November 1, 2016

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Former Attorney General Rebukes Government For ‘Pradoville 2’ Probe

Former Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is of the view that the APNU+AFC government is making a mockery of the justice system in Guyana. The government is being criticized for appointing special prosecutors to probe Pradoville 2 housing project at Sparendaam, East Coast

Demerara following the findings of a forensic audit. Minister of State Joseph Harmon had told a recent post cabinet media briefing that “Cabinet, upon examination of the reports, concluded that in both cases there were indications of criminal culpability that required further investigation. Cabinet agreed that in each case a special prosecutors’ team would be established, and that the Minister of Legal Affairs would submit a report to Cabinet — within one week — on the composition of such a team.”

Parliamentarian of the PPP and former Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall rebuked the decision of the government. He said, “What we have now is the government hiring a group of prosecutors, to prosecute a group of persons, who happens to be its ( g o v e r n m e n t ’s ) political opponents, that by itself raises questions.” According to the Parliamentarian, the body enshrined to administer justice is the courts and that the office of the Director of Public Prosecutors

(DPP) is being bypassed. He further stated that the prosecutors will be handpicked by the government and paid by the government and therefore, they will carry out the will of the government.




Food & Drug To toConfiscate Unlabeled Foods purchase unlabeled items of processed their advice.

The Government Analyst – Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) will soon be moving to seize and confiscate unlabeled foods that are consistently being released for sale on the local market in large volumes. The department has found businesses/manufacturers are continuing the illegal and unhealthy practice of selling unlabeled items of processed foods with little or no regards

GA-FDD also advised the general public particularly consumers against the selling and purchasing of unlabeled items of processed foods, such as flour, milk, sauces, spices and beverages. The department also pointed out that the sale of unlabeled processed foods is in contravention to the Laws of Guyana Food and Drug Act Chapter 34:03 Part II Section 6. (2) and the Food and Drug Regulation No. 10 of 1977 section 18. (1). Manufacturers and food processors who are involved in this prohibitive practice are guilty of an offence according to the Food and Drug Act. In addition, the GA-FDD said that this practice poses a public health risk and consumers are being advised not to

foods because unlabeled foods are in most cases manufactured and/or package under insanitary conditions by unlicensed manufacturers and may be subjected to adulteration (mixing) with substandard and or expired foods and listed several other factors. Consumers are taking a risk when purchasing unlabeled foods that is void of information (name and address of manufacturer, batch number, expiry date, list of ingredients etc.) in the event of food poisoning , complaint or the need litigation (legal action against) manufacturers or packagers. The Department would be left with no alternative but to enforce the laws by seizure and confiscation.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Cabinet Engages GuySuCo On Sugar Industry’s Future Cabinet was treated to a full PAGE 5


presentation by Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo, Mr. Errol Hanoman and Chairman of the Board, Professor Clive Thomas. At the close of the presentation, President Granger said that the report will be thoroughly examined and discussed at Cabinet in an effort to make a determination on the industry, which will be beneficial to all concerned. MOTP Press Release

President David Granger (fifth from right) and Members of his Cabinet being briefed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) Mr. E r ro l H a n o m a n , a t C a b i n e t meeting today. Georgetown, Guyana – (November 1, 2016) Members of the Board of Directors of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), earlier this afternoon, engaged President David Granger and Cabinet members on the current status of operations at the organisation, as well as future plans.




Food & Drug To toConfiscate Unlabeled Foods purchase unlabeled items of processed their advice.

The Government Analyst – Food and Drug Department (GA-FDD) will soon be moving to seize and confiscate unlabeled foods that are consistently being released for sale on the local market in large volumes. The department has found businesses/manufacturers are continuing the illegal and unhealthy practice of selling unlabeled items of processed foods with little or no regards

GA-FDD also advised the general public particularly consumers against the selling and purchasing of unlabeled items of processed foods, such as flour, milk, sauces, spices and beverages. The department also pointed out that the sale of unlabeled processed foods is in contravention to the Laws of Guyana Food and Drug Act Chapter 34:03 Part II Section 6. (2) and the Food and Drug Regulation No. 10 of 1977 section 18. (1). Manufacturers and food processors who are involved in this prohibitive practice are guilty of an offence according to the Food and Drug Act. In addition, the GA-FDD said that this practice poses a public health risk and consumers are being advised not to

foods because unlabeled foods are in most cases manufactured and/or package under insanitary conditions by unlicensed manufacturers and may be subjected to adulteration (mixing) with substandard and or expired foods and listed several other factors. Consumers are taking a risk when purchasing unlabeled foods that is void of information (name and address of manufacturer, batch number, expiry date, list of ingredients etc.) in the event of food poisoning , complaint or the need litigation (legal action against) manufacturers or packagers. The Department would be left with no alternative but to enforce the laws by seizure and confiscation.

Blackout Woes Continue On The Essequibo Coast GPL recently replaced the damaged transmitting system at Anna Regina but the blackouts continue. At a recent post cabinet press briefing, Minister of State Joseph Harmon had noted that the recent blackouts in Demerara, Essequibo and Bartica was due to GPL’s maintenance schedule and its transmission and distribution networks.

Residents on the Essequibo Coast continue to suffer at the hands of the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL). Some residents told this newspaper that on a daily basis they experience in excess of six hours of power outage without any explanation from GPL. The residents are at their wits end and blame government for its lackadaisical attitude towards the supply of power to the Essequibo Coast, pointing out that many of their electrical items have been damaged due to the unstable electricity. One resident from Hampton Court said, “This is too much for the residents on the Essequibo Coast. I have two children who are attending school, and they need power to study and do their homework.”


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Top Cop Alludes To Possible Blackmail Of Magistrate PAGE 8


counts of discharging loaded firearms – in two cases it was at the police patrol, 1 case of attempt murder, 2 cases of serious wounding and in all those instances he was granted bail,” Ramnarine said. Ramnarine then went on to say that “information suggests that the then presiding Magistrate resided in a home in which the defendant’s lawyer had some control over.”

Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine Police Commissioner (ag) David Ramnarine has alluded to the possible blackmail of a Magistrate, as it relates to an ongoing case in the court. At a press conference on Monday, the top cop highlighted the case against Raul Franklin, who was charged several times at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s court for serious offenses but was still granted

bail. “A case to note, we has this fellow Raul Franklin who is now a defendant and not what yuh call a repeat offender. He was arrested at Middle Street, La Penitence a few days ago. He was found in possession of a .04 pistol and four rounds. He (Franklin) was charged between 2013 and 2015 on several occasions at the Sparendaam Court on at least six counts of robbery under arms involving the use of firearms, three

However, the acting top cop did not give the name of the Magistrate nor the name of Franklin’s lawyer. Ramnarine then immediately avoid questioning by media operatives by noting, “I say no more.” Commissioner Ramnarine during a recent press conference said that he will not allow the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to be criticized for the failures of the other components in the criminal justice system. “I will not take responsibility for the behaviour of other people who constitute and have a role to play in the criminal justice system. I can only defend our actions in the Police Force,” the commissioner expressed.


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Ministers Attend Social Development Conference PAGE 9


Guyana at the Eighth Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean being held in the Dominican Republic. The two-day Santo Domingo meeting began yesterday to provide ministers and decision-makers a space to discuss social policy experiences and identify answers to the region's new challenges.

Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Jaipaul Sharma are representing

The Ministers delivered a joint presentation on Guyana’s situation on the first day of the conference, inclusive of Government’s effort to boost socioeconomic development. United Nations Development Administrator Helen Clark noted that this Ministerial Forum will address three aspects of the challenges by countries.

They will look at how countries in the region are looking beyond Gross Domestic Product when measuring development progress; exchange experiences of how countries are taking on board the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and take stock of current social protection efforts in the region and of the dynamics of current poverty reduction approaches. Ministers Lawrence and Sharma will also participate in the First Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean while in the Dominican Republic.




Ramjattan Wants Business Community To Go “Plastic” Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan is of the view that members of the business community should switch to “plastic” as a way of securing themselves from criminal elements and use safer means of transacting their business. “There are lots of people walking around with millions and millions of dollars. We want to go plastic, and I want the business community to go that way because it cuts the rate (of crime) down by 35 percent,” Minister Ramjattan said in response to questions posed by media operatives yesterday at the launching of the opening of Road Safety Awareness Month today, at Parliament Square. Meanwhile the Minister also wants citizens to learn to trust the statistics issued by the Guyana Police Force (GPF). “I would like you to take the statistics from the (Police) Commissioner, yes, indeed as against previous weeks in this year there has been an increase in gun violence, but as against last year it has been lower,” Ramjattan said. Many persons and businesses, including the Private Sector Commission (PSC) is of the view that the police statistics do not truly reflect the nature of the gun related crime situation in Guyana. Acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine at a press briefing on October 22 had indicated that there was an increase in armed robberies in ‘D’ Division but overall, over the last three years there has been a reduction and the end of September, serious crimes across the country were reportedly down 19 percent. The top cop yesterday again said that serious crime is down by 17% for the period 1st January, 2016 to 31st October, 2016 when compared to the same period last year. Minister Ramjattan said that his ministry has been working with the GPF to “as best as possible to deal with the situation” such as gun smuggling across the Brazilian border.

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Ramnarine Chastises PSC About Statements Made On Crime situation Police Commissioner (ag), David crimes threaten their wellbeing and





Police Commissioner (ag), David Ramnarine has dismissed the concerns of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), which had stated that the government and the police force are unable to protect its citizens given the recent spate of crimes. Ramnarine told a news conference Monday that the statement made by the PSC is preposterous and it cannot be supported. The PSC had noted that “We believe that it is felt in the national concern of every citizen over the inability of the state to generally protect our citizens from widespread gun inspired

Major General retired Norman McLean who is a member of the Commission told media operatives that “we need to have detection plus so that the court play their part for us to have tertiary crime prevention. Not only detect and prosecute people but ensure that ultimately, they appear in the court and in a timely manner, are dealt with.” The Commission is calling on the Guyana Police Force to allocate resources where it is necessary and to have a more visible presence in areas where crimes are being perpetuated.




Haiti Election Date Again In Doubt goal." According to the electoral adviser Jean Simon Saint-

PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti -- After publishing a new electoral calendar ďŹ xing the date of the presidential election on 20 November, which had originally been scheduled for October 9, but postponed because of the passage of Hurricane Matthew over Haiti, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) on Monday indicated that it may not in fact be able to hold the elections as rescheduled. The reason given is the extent of damage caused by the hurricane to the electoral infrastructure (nearly 300 centres) and many access roads, while nothing is happening on the ground at the level of shared responsibility of the government to address these issues. In a letter dated October 27 [resembling an ultimatum] addressed to the de facto President Jocelerme Privert, LĂŠopold Berlanger, the president of the CEP gave the government ten days to make functional the 280 damaged voting centres, make passable the access roads leading to other 161 centres, provide a voting card to voters who lost theirs during the hurricane and release 40 schools to be used as voting centres but temporarily occupied by hurricane victims, otherwise there will be no elections on November 20, 2016, HaitiLibre reported. Berlanger was clear on this point, saying that he was "Convinced that only the expedited execution of these provisions will allow us to respect the deadline of 20 November for the elections, the CEP remains mobilized to collaborate with the executive to accomplish this

Hubert, if elections are not held on 20 November, the CEP will have to take a decision based on its mission, implying without saying that another failure could lead to the mass resignation of the CEP, thereby creating even more uncertainty and chaos. (Caribbean News Now!)

Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). File photo


GUYANA DAILY NEWS British Overseas Territories Leaders To Form Brexit Group To Engage UK PAGE 15

LONDON, England (CNS) -- Concerned about how the UK’s departure from the European Union over the next two years will impact their communities, leaders from the British Overseas Territories have agreed to form a group to focus on the whole question of Brexit. Territory leaders attended the United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA) Political Council meeting on Monday morning, where the BOT delegations discussed their concerns before sitting down with UK officials at the Joint Ministerial Council meeting. Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin said a small forum of territories was needed to deal specifically with Brexit to keep the territories’ leaders informed and ensure engagement with the UK before Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty is invoked to begin the work of separating the United Kingdom from the European Union. British Prime Minister Theresa May has stated that she expects to formally trigger talks with the EU under article 50 before March next year. “UKOTA members are concerned they will lose direct access to the EU with Brexit and agreed they will have to fight for representation,” according to a media release from the premier’s press secretary. “They also agreed that Brexit offers an opportunity for the Overseas Territories to improve their relationship with the UK.” McLaughlin said in the release, “The UKOTA Political Council meeting gives leaders of the Overseas Territories a chance to gather before we begin meetings of the JMC and to discuss matters relevant to the upcoming JMC sessions.” He added that he and the Cayman delegation would meet with members of the British parliament, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and others to discuss issues that are specific to Cayman. During her visit recent to Cayman, FCO Minister for the


Overseas Territories Baroness Anelay said she was confident that Britain’s departure from the European Union would not have a detrimental impact on the territories. However, at this point no one really knows what the Brexit will mean for the UK, let alone its dependent territories. While Brexit may dominate the agenda, there are other areas of concerns for the BOTs, some common to all and some more pertinent to specific territories. Marine and maritime management, biodiversity, climate change, financial services as well as immunities and privileges are some of the concerns that are expected to be on the agenda of the JMC, which starts Tuesday and will be chaired by Anelay. During Monday’s meeting the BOT leaders also agreed that, while the Pitcairn Islands will host next year’s major pre-JMC meeting, it will take place in London rather than on the very remote and sparsely populated islands in the Pacific. (Caribbean News Now!)

Cayman Islands Premier Alden McLaughlin


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Some Caribbean Countries Transitioning To Cassava Flour PAGE 17

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands -- At least three Caribbean countries – Barbados, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago – are selling sliced bread made partly from cassava flour instead of only regular wheat flour and another five have had training in a bid to have the region use more cassava and its products, this according to Dr Lystra Fletcher-Paul from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Caribbean office. “Bakers from eight CARICOM countries have been trained in using grated cassava and/or cassava flour to replace up to 40% wheat flour,” said Fletcher-Paul, while addressing the opening ceremony of the Caribbean Week of Agriculture on Wednesday, October 26 in the Cayman Islands. “Supermarkets in Barbados, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago now sell sliced bread made from 40% cassava.” Fletcher-Paul was speaking against the background that the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has an annual food import bill in excess of US$ 4 billion. With a large, growing market of 16 million people in 15 member states and food imports nearly doubling over the last ten years, she stressed that the region needed to find alternatives to reduce the food bill. The FAO in collaboration with other partners such as the Caribbean Agribusiness Association (CABA) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) are a part of a regional cassava working group, which has been pushing for greater investment in cassava production in the Caribbean. According to an FAO brief on cassava, the product is a viable substitute to the importation of wheat and corn as a contributor to the high import bill. Some 900 000 metric tonnes of wheat for flour (valued at US$248.77 million) and 420 000 tonnes of corn (valued at US$145.46 million), mainly for poultry feed, is imported by CARICOM countries annually. Additionally, the regional beer industry imports nearly 100 000 tonnes of malt annually and uses high fructose corn syrup as another ingredient in beer. “Red Stripe is now using cassava in its beer production,” said Fletcher-Paul, while adding that the cassava market had expanded to coffee shops and hotels, to feed suppliers for livestock feed and breweries for beer. The FAO brief said that based on analyses conducted in several CARICOM countries, there is a huge, untapped import substitution market opportunity for food, flour, feed and beer (and possibly energy – if volumes of production permit) that can be addressed by using cassava. Cassava can: • replace 400 000 metric tonnes of wheaten flour in CARICOM countries


• substitute up to 40% of the corn in poultry rations without adverse effects as well as a portion of other animal feeds • be more widely consumed as a healthy, staple food • on its own address approximately 5% of the food import bill. It made the case that the CARICOM region is wellplaced to move the cassava industry forward. Cassava already has a production base in almost all of the countries of the region and is adapted to a wide range of environments and soil types, making it an ideal crop for expansion on marginal and sub-marginal lands. Non-traditional uses that need to be more widely exploited currently include animal feed (cassava hay, chips, pellets and feed-grade single-cell protein) and industrial applications (bio-fuel feedstock; sweeteners, alcohol, plywood, textiles, paper). The CARICOM Secretariat, with funding from the European Union, is leading the development of a regional cassava policy with the other agencies contributing, especially from the standpoint of production, processing, marketing and consumption public policy needs. The issue of cassava was also an agenda item on the third day of discussions and the formulation of an investment policy for Caribbean Agriculture at the 14th staging of the Caribbean Week of Agriculture. (Caribbean News Now!)

Lamb burger and cassava bread – a hit at CWA: Assistant Director General for FAO, Raul Benitez (second left front row) and FAO Sub-Regional Coordinator for the Caribbean, Dr Lystra Fletcher-Paul (third right) as well as other FAO staff members enjoy lamb burgers made from blended cassava and wheat flour at the Caribbean Week of Agriculture




Building The Caribbean Internet Economy By Gerard Best PHILIPSBURG, St Maarten -- In the Caribbean, change is in the air. In fact, it’s in the cloud. There’s a new conversation among the community of technology experts who spearhead Caribbean Internet development, and the buzz is no longer just about physical infrastructure. The architects of the region’s digital future are actively taking steps to strengthen the region’s economy by developing the Caribbean cloud. “We have to look beyond basic infrastructure deployment, to developing the local content, services and business models that can truly benefit the region,” said Bevil Wooding, Internet strategist with US-based non-profit Packet Clearing House (PCH). “Twelve Internet exchange points are already established in the Caribbean, and several others are being considered. While we continue to push for strengthening of critical Internet infrastructure in the region, our focus must also expand to development of the Caribbean Internet-based economy. We need to build out the Caribbean cloud,” he said. Internet exchange points, or IXPs, are pieces of critical infrastructure that provide points of physical interconnection between the networks that make up the global Internet. PCH has played an active role in setting up more than two-thirds of the world’s IXPs and almost all of the exchange points in the Caribbean. The non-profit firm has worked closely with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, an inter-governmental CARICOM organisation that focuses on regional technology policy. Together, they have actively supported the proliferation of Internet exchanges in the Caribbean. While establishing physical exchange points is necessary, it is not sufficient to advance the regional Internet economy, Wooding said. Another crucial step is needed. “Getting the exchange points up and running is a start. But there has to be a shift in the conversation, from local traffic exchange to local content production, local application development and local innovation. What we want to see is not just more people on the Internet but more people actually taking advantage of the social and economic opportunities the Internet offers,” Wooding said. “The private sector, academia and governments all have to work in sync to create opportunities for digital innovators and entrepreneurs to take advantage of the Internet and build on the local IXPs that now exist. We have to actively build the Caribbean cloud.” Wooding was speaking as part of a panel discussion on developing the Caribbean Internet economy, held on the first day of St Maarten on the Move, a regional technology development conference jointly hosted by the Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry and the Internet Society (ISOC) in Philipsburg, St Maarten. from October 27 to 28. He co-presented with Eldert Louisa, chairman of the Open Caribbean Internet Exchange and chief technical officer of St Maarten telecom operator TelEm Group. Karen Rose, senior director of strategy and analysis at ISOC, moderated the panel.

St Maarten on the Move was part of Internet Week St Maarten, a five-day conference coordinated by the St Maarten telecommunications regulator, BTP, and focused on developing the Caribbean Internet. The week started with the twelfth regional meeting of the Caribbean Network Operators Group, which was jointly held with the LAC-I-Roadshow of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, from October 24 to 26. A broad range of technical, social and policy issues related to Caribbean technology development were covered in the three-day event, held with the support of the CTU, the American Registry of Internet Numbers and ArkiTechs. (Caribbean News Now!)

Bevil Wooding, Internet Strategist, Packet Clearing House, delivers a presentation on developing the Caribbean Internet economy at Internet Week St Maarten, held in Philipsburg, St Maarten, on October 27, 2016. Photo: LACNIC


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Alliouagana Festival Of The Word Begins Next Week In Montserrat PAGE 20

LITTLE BAY, Montserrat -- The eighth edition of Montserrat’s literary festival begins next week with book launches as well as international speakers. Te c h n o l o g y a n d t h e Wo r d : C o n t e m p o r a r y Manifestations is the theme of the 2016 Alliouagana Festival of the Word (AFW), which will run from November 10 to 13, 2016, at the Montserrat Cultural Centre. According to AFW chair, Gracelyn Cassell, the focus this year is on how technology has transformed the ways in which we communicate with our children, in business and what we need to be aware of as we receive information in a multi-media world. The festival will open with the fourth distinguished lecture in the Alphonsus ‘Arrow’ Cassell Memorial Lecture Series to be presented by Dr Samuel Joseph. His presentation will be ICTs - Transforming Cultural Industries. Along with the launch of several new books by Montserratian authors, there will be visiting speakers who work within the media, technology and word space. They include JD Scott, an actor and host of the HGTV show Property Brothers and model and makeup artist Annalee Belle, who will present technology and social media in branding. CaribbeanA m e r i c a n b l o g g e r E v a Wi l s o n - G r e e n e o f discusses how her desire to raise her children in America with the Caribbean principles and


culture she grew up with developed into an awardwinning website and brand. Alan and Amanda Springer will share other dimensions of life in a tech-driven world. Filmmakers Howard and Mitzi Allen of HAMAFilms Antigua will host the Caribbean Travelling Film Showcase on Sunday afternoon, sponsored by Goldenmedia and Discover Montserrat. The full schedule of activities is available on and Follow updates on Montserrat’s only literary festival at h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / A F W- L i t f e s t 455550224634531/




Monkey Hill Woman Stabbed In Home Invasion in fear but I’m happy it’s me and nothing happened to her.”

Source: St Kitts – St. Kitts and Nevis (WINN FM): A young mother is thanking God that she and her toddler daughter are alive following a home invasion Tuesday morning which left the woman with several stab wounds. Police have confirmed a home invasion in Parrays Village, St. Peters around 1:50am, which they say they are presently investigating. Unofficial reports indicate the woman was roused from sleep when an intruder attacked her in her bedroom, where she had been sleeping with the young child. A struggle reportedly ensued, during which the woman sustained the injuries. The intruder eventually abandoned his mission and fled the home. nThe woman was transported to the JNF Hospital where she was treated for wounds and released. The victim subsequently took to social media, posting on Facebook, “Father God thanks for sparing my life and my daughter’s life. I now have to live

(Antigua Observer)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Six Diagnosed With Microcephaly –Mother Fears Stigmatisation PAGE 23

Microcephaly (Source: SIX babies have been diagnosed with microcephaly so far for 2016, mere months after the first case of zika infection was registered in Guyana.The cases have not been linked to the zika virus, as none of the pregnant mothers has developed signs and symptoms associated with the virus, which broke out in neighbouring Brazil in late 2014. One of these six babies was a stillbirth. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and can be passed from a pregnant woman to her foetus. It can also be spread through sexual contact. Once a pregnant woman is infected, her baby can have defects when born. The CDC also noted that those infected with the virus either would not have symptoms or would have mild symptoms; but the most common of the symptoms are fever, rashes, joint pain, conjunctivitis, and headache. There is currently no vaccine or cure for the zika virus. Microcephaly, on the other hand, is a birth defect wherein a baby’s head is smaller than usual when compared to babies of the same age and sex. Babies with microcephaly often have smaller brains that may not have been fully developed during pregnancy, or have stopped growing after birth, the CDC said. The occurrence of microcephaly was a shocker for Felicia Lewis, 18, a first time mother who had never previously heard of the disease. Opening up to Guyana Chronicle after some hesitation, Lewis, who hails from Region 7, in a low tone of voice, said she was expecting nothing but a healthy baby girl. “I was surprised at first, but not scared,” she said, pointing out that despite the abnormality she embraced her new born with deep love, care and affection. The infant, born in September, has been doing well, and family members have been very supportive, the young mother said. “I worry about her… because she was born with this sickness,” Lewis said, relating that her husband was also worried, but “told me everything would be okay…because we trust in God”. While upbeat about the future of her child, the young mother said she is a bit worried that her daughter would be subjected to stigmatisation once society finds out that she has microcephaly. Guyana’s first case of zika infection was reported in January, a few months after Brazil reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) that it suspected it had 141 cases of microcephaly in Pernambuco state. By November 2015, that country had declared a national public health emergency as cases of microcephaly continued to increase. The following month, Brazil reported 2,975 suspected cases of microcephaly, a number which was higher than any other part of the north-east region. So far, Guyana has reported only 35 cases of zika. Zika, however, was not the only infection that was prevalent around that time, as chikungunya was still on the radar. Like zika, chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease that is transmitted by the aedes aegypti mosquito, the same mosquito known to spread dengue and yellow fever diseases. Adolescent Health


Coordinator of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr Oneka Scott, was the acting Maternal and Child Health Director just around the time the second baby was born here with microcephaly after the outbreak in Brazil. HIGH GEAR Health officials, she said, went into high gear. “We have a team approach. The Government, through the Ministry of Public Health, has paid lots of attention to psycho-social support; it is not easy giving birth to a child with microcephaly,” she said, while noting that locally there is some doubt of the correlation between microcephaly and zika. Earlier this year, the New England Journal of Medicine published the preliminary results of a large study done on pregnant Colombian women infected with zika; and according to that study, of nearly 12,000 pregnant women infected with the virus, there was no case of microcephaly. Brazil, however, has sought to link the two; and that is something that must not be taken for granted, said Dr. Scott. “This is the basis of our response, because we need to prepare these women if any were diagnosed with zika. We needed to have information out there that would lend to informed choices; not for everybody to jump and say ‘Oh, I am diagnosed with zika’, or ‘I have symptoms and I want to have an abortion because I am pregnant’,” she told Guyana Chronicle. When the first case was diagnosed here, a team of workers — including a surveillance officer, a doctor, public health nurse, a representative of the vector control office and a counsellor — was formed to provide psycho-social support to pregnant women who were infected with zika. “We tell them what to expect; what are the likely outcomes and, most importantly, what are their choices,” Dr. Scott said, noting that abortion is legal and remains an option. “It isn’t just another child, it is a child with special needs,” she stressed, disclosing that the six mothers who delivered babies with microcephaly were not previously diagnosed with zika. Dr. Scott also pointed out that microcephaly is not new in Guyana, and has been around even before zika. “We do not know where our baseline is… if it is that we saw one or two microcephaly babies per year; this is less than a month that we have six. So you have to put a question mark of doubt, and you have to act upon that doubt and create an action plan…which is already created because of the association of zika and microcephaly,” she added. According to her, during investigation, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) could not state the number of babies born there with microcephaly. “Nobody could have told me for 2014 or 2015 if we had two or three cases,” the doctor told Guyana Chronicle. MULTI-SECTORAL APPROACH The Ministry of Public Health is collaborating with the Ministries of Education and Social Protection to create a multi-sectoral approach to dealing with children born with microcephaly. “To have a child with microcephaly -– a child with special needs, the development is slow.

continued on next page...


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Six Diagnosed With Microcephaly...con’t...


They reach milestones less, the care may be more, and you may have a child who cannot be put in regular daycare; so some type of public assistance or external Government support is needed. The Ministry of Public Health cannot do it alone,” Dr. Scott said, noting that rehabilitation for each child is a must. Dr. Ertenisa Hamilton, Director of the Maternal and Child Health Department of the Ministry of Public Health, has been working on the protocols, work plan and other documents relative to microcephaly, even before a case was reported. Disability and Rehabilitation Director Ariane Mangar said that when children are born they are evaluated, and those with abnormalities are referred to a rehabilitation facility for treatment. At these State facilities, all services are free of cost. Mangar, like Dr. Scott, made it clear that microcephaly is not a new phenomenon here, but noted that persons are more aware of it now because of the


zika virus and all the reports related to it. Psychologist Mosa Hutson said that while there is much awareness about zika, not much is known about microcephaly; and this gap must be closed, since it can help in staving off stigmatisation. “There (are) lots of stigma attached to people and children who are differently-abled…. Young parents are not as strong as the experienced ones, and we have to support them. The child must have as much support as possible, despite what society would say,” she said. Hutson noted that the brunt of the worry comes from what people say. She stressed that parents ought not to be ashamed if they see their child are born with microcephaly. She is currently working to have group sessions with mothers who have children that are infected with microcephaly, to facilitate information sharing among them so that they can better care for their bundles of joy. (Antigua Observer)

‘Barbados’ Cultural Industry Missing Out On Billions’ by adhering to set standards, performers in the industry are likelier to

Barbados may be missing out on its share of a near $US200 billion global cultural trade due to its continued failure to preserve, formalize and market its indigenous products, Minister of Labour Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo said. Dr Byer-Suckoo told a seminar conducted by the Pineland’s Creative Workshop Monday, the losses would continue until the cultural product was refined into something that is internationally palatable. Quoting figures produced by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the minister sought to make a link between the international trade agreements that Barbados has signed and opportunities available to the cultural sector. “Trade agreements such as the economic partnership between the EU [European Union] and the African Caribbean Pacific [ACP] group, have created an enabling environment for significant trade in this sector if full advantage is taken of these opportunities. The potential of this sector is undeniable. UNESCO noted that by 2013, global trade of cultural goods amounted to 190.5 billion US dollars,” Dr Byer-Suckoo said. A similar point was raised by Programme Manager for Education and Employment with the European Union Delegation Dr Stephen Boyce regarding the current state of the Barbadian cultural industry. According to the EU official, there is a significant difference between recognizing the enormous potential of the cultural industry and putting the necessary steps in place to maximise the lucrative spinoff. Boyce said the time had come for the cultural landscape to be expanded beyond the bounds of Crop Over and the National Independence Festival of Creative Arts. He also argued that structures must be put in place for the arts to be recognised as viable employment opportunity. “Youth must be encouraged to seek careers in culture as viable professional options. We should also ensure that organizations that trade in culture are registered with the Barbados Accreditation Council and adhere to the national qualifications framework. So for example if you are in Pinelands [Pinelands Creative Workshop] and you have been drumming for the last ten years that needs to be translated into something, which can then give you further mobility within the sector,” Boyce said. He stressed that

be paid what they are worth. “So someone knows if you come to them with a CVQ [Caribbean Vocational Qualification] or NVQ National Vocational Qualification] level of three or four, they can’t pay you a $100 for three hours of work because that is not what you would pay a professional in academia,” he explained. The EU official also criticised the practice of centralizing facilities for the performing arts, and called for a repurposing of community centres into such facilities. “Attention must be paid to the venues for performing arts. We need to recognise that having this one centralized area may be a challenge. There are opportunities for re-thinking existing community centres as multi-purpose hubs and facilities for performing arts,” he added. Boyce said this would help reshape blocks with negative reputations, as well as revitalize urban rural communities. (Antigua Observer)

Barbados Minister of Labour Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo (Source:




NUPW Votes To Strike was unceremoniously removed from the senior position of

Barbados – The Government sector could be hit by industrial action as early as Wednesday. During an emergency meeting at its headquarters Monday, the National Council –– the highest decision-making body of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) –– gave the green light for the NUPW to take whatever action it deemed necessary to force the Personnel Administration Division (PAD) to reinstate NUPW President Akanni McDowall to the acting senior position from which he was removed. General Secretary Roslyn Smith told Barbados TODAY they were yet to receive a response from the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) to a request made two weeks ago for a meeting to discuss the issue. Smith also warned that unless such communication was forthcoming from the CPO’s office Tuesday, protest action would follow almost immediately. “We [the National Council] had a unanimous decision to take whatever action we deem necessary to bring a resolution to the matter as quickly as possible. Tomorrow me and my officers will meet and decide on the strategy that will be implemented. We wrote the Chief Personnel Officer two Fridays ago and we were of the view we would have been given an early response, but to date, we have no such response. “Therefore, unless we are going to receive a call by tomorrow, we will be putting things in train to bring pressure to bear on the Government to have the brother reinstated,” Smith added. She also expressed complained about Government’s overall treatment of public officers, stating that this issue involving McDowall extended beyond the union president. “This issue will affect all public officers who could find themselves in a similar position and with the lack of consultation,” Smith said. Asked if the planned protest would involve a call-out of its entire membership, the NUPW executive said she preferred to keep the details close to her chest, but she sought to assure that whatever steps were taken would be effective. McDowall, who has been carrying his union’s fight to the Freundel Stuart administration for well over a year since his ascension to the presidency back in May 2015,

Acting Health Planning Officer 1 and sent back to his substantive post of Environmental Health Assistant 1. When word first reached the union, it said the “sudden reversion of its president” was nothing short of victimization, while pointing out that he had recently been strongly opposed to Government’s efforts to privatize the state-run Sanitation Service Authority. However, in Government’s defence, Minister of Labour Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo said last week there was no foul play involved in the removal of McDowall from his acting position. Dr Byer-Suckoo said as far as she was aware McDowall’s time in the acting position had simply come to an end. It was also last week that NUPW Acting General Secretary Delcia Burke had told Barbados TODAY that the union had received word through unofficial channels that the Personnel Administration Division had filled the position with an employee who was not only McDowall’s subordinate, but who had no experience in that field. She said at the time that it had been troubling to public servants who had been calling the union to complain that the newly elevated employee had superseded both McDowall and several other officers. (Antigua Observer)

National Union of Public Workers General Secretary Roslyn Smith (Source:




New Ministers Ready To Prove Themselves Newly-appointed Works and Transport Minister Rohan industry, so that is my professional training. I intend to bring my Sinanan says he is humbled by the confidence placed in him by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley “to run one of the largest ministries at a time when the country needs the Ministry of Works to get going.” He is promising to “work in the interest of the country and the people.” Sinanan, who ran the People’s National Movement’s successful 2015 general election campaign, replaces Fitzgerald Hinds as Works and Transport Minister. Hinds has been reassigned to the Public Utilities Ministry following the dismissal of retired Brigadier Ancil Antoine. Also getting the axe in yesterday’s Cabinet reshuffle was Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre, who has been replaced by former Rural Development and Local Government Minister Franklin Khan. The new Minister of Rural Development and Local Government is former San Fernando Mayor Kazim Hosein. Sinanan, a deputy political leader of the People’s National Movement (PNM), admitted his new ministerial responsibilities would be a challenge, “especially with the economic circumstances because the Ministry of Works is where you need a heavy bud He said he planned to give it his all and would “scrutinise the award of contracts” given questions raised under the former administration. Sinanan said he intended to meet with the permanent secretary and senior ministry staff to chart the way forward. “My job is to make sure Government policy is implemented within the framework of a detailed plan,” he said. Among the projects on the table are the Valencia to Toco Highway, the Wallerfield to Manzanilla Highway, continuation of the Point Fortin Highway and the Chaguaramas causeway. He said he intended to make sure that he lived up to his oath of office and not disappoint people who put their trust in him. He said his objective was to “serve the people and the country to the best of my ability.” Curiously, following the official announcement of Sinanan’s appointment a story published in December last year started circulating on social media about a 50th birthday party at his Valsayn home which was attended by Prime Minister Rowley. Among the guests were Jack Warner and businessman Ishwar Galbaransingh, both of whom are currently challenging extradition request by US authorities. Reports also surfaced that Sinanan bought land once occupied by the Kay Donna Drive-in Cinema which is earmarked to be acquired for the Curepe Interchange. He told the T&T Guardian: “While it is true I do have an interest in the land which was once occupied by the Kay Donna Cinema along with other shareholders, what has been circulating is very untrue. Now they will see the truth.” Sinanan said he also owned property in Valsayn and Sangre Grande but denied he owned land in Toco. He also dismissed as “garbage” claims that he was paid money by the Government. In the case of Khan, while this is the first time he has been appointed Energy Minister, he is no stranger to the sector. “I am a petroleum geologist and I worked for over two decades in the

expertise to bear on the Ministry of Energy,” he said. Khan, the chairman of the PNM, has served on the Cabinet Standing Committee on Energy in both the Patrick Manning and Keith Rowley administrations and said he is “reasonably familiar with some of the issues.” Asked whether there would be any conflict of interest in his new portfolio given his involvement in the sector in a previous incarnation, Khan said: “I have no interest in any energy sector companies as we speak.” More info In the Cabinet reshuffle announced via a press release from the Office of the Prime Minister, the former San Fernando Mayor replaces Sarah Budhu in the Senate and now holds the Rural Development and Local Government portfolio previously held by Khan. Budhu contested the seat for Caroni East for the PNM in the last general election but was unsuccessful. Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young is now Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister. (Trinidad Guardian)

President Anthony Carmona, left, and Prime Minister Keith Rowley, right, with newly-appointed Cabinet Ministers Kazim Hosein, second from left, and Rohan Sinanan, after the swearing-in ceremony, yesterday. PHOTO: SHIRLEY BAHADUR




Mosul Battle: Iraqi SpecialAsForces Enter City Limits Mosul is encircled, UN officials have expressed

Iraqi forces have for the first time entered the eastern outskirts of Mosul, as they attempt to drive Islamic State (IS) militants from the northern city. Elite CounterTerrorism Service troops seized control of the state television building in Kukjali hours after launching an assault on the area. But a BBC journalist embedded with them says they are facing fierce resistance. Units of the army's ninth division are meanwhile said to be bearing down on south-eastern districts of the city. On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told the 3,000 to 5,000 militants believed to be inside Mosul, which they overran in June 2014, that there was "no escape" and to "either surrender or die". About 50,000 Iraqi security forces personnel, Kurdish fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are involved in the two-week-old offensive to drive IS militants out of their last major urban stronghold in the country. CTS units retook Bazwaya, the last village before Mosul's eastern outskirts, in a dawn assault on Monday and then advanced on the Kukjali industrial zone. They moved out again shortly before first light on Tuesday, this time with the aim of entering the adjoining Kukjali residential area, which is within the city limits. If the troops can establish a foothold inside Mosul, it will be a big day for Iraq and all the other countries involved in the fight against the jihadist group, our correspondent says. However, they are coming up against much more fierce resistance than he has seen in the past few days. The troops have responded to the RPG, machine-gun and sniper fire with heavy weapons, and also by calling in air strikes by the US-led coalition against IS. A number of civilians have also approached them, some waving white flags. By noon, the troops were approaching the more built-up Karama district, Maj Gen Sami al-Airdi of the CTS told the Associated Press news agency. In an attempt to slow the advance, militants had set up concrete blast walls to block the main road into Karama, and also planted bombs along it, he said. Later, as the state television building was retaken, CTS commander Lt Gen Abdul Wahhab al-Saidi said most of Kokjali had been cleared. One resident of the neighbouring Quds district told Reuters news agency: "We can see [IS] fighters firing towards the Iraqi forces and moving in cars between the alleys of the neighbourhood." The Iraqi military also announced on Tuesday that the ninth armoured division was approaching the south-eastern districts of Somer, Palestine, Yarimjah and Intisar, having recaptured the outlying villages of Allag, Tahrawah and Tubraq Ziyarah.

concern for the safety of the 1.5 million civilians estimated to be living there. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday that it had received fresh reports of mass killings and forced relocations carried out by IS. Militants were alleged to have killed 40 former soldiers from the Shura area south of Mosul and from villages surrounding the town of Hamam al-Alil, and then thrown their bodies into the River Tigris, spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said. IS also brought dozens of lorries and mini-buses into Hamam al-Alil early on Monday in an attempt to forcibly transfer 25,000 to the city itself, she added. Many of the vehicles were prevented from moving by coalition military operations in the area. But some did reach Abu Saif, just outside Mosul's international airport. More than 17,900 people have fled Mosul since the offensive began. According to the UN's worst-case scenario, as many as 700,000 others could follow suit. Separately on Tuesday, Turkey began deploying tanks and other vehicles to its border with Iraq. A convoy was seen moving towards the Turkish town of Silopi, about 100km (62 miles) north-west of Mosul. Defence Minister Fikri Isik said Turkey was "making preparations for all kinds of possibilities". Turkey is concerned about any strengthening of influence of the Kurdish PKK organisation, which it regards as a terrorist group. It has also said it wants to protect Iraq's Turkmen community - ethnic Turks who reside in Iraq, Iran and Syria. (BBC)

PM Haider al-Abadi told the 3,000 to 5,000 militants in Mosul there was "no escape"(@BBCIPANNEL)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS US Election 2016: Clinton Camp Blasts FBI 'Double Standards’ PAGE 30


The Clinton campaign has blasted FBI Director James allegations that former congressman Anthony Weiner Comey for "blatant double standards" over the new sent illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl in North inquiry into Hillary Clinton's email use. The comments Carolina. Mr Weiner is married to one of Mrs Clinton's came after US media reports that Mr Comey had urged closest aides, Huma Abedin. The FBI has reportedly against publicly accusing Russia of interfering in the US obtained a warrant to search the cache of emails election, including alleged email hacking. Mr Comey's belonging to Ms Abedin, which are believed to have concern about releasing the information was due to the been found on her estranged husband's laptop. There are proximity to the election, reports say. The FBI declined reportedly 650,000 emails to search through on the to comment to the BBC. The statement that Mr Comey laptop, but it is unclear who sent or received the emails reportedly declined to sign off on was released by the or what they were about. On Monday, Mr Trump said Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the the FBI was going to find a "motherlode" of missing Director of National Intelligence on 7 October."The US emails and he hoped the Democratic candidate's 33,000 intelligence community is confident that the Russian deleted messages could now be recovered. Mrs Clinton Government directed the recent compromises of emails later told a rally she had nothing to hide. Mr Comey and from US persons and institutions, including from US Attorney General Loretta Lynch have said they are political organisations... these thefts and disclosures are working quickly to sift through the newly discovered intended to interfere with the US election process," it emails. Earlier, a spokesman for President Barack said. Mr Comey agreed with the statement but was Obama said the president did not suspect Mr Comey of against making it public before the election, according trying to secretly influence the election through his to US media. There have been allegations that Russian announcement on Friday of the inquiry and the White hackers have targeted the Democrats in an effort to skew House would neither defend nor criticise the FBI the election in favour of Donald Trump. "It is decision. Josh Earnest said Mr Comey was "a man of impossible to view this as anything less than a blatant integrity, a man of character, a man of principle and he double standard," Clinton campaign manager Robby has a very difficult job". Democrats have angrily Mook said. He also called on Mr Comey to demanded that the embattled Mr Comey rapidly make "immediately explain this incongruence and apply the public what the agency knows about the new email same standard to Donald Trump's associates as he has trove. On Sunday, Democratic leader in the US Senate applied to Hillary Clinton's." Mr Comey has faced a Harry Reid accused Mr Comey of violating an act which fierce backlash for announcing on Friday, just 11 days bars officials from influencing an election by revealing before the presidential election, that the FBI is the bureau was investigating emails possibly linked to investigating new emails that may be linked to its probe Mrs Clinton. (BBC) into Mrs Clinton's private email server. It emerged in March 2015 that Mrs Clinton had been breaking federal rules by operating a private email server while she was secretary of state from 2009-13. Her lawyers combed through the server and provided the State Department with 30,000 work-related emails, but her campaign deleted another 33,000 messages, saying they were personal in nature. Mr Comey concluded in July that Mrs Clinton had been "extremely careless" in handling classified information, but there were no grounds for any charges. But on Friday, he told Congress he had learned of fresh emails which might be "pertinent" to its Mr Trump continued campaigning on Monday previous inquiry and renewed the FBI probe. The latest he said Hillary had "nobody to blame but emails were found in a separate investigation into herself for her mounting legal troubles"(GETTY IMAGES)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Halloween Bike 'Ride Out' Closes Kirkstall Road, Leeds PAGE 32

A gang of bikers caused traffic chaos during a Halloween "ride out" on a busy city road. The group of around 50 offroad motorcycles and quad bikes brought Kirkstall Road, a major route into Leeds, to a standstill on Monday night. Witnesses posted videos on Twitter and described the scenes as "utter chaos" and "madness" and compared them to those in the Mel Gibson film Mad Max. A 26-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident. Police closed the road until the group had dispersed. Videos posted online show bikers riding in convoy, with some pulling wheelies. Others can be seen riding on the pavement. There were also reports of vehicles being driven around pedestrianised parts of Leeds city centre, according to some witnesses. Kirkstall Road was believed to have closed for around 90 minutes while drivers on other roads around the city also reported similar problems. A police helicopter also attended the incident. West Yorkshire Police confirmed the event had been organised on social media and the road was closed in order to resolve the situation. It said the group had dispersed by about 22:00 GMT. The force said detectives were trying to


"identify those involved and take robust action against them". On Sunday, the Met Police arrested eight men for failing to stop during a similar "ride-out" in London. Officers used tyre deflation devices to stop 17 motorbikes and three quad bikes. (BBC)

Witnesses described the scene as "utter chaos"(@PEOPLEOFLEEDS)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Zhuhai Air Show: China J-20 Fighter Jet In Public Debut buyers. Previously the jets had only Exhibition - also called Airshow China PAGE 33

been seen by bloggers. The fighters are being seen as symbol of Beijing's desire to modernise and upgrade its military capabilities. President Xi Jinping wants to toughen China's armed forces as it takes a more assertive stance in the region, especially in the South China and East China seas. The J20 has been developed and made by the Chengdu Aircraft Industries The Y-20 strategic transport plane has Group, a subsidiary of Aviation already been unveiled at the Zhuhai air show(GETTY IMAGES) Industry Corporation of China. Some have likened the new fighter China has showcased its long-awaited J- to Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor jet, 20 stealth fighter in public for the first with industry analyst Bradley Perret of time. Two of the radar-evading jets did a Aviation Week saying the jet was "clearly 60-second flypast at the Zhuhai air show a big step forward in Chinese combat in Guangdong province - the country's capability," Hotly anticipated China's biggest meeting of plane makers and International Aviation and Aerospace


has become one of the world's biggest events of its kind. And with China set to become the world's biggest aviation market in the next decade, the show is an opportunity for Beijing to demonstrate its ambitions in civil aviation as well as defence. Although firms from around the world are exhibiting at the meeting, it is the latest Chinese aircraft and weapons that are getting the most attention on day one of the event. The Y-20, China's first heavy transporter jet has already been unveiled. Also hotly anticipated is the AG-600 seaplane, the largest of its kind in the world and likely to be used for search and rescue missions as well as patrolling China's seas. A Xian H-6K bomber and the new Changhe Z-10K attack helicopter are also expected to make their first appearances. (BBC)


GUYANA DAILY NEWS South Africa's Zuma ShouldBe Fired, Says Mandela Foundation PAGE 35

The Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) has called for South Africa's President Jacob Zuma to be sacked. He had "failed the test" of leadership and South Africa needed to hold to account those who were "looting" state resources, it said. Mr Zuma has been dogged by allegations of corruption for more than a decade. The call by the NMF, which is run by colleagues of South Africa's first black president, is the latest sign of growing discontent with his rule. Its intervention came as a court began hearing a bid by Mr Zuma's legal team to prevent the release of a report by former anticorruption chief Thuli Madonsela. She investigated allegations that he let the wealthy Gupta family wield undue influence in his government. Both Mr Zuma and the Guptas have denied any wrongdoing. In a statement entitled Time to account for crippling the state, the NMF said the governing African National Congress (ANC) needed to take steps to put the government back in "safe and capable hands". "Twenty years since Nelson Mandela signed South Africa's constitution into law and as the third anniversary of his passing approaches, it is painful for us at the Nelson Mandela Foundation to bear witness to the wheels coming off the vehicle of our state," the NMF added in a statement. Mr Mandela spent more than 27 years in prison for fighting white-minority rule and became South Africa's first democratically elected leader in 1994. He stepped down five years later and died in December 2013 at the age of 95. The NMF said South Africa's democracy was now under a "real threat", with key government institutions being used to advance "private interests". "We are reaping the results of a political trend of personalising matters of state around a single individual leader. This in a constitutional democracy is to be deplored," it added. Impeachment vote? Ms Madonsela's investigation was triggered by allegations in March by Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi Jonas that the Gupta family had made "a mockery of our hardearned democracy" by offering him the finance minister's post last year. Mr Jonas said he rejected the offer; the Guptas accused him of political pointscoring. Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor also alleged that the family offered her the powerful public enterprise minister's post in 2010 in exchange for business favours. Ms Mentor alleged that Mr Zuma was


in another part of the Gupta's family home in Johannesburg when the offer was made. Mr Zuma's office said at the time that he had no "recollection" of Ms Mentor, while the family strongly denied her allegation. Ms Mentor and opposition parties, including the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), are challenging Mr Zuma in court, insisting that the report be released. EFF supporters are protesting outside the High Court in the capital, Pretoria, to demand its publication. Mr Zuma's court action prevented Ms Madonsela from publishing the report before she stepped down as public protector at the end of her term last month. This was the second time she investigated Mr Zuma during her seven-year term. In March, South Africa's highest court upheld her findings that Mr Zuma "unduly benefited" from government money used to upgrade his private rural home. It led to widespread calls for Mr Zuma to resign, but he survived a DA-sponsored impeachment vote in parliament after ANC MPs rallied behind him. Correspondents say while the contents of Ms Madonsela's latest report are unclear, Mr Zuma will almost certainly face another impeachment vote if there are any adverse findings about him. The president is also at the centre of another case and is trying to overturn a unanimous ruling of a High Court that he should stand trial on more than 700 counts of corruption in relation to an arms deal negotiated in 1999. (BBC)

Jacob Zuma has been involved in a series of court battles over corruption allegations(GETTY IMAGES)




China's Alibaba In 'Flying Pig' Controversy A Chinese Muslim's call for e-commerce giant Alibaba to rename one of its services because it uses the word "pig" has sparked a backlash in China. It all began when Alibaba changed the name of its popular travel booking app from Alitrip to one that means "Flying Pig" in Chinese. Its English name is Fliggy. Over the weekend, Uighur businessman Adil Memettur criticised this decision on popular microblogging network Sina Weibo, where he has hundreds of thousands of followers. He noted that the app is popular among minorities because it lets people whose names have unusual spellings make bookings. "But now that Alitrip has changed its name to Flying Pig, I can only uninstall it, and maybe all my Muslim friends too, because the word "pig" is taboo to Muslims all over the world. Alibaba is an international corporation, could it take Muslim taboos into consideration?" he said. His post quickly sparked condemnation and ridicule from other Chinese online, with some asking if this meant China had to expunge all references to pigs in popular culture and literature. "We each have our own way of life; we do not force you to live according to our rules, but you cannot force us to change the law," said Weibo user Fireflyinred. Mr Memettur quickly took down the post and on Sunday night he posted an apology. Alibaba told the BBC that they decided to rebrand the app to appeal to a younger demographic. "We embrace diversity and respect all creeds and religions. The name change is meant to reflect the demographic's aspirations to pursue dreams, sit back and enjoy life," said the spokesman. The visceral pushback stems from the fact that the pig occupies an important place in Chinese culture. Pork is not only a staple of Chinese cuisine - the government keeps a national reserve of pork in case of market shortages - but the pig is also celebrated in folklore and the Chinese zodiac. Online, the reaction to Mr Memettur has been intense, often descending into derogatory comments and insulting jokes about Muslims and Uighur culture. It has also highlighted how gaps in understanding between Muslim minorities and the Han Chinese majority can arise. Because of their relatively small

numbers, concentrated mostly in the West, Muslims still do not figure largely in Chinese public discourse. China's 21 million Muslims, comprising minority ethnic groups such as the Huis and Uighurs, make up only 1.6% of the population, with the rest from the Han ethnic majority and they have mostly co-existed peacefully. The western province of Xinjiang, home to many Chinese Uighurs, has seen unrest with residents saying they have been economically and culturally displaced by a growing influx of Han migrants. Violence there has been attributed by the authorities to Islamist militants and separatists - rights groups point to increasingly tight control by Beijing. In this instance some online, like blogger Han Dongyan, have called for respect and calm. "Don't extend this to all Muslims... (Mr Memettur) has made a mistake and he can be criticised, but don't respond to an extreme with another extreme and tar them all with the same brush, this is wrong too!" he wrote in one popular post. (BBC)

Chinese internet services conglomerate Alibaba changed the name of its Alitrip service to Feizhu, or 'flying pig' in Chinese


GUYANA DAILY NEWS Andrew Gaskell: Missing Australian Found In Malaysia Jungle PAGE 38

An Australian tourist missing in a Malaysian mountain range for nearly two weeks has been found alive. Andrew Gaskell was reported missing on 20 October as he was trekking alone in Mulu National Park in the Sarawak region of Malaysian Borneo. Mr Gaskell seemed to have suffered from malnourishment but was conscious and able to talk to his rescuers, the Borneo Post reported. "Numerous leeches" were found on his legs, said the paper. He has been taken to hospital in Miri. Mr Gaskell's family and Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have confirmed his rescue. His relatives had previously thanked Malaysian authorities for their help in "the difficult time". More than 60 personnel were involved with the search mission for the 26-year-old engineer from Tasmania. Mr Gaskell had written on his blog that he was setting out on a trip to Asia in August. "And maybe, just maybe, in the course of my travels I'll come to some sort of conclusion as to who I am and what I


want to do with my life," he wrote. "And so begins my journey beyond the horizon." A World Heritage site, the Mulu National Park is famed for its caves and limestone formations. (BBC)

Rescuers said Mr Gaskell was malnourished but able to communicate with them(RTM SARAWAK0)




Heseltine: I Did Not Kill My Mother's Alsatian Lord Heseltine says it was a "terrible misrepresentation" to say spokesman said the organisation "can only investigate and he killed his mother's pet dog, an Alsatian called Kim, after it started biting him. He told Tatler magazine the animal had a "mental breakdown", so he grabbed it by the "choker chain and pulled it tight" until "he went limp". The ex-deputy PM clarified to the BBC that Kim had not died but reverted to being "the dog we all knew and loved". He had a "terrible dilemma" but had him put down the next day, he added. Speaking to BBC Radio 4's PM programme, Lord Heseltine said he had been minding Kim one day in 1964 when the dog appeared to have developed a problem with its paw. He said when he reached down to help, "the dog flew at me... on his hind legs". No choice' "I immediately got out of my chair," he added, "and there was a certain amount of blood, as he was biting my wrists. I shouted to my wife to get out of the room as she was heavily pregnant at the time. "I managed to catch the choker chain that was around his neck and, twisting that, obviously got a grip on the dog. "After, it all seemed so long in the event but it probably wasn't more than 15 seconds, he went quite limp and reverted to being the dog we all knew and loved." Lord Heseltine said the incident had left him with a "most awful dilemma" about what to do with Kim. "We had to talk to the vet," he said. "There isn't any choice. Frankly, you cannot have your wife left alone in a flat or my mother when she came back with an Alsatian that can go berserk." Stories involving an altercation between Lord Heseltine and a dog have been in circulation at Westminster for decades. In 1990, when he was running to be leader of the Conservative Party, the Observer newspaper mentioned a rumour "in which Heseltine allegedly strangled his own pet at a party", but this was dismissed by one of his biographers as "journalists' exaggeration". Asked about a similar story, in which he was said to have killed a dog with his bare hands after it attacked a child, Lord Heseltine told Tatler about Kim instead, leading to misplaced speculation on social media that he had killed - rather than disables - it. Shot squirrels An RSPCA

prosecute summary-only offences - like those under the Animal Welfare Act - within three years of that alleged offence being committed". "There is no rule that says a dog should automatically be put to sleep if it bites someone," he added. "If you are concerned about your dog's behaviour, the RSPCA would advise that you seek expert advice. "It is important to get your pet checked by a vet, as the dog may have become aggressive due to being in pain. If a vet rules out any form of illness or injury that could be causing the issue, they can then refer you to a behaviour expert for further help." Earlier this month, Lord Heseltine revealed he had shot 350 grey squirrels in six months at his home in Northamptonshire. The 83-yearold was deputy prime minister from 1995 to 1997, having previously served as defence secretary, environment secretary and president of the Board of Trade. (BBC)

Lord Heseltine said he feared Kim would also attack his wife, pregnant at the time(GETTY IMAGES)




Famous Indian Lion Ram Dies Of Old Age In Gir Forest One of India's oldest and most popular lions in the wild has died from old age, forest officials told the BBC. Ram was found dead on Saturday, officials at the Gir sanctuary in western Gujarat state said. He was thought to be about 15 years old. Forest officials described him as "beautiful" and "flamboyant" and said Ram was their "most photographed lion". Gir sanctuary is home to more than 500 lions and is the only habitat of Asiatic lions in the world. Ram and his brother Shyam were a famous pair of lions that ruled over Gir forest in recent years. "We carried out a post mortem on him to ascertain the cause of death. He died from natural causes. He was cremated in the presence of government and local village officials." deputy conservator of forests Ram Ratan Nala told the BBC. Mr Nala said Ram was loved in the neighbourhood and many forest staff in the area fasted for a day to mourn his death. "Ram along with his brother Shyam ruled over Gir for many years and the two fathered many cubs over the years," Sandeep Kumar, who was Mr Nala's predecessor, told the BBC. "At one point, the duo had about two dozen cubs in their pride," he said. The forest staff named the lions Ram and Shyam which are popular Indian names and also the name of a hit Bollywood film. Unlike tigers who do not share their territories with other males, lions generally form a coalition with another male member of their family and the two protect their territory together, Mr Kumar explained. "But every kingdom must come to an end. With Ram now dead and Shyam getting on in years, it will get very difficult for Shyam to

protect their territory and the area is likely to be taken over by other younger males soon," he added. (BBC)

Forest officials described Ram as "beautiful" and "flamboyant"(SANDEEP KUMAR)

Kidlington Chinese Tourists Attracted By 'Quiet Houses’ Chinese tourists are descending on an English village in search of "the true sense" of the UK, the BBC can reveal. Residents were baffled by coaches of sightseers arriving in Kidlington, Oxfordshire and posing for photos in front gardens and against parked cars. But a guide has now confirmed the tourists are attracted by the quiet houses and gardens. The guide was responding to a BBC question sheet that was handed to tourists. The tourists were first identified in Benmead Road and the Moors in July, the Spotted: Kidlington Facebook page reported. Anne Clifton, who lives in the Moors, handed the BBC's question sheet to a member of the tour party when they reappeared in the road on 23 October. She said: "I asked a woman standing at the door of the coach if she would be good enough to complete the form. "She was not actually one of the tourists, but was leading the party." Solving the mystery A tour guide provided the following answers to the BBC question sheet: Q: We are happy to have you here but why have you come? A: 为我们中国 有,这里有我们找国 的感 觉 Translation: "Because we don't have [these] in China. Here, we are looking for the true sense of this country. " Q: Do you like it? A: 返璞 归真 Translation: "[Yes]. Because the environment makes you feel you are closer to the simplicity of your original self." Q: What do you like here? A: 房子,花园 Translation: "The houses [and] gardens." The tourists were a short walk from thatched cottages and a church but preferred to take photos outside modern houses. 'Beautiful English Village' Previous theories for the cause of the influx included

mistaken identity, a covert social experiment or possibly Oxfordshire's connection to Inspector Morse. Baz Daniels, who has lived in Kidlington for more than 20 years, said he had been in touch with a friend in China to try to get to the bottom of the tourist influx. "Kidlington is apparently being marketed by Chinese tourist agencies as a beautiful English village on the way to Bicester Village shopping centre," he said. "Many of the visitors live in cities and love to see things like the hanging baskets and little flowers in people's gardens." (BBC)

Samantha Anderson said the sightseers were seen in people's front gardens(JANIS HARWOOD)






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Daily Horoscope


Don't bother getting even; they'll make themselves look bad. Be aware of deception when it comes to your position, and be sure not to jump to conclusions. Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident.

Abrupt changes in your home may send you for a loop. You may want to take extra special care of your luggage if you are traveling today. Your ideas are good and career moves can be realized.

Help elders with their concerns. You can enjoy short trips. You may think gifts will win their heart, but it could add stress from lack of funds.

Take your time and try not to overload yourself. Don't sign up for too many extra activities or you'll have trouble fulfilling your obligations. You can stabilize your financial situation if you make property investments.

Someone you work with may be withholding valuable information. You will be able to get along well with colleagues. Try spending the day catching up on any responsibilities that need to be taken care of.

Travel for business or pleasure. Exercise discipline when it comes to controlling bad habits. Do not get involved with individuals who are already committed to others.

You will have an inaccurate assessment of your status in society. Exhaustion combined with overindulgence could result in minor health problems. Use your charm, but don't be phony.

You are best to work at home if you can. You will not impress others by being foolishly generous. Be sure to sidestep those who are eccentric or unpredictable.

You are going through a period of questioning. Find a quiet spot where you can work diligently and stay out of the way. Work quietly at your own goals and forget about situations that you can do little about.

Don't overspend on friends or children. Your desire for excitement and adventure may be expensive. New romantic partners may attend a function that puts you in the limelight.

Just be yourself. Don't rely on others to do your work. You need to get out and be an observer.

Overindulgence will be a problem if you are out in a social setting. Younger relatives may seek your advice. You're best not to get involved in joint financial ventures.




RECIPE OF THE DAY: ONE-POT PUMPKIN PASTA Ingredients 1 tbsp. COCAMAR* cooking oil 1 lb. DOST* pasta 4 cups chicken broth 1 cup pumpkin puree 1 onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 4 oz. goat cheese Preparation Add all ingredients except the goat cheese to a large, deep stock pot. Place the pot over high heat and bring to a rolling boil. As soon as it comes to the rolling boil, reduce to medium-high and cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the pasta becomes just tender. Remove from heat . Crumble the goat cheese into the pasta and stir melted and combined. Let sit for 5 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken. Stir and taste for any additional salt or pepper. Serve hot. **IMPORTED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SUPERFOODS


Benjamin Wants Team Effort Over Pooran Masterpieces


icketkeeper-batsman Nicolas Pooran was brilliant for the Barbados Tridents in last season's Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) and is expected to take that form and confidence into the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) Professional Cricket

League (PCL) in two weeks. The Leeward Islands hired Pooran as one of their overseas-based players and while their coach, Reginald Benjamin is happy with that, he wants to build a team. "While we are happy that we have Nicolas Pooran in the side, it not

everyday that he will score a glorious hundred or whatever so other players have to step up," said Benjamin. "We allow every player to think they're valuable and as important and depended on to execute as is Pooran," Benjamin explained. The coach's plans for development mean, that for him, winning the PCL after the team's lastplace finish last season, is secondary. "It's not about winning the tournament, it's about taking players from this level and making them prepared for the next, to play for the West Indies. "We don't want players to come to the Leeward Islands Hurricanes and be stagnant, you play five seasons and then walk away," said Benjamin. The coach is looking at the examples of Alzarri Joseph, who is now a West Indies players, and those of Rahkeem Cornwall, Kieran Powell, and Jahmar Hamilton who all played on the West I n d i e s A u n o o fi c i a l Te s t s i d e . (SportsMax)


Rejuvenated Sterling: I Forgot My Identity Under Pellegrini


a n u e l Pellegrini's training style placed restrictions on Raheem Sterling, who feels back to his normal self under Pep Guardiola. Raheem Sterling felt like he lost his "identity" under Manuel Pellegrini and is enjoying the freedom to him granted by new Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola. Sterling joined City for a reported £49 million ahead of the 2015-16 season, but was criticised during a modest debut season at the Etihad Stadium, completing the

90 minutes in the Premier League on just eight occasions and contributing six goals. This term the former Liverpool winger has been rejuvenated, supplying two assists and four goals in his 10 top-flight outings. Sterling points to a greater freedom to express himself under Guardiola, whose tactics enable him to focus on getting back to his natural game. "I'm enjoying it. I feel a lot more freedom, I feel I can get on the ball a bit more and as get the ball I feel like I express myself by taking

touches and trying to take players on," the 21-yearold told BBC Sport. “Under the previous coach I think it was, not to say anything negative, but in training it was always two touches and you kind of just get into that way of playing and you forget your identity and how to play. "That's not my style of play. My style of play is to get the ball and try to go at players and now I'm learning to mix it up as well and not just every single time go down a blind alley, and know when to take two touches and when to take my man on." (SportsMax)


Messi Should Not Captain Argentina - Passarella


ionel Messi lacks the traits of a strong leader and should be replaced as Argentina captain by Ramiro Funes Mori, says Daniel Passarella. Daniel Passarella does not believe Lionel Messi is the right man to captain Argentina. Passarella skippered Argentina to their first World Cup title in 1978 and was part of the squad that triumphed again in Mexico eight years later. The South American giants are without a senior international trophy since

lifting the Copa America in 1993, with Messi a defeated finalist on four occasions, three of which have come in the past three years. The Barcelona forward retired from international duty after the penalty shootout defeat to Chile in the Copa America Centenario final in June, but he later reversed his decision and was given the armband by new coach Edgardo Bauza. Passarella has questioned that decision, claiming centre-back Ramiro Funes Mori is better

suited to the role. "Not giving the captaincy of Argentina to Messi would take a weight off of him," said the former Argentina coach in an interview with Chilean publication El Mercurio. "I think Argentina already have a great leader, which is Ramiro Funes Mori. He should be the captain. "The leader of the group is something different to the way you play and the talent of each player. "I admire Messi, but I think his personality, his way of being, is withdrawn and timid." (SportsMax)


Brathwaite And Holder Put Windies In The Box Seat


est Indies took charge in Sharjah on day three, as Kraigg Brathwaite carried his bat for 142 and Jason Holder claimed 3-10 in nine overs. Kraigg Brathwaite and Jason Holder starred with bat and ball respectively on Tuesday to give West Indies a golden opportunity of ending their miserable tour of the United Arab Emirates with a c o n s o l a t i o n t h i r d - Te s t victory over Pakistan. The Windies were whitewashed in both limited-overs formats before losing the first two Tests against Misbah-ul-Haq's side. However, Pakistan face an

uphill battle to avoid defeat in Sharjah, after ending day three in trouble on 87-4, leading by just 31. Brathwaite improved his overnight score of 95 to 142 not out as the Windies posted a total of 337 in their first innings, the 23-year-old facing 318 deliveries and becoming only the fifth West Indian opener to carry his bat. Pakistan then lost four wickets in quick succession before wiping out their deficit of 56, Holder (3-10 from nine overs) leading by example in a spell of admirable accuracy and hostility. Things could have been even better for West Indies

had Shannon Gabriel not over-stepped when inducing an edge to slip from Sarfraz Ahmed, who duly reached stumps unbeaten on 19 alongside Azhar Ali (45 not out). Having resumed five shy of three figures, Brathwaite brought up his fi f t h Te s t h u n d r e d i n Tuesday's first over, but saw Holder depart when the skipper was bowled for 16 shouldering arms to Mohammad Amir. Devendra Bishoo went on to provide fine support to the centurion, a battling ninthwicket stand of 60 enough to earn West Indies a handy first-innings advantage. The gritty Brathwaite

survived a scare on 121 when an edge off Mohammad Nawaz was dropped by wicketkeeper Sarfraz. It was not until the afternoon session that Pakistan finally dismissed the tourists, Wahab Riaz (588) completing only his second five-wicket haul in Tests by having Bishoo (27) and Gabriel (0) caught behind either side of Alzarri Joseph (6) chipping tamely to cover. The hosts took tea in an encouraging position on 32 without loss, only to then collapse as Holder hit his stride, claiming three wickets in as many individual overs. Sami Aslam (17) and Asad Shafiq (0) were both bounced out by the allrounder, who drew catches from fine-leg and gully respectively, before Younis Khan was strangled down the leg side without scoring. Pakistan were still eight runs in arrears when captain Misbah threw his wicket away, holing out to deep backward square-leg off Roston Chase. Azhar and Sarfraz dug in to see out the r e m a i n d e r o f t h e d a y, although the latter received a let-off on nine when he fended a Gabriel bouncer to slip, only for a no-ball to be called. (SportsMax)


Pochettino Wants Tottenham To Create Wembley Fortress


fter losing their first Champions League match at Wembley, Mauricio Pochettino believes Tottenham are better placed for future success. Mauricio Pochettino wants To t t e n h a m t o u s e a familiarity with Wembley to make their Champions League fixtures more daunting for their opponents. Tottenham are playing their European fixtures in the iconic national stadium due to White Hart Lane being partly demolished for the development of a new home on an adjacent site. Spurs'

opening match of the c a m p a i g n a t We m b l e y ended in a 2-1 defeat to Group E rivals Monaco, but Pochettino believes a knowledge of the different routine will put his players at ease for Wednesday's match against Bayer Leverkusen. Furthermore, the manager wants the players to draw upon the increased support and turn the venue into a fortress on European nights. "It's true White Hart Lane is our home and it's always difficult for the opponent to come and take a result from there," said Pochettino. "It's always a motivation for an

opponent to come to England and play at Wembley, but it must inspire us because 90,000 people that support you must be a big problem for our opponent. It's in our mind to create that energy. "Against Monaco it was all new for us. The changing room was different, the place of the families, of the supporters. "Now we know that tomorrow we are in Wembley, we know how to arrive, our habits, now it will be completely different. I hope it will be in the result too. "It wasn't a problem about the approach [last time]. We conceded two

goals very early, but we played well. That can happen in football, but we cannot blame Wembley because we played with nearly 90,000 fans. "We need to be clever now, to play with intensity from the first moment of the game. That's what we need to improve from the last game a t We m b l e y a g a i n s t Monaco." In the absence of star striker Harry Kane, who will not return from injury until this weekend, Tottenham have scored just three goals in their last five matches in all competitions. Pochettino is aware of their recent shortcomings in front of goal and wants to seem more aggression in the final third. "Maybe we need to improve in our offensive situation and be more clinical. We need to be more determined or aggressive in the last third," he added. "We are creating maybe the same chances as before, but it's true that our percentage was poor in front of the goal and we need to improve that. We are talking and we are working on that. "The stats are not bad about creating chances and shooting – all the offensive stats are good, but we need to score more. That is a thing to work on." (SportsMax)


Mourinho Charged With Misconduct


he Football Association has charged Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho

with misconduct. Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has been charged with

misconduct after being sent off in Saturday's goalless Premier League draw with Burnley. Mourinho was sent to the stands for the second half of the match at Old Trafford and it is alleged that the Portuguese used "abusive and/or insulting words" towards a match official. The former Chelsea boss has been given until 6pm (GMT) on Friday to respond to the charge. Mourinho has already landed himself in hot water with the Football Association this season

over his comments regarding the appointment of Anthony Taylor to referee United's 0-0 draw at Liverpool earlier this month. The deadline to respond to that charge passed on Monday without Mourinho making an appeal - at least not publicly. Mourinho's anger against Burnley is thought to have been prompted by Mark Clattenburg's decision not to award a penalty for a Jon Flanagan trip on Matteo Darmian. (SportsMax)

Four-time Olympic Medallist Smith Banned For Two Months


ritish Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen said Louis Smith and Luke Carson's conduct put the organisation in a "difficult position." British Gymnastics has banned Louis Smith for two

months after the four-time Olympic medallist admitted breaching its standards of conduct. Smith won a silver medal on the pommel horse in Rio for the second successful Olympics, but has since found himself in

hot water after seemingly mocking Islam in a video which also featured fellow gymnast Luke Carson. The 27-year-old apologised and has now been sanctioned after also breaching the standards of conduct with a social media post in June. Carson's reprimand will stay on his record for two years, but he will not face any further punishment due to this being his first offence. British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen said: "It is regrettable that following a historic summer of achievement,

the organisation finds itself in this difficult position with two high profile members in breach of our standards of conduct. “As the custodians of the integrity and values of the sport, we have had no choice but to act responsibly and refer this case to an independent panel for their review and determination. "Whilst both individuals showed remorse following the incident, we hope in the future they use their profile to have a positive impact on sport and communities." (SportsMax)


QPR To Lay On Coaches For Stranded Refugee Children


hild refugees stranded in Calais may be brought to the UK in coaches laid on by London club QPR. Championship club QPR have agreed to supply coaches to collect stranded refugee children from Calais and bring them to

the United Kingdom. The London club have formed part of a plan with their local authority, Hammersmith and Fulham council, which has volunteer social workers ready to travel to France. I t is an agreement that follows rising concerns over the wellbeing of unaccompanied children in the French port town who are seeking asylum. "The situation for the children in France is chaotic, violent and dangerous. So many people have come up to me and said: 'How can we leave children in these conditions in 2016?'" leader of Hammersmith and Fulham council Steve Cowan is

quoted as saying by The Guardian. "We have social workers on standby ready to go to France as soon as the French authorities give us permission to go in and collect the children, and generous benefactors such as QPR who are providing us with a fleet of coaches to collect the children. "Lord [Alf] Dubs has shown the necessary leadership here, first by getting the amendment passed in parliament allowing these vulnerable children to be brought to the UK and now by writing to the French government asking them to let us go to France to collect these children and bring them back here." (SportsMax)

Ulster Duo Deny Wrongdoing Over Alleged Sexual Offences


awyers acting on behalf of Paddy Jackson have said the Ulster and Ireland fly-half is "entitled to the presumption of innocence". Ulster duo Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding have denied any wrongdoing after they were questioned by police in connection with alleged sexual offences. Jackson, who has been capped 16 times by Ireland, was left out of his country's squad to face New Zealand due to "personal reasons" on Monday. It was duly reported the 24-year-old fly-half and his Ulster teammate Olding had been among three men arrested and interviewed in relation to alleged incidents at a property in Belfast in June. A statement from the Police Service of Northern Ireland

(PSNI) confirmed three men had been interviewed and released from custody, and added: "A file will be prepared for submission to the Public Prosecution Service [PPS]." On Tuesday, Ulster issued a statement, which read: "Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding have been assisting the PSNI [Police Service of Northern Ireland] with enquiries. The players deny any wrongdoing and have not been charged with any offence. “As no charges have been brought forward, it would be inappropriate to comment further." Lawyers acting on behalf of Jackson reiterated their client's rejection of any allegations against him and expressed disappointment at information being "leaked to the press". A statement from

KRW Law read: "We act on behalf of Patrick Jackson. He rejects completely any allegations made against him. "Patrick has co-operated fully with police in their inquiries and we have been liaising with police on his behalf. "We are both disappointed and indeed concerned that this information has been leaked to the press before the

investigation has concluded and well in advance of any final decision. This has the potential to be prejudicial to our client's interests. "We will not hesitate to take all necessary steps to protect his legal position as he is entitled to the presumption of innocence. We urge the media to restrain from any damaging speculation." (SportsMax)


Day/night Tests In England 'Appalling' - Botham


egendary former allrounder Ian Botham has blasted the idea of having day/night Tests in

England. With England set to host its first day/night Test match next year, former allrounder Ian Botham has

labelled the notion "ridiculous" and "appalling". Last month, the England and Wa l e s C r i c k e t B o a r d announced the first match of its kind would be held on English soil, when West Indies visit Edgbaston in August 2017. Play will run from 2pm to 9pm using a pink ball. Australia and New Zealand contested the first day/night match in Adelaide last year, before Pakistan and the Windies followed suit in the United Arab Emirates last month. But Botham, England's secondhighest Test wicket taker with 383 from 102 appearances, is

heavily critical of the idea. "It's ridiculous. I think it's appalling," he said, as quoted by Sport24. "Test cricket is the flagship. You cannot play day/night Test cricket in England because the difference between bowling in the day time, and bowling in the evening, it's unfair. "I am amazed we are going ahead with it. "We do well [with crowds] in Tests in England. The first three days are certainly usually sold out. They are going to do it, so we will all sit back and watch." (SportsMax)

Ibrahimovic Not Suffering A Dip - Shaw


uke Shaw is confident Zlatan Ibrahimovic will soon be back among the goals as the Swede's dry spell continues. Manchester United defender Luke Shaw has

laughed off suggestions Zlatan Ibrahimovic is suffering a dip and feels the 35-year-old has just been unlucky in front of goal. Ibrahimovic has gone six Premier League games without scoring,

having netted four in his opening four top-flight fixtures, and some have called for the experienced attacker to be dropped following his recent struggles. His frustration was evident in Saturday's goalless draw against Burnley, in which the Swede had 12 shots, but found goalkeeper Tom Heaton in inspired form. Nevertheless, Shaw believes it is only a matter of time before Ibrahimovic rediscovers his golden touch and says the striker remains hugely confident. "Is

Ibrahimovic suffering a dip? No chance at all, I would not say that," said the full-back. "He is a world-class player and I would not say it is a dip. He has been unlucky. He has had chances, but the saves that have been happening from his shots are unbelievable, especially with that volley he did at the weekend against Burnley and Heaton saving that. "He is a very confident person and his confidence is always sky high." (SportsMax)

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