July 17 2016

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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

GRA Chairman under flak for heavy payroll Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Lucas in response to this allegations, admitted over the weekend that he kept sensitive taxpayers’ documents in a private office he uses. “I will not address insinuations that come from an anonymous person. However, I feel that there is a need for the public to understand the context in which I deliver service to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) as its Board Chairman. I will start by pointing out that I am paid a monthly stipend of G$10,500 which is equivalent to US$51.00 by GRA after taxes are deducted. Please note that I pay taxes on the stipend. I use stipend that I get to buy gas and pay for basic maintenance of the car that I drive. GRA does not buy gas for me. It offered to do so and I refused the offer. I turn in the vehicle to GRA whenever I am not using it.” “In the instances where I was given property, they remain the property of the Government of Guyana and will be returned to it once I am finished using them.” Mr. Lucas continued defending the benefits acquired as a necessity for his work nothing, “While I am prepared to serve the administration and to go the extra mile as necessary, I do not think that I should be expected to subsidize the government. It is in that context that the convenience of the car which I drive and the facilities provided become very important. I requested support from GRA to have GRA’s work done and I was given the support. My assistant and I spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with GRA matters. It would have been difficult for File Photo of Rawle Lucas me to understand and address much of the challenges of the organization at GRA Board meetings and to meet the many Former President and opposition leader, Bharrat Jagdeo demands made of me by its management and others in the recently called for Lucas to be fired due to his responsibility on government without the valuable input of my assistant.” the revenue shortfall, because of the deal between the Demerara By - Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News Distillers Limited (DDL) and the GRA. “If there is a revenue shortfall, the Chairman of the Board should be fired. The Chairman of the Board, Rawle Lucas, should be fired and the Head of GRA, not the staff… Imagine you expose the revenue agencies to a $60B liability and you are arguing that we had 6a shortfall of a hundred million dollars and you fire staff,” Jagdeo stated. In a Letter to the Editor, published in Kaieteur News on Sunday, a source, who preferred to keep the name withheld, shared with the media the many benefits that Mr. Lucas enjoys. Starting from an assigned vehicle for his personal to his professional use on a 24-hour basis and fueled, having GRA pay to carpet his personal office at Critchlow Labour College, purchase a sofa set, filing cabinets, refrigerator and computer for his personal use. He enjoys these benefits while still being employed at Critchlow Labour College, the University of Guyana and Since the end of 2015, the Guyana Revenue Authority has been under a ‘shake up’ aiming to clean their departments of inefficiency and fill them with new and capable personnel. However, top ranking officials have questioned how this goal can be accomplished when the behavior of representatives is questionable. The Guyana Daily News aims to promote compliance with Guyana's Tax, Trade and Border Laws and regulations, through education, quality service and responsible enforcement programmes, thereby contributing to the economic wellbeing of the people of Guyana. However, Chairman of the Governing Board of Directors of the GRA, Rawle Lucas, who is facing flak for his leadership at the entity, have been bombarded with facts about his heavy pay roll and his benefits.



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

West Coast man charged with murder of wife, son The man who fatally chopped his wife and 2-year-old son to death on July 01 at Crane, West Coast Demerara, was charged with two counts of murder and remanded to prison on Monday. Suresh Ganesh, 28, made his first court appearance at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrates’ Court on the West Coast Demerara and was not required to plead to the indictable offence before Magistrate Clive Nurse. Ganesh was unpresented and will return to court on August 29. He was charged with the murder of his 32-year-old wife, Vanessa Sookram and his 2-year-old son, Joel Ganesh. Family members were outside the Court this morning and broke down into tears as he was being escorted to the prison van. Ganesh was taken for a mental evaluation at the Georgetown Public Hospital, where doctors said he is fit to stand trial.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

First Lady explores areas of collaboration with Youth Empowerment Advisor Georgetown, Guyana – (July 11, 2016) First Lady, Ministry of the Presidency. Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, met with Presidential Advisor on Youth Empowerment, Mr. Aubrey Norton, to discuss opportunities and explore ways in which the two offices can collaborate to empower the youth population in the country. In an invited comment, Mrs. Granger said that “we were exploring areas in which we can work together especially in the areas of youth development, youth literacy, training and having them integrated into the work force at some stage and basically seeing where our activities and aims might interact and seeing how we can work together to achieve the best objectives for the young people.” Mr. Norton echoed similar sentiments, noting that he From left: Mr. Ronald Austin Jr., Ms. Odettie DeJesus, looks forward to any partnership, which may come First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger and Advisor on out of the discussions. He was accompanied by Ms. Youth Empowerment, Mr. Aubrey Norton. Odettie DeJesus, Research Officer and Mr. Ronald Austin Jr.,Training and Education Officer at the



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Driver guilty of assaulting cop Minibus Driver, Winston Harris was today found guilty by Magistrate Annette Singh for the offenses of assaulting a police officer with intent to cause harm and resisting arrest which he committed on May 21,

2016 in Georgetown. Harris was unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge; however after the evidence was produced, Magistrate Singh found him guilty of the charges and he was fined GY$10,000 on each charge with a default of one month imprisonment if he is unable to pay the said fine. The court heard that on the day in question at around 13:00 hrs, Harris who was at the bus park at Water Street, was asked to stop while reversing a 45 zoned minibus, BSS 1257. Harris did not comply and the officer proceeded to the driver ’s door of the bus to apprehend him when Harris pushed the door open hitting the said officer. The court heard that Harris then behaved in an erratic manner when the officer tried to arrest him.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Delay in Babita Sarjou’s murder trial The trial into the murder of Babita Sarjou hit a snag on Monday after some 23 witnesses were not properly informed of the trial date. Her ex-husband, Sharadananda Narine and the alleged ‘hitman’, Darel Pronton appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and were further remanded to prison until July 18, when the trial is scheduled to start. The court heard that the delay comes as a result of the 23 witnesses in the case having to be further informed and warned Babita Sarjou

of the times and date of commencent of trial. It is alleged that on November 4, 2010, Sarjou left her Timheri, East Bank Demerara home informing her mother that she was going to meet her husband and son at the Kitty Seawall to view the annual Diwali Motorcade; however after she did not return the same night, her mother became worried and filed a missing person’s report. After many months of treacherous searching and treating the case as a missing person’s one, the case was closed. However, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum earlier this year reopened the case, treating it as homicide case since new information had surfaced. Following new investigations into the matter, the estranged husband of Sarjou was questioned and he subsequently led the investigation team to the shallow grave to Babita Sarjou which was dug in his own back yard. Investigations had also revealed that Narine had paid Pronton GY$50,000 and promised him a trip to Trinidad to kill Sarjou since he was beginning to have thoughts that she was having an affair with a man from her workplace.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Business owners bemoan crime situation Business owners in Guyana continue to lament the country’s crime situation to the extent where they believe that there is a national security threat. “We don’t feel safe in Guyana anymore, our businesses are under severe threat. Every day is a robbery, people are being killed because of a banana skin in this country now, businesses are being closed because of the increase crime rate in Guyana and the police is not doing anything whatsoever, we don’t trust the police,” one businessman, who prefers to remain anonymous told this newspaper. In May, Minister of Public Security, Khemaj Ramjattan had boasted about a reduction in crime, crediting it to the renewed public trust in the police force. He had told the National Assembly, “Trust in the law enforcement was the lowest when we got in here in May (2015). It is improving now and you cannot deny that, it is because of that trust being regained, we have a huge set of members of the community coming forward w i t h information on the evidence and the witness statements and all of that so that we can solve the

crimes … Today we are in a far superior position in relation to crime solving. ” Meanwhile, when contacted, former Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee saod that the coalition government has failed to fulfill their election promises to the populace, and that is why there is disgust and frustration in the system. He noted that under the PPP administration, there were community policing and neighborhood police and that his Ministry was proactive in relation to citizen security. The former government minister said that the Ministry also worked closely with the police and other law enforcement agencies in solving crime. Rohee criticized the APNU+AFC government for taking the Drug Strategy Master Plan to a parliamentary oversight committee, which he said is nonfunctional. Meanwhile, the report on the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into the March 3rd prison riot is yet to be made public and this newspaper was unable to make contact with Minister Ramjattan for a comment on its findings. On March 3, 17 prisoners perished in an inferno in the Capital A division of the Georgetown Prison. It is alleged that the prisoners locked themselves in the fiery furnace. It was alleged that a protest ensued following a surprise search by prison officers, where a number of items were discovered such as: lighters, cellphones, marijuana, improvised weapons.-ByRonald Singh, Guyana Daily News



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

CARICOM countries lack vision, resources - Rohee General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee says the PPP has noted with interest the outcome of the recently concluded 37th Regular conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM. He made reference to CARICOM’s review of the crime and security strategy which is slated to be completed by February 2017. According to Rohee, the region’s crime and security strategy was left to languish in the rest of the region, while pointing out that member states are requested to ensure that their national security plans are in sync with the Revised Regional Crime and Security Strategy. The Party has also noted the decision taken by heads to engage in a comprehensive review of the CSME at their intercessional meeting to be held in Georgetown, Guyana in February 2017. The PPP is of the view that since entering into negotiations in the three theaters of External negotiations, the World Trade Organisation, The ACP/EU, and the FTAA, the CSME has paid a heavy price due to their fragile economy, and the lack of technical skills. According to Rohee, CARICOM countries lack the vision and resources as it relates to ways and means to implement regional preferential obligation between themselves and the EU outer most regions. Rohee stated that the Economic Partner Agreement (EPA) along with the European Union (EU), expose the weakness of the CSME. He also noted that the CSME has been severely undermined and

woefully lacking. “The Granger administration should encourage the Economic Services Committee the National Assembly to discuss these matters as well as encourage all stake holder to engage in public debates and the future of the CSME. It is totally wrong for the Government to engage with member states of CARICOM in matter of national importance on which they have been no organize national discussion and consensus, BREXIT is an example”, the GS noted.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

PPP concerned about slothfulness of election petition General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee says the Party is deeply concerned over the delay in the hearing of the Elections petition in the High Court. The petition was filed by Mr. Ganga Persaud on behalf of the PPP challenging the outcome of the 2015 General and Regional Elections. The PPP at its weekly press conference at Freedom House on Monday, noted that no reason has been given for the delay of the hearing of the petition and according to Rohee, “justice delayed is justice denied.” The PPP continues to maintain that the 2015 General and Regional elections were unlawfully conducted and the results were affected by unlawful actions or omissions. According to Rohee, the attempt by lawyers of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to strike out the petition is a clear attempt to deprive the hundreds of thousands of people who voted for the PPP/C of their rights to elect a Party of their choice. Rohee noted that to date none of the

applications filed have been heard and dates for hearing are yet to be set by the High Court. The Party is calling for early date for the petition to be heard.-ByRonald Singh, Guyana Daily News.



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

CARICOM countries lack vision, resources - Rohee General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee says the PPP has noted with interest the outcome of the recently concluded 37th Regular conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM. He made reference to CARICOM’s review of the crime and security strategy which is slated to be completed by February 2017. According to Rohee, the region’s crime and security strategy was left to languish in the rest of the region, while pointing out that member states are requested to ensure that their national security plans are in sync with the Revised Regional Crime and Security Strategy. The Party has also noted the decision taken by heads to engage in a comprehensive review of the CSME at their intercessional meeting to be held in Georgetown, Guyana in February 2017. The PPP is of the view that since entering into negotiations in the three theaters of External negotiations, the World Trade Organisation, The ACP/EU, and the FTAA, the CSME has paid a heavy price due to their fragile economy, and the lack of technical skills. According to Rohee, CARICOM countries lack the vision and resources as it relates to ways and means to implement regional preferential obligation between themselves and the EU outer most regions. Rohee stated that the Economic Partner

Agreement (EPA) along with the European Union (EU), expose the weakness of the CSME. He also noted that the CSME has been severely undermined and woefully lacking. “The Granger administration should encourage the Economic Services Committee the National Assembly to discuss these matters as well as encourage all stake holder to engage in public debates and the future of the CSME. It is totally wrong for the Government to engage with member states of CARICOM in matter of national importance on which they have been no organize national discussion and consensus, BREXIT is an example”, the GS noted.By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

20-Y-O remanded for possession of gun, ammo Andrew Budhu today appeared before Magistrate BY- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News. Annette Singh, charged with being in possession of a firearm and five rounds of live ammunition without being a licensed firearm holder. Budhu of Enterprise Gardens, East Coast Demerara was unpresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge. He was remanded until August 3. The 20-year-old man pleaded with the Magistrate for bail, stating that he has a 2-year-old daughter and works two jobs in order to provide or her. However, Magistrate Singh said that the prosecution objected to bail due to the severity of the crime and if Budhu wants bail he could make an appeal to the High Court. It is alleged that on the July 8, 2016 at Wellington Street, Georgetown, Budhu who is a contract employee at MACORP and also employee of California Stock House was found to be in possession of one 9mm Pistol, without being a licensed firearm holder and five rounds of live ammunition.

PPP deliberately did not want to solve crime – Ramjattan Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan says he is happy that members of the public have now come forward to assist in helping to solve the cold cases that have been re-opened. During an interview with the Guyana Daily News, Ramjattan said that investigators now feel comfortable conducting their interviews and carrying out their investigation knowing that there is no political or administrative interference. Ramjattan is of the strong belief that the previous administration did everything in its power to hamper investigations. "There was a deliberate effort of the last administration not to solve certain crimes, they had a political motive behind it and one day I'm going to talk about it,” the Security Minister said. This comes amidst confirmation by Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum that the Guyana Police Force will be reopening three high profile killings. These include 23-year -old Monica Reece, in 1993, 21-year old Sheema Mangar, in 2010 and 32-year-old designer Trevor Rose, in 2014.

Reece's body was dumped along Main Street after she was murdered, Shema Mangar met her demise along Camp Street and North Road while trying to fight off bandits who had grabbed her mobile phone and Rose was gunned down in the vicinity of Eccles, East Bank Demerara after gunmen opened fire on the car he was in.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

File Photo: Khemraj Ramjattan



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Former mayor regrets not making amends with Manning Former San Fernando mayor Ian Atherly said he will regret for the rest of his life not reconciling with former prime minister Patrick Manning before he died one week ago. Like thousands of ordinary citizens, Atherly endured the hot mid-day sun for hours outside the Southern Academy of the Performing Arts (SAPA) last Thursday morning to get a last glimpse of the face of his one-time ally. But for Atherly, his presence was not simply to pay respects to the man who gave him the opportunity to serve in this capacity. This was an attempt to salve his conscience for not mending the bridges which were broken when Manning failed to reappoint him as mayor for a second term back in 2006. “If I did not come, that would be hypocritical. He was my friend. We had more good times than bad times. We went through a lot together, when he was PM and when he wasn’t PM,” Atherly said. Differences between Atherly and Manning over the conversion of the then Chancery Lane car park, San Fernando, into a government administrative complex, which now stands as the San Fernando Teaching Hospital, led to him being replaced by Kenneth Ferguson as mayor of the second city. Atherly and Manning, who were once inseparable, parted ways after this, with Atherly even jumping on the opposition People’s Partnership bandwagon and being appointed as chairman of Plipdeco, as a reward. But on Thursday, Atherly who returned to the folds of the People’s National Movement (PNM) before the last election, said he was full of remorse and regretted the fact that he did not speak to Manning before his passing one week ago. “Because we were true friends and we went through a lot together,” he said, recalling, “we, Manning and friends, followed the late Joey Lewis to every community centre, lodge or dance hall to dance with the senior ladies. We were his hired dancers, led by me, maybe that is why my two knees are given me trouble now,” he said jokingly. On a serious note he added, “But we were not on speaking terms (when he died) and it hurt then and it is hurting now and it will not stop hurting for as long as I live.” At the time he was relieved from office, Atherly was also facing a legal challenge for interfering with a ballot box during an election process, a matter which he later won. He recalled that during this period, “when I was going through my pain, when I was not renewed for the second term, despite what the City of San Fernando thoughts were at that time, I thought it was not just at the time and I spoke out about it. “I regret now, that I did not mend those bridges. I think somehow I was trying to show him that I learnt so good from him, being stubborn, and I wanted to be better than him at being stubborn and I am paying for it now,” a remorseful Atherly said after viewing the body said. “I will miss our friendship,” he acknowledged.

Present mayor of San Fernando Hajii Kazim Hosein said it was the first time he had witnessed a State funeral and thanked Manning for giving him, “a nobody” and his father before him, the late mayor Rakeeb Hosein, an opportunity to serve as mayors of the second city. The late Rakeeb Hosein served as a councillor for the Les Efforts East/Cipero electoral district before ascending to the mayor’s chair between 1983 to 1987. “The last time I cried was when my father died, and now I weep for Mr Manning,” Hosein said. He said last Thursday was an historic day not only in San Fernando and in T&T, but in the region and the Commonwealth. “People are now seeing what Mr Manning actually did for T&T,” Hosein said.(Trinidad Guardian)

Former San Fernando mayor Ian Atherly makes his way into the Southern Academy of the Performing Arts (SAPA) last Thursday morning to view the body of his long time friend and former prime minister Patrick Manning. Photo: Rishi Ragoonath



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Mother, stepfather of murdered 3-y-o to be charged ST ANN, Jamaica — The mother and stepfather of the three-year old girl who was found murdered on Sunday are expected to be charged under the Childcare Protection Act. The police have confirmed that the two were taken into custody after it was revealed that Nevalesia Campbell and her twin brother were alone at home when she was taken. The mother had said the child was taken while she slept. On Sunday, residents openly expressed that the mother was seen at a community function. In the meantime, the police have named a person of interest in relation to the matter. He is Alexus Newland, otherwise called ‘Dal Dal’, of Milford, St Ann.(Jamaica Observer)

Homeless woman in need of house: M P i n sul te d m e wi th ste up s Nevalesia Campbell Homeless Mary Paria said she felt hurt and insulted when Housing Minister Randall Mitchell responded to her plea for a home with a “steups.” However, Paria, 58, who has been sleeping on chairs at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH) for more than one year, still wants his help to find here a place to call her own. Paria was thrust into the limelight two Saturday’s ago when she tried to draw to Mitchell’s attention her social status but he responded to her plight with a “steups.” The entire episode was captured on media cameras at the hospital shortly after the death of former prime minister Patrick Manning. Members of the media were interviewing Mitchell, who succeeded Manning as MP for San Fernando East, when Paria grasped the opportunity to draw her homeless plight to him. “Ah living in the hospital. Ah want ah house,” she could be heard saying on the clip which was aired on television, including CNC3’s The Rundown and on social media. Mitchell responded by casting a disdainful look accompanied by a steups before continuing his interview with the media. Paria told T&T Guardian she felt insulted by the minister’s reaction. “I apologise for the timing. I asked for a house knowing now that Mr Manning had just died. “But I really need it (house) and that was the only appropriate time I could have gotten to say something. “But I find it was very silly to steups at what I said because it is not nice living in the hospital. “As an elected MP I expect that he ought to have responded to me better than that. It is an insult how he responded to me,” Paria, 58, said. Nevertheless, she said, “although he steups at me, I am still begging him for a house.” Paria’s plight was first published in the T&T Guardian on March 6, 2015. She explained then that her life changed when a freak storm destroyed her home at a squatting area in Claxton Bay back in 2007. She said Manning, who was the prime minister then, instructed his then housing minister Dr Emily Gaynor Dick-Forde to give the affected

families the option to assist with rebuilding or a government home. She said she opted for a house and was assigned one in the Couva district but never got it. She was subsequently offered a temporary unit at Pelican Avenue, Couva, but claimed thugs forced her out of that building. Since then, Paria said, she has been, “here there and everywhere. I lived in the Couva Hospital and about a year ago I moved to the San Fernando hospital for safety reasons.” She roams the streets during the day or takes bus rides to far places and sleeps on three chairs at nights. She pays to get her clothes washed. A former domestic worker, Paria has since fallen ill and survives on a disability grant. “I cannot pay a big rent. From the disability money, I can pay a small rent,” she said.(Trinidad Guardian)

Mary Paria, who has been living at the San Fernando General Hospital for the past year, is pleading with Hosing Minister Randall Mitchell for home. PHOTO: KRISTIAN DE SILVA



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

COP elects Dr Anirudh Mahabir as new political leader Dr Anirudh Mahabir has been elected in the substantive position of political leader of the Congress of the People. Mahabir, who has been the acting leader since the resignation of St Augustine Member of Parliament Prakash Ramadhar in April, was nominated and elected unopposed for the position of political leader at a special National Assembly meeting held at the COP’s Charlieville office. T h e p a r t y ’s g e n e r a l s e c r e t a r y, C l y d e Weatherhead, said the process of electing Mahabir took place on Saturday without any major hiccups. He said: “The election process was extremely efficient as there was just one position to be filled, that of the political leader.” Weatherhead said Mahabir will be in the post until June 2017—the end of the current term of

office. In June 2017, the position of political leader will again be up for consideration for a new term of office to run from 2017 to 2020. Commenting on his role as leader Weatherhead said Mahabir was looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead. He said: “Dr Mahabir is looking forward to rebuilding the party during this period of his tenure as political leader until June.” Weatherhead noted that Mahabir would be in office during the time that the COP celebrated ten years as a political party. He said: “In September, COP will turn ten years old and Dr Mahabir wil be there as leader for this special occasion in the party’s history.”(Trinidad Guardian) Dr Anirudh Mahabir

Reema: 150,000 people in T&T living with diabetes Some 150,000 people in this country are living with diabetes and every year there are 1,000 new cases. To fight this dreaded disease prevention is key and children must learn to manage their diabetes for themselves and from an early age. So said wife of President Anthony Carmona, Reema Carmona, patron of the Diabetes Association of T&T at yesterday’s opening of the 15th annual residential children’s camp for children with diabetes. Carmona lauded the initiative as timely as T&T was ranked among the countries with the highest prevalence of diabetes both regionally and internationally. “This pandemic presents a grave challenge to public health services and communities, and requires our continuing aggressive attention. “If we eat right, exercise regularly and promote healthier lifestyles, then there will be more hospital beds available, less money spent by the Government on medication, less money spent on diagnosis and treatment and a population with an increased life expectancy statistic,” Carmona said. On the legislative front, she said this country could take pattern from international countries where various measures were introduced to fight diabetes including tariffs imposed on food and drinks considered unhealthy. In 2011, Denmark imposed a ‘fat tax’ with the intention of reducing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and specifically targeted saturated fats found most commonly in animal products like butter, cream, and meat. In the United Kingdom, a new sugar tax on the soft drinks industry is expected to be introduced for the 2016/2017 fiscal budget as the UK is of the view that such drinks have no nutritional benefit and contribute significantly to burgeoning health issues, Carmona said. Australia is also proposing a 20 per cent sugar tax on sweetened drinks to cut consumption of these drinks by 12 per cent and reduce national obesity rates by one per cent. “We as a nation must

look at these legislative measures as standards to aspire to. The inevitable question, do we try to influence the manufacturing world to do the right thing. Interestingly enough, the metropole countries tried that holistic approach and it has not worked and felt the need to legislate against adverse manufacturing philosophies impacting on positive health,” Carmona added. Saying the battle against diabetes was no longer about monitoring and control but rather prevention, Carmona said prevention began at home, specifically in the Reema Carmona kitchens. She urged mothers must prepare healthy meals for their families and must take stock of what were in their children’s lunch kits. “A parent’s convenience must not dictate what is in that lunch kit. Parents will complain about the price of eating healthy but ironically they are prepared to pay handsomely for ailments that they can prevent,’ Carmona said. Schools, she added, must also play a part in arresting this health malaise by having compulsory periods of study once every two weeks dealing with healthy cuisine, diets and drinks.(Trinidad Guardian)



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

Dallas killer 'disappointed' by military experience The mother of the gunman who killed five police officers in Dallas was "disappointed" by his experience in the US military, she told TheBlaze.com. "The military was not what Micah thought it would be," Delphine Johnson said. "He was very disappointed." She said her son was "gung-ho" about joining the military and wanted to be a police officer at one point. Johnson opened fire at a protest being held over the deaths of African Americans at the hands of police. The demonstrations, echoed nationwide, followed the police killings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. Bombmaking material, rifles and a combat journal were found at the home of Johnson, who was himself killed. He went from being an extrovert to a "hermit" after his military service, his mother said. "I don't know what to say to anybody to make anything better. I didn't see it coming," James Johnson, his father, told the website. "I love my son with all my heart. I hate what he did." Dallas police chief David Brown said all of the officers are on edge after the events and that his family has received death threats. He said 13 officers used force against Johnson during the stand-off, in which Johnson was killed by a robot bomb. Killing Johnson was "not an ethical dilemma", he said. "I'd do it again" to protect fellow officers, he said. The events will not

discourage the department, Mr Brown said, which has seen 12 consecutive years of crime reduction in Dallas. “We're going to turn over every rock" to make sure Johnson was the only person planning the attack, he said, and that the department is following "any and all leads". Mr Brown suggested angry young black people in the US join their local police departments and try to become "part of the solution". "We're hiring," he said. "Get off the protest line and put in an application."(BBC)



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

PM-in-waiting Theresa May promises 'a better Britain’ Theresa May promised to build a "better Britain" and to make the UK's EU exit a "success" after she was announced as the new Tory leader and soon-to-be PM. Speaking outside Parliament, Mrs May said she was "honoured and humbled" to succeed David Cameron, after her only rival in the race withdrew on Monday. Mr Cameron will tender his resignation to the Queen after PMQs on Wednesday. Mr Cameron, who has been UK prime minister since 2010, decided to quit after the UK's Brexit vote. It follows another day of dramatic developments in the political world, when Andrea Leadsom unexpectedly quit the two-way Conservative leadership contest, saying she did not have the support to build "a strong and stable government". Her decision left Mrs May the front runner - as the only candidate to take over leading the party and to therefore become prime minister. In a s p e e c h flanked by dozens of Conservative MPs, Mrs May, the home Theresa May secretary since 2010, praised Mr Cameron for his stewardship of the Tory party and the country. And she paid tribute to Mrs Leadsom for her "dignity" in withdrawing her leadership bid, as well as to the three other candidates who ran in the contest. "I am honoured and humbled to have been chosen by the Conservative Party to become its leader," Mrs May told the gathered media. She said her leadership bid had been based on the need for "strong, proven leadership", the ability to unite both party and country and a "positive vision" for Britain's future. "A vision of a country that works not for the privileged few but that works for every one of us because we're going to give people more control over their lives and that's how, together, we will build a better Britain." And in a message perhaps designed to reassure Brexit-supporting colleagues, Mrs May - who campaigned to stay in the EU, said: "Brexit means Brexit and we're going to make a success of it."

What happens next?The 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs, which is overseeing the leadership contest, has declared Mrs May the new party leader "with immediate effect". David Cameron says he will take Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday and then head to Buckingham Palace and officially tender his resignation to the Queen and recommend she sends for Theresa May as his replacement. Mrs May will then go to Buckingham Palace to see the Queen and receive her invitation to form a government. Theresa May should then be in place as UK prime minister by Wednesday evening - it is not yet clear when the Cameron family will move out of No 10. Earlier, in a brief statement outside No 10, Mr Cameron said he was "delighted" that Mrs May was to succeed him in Downing Street. He said a "prolonged period of transition" was not necessary, and added: "So tomorrow I will chair my last cabinet meeting. On Wednesday I will attend the House of Commons for Prime Minister's Questions. "After that I expect to go the Palace and offer my resignation." The prime minister praised Mrs May as "strong" and "competent" and he said she was "more than able to provide the leadership" the UK needs in the coming years. "She will have my full support," he added. Key dates for the new PM 18 July - Parliament due to vote on Trident renewal 19 July - Possible date for her first cabinet meeting 20 July - First PMQs as prime minister 5 September Parliament returns from summer recess 2-5 October Conservative Party annual conference 20 October - Her first European Council meeting as prime minister Announcing her decision to pull out of the contest, Mrs Leadsom - who was a leading light of the Brexit campaign - said a nine-week leadership campaign at such a "critical time" for the UK would be "highly undesirable" - and she gave her backing to Mrs May. A source close to the energy minister told BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg "the abuse has been too great" for Mrs Leadsom during the contest. Mrs Leadsom had apologised to Mrs May on Monday after suggesting in a weekend newspaper interview that being a mother made her a better candidate for the job. BBC chief political correspondent Vicki Young said Mrs May had begun the day launching her leadership campaign to take to the party membership - and within the space of several hours found out she would be prime minister by Wednesday. Mrs May would now have to decide the make-up of her new cabinet, she said. Mr Cameron announced his intention to resign as prime minister on 24 June, after finding himself on the losing side of the EU referendum, with the UK voting by 52% to 48% in favour of leaving.((BBC)



MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016

South Sudan clashes: President Kiir calls for ceasefire South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has ordered a Juba told the BBC they were staying indoors amid ceasefire after days of intense fighting with former reports of looting and the sound of gunfire from the rebels in the capital, Juba, state TV says. More than streets.(BBC) 200 people are reported to have died in the clashes, involving heavy artillery, tanks and helicopters. The violence erupted with a shootout between forces loyal to President Kiir and first Vice-President Riek Machar. The UN Security Council had urged both sides to stop fighting, amid fears for the safety of millions of civilians. In a unanimous statement, the council condemned the violence "in the strongest terms" and expressed "particular shock and outrage" at attacks on UN sites. It also called for additional peacekeepers to be sent to South Sudan. President Kiir's ceasefire order came into effect at 1800 local time (1500 GMT) on Monday. It is not yet clear if the clashes have subsided. Earlier in the day, residents of

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TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Pomeroon Boat Builders charged with murder

Lennox Baharally and Rondell Williams appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today charged with the murder of Mohammed Abdool, on April 26, 2016 in the Pomeroon River. Both men, who have no priors, were remanded until August 15, 2016, where they will appear before the Magistrate’s Court in Charity, Essequibo. Lennox, 34, of Upper Pomeroon and William, 19, were represented by Attorney Jerome Khan, who argued that the charges are unreasonable since in order for a murder charge to be instituted, there would have to be a previous grievance between the men. According to the lawyer, the only mistake his clients made is that they moved the body of the deceased from the water to the banks of the river. Prosecutor Navil Jeffords said that the post mortem of Abdool is still outstanding together with the statements from investigators hence some more time is required. It is alleged that on the day in question Baharally, a boat builder and

Williams, a boat apprentice, were in a boat with Abdool when the boat capsized. It is further alleged that the defendants managed to keep afloat and tried to rescue Abdool by pulling him to the bank of the river but he succumbed.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Business community bemoans parking fees for containers Mayor Patricia Chase-Green has confirmed that there will be a parking fee of $25,000 for containers that are parked outside of business places around the Capital city. This newspaper understands that the decision was made at the statutory meeting, even though some councillors were not informed. When this newspaper contacted Debra Lewis, Public Relations Officer at City Hall, she said, the money is to help the council with repairs to bridges and roads that the containers are traversing. She also stated that some business owners are not honoring their obligations. The business community is outraged at the announcement by the Mayor and is calling for a review of the decision. City hall recently announced that it is implementing a parking meter system in the city, whereby drivers will have to pay in order to park their vehicles; however there were concerns over the contract and it was sent for review by the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo is against the parking fee for containers, pointing out that this will only add pressure on the local business community. The former President recently said, “The container tax is consistent with everything that has been done so far under the current APNU+AFC Administration.”-By-Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

The ban of Styrofoam in Guyana In a previous article written by the Guyana daily news, the question was raised as to whether the ban on Styrofoam products is in effect. Following up on the ban of Styro products, the Guyana Daily News decided to answer some of the pressing questions that are being asked about the ban, with the help of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, the “ban” which is now enforced by law, is not on the usage of Styrofoam products; as a matter of fact it is on the import of the said products. The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will be refusing and not processing the declaration of any product which are found to be Styrofoam based. The enforcement team of the ban is the EPA, which is the chief agency and they are partnering with the GRA, Bureau of Standards, and Institute of Applied Science and Technology and the private Sector Commission. Penalties for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,000. The EPA believes that the banning of Styrofoam products will see a decrease in litter over a period of time since the alternatives will biodegrade; they however continue to implement their no nonsense litter policies which has seen a number of people and businessmen being charged since the beginning of 2016. According to the EPA, the ban of Styrofoam products is a necessity since Styrofoam is a product which takes hundreds of years to degrade and due to its light weight it finds its way into waterways, which becomes a hazard to wildlife. The EPA also states that Styrofoam is made up of toxic chemicals which when

introduced to food can cause serious illnesses. The cost of cleaning drains is also a factor taken into consideration in the banning of the products since the amount of money that is allocated towards cleaning the non-biodegradable products that block drains can be diverted and invested into other resources. The ban which was to be implemented at the beginning of the year still sees some food outlets using Styrofoam despite the closure of the three months “grace period” while the majority has switched to the “paper boxes.” However some business owners’ worry about the prices of the newer biodegradable boxes as compared to the Styrofoam boxes and the Ministry of Natural Resources has made a plea to the Ministry of the Finance to consider financial incentives to ease the burden.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

BK International gets $900M in steel on $180M judgment The controversial acquisition by BK International of eight containers of steel in 2015, months before the May elections, which is worth $900M, is taking heat as the days go by. Former President Donald Ramotar and Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, claim that not everything was in place when the transaction took place. BK Boss Brian Tiwari claimed $180M plus interests and costs, in a lawsuit filed in mid-2014 against Indian contractor, Surendra Engineering Company Limited (SECL), for work on the troubled Specialty Hospital at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara. Surendra was dismissed from the hospital project after that company failed to meet deadlines, Mr. Nandlall said. In July last year, BK managed to acquire court orders to execute judgment on the containers, even though the Ramotar government immediately took possession of the steel, paying the Customs charges and placing it in the custody of the Ministry of Health. It is now being questioned how the company received t$900M worth in steel when its judgment was for $180M. With a Court

Marshal, the steel was handed over to BK. Ramotar and Tiwarie had exchanged a number of fierce public letters about the issue. In an open letter published in the Stabroek News earlier this month in response to allegations from Mr. Tiwari about the topic, Mr .Ramotar addressed that: “APNU+AFC regime handed over eight containers of steel that were imported by Surendra Company for the Construction of the Specialty Hospital, to BK International Group, days after the 2015 General Elections. I indicated that the PPP/C government had paid all required charges to GRA and to the Wharf, took the containers off the Wharf and the Ministry of Health took possession of these containers. In the meantime, the PPP/C government had moved to the Courts to sue Surendra to recover monies paid to them after the Government terminated the contract. The intention was to execute the judgment obtained against Surendra by levying on the containers to recover the judgment.” The public is now awaiting to see if effective actions will be taken.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Police Sergeant allegedly paid millions to cover up deadly boat mishap A Police Sergeant is expected to be charged soon following allegations that he received millions of dollars to cover up a recent boat mishap in the Pomeroon River. Information reaching this newspaper revealed that the Police Sergeant was heading the investigations into the mysterious death of Mohammed Abdool, who died when the boat he was in capsized on April 26, 2016. Two of his colleagues were today charged with his murder and remanded to prison. It is alleged that the Sergeant collected the money from the accused men in order to cover up the incident. However, a complaint was made and reports indicate that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has advised that he be charged. It is alleged that Lennox Baharally and Rondell Williams were in a

boat with Abdool when the boat capsized. It is further alleged that the defendants managed to keep afloat and tried to rescue Abdool by pulling him to the bank of the river but he succumbed.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Angry residents block Sophia Main Road It was chaos on the Sophia main road this morning when frustrated residents blocked the road with large rocks, old furniture and other debris. The protest started at around 8:30 hrs when residents vented their frustration about the poor conditions of the road. The main road has been under repairs since January this year, and aproximately three months ago suddenly stopped. The 'Ring Road Project' as it was named, aimed to cover areas of Liliendaal,Pattensen, Cummings Lodge and Turkeyen. The goal of this one was to create necessary accesses for the evolution of the community. Locals are displeased with the performance of the contractors in charge. Authorities started to appear on the spot as early as 9:00 hrs in an attempt to maintain order. Traffic is being forced to turn back due to the exigencies of the angry residents. “The road has been under repair for a long time now, and for some reason or another the contractors stopped working. We don’t know the reason so we started to

protest, we need the work to get done and no one hears us, is unfair for the people of Sofia. We are waiting for the right authorities to solve this matter as soon as possible. This is why we took it to the streets”, a resident said.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Charlotte Street woman charged with wounding man resides at Charlotte Street, Georgetown, maliciously and unlawfully attacked Johnson with intent to murder him. Johnson who reportedly lived with Perkins was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Alexis Perkins was today released on bail by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan for the offense of unlawfully wounding Sherwin Johnson with intent to murder him on July 2, 2016. Alexis Perkins, 25, a Chef at Demico’s Idaho Pizza branch was not allowed to plead to the indictable offense. The prosecution objected to bail based on the severity of the crime; however bail was granted and she is slated to reappear in court on July 28,, 2016 for report. It is alleged that on the day in question, Perkins who



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Colombian borders reopened for Venezuelans in search of food Around 35,000 people, many of whom had queued since the early hours of the morning, crossed the border between San Antonio del Tachira in Venezuela and Cucuta in Colombia, a Colombian official said. Venezuela opened their common border for 12 hours on Sunday, to allow its people to buy food, medicine, and other essential supplies. The border was closed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro last August, due to the area been infiltrated by Colombian paramilitaries and gangs. The closure was also intended to prevent subsidized goods from being smuggled from Venezuela and sold for a huge profit in Colombia. “President Maduro ordered, that he didn’t want anyone hurt or killed..,”Tachira state Governor Jose Vielma Mora told the press. Meanwhile, the people spending hours in the streets,

waiting to buy scarce goods at high prices, grow increasingly disenchanted. This month, a poll found that Maduro’s support had fallen to 23 percent, while 80 percent of the country wants him out of power.-BY- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

Early morning tragedy as truck overturns on Spur Tree Hill KINGSTON, Jamaica — A truck overturned on the Spur Tree Hill main road in Mandeville, Manchester early this morning, leaving one man dead and two other people nursing wounds in hospital. The police have identified the deceased as Carlos Black. Reports from the Mandeville Police are that about 1:00 am, Black was a passenger in a

motor truck, when the driver lost control of the vehicle, which overturned in a gully. The police were summoned and all three were taken to hospital where Black was pronounced dead. The driver and the other passenger are being treated. Investigations continue.(Jamaica Observer)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Cops suspect crash victim fell asleep


tartled by the sound of another vehicle’s horn, 26-year-old Christopher Lewis accelerated after stopping at the Trincity traffic lights and slammed into a vehicle in front of him, resulting in his death and the injury of another driver. The accident, according to police, took place around 7 am on Sunday. Less than one hour later, the aspiring events manager was pronounced dead at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex. Recalling the moment she was told of her son’s death, Marceline Shawah said officers came to her home at Fairley Street, Tunapuna, and told her from reports taken from eyewitnesses, it appeared Lewis had stopped at the lights and then sped off after it turned green, crashing into the back of another car. Speaking with the media at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, Shawah said officers suggested that her child might have fallen asleep at the wheel and was startled by the honking of a horn. None of the officers who spoke with her, she said, could say for certain what happened. According to the official police report, the accident occurred at 7.05 am on Sunday along the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Trincity. Lewis was heading east along the highway when he stopped at the traffic lights near the Trincity intersection. Sometime after he slammed into the back of another vehicle driven by Denzil Ramdath. Recalling her son’s life, Shawah said he was a loving son. She said anyone who came in contact with him loved him as he had something in him to which people were drawn. “He had a style about him, he understood human nature and didn’t like disrespect, being the receiving end or giving. He has a lot of friends and

Accident victim Christopher Lewis everyone who I spoke to is relaying to me the same story, that he was very approachable and had that ability to love regardless of who you are,” she said. Shawah said her son was on his way home after working since the night before at a nightclub in Portof-Spain. Lewis’ death took the road fatality figures to 72 for the year.(Trinidad Guardian)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Dump workers protest again Even as workers from the Beetham landfill downed tools yesterday morning to protest the non-payment of arrears, Public Utilities Minister Ancil Antoine assured he was working to rectify the matter urgently. Asked to respond to the demands of the Industrial General and Sanitation Workers Union (IGSWU) that the action would continue until the workers receive the outstanding monies, Antoine revealed he had spoken to Finance Minister Colm Imbert about the matter as recently as Saturday, when the two attended the funeral service for former prime minister Patrick Manning. Antoine said: "I approached the Minister of Finance and spoke to him on the matter. I am now awaiting the release of money to pay the workers." He said yesterday morning he instructed the ministry's permanent secretary to "resend the letters to the Ministry of Finance regarding the release of money to pay these workers." Antoine had “no idea” about how long that could take. Faced with the possibility that the situation could continue until the money is paid, Antoine said garbage and dump trucks had the choice to go to the Forres Park or Guanapo landfills in the interim. Meanwhile, police officers turned away garbage and dump trucks yesterday as the drivers began lining the west-bound lane of the Beetham Highway after the workers congregated in front of the main gate to protest the non-payment of the arrears.

Fewer roadblocks The workers began gathering from as early as 6 am forcing truck drivers to seek alternative instructions from their bosses. Unlike several weeks ago when the action led to a major traffic pile-up, police officers acted swiftly to ensure there were no barriers to impede the motoring public as drivers slowed to watch the protestors, with some shouting out positive messages to the group. Standing firm with the workers, president of the IGSWU, Robert Benacia, said they were tired of Government's "lies and deceptions." He added: "The workers have decided they will continue the protest until Government sends word through the company (Solid Waste Management Company Limited) that they are ready to improve the working conditions and pay outstanding arrears." Estimating that the 250 current and former employees were owed approximately $9 million, Benacia said operations at the Beetham landfill were severely affected Benacia added: "These essential service workers are only asking to be paid what is owed to them." Acknowledging that SWMCOL "wanted to do the right thing by the workers," Benacia said they too were being misled by Government. Asked to explain, Benacia said: "They are being told certain things and when that is communicated to the workers, it turns out to be lies." Indicating that the demand for improved conditions was due more in part to the lack of funding from Government and not a reluctance by SWMCOL to effect changes, Benacia said the workers could no longer operate with malfunctioning toilets, the lack of a pipe-borne water supply and a building that was falling apart but also infested with mosquitoes and pigeons. The collective bargaining agreement was signed on June 5, 2015 with officials of the previous People’s Partnership administration for the period 2011 to 2013. The payment of the outstanding arrears was promised by November 30, 2015. Benacia said the workers had encountered financial hardship as some had taken loans and were owing creditors and that the settlement would mean a new lease on life for the 120 daily-paid workers.(Trinidad Guardian)

A SWMCOL worker holds up a plackard during the workers protest outside the Beetham Landfill yesterday. PHOTO: SHIRLEY BAHADUR



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Three earthquakes in three days


OSEAU, Dominica, Tuesday July 12, 2016 – The University of the West Indies (UWI) Seismic Research Centre recorded three earthquakes between Saturday and yesterday, none of them causing any damage or injuries. The latest and biggest was a 4.4 magnitude tremor that occurred o Dominica around 2:58 a.m. yesterday. It was registered 58 kilometres northeast of the capital, Roseau. Just under 24 hours before that, a 4.2 magnitude quake was felt by residents of Trinidad and Tobago. That occurred 73 km southeast of San Fernando, which is located in the southwest of the twin-island republic. On Saturday around 6:14 a.m., there was a 3.9 magnitude quake that also jolted Trinidad and Tobago. The tremor struck 84 km northwest of the capital, Port of Spain.(Caribbean360)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Dallas shooting: Obama to pay tribute to slain officers


he deadly attack left five officers dead and seven others injured(EPA)

President Barack Obama is expected to arrive in Dallas to pay tribute to the five police officers who were shot and killed during a deadly sniper attack. Mr Obama will deliver remarks at a memorial service for the slain officers, who were killed last week at a Dallas protest. The gunman was killed by a bomb delivered by a police robot during a standoff with authorities. Mr Obama's trip comes amid mounting racial tension across the country. Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, opened fire at a protest held over the recent police shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. He killed five policemen and wounded at least nine other officers and two civilians. The Army veteran told police negotiators he was upset by recent shootings and wanted to kill white people, specifically officers. First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, will also meet privately with the families of the victims on Wednesday.

Analysis: Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, North America reporter As Barack Obama often points out, he has had plenty of experience during his seven years as president consoling the

nation follow ing a mas s shooting tragedy. He has also been afforded numerous opportunities to comment on race relations and how it can adversely affect law enforcement in American society When he takes the stage in Dallas, however, Mr Obama will be in the delicate position of trying to navigate through waters roiled by all those issues at once. He will be expected to offer sympathy for the five officers who lost their lives at the hands of a black sniper enraged by recent episodes of perceived p o l i c e b r u t a l i t y, w h i l e acknowledging that those episodes have created justifiable anger and resentment within the black community. Mr Obama is a man of remarkable rhetorical skill, but his words and actions will be tested on Tuesday like few times in his administration. Solutions are neither quick nor easy, increasing the odds that no one will leave Dallas satisfied that another tragedy - whether at a police stop or in shots fired into an innocent crowd - is not lurking somewhere in the near future. "The president is hoping to offer some measure of comfort," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. President George W Bush and First Lady Laura Bush are also expected to attend the interfaith service. Mr Bush, who settled in Dallas after leaving office in 2009, is to scheduled to speak at the service as well. Dallas police have ramped up security ahead of the president's visit, enlisting help from the Arlington Police Department to work with Secret Security. Street closures were expected to double or even triple in size, the Dallas Courts Administrator The US has been on edge in the wake of the recent string of violence, with protests over police reform and race relations roiling across the country. Mr Obama and Mr Biden on Monday met with law enforcement officials to discuss police reform and how to repair relations between police officers and the communities they protect. The president, who cut short a trip to Europe over the recent violence, is expected to host a similar meeting on Wednesday in Dallas with law enforcement as well as local leaders and activists.(BBC)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Moving vans at 10 Downing Street as David C ameron prepares to leave office Moving vans began arriving at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday, the party's 150,000-strong membership. But when Energy as British Prime Minister David Cameron chaired his final Cabinet meeting ahead of ceding the reins to incoming leader Theresa May. Tuesday marks the final full day of Cameron's six-year run as prime minister, which has come to a quickerthan-expected end after his ruling Conservative Party moved swiftly to settle on a successor. May's rise to the country's top job will make her Britain's second female prime minister -- the first in 26 years -- and bring to an end a remarkable period of political uncertainty in the wake of Britain's shocking vote to leave the European Union on June 23. Until Monday, Cameron had been expected to remain in office for another two months, while the two Conservative candidates vying to replace him campaigned for the votes of

British Prime Minister David Cameron

Minister Andrea Leadsom unexpectedly pulled out of the race Monday, leaving only May, the home secretary, still in the running, Cameron announced that he would swiftly make way for the incoming leader. "We now don't need to have a prolonged period of transition," he told reporters Monday outside 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's office and residence. Cameron said he would resign Wednesday after attending his final prime minister's question session in Parliament, meaning May -- who was officially named leader of the Conservative Party Monday -- would be the new prime minister by Wednesday evening.(CNN)

A moving van loaded with cardboard boxes is inspected by police before entering Downing Street on July 12, 2016 in London, England.



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Hitler house: Austria moves to stop Neo-Nazi 'cult site’ Austria's government is to seize the house where Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 to prevent it becoming a site of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis. The owner, a retired local woman, has refused repeated offers to buy the house in Brunau am Inn in the past. However, there is disagreement over what to do with the house next. The interior minister wants it demolished but others say a museum or even a supermarket would more effectively "depoliticise" it. "The decision is necessary because the Republic would like to prevent this house from becoming a 'cult site' for neo-Nazis in any way, which it has been repeatedly in the past, when people gathered there to shout slogans," Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka said. "It is my vision to tear down the house," he added. However, Vice-Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner said a project with "educational value" such as a museum would be a better use of the site, Die Presse newspaper reported. Growing numbers of people were travelling to the house, the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance said. But the organisation's head Gerhard Baumgartner said demolishing the building would not solve the problem, as right-wing extremists would instead have a "Hitler Square" or "Hitler Park" to visit instead. "The place must be fully depoliticised and something has to be there that no one will want to be photographed in front

of," he told broadcaster ORF. Locating a supermarket or fire station in the building could have the desired effect, Mr Baumgartner said. The Austrian state has rented the house since 1972 and currently pays about €4,800 ($5,300; £4,100) a month for it. The building has in the past housed workshops for disabled people, but has been empty since 2011 because the owner repeatedly rejected ideas for its future use as well as purchase offers from the state, an interior ministry spokesman said. Under the new proposal, the owner will receive compensation similar to that awarded when homes are demolished to make way for railway projects. The bill to seize the house will now go before parliament. If it is passed, the building's fate will then be decided by a commission consisting of 12 members from the fields of politics, administration, academia and civic society. The only obvious link to the building's past is a stone outside inscribed with the words: "For peace, freedom and democracy. Never again fascism. Millions of dead remind us." Hitler's name does not appear. Adolf Hitler lived on the street Salzburger Vorstadt for only a few weeks before his family moved to another address in Braunau. They left the town for good when Hitler was three years old. Hitler went on to rule Nazi Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War Two in 1945. The Nazi regime, which triggered the war with the invasion of Poland in 1939, killed millions of people, mainly Jews, in the Holocaust.(BBC)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

Italy train crash: 'Twenty killed' near Bari in collision wenty people have been killed and dozens more hurt in a head-on collision involving two passenger trains in southern Italy, officials say. The two trains were on a single-track line at the time of the crash, between the coastal towns of Bari and Barletta. The emergency services have been trying to free passengers from the shattered carriages, near the town of Andria. One of those pulled from the wreckage was a small child, who was airlifted to hospital. The local authorities have appealed for blood donors to come forward. It was unclear what led to the collision, which happened in good weather at 11:30 local time (09:30 GMT) in the southern region of Puglia. A local prosecutor in nearby Trani said it was too early to speculate on the cause, although human error was likely to have been a factor. Italian reports said one of the trains had come from Andria, and the other from Corato, a short distance to the south-east. Both were travelling at high speed. 'Worst scene of my life' Both trains had four carriages and images from the fire service showed wreckage strewn across a large area. Some of the carriages were so badly damaged there was little left but debris. Corato Mayor Massimo Mazzilli said the damage was so extensive it was as if a plane had crashed. "I saw dead people, others who were begging for help, people crying. The worst scene of my life," one policeman told journalists. Rescuers set up a field hospital at the scene to help care for the large number of wounded passengers. "The situation is dramatic," Antonio Nunziante, from the local civil defence, told Ansa news agency. In total, about 200 were involved in the rescue operation, working in temperatures up to 40C (104F). Prime Minister Matteo Renzi interrupted a trip to Milan and returned to Rome, after ordering an investigation into the crash. "I want to express my condolences to the families and I have ordered, with no holding-back, [an inquiry] to find who is responsible," he said. "I think we must have absolute clarity on this. We will not stop until we understand what happened." Transport Minister Graziano Delrio was at the scene with ministry inspectors and local prosecutors to survey the wreckage.

Several carriages were completely destroyed in the collision on a single-track line near Andria(ITALIAN FIRE SERVICE)

The line, managed by Ferrotramviaria, is used by thousands of people daily on about 200 trains. Work is under way to make it a double-track line. Italy's deadly train accidents June 2009: Freight train carrying liquefied petroleum gas derails in Viareggio, causing a large explosion. More than 30 people die January 2005: A head-on collision between a passenger and a freight train near Crevalcore kills 17 July 2002: A passenger train derails in Rometta Messina, killing eight people April 1978: Two trains collide near a ravine next to Murazze Vado. Some of the carriages fall into the gorge, killing 42 Sources: Ansa, Corriere della Sera Apulia regional leader Mario Loizzo said he was "deeply shaken" by the crash. Italy's FS state rail operator expressed its condolences to the dead and wounded. Earlier this year, 11 people died on a single track in southern Germany when two trains collided head-on at Bad Aibling near the Austrian border. Investigators said a signal controller had mistakenly allowed both trains to use the line, disabling an automatic safety system.(BBC)



TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

US election 2016: Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton


resumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has received an endorsement from her former rival Bernie Sanders. The Vermont senator and former Democratic presidential candidate appeared with Mrs Clinton at a campaign event in New Hampshire. Mrs Clinton and Mr Sanders have been negotiating since she all but guaranteed the nomination in June. Mr Sanders hopes to have a large influence on the Democratic platform. "She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States," he said. "This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face. And there is no doubt in my mind that, as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that." Some Sanders supporters booed at the joint rally and Mr Sanders appeared to motion them to stop. At the end of Mrs Clinton's remarks, the two shared a hug and smiled. Analysis - Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America Reporter Bernie Sanders - a man who would probably talk about income inequality and Wall Street corruption during a wedding toast - wrapped an endorsement of Hillary Clinton into his standard campaign stump speech on Tuesday. His usual lines about minimum wage increases, rebuilding infrastructure, affordable college education, healthcare reform and increased environmental protection were simply prefaced by "Hillary Clinton understands" and "Hillary Clinton knows". Mr Sanders also asserted that his "revolution" will go on and that he will work to ensure that his success in pushing the Democratic Party platform to the left is reflected in the actions of Democratic officeholders going forward. But Mrs Clinton got what she needed out of the event - an acknowledgment of her victory, a direct endorsement, a call for unity to defeat Republican Donald Trump, and a speech-ending hug between former adversaries. There will continue to be some holdouts among Sanders supporters - a few walked out of the event early and at one point the Vermont senator motioned from the stage to quiet the angry shouts of a protestor - but New Hampshire's sometimes awkward political embrace and the prospect of a Trump presidency should assure Democratic cohesion at least until the November general election. Mr Sanders defeated Mrs Clinton in New Hampshire's primary contest in February. "Thank you for your lifetime of fighting injustice," said Mrs Clinton, and credited Mr Sanders for bringing new Americans into the

political process. "I'm proud to be fighting behind you... it's a time for all of us to stand together." She spoke on student debt, Wall Street, raising the minimum wage, the US tax code, reforming policing, strengthening the middle class, climate change, health care and reducing gun violence. His supporters have largely decided to support Mrs Clinton in an effort to stop presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from winning the White House. Mr Sanders stayed in the Democratic race far longer than many expected, for weeks after it became clear he would not secure the delegates needed to win the nomination. He has pressed Mrs Clinton to support his views on higher education, health care and the minimum wage. "It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues. That's what this campaign has been about. That's what democracy is about," said Mr Sanders. "But I am happy to tell you that... there was a significant coming together between the two campaigns and we produced, by far, the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party." Mr Trump, who has been trying to court Sanders supporters, wrote in a tweet that Mr Sanders has "totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton. Fans angry!" "The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests," his campaign said in a release.(BBC)

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders


Please see next page for News Tuesday-July 12, 2016




Businesswoman on bail for allegedly trafficking niece Joyce Lawrence today re-appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan where she was allowed to plead to two counts of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and withholding a National ID Card. In the presence of her lawyer, Euclin Gomes, the woman pleaded not guilty and was released on $650,000 bail. She is slated to return to court on July 29. It is alleged that between July 1 and December 12, 2014, the 34 - year - old businesswoman transported and trafficked her niece to an interior location. It is also alleged that between December 12 and 14, 2014 at Aishalton, Rupununi, the woman transported and trafficked her niece to a nightclub in the said interior. It is further alleged that between December 1 and 28 she unlawfully withheld her niece’s National Identification Card from her. During her appearance on Wednesday, the woman maintained that she did not force her niece to go with her. She claimed that the young lady did so on her own free will. The businesswoman also denied that she withheld the ID card but admitted that it was in her possession. The Prosecution told the court that the girl, who is juvenile, was told by Lawrence that she had stolen some money from her and that she would have to work in order to pay her back or else she will go to jail.-By-Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Seeks US Help As Chickens Drop Dead PAGE 33


GEORGETOWN, Guyana, Tuesday July 12, 2016 – Guyana has sought the help of a university in the United States to figure out why farmers on the East Bank of Berbice are being hit by sudden poultry deaths. Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Dr. Dwight Walrond, says samples have been taken from the premises of one large-scale farmer of broiler birds and they are on their way to the University of Georgia for testing. “We want to test for a wide array of diseases. Based on clinical signs there are two different manifestations taking place; that’s why we are using the University of Georgia to test for four to six diseases. The University of Georgia is a reference laboratory. Sending the samples to Georgia is the best course of action since it would give us a good idea of what’s happening on East Bank Berbice,” he said. Local media reports have highlighted several incidents of the sudden poultry deaths, including one case last month when a farmer lost more than 800 chickens. The GLDA says while it’s not burying it’s head in the sand about the situation, it’s too early to declare an outbreak of poultry diseases, since the cases investigated are dissimilar and affect different breeds. Walrond said that on one farm, broiler birds that were approximately eight weeks old were being affected, while in two other instances, creole birds, ranging from one day to four weeks were dying.(Caribbean360) IN JUST ONE CASE, A FARMER HAS LOST MORE THAN 800 CHICKENS.

CARICOM and ILO Sign Significant MOU The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is closer to setting up a labour market information system for the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRoque, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of the CARICOM Secretariat with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in June. The MOU allows CARICOM Member States to utilise ‘.Stat’, a software tool, for the facilitation of labour market analysis and other related functions. The MOU was signed at the CARICOM Secretariat’s headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana. ‘.Stat’ was developed by a community of experts under the leadership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The ILO, which is a member of the .Stat community, presented the software at a regional consultation hosted by the CARICOM Secretariat in October 2015. This was attended by representatives of Ministries of Labour, Statistics departments and Social Security agencies from the Member States. Coming out of subsequent meetings with Member States, it was agreed that this software tool was appropriate to facilitate the setting up of a CARICOM Labour Market Information System (LMIS). Apart from facilitating labour market analysis, the software tool allows for the monitoring and reporting on policies as well as information sharing and coordination. This MOU is critical in achieving the objectives of a major project under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) to establish a regional LMIS for the CSME.




Is City Hall stifling businesses? As was reported by this newspaper, Mayor Patricia Chase-Green has confirmed that container users will pay $25,000 to be parked for 72 hours, and a penalty fee of $5000 for every other day the container is left parked in the public space. According to one shipping company, a container takes at least three days to off load, that’s an additional $75,000 in expense, which the company will have to pay. The Council backed by the APNU+AFC coalition Government has also proposed a 10% across -the board hike in rates and taxes. Chairman of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council’s Finance Committee, Oscar Clarke said the across-the-board rate hike, which would form part of the 2017 City Budget, would not include new and improved properties whose market values are being determined by the Ministry of Finance’s Valuation Division. When suggested that new taxes will drive up the cost of goods and services, Clarke brushed off the suggestions. He also stated in some sections of the media that the Council lacks visionary and competent leaders. Container fees, increased rates and taxes, displaced vendors from the stabroek square, coupled with the parking meter debacle which is currently under review by the David Granger Administration, City Hall is being accused of stifling businesses in Georgetown. Prices for goods and services will in definitely go up, and salaries are not increasing but only for the ministers in this Government, said a concerned citizen. When the APNU+AFC Government assume office, Ministers were paid a 50% increase in salaries and according to the Official Gazette, Cabinet ministers will now receive $10,439,124 annually, a 50% increase from what was previously stated in the Principal Act. Also enjoying a 50% increase will be the Speaker of the National Assembly who will remain on par with Cabinet ministers as well as the Leader of the Opposition. Their monthly earnings will be just under $870,000 from the $579,000 monthly under the previous administration. Vice Presidents, other than the PM, are to be paid $11,135,064 per annum. Junior Ministers of Government will earn $8,346,492, an over 16% increase from the annual salary of a Cabinet minister under the former administration who was earning $6,959,412 annually. The Prime Minister, will now receive $20,580,000 annually, an over $2M increase from what was previously stipulated in the Principal Act, taking his monthly salary to over $1.7M. Members of Parliament without a designation will see a 20% salary increase, taking their annual salaries from $2,002,116 to $2,402,532. Parliamentary Secretaries and the Chief Whip will earn over 12% more, taking their salaries from $3,336,876 and $2,384,328 to $3,753,984 to $2,682,360 respectively. The Deputy Speaker will now earn $2,702,880, just under a $300,000 annual increase. The Gazette stated that the File Photo: Georgetown Mayor Attorney General and the Chancellor will earn the same annual salary and no change Patricia Chase-Green was made.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




Officials rubbish, ‘The malicious’ Ed Ahmad article in Kaieteur News


fficials are disputing an article published in Wednesday’s edition of the Kaieteur News, under the headline “SARU trying to recover lands sold to Ed Ahmad.” According to the article, the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) is looking into one of the many cases of assets sold to close friends of former President Bharrat Jagdeo under questionable transactions. The article noted that one of the transactions being investigated was between NICIL and Ed Ahmad, which was reportedly highlighted in the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) audit report. Forensic auditor, Anand Goolsarran, reported that in December 2008, a total of 13.3 acres of land at Plantation Groenveldt, West Coast Demerara (Block R Leonora) were transferred to South American Woods Inc. The Guyana Daily News however confirmed that the property of Block R Leonora was up for sale in excess of five years prior to being purchased by South American Woods Inc. in 2008. According to sources who are close to the issue, this land was used as a cow pasture, very swampy with poor irrigation and a garbage dump by surrounding residents. “The land was sold at a costly price if compared to any housing property sold in Providence, Diamond and other desirable areas in Georgetown, which is documented in public records” the source mentioned. This newspaper was reliably informed that the acquisition of the land was made solely to establish a wood p r o c e s s i n g f a c i l i t y. T h e g o v e r n m e n t , subsequently built schools in the immediate area resulting in the denial of the application by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the local NDC board. “The government sold us the land with the special zoning, knowing we would build a wood processing facility, went ahead and built schools in the immediate area and the same government EPA & NDC denied our application, what are we supposed to do with

the land now?” the source revealed. After the application was denied, all the requirements and necessary papers were filed with the Court to amend zoning to erect houses and shopping areas. The court approved and the zoning changes were granted. “The transaction for the acquisition of Block R Leonora was done transparently and according to the laws of Guyana; we welcome any investigation and urge these tabloids to report accurately and put aside your bias, redundancies and dislike for Ed Ahmad,” the source stated. Meanwhile, this newspaper contacted the office of SARU and was told they are not investigating Leonora and they are aware that the court had amended the zoning change.




Anti-business nature! Jagdeo bashes Govt Opposition leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo today lashed out at governments’ anti- business approach towards the economy. He stated that the governments’ policy is orchestrated to bring further hardship to the business sector of the country. At a press conference held at Freedom House, the former President made reference to the introduction of the $25,000 container fees to park in the city, which he said will add cost to business activity and will ultimately be passed on to the consumer. According to Jagdeo, governments’ decision to impose taxes on manufacturing will kill the sector, as he noted that the cost of manufacturing is relatively high when compared to other countries and that interest rates are 30 times higher than the competitor. Jagdeo is of the view that the APNU+AFC government is trying to justify the tax by resurrecting the list of ineligible items in the Customs Act. The former PPP administration had put the necessary measures in place in the Customs Act and the Consumption Tax Act for registered manufacturers to get waivers on their inputs and the manufacturers would only have taxes on the output; however if they pay taxes on input plus taxes on the output, then they will be paying taxes twice, the Opposition leader explained. He further noted that there is nothing in the tax laws which states that persons must be differentiated based on their origin or nationality; it identifies sectors and investment for tax

holidays, and duty free concession on inputs building materials. The Former President noted that an unfair advantage exist with Trinidad whereby they offer subsidy for their manufacturers for electricity but Guyana does not. He urged the Government not to put more pressure on the business community by imposing more taxes and fees.By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Opposition leader Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Gunmen busted after robbing Bourda Market vendors The police in ‘A’ Division are investigating a robbery under arms committed on Wayne Miller, 51 years and Darmenna Wong, 43 years, vendors of Bourda Market, both of whom resides at Block ‘Y’, Section ‘C’, Grove, EBD, which occurred at 23:00h. on Monday July 11, 2016, of $500,000.00 cash. Investigations have so far revealed that Wayne Miller and Darmenna Wong were in the vicinity of Orange Walk and Robb Street, Bourda, when two (2) men, one of whom was armed with a handgun approached the victims and robbed them of the cash mentioned. The victims raised an alarm and the suspects were apprehended by public spirited citizens. The police were summoned and one (1) 9mm pistol and five (5) live matching rounds were found on one of the suspects. The suspects are in police custody assisting with the investigations.




Marlon Cole acts above the Law - refuses to respect court ruling Despite the fact that the Court has ordered the release of and Drug Act, Acting Chief Justice at the time Yonette 17,000 cans of milk which was seized from a Cummings-Edwards dismissed the case. businessman, the Food and Drug Department remains -By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News. relentless in its stance not to do so. Director of the department, Marlon Cole has noted that the government agency still has the authority to seize the products, pointing out that the Magistrate’s decision will be appealed. Businessman Ganga Singh, had his container milk seized in October 2015 by the department on the grounds that its chemical makeup was harmful. The matter was engaged in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Annette Singh, who ruled in Singh’s favour. The Magistrate had noted that the department did not provide sufficient evidence to prove that the chemical makeup of the milk is harmful. The Magistrate’s decision brought into question the testing facilities at the Food and Drug Department, which this newspaper understands is not functioning properly. Cole had argued that the chemical makeup of the milk does not carry the prescribe quantity of ingredients; however it was revealed that the results of the test did not match with what he was saying. Earlier this year, the department refused entry to a container of Sweetened Condense Milk from businessman, Looknath Durbhill and the matter was heard in the High Court. However, due to the lack of evidence surrounding the matter and inability of the Government Food and Drug Department to provide valid GA-FDD, Director, Marlon Cole reasoning that the container was in breach of the Food




5 HR execs suspended


ive managers of the Human Resources Department at Stateowned Petrotrin were suspended yesterday, following the conclusion of a four-year audit into a recruitment exercise. Those suspended were Ryerson Bagoo, Fareeda Mohammed, Gillian Cherotiere, Franka Mohammed and Bianca Attong. Among the positions the managers held were head of staffing, head of HR technology and head of planning policies and control. The suspensions came days after Petrotrin undertook a major organisational shake-up in the face of falling oil prices and the hiring of former communication minister Neil Parsanlal as CEO of Petrotrin’s Employee Assistance Programmes Services Ltd. Contacted about the suspensions yesterday, Petrotrin chairman, Andrew Jupiter, said he had just left a meeting and advised that the questions be emailed to company’s corporate communications manager, Gillian Friday, for a response. “I am sure if you send those questions right away you would get a response this afternoon. If you can kindly do that... because I am sure it is a management decision, if that is the case,” Jupiter said. In response to the emailed query, Joy Antoine, head of the external communications and branding, who responded on Friday’s behalf, wrote: “In keeping with its continued thrust to improve accountability and transparency, Petrotrin conducted an internal audit of its recruitment processes for the period 2012 to 2016.” Antoine said the recruitment audit was one of several scheduled audits to review the company’s control processes in keeping with approved policies and procedures. “As a result of the audit findings and recommendations and in keeping with standard industrial relations practice, further investigations involving key employees are being conducted. These investigations are currently underway and as a result, no further comments can be made at this time,” Antoine explained. However, a source told the T&T Guardian the five managers were suspended for allegedly recruiting for positions not on the establishment, recruiting while a medical was pending and recruiting individuals who did not meet job specifications. Orgnisational changes In a circular, dated June 15, signed by Petrotin’s president, Fitzroy Harewood, and entitled “Organisational Changes — Refining and Marketing Division”, which was forwarded to employees, it was stated that the oil company was undertaking organisational changes and recognised the need to maintain a very strong focus on the completion of the Ultra-Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) plant for the long-term viability of its refinery and organisation. Admitting that Petrotrin had been faced with previous challenges, Harewood said a concerted effort was needed to ensure its successful commission of the ULSD plant by the first quarter of 2018 or before. The plant, initiated in 2009, was incomplete. As such, effective July 1, Petrotrin saw the need to shift Johnathan Barden from the position of current vice-president, refining, to project management consultant. This moves comes even though Barden, in Petrotrin’s performance update in April, boasted that “the company’s refinery utilisation had increased from approximately 38 per cent in 2014 to 70 per cent for the past two months.” Barden had also revealed that the company’s crude oil processing had soared from the 2014 average of 112 kbbl/day to approximately 140 kbbl/day in 2015. In a report to investors, Barden also pointed out that energy efficiency in the refinery had improved by

over 20 per cent, compared to the 2014 average, while flaring losses had been reduced. Barden’s new duties entail supporting the ULSD projects, particularly with respect to the main project activities, including the resolution of current engineering and technical issues, completion of construction activities, commissioning of the plant and handover to the refining and marketing division. Astor Harris, who has rejoined Petrotrin, is the company’s new vice-president, refining and marketing. Harris, who worked previously as a process engineer at Petrotrin’s Pointe-a-Pierre refinery, is currently a long-serving vice-president of Phoenix Park Gas Processor Ltd and an experienced chemical engineer. Harewood stated that in the context of Petrotrin’s ongoing review of the organisation, effective July 1 “the marketing and training sub-division will be reintegrated into the Refining Division and the combined division will again be known as the Refining and Marketing Division.” This division is being led by Harris. Both Harris and Barden report to Harewood. My CV speaks for itself—ex-minister Former minister Neil Parsanlal yesterday said he went through a rigorous process before he was hired at Petrotrin. Parsanlal, who served as MP for Lopinot-Bon Air West from 2007 to 2010 for the People’s National Movement, said he was appointed to the post on June 13. However, Parsanlal, who was recently named as chairman of the National Library and Information Systems Authority, said the position and his appointment were advertised. He said he went through an extensive interview process and had the necessary psychometric evaluations done before he was chosen. Parsanlal denied he “passed through the back door” to get the job. “There is absolutely no truth to that. My CV will speak for itself,” he added. Last June, Petrotrin’s losses multiplied 11.2 times to reach US$168 million for the nine months ended June 30, compared to a US$15 million loss for the same period in 2014. Several calls to president general of the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union Ancel Roget’s cellphone went unanswered yesterday.(Trinidad Guardian)




Gardener shot in head They killed my grandson in the bushes. It not fair. What is this world coming to?” Melena Rauseo cried as she told relatives in the United States about the murder of her grandson, Kadeem Mark. Standing in the doorway of her living room, Rauseo said she could not bear to see Mark, 24, lying dead with a single gunshot to his head. Police said Mark, of Reid Road, Point Fortin, left home around 6 pm Monday to feed his two black pit bulls. The animals were tied in a shed in Mark’s garden at Spring Street, off Warden Road. It is believed that while standing near the shed a lone gunman went up to Mark and shot him in the head as he attempted to run. Around 8:45 am yesterday, a resident of Spring Street saw Mark’s body and called the police. He was still wearing his father’s gold chain around his neck, causing police to rule out robbery as a motive. Officers cordoned off the area and searched for spent shells. Rauseo said she did not know why anyone wanted her grandson dead. “Kadeem is such a nice child. I don’t know what going on in Point Fortin now you know. This is so unfair,” Rauseo said, adding that in the days before his death he told his family someone wanted him dead. “I don’t know who or why but I know he was afraid to go in the garden alone,” she added. Rauseo said on Monday, Mark told relatives he could not get anybody to go with him to the garden so he was taking a chance to go alone. “They shoot him and they kill him. I couldn’t stay to look at the body. I could not take it,” Rauseo added. She said Mark was an only child and his father, Ricardo, had been helping him to plant ochro, peppers, pumpkin and bananas on the land. Ricardo was inconsolable yesterday and had to be taken to the Point Fortin Area Hospital after his blood pressure went up. Police said Mark knew the man who shot him. Within recent times, outsiders have been occupying squatting lands in

the area. A source in the area said: “Strangers come here and they put up houses and squat. All kinds of things going on here. People selling land that is not theirs to sell.” A number of plyboard shacks were seen in the hillsides at Warden Road which is a link to the Southern Main Road, Cap-de-Ville. Mark’s body was sent to the Forensic Science Centre, St James, for an autopsy today. Anyone with information can contact CrimeStoppers at 800 TIPS. Homicide officers are continuing investigations.(Trinidad Guardian)

Melena Rauseo, the grandmother of Kadeem Mark (inset), who was shot dead on Monday at Spring Street, Warden Road, Point Fortin. PHOTO: KRISTIAN DE SILVA




Govt gets Task Force report on Gate


tudents applying to tertiary education institutions to pursue studies at the start of the new academic year beginning in September have been advised to continue doing what they need to do as they await Cabinet’s decision on the future of the GATE programme. Revealing that he will be submitting the 70-page report, which contained an executive summary, various analyses and recommendations, to the Cabinet tomorrow Education Minister Anthony Garcia speculated the nation could expect answers within two weeks. Confirming he had received a copy of the report from chairman of the Task Force, Errol Simms, promptly at 8 am yesterday Garcia said it was “very detailed” in its findings. Speaking during a media briefing at his St Clair office yesterday, Garcia refused to divulge any of the recommendations as he stressed Cabinet first had to deliberate on it before he could say anything further. However, he admitted: “The report was very detailed so I suspect that Cabinet will require some time to really digest the entire report.” Pressed as to how long that might take, Garcia added: “That might take one week or two weeks. After that, then we will release the findings and recommendations to the national community.” Minister in the Ministry of Education, Dr Lovell Francis, was also presented with a copy of the report. The ministry’s permanent secretary was asked to prepare the Cabinet note which will accompany the report on Thursday. Questioned how this process could affect students seeking to enroll at university and other tertiary education facilities as to the certainty of their education’s financial status, Garcia assure: “We will do everything to ensure that the report and recommendations are made available long before the opening of school.” Acknowledging the “tremendous work done by the committee in compiling this report,” Garcia urged anxious students to continue to follow the required enrollment processes at the educational institution of their choice. Introduced in 2004 by former Prime Minister Patrick Manning, the Government Assisted Tuition Expenses (GATE) programme offered students financial assistance for tertiary-level education by covering 100 per cent of tuition expenses for undergraduate students and up to 50 per cent of tuition expenses for postgraduate students. In March, Garcia announced a task force had been set up to investigate the operations of the GATE programme for the past 11 years and determine if it was making any significant contribution to the nation’s economic development. He said a total of $5.58 billion had been spent over 11 years to assist 194,000 students at 65 educational institutions. Garcia said there was a general lack of data on graduation rates, employment

figures, market demands and student migrations, as well as a lack of monitoring and tracking of students funded by GATE. The task force mandate included reviewing policy guidelines on GATE, reducing the overall cost of GATE funding, a set criteria for the eligibility of programmes and institutions. For the fiscal period 2015/2016, $650 million has been allocated to the education sector. The Task Force, chaired by management consultant Simms included Theresa Davidson, director of Funding and Grants, Ministry of Education; Neville Niles, education research specialist; Dr Gaylene Holdup, Scholarship and Advanced Training Division, Ministry of Education; two Finance Ministry representatives; a Planning and Development Ministry representative; a Labour and Small Enterprise Ministry representative; a Tobago House of Assembly (THA) representative; Dr Rolph Baloghia, T&T Manufacturers’ Association. It also included Natasha Subhero, T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce; Richard Saunders, campus registrar, UWI St Augustine Campus; Dr Ruby Alleyne, quality assurance, UTTA; Dr Harrison Guy, Human Resource Association of T&T; Dr Foaled Mutato, Women’s Institute for Alternative Development (WINA) and the president of the Guild of Undergraduates at the UWI, St Augustine.(Trinidad Guardian)




Manchester woman accused of murdering teen daughter’s lover MANCHESTER, Jamaica — A Manchester mother who was charged with last month’s murder of a teenage boy in the parish, was remanded when she appeared in the Manchester Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The accused is Shauna ThompsonRaymond. She is scheduled to return to court on Wednesday, July 20. According to police reports, the deceased, 16-year-old Omeish McLeish, was involved in a relationship with Thompson-Raymond’s daughter, who is said to be a seventh grader at a prominent high school. Thompson-Raymond, who did not approve of the relationship, reportedly forced McLeish into her vehicle at Bankhouse Mall in the town, where she works at a meat shop. Police say two men were in the vehicle and the young boy was under the guise that he was being taken to the police station. His lifeless body was later found with stab wounds on June 22 about 10:00 pm, on a dirt path along the Melrose Bypass, by security officers assigned to a property of the West Indies Alumina Company (WINDALCO), police say. McLeish was reportedly attending the Children’s Court in Porus for a case of rape in another matter. The police are still searching for the two men who were reportedly in the vehicle with Thompson-Raymond when the teen was taken away.(Jamaica Observer)




Less Venezuelans coming Even as Venezuela temporarily opened its western border with Colombia to allow trade, T&T Customs and Excise officers yesterday reported a sharp drop in Venezuelan arrivals at the Cedros and Kings Wharf ports. A source at Kings Wharf, San Fernando, said last month an average of 60 foreigners arrived a day. However, this figure had dropped by 90 per cent, the source added. “Now we have more cargo vessels coming in and very few passengers,” an official said. At Cedros, an official said arrivals also dropped by 30 per cent. Cedros has been registering an increase in Venezuelans since 2013. Arrivals from Venezuela jumped by 6,000 between 2013 and 2014 from 15,008 to 21,052. In an interview yesterday, a senior Customs official said the decrease in arrivals was occurring not because of Venezuela’s open border with Colombia but because of stricter regulations enforced by the T&T Immigration Department. “Venezuelans must present proof of lodging, an invitation letter and they must show they have sufficient funds before being allowed time to stay in Trinidad,” he added. Also in an interview yesterday, Venezuelan national, Leo Gonzales, said the new immigration rules were making it difficult for Venezuelans to come to Trinidad. Asked why he had not taken advantage of the open border opportunity to go to Colombia for supplies, Gonzales said it would take him 32 hours of bus rides to get to the Colombian border and a fourhour boat ride to get to Trinidad. “Which one of those would you choose?” he asked, smiling. He said people from Caracas and Maracaibo would find it easier to reach the Colombian border. Gonzales also said that fewer Venezuelans were coming to Trinidad within recent times because Immigration was allowing only four occupants in a pirogue. “They are allowing only four people to come in. Venezuelans are paying to come here for three months. They need funds to come here to buy goods to feed their families because the Venezuelan economy is so bad but many people are running out of funds so people don’t have the means to come here,” Gonzales said. Adding that Trinidad had

tightened security, Gonzales called on the T&T Government to encourage trade with the Venezuelans. “Set up a system where people who are skilled can come and find work here so they can feed their families,” Gonzales added. He also added that it was difficult for Venezuelans to get residency in Trinidad. Mark Winter, a Trinidadian who married a Venezuelan and has two children, said his wife was still waiting for residency status. He also said T&T Immigration officers were not granting extensions to Venezuelans. “That is why people are overstaying their time. The authorities should grant them some time to stay in Trinidad. They are in dire need of help. If we were in that situation, we would expect people to help us,” Winter added. Mark Baxter, who lives in Kings Wharf, agreed with Winter. He said the Venezuelans presented a great opportunity for trade.(Trinidad Guardian)




Italy train crash: Anguished relatives ID bodies as cause of collision explored Sobs and screams pierced the air outside an Italian hospital Wednesday as relatives departed after finally identifying some of the 23 people killed in the collision of two passenger trains a day earlier. One by one, relatives were called in to the hospital mortuary in the southern city of Bari and asked to confirm the identities of the deceased. Many left crying and yelling. Two trains collided head-on Tuesday in the countryside east of Bari, killing 23 and injuring at least 50 others, Italian railway police said -- a crash that a local prosecutor has said may have been caused by human error. Among those at the hospital Wednesday was a cousin of passenger Pasqua Carmineo, a 30year-old mother of two. Carmineo, who died in the wreck, was traveling to Bari to buy shoes, said the cousin, who asked not to be named. Military troops and paramedics looked after the mourning relatives at the hospital, handing out water to those who needed it. Earlier, Italian news agency ANSA reported a death toll of 27, but the agency changed its count to 23 on Wednesday, citing Puglia regional Gov. Michele Emiliano. Human error? As relatives were coming to grips with their losses, local public prosecutor Francesco Giannella said Wednesday that at least one person is being investigated in relation to the crash and that human error might be to blame. However, technical failures have not been ruled out as a cause of the crash, which happened on a single track about 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) south of the Adriatic Sea, between Andria and Corato, ANSA reported. The trains were traveling toward each other at speeds between 62 mph to 68 mph (100 to 110 kilometers per hour). A train delay could be a factor in the crash, ANSA said. One train traveling north might have accidentally been given the green light due to the delay, the news agency reported. A section of the single track isn't automated -- trains still need to get approval to move ahead by telephone, according to ANSA. Images distributed by firefighters at the scene showed the smashed remains of train cars and a large area of scattered, twisted metal about 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) east of Andria. A hospital in Andria appealed to the public for blood donations for the injured. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised a full inquiry. He met with officials in the region and pledged support, he told reporters Tuesday night in Bari. "My thoughts go to the families of the victims," he said. "We are together in this pain and despair." The state-run rail company FS Group offered condolences and said both trains were operated by the private company Ferrotramviaria SpA, which runs commuter rail services in the area. "The employees of the Italian FS Group are close to the victims' families, the wounded and colleagues at Ferrotramviaria," the FS Group said. The wreck happened in a relatively remote region. Authorities took to social media to ask doctors and medics in the area to go to the crash site and help the injured. "It's not an area that's easily accessible. The closest highway is miles away," CNN contributor Barbie Nadeau said.(CNN)




Trump family meets Indiana governor Mike Pence as VP talk grows


epublican Donald Trump and his family have met Indiana governor Mike Pence as speculation grows that he could be his vicepresidential pick. Mr Trump, the likely nominee, and his children were seen leaving the Pence home in Indianapolis. The businessman is expected to name his vice-presidential pick this week. Mr Pence endorsed former candidate Senator Ted Cruz in May but said he would support whoever is the Republican nominee. Mr Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were seen leaving the mansion. At a rally in Indiana on Tuesday night, Mr Trump said of Pence: "I don't know whether he's going to be your governor or your vice president, who the hell knows?" Mr Pence joined him onstage and was received warmly by the crowd. Other potential VP candidates reportedly being considered are former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Mr Trump is to be nominated as the official Republican pick at the Republican National Convention next week. Will it be Mike Pence? Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington If there's anything resembling a "safe"

vice-presidential pick for Donald Trump, Mike Pence is it. He has executive experience as Indiana's governor and a strong legislative resume from his 12 years as a member of the US House of Representatives. While in Washington, he chaired the Republican Study Group, a coalition of hard-core conservatives, which gives him solid bona fides among the grass-roots Tea Party wing of the party that has occasional doubts about Mr Trump's ideological purity. Mr Pence also hails from the mid-west, which Mr Trump's team has identified as perhaps the key battleground in his quest for the White House. In Republican circles Mr Pence's record isn't entirely clean, however. Some on the right have criticised the governor for backing down when the state's "religious liberty" law was challenged by LGBT activists and local businesses last year. Mr Pence's decision to expand government health-care coverage for Indiana's poor is also considered ideological heresy by some. The real question, however, is whether Mr Pence has the rhetorical dexterity to both fulfil the traditional running-mate role of political attack dog on the stump and the nominee's most ardent defender. He is not considered the most gifted speaker, and anyone who shares Mr Trump's ticket will need to be able to skilfully explain away his more controversial statements with some measure of believability. Mr Pence has been testing his voice over the past few days, calling Mr Trump "a fighter, a builder and a patriot" in a fiery speech Tuesday night. Now it's up to Mr Trump - and his family advisors - to decide if he's the man Trump wants to go into battle with.(BBC)




Zimbabwe pastor Evan Mawarire freed


court in Zimbabwe capital, Harare, has freed a pastor who had been accused of attempting to overthrow the government. Supporters of Pastor Evan Mawarire celebrated the news in song and dance. His lawyers successfully argued that the charge of subversion had been added at the last minute, denying him a fair trial. The pastor has been at the heart of a social media campaign denouncing the government's management of the economy. Africa Live: More on this and other African stories What is behind the protests? Zimbabwe's flag fury Mr Mawarire, who started the #ThisFlag movement, was draped in Zimbabwe's national flag in court. The charge of subversion carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. On Tuesday, he was charged with inciting public violence and disturbing the peace. Mr Mawarire was represented by dozens lawyers. His latest call for a two-day stay away from work to protest at the economic crisis went largely unheeded, with most businesses opening as normal.

However, a similar protest last week left the country's cities deserted after civil servants had gone unpaid. Salaries were finally paid last week and so most schools, hospitals and offices were open as usual on Wednesday despite the strike call. However, the country still faces a severe shortage of cash, as well as a severe drought.(BBC)

Pastor Evan Mawarire says he wants to reclaim the flag from the government(AP)

South Sudan: Mass evacuation of foreigners lives of at least 1.5 million people and displaced more than

Several countries are evacuating their citizens from South Sudan following days of fighting that saw hundreds of people killed. Germany, the UK, Italy, Japan, India and Uganda have already started taking their citizens out of the country. A ceasefire between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and Vice-President Riek Machar is holding for a second day in the capital, Juba. Mr Machar and his troops have also left Juba "to avoid further confrontation". The evacuations are being carried out by military and chartered planes, as commercial flights have not yet resumed. However, Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Mohammed has told the BBC that Kenyan nationals would not be evacuated, as the ceasefire in South Sudan was holding. The US embassy in Juba said it was organising flights to evacuate non-essential staff and all US citizens wishing to leave. Germany's foreign ministry said its air force was evacuating other European nationals, as well as its own citizens. During the fighting, Mr Machar's base in Juba was overrun. Mr Machar's spokesman James Gatdet Dak told the BBC that the vice-president was now near the capital but refused to be more specific. He called for an international buffer force to be deployed to avoid "further confrontation" and ensure that the ceasefire holds. July 2011 - South Sudan becomes an independent country, after more than 20 years of guerrilla warfare, which claimed the

four million. December 2013 - Civil war breaks out after President Salva Kiir sacks the cabinet and accuses VicePresident Riek Machar of planning a coup. The war is fought broadly between the country's biggest ethnic groups - the Dinka, led by Mr Kiir, and the Nuer, under Mr Machar. More than 2.2 million people are displaced by the fighting. Famine puts the lives of thousands at risk. Tens of thousands of people are reported killed, and Mr Machar flees the country. August 2015 - President Kiir signs a peace deal with rebels after a threat of sanctions from the UN. April 2016 - Mr Machar returns to South Sudan to take up his job as first vice-president in a new unity government led by President Kiir.(BBC)

Foreigners airlifted from South Sudan (GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE)




David Cameron applauded by MPs as he prepares to hand over to Theresa May David Cameron has been given a standing ovation by Conservative MPs after his final Prime Minister's Questions. The prime minister, who will go to Buckingham Palace later to tender his resignation to the Queen, told MPs he would "miss the roar of the crowd" Defending his achievements in office, he said there had been many "amazing moments" during his six years in power. Home Secretary Theresa May is preparing to succeed Mr Cameron later after her own audience with the Queen. After taking office, Mrs May will set about naming her own frontbench team. Conservative MPs rose as one to applaud David Cameron at the end of his 182nd session as prime minister, as did former Lib Dem deputy prime minister Nick Clegg. Labour MPs also joining in with the clapping, including leader Jeremy Corbyn. Mr Cameron told then that he intended to stay in public life and would be "willing them on", saying "nothing is impossible". In his final remarks, he reprised a remark he made to Tony Blair during his first ever PMQs as opposition leader in 2005. saying: "I was the future once". During a generally light-hearted and jocular session of Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron said he had clocked up 5,500 questions at the despatch box, joking that he would leave it to others to decide how many he has answered. He dismissed suggestions he will look to take over as the host of Top Gear or England manager, joking they "sound even harder" than being PM. He also stressed his love for Larry the Downing Street cat - amid rumours that he was not a fan - a point he later emphasised on Twitter and swapped warm wishes with Jeremy Corbyn, saying he had almost come to admire the Labour leader's "tenacity" in hanging on to his job. 'Amazing moments' Defending his economic, social and foreign affairs legacy, Mr Cameron said there had been "many amazing moments" over the past six years of "public service in the national interest". Mr Cameron "warmly congratulated" Theresa May, who sat next to him during the session, on her election and told Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that "when it came to

the private audience was likely to be a short one, potentially about twenty minutes. Soon after, Mrs May will then make her own way to Buckingham Palace, accompanied by her husband Philip, when she will be asked to accept the monarch's offer to form a new government. Our correspondent said Queen Elizabeth was likely to ask the new PM, who will be the 13th leader of her reign, about her "intentions and programme" for government. Mrs May, who at 59 becomes the oldest incoming prime minister since Jim Callaghan in 1976, will then return to No 10 as the country's second female prime minister, following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher. She is expected to briefly address the nation before meeting top officials, including Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heyward, and receiving a full national security and defence briefing. She will be asked to hand-write letters to the commanders of the UK's four Trident submarines about what to do in the event of a catastrophic nuclear attack on the UK and to appoint two nuclear "deputies" - ministers who will take decisions on the deterrent if she has been rendered incapable She is also expected to take calls from a number of foreign leaders. Later on Wednesday, she will get down to the work of putting together her government - with key appointments set to be announced within hours. The current home secretary was the only remaining candidate in the Tory leadership contest following Andrea Leadsom's withdrawal on Monday. The contest began when Mr Cameron, who has been prime minister since 2010, announced he would step down after losing the EU referendum in June. Removal vans were spotted outside Downing Street on Tuesday, as Mr Cameron's ministers paid tribute to him in his final cabinet meeting. Day job' Former Culture Secretary Maria Miller rejected suggestions that Mr Cameron's legacy would be totally defined by the decision to leave the EU, saying that while this seemed "a very big part of the political bubble" now, other achievements would endure. She told Sky News the prime minister has "championed gay marriage and social justice while putting the Conservative Party in the centre ground" of politics and leaving behind a "strong economic foundation" to cope with the uncertainty caused by Brexit. The swift transition of power comes after the expected nine-week leadership campaign was truncated to just a couple of days by leading Brexit campaigner Andrea Leadsom's surprise withdrawal. Mrs May, who backed a vote to remain in the EU, will unveil her full ministerial team over the next couple of days, with the focus on the key positions of chancellor and foreign secretary as well who will be put in charge of leading the Brexit negotiations. She is expected to promote a number of women to senior positions, with International Development Secretary Justine Greening and Energy Secretary Amber Rudd among those likely to get upward moves. Asked her about her prospects, Ms Rudd told reporters: "I haven't been told anything yet so I'm just going to get on with my day job".(BBC)

David Cameron female prime ministers I am pleased to say pretty soon it is going be twonil". Mr Corbyn said that although he had often disagreed with the PM, he thanked him for his service over the last six years and praised him for his backing for equal marriage and his efforts to secure the release of Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay. The Labour leader also paid tribute to Mr Cameron's wife Samantha and his family, who watched the proceedings from the public gallery. His daughters Nancy and Florence were seen to give their father a wave and cheer him on during the session. Earlier, Mr Cameron told the Telegraph he came into Downing Street to "lead people through difficult decisions so together we could reach better times", adding "as I leave today, I hope people will see a stronger country, a thriving economy, and more chances to get on in life." Later, after saying goodbye to staff at Downing Street, the PM will tender his resignation to the Queen, Royal audience The BBC's Royal Correspondent Nicholas Witchell said

Theresa May will become the UK's second female prime minister later on Wednesday(REUTERS)

Please see next page for News Wednesday-July 13, 2016




APNU+AFC murderous stance on the rice sector Rice farmers across the country are contemplating their move for the next crop, since they are unsure about the market for their paddy. On the campaign trail the APNU+AFC government promised rice farmers $9000 a bag for paddy; however the farmers are getting a mere $1800 per bag for their produce. Venezuela has officially booted Guyana from signing another PetroCaribe deal to see the exchange for fuel and rice, as the Spanish-speaking nation has now teamed up with Suriname to pursue such an agreement. According to media reports from Suriname, the Presidents of the two countries reached an agreement for the Spanish-speaking country to provide oil to the Dutch-speaking country in exchange for rice. The agreement was signed between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Surinamese counterpart Desi Bouterse. Guyana’s Agriculture Minister Noel Holder said that such a move taken by Venezuela is “more feasible for that country due to the plummeting fuel prices globally.” “Through the PetroCaribe with Guyana and Venezuela, we used to get fuel at reasonable prices in exchange for our rice shipments to Venezuela. This ensured that Guyana received very high prices for its rice being exported, while we got reasonable prices for fuel from Venezuela. Now with the low prices for fuel across the globe with this PetroCaribe deal that Venezuela is having with Suriname, Venezuela will be getting rice way cheaper than what Guyana is selling for. In fact, Suriname is selling its rice for 50 per cent less than Guyana sells its rice for and since the price for fuel is so low, it is more feasible for Venezuela at this point in time,” Minister Holder explained. Holder noted that while Venezuela paid the highest prices for Guyana’s rice, the amount of rice it purchased annually was almost the same percentage that Portugal would import from Guyana as well. “So you see, it was not really the amount that they bought but at the prices they bought it at from us. With the price of fuel down so low, they would still need to pay less for rice even if it were from Guyana. That would mean our rice would have to be sold way cheaper than it is right now and that wouldn’t be feasible since the rice millers and farmers would be suffering heavy, tremendous losses to have to sell their rice half the prices they are selling for right now,” Minister Holder further stated. The Agriculture Minister posited that in spite of this, Guyana would still continue to export rice to other countries like it has always done, but did not say whether Guyana has been seeking new markets for rice. President David Granger has recently distanced himself and his Government from the plight of rice farmers in Guyana. Echoing statements already proclaimed by Government officials, President Granger recently insisted that the crisis of the rice industry was not Government’s problem. “It’s a private arrangement… Farmer-miller-market… It’s not a Government arrangement,” he firmly stated. The situation in the rice

industry is currently so severe that rice farmers have already signalled their intention to ‘rest’ their lands come the next crop, given the low prices and lack of Government intervention. The lack of action and unfavourable responses from the relevant authorities to inject funds into the industry has only made matters worse. Generally, in a crisis of this nature, the PPP/C Administration would have released the necessary funds to the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) to pay the millers so they could pay the farmers. If it is a case where the millers actually have the money but are refusing to settle their debts with the farmers, the then Government would usually threaten to take the millers to court or have their licences revoked. But the Granger-led Administration is taking a different approach — one which stakeholders have argued will see rice farmers continuing to suffer as the rice industry crumbles to ruins. Prior to this new development, Venezuela for a number of years under the leadership of the late President Hugo Chávez had inked “a rice for oil deal” with the Guyana Government. This deal was secured under the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration in Guyana. Efforts to contact the Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder on the issue prove futile.




GuySuCo employee found dead The partly decomposed body of 47-year-old Mohanlaal Udai Raj of Enmore. East Coast Demerara (ECD), was found at his house this morning by his brother, in what appeared to have been a suicide. Relatives only discovered the body after several calls to the man’s phone went unanswered. The family believes that the incident occurred between Monday and Wednesday last, due to the conditions of the corpse. The Guyana Daily News understands that Mr. Mohanlaal was a factory labor of GuySuCo, whose was known to have domestic issues with his wife. Reports indicate that the man’s wife left him, which might have triggered the suicide.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

“SARU is vindictive” – Jagdeo wants Interpol to t r a c k a s s e t s o f a l l M P S Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo continues to maintain that the States Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) is vindictive, since it only targets specific individuals of the former PPP government. At a press conference on Wednesday, Jagdeo said that “they (SARU) are serializing persons perceived to be corrupt…we are prepared to work with the government so they can ask INTERPOL or a private organization specilaised in tracking money and assets held abroad, to track down all the assets of members of Parliament and former presidents.” Recently, SARU has been in the spot light for allegedly taking direction from the Ministry of the Presidency. The unit was established by the APNU+AFC government shortly after assuming office in 2015. According to Jagdeo, corrupt cases are dealt with by the police and that there is no need for such a unit. While questioning the ability of SARU to investigate current government officials, Jagdeo alleged that APNU stole 16 computers belonging to the office of the Opposition Leader. He claimed that the computers were in the Parliaments’ register and were handed over to the APNU for use when in Opposition; however when the PPP assumed that

office in 2015, the computes were nowhere to be found. The former President is calling on the International Community to pay close attention to the agenda of SARU’s Head Dr. Clive Thomas agenda and observe Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s speech in the Parliament, whereby he allegedly stated that $40 million was for top up for employees of Special Organise Crime Unit (SOCU).-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo




Investigation launched into death of siblings at Drop-in Centre fire President David Granger has ordered an investigation into the deaths of two brothers who perished in a fire at the Drop-in Centre on July 08. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon told a post cabinet media briefing this morning that the investigation will be headed by Windee Algrnon, first female Colonel of the Guyana Defence Force. Joshua and Antonio George, ages 6 and 3, were taken into the state’s care along with their three other siblings on July 6, following allegations of unfit conditions at their Chapel and Norton Street home. However, two days later they died together in the fire, which was confirmed to be electrical in nature. The Ministry of Social Protection has since taken full responsibility for the deadly fire.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Govt makes massive sweep at Club Rio! A raid by officials from the Ministry of Social Protection in the wee hours of this morning at Club Rio on Albert Street, Georgetown ended with the arrest of 15 females and three males. The Guyana Daily News understands that government suspects that those arrested might be victims of Human Trafficking and are illegal in Guyana. Following prosecution, they are expected to be deported to their homeland. Club Rio is a night club that offers erotic service to the public.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Man charged with murder of 3-y-o; parents appear in court today PAGE 52

ST ANN, Jamaica — The police yesterday charged Alexus Newland, otherwise called ‘Dal Dal’, of Milford, St Ann for the murder of three-yearold Nevalesia Campbell. Newland was on Monday identified by the police as a person of interest following the discovery of the infant’s body with chop wounds in bushes on Sunday. Meanwhile, the child’s mother and stepfather are scheduled to appear in court this morning. The two – Mahalia Poyser, a 24year-old bartender and her common law husband 30-year-old


Roy Dawes – were on Monday charged with breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act. Lawmen say both were taken into custody after it was revealed that Nevalesia and her twin brother were alone at home when she was abducted. ST ANN, Jamaica — The police yesterday charged Alexus Newland, otherwise called ‘Dal Dal’, of Milford, St Ann for the murder of three-yearold Nevalesia Campbell. Newland was on Monday identified by the police as a person of interest following the discovery of the

infant’s body with chop wounds in bushes on Sunday. Meanwhile, the child’s mother and stepfather are scheduled to appear in court this morning. The two – Mahalia Poyser, a 24year-old bartender and her common law husband 30-year-old Roy Dawes – were on Monday charged with breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act. Lawmen say both were taken into custody after it was revealed that Nevalesia and her twin brother were alone at home when s h e w a s a b d u c t e d . ( J a m a i c a Three-year-old Nevalesia Campbell Observer)




Bus crash leaves 3 dead, 16 hospitalised ST CATHERINE, Jamaica — Three people were last night killed and several others injured when a public passenger bus overturned on the Spanish Town leg of the PJ Patterson Highway. The deceased have been identified as 54-year-old bus driver Everton Melhado of Dawkin district in James Hill, Clarendon; 67-yearold Veronica Edwards of Trout Hall Pass district, also in Clarendon and 60-year-old Hortense Barnett. The Ferry Police say based on preliminary investigations, they suspect that one of the bus’ tyres blew out; the driver then lost control of the vehicle, which ran off the road and rolled over several times before coming to a rest on its roof. Members of the Fire Department, the Jamaica Defence Force as well as doctors and several ambulances were on scene to assist in the treatment and transportation of the injured people. ST CATHERINE, Jamaica — Three people were last night killed and several others injured when a public passenger bus overturned on the Spanish Town leg of the PJ Patterson Highway. The deceased have been identified as 54-year-old bus driver Everton Melhado of Dawkin district in James Hill, Clarendon; 67-yearold Veronica Edwards of Trout Hall Pass district, also in Clarendon and 60-year-old Hortense Barnett. The

Ferry Police say based on preliminary investigations, they suspect that one of the bus’ tyres blew out; the driver then lost control of the vehicle, which ran off the road and rolled over several times before coming to a rest on its roof. Members of the Fire Department, the Jamaica Defence Force as well as doctors and several ambulances were on scene to assist in the treatment and transportation of the injured people. Sixteen people, four of them children, remain in hospital.(Jamaica Observer)

The wrecked minibus which overturned




Queries over leader’s party card

Even as the PNM’s Tobago Council regrouped at a convention yesterday following election of new Tobago PNM leader. Kelvin Charles, queries arose over Charles’ party membership. Neil Wilson, whose chairmanship of the Tobago Council ended at 6 pm yesterday following election of a new executive, however, defended Charles, saying his name was on the PNM membership list. PNM’s PNM Tobago Council held a convention yesterday to

Kelvin Charles

elect executive members following election of a new leader the previous week in a run-off exercise. It followed a tightly contested poll earlier on.

Charles was successful in the run-off against contender, Tracy DavidsonCelestine. He is now leader-designate. Prior to yesterday’s election of a new executive to work with him, some PNM Tobago leadership officials told the T&T Guardian they had hoped some contestants in the recent election would have contested posts on the executive to work with him and aid cohesion and healing in the Tobago unit. They acknowledged the leadership election had been “bruising” for the ruling party and also noted how close THA polls were. These are due between January and April next year. But almost as they spoke, queries were being raised on the “ground” in Tobago about Charles’ membership in the party. Sources noted he had resigned as Assembly presiding officer and queries were raised whether his party membership was in order

since that was necessary to be party leader. Contacted yesterday morning on the issue, PNM’s Tobago office secretariat officials said other media had also called on the issue but referred queries to Wilson. Contacted around 11 am, prior to end of his tenure at 6 pm, Wilson acknowledged Charles had to resign as presiding officer. He, h o w e v e r, w e n t t h r o u g h P N M membership lists, confirming Charles’ names was on the list as Number 1455. Calls to Charles’ phone were not answered. Wilson was expected to be succeeded as chairman by former MP and Minister Stanford Callendar. Charles takes over as THA Chief Secretary from incumbent Orville London when his term ends in January and Charles will lead the PNM into THA elections early next year.(Trinidad Guardian)




Sat torches ex-PM’s legacy attempt to have Sat Sharma removed as Chief Justice for misbehaviour in public office and for having a limited state of emergency around the home of then House Speaker Occah Seapaul were unforgettable instances. In 2007, Sharma found himself in trouble when he was accused by then Director of Public Prosecutions, Geoffrey Henderson, of attempting to persuade him to drop a murder charge against vascular surgeon Dr Vijay Naraynsingh in 2004. “He is the first prime minister in the Commonwealth to try to arrest a chief justice. “He is also the first PM to call a state of emergency so that Seepaul could not preside as a presiding officer and have a cast in vote. He is the only man in the Commonwealth who appointed his wife as a minister in the Cabinet,” Maharaj said. He drew reference to public servant, Feroza Ramjohn, who instituted legal action in seeking justice for lack of promotional opportunities. “I could still remember Manning describing Petrotrin as petrosingh because there were too many Indians working there,” Maharaj said. He said while PNM stalwart and businessman, Louis Lee Sing, had acquired his radio licence with ease “we had to go the Privy Council to get our radio and television licences. We had to threaten them with contempt of court. That was another case of discrimination.” Church in Guanapo Maharaj said the fact that Manning started building a multi-million dollar church in Guanapo, Arima, for himself and one-time spiritual adviser Juliana Pena was also discriminatory. “Not only he built a church for the Christians but he also established the Divine Echoes Orchestra, which was a Christian-oriented music group.” In 1992, Maharaj said Manning ordered a study by Dr Selwyn Ryan and Dr John La Guerre, which showed that few IndoTrinidadians were promoted to senior posts in the public service. “I read what they said about In this 2004 photograph, then prime minister Patrick Manning, has a recruitment in the tête-à-tête with Sanathan Dharma Maha Sabha secretary general Sat Maharaj during an Indian Arrival Day celebration in Debe. Police Service... that

General secretary of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS), Sat Maharaj, yesterday launched an extraordinary verbal attack on former prime minister Patrick Manning, describing him as a “racist.” In a harsh assessment totally out of step with laudatory ones heaped on Manning in the week between his death and his burial, Maharaj said he and several members of the public came to that conclusion on a talk show programme on Radio Jaagriti on Tuesday, based on a series of discriminatory practices Manning perpetuated against Indians in T&T while he served as PM. In retrospect, Maharaj said he felt “hurt” that many of Manning’s actions were “racist”, unfair and biased against a number of Indians in the country. “I only spoke about the facts. What I spoke about was his performance as prime minister. I started off by discussing the many discriminatory things he did. As prime minister he acted in a discriminatory manner,” Maharaj said in a telephone interview. Manning, 69, died on July 2 at the San Fernando General Hospital. He had been hospitalised for a lung infection but was subsequently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia, a rare, aggressive cancer of the blood. The closure of Caroni 1975 Ltd, whose employees were mostly Indians, Maharaj said was one decision Manning made that crippled the lives of thousands of struggling Indians. “We are now importing sugar while Barbados and Guyana have sugar industries,” he said. Maharaj said Manning’s

the Indians top when it comes to the written examination but they failed when they did the interview stage. They pointed to the fact that everybody on the interview panel were Afro Trinidadians. Few grants for Indian events When asked why he did not raise these matters publicly when Manning was alive, Maharaj said: “No! I have been raising these issues all the time. We wrote articles about him. We raised it in the courts too. “But you see now that he is dead they are trying to make him into some idol. Everybody is painting him as a paragon of virtue... they are ignoring the other side of him. “They are trying to paint him as some kind of father of the nation when in actual fact he was not. We want to point out the bad side of him.” Maharaj said many callers concurred with him that what Manning did was discriminatory and wrong. Didn’t the S D M S b e n e fi t u n d e r M a n n i n g ’s administration? “In what way? If you talking about benefits then we are talking about equality. Yes, we benefit... we can use the roads if it is paved,” he answered. Questioned if the SDMS was the recipient of grants under Manning’s regime for Divali, Phagwa and other religious events, Maharaj said they received “very little grants.” Told he could face stinging condemnation and backlash for his criticisms against Manning, Maharaj said: “I said it. I don’t care about the backlash.” He said he shared a cordial relationship with Manning and had in fact pointed out to him where he had gone wrong as PM. Forde response General secretary of the People’s National Movement Ashton Forde last night expressed astonishment at Maharaj’s comments. “Any one body who is saying that about Mr Manning is not living in Trinidad and Tobago. They are trying to rewrite history”, Forde told the T&T Guardian. Forde said Manning followed in the footsteps of two great prime ministers- the late Dr Eric Williams and George Chambers’ in ensuring there was equity in the governance of the country. “Many of the country’s high commissioners, Cabinet ministers and directors on State boards who served under Mr Manning were Indian. Mr Manning embraced all races. He did not discriminate at all. I knew him personally. He was a fair man.” Forde said people who were appointed under the People’s Partnership government also credited Manning for his work and fairplay.(Trinidad Guardian)




Woman kills man after quarrel


ookmin Sharma and her family are today left ruing the fact Rookmin’s only son and first child, Neil Sharma, was killed in a lovers’ quarrel. The signs of trouble had been there for a long time and they had warned them to separate. Sharma’s girlfriend, now in police custody, stabbed the 46-year-old in the chest at his home at Bamboo Settlement #1. According to police reports, earlier in the day, Sharma and his 33-year-old girlfriend were seen drinking before they went home. Around 11 pm, the two were heard arguing before there was quiet. When his relatives checked, Sharma was found with a stab wound to the left side of the chest. He died before help could arrive. Relatives claimed Sharma and the woman had a difficult relationship. Speaking with the T&T Guardian at the family’s home yesterday, his sister, Usha, said they had violent fights twice in three years. She added the duo were happy at times but they Rookmin Sharma, fought often. His mother added: mother of Neil Sharma (inset), “I used to tell her that if she can’t who was stabbed to death by a close relative on make a living with him best she Tuesday night. PHOTO: NICOLE DRAYTON leave and she used to tell me she

will not leave him. I used to talk to both of them but they never used to listen. “My advice to people in that type of relationship that always fighting and quarreling is better allyuh separate.” At the Forensic Science Centre, St James, Sharma’s two sons — Narine and Nicholas — said he was sometimes scared things could go badly. “It had a time he come by we and didn’t want to go home because he say she sleeping with a knife under the pillow and he frighten to go home,” the brothers recalled. Meanwhile, the woman’s attorney, Fareed Ali, said claims she was a threat to him were overblown. Ali said the judicial system was failing the weakest of society, namely women and children. In a text message response to the T&T Guardian yesterday Ali said Sharma had been brought before the court on related domestic violence charges. He asked what effective steps were being taken to assist women who were the victims of domestic violence. “Very often when men are brought to answer to the court for their alleged actions and the matter isn’t fully litigated or resolved what transpires are unfortunate instances like the one that is being investigated now. “The responsibility of the State is to look after its weakest citizens. The mothers of our nation are put at risk every day and survive at the behest of abusive partners. Until more is done to protect women and children the judicial system continues to fail to fulfil its mandate to our citizenry,” Ali added. Relatives of Sharma, who they affectionately called “Sugars”, said he would be missed, especially for his caring and giving personality. They added that Sharma would most likely be buried tomorrow.(Trinidad Guardian)

Moonilal: Govt giving houses to friends Former housing minister Dr Roodal Moonilal yesterday accused the PNMled Government of giving houses to party members and friends of Cabinet ministers. Moonilal also threw jabs at Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, stating he had “no moral authority to speak on housing based on his legacy of the Las Alturas, Golconda, Edinburgh Towers and Wellington Estates housing projects where we (former People Partnership government) had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to correct bad work, poor design, engineering flaws, lack of sewer plants and poor infrastructure.” The Oropouche East MP was responding to comments by Rowley, who at Tuesday’s sod-turning for the “River-Runs-Through” housing estate, Arima, stated the demand for houses in T&T was like “hops.” Rowley said it had reached a stage where people have been saying they want a house, in the same tone and approach as “I want a hops bread” not realising that a house is an expensive item. In his five years in office, Moonilal said, he has never responded with contempt to those in need of shelter. “In fact, I wept when members of the public came to me in tears for a home. This lack of compassion is unsuitable for high office holders. “The Prime Minister with his houses like hops comment seems to be condoning the response of the plight of homeless Mary Paria. “The Prime Minister has dashed the hopes of thousands of long-waiting applicants who are unable to get a housing unit under the PNM administration,” he added. Moonilal said regrettably it took the Government almost one year to understand the need for housing. “Today, housing distribution is back to the dark old secret discriminatory days of giving out houses to party members and friends and relatives of ministers,” he added. He said an apartment at Edinburgh Towers, which was built under the then Patrick Manning administration, was now priced at over $1 million. “These apartments have to be redesigned and are incomplete. In this day and age the PNM have reverted to cesspits for their much heralded River-Runs-

Through project. We are back to the National Housing Authority ghetto-style buildings that nurture crime. One would want to know of the EMA’s approvals for housing systems using cesspits in low-lying areas,” he said. In the coming weeks, Moonilal said, he would expose the true projected cost of that housing project under the PP, in comparison the price the former PNM administration had outlined. Moonilal described the project as a farce, saying it was not ready for construction.(Trinidad Guardian)

Dr Roodal Moonilal




Gunmen in Peru rob tourists on Amazon riverboat cruise Eight masked gunmen in Peru have robbed tourists enjoying a luxury riverboat cruise on the Amazon. The riverboat had left the city of Iquitos on Wednesday with around 30 tourists on board to see towns along the river, local media reported. When the boat anchored in the middle of the river for one stop, the gunmen boarded it and stole goods worth around $20,000 (£15,000). None of the tourists, most of them American, were hurt. The robbery happened early in the morning. The gunmen arrived on a small boat and boarded the riverboat, threatening the crew and tourists with small calibre weapons. The boat's captain was hit with a pistol handle but was not seriously injured. None of the rest of the crew were hurt. The police arrived soon after the incident and all the tourists were evacuated to a safe location.(BBC)

Florida mosque removed as polling site after anti-Islamic backlash A Florida mosque has been removed as a polling station for the 2016 election after local officials received complaints and threats of violence. The Islamic Center of Boca Raton had planned to host a polling site for the state's primary in August and the general election in November. Officials rescinded the invite, drawing sharp criticism from Florida lawmakers who said it reinforced religious discrimination. The site was moved to a nearby library. County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher said she moved the site after receiving about 50 complaints from people who said they did not want to vote in a mosque. The Islamic Center has been used as a polling station at least since 2010, the Washington Post reported. Democratic US Representatives Ted Deutch and Lois Frankel released statements opposing the move. ``If we are going to use places of worship as polling places, we should not discriminate,'' Mr Deutch said. It is unclear how many houses of worship are used as polling places across the country, but churches are often

selected as host sites because of their large auditoriums and parking lots. Mosques in California, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Ohio have served as polling places, including one that has been used since at least 2004, according to the AP news agency.(BBC)




Italy rail crash: Andria station master 'let crash train go’ at fault, everyone is blaming me. But I'm a Italy's rail infrastructure remains single track. An investigator told La Reppublica victim too." newspaper that the problem was not the Map of crash site While he and the station single track but a control system that had master at Corato have both been suspended been automated everywhere else. as part of an investigation into multiple manslaughter, local prosecutors are also While the number of trains has increased in looking into safety procedures on the single- the Bari area, the system still relies on an "I let the train go, I was the one who gave the track line and why the line had not been outdated reliance on station masters and signal," Andria station master Vito Piccarreta u p g r a d e d t o a d o u b l e t r a c k . " T h e drivers. It has emerged that because rail told Italian media. But he was adamant he investigation will not only look into human services were late, three trains were was not the only one at fault. Mr Piccarreta, a error, we must examine all possibilities," said travelling in the area at the time of the crash. Mr Piccarreta said he was unaware of the railway employee with 24 years of service, prosecutor Francesco Giannella. extra train travelling from Corato. was quoted by La Stampa and other newspapers as saying: "I'm not the only one Three trains The rail line north of Bari relies o n a n Although the bidding process to update the antiquated track and safety systems north of Bari is due phone alert to start shortly, millions of euros in EU s y s t e m funding allocated in 2009 to replace singledating back track lines has gone unspent. The company to t h e that runs the line north of Bari, 1 9 6 0 s , i n Ferrotramviaria, has blamed Italian c o m m o n bureaucracy for the lack of progress. with some Funerals for the victims of the disaster are 600km (370 due to begin taking place at the weekend. miles) of r e g i o n a l Among the victims were a mother and t r a c k daughter found by rescuers beside the e l s e w h e r e wrecked trains in the immediate aftermath of in Italy, the the crash. The Andria rail crash was Italy's government worst since a train carrying gas derailed in s a y s . A n Viareggio in 2009, claiming the lives of more e s t i m a t e d than 30 people who lived in the area.(BBC) The crash was Italy's worst rail disaster since 2009(AFP) 2,700km of A station master in southern Italy has admitted he allowed a train to go on a single track, minutes before a deadly collision with an oncoming train. Twenty-three people died and 52 others were hurt in the head-on crash on a single track between Andria and Corato in the Apulia region on Tuesday.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Boris Johnson is a liar with his back to the wall, says French FM PAGE 59

France's foreign minister has said his newly-appointed British counterpart, Boris Johnson, is a liar with "his back against the wall". In comments to Europe 1 radio, JeanMarc Ayrault said Mr Johnson had lied to the British people during the recent EU referendum campaign and would now be under pressure "to defend his country". He said France needed a negotiating partner who was credible and reliable. The former London mayor led the campaign to take Britain out of the EU. He was expected to stand for the Conservative party leadership in the wake of the referendum result, but did not put himself forward after key colleagues withdrew support. His appointment as foreign secretary has surprised many politicians and commentators around the world, who have recalled his history of undiplomatic or offensive comments. Mr Ayrault said: "I am not at all worried about Boris Johnson, but you know his style, his method during the campaign he lied a lot to the British people.

Mr Ayrault said France needed a "credible and reliable" partner(EPA)


"[He has] his back against the wall to defend his country but also with his back against the wall the relationship with Europe should be clear. "I need a partner with whom I can negotiate and who is clear, credible and reliable," he added. "We cannot let this ambiguous, blurred situation drag on... in the interests of the British themselves." Reacting to the comments, Mr Johnson said it was "inevitable there will be some plaster coming off the ceilings in the chancelleries of Europe. It was not the result they were expecting and they are making their views known in a frank and free way". But he added: "The French foreign minister has in fact sent me a charming letter just a couple of hours ago saying how much he looked forward to working together and deepening Anglo-French co-operation in all sorts of areas, and that is what we want to achieve." Mr Johnson said he wanted reshape Britain's identity as a "great global player". He said: "We have to give effect to the will of the people in the referendum but that does not mean leaving Europe. There is a massive difference between leaving the EU and our relations with Europe which, if anything, are going to be intensified." France and other EU states have urged Britain to start the process of leaving the EU promptly, to minimise uncertainty. New Prime Minister Theresa May has promised to implement Britain's exit from the bloc but has not said when she plans to trigger the formal exit procedure. She has already spoken to French President Francois Hollande. Mrs May's spokeswoman said she "explained that we would need some time to prepare for these negotiations".(BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Theresa May shakes-up government with new-look cabinet PAGE 60

Prime Minister Theresa May has unveiled a nearly completely new look cabinet, in a major departure from predecessor David Cameron's top team. George Osborne, Michael Gove, John Whittingdale, Nicky Morgan and Oliver Letwin have all been sacked by Mrs May. Liz Truss is justice secretary, Justine Greening takes education and Tory leadership contender Andrea Leadsom has been promoted to environment secretary. Boris Johnson became foreign secretary. Philip Hammond was made chancellor. Eurosceptic David Davis, meanwhile, will take charge of negotiating Britain's exit from the European Union, in a newly created post of Brexit secretary. In another new post

Justine Greening, Patrick McLoughlin and Liz Truss all get a place in Theresa May's government(VARIOUS) announced on Wednesday, Liam Fox was appointed as the new international trade secretary. Amber Rudd - formerly the energy secretary - took over Mrs May's former role as home secretary. The current male-female ratio of the cabinet remains roughly the same - at 70% to 30%, while there are 16 cabinet members, including Mrs May, who backed Remain, and seven who campaigned for Brexit. Just four cabinet positions have stayed in the same hands: Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns and Scottish Secretary David Mundell. 'Impressive ruthlessness' Former Conservative Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind praised the "ruthless" way Mrs May has appointed her top team, saying it showed strong leadership and "strategic" vision. "She has not only got a strategy to balance the Leave and Remain sides, she is trying to eliminate these distinctions because we are all now aiming for the same objective. She has appointed with a ruthlessness that has been impressive to look at," he told the BBC. "The decision that most surprised me was George Osborne - not that he ceased to be chancellor - but it appears she wasn't even willing to offer him a job in government.... he is a very impressive heavyweight." Sir Malcolm, who was a minister under Margaret Thatcher and John Major, said Boris Johnson's


appointment as foreign secretary was "risky" because the qualities that make him popular with the public did not necessarily make him a good diplomat. There were some big promotions for Home Office ministers James Brokenshire and Karen Bradley, who were appointed Northern Ireland secretary and culture, media and sport secretary, respectively. Damian Green, a former justice and Home Office minister, was elevated to work and pensions secretary, while Brexit campaigner and exwork and pensions minister Priti Patel was promoted to international development secretary. There were also some resignations. Tory leadership contender and Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb stepped down from government "in the best interests of my family", while Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers resigned after turning down the offer of another role. In other developments: Patrick McLoughlin was moved from transport secretary to Conservative Party chairman Sajid Javid - formerly business secretary - is now the communities and local government secretary Chris Grayling - who was Mrs May's leadership campaign chief - takes up the post of transport secretary. He was previously Commons leader Baroness Evans has taken up the post of Leader of the House of Lords Former policing and justice minister Damian Green becomes work and pensions secretary - replacing Stephen Crabb who resigned Attorney General Jeremy Wright - who attends cabinet - stayed in his post Gavin Williamson, a former parliamentary private secretary to David Cameron, was appointed government chief whip The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills becomes the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) department - led by Greg Clark, formerly communities and local government secretary As a result, the Department for Energy and Climate Change has been scrapped, its brief folded into BEIS The Department for Education will take on higher and further education, skills and apprenticeships, bringing it together so there is a comprehensive end-to-end view of skills and education Justice Secretary Michael Gove - who was one of the leading figures in the campaign to leave the EU and a Tory leadership contender - was the first to be sacked on Thursday morning, losing his job to Ms Truss- the first female Lord Chancellor in the near 1,000-year history of the role. Former Labour leader Ed Miliband criticised the closure of the Department for Energy and Climate Change as "just plain stupid", Green MP Caroline Lucas said it was a "deeply worrying move", and Lib Dem leader Tim Farron called it was a "backward" decision which "clearly downgrades our commitment to tackling climate change". The move also drew criticism from the SNP's Angus MacNeil, who chairs the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee which shadows the department. He said it raises "urgent questions", such as over who will be responsible for the UK's legal obligation to reduce its carbon emissions.

continued on next page...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Theresa May shakes-up government...con’t... PAGE 61

May vows to be 'one nation' prime minister Laura Kuenssberg: May gets on with job World reaction to Boris Johnson appointment In pictures: UK gets new leader Former Labour shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called the cabinet "very right-wing" and suggested this was at odds with Mrs May's words outside No 10 on Wednesday, saying there was often a "very big gap between the rhetoric and the reality with Theresa May". Earlier, the new chancellor, Mr Hammond, said there would be "no emergency Budget" when asked about his first priorities as chancellor. His predecessor George Osborne warned during the EU referendum campaign that he would have to cut public spending and increase taxes in an emergency Budget if there was a vote for Brexit. Mr Hammond said he would make "carefully considered decisions over the summer", followed by an Autumn Statement "in the normal way". The chancellor also told BBC Radio 4's Today that the vote to leave the EU had "shaken confidence" in the UK economy and "caused many businesses to pause investment decision". He said the government now needed to "send signals of reassurance about the future as quickly and as powerful as we can". In a move that surprised the political world, Mrs May put Mr Johnson - one of the most prominent figures of the campaign to leave the EU - in charge of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Mr Johnson, who has said he was "very humbled" and "very proud" at the appointment, is no stranger to controversy - or gaffes - on the international stage. During the EU referendum campaign, he drew criticism for comments he made about US President Barack Obama, who he said had an "ancestral dislike" of the UK because of his "part-Kenyan" heritage. In 2015, Mr Johnson had to cancel planned public events in the West Bank because of security fears after he criticised backers of a boycott on Israeli goods, and he has previously described Hilary Clinton - US presidential hopeful - as having "a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital". The cabinet appointment throws Mr Johnson a lifeline after a turbulent couple of weeks which saw his Tory leadership bid torpedoed by fellow Brexit campaigner Mr Gove. In his first comments since taking up the post, Mr Johnson set out his vision for Britain to be a more "global player", and he said Brexit did not mean the UK was leaving Europe. However, Liberal Democrat leader Mr Farron predicted the new foreign secretary would "spend more time apologising to nations he's offended" than carrying out the job. Mrs May has spoken to European leaders to


express her "commitment to delivering the will of the British people to leave the European Union", according to a Downing Street spokesman. In a series of congratulatory phone calls taken by Mrs May, the UK's second female prime minister spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny. "The prime minister explained that we would need some time to prepare for these negotiations and spoke of her hope that these could be conducted in a constructive and positive spirit," a Downing Street spokesman added. Speaking outside Downing Street for the first time as prime minister on Wednesday Mrs May vowed to lead a government that works for all, not just the "privileged few", promising to give people who were "just managing" and "working around the clock" more control over their lives. For an "ordinary working class family", she added, "life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise". She highlighted the "precious bond" between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and between "every one of us", and paid tribute to her predecessor David Cameron as "a great modern prime minister".(BBC)

Theresa May named six cabinet members on Wednesday: David Davis, Boris Johnson, Philip Hammond, Michael Fallon, Liam Fox and Amber Rudd (clockwise from top left)







Just as the season finale of your favorite series, the world sees the US elections, programmed for next November, as the beginning or the end of an uncertain era. Donald Trump has made sure that his controversial campaign resounds around the globe with a dangerous eco. With the months passing by and losing followers, the elections are more tilted towards a Democratic Party than a Republican. Hilary Clinton is making herself felt and Trump can’t keep the pace. Still the race is up and the difference is not alarming, there is tension internationally. For some taking the matter seriously is a must, for others spicing the topic could help with perspective. We have to be realistic, there is little we can do to stop Mr. Trump, but we can still ‘purify him’. That is the perspective in which an Indian company has projected itself, delivering to the Trump Tower in New York, a large amount of Assam green tea for his personal consumption in order to clear his mind. The estimate quantity was reportedly to be enough to allow him to drink three cups of tea a day for four years. “We can’t stop him, but maybe we can change him,” the producers wrote. “Dear Mr. Trump, Namaste from India, we are sending you lots and lots of natural green tea. It fights against harmful free radicals. It helps purify mind and body and regain a healthy balance. It has also proven to make people smarter. Please Mr. Trump drink the tea. For your sake, for America’s sake, for the world’s sake. If he needs more, we’ll be happy to provide. Green tea has been proven to fight against harmful free radicals and cleanse the mind and bodies, helping one regain a healthy balance,” Kolkata-based Te-AMe Teas said, PTI news agency reported Thursday. The company’s managing director, Sumit Shah, said that there has been no response from The Trump Campaign, so far. Among all the disasters and fatalities surrounding our daily basics, some humor is needed accordingly to survive in this hostile planet that Donald Trump we are ‘sharing’. Let’s hope ‘Assam’ does the trick. -By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News

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Please see next page for News Thursday-July 14, 2016



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Miner jailed for stabbing brother Magistrate Fabayo Azore today sentenced Philbur Edwards to six months imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawfully and maliciously assaulting his brother Sultan Edwards on July 9, 2016 at Prince Village, Potaro. Philbur, 38, who was unrepresented, told the court that he and his brother were drinking at the time of the incident and an argument ensued. He continued by saying that he and his brother share a good relationship and after a couple of days, they would amend their dierences. The man pleaded with the court to forgive him; however Magistrate Azore said the matter is one which is severe since it could have gone much worse. The court heard that on the day in question Philbur and Sultan were drinking when an argument between the two, it soon escalated into a scue when Philbur pulled out a knife and stabbed his brother.-By-Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

12 months jail for man who broke into house Michael Niles today appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore, where he pleaded guilty to breaking and entering the apartment of Deoraj Jagdeo stealing $1,820,000 in cash and valuables on July 10, 2016. He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. The 42 - year - old man was unrepresented in court; however although he admitted to the crime, he pleaded for the Magistrate to be lenient. According to Niles, he is in a common law relationship

and has to provide for his 5-year-old child. It is alleged that on the day in question, Jagdeo left his apartment in the morning hours to go to Berbice and returned at around 20:00 hours when he noticed his apartment was broken into and $1.8M GYD in cash was missing together with two silver rings valued at $20,000 GYD.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Painter charged with armed robbery Michael King was today remanded until July 27, 2016 by Magistrate Fabayo Azore after pleading not guilty to the offence of robbery under arms which occurred on July 11, 2016 on Robb Street, Lacytown. The 35 - year - old painter was represented by Attorney Paul Fung-a-Fat who made an application for bail, noting that his client was not charged with possession of a firearm or discharging a firearm which he believes indicate that his client was not in possession of a firearm, therefore there was no armed robbery. It is alleged that on July 11, 2016 on Robb Street, Lacytown, King of Alexander Village, Georgetown, whilst armed with a gun, robbed Wayne Miller of GY$500,000 cash, one black purse worth GY$5000 and GY$23,000 worth of Guyana Power and Light Prepaid cards.-By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Parika home goes up in flames; 10 homeless Two families are now homeless after their lot 237 Railway Line, Parika East Bank Essequibo home went up in flames on Thursday night. The families believe that it was arson. One occupant, Tanya Barrow told the Guyana Daily News that around 20: 30h, she was just wrapping up chores in the kitchen when she smelled diesel and kerosene. Thinking that it was the neighbour burning something, she went to the window to check but saw nothing; however shortly after she saw her cousin’s boyfriend entering the yard, who then informed her that there was a fire in the lower flat. Barrow then raised an alarm and quickly grabbed her two children to leave the house. Attempts were made to exit through the back but because the fire was concentrated there, there was thick black smoke. The family then attempted to go through the front but the flooring and stairwell were too heated. The only exit point was through the bedroom window, which Barrow said they broke and jumped to safety, receiving lacerations in the process. Barrow is suspicious of her cousin’s boyfriend who lived in the lower flat. She related that the duo was having domestic problems. The man has since been House Fully engulfed in flames taken into police custody. Those homeless are Tanya Barrow, her boyfriend Oscar King, her two children She-an-yah and Shemuel Sealey and her sister Sonia Barrow. Those in the lower flat were her cousin Samantha Johnson, her boyfriend Shawn, her children Alexia and Althea Austin and a cousin Kerryann An investigation is underway. What's left of the two storey house



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Poll conducted by Guyana Daily News - Guyanese not optimistic about economy Guyanese are clear about wanting the current A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Administration to make public its economic plan for the country. A recent public opinion poll conducted by the Guyana Daily News found that 92.5 percent of respondents are not optimistic about the future of the economy while the other seven and a half percent are certain of Guyana’s future. Ninety nine percent of cane farmers from various estates especially from the Wales Factory are also worried about their future in Guyana coupled with the eminent closer of the Factory; however a two percent is certain that jobs will be there for them in Guyana. Sugar production for April 2016 was recorded at 16,873 tonnes compared to 26,826 tonnes during April 2015. Production for January to April, 2016 totaled 55,687 tonnes compared to 67,555 tonnes achieved during the same period in 2015, representing a reduction of 17.6 percent, a decline in production. When asked about the rice industry, 95% of the respondents stated that the rice industry is in jeopardy, production is down, as well as price for paddy has dropped significantly from $5000 per bag in 2013 to $1800 per bag in 2016. Rice production for April 2016 reached 148,615 tonnes, a decline of 30.2 percent compared to production achieved in April 2015. This brings rice production from January to April 2016 to 205,208 tonnes compared to 303,314 tonnes produced during the same period in 2015. The fall in production for the first crop in 2016 was attributed to the El Nino phenomenon combined with continued uncertainty about new markets. In the mining sector especially gold, 90% small and medium scale miners are not optimistic about the future of the industry. They attributed their fears over falling gold prices on the world market but more so to the high cost of production in the sector, coupled with this is the unavailability of prime mining lands in the mining areas. They also stated their disgust over the foreign nationals who occupy prime mining lands, also the unfair treatment by the GGMC’s mines officers who

work in the interior. However there was an increase in gold production for the first quarter of 2016 and this is attributed to the introduction of two large scale mining operators, Troy Resources and Guyana Gold Fields. Gold production for April 2016 totaled 60,558.8 ounces compared to 36,629.1 ounces achieved in April 2015. This brings gold production to 222,500 ounces for 2016, representing an increase of 104.8 percent over the production achieved during the same period in 2015. Ninety four percent of businesses approached are uncertain about the future of the economy, domestic spending powers has been reduced, taxes and fees has been increased, which is an added burden on the business community and the residents of Georgetown, for eg. Rates and Taxes are expected to increase by 10%, also business owners now have to pay $25,000 to off load containers that are parked in front of their business places. This will eventually send up operations cost for the business, thus, consumers will have to pay more for goods and services. The respondents also opined that the general business atmosphere has declined over the past year. Inflation Prices increased by 0.09 percent in March 2016 compared to prices in February, 2016. This resulted in the CPI increasing to 111.3 in March 2016, from 111.2 in February 2016. This increase in price was primarily driven by growth in food as well as transport and communication prices.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016


2016-07-05 Congratulations are extended to; Mohamed Hassad, Afifah Sattaur & Rhea Baldeo of the Al Ghazali Islamic Academy, and Aamir Khan of the Meten-Meer-Zorg Islamic Academy. These four students all passed for Queens College. Mohamed Hassad placed 7th in the country and is also the Best Science Student in the country.

They praise Almighty Allah, their parents and the teachers of their schools for their success. Enroll your Child/ Children to our schools. Al Ghazali Islamic Academy- Georgetown- 225-4601 Meten-Meer-Zorg Islamic Academy- Meten-MeerZorg – 275-0307 CIOG Secretariat.



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

10 families trapped as river overflows Some ten families in Laloo Extension 1, Las Lomas, were trapped inside their houses yesterday when the Cunupia River overflowed its banks and transformed the main road and their yards into a virtual sea. The river was barely discernible as the entire village was covered in muddy, brown water reaching above the knees. Sarah Barrack, who lives in the first house after the bridge, said the water reached into her yard and began climbing into her house. “One more step and the water would have been inside,” she said. Barrack, who was unable to drive her vehicle to go to work, said she and her husband spent the day assisting the rest of the villagers. “Their properties are on land lower than ours and we were busy making sandbags and dropping it off for them.” She said parents and their children spent the day marooned inside their houses. Livestock and pets kept outdoors also felt the effects of the flooding and had to be moved to safety. Barrack said she had been living in the area for one-and-a-half years and it was the third major flood she had experienced. She was not sure what caused it but speculated the river probably could not hold the volume of water that came after yesterday’s torrential downpours. On the other side of Las Lomas, on Savary Road Extension, Ramesh Sam, his three teenaged daughters and ailing wife were thrown into a state of shock when water from an overflowing river crossed the street, burst through their front door, swept through their house and exited at the back door. It left water-soaked furniture and mud and debris in its wake. Sam said he was at work in Barackpore when his daughter called and in a terrified voice kept shouting: “Daddy! daddy!” Sam said he jumped into his car and raced back to Las Lomas. “The water reached almost plug height. Good thing current went. I went and quickly switched off the main breaker.” Sam said it was the first time they got water in their house. A refrigerator and a freezer from another flooded house on the street were seen floating away. Residents came out and walked, some with their dogs, on the street covered in almost knee high water. CEPEP worker, Ethlyn Collin, said she could not go to work in another part of Las Lomas. Mark Anthony, 13, a Tabaquite Secondary student, home on vacation, rode his bicycle through the water. “I thank God for the box drain,” he said, pointing to it at the side of the road. “But what we really need is a new bridge and they need to dig the river deeper,” he added. Both areas are located in valleys close to the river. Councillor for the affected area, Ryan Rampersad, said he was up since 4 am yesterday dealing with the flooding. “I was getting calls from that time,” he added. Rampersad said the Cunupia River was normally desilted and degrassed annually during the dry season but it was not done this year. “The Drainage Division at the Ministry of Works kept telling us they have no funds,” he said. He also blamed the flooding on developers who alter the water’s course. “People have been getting Town and Country approval to construct houses in the area but here has traditionally been a low-lying agricultural area. “There were water retention areas used for wetting crops. These areas have been backfilled and the water just runs out everywhere.” Rampersad said the corporation had to take pumps to people’s properties to get the water out. “One person’s cesspit flooded out and we will be cleaning this free of charge.“Today (Friday), we will begin hosing down properties to get Marlon Phillips sweeps out water from his home at Savary Road, Las Lomas, following rid of the mud and debris left by the flood,” overnight rains which caused flooding in the area. PHOTO: MARCUS GONZALES he added.(Trinidad Guardian)



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Rowley sets record straight

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley yesterday knocked secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Sat Maharaj for describing former prime minister Patrick Manning as a “racist.” Speaking at the post-Cabinet media briefing, Rowley said while Maharaj’s statements were proof of the country’s democracy in action, he was “duty bound” to respond to his comments. “This is still a free country, people are free to express their views. I’m taking no issue with any person’s view. However, the headline in today’s Guardian is more than just an expression of view, it can have the effect of misrepresenting the country’s history and the facts of certain situations with respect to public administration, public policy, racial solidarity and the peace and stability of Trinidad and Tobago.” Rowley said citizens would have digested Maharaj’s statement as facts and he could not allow such a record to stand with no response to it since “it is possible that their behaviour would be influenced and not for the better.” The PM said Maharaj’s comments in trying to justify his claims were wrong and misleading and an attempt to rewrite the country’s history. “I respect Mr Maharaj’s attempt to defend what he thinks he is defending but I will defend the country’s record, especially when I was a part of that record.” In yesterday’s T&T Guardian, Maharaj claimed a series of discriminatory practices Manning had perpetuated against East Indians in T&T were racist, bias and discriminatory. In highlighting each of the cases Maharaj raised, Rowley gave an account of how they transpired on behalf of the then People’s National Movement-led government. Caroni 1975 Ltd closure Rowley insisted that its closure was not a racial act. Having served as agriculture minister from 1991 to 1995, Rowley contradicted Maharaj’s accusations that the shutting down of the sugar industry was done to increase hardships of the sugar workers, outlining that the creation of Caroni 1975 Ltd was done to rescue the sugar industry. “It had nothing to do with race… it happened that the Government of the day, which happened to be PNM, intervened and created that injection of life into the (sugar) industry.” He added that despite the injections of money into the sugar industry, amounting to over $2 billion, it was necessary to phase out sugar production. Islands such as St Kitts and Nevis and Barbados, Rowley said, also closed most of their sugar industries as well. “For somebody to get up today and say that the closing of Caroni 1975 Ltd was a racial act to suffer Indian people, is close to sedition, made to create racial discord and disturb the peaceful fabric of Trinidad and Tobago. That allegation cannot be supported by the facts of the day.” Sat Sharma On Maharaj’s claims regarding former Chief Justice Sat Sharma’s attempted arrest, Rowley said the removal of a Chief Justice requires the office of the Prime Minister, stating that the order for the arrest did not come from Manning but from the then Director of Public Prosecutions Geoffrey Henderson, who indicated that Sharma’s actions merited his removal. Sharma was accused of attempting to persuade the DPP to drop a murder charge against vascular surgeon Dr Vijay Naraynsingh in 2004. Occah Seapaul Rowley also defended Manning’s decision to place former House Speaker Occah Seapaul under house arrest. He said Seapaul suspended former parliamentarian Ken Valley and indicated that she had intended to suspend two other parliamentarians—Wendell Mottley and Keith Sobion—in what she said was a bid to reduce the Government majority. “We took action as a Government to protect ourselves in the Parliament from a Speaker who had gone rogue.” Feroza Ramjohn Referring to Feroza Ramjohn, a public servant who instituted legal action in seeking justice for the lack of promotional opportunities, Rowley said there was an inquiry regarding corruption involving T&T passports, in which Ramjohn was implicated, which led to Manning’s withdrawal of her appointment to a position with the London mission. Ramjohn took the matter to court and the Court of Appeal ruled in her favour, calling the issue of the passports “purely circumstantial.” Radio and TV licences On the radio and television licences requested by Maharaj, who claimed that his application was refused due to racial discrimination, Rowley said Maharaj’s application was found to have been incomplete and even after a request was made for him to complete his application and re-submit, Maharaj declined, preferring instead to take legal action. Divine Echoes The band Divine Echoes, Rowley said, was merely a band for the purposes of creating music and was not made to increase racism in T&T. Public Service discrimination Rowley also commented on a study done by Dr Selwyn Ryan and Dr John La Guerre, which showed that few Indo-Trinidadians were promoted to senior posts in the public service. “That is a false statement. Mr Kenneth Lalla was chairman of the Police Service Commission longer than anybody else, unless of course he was discriminated against, I don’t know what the basis of Occah Seapaul that particular statement is.”(Trinidad Guardian)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Jamaican Cops Charged In Schoolgirl Shooting PAGE 71

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The police officer who fired the shot that hit a schoolgirl in the head last month has been charged with wounding, while four other cops who were with him at the time have been accused of misconduct in public office. All of them, Corporal Kirk Haye, Corporal Shawn Abrahams, Constable Warren Ramsay, Constable Damion Gillespie, and Constable Archibald Wright, were released on bail when they appeared in court. But they won’t be able to step foot out of Jamaica while the charges hang over their heads. The Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) yesterday charged the five officers who are all attached to the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Mobile Reserve Division. Haye was charged with wounding with intent and failure to furnish INDECOM with statements. The other four are also accused of failing to furnish the Commission with statements as well as failing to answer questions at an interview. Haye has been released on J$1 million (US$7,902) bail, while Abrahams, Gillespie, Ramsay and Wright were all granted bail in the amount of J$500,000 (US$3,951). The officers had to surrender their travel documents and stop orders will be placed on them at all ports of entry and exit. They are also to report to the nearest police stations to their homes three days a week. INDECOM launched an investigation into the shooting, following the incident which occurred on June 30 at approximately 7:15 a.m. Reports indicated that a man who was transporting students of Convent of Mercy Academy and St. Georges College in an illegal taxi was stopped by police and the lawmen opened fire. One of the students was hit in the head. The girl had to undergo emergency surgery at the Kingston Public Hospital and is said to be recovering after being released from the Intensive Care Unit.(Caribbean360)

312 suspected cases of Zika, Chik-V and d e n g u e i n S t A n n ST ANN, Jamaica — The St Ann Health Department has reported that there are a combined 312 suspected cases of Zika, Chikunguya and Dengue in the parish. According to medical officer for the parish Dr Deborah Weir, there were 107 suspected cases of the Zika virus, 82 suspected cases of Chik-V and 123 suspected cases of Dengue Fever in the parish last month. Dr Weir who was addressing the St Ann Parish Council on Thursday said the information was gathered from health centres, private doctors and hospitals where people would have gone for treatment. Dr Weir pointed out that while Zika was the main concern, there was an increase in the cases of Dengue fever when testing was done. She is now calling on citizens to play their part to get rid of mosquito breeding sites. “Fogging alone is not the be-all and end-all,” she said. Dr Weir added that St Ann now has 60 temporary vector control workers who were selected by the four members of Parliament in the parish. Fifteen people came from each constituency and they are being trained to help in the fight against the mosquito-borne diseases, she said. In the meantime, several councillors raised concern that the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) was not operating effectively. Councillor for the Bensonton Division, Lydia Richards, said receptacles in sections of her division have been filled with garbage for more than a year and no collection has been made. “Solid Waste is not doing what they are supposed to be doing,” she said. Councillor for the Claremont division Lambert Weir said his division was also experiencing a challenge with the collection of garbage. Dr Weir admitted that the NSWMA was having a challenge with units. The Aedes Egypti mosquito, which causes the Chikungunya virus. Although Chikungunya does not cause death, like dengue fever, which is also spread by the Aedes Egypti mosquito, However, she said “the agency having a problem with units should not Chikungunya can cause infected persons to have joint pains for more than two years. leave the parish at risk.”(Jamaica Observer)



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Right thinking T&T knows truth “Right thinking people know the truth. The rest can’t be convinced.” That’s how Brian Manning, son of the late prime minister Patrick Manning, responded in a Facebook message to the T&T Guardian yesterday about Sat Maharaj’s claims his father was a “racist.” But steering clear of the controversial issue, Manning (Brian) stated he preferred not to say anything further on the matter. “I have no comment to make,” he wrote. Last Saturday at his father’s funeral service, Brian had described his father as his hero and friend. However, there were several citizens who yesterday came out vociferously in defence of the former PM. Senior Counsel Israel Khan, in weighing in on the issue, said Maharaj’s comments were totally out of place. “Manning could be described as pig-headed, obstinate and arrogant but he was not a racist. Having known him over the years, if Manning was a racist, what is Sat Maharaj?” he asked. In defending Manning, Khan said everything he did was to preserve his position as prime minister. “And if whatever he did coincided with some benefit to certain sections of society or the country he would have done it. Anything that was not in his political interest he would not have done,” he added. Khan said Manning was against granting a licence to Maharaj “because he did not want the Opposition to have an avenue of propagating their views and ideologies and so on and just undermining him because they were East Indians.” Khan cautioned Maharaj against making such unwarranted claims. “Sat should stop making a fool of himself. Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” Khan said T&T celebrated religious events year-round and Maharaj should not try to divide the country. Former Port-of-Spain mayor Louis Lee Sing accused Maharaj of trying to divide the country along racial lines. He said Maharaj was not part of the solution “but is the problem in this country.” In his claim against Manning, Maharaj had argued that while Lee Sing acquired with ease his radio licence under Manning’s administration, the Maha Sabha had to go to the Privy Council to get theirs. “Let me say to you that my licence might have been in there before Sat’s licence. I am happy that he chose to raise it at this time because I have no reason to remain silent any longer,” Lee Sing said, adding he submitted his application for a licence in 2000. Divisive tactics wicked Lee Sing said rather than use his influence among the Hindus and East Indian community to bring our fragile nation together, Maharaj instead chose to make utterances “as if there is no tomorrow.” “He is doing his utmost to keep the tribes apart. Well, if that is what Maharaj speaks, I have nothing but to refer to him with what is going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, India and Saudi Arabia. Maybe, it is in his genes to be divisive, vicious and wicked towards anything that does not look like him.” Lee Sing said at this time divisiveness was not what T&T needed. In defending Manning’s good name, Lee Sing said it took a dirty, vicious and a violent mind to put a scathing assault on Manning, who could not even defend himself. Krishna Ramkumar, a friend of Manning for 20 years, also insisted he was no racist. Speaking to the T&T Guardian by phone yesterday, Ramkumar said he felt hurt and betrayed by Maharaj’s comments. Ramkumar said he met Manning for the first time in 1996 while serving as the chairman of the National Commission for Self Help, a position he was appointed to by the then prime minister Basdeo Panday. “Manning was Opposition Leader at the time when I was appointed but yet still we became very close friends over the years, which continued up until his death,” Ramkumar said. Ramkumar said during his friendship with Manning they met almost every Friday over dinner, where they would discuss politics and family life. “Not one day did Manning show scorn towards the East Indian and Hindu community. Even at his wedding, Hazel’s best man was an East Indian man. Manning was absolutely no racist,” he said. (With reporting by Rhondor Dowlat)(Trinidad Guardian)

Krishna Ramkumar, left, his wife, Indra, and family at the State funeral for former PM Patrick Manning last Saturday.



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Maduro again extends Venezuela's state of emergency CARACAS, Venezuela (AFP) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has extended the country's state of "economic emergency" for another 60 days, an official newspaper reported, a sign of declining conditions in the crisis-hit country. The state of emergency, in place since January, was necessary due to "extraordinary... social, economic, political, natural and ecological" pressures, according to the presidential decree, signed by Maduro on Tuesday and released Wednesday. The declaration allows the government to seize assets of private companies to obtain essential food and goods. It was the third time the state of economic emergency has been extended. In May, Maduro declared a general state of emergency, broadening the scope of the economic emergency degree and allowing security units to tackle food and energy shortages and public unrest. Maduro is trying to cling to power and avert the total collapse of his oil-dependent country. This week, he greatly boosted the authority of his defense minister, making him responsible for distributing food, medicine and basic goods. The armed forces have also taken control of Venezuela's five main seaports. Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States, said Wednesday that Maduro's decision to turn key government functions over to the military is "not normal." An estimated 80 per cent of food items, medicines and other basics are in short supply in Venezuela. Inflation hit 180 per cent last year and the IMF has forecast it at 720 per cent this year. Critics say the problem stems from the leftist government's model of tight grips on the economy and currency controls in place since 2003. Maduro says he is being targeted by US interests and local business elites bent on stoking grassroots anger and removing him from power. The Venezuelan opposition launched efforts to remove the president after winning control of the legislature in January. But Maduro has challenged his rivals through the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Supreme Court, which they accuse him of controlling.(Jamaica Observer)



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Brexit: PM is 'willing to listen to options' on Scotland Prime Minister Theresa May has told First Minister Nicola Sturgeon she is "willing to listen to options" on Scotland's future relationship with the European Union. But after talks in Edinburgh, Mrs May appeared unwilling to consider a second referendum on Scottish independence. She said people in Scotland sent a "very clear message" in 2014. Ms Sturgeon said blocking a referendum, if it was wanted by the Scottish people, would be "completely wrong". The first minister believes Scottish interests have been put "at risk" by the result of the EU referendum. She has said she wants to explore all options including independence - to maintain Scotland's relationship with the EU. Speaking after the "positive" meeting, the prime minister said: "I'm willing to listen to options and I've been very clear with the first minister today that I want the Scottish government to be fully engaged in our discussion. "I have already said that I won't be triggering Article 50 until I think that we have a UK approach and objectives for negotiations - I think it is important that we establish that before we trigger Article 50." Asked about the possibility of a second referendum on Scottish independence, Mrs May said: "As far as I'm concerned, the Scottish people had their vote - they voted in 2014 - and a very clear message came through. "Both the United Kingdom and the Scottish governments said they would abide by that," she added. "We now have the challenge though as the United Kingdom, to ensure that we can get the best possible deal for the whole of the United Kingdom from the EU negotiations when the UK leaves the EU. “I'm very clear that the government I lead will be for all parts of the United Kingdom and for all people." Ms Sturgeon said: "I was very pleased that Theresa May said that she was absolutely willing to consider any options that the Scottish government now bring forward to secure Scotland's relationship with the European Union, that the process that now takes shape by the UK government will be open and flexible, and that the Scottish government will be fully involved in that. "I have been very clear that we have to make sure that Scotland's interests are protected and I want to examine every option of doing that." 'Working together' The first minister said: "It would be inconceivable for any prime minister to seek to stand in the way of a referendum if that is what the Scottish Parliament voted for, and we have heard from other Conservative politicians in the past few weeks that that would be the wrong thing to do as well. "So I work on the basis that trying to block a referendum, if there's a clear sense that that's what people in Scotland want, would be completely the wrong thing to do." Ms Sturgeon added that she and Mrs May were from "very different places on the political spectrum". But she added: "She's a woman who has a fairly businesslike way of doing things, which I have too. So I think we can find a way of working together, notwithstanding those disagreements." Speaking earlier on

BBC Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme, Scottish Secretary David Mundell described the idea of Scotland remaining within the UK at the same time as remaining in the EU as "fanciful". He told the programme: "I certainly don't think it's possible for Scotland to remain within the EU and the rest of the UK to be outwith the EU. I think that is fanciful." Mr Mundell said he believed both Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May would have a "constructive" relationship and their collective aim would be to get the best deal for Scotland and the UK in the EU negotiations. However, he warned: "Of course it's not going to be doable on a basis that satisfies Nicola Sturgeon's ultimate aim of making Scotland an independent country. "Theresa May doesn't agree with Scotland being an independent country, I don't agree and two million people in Scotland who voted in our own referendum don't agree with that. "So we're not going to be in agreement with that and we're not going to be in agreement with the idea that there should be another independence referendum." 'Political will' Also speaking on the programme, the SNP MP Stephen Gethins, who is the party's spokesman on Europe, said he would like to see an acknowledgement from Westminster that Scotland voted differently from the UK referendum result. He said: "We can find innovative political solutions to this if only the Westminster government are willing to listen." He added: "You can find a solution whereby Scotland remains in the European Union within the United Kingdom, there are ways you can do that. "Independence is also an option, but that's only one of a number of options that are being considered. "But if you look at the way the European Union and the United Kingdom have found solutions over the past 40 years, I'd been very surprised if the political will is there, that they can't find a solution to this particular impasse at the moment."(BBC)

Prime Minister Theresa May and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Hardik Patel: India Patel caste leader freed on bail Firebrand young Indian caste leader Hardik Patel, who was arrested and charged with sedition, has been freed after nearly nine months in jail. Patel, 22, left the prison in Surat city on Friday morning. He led huge caste protests in 2015, demanding quotas in government jobs for the Patel community. He was arrested after footage appeared to show him telling supporters to "kill policemen rather than commit suicide". He said the video was doctored. The Gujarat High Court bailed him last week in two sedition cases filed by the police in Ahmedabad and Surat cities. Under the terms of the bail, Patel has to remain outside of Gujarat for six months. Hardik Patel - face of Gujarat caste protests Relatively unknown outside Gujarat, Patel came into prominence last year when he led the protests, demanding quotas for Patels, despite their relative prosperity. Patel was arrested last October after police in Gujarat's largest city Ahmedabad accused him of inciting his supporters to resort to violence after the Patel community's massive rally in the city in August. Eight people were killed in the protests and the army was deployed to maintain peace. He was later charged with sedition after video footage emerged showing him talking to a local youth, Vipul Desai, who had announced that he would kill himself in support of the protests. "If you have so much courage... then go and kill a couple of policemen. Patels never commit suicide," The Times of India quoted Mr Patel as saying in the video. Patel said he had been "misinterpreted" and that the recording was "doctored", but the Gujarat police said it was genuine and filed a case against him. Patels, who comprise some 20% of Gujarat's population, control India's thriving diamond cutting and polishing industry and are among the most prosperous businessmen and farmers in Gujarat. But they complain that they are denied college places because of affirmative action to ensure those below them in India's complex social structure have access. And they say they have been affected by a slowdown in small and medium industries in Gujarat which has led to a drying up of employment opportunities. Patels are now demanding affirmative action and classification as Other Backward Classes (OBCs) so that they are entitled to quotas in state-run education centres and in government jobs. OBC refers to the castes - in the middle of the Hindu caste hierarchy - who do not face so much Hardik Patel came into prominence last year when he led huge protests exclusion or isolation in society but have been traditionally demanding quotas in government jobs for his community(AFP) socially and economically disadvantaged.(BBC)



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

India 'gold man' battered to death An Indian man who bought one of the world's most expensive shirts made entirely of gold has been allegedly battered to death, police said. Datta Phuge shot into the global limelight in 2013 when he bought a shirt made with more than 3kg of gold and worth $250,000 (£186,943). A money lender based in western Pune, Mr Phuge was called "the gold man". Four persons have been detained for questioning. Police suspect a dispute over money have led to the murder. The police said some 12 people attacked Mr Phuge, 48, in Pune on Thursday night. One of the suspects had invited Mr Phuge and his 22-year-old son to celebrate a birthday at an open ground in Dighi area when the men attacked him with stones and a sharp weapon. Police said the son had witnessed his father being murdered and had been spared by the alleged killers. "However, we are investigating how Mr Phuge reached the open ground where he was murdered," Dighi police station inspector Navnath Ghogare told the Press Trust of India news agency. Mr Phuge often wore gold all over his body: his knuckles, neck, and wrists were weighed down by signet rings, chunky bracelets, and a medallion. "Some people ask me why I'm wearing so much gold but it was my dream. People have different aspirations. Some elite people want to own an Audi or Mercedes, and have big cars. I chose gold," he told the BBC in 2013.(BBC)

Mr Phuge often wore gold all over his body(AFP)

Prince Harry gets tested for HIV to raise awareness A simple jab of the finger is all it takes for a prince of England to according to the World Health Organization, and 17 million bring attention to the fight against HIV. On Thursday, Prince people were on antiretroviral therapy.(CNN) Harry headed to a London clinic to get tested for HIV live on Facebook to show people how simple it is to take the test. Kensington Palace posted a link to the video on its Twitter feed along with a photo. The whole process -- taking the test and learning the results -- took less than four minutes. "It's amazing how quick it is," said Harry, who tested negative for HIV. After getting the results, the prince encouraged people to get tested, even those who don't think they have been exposed, in an effort to normalize the process. "It's better that everyone goes and gets tested. Why wouldn't you? Whether you're a man, woman, gay, straight, black, white, whatever, even ginger, why wouldn't you come and have a test?" he said. Kensington Palace tweeted Harry took the test live because he "believes his generation needs to take leadership in the fight against HIV, or risk losing the gains of those who've come before." The palace tweeted he will also meet with a number of advocates Thursday. He is scheduled to head to Durban, South Africa, next week for the 21st International AIDS Conference. The Prince Harry gets tested Thursday for HIV conference runs Monday through July 22. About 36.7 million by Robert Palmer at a London clinic. people were living with HIV worldwide at the end of 2015,



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Guyanese Woman Killed By Neighbour in Maryland CARACAS, Venezuela (AFP) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has extended the country's state of "economic emergency" for another 60 days, an official newspaper reported, a sign of declining conditions in the crisis-hit country. The state of emergency, in place since January, was necessary due to "extraordinary... social, economic, political, natural and ecological" pressures, according to the presidential decree, signed by Maduro on Tuesday and released Wednesday. The declaration allows the government to seize assets of private companies to obtain essential food and goods. It was the third time the state of economic emergency has been extended. In May, Maduro declared a general state of emergency, broadening the scope of the economic emergency degree and allowing security units to tackle food and energy shortages and public unrest. Maduro is trying to cling to power and avert the total collapse of his oil-dependent country. This week, he greatly boosted the authority of his defense minister, making him responsible for distributing food, medicine and basic goods. The armed forces have also taken control of Venezuela's five main seaports. Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States, said Wednesday that Maduro's decision to turn key government functions over to the military is "not normal." An estimated 80 per cent of food items, medicines and other basics are in short supply in Venezuela. Inflation hit 180 per cent last year and the IMF has forecast it at 720 per cent this year. Critics say the problem stems from the leftist government's model of tight grips on the economy and currency controls in place since 2003. Maduro says he is being targeted by US interests and local business elites bent on stoking grassroots anger and removing him from power. The Venezuelan opposition launched efforts to remove the president after winning control of the legislature in January. But Maduro has challenged his rivals through the Supreme Court, which they accuse him of controlling.(Jamaica Observer) 62-YEAR-OLD LENISE FREDERICKS (LEFT) WAS KILLED IN HER HOME, ALLEGEDLY BY 61-YEAR-OLD ROBERT JAMES CROSBY (RIGHT).

US Records First Zika-Related Death as Virus Spreads UTAH, United States, Thursday July 14, 2016 – A Utah woman in the area. “The exotic mosquito species [Aedes aegypti and infected with the Zika virus has died, and while the exact cause is unclear, authorities said that it marks the first death related to the virus in the continental United States. The elderly Salt Lake County resident contracted the virus while traveling abroad to an area with a Zika outbreak, health officials said. According to the Salt Lake County Health Department, the patient also suffered from another health condition. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesman Benjamin Haynes said that the patient had Zika symptoms — including rash, fever and conjunctivitis — but it was unclear if or how the virus contributed to her death. The case was discovered by officials reviewing death certificates, and lab tests confirmed their suspicions, said Gary Edwards, executive director of the Salt Lake County Health Department. Due to health privacy laws, officials would not release further details about the individual or the individual’s travel history. The woman is said to have died late last month. The Salt Lake County Health Department said in a statement that there is no threat of Zika virus infection THE MOSQUITO-BORNE ILLNESS IS SPREADING.

Aedes albopictus] capable of transmitting Zika virus are not found along the Wasatch Front,” said Dr Ari Faraji, manager of the Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District. “In fact, so far this season, we have not detected those two species anywhere in Utah.” Even in areas of the continental US where mosquitoes capable of carrying Zika are found, health officials have so far not identified any Zika infections transmitted by local mosquitoes. While more than 1,100 Zika illnesses have been reported in the 50 states and the District of Columbia – including six in Salt Lake County – almost all were people who had travelled to Zika impacted countries and caught the virus there. The remaining 14 people had not travelled to countries with Zika outbreaks, but had sex with someone who had. The CDC has also been tracking pregnant women infected with Zika, and says they have five reports of pregnancy losses because of miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion. In late February, a 70-yearold man from the San Juan metro area in the US island territory of Puerto Rico died as a result of the virus. Officials said he recovered from initial Zika symptoms, but then developed a condition in which antibodies that formed in reaction to the Zika infection started attacking blood platelet cells. He died after suffering internal bleeding.(Caribbean360)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Nice attack: 50 people 'between life and death', says Hollande PAGE 78

Fifty people injured in the Bastille Day attack in Nice are in a critical condition "between life and death", President Francois Hollande has said. At least 84 people died, including more than 10 children, after a lorry crushed them along 2km (1.2 miles) of the Promenade des Anglais on Thursday. The driver, named by sources as FrenchTunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31, was shot dead by police. Guns and a grenade found inside the lorry were reported to be fakes. President Hollande, who is in Nice, said the attack was of "an undeniable terrorist nature". He said the battle against terrorism would be long as France faced an enemy "that will continue to attack those people and those countries that count liberty as an essential value". Mr Hollande said the attack was carried out "to satisfy the cruelty of an individual or possibly a group" and that many of the victims were foreigners and young children. "We will overcome the suffering because we are a united France," he said. A state of emergency, in place since November's Paris attacks carried out by militants from the so-called Islamic State group, in which 130 people died, has been extended by three months. Warning: This story contains images some people may find distressing The attack in Nice began shortly after the end of a firework display on the seafront. What witnesses saw Simon Coates, a solicitor from Leeds told the BBC: "I saw one woman lying on the ground talking to her dead child, as other people desperately did what they could to save their loved ones. "As the lorry passed by me a young boy of 10 or so just managed to leap to one side and escape by inches. Tragically dozens of those on foot, young and old alike, were not so lucky. Virtually everyone I saw on the promenade was either dead or beyond real help with truly terrible injuries." Nader el-Shafei told the BBC he saw the driver face-to-face for about a minute: "He was very nervous… looking for something around him, I kept yelling at him and waving my hands to stop... he picked up his gun and started to shoot police." Afterwards he said he ran towards the beach with others, fearing the driver, who was then shot by police, would detonate the lorry. Who were the victims? Some 30,000 people were on the Promenade des Anglais at the time of the attack, officials said. Tourists and residents of Nice were among those who died. They included two American citizens - a father and his 11year-old son - a Ukrainian, a Russian and a Swiss woman. The son of Fatima Charrihi said she was the first to die. He said she "practised Islam in the proper way. A real Islam, not the terrorists' version". Fondation Lenval, the children's hospital in Nice, says it has treated some 50 children and adolescents, including two who died during or after surgery. The president announced only on Tuesday that France planned to end its state of emergency soon. It will now be extended for another three months. That means police and soldiers on the streets, guarding key buildings. It means scanners and metal arches at some shops and regular bag searches. Gendarme reserves have been called up in support. There are already tighter checks at France's borders. Security services have denied they relaxed after the Euro 2016 football tournament and there has been praise for the relentless job they have done in recent months and for the speed of their reaction last night in Nice. Intelligence gathering has improved but predicting and preventing every attack is impossible. Some are questioning whether even a state of emergency is an effective level of response. The French are being warned they are going to have to live with terrorism. That means some big questions about the nature of "liberte" - one of the founding principles of this nation that people celebrated on Bastille

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

Day. No group has so far said it was behind the attack. The identity papers of the 31-year-old French-Tunisian were found in the lorry, which was reportedly rented out two days earlier in the suburb of Saint-Laurent-du-Var. Tunisian security sources said Bouhlel was married with three children and came from the Tunisian town of Msaken. He visited Tunisia frequently, the last time eight months ago. He lived on the Route de Turin in Nice and had been in trouble with police in the past for petty crime, but he was not on the watch list of radicalised young men. Residents of his apartment building said he was a loner who did not respond when they said hello. Mr Hollande praised security forces and medical personnel and thanked the international community for its solidarity. He has visited the injured and said some would carry the trauma of what they had seen during the attack through their lives French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has declared three days of national mourning, starting from Saturday US President Barack Obama condemned "in the strongest terms" what he said appeared to be "a horrific terrorist attack in Nice" UK Prime Minister Theresa May said she was "shocked and saddened by the horrifying attack in Nice" Nice's jazz festival has been cancelled and Marseille has announced it is cancelling a fireworks show planned for Friday evening The hashtag #PrayForNice is trending worldwide and in France #NousSommesUnis (we are united) is also trending June 2016 - man claiming allegiance to so-called Islamic State kills two police officials in Magnanville, near Paris November 2015 - multiple attacks on Paris by seven gunmen and suicide bombers kill 130 people and injure more than 350 in the deadliest terror attack in French history June 2015 - man with suspected links to Islamist radicals decapitates his boss after ramming his car into an area containing flammable liquids at factory in Lyon January 2015 - three days of attacks by gunmen in Paris leave 17 people dead, starting with an attack on the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and ending in two sieges March 2012 - a gunman kills seven in Toulouse and Montauban, including a teacher and three children at a Jewish school(BBC)

President Francois Hollande



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

US election: Anti-Trump rebellion quashed in vote The movement to stop Donald Trump from gaining the Republican presidential nomination prior to the party's convention has been crushed by a vote. The party's rules committee rejected a proposal that would have allowed delegates to back the candidate of their choice. The panel approved a rule that would "bound" delegates to candidates decided by state primaries and caucuses. Trump supporters say the movement to stop the candidate is now finished. The Republican National Convention will take place in Cleveland, Ohio next week and Mr Trump, a billionaire businessman with no prior political experience, is expected to be officially nominated. The New Yorker stunned all predictions by winning the primary contests. But he has been criticised by many in his own party for his strident tone and extreme positions on immigration and national security. Analysis - Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington In the end a handful of angry delegates at the Republican National Convention rules committee meeting couldn't undo the will of more than 14 million Republican voters who chose Donald Trump as their party nominee. The last gasp of the #NeverTrump movement came following a truncated A last-gasp effort to have delegates vote against Trump debate and a voice vote against allowing Republican delegates to "follow their has failed(GETTY IMAGE) conscience". There were objections, of course, but the gavel cut them short. Donald Trump may have run a chaotic, occasionally haphazard national presidential campaign over the past month, but his convention team, headed by Paul Manafort, was ruthlessly efficient on Thursday night. It helped that they had the Republican leadership, including chair Reince Priebus, on their side. While many in the higher echelons of the party may not be thrilled to have the brash New Yorker as their standard-bearer, they've clearly made the calculus that the damage from a fractured, fractious convention would be greater than whatever might happen with Mr Trump leading the way for the next four months. We'll see if they're right. This vote now appears to dispel any notion of stopping Mr Trump from being the nominee. "It was never real, it was always overblown," said Ron Kaufman, a delegate from Massachusetts. "They were never there." The delegate from Colorado who wrote the proposal, Kendal Unruh, vowed to get the 28 signatures needed to allow for a "floor fight" or a vote to allow delegates to back another candidate. The prospect of that is unlikely, and she would need 2,472 delegates to defeat Mr Trump. "It's just the start," Ms Unruh said after the vote. "There's no shock here, this was expected." Many Republican delegates pushed back against Ms Unruh's efforts, saying the efforts would be ignoring the millions of people who voted for Mr Trump across the country. The panel voted to create a Mr Trump is expected to become the formal nominee at the commission that could propose changes to the party's nomination Republican convention(GETTY IMAGE) process, which Mr Trump has called "rigged".(BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Guyana Stock Market


FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

GASCI Summary of Financials

Session 677 July 11, 2016 S to c k

Last T ra d e P ric e G $


P /E R a tio

D iv id e n d s p a id in la s t 1 2 m o n th s G$

D iv id e n d Y ie ld

N o te s


3 0 .0 9 .5 1 4 4 .0

4 .3 9 0 .9 6 1 4 .9 3 4 6 .3 8 3 .3 6 2 .0 6 7 1 .1 5 ( 1 ,3 0 0 .8 8 ) 4 7 .8 2 3 .7 0 2 6 .6 7 7 .8 1 ( 0 .0 9 ) 1 0 .0 6 ( 1 5 .8 8 ) 1 1 .3 7

6 .8 9 .9 9 .6

1 .3 7 0 .2 0 2 .4 0

4 .6 % 2 .1 % 1 .7 %

1 1 .3 1 1 .7 1 4 .3

1 .0 0 0 .6 2 7 1 .0 5 0 .0 0 1 7 .0 0 0 .0 0 7 .5 0 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 4 .1 1 0 .0 0 6 .0 0

2 .6 % 2 .6 % 7 .0 %

1 1 1 1 -

3 8 .0 2 4 .0 1 0 1 4 .9 4 7 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 0 .0 5 .0 1 1 0 .0 5 0 0 .0 1 6 0 .0

9 .8 5 .4 2 .6 N /A 1 0 .9 N /A 1 4 .1

3 .6 % 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 0 .0 % 3 .7 % 0 .0 % 3 .8 %


P/E Ratio: Price/Earnings

1 - Interim Results

Ratio = Last Trade Price/EPS

2 – Prospective Dividends

Dividend yield = Dividends paid in the last 12 months/last trade price.

3 - Shows year-end EPS but Interim Dividend 4 - Shows Interim EPS but year-end Dividend

The market information provided here is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is provided on a time-delayed basis. GASCI does not EPS: earnings per share for 12 months period to the guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any date the latest financials have been prepared. These information contained on this page. Although the include: information has been obtained by GASCI from 2005 - Final results for GTI. sources believed to be reliable, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. GASCI 2012 - Final results for PHI. assumes no responsibility for the consequences of any 2013 - Final results for CJL. errors or omissions. GASCI does not make or has not made any recommendation regarding any of the 2015 - Final results for CCI, DDL, DTC, BTI, GSI, securities issued by any of the companies identified HCL, JPS, RDL and SPL. here nor the advisability of investing in securities 2016 - Interim results for DIH, CBI, DBL and RBL. generally for any particular individual. As such, some of these EPS calculations are based on un-audited figures.



FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016

GASCI (www.gasci.com/telephone Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 677's trading results showed consideration of $570,000 from 15,000 shares traded in 1 transaction as compared to session 676's trading results, which showed consideration of $562,041 from 11,935 shares traded in 9 transactions. The only stock active this week was DBL. Demerara Bank Limited's (DBL) single trade of 15,000 shares at $38.0 represented 100.00% of the total shares traded. DBL's shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $38.0, which showed an increase of $2.0 from its previous close of $36.0. DBL's trade contributed 100.00% ($570,000) of the total consideration. Best bid: The highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a security. Best offer: The lowest price at which a seller is offering to sell securities.

TERM OF THE WEEK Credit Exposure: The amount that can potentially be lost if a debtor defaults on their obligations. Source: Dictionary of Financial and Securities Terms.

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Please see next page for News Friday-July 15, 2016




Lindeners complain bitterly! Gov’t promises to fix issues More than 400 persons on Friday showed up at solved.“We will have to make some serious development and infrastructure in his the McKenzie Sports Club Ground in Linden, Upper Demerara-Berbice (Region 10) to attend the ‘Meet the Public’ forum, organised by the Ministry of the Presidency and hosted in collaboration with the Government Ministries and other state agencies. At the event, which saw residents raise concerns mainly in the areas of housing, land titling and sport, residents expressed their gratitude to the government for meeting with them to assist in solving these matters. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon expressed that he was very pleased with the turnout, and is eager to address the matters that are concerning the people. “We recognise that it is not always easy for citizens to get from their homes to a government office in Georgetown, and in the regions themselves there is a lack of capacity so when we bring people out like this they get to sit with the citizens of this country,” he said. The Minister added that this is part of fulfilling President Granger’s vision of giving the good life to all Guyanese. “That’s why they wanted us in government, because they want a government that is caring, that understands that there are problems, which they face and that they are bold enough to take the decisions to bring relief to them… We are bringing the good life in installments; small steps along the way, to make people understand that this country is about everyone,” he said. Of the issues that were raised at the day’s event, Minister Harmon said that issues of land and land titling undoubtedly dominated concerns.“Many persons are affected by changeover of administration from [the Guyana Mining Enterprise Limited] to [the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited] Many of them are at a point where NICIL is giving them approval to own the land that they are on but they cannot get the title,” he said. The Minister said that serious attention will be given to this issue by engaging with the management of NICIL and the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC) to have this matter

Participants at yesterday's Ministrerial Outreach

decisions in relation to that so that we can bring relief to the people in this region and we will have to make a very special effort to bring that to conclusion,” he said. In the area of housing, the actual acquisition of land, a matter that APNU/AFC Parliament Representative for Region 10, Mr. Jermaine Figueira explained is also being addressed. “When [Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Mrs. Valerie Sharpe-Patterson] took up office, she saw that Linden only had about 35 house lots earmarked for distribution in this big community. So what she did was employ different agencies to assess the situation,” he said.He explained that the assessment revealed that there was adequate which can accommodate over 2,000 house lots in Amelia’s Ward. He added, however, that the government is looking for another area where people can have access to more house lots rather than having one area overcrowded. This initiative will also ease the backlog of land applications that would have developed over the years, Mr. Figueira said. Residents also raised concerns over the condition of the McKenzie Sports Club and that of the field. Mayor of Linden, Mr. Carwyn Holland said that the condition of the complex is a major concern of his as well and he is hoping that efforts could be made to have the condition addressed. “As a youngster I played lots of sports here. It also used to be available to the public but it is no l o n g e r t h e p e o p l e ’s p l a c e . We w a n t development in this area. People are not allowed to have membership of this institution and this place represents youth development as far as I'm concerned. So all of those things need to be addressed,” Mayor Holland said. Meanwhile Director of Sport, Mr. Christopher Jones, said that the condition of the McKenzie Ground is a matter of importance and that plans are in motion to address some of the immediate infrastructural matters like the lights and other enhancement works. “Of course this would just be like a plaster of what the ground needs but we are working to address these matters,” Mr. Jones said. He added that to complete all the work needed on the ground would take about GY$20 million and that that he is looking to ensure that allocations for the ground are made in the 2017 budget. There were some isolated concerns involved issues related to pension, drainage and irrigation, tax related matters and other issues. Mr. Howell Hinds, who had migrated from Guyana, but has returned to invest money in youth

hometown of Linden, said that since he returned more than a year ago, he has been denied a certificate of compliance from the Guyana Revenue Authority.“I have exhausted all possibility to get this compliance so I am here to rectify this problem. I said to them even if there is an issue, let’s sort it out legally or through other channel but in the mean time I am saying let me get my compliance,” he said. Mr. Howell noted that whereas he was unable to make any leeway when he first returned to Guyana, the response received from the officials at this event was overwhelming. “I got an excellent response from them. They have appointed an officer to deal with that issue right away and I am hopeful they will live up to their word,” he said. Ms. Matred Wills, who said she was unable to get to Georgetown for quite some time, said that she was grateful that the government ministries came to Linden, stating that the town has been neglected for years. Her issue is that she applied for her National Insurance Scheme (NIS) pension for years now, but has been unable to access her pension until now. “I went into them and they told me to come to Georgetown personally and I said I can't do that. But the response here was very good.They checked my records and pay slips and such and promised me to deal with it. We have a lot of issues in Linden, and I wish the government ministers can come a bit more often so we can get to solve these problems,” she said. On the matter of Linden residents feeling neglected, Minister Harmon noted that there is some merit in those sentiments, adding that upon listening to the concerns of the people, it is clear to him that they have not been given quality of public service for many years. “This is why this government is going to take on board these problems that the people have, because this is what we were elected to do. We will touch on every part of this country to know that we are really working for them,” the Minister said. The Meet the Public Day Initiative is a Ministry of the Presidency initiative, which was launched in December last year, and which aims to ‘take the government to the people’ so that they can air their concerns and have key issues, which are affecting them in their communities, addressed. The Initiative has since been to several parts of the country and have included involvement by various ministries such as the Ministries of Communities, Social Protection, Education, Agriculture and Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs.By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




Vigilance fire leaves 3 homeless aware of the fire it was too late to save any of the GY$200,000 she had hidden along with other valuables. This fire makes it the third fire in 36 hours. By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

What's left of the home

What's left of the home A midday fire in Brush Dam, Vigilance, East Coast Demerara has left three persons homeless and the house completely destroyed. Residents are baffled as to what might have caused the blaze. A resident of the house, Adela Duncan told the Guyana Daily News that the house is divided into two apartments, one which she and her husband lives in and the other in which a single man resides. According to Duncan, she was cooking at the time when she heard a loud ‘bang' and proceeded to investigate. She inquired from her neighbour at which point she was made aware of the fire which seemed to have started from the other apartment. The woman said that by time she was made




Linden residents vent about electricity, unemployment Residents of the mining town of Linden are calling on the Government of Guyana to address the issue of electricity and unemployment in the region. This is as a result of Friday’s Ministerial Outreach in the mining town. The residents opined that with the availability of electricity in the area can flourish and this will attract people from outside the region to come and work in Linden. The irate residents also stated that because of the unavailability of electricity in the Region, there is less business and thus, unemployment is high. Member of Parliament for Region 10 Jermaine Figueira said the issue is a burning one and the rates should not be increased. He noted that residents should not be made to pay any increase at this point in time for electricity because they are suffering from a number of aliments as a result of Bauxite dust in the area. A proposal for an increase in electricity tariff in the mining town was made; however this did not materialize because of objections by residents and political operatives at the time. Residents of the Linden pay far less than the rest of the country for electricity. Residents of the mining town of Linden are calling on the Government of Guyana to address the issue of electricity and unemployment in the region. This is as a result of Friday’s Ministerial Outreach in the mining town. The residents opined that with the availability of electricity in the area can flourish and this will attract people from outside the region to come and work in Linden. The irate residents also stated that because of the unavailability of electricity in the Region, there is less business and thus, unemployment is high. Member of Parliament for Region 10 Jermaine Figueira said the issue is a burning one and the rates should not be increased. He noted that residents should not be made to pay any increase at this point in time for electricity because they are suffering from a number of aliments as a result of Bauxite dust in the area. A proposal for an increase in electricity tariff in the mining town was made; however this did not materialize because of objections by residents and political operatives at the time. Residents of the Linden pay far less than the rest of the country for electricity. Residents of the mining town of Linden are

calling on the Government of Guyana to address the issue of electricity and unemployment in the region. This is as a result of Friday’s Ministerial Outreach in the mining town. The residents opined that with the availability of electricity in the area can flourish and this will attract people from outside the region to come and work in Linden. The irate residents also stated that because of the unavailability of electricity in the Region, there is less business and thus, unemployment is high. Member of Parliament for Region 10 Jermaine Figueira said the issue is a burning one and the rates should not be increased. He noted that residents should not be made to pay any increase at this point in time for electricity because they are suffering from a number of aliments as a result of Bauxite dust in the area. A proposal for an increase in electricity tariff in the mining town was made; however this did not materialize because of objections by residents and political operatives at the time. Residents of the Linden pay far less than the rest of the country for electricity.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




$108 million Umana Yana opens

The original Umana Yana was a conical palm thatched hut (benab) erected for the Non-Aligned Foreign Ministers Conference in Georgetown,, Guyana in August 1972 as a V.I.P. Lounge and recreation centre. Situated on Main Street next to the Pegasus Hotel, it is was a much admired part of Georgetown's scenery, and is in constant use as an exhibition and conference centre. The structure is 55 feet (16.78 meters) high and is made from thatched allibanna and manicole palm leaves, and wallaba posts lashed together with mukru, turu and nibbi vines. No nails were used. It was erected by a team of about sixty Wai-Wai Amerindians, one of the nine indigenous tribes of Guyana. Fashioned like the Wai-Wai benabs or shelters which are found deep in Guyana's interior, it occupies an area of 460 square metres, making it the largest structure of its kind in GuyanaOn 26 August,1974, President Forbes Burnham unveiled the African Liberation Monument outside the benab "in memory of all of those who have struggled and continue to struggle for freedom from Human Bondage". The monument consists of five polished Greenheart logs encased in a jasper stand on a granite boulder."Umana Yana" is a Wai-Wai word meaning "Meeting place of the people". Renovated in 2010, on September 9, 2014 the Umana Yana was gutted by fire and destroyed. The Government at that time had promised to rebuild the structure and the national landmark was completed commissioned on July 14, with better ventilation and lighting, it has adequate fire prevention apparatus installed. In an exclusive interview with the Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Sydney Allicock, he noted that the landmark is in recognition of the Indigenous people of Guyana, he also noted that the Government has embarked on uniting the Coastland with the Hinterland whereby education could be shared. He also alluded to the fact that the indigenous people has a role to play in nation In this photo: Fourth Vice President and Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs building. The Minister is with other colleagues in government at the calling on the rest of the opening of the rebuilt Umana Yana world to come and see the pristine nature of Guyana. When asked what the Government is doing to preserve the indigenous languages, the Minister noted that his Ministry is engaging the Ministry of Education in this respect. He stated that efforts have been made to gather information and there are several dictionaries already completed and are in the process of being finalized. They are: Macushi, Wapisahna, Patamonas and the Arawak. He is also optimistic that the languages will form part of the school’s Curriculum. Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson told this newspaper that the structure was also rebuilt by the Wai Wai’s of Guyana with materials from the indigenous communities. He also noted that solar Panels will be installed at a later date.-By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




The Office of the Leader of the Opposition


he Office of the Leader of the Opposition calls on the diplomatic and donor communities to pay close attention to the public declarations made and actions taken by the Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr. Clive Thomas, an undisguised hostile opponent of the PPP, as well as the politically directed interference in the operations of the Serious Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) which are primarily focused on carrying out a "witch hunt" of members of the parliamentary opposition and the leaders of the PPP/C. The Office has noted that members of the diplomatic community have publicly committed to lending technical and financial assistance to SARU. However, the SARU's role as designed and its intent since the change of government is to target, pronounce and make wild unsubstantiated accusations against members of the parliamentary opposition and leaders of the PPP/C while proceeding to try these individuals publicly. The claim that new legislation is required in order to bring charges against persons who are accused of criminal offences with regards to state assets is false. Statutes already exist to bring such charges. However, the new legislation that is being touted appears to relate more to entrenching the SARU as an entity in law with powers overriding the Guyana Police Force, the Audit Office of Guyana and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.The parliamentary opposition is totally opposed to any such legislative instrument. Public statements by the Head of the SARU, Dr. Clive Thomas, are illustrative. He appears to be consumed with a personal vendetta against the PPP. In fact, his hostility is not exclusively his, the entire Unit is composed of leading APNUAFC political operatives, some of whom were APNU and AFC Members of the 10th Parliament. The public is reminded that the SARU is housed in, and operated from, and, financed through the budget of the Ministry of the Presidency. This Unit has been created with the objective of leading the “witch hunt” of the present parliamentary

opposition and leaders of the PPP. The SOCU, which was created to investigate money laundering and the financing of terrorism under the AMLCFT Act is now the operational arm that is being used to target these same individuals. This concern of the parliamentary opposition is further bolstered by recent public statements by Cabinet Ministers which are particularly ominous. During the debate of the estimates of the 2016 Budget in the National Assembly in February, 2016, the Minister of Public Security as a result of being grilled on the operations of SOCU, promised to make the protocols that guide its operations public in a matter of a few weeks. This promise has remained unfulfilled. Subsequently, Minister Trotman at a press conference a month ago in a response to a question stated that the protocols were not complete. Minister Harmon at a press conference on July 14, 2016 in response to a question stated that the SOCU operates within the laws of Guyana, thereby side-stepping the issue of the promised protocols. It is the same SOCU with army personnel which lead a high speed chase on the car transporting the wife of PPP C parliamentarian Charles Ramson, jnr, resulting in 3 persons being killed. The government has stated that there will be no investigation and no body or agency has accepted responsibility for what happened. It is this incident that led to the demand in the National Assembly by the parliamentary opposition for the protocols governing the operations of the SOCU. The fact that $40 M has been allocated in the 2016 Budget of the Ministry of the Presidency for a "top up" of the SOCU staff is highly suspect and facilitates an environment for overt political interference. Exacerbating our concerns is the recent public statement by Minister Jaipaul Sharma that the Cabinet would be deciding who was going to be charged as a result of the forensic audits carried out in various Ministries and state entities! Furthermore, the Office of the Leader of the Opposition is aware of the existence of a list containing the names of political leaders of the PPP/ C and non-

PPP/C individuals who are to be targeted by the SOCU. This list originated from no other than the Ministry of the Presidency. Contrast this manufactured “witch hunt” targeting the parliamentary opposition, with the promises made by the APNUAFC Coalition in the electoral campaign with regards to their own leaders. The public is reminded that the APNU AFC MPs have refused to make declarations to the Integrity Commission and voted down a motion in January 2016 by the parliamentary opposition for all MPs to make public their income tax declarations for the last 10 years. In fact, there are long serving MPs, now representing the government, who have consciously and willfully refused to comply with the Integrity Act since it came into force almost 20 years ago. The government’s silence with regard to the public call by the Leader of the Opposition to hire a specialized firm or ask Interpol to track the assets of all MPs and former Presidents is of particular interest in the context of these developments. Therefore, our concerns regarding these trends which are undermining the rule of law in Guyana are not emotive, but, based on the very actions and statements made by senior government Ministers and the SARU, coupled with actions of the SOCU. These reveal a stealthy intrusion of the executive into the independence of the prosecutorial and judicial arms of the state by the APNUAFC Coalition government. In this context, the Guyanese public, civil society bodies, the diplomatic and donor communities are being alerted to these worrying developments which are an indicator of creeping authoritarianism undermining democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Saturday, July 16, 2016 Office of the Leader of the Opposition Co-operative Republic of Guyana 304 Church Street, Queenstown Georgetown




PRESS STATEMENT The People's Progressive Party (PPP) condemns the attempted coup in Turkey. The PPP is opposed to the undemocratic and unconstitutional removal by force of a democratically elected government. The Erdogan administration is a freely and democratically elected government. The PPP salutes the hundreds of thousands of democratic and freedom loving people of Turkey who took to the streets to oppose and depose the coup makers and to force the military back into their barracks. Guyana and Turkey established diplomatic relations in May 1973. Under the PPP/C administration, representatives of the two countries signed a Bi-lateral Economic and Commercial Cooperation Agreement in December 2005. In 2009, former President Jagdeo and former Finance Minister attended a World Bank Meeting in Turkey. The PPP/C administration helped facilitate and welcomed a major Turkish investment in the Princess Hotel in Guyana. Tourism, disaster prevention and the promotion of trade and industry are high on the agenda of the two countries. In 2011, Turkey and Caricom signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Consultation and Cooperation. The First Caricom/Turkey Cooperation Forum was held in Turkey. The PPP supports the eorts of the democratic and anti-coup protestors to bring an end to the current political instability and a return to a state of normalcy in Turkey. July 16, 2016




PRESS RELEASE The People's Progressive Party (PPP) condemns the assassination of Lesbia Yaneth Urquia, leader of the Civic Council of Indigenous and Popular Organisations of Honduras (COPINH). Urquia was assassinated by unknown individuals in Department of La Paz, Honduras. The murder of the environmentalist activist occurred just four months after the assassination of Berta Caceres, the General Coordination of the same (COPINH), who was shot dead by gunmen on March 3, 2016 in Honduras. The PPP joins with other democratic and peace loving forces around the world in general, and in Latin America in particular, in condemning this dastardly act and demand that the Urquia killers be brought to justice speedily. July 16, 2016




PRESS STATEMENT The People's Progressive Party condemns the killing of eight-four (84) people in the French Riviera City of Nice, France. The Party abhors any act of terrorism perpetuated on citizens of any Nation of the world. Guyana has long been part of the worldwide struggle against international terrorism and terrorist related activities. Under the PPP/C administration several initiatives and joint actions at the National and international levels were pursued and implemented either through Caricom's Implementation Agency for Crime and Security(IMPACS) and the Joint Regional Communications Centre (JRCC) as well as the Regional Intelligence Fusion Centre (RIFC). Guyana's National Assembly recently passed the Anti-Terrorism and Terrorist Related Activities Bill. The legislation criminalizes terrorism and terrorist related activities and provides for the detection, prevention, prosecution, conviction and punishment of terrorism and terrorist related activities. The PPP repeats its call on the Granger administration to establish the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector to facilitate bipartisan oversight of the Security Sector in cases such as the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering, trafficking in firearms, persons and contraband and other security related activities. The government's reluctance to convene meetings of the Oversight Committee will jeopardize the safety, security and protection of the Guyanese people and flies in the face of the wild and premature electoral promises made by the APNU+AFC which remain dead in the water. July 16, 2016




Brazil to boost Olympics security after Nice attack BRASÍLIA, Brazil (AFP) – Brazil said Friday it will bolster security for next month's Olympics in Rio following the truck attack in the French city of Nice. Brazil's interim president Michel Temer held an emergency meeting with his intelligence chief and members of his cabinet late Friday to weigh the next steps after the Nice attack, which killed at least 84 people. As he left the meeting, intelligence chief Sergio Etchegoyen said new security measures would include extra checkpoints, barricades and traffic restrictions. Brazil had already planned to deploy 85,000 police and soldiers to provide security for the Olympics -- running August 5-21 -- double the number used in the 2012 London Games. - Heightened fears, heightened security - Etchegoyen said fears over security at the Rio Games had "gone up a notch" after the attack in Nice, where a Tunisian-born man drove a 19-tonne white truck into a huge crowd gathered to watch the annual Bastille Day fireworks display on Thursday, leaving a gruesome trail of bodies in his wake. "We're trading a little comfort for a lot more security," he told a press conference at the presidential offices. Brazilian intelligence officials met with French counterparts for a briefing on the Nice attack, he said. Defense Minister Raul Jungmann expressed "worries" over the Nice attack. "This worry will translate to more checkpoints, security, staff and procedures being put in place," he told reporters at an air force base near the Rio international airport. Jungmann said Brazil is corresponding with all 106 countries sending representatives to the event's international intelligence center. "As of now, none of these countries have informed us of a potential or concrete threat of a terrorist attack in Brazil," Jungmann said. Brazil is already on alert after the French military intelligence chief said France had been informed of a planned terror attack on its team at the Rio Olympics. In June, Brazil's intelligence service said it had detected Portuguese-language messages linked to the Islamic State group on an online forum. An even more explicit warning came after bloody attacks in Paris in November, when a French jihadist tweeted that Brazil was the "next

target." Jungmann said officials will supervise the Olympic delegations based on the security threat they face, with countries including the United States and France labeled as high-risk. "The dozen or so countries in that group will have special accompaniment," Jungmann said. - Simulation exercises - Security services staged simulation exercises in Rio to test counterterrorism response plans. Another exercise on "confronting external threats" is planned for Saturday at the railway station in Deodoro, one of four Olympic zones in Rio along with Maracana, Copacabana and Barra da Tijuca. Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes and Olympic organizing committee president Carlos Nuzman met with federal and regional government officials to assess plans, notably discussing a potential increase in street blockades. (Jamaica Observer)




Antoine to visit landfill to view working conditions


ublic Utilities Minister Ancil Antoine is set to visit the Beetham landfill on Tuesday so he can get a first-hand look at the working conditions. Confirming he had accepted the invitation from the Industrial General and Sanitation Workers Union (IGSWU), Antoine said he had visited the landfill before, but that this visit would be based on the union’s recommended upgrades to the physical plant and premises. Admitting the visit was in response to last week’s action by protesting workers who downed tools to highlight the non-payment of arrears as well as the squalid working conditions, Antoine promised he would do what he could to ease the plight of the workers. Two offers have since been extended to the workers by the Government for the payment of outstanding arrears. IGSWU president, Robert Benacia, yesterday said he would meet with the workers on Monday to get their feedback, as a planned meeting on Friday was cancelled due to the inclement weather. Benacia described Friday’s meeting with officials of the Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) and the Solid Waste Management Co Ltd (SWMCOL) to discuss improvements at the Beetham Landfill as “positive.” Presenting a list of ten major concerns, Benacia said the most pressing were the lack of a pipe-borne water supply; non-functional toilets; animal infestation of the administrative building; and the mud/dust that occurs depending on the weather. Claiming that the landfill has been neglected by successive governments for the past 35 years, Benacia said “plaster fixes” could no longer suffice as “major repairs and maintenance were now needed to ensure the plant is brought up to its maximum operating capacity.” Asked about the potential cost, Benacia estimated it could run into the millions as the work included paving the driveway and yard; building new service bays; providing modern equipment and protective clothing; a new administrative building; and proper facilities for the workers and drivers. Benacia said, “If the Government is really serious about alleviating the hazardous working conditions for the workers and they want to do it right, a minimum of four or five million is needed to completely overhaul the Beetham landfill.” He said upgrade work also had to be carried out at the Gunapo and Forres Park landfills, and to a lesser extent in Tobago. Revealing that SWMCOL was asked to furnish OSHA with documents proving they had requested assistance to address these issues over the years, Benacia said OSHA officials had also promised to conduct a site visit but that no date had yet been set. Adding that it could cost the Government in excess of $100 million if they were to embrace modern waste management systems and turn the Beetham dump into a proper landfill, Benacia said they were heartened by the minister’s response as their calls had finally been heeded. Antoine unfazed Meanwhile, Antoine said he is not fazed by calls of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union’s Ancel Roget for him to be removed as minister. Responding to claims by Roget

during a picket protest by workers of the Electricity Commission (T&TEC) on Thursday that he was incompetent and supportive of corrupt practices at the state entity, Antoine said the question should be directed to head of the Government. Dismissing claims that he was “aiding” the system of corruption at any state-owned utility company Antoine declared, “As a representative of the people elected by them to serve them, I am looking after the public purse and I am insisting on value for money for the taxpayers. “It does not matter who the workers are, they must give value for money,” he went on, rubbishing claims by Roget that he preferred contract labourers over permanent workers. Pointing out that these were trying economic times globally, Antoine said given the downturn in the local market and his being called upon to approach Government for money to assist T&TEC, he was not overstepping boundaries by demanding that workers produce maximum output. Antoine said if Roget was aware of anyone at any state entity involved in corrupt practices, he should take that information to the police. Adding that he was in support of these persons being brought to justice, Antoine said he was aware of corruption at state entities and that since his tenure as minister, “all reports of corruption that have come to me have been passed to the Attorney General.” Pressed to elaborate on this, Antoine would only say, “A lot of reports have come to me in terms of corruption across all the utilities.” Organisations that fall under his portfolio include the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA); the T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC); the Industrial General and Sanitation Workers Union (IGSWU); the T&T Postal Workers Union (TTPWU); the Estate Police Association (EPA); the National Maintenance, Training and Security Company Ltd (MTS); and the Community-based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (Cepep). (Trinidad Guardian)

Contract workers employed at the waste water treatment plant, in San Fernando, screen vehicles entering the compound yesterday. PHOTO: RISHI RAGOONATH




A courageous fighter, warrior


pposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says it is very dangerous for Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to accuse one of T&T’s leaders Sat Maharaj of sedition. Maharaj has been under attack after he called the late Patrick Manning a racist a week after his funeral. Addressing supporters at the launch of United National Congress screening in Siparia yesterday, Persad-Bissesar said, “I think it is very dangerous for a PM to speak about sedition. “It is one of the few offences in this country that is punishable by jail without bail. One is murder, one is charge for piracy on the high seas and the other is sedition.” Persad-Bissessar also said people were entitled to freedom of speech. “In this country, constitutionally we are entitled to freedom of speech unless our freedom of speech breaches the law. Then we are free to speak and therefore the PM coming to attack Mr Sat Maharaj yesterday (Thursday) not on the reasoning he gave, not on the substance of his argument but in an attempt to create fear to talk about sedition,” she added. Calling Maharaj “a courageous fighter and a warrior,” Persad-Bissessar said, “Maharaj like any other person in this country is entitled to his opinion and he has like everyone else has freedom of speech.” “The question the PM should be asking is did he speak the truth or did he lie? Did he speak the truth when he said that Caroni (1975) Limited was shut down by the Manning administration? Is that truth or not true? Did

he speak the truth when a PNM supporter got a radio licence within a day whereas the Maha Sabha had to go through courts right up to the Privy Council to get lawfully a radio licence?” Saying she will not put the label as racist, Persad-Bissessar added, “I am not going into that today because I believe in this country every creed and race must find equal place and therefore I am not going into the label of racist. What I am saying is whether the examples that Mr Maharaj gave were true?” She also said to distort the reality of what happened in T&T must never happen. Admitting that Manning did a great job as the prime minister, Persad-Bissessar said Rowley should not use the word sedition lightly.(Trinidad Guardian)

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar




Ground broken for water project in St Elizabeth ST ELIZABETH, Jamaica (JIS) — Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Dr Horace Chang, broke ground for the installation of 4.6 kilometres of pipeline on the Hounslow to Newell water supply project in St. Elizabeth, on July 14. The project, which will be carried out by Surrey Paving and Aggregates Limited, forms phase 2A of the Hounslow to Newell project and will be done at a cost of $60.5 million. Some 1,000 residents of Newell, Bigwoods, Bethany and environs will benefit from the project, which is scheduled to be completed within eight months. In his address, the Minister said the project will play a pivotal role in addressing water shortage in the areas. He added that another focus of the project is to reduce the amount of non-revenue water in St. Elizabeth, pointing out that the parish has one of the highest rates. Dr Chang said the National Water Commission (NWC) is on a path to reduce non-revenue water and if successful, could result in lower water rates for consumers. “If we can have more people taking off the line and paying for it, we can retain water at the kind of cost structure we currently have,” he added. Meanwhile, Project

Director at Surrey Paving and Aggregates Limited, Michael Archer, gave a commitment that the project will be completed on time and within budget. “We are an ISO-9000 company and so we will ensure that all the requirements for health and safety are met to reduce or eliminate inconvenience to the communities,” Mr. Archer said. (Trinidad Guardian)

Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Dr Horace Chang




India Kashmir dispute: Newspapers raided by police

Several leading newspapers in Indian-administered Kashmir say they have been have been raided by police seeking to end a week of violent protests. Police seized printing plates and thousands of editions overnight on Friday. Cable television is also reported to have been shut down. More than 40 people have died in recent clashes in the area. The crisis was sparked by the killing of a prominent separatist militant, Burhan Wani. More than 1,500 others have also been injured in fighting between protesters and the security forces. A curfew remains in place - along with curbs on mobile and internet access."The clamp-down was necessitated as Pakistani channels that are beamed here through cable television network have launched a campaign aimed at fomenting trouble here," an unnamed Jammu and Kashmir government minister told the Reuters news agency. "Some newspapers were also sensationalising the violence... We will take a decision on [their] restoration after 19 July." The Greater Kashmir, Rising Kashmir and the Kashmir Observer, are among the titles who said they were affected. A curfew in Indian-administered Abdul Rashid Mukhdoomi, printer and publisher of the Greater Kashmir remains in place - along with curbs on mobile internet access Kashmir, said that there were no orders "under which the printing and on some cable television services(EPA) and circulation of our newspapers were stopped".(BBC)

Attack on Nice: France calls on 'patriotic citizens' to join the reserves

The French interior minister has called on "all patriotic citizens" to become reservists to boost security in the wake of the attack in Nice, in which 84 people were killed. Bernard Cazeneuve reiterated that France would call up 12,000 reservists. Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a lorry into crowds marking Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais on Thursday, before he was shot dead by police. So-called Islamic State claimed one of its followers carried out the attack. A news agency linked to the group, Amaq Agency, said: "He did the attack in response to calls to target the citizens of the coalition that is fighting the Islamic State." Five people believed to be linked to LahouaiejBouhlel, including his estranged wife, are in police custody, the Paris prosecutor's office said. France, which on Saturday began three days of mourning, already has 120,000 police and military deployed around the country. Its 12,000 reservists are made up of 9,000 military police officers and a further 3,000 regular police officers."I want to call on all French patriots who wish to do so, to join this operational reserve," Mr Cazeneuve said. Some 30,000 people were on the Promenade des Anglais at the time of the attack on Thursday night. Of the 84 who died, 10 were children. A total of 303 people had been taken into hospital following the attacks, the French health department confirmed on Saturday. Of those, 121 remain in hospital, 30 of whom are children, and 26 people are still in intensive care - including five children. Residents of Nice and foreign tourists were killed, among them four French citizens, three Algerians, a teacher and two schoolchildren from Germany, three Tunisians, two Swiss, two Americans, a Ukrainian, an Armenian and a Russian.Previously, Mr Cazeneuve said Lahouaiej-Bouhlel seemed to have been "radicalised very quickly", urging that this was a "new type of attack...[and] showed the extreme difficulty of the fight against terrorism". Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 31-year-old Tunisian, drove the lorry 2km (1.2 miles) along the promenade, at times zig-zagging to target people, prosecutors said. French President Francois Hollande met with his defence and security chiefs and cabinet ministers on Saturday and called for national unity in France. He said: "We are in a time when, and we have seen it, there is a temptation to divide the country. "Faced with these temptations, faced with this risk, we must recall the unity and cohesion of this country." Mr Hollande, who said the attack was a terrorist act, has already moved to extend a state of emergency by three months. A state of emergency has been in place across France since the Paris attackscarried out by militants from the so-called Islamic State group. The 13 November attacks left 130 people dead. Mr Hollande had proposed lifting the state of emergency on 26 July, but reversed his decision after the Nice attack. Psychiatrist Dr Sylvie Serret treated many people, including children, who witnessed the traumatic attack in Nice, and she feared long-term post-traumatic stress or anxiety would set in, in some cases. Meanwhile, France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen has called for national service to be brought back, and a national guard to be created to protect France in the wake of Nice attacks.Speaking in Nanterre, on the outskirts of Paris, the far-right leader also called for the budget for the armed forces to be increased. There was a visible security presence in Nice on Saturday and soldiers were patrolling the front of the main train station Gare De Nice Ville. Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was known to the police as a petty criminal, but was "totally unknown to intelligence services... and was never flagged for signs of radicalisation," prosecutor Francois Molins said. A neighbour of Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who used to live in a high-rise block of flats on Boulevard Henri Sappia with his family, said he did not believe the 31year-old was involved with IS.Samiq, who did not want to give his surname, told the Press Association news agency: "I never saw him going to the Mosque. He was not a Muslim. During Ramadan I saw him smoking." Speaking in Nice, the president of the Regional Council for the Muslim Faith, Boubakar Bekri, said mosques in the area had responded to the attack. "Yesterday in all mosques in the region of AlpesMaritimes, there has been a common prayer calling for vigilance and patience, because these very bad events affect us; and there has been a call for blood donation," he said. People continue to place flowers and candles in Nice following the attack(PA)




Turkey: Mass arrests after coup bid quashed, says PM Some 2,839 soldiers, including high-ranking officers, have been arrested after an attempted coup that is now over, says Turkey's PM Binali Yildirim. The attempted coup was a "black stain on Turkish democracy", he said, with 161 civilians killed and 1,440 wounded. Those held include two army generals, Turkish media say. Explosions and firing were heard in key cities on Friday night and thousands heeded a call by President Erdogan to rise up against the coup-plotters. It is unclear who was behind the coup.The authorities also said 104 suspected coup-plotters had also been killed. Some 2,745 Turkish judges have also been dismissed in the wake of the coup, state media say.They are reported to include a member of the country's top court. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed a "parallel structure" - a reference to Fethullah Gulen, a powerful but reclusive US based Muslim cleric whom he accuses of fomenting unrest. In a televised speech on Saturday night, he called on the US to extradite Mr Gulen. Mr Gulen has rejected any suggestion of links to what happened, saying he condemned "in the strongest terms, the attempted military coup in Turkey". Why did coup happen? - Jeremy Bowen, BBC News Middle East Editor. The attempted coup happened because Turkey is deeply divided over President Erdogan's project to transform the country and because of the contagion of violence from the war in Syria. President Erdogan and his AK Party have become experts at winning elections, but there have always been doubts about his long-term commitment to democracy. He is a political Islamist who has rejected modern Turkey's secular heritage. Mr Erdogan has become increasingly authoritarian and is trying to turn himself into a strong executive president.From the beginning Mr Erdogan's government has been deeply involved in the war in Syria, backing Islamist opposition to President Assad. But violence has spread across the border, helping to reignite the fight with the Kurdish PKK, and making Turkey a target for the jihadists who call themselves Islamic State. That has caused a lot of disquiet. Turkey has faced increasing turmoil and the attempt to overthrow President Erdogan will not be the last of it.The BBC's Katy Watson in Istanbul says people there are shocked - President Erdogan divides opinion, but a military takeover was not something they saw coming.Events began on Friday evening as tanks took up positions on two of the bridges over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, blocking traffic. Troops were seen on the streets and lowflying military jets were filmed over Ankara. Shortly after, an army faction issued a statement that a "peace council" was running the country, and it had launched the coup "to ensure and restore constitutional order, democracy, human rights and freedoms". President Erdogan, then in the south-west resort of Marmaris, made a televised address via his mobile phone, urging people to take to the streets to oppose the uprising.After flying to Istanbul, Mr Erdogan said: "What is being perpetrated is a treason and a rebellion. They will pay a heavy price."During the violence, the Turkish parliament and presidential buildings in Ankara were attacked. Gunfire was also heard outside Istanbul police headquarters and tanks were said to be stationed outside Istanbul airport.Broadcaster CNN Turk was temporarily taken off air after soldiers entered the building and tried to take it over. CNN Turk later tweeted a photo of soldiers being arrested by police. There were reports of fierce clashes in Taksim Square in central Istanbul, and gunfire and explosions were heard near the square. One of the helicopters being flown by rebels was reportedly shot down by government troops in Ankara. What is happening now?Prime Minister Yildirim said the situation was now "completely under control" and the government's commanders were now back in charge. Earlier, acting military chief of staff Umit Dundar said officers from the air force, the military police and armoured units had mainly been involved in the coup attempt.Although the chief of staff had been rescued, several military commanders were still being held hostage, he said.Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Twitter that eight soldiers who flew to Greece in a helicopter to seek asylum will be extradited. Greece has not yet formally confirmed the move. A US government spokesman said the Turkish government has closed its airspace to military aircraft, and as a result operations from Incirlik Air Base against the so-called Islamic State had been halted. Earlier, some 200 unarmed soldiers left Turkey's military headquarters in Ankara and surrendered to police, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. Dramatic images showed dozens of soldiers walking People gathered in Ankara to protest away from their tanks with their hands up on one of against the attempted coup(AP) Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges.(AP)




Pakistani ‘Kim Kardashian’ killed by brother Becoming the center of attention in a society that is not prepared yet for changes, could be lethal. Fouzia Azeem or Qandeel Baloch as she liked to be called, was a Pakistani model, actress and social media celebrity. She rose to prominence from her videos discussing her daily routine and various controversial issues. Baloch received recognition from the media when in 2013, she appeared as an auditionee on Pakistan Idol, her audition went viral and she became an Internet celebrity. International news media like Agence France-Presse has compared her to Kim Kardashian. On Friday night, a heated argument with her brother Wasim ended in tragedy. Her body was found Saturday morningat her Multan residence, the police stated that the cause of death was strangulation. Mr. Wasim hasn’t been arrested yet; he is said to be on the run. Ms. Baloch had gone to Punjab from Karachi because of the threat to her security. Her request for protection was ignored by the government when her plea was made three weeks ago. It appeared to be an ‘honorable Killing’, where a family member kills another due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family. Ms. Baloch, 26, recently caused controversy by posting controversial pictures of herself on social media, including one alongside a Muslim cleric. She was bitterly critical of Pakistan's patriarchal society and described herself as a leading exponent of girl power. While the majority of the Pakistani youth saw her as a cultural icon and hailed her liberal views, she was also subjected to frequent antifeminist abuse on social media. "If you have strong will power definitely nothing can let you go down. Life has taught me lessons early. My journey from a girl to a self-dependent woman was not easy. As a woman, we must stand up for each other”, she posted on her twitter account. She has also appealed to other women to stand up for their rights in a society in which women, especially poor ones, still lack basic rights, from schooling to choosing a husband and violence against them is common. Pakistan still todaystruggles with sexual dogma, emphasizing in "immodest" women. Qandeel Baloch Sometimes standing up is not the problem, but the ‘where’ and ‘how’ could cost your life. Her family wasn’t happy with her sudden fame, and the way this one was achieved. Her brothers had asked her to quit modeling. She didn’t.-By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

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