Tuesday, July 12, 2016

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T ues day , J ul y1 2, 201 6



P o l i c eS e r g e a n t a l l e g e d l y p a i dmi l l i o n st oc o v e ru p Page d e a d l yb o a t mi s h a p 2

hebanof BusinesscommunityT Page bemoansparking 4 St y r of oam Page feesforcontainers i nGuy ana4

Angr yr es i dent sbl oc k Sophi aMai nRoad 6 Page



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

BK International gets $900M in steel on $180M judgment The controversial acquisition by BK International of eight containers of steel in 2015, months before the May elections, which is worth $900M, is taking heat as the days go by. Former President Donald Ramotar and Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, claim that not everything was in place when the transaction took place. BK Boss Brian Tiwari claimed $180M plus interests and costs, in a lawsuit filed in mid-2014 against Indian contractor, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), for work on the troubled Specialty Hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara. Surendra was dismissed from the hospital project after that company failed to meet deadlines, Mr. Nandlall said. In July last year, BK managed to acquire court orders to execute judgment on the containers, even though the Ramotar government immediately took possession of the steel, paying the Customs charges and placing it in the custody of the Ministry of Health. It is now being questioned how the company received t$900M worth in steel when its judgment was for $180M. With a Court

Marshal, the steel was handed over to BK. Ramotar and Tiwarie had exchanged a number of fierce public letters about the issue. In an open letter published in the Stabroek News earlier this month in response to allegations from Mr. Tiwari about the topic, Mr .Ramotar addressed that: “APNU+AFC regime handed over eight containers of steel that were imported by Surendra Company for the Construction of the Specialty Hospital, to BK International Group, days after the 2015 General Elections. I indicated that the PPP/C government had paid all required charges to GRA and to the Wharf, took the containers off the Wharf and the Ministry of Health took possession of these containers. In the meantime, the PPP/C government had moved to the Courts to sue Surendra to recover monies paid to them after the Government terminated the contract. The intention was to execute the judgment obtained against Surendra by levying on the containers to recover the judgment.” The public is now awaiting to see if effective actions will be taken.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Police Sergeant allegedly paid millions to cover up deadly boat mishap A Police Sergeant is expected to be charged soon following allegations that he received millions of dollars to cover up a recent boat mishap in the Pomeroon River. Information reaching this newspaper revealed that the Police Sergeant was heading the investigations into the mysterious death of Mohammed Abdool, who died when the boat he was in capsized on April 26, 2016. Two of his colleagues were today charged with his murder and remanded to prison. It is alleged that the Sergeant collected the money from the accused men in order to cover up the incident. However, a complaint was made and reports indicate that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has advised that he be charged. It is alleged that Lennox Baharally and Rondell Williams were in a

boat with Abdool when the boat capsized. It is further alleged that the defendants managed to keep afloat and tried to rescue Abdool by pulling him to the bank of the river but he succumbed.

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Business community bemoans parking fees for containers Mayor Patricia Chase-Green has confirmed that there will be a parking fee of $25,000 for containers that are parked outside of business places around the Capital city. This newspaper understands that the decision was made at the statutory meeting, even though some councillors were not informed. When this newspaper contacted Debra Lewis, Public Relations Officer at City Hall, she said, the money is to help the council with repairs to bridges and roads that the containers are traversing. She also stated that some business owners are not honoring their obligations. The business community is outraged at the announcement by the Mayor and is calling for a review of the decision. City hall recently announced that it is implementing a parking meter system in the city, whereby drivers will have to pay in order to park their vehicles; however there were concerns over the contract and it was sent for review by the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo is against the parking fee for containers, pointing out that this will only add pressure on the local business community. The former President recently said, “The container tax is consistent with everything that has been done so far under the current APNU+AFC Administration.”-By-Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

The ban of Styrofoam in Guyana In a previous article written by the Guyana daily news, the question was raised as to whether the ban on Styrofoam products is in effect. Following up on the ban of Styro products, the Guyana Daily News decided to answer some of the pressing questions that are being asked about the ban, with the help of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, the “ban” which is now enforced by law, is not on the usage of Styrofoam products; as a matter of fact it is on the import of the said products. The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be refusing and not processing the declaration of any product which are found to be Styrofoam based. The enforcement team of the ban is the EPA, which is the chief agency and they are partnering with the GRA, Bureau of Standards, and Institute of Applied Science and Technology and the private Sector Commission. Penalties for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,000. The EPA believes that the banning of Styrofoam products will see a decrease in litter over a period of time since the alternatives will biodegrade; they however continue to implement their no nonsense litter policies which has seen a number of people and businessmen being charged since the beginning of 2016. According to the EPA, the ban of Styrofoam products is a necessity since Styrofoam is a product which takes hundreds of years to degrade and due to its light weight it finds its way into waterways, which becomes a hazard to wildlife. The EPA also states that Styrofoam is made up of toxic chemicals which when

introduced to food can cause serious illnesses. The cost of cleaning drains is also a factor taken into consideration in the banning of the products since the amount of money that is allocated towards cleaning the non-biodegradable products that block drains can be diverted and invested into other resources. The ban which was to be implemented at the beginning of the year still sees some food outlets using Styrofoam despite the closure of the three months “grace period” while the majority has switched to the “paper boxes.” However some business owners’ worry about the prices of the newer biodegradable boxes as compared to the Styrofoam boxes and the Ministry of Natural Resources has made a plea to the Ministry of the Finance to consider financial incentives to ease the burden.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Angry residents block Sophia Main Road It was chaos on the Sophia main road this morning when frustrated residents blocked the road with large rocks, old furniture and other debris. The protest started at around 8:30 hrs when residents vented their frustration about the poor conditions of the road. The main road has been under repairs since January this year, and aproximately three months ago suddenly stopped. The 'Ring Road Project' as it was named, aimed to cover areas of Liliendaal,Pattensen, Cummings Lodge and Turkeyen. The goal of this one was to create necessary accesses for the evolution of the community. Locals are displeased with the performance of the contractors in charge. Authorities started to appear on the spot as early as 9:00 hrs in an attempt to maintain order. Traffic is being forced to turn back due to the exigencies of the angry residents. “The road has been under repair for a long time now, and for some reason or another the contractors stopped working. We don’t know the reason so we started to

protest, we need the work to get done and no one hears us, is unfair for the people of Sofia. We are waiting for the right authorities to solve this matter as soon as possible. This is why we took it to the streets”, a resident said.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Charlotte Street woman charged with wounding man resides at Charlotte Street, Georgetown, maliciously and unlawfully attacked Johnson with intent to murder him. Johnson who reportedly lived with Perkins was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Alexis Perkins was today released on bail by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan for the offense of unlawfully wounding Sherwin Johnson with intent to murder him on July 2, 2016. Alexis Perkins, 25, a Chef at Demico’s Idaho Pizza branch was not allowed to plead to the indictable offense. The prosecution objected to bail based on the severity of the crime; however bail was granted and she is slated to reappear in court on July 28,, 2016 for report. It is alleged that on the day in question, Perkins who



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Pomeroon Boat Builders charged with murder

Lennox Baharally and Rondell Williams appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today charged with the murder of Mohammed Abdool, on April 26, 2016 in the Pomeroon River. Both men, who have no priors, were remanded until August 15, 2016, where they will appear before the Magistrate’s Court in Charity, Essequibo. Lennox, 34, of Upper Pomeroon and William, 19, were represented by Attorney Jerome Khan, who argued that the charges are unreasonable since in order for a murder charge to be instituted, there would have to be a previous grievance between the men. According to the lawyer, the only mistake his clients made is that they moved the body of the deceased from the water to the banks of the river. Prosecutor Navil Jeffords said that the post mortem of Abdool is still outstanding together with the statements from investigators hence some more time is required. It is alleged that on the day in question Baharally, a boat builder and

Williams, a boat apprentice, were in a boat with Abdool when the boat capsized. It is further alleged that the defendants managed to keep afloat and tried to rescue Abdool by pulling him to the bank of the river but he succumbed.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.




TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Cops suspect crash victim fell asleep


tartled by the sound of another vehicle’s horn, 26-year-old Christopher Lewis accelerated after stopping at the Trincity traffic lights and slammed into a vehicle in front of him, resulting in his death and the injury of another driver. The accident, according to police, took place around 7 am on Sunday. Less than one hour later, the aspiring events manager was pronounced dead at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex. Recalling the moment she was told of her son’s death, Marceline Shawah said officers came to her home at Fairley Street, Tunapuna, and told her from reports taken from eyewitnesses, it appeared Lewis had stopped at the lights and then sped off after it turned green, crashing into the back of another car. Speaking with the media at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, Shawah said officers suggested that her child might have fallen asleep at the wheel and was startled by the honking of a horn. None of the officers who spoke with her, she said, could say for certain what happened. According to the official police report, the accident occurred at 7.05 am on Sunday along the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Trincity. Lewis was heading east along the highway when he stopped at the traffic lights near the Trincity intersection. Sometime after he slammed into the back of another vehicle driven by Denzil Ramdath. Recalling her son’s life, Shawah said he was a loving son. She said anyone who came in contact with him loved him as he had something in him to which people were drawn. “He had a style about him, he understood human nature and didn’t like disrespect, being the receiving end or giving. He has a lot of friends and

Accident victim Christopher Lewis everyone who I spoke to is relaying to me the same story, that he was very approachable and had that ability to love regardless of who you are,” she said. Shawah said her son was on his way home after working since the night before at a nightclub in Portof-Spain. Lewis’ death took the road fatality figures to 72 for the year.(Trinidad Guardian)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Three earthquakes in three days


OSEAU, Dominica, Tuesday July 12, 2016 – The University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre recorded three earthquakes between Saturday and yesterday, none of them causing any damage or injuries. The latest and biggest was a 4.4 magnitude tremor that occurred o Dominica around 2:58 a.m. yesterday. It was registered 58 kilometres northeast of the capital, Roseau. Just under 24 hours before that, a 4.2 magnitude quake was felt by residents of Trinidad and Tobago. That occurred 73 km southeast of San Fernando, which is located in the southwest of the twin-island republic. On Saturday around 6:14 a.m., there was a 3.9 magnitude quake that also jolted Trinidad and Tobago. The tremor struck 84 km northwest of the capital, Port of Spain.(Caribbean360)

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Dump workers protest again Even as workers from the Beetham landfill downed tools yesterday morning to protest the non-payment of arrears, Public Utilities Minister Ancil Antoine assured he was working to rectify the matter urgently. Asked to respond to the demands of the Industrial General and Sanitation Workers Union (IGSWU) that the action would continue until the workers receive the outstanding monies, Antoine revealed he had spoken to Finance Minister Colm Imbert about the matter as recently as Saturday, when the two attended the funeral service for former prime minister Patrick Manning. Antoine said: "I approached the Minister of Finance and spoke to him on the matter. I am now awaiting the release of money to pay the workers." He said yesterday morning he instructed the ministry's permanent secretary to "resend the letters to the Ministry of Finance regarding the release of money to pay these workers." Antoine had “no idea” about how long that could take. Faced with the possibility that the situation could continue until the money is paid, Antoine said garbage and dump trucks had the choice to go to the Forres Park or Guanapo landfills in the interim. Meanwhile, police officers turned away garbage and dump trucks yesterday as the drivers began lining the west-bound lane of the Beetham Highway after the workers congregated in front of the main gate to protest the non-payment of the arrears.

Fewer roadblocks The workers began gathering from as early as 6 am forcing truck drivers to seek alternative instructions from their bosses. Unlike several weeks ago when the action led to a major traffic pile-up, police officers acted swiftly to ensure there were no barriers to impede the motoring public as drivers slowed to watch the protestors, with some shouting out positive messages to the group. Standing firm with the workers, president of the IGSWU, Robert Benacia, said they were tired of Government's "lies and deceptions." He added: "The workers have decided they will continue the protest until Government sends word through the company (Solid Waste Management Company Limited) that they are ready to improve the working conditions and pay outstanding arrears." Estimating that the 250 current and former employees were owed approximately $9 million, Benacia said operations at the Beetham landfill were severely affected Benacia added: "These essential service workers are only asking to be paid what is owed to them." Acknowledging that SWMCOL "wanted to do the right thing by the workers," Benacia said they too were being misled by Government. Asked to explain, Benacia said: "They are being told certain things and when that is communicated to the workers, it turns out to be lies." Indicating that the demand for improved conditions was due more in part to the lack of funding from Government and not a reluctance by SWMCOL to effect changes, Benacia said the workers could no longer operate with malfunctioning toilets, the lack of a pipe-borne water supply and a building that was falling apart but also infested with mosquitoes and pigeons. The collective bargaining agreement was signed on June 5, 2015 with officials of the previous People’s Partnership administration for the period 2011 to 2013. The payment of the outstanding arrears was promised by November 30, 2015. Benacia said the workers had encountered financial hardship as some had taken loans and were owing creditors and that the settlement would mean a new lease on life for the 120 daily-paid workers.(Trinidad Guardian)

A SWMCOL worker holds up a plackard during the workers protest outside the Beetham Landfill yesterday. PHOTO: SHIRLEY BAHADUR




TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Colombian borders reopened for Venezuelans in search of food Around 35,000 people, many of whom had queued since the early hours of the morning, crossed the border between San Antonio del Tachira in Venezuela and Cucuta in Colombia, a Colombian official said. Venezuela opened their common border for 12 hours on Sunday, to allow its people to buy food, medicine, and other essential supplies. The border was closed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro last August, due to the area been infiltrated by Colombian paramilitaries and gangs. The closure was also intended to prevent subsidized goods from being smuggled from Venezuela and sold for a huge profit in Colombia. “President Maduro ordered, that he didn’t want anyone hurt or killed..,”Tachira state Governor Jose Vielma Mora told the press. Meanwhile, the people spending hours in the streets,

waiting to buy scarce goods at high prices, grow increasingly disenchanted. This month, a poll found that Maduro’s support had fallen to 23 percent, while 80 percent of the country wants him out of power.-BY- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Early morning tragedy as truck overturns on Spur Tree Hill KINGSTON, Jamaica — A truck overturned on the Spur Tree Hill main road in Mandeville, Manchester early this morning, leaving one man dead and two other people nursing wounds in hospital. The police have identified the deceased as Carlos Black. Reports from the Mandeville Police are that about 1:00 am, Black was a passenger in a

motor truck, when the driver lost control of the vehicle, which overturned in a gully. The police were summoned and all three were taken to hospital where Black was pronounced dead. The driver and the other passenger are being treated. Investigations continue.(Jamaica Observer)

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Dallas shooting: Obama to pay tribute to slain officers


he deadly attack left five officers dead and seven others injured(EPA)

President Barack Obama is expected to arrive in Dallas to pay tribute to the five police officers who were shot and killed during a deadly sniper attack. Mr Obama will deliver remarks at a memorial service for the slain officers, who were killed last week at a Dallas protest. The gunman was killed by a bomb delivered by a police robot during a standoff with authorities. Mr Obama's trip comes amid mounting racial tension across the country. Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, opened fire at a protest held over the recent police shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. He killed five policemen and wounded at least nine other officers and two civilians. The Army veteran told police negotiators he was upset by recent shootings and wanted to kill white people, specifically officers. First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, will also meet privately with the families of the victims on Wednesday.

Analysis: Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, North America reporter As Barack Obama often points out, he has had plenty of experience during his seven years as president consoling the

nation follow ing a mas s shooting tragedy. He has also been afforded numerous opportunities to comment on race relations and how it can adversely affect law enforcement in American society When he takes the stage in Dallas, however, Mr Obama will be in the delicate position of trying to navigate through waters roiled by all those issues at once. He will be expected to offer sympathy for the five officers who lost their lives at the hands of a black sniper enraged by recent episodes of perceived p o l i c e b r u t a l i t y, w h i l e acknowledging that those episodes have created justifiable anger and resentment within the black community. Mr Obama is a man of remarkable rhetorical skill, but his words and actions will be tested on Tuesday like few times in his administration. Solutions are neither quick nor easy, increasing the odds that no one will leave Dallas satisfied that another tragedy - whether at a police stop or in shots fired into an innocent crowd - is not lurking somewhere in the near future. "The president is hoping to offer some measure of comfort," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. President George W Bush and First Lady Laura Bush are also expected to attend the interfaith service. Mr Bush, who settled in Dallas after leaving office in 2009, is to scheduled to speak at the service as well. Dallas police have ramped up security ahead of the president's visit, enlisting help from the Arlington Police Department to work with Secret Security. Street closures were expected to double or even triple in size, the Dallas Courts Administrator The US has been on edge in the wake of the recent string of violence, with protests over police reform and race relations roiling across the country. Mr Obama and Mr Biden on Monday met with law enforcement officials to discuss police reform and how to repair relations between police officers and the communities they protect. The president, who cut short a trip to Europe over the recent violence, is expected to host a similar meeting on Wednesday in Dallas with law enforcement as well as local leaders and activists.(BBC)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Moving vans at 10 Downing Street as David C ameron prepares to leave office Moving vans began arriving at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday, the party's 150,000-strong membership. But when Energy as British Prime Minister David Cameron chaired his final Cabinet meeting ahead of ceding the reins to incoming leader Theresa May. Tuesday marks the final full day of Cameron's six-year run as prime minister, which has come to a quickerthan-expected end after his ruling Conservative Party moved swiftly to settle on a successor. May's rise to the country's top job will make her Britain's second female prime minister -- the first in 26 years -- and bring to an end a remarkable period of political uncertainty in the wake of Britain's shocking vote to leave the European Union on June 23. Until Monday, Cameron had been expected to remain in office for another two months, while the two Conservative candidates vying to replace him campaigned for the votes of

British Prime Minister David Cameron

Minister Andrea Leadsom unexpectedly pulled out of the race Monday, leaving only May, the home secretary, still in the running, Cameron announced that he would swiftly make way for the incoming leader. "We now don't need to have a prolonged period of transition," he told reporters Monday outside 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's office and residence. Cameron said he would resign Wednesday after attending his final prime minister's question session in Parliament, meaning May -- who was officially named leader of the Conservative Party Monday -- would be the new prime minister by Wednesday evening.(CNN)

A moving van loaded with cardboard boxes is inspected by police before entering Downing Street on July 12, 2016 in London, England.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Hitler house: Austria moves to stop Neo-Nazi 'cult site’ Austria's government is to seize the house where Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 to prevent it becoming a site of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis. The owner, a retired local woman, has refused repeated offers to buy the house in Brunau am Inn in the past. However, there is disagreement over what to do with the house next. The interior minister wants it demolished but others say a museum or even a supermarket would more effectively "depoliticise" it. "The decision is necessary because the Republic would like to prevent this house from becoming a 'cult site' for neo-Nazis in any way, which it has been repeatedly in the past, when people gathered there to shout slogans," Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka said. "It is my vision to tear down the house," he added. However, Vice-Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner said a project with "educational value" such as a museum would be a better use of the site, Die Presse newspaper reported. Growing numbers of people were travelling to the house, the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance said. But the organisation's head Gerhard Baumgartner said demolishing the building would not solve the problem, as right-wing extremists would instead have a "Hitler Square" or "Hitler Park" to visit instead. "The place must be fully depoliticised and something has to be there that no one will want to be photographed in front

of," he told broadcaster ORF. Locating a supermarket or fire station in the building could have the desired effect, Mr Baumgartner said. The Austrian state has rented the house since 1972 and currently pays about €4,800 ($5,300; £4,100) a month for it. The building has in the past housed workshops for disabled people, but has been empty since 2011 because the owner repeatedly rejected ideas for its future use as well as purchase offers from the state, an interior ministry spokesman said. Under the new proposal, the owner will receive compensation similar to that awarded when homes are demolished to make way for railway projects. The bill to seize the house will now go before parliament. If it is passed, the building's fate will then be decided by a commission consisting of 12 members from the fields of politics, administration, academia and civic society. The only obvious link to the building's past is a stone outside inscribed with the words: "For peace, freedom and democracy. Never again fascism. Millions of dead remind us." Hitler's name does not appear. Adolf Hitler lived on the street Salzburger Vorstadt for only a few weeks before his family moved to another address in Braunau. They left the town for good when Hitler was three years old. Hitler went on to rule Nazi Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War Two in 1945. The Nazi regime, which triggered the war with the invasion of Poland in 1939, killed millions of people, mainly Jews, in the Holocaust.(BBC)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Italy train crash: 'Twenty killed' near Bari in collision wenty people have been killed and dozens more hurt in a head-on collision involving two passenger trains in southern Italy, officials say. The two trains were on a single-track line at the time of the crash, between the coastal towns of Bari and Barletta. The emergency services have been trying to free passengers from the shattered carriages, near the town of Andria. One of those pulled from the wreckage was a small child, who was airlifted to hospital. The local authorities have appealed for blood donors to come forward. It was unclear what led to the collision, which happened in good weather at 11:30 local time (09:30 GMT) in the southern region of Puglia. A local prosecutor in nearby Trani said it was too early to speculate on the cause, although human error was likely to have been a factor. Italian reports said one of the trains had come from Andria, and the other from Corato, a short distance to the south-east. Both were travelling at high speed. 'Worst scene of my life' Both trains had four carriages and images from the fire service showed wreckage strewn across a large area. Some of the carriages were so badly damaged there was little left but debris. Corato Mayor Massimo Mazzilli said the damage was so extensive it was as if a plane had crashed. "I saw dead people, others who were begging for help, people crying. The worst scene of my life," one policeman told journalists. Rescuers set up a field hospital at the scene to help care for the large number of wounded passengers. "The situation is dramatic," Antonio Nunziante, from the local civil defence, told Ansa news agency. In total, about 200 were involved in the rescue operation, working in temperatures up to 40C (104F). Prime Minister Matteo Renzi interrupted a trip to Milan and returned to Rome, after ordering an investigation into the crash. "I want to express my condolences to the families and I have ordered, with no holding-back, [an inquiry] to find who is responsible," he said. "I think we must have absolute clarity on this. We will not stop until we understand what happened." Transport Minister Graziano Delrio was at the scene with ministry inspectors and local prosecutors to survey the wreckage.

Several carriages were completely destroyed in the collision on a single-track line near Andria(ITALIAN FIRE SERVICE)

The line, managed by Ferrotramviaria, is used by thousands of people daily on about 200 trains. Work is under way to make it a double-track line. Italy's deadly train accidents June 2009: Freight train carrying liquefied petroleum gas derails in Viareggio, causing a large explosion. More than 30 people die January 2005: A head-on collision between a passenger and a freight train near Crevalcore kills 17 July 2002: A passenger train derails in Rometta Messina, killing eight people April 1978: Two trains collide near a ravine next to Murazze Vado. Some of the carriages fall into the gorge, killing 42 Sources: Ansa, Corriere della Sera Apulia regional leader Mario Loizzo said he was "deeply shaken" by the crash. Italy's FS state rail operator expressed its condolences to the dead and wounded. Earlier this year, 11 people died on a single track in southern Germany when two trains collided head-on at Bad Aibling near the Austrian border. Investigators said a signal controller had mistakenly allowed both trains to use the line, disabling an automatic safety system.(BBC)

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

US election 2016: Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton


resumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has received an endorsement from her former rival Bernie Sanders. The Vermont senator and former Democratic presidential candidate appeared with Mrs Clinton at a campaign event in New Hampshire. Mrs Clinton and Mr Sanders have been negotiating since she all but guaranteed the nomination in June. Mr Sanders hopes to have a large influence on the Democratic platform. "She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States," he said. "This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face. And there is no doubt in my mind that, as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that." Some Sanders supporters booed at the joint rally and Mr Sanders appeared to motion them to stop. At the end of Mrs Clinton's remarks, the two shared a hug and smiled. Analysis - Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America Reporter Bernie Sanders - a man who would probably talk about income inequality and Wall Street corruption during a wedding toast - wrapped an endorsement of Hillary Clinton into his standard campaign stump speech on Tuesday. His usual lines about minimum wage increases, rebuilding infrastructure, affordable college education, healthcare reform and increased environmental protection were simply prefaced by "Hillary Clinton understands" and "Hillary Clinton knows". Mr Sanders also asserted that his "revolution" will go on and that he will work to ensure that his success in pushing the Democratic Party platform to the left is reflected in the actions of Democratic officeholders going forward. But Mrs Clinton got what she needed out of the event - an acknowledgment of her victory, a direct endorsement, a call for unity to defeat Republican Donald Trump, and a speech-ending hug between former adversaries. There will continue to be some holdouts among Sanders supporters - a few walked out of the event early and at one point the Vermont senator motioned from the stage to quiet the angry shouts of a protestor - but New Hampshire's sometimes awkward political embrace and the prospect of a Trump presidency should assure Democratic cohesion at least until the November general election. Mr Sanders defeated Mrs Clinton in New Hampshire's primary contest in February. "Thank you for your lifetime of fighting injustice," said Mrs Clinton, and credited Mr Sanders for bringing new Americans into the

political process. "I'm proud to be fighting behind you... it's a time for all of us to stand together." She spoke on student debt, Wall Street, raising the minimum wage, the US tax code, reforming policing, strengthening the middle class, climate change, health care and reducing gun violence. His supporters have largely decided to support Mrs Clinton in an effort to stop presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from winning the White House. Mr Sanders stayed in the Democratic race far longer than many expected, for weeks after it became clear he would not secure the delegates needed to win the nomination. He has pressed Mrs Clinton to support his views on higher education, health care and the minimum wage. "It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues. That's what this campaign has been about. That's what democracy is about," said Mr Sanders. "But I am happy to tell you that... there was a significant coming together between the two campaigns and we produced, by far, the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party." Mr Trump, who has been trying to court Sanders supporters, wrote in a tweet that Mr Sanders has "totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton. Fans angry!" "The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests," his campaign said in a release.(BBC)

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

RECIPE OF THE DAY: SPICY BEEF AND SAUSAGE ROLL Ingredients 1 1/2 lb ORDERICH* corned/minced beef 8 oz sausage, minced 2 tsp cracked black pepper 1/4 tsp salt 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 medium onion, ďŹ nely chopped 2 cloves FARMFRESH* garlic, crushed 1 tsp garam massala 1/4 pt mango chutney *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS Directions Combine minced beef and sausage in a bowl. Add pepper, salt, egg, garlic, onion and garam massala and mix well. Divide mixture into 12 even sized portions. Using wet hands, mould into sausage shapes. Heat oil in frying pan. Place rolls in frying pan and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes or until cooked through. and boil until cooked. Turn occasionally during cooking. Serve with chutney.

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F r e e c o ns ul t a t i o n o na l l s e r vi c e s



Daily Horoscope Don't involve yourself in the emotional problems of those you work with. Offer good conversation and a nice soothing lunch. You must act quickly.

Use your genuine warmth and compassion to win hearts. Children will be of major concern if you haven't kept the lines of communication open. Don't consume more than necessary.

Be careful how you deal with colleagues. Do not lend money or belongings to friends. Use your charm to get your own way.

Don't blow situations out of proportion or you could find that others will misinterpret what really happened. Your self esteem will come back if you take part in organizational functions that allow you to be in the lime light. Don't overdo it.

Take whatever time you can to get to know each other all over again. You will gain new friends if you get involved in environmental issues. Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate.

You will be in an overly generous mood today. Things may not be as harmonious as you would like with colleagues or employers today. Residential moves look hectic and sudden changes in your life are likely.

You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect. Friends and relatives may be hard to take today. You have to know what your boss wants if you expect to do your job correctly.

Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Family responsibilities are escalating. Family may not want to get involved but an entrepreneur will.

Friends may not be completely honest with you. Don't make promises you can't keep. Be prepared to make changes to your personal documents.

You should sit down with someone you trust and work out a budget that will enable you to save a little extra. You may feel a need to make changes to your legal documents. Your financial situation may be draining and it's time to make some serious changes.

Arguments could prevail. Be sure to take care of any minor ailments. It's time to reevaluate your motives.

Love and romance are evident. You need to get out and challenge yourself. Travel if it's needed to start the ball rolling.

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016



Friday, July 01, 2016


Jamaica selects largest ever Olympic team

Medal prospects Usain Bolt, Elaine Thompson and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, as well as newcomers, gymnast Toni-Ann Williams and swimmer Timothy Wynter have been included in a 63-member team named Monday to represent Jamaica at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio from August 5-21. It is the biggest squad Jamaica will ever send to an Olympic Games. Bolt and Thompson were named despite having been granted medical exemptions from the National Senior Championships at the National Stadium a week ago. Williams represents Jamaica’s first ever gymnast to represent the country at the Olympic Games while Wynter joins medal prospect Alia Atkinson in the pool. Yona Knight Wisdom will represent the country in the threemetre diving competition, the first Jamaican male diver to represent the country. However, there is no place for discus thrower, national record holder, Jason Morgan. Morgan was fourth at the national championships but is the only other discus thrower to have met the Olympic standard of 65 metres. “Jason was fourth and it was the wisdom of the selection committee not to put him in even though he has the qualifying distance because Jason’s history is that he throws the qualifying distance at one meet and he never repeats and he never even comes within the zone,” said President of the Jamaica Athletic Administrative Association (JAAA) Dr Warren Blake. Dr Blake said he had no update on the health of Bolt, Thompson, 400-metre hurdler Janieve Russell, and sprint hurdler Hansle Parchment but they will have to prove their fitness in the coming days to retain their spots on the team. “The time that they have chosen to prove fitness is not yet upon us. Some of the athletes will be attempting to prove their fitness at the Diamond League meet in London at the Anniversary Games on the 22nd and the 23rd and that is when we will know just how fit those athletes are.” Forty-four members of the team, 41 from track and field, will be going to the Olympics

for the first time. The full squad reads:

DIVING Yona Knight-Wisdom 3m springboard Officials Handel Lamey - Team leader Christopher Anderson - Coach ATHLETICS (Women) 32 Elaine Thompson - 100m, 200m, 4X100m relay Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce - 100m, 4x100m relay Christania Williams - 100m, 4x100m relay Shashalee Forbes - 4X100m relay Simone Facey - 200m, 4x100m relay Veronica Campbell-Brown - 200m, 4x100m relay Kali Davis-White –-200m Stephanie McPherson - 400m, 4x400m relay Christine Day - 400m, 4x400m relay Shericka Jackson - 400m, 4x400m relay Novelene Williams-Mills - 4x400m relay Anneisha McClaughlin-Wilby - 4x400m relay Chrisann Gordon - 4x400m relay Natoya Goule - 800m Kenia Sinclair - 800m Simoya Campbell - 800m Aisha Praught - 1500m Megan Simmonds – 100m hurdles Shermaine Williams - 100m hurdles Nickeisha Wilson - 100m hurdles Monique Morgan - 100m hurdles Ristananna Tracey - 400m hurdles Leah Nugent - 400m hurdles Kaliese Spencer - 400m hurdles Janieve Russell - 400m hurdles Kimberly Williams - triple jump Shanecka Thomas - Triple jump Tarasue Barnett - Discus Shadae Lawrence- Discus Kellion Knibb - discuss Danniel Thomas - Shot put Daina Levy - Hammer throw

ATHLETICS (Men) 27 Yohan Blake - 100m, 200m, 4x100m Nickel Ashmeade - 100m, 200m, 4x100m Jevaughn Minzie - 100m, 4x100m Usain Bolt - 100m, 200m, 4x100m Asafa Powell - 4x100m Kemar Bailey-Cole - 4x100m Julian Forte - 200m Javon Francis - 400m, 4x400m Fitzroy Dunkley - 400m, 4x400m Nathon Allen - 400m, 4x400m Rusheen McDonald - 400m, 4x400m Javere Bell - 4x400m Peter Matthews - 4x400m Kemoy Campbell - 5000m Omar McLeod - 110m hurdles Deuce Carter - 110m hurdles Andrew Riley - 110m hurdles Hansle Parchment - 110m hurdles Romel Lewis - 400m hurdles Annsert Whyte - 400m hurdles Jaheel Hyde - 400m hurdles Roxroy Cato - 400m hurdles Damar Forbes - long jump Aubrey Smith - long jump Clive Pullen - triple Jump O'Dayne Richards - shot put Fedrick Dacres - discus Officials: Ludlow Watts (team leader) Warren Blake (team official) Gregory Hamilton (team official) Maurice Wilson (technical leader) Michael Clarke (coach) Fitz Coleman (coach) Julian Robinson (coach) Glen Mills (coach) Paul Francis (coach) GYMNASTICS Toni-Ann Williams (Artistic)


Friday, July 01, 2016


Rain forces washout after strong Tallawahs start Rain abandoned the 12th match of the CPL, between Jamaica Tallawahs and Barbados Tridents, and spoilt Chris Gayle's plans of registering another destructive half-century in the tournament. Rain first delayed the start of the match to reduce it to 12 overs a side, and then returned after 10 overs of Tallawahs' innings to not allow any more play. Tallawahs were put in to bat after a delay of more than two hours and openers Chadwick Walton and Gayle attacked from the outset. Walton collected boundaries against Wayne Parnell before Gayle's six off Ravi Rampaul in the fourth over increased the run rate further. The stand was broken when Shoaib Malik, brought on in the sixth over, had Walton caught at long-off for 25. Sangakkara then laid into Malik in the eighth over to collect 16 runs with the help of two fours and a six. Gayle raised the bar further by smothering three sixes in the next over, off David Wiese, to cross the team's 100 in the ninth over. But

Rampaul soon uprooted Sangakkara's off stump when the batsman made room. Heavy rain interrupted with Tallawahs on 116 for 2, with Gayle on 47 off 20.(ESPNcricinfo)

Rain had the final say at the Kensington Oval © CPL/Sportsfile

W e s t e r nf r i e d C h i c k e n





Friday, July 01, 2016


Roston Chase gets maiden West Indies call, Ramdin omission confirmed Middle-order batsman and off-spinner, Roston Chase, has received his maiden call to the West Indies squad for the first Test against India set to begin in Antigua on Thursday, July 21. The 24-year-old right hander from Barbados was named in a 12-man squad that also sees the recall of Guyanese batsman, Leon Johnson. Chase has played 29 first-class matches in which he has scored 1672 runs, including two centuries and 11 half centuries at an average of 42.87. Johnson’s compatriot, Devendra Bishoo, has also been named to the squad that is without fast bowler Jerome Taylor who has informed the WICB that he has retired from Test cricket but will be available only for the shorter formats of the game. Meanwhile, Shane Dowrich has been named as replacement for wicketkeeper-batsman Denesh Ramdin, who in addition to being dropped, has been fined by the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) for his recent outbursts on social media against

chairman of selectors, Courtney Browne. The squad that will be led by Captain Jason Holder also includes Vi c e - c a p t a i n K r a i g g B r a t h w a i t e , J e r m a i n e Blackwood, Carlos Brathwaite, Darren Bravo, Rajendra Chandrika, Shannon Gabriel and Marlon Samuels.(SportsMax)

Spurs legend Tim Duncan retires after 19 years Tim Duncan has one of the most storied careers in NBA, but the San Antonio Spurs legend has decided to call it a day. San Antonio Spurs legend Tim Duncan has retired after 19 years in the NBA, it was announced on Monday. Duncan calls time on a glittering career that saw him become a five-time NBA champion, a three-time NBA Finals MVP, a two-time league MVP and a 15-time All-Star. The 40-year-old helped create a dynasty in San Antonio alongside Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili, with the Spurs one of the most feared teams to face in the league. The trio hold the NBA record for most wins by three players in both the regular season (575) and postseason (126). Led by coach Gregg Popovich, Duncan also has the most wins for a player-coach duo in NBA history (1,001). Duncan will also be remembered as a player that dominated the playoffs having become the only player

to log 9,000 career minutes in the postseason. However, it became apparent last season that Duncan had taken a major step back physically and was unable to produce the sort of performances that make him a shoo-in as a future Hall of Fame player.(SportsMax)



Friday, July 01, 2016


WICB Chairman not hidingemphasised. from He,subjective choices however, noted that “the methodology of

Newly appointed West Indies Chairman of Selectors, Courtney Browne, wants consistent performance to be central to the selection process, with the aim of ensuring that players understand that outstanding performance in firstclass cricket will be rewarded. His comments were made in the wake of scathing comments directed at him by wicketkeeper, Denesh Ramdin, who said Brown told him he was dropped from the West Indies squad for the upcoming Test against India because his 25.87 Test average was simply not good enough. Ramdin’s comments were subsequently deemed to be in breach of the WICB policy and the terms of his retainer contract. As a consequence, Ramdin has since been sanctioned. Ramdin was a member of the one-dayinternational squad which placed second in the recently concluded Ballr Tri-Nation series with Australia, South Africa and the West Indies. Australia were the eventual winners. Browne, however, has not wavered from his initial position which he thinks will serve West Indies well in the future. “The selection panel is looking to create a competitive environment where players are fully accountable for their performances, while meeting the standards consistently in each of the three formats of the game,” he said. The subjective matter of selection is not new to cricket, Browne

selection will be further enhanced by the increased use of statistical analysis along with fitness standards. The players will be monitored closely for all regional and international competitions.” Browne wants not to just carry on the procedures former chairman, Clive Lloyd used, but to build on the methodologies used to get the best performing team on the pitch at all times. Browne thanked Lloyd for his service and acknowledges the advice he continues to receive.(SportsMax)

West Indies Chairman of Selectors, Courtney Browne

Boateng brothers enjoy hanging with Bolt Despite dropping out of the Euro 2016 Championships at the semi-final stage, at least one member of the German national team had something to smile about. The Boateng brothers, Jerome and Kevin-Prince, who plays for Ghana, enjoyed hanging out with double Olympic champion and world record holder, Usain Bolt. The sprinter was in France recently, visiting German doctor, Hans-Wilhelm Muller-Wohlfahrt, to work on a Grade One hamstring tear, in a bid to be fit for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Boateng brothers expect him to be there. “Big up @usainbolt … Good luck in #Rio#Legend” posted Jerome from his Instagram account. Bolt is also expecting to prove his fitness and make it to Rio at he London Anniversary Games. “Come out and watch me at the London Anniversary Games on Friday, July 22. “I'll be there and I'm excited to come back to London, I know it's going to be great so come out and support.”

Jerome also posted a picture on Instagram with himself, Bolt and Kevin-Prince. The track star is seeking to become the first man in history to win two individual gold medals in each of three consecutive Olympic Games.(SportsMax)

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