Friday, July 8, 2016

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F r i day , J ul y08, 201 6

Bus i nes s men out r agedby a c t i o n so f F o o d &D r u gD e p t



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FRIDAY, JULY 08 2016

Businessmen outraged by actions of Food & Drug Dept Members of the business community are considering taking their businesses elsewhere in the Caribbean as they continue to lament the “bias attitude” of Director of the Food and Drug Department , Marlon C o l e . Businesses h a v e complained about the wrongful seizure of t h e i r products u p o n importation and the millions of dollars they lose since t h e i r imports are held for Marlon Cole long periods of time by the government department. During an interview with this newspaper, some businessmen, who prefer to remain anonymous, said that Cole’s attitude is causing their businesses to suffer and they are seriously considering relocating to other Caribbean locations. Such a move will see grave losses to the growth of Guyana’s economy. The businessmen believe that the David Granger administration need to either intervene by setting up certain protocols which have to be followed by

Cole, his testers, his inspectors and the rest of his team or find another way to remedy the losses of revenue to the businesses. The investors also want to be informed on what basis their containers are seized and what is being done with the products when in the custody of the department. “If the labs are not properly functional, what are they doing with the products which are seized?” one investor questioned. The businessmen suffer millions in losses, since the imported products are held in the custody of the department way pass the expiration date and after having no evidence for keeping it, the products are returned but it has to be dumped since they cannot be sold. “It is a malicious and spiteful delay and refusal of entry to our containers,” one businessman said. The situation has become such a serious one, that some businessmen want to launch an internal investigation into the department.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.



FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

The Unruly Horse Bank of America and Guyana’s AML/CFT travails By: Mohabir Anil Nandlall, MP.Attorney-at-Law AML/CFT concerns… Bank of America severs ties with Guyana. As AttorneyGeneral and Minister with responsibility over Guyana’s AML/CFT compliance regime, I spent the greater part of three years battling with the Joint Opposition, in vain, to secure their support in the National Assembly in order to enact changes to our laws to make Guyana compliant with international standards in respect of Guyana’s AML/CFT regime. It would be an act of selfishness if I do not acknowledge the efforts of my colleagues in Government. From the President right down, we persevered relentlessly. We explained at every fora available, the dangers to which our nation’s financial and commercial sectors will be exposed. We warned of the great volume of background information which will have to be supplied in relation to financial transactions both locally and across borders. We highlighted the unnecessary expenditures which will be incurred to do business across international borders. We emphasized the severance of relations that would take place between banks in other countries and local bank. We predicted that international trade and commerce between local businesses and those across our borders will decline. We enlisted on our side, the diplomatic community, the entire private sector, the labour movement, the religious organizations and almost every civil society organization of worth. We spent over a year haggling in a Special Select Committee. We had several meetings at the highest political level- all being done to procure the Joint Opposition’s support in the National Assembly to pass the relevant legislation. They refused to budge. They held the nation to ransom. At every meeting their political demands increased. They accuse us of creating panic in the country. They claimed that we are crying wolf; that nothing will happen if the Bills are not passed. In the end, they reduced this fundamental national issue to that of a

political football. They voted down the required AMLCFT Bill twice in the Tenth Parliament. They caused CFATF to issue a series of adverse Public Statements against Guyana, informing the world that Guyana poses a threat to the global financial structures and warned countries to take the necessary steps to protect their financial landscape from the threat posed by Guyana’s financial sector. The CARICOM region and indeed the world took note. They implemented counter-measures against Guyana. It is now a nightmare to transact business with the local banking sectors. Businessmen can relate the ordeal which they endure daily to conduct simple business transactions. As a result, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) begun a review process of Guyana. Thus, Guyana is stained globally as a country that encourages money laundering and terrorism. A year after assuming the reins of Government, this very Joint Opposition, now in government with a controlling Parliament has been unable to extricate Guyana from the morass in which they have dumped us. The Attorney-General appears shockingly clueless on how to propel the nation out of this state of international delinquency. As if he is on a trial and error mission, he piloted four Bills, thus far, through the National Assembly. Instead of advancing out of the process, we seem to be backsliding. The level of

incompetence is remarkable. He still, clumsily, blames the PPP/C administration for the technical deficiencies which afflict our system. A few days ago, he boldly informs the nation that we shall soon exit the review process. Again, this Minister is in a state of perpetual confusion on this issue. How is it possible for us to be exiting the review process and at the same time a huge bank, like Bank of America, who stayed with us all this while, has bid us good-bye, although, we will soon become compliant? It does not make sense. Someone is lying through their teeth. We continue to reel from the consequences of being an AML/CFT delinquent nation . I have already disclosed that FATF’s latest Public Statement on Guyana contradicts the impression conveyed by the AttorneyGeneral that we are exiting the FATF review process. I have also disclosed that the FATF has most likely been misled because in their Public Statement they speak to Guyana having established “a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit”. This is the farthest from the truth. Guyana’s FIU exists on paper only. When CFATF and FATF realize that they have been misled the situation will only get worse. In the end, no matter from what perspective this matter is examined, the unassailable truth is that the APNU+AFC are responsible for the position Guyana finds itself in regarding our delinquent AML/CFT status.



FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

GRA Chairman under fire A major shakeup at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) in June saw the sacking of the Head of the Customs Department Jameel Baksh and Head of the Human Resources Division, Archana Joshi. Chairman of the GRA, Rawle Lucas had said that the duo was fired because the Board of Directors of the GRA was dissatisfied with the amount of revenue collected. Additionally, the lead investigator of the Customs airport racket, Nityanand Narootandeo, had his services terminated suddenly without any warning. This newspaper understands that no reasons were given in his termination letter. The Human Resources Management Division at the Guyana Revenue Authority made it clear that it was a decision of the Board of Directors. However, sources at GRA revealed that there was no Board meeting on the decisions to fire the officials. Lucas announced that Baksh was relieved of his duties, suggesting that his services were terminated but couldn’t afford a plausible explanation when this newspaper asked him. The Chairman also said that Joshi’s termination was for poor performance and never mentioned Narootandeo’s dismissal at his press conference in June. When questioned about Narootandeo’s dismissal, Lucas could not answer. Fitzroy Corlette, Head of Projects, will now

take over as the person in charge of agency’s Law Enforcement and Investigation Division (LEID). Lancelot Wills will now head the Customs portfolio. He was jumped to the position which would earn him $695,485 per month. Sources said that he was promoted by someone other than the Board of Directors.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Chairman of the GRA, Rawle Lucas

Man accused of attempted murder further remanded Stafrei Alexander today reappeared at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Leron Daley. He is charged with the attempted murder of Curtis Tom, which occurred on March 23, 2014 at Hunter Street, Georgetown.

During the Preliminary Inquiry (PI), Tom was called to testify where he recalled that he was standing on his back verandah after feeding his dogs, when he saw the defendant walking from east to west along Hunter Street.According to Tom, the accused was wearing a black, long sleeved hoodie, but the head was not covered, thus he was able to identify Alexander. Tom said he saw Alexander pulled out the gun as he was “walking backward” through his door when he felt the stinging pain of him being shot. Alexander’s lawyer however told the court that his client has an alibi by noting that he was at home with his reputed wife and three others at the time of the incident. He also said that Tom was using the incident to get back at his client for a confrontation that occurred in early January. Alexander was further remanded and the PI will continue on August 08.- ByJarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.




FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

Govt to go after 'double dipping' of pension The Ministry of Social Protection will be putting steps be computerizing the pension system to make it more in place to ensure Guyanese who live abroad do not get pension from Guyana, subject Minister Volda Lawrence has noted. According to Lawrence, the ‘double dipping’ occurs when persons do not live in Guyana, get two pensions - one from Guyana and one from the country in which they live. “We will be putting an end to persons who are double dipping…we have persons who believe that it is their right to live in a foreign country and collect their pensions here…we are saying no, it is not going to happen,” the Minister said. Persons who want old age pension must live in Guyana for a minimum of two years. “In the hinterland regions we know there are persons with more than one identification card who draw (collect) pension under one name in one region, then travel to the next and draw under the other name,” she said. She also stated that ‘double dipping’ is not only related to pension, but also public assistance for school aged children. According to Lawrence, some children are beneficiaries of public assistance in Guyana, but they also get similar assistance in Brazil. “To address this, guardians will have to submit an attendance report for the child so that they can continue accessing such assistance,” the Minister stated. The Ministry will also

efficient and effective. The Social Protection Ministry has engaged the Ministry of Public Telecommunications to get the two agencies to collectively pilot this electronic project. The monthly pension is $18,000.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Minister Volda Lawrence

Update: Man shot dead byOgle, police during drug raid East Coast Demerara. Reports indicate that a large quantity of cocaine and a gun were recovered. Four other suspects were detained at the spot and are in police custody at Eve Leary. Police believe that the hotel was being used as a transit point for large scale drug transactions.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

The man, who was shot yesterday afternoon by the police during a drug bust, succumbed to gunshot injuries. He has been identified as 51-year old Nigel Joseph of South Ruimveldt, Georgetown. Joseph was shot and killed by police during a shootout at a hotel at

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FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

US University donates Dialysis Machines to Guyana govt The University of Vermont Medical Center in the United States of America today handed over 10 dialysis machines to the Georgetown Public Hospital. At the handing over ceremony, Dr. J.R. Deep Ford of the United Nations who facilitated the arrangements related to the gift of the dialysis machine, stated that the dialysis machine will increase in no small way the capacity of the health system to serve the many citizens suffering from kidneys that are damaged, dysfunctional, or missing, currently there are three dialysis machine at the GPHC. He further stated that dialysis services in Guyana needed be expanded, the St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital and the Georgetown Public Hospital have some capacity. Eight of the machines will go towards the GPHC and two to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Helen Browman said that the hospital started its dialysis unit in March, 2015. She believes that with receipt of these machine will boost the capacity of dialysis treatment. Minister of Public Health Dr. George Norton, thanked the University for the donation of the 10 dialysis machines which cost around $6.4M. He also embraced the public/private partnership that has helped the hospital to improve the general care being offered to

the general public. He said that the kidney dialysis centre at the GPHC has been in existence for four years; the centre has two specialist and five practitioners along with three registered nurses and four nursing assistance. The Minister also said that the GPHC provides this service free of cost, and that persons should receive free health care regardless of their economic circumstances. Patients usually require dialysis when the waste products in their body become so high that they start to become sick from them. The level of the waste products usually builds up slowly. Doctors measure several blood chemical levels to help decide when dialysis is necessary. The two major blood chemical levels that are measured are the "creatinine level" and the "blood urea nitrogen" (BUN) level. As these two levels rise, they are indicators of the decreasing ability of the kidneys to cleanse the body of waste products. Doctors use a urine test, the "creatinine clearance," to measure the level of kidney function. The patient saves urine in a special container for one full day. The waste products in the urine and in the blood are estimated by measuring the creatinine. By comparing the blood and urine level of this substance, the doctor has an accurate idea of how well the kidneys are working. This result is called the creatinine clearance. Usually, when the creatinine clearance falls to 10-12 cc/minute, the patient needs dialysis. A dialysis machine is a machine that filters a patient’s blood to remove excess water and waste products, doing work that failed kidneys are unable to perform.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Dr. Ford hands over dialysis machines to health Minister Dr. Norton at the Dialysis Centre at GPHC.



FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

Brothers die in fire at Drop-in Centre Two brothers, ages 2 and 6, lost their lives in a fire last night at the Drop In Centre on Hadfield Street, Georgetown. This newspaper understands that the two year old after realizing his brother was still inside the building, went back to save him. An official of the Guyana Fire Service said when the fire service arrived on scene the building was already engulfed and given the fact that children were involved they immediately went into rescue mode. Guyana Daily News understands that one child was rescued from the lower flat of the building, but firefighters failed to rescue the brothers from the upper flat of the building where the fire was concentrated since they experienced some difficulty in the smoke filled atmosphere. The on-duty care giver, Sharon Jones told this publication that she was in a chair when she felt an intense heat; opening her eyes she said she saw fire on the electrical pole and immediately raised an alarm for the children to get out. She said in the process of rescuing the baby, the two year old held onto her feet as they tried to get out, but realizing his brother was still inside he let go. She said shortly after, the stairs collapses and she could not go back to save them. At the scene the surviving children were in a state of panic and shock as they had to

console each other. Head of the Child Care Protection Agency, Ann Green who was present says, it is a tragic situation but they will continue to care for the children. The displaced children she says will temporarily be housed at the Sophia Centre until proper arrangements are made. The name of the two who perished in the fire will not be released until the families are notified.

3 injured in Mocha accident Three persons are injured following a road accident last evening at Mocha Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD). According to reports, the driver lost control of the vehicle on the poorly lit road and crashed into a horse, killing the animal on the spot. The persons injured were rushed to the hospital, where they were treated and discharged.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Mi ami Pi z z e r i a




FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

Director admits to lack of proper testing labs at Food & Drug depar tment The business community continues to be concern about the seizure of goods without adequate testing facilities by the Guyana Analyst Food and Drug Department. During an interview with the Guyana Daily News, Director of the department, Marlon Cole sought to clarify several issues by firstly pointing out that although the labs are accredited, they are looking to get further accreditation and more modernized equipment. He admitted that the current testing facilities are not up to date and not quite functional and as such some of the tests required on some of the products cannot be done. According to Cole, since the department is unable to test c e r t a i n products, they are left with no other alternative but to send the product for testing at the Caribbean Food and Drug Labs. “If they are still unable to be tested, we have to trust the labels,” Cole said. Marlon Cole Cole was asked about importers who may use “cheat routes” such as fake labels to get their products past customs and to avoid testing. In response, he said that the importers can be fined and do jail time. When asked, Cole said that the department can only take action against rogue importers when complaints are made and tests are carried out on the items. When pressed

about the health effects substandard products can have on the population due to the lack of adequate testing facilities, Cole could not offer a proper answer. In a previous interview with a source out of the department, the Guyana Daily News asked about the protocol in relation to which items are selected for testing and was told that the process is one which is totally randomized for numerous reasons such as; all the products cannot be tested due to lack of equipment and there is no specific protocol set for the choice of an item. This newspaper came across a few articles written by various media outlets which highlighted the disgruntlement of multiple businessmen over the seizure of containers by the Food and Drug Department. However the businessmen have stated that they noticed a trend where their containers with products are being seized for “testing” but they end up being taken to court under the pretense that their product is substandard. However, most of the cases are dismissed due to the lack of evidence on the part of the Food and Drug Department. Businesses have suffered millions of dollars in losses due to the actions by the department.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.




FRIDAY, JULY 08 2016

Dallas shooting: “Americans started the week celebrating freedom, now they are shocked At least five police officers are dead and seven were wounded after the city exploded into violence with crossfire between the Dallas Police Department (DPD) and four gunmen last night. Snipers opened fire against police officers who were controlling a peaceful protest being carried by the citizens of the area, over recent police shootings. The violent stand-off lasted for three hours with SWAT officers. The attacker was killed when the police sent an explosive device attached to a robot to where one of the suspect was holed up and detonated it. One of the attackers said to the police that “he was upset about the recent police shootings” and “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” “We’re hurting, our profession is hurting. Dallas officers are hurting. We are heart broken,” Dallas Police Chief David Brown said Friday morning.

“We as a city, we as a country, must come together and lock arms and heal the wounds we all feel. No words to describe the atrocity that happened to our city. All I know is this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens.” The protest was in response to the latest police shootings taking place in Baton Rouge on Tuesday morning and in in Minnesota, less than 48hrs. For two hours, roughly 800 protesters marched peacefully, then around the 21:00hrs the shooting began. Two civilians were wounded by gunfire, though their conditions were not immediately known. “It looked like an execution honestly,” Ismael DeJesus, one of the witnesses said. President Obama gave remarks about the shooting while at a summit in Warsaw, Poland: “I believe I speak for every single American when I say we are horrified over these events. It was vicious, calculated and despicable.” “Today, our focus is on the victims and their families, they are heartbroken. The entire city of Dallas is grieving. Police across America, a tight-knit family, feels this loss to their core,” Obama said. This mass shooting has been the worst attack on law enforcement since the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

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FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

Former Spain President will land in Venezuela today on a surprise visit Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, former president of Spain was selected to start unoďŹƒcial political dialogues with the government of Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition. Mr. Zapatero is travelling with Venezuelan Ambassador before the United Nations Mr. Jorge Valero. Nicolas Maduro has expressed his contempt towards the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) leaders, who publicly expressed their conditions to restore a sincere and open dialogue with the pro-governmental political forces: incorporation of more ex-presidents and members of the church, change the place where the meetings are hosted (currently being held at the Dominican Republic), immediate release of some political prisoners and about representatives of the National Assembly. The Union of South American Nations (USAN or UNASUR) proposed to the former

Spanish president jointly with formers leaders of Dominican Republic, Mr. Leonel Fernandez and Panam, Martin Torrijos, to mediate between political factors.-By-Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.



GUYANA DAILY NEWS US and South Korea agree THAAD missile defence deployment PAGE 18


he US and South Korea have agreed to deploy a controversial missile defence system, in the wake of intensifying threats from North Korea. The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system will be deployed solely to counter the threat from Pyongyang, a statement said. It is unclear exactly where it will be sited and who will have final control. China, which has consistently opposed the plan, lodged a protest with the US and South Korean envoys. China's foreign ministry said that the THAAD system will harm peace and stability in the region, despite its ability to detect and shoot down North Korean missiles. "China expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute objection to this", it said in a statement on its website. What is the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD)? -Shoots down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase of their flight -Uses hit-to-kill technology - where kinetic energy destroys the incoming warhead -Has a range of 200km and can reach an altitude of 150km -US has previously deployed it in Guam and Hawaii as a measure against potential attacks from North Korea 1. The enemy launches a missile 2. The Thaad radar system detects the launch, which is relayed to command and control 3. Thaad command and control instructs the launch of an interceptor missile

FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

4. The interceptor missile is fired at the enemy projectile 5. The enemy projectile is destroyed in the terminal phase of flight The BBC's Korea Correspondent Stephen Evans says that Beijing fears the system's radars would be able to see far into its territory. China, the North's closest ally, supported the most recent UN sanctions after North Korean nuclear and missile tests. Discussions between the two countries began in February after North Korea fired a long-range missile. "South Korea and the US have made the joint decision to deploy the THAAD system as part of a defensive action to guarantee the security of the Republic of Korea," South Korea's Defence Ministry said on Friday. It will be deployed "as soon as possible." THAAD is "critical" to the US' defensive strategy, Lt. Gen Thomas S. Vandal of the US Eighth Army in South Korea told AP. He added that the North's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction required that the allies made sure that they could defend themselves. The announcement comes after North Korea denounced US sanctions on Kim Jong-un, calling it an "open declaration of war", after the leader was accused of human rights abuses. The US had put sanctions onto the leader for the first time, calling him directly responsible for violations in his country. Pyongyang has warned that it will close down all diplomatic channels with the US unless the blacklisting is revoked, reported news agency Yonhap. The measures freeze any property the individuals have in the US and prevent US citizens doing business with them. "Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea continues to inflict intolerable cruelty and hardship on millions of its own people, including extrajudicial killings, forced labour, and torture," the Treasury statement said. It estimates that between 80,000 and 120,000 prisoners are being held in North Korean prison camps where torture, sexual as s au lt an d ex ecu tio n s ar e routine.(BBC)

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Obama: US police shootings of black men 'should concern all’ PAGE 20


S President Barack Obama has said all Americans should be concerned about the frequent police killings of black men. His comments, as he arrived in Poland for a Nato summit, came after two more black men died in such incidents. Philando Castile was shot dead during a traffic stop in Minnesota on Wednesday, while Alton Sterling was shot dead by police in Louisiana a day before. On Thursday night, protests were held across the US over the police use of lethal force against African Americans. Demonstrations took place in several cities including, Dallas, New York, Chicago, Washington and the two cities that features in the latest incidents, Baton Rouge in Louisiana and St Paul in Minnesota. Shots were fired at the protest in Dallas, local media report, with two police officers reported injured by gun fire. Mr Obama said the US must say "we're better than this", and that its importance went beyond race. "This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about," he said. "All fairminded people should be concerned." Pointing to statistics showing AfricanAmerican citizens are far more likely to be shot by police by whites, Mr Obama called on law enforcement to root out internal bias. "When incidents like this occur, there's a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if it's because of the colour of their skin, they are not being treated the same,'' he said. "And that hurts." The latest incidents follow a long line of controversial deaths of AfricanAmericans at the hands of the police that has ignited a national debate about the use of lethal force. At the scene - Barbara Plett Usher, BBC News, St Paul, Minnesota Some of the people bringing bouquets to the site of the shooting are too emotional to talk. "I'm

FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

just numb and sad," mumbles a middle-aged black woman. An elderly white woman, Diana, has driven 40 miles to this quiet middle-class suburb to pay her respects. She was part of the civil rights movement that protested against discrimination, she says, "and it's still going on". Joe, an elderly man passing round blueberries to protesters gathered outside the governor's mansion, agrees: "It's an indictment of my generation of white people." The rally is multi-racial and peaceful but black anger is visceral. "He (Castile) lost his life for a broken tail light," spits out one speaker. "Use your white privilege to help us," admonishes another. A pastor and Iraqi war vet, Thomas, offers this bleak view of the police: "This is the same as a combat zone," he says. "If black people get pulled over we need to position ourselves as prisoners of war and survive the encounter." Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, who has requested a federal investigation into the shooting in St Paul, , Minnesota, said he didn't think Philando Castile would have been shot if he had been white. "Would this have happened if the driver and the passengers were white? I don't think it would have," he told reporters. "This kind of racism exists and it's incumbent on all of us to vow and ensure that it doesn't continue to happen." The national debate has been stoked by videos of both incidents that quickly went viral on social media. Philando Castile's girlfriend live-streamed the aftermath of the shooting in St Paul showing him covered in blood as an officer pointed a gun at him. Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds was heard telling the police officer that her boyfriend had been reaching for his wallet, as he had been instructed to do. "You shot four bullets into him, sir. He was just getting his licence and registration, sir," she says in the video. The officer can be heard shouting: "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand out." An emotional Ms Reynolds j o i n e d protesters o u t s i d e Governor

Dayton's official residence in St Paul, saying that she had filmed the incident so "the world knows that these police are not here to protect and serve us, they are here to assassinate us". Leading black celebrities also joined the calls for action. Singer Beyonce published a statement on her website, calling on people to "take a stand and demand that they stop killing us". Mr Castile, 32, worked as a cafeteria supervisor at a Montessori school. His cousin Antonio Johnson told the Star Tribune newspaper he was "immediately criminally profiled" because he was black. Hundreds of people also gathered for a second night of protests in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the shop where Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old father of five, was killed on Tuesday. A second piece of video from Baton Rouge emerged on Wednesday appearing to show Mr Sterling being held down and then shot several times, although some shots are heard when the camera moves away from the confrontation. Seconds later, one of the officers is seen removing an object from the man's trousers as he lies on the ground with blood on his chest. A witness said he saw officers take a gun from Mr Sterling's pocket after the shooting, but police have not commented on this. The officers involved, Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II, have been put on administrative leave and the US department of justice has launched a civil rights investigation. The policeman who shot and killed Philando Castile has been named as Jeronimo Yanez. He and another officer involved, Joseph Kauser, have been placed on leave. Police killings that scar the US Walter Scott - unarmed and shot in the back as he ran away from an officer in North Charleston, South Carolina, in April 2015. Former officer Michael Slager facing murder charge Laquan McDonald - 17-year-old was holding a knife but appeared to be moving away from police in Chicago when shot 16 times in 2014. Officer Jason Van Dyke denies murder charge Michael Brown - 18-year-old shot at least seven times in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014, sparking nationwide protests. Officer Darren Wilson cleared of wrongdoing Eric Garner - died after being placed in a chokehold by New York police while selling cigarettes in July 2014. Grand jury decides against charges, police disciplinary action taken against supervising officer Sgt Kizzy Adonis (BBC)



FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016


.Ingredients 2 oz DELISH MACARONI & CHEESE 1 oz flour 1 oz PALMBOOM BUTTER* ½ pt MILKO INSTANT FULL CREAM MILK* Pinch of salt White pepper 2 oz grated cheese 1 tsp SUAVIT MUSTARD* *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Preparation Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water until soft. Make the white sauce with the flour, margarine and milk. Add the macaroni, two thirds the cheese, the seasonings and the mustard to the sauce. Pour into a greased pie dish and sprinkle the remainder of the cheese on top. Brown at the top of a moderately hot oven or under a hot grill, and serve hot.


Ingredients 8 cups boiling water 8 DELISH TEA BAGS* 2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger 1/3 cup honeye watermelon and basil and pour over ice.

Directions Pour 8 cups of boiling water into a heat-resistant pitcher. Add 8 tea bags and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove and discard the bags and allow the tea to cool to room temperature. Stir in the honey and ginger and refrigerate until ready to use. Serve over ice.




Daily Horoscope Nothing can be resolved if you don't want to talk about it. Look after financial transactions today. You can discuss your intentions and ideas with your colleagues or friends today.

You must use discretion when talking to others. Gambling should not be an option. Concentrate on work. Keep your ears open, especially to those who care about you.

Take a trip or just spend some quality time with your mate. Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals. Hard work will bring rewards.

Use your innovative mind to surprise youngsters. Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion. Move into a leadership position if you are determined to do so.

You can make money through solid investment plans. Those you live with may be experiencing problems. You may be sensitive to a point of absurdity

Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Don't make any drastic changes or begin new projects today. Travel in pursuit of pleasure and knowledge.

You're in the mood to do things such as competitive sports, or perhaps a night on the town. Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation. You may make someone else look due to neglect or abuse.

You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Heed the advice given by family or old reliable friends. You can help them with difficult projects.

Travel and family gatherings should be in order. You can enjoy entertainment if you join in and follow the crowd for a change. Travel will promote romantic connections. Organize social events or family gatherings. Organize your day well if you wish to accomplish all you set out to do. Try not to donate to organizations if you can hardly afford to take care of yourself.

Your honesty will not only win you points but also respect. Friends and relatives can give you good advice. Stand up and propose your ideas, and you'll be surprised how many people will follow you. Satisfy your passionate mood. Pleasure trips will bring you into contact with new and interesting people. Jealous colleagues may try to undermine you.

FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016



FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2016

Gardening Word Search Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining 27 letters spell a Lady Bird Johnson quote.


Friday, July 01, 2016


Former Jamaican sprinter wins European Championships silver Former Jamaican sprinter Jak Ali Harvey won the start.(SportsMax) silver medal at the European Athletics Championships being held in Amsterdam Thursday. The 27-year-old athletes, formerly known as Jacques Harvey from Hanover in Jamaica, won his first individual medal for Turkey when he was edged at the line by Dutchman Churandy Martina. Martina, 32, formerly of Curacao, and who was not favoured for the event, ran from behind to claim the win in 10.07s, edging Harvey (10.08) and French champion Jimmy Vicaut (10.08). Britain’s Richard Kilty was disqualified for a false Jak Ali Harvey

Mexico name squad for Olympic gold defence Mexico are out to defend their Olympic football gold medal at the upcoming Games in Brazil. Mexico have confirmed their 18-man squad as they look to defend their Olympic football gold at the upcoming Games in Rio de Janeiro. The CONCACAF nation secured their first Olympic football gold medal at London 2012 after a 2-1 win over Brazil in the decider. Oribe Peralta, who scored both goals in the famous win, has been included as one of Mexico's three permitted overage players for Rio 2016. The 32-year-old Club America striker is joined on the overage list by Toluca goalkeeper Alfredo Talavera and Tigres UANL defender Jorge Torres Nilo. Mexico Olympic coach Raul Gutierrez also elected to choose Manchester United target Hirving Lozano, who was part of the nation's 23-man squad for last month's Copa America Centenario. Only one of the 18 players - Erick Torres (Houston Dynamo) - play their club football outside of Mexico, with Pachuca (5) having the most representatives in a heavy domestic presence. Mexico open their Olympic defence against Germany on August 4, followed by matches against fellow Group C opponents Fiji (August 7) and South Korea (August 10). Mexico squad in full: Goalkeepers: Manuel Lajud (Tijuana), Alfredo Talavera (Toluca) Defenders: Jose Javier Abella (Santos Laguna), Erick

Aguirre (Pachuca), Cesar Montes (Monterrey), Jorge Torres Nilo (Tigres UANL), Carlos Salcedo (Guadalajara), Jordan Silva (Toluca) Midfielders: Carlos Cisneros (Guadalajara), Erick Gutierrez (Pachuca), Victor Guzman (Pachuca), Michael Perez (Guadalajara), Rodolfo Pizarro (Pachuca) Forwards: Marco Bueno (Guadalajara), Alfonso Gonzalez (Monterrey), Hirving Lozano (Pachuca), Oribe Peralta (Club America), Erick Torres (Houston Dynamo)

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Friday, July 01, 2016


Guyana begins defence of U15 title against Windwards Defending champions Guyana are expected to face a rigourous its 21st year – will be contested under a round-robin format, challenge from ever-competitive hosts Windward Islands at Progress Park, when the Regional Under-15 Tournament opens on Wednesday, July 27 in Grenada. Guyana captured the title last year on home soil by topping the points table, following victories over Leeward Islands, Jamaica and Windwards, and in spite of no-results against Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados. In the other first-round matches of this year’s tournament, Barbados meet Trinidad & Tobago at La Sagesse and Jamaica tackle Leeward Islands at the Tanteen Recreation Ground in the Spice Isle’s capital of St George’s. Rawl Lewis, the Grenadaborn former Windward Islands captain and West Indies legspinner, now WICB project officer for junior cricket, said the RU15 was important to encourage development for young players from across the Caribbean while promoting competition at the regional level. “This competition gives our junior players an opportunity early in their development to showcase their ability on the regional stage and test themselves against the best players in their age group,” said Lewis. “Having regional matches for players in this age group is also extremely valuable and productive for us because it will give a clear understanding about the depth of talent that exists in the region, so we know where we need to place the emphasis in the development cycle, as the players work to move up through the age groups in their respective territories.” The Tournament – in

featuring five rounds of matches with the team accumulating the most points being declared champions. The Regional Under-15 Tournament commenced in 1996 with then hosts T&T taking the inaugural title. They hold the record for the most RU15 titles with seven, also winning the title in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2013. Reigning champions Guyana have claimed the top prize three times comprising back-to-back titles twice – in 1998 and 1999, and again 2014 and last year.(SportsMax)

CPL: Warriors looking to stay focused at home - Tanvir Guyana Amazon Warriors all-rounder Sohail Tanvir winning two games away,” he added.(SportsMax) says the team will remain focused on keeping momentum following a solid start to the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) campaign. The Warriors have won their first two games of the competition after a four-wicket win over St Kitts and Nevis Patriots and another victory over Trinbago Knight Riders, who they beat by six wickets. The team will now looks to the comforts of home when it hosts the Jamaica Tallawah, who have also won two games, despite the hot start the bowler insists home comforts will not be taken for granted. “We’ve only played two games, there are eight games to go so we’re not sitting easy and relaxed,” all-rounder Sohail Tanvir said. “To win a game you have to play good cricket, whether you play at home or away. So we need to carry it on. We’ve got the momentum [and] we’ve got the confidence from



Friday, July 01, 2016


Guyana's bowlers keep them undefeated Fast bowler Sohail Tanvir and left-arm spinner Veerasammy Permaul claimed five wickets between them to set up a seven-wicket victory for Guyana Amazon Warriors against Jamaica Tallawahs in a topof-the-table clash at Providence. After skittling Tallawahs for 100 in 18 overs, Amazon Warriors got to the target with 12 balls to spare on a typically slow surface. Guyana now have three wins in three matches, having already beaten St Kitts & Nevis Patriots and Trinbago Knight Riders. Tanvir laid down the marker, having Chris Gayle, who smashed 108* in his previous match, lbw with an inswinger off the first ball he faced. Permaul then struck twice in two balls, in the fifth over, removing Kumar Sangakkara and Chadwick Walton. Tallawahs crawled to 29 for 3 at the end of the Powerplay, having scored only two boundaries during that period. Three boundaries then came in the space of eight balls as Rovman Powell and Shakib Al Hasan threatened a recovery. They lofted Australia legspinner Adam Zampa for sixes down the ground, after Powell had hit a four over Permaul's head. But then Shakib holed out to deep midwicket off Permaul. Zampa also struck, undoing Nkrumah Bonner - who had come into the XI for Andre Russell and Andre McCarthy for ducks to leave the visitors at 80 for 6. The lower order folded, and Powell was the ninth batsman to be dismissed, for 38. Barring Powell, only Shakib managed to pass 20. The chase wasn't easy for Amazon Warriors. They fared worse in the Powerplay than Tallawahs, scoring 13 while losing captain Martin Guptill and Dwayne Smith to Pakistan left-arm spinner Imad Wasim, who finished with figures of 2 for 6. Chris Lynn and Jason Mohammed, however, settled Amazon Warriors with a 42-run partnership for the third wicket in 9.2 overs. The stand ended when Mohammed was pinned lbw for 22 by Shakib. The wicket hardly dented the hosts though, with Lynn and Anthony Bramble teeing off for 48 in 4.4 overs to seal the chase. Permaul bagged the Manof-the-Match award for his career-best T20 figures of 3 for 20. After the game, he said he had focused on

bowling a tight line. The two wickets that I picked up earlier really set up Jamaica and we kept bowling consistently, picking up wickets at the crucial stages of the game," he said. "It is important to bowl wicket-towicket [in Providence]; we know the conditions very well. It [The pitch] is a bit two-paced and keeps low." Amazon Warriors have a day's break before taking on Patriots at home on Saturday, and Knight Riders on Sunday. Tallawahs have three days to regroup before facing Barbados Tridents in Bridgetown on Monday. (ESPNCricinfo)

Sohail Tanvir dismissed Chris Gayle for a golden duck Guyana Amazon Warriors 101 for 3 (Lynn 39*, Bramble 27*, Wasim 2-6) beat Jamaica Tallawahs 100 (Powell 38, Permaul 3-20) by seven wickets

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Friday, July 01, 2016


Pitch-siding Indian national thrown out of CPL game An Indian national found to have been involved in illegal betting activity at the HERO Caribbean Premier League (CPL) match between the St Kitts and Nevis and Barbados Tridents at Warner Park in St Kitts on Tuesday was questioned and subsequently ejected from the match. HERO CPL confirmed the incident, explaining that the individual was engaged in pitchsiding, while underlining its commitment to fighting corruption in the sport. Pitch-siding occurs when people relay real time information overseas before delayed broadcasts, allowing gamblers to manipulate bets on what will happen, or already has. The practice, also called courtsiding, is not illegal, but the gambling markets it serves, mostly in India, usually are. The International Cricket Council (ICC) prohibits it in the fine print of its match tickets and would rather avoid the unsavoury association. “As a result of ongoing monitoring by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) of the International Cricket Council (ICC), which is chaired by Sir Ronnie Flanagan, and Hero CPL’s Head of Security Andy Murphy from Eventsec, this individual was found to have been involved in live betting and has been subsequently banned from attending any future CPL matches. In addition, his details will be shared with key international representative bodies,” CPL said in a statement released Thursday. Damien O’Donohoe, CPL CEO, praised the efforts of the CPL’s security and anti-corruption for its timely

action. “I would like to reiterate CPL’s unwavering commitment to protecting and enhancing the reputation of the game of cricket,” he said. “The individual in question has been dealt with swiftly and this statement will undoubtedly deter any future unscrupulous behaviour at our games.” O’Donohie said the Hero CPL has a zero tolerance policy towards any forms of corruption or illegal activity and will deal with it quickly and effectively through the appropriate channels. “We are working closely with all our partners – including the ICC, the police and ground security in each of the Hero CPL venues – and would like to thank them for their ongoing efforts on our behalf,” he said.(SportsMax)


Friday, July 01, 2016


Bolt signs new deal with Enertor World’s fastest man Usain Bolt will become the face of sporting insole company Enertor which recently launched a new high performance product. The new brand, which launched in June, claims to cushion the feet and reduce the chances of injury. Bolt’s latest endorsement will see the athlete featured in yet another ad campaign, expected to be officially launched on Saturday in the UK. The ad initially features a young sprinter practicing in the fields, supposedly a young Usain Bolt, with a voiceover from the sprinter who talks about a young boy deemed "too tall" to be a sprinter. The voiceover then speaks to the athlete’s setbacks and the determination that got him to where he is today. The ad then closes with Bolt on screen stating that he is not yet finished. The campaign will run across TV, print, digital, social support and paid display, online and in-store activation. Bolt, the world’s fastest man, recently featured in another ad campaign for telecommunications company Virgin Media.(SportsMax)

Usain Bolt

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