement better social programmes such as childcare to help poorer Americans

get jobs. The IMF has repeatedly said that Brexit would not be a good economic move for the UK. Asked about its impact on the US, Ms Lagarde said it would largely be seen through financial channels - such as an increase in the value of the dollar if investors used the currency as a haven, as well as volatile markets - but that "it would most likely not entail a recession in the United States". (BBC)

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International News

Wednesday 22nd June

US election: Donald Trump attacks 'most corrupt' Hillary Clinton


resumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has called Hillary Clinton the most corrupt candidate in US history. Mr Trump said his White House rival was a "world class liar" who had "perfected the politics of profit" while she was secretary of state. "She gets rich making you poor," he said in a broad speech in New York which also cast her as a destabilising force in the Middle East. Mrs Clinton's spokesman said the speech was "more hypocritical lies". "Economists on the left, right and centre all agree his dangerous economic policies would throw us back into recession," he said. But earlier the businessman hit her with full force, saying she does not have the "temperament or judgement to be president" and she refuses to recognise the threat of radical Islamic terrorism. "Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism... one deadly foreign policy decision after another," he said of Mrs Clinton's tenure at the State Department. He said she wants to let Muslims into the country that want to "enslave women" and "put gays to death". Analysis - Anthony Zurcher, BBC News North America Reporter

nominee of criminal corruption. He called her a "world-class liar". He offered a bullet-point summation Mr Trump said Mrs Clinton's of an antipolicies have led to death and Clinton book written "scorned" for the trade deficit, he by a conservative commentator. said. "She ran the State Department And he read a letter from the widow like her own personal hedge fund, exchanging favours for straight-up of a police officer killed by an undocumented immigrant who said cash." the former secretary of state had the "blood of so many on her hands" and should "go to prison to pay for the crimes she has already committed against this country".

He said he would put American workers first and that his talent for creating jobs would help the US economy. His speech comes a day after Mrs Clinton gave a blistering speech of her own on how Mr Guided by his tele-prompter, Mr Trump would be "reckless" with the Trump offered a more focused, US economy. "Every day we see methodical attack on Mrs Clinton how reckless and careless Trump than he has normally produced in his is," she said at a campaign event in stump speeches, but it wasn't any Columbus. "Well that's his choice. less inflammatory - or prone to Except when he's asking to be our occasional exaggerations and president. Then it's our choice." misrepresentations. If Mr Trump will be a more polished candidate She has surpassed him in with the change of campaign fundraising, starting June with $42m leadership announced this week, it (£28m) in the bank; for Mr Trump it seems clear he will be no less the was $1.3m. His campaign is brash, braggadocious candidate that transitioning as he pivots to the stormed through the Republican general election. Controversial primary season. campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was fired this week He attacked her on trade and said and a few more campaign staff her support of the Trans-Pacific members joined his team. Partnership would cost the US

Donald Trump promised a bareknuckles speech with sweeping attacks on Hillary Clinton, and on Wednesday he delivered it. He accused the Democratic presumptive thousands of jobs. She should be

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CPL: Paul, Imlach join Amazon Warriors training camp


est Indies Under-19 players Keemo Paul and Tevin Imlach joined the Guyana Amazon Warriors for one-week camp as the team look to kick preparation for next month’s Caribbean Premier League (CPL). The Warriors are expected to take part in match simulations drills under the artificial lights Wednesday and on Friday and Saturday will play practice matches against a local select side.

Ali Khan. Notable absentees were Barbadian Dwayne Smith, Pakistani Sohail Tanvir and Australian Chris Lynn, who are expected to join the

Joining the Windies youngsters in camp were Rayad Emrit, Orlando Peters, Steven Katwaroo and Jason Mohammed, along with ICC Americas player Muhammad Ahsan

squad today. International stars Martin Guptill and Adam Zampa are the only two players who could miss the camp due to pretournament commitments. Guptill, who succeeded Denesh Ramdin as the Warriors’ Captain, is in England participating in the NatWest T20 Blast for county side Lancashire. (SportsMax)

Holder in doubt for Proteas


est Indies skipper Jason Holder remains a doubt ahead of the team’s crucial clash against South Africa in the Ballr Tri-Nations Cup on Friday. It has been confirmed that Holder, who could only bowl two overs in the team’s six-wicket loss, has suffered a strained hamstring and is unlikely to take part in the match. “I've strained my left hamstring. Hopefully I'll be ready for the game on Friday, still not sure at the moment,” Holder said of the injury following the match. Holder logged an expensive spell after 20 runs were taken from his two overs as the team attempted to defend 282. Despite failing to restrict the Australians, however, the captain believes the bowlers put

in a good shift in the encounter. "I think the bowlers made a very good attempt at trying to defend the runs. It was just unfortunate we were one bowler short,” Holder said. The West Indies are currently at the

bottom of the three team standings with eight points, four behind South Africa and seven behind the table topping Australians. (SportsMax)

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Wednesday 22nd June

Daily Horoscope

( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You can make it up to them later. You'll be tempted to spend extravagantly today. Try not to skirt issues if you think you'll hurt someone's feelings. Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Your communication skills may win you points. You need to get down to basics with regard to yourself. Emotional deception will cause friction on the home. (Mar. 21- April 19) It is best not to upset the apple cart if you learn information that may damage a colleague's reputation. You may find it necessary to confront a situation that has gotten out of hand. Don't be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist.

(July 23-Aug 22) Get into fitness programs to keep in shape. Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones. You'll meet new friends if you try new activities. (Aug. 23 -Sept. 22) Social events will be rewarding. Get involved in the activities of children. They will teach you far more than you expect. Don't expect new acquaintances to be completely honest about themselves. (Sept. 23 -Oct. 22) You can help a close friend find solutions to personal problems. Opportunities to meet new lovers will come through pleasure trips or social events. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals.

(Apr. 20- may 20) Think twice before you speak. You can help them more than they can help you. You may not see your situation clearly. (May 21-June 20) Spend time getting into physical activities with your lover. You can sort out any differences you have in an amiable manner. You will have to help family members sort out unfortunate difficulties.

(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) If they're too demanding, reconsider this union. You can mix business with pleasure to get favorable results. Don't let your mate force you into making a decision that you aren't ready to make. (Nov. 22 -Dec. 21) You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request. Spend time with your lover today. You can make adjustments in your domestic scene today. (Dec 22.- Jan. 19) Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers. Don't forget family obligations. You need to make your environment a better place, with more comforts and a better entertainment center.

(June 21-July 22) Concentrate on work or make changes to yourself. Alienation may be the result of a misunderstanding. Deception is evident around you.

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Rio 2016: Jaguar in Amazon torch relay shot dead PAGE


jaguar has been shot dead shortly after it was used in an Olympic torch relay in the Brazilian city of Manaus, the army said. The female jaguar escaped its handlers after the ceremony on Monday and attacked a soldier, a spokesman said. Four tranquiliser darts failed to stop it and a soldier shot it with a pistol. Organisers for the Rio Games said it had been a mistake to exhibit the Olympic torch next to a chained wild animal. University of Brasilia animal behaviour scientist Joao Paulo Castro told BBC Brasil that it was likely the animal escaped because it got stressed during the relay. "It's neither healthy nor advisable to subject an animal to such a situation, with lots of noise and people," he said. "Often, jaguars already are stressed by being kept in captivity, that's only compounded when they're exposed to

hubbub." Animal rights groups have condemned the killing, with some questioning why the animal was involved in the Olympic event. "When will we learn? Wild animals held captive and forced to do things that are frightening, sometimes painful, and always unnatural are ticking time bombs," Brittany Peet, director of captive animal law enforcement at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), said in a statement. The animal called Juma was being kept at a zoo attached to a military jungle training camp. It was rescued as a cub by soldiers after its mother died in the jungle and was brought

up at the camp, the military said. Jaguars seized from hunters are sometimes kept as mascots by jungle battalions and shown at military parades. An investigation into the jaguar's death will now be carried out by the military. The Olympic torch is relayed through Brazil leading up to the August opening ceremony. (BBC)

ICC mulling shake up of current television rights system


he International Cricket Council is mulling over a revised television rights system that could see full-member boards get better value for TV rights in overseas markets. Media reports said that a proposal for changes to the current system was made by ďŹ ve full boards England, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Australia - at the ICC chief executives committee meeting in April. The proposal suggests once the current cycle of rights ends for respective full members, each board

may place the rights to telecast its home series in overseas markets in a common pool into which other boards will also put those rights besides having the rights to telecast their home series at home. The rights in the pool will be sold

collectively as bundles by a committee of full members and the proďŹ ts will be divided and distributed in certain percentages to the contributing boards. The BCCI, reports said, has not yet responded to the proposal. (SportsMax)

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Sangakarra backs Steyn, Gayle to star this CPL


umar Sangakarra sees the Jamaica Tallawahs as a dangerous unit going into this year's edition of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), especially with weapons like Chris Gayle and Dayle Steyn. Gayle, the captain of the Tallawahs, is widely renowned as the most dangerous batsman in the world at the shortest format of the game, while the South African paceman is blessed with real pace and control. "I actually think there are two players who will get plenty of attention. One is

'Bullet' Dale Steyn. The other is Chris Gayle," said Sangakarra. Steyn, who is replacing the injured Lasith Malinga, has injury concerns of his own but his road to a full recovery has been good.

August 7. The Tallawahs won't be in action until July 2 when they go to Basseterre in St Kitta and Nevis for a clash with the Patriots. (SportsMax)

That road was littered with nine wickets in four games for Glamorgan in the NAtWest T20 Blast. He will play his final game for the NatWest side tomorrow (Friday), before making the trek to the Caribbean for the tournament. The CPL gets under way on June 29 and goes until

LeBron James ends speculation by announcing return to Cavs


eBron James has confirmed he will return to play for the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA next season. After bringing an NBA championship to Cleveland, just as he promised, LeBron James has confirmed he will stay with the team. James has a one-year, $24million player's option on the table, which he will in all likelihood decline in order to get an upgraded

salary from the team. But the 31-year-old says he has no intention of going anywhere else this offseason, despite speculation this week that he could sign with the Los Angeles Lakers or Miami Heat. "I love it here. I love being here. I love my team-mates," he told during the team's Finals-winning victory parade.

"Obviously my agent will take care of all the logistical things but, I'm happy. I've got no plans to go nowhere at this point." James was unanimously voted MVP as the Cavs won a first NBA championship in franchise history by beating the Golden State Warriors in the final match-up of the seven-game series on Sunday. (SportsMax)

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