July 13 2016

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Officials rubbish, ‘The malicious’ Ed Ahmad article in Kaieteur News


fficials are disputing an article published in Wednesday’s edition of the Kaieteur News, under the headline “SARU trying to recover lands sold to Ed Ahmad.” According to the article, the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) is looking into one of the many cases of assets sold to close friends of former President Bharrat Jagdeo under questionable transactions. The article noted that one of the transactions being investigated was between NICIL and Ed Ahmad, which was reportedly highlighted in the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) audit report. Forensic auditor, Anand Goolsarran, reported that in December 2008, a total of 13.3 acres of land at Plantation Groenveldt, West Coast Demerara (Block R Leonora) were transferred to South American Woods Inc. The Guyana Daily News however confirmed that the property of Block R Leonora was up for sale in excess of five years prior to being purchased by South American Woods Inc. in 2008. According to sources who are close to the issue, this land was used as a cow pasture, very swampy with poor irrigation and a garbage dump by surrounding residents. “The land was sold at a costly price if compared to any housing property sold in Providence, Diamond and other desirable areas in Georgetown, which is documented in public records” the source mentioned. This newspaper was reliably informed that the acquisition of the land was made solely to establish a wood p r o c e s s i n g f a c i l i t y. T h e g o v e r n m e n t , subsequently built schools in the immediate area resulting in the denial of the application by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the local NDC board. “The government sold us the land with the special zoning, knowing we would build a wood processing facility, went ahead and built schools in the immediate area and the same government EPA & NDC denied our application, what are we supposed to do with

the land now?” the source revealed. After the application was denied, all the requirements and necessary papers were filed with the Court to amend zoning to erect houses and shopping areas. The court approved and the zoning changes were granted. “The transaction for the acquisition of Block R Leonora was done transparently and according to the laws of Guyana; we welcome any investigation and urge these tabloids to report accurately and put aside your bias, redundancies and dislike for Ed Ahmad,” the source stated. Meanwhile, this newspaper contacted the office of SARU and was told they are not investigating Leonora and they are aware that the court had amended the zoning change.




Marlon Cole acts above the Law - refuses to respect court ruling Despite the fact that the Court has ordered the release of and Drug Act, Acting Chief Justice at the time Yonette 17,000 cans of milk which was seized from a Cummings-Edwards dismissed the case. businessman, the Food and Drug Department remains -By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News. relentless in its stance not to do so. Director of the department, Marlon Cole has noted that the government agency still has the authority to seize the products, pointing out that the Magistrate’s decision will be appealed. Businessman Ganga Singh, had his container milk seized in October 2015 by the department on the grounds that its chemical makeup was harmful. The matter was engaged in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Annette Singh, who ruled in Singh’s favour. The Magistrate had noted that the department did not provide sufficient evidence to prove that the chemical makeup of the milk is harmful. The Magistrate’s decision brought into question the testing facilities at the Food and Drug Department, which this newspaper understands is not functioning properly. Cole had argued that the chemical makeup of the milk does not carry the prescribe quantity of ingredients; however it was revealed that the results of the test did not match with what he was saying. Earlier this year, the department refused entry to a container of Sweetened Condense Milk from businessman, Looknath Durbhill and the matter was heard in the High Court. However, due to the lack of evidence surrounding the matter and inability of the Government Food and Drug Department to provide valid GA-FDD, Director, Marlon Cole reasoning that the container was in breach of the Food

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Anti-business nature! Jagdeo bashes Govt Opposition leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo today lashed out at governments’ anti- business approach towards the economy. He stated that the governments’ policy is orchestrated to bring further hardship to the business sector of the country. At a press conference held at Freedom House, the former President made reference to the introduction of the $25,000 container fees to park in the city, which he said will add cost to business activity and will ultimately be passed on to the consumer. According to Jagdeo, governments’ decision to impose taxes on manufacturing will kill the sector, as he noted that the cost of manufacturing is relatively high when compared to other countries and that interest rates are 30 times higher than the competitor. Jagdeo is of the view that the APNU+AFC government is trying to justify the tax by resurrecting the list of ineligible items in the Customs Act. The former PPP administration had put the necessary measures in place in the Customs Act and the Consumption Tax Act for registered manufacturers to get waivers on their inputs and the manufacturers would only have taxes on the output; however if they pay taxes on input plus taxes on the output, then they will be paying taxes twice, the Opposition leader explained. He further noted that there is nothing in the tax laws which states that persons must be differentiated based on their origin or nationality; it identifies sectors and investment for tax

holidays, and duty free concession on inputs building materials. The Former President noted that an unfair advantage exist with Trinidad whereby they offer subsidy for their manufacturers for electricity but Guyana does not. He urged the Government not to put more pressure on the business community by imposing more taxes and fees.By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Opposition leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Gunmen busted after robbing Bourda Market vendors The police in ‘A’ Division are investigating a robbery under arms committed on Wayne Miller, 51 years and Darmenna Wong, 43 years, vendors of Bourda Market, both of whom resides at Block ‘Y’, Section ‘C’, Grove, EBD, which occurred at 23:00h. on Monday July 11, 2016, of $500,000.00 cash. Investigations have so far revealed that Wayne Miller and Darmenna Wong were in the vicinity of Orange Walk and Robb Street, Bourda, when two (2) men, one of whom was armed with a handgun approached the victims and robbed them of the cash mentioned. The victims raised an alarm and the suspects were apprehended by public spirited citizens. The police were summoned and one (1) 9mm pistol and five (5) live matching rounds were found on one of the suspects. The suspects are in police custody assisting with the investigations.




Is City Hall stifling businesses? As was reported by this newspaper, Mayor Patricia Chase-Green has confirmed that container users will pay $25,000 to be parked for 72 hours, and a penalty fee of $5000 for every other day the container is left parked in the public space. According to one shipping company, a container takes at least three days to off load, that’s an additional $75,000 in expense, which the company will have to pay. The Council backed by the APNU+AFC coalition Government has also proposed a 10% across -the board hike in rates and taxes. Chairman of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council’s Finance Committee, Oscar Clarke said the across-the-board rate hike, which would form part of the 2017 City Budget, would not include new and improved properties whose market values are being determined by the Ministry of Finance’s Valuation Division. When suggested that new taxes will drive up the cost of goods and services, Clarke brushed off the suggestions. He also stated in some sections of the media that the Council lacks visionary and competent leaders. Container fees, increased rates and taxes, displaced vendors from the stabroek square, coupled with the parking meter debacle which is currently under review by the David Granger Administration, City Hall is being accused of stifling businesses in Georgetown. Prices for goods and services will in definitely go up, and salaries are not increasing but only for the ministers in this Government, said a concerned citizen. When the APNU+AFC Government assume office, Ministers were paid a 50% increase in salaries and according to the Official Gazette, Cabinet ministers will now receive $10,439,124 annually, a 50% increase from what was previously stated in the Principal Act. Also enjoying a 50% increase will be the Speaker of the National Assembly who will remain on par with Cabinet ministers as well as the Leader of the Opposition. Their monthly earnings will be just under $870,000 from the $579,000 monthly under the previous administration. Vice Presidents, other than the PM, are to be paid $11,135,064 per annum. Junior Ministers of Government will earn $8,346,492, an over 16% increase from the annual salary of a Cabinet minister under the former administration who was earning $6,959,412 annually. The Prime Minister, will now receive $20,580,000 annually, an over $2M increase from what was previously stipulated in the Principal Act, taking his monthly salary to over $1.7M. Members of Parliament without a designation will see a 20% salary increase, taking their annual salaries from $2,002,116 to $2,402,532. Parliamentary Secretaries and the Chief Whip will earn over 12% more, taking their salaries from $3,336,876 and $2,384,328 to $3,753,984 to $2,682,360 respectively. The Deputy Speaker will now earn $2,702,880, just under a $300,000 annual increase. The Gazette stated that the File Photo: Georgetown Mayor Attorney General and the Chancellor will earn the same annual salary and no change Patricia Chase-Green was made.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

B r ig h t S m il e F r e e c o ns ul t a t i o n & Xr a y

De n t a lCl i n i c





Businesswoman on bail for allegedly trafficking niece Joyce Lawrence today re-appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan where she was allowed to plead to two counts of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and withholding a National ID Card. In the presence of her lawyer, Euclin Gomes, the woman pleaded not guilty and was released on $650,000 bail. She is slated to return to court on July 29. It is alleged that between July 1 and December 12, 2014, the 34 - year - old businesswoman transported and trafficked her niece to an interior location. It is also alleged that between December 12 and 14, 2014 at Aishalton, Rupununi, the woman transported and trafficked her niece to a nightclub in the said interior. It is further alleged that between December 1 and 28 she unlawfully withheld her niece’s National Identification Card from her. During her appearance on Wednesday, the woman maintained that she did not force her niece to go with her. She claimed that the young lady did so on her own free will. The businesswoman also denied that she withheld the ID card but admitted that it was in her possession. The Prosecution told the court that the girl, who is juvenile, was told by Lawrence that she had stolen some money from her and that she would have to work in order to pay her back or else she will go to jail.-By-Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Seeks US Help As Chickens Drop Dead PAGE 12


GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Tuesday July 12, 2016 – Guyana has sought the help of a university in the United States to figure out why farmers on the East Bank of Berbice are being hit by sudden poultry deaths. Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Dr. Dwight Walrond, says samples have been taken from the premises of one large-scale farmer of broiler birds and they are on their way to the University of Georgia for testing. “We want to test for a wide array of diseases. Based on clinical signs there are two different manifestations taking place; that’s why we are using the University of Georgia to test for four to six diseases. The University of Georgia is a reference laboratory. Sending the samples to Georgia is the best course of action since it would give us a good idea of what’s happening on East Bank Berbice,” he said. Local media reports have highlighted several incidents of the sudden poultry deaths, including one case last month when a farmer lost more than 800 chickens. The GLDA says while it’s not burying it’s head in the sand about the situation, it’s too early to declare an outbreak of poultry diseases, since the cases investigated are dissimilar and affect different breeds. Walrond said that on one farm, broiler birds that were approximately eight weeks old were being affected, while in two other instances, creole birds, ranging from one day to four weeks were dying.(Caribbean360) IN JUST ONE CASE, A FARMER HAS LOST MORE THAN 800 CHICKENS.

CARICOM and ILO Sign Significant MOU The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is closer to setting up a labour market information system for the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRoque, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of the CARICOM Secretariat with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in June. The MOU allows CARICOM Member States to utilise ‘.Stat’, a software tool, for the facilitation of labour market analysis and other related functions. The MOU was signed at the CARICOM Secretariat’s headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana. ‘.Stat’ was developed by a community of experts under the leadership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The ILO, which is a member of the .Stat community, presented the software at a regional consultation hosted by the CARICOM Secretariat in October 2015. This was attended by representatives of Ministries of Labour, Statistics departments and Social Security agencies from the Member States. Coming out of subsequent meetings with Member States, it was agreed that this software tool was appropriate to facilitate the setting up of a CARICOM Labour Market Information System (LMIS). Apart from facilitating labour market analysis, the software tool allows for the monitoring and reporting on policies as well as information sharing and coordination. This MOU is critical in achieving the objectives of a major project under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) to establish a regional LMIS for the CSME.





Manchester woman accused of murdering teen daughter’s lover MANCHESTER, Jamaica — A Manchester mother who was charged with last month’s murder of a teenage boy in the parish, was remanded when she appeared in the Manchester Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The accused is Shauna ThompsonRaymond. She is scheduled to return to court on Wednesday, July 20. According to police reports, the deceased, 16-year-old Omeish McLeish, was involved in a relationship with Thompson-Raymond’s daughter, who is said to be a seventh grader at a prominent high school. Thompson-Raymond, who did not approve of the relationship, reportedly forced McLeish into her vehicle at Bankhouse Mall in the town, where she works at a meat shop. Police say two men were in the vehicle and the young boy was under the guise that he was being taken to the police station. His lifeless body was later found with stab wounds on June 22 about 10:00 pm, on a dirt path along the Melrose Bypass, by security officers assigned to a property of the West Indies Alumina Company (WINDALCO), police say. McLeish was reportedly attending the Children’s Court in Porus for a case of rape in another matter. The police are still searching for the two men who were reportedly in the vehicle with Thompson-Raymond when the teen was taken away.(Jamaica Observer)





Less Venezuelans coming Even as Venezuela temporarily opened its western border with Colombia to allow trade, T&T Customs and Excise officers yesterday reported a sharp drop in Venezuelan arrivals at the Cedros and Kings Wharf ports. A source at Kings Wharf, San Fernando, said last month an average of 60 foreigners arrived a day. However, this figure had dropped by 90 per cent, the source added. “Now we have more cargo vessels coming in and very few passengers,” an official said. At Cedros, an official said arrivals also dropped by 30 per cent. Cedros has been registering an increase in Venezuelans since 2013. Arrivals from Venezuela jumped by 6,000 between 2013 and 2014 from 15,008 to 21,052. In an interview yesterday, a senior Customs official said the decrease in arrivals was occurring not because of Venezuela’s open border with Colombia but because of stricter regulations enforced by the T&T Immigration Department. “Venezuelans must present proof of lodging, an invitation letter and they must show they have sufficient funds before being allowed time to stay in Trinidad,” he added. Also in an interview yesterday, Venezuelan national, Leo Gonzales, said the new immigration rules were making it difficult for Venezuelans to come to Trinidad. Asked why he had not taken advantage of the open border opportunity to go to Colombia for supplies, Gonzales said it would take him 32 hours of bus rides to get to the Colombian border and a fourhour boat ride to get to Trinidad. “Which one of those would you choose?” he asked, smiling. He said people from Caracas and Maracaibo would find it easier to reach the Colombian border. Gonzales also said that fewer Venezuelans were coming to Trinidad within recent times because Immigration was allowing only four occupants in a pirogue. “They are allowing only four people to come in. Venezuelans are paying to come here for three months. They need funds to come here to buy goods to feed their families because the Venezuelan economy is so bad but many people are running out of funds so people don’t have the means to come here,” Gonzales said. Adding that Trinidad had

tightened security, Gonzales called on the T&T Government to encourage trade with the Venezuelans. “Set up a system where people who are skilled can come and find work here so they can feed their families,” Gonzales added. He also added that it was difficult for Venezuelans to get residency in Trinidad. Mark Winter, a Trinidadian who married a Venezuelan and has two children, said his wife was still waiting for residency status. He also said T&T Immigration officers were not granting extensions to Venezuelans. “That is why people are overstaying their time. The authorities should grant them some time to stay in Trinidad. They are in dire need of help. If we were in that situation, we would expect people to help us,” Winter added. Mark Baxter, who lives in Kings Wharf, agreed with Winter. He said the Venezuelans presented a great opportunity for trade.(Trinidad Guardian)

Mi ami Pi z z e r i a





5 HR execs suspended


ive managers of the Human Resources Department at Stateowned Petrotrin were suspended yesterday, following the conclusion of a four-year audit into a recruitment exercise. Those suspended were Ryerson Bagoo, Fareeda Mohammed, Gillian Cherotiere, Franka Mohammed and Bianca Attong. Among the positions the managers held were head of staffing, head of HR technology and head of planning policies and control. The suspensions came days after Petrotrin undertook a major organisational shake-up in the face of falling oil prices and the hiring of former communication minister Neil Parsanlal as CEO of Petrotrin’s Employee Assistance Programmes Services Ltd. Contacted about the suspensions yesterday, Petrotrin chairman, Andrew Jupiter, said he had just left a meeting and advised that the questions be emailed to company’s corporate communications manager, Gillian Friday, for a response. “I am sure if you send those questions right away you would get a response this afternoon. If you can kindly do that... because I am sure it is a management decision, if that is the case,” Jupiter said. In response to the emailed query, Joy Antoine, head of the external communications and branding, who responded on Friday’s behalf, wrote: “In keeping with its continued thrust to improve accountability and transparency, Petrotrin conducted an internal audit of its recruitment processes for the period 2012 to 2016.” Antoine said the recruitment audit was one of several scheduled audits to review the company’s control processes in keeping with approved policies and procedures. “As a result of the audit findings and recommendations and in keeping with standard industrial relations practice, further investigations involving key employees are being conducted. These investigations are currently underway and as a result, no further comments can be made at this time,” Antoine explained. However, a source told the T&T Guardian the five managers were suspended for allegedly recruiting for positions not on the establishment, recruiting while a medical was pending and recruiting individuals who did not meet job specifications. Orgnisational changes In a circular, dated June 15, signed by Petrotin’s president, Fitzroy Harewood, and entitled “Organisational Changes — Refining and Marketing Division”, which was forwarded to employees, it was stated that the oil company was undertaking organisational changes and recognised the need to maintain a very strong focus on the completion of the Ultra-Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) plant for the long-term viability of its refinery and organisation. Admitting that Petrotrin had been faced with previous challenges, Harewood said a concerted effort was needed to ensure its successful commission of the ULSD plant by the first quarter of 2018 or before. The plant, initiated in 2009, was incomplete. As such, effective July 1, Petrotrin saw the need to shift Johnathan Barden from the position of current vice-president, refining, to project management consultant. This moves comes even though Barden, in Petrotrin’s performance update in April, boasted that “the company’s refinery utilisation had increased from approximately 38 per cent in 2014 to 70 per cent for the past two months.” Barden had also revealed that the company’s crude oil processing had soared from the 2014 average of 112 kbbl/day to approximately 140 kbbl/day in 2015. In a report to investors, Barden also pointed out that energy efficiency in the refinery had improved by

over 20 per cent, compared to the 2014 average, while flaring losses had been reduced. Barden’s new duties entail supporting the ULSD projects, particularly with respect to the main project activities, including the resolution of current engineering and technical issues, completion of construction activities, commissioning of the plant and handover to the refining and marketing division. Astor Harris, who has rejoined Petrotrin, is the company’s new vice-president, refining and marketing. Harris, who worked previously as a process engineer at Petrotrin’s Pointe-a-Pierre refinery, is currently a long-serving vice-president of Phoenix Park Gas Processor Ltd and an experienced chemical engineer. Harewood stated that in the context of Petrotrin’s ongoing review of the organisation, effective July 1 “the marketing and training sub-division will be reintegrated into the Refining Division and the combined division will again be known as the Refining and Marketing Division.” This division is being led by Harris. Both Harris and Barden report to Harewood. My CV speaks for itself—ex-minister Former minister Neil Parsanlal yesterday said he went through a rigorous process before he was hired at Petrotrin. Parsanlal, who served as MP for Lopinot-Bon Air West from 2007 to 2010 for the People’s National Movement, said he was appointed to the post on June 13. However, Parsanlal, who was recently named as chairman of the National Library and Information Systems Authority, said the position and his appointment were advertised. He said he went through an extensive interview process and had the necessary psychometric evaluations done before he was chosen. Parsanlal denied he “passed through the back door” to get the job. “There is absolutely no truth to that. My CV will speak for itself,” he added. Last June, Petrotrin’s losses multiplied 11.2 times to reach US$168 million for the nine months ended June 30, compared to a US$15 million loss for the same period in 2014. Several calls to president general of the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union Ancel Roget’s cellphone went unanswered yesterday.(Trinidad Guardian)





Gardener shot in head They killed my grandson in the bushes. It not fair. What is this world coming to?” Melena Rauseo cried as she told relatives in the United States about the murder of her grandson, Kadeem Mark. Standing in the doorway of her living room, Rauseo said she could not bear to see Mark, 24, lying dead with a single gunshot to his head. Police said Mark, of Reid Road, Point Fortin, left home around 6 pm Monday to feed his two black pit bulls. The animals were tied in a shed in Mark’s garden at Spring Street, off Warden Road. It is believed that while standing near the shed a lone gunman went up to Mark and shot him in the head as he attempted to run. Around 8:45 am yesterday, a resident of Spring Street saw Mark’s body and called the police. He was still wearing his father’s gold chain around his neck, causing police to rule out robbery as a motive. Officers cordoned off the area and searched for spent shells. Rauseo said she did not know why anyone wanted her grandson dead. “Kadeem is such a nice child. I don’t know what going on in Point Fortin now you know. This is so unfair,” Rauseo said, adding that in the days before his death he told his family someone wanted him dead. “I don’t know who or why but I know he was afraid to go in the garden alone,” she added. Rauseo said on Monday, Mark told relatives he could not get anybody to go with him to the garden so he was taking a chance to go alone. “They shoot him and they kill him. I couldn’t stay to look at the body. I could not take it,” Rauseo added. She said Mark was an only child and his father, Ricardo, had been helping him to plant ochro, peppers, pumpkin and bananas on the land. Ricardo was inconsolable yesterday and had to be taken to the Point Fortin Area Hospital after his blood pressure went up. Police said Mark knew the man who shot him. Within recent times, outsiders have been occupying squatting lands in

the area. A source in the area said: “Strangers come here and they put up houses and squat. All kinds of things going on here. People selling land that is not theirs to sell.” A number of plyboard shacks were seen in the hillsides at Warden Road which is a link to the Southern Main Road, Cap-de-Ville. Mark’s body was sent to the Forensic Science Centre, St James, for an autopsy today. Anyone with information can contact CrimeStoppers at 800 TIPS. Homicide officers are continuing investigations.(Trinidad Guardian)

Melena Rauseo, the grandmother of Kadeem Mark (inset), who was shot dead on Monday at Spring Street, Warden Road, Point Fortin. PHOTO: KRISTIAN DE SILVA




Govt gets Task Force report on Gate


tudents applying to tertiary education institutions to pursue studies at the start of the new academic year beginning in September have been advised to continue doing what they need to do as they await Cabinet’s decision on the future of the GATE programme. Revealing that he will be submitting the 70-page report, which contained an executive summary, various analyses and recommendations, to the Cabinet tomorrow Education Minister Anthony Garcia speculated the nation could expect answers within two weeks. Confirming he had received a copy of the report from chairman of the Task Force, Errol Simms, promptly at 8 am yesterday Garcia said it was “very detailed” in its findings. Speaking during a media briefing at his St Clair office yesterday, Garcia refused to divulge any of the recommendations as he stressed Cabinet first had to deliberate on it before he could say anything further. However, he admitted: “The report was very detailed so I suspect that Cabinet will require some time to really digest the entire report.” Pressed as to how long that might take, Garcia added: “That might take one week or two weeks. After that, then we will release the findings and recommendations to the national community.” Minister in the Ministry of Education, Dr Lovell Francis, was also presented with a copy of the report. The ministry’s permanent secretary was asked to prepare the Cabinet note which will accompany the report on Thursday. Questioned how this process could affect students seeking to enroll at university and other tertiary education facilities as to the certainty of their education’s financial status, Garcia assure: “We will do everything to ensure that the report and recommendations are made available long before the opening of school.” Acknowledging the “tremendous work done by the committee in compiling this report,” Garcia urged anxious students to continue to follow the required enrollment processes at the educational institution of their choice. Introduced in 2004 by former Prime Minister Patrick Manning, the Government Assisted Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme offered students financial assistance for tertiary-level education by covering 100 per cent of tuition expenses for undergraduate students and up to 50 per cent of tuition expenses for postgraduate students. In March, Garcia announced a task force had been set up to investigate the operations of the GATE programme for the past 11 years and determine if it was making any significant contribution to the nation’s economic development. He said a total of $5.58 billion had been spent over 11 years to assist 194,000 students at 65 educational institutions. Garcia said there was a general lack of data on graduation rates, employment

figures, market demands and student migrations, as well as a lack of monitoring and tracking of students funded by GATE. The task force mandate included reviewing policy guidelines on GATE, reducing the overall cost of GATE funding, a set criteria for the eligibility of programmes and institutions. For the fiscal period 2015/2016, $650 million has been allocated to the education sector. The Task Force, chaired by management consultant Simms included Theresa Davidson, director of Funding and Grants, Ministry of Education; Neville Niles, education research specialist; Dr Gaylene Holdup, Scholarship and Advanced Training Division, Ministry of Education; two Finance Ministry representatives; a Planning and Development Ministry representative; a Labour and Small Enterprise Ministry representative; a Tobago House of Assembly (THA) representative; Dr Rolph Baloghia, T&T Manufacturers’ Association. It also included Natasha Subhero, T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce; Richard Saunders, campus registrar, UWI St Augustine Campus; Dr Ruby Alleyne, quality assurance, UTTA; Dr Harrison Guy, Human Resource Association of T&T; Dr Foaled Mutato, Women’s Institute for Alternative Development (WINA) and the president of the Guild of Undergraduates at the UWI, St Augustine.(Trinidad Guardian)


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Italy train crash: Anguished relatives ID bodies as cause of collision explored Sobs and screams pierced the air outside an Italian hospital Wednesday as relatives departed after finally identifying some of the 23 people killed in the collision of two passenger trains a day earlier. One by one, relatives were called in to the hospital mortuary in the southern city of Bari and asked to confirm the identities of the deceased. Many left crying and yelling. Two trains collided head-on Tuesday in the countryside east of Bari, killing 23 and injuring at least 50 others, Italian railway police said -- a crash that a local prosecutor has said may have been caused by human error. Among those at the hospital Wednesday was a cousin of passenger Pasqua Carmineo, a 30year-old mother of two. Carmineo, who died in the wreck, was traveling to Bari to buy shoes, said the cousin, who asked not to be named. Military troops and paramedics looked after the mourning relatives at the hospital, handing out water to those who needed it. Earlier, Italian news agency ANSA reported a death toll of 27, but the agency changed its count to 23 on Wednesday, citing Puglia regional Gov. Michele Emiliano. Human error? As relatives were coming to grips with their losses, local public prosecutor Francesco Giannella said Wednesday that at least one person is being investigated in relation to the crash and that human error might be to blame. However, technical failures have not been ruled out as a cause of the crash, which happened on a single track about 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) south of the Adriatic Sea, between Andria and Corato, ANSA reported. The trains were traveling toward each other at speeds between 62 mph to 68 mph (100 to 110 kilometers per hour). A train delay could be a factor in the crash, ANSA said. One train traveling north might have accidentally been given the green light due to the delay, the news agency reported. A section of the single track isn't automated -- trains still need to get approval to move ahead by telephone, according to ANSA. Images distributed by firefighters at the scene showed the smashed remains of train cars and a large area of scattered, twisted metal about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) east of Andria. A hospital in Andria appealed to the public for blood donations for the injured. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised a full inquiry. He met with officials in the region and pledged support, he told reporters Tuesday night in Bari. "My thoughts go to the families of the victims," he said. "We are together in this pain and despair." The state-run rail company FS Group offered condolences and said both trains were operated by the private company Ferrotramviaria SpA, which runs commuter rail services in the area. "The employees of the Italian FS Group are close to the victims' families, the wounded and colleagues at Ferrotramviaria," the FS Group said. The wreck happened in a relatively remote region. Authorities took to social media to ask doctors and medics in the area to go to the crash site and help the injured. "It's not an area that's easily accessible. The closest highway is miles away," CNN contributor Barbie Nadeau said.(CNN)

W e s t e r nf r i e d C h i c k e n








David Cameron applauded by MPs as he prepares to hand over to Theresa May David Cameron has been given a standing ovation by Conservative MPs after his final Prime Minister's Questions. The prime minister, who will go to Buckingham Palace later to tender his resignation to the Queen, told MPs he would "miss the roar of the crowd" Defending his achievements in office, he said there had been many "amazing moments" during his six years in power. Home Secretary Theresa May is preparing to succeed Mr Cameron later after her own audience with the Queen. After taking office, Mrs May will set about naming her own frontbench team. Conservative MPs rose as one to applaud David Cameron at the end of his 182nd session as prime minister, as did former Lib Dem deputy prime minister Nick Clegg. Labour MPs also joining in with the clapping, including leader Jeremy Corbyn. Mr Cameron told then that he intended to stay in public life and would be "willing them on", saying "nothing is impossible". In his final remarks, he reprised a remark he made to Tony Blair during his first ever PMQs as opposition leader in 2005. saying: "I was the future once". During a generally light-hearted and jocular session of Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron said he had clocked up 5,500 questions at the despatch box, joking that he would leave it to others to decide how many he has answered. He dismissed suggestions he will look to take over as the host of Top Gear or England manager, joking they "sound even harder" than being PM. He also stressed his love for Larry the Downing Street cat - amid rumours that he was not a fan - a point he later emphasised on Twitter and swapped warm wishes with Jeremy Corbyn, saying he had almost come to admire the Labour leader's "tenacity" in hanging on to his job. 'Amazing moments' Defending his economic, social and foreign affairs legacy, Mr Cameron said there had been "many amazing moments" over the past six years of "public service in the national interest". Mr Cameron "warmly congratulated" Theresa May, who sat next to him during the session, on her election and told Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that "when it came to

the private audience was likely to be a short one, potentially about twenty minutes. Soon after, Mrs May will then make her own way to Buckingham Palace, accompanied by her husband Philip, when she will be asked to accept the monarch's offer to form a new government. Our correspondent said Queen Elizabeth was likely to ask the new PM, who will be the 13th leader of her reign, about her "intentions and programme" for government. Mrs May, who at 59 becomes the oldest incoming prime minister since Jim Callaghan in 1976, will then return to No 10 as the country's second female prime minister, following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher. She is expected to briefly address the nation before meeting top officials, including Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heyward, and receiving a full national security and defence briefing. She will be asked to hand-write letters to the commanders of the UK's four Trident submarines about what to do in the event of a catastrophic nuclear attack on the UK and to appoint two nuclear "deputies" - ministers who will take decisions on the deterrent if she has been rendered incapable She is also expected to take calls from a number of foreign leaders. Later on Wednesday, she will get down to the work of putting together her government - with key appointments set to be announced within hours. The current home secretary was the only remaining candidate in the Tory leadership contest following Andrea Leadsom's withdrawal on Monday. The contest began when Mr Cameron, who has been prime minister since 2010, announced he would step down after losing the EU referendum in June. Removal vans were spotted outside Downing Street on Tuesday, as Mr Cameron's ministers paid tribute to him in his final cabinet meeting. Day job' Former Culture Secretary Maria Miller rejected suggestions that Mr Cameron's legacy would be totally defined by the decision to leave the EU, saying that while this seemed "a very big part of the political bubble" now, other achievements would endure. She told Sky News the prime minister has "championed gay marriage and social justice while putting the Conservative Party in the centre ground" of politics and leaving behind a "strong economic foundation" to cope with the uncertainty caused by Brexit. The swift transition of power comes after the expected nine-week leadership campaign was truncated to just a couple of days by leading Brexit campaigner Andrea Leadsom's surprise withdrawal. Mrs May, who backed a vote to remain in the EU, will unveil her full ministerial team over the next couple of days, with the focus on the key positions of chancellor and foreign secretary as well who will be put in charge of leading the Brexit negotiations. She is expected to promote a number of women to senior positions, with International Development Secretary Justine Greening and Energy Secretary Amber Rudd among those likely to get upward moves. Asked her about her prospects, Ms Rudd told reporters: "I haven't been told anything yet so I'm just going to get on with my day job".(BBC)

David Cameron female prime ministers I am pleased to say pretty soon it is going be twonil". Mr Corbyn said that although he had often disagreed with the PM, he thanked him for his service over the last six years and praised him for his backing for equal marriage and his efforts to secure the release of Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay. The Labour leader also paid tribute to Mr Cameron's wife Samantha and his family, who watched the proceedings from the public gallery. His daughters Nancy and Florence were seen to give their father a wave and cheer him on during the session. Earlier, Mr Cameron told the Telegraph he came into Downing Street to "lead people through difficult decisions so together we could reach better times", adding "as I leave today, I hope people will see a stronger country, a thriving economy, and more chances to get on in life." Later, after saying goodbye to staff at Downing Street, the PM will tender his resignation to the Queen, Royal audience The BBC's Royal Correspondent Nicholas Witchell said

Theresa May will become the UK's second female prime minister later on Wednesday(REUTERS)




Trump family meets Indiana governor Mike Pence as VP talk grows


epublican Donald Trump and his family have met Indiana governor Mike Pence as speculation grows that he could be his vicepresidential pick. Mr Trump, the likely nominee, and his children were seen leaving the Pence home in Indianapolis. The businessman is expected to name his vice-presidential pick this week. Mr Pence endorsed former candidate Senator Ted Cruz in May but said he would support whoever is the Republican nominee. Mr Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were seen leaving the mansion. At a rally in Indiana on Tuesday night, Mr Trump said of Pence: "I don't know whether he's going to be your governor or your vice president, who the hell knows?" Mr Pence joined him onstage and was received warmly by the crowd. Other potential VP candidates reportedly being considered are former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Mr Trump is to be nominated as the official Republican pick at the Republican National Convention next week. Will it be Mike Pence? Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington If there's anything resembling a "safe"

vice-presidential pick for Donald Trump, Mike Pence is it. He has executive experience as Indiana's governor and a strong legislative resume from his 12 years as a member of the US House of Representatives. While in Washington, he chaired the Republican Study Group, a coalition of hard-core conservatives, which gives him solid bona fides among the grass-roots Tea Party wing of the party that has occasional doubts about Mr Trump's ideological purity. Mr Pence also hails from the mid-west, which Mr Trump's team has identified as perhaps the key battleground in his quest for the White House. In Republican circles Mr Pence's record isn't entirely clean, however. Some on the right have criticised the governor for backing down when the state's "religious liberty" law was challenged by LGBT activists and local businesses last year. Mr Pence's decision to expand government health-care coverage for Indiana's poor is also considered ideological heresy by some. The real question, however, is whether Mr Pence has the rhetorical dexterity to both fulfil the traditional running-mate role of political attack dog on the stump and the nominee's most ardent defender. He is not considered the most gifted speaker, and anyone who shares Mr Trump's ticket will need to be able to skilfully explain away his more controversial statements with some measure of believability. Mr Pence has been testing his voice over the past few days, calling Mr Trump "a fighter, a builder and a patriot" in a fiery speech Tuesday night. Now it's up to Mr Trump - and his family advisors - to decide if he's the man Trump wants to go into battle with.(BBC)

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Zimbabwe pastor Evan Mawarire freed


court in Zimbabwe capital, Harare, has freed a pastor who had been accused of attempting to overthrow the government. Supporters of Pastor Evan Mawarire celebrated the news in song and dance. His lawyers successfully argued that the charge of subversion had been added at the last minute, denying him a fair trial. The pastor has been at the heart of a social media campaign denouncing the government's management of the economy. Africa Live: More on this and other African stories What is behind the protests? Zimbabwe's flag fury Mr Mawarire, who started the #ThisFlag movement, was draped in Zimbabwe's national flag in court. The charge of subversion carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. On Tuesday, he was charged with inciting public violence and disturbing the peace. Mr Mawarire was represented by dozens lawyers. His latest call for a two-day stay away from work to protest at the economic crisis went largely unheeded, with most businesses opening as normal.

However, a similar protest last week left the country's cities deserted after civil servants had gone unpaid. Salaries were finally paid last week and so most schools, hospitals and offices were open as usual on Wednesday despite the strike call. However, the country still faces a severe shortage of cash, as well as a severe drought.(BBC)

Pastor Evan Mawarire says he wants to reclaim the flag from the government(AP)

South Sudan: Mass evacuation of foreigners lives of at least 1.5 million people and displaced more than

Several countries are evacuating their citizens from South Sudan following days of fighting that saw hundreds of people killed. Germany, the UK, Italy, Japan, India and Uganda have already started taking their citizens out of the country. A ceasefire between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and Vice-President Riek Machar is holding for a second day in the capital, Juba. Mr Machar and his troops have also left Juba "to avoid further confrontation". The evacuations are being carried out by military and chartered planes, as commercial flights have not yet resumed. However, Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohammed has told the BBC that Kenyan nationals would not be evacuated, as the ceasefire in South Sudan was holding. The US embassy in Juba said it was organising flights to evacuate non-essential staff and all US citizens wishing to leave. Germany's foreign ministry said its air force was evacuating other European nationals, as well as its own citizens. During the fighting, Mr Machar's base in Juba was overrun. Mr Machar's spokesman James Gatdet Dak told the BBC that the vice-president was now near the capital but refused to be more specific. He called for an international buffer force to be deployed to avoid "further confrontation" and ensure that the ceasefire holds. July 2011 - South Sudan becomes an independent country, after more than 20 years of guerrilla warfare, which claimed the

four million. December 2013 - Civil war breaks out after President Salva Kiir sacks the cabinet and accuses VicePresident Riek Machar of planning a coup. The war is fought broadly between the country's biggest ethnic groups - the Dinka, led by Mr Kiir, and the Nuer, under Mr Machar. More than 2.2 million people are displaced by the fighting. Famine puts the lives of thousands at risk. Tens of thousands of people are reported killed, and Mr Machar flees the country. August 2015 - President Kiir signs a peace deal with rebels after a threat of sanctions from the UN. April 2016 - Mr Machar returns to South Sudan to take up his job as first vice-president in a new unity government led by President Kiir.(BBC)

Foreigners airlifted from South Sudan (GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE)




RECIPE OF THE DAY: NUTTY FRUIT AND RAISIN CAKE Ingredients 1 lb PALMBOOM* margarine 8 oz white sugar 8 eggs 2 tsp mixed essence 1 lb flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 pt cream 3-4 tsp icing sugar 1 tin FARMFRESH* fruit cocktail 4 oz nuts, chopped 1 oz raisins 5 oz glace cherries *Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Brush cake pan with melted butter or oil. Dust cake pan with flour. Cream margarine and sugar until light and creamy. Beat eggs with essence until light and fluffy. Add to creamed mixture. Mixture should be soft enough to drop easily from the spoon. (A little milk could be added if necessary.)Pour mixture into prepared cake pan and bake for 20-30 minutes. Leave in pan to cool. Turn out on to a flat work surface. Trim away any dark patches using a sharp serrated knife. Cut into 3 even layers. Beat cream and icing sugar with electric beater until stiff and fluffy. Spread a quarter of the cream over one layer of cake. Top with a third of the pineapple chunks, nuts, raisins and cherries. Add a second layer; press down lightly, repeat the process with cream, pineapple chunks, nuts, raisins and cherries. Add the third layer, press down lightly and spread remaining cream over top and sides of cake. Decorate cake with remaining pineapple, nuts, raisins and cherries. Dust cake lightly with icing sugar.

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Daily Horoscope Those you work with may have little consideration for the underdog. You could expand your circle of friends if you get involved in unusual activities. Your intellectual wit will bring greater popularity with your peers.

Your self conďŹ dence will attract members of the opposite sex You will be able to get good advice if you listen to close friends or relatives you respect. Look into attending seminars that can expand your perception.

Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all. You can sell your ideas to those who have the money to back them. If you can put some work into home improvements, you should.

You will be overly sensitive today. Let them know what your intentions are. Deception and doubts may surround your involvement with friends and relatives.

You need a break from your daily routine. Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. Deception may cause disputes you can do without.

Any capricious behavior will confuse loved ones and your mood swings will result in loneliness. You may be emotional and quick to judge others. Do not get upset over trivial matters.

Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work. If you put your mind to it, you could entertain or host a multitude of social events. You should consider getting into self improvement endeavors.

Your charm will attract someone special. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart. You will be able to close any deals successfully

Try not to lose your cool, and make your point known. Travel is evident, but be cautious while in transit. Travel could include delays and other minor problems.

Don't let your mate stop you from attending an event that could be most important. You will ďŹ nd the excitement gratifying. Visitors may drop by unexpectedly, resulting in tension with your lover.

Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. Don't turn down offers that include sports activities or children. Your words will be taken out of context if you're evasive with coworkers or employers. Passion will be your only answer. Don't be too quick to spend money.


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Friday, July 01, 2016


De Sanctis signs for Monaco After leaving Roma, Morgan De Sanctis has agreed to a one-year contract with Ligue 1 side Monaco. Former Italy international goalkeeper Morgan De Sanctis has joined Monaco on a one-year deal. The 39-year-old left Roma at the end of last season following the expiration of his contract at the Stadio Olimpico. "Monaco are pleased to announce the signing of Morgan De Sanctis, who has agreed to join the club for one season," a club statement confirmed. "De Sanctis will head to Lausanne to link up with the first-team squad at their training camp on Wednesday." Vicepresident Vadim Vasilyev said: "We are very happy to welcome Morgan De Sanctis, who this season will provide Monaco with the benefit of his experience of the highest level." "It's an honour to sign for Monaco, a big club in the French league," De Sanctis added. "I'm looking forward to helping the team achieve its targets this season."(SportsMax)

Morgan De Sanctis

Matthaus advises Schweinsteiger, Podolski to retire from Germany duty The time has come for Bastian Schweinsteiger and Lukas Podolski to say farewell to Germany's national team, says Lothar Matthaus. Former Germany captain Lothar Matthaus has advised Bastian Schweinsteiger and Lukas Podolski to retire from international duty and focus on their club career instead. Schweinsteiger and Podolski have been key figures for Germany since making their respective debuts in 2004, but Matthaus believes the time has come for the duo to make way for younger players. "Podolski and Schweinsteiger will have noticed [coach Joachim] Low no longer banks on them like in the past," Matthaus wrote in his column for Sport Bild. "Podolski knows other players are the future in his position. "Schweinsteiger is being plagued by injuries and is missing a certain lightness. "Both should be asking themselves whether they would do their body a favour by retiring from international duty. "Maybe retiring from Germany

duty could help them make a fresh start at Galatasaray and Manchester United." Matthaus is Germany's most-capped player with 150 appearances, while Miroslav Klose is the only other player to have won more caps for the national team than Podolski's 129 and Schweinsteiger's 120.(SportsMax)


Friday, July 01, 2016


Olympic omission shocked Morgan Discus national record holder Jason Morgan claims to be completely why can’t I be on the team,” Morgan queried. The athlete pointed to bewildered by the decision of the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA) to omit him from the national squad despite being one of only two throwers to attain the Olympic qualifying mark. The JAAA announced one of the largest Olympic teams to date, but there was no place for Morgan who finished fourth at the national trials. The thrower missed out on the automatic qualifying spots, but with only the winner of the event Fredrick Dacres, who registered a mark of 62.27m, having attained the Olympic standard, the JAAA could have opted to include Morgan in the team. His mark of 59.08m had also put him behind Traves Smikle (61.72m) and Chad Wright (61.83m). The association, however, instead elected to name just one thrower to the Rio Games. President of the JAAA Warren Blake in response to questions regarding the athlete’s omission from the squad, pointed to concerns regarding his ability to replicate early season form. Morgan attained the Olympic standard last year after breaking the national record in June. “I was only beaten by three metres (at trial) 62 won and I came fourth with 59. I have consistently thrown over 60 metres almost every single meet throughout my career,” Morgan said in an interview on the SportsMax Zone. The athlete claimed that recovering from an injury he opted not to use a medical exemption used by several top athletes at this year’s trials and that he would have had little issue with those in front of him attaining the mark and heading to the Games. “I got hurt, I broke my fifth metatarsal a few months ago…I am not attacking the JAAA, but since I have the mark and I qualify for the Games I’m just genuinely asking

other instances that discretion had been used with other athlete’s and branded the decision as unfair. “I’ve seen some discretion use with athletes having the qualifying mark last year and they were still selected to the team…One of them didn’t even run at the trials because enough people did not enter for the event. She was selected to the team. “Is that fair to me coming from an injury and competing at the trails and getting back into form to be omitted. I tried not to use a medical exemption. I said I was going fairly and if those guys had beaten me fairly and squarely and while getting the mark I wouldn’t have anything to talk about.”(SportsMax)

Jason Morgan

Watson hoping for Rio springboard after Wimbledon win After lifting the Wimbledon mixed doubles title, Heather Watson hopes to maintain her momentum at Rio 2016. Heather Watson is relishing the chance to compete at her second Olympic Games after lifting her first grand slam title at Wimbledon last weekend. The 24year-old put the disappointment of first-round exit in the singles behind her at the All England Club to lift the mixed doubles title with Henri Kontinen. Success at Wimbledon was the culmination of a busy 2016 for Watson as she ensured her place with Great Britain at Rio 2016. And she hopes her major victory can provide her with momentum heading into – what she believes to be – one of the most important tournaments of the year. "My two weeks at Wimbledon were very different," she told reporters at Team GB's Kitting Out at the NEC in Birmingham. "The first week I was very down after my first-round loss especially having had match points, and then the second week was completely different, I won a grand slam title, extremely happy, it was very busy and exhausting. "Hopefully I can use it to give me a bit of confidence but it's very different from playing singles and doubles. "Everybody I know that has the chance to play in it wants to play, I can't understand why some of the golfers don't want to, I just wouldn't want to miss out on that experience. "For me I did everything in my power to be involved, [missing out] wasn't an option. "I think it's a really big deal, it's so cool just to be part of something special." Four years ago Watson was left disappointed as she fell in the second round of the singles competition, and she was

overlooked in the doubles. She still looks back on the Games with fond memories, though, which is why she was so determined to make it to Brazil. "It [London 2012] is still one of the best times of my life, as soon as it was over I knew I wanted to compete in Rio, and it was my biggest goal of this year," Watson added. "That's why I've had such a packed summer, playing every single week because I wanted to make sure I made the cut, and I'm so pleased that I did, I just can't wait to go there."(SportsMax)

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Friday, July 01, 2016


Silver is no fan of 'super-teams' like Warriors with Durant have no idea what is in his mind or heart in terms of how he went

Commissioner Adam Silver does not believe the formation of superteams like the Golden State Warriors is good for the NBA. Superteams such as the Golden State Warriors are not good for the NBA, according to commissioner Adam Silver. The Warriors added 2014 MVP and four-time scoring champion Kevin Durant to a core that features two-time MVP Stephen Curry and All-Stars Draymond Green and Klay Thompson in free agency. Durant's arrival makes Golden State - who won an NBA-record 73 games last season - clear favourites for a third consecutive Finals match-up with LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, who had the the highest payroll in the league last year. “I've read several stories suggesting that that's something that the league wants, this notion of two super-teams, that it's a huge television attraction," Silver said in a media conference. "I don't think it's good for the league, just to be really clear. I will say whoever is the prohibitive favourite, try telling that to the 430 other players who aren't on those two teams." On a possible solution to the issue of franchises putting together super-teams, Silver added: "Part of it is designing a collective bargaining agreement that encourages the distribution of great players throughout the league. "I absolutely respect a player's right to become a free agent, and in this case for Kevin Durant to make a decision that he feels is best for him, and I

about making that decision. "In a way the good news is that we are in a collective bargaining cycle, so it gives everybody an opportunity, owners and the union, to sit down behind closed doors and take a fresh look at the system and see if there is a better way that we can do it."(SportsMax)

Amazon ‘Gladiators’ slaughtering rivals on their way up The Guyana Amazon Warriors, or as we call them, the gladiators of the Hero Caribbean Premier League, keep defending their spot as the tournament continues. The Amazon breeze fuels their wining spirit, reflecting it on every match. This team does not cease to amaze us. The Warriors beat St Lucia Zouks by eight wickets at Providence Stadium last night, provided by an unbroken 82-run stand for the third wicket between Jason Mohammed and Chris Lynn. A fifth win in six matches helped the Warriors cement their top rank in the CPL 2016. Zouks recovered from twin blows in the first over - Sohail Tanvir, the Pakistan pacer, had dismissed openers Johnson Charles and Shane Watson - to post 138 for 6 after being sent in to bat. The inning was guided by Michael Hussey, who top scored with a 50-ball 64, with David Miller's 23 being the second highest in the inning. Three other batsmen got into double digits, enhancing the score rapidly. Zouks were battling with a 44 for 3 at the halfway mark. A 62-run stand in seven overs between Hussey and Miller was needed to give the innings a boost. The Australia leg spinner or leg break googly, Adam Zampa, picked up two wickets to become the highest wicket-taker in the competition at this point, with 12 scalps. Martin Guptill contributed greatly on the early stages of the chase with 19 in a 55-run opening stand with Dwayne Smith before being caught and bowled by Derone Davis, the left-arm spinner, in the seventh over. He Six balls later, Smith was sent back for 32 by Shane Shillingford, the off spinner, to leave

Warriors at 57 for 2. They needed to upgrade the board and do it quick, even though the performance was lovely to witness, the ball needed to fly, and fly high. Mohammed and Lynn took the wheel and made sure the road to be taken was straight and definitive for the match, ‘take it for the team’, phrase that came in handy. The pair hit six sixes between them as Amazon Warriors won at a canter, with 16 balls to spare. "Having lost the last game, the boys were extra motivated to win here. “We knew we had the skill-sets to chase this target down, and we're happy with the way it worked out. We're a win away from qualifying for the playoffs, but it's important to ride this momentum," Mohammed said. Final score: St Lucia Zouks 138 for 6, beaten by the Guyana Amazon Warriors 139 for 2, the Warriors will keep giving fight.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

The Guyana Amazon Warriors

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