Wednesday, June 29, 2016

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3 years jail for driver who killed teen Magistrate Fabayo Azore today sentenced Clive Barker, 32, to three years imprisonment along with having his license suspended for three years for causing death by dangerous driving on April 10, 2016. Barker who was unrepresented in court maintained his innocence, explaining that the 13 – year – old deceased, Ezekiel Murray, ran out from behind a truck without checking the road first for vehicular traffic. However, the defense maintained that the boy did not run out from behind the truck, which the Magistrate confirmed based on the measurements taken at the scene by the police. Barker, who is employed as a driver at Coastal Clear, was asked by the Magistrate if any compensation was offered to which he responded by saying that it was discussed and that Demerara Distribution Limited (DDL), the

company he was working with at the time, covered the cost of the boy’s funeral. B a s e d o n everything said, the Magistrate proceeded to sentence Barker in an attempt to show the general public that the manner in which the accident occurred and the injuries sustained by the deceased will not be tolerated by the court. The court heard that on the day in question, Barker drove motor Lorry GJJ 278 heading north along the Friendship Public Road in a dangerous manner to the public when he

struck down the lad. Witnesses say that upon being hit, the boy rolled under the vehicle and was dragged by the vehicle until the lorry came to a halt. by Jarred Singh- Guyana Daily News





GLDA acquiring barge to aid cattle farmers


attle farmers along the Berbice River and in the Intermediate Savannahs are to benefit from the acquisition of a cattle barge to be procured by the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA). According to Dr. Dwight Walrond, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, GLDA, the barge for which tenders are currently being invited, will bring relief to the livestock authority and private livestock farmers alike. “When you look at the cost to transport one animal to the station or from the station to the road, I think this barge would assist us greatly (and) the farmers in the Berbice River and the intermediate savannahs, those livestock farmers to be specific.” Waldron said. The acquisition of the barge, which is being tendered for currently, is part of the GLDA’s budgeted $50M capital programme for the current year. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that , “This is in keeping with the revamping of the Ebini Research Station which begun last year.” As part of the GLDA’s efforts to revamp the Ebini Research Station, major works started last year with the guest houses being rehabilitated. Other works are also being done “We are focusing on pasture and other capital works and corrals for the pens for the cattle areas,” Waldrond said. The capital works include the acquisition of a bus equipped to aid in the Livestock Development Authority’s extension services to farmers. “Farmers would have complained in the past, and even with our own internal evaluation we realized the quality of service we were putting out there to farmers as extension is not one we were proud of. As such, we made a pitch to have a bus that is equipped fully to assist us with our extension. This bus is equipped with a projector, DVD player and generator so we can be out there with the farmers, use the farmer field school method and actually show (video) clips of what other farmers are doing whether within Guyana or in other countries,” Walrond explained Walrond added that, “Another one of the capital projects is the construction of a quarantine outpost. We have to strengthen our

surveillance system so that will help us monitor animals and animal products moving in and out of Guyana.” The authority has benefitted from collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) for training and facilitating certain processes. The government has stated their intentions to not only diversify, but to also extend the agricultural sector away from the flood prone low coastal plains inland to the intermediate Savannahs. The GLDA and other agriculture agencies have been focusing on the acquisition of resources to facilitate and aid in this initative. GINA

A model dairy farm




Transformational works for Lethem among hinterland

being modified to f a c i l i t a t e i m p r o v e d generation from the new location. W h e n t h e t e c h n i c a l upgrades are completed, consumers will benefit from a m o r e e ffi c i e n t demand cycle, Williams further e x p l a i n e d . To c o m p l e m e n t The Moco-Moco Hydropower Plant to be upgraded measures in place, the Mocoopportunities for personal and Moco hydro power plant will be community development. upgraded thereby improving the supply “Having road networks will provide of electricity to the region. “We’re farmers with the necessary infrastructure actively pursuing that. Recently, we’ve needed to transport produce to the invited proposals for the market… It would be easier access, redevelopment…so the main reason for they’re looking at what they have to upgrading the Moco-Moco is to facilitate market to bring the markets closer with the transfer of power from the Mocoother markets such as Brazil,” Allicock Moco hydro-plant when developed, to explained.In this regard, Coordinator, the grid in Lethem,” the Williams noted. Work Services Group, Ministry of Public Investments are also being Infrastructure, Geoffrey Vaughn, said made to use renewable that a series of rehabilitation works will energy sources to supply soon commence along sections of the communities that are too far Linden to Lethem access road. Key from the electricity grid. bridges along the route will also be These include the use of solar constructed or rehabilitated. energy panels. The rehabilitation works will result in Plans are being made to easier access to Lethem and other answer the need of hinterland communities and also serve as established road networks. a cheaper mode of transportation to the Regional Chairman of region. “We will have to do a lot of Region Nine, Brian leveling of the road and also grading and Allicocck, notes that better shaping so those are what will be done. In roads will mean greater terms of the bridges we will be replacing interconnectivity among the some of the stringers and decking, where The new power station at the industrial site at Bon Region Nine communities we have to do wing walls we’ll be doing Success, Lethem and the opening up of wing walls,” Vaughn added.

Georgetown, GINA, June 29, 2016 Lethem is to benefit from better roads, bridges and adequate electricity. Chief Executive Officer, Hinterland Electrification Company Inc., Horace Wi l l i a m s t o l d t h e G o v e r n m e n t Information Agency (GINA), that there are ongoing works to ensure that homes without electricity receive power. He explained that power has been supplied to the relatively new Culvert City Housing Scheme which will have over 600 house lots. “The procurement process to get materials to extend the network to the housing area for the occupied house lots has started,” James said. The transfer of the new power station to the industrial site at Bon Success that started last year is still ongoing. The initiative which is being done to reduce noise pollution in the populated area will see the development of industries and factories. “We’ve had a preliminary design to construct the network within the industrial area to supply whoever is establishing facilities within the industrial centre,” Williams said. Sections of the distribution network are




Lethem Council wants Industrial Site with area reserved for auto assembly plant Georgetown, GINA, June 28, 2016 - The first municipal council of Lethem, Region Nine plans to bring to fruition several long awaited developments, including the Lethem Industrial Site. Mayor of the recently commissioned township of Lethem, Carlton Beckles said that the completion of the industrial area, with an emphasis on agro-processing is among priorities that the council has set to accomplish, before it demits office. “We want an industrial area that you will have utilizing things that are readily available inside here in Lethem,” the Mayor said in a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA.) The Council wants produce including cashew nut and mangoes, which are abundant in the region, to be processed in the Industrial Site, the Mayor said. Beckles explained that the vision is to have, “business being done in such a way that it is a level playing field.” “We do not want to have persons coming into the industrial area to establish businesses that are already established there. For example the persons who are making the blocks with their hands, we would not want to see somebody coming here in the industrial area, with a block making machine, to put that person out of business. We would like to see that person go into the industrial area to get all the necessary support (so) that they can acquire the different machinery that they can produce these blocks,” he explained. He further pointed out that the vision is “not for persons to come into the site and open shop anymore to do buying and selling.” “Leave that to the locals, invest in the industrial development of the community,” Beckles said. The Council also envisions a specific area within the industrial site that would be reserved for an auto assembly plant. “It might sound far-fetched but definitely, why we cannot through Central

Government, lobby one of those automakers that they can set up an assembly plant here in Guyana with an aim of exporting to Brazil to Caribbean,” the Mayor questioned. Outside of developing the enterprise in the town, the council’s plans for the municipality for the next three years, also encompass education and several other empowerment projects. Mayor Beckles explained that under education, the vision is to have an education city and this would encompass having a secondary school, a technical institute and a university in the town. “Listening to that plan definitely it is not short term, we would not acquire that during our tenure, but is something for us to build on, because we have the space, that we could have all those things within a square (in Lethem),” he said. Immediate education plans would see the realization of a library, equipped with WiFi, where residents, particularly teachers and students, can access the internet to do research, at a small cost, the mayor explained. The Council has also committed to making available, on an annual basis, monetary contributions to the top three National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) students of the town. The municipality is looking to realise the region’s first Fire Station. Beckles advised that the Deputy Fire Chief has met with the council, a land has been identified and the construction of the building is expected to commence very soon. In area of empowerment, the Municipality is also rehabilitating the Lethem market even as it is upgrading several sport facilities. Beckles advised that the sports ground in Culvert City and Tabtinga, Lethem, are

being enclosed and sanitary facilities will be installed. But even as the municipality seeks to push ahead to bring about these developments, Beckles pointed out that it is being restrained by challenges such as staffing. “We do not have the required amount of staff and it is understandably so because we are a new municipality, where we have to get our town clerk, town treasurer, superintendent of works, public health officer…,” he explained. The building that houses, the municipality is also inadequate, Beckles noted. The council must also deal with the attitude of the residents. The Mayor explained that the residents are accustomed to “doing things one way.” He pointed out that because this was allowed in the past, “there is a lot of unregulated development in Lethem.” “So you have a challenge ahead to convince the residents, where they have to change now to regulated development, and this entails interacting with them and sensitizing them on the way forward, not to go and undo what was done already, but to educate them on the challenges going forward,” he added. Beckles said that once the council can overcome these challenges, “we can get things in place. We can be able to make progress…and once we can develop the municipality, by extension the region will develop,” he said.





UG receives over $14.5m in donations Following deliberations at an Education Resource Ambassadors’ Conference held last week, the University of Guyana (UG) is poised to benefit from over $14.5M in donations in the form of cash, scholarships and pledges. This is according to a statement released by the institution which boasted a successful completion of its first ever Education Resource Ambassadors Conference. It was noted that the three-day conference which was held under the theme “Dreaming Resources, Doing Resources” commenced on June 25 at the Guyana Marriott Hotel. Vice Chancellor (VC) of the University, Professor Ivelaw Griffith had said that the institution, the government and the participants all contributed financially to the hosting of the conference. The statement said that the initiative was aimed at offering some key domestic and diaspora stakeholders a first-hand view of some of the challenges facing the country’s premier tertiary institution. Some of these include, but are not limited to institutional, infrastructural, and technology systems, finance and human resources. The conference was attended by 45 highlevel Guyanese in education, medicine, media, and industry from across the Diaspora, who joined approximately 60 local participants in the ground-breaking event. The overseas-based participants hailed from Barbados, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America (USA). It was noted that this forum saw a “groundswell of appreciation” for the challenges that the national university faces in the production of quality graduates to support the nation’s development. The three-day programme included visits to both Tain and Turkeyen Campuses, as well as plenary and breakout sessions at the Marriott Hotel, where presentations were made by a mix of overseas- and locally-based Guyanese

alumni and friends of the University. “The Conference helped stakeholders to identify immediate, short-, and long-term contributions and the realities facing the institution” the statement said, adding that apart from providing tangible support participants called on the government to provide emergency funding for the university. “Apart from the money raised, several important initiatives emerged from the two-day exercise including the adoption of a resolution which called upon the government to provide emergency funding to arrest any further deterioration of the University.” It was highlighted too that the conference sought to highlight the importance of identifying tangible ways for various parties to resource the university, such as providing technical support by way of p o l i c y, p r o g r a m m e a n d protocol development to strengthen the governance and accountability systems in the U n i v e r s i t y. M o r e o v e r, i t addressed matters of plant, equipment and faculties development, academic and administrative staff development, student support and development and institutional partnerships. But beyond this, the institution’s administration noted that this level of fund-raising is expected to continue with several local and international initiatives as part of the strategic resourcing for the University. In acknowledging the resounding success of the initiative, Professor Ivelaw Griffith expressed the view that a renaissance of the nation’s University has begun. “We are happy that this was achieved through embracing both the challenges and the various strengths we have in Guyana and at the university”. From here moving forward it must be ‘I for UG, You for UG, We all for UG!” the VC said.

As part of the renaissance the Vice Chancellor envisages re-kindling dormant partnerships and pursuing new ones. In light of this, two agreements were signed with the Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST); one renewing an existing partnership and another that establishes a new partnership in housing for foreign visiting lecturers and scholars. Additionally, the title of Education Resource Ambassador was conferred on each conference delegate, with an instrument of appointment signed by the Vice-Chancellor and bearing the university’s seal.



The Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), has started From the 29th of July to the 7th of August, in six avenues of the Caribbean soil the cricket spirit will be felt. In its fourth edition CPL or Hero CPL, as is been titled, is an annual Twenty 20 cricket tournament held in the Caribbean, currently sponsored by Hero Moto Corp. Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago and also at Central Broward Stadium, Lauderhill USA Florida, will be locations hosting the matches, six fixtures will be played in this last one, marking the sport’s first professional strike into northern lands. "We always celebrate the Man of the Match but the ‘Hero Fan of the Match’ competition brings back the focus to our fans which is ultimately what the CPL is all about. Have fun, dress up, make some noise and you could walk away with USD $500 in cash, courtesy of Hero Motocorp, the motorcycle leader," CPL Commercial Director Jamie Stewart said. Sony Pictures Networks (SPN) will be broadcasting the event in six Countries.

Sony SIX (a part of Sony Pictures Networks), India’s premier sports entertainment channel, has bagged the exclusive broadcasting rights to the highly anticipated event, this will be the third consecutive year that the channel will be telecasting the tournament. The teams starring the event will be The Jamaica Tallawahs, Trinbago Knight Riders, Barbados Tr i d e n t s , G u y a n a Amazon Warriors, St Lucia Zouks and St Kitts & Nevis Patriots; battles worth to be enjoyed. The Guyana A m a z o n Wa r r i o r s , which includes leftarm pacer Sohail Tanvir, Ryad Emrit, Paul Wintz, ICC Americas 25-year-old pacer Muhammad AliKhan and Chris Barnwell will hope to

be involved in their fourth semi-final in the four-year history of CPL. The first match will be celebrated tonight at the 21rts hour, between Trinbago Knight Riders versus St Lucia Zouks teams, in Port Spain Trinidad and Tobago. Tonight the biggest party in sports to South American shores, begins. - Rocio Perez - Guyana Daily News





Man acquitted of gun charges Secretary of the Union, Eslyn Harris, explained that GT&T had signed a collective labour agreement with the GPTWU earlier this year and the company continues to exclude the union in decision making processes. “They continue to exclude us from negotiation and meaningful engagement process, it is the members view that once GT&T continues to exclude their union, their rights will be further trampled upon, they will be further violated and manipulated,” Harris told the media. Further, she noted that over the years, the telecommunications company which currently has a monopoly has been implementing “draconian measures” over its employees. Among these, she added, was the issue of staff being told that their pay slips will be sent to them via email. In addition, the union’s Secretary said that just recently, management told staff that the company will be closing the Church Street branch. Harris reasoned that the union has no knowledge of where the affected employees will be transferred to, or if they will even be transferred. “Our colleague’s fore parents fought for workers’ rights decades and centuries ago, and now we are out here fighting for the same cause. It goes to show the management of GT&T doesn’t really care about employees, worker or labour force that has the company standing on its feet” she said. The union also revealed that another major issue is the company’s intention to offer employees over 50 years, a voluntary retirement package. Harris explained that this proposal was supposed to be addressed by a pension committee which is still not in operation. Meanwhile, GPTWU President, Harold Shepherd has rejected the proposal by GTT, reasoning that the move to pay these workers their full pension and an added ten weeks’ pay would only result in them being shortchanged. Like Harris, he too pointed out that GTT has not contacted the union on the issues that were raised during the previous protest. The President Members of the of Guyana Postal and Telecommunication Workers Union (GPTWU) today continued their protest against the Guyana revealed that GTT had only sent a letter to the Union proposing some additional changes to the Collective Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) company as an expression of what they decried as imposed working conditions by the company. Labour Agreement, and that was the only thing the union was in receipt of. GT&T on the other hand has responded The protest, which has been ongoing for weeks outside GT&T by saying that management will not be “intimidated” by headquarters on Brickdam, was said to have been birthed out of the strike and ongoing protests.Chief Executive Officer several newly introduced working conditions by the company, (CEO) of the company, Justin Nedd has said too that, without any form of consultation. Less than 15 members of the GPTWU, some of whom are employees of GT&T, were armed with “Our employees have the right to voice their issues and their placards, expressing their rejection of the company’s modus concerns; but we are about to commence Collective operandi in introducing the new working conditions. They called Labour Agreement discussions and as such we will engage in dialogue when at the bargaining table. GTT for their rights to be respected as employees, calling on the will not sway otherwise.” company’s management to communicate with GPTWU before making decisions which affect their welfare.

Mark Calavan was yesterday acquitted of charges related to the possession of a firearm while not being a licensed firearm holder and being in procession of 8 rounds of ammunition. Calavan in his explanation to the court noted that he was on the opposite side of the road when ranks found the gun in the trench along Church Street and accused him of the crime. The accused appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore, who said that there were no witnesses in the matter and the evidence and testimony given by arresting officers gave seemed to be inconsistent. As such, she was given no other choice but to grant the defendant a not guilty verdict. She however warned Calavan to take this as a blessing and that she hopes he does not appear in her court again. It was alleged by the arresting officers that on Thursday January 28, 2016, whilst they were patrolling on Church Street, they noticed the two men who looked suspicious to them, since they kept looking back at them in a concerning manner. The officers said when they proceeded to stop the men, the other man ran and they only managed to get Calavan at the moment. Upon searching Calavan, it is alleged that the found a .32 Pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition on him. - Jarred Singh - Guyana Daily News

Workers continue protest against GT&T -Church St branch likely to be closed

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LOCAL Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Celebrating National Co-operative’s week 26th June to 2nd July 2016 The Ministry of Social Protection takes great pleasure in wishing all Co-operative Societies in Guyana the best during this time as well as in the future. It is the Government of Guyana’s aim to strengthen the Cooperative movement encouraging citizens to be The Ministry of Education wishes to inform the public successful by engaging in economic ventures via the that results of the National Grade Six Assessment Co-operatives route. Some of the successful Co–NGSA will be released on Tuesday, July 5, 2016. operatives in Guyana include the Hopetown Multi The National Grade Six Assessment was written on Purpose Co-op Society, the Guyana Defense Force April 27 and 28, 2016, more than three weeks later than Co-operative Credit Union, the Guyana Police Force the previous years. The Ministry had extended the dates Credit Union, some Cane Farmers’ Co-operative to allow teachers sufficient time to complete the Grade 6 Society, and the Guyana Public Service Credit Union, curriculum and give students additional time within to name a few. As Thrift Co-operatives in schools which to prepare for the Assessments. involve students between the ages of 5-18, the -GINA Ministry of Social Protection would like to encourage all teachers and school administrators to promote the practice and teaching the benefits of saving to children. The Ministry hereby takes this opportunity to wish all Co-operatives continued success now and in the future, as we strive for economic advancement and development of the Republic. -GINA

NGSA Results to be Released on Tuesday, July 5




The Parking Meter woes con’t


he Mayor and Councilors of the city of Georgetown announced the introduction of a Parking meter system for the city of Georgetown. This is in an attempt to ease the traffic congestion and organized parking in the city of Georgetown; however much controversy had arisen regarding this city venture. When asked how the parking meter system is incorporated in the President’s vision for a Green city, the Mayor of Georgetown Patrica Chase-Green said that the meters are solar operated hence they would not consume electricity. The mayor is optimistic that the parking meter system will work, because the city has nothing to lose and everything to gain, since the city isn’t investing anything but collecting 20% of the revenue from Smart City Solution. It was also noted that even if the company does not make a profit the City will collect its 20% revenue as agreed upon, however, the mayor noted that the contract with regards to the parking meter is currently with the government for review. The President had earlier stated that he is not privy to the contract but Government had ask to see it in an attempt to “protect national interest”. “Truly enough, the City Council itself as a corporate body has the authority to make decisions; that’s why we had local government elections. I am disappointed that there are members of the councils who feel that they have not been consulted. The purpose of having democratic elections is to have democratically-run councils” the President said. He further noted that as far as the government is concerned, it will insist for there to be greater transparency. “As far as we are concerned, we will insist for there to be greater transparency and we cannot overrule the council but we can ask for transparent procedures to prevail in the city council,” the President said. A demonstration of the parking meter was shown to this newspaper by staff of Smart City Solution. The staff noted that a driver will have to purchase time from vendors, the driver will then park and press the green button on the meter, the meter will then ask you to enter the number plate of the vehicle,

the driver will then press back the green to confirm, after which, you will press the blue to indicate how long you want to stay, you then select the payment type and then swipe the card, a receipt will be issued, the driver will place the receipt under the wiper so that when the meter maid comes around he/she will verify the information. -Ronald Singh - Guyana Daily News

Mayor of Georgetown Patrica Chase-Green





GLDA acquiring barge to aid cattle farmers


attle farmers along the Berbice River and in the Intermediate Savannahs are to benefit from the acquisition of a cattle barge to be procured by the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA). According to Dr. Dwight Walrond, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, GLDA, the barge for which tenders are currently being invited, will bring relief to the livestock authority and private livestock farmers alike. “When you look at the cost to transport one animal to the station or from the station to the road, I think this barge would assist us greatly (and) the farmers in the Berbice River and the intermediate savannahs, those livestock farmers to be specific.” Waldron said. The acquisition of the barge, which is being tendered for currently, is part of the GLDA’s budgeted $50M capital programme for the current year. The Deputy Chief Executive Officer told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that , “This is in keeping with the revamping of the Ebini Research Station which begun last year.” As part of the GLDA’s efforts to revamp the Ebini Research Station, major works started last year with the guest houses being rehabilitated. Other works are also being done “We are focusing on pasture and other capital works and corrals for the pens for the cattle areas,” Waldrond said. The capital works include the acquisition of a bus equipped to aid in the Livestock Development Authority’s extension services to farmers. “Farmers would have complained in the past, and even with our own internal evaluation we realized the quality of service we were putting out there to farmers as extension is not one we were proud of. As such, we made a pitch to have a bus that is equipped fully to assist us with our extension. This bus is equipped with a projector, DVD player and generator so we can be out there with the farmers, use the farmer field school method and actually show (video) clips of what other farmers are doing whether within Guyana or in other countries,” Walrond explained Walrond added that, “Another one of the capital projects is the construction of a quarantine outpost. We have to strengthen our

surveillance system so that will help us monitor animals and animal products moving in and out of Guyana.” The authority has benefitted from collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) for training and facilitating certain processes. The government has stated their intentions to not only diversify, but to also extend the agricultural sector away from the flood prone low coastal plains inland to the intermediate Savannahs. The GLDA and other agriculture agencies have been focusing on the acquisition of resources to facilitate and aid in this initative. GINA

A model dairy farm









Daily Horoscope You can make personal changes that will enhance your reputation and give you greater self confidence. Personal problems may be hanging over your head but don't confront the situation. You may think gifts will win their heart, but it could add stress from lack of funds. You can have a working relationship with children if you exercise patience and understanding of the dilemmas they face. Finish off old projects before starting something new. Don't make any unreasonable promises.

Sit tight. Things aren't as bad as they appear. Your ability to deal with others will help you in getting the support you need. Hidden assets can be doubled if you play your cards correctly. Don't overspend on entertainment, on children, or make poor investments. You will meet new romantic partners through the company you keep. You can stabilize your personal relationship if you're willing to communicate honestly.

You may find that relationships are not going as well as you'd like. Shopping could cost more than you bargained for. You could experience delays in shipments or mail, and should be careful while traveling

You might be overly emotional concerning situations at work. You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings. Don't be shy to promote your own interests.

Don't make large purchases unless you have discussed your choices with your mate. You can ask for favors or run your ideas by those who will be able to support your objectives. Someone around you may not be trustworthy.

You should be putting in some overtime. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers. Real estate investments could be to your advantage.

You are best to work behind the scenes on projects that require detail or precision. Chances are they are jealous. Get together with those you find mentally stimulating.

Extravagance will be a problem. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Entertainment could be pleasing if it is of an energetic nature.

Travel and social activity will bring about interesting talks, not to mention contacts. Put some energy into getting back into shape. Listen to reason. Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well.

Extravagance will be a problem. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Entertainment could be pleasing if it is of an energetic nature.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: FRIED RICE 2 cups white rice (wash and drain) 1/4 tsp. 5-spice powder 1 can FARM FRESH SWEET PEAS* drained 1 carrot, chopped 1 bundle bora, chopped 3 cups hot water 3 tbsp. green seasoning 2 DELISH CUBES* 2 tsp. fried rice seasoning 1/4 cup + 3 tsp. Chinese sauce Salt, to taste 3 tbsp. PALMBOOM* margarine 1/2 cup + 4 tbsp. COCAMAR* cooking oil. Fresh celery, to garnish

*imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS Add fried rice seasoning to rice, salt, pepper, 5-spice powder, Chinese sauce and a hand full of sugar. Add to wok oil and butter. When hot, add seasoned rice, fry for 10 minutes or until rice is loose. Add hot water and cover to steam until water is absorbed. In another wok, heat oil; when hot, add carrot, bora, corn, Chinese sauce and a pinch of seasoning. Fry until tender; add to rice. Garnish with celery. ENJOY WITH A HEALTHY & REFRESHING GLASS OF VITA-C!



New India coach Kumble claims Indians confident ahead of Windies tour Newly appointed Indian head coach Anil Kumble insists the team heads to the Caribbean full of confidence ahead of next month’s Test tour. The West Indies will host the Indians in four matches, the first of which will bowl off in Antigua on July 21. The teams will play subsequent matches in Jamaica, St Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. The Windies were triumphant on the last occasion the teams met the ICC World T20 Championships, where India, the home team, were eliminated in the semi-final. In the longer format of the game it is the Indians who have reigned supreme, winning the last two series in the Caribbean, which took place in 2006 and 2011, by a 1-0 margin. “The last time we went to the West Indies, we won the series, so we will take that confidence with us,” Kumble said of the upcoming tour. “This Indian team has played very well in Test cricket. In the camp, I am just trying to get used to the players. Probably because of the rain, practice will be a problem but I believe this is a very good chance for us to win. We will go there to win the series.” Kumble was a spinner when the team lost 2-1 to the West Indies in 2002. -Sportsmax


Jamaican swimmer Wynter sets new national 100-metre backstroke record Timothy Wynter set a new Jamaican national record in the 100-metre backstroke while competing at the 2016 RBC Bahamas National Championships in Nassau at the Betty Kelly-Kenning Aquatic Centre from June 23 -26. Wynter, who harbours ambitions of representing Jamaica at the Summer Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, clocked 56.28 seconds, erasing his mark of 56.98 seconds set a month ago at the Bermuda National Championships. Back then he became the first Jamaican to break 57 seconds in the event. His new personal best was only 0.02 seconds off the Olympic qualifying standard of 56.26. He went on to produce a time of 56.45 seconds in the ‘B’ finals of the event. Non-nationals can only compete in the ‘B’ finals. Meanwhile, Sidrell Williams, who also competed at the championships,

produced a time of 52.30, the s e c o n d fastest time of his career in the 100m e t r e freestyle. He was only able to manage 5 3 . 4 7 seconds in the finals. H e delivered a similar performance in the 50-metre butterfly, clocking 26.25 in the heats and 25.91 in the final, his third best time ever. Williams posted a series of season best times in the 100-metre butterfly. The morning swim saw him stroking

his way to 58.31 before going even faster in the B final, with a final time of 57.83. He ended the competition with a season-best time in the 50-metre freestyle of 24.21. (SportsMax)


The Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), has started From the 29th of July to the 7th of August, in six avenues of the Caribbean soil the cricket spirit will be felt. In its fourth edition CPL or Hero CPL, as is been titled, is an annual Twenty 20 cricket tournament held in the Caribbean, currently sponsored by Hero Moto Corp. Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago and also at Central Broward Stadium, Lauderhill USA Florida, will be locations hosting the matches, six fixtures will be played in this last one, marking the sport’s first professional strike into northern lands. "We always celebrate the Man of the Match but the ‘Hero Fan of the Match’ competition brings back the focus to our fans which is ultimately what the CPL is all about. Have fun, dress up, make some noise and you could walk away with USD $500 in cash, courtesy of Hero Motocorp, the motorcycle leader," CPL Commercial Director Jamie Stewart said. Sony Pictures Networks (SPN) will be broadcasting the event in six Countries.

Sony SIX (a part of Sony Pictures Networks), India’s premier sports entertainment channel, has bagged the exclusive broadcasting rights to the highly anticipated event, this will be the third consecutive year that the channel will be telecasting the tournament. The teams starring the event will be The Jamaica Tallawahs, Trinbago Knight Riders, Barbados Tr i d e n t s , G u y a n a Amazon Warriors, St Lucia Zouks and St Kitts & Nevis Patriots; battles worth to be enjoyed. The Guyana A m a z o n Wa r r i o r s , which includes leftarm pacer Sohail Tanvir, Ryad Emrit, Paul Wintz, ICC Americas 25-year-old pacer Muhammad AliKhan and Chris Barnwell will hope to

be involved in their fourth semi-final in the four-year history of CPL. The first match will be celebrated tonight at the 21rts hour, between Trinbago Knight Riders versus St Lucia Zouks teams, in Port Spain Trinidad and Tobago. Tonight the biggest party in sports to South American shores, begins. - Rocio Perez - Guyana Daily News


Courts makes monetary donation to CARICOM road race Courts Managing Director Clyde de Haas donated $500,000 to the CARICOM Secretariat on its 12th annual 10km road race, which will be celebrated on July 3 under the theme,‘Promoting Peaceful and Healthy Societies.’ Receiving the cheque was Caricom Programme Manager for Crime and Security Sherwin ToyneStephenson. Courts Guyana Inc. will be partners this year with the CARICOM Secretariat, the (AAG) Youth and Sports and Athletics Association and the Ministry of Education- Department of Culture. This event coincides with the meeting of the Heads of Government Conference scheduled for July 04. “The race seeks to

bring together both professional and amateur athletes in an environment of cooperation and sharing to promote the good value of wellness as it promotes a peaceful and healthy society,” Mr Toyne – Stephenson said. Meanwhile, Courts Managing Director invited the public to take part in the thrilling event. “In light of Courts being a regional organisation, it is only fitting to be partnering with CARICOM to promote the sport, ”Mr. Clyde said. Personalities such as CARICOM Secretary General Irwin LaRocque and CARICOM Chairman, Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow are expected to be part of the event.

The race will start at the CARICOM secretary in Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown at 6:00am and will finish at the National Park. The best runners will be well rewarded, exciting cash prices, medals and trophies will be offered. The race will be fractionated for minors; primary school students will run 1500m and secondary school students will run 5K. by Rocio Perez- Guyana Daily News

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