Business Owners Fume Over President’s Excuse For Crime president said. Mr. Granger further stated that “I get the impression that these crimes, they are crimes, they are almost to embarrass the P o l i c e F o r ce, t o e m b a r r a s s t h e Government.” The business owners are rubbishing the thought by the President that the criminals’ ulterior motive is to show that the Police Force and or the Government is weak. “People need jobs and money that is why they commit robberies.” President Granger also said that he is unaware of what is taking place and that many of the crimes have their origin in the Guyana Police Force.
President David Granger Many residents of Berbice have complained bitterly about the surge in criminal activities all across Guyana over the past year. Several business owners from the West Coast of Berbice have expressed frustration over
President David Granger’s recent statement on his weekly program “The Public Interest” that the surge in criminal activities is an attempt to embarrass the Government and the Guyana Police Force. “I am suggesting that the pattern of crimes that we have seen is part of a campaign,” the
Some residents of New Amsterdam also vented their frustration over the President’s speech, saying that the government is clueless as to what is happening in the country. They further stated that if unemployment is high then crime will be high. The residents are calling on the Guyana Police Force to put their petty differences aside and work to bring the crime situation under control.
Bickering Between Top Cops Should Be Dealt With Internally - Harmon private reprimand.”
It was reported, that while the Police Commissioner was on 100 days leave, Mr. Ramnarine (APC) took up the substantive role as Police Commissioner and during this time he (Ramnarine) made several decisions, which included the promotion of several police officers. When the Police Commissioner returned to duty on 8th November, 2016, Persaud sought to revert the promotions of the Officers. Reports were that Persaud sent memos to Ramnarine, the Finance Officer and to Divisional and Branch Commanders, informing them that the decisions that were made by Ramnarine should be squashed.
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon Cabinet last Tuesday deliberated on the brewing conflict between Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud and Acting Police Commissioner, David Ramnarine. At yesterday’s post cabinet press briefing at the Ministry of the Presidency, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said that the matter should have been dealt with internally rather than having it escalated the media. “I believe that the relationship which must exist at that level will require if a subordinate has done something that requires some amount reprimand or some amount of proper assigning, those things can be done internally. In fact, the President says that he prefers you have public praise and
The Police Commissioner in his letter stated that "Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine misinformed himself that he has authority to make any such appointment in the absence of an instrument issued by His Excellency the President." When asked by media operatives what were some of the recommendations that cabinet came up with, the Minister said “So you always have these things; but the important thing is that because of the importance of the Guyana Police Force to the National Security structure, it is important that these matters not occur in the public space…that they be dealt with in another way.” The Minister further stated that Minister of Public Security Khemaraj Ramjattan was asked to intervene in the matter.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Government Must Do More To Curb Styrofoam Smuggling PAGE 5
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) yesterday seized a quantity of Styrofoam products at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. The Agency then set ablaze the products at the city’s incinerator. Many businesses have commended the GRA for this move, but were not too keen at the method at which the product was disposed. Some business owners have complained to the Guyana Daily News that the government is turning a blind eye to the smuggling of this product at the Guyana/Suriname border. They further stated that they are complying and paying the relevant taxes for the importation of alternative products but some establishments continue to use the banned Styrofoam. The business owners have leveled allegations that there is collusion between business owners and government workers to smuggle the illegal items in the country. The Ministry of the Presidency had announced that the ban on Styrofoam is part of efforts to support and promote a green economy and environment, which has been a mantra for the Government since their assumption to office.
$48.6M Emergency Plan Approved To Address Decline In Grade Six Math
With the gradual declining performances in English and Mathematics at the Grade Six Primary Level, the Guyana government approved a seven-point plan totaling some $48.6M to address the situation. This announcement was made by Minister of State Joseph Harmon. Over the years, Guyana has failed to achieve acceptable pass rates in Mathematics, a critical core subject. An assessment done by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC), which was contracted by the Ministry of Education to conduct the examination for the Grade Six students, found that the different assessment illustrated the deficiencies in the system. According to Harmon, the project is termed the “Emergency
Education intervention for improved performance in Mathematics by students in Grade Six.” The plan included several recommendations were made and approved and those include the training of teachers in content and methodology; facilitating fortnightly cluster meetings in all regions; the recruitment of Mathematics coordinators and monitors; the training of officers and school administrators to supervise the teaching of Mathematics; the preparing and administering a diagnostic assessment of pupils in the hinterland regions before training; the enhancement of public relations, parental involvement in the education of the children and the acquisition of support material for the
students. Harmon related that the financing of the plan was approved and the sum of $48,682,690 granted for its implementation, which has already begun. He added that further monies will be approved as the strategy continues to be implemented in 2017 and onwards.
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Parliament Hosts Anti-corruption Seminar At Marriott PAGE 8
Speaker of the National A s s e m b l y D r. B a r t o n Scotland The National Assembly in collaboration with the C o m m o n w e a l t h Parliamentary Association of
the United Kingdom facilitated a parliamentary forum on anti-corruption. Speaker of the National A s s e m b l y D r. B a r t o n Scotland said the information that will come out of the twoday seminar which is being held at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston will be beneficial in the completion of the draft Code of Conduct for all Ministers of Government, Members of the National Assembly and public office holders. “It is hoped that the discussions over the next two days will provide further information for the drafters of this document,” Scotland said. The Code of Conduct provides guidance for the behaviour of persons holding public office. Scotland noted
that Parliamentarians stand to benefit significantly from information on accountability and transparency which will be discussed at the seminar. “There is still a great deal of work to be done to strengthen what is already here,” Scotland noted. The Speaker of the National Assembly said the forum was timely in the fight against corruption. “It is therefore a good thing for this forum to be held, to further enable the Parliamentarians, and no doubt, the wider public to be aware of corruption, to recognise the signs of corruption and to feel bold enough to take steps to combat it,” Scotland said. Scotland pointed out that the National Assembly has taken
several measures to comply with this convention. In 2003, the National Assembly passed Resolution No 19 which saw the creation of four sectoral committees: Economic Services, Social Services, Natural Resources and Foreign Relations. Guyana became a signatory to the Inter-American Convention against Corruption in March 2001. A committee has been formed which has been tasked with overseeing the mechanism on the implementation of the Convention. The anticorruption seminar stemmed from a seven-month capacity building programme earlier this year between the United Kingdom Parliament and National Assembly of Guyana.
‘A New Model Of Trade Unionism Needed To Prepare The Workers For The Future’ -President Granger Tells GTUC’s Congress
President Granger delivering his address Georgetown, Guyana – (November 10, 2016) President David Granger, this evening, called on the Guyana Trade Unions Congress (GTUC) to embrace a new model of trade unionism, one which can ensure that the workers they represent are prepared and equipped for the future in a changing world, where technological advancements and the pursuit of a ‘green’ state are realities. Addressing the opening of the GTUC’s 4th Triennial Delegates Conference, at the Critchlow Labour College’s Joseph Pollydore Auditorium, which is being hosted under the theme “Labour Policies; a Prerequisite in creating a ‘Green’ Economy’, President Granger said that while the GTUC should be proud of its historical record as it was a vanguard of the struggle for a good life for workers, the GTUC’s model now needs to be re-examined and the delegates at the Congress must now look at its role and redefine itself. President Granger said that the Trade unions ought to consider the changes that are taking place not only in Guyana but around the world and this includes the pursuit of a ‘green’ agenda, as the world tries to grapple with the effects of climate change and global warming. “Guyana is to become a ‘green state’ and in so doing can become a workers’ paradise. Our concept of a ‘Green state’ rests on four pillars: the provision of educational, environmental services
and ecotourism, the protection of our biodiversity and wildlife and the management of our coastal zone, rivers, wetlands and protected areas, the generation of sustainable energy and the mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change. These are some of the pillars on which the green economy stands and this is capable of generating new types of workers. A new model for trade unionism, appropriate to the ‘Green State,’ must emerge. The old model has outlived its usefulness. It is time for new wine in new wineskins. It is time for new thinking in today’s trade union movement,” the Head of State told the Congress. Additionally, the President noted that there is the need for the Congress to focus its attention on the reeducation of the workforce to ensure that not only are they able to take advantage of the emerging opportunities as a green economy develops but they must also be prepared to compete in a knowledge based and technologically advanced world. “It needs to take account of changes in workers’ well-being over the past 75 years; the changes needed to change the quality of lives of workers. The struggles of workers in Guyana over the past one hundred years have paid dividends. The working class is still c o n f r o n t e d , h o w e v e r, b y m a n y challenges. We need a new model of trade unionism and to prepare the workers for the future. A ‘new model’ of trade unionism is needed to build on these successes and promote 21st century trade unionism. Technology has rendered certain jobs redundant and led to downsizing in many industries. Outsourcing has added to job losses. Globalisation has led to jobless growth in some instances. These developments have weakened the trade union movement. It is no secret that the membership of trade unions has shrunk.
It is estimated in Guyana less than 20 percent of the workforce is now unionised,” the President said. Also, President Granger believes that the Unions, in addition to supporting the development of a highly skilled workforce, can play a role in encouraging a new kind of worker, one that sees himself as more than a wage earner but instead, as a job creator, who can contribute to the development of the economy of Guyana. “We are living in a globalised era. Knowledge-based industries are the main drivers of economic growth and competitiveness. Workers need to be educated and skilled if they are to function effectively in the workplace. Workers needs to be educated if their upward mobility is to assured. The provision of educational services for workers and the unemployed must become the central focus of any organisation that is committed to protecting the rights of workers. The trade union movement must position itself to promote self-employment amongst workers as a means of reducing unemployment. Mechanisms such as credit unions run by trade unions can help the unemployed with credit to launch their own businesses. The GTUC must examine ways to provide seed capital, skills training and mentoring to encourage job creation through entrepreneurship,” he said. He noted that the new model of trade unionism must be aimed at restoring workers’ confidence and enhancing capacity-building. Quoting the International Labour Organisation’s World Employment Social Outlook 2015 Report, President Granger said that “employment growth is weak, partly because of the decline in global demand and falling productivity.
Continued on next page...
‘A New Model Of Trade Unionism Needed To Prepare The Workers For The Future’... (Cont’d) Globally, only 50 percent of workers are in wage and salary employment; employment is shifting towards parttime, single, self-employment and contributing family work, which are anticipated to constitute 30 percent of new jobs between 2015 and 2019.” President Granger said that already, serious challenges are being posed for the unionisation of workers and the protection of their rights by the diversified, fragmented nature of employment markets. “The GTUC, as an association of trade unions, has to redefine itself in light of these challenges, which confront the entire labour movement in sugar, bauxite, the public service. Its attention has to be concentrated on addressing the concerns of the working class, including those who are unemployed,” President Granger said.
The President further assured the GTUC that his administration will has no vested interest in retarding the development of the working class or the trade union movement as he urged the unions to feel free in seeking new pathways to advance their workers’ interests. Meanwhile, Mr. Leslie Gonsalves, President of the GTUC, in his remarks, while recognising the restoration of the collective bargaining process by the Government, admitted that indeed the Trade Unions in Guyana have been facing severe challenges over the past years. They can only be addressed he said if they are recognised and confronted. “It is entirely appropriate that we in the Guyana Trade Union Congress express our pleasure over the fact that just a few months ago, a framework was created for the
restoration of collective bargaining between the Guyana Public Service Union and the Government of Guyana after a number of years, during which the facilities were denied. This is an important achievement and one which we must hope that we can build upon. There is work for the labour movement to do. There is a need for us to develop and focus on a collective labour agenda; an agenda that addresses the growth of our movement and the welfare of our workers,” he said. The event was also attended by the Minister of Social Protection, Ms. Volda Lawrence, Minister of Social Protection, Ms. Amna Ally, Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Heads of the other Unions in the country, members of the diplomatic corps and other government officials. MOTP Press Release
‘Education Must Be A Lifelong Pursuit’ -First Lady At Carnegie School‘s 2016 Graduation Exercise big, reach higher, serve purposefully for the enhancement of our communities”.
A huge thank you! First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger and Head Prefect of the 2017 graduating class of the Carnegie School of Home Economics, Ms. Sheina Ramsden share a laugh as they display a stunning bouquet the school presented to the First Lady in appreciation of her attendance. Georgetown, Guyana – (November 10, 2016) First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, this afternoon, told the 2016 graduating class of the Carnegie School of Home Economics’ Craft Production and Design Division that “education must be a lifelong pursuit” in her feature address at their graduation ceremony, which was held at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre, Liliendaal. “Educated persons enhance their communities. They bring a level of thought, planning and order, not only to their own lives, but will add value, too, to their families and the communities, which they inhabit,” the First Lady said at the ceremony, which was hosted under the theme “Dream
Mrs. Granger also noted that in today’s fast-changing world, the new graduates should view the qualifications that they have received as the first step on their path to success. “The certificates and diplomas, which you are receiving today, are the first steps in making your dream of personal and professional success come true. For you have worked hard to be exactly where you are today. You have recognised that you can reach higher and that you will fulfil your dreams if you educate yourselves,” she said. The First Lady also noted that while some of the members of the graduating class intend to use their newly gained knowledge to focus on home improvements and others may plan to advance their studies, there are others who may be thinking about establishing businesses.
The 2016 graduating class “This is why you must know the value of what you are doing and making because if you make a dress no store will
have it and that is what you can tell your customers. Our tourism industry is expanding. It stands to reason that those who work in the service and tourism sectors must know all the international standards and norms so that they can compete in the market… An excellent product, a competitive price and good customer service will guarantee you return customers,” she said. Meanwhile, Valedictorian Ms. Gizzelle Lopes told her colleagues that they should be proud of their achievements as all “the pain, tears and frustration, hard work and dedication” have paid off. She also reminded them that there is potential for greatness in each of them and urged them to try to better themselves. “Simply being better than those around you is not enough, you will only realise you’re true potential when you push to be better than you are,” she said. Ms. Lopes also cautioned them that along with the victories, there will be failures and urged them not to become paralysed by the fear of failure, but rather “to try to be better than your best and try to do so fearlessly”. Ms. Penelope Harris, Principal of the School celebrated the achievements of its graduates, who matriculated from the Carnegie Hospitality Institute and the Craft Production and Design Division, which includes Commercial Food Preparation, Visual Arts, Garment Construction, Interior Decoration, Household Management and General Cosmetology. Continued on next page...
‘Education Must Be A Lifelong Pursuit’ -First Lady At Carnegie School‘s 2016 Graduation... (Cont’d) their classes over the past school year. In delivering the charge, Ms. Cheryl Sampson, Technical Advisor, Ministry of Education advised the students to hold fast to the principles of quality, discipline, etiquette, creativity and service that they have learned at the school.
Ms. Gizzelle Lopes, Valedictorian and Best Graduating Student in Catering and Hospitality tells graduates to celebrate their achievements and aim to better themselves as she delivered the charge at the Carnegie School of Home Economics' Craft Production and Design Division graduation ceremony. She noted that the School has participated in several significant local and international events this year, including Guyana’s Golden Jubilee Independence Anniversary programme. Ms. Harris also said that the School is continuing to modernise its programme in order to realise its vision of becoming the “leading institution and authentic voice providing quality training in Home Economics and Hospitality in Guyana”. She also commended instructors Ms. Kavita Moore, Ms. Avril Boston and Ms. Carla Lewis for having achieved 100 percent passes and no dropouts from
“I charge you to carry yourself with dignity and grace. It is your duty to keep the flag of the institution flying high,” she said. The programme opened with the parade of graduands to musical accompaniment provided by the Guyana Police Force band. Special invitees included Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms. Amna Ally, Director of the National Centre for Educational Research Development, Mrs. Jennifer Cumberbatch, Assistant Chief Education Officer – Technology, at the Ministry of Education, Mr. Patrick Chinedu Onwuzirike and former Chairman of the Carnegie Board, Mr. John Seeram. It was chaired by Vice Principal of the Carnegie School of Home Economics, Ms. Myrna Lee. Ms. Tandika Griffith, Instructor at the School, Ms. Deborah Shortt-Parker, Board Member. The School, which was established by Scotsman, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in 1933 as the Carnegie Trade School for Women was funded by the Carnegie Board of Trustees until the Government of Guyana assumed full responsibility for it in 1973. Since then, over the years, its curriculum has expanded to include competency-based programmes, which certify students based on their proficiency. The School also offers certificate and diploma programmes that are accredited by the Ministry of Education, and are open to both male and female students, including early school leavers. MOTP Press Release
Pregnant Mother Of 6 Accused Of Stealing Gold Ring, Chain bail after she appeared before her in being a domestic worker. the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with simple larceny.
Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan today released pregnant mother of six Christine Bharrat on GY$25,000
She is slated to return before the court on November 28, 2016 for statements. The woman, 27, entered a plea of not guilty, while her lawyer pleaded for bail, stating that Bharrat is in a financial strain and has a family which she provides for by
There was no objection to the bail application. It is alleged that between October 18, 2016 and NOvember 8, 2016 at Republic Park, East Bank Demerara, the accused of Market Street, Grove, stole a gold ring valued at GY$200,000 and one gold chain along with pendant valued at GY$300,000.
Law Student Charged With Simple Larceny Law student, Kevon Henry was today granted bail in the sum of GY$50,000 by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan after he appeared before her charged with the offence of simple larceny. He will return before her on November 28, 2016 for continuation of the matter. Henry, in addition to being a student, is employed as a Bartender at Palm Court. He was unrepresented and pleaded not guilty to the charge. The prosecution did not object to bail. It
is alleged that on November 3, 2016 at Camp Street, the 26-year-old acquired one Republic Bank Card property of Marlon Gardner and stole therein GY$90,000. According to prosecution reports, the virtual complainant left his bank card and PIN number in the custody of a friend, who is also the girlfriend of the accused. It is further reported that the accused went into the bag of his girlfriend and stole the card along with a paper containing the PIN
number and withdrew the aforementioned sum of money.
Mother Of 4 Remanded On Gun Charge in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with being in possession of a firearm while not being a licensed fi r e a r m h o l d e r. T h e m a t t e r w a s transferred to the Lethem Magistrate’s Court where James will make her next appearance.
Thirty – six- year old Mother of four, Janet James was today remanded until November 28, 2016 after she appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann Mclennan
The accused, who is the Manager of the V&D ranch located in Rupununi pleaded not guilty to charge and was represented by Attorney at Law, Jerome Khan. The lawyer told the court that his client has no knowledge of and has ever used any
firearm. In addition he stated that according to the reports no ammunition was found. Police Prosecution objected to bail citing the severity and gravity of the alleged crime as the major reason.
It is alleged that on November 9, 2016 at Rupununi, Region 9, police acting on information received carried out a search at the office of the accused and found a .38 Special Revolver in a cupboard. According to police reports James admitted to the act and made the defense that she uses the gun for her protection.
Palestinian Ambassador Sobeh Ali Calls On Minister Hughes purchase Guyana’s rice. Guyana can also benefit from the booming Pharmaceutical industry. The path, the Ambassador said, is also open for expansion of Guyana’s agriculture industry utilizing Palestinian expertise especially with high tech poultry farms, and their national Seed Banks. The two officials also discussed the mutual benefits each country could accrue from Tourism, particularly Religious Tourism in Palestine, e.g. visits to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and Adventure tourism in Guyana’s hinterland. Minister Cathy Hughes with Ambassador Sobeh Ali Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes, on Wednesday 9th November warmly received a courtesy call from Dr. Linda Sobeh Ali, newly accredited Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine to Latin America and Guyana. She had presented her Letters of Credence to H.E. President David Granger earlier that day. Ambassador Sobeh Ali said that her country is well known for the progress it has made in employing renewable sources of energy, and that the state will soon commence procedures to
The Ambassador informed Minister Hughes that the Palestinian private sector is the real engine of her country’s growth, and that the business owners there have expressed interest in participating in Guyana’s trade fairs and expos. Ambassador Sobeh Ali, a Doctor (PhD) of Economics, is headquartered in neighbouring Venezuela. She plans to visit Guyana on alternate months to lay the groundwork for possible Palestinian business investments and Technical Assistance programmes. Ministry of Public Telecommunications Press Release
Cousins Arrested In Turkeyen With Over 78 Lbs Of Marijuana C o m p re s s e d c a n n a b i s s a t i v a information received went to the duo Second Street, Turkeyen Apartment (marijuana) found at Turkeyen and conducted a search which Ranks of the Guyana Police Force, unearthed twenty-six taped parcels in early this morning arrested two a bag, hidden in a plastic barrel, in one cousins, aged 20 and 36 years, at their of the rooms, weighing almost fortyTurkeyen’s Apartment with over four kilograms. They are likely to eighty seven pounds of compressed appear in court today. cannabis sativa (marijuana). About 00:30h. this morning, ranks acting on Guyana Police Force Press Release
Police Investigating Murder Of Albouystown Shooting occurred about 0630h. this suspect went to Mc Kenzie’s house with suspected gunshot
Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder of Michael Payne, 27 years, of South Ruimveldt, which
morning at 85 La Penitence Street, Albouystown. Investigations revealed that about 2200h. last night, the deceased tried to pacify a heated argument between one Sherlock Mc Kenzie, of 85 La Penitence Street, Albouystown, and some other persons and in the process he left his bicycle. About 0630h., this morning the deceased and a male
home to retrieve his bicycle and after repeatedly calling and banging his door and gotten no response, they allegedly kicked down the door, entered the house, confronted Mc Kenzie and a scuffle ensued; it was during this encounter several loud explosions were heard and the deceased accomplice fled as well as Mc Kenzie. Payne was found lifeless in the
wounds to his head, upper left arm and chest. He was rushed to the GPHC where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The body is presently at the Ly k e n ’s F u n e r a l H o m e awaiting a post-mortem. The male suspect, who was with the deceased, is assisting with the investigation. Guyana Police Force Press Release
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Presence Of Foreigners At Crime Scene Part Of Training For GPF PAGE 21
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, at a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, has explained that the presence of foreigners during crime scene investigations is part of training, which is ongoing with police officers both locally and internationally. He said it is part of the Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP) which seeks to develop the sector as part of government’s effort to confront widespread crime. “The frame work of the programme is ongoing, which plans to look at the security sector in particular, the way we do policing, how we are addressing crime in this country in a very systematic way. We have to look at how the sector is dealt with, we have to look at best practices, and from time to time, we will get assistance from friendly countries in assisting us in these matters,” Minister Harmon explained. This programme, he said, is a collaborative effort with the British government. The previous administration had suspended the project however, in March, the programme was re-introduced by this government. Minister of Public Security, Kemraj Ramgattan in an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA) said, “The Security Sector Reform Action Plan is welcomed by the Government. We would really love to have that kind of support from the British, and we know that we are getting support from others, such as the Americans, the European Union, and Canada through the Justice Education Society- training our police men and women…” President David Granger has said that the downgraded Britishfunded Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP) would be more beneficial than the United States’ (US) Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI). “It (CBSI) is useful and it is necessary but we have had to take other interventions and that is why we have indicated to the United Kingdom government for the UK Security Sector Reform action plan- that will make a more direct and a greater measurable impact on crime in Guyana than CBSI,” he said. “CBSI is good but the SSRP is better.” said on his a previous edition over his weekly programme, Public Interest. British High Commissioner to Guyana, Greg Quinn has already said monies for the SSRP would be reduced because infrastructural development across the Caribbean has been deemed by Britain to be more important than security. Under the then People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration, the SSRP had been abandoned over ownership and the desire by the UK for British forces to conduct live firing exercises in western Guyana near Brazil and Venezuela and a Guyanese Amerindian community.
President Focused On Comprehensive Strategy That Attacks Root Causes Of Crime the Americans in the State Commissioner of Police and the
President David Granger Georgetown, Guyana – (November 10, 2016) Reducing the high incidence of violent crime continues to be a priority for the administration and President David Granger said that his Government will continue to work with the security forces to ensure the safety of all Guyanese. Among the changes to be instituted are the tightening of border security and control to prevent the transport of illegal guns and narcotics, more street patrols, the presence of mounted police in the hinterland and riverine areas of the country, collaboration between the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Community Policing Groups (CPGs), provision of assets such as drones for border monitoring, aerial surveillance, reduction of cash transactions and the implementation of a ‘Smart City’ programme, which will see cameras being installed along strategic points across the country, the yearly review of gun license and security sector reform. The President in an invited comment, today, at the Ministry of the Presidency said that he is focused on comprehensive crime fighting strategies that address the root causes of crime to ensure long term results.
Addressing cross border crime, he said, “When you hear about gun crimes; Guyana doesn’t manufacture guns. When you hear about narcotics trafficking; Guyana doesn’t manufacture cocaine but these are crimes, which have a very serious impact so we have to deal with other countries in the international community and in the Caribbean Basin. We have to deal with the interpersonal violence, street crimes and these crimes are sometimes fueled by the same narcotics or guns, which are imported from outside... There are a lot of youngsters, who grew up through the ‘troubles’ and still believe that the solution to their problems or whatever they want to achieve in their life is through the barrel of a gun… We have a strategy and part of that strategy is to limit the inflow and impact of transnational crimes by securing our borders and by working with communities. Crime is complex and we have a complex strategy to deal with that.” P r e s i d e n t G r a n g e r, w h o continues to be directly involved in public security planning, chairing the weekly meeting of the National Security Committee, said that this issue has become a daily preoccupation. Meanwhile, Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan said that his Ministry has engaged the Department of State of the United States for their assistance in the provision of assets, which can aid in the control of the country’s borders. “It is especially important that we get more resources to ensure that that kind of trafficking in arms is halted but of course that is difficult. We recently spoke to
Department. I was there and I pleaded with them that we need strengthening of our border controls under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative. They have indicated that there will be some support but as to how much and what it will be, I don’t know yet. I did make the call for things like drones, aerial surveillance in that border area especially,” he said. Additionally, works have begun for the establishment of Police outposts in those areas as well the introduction of mounted branches in various parts across the country. The Government is also exploring the possibility of watch towers that will feature systems that can detect illegal activities across the border areas. Gun control With the Government working on ensuring that the instances of crimes are reduced, a priority is limiting the access to illegal firearms and managing the issuance of gun licences. The administration will embark on a review of the issuance of gun licenses to private citizens, especially now that information has surfaced that legal guns are also involved in gun related crimes. Minister Ramjattan, noting that the system for the issuance of firearm licences during the previous administration was ‘bad’, said that the actual enforcement of the existing prohibitions against firearm usage, the licensing of firearms, the abuse of firearms, and the determination of who is qualified to be licensed, is now being diligently embarked upon. One of these measures will be a yearly review of licence holders, which will be conducted by the
Firearm Licensing Board. Commissioner of Police, Mr. Seelall Persaud, who also spoke to the Ministry of the Presidency, supported the Minister’s point noting that it is important that licensing is carefully managed since gun related crimes are committed with the use of both licensed and unlicensed firearms. “Licensed firearms, for example, we have had murders, domestic violence and we have had licensed firearms being stolen, getting into the wrong hands and therefore, becoming unlicensed. There also might be persons who would have had large mining operations and a lot of security but those operations have been shut down and they still have those firearms even though they are no longer in operation. A firearm is a lethal weapon. It is designed to kill and maim people and there are also instances. As it is right now, we have a murder investigation going on and one of the lines of inquiry is that the licensed firearm holder for a number of arms for a security company is renting those guns to persons, who are not licensed or authorised to carry them,” Mr. Persaud said. Expanding on what is being done to deal with the number of illegal firearms that are being used in robberies and other violent crimes, he noted that the President has been making major moves to strengthen border security and the Police Force has been moving to prevent those firearms from coming into the country.
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President Focused On Comprehensive Strategy That Attacks Root Causes... (Cont’d) “The development of the Force will continue certainly with our increased intelligence capacity and increased response capability. We will get there. We need to change our gun touting culture and this violence culture and we can change that and one of the best ways of doing that is by education and we are exploring ways in which that can be done,” he said. Minister Ramjattan also believes that ordinary citizens also have a role to play in this regard. “I am urging that anybody who knows that anyone has a firearm, inform the police. We, by our silence, allow violence. I want more of these people being interdicted that way so we can have less guns out there. All of these are methods we have to control the guns because the trafficking of weapons into the country is always going to be a difficult thing because of our limited resources and until such time as we can get more resources we will have to live with the minimum of efforts that we are making now -which is really maximum effort- but minimum in the sense of limited resources so it is especially important that people appreciate all that we are doing,” Minister Ramjattan said. Patrols and community involvement Also on the agenda for the Government is the increase of street patrols by the GPF as well as the building of partnerships and the strengthening of Community Policing Groups and the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs). “We will get more patrols on the roads especially in Georgetown where these robberies with guns are used all the time and so it requires more assets, more patrols, more policemen. We managed to get from the supplier recently a number of motorbikes, ATVS, SUVS and minibuses as part of the allocation for this year’s budget so we are going to utilise those assets to do increased patrols,” Minister Ramjattan said. The Minister also said that community policing groups must act in a role of
‘social informers’ and aid in reporting and arrest of criminal elements in community. “We are working with them to provide information as to who and who are the bad guys that might be doing this and springing upon people and creating this sense of fear… It is the community out there that really know these fellows and we want them to speak out even if they want to give anonymous information,” Minister Ramjattan said. The Ministry has embarked also on a series of programmes which targets the at risk youths, with the aim of offering skills training and a livelihood. “This programme has commenced whereby at risk youths in 20 communities are going to be identified so as to divert their idleness away from the negatives and then probably crime, on to specialised training, whether being a mason or carpenter or joiner or whatever and we are going to send them to school. Each one of the 20 communities has to have 55 identified at-risk youth, who are going to go through that programme and they are going to be paid a US$50 or US$75 per month to take care of their expenses to ensure that they go to the school,” the Minister said. Institutional changes President David Granger, in a recording of ‘The Public Interest’, earlier today, said that while the Government is doing everything possible to ensure that there are significant changes in the state of security and safety, there seems to be an ongoing campaign to paint the Government and the Police Force in a negative light. He said that while he is satisfied that the Force has made some headway with regard to solving many of the high profile and violent crimes that there are rogue elements, who have borne witness to the period of the ‘troubles’ and are not suitable to serve in that. “I am suspicious…that there are some persons who are committing crimes to
show that the Police Force and Government are weak. We don’t know for sure what is taking place but many of these crimes have their origin in the weakening of the Police Force in the early days and so we have a very serious problem on our hands. We reckon that the decision that we took to bring the British Security Sector Reform Programme here is the right one because we cannot proceed in this country with an unreformed Guyana Police Force and some of the actions, which are taking place convince me that reform has to take place and we are going to do that,” he said. Brighter future The Minister of Public Security urged the ranks of the disciplined forces too, to be good examples and professionals in their duties, as he noted that he is advocating for a better life for them. “I am urging my police officers, my ranks to be professional in their duties. Do not become rogue cops and be involved in criminal activities. I understand the salaries need to be increased and our present circumstances do not allow for that but it will come in the future. I pleaded for a grand allocation for the Police Force and so forth and I hope we get it to improve things. We, at the Governmental level, have to do our part and we are trying to arrange some house lots and other benefits for some of them… We would like the Guyanese people to appreciate that the Government and the Ministry is doing everything possible at this time,” Minister Ramjattan said. MOTP Press Release
Rupununi Ranch Manager Arrested For Unlicensed Special Rifle 38 Special Rifle found at Manari, Rupununi A Central Rupununi, Ranch Manager was last Wednesday arrested with an unlicensed .38 Special Rifle, at Manari, Lethem. Police ranks acting on information went to the 36 years o l d f e m a l e ’s r a n c h a n d conducted a search when the discovery was made. She will appear before a Magistrate in Georgetown today to answer to a charge of possession of firearm without licence. Guyana Police Force Press Release
GPF Issue Wanted Bulletin Vishaul Moonilal Vishaul Moonilal, is wanted by the police for fraud which occurred in July, 2016, at Scotia Bank, Carmichael, Georgetown. Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of Vishaul Moonilal, is asked to contact the police on telephone numbers 225-6411, 227-2128, 226-1389, 226-7065, 2261389, 226-7476, 227-2610, 227-7065, 911 or the nearest police station. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence. Name:
Vishaul Moonilal
Ethnic Origin:
East Indian
Date of Birth:
Last known address: Lot 44 Bel Air Park, Georgetown/ 44 Houston, EBD. Guyana Police Force Press Release
GUYANA DAILY NEWS The Caribbean Considers A World Where Donald Trump Is US President PAGE 27
Donald Trump, speaking at the First In Nation Republican Leadership Summit in Nashua, New Hampshire. Photo by Michael Vadon, CC BY-SA 2.0 PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad -It's official: Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. South of the border, where there is a saying that if America sneezes, the region catches a cold, Caribbean netizens have been posting their reactions to the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election. Given the now president-elect's rhetoric on the campaign trail -- from his description of Mexicans to his attitude towards Muslims - it is fair to say that the majority of Caribbean netizens perceived Trump to be prejudiced, xenophobic, misogynistic and divisive. Overwhelmingly, this election campaign appeared, at least to the people of the region, to be primarily about race (though there were some arguments that it was more about class). Trump's victory was therefore a confusing and disturbing one for many Caribbean-based social media users, who could not quite grasp how America could have voted for someone who so openly peddled such intolerance. Trinidadian Facebook user Brigette Joseph wondered if she was dreaming, saying, “What riles me up the most of all, is that Trump has validated all the feelings and opinions of misogynists, racists, xenophobes and bullies everywhere.” For Karen Martinez, a member of the Caribbean diaspora who lives in London, the Trump victory was too much of an isolationist statement for her to stomach, especially coming fresh on the heels of the United Kingdom's Brexit vote to leave the European Union: “Sad sad sad and ANGRY! As someone else mentioned, when Trump said he wants to make America great again he really meant he wants to make America WHITE again! So very scary. He and his supporters forget (or don't give a shit) that the original people were Native Americans. Whites are the immigrants. This place doesn't ‘belong’ to anyone we are all here to look after this planet and our fellow human beings. This result threatens our humanity. That is all.” Indeed, one Trinidad-based activist, Rubadiri Victor, referred to the outcome as “Brexit squared” and had no trouble calling Trump's election a nod to white supremacy. He also predicted that a Trump presidency would be marked by “deportations, immigration rigging, incarcerations, and voter suppression […] systemic overturning of civil victories and a tearing down of all types of gains”, and chastised the Democrats for choosing Hillary Clinton as their candidate over Bernie Sanders, who he believed stood more of a chance of beating Trump. ‘It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears’ Many other social media users shared this view. Victor suggested that the Caribbean response should be to “create selfsustaining yet inter-dependent Maroon republics where we see about our core institutions like education, culture, memory, healing, agriculture, housing, science and tech, etc… It is going to get DARK. Time to get busy with the LIGHT!” Victor was not alone in seeing the storm clouds gathering. Actor Michael
Cherrie posted an excerpt from a verse by Guyanese poet Martin Carter: This is the dark time, my love, It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears. It is the festival of guns, the carnival of misery Everywhere the faces of men are strained and anxious […] Facebook user Dion Boucaud said: “I'm finding it difficult to string coherent sentences together. I am in deep fear. I lived through the uncertainty of the Cold War where as a student you felt ‘what's the point’ as it was believed the world was heading to war. Apart from that is his antagonistic stance on NAFTA and Climate Change. I fear there is another financial tsunami coming. I fear…” Lesley-Ann Noel, a University of the West Indies lecturer and Fulbright scholar who is studying in the US state of North Carolina, couldn't fathom “how we are supposed to just carry on as normal”. She is part of an online group of liberal mothers who are now concerned about explaining this new reality to their children, as well as how to navigate, as people of colour, Trump's brand of America. Noel added that some of her black friends chose not to go to school the day after the election -- they just didn't feel up to it. Keith Francis, meanwhile, admitted that he was more concerned about Trump's running mate than he was about Trump himself and wondered what effect -- if any -- his victory would have on “the criminal and civil prosecutions that Trump is supposed to be facing”. ‘Hillary lost because she is a wretched corrupt politician’ But other Caribbean people were just as concerned with the controversies surrounding Hillary Clinton. Haitian-American Pascal Robert explained: “Clintonian ‘Third Way’ Politics and triangulation started with Bill Clinton in 92 and continued with Obama through both his terms was completely rejected by the American people last night. The most horrid and damaging political world view this country had ever seen, which YES did more damage to this nation than Ronald Reagan, was killed last night, and for that reason alone I am content. “Nothing Donald Trump has said was worse than the nations Hillary Clinton actually destroyed. Trump was a mis-handler of words, Hillary was a mis-handler of national power. If you thought Trump was more dangerous than Hillary you know little to nothing about world events and politics and shouldn't even be talking. Hillary Clinton caused the greatest refugee crisis in modern history because of her and Obama's policies in Libya and Syria. “Clinton and her husband ran a criminal slush fund called the Clinton Global Initiative that peddled influence for money and used their influence to rob countries like Haiti while Hillary also supported a coup in Honduras. The e-mail scandal alone should have put Hillary Clinton in prison. Bottom line. Hillary lost because she is a wretched corrupt politician who was running in a year where people were tired of the status quo after eight years of the Bank protecting con game called the Obama presidency. For that reason I am content.”
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GUYANA DAILY NEWS The Caribbean Considers A World...cont... PAGE 29
Robert's compatriot Alice Backer, the founder and former manager of GV Lingua who now works as a lawyer in New York, agreed. While Backer was a Jill Stein supporter, she told Global Voices: “Right now people are in a panic and that's understandable. Remember, however, that the Wikileaks themselves revealed that Hillary's campaign preferred to run against Trump as they thought he was the great foil to their ‘lesser evilism’ strategy. And yes, Trump is the embodiment and mascot of the disgruntled, rust belt, de-industrialized male. But what Trump did right, it must be said, is that he actually reached out to the Haitian community in Florida where 300 votes or less separated Bush and Gore in 2000. He visited Little Haiti and echoed the Haitians’ rightful anger at the Clintons. In Little Haiti, he said: ‘I will be your voice.’ He then followed up with a mention of the Clinton Foundation's misdeeds in Haiti at the last presidential debate — something even Bernie Sanders never did. And the alt right and libertarian media went along with him and echoed the Haiti story in a way the liberal mainstream media — which leaked emails show was in the tank for Hillary — would not. So he not only tapped into the anger of the white disgruntled male, but also into that of other victims of Clintonian neoliberalism and vulturism, Haitians included.” Haitians had every reason to be untrusting of Hillary Clinton: her husband has admitted to destroying Haitian rice farming, thanks his neoliberal trade policies of Arkansas rice dumping in the 1990s. This was a huge blow to Haitian agriculture, which has never quite recovered. Even after the former President Clinton's apology, the practice has not only continued, but expanded into peanut dumping. Just as disturbingly, Ricardo Seitenfus of the Organisation of American States (OAS), who was dismissed from his position after exposing the truth about NGO aid, as well as the source of the cholera outbreak in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, said that Hillary Clinton's state department rigged the 2010 Haitian presidential election for Michel Martelly. Her state department intervened once more with Haitian politicians, convincing them to drop a plan to increase the Haitian minimum wage to 62 cents an hour. As for those who may feel that Trump's racist rhetoric should have been enough to keep him out of the White House, Backer argued: “Neither president was going to solve issues of white supremacy for black people. Only we can do that through our advocacy and movements. Black people -- not a US president -brought us the civil rights movement. “Both Clintons championed the 1994 Crime Bill which catapulted the incarceration of blacks in US into the stratosphere. We now have a larger prison population than China, predominantly black and Latino. The Clintons also gutted the safety net of poor black families during that same period. Imagine the dislocation these policies wrought into black families. It's simply delusion to think that Clinton cared for black lives as much as she cared for black votes.” Humour, resignation and detachment To
many, though, Clinton appeared to be the saner choice. Trinidad-based website Wired868, which offers clever, cutting satirical commentary on politics and sport, tried to dissect Trump's triumph: “Pointing the finger of blame at the judgment of millions of Americans -- or questioning the racial tolerance of more than half of the country -- might also be short-sighted. This is, after all, a country that recently voted for Barack Obama. Twice! […] “Obama, as he stumped for Hillary, insisted that his Democratic successor was the most qualified candidate ever for the job of US president. Clearly, that was a double-edged sword. At a time when distrust of politicians is at an all-time low, promoting her credentials as the ‘supreme politician’ might have been an own goal. “The public would rather trust a buffoon than a politician at the moment. And they proved it.” Trinidadian artist Darren Trinity Cheewah created and shared this image, in which Obama gives the finger to the president-elect: But Jamaica-based blogger Annie Paul was not at all surprised, reminding her followers: “I’ve said from the get go, from long before he won the Republican nomination, that this man would be President Trump.” Finally, journalist Franka Philip, who viewed Trump's upset as a sign that the mainstream media -- and pollsters -- were out of touch with the citizenry's level of dissatisfaction, had a healthy sense of detachment: “I'm not getting my pressure up over a Trump win. I live in Trinidad and Tobago and there is enough here for me to worry about. Let us do our thing for sweet T&T.” (Caribbean News Now!)
Building Bridges For Better Caribbean Business In Trump Era CASTRIES, St Lucia -- The Caribbean and Latin America are election. Central Bank Governor Carstens took a similar line, lapping-up the results of the most controversial US presidential election ever, which served-up what the world had been told was the most tasteless or distasteful candidate as the one Americans liked most. But long before his surprise election victory, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico had started taking steps to consolidate their business, trade, economic, cultural and political ties with their closest neighbours in the Wider Caribbean area. It’s still too early to say what effect the election of Donald Trump as the next US president will have on America’s relations with its neighbours, from borderline Mexico to Cuba, or from Jamaica to Guyana in the Englishspeaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) region. Mexicans are scared stiff that a President Trump will build that promised wall, engage in mass expulsion of illegal Mexicans across the border and stop Mexicans in the US from sending money home (to force Mexico to pay for his wall). During the closing hours of the campaign, Trump also promised a similar hard line against Ford and other American motor companies that had relocated their production lines in Mexico at the cost of US jobs. He said he would impose stiff Customs and other taxes on such vehicles entering the USA from Mexico. Mexico’s dilemma is that it needs its citizens in the US. Mexicans comprise 17% of the total US population and approximately 80% of Mexico’s exports go across the border to the US. Mexico also has more than five million citizens living in the USA without papers, comprising about half of all undocumented migrants there. Mexicans in the USA – legal and illegal -- are important to their country’s foreign exchange earnings, sending home more than US$20 billion in remittances wired from America up to September 2016. Mexicans were so wary of a Trump victory that during the final days of the campaign, the peso upped and dropped in value like a yo-yo, according to Trump’s polled chances – and it actually dropped 13% Wednesday morning after Trump secured his victory. But the Mexican government isn’t waiting until Trump takes office on January 20 to find out what he’ll do and what will happen. It’s already bracing itself – and assuring Mexicans, their neighbours and the world that it’s ready for any fallout. Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade and Bank of Mexico Governor Agustin Carstens, addressed the decline in the value of the peso Wednesday, following Trump’s election hours earlier and said Mexico is ready for any eventuality. Meade said, “The result of the election in the USA does not imply an immediate impact on the regulatory framework that regulates trade in goods and services, nor in financial flows.” “Additionally,” he added, “Mexico is in a position of strength to face the new environment.” According to the finance minister, Mexico “enjoys great macro-economic stability” and the reforms implemented by President Enrique Pena Nieto “will protect the country against any economic turmoil” resulting from Trump’s
adding that Mexico also has “a privileged position with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank that will permit Mexico to cope with any future crisis.” Trump has also said nothing either about his position on US trade ties with Brazil, or his plans for the future of recent openings for more US trade with Cuba under the outgoing Obama administration. With Caribbean economies still reeling under pressure from domestic and external difficulties and the international financial agencies predicting growth rates that will still be too low to address regional unemployment, the likes of Brazil, Cuba and Mexico have been looking beyond their borders and embracing new initiatives closer to home. The new November neighbourly comes as Latin American nations seek new South-South business and investment arrangements, forced by global and regional political and economic climate changes to search harder for ways and means of finding common opportunities to build bridges to do better business. Cuba’s opening-up to US investment, Brazil’s need to shore-up its declining reserves and Mexico’s growing interest in attracting more Caribbean business to its shores, have combined to result in each nation this month arranging major trade, investment and entrepreneurial functions aimed at boosting closer CaribbeanLatin American business and trade investment and cooperation.
Latin America’s new Caribbean pivot sees Brazil, Cuba and Mexico opening new paths and building new bridges for better business, all converging on Saint Lucia this weekend, starting with visits by a Brazilian business delegation to Castries to meet national and OECS business and government interests to open new trade routes between South America and the Eastern Caribbean
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Building Bridges For Better Caribbean...cont... A Brazilian business pivot to the smaller English-speaking Catarina, Paraná, Goiás and Pará -- and their interests range Eastern Caribbean islands is currently under way, just as Cuba and Mexico are also looking to CARICOM, OECS and the other states in the Wider Caribbean region. Cuba hosted the 34th Havana International Trade Fair from October 31 to November 4, which was attended by delegations from all six OECS member-states (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines). The islands’ participation in the FIHAV 2016 had been arranged by the OECS Commission, which sought to introduce the regional business representatives not only to the Cuban market, but also to entities from over 75 other countries that also attended the Havana event. Monday’s upcoming (November 14) Brazil-OECS Business Forum, organized by the Brazilian Embassy in Saint Lucia with support from the government’s leading investment agency Invest Saint Lucia (ISL) and the OECS Commission, will start before and run alongside a similar mission mounted by Mexico, starting next week. The Embassy of Mexico to the Eastern Caribbean States, also located here, last month announced that the 2016 Cancun Forum entitled “Creating Synergies to Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Greater Caribbean” will take place November 16 to 18. But the Mexican Forum will not be held within the Caribbean island chain. Instead, it will take place at the Peninsula Convention Center in Cancun. The Mexican embassy says it is “the most important business forum in the Greater Caribbean” and “is designed to foster regional economic development and competitiveness by increasing trade and investment flows.” But the Brazilian Entrepreneurial Mission, which will start arriving here this weekend from several Brazilian Federal states and includes at least one Federal parliamentarian with business responsibilities, is seeking to attract Brazilian businesses, not only to Saint Lucia but also to all six OECS island-states. The Brazilian entrepreneurs are coming from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
from tourism and construction to alternative energy, water harvesting and desalination, as well as services. While in Saint Lucia, the Brazilians will next week meet with the OECS Business Council, while engaging their Saint Lucian counterparts in discussions on joint investment and other forms of business cooperation. Yet the Brazilians will not only remain ensconced in hotels and business centres in the island’s busy north zone. They will also visit award-winning tourism attractions in the island’s west coast tourism capital, Soufriere, home of the island’s prized UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site twin-peak mountains called The Pitons National Landmark. In Soufriere, the Brazilians will also see the international award-winning Jade Mountain, Anse Chastanet and Ladera Resorts, which have won multiple world and Caribbean tourism awards. The Brazilian business delegation will also visit the west coast village of Canaries, where resident CEO of the British Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) Joseph Kennedy is behind construction of the new Belvedere hotel resort. By the time the Greater Caribbean investors start their business talks in Cancun, the Brazilians in Saint Lucia will have participated in the planned November 14 Business Forum in Saint Lucia, at which three of the island’s Cabinet ministers will speak, along with ISL and OECS officials, about ‘Doing and How to Do Business’ with Saint Lucia and the OECS. Saint Lucian businesses that participated in Cuba’s FIHAV 2016 have also been invited to the November 11-17 Brazilian-OECS Business Forum in Castries. And by the time the November 1618 Cancun Forum is over, the region should have a better understanding of why the new regime change in Washington will require even stronger efforts to build, renew and strengthen South-South business ties in the Trump era. (The Diplomatic Courier) (Caribbean News Now!)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Grenadian-born UWI Lecturer Urges Full Participation In Referendum Process ST GEORGE’S, Grenada (GIS) -- As Grenadians prepare to cast their referendum ballots on PAGE 33
November 24 in the country’s first attempt at constitutional reform since independence, a Grenadian-born UWI Lecturer has urged all to be a part of the process.Dr Wendy Grenade, the guest speaker at the Constitution Special Assembly held on November 5, outlined the close relationship between the constitution and everyday life, saying it affects every citizen in one way or the other. “The constitution is about us and the perimeters that govern how we live, how we work, how we engage with each other and with the world,” Grenade said. “The constitution and any other form of constitution reform matters to us, individually and collectively, as an independent people,” she noted. Grenade praised the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique for their vibrant discussions and display of citizen activism in the constitution reform process. The UWI lecturer said, in her opinion, not since independence or the Grenada revolution has the country been engaged in such deep introspection. “My sisters and brothers, as we discuss the serious business of constitution reform we owe a debt to their struggle and we honour their memory,” Grenade said in reference to the nation’s forefathers. “What we are doing is taking a bold but larger step towards a larger journey”. (Caribbean News Now!) Dr Wendy Grenade
Trinidad Woman Arrested In Drug Bust In St Kitts
By LK Hewlett BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) -- A joint law enforcement operation in St Kitts netted one kilo of cocaine on Tuesday. The person arrested for the bust is reportedly a female native of Trinidad, who recently arrived in the Federation for a few days. The bust reportedly took place at a guesthouse in Basseterre where the woman was staying. Police confirmed that the drugs were found when a search warrant was executed on the room of the establishment at which the woman stayed. Several taped packages of cocaine were hidden in a secret compartment in the suitcase the woman arrived with. The woman was taken into custody on Tuesday; however, no charges had been laid up to press time on Thursday. (Caribbean News Now!)
Jamaican Cabinet Approves Plan To Boost Arrivals From Canada By Denise Dennis KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) -- The Jamaican Cabinet has given approval for the implementation of a rescue plan for the Canadian tourism market. The objective is to increase arrivals to the island from Canada for the 2016/2017 winter season, which starts in December. Minister of education, youth and information, Senator Ruel Reid, said as part of the plan, Jamaica Vacations Limited (JAMVAC) is to be provided with US$275,000 for seat support, while the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) will receive US$425,000 for cooperative marketing and promotion targeted at that market. Reid, who was addressing a post-Cabinet press brieďŹ ng on Tuesday, said the move follows a recent trip to Canada by minister of tourism, Edmund Bartlett, where he met with leading tourism stakeholders to discuss declines in arrivals from that country. Bartlett has indicated that the government is targeting in excess of two million visitors to the island from the United States and Canada. When combined, the two markets are responsible for more than 1.7 million visitors to the country. JAMVAC, which is an entity within the tourism ministry, helps to maintain and increase visitor numbers through consistent airlift and to grow new markets and gateways. Meanwhile, Reid said that a concept paper is to be developed for a tourism networks policy and strategy. He noted that the implementation of the policy will require the collaboration of several ministries. The ministries of tourism, and transport and mining will be critically involved in the consultations for development of the policy and strategy. Reid also noted that Cabinet granted approval for Jamaica to host the
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Conference next year to culminate the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. A national seed policy is also to be tabled in Parliament as a Green Paper, which will serve as a guide to increasing agriculture productivity to meet Jamaica’s requirements for food security and nutrition. This is in light of the agriculture sector contributing 6.6 percent to total gross domestic product (GDP) last year. (Caribbean News Now!)
Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator Ruel Reid. JIS Photo
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Eastern Caribbean Institute Of Tourism Works To Develop Yachting Sector PAGE 36
CASTRIES, St Lucia -- Many territories in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) have intensified efforts to develop their maritime sector, given the enormous economic potential of the expanding luxury yachting sector. At the regional level, the OECS Commission has also spared no effort in making the yachting sector a priority on the Tourism Work Programme with the establishment of a Yachting Committee, about five years ago, and the coordination of joint promotion of the yachting sector at International Boat Shows. At the national level, there have also been, in recent years, considerable marine infrastructural improvements. One of the most recent developments in this regard is the Christophe Harbour Marina in St Kitts and Nevis, which officially opened in 2015. Christophe Harbour promotes its facility as providing elite luxury yachting services and world class amenities. The marina, which was developed by a super yacht owner, represents a $100 million infrastructure investment that establishes St Kitts and Nevis as a major super yacht home port. The first phase of the marina includes 24 alongside 45 metre to 67 metre berths that offer freehold berth ownership opportunities and can accommodate for 25.9 metre to 91.4 metre yachts. When completed, the luxury marina development will include a shore side marina village with hotels, restaurants and boutiques. Last year, super yacht traffic increased by 60% in St Kitts and Nevis. The twin island state also accommodated 134 yachts of more than 100ft in length. These numbers were consistent with the anticipated 20 percent year-over-year growth of the super yacht industry in the federation. As investment in the maritime sector expands, the need for more skilled personnel to service the sector also increases. On October 26, Christophe Harbour held a job fair, in an effort to recruit persons for employment in the maritime sector. Available positions included marina dockhands; marina maintenance engineers; and marina guest services. Such
specialized skills are deemed to be lacking in the region. The OECS Eastern Caribbean Institute of Tourism (ECIT) is designed to address these skill-gaps in the region. ECIT is conceptualised as an integrated system, characterised by centres of specialisation that operate in hospitality training institutes in each of the OECS member states. “Each member state of the OECS will specialise in a niche area in tourism that reflects the respective comparative advantage of each destination,” OECS tourism programme officer, Lorraine Nicholas, said. “The British Virgin Islands deemed to be the ‘sailing capital of the world’ will specialize in marine management, boat repairs and maintenance whilst St Vincent and the Grenadines, another of the region’s well-known sailing destinations will offer the specialisation of marine and coastal tourism. The ECIT is definitely well-poised to enhance the availability of skills in the region’s maritime sector,” Nicholas added. (Caribbean News Now!)
World Bank Grant To Benefit Thousands Of Haitian Students WASHINGTON, Nov 11, CMC – The World Bank has approved a US$30 million grant that will be used to improve learning and enrollment of students in the four departments of southern Haiti most affected by the recent passage of Hurricane Matthew. It said the funds are being made available through the International Development Association (IDA), which is used primarily to assist poor countries. “In the aftermath of Matthew, many children are out of school and many schools continue to be used as temporary shelters,” said Mary Barton- Dock, World Bank Special Envoy to Haiti. “The aim is to reallocate resources from the “Education for All – Phase II” project, to scale up school feeding, rehabilitate schools, and help the Ministry of Education restore access and improve the quality of education for the children most in need.” The World Bank said Hurricane Matthew, which hit the country on October 4, left 1.4 million people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance, and recorded damages and losses of about 22 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The Washington-based financial institution said the hurricane damaged an estimated 3,400 schools and destroyed 500. “This project is focusing on the government’s priorities to resume schooling for the children and families affected by Hurricane Matthew, and improve quality of teaching and learning, so children are better equipped for life and can fulfil their full potential,” said Jean Beauvois Dorsonne, Haiti’s Minister of Education. The World Bank said the project will specifically finance school feeding in targeted schools, including the distribution of a breakfast snack and a hot lunch every day, as well as the delivery of vitamin A, deworming, water purification kits and hygiene training. The project will also support school enrollment through the provision of community education grants, school grants, and tuition waivers for about 50,000 children enrolled in selected public and private primary schools. In addition, the World Bank said the project will rehabilitate or build classrooms in 75 primary schools; train teachers and school directors, and purchase school supplies for at least 100 public schools. (Antigua Observer)
PM Wants University Of Bahamas To Lead In Academic Research And Relevance NASSAU, Bahamas, Nov11, CMC – Prime Minister Perry Christie Minister Christie said the recent hurricanes, Joaquin and Matthew, says the University of The Bahamas (UOB) must be a place of relevance and the right of academic freedom must always be jealously protected. “It is, therefore, critical that a University not only responds to national needs, but also engage the in meaningful discussions,” Prime Minister Christie said, during the Charter Ceremony for the university on Thursday. The ceremony coincided with the inauguration of Dr. Rodney D. Smith as president of the tertiary institution. Christie said that the university must continue to have a voice in matters of national and global importance, adding for this reason “the right of academic freedom must always be jealously protected, and solid research, through well-resourced centres, must be encouraged and supported as well. “We must encourage the students and faculty of the University of The Bahamas to be at the forefront of the national discussion, and to expand the horizons of our knowledge in all disciplines of study,” said Prime Minister Christie, who spoke on the theme “From the Road to Transition to the Road of Possibilities: The Role of the University of The Bahamas in National Development”. He told the ceremony that of particular importance to the country is the need for research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). “Through the STEM subjects we venture into so many disciplines that are critical to long-term planning for the future well-being o f o u r c o u n t r y. ” P r i m e
“have also rudely reminded us that the university must continue its scholarly research and studies into climate change, especially in relation to the menacing prospect of sea level rise and its implications for the low-lying areas of our archipelago”. He said courses on disaster management with particular reference to pre-hurricane evacuations and post-hurricane recovery and restoration, must also receive special attention. “Similarly, issues of urban planning, land use, and non-fossil fuel-based energy diversification must also figure highly in the University’s research agenda,” he said, adding that he hoped that the university would soon have a definitive plan to have its entire campus moving forward towards the use of solar energy. “Relevance also means that the university must be cognizant of the needs of the entire country from Inagua in the south to Abaco in the north. We should therefore be able to look forward to an expansion of the system of mini-campuses, research centres and institutes across the country.” Prime Minister Christie said that as the UOB looks for new opportunities to do good work and to expand its horizons, he implored all involved to remain focused on achieving strong results and operating accordingly to the principles and best practices of accountability. “More partnerships remain to be made; new programmes remain to be dreamt of and brought to life; and greater expansion across our country and into the region will continue to challenge us. “But, today, more than any other time before, I am supremely confident that all our dreams and aspirations for the University of The Bahamas will in the fullness of time be realized, “ Prime Minister Christie said urging the nation’s young people to take full advantage of the educational opportunities now before them. “We invite you, therefore, to partner with us as we collectively work towards the building of a better, more modern, more relevant, more upwardly striving and sustainable Bahamas. This is the promise of the people of my generation to yours.” (Antigua Observer)
Union Gearing For Industrial Action BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Nov 11, CMC – The National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) is on Friday meeting with Customs and Immigration officials as it strategies ahead of planned industrial action, if the authorities refuse to reverse a decision involving the union’s president, Akanni McDowall. NUPW general secretary Roslyn Smith, speaking on the BARBADOS TODAY television programme, said that “during that session we will be updating them on the issue with the president”. The on-line publication quoting sources said that it is likely that the planned industrial action could coincide with the visit here of Britain’s Prince Harry on November 29 to participate in the island’s 50th anniversary of political independence from Britain. But while Smith would not disclose the outcome of talks involving sister trade unions on Thursday, she said she was still hopeful that the National Service Commission would respond to the union’s letter regarding the president. “They have to meet on Monday and …so we would expect an early response from them by Tuesday,” she said, noting that the letter had been sent almost two weeks now. “But in the meantime we are sensitising our membership as to the issue so that if the response is not what we are looking for…we have a strategic plan in place,” she said, adding “as usual I am not going to leak any activity”. But the Personnel Administration Division (PAD) Chief Personnel Officer, Gail Atkins, is dismissing accusations of victimization in the decision to remove McDowall from the post of Health Planning Officer, in which he recently acted. She said the PAD did not have an “ulterior motive” for removing McDowall. There have
been media reports that McDowall was demoted from the acting post of Health Promotions Officer, but the Chief Personnel Officer said the PAD has no record of McDowall ever having held such a post. She said that one post of Health Promotions Officer was created in 2009, and the officer who filled that position was subsequently promoted and another person, not McDowall, took up the position. “I do not know of any other post of Health Promotions Officer in that Ministry. Therefore, the Personnel Administration Division cannot substantiate Mr. McDowall’s claim based on the data we have. Our assignment record shows that he was, and is an Environmental Health Assistant,” she said. (Antigua Observer)
Union Gearing For Industrial Action BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Nov 11, CMC – The National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) is on Friday meeting with Customs and Immigration officials as it strategies ahead of planned industrial action, if the authorities refuse to reverse a decision involving the union’s president, Akanni McDowall. NUPW general secretary Roslyn Smith, speaking on the BARBADOS TODAY television programme, said that “during that session we will be updating them on the issue with the president”. The on-line publication quoting sources said that it is likely that the planned industrial action could coincide with the visit here of Britain’s Prince Harry on November 29 to participate in the island’s 50th anniversary of political independence from Britain. But while Smith would not disclose the outcome of talks involving sister trade unions on Thursday, she said she was still hopeful that the National Service Commission would respond to the union’s letter regarding the president. “They have to meet on Monday and …so we would expect an early response from them by Tuesday,” she said, noting that the letter had been sent almost two weeks now. “But in the meantime we are sensitising our membership as to the issue so that if the response is not what we are looking for…we have a strategic plan in place,” she said, adding “as usual I am not going to leak any activity”. But the Personnel Administration Division (PAD) Chief Personnel Officer, Gail Atkins, is dismissing accusations of victimization in the decision to remove McDowall from the post of Health Planning Officer, in which he recently acted. She said the PAD did not have an “ulterior motive” for
removing McDowall. There have been media reports that McDowall was demoted from the acting post of Health Promotions Officer, but the Chief Personnel Officer said the PAD has no record of McDowall ever having held such a post. She said that one post of Health Promotions Officer was created in 2009, and the officer who filled that position was subsequently promoted and another person, not McDowall, took up the position. “I do not know of any other post of Health Promotions Officer in that Ministry. Therefore, the Personnel Administration Division cannot substantiate Mr. McDowall’s claim based on the data we have. Our assignment record shows that he was, and is an Environmental Health Assistant,” she said. (Antigua Observer)
LIAT’s Service Disrupted Due To Unfavourable Weather Conditions ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Nov. 10, CMC – The management of regional airline, LIAT, says it is working to restore normalcy to its network schedule, which has been impacted by unexpected weather conditions. In a release late Wednesday, LIAT said high winds in St. Vincent and the Grenadines last Saturday, resulted in aircraft being grounded at the ET Joshua Airport. “This resulted in passengers being unable to leave St. Vincent and the airline’s crews were also out of place which impacted other flights.” According to LIAT, the inclement weather this week, resulted in flooding as well as the closure of the ET Joshua airport on Wednesday and this led to the cancellation of some flights. “Given the interconnectivity of our network as well as the need to ensure a safe operation of our aircraft for crew and passengers, many of our customers throughout the region have been affected. LIAT assures passengers that it is working feverishly to ensure that all those displaced are accommodated by rerouting flights, providing meals and accommodations or by booking
passengers on alternative airlines where possible.” The airline says passengers can expect to experience some further delays and some disruption is expected for the coming days. It also says passengers who are booked to travel with LIAT through to November 14, may change their departure or return dates at no additional charge. (Antigua Observer)
Trump Presidency: Protests Turn Violent In Portland, Oregon
Thousands took to the streets in Portland(AP) Overnight protests against the election of Donald Trump as US president turned violent in Portland, Oregon. About 4,000 demonstrators gathered in the centre of the western city. Some smashed shop and car windows, threw firecrackers and set rubbish alight. Police declared a riot and made 26 arrests. Oregon voted in favour of Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's election. After blaming unrest on "professional protesters", Mr Trump tweeted to commend their "passion" for America. "Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country," he wrote. "We will all come together and be proud!" In his earlier tweet, he had accused the media of inciting the protests. The protesters, mainly young people, say a Trump presidency would create deep divisions along racial and gender lines. In another development, the incoming president also tweeted that Friday would be "busy", and he would "soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government". Mr Trump met President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday. 'Galvanised' Police in Portland accused some demonstrators of carrying bats and arming themselves with stones. Objects were thrown at the police, who responded with pepper spray and rubber baton rounds. Protesters in the city centre could be heard chanting "We reject the president-elect!" Spencer and Kristen Foxworth, who left the protest before it turned violent, told the BBC most of the demonstrators were just ordinary people like themselves who were horrified by some of the things Mr Trump stood for. "This is not any sense of a hangover, this is more like the galvanising effect," Mr Foxworth told Outside Source. "People who were quiet, were polite or not activists by any means - I mean myself, for
example - are now galvanised by this. Trump now has the Senate and the House, and there will be very little checks and balances on his actions." There were no reports of violence at the other protests: Demonstrators in Minneapolis briefly blocked an interstate highway in both directions In Philadelphia, crowds gathered near City Hall holding placards bearing slogans such as "Not Our President", "Trans Against Trump" and "Make America Safe For All" In Baltimore, police say a peaceful crowd of 600 people marched through the city, blocking traffic In San Francisco, high school students waved rainbow banners and Mexican flags A small crowd also gathered outside Trump Tower in Chicago while protesters also returned to Trump Tower in New York for a second night Senior Trump adviser and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, tipped by some to be the next attorney general, called protesters on college campuses "a bunch of spoiled cry-babies". Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said anti-Trump protesters had to accept the election results. "Everyone needs to just take a deep breath, take the weekend... count our blessings, and let's come back on Monday," he told ABC News. Protesters outside the courthouse in Portland, Oregon, in the US, 10 November 2016 'Great honour' Mr Trump's team is understood to be focused on quickly filling key national security posts. It is not yet clear who will sit his cabinet or fill senior posts in his administration, such as chief of staff, but several figures in his inner circle have been mentioned. The president-elect's transition team for the 10-week period until inauguration will be led by Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey. After meeting President Obama at the White House, the president-elect said it had been a "great honour" to meet him. Mr Obama said his priority was to "facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful". Despite their cordiality, Mr Trump has vowed to dismantle much of President Obama's legacy. That includes Obamacare, the act extending medical insurance to more Americans than ever before. Mr Trump also met Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, with whom he had strained relations during the campaign. Mr Ryan described it as a "fantastic, productive meeting". In other developments: Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said he was optimistic his country could have a positive relationship with the US under Mr Trump, despite his anti-Mexican rhetoric during the campaign Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman said Mr Trump and Mr Putin were "very much alike" in how they saw the world (BBC)
Mosul Battle: IS Hangs Bodies Of 40 Civilians From Poles In Iraqi City, UN Says High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-
Bashiqa is one of several towns recaptured as Iraqi forces continue their offensive on Mosul(REUTERS) So-called Islamic State (IS) shot dead 40 civilians on Tuesday in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul after accusing them of treason, the United Nations says. Their bodies were then hung from electricity poles in several districts, the office of the UN Human Rights Commissioner said, citing sources. A man was also reportedly shot dead in public in central Mosul for ignoring an IS ban on using mobile phones. Iraqi security forces are continuing their push to take Mosul back from IS. The killings of the civilians appeared to have been carried out on the orders of self-appointed "courts", according to the UN report. The 40 civilians were accused of "treason and collaboration" and dressed in orange clothes marked in red with the words "traitors and agents of the ISF" (Iraqi Security Forces). The UN says 20 civilians were also shot dead on Wednesday evening at the Ghabat military base in northern Mosul, supposedly for leaking information. The UN also expressed concern at IS's deployment of teenagers and young boys. Children are apparently seen in an IS video issued on Wednesday shooting dead four people for spying. IS also announced on 6 November that it had beheaded seven militants for deserting the battlefield in the Kokjali district of eastern Mosul, the UN says. Among the sources cited for the UN's information was a man who played dead during a mass killing by IS fighters. UN
Hussein called for the government to "act quickly to restore effective law enforcement in areas retaken from ISIL [IS] to ensure that captured fighters and their perceived supporters are dealt with according to the law". Large quantities of ammonia and sulphur, for possible use in chemical weapons, is being stockpiled by IS and stored near civilians, the UN said. Pro-government forces launched an offensive to retake Mosul last month. The city has been occupied by IS since 2014. The operation, now into its fourth week, involves some 50,000 Iraqi security forces personnel, soldiers, police, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen. Troops have reportedly been consolidating gains made in the eastern outskirts of Mosul, which they entered nine days ago amid fierce resistance. There have also been allegations of atrocities committed by government forces. Amnesty International reported on Thursday that men dressed in Iraqi federal police uniforms tortured and killed up to six residents of villages south of Mosul for having suspected ties to IS. The federal police deny involvement. (BBC)
India Rupees: Chaos At Banks Continues After ATMs Reopen rush. Some bank officials said they had also brought in extra cash to deal with the situation. How long have people got to change their old notes? The 500 ($7; £6) and 1,000 ($15; £12) rupee notes are the highest denomination notes in the country and are extremely common in India. Airports, railway stations, hospitals and fuel stations will only accept them until the end of today. People will be able to exchange their money at banks between 10 November and 30 December. How much 'black money' is there in circulation? The actual figure is unclear but correspondents say the issue of "black money" - which may have been acquired corruptly, or is being withheld from the tax authorities - is a huge problem. New 2,000 rupee denomination notes were introduced on Thursday(AFP) Long queues continue outside banks and several ATMs have run out of cash in India, three days after 500 ($7) and 1,000 rupee notes were withdrawn as part of anti-corruption measures. The BBC visited many ATMs of big banks in Delhi and Mumbai but found them either shut or not dispensing cash. ATMs opened at midnight after being shut for 48 hours and hundreds queued up early morning to make withdrawals. The surprise government move is aimed at tackling corruption and tax evasion. But many low-income Indians, traders and ordinary savers who rely on the cash economy have been badly hit. There are limits on cash withdrawals from ATMs and banks. After Prime Minister Narendra Modi's surprise announcement on Tuesday night, the banks were closed on Wednesday. Thousands of panicked Indians have been flocking to banks since they reopened on Thursday as the two notes accounted for about 85% of the cash in circulation. Banks have extended working hours and deployed additional staff to deal with the
India's government hopes to flush out tax evaders and make money that is unaccounted for visible for tax purposes. There have been reports of tax raids in many parts of India. Is there a limit on the amount an individual or household can cash in? An individual can put as much as he or she likes into the bank - but withdrawals are limited so the banking system may end up being flooded with cash. Government guidelines say it is possible to exchange up to 4,000 rupees per day up to 24 November - anything over this will be subject to tax laws. People can also withdraw up to 10,000 rupees from a bank per day and a maximum of 20,000 rupees per week. Are the new notes safer? New 2,000 and 500 rupee denomination notes with new security features are being given to people to replace those removed from circulation. A new 1,000 rupee note "with a new dimension and design" will also be introduced in due course, a senior government official said on Thursday. What will foreign tourists carrying the banknotes do? They can purchase foreign exchange equivalent to 5,000 rupees using these bank notes at airport exchange counters until midnight on Friday. (BBC)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Myanmar Debris: 'Mystery Object Lands At Jade Mine’ PAGE 47
Long March 11 rocket lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on Wednesday night, carrying an experimental satellite. 'Houses shook' Local residents reported hearing a loud bang before the object landed. Officials from the local Defence Service said it bounced 150ft (50m) and landed in a muddy area of the mine, according to the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper. "We were all afraid of that explosion," villager Ko Maung Myo told the Myanmar Times. "Initially, we thought it was a battle. The cylindrical object, found on Thursday in Kachin state, is 4.5m (15ft) long and 1.2m wide(YANNAING PYI SONE AUNG) A large metal object has fallen from the sky into a jade mining area in north Myanmar, state media say. The cylindrical object, found on Thursday in Kachin state, is 4.5m (15ft) long and 1.2m wide. Another piece of metal with Chinese writing on it tore through the roof of a nearby house at about the same time, but no injuries were reported. It is thought that the incident might be related to the launch of a Chinese satellite. A Chinese
The explosion made our houses shake. We saw the smoke from our village." He said that the air near the object smelled acrid. "The metal objects are assumed to be part of a satellite or the engine parts of a plane or missile," Global New Light reported. The object appeared to be same shape and size as a part of the rocket known as a stage, says BBC science correspondent Jonathan Amos. Rocket stages are supposed to fall away into bodies of water or uninhabited areas. The Kachin state government said it was unable to immediately identify the object. (BBC)
Trump Commends Protesters' 'Passion' After New Night Of Rallies
Armed police were guarding Trump Tower on Friday(AP) US President-elect Donald Trump has praised protesters' "passion" after a new night of demonstrations against his election victory that included rioting in Portland, Oregon. "Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country," he tweeted. "We will all come together and be proud!" He had previously blamed the unrest on "professional protesters". Mr Trump is in New York, believed to be discussing his future cabinet. "Busy day planned in New York," he tweeted. "Will soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government." Campaign officials could be seen arriving at Trump Tower on Friday morning, where the future president is believed to be staying. The Republican is due to be inaugurated on 20 January, taking over the White House from Democrat Barack Obama, who served two terms. Mr Obama, one of Mr Trump's most withering critics during the election campaign, said his priority was to "facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful". But Harry Reid, the Democrats' outgoing leader in the Senate, said Mr Trump's victory had "emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry" . It "does not feel like America", he
added. 'Galvanised' Protests have taken place in US cities on both nights since the result of the election, which Mrs Clinton lost for the Democrats despite enjoying a lead in most opinion polls. Only on Thursday, Mr Trump had tweeted: "Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" About 4,000 demonstrators gathered in the centre of Portland, the largest city in Oregon, which voted in favour of Mrs Clinton. Some protesters smashed shop and car windows, threw firecrackers and set rubbish alight. Objects were thrown at the police, who responded with pepper spray and rubber baton rounds. Police declared a riot and made 26 arrests. Spencer and Kristen Foxworth, who left the protest before it turned violent, told the BBC most of the demonstrators were just ordinary people like themselves who were horrified by some of the things Mr Trump stood for. "This is not any sense of a hangover, this is more like the galvanising effect," Mr Foxworth told Outside Source. "People who were quiet, were polite or not activists by any means - I mean myself, for example - are now galvanised by this. Trump now has the Senate and the House, and there will be very little checks and balances on his actions." In Oakland, California, police made 11 arrests after anti-Trump protesters lit fires on streets and in rubbish bins, smashed windows and sprayed graffiti. Elsewhere, protests were largely peaceful: In Los Angeles, about 185 people were detained, mostly for blocking streets, but one person was arrested for injuring a police officer Demonstrators in Minneapolis briefly blocked an interstate highway in both directions In Philadelphia, crowds
gathered near City Hall holding placards bearing slogans such as "Not Our President", "Trans Against Trump" and "Make America Safe For All" In Baltimore, police say a peaceful crowd of 600 people marched through the city, blocking traffic In San Francisco, high school students waved rainbow banners and Mexican flags A small crowd also gathered outside Trump Tower in Chicago while protesters also returned to Trump Tower in New York for a second night Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said antiTrump protesters had to accept the election results. "Everyone needs to just take a deep breath, take the weekend... count our blessings, and let's come back on Monday," he told ABC News. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator who fought Mrs Clinton for the Democratic nomination, appealed to protesters to show restraint. "Our job is to deal with the real issues - to deal with our rigged political and economic system - not take our anger out on our neighbours," he said in a tweet. 'Great honour' Mr Trump's team is understood to be focused on quickly filling key national security posts.
It is not yet clear who will sit in his cabinet or fill senior posts in his administration, such as chief of staff, but several figures in his inner circle have been mentioned. After meeting President Obama at the White House, the president-elect said it had been a "great honour". Despite their cordiality, Mr Trump has vowed to dismantle much of President Obama's legacy. That includes Obamacare, the act extending medical insurance to more Americans than ever before. The Republicans will control both the White House and Congress as a result of this week's elections. (BBC)
'Crazy' To Say Facebook Helped Trump Win - Zuckerberg Americans, Facebook is becoming the primary source of news coverage. The site's News Feed is specifically designed to show users content it thinks will be of most interest, creating what some describe as a "filter bubble" that reinforces a person's view without injecting differences in opinion. 'Work to do' Earlier this year, Facebook was accused of being anti-Trump after it was alleged its human moderators were favouring liberal stories appearing in people's "trending stories" box.
Mark Zuckerberg said fake news was shared by both sides of the debate in the US election(GETTY IMAGES) Facing criticism that fake news on Facebook aided the rise of Donald Trump, founder Mark Zuckerberg has strongly defended his network. Speaking on stage at Techonomy, a technology conference in California, Mr Zuckerberg said Facebook should not be held responsible. "The idea that fake news on Facebook influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea," he said. "If you believe that then I don't think you have internalised the message Trump supporters are trying to send in this election." Some data has shown that fake stories were being far more widely shared on the platform than follow up stories debunking the claims. For an increasing number of people, particularly
While denying that claim, the site did sack its human team, instead relying solely on an algorithm to determine which stories were shown to be most popular. As a consequence, stories which were later proved entirely false appeared on the timelines of a large number of users. When asked about checks and balances needed to keep a company like Facebook in line, Mr Zuckerberg said it was about "listening to what people want". "My goal, and what I care about, is giving people the power to share so we can make the world more open and connected. That requires building a good version of News Feed. We still have work to do on that. We’re going to keep improving it. "On the community guidelines, I think as norms change and people want to see more news, I think we'll have to continue to evolve the guidelines to reflect the value that the community holds." At the same event, Mr Zuckerberg offered an optimistic view of Mr Trump's presidency, saying that his goals of improving global healthcare and connectivity did not necessarily require the co-operation of government. (BBC)
Zimbabwe Drops Charges Against Cecil The Lion Hunter American dentist Walter Palmer who killed the famed lion last year was not charged. The lion - a favourite at Hwange National Park - was shot by Mr Palmer with a bow and arrow. He is said to have paid about $50,000 (ÂŁ32,000) to hunt the lion. Cecil's killing sparked international outrage, and prompted a global campaign to end lion trophy hunting. Mr Bronkhorst said in court that he had obtained all the permits required to kill an elderly lion that was outside the national park boundaries.
Mr Bronkhorst is a free man, though the state could still press fresh charges(AP) A Zimbabwe court has dropped charges against a professional hunter alleged to have helped an American dentist to kill a famous lion named Cecil. It ruled that the charges against Theo Bronkhorst "were too vague to enable to him to mount a proper defence". His lawyer, Perpetua Dube, told the BBC the oence did not have the force of the law and was not criminal in nature.
He is now a free man, though the state could still press fresh charges, the BBC's Shingai Nyoka in Zimbabwe's capital Harare reports. Cecil attracted photographic safaris and was part of an Oxford research project into lions at the Hwange National Park. Cecil the lion A major tourist attraction in Hwange National Park The 13-year-old animal was renowned for being friendly towards visitors Recognisable because of his large size and distinctive black mane Led two prides containing six lionesses and 12 cubs along with another lion, Jericho Was being monitored as part of an Oxford University study into lion conservation (BBC)
Afghanistan: Fatal Attack On German Consulate In Mazar-e-Sharif overturned nearby cars. Pictures showed rows of windows blown out and buildings mangled by the force.
The massive blast destroyed nearby buildings and cars(EPA) A suicide bomber has rammed a truck into a German consulate in Afghanistan, killing at least six civilians and wounding 120, officials said. Gunman attacked the building after the blast, in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, battling with German and Afghan forces. The Taliban said it carried out the attack in retaliation for air strikes last week in Kunduz province. Local police said at least one suspect had been arrested in connection with the bombing. 'Massive damage' A Nato spokesman said there was "massive damage" to the consulate after the truck smashed into a perimeter wall. The blast left a large crater in the ground and
Officials are also investigating whether a second car bomb was involved, the Nato spokesman added. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that the fighters had been sent "with a mission to destroy the German consulate general and kill whoever they found there," Reuters reported. All German consulate staff were "safe and uninjured," the German foreign ministry said, adding that troops were on site preparing to evacuate staff. Ajmal Jan, a local shopkeeper, said the force of the blast had blown his windows out. "The explosion was very strong, all the glass in my shop broke and I was injured," he told Reuters news agency. "My shop was covered by dust and smoke, it was a frightening situation." Germany leads the Nato diplomatic mission in northern Afghanistan and has nearly 1,000 troops stationed in the country. The mission operates from a walled compound in the centre of Mazar-e-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province. President Ashraf Ghani has condemned the attack. Nato said it was investigating the air strikes in Kunduz, cited by the Taliban. Afghan troops reportedly called in air support after being surrounded by Taliban militants. Some 30 civilians, including women and children, were killed in the incident, local officials said. (BBC)
GUYANA DAILY NEWS Poland Opens Huge Catholic Shrine After 224-year Wait PAGE 54
In reward for their 224year wait, visitors to the temple will be treated to superb acoustics, and lighting which can be changed to reflect different periods of the Church calendar. As well as the church, the complex includes a pantheon of great Poles, and a museum commemorating Pope John Paul II and Stefan Wyszynski, the leader of the Catholic Church in P o l a n d u n d e r Communist rule. The temple was lit up in Poland's national colours of red and white to mark the nation's 98th I n d e p e n d e n c e D a y. (BBC) Catholics in Warsaw finally celebrated the consecration of the city's highest church - after a mere 224 years of waiting(AFP) Poland has marked its Independence Day by opening a huge Catholic shrine first proposed more than two centuries ago. The cornerstone of the Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw was laid in 1792, but a Russian invasion and two world wars stalled progress. The most recent work began in 2003, attracting €50m (£43m; $54m) in private donations. For Poland's conservative government, the shrine is an emblem of perseverance - and nationalism. The country has a large Roman Catholic majority, and the Church continues to influence its politics and social affairs. An inaugural Mass was celebrated at the temple, with Poland's Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and President Andrzej Duda in attendance. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki cited John Paul II, the Polish former Pope, in calling for a "responsible" use of freedom and warning against the "arrogance of power". Even after two centuries, work on the church is is not yet over. Some painting is unfinished and the stained-glass windows are yet to be completed. Around €7m more in donations is needed to finish the job. Not everyone in Poland approves of the building, whose stylised rotunda has earned it the unflattering nickname "the giant lemon juicer".
Singles Day: Alibaba Breaks Record Sales Total
China's Singles Day: The made-up festival E-commerce giant Alibaba has beaten its sales record for its annual Singles Day event. About 20 hours into the event, Alibaba sales had reached 103bn yuan ($15bn; £12bn), easily topping the previous record set last year of $14.3bn. But some have questioned the accuracy of the numbers, amid claims of inflated sales data at Chinese online retailers. Merchants passing off counterfeit goods as genuine is also a problem in the industry. Alibaba reported 85% of purchases had been made on mobile phones during Singles Day. Technology shift The company has also been experimenting with new technology including augmented reality and virtual reality to give shoppers other ways of buying items. And the event had a blistering start with sales hitting $5bn (£4bn) in the first hour, Alibaba said, though that total included pre-orders made by customers who could "lock in" prices. It took 90 minutes to hit that milestone in 2015. Singles Day is held every year on 11 November. The day is also referred to as Double Eleven because of its date. Originally claimed as a celebration for China's young singletons, Alibaba turned it into a shopping bonanza in 2009. While Alibaba is undeniably the driving force behind the event, other retailers have also started to piggyback off the idea, including extending the concept to Hong Kong and Taiwan. Alibaba's rival, which focuses more on electronics, reported receiving more orders in the first nine hours of trading on Friday than it had done during the whole of Singles Day 2014. It said sales passed last year's Singles Day total in the early afternoon, but gave no figures. Patty Cao, an analyst at Aberdeen Asset Management, said that the pace of Alibaba sales "show that Singles Day might be the ultimate symbol of how the Chinese economy is changing". She said: "Alibaba is a bit of a bellwether for the country's consumer... China is trying shift the economy away from a reliance on investment and
manufacturing towards one driven by consumer spending and services. "It's not been plain sailing. Growth has taken a significant hit. So events like Singles Day are important indicators to feel the pulse of China's economy." A delivery worker pulls a cart loaded with goods past workers sorting parcels for their customers in Beijing Obsessive shoppers have been lamenting for years that they should cut off their "unstoppable hands" because they end up buying far more than they actually need. But this year, they were joining in on the shopping frenzy again. One Taobao user posted an image of Alibaba founder Jack Ma as a vampire to show his love and hate for the online bonanza. Lili Lee took advantage of the festival two years ago but ended up being scammed for 13,000 yuan ($1,908; £1,519)- five times her monthly salary. But this year she is back online and has already spent about 7,000 yuan. As has now become tradition, Singles Day was kicked off with a televised gala event which this year included a performances by One Republic and appearances by basketball legend Kobe Bryant, English football legend David Beckham and singer-turned designer Victoria Beckham. But pop star Katy Perry, who had been scheduled to perform, withdrew citing a family emergency. Analysts have predicted this year's event could see Alibaba rack up sales of $20bn despite a slowdown in China's economy, partly due to the event having a broader audience. "We're seeing an even bigger shift from offline shopping to online shopping," Kitty Fok, managing director of IDC China told the BBC. "And there is also more of a focus on rural areas. People in the villages who could not do online shopping now have mobile phones and so can do that." (BBC)
African American Journalist Breaks Down On National TV that disappearing. And as a African American, as an openly gay
American journalist Jonathan Capehart American journalist and television personality, Jonathan T. Capehart had to take a moment and find composure after English journalist and television presenter, Jon Snow asked him about his opinion on the impact of Trump’s victory on the Africa American and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual and Transgender) Community, during an interview on Channel 4 this morning. The interview started with Snow’s approach about Capehart’s position as a gay African-American citizen. “You are a gay, black Washington Post Columnist, and most celebrated. Is this your America? Are you worried that it might become another America?” Capehart responded with shock and nostalgia on his face. “That is a very powerful question Jon, and it moves me almost into silence”- Caperhart’s voice cracked, and his semblance lost its hue. Then he proceeded, clearly mortified. “The elections of President Obama was a great moment for this country, and now we stand two months away from...”- a wave of sorrow took over him, but he managed to continue saying –“two months from all
man, and as an American that frightens me” Snow then put Capehart’s concerns to the President-elect’s campaign manager in Michigan, Lena Epstain, who attempted to build Caperhart’s confidence by saying –“My heart goes to you, and I want to assure you from my personal experience with Mr. Trump, that he is a good man and he cares about all Americans, including you and your Community”. Capehart’s semblance showed disbelieve while listening to Mrs. Epstain statement. Disbelieve that he later transformed into sentences by replying –“I have had the pleasure to meet, then regular citizen Donald Trump, i have interviewed Donal Trump in his office. The man I met, was warm, was charming he was engaging. The man who ran for president over the last 15 months is not that man. That is why I and so many people are afraid, that is why I and some many people are praying for this nation”- he finished. One of Donald Trump’s main targets, since the beginning of his electoral campaign, have been to dismantle Barak’s Obama programmes on social cohesion. The Latino, Muslim, African American and LGBT community became Trump’s main target since day one. Reason why his mandate is mainly related with the discrimination and segregation of a selective part of society. Everything that Obama was fighting against. One of the pledges made by President-elect Trump, has been the signing of the Republican-backed First Amendment Defence Act. A law that would permit forms of anti-LGBT discrimination on the grounds of religion. The Republican victory also confirms the implementation of the Democrat-backed Equality Act, law with the power to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 1964 Act was signed by the USA Congress and Martin Luther king on July 2nd of that year, reaching to the historic agreement to outlaw discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Decades of progress that will automatically be nulled once Trump takes the office on January 2017. Source:
A Day Like Today
Depiction of World War One, ' The Great Warr' (Iron Europe - WWI Mod) ‘The Great War’, ‘First World War’ or simply ‘WWI’ ended at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. On November 11, at 5:00 am, an armistice agreement was signed between Germany and its allies, in a railroad carriage at Compiègne, a community at the North of France. The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain each, losing nearly a million or more lives. In addition, at least five million civilians died from disease, starvation or exposure to the conflict. At the time, it was also sometimes called "the war to end war" or "the war to end all wars" due to its then-unparalleled scale and devastation. The assassination of Austria’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by Bosnian Serb Gavrilo, on June 28, 1914, led to the outbreak of World War One. The assassination led to a month of diplomatic manoeuvring between Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France, and Britain called the July Crisis. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the tenuous peace between Europe’s great powers collapsed. On July 29, Russia, in support of its Serb protégé, declared partial mobilization against Austria-Hungary. Tension grew, and on the 30th, Russia ordered general mobilization against Germany. France, allied with Russia, began to mobilize on August 1st. France and Germany declared war against each other on August 3rd. After crossing through neutral Luxembourg, the German army invaded Belgium on the night of August 4th, prompting Great Britain, Belgium’s ally, to declare war against Germany. The war drew in all the world's economic great powers, assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (based on the Triple Entente of the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland) versus the Central Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary. These alliances were reorganized and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States joined the Allies, while the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria joined the Central Powers. The strategy of the Central Powers suffered from miscommunication, which leaded to a deadly chaos that lasted 4 years. By the end of 1914, well over a million soldiers of various nationalities had been killed on the battlefields of Europe, and neither for the Allies nor the Central Powers had a final victory in sight. In 1915, Italy joined the Allies and Bulgaria joined the Central Powers; Romania joined the Allies in 1916, as did the United States in 1917. In the east, Germany was more successful, and the Russian army suffered terrible losses, which latter lead to the Russian Revolution in 1917. In 1918, the insertion of American troops into the western front finally gave a breach for the allies’ victory. After the armistice agreement was signed by Germany and the allies on November 11th 1918, the ‘War to end the wars was officially over’. S o u r c e : -1914.html Images taken before, during and after the War
Daily Horoscope
You can clear up important legalities and sign contracts today. You can enhance your reputation if you treat family and friends with respect and dignity. Try to deal with it quickly; don't dwell on past regrets.
Your uncanny insight will help you make the right choices. You can make a difference if you take a position of leadership. Travel for pleasure will be enticing.
Underhandedness regarding legal matters or contracts must be counteracted. Drastic changes regarding your personal attitude are evident. Changes regarding family members will set you off.
Your diplomatic nature will help you in straightening out unsavory situations. Travel and family gatherings should be in order. You must watch your tendency to spend whatever you make.
Changes in your domestic situation will prove to be favorable in the long run. Don't rely on others to do your work. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers.
Your stability will aid you in getting support from your fellow workers. You can make a difference if you offer your help at functions that involve children. Maybe it's time to look into ways you can improve your health.
Use your creative abilities to come up with new ideas and directions. Some situations may be blown out of proportion. You are ready to blow up and your stress level has gone into over drive.
Arguments could prevail. Put your efforts into your work or money making ventures rather than your emotional life. Stress coupled with diet will add to stomach problems.
You will be full of energy and you need to find something constructive to do. You are best to put in some overtime rather than get involved in family gatherings. Real estate investments could be to your advantage.
Be quiet about your intentions or ideas that might bring added cash. Don't make financial contributions in order to impress others. You may not have the same ideas when it comes to what you both enjoy.
You can expect opposition at work. Don't let your competition be privy to information that could be incriminating. Be aware that minor accidents or injury may prevail if you are preoccupied. Travel will be in your best interest regardless of whether it is business or pleasure.
Be quiet about your intentions or ideas that might bring added cash. Don't make financial contributions in order to impress others. You may not have the same ideas when it comes to what you both enjoy.
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts chopped
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large Dutch oven/soup pot over medium high heat. Add chicken and cook until almost cooked through. Remove to a plate.
3 tablespoons COCAMAR* cooking oil divided 3 tablespoons PALMBOOM* butter 1 large onion chopped 2 carrots peeled and sliced 1 green bell pepper chopped 4-6 cloves garlic minced 1/3 cup flour 9-11 cups low sodium chicken broth divided 3 tablespoons cornstarch 15 oz can canneli beans rinsed and rained 1 tablespoon DELISH* chicken bouillon cubes 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 10 uncooked lasagna noodles broken into approx. 1-2 inch pieces* 2-3 cups half and half 1/2 cup heavy cream optional 10 oz chopped frozen baby spinach thawed 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Cheese Garnish shredded mozzarella cheese freshly grated Parmesan cheese **Imported and distributed by SUPERFOODS
Melt butter with 2 tablespoons olive oil in the now empty pot and heat over medium high heat. Add onions and carrots and cook, while stirring, for 3 minutes. Add bell pepper and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Sprinkle in flour then cook, stirring constantly for 3 minutes (it will be thick). Turn heat to low and gradually stir in 8 cups chicken broth. Whisk 3 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 cup additional chicken broth and add to soup. Stir in chicken, beans, chicken bouillon and all remaining herbs and spices. Stir in lasagna noodles. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer until lasagna noodles are tender, stirring occasionally so noodles don’t stick to bottom (approximately 20-30 minutes). Turn heat to low, discard bay leaf and stir in half and half, optional heavy cream and spinach and warm through. Stir in 1 cup Parmesan cheese until melted. Stir in additional half and half or broth if desired for a less “chunky” soup. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Garnish individual servings with desired amount of cheeses.
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Djokovic: Good Chance Murray Will Maintain Magnificent Form There is a good chance Andy Murray will maintain the form that propelled him to world number one, says Novak Djokovic. Novak Djokovic believes Andy Murray has been the best player on the ATP Tour in the last six months and has little doubt the new world number one can maintain his recent sparkling form. Murray displaced Djokovic at the top of the rankings last weekend when Milos Raonic withdrew from a Paris Masters semi-final with the Briton, Djokovic having lost to Marin Cilic in the quarter-finals. The three-time grand slam champion has won his last four tournaments following his US Open quarterfinal loss to Kei Nishikori and Davis Cup defeat at the hands of Juan Martin del Potro. Djokovic will attempt to prevent Murray from adding the ATP World Tour Finals crown to his list of honours next week and, speaking at a media conference in London, the Serbian said: "I have only words of praise for what he has achieved in the last year or so. "Starting with the clay court season where he was very consistent, I think he had the best clay court season of his life, playing three finals of the three big events and winning one in Rome, winning of course every event he played on grass including grand slam and [then]
Olympic Games, he has had an incredible run. "He is a welldeserved number one at this point because he has been the best player of the last six months without a doubt. "Looking at the qualities he possesses as a player but also his determination to the sport, which is very impressive, there is a good chance he can play at this level for some time." (SportsMax)
Mata Hails Influence Of 'Joker' Ibrahimovic Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a "joker" who has brought a perfect mentality to the Manchester United squad, Juan Mata has said. Juan Mata says Zlatan Ibrahimovic's dressing-room "banter" has been a huge benefit to Manchester United this season. The former Sweden captain has been praised regularly by manager Jose Mourinho for his influence on the younger players at Old Trafford, even during his recent goal drought, when he went six games without scoring. And Mata says Ibrahimovic's attitude among his team-mates has been a breath of fresh air during an inconsistent campaign for the club. "He has brought a lot of things to the team, not just his mentality, but his way of understanding football, his way of behaving with the players in the dressing room," Mata told talkSPORT. "He is always pushing buttons in the right moment and in the right way trying to motivate everyone and he is a very funny guy so he is a very good addition for the team. "He is always joking, always doing banter and pushing the buttons in the right moment in the right way to the right persons. It is good for the dressing room, this character." Ibrahimovic is United's top scorer this term with eight goals in 17 games, and has only missed one match - the 41 Europa League win over Fenerbahce last month - despite having turned 35 on October 3. Mata believes the former Paris Saint-Germain star boasts attributes that make him unique in the modern game. "It is very difficult to have all the things that he has," he said. "When people say this is the next [Lionel]
Messi, or the next Cristiano [Ronaldo], or the next Ibrahimovic, or the next [Wayne] Rooney, or whoever it is, it is very difficult because they are one of a kind. "He has great physical strength combined with great quality, great flexibility, great movement and reading of the game, so he has almost everything. "He has as well a strong personality, which has helped him a lot through the years. He says all the time that he really feels it his mentality that sets him apart. "I am very happy that he is here because I am always happy to play with great players during my career and obviously he is one of the best strikers in the game." (SportsMax)
Haas Confirm Magnussen For 2017 Kevin Magnussen will drive for Haas in 2017 after joining from in its second season and every season thereafter. "Gene Haas Formula One rivals Renault. Haas have confirmed the signing of Kevin Magnussen from Renault for the 2017 Formula One season, joining Romain Grosjean in the American team's driver line-up. The move had been expected since Renault announced that Jolyon Palmer would be retained to partner their own new signing, Nico Hulkenberg, and sees Esteban Gutierrez lose his seat following Haas' first season on the grid. "From the time we began looking at drivers, Kevin Magnussen was always on our short list," said team chairman Gene Haas. "He's accomplished a lot in a very short period of time, and we feel like he can accomplish a lot with us. "Our second season will bring a new set of challenges, and we feel that pairing Kevin with Romain will help us develop our new car and continue our growth. "I want to thank Esteban Gutierrez for all of his efforts. He's been an instrumental part of our first year in Formula One and we're looking forward to finishing the season strong with him and Romain." Magnussen, who will enter his third season in F1 with a third different team, added: "This is a fantastic opportunity and I'm very happy to be a part of Haas F1 Team. "Obviously, I'm confident in my abilities as a Formula One driver, but I'm also very confident of what Haas F1 Team can do
has come into Formula One with a strong vision and a different way of doing things. He's making it work and work well. "I've had a good vantage point all season long, and I'm looking forward to getting behind the wheel of next year's Haas VF-17." (SportsMax)
Hamilton QuickesthasIn Brazil Practice won the last two races and showed good pace as he prepared
The heat is on for Nico Rosberg after Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton went quickest in both Brazilian Grand Prix practice sessions. Lewis Hamilton topped the timesheets in both Brazilian Grand Prix practice sessions on Friday to lay down the gauntlet to Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg. Hamilton trails Rosberg by 19 points in the drivers' championship and victory for the German at Interlagos would wrap up a maiden title. However, reigning champion Hamilton
for the penultimate round of the 2016 season. The sessions were held in hot and sunny conditions, but rain is expected later in the weekend and could have a big say in Sunday's race. Hamilton set the pace in FP1 with his time of one minute and 11.895 seconds, with Rosberg down in third behind Red Bull's Max Verstappen. Red Bull are looking to wrap up second place in the constructors' championship this weekend and Ferrari's ninth and 10th in FP1 will have given them cause for optimism. Hamilton was almost four tenths slower in the second session but finished with the quickest time nonetheless, with Rosberg this time finishing in second. Williams were the standout performers, though, with Valtteri Bottas and Felipe Massa contesting his last Grand Prix on home soil before retirement finishing third and fourth respectively. Ricciardo and Verstappen were in close pursuit of the Williams pair, ahead of Sebastian Vettel, Kimi Raikkonen, Nico Hulkenberg and Jenson Button. The highlight of the session came after Fernando Alonso, who entertained viewers with his sunbathing antics during qualifying for last year's race, was forced to abandon FP2 due to an engine problem. The Spaniard eventually found a similar camping chair from which to catch the action and was even placed in control of a camera by a trackside operator. (SportsMax)
Lahm Backs Muller To End Bundesliga Goal Drought Philipp Lahm has little doubt Thomas Muller will soon be firing on all cylinders again for Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga. Bayern Munich captain Philipp Lahm is confident Thomas Muller will soon rediscover his old form and end his Bundesliga goalscoring drought. Muller netted an impressive 20 times in 31 league outings last term, but still awaits his first goal in eight top-flight outings this season, even though he has found the net in the DFL-Supercup and Champions League. Lahm sees no reason for concern, though, and has little doubt Muller will start scoring again sooner rather than later. "I have scored a goal more than him after 10 matchdays," Lahm told Sky. "I have obviously teased him with it a few times. "But with the quality Thomas has, it is just a matter of time before he starts scoring goals again." Lahm suggested this week that he could hang up his boots at the end of the season, but he is adamant no definitive decision
has been made, saying he is still enjoying himself. "You always have to ask yourself the question whether you can still pull it off at the highest level," he added. "And we are not talking about years or months there, but about weeks. But I am still enjoying myself for now." (SportsMax)
T&T Football: Jones Unfazed By Recent Criticism
Trinidad and Tobago striker Kenwyne Jones insists he remains unfazed by criticism surrounding a recent poor run of form. Jones is expected to lead for the line for the team ahead of its opening CONCACAF Final Round qualifier against Costa Rica at the Hasley Crawford Stadium on Friday. The striker has, however, come under fire for a poor run of form that has seen Jones fail to find the back of the net since
March. The forward has found himself with numerous chances to score but has failed to put the ball into the back of the net. Jones has, however, been commended by national coach Stephen Hart for playing a supportive role in the squad and has vowed to keep doing his part for the team. “What else can you do but just saddle on and keep playing. At the end of the day as much as the crowd might be in an uproar about something, the game is 90 minutes and I have a job to do for the team, whether it might be attempting to score, assisting, defending or whatever the case,” Jones said. “So for 90 minutes, I have to make sure that I do my job, and what happens after that happens.” (SportsMax)
Pliskova - Mladenovic Open Fed Cup Final Czech Republic are going for a third straight Fed Cup crown, and Karolina Pliskova will aim to get them off to a strong start versus France. Karolina Pliskova will aim to get defending champions Czech Republic's Fed Cup final with France off to a flying start when she faces Kristina Mladenovic in the opening rubber. Czech Republic are seeking a third straight victory having beaten Germany and Russia in the last two years. Two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova faces Caroline Garcia, who then takes on Pliskova. Kvitova is scheduled to face Mladenovic in the fourth rubber before a potentially decisive doubles clash between Alize Cornet and Pauline Parmentier and Lucie Hradecka and Barbora Strycova. France last won the Fed Cup back in 2003. (SportsMax)
Caballero Warns City Over Home Form After three draws in their last three Premier League home games, Willy Caballero has fired a warning to Manchester City about their form. Willy Caballero has warned Manchester City that they cannot afford to drop more points at home if they are to stay in the Premier League title race. City have been held to 1-1 draws by Everton, Southampton and Middlesbrough in three of their last four games at the Etihad Stadium - a run that has seen them slip two points adrift of leaders Liverpool. Pep Guardiola's side have also managed just one clean sheet in their last 11 matches in all competitions, with their defensive concerns underpinning a largely poor run of results since the beginning of October. Although they do not play at home again until December 3, when they host Chelsea, Caballero has urged his side to focus on sharpening up their form in front of their home fans if they want to sustain a title charge. "The most important thing now is we must keep a clean sheet at home and we must win the next game at home because we are able to do it," he said, as quoted by the club's official website. "We did it against Barcelona, and these points we lose at home don't return. "We have to go to [Crystal] Palace now, to play well and go for the three points." Caballero feels City's dominance of matches - especially against Everton - has not been rewarded. "This is the most important thing and it is the most difficult thing to achieve," said the goalkeeper. "Even with Manuel [Pellegrini] we played with a lot of possession of the ball. Now with Pep we are trying to do our best performance from the first minute,
trying to keep the ball and play the most time possible with the ball. "We have high possession all the time, every single game, but the way to win the game is by scoring goals. In the last game, we had five or six situations to score and we must keep clean sheets at home. In the three games, one we played perfect against Everton, another one maybe we couldn't give our best performance but in the last game we did everything to win but couldn't close the game." (SportsMax)
Whitmore Feels Suriname Win Could Unite Reggae Boyz Although injuries will force a pair of significant performers to miss Jamaica’s decisive Scotiabank CFU Men’s Caribbean Cup, third-round encounter against visiting Suriname on Sunday, head coach Theodore Whitmore is certain his side can earn a win. Captain Je-Vaughn Watson (sports hernia) and leftback Kemar Lawrence (hamstring) have been ruled out of a match that guarantees the winner the Group 1 title, a place in the competition’s semifinals and a 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup berth. “Despite the injuries, we are looking for a good game and a good performance from the other players in the squad,” said Whitmore. “The two players out are key injuries, however, we have depth in our squad and I believe we have enough to get past Suriname on Sunday.” In Watson’s absence, Philadelphia Union goalkeeper Andre Blake will wear the captain’s armband. "It's my first captaincy at the national level,” the 25year-old Blake remarked. “It's a privilege, an honour, so my job now is to try and get the players on the same page so we can go out and do what we have to do. For me, it's no added pressure. I'm a leader and I will just be me and do my best to get my country and team a clean sheet.” Whitmore -- the only individual to win the Caribbean Cup as a player and a coach -has fond memories of playing against Suriname. The Reggae Boyz kicked off their successful 1998 FIFA World Cup Qualifying campaign against the northern South American nation in a two-legged series. Jamaica won the series opener on
the road, 1-0, thanks to a Whitmore strike. Three weeks later, Whitmore provided the assist on a Walter Boyd goal in a victory by the same score. “I always reflect on that day in 1996,” finished Whitmore. “The Suriname win away was a big momentum builder for us in the 1998 World Cup qualifiers. Prior to that game, we lost a couple of games on the bounce. However, this win really united the team and we pressed on and got to the World Cup eventually. “Now, 20 years later in 2016, I feel a win over Suriname can help us unite again and perhaps make an impression at the Gold Cup next year. We certainly want this win as it can do wonders for our nation.” (SportsMax)
Being Violently Sick Caused Courtois' Bloodshot Eye Thibaut Courtois was left out of Belgium versus Netherlands with a bloodshot eye that was down to being violently sick. Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois has stated his badly bloodshot eye is down to being violently sick. The 24-year-old revealed he suffered a burst blood vessel after Chelsea's 2-0 win over Southampton through vomiting. Courtois was an unused substitute for Belgium's 1-1 friendly draw with Netherlands on Wednesday and quickly became the subject of a social media storm due to the injury. However, the former Atletico Madrid star claims that he will be fit and ready in time for the Red Devils' World Cup qualifier against Estonia on Sunday. "I didn't feel well and was sick and burst a vessel," he said. "It's one of those things that looks worse than it is. "It
was alright when it first happened because people thought it was for Halloween. "But it doesn't look so good now. It won't stop me playing. It's not a problem in that sense." (SportsMax)
All Set For Races At South Dakota Circuit
On Sunday morning the South Dakota Circuit, Timehri, East Bank Demerara, will become the main venue to host the final races of the Guyana Motor Racing Championships (GMRC). The concrete will light up with the ‘battle’ between local and international riders, committed to amaze the each and every spectator. But before engines start to ‘roar’, enthusiasts of the speed, fans and admirers from all over the country will have the unique chance to meet their ‘idols’ at a ‘Meet and Greet’ event, that will take place tonight at the Giftland Mall. Some of the star riders expected to take part in this noble event are Peter Ray and Doug Hollywood Gore of Jamaica; Bryce Prince of USA, Matt Trulove of Great Britain and Mark Maloney among others. Fans will be entertained by the Rent-A-Tent cheerleaders, and have an exclusive glance of the vehicles to be part of the competition on Sunday. The event aims to trigger the enthusiasm of hundreds of followers of the racing sports in Guyana. The event will start at 09:00.