Wednesday, July 20 2016

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Wednesday, J ul y1 9, 201 6

CityHallmovesinoncontainers; cl ampsdownonowner s

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City Hall moves in on containers; clamps down on owners City Hall yesterday barred container trucks from exiting onto roadways by means of barricades from the John Fernandes Limited wharf and Muneshwers wharf Georgetown, unless they agreed to pay the $25,000 container tax which was introduced by Mayor and City Council. The continuous enforcement of the fees comes as a surprise to businesses as only last week a Magistrate dismissed several cases which were levied against businessmen for refusal to pay the stated amount. Businessmen continue to lament the fees saying that by enforcing its, the Mayor along with her council are causing businesses to be at a lost and as such they are driving away business from the country especially in a time where the economy is not seeing the greatest profits. Along with the businessmen whose containers are being held, the owners of the wharves are also bemoaning the actions of the City Council saying that they are unable to do anything about the barricades that are lodged outside of their compounds which is causing a major buildup of traffic and causing storage spaces to become limited since there are multiple boats of containers coming into the country on a daily basis. Town Clerk, Royston King reported that the move is aimed at commencing repair works to the roads. At the scene yesterday, Assistant Town Clerk, Sherry Jerrick noted that the council was invoking Sections 273/74 of

the city by-laws “with respect to the use of roads by vehicles of a certain weight”. City Constables proceeded to place barricades outside the entrances of Muneshwers and John Fernandes Limited on Water Street, leaving company officials baffled at the move by the council. “We have the right and authority to charge fees and this is what we are doing in this particular point of time”, he said. “It’s not getting the containers really, it’s really getting to do maintenance works, critical works to our roadways in the city,” the Town Clerk told reporters. -ByJarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

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Styrofoam based products will not be processed by GRA The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has noted that the ban on Styrofoam products, which is enforced by law, will see the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) refusing to process any product which are found to be Styrofoam based. This is being done in collaboration with the GRA, Bureau of Standards, the Institute of Applied Science and Technology and the Private Sector Commission. Penalities for crimes committed against the ban include a fine of no less than GY$50,000 for importation and manufacture and if businesses are found prepackaging food in said ‘Styro’ products, they can be issued a warning or a fine of no less than GY$100,000. It was reported to this newspaper that at the recent Ministerial visit to the mining Town of Linden which was organized by the Ministry of the Presidency, it was evident that Styrofoam boxes was

used to serve food to participants by the Ministry. It is also alleged that this product is being smuggled across the border from Suriname. -By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




Region 2 residents lambaste GTT for poor service Residents on the Essequibo Coast have complained bitterly about the sloppy services provided by GTT. Residents who are using the broadband and telephone services are seriously affected by sudden and long disruption. The frequent disruptions of telephone and internet services means that there is no reliable means to communicate with friends and family in the outside world. After two decades and a half the telecommunication industry in Guyana, region 2 in particular is facing a full range of challenges and are fed up of the excuses from the management of GTT. When asked if GTT will up their game with the passage of the Telecommunications Bill, CEO of GTT Justin Nedd told a news conference on Wednesday that the company will provide improved services to the residents on the Essequibo Coast. He also noted that GTT’s competitor will have to see if it is feasible to do business on the Essequibo Coast. The CEO is asking for an additional couple of months along with the 25 years that has passed to sort things out for the residents there. -By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Woman arrested for allegedly trafficking teenage daughter, friend A woman was arrested earlier today at the Eugene F. Correira Airport at Ogle, after returning from Baramita, Massive corruption Region 1. The woman whose only name was given as ‘Koreen’ was arrested after she is suspected of trafficking discovered at GPL of her 15-year-old daughter and her 17-year-old friend. Information reaching the Guyana Daily News has revealed that the woman resides in South Ruimveldt, Georgetown where she owns a shop. The arrest comes after the Guyana Police Force together with the Ministry of Social Protection conducted a raid in Baramita. The woman is in police custody at the CID headquarters where she is giving statements and aiding in investigations. -By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News.

Reports reaching the Guyana Daily News has revealed that a massive corruption ring has been unearthed at the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. A customer of the entity reported to this newspaper that she made a part payment on her June bill last week but when she went to make her final payment, she was told that she had not paid any money. Upon further investigation, it was alleged that the cashiers had placed the money in her own account. A source close to the issue revealed that there is a massive corruption ring ongoing in that section of GPL, whereby the cashiers would put monies of unsuspecting victims into the accounts of their friends and families. Chairman of the Board of Directors of GPL, Robert Badal, upon assuming the post recently, had committed to tackling corruption within the entity. Badal, who is also the owner of Pegaus Hotel, had emphasised that stringent steps must be taken to increase the company’s efficiency. -By- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.

B r ig h t S m il e

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Fire breaks out at Woodlands Hospital A fire threatened the Woodlands Hospital building By- Jarred Singh, Guyana Daily News. located at Carmichael Street, Georgetown this morning, sending staff in panic mode. This newspaper understands that the fire reportedly started in the Generator Room which is located to the rear of the building at approximately 10:45h. Reports indicate that the staff however managed to contain the fire to the single room, while firefighters were on the way. When the Guyana Fire Service arrived on the scene there was minimal work to be done. Patients at the hospital were not required to be evacuated as the day to day running The Guyana Fire Service of the hospital continued without much hesitation. - outside of the Woodlands Hospital

Minister Ally receives 60 more bicycles for ‘Five Bs’ programme Georgetown, Guyana – (July 20, 2016) Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, this morning, received a gift of 60 bicycles from the Guyana Bahamas Association that will be distributed under President David Granger’s Boats, Buses, Bicycles plus Breakfast and Books (‘Five Bs’) programme. Mr. Deavindra Jagroo, who is based in The Bahamas and is the immediate past president of the Guyana Bahamas Association, said when he heard of the programme he felt compelled to assist and took the idea to his group. “I know it will take the President’s initiative

Mr. Deavindra Jagroo points out a particular feature on one of the bicycles to Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, this morning, at the Ministry of the Presidency.

forward,” said Mr. Jagroo, who was accompanied by his wife Ms. Devi Jagroo. Minister Ally thanked Mr. Jagroo and the Association for their public-spiritedness. “I trust that we can have more people like you coming forward to support the programme,” she said. In an invited comment, Mr. Jagroo said that under his tenure the Association purchased 60 bicycles, with a view of providing 100 to the programme. The first batch of 20 bicycles will be handed over to the Ministry on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.

B r ig h t S m il e F r e e c o ns ul t a t i o n & Xr a y

De n t a lCl i n i c





Mother of 13 charged with neglect The 35-year-old mother of the three sisters who were found abandoned last week, has been charged with three counts of neglect. She appeared before Magistrate Alex Moore at the Sisters Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, where she pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released on $150,000 bail. It is alleged that on July 19, at Edinburgh Village, East Bank Berbice, she willfully contributed to her children, aged 7, 5 and 10 respectively, being in need of protective intervention and omitted to do so, thereby causing harm to the respective children. It was reported that the three sisters were found sleeping on the seawalls by welfare officials last week after they were reportedly beaten and thrown out of the house by their step-father. The sisters also claimed that they were raped multiple times by the step-father. The mother told the court that she is currently a domestic employee and a mother of 13 children, four of whom live with her including a three-month-old infant.

Police Inspector Phillip Sherrif, prosecuting, objected to pre-trial liberty, accentuating the gravity of the felony. The Magistrate however overruled his objection pointing that he did not find grounds for an objection to granting bail. -By- Rocio Perez, Guyana Daily News.

GTT optimistic about Telecoms Bill; wants level playing field Chief Executive Officer of telecommunications giant, GTT, Justin Nedd says that the company welcomes the passage of the Telecommunications Bill in the National Assembly on Monday last. At a press conference on Wednesday morning, the CEO noted that the passage of the Bill will bring positive economic benefits for the citizens of Guyana. He also stated that this new law will bring better service to the people of Guyana after some 25 years of GTT monopoly in the sector. He noted that with the passage of the Bill, citizens can now have accelerated learning with faster internet speed and also cheaper rates for overseas calls. The CEO also stated that with the liberalization, it will provide clarity on how GTT operates. GTT is looking forward to immediate negotiations with the Government on adjustments of the rates and development of new regulations for the entire sector. The CEO wants a level playing field. The Telecommunications Bill has journeyed through years of intense deliberations and consultations, particularly with the two main mobile service providers in the country -– the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) and Digicel Guyana. The bill seeks to create a competitive regime in the telecommunications sector by providing for an open,

liberalised and competitive sector that would be attractive to new market entrants and investors while preserving the activities of the current participants. As it is, the bill is expected to result in greater choice, better quality of service, and lower prices to consumers. It also specifically addresses the expansion of telecommunication networks and services into unserved and under-served areas through the institution of new universal access/universal service programmes in an effort to further national, regional, social and economic development. -BY- Ronald Singh, Guyana Daily News.




Guyana and Denmark to further strengthen relationsnew Danish Ambassador to Guyana accredited Denmark in addressing common global challenges. Guyana is committed to continuing to be actively engaged on global issues, such as the mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change, with the aim of finding sustainable solutions. Guyana ratified the Paris Agreement on May 20, this year. Guyana is committed, also, to realising, through international cooperation and national developmental initiatives, the ambitious objectives which we have set ourselves as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” President Granger said.The President said that Denmark is an international bellwether in the development of sustainable energy and as Guyana pushes ahead in its drive for a ‘green’ economy, the country looks forward to working closely with Denmark to advance cooperation for the development of the renewable energy sector. “Guyana, like Denmark, is a small, low-lying, coastal state. We are keen to learn from Denmark’s experience with community energy models, which can guide our own path towards the implementation of our own national ‘green’ agenda… We are committed, unreservedly, to the principles and purposes enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, especially those with regard to the settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means and for the avoidance of the threat, or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,” he said. Mr. Christensen will be based in Brasilia, Brazil and replaces Ambassador Svend Roed Nielsen. The Cooperative Republic of Guyana and the Newly accredited Danish Ambassador to Guyana, Kingdom of Denmark established diplomatic relations on Mr. Kim Højlund Christensen November 16, 1979. Mr. Robin Mark Sievewright Stoby is the Honorary Consul of Denmark in Guyana. share a long-standing relationship marked by mutual respect and friendship. He added that he will work to ensure that the relationship continues to bloom. “It is my fervent hope that I would succeed in my endeavours to promote further, the good relations between our two countries. Denmark and Guyana have both continued to show that they can come together on important global decisions. This was demonstrated by the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in New York last September and by the Climate Change Agreement in December. Our countries show an interest in ensuring strong and multilateral organisational frameworks for dealing with the challenges of globalisation. We also share a common interest in the achievement of a green economy,” he said. Welcoming the Ambassador to Guyana, President Granger said that the relations between the two countries have been characterised by the principles of mutual respect, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs and cooperation for mutual benefit. Ambassador Christensen stands at attention Guyana, he said, recalls with appreciation, the agreement as members of the Guyana Defence Force hoist signed in 2004 cancelling Guyana’s commercial debt to the National Flags of the two countries Denmark. “We look forward to continued cooperation with Georgetown, Guyana – (July 20, 2016) President David Granger, this morning, at the Ministry of the Presidency, accepted Letters of Credence from Ambassador Kim Højlund Christensen, accrediting him as Non-resident Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Guyana. During the ceremony, President Granger and Ambassador Christensen committed to ensuring that the existing friendly relations between the two countries are further strengthened for the benefit of both nations. Ambassador Christensen said that Guyana and Denmark share common areas of interest. The two nations also




PRESS RELEASE The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) joins with the Anglican Communion and the rest of Guyana in mourning the passing of the Right Reverend Bishop Randolph Oswald George. Guyana has loss a true son, a spiritual leader and a patriot. Bishop George’s contribution to Guyana goes beyond that of just a spiritual leader. As a spiritual leader he was dedicated to his flock and sought to promote both their spiritual and physical well-being. His work among the indigenous peoples and persons living in the hinterlands of Guyana are well known. As a patriot he was a fearless supporter of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. He assumed leadership of the church during a difficult period in Guyana’s history but his outspoken honesty and integrity assisted in ensuring that Guyana returned to the path of democracy. It was in recognition of his service to Guyana’s development that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government on assuming office following the restoration of democracy in Guyana in 1992 bestowed on him Cacique Crown of Honour in 1994. Bishop George was also asked to serve as the head of the Integrity Commission when that body was established. The Party extends sincere condolences to his wife Sheila, children, relatives and friends. July 20, 2016




43 firms bid to build Tobago’s desal plant A total of 43 local and foreign companies have expressed an interest to build and operate Tobago’s first million-dollar desalination plant at the Cove Industrial Estate. So said Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) chairman, Romney Thomas, yesterday. Of the 43, Thomas added, many were local firms while several came from North America and Europe. Earlier this year, WASA invited expressions of interest to build and operate the plant at the mushrooming Cove Industrial Estate at Canoe Bay. WASA chose the cove since it has a power plant, was near to the sea and close to its water mains so that the essential element could be easily pumped into its mains for distribution. Refusing to identify the companies that expressed an interest, Thomas said WASA would now move full speed ahead to get the plant up and running. In March, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley agreed that WASA, as a matter of urgency, would build a desalination facility to provide a sustained water supply for Tobago. For a decade Tobagonians have been hearing about plans in the pipeline for a desalination plant but nothing came to fruition. Trinidad has two desalination plants at Pt Lisas and Pt Fortin which are operated by Desalcott on the basis of build, own and operate. The Point Lisas plant produces just about 50 million gallons of water a day. It transforms sea water into potable water. “We will definitely follow through with that policy set out by the Government and the Prime Minister,” Thomas assured in a telephone interview. With a growing demand for water in Tobago, Thomas said WASA between February and March sent out an invitation for the expressions of interest for the plant to be constructed and operated. Thomas said the next stage was for WASA to send out tenders so companies could submit bids for the project. He said the company that was awarded the contract must have a proven track record and experience in building and operating a desalination plant. “We are hoping that the award will be finalised before the end of the year and construction of the plant, from start to finish, would take 18 months.” Thomas said the successful company would only be paid for the water it produced. “The higher the

volume of water it produces WASA would pay less water rates and vice versa,” he added. He could not say what would be the cost to build the plant. “When the tenders go out we would know the price range,” he explained. WASA currently produces 9.5 million gallons of water daily in Tobago. Construction of the plant will ramp up production to an additional five million gallons to WASA’s system. Though WASA has faced some challenges with its water distribution, Thomas said it has improved its service this year, compared to its acute shortages last year. “This year, while there were some challenges, we have brought three new wells on line for our drilling programme. The shortages have not been so acute. We have also stepped up delivery of water trucking,” he added. In addition to that, Thomas said WASA would undertake a desilting exercise at the Hillsborough Dam which would increase water capacity. With a population of 60,000, WASA serves 22,177 customers in Tobago. (Trinidad Guardian)

Romney Thomas




‘He was our oppressor’ A member of the Unruly ISIS Gang attempted to stop the burial of reputed gang leader Selwyn “Robocop” Alexis yesterday when he stormed into the Muslim cemetery at Monroe Road and pulled a gun on the gravediggers and ordered them to cover back the grave. Gravediggers Imtiaz Mohammed, 58, and Omar Douglas, 54, described their experience as “horrifying.” “We were digging the grave and the man just came up on us and pulled out a gun and pointed to us. He also knew where one of us lived and asked us if we wanted to live. He then told us to cover back up the grave which we did,” Mohammed said. Mohammed said the gunman waited until the grave was covered and then left. A vehicle was waiting for him at the cemetery’s entrance. Mohammed said as soon as the car drove off he called the police and told them what had just happened. “The police came and stood guard while we dig back up the grave. The police stayed with us right through. We were real frightened but then okay when the police came with their guns,” Mohammed said. Alexis’ body was subsequently brought to the Enterprise Community Masjid at Boodram Street, Chaguanas, under heavily-guarded police escort. As the hearse pulled up near the gate of the mosque, members of the Unruly ISIS gang, simultaneously, were reportedly shooting up the air, ringing out “joy fire” in celebration of Alexis’ demise. Back at the mosque there was a heavy police presence, including officers from the T&T Police Service’s Riot Squad, Special Branch and Guard and Emergency Branch. Also, keeping a watchful eye on the evening’s proceedings were members of the T&T Defence Force. Hovering overhead was a helicopter attached to the Ministry of National Security. Several minutes after Alexis’ body was carried onto the compound of the mosque, Jamaat-alMuslimeen leader, Imam Yasin Abu Bakr, and his entourage of security walked in for the viewing of Alexis’ body. When Abu Bakr reached up to the coffin he placed his hands together up to the chest and whispered a Dua (Islamic prayer) for his dear friend, Alexis. Alexis, 51, was killed on Sunday while at his business place at Freedom Street, Enterprise. His hit was ordered by the Unruly ISIS gang and carried out by a senior member, Thomas “Hamza” Sharpe, who was himself killed by Alexis during the attack. The T&T Guardian was told yesterday that after Alexis was killed, a senior member of the rival gang wrote on his Facebook wall: “Dead or alive mission accomplished.” Speaking with the T&T Guardian, an unidentified member of the Unruly ISIS gang claimed that Alexis was an “oppressor” and they were left with no choice but to get rid of him. “Robo served us injustice and oppressed us. Also, Abu Bakr and his men. All of them are oppressors that we intend to get rid of. It’s our goal. We, the youths, are being oppressed for too long,” the Unruly ISIS gang member said. When asked about the claims of the gang later during Alexis’ funeral, Abu Bakr told the T&T Guardian that those claims were unheard of. “We are not oppressors. My men in the red hats and

boots are not oppressing you (directing to the T&T Guardian). No one is afraid of us,” Abu Bakr said. Speaking with members of the media just before he left, Abu Bakr, referring to calls made to lock down the Enterprise community, said there was no need for the police to do so. “Why would they want to cause discomfort to the residents in the area? It is grossly unfair,” Abu Bakr said. A member close to Alexis told the T&T Guardian on Monday that he was killed because he was about to expose the gang and its links with members of the protective services in criminal enterprise. Imam Taulib Searles, who officiated the funeral service, called on the community to understand the reality of what had happened and strive to do better for themselves and the community. (Trinidad Guardian)

Police officers stand guard during the burial of reputed gang leader, Selwyn “Robocop” Alexis, at the Munroe Road Muslim cemetery yesterday. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ




Suspended Petrotrin five to know fate next month The five Human Resources heads at State-owned Petrotrin who were suspended last week will know their fate next month. This was outlined in Ryerson Bagoo, Fareeda Mohammed, Gillian Cherotiere, Franka Mohammed and Bianca Attong’s suspension letters, signed by Petrotrin’s acting senior manager of Human Resources, Alvin Stephenson. Under the headline “Notice of Suspension Pending Investigation of Complaint”, Stephenson wrote in one letter: “You are hereby suspended from work with effect from July 12, pending investigation of a complaint which has been received regarding your work and/or conduct in respect of the following matters. The suspension will be without loss of pay and is not to be regarded as disciplinary action.” During the company’s investigation, the workers were advised that they would also be interviewed on the matter of complaint. “You are urged to give your fullest co-operation in this regard. You may, if you so desire, furnish a written statement to the officer instead of or in addition to the interview,” Stephenson penned in another letter. The five would know their fate by Petrotrin, following an investigation, which will be concluded before mid-August. Last Wednesday, the T&T Guardian published exclusively the suspension of the five workers who have since sought legal advice on the matter. In defence of the move, Petrotrin stated it conducted an internal audit of its recruitment processes for four years to review the company’s control processes and as a result of its findings and recommendations, further investigations involving key employees were being conducted. Hours after the workers’ suspension, president general of the Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union (OWTU), Ancel Roget, called on Petrotrin to fire the HR heads. Some of the transgressions outlined in the suspension letters Petrotrin claimed the workers allegedly committed were: • Failed to adhere to the company’s human resources policies/procedures and practices. • Recruiting individuals without first advertising the jobs. • Giving offer letters to employees before having received the results of preemployment medical tests. • Recruitment of people who failed to meet the minimum qualifications and experience requirements. • Conduct interviews without first determining the availability of suitably qualified internal company employees. But a source told the T&T Guardian that none of the five suspended employees had final decision-making authority to hire anyone so if any unqualified person was hired they would not be to blame. The source explained that hiring personnel outside of the

existing organisation structure outlined in Petrotrin’s documents, entitled HR Authorities, dated February 2011, item 11, gives full authority to the vice-presidents and president to re-organise and restructure the company. “Therefore any hiring that was outside of a pre-existing organisation structure would have been appropriately approved by the relevant vice-president or president,” the source said. With regards to giving offer letters to employees before having received the results of preemployment medical tests, the source explained that (Petrotrin’s) medical testing policy did not require that a pre-employment medical be done before every hire. “Additionally, every offer letter contains a clause that indicates the offer is contingent on the results of a medical test if one was done. Therefore it is not necessary to wait for the results before an offer is made. “There are numerous examples of this being done over the years and is actually something that the OWTU has pushed for to minimise delays in the recruiting of employees,” the source added. Touching on the recruiting personnel without first advertising the jobs, the source said Petrotrin’s policy indicated that advertising would “normally” be done. “It does not require advertising. In practice, all executive positions are advertised. The company is also allowed to promote from within, without advertising for a job opening. “This is standard business practice. What these employees have in common is that they were all promoted by the former vice-president of Human Resources and Corporate Services,” the source added. (Trinidad Guardian)

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Tourism Ministry commits $1b to fighting crime ST CATHERINE, Jamaica — Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett has committed one billion dollars over the next four years to fund security initiatives as part of his ministry’s efforts to support the Ministry of National Security’s drive to tackle crime. He made the announcement as he addressed the closing ceremony for the first batch of 89 graduates under the new District Constables Training Programme, at the National Police College of Jamaica in Twickenham Park, St Catherine on Tuesday.v Bartlett underscored the importance of the partnership between the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo) and the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) in boosting safety and security in the island’s resort areas. He explained that “an emphasis on intelligence gathering and the better use of technology as a critical tool to drive greater detection and monitoring is critical in all of this and we will be partial in terms of our allocation to the acquisition of intelligence gathering equipment and boosting our ability to track the criminals, because they are not many”. Bartlett also noted that the new District Constables Training Programme will add an entirely new layer of security that will strengthen the formal security arrangements in resort communities and help to effectively

tackle the issue of visitor harassment. The 89 district constables are to be deployed across prescribed areas and resort towns islandwide. Another 11 officers will be added to bring the initial complement to 100 by the end of the year and a total of 250 officers will be trained by 2018. (Trinidad Guardian)

Members of the first batch of graduates from the new District Constables Training Programme beam with pride during their closing ceremony, held at the National Police College of Jamaica on Tuesday.

Noel Hylton to head Vernamfield Enterprise Team KINGSTON, Jamaica — Nearly three years after retiring as the chairman of the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ), Noel Hylton, is to take up the chairmanship of the Vernamfield Enterprise Team. The 85-year-old Hylton, was chairman of the PAJ for 40 years until he retired in November, 2013. He was also one of the “founding fathers” of the Caribbean Shipping Association. However, the Vernamfield Project is aimed primarily at air transportation, having been conceptualized with the aim of expanding and strengthening Jamaica’s international aviation industry, in tandem with positioning Jamaica as an international cargo transshipment hub. The enterprise team will be responsible for: soliciting investors and developers for the project; facilitating a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Government and the investor, detailing the intended common line of action; and project design and implementation. The Vernamfield Project is an important aspect of Transport and Mining Minister Mike Henry’s ambition to create a multi-modal transport system across Jamaica, with Vernamfield responsible for leveraging the existing and future cargo networks at the Port of Kingston. However, while Henry’s obsession with Vernamfield may have led many Jamaicans to believe that it is in his Central Clarendon constituency, the fact is that it is really in Clarendon South West, which is probably the safest seat for the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) in Clarendon. The Member of Parliament

for Clarendon South West is PNP vice president, Noel Arscott. Meanwhile the rest of the Enterprise team is Wilfred Bagaloo, Dr Meredith Derby, and the representative of: ministries of Transport and Mining and Economic Growth and Job Creation; the Development Bank of Jamaica; the Airports Authority of Jamaica; and the Attorney General’s department (Jamaica Observer)

Portia Simpson Miller (right) in conversation with Noel Hylton (FILE PHOTO)




Brussels alert due to radiation student A large police operation in the Belgian capital which lasted all Brussels earlier this year. Last month, a man was arrested amid an afternoon was a false alarm, officials say. Police were called anti-terror operation at a shopping centre in the city. Prosecutors said following reports that a man was acting suspiciously and wearing a he was wearing a fake suicide belt containing salt and biscuits. (BBC) coat with wires protruding. The operation has ended and the man was apparently a student of nuclear radiation at a university in Brussels. The city was on high alert ahead of Belgium's National Day on Thursday. An attack in Nice on France's Bastille Day last week left 84 people dead. Christian De Coninck of Brussels police said officers could not take any risks: "This person was covered in plates, metal plates, or something that could be explosives. "In the end it turned out to be a student. He was researching radiation and radioactivity in the city. "The way he reacted was totally abnormal, which is why we had to use all these means," Mr De Coninck said. The bomb squad was called, shops evacuated and several streets closed. The BBC's Gavin This was the scene at the corner of Lee in Brussels says police negotiated with the man for an hour before Rue de L'Ecuyer(FATIMA ZIBOUH) he was arrested. Thirty-two people were killed in bomb attacks in

Turkey coup attempt: Charges laid against 99 generals and admirals Turkey has formally charged 99 generals and admirals in connection with the weekend's thwarted coup attempt - just under a third of the country's 356 top military officers. President Erdogan is meeting with loyal commanders and his cabinet in Ankara. Authorities have banned all academics from travelling abroad, as the purge of state employees suspected of being connected to the failed coup continues. More than 50,000 people have been rounded up, sacked or suspended. So far about 1,577 university deans (faculty heads) have been asked to resign in addition to 21,000 teachers and 15,000 education ministry officials. They are suspected of having links to the alleged mastermind of the coup, USbased cleric Fethullah Gulen - who denies any involvement. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is chairing an emergency meeting of the National Security Council and is expected to make further announcements later on Wednesday. As soon as it became clear that the coup had failed, the purges began - first with the security forces, then s p r e a d i n g t o Tu r k e y ' s e n t i r e c i v i l i a n infrastructure. Human rights group Amnesty International has warned the purges are being extended to censor media outlets and journalists, including those critical of government policy. "We are witnessing a crackdown of exceptional proportions in Turkey at the moment. "While it is understandable, and legitimate, that the government wishes to investigate and punish those responsible for this bloody coup attempt, they must abide by the rule of law and respect freedom of expression," Amnesty's Turkey researcher Andrew Gardner said. The WikiLeaks website has been blocked in Turkey after it released thousands of emails purportedly showing exchanges between ruling AKP officials. The documents - ranging from this month back to 2010

- were obtained a week before the attempted coup and the source has no connection to that event, WikiLeaks says. Turkish daily Cumhuriyet said that one of the emails contained a letter sent to President Erdogan. "My family and I suffered in our own country because of your actions. Aren't we as precious as Egyptian Esma?" it says, in a reference to Mr Erdogan's tears on TV after the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood politician was killed in Egypt. Other emails contain media reports on Fethullah Gulen and his movement. Turkey has now extended the clear-out to the education sector in its desire to root out Gulen supporters. The Higher Education Council has asked university rectors to "urgently examine the situation of all academic and administrative personnel" linked to what it calls the Fethullah Terrorist Organisation (Feto) and report back by 5 August. It has also told universities that academics who are already abroad on work or study missions should return home "within the shortest possible time". A government official told the Reuters news agency that the ban on academics travelling abroad was a temporary measure implemented to stop alleged coup plotters in universities from fleeing abroad. Turkey is pressing the US to extradite Mr Gulen and the issue was raised during a phone call between US President Barack Obama and President Erdogan on Tuesday, the White House said. Spokesman Josh Earnest said a decision on whether or not to extradite would be made under a treaty between the two countries. In a separate development Turkey has barred access to the WikiLeaks website soon after it posted about 300,000 emails sent by President Erdogan's AK Party dating from 2000 to early July 2016. Wikileaks said that although the documents were obtained before the attempted coup, the date of

their publication was brought forward "in response to the government's post-coup purges". The source of the emails was not linked to the coup plotters or to a rival political party or country, WikiLeaks said. Turkey's military also announced on Wednesday that it had resumed cross-border strikes against Kurdish rebel targets in northern Iraq, killing about 20 alleged militants. They were the first since the attempted coup. F-16 jets were reported to have targeted positions of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Iraq's Hakurk region, Anadolu Agency reported. The Turkish military has regularly targeted suspected PKK bases in Iraq since last year. (BBC)

President Erdogan, seen here outside his Istanbul home, is now back in Ankara for meetings(REUTERS)

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GUYANA DAILY NEWS Libya attack: French soldiers killed in Benghazi helicopter crash PAGE 26


hree French soldiers have died in Libya after their helicopter was shot down, President Francois Hollande says. The soldiers were killed while carrying out "dangerous intelligence operations", Mr Hollande said. Earlier on Wednesday, French defence ministry spokesman Stephane Le Foll confirmed for the first time that its special forces were in Libya. On Tuesday, Associated Press quoted Libyan officials as saying an Islamist militia shot down a French helicopter. The attack on Sunday happened near the city of Benghazi, and left no survivors, AP reported. Libya has fragmented since the 2011 uprising when Col Muammar Gaddafi was ousted from office with the help of Nato air strikes. It now has rival administrations, backed by various militias and brigades spawned by the revolution - and the chaos has allowed fighters from so-called Islamic State (IS) to gain a foothold. Mr Le Foll, in an interview with France Info radio on Wednesday, said French special forces were in Libya to "ensure that France is present everywhere in the fight against terrorism". While France had previously said its warplanes were carrying out reconnaissance flights over Libya, this is the first formal confirmation that France has special forces inside the country. Their presence was first reported by Le Monde newspaper in February (in French) but later denied by Libyan officials. Le Monde also said that French intelligence officials were stationed inside Libya to help the fight against IS. Benghazi, the birthplace of the 2011 revolution, has been at war for two years. During this time Gen Khalifa Haftar, head of the armed forces backed by Libya's eastern administration, has sought to oust a mix of mainly Islamist militias, including those with IS affiliations, from the city. In recent months, his fighters have made significant gains, which analysts suspect are largely thanks to logistical support from the French special forces operating there. Some members of the various militias they are fighting have recently regrouped, now calling themselves the Benghazi Defence Brigades (BDB). A social media news account affiliated to the BDB has reported that the group was responsible for shooting down the


French helicopter. Whatever their affiliations, they show the conflict is a long way from being resolved. Foreign special forces from a number of countries have been operating in or over Libya for quite some time now, but the nature and extent of these operations have largely been secret. The death of the French soldiers is likely to trigger hard questions for Western nations getting entangled in a war with multiple and complex dimension. While the fighting continues on the ground in parts of the country, political deadlock continues despite a UN-brokered deal in December to form a unity government. This is now based in the capital, Tripoli, but with little real power in the city or over the whole country as rival administrations operate in both the east and west. The oil-rich country once had one of the highest standards of living in Africa with free healthcare and free education, but five years on from the uprising it is facing a financial crisis. At the same time, militias, who hold considerable power across Libya, are split along regional, ethnic and local lines, creating a combustible mix. But in a new report to be presented to the UN Security Council, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said IS was facing the "distinct possibility" of defeat in its last Libyan stronghold of Sirte. (BBC)





Pakistani man dismembered in honor killing [CNN] - Allah Ditta, 24-year-old Pakistani citizen was stabbed multiple times by five men Tuesday in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan's. He was mutilated in a so called honor killing, police said. Mr. Dittta was married and is believed he was having an affair with a married lady, this leading to the chain of events. “On Tuesday he was attacked on his way visit the woman. The attackers allegedly cut off both of Ditta's arms, lips and nose and took the parts with them, leaving the man in a pool of blood, in an apparent honor killing ”, Officer Ali Muhammad said. The victim was rushed to Ghazi Medical College, where he died a few hours later. Police are searching for the five suspects, Muhammad said. Honor killing or Karo-kari is an act of murder, in which a person is killed for his or her actual or perceived immoral behavior. Such "immoral behavior" may take the form

of alleged marital infidelity, refusal to submit to an arranged marriage, demanding a divorce, perceived flirtatious behaviour and being raped. Suspicion and accusations alone are many times enough to defile a family’s honour and therefore enough to warrant the killing of the person.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Melania Trump plagiarism row: Staffer admits role in speech PAGE 30

An employee of the Trump Organisation, Meredith McIver, has admitted her role in writing Melania Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention. Mrs Trump, the third wife of Republican candidate Donald Trump, faced accusations that parts of her speech had plagiarised Michelle Obama. Ms McIver said her offer to resign was rejected by the Trumps. "This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused," she said in a statement. Why the Melania plagiarism row matters Republicans react to Melania 'distraction' Teachers are thanking Melania Trump The Trump staffer said Mrs Trump had read out passages from Mrs Obama's 2008 speech in a phone conversation as they discussed people who inspired her. "A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama," she wrote. Ms McIver later included the phrases in a draft of the speech without checking Mrs Obama's speeches, she added. "I am honoured to work for such a great family," she said. Mr Trump was formally adopted as the Republican candidate for November's presidential election on Tuesday. In the aftermath of the controversy over his wife's speech, he tweeted that the publicity was good news as the speech "got more publicity than any in the history of politics". The BBC's North America editor, Jon Sopel, at the convention in Cleveland, says this statement represents both a U-turn and an apology from the Trump campaign. Mr Trump's campaign manager had toured the TV studios for 36 hours emphatically denying plagiarism, he says. Republican


strategist Sean Spicer even invoked My Little Pony in an interview with CNN - citing similarities between the words of Twilight Sparkle (a purple unicorn from the children's franchise) and Mrs Trump's speech to show that the lines were "common phrases". (BBC)

German train stabbing: De Maiziere warns of lone attacks Germans should be prepared for further attacks carried out by small groups and radicalised "lone wolves", Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has warned. Five people were wounded, two critically, by a 17-year-old who went on the rampage on a train in the southern state of Bavaria on Monday. The attacker, who arrived in Germany in 2015 as an unaccompanied migrant, was shot dead holding an axe and a knife. A video emerged in which he said he was a soldier of so-called Islamic State. Was it really an IS attack? Mr de Maiziere said the teenager had been "incited" by IS propaganda but there was no evidence that he was following the militant group's orders. Witnesses said the attacker, Muhammad Riyadh, screamed "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) three times, and IS has claimed the teenager as a follower through its news agency. A hand-painted IS flag was found in his room. However, he was unknown to German intelligence and no concrete link has yet been established with IS. The government was doing all it could to prevent such attacks, the minister said, but there could be no guarantee. The interior minister described Monday night's axe attack in Wuerzburg as "perhaps half-way between running amok and terror". "In Germany we must also expect attacks by small groups or radicalised 'lone-wolf' attackers," he said. Who was attacked? Of the five people wounded, four were a family from Hong Kong and German officials said on Wednesday that two remained in a critical condition. A man of 62 and his daughter's boyfriend suffered severe head wounds and are being treated in intensive care. "The assailant started attacking my sister's boyfriend and when my mother and father saw they tried to get in the way and got hurt," Silvia Yau told Hong Kong's Apple Daily. The mother and daughter were also wounded but their 17-year-old son escaped unhurt. There was no indication that the family had been targeted specifically because they were Chinese. Was the teenage attacker really from Afghanistan? Muhammad Riyadh had only just moved to a foster family in Wuerzburg from a refugee centre at Ochsenfurt south of Frankfurt. He was described as a quiet boy who had had a work placement in a bakery and had not displayed any radical behaviour. But questions have now been raised about whether he was really from Afghanistan. A Pakistani document was found in his room, reports said. It is common knowledge that Afghan refugees are more likely to be given asylum in Germany than

irregular migrants from Pakistan, so there have been many cases of migrants pretending to come from Afghanistan. Several clues to his origin have emerged from the video he filmed before he attacked the regional train near his home. Speaking Pashto His use of the Pashto language suggests he at least spent some time in Pakistan, because of his choice of words. When speaking of Syria, Riyadh chose Sham, the word used in Pakistan. In Afghanistan, Pashto speakers would say Suria. His choice of term for Army is also key. He says Fauj, which is common in Pakistan, rather Aurdu, the word used in Afghanistan. Many Afghans have lived in Pakistan for years, particularly since the rise of the Taliban. So Riyadh could well have spent all his life in Pakistan, despite being ethnic Afghan. Last year Germany registered more than one million migrants, including more than 150,000 Afghans, although the number has slowed dramatically this year since new EU measures were taken to stop the flow. (BBC)

W e s t e r nf r i e d C h i c k e n










1/2 can of FARMFRESH* black eyed peas (about 1 cup of cooked peas) 1/2 can of FARMFRESH* chick peas (about 1 cup of cooked peas) 1/2 can of FARMFRESH* kidney beans (about 1 cup of cooked peas) 2 cups long grain parboiled rice 1 can coconut milk, diluted with 4 cups water 1/2 yellow onion, diced 2 cloves FARMFRESH* garlic, ďŹ nely chopped 1/2 can of petite diced tomatoes (or 2 large tomatoes, ďŹ nely chopped) 1 tbsp granulated garlic 1 tbsp dried thyme (Guyanese thyme preferably) 1/2 tbsp dried basil 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 tbsp cassareep 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper Pinch of Cayenne Pepper 2 tbsp COCAMAR* oil

*Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS

Directions Warm oil in a large (heavy bottom) stock pot, on medium heat. Add onion and garlic and saute until onions are soft and slightly brown. Add tomatoes, thyme, basil and 1/2 the granulated garlic and cook down until all the water from the tomatoes has evaporated. Add the black eyed peas, kidney beans and chick peas. Add the remaining granulated garlic, sugar, salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Add rice and mix together. Add the coconut milk and water mixture, then add the cassareep. Mix together. Increase the heat to high and bring up to a roaring boil. Let boil covered for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer until the rice is fully cooked. This should take 30 to 40 minutes. When rice is cooked and all the liquids have evaporated, serve and enjoy!




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Daily Horoscope Relatives will not agree with the way you are dealing with your personal problems. Travel will be good if you are seeking knowledge. Difficulties with females you live with could cause emotional stress.

Your charm and generosity will bring new friends and romantic opportunities. Opportunities to get together with people in powerful positions could help you get ahead. Talk about your intentions and confirm that you both feel the same way.

Your health may have suffered due to neglect or abuse. Obstacles may stand in your way where career and success are concerned. Romantic opportunities will develop through friends or relatives.

You should be doing something special with children. Social activities will be satisfying. You may have major blowups with someone you love if you don't back down.

Go out with friends. Hard work will not go unnoticed. You could lose money or precious belongings if you aren't careful.

Moves or the possibility of having someone different living with you may be difficult at first. Do a little investigating if there is someone at work you don't trust. Try to take care of the needs of those you love.

Be careful not to let friends or peers make you look bad. You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Travel and creative hobbies will be your best outlet.

Don't let them blame you. Direct your energy wisely. You may want to put your creative thinking cap on.

Opportunities to get ahead will be evident. Red tape could be impossible to clear up today. You may be overreacting to a situation at hand.

You may want to invest in something that will grow in value. You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. Your mate will be pushing you to do things that you really don't want to do.

Don't let children or elders put demands on your time. Don't let your health suffer because of worry. Talk to someone you trust. Don't draw too much attention to yourself at work. Catch up on your reading and correspondence. Don't lament to a friend about any grievance regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify your relationship. You may find yourself caught in the middle of an argument that has nothing to do with you.




F1 Raceweek: Hamilton has the pedigree as Vettel eyes landmark – Hungarian GP in numbers Nico Rosberg could be toppled from the summit of the Formula One world championship standings for the first time this season on Sunday. Lewis Hamilton has Mercedes team-mate and world championship leader Nico Rosberg firmly in his sights as the Hungarian Grand Prix looms into view. The Briton has won four of the last five races, including his home GP last time out, to close the gap at the top to just one point – and he has previous at this track. Hamilton has triumphed four times in Hungary, with only the legendary Michael Schumacher able to match that feat. But it might not be all about Mercedes this weekend, with Red Bull expected to pose a serious threat. Indeed, Daniel Ricciardo won here in 2014 and will see this is his best chance yet to claim his first win of the season. With the help of Opta data, we look at the numbers behind the Hungarian Grand Prix: 0 – Robserg is being chased down at the summit and has the added pressure of having never qualified on pole in Hungary. 3 – Hamilton's victory on home soil was his third in a row at the British GP, putting him one behind Jim Clark's four consecutive race wins between 1962 and 1965. 3 – There have been just a trio of occasions from the last 11 editions of the race when the driver on pole has won, with Hamilton accounting for all of those exceptions. 5 – The reigning champion has taken pole in more than half of the last nine Hungarian Gps. 5 – Rosberg clocked yet another fastest lap this season at Silverstone,

with his tally matching the total he recorded in the whole of 2015. 6 – Sebastian Vettel won the last Hungarian GP and is six points away from reaching 2,000 in his F1 career. 11 – No constructor has more wins here than McLaren. 14 – Hamilton is not the only Briton with pedigree at the central European track. Jenson Button crossed the line first in 2005, having started 14th on the grid. 16 – Ferrari's winless run is their worst since the one they endured between the 2013 Spanish GP and the Malaysian GP in 2015, which encompassed 35 races without success. 100 – Kimi Raikkonen chalked up a century of races for Ferrari when he placed fifth at Silverstone. (SportsMax)

Jamaica Athletics: Injured toe caused Fraser-Pryce to wear cushions, toe straighter Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce recently revealed that Fraser-Pryce will attempt to be the first woman to win the 100m sprint she has been forced to take extra precaution to protect a troublesome at three consecutive Olympics. (SportsMax) injured left toe in recent months. Initially reported to be a minor issue, the injury has proven to be anything but that so far significantly hampering the athlete’s preparations for what is hoped will be a historical Olympic Games. Having missed out on several meets early in the season the discomfort was more than apparent when FraserPryce secured her spot on the Jamaica national team after finishing in second spot behind MVP club mate Elaine Thompson. The pain according to the athlete has at times been difficult to work through. "On a pain scale of one to 10, about an eight," Fraser-Pryce told CNN. "There's restriction in the movement of my toe, it's inflamed, and it causes a lot of pain. Right now I have a toe straightener on, and I also cushion my toe whenever I'm training," she added. The sprinter is, however, determined to defend, in the process perhaps making history at the Games. "The pain is there, but to be honest I'm working through it. I guess that's what success is, when you want something more than anything else." Again, she deflects the issue with a joke: "As long as I know it's not going to break, I'm fine." Come next month



Jamaica Netball: Aiken demands more from Firebirds Jamaica international Romelda Aiken has called on the Queensland Firebirds to keep improving following a convincing 63-52 victory over the NSW Swifts in Monday’s Australian Conference Final. The Firebirds were impressive against NSW, a team that snapped their win streak earlier this season. Aiken has, however, warned the unit that even more will be needed in the semi-final match-up with the Jhaniele FowlerReid-led Southern Steel, another team that defeated the Australian league winners earlier this season. The Steel will face the Firebirds after being defeated in the New Zealand Conference final by the Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic, but the defeat was only the team’s first of the season. “When we played them last time we didn’t have a full squad,” Aiken said. “They are really patient with the ball and they’ll punish us whenever we make a turnover, so I’m looking forward to the contest.” Aiken was, as she has for most of the season, in brilliant form for the Firebirds’ in the 11-point victory, scoring 49 from 55 attempts to take her season tally to 620 goals, behind top scorer Fowler-Reid. The Firebirds will aim to be the first team to win back-back-back Anz Championship titles and the goal shooter

has warned the team to focus on that objective. “It’s not about going back-to-back,” Aiken said. “Winning is about a process and you have to do the little things to reach the big goal which is the Trans-Tasman trophy. “We’re working really hard to make sure we get the things right that will put us in that position.” (SportsMax)



Tridents have no advantage over Tallawahs - Pollard Despite his team handing the Jamaica Tallawahs a heartbreaking 17-run defeat at Sabina Park in July 2015, Kieron Pollard, the captain of two-time HERO CPL finalists Barbados Tridents, doesn’t believe his team has any particular advantage over home team when they meet at Sabina Park on Wednesday night. “I don’t think anyone has an advantage. You start at zero for zero; there are different players from last year in the Jamaican team, there are different players in our team as well so I don’t there is much of as advantage. What I will say is that they have a momentum going into this game. We won our last game so we are pretty confident as well,” Pollard said during a press conference at Sabina Park on Tuesday, the eve of the Tridents’ match up with the current league leaders. The Tridents are coming in confident having defeated St. Lucia Zouks by 25 runs at Kensington Oval in Barbados on Sunday match while the Tallawahs have won three on the trot, the latest being their exciting 19-run win against the Trinbago Knight Riders on Monday night. The visitors, currently third in the standings, will be without the services of AB de Villiers who is returning to South Africa to meet contractual obligations and is being

replaced by Ahmed Shehzad but according to the towering Trinidadian, success against the Tallawahs will all come down to execution. “We know what to expect so it’s just about keeping calm and doing what is necessary,” he said. “You eliminate the mistakes, do the basics and hopefully at the end of it all, scrap and if we do our process right and we execute better than they then we can come out on top.” (SportsMax)

Jamaica Athletics: Fraser-Pryce would love to first Bolt Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce could get one over on more illustrious teammate Usain Bolt when the Rio Olympics rolls around due to event scheduling. Heading to Games the duo have their hopes set on becoming the first individuals to win the 100m title at three straight Olympic Games. Unlike 2008, however, when the pair claimed their first titles, the women’s event will be run before the men’s event, similar to the format of the London Games. The change means the diminutive Fraser-Pryce could write her name in the history books before Bolt. It is a feat which the woman nicknamed ‘The Pocket Rocket’, a tribute to the pace and power she generates despite a diminutive stature, admits would give her some small sense of satisfaction. "At least I'd have something over him!" a smiling Fraser-Pryce told CNN. The 29-year-old has matched Bolt’s 100m Olympic exploits stride for stride since 2008, but has always come second in terms of getting the same recognition. In Rio it is Fraser-Pryce that could be first. "We've never spoken about it, but of course I'd like to have that," she added. "So I can tell him I have something he wants." A win for Fraser-Pryce is, however, far from a formality with a toe injury significantly hampering her season to date. Add that to the form of MVP Track Club teammate Elaine Thompson, who has the fastest time this year, Dutchwoman sprint phenom Dafne

Schippers and the United States’ Tori Bowie will be in mix and it could be the athlete’s greatest challenge to date. Fraser-Pryce, however, remains optimistic. "I'm optimistic," Fraser-Pryce said. "I have faith that everything will work out." (SportsMax)



Windies youngsters urged to step up for India series West Indies’ young players will have to rise to the occasion of match against India in 14 years and have lost eight of their last the team is to be competitive against India when the series 15 encounters and drawn seven. (SportsMax) bowls off on Thursday in Antigua. So says former West Indies fast bowler Rayon King who believes that with the older guard preparing to step aside the younger players must grasp the opportunity. “Definitely West Indies young brigade need to step up. They were given an opportunity to play in their own backyard, and to play against a quality team, so they must answer their call,” King said. “Definitely West Indies young brigade need to step up. They were given an opportunity to play in their own backyard, and to play against a quality team, so they must answer their call,” King revealed. But it won’t be easy. West Indies haven’t won a single Test against India, home or away since 2002, when they pulled off a stunning series win against the visitors. If India win the present series, it will be the longest streak of series wins for one team. India’s winning streak of five series equals the longest between the two teams. West Indies had won the first five series played between the two teams from 1948 to 1966. West Indies have not won a Test

Pollard calls for end to regional insularity Back in 2013 when Trinidadian Kieron Pollard Kieron Pollard was named captain of the Barbados Tridents, the appointment did not go down well with some. From the man on the street to the halls of government, having a Trinidadian lead a franchise from Barbados was hard for some to swallow. "I have a great difficulty with a Trinidadian captaining the Barbados franchise in the upcoming CPL,” declared Hamilton Lashley, a former minister of social transformation in Barbados in echoing a sentiment shared by many on his island. “They have retained the name Barbados, so I believe a Barbadian like (Dwayne) Smith or (Kirk) Edwards should be captain. I feel it is fundamentally and psychologically wrong. It affects the psyche of some Barbadians.” Over the past three years however, success have brought with it something of a turnaround in public sentiment. Pollard led the Tridents to the CPL title in 2014 and to the finals last year where they lost to the then Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel and is now more widely embraced than he was just three years ago. “It’s just winning. Had I gone there and didn’t win matches it would have been totally different,” the towering Trinidadian said while responding to questions at a press conference at Sabina Park Tuesday, the eve of the Tridents crucial match up against the red-hot Jamaica Tallawahs on Wednesday night. “There is still a lot of talk around but we have been alluding to the fact that this is franchise cricket. At the end of the day there is the regional tournament, the 50-over tournament and the four-day tournament which is country – Jamaica versus whoever, Trinidad versus whoever but this is franchise cricket, people from all different nations coming together in one team to

win and it’s about winning.” He used to opportunity call for an end to insularity that have helped define relationships in the regional. “It’s not about who is from where. If one of your better players selected is from Trinidad or Jamaica then so be it,” Pollard said. “We in the Caribbean need to get rid of this insular attitude. It’s about West Indies cricket and it’s about winning games and what is important to winning cricket matches. What is important for the world to see is that the West Indian population is together as one in order for West Indies cricket to go forward. “If we continue with this ‘he can’t captain because he is from a different country’ then we will stay exactly where we are right now which is number nine (in the world) and we go no further.” (SportsMax)

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