Friday, June 24, 2016

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Friday June, 24

Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU Page 18

President says parking fee too burdensome Page 14

Rio doping lab's credentials suspended ahead of Olympics

Page 24

Minister Holder wraps up successful food, nutrition high-level meeting

Page 11

Flood – affected Region 5 Friday 24th June, 2016 residents get further relief Page 9

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Friday June, 24

ATTORNEY GENERAL ATTENDS FATF PLENARY MEETING-BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA Georgetown, June 24, 2016 – Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Hon. Basil Williams is currently attending the Plenary Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in Busan, South Korea. The AG left Guyana June 18, 2016 to attend the meeting which is being held during the week of the June 22-25, 2016.

In the photograph below, the Attorney General is in the company of the Secretary General of CFATF (first left) and representatives from Ghana and Uganda.

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Friday June, 24

Cabinet to review alternative oil import sources- to mitigate supply disruptions Georgetown, GINA, June 24, 2016uyana will continue to import oil from the existing supplier, Petrotrin while at the same time markets in non-CARICOM Caribbean Islands are still up for consideration.


A paper on approaches to mitigate supply disruptions was recently approved by the Board of Directors of GEA for Cabinet’s review Chief Executive Officer, Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Dr. Mahender Sharma told the Governme These approaches entail the identification of other markets that can be pursued, as well as mechanisms for improving local storage capacity. Upon receipt of Cabinet’s approval of the paper, the recommendations therein would be pursued. This will help to satisfy the country’s demand for oil Sharma explained that energy security concerns have been brought to the attention of the Caribbean Community CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) through several fora particularly, the 60th and 61st Special Meetings of COTED held this year. Currently, applications to purchase oil from other sources are made on a case-

by-case basis following notification from Petrotrin in Trinidad and Tobago, on the availability of supplies. Approval for purchasing oil outside of CARICOM has to be granted by the organization.. Participating member states want a more proactive approach in having the Common External Tariff (CET) for selected oil products imported reduced to zero percent, Sharma explained. COTED is in the process of reviewing the CET and this study would inform further development in this regard. The Trinidad and Tobago Government and Petrotrin have committed to provide advance notice of product availability on a three-month basis, through an agreement with COTED as a means to guide short-term planning. Guyana has, overtime, experienced fuel supply disruptions from Petrotrin resulting in the major oil companies having had to import from alternative

regional and extra-regional sources. In efforts to mitigate local shortages, the Government sought waivers of the CET levied imports from outside of the region through COTED. The inconsistency in product availability due to unexpected shutdowns over the past three years has been the cause for considering alternative markets within and outside of the region. (COTED) promotes trade and economic development of the (CARICOM) and oversees the operations of the Single Market and Economy.

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Friday June, 24

Food for the Poor officials call on President


eorgetown, Guyana – (June 24, 2016) President David Granger was, today, paid a courtesy call by the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Food for the Poor’s Florida Office, Mr. Robin Mahfood. The meeting was held at the Ministry of the Presidency.

social point of view, the housing programme has been able to keep families together…without housing families would not be able to stay together and once families fall apart, society falls apart,” President Granger said.

Mr. Mahfood said that Food for the Poor understands that Mr. Mahfood was accompanied by Governments alone cannot provide all of the finances needed the CEO Mr. Kent Vincent and to support vulnerable populations Chairman of the Board of Food and as such, it stands committed For The Poor (Guyana) Incorporated, along with, Mr. Paul to assist in any way that it can. He Chan-a-Sue and Mr. Brinaire Jean. disclosed that the organisation has provided 9,400 housing units, built 47 schools and two hospitals, President Granger expressed his outfitted 360 schools with appreciation to the visiting furniture and shipped 4000 delegation on behalf of the containers of aid items to 17 Government and local countries. beneficiaries. He said that Food for the Poor, which has become a Last year President Granger household name in Guyana, has announced that the Government helped countless families to help will be providing two hectares of themselves, particularly with his land for the organisation in housing programme. “From a Guyana for the

From left: Mr. Brinaire Jean, CEO of Food For The Poor (Guyana) Incorporated, Mr. Kent Vincent, President David Granger, President and CEO of Food for the Poor’s Florida Office, Mr. Robin Mahfood and Chairman of the Board of Food For The Poor (Guyana) Incorporated, Mr. Paul Chan-a-Sue

construction of a larger facility. The Government also committed to providing duty-free concessions for all vehicles imported by the organisation to conduct charitable work and a fix annual subvention commencing from this year. Mr. Mahfood said that Food For the Poor is extremely appreciative of this gesture on the part of the Government, particularly the donation of the land where a large warehouse will be built to safely store relief items such as medicines for hospitals. He also informed that the organisation is looking to expand its reach across the 10 Administrative Regions. (GINA)

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Friday June, 24

Fire Chief implores safe use of electricity – 17% increase in electrical fires recorded Georgetown, GINA, June 23, 2016he Guyana Fire Service (GFS) is encouraging safer use of electricity after it recorded a 17 percent increase in external electrical fires. Fire Chief Marlon Gentle told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that thus far for the year, 135 external electrical fires have been recorded compared to 115 for the same period last year. “We’re still at the stage where persons are using drop cords or two or three households sharing the same power which is somewhat illegal also,” Gentle pointed out. The Fire Chief further explained that many of these types of fires are occurring in newly developed communities such as Parfait Harmonie, Diamond, and in


the Cummings Lodge area Gentle noted that damage to buildings is not necessarily the cause of these fires. Instead, these unsafe uses of electricity could lead to electrocution and other destruction. The Fire Chief encouraged the safe use of electricity. “If you need to use electricity use it correctly, use it properly. Have a hired certified electrician do your electrical installations,” Gentle implored. Meanwhile, the GFS has recorded a decline in malicious fires and damage to buildings. Gentle stated that there is a six percent decrease in malicious setting of fires and 10 percent decrease in buildings being affected by fires. However, the Fire Service has recorded an increase in fire calls for this year. Gentle said

that there were 1,405 ‘fire calls’ but noted that “most of these were due to that long dry spell that we had.” The Fire Service has also recorded increased hoax calls. Gentle pointed out that apprehending those who make such calls is difficult because of the use of cell phones. Falsely reporting a fire is a criminal offence.

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Friday June, 24

Flood – affected Region 5 residents get further relief


eorgetown, GINA, June 23, 2016-Floodaffected residents of Region Five were given additional relief when two new pumps were installed to address the flooding in the communities. Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, today, visited the affected areas of Trafalgar, Number 28, Number 29 and Number 33 villages to assess the damage.

These are only temporary measures and a reliable long-term measure will implemented. “I will be following-up with the Ministry of Agriculture and National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) to have two permanent pumps to operate in the area,” Minister Patterson said. The Minister commended the residents for their understanding and patience. “It’s unfortunate that they had to attract us through protest. That is another area we as a government have to improve so that our citizens shouldn’t have to protest to get our attention.” The water has since receded from the communities.

Minister Patterson explained that one of the primary objectives is to ensure better or continuous maintenance, “since the sluice and pump at Trafalgar which drained the area needed to be maintained better,” to remove excess water from the land. The minister noted that, “what I noticed is that Minister Patterson’s visit comes in wake of another there was a lot of water in the area. We have to do a visit yesterday by three Government Ministers who were on an outreach to several areas in Region Five. few things better going forward.” Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix and Minister The two new pumps will be working continuously in the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen along with a pontoon and an excavator, and the Cummings visited Union, Golden Grove, Number pumps have enough fuel, Minister Patterson said. 30 and the Trafalgar pump station. They engaged residents of the villages and a team from the Ministry of Public Health distributed cleaning agents and bed nets to residents.

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson along with Minister within the Ministry, Annette Ferguson listening to Region Five residents’ concerns

One of the pumps installed at Number 28 to further alleviate flooding

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Friday June, 24

Minister Holder wraps up successful food, nutrition high-level meeting


inistry of Agriculture, June 24, 2016) – Agriculture Minister Noel Holder today returned from a high-level meeting in Peru which was aimed at strengthening relations on Food and Nutrition Security in members state countries. During his address, Minister Holder spoke of some of the key binding constraints which need to be addressed at the regional and international levels, if countries are to be food secure. “Guyana recognises a large section of the population depends on agriculture for food and income, this has led to the government continuously increasing investments in agriculture, expanding safety nets and social assistance programmes and enhancing job creating activities for both rural and urban citizens,” he said. Food & Nutrition Security Policy The Ministry of Agriculture has been spearheading the food, nutrition and security strategy which was officially launched in October 2011. The main objectives of this strategy are to help ensure immediate access to food in emergency contexts; rebuild and enhance resilience to withstand shocks; support longer term development initiatives for hunger and poverty reduction; improve the sharing of information on food security and nutrition policies and programmes undertaken by national and regional stakeholders by reviewing them, and promote rural development.

expected to be achieved through the following strategic components: Food security at the household, community and national levels, prioritisation of the most vulnerable, community participation, family nutrition, evidence-based planning, a coordinated multi-sectoral approach, legislative and regulatory environment, extending the country’s agricultural base to include, in a comprehensive way and as a matter of urgency, the hinterland savannah areas. The Government of Guyana, through its various line ministries continue to inject large sums annually, making provision for financial support for improving and sustaining of the food and nutrition drive in the country. The main agencies which have direct intervention include the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC), Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA), Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Pesticides Board and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PBTCB), and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). The Food and Nutrition Security 10year strategy is fully supported by the government, and it offers opportunities for a wider range of national and local stakeholders to play a more prominent role in combating hunger and food insecurity. (GINA)

The Strategy also provides a more comprehensive long-term plan covering the implementation period 2010 – 2020. As such, the above objectives are

Minister Holder noted that there was a food, fuel and finance crisis in 2007-2008 which lead to an economic downturn in 2009 and by 2001 there were high food prices. Those factors, according to the Agriculture Minister, combined to drive 44 mil ion people into poverty and as such, it is imperative countries examine food security interventions worldwide.

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Friday June, 24

President says parking fee too burdensome


resident David Granger yesterday announced that the proposed fees for parking in Georgetown, which is said to be $500 is too burdensome but that the government is not in a position to have it reduced. The President made this comment on his weekly television programme, The Public Interest which was recorded yesterday. According to the Head –of-State, he is of the belief that this fee, which was announced to be $500 per hour is too burdensome. “It is a burdensome amount for any person, rich or poor; it is high,” he told reporters. Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia ChaseGreen had said that the Council is currently reviewing the rate to charge citizens despite the announcement of $500. However, when asked whether the government will intervene to have this fee readjusted, should this be the approved amount, Granger said that

this is a decision for the municipalities and not the Government. He went on to express his concern regarding the parking meter project, noting that this was why he requested Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan to examine the contract for the project and the conditions under which the agreements were made. The contract for the implementation of the parking meters project was signed between the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) and National Parking Systems (NPS)/Smart City Solutions. Parking meters are to be installed on every street between South Road and Church Street, Water Street and Camp Street. And while the Mayor has signaled her intention to move ahead with the project, Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan has publicly stated that the project is a shady one. He said the mere fact that the City Mayor has refused to reveal the details of the contract to city councillors and make the contract

public, suggests that something sinister is taking place. The President also commented on this controversy, noting that he is not privy the contract, but that Government has asked to see it in an attempt to “protect the national interest” since there have been public outcry. “Truly enough, the City Council itself as a corporate body has the authority to make decisions; that’s why we had local government elections. I am disappointed that there are members of the councils who feel that they have not been consulted. The purpose of having democratic elections is to have democratically-run councils,” the President said. He further noted that as far as the government is concerned, it will insist for there to be greater transparency. “As far as we are concerned, we will insist for there to be greater transparency and we cannot overrule the council but we can ask for transparent procedures to prevail in the city council,” he added.

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Friday June, 24

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Friday June, 24

Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU


peaking outside 10 Downing Street, he said "fresh leadership" was needed.

The PM had urged the country to vote Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day", while Boris Johnson said the result would not mean "pulling up the drawbridge". Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was "absolutely determined" to keep Scotland in the EU so a second Scottish independence referendum was now "highly likely". German chancellor Angela Merkel expressed "great regret" at the outcome, and EU chiefs said they expected the UK to begin negotiations to leave "as soon as possible, however painful that process may be". But Boris Johnson, the ex-London mayor and public face of Vote Leave who is now a front-runner to be next prime minister, said there was "no need for haste" about severing the UK's ties. He said voters had "searched in their hearts" and the UK now had a "glorious opportunity" to pass its own laws, set its own taxes and control its own borders. Another leading Leave campaigner, Labour's Gisela Stuart, said the UK would be a "good neighbour" when it left the EU. The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results. It later regained some ground but was still 8% lower on the day by midafternoon. Flanked by his wife Samantha, Mr Cameron announced shortly after 08:15 BST that he had informed the Queen of his decision to remain in place for the short term and to then hand over to a new prime minister by the time of the Conservative conference in October. He would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months, but that it would be for the new prime minister to carry out negotiations with the EU and invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which would give the UK two years to negotiate its withdrawal, he said. "The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected," said Mr Cameron. "The will of the British people is an instruction that must

Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

be delivered." Bank of England governor Mark Carney said UK banks' "substantial capital and huge liquidity" allowed them to continue to lend to businesses and households. The Bank of England is ready to provide an extra £250bn of support, he added. Chancellor George Osborne said he had briefed G7 finance ministers about the consequences of the vote. On Twitter, he said it had been a "hard-fought campaign" and while it was not the outcome he wanted, "I will do all I can to make it work". The referendum turnout was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voting - the highest turnout at a UK-wide vote since 1992. Mr Farage - who has campaigned for the past 20 years for Britain to leave the EU told cheering supporters: "This will be a victory for ordinary people, for decent people." Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who called for the UK to remain in the EU but was accused of a lukewarm campaign, said poorer communities were "fed up" with cuts and felt "marginalised by successive governments". "Clearly there are some very difficult days ahead," he said, adding that "there will be job consequences as a result of this decision". He said the point he had made during the campaign was that "there were good things"

about the EU but also "other things that had not been addressed properly". Lib Dem leader Tim Farron said Labour's leader had been "utterly gutless" in the way he approached the campaign. And two Labour MPs have submitted a motion of no confidence in Mr Corbyn's leadership which may be debated and voted on by Labour MPs next week. Mr Johnson and fellow Leave campaigner Michael Gove paid tribute to Mr Cameron as they addressed Vote Leave supporters in London alongside Ms Stuart. Mr Johnson said the UK was "no less united... nor indeed any less European" following the decision to leave the EU. Meanwhile, at a press conference in Edinburgh, Ms Sturgeon said a second Scottish referendum was "on the table" and that the Scottish government would prepare legislation to enable one. The European Parliament is to hold an emergency session on Tuesday to discuss the referendum result. On Twitter, EU Parliament president Martin Schulz called for a "speedy and clear exit negotiation". But Leave supporting Tory MP Liam Fox said voters had shown great "courage" by deciding to "change the course of history" for the UK and, he hoped, the rest of Europe. (BBC)

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Friday June, 24

Daily Horoscope Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones. Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today. You need an outlet.

You may have a problem dealing with elders. Pleasure trips will be favorable and bring about possible romance. Stop those bad habits.

You may find yourself mixed up in a triangle of sorts. Don't take advantage of your expense account. Avoid any erratic behavior or it could cause isolation at home.

Don't get so wrapped up in being rich that you overlook the fact that your plan may not be as solid as you thought. Use your better judgment before you sign up for a costly venture. Trips will be exciting.

Rely on the one you love for support and affection. Your mate may not be too sure about your intentions. You can make changes to your living quarters, but not everyone will be pleased with your efforts.

Concentrate on work. You can enjoy the company of others and come in contact with an ideal mate, if you get out and mingle. Not everyone will be pleased with your plans.

Don't get so wrapped up in being rich that you overlook the fact that your plan may not be as solid as you thought. Look after financial transactions today. Move into a leadership position if you are determined

Don't be afraid to make a move if you aren't happy with your emotional situation. This will not be the best day to try to push your ideas or concerns. Your high energy will enable you to enlist the help of those in a position to back you. Secret affairs may only cause complications in your life. Your suggestions for fund raising events will be well received. Try not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

You should make sure that your personal papers are in order. Your own small business on the side could ease your financial stress. Socially, you need a fast paced form of entertainment Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts. You will feel better about yourself and you may also meet potential lovers. They won't pay you back and you'll be upset.

Get involved in creative projects that will enhance your earning power. Your ability to converse with charm will entice someone you may have had an interest in for some time now. You will be on the rampage today.

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Hales and Roy power England to record-breaking ten-wicket victory


record opening stand has powered England to an overwhelming victory in the second ODI of the Royal London series against England at Edgbaston. Alex Hales and Jason Roy both thrashed centuries as England completed a ten-wicket win with 95 balls remaining. It is just the sixth such victory England have achieved in their ODI history and the highest score against which any side has achieved it. It is the fifth time Sri Lanka have been defeated by ten wickets in an ODI. Their stand was not only a record for England's opening pair - overhauling Vikram Solanki and Marcus Tresocthick's 200 partnership against South Africa in 2003 - but the highest for any wicket in ODIs by England batsmen. Previously, Andrew Strauss and Jonathan Trott - who put on 250 together against Bangladesh here in 2010 held the record. England have suffered often at Sri Lankan hands in ODI cricket. Apart from the 2006 ODI series which Sri Lanka won 5-0 - including overhauling England's apparently impressive 321 at Leeds with 12-and-a-half overs to spare - there have been memorable, and critical, defeats in the last two World Cups. But, at the ground where England's ODI revolution started just over a year ago, they demonstrated that the balance of power may have shifted with a devastatingly one-sided victory. This Sri Lanka side, missing the world-class stars with which they had become familiar, lacked the batting firepower to make first use of an excellent surface and the bowling potency to prevent England's batsmen from galloping to victory. Not for a moment did it appear that Sri Lanka had set a competitive target. And while Hales and Roy played themselves in relatively calmly both men took 55 deliveries over their first halfcentury - the manner with which they pulverised the Sri Lankan bowling once set was reminiscent of the punishment that used to be handed out to English bowlers by Sanath Jayasuiriya on a regular basis. At one stage they struck four sixes in succession - Hales punishing Seekkuga Prasanna for three sixes and two fours in five successive balls - as they made use of an impressively hard, true wicket to skip down the pitch and hit over the top. Both men registered their highest ODI scores, with Roy making his first half-century in eight ODI innings and Hales making his sixth fifty-plus score (and second century) in seven successive ODIs. It is England's first victory in five ODIs, following three defeats in a row in

South Africa and Tuesday's tie at Trent Bridge. Hales, using his reach to drive four of his sixes and slog-sweep two more, took just 36 balls over his second 50, while Roy, with four straight sixes, demonstrating both bat-speed and power, took 37. Sri Lanka's frontline spinners took much of the flak, conceding 140 runs including eight sixes in 16.1 overs. It made it entirely understandable that one of the umpires, Bruce Oxenford, utilised an arm guard on his left arm to protect him should a ball be thrashed in his direction. Hales gave one clear chance, Danushka Gunathilaka at point missing a simple chance when the batsman had 126, but by then the game was all but decided. It was Roy who claimed the man-of-the-match award. As well as his century, he played a significant role in two run-outs, first swooping at backward point, picking up the ball in his lefthanded, transferring it to his right and throwing down the stumps with a direct hit to dismiss the dangerous Kusal Perera, before managing another good pick-up and throw to punish Dinesh Chandimal's attempt to set off for an optimistic single. It was part of an improved performance in the field from England. Although Hales, at second slip, was unable to cling on to a tough chance offered by Gunathilaka off Chris Woakes on 5, Adil Rashid delivered another well-controlled 10 overs of leg-spin (he has now conceded just 70 runs in 20 overs this series), Jonny Bairstow impressed the sell-out crowd with his outrageous pace and powerful throw as a boundary sweeper and David Willey held a brilliant catch at mid-on. He originally appeared to have misjudged the catch with some confusion as to whether to leave it to Hales, at mid-off, but, at the last moment, he launched himself full length and clung on to the ball. It all meant that Sri Lanka limped - both literally and metaphorically - to a total that always looked well under par. While Angelo Mathews passed a fitness test before the toss, he looked someway below his

best and, when Chandimal also required on-field treatment having appeared to suffer a hamstring strain, it left the pair limited in both mobility and in terms of their speed between the wickets. Mathews was later unable to bowl, while Chandimal was unable to keep wicket and was replaced behind the stumps by Perera. The pair added 82 in 16 overs for the fourth wicket - easily the highest stand of the Sri Lanka innings - but, bearing in mind that England scored 408 in the last ODI on this ground (against New Zealand in June 2015), it always looked too sedate to prove match-winning. At one stage, they had to be content with 25 runs in succession picked up in singles. It could have been worse. At 191 for 7 in the 41st over, it seemed Sri Lanka might struggle to bat out their 50 overs. But a late rally from Upul Tharanga, becoming accustomed to his new role in the middle-order, and Suraj Randiv, who came into the side in place of seam-bowling allrounder Dasun Shanaka, at least gave Sri Lanka a chance. The pair thrashed 44 from the last four overs of the innings with Tharanga reaching a 46-ball half-century (with five fours and a six) and Randiv paddling, squirting and sprinting his way to 26 from 27 balls. Victory means that England have also taken an unassailable 13-3 lead in the Super Series. With three ODIs and one T20I to play, there are a maximum of eight points to play for in the rest of the series. England 256 for 0 (Hales 133*, Roy 112*) beat Sri Lanka 254 for 7 (Tharanga 53*, Chandimal 52, Mathews 44*) by ten wickets (ESPNcricinfo)

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CPL signs Stadium Agreement with Ministry of Education (Georgetown, June 23, 2016) – eam Operations Manager of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), Mr. Omar Khan recently met with the Minister within the Ministry of Education, Hon., Nicolette Henry, Permanent Secretary, Alfred King and Legal Officer, Kelly-Ann Hercules-Payne to sign the Stadium Agreement for the 2016 edition of the Caribbean Premier League.


This is the fourth year the Guyana National Stadium will be hosting the CPL. The stadium will feature four big matches on July, 7th (Guyana Amazon Warriors vs Jamaica Tallawahs), July 9th (Guyana Amazon Warriors vs St. Kitts & Nevis Patriots, July 10th Guyana Amazon Warriors vs Trinbago Knight Riders and July 12th (Guyana Amazon Warriors vs St. Lucia Zouks). These four matches will no doubt attract thousands of Guyanese to the National Stadium. Guyana is regarded as one of the countries in the Caribbean with the largest cricket fan base. Following the recently held WICB TriNations Series, the management of the Stadium is working along with the CPL organizers to improve the state of the pitch. Already a number of international cricketers are in Guyana preparing for the upcoming competition. The inclement weather has not deterred training as the Stadium has the best drainage system in the Caribbean. While at the Ministry, Mr. Khan presented Minister Henry and PS King with Amazon Warriors T-Shirts. The CPL 2016 Line-up Proteas batsman Faf du Plessis will line

up for the St Kitts & Nevis Patriots alongside West Indies duo Samuel Badree and batsman Lendl Simmons, Australian international Brad Hodge, retained players Evin Lewis and Tabraiz Shamsi as well as Canada’s Nikhil Dutta (ICC Americas) for the coming season. Australia’s two-time ICC Cricket World Cup winner Shane Watson will join his former international team-mate Michael Hussey as well as West Indies World T20 captain Darren Sammy at the Zouks. They will team up alongside the likes of Johnson Charles and Andre Fletcher as well as South African paceman Morne Morkel and batsman David Miller. The highly-decorated former ICC Cricketer of the Year Kumar Sangakkara, will return to the Jamaica Tallawahs after helping them seal the inaugural trophy in 2013 and he will join the electrifying Chris Gayle, Sri Lanka fast bowler Lasith Malinga, Bangladesh all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan and local favorites Andre Russell and Chadwick Walton. Talented duo Christopher Barnwell and Versammy Permaul will be aiming to provide the local backbone for New Zealand star top order batsman Martin Guptill for the Guyana Amazon Warriors as they bid to go one step

further and seal the coveted CPL title which has eluded them on two occasions in 2013 and 2014. They will be joined by the hugely talented Dwayne Smith and Pakistan’s Sohail Tanvir who has moved from the Patriots. The recently re-named Trinbago Knight Riders will welcome back the number one ICC WT20 international bowler Sunil Narine and he will be joined by left arm spinner Sulieman Benn and Pakistan wicket-keeper Umar Akmal. Proteas batsman Hashim Amla and Dwayne Bravo, Kevon Cooper as well as former Black Caps captain and ‘marquee’ player Brendon McCullum who will be making his first appearance this summer at the biggest party in sport.

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Rio doping lab's credentials suspended ahead of Olympics


he World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has suspended the credentials of a testing laboratory in Rio de Janeiro that didn't conform with international standards, just over a month before the city hosts the Olympic Games. The decision, announced on Friday, adds to concerns about Rio's readiness to host the global sporting event in August as public services suffer amid a crisis in state finances. "The suspension will only be lifted by WADA when the laboratory is operating optimally," Olivier Niggli, the incoming director

general of the agency, said in a statement, without providing details about the problems at the lab. "The best solution will be put in place to ensure that sample analysis for the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games is robust," the statement said. Doping is high on the agenda ahead of the Rio Games, the first Olympics to be held in South America, after the Russian team was suspendd from athletics events there because of doping allegations in track and field. The Rio lab's six-month provisional suspension is subject to an appeal

during a 21-day window that started on Wednesday, when WADA first informed the laboratory of its decision. Samples intended for analysis at the premises will be redirected to another WADA-accredited laboratory, the agency said, without saying where.The laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro declined to comment immediately on the decision. WADA representatives did not immediately respond to questions about irregularities at the Rio lab or the location of the nearest alternative.

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